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Bear Claw Throw LW1389
Easy Project.
Throw measures approximately 44" x 60".
TLC "Amore", Art. E515 (6 ounce solid/4.5 ounce multicolor skeins): 26 Ounces No. 3103 Vanilla.
Circular Knitting Needle: 5mm [US 8]-36 . Yarn needle.
GAUGE: One repeat of 18 sts = 5 ; 21 rows = 4 in pat. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size needle to obtain the gauge.
Cast on 152 sts. K 6 rows for lower border. Now work in pat as follows:
Row 1 (Right Side): K4, * K1, yo, [K1, P3] 4 times, K1, yo; rep from * to last 4 sts; K4 -168 sts.
Row 2: K4, * P2, [K3, P1] 4 times, P2; rep from * to last 4 sts; K4.
Row 3: K4, * K2, yo, [K1, P3] 4 times, K1, yo, K1; rep from * to last 4 sts; K4 - 184 sts.
Row 4: K4, * P3, [K3, P1] 4 times, P3; rep from * to last 4 sts; K4.
Row 5: K4, * K3, yo, [K1, P3] 4 times, K1, yo, K2; rep from * to last 4 sts; K4 - 200 sts.
Row 6: K4, * P4, [K3, P1] 4 times, P4; rep from * to last 4 sts; K4.
Row 7: K4, * K4, yo, [K1, P2tog, P1] 4 times, K1, yo, K3; rep from * to last 4 sts; K4 -184 sts.
Row 8: K4, * P5, [K2, P1] 4 times, P5; rep from * to last 4 sts; K4.
Row 9: K4, * K5, yo, [K1, P2tog] 4 times, K1, yo, K4; rep from * to last 4 sts; K4 168 sts.
Row 10: K4, * P6, [K1, P1] 4 times, P6; rep from * to last 4 sts; K4.
Row 11: K4, * K6, yo, [sl 1, K1, psso] 4 times, K1, yo, K5; rep from * to last 4 sts; K4 -152 sts.
Row 12: K4, P to last 4 sts; K4.
Rep Rows 1-12 until approximately 59" from beg, end Row 11. K 6 rows for top border. Bind off loosely in K.
ABBREVIATIONS: beg = begin (ning); K = knit; mm = millimeters; P = purl; pat = pattern; psso = pass the slipped st over the K st;
rep = repeat; sl = slip; st(s) = stitch (es); tog = together; yo = yarn over; * or ** = repeat whatever follows the * or ** as indicated; [ ]
= work directions given in brackets the number of times specified.
Pattern by Coats & Clark Inc. Reproduced with permission from Coats & Clark Inc. is not endorsed by
Coats & Clark Inc. It is not permissible to contract production of projects made from designs published by Coats & Clark to a third
party for sale or distribution.
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