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8%#23 2$% /1$5#$5
=>15 2$% 3&5,25&1$
Sklllfully comblnes all sLory elemenLs
around a conLrolllng ldea Lo reveal a
LhoughL- provoklng Lheme
SLudenL fully develops all ldeas and
adds lnslghLful lnformaLlon Lo
enhance plece
Comblnes sLory elemenLs around a
conLrolllng ldea Lo reveal a LhoughL-
provoklng Lheme
SLudenL develops a sLandard ploL llne
wlLh complex ma[or and mlnor
characLers and a deflnlLe seLLlng
Pas sLory elemenLs around a
conLrolllng ldea Lo reveal

rovldes a well developed ploL llne

SLory elemenLs may or may noL
reveal a conLrolllng ldea/Lheme
Cverly slmpllsLlc
rovldes a mlnlmally developed
ploL llne
no clear conLrolllng ldea and/or
no facLual lnformaLlon
Lacks a developed ploL llne

?51.@ <#52&>3

AnecdoLes, sensory deLalls and
examples creaLe a clear sense of Lhe
maln characLers' LhoughLs, acLlons
and appearances
A range of devlces such as suspense,
dlalogue and acLlon (gesLures,
expresslons) sklllfully advances Lhe
ploL, glves lnslghL lnLo characLers, and
keeps Lhe reader conLlnually
AnecdoLes, sensory deLalls and
examples creaLe a sense of Lhe
characLers' LhoughLs, acLlons and
A range of devlces such as suspense,
dlalogue and acLlon (gesLures,
expresslons) advances Lhe ploL, glves
lnslghL lnLo characLers, and keeps Lhe
reader lnformed/ enLerLalned
uses deLalls and/or anecdoLes,
suspense, dlalogue, and acLlon,

ALLempLs Lo use deLalls and/or
anecdoLes, suspense, dlalogue,
and acLlon, buL wlLh mlnlmal

lalls Lo use deLalls, anecdoLes,
dlalogue, suspense, and/or acLlon


Sklllful SLrucLure:
SLrong, engaglng exposlLlon
Loglcal and effecLlve sequenclng of
ldeas based on purpose and sklllfully
llnked Lo Lheme
LffecLlve sLrucLure:
very engaglng exposlLlon
Loglcal sequenclng of ldeas based on
purpose and llnked Lo Lheme

Cood sLrucLure:
Lngaglng exposlLlon

ApproprlaLe sequenclng of ldeas
based on purpose and llnked Lo
Weak sLrucLure:
LxposlLlon, sequenclng of ldeas ln
body and/or
resoluLlon/denouemenL need
some revlslon
LlLLle Lo no sLrucLure:
LxposlLlon, confllcL and/or
resoluLlon/ denouemenL

A1.% 2$% >2$B,2B#

Words or phrases powerfully convey
Lhe lnLended message and sklllfully
reveal characLers' looks, acLlons,
feellngs, reacLlons, and conversaLlon
Academlc language, lmbedded
LhroughouL Lhe LexL, enhances sLory
reclse, deLalled words or phrases geL
message across and reveal characLers'
looks, acLlons, feellngs, reacLlons, and
uses academlc language Lo enhance
ueLalled words or phrases convey a
clear message and reveal characLers'
looks and acLlons

More preclse and accuraLe words
are needed Lo convey a clear
LlmlLed vocabulary, words may be
used lnapproprlaLely or
unnecessarlly repeaLed

Student Name___________________________________________________ Rubric Score ___________ Grade ___________

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