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Differentiated Lesson Plan

Name & Student Number: Jessica Westlund - ID#: 2095575
Lesson Topic: Time (Measurement and Geometry)
Curriculum Area: Mathematics
Year Level: 3

This lesson is differentiated by: Learning Profile

This lesson is differentiated by learning profile by using Sternbergs TriMind model of
differentiating. Understanding students learning profiles will allow us to match content to suit
students multiple styles of thinking, this will then in turn allow us to reach students mental
functioning about specific content (Sternberg & Zhang, 2005).

The analytical task allows students to develop a step by step sequence of their day and write
down the affects that time has on their day, therefore relating back to time in day to day life.

The creative task allows students to use their imagination and either draw or write to covey
what they think would be different or what could happen if time did not exist in our lives.

The practical task allows students to use stopwatches to measure activities to then reflect
how this method of time use duration can be used to be assistive in day to day life.

These three different learning tasks each aim to reflect either analytical, creative or practical
thinking and engagement, which is to accommodate for different students learning profiles and
styles within a diverse classroom. Sternberg & Zhang (2005) suggested that children learn in
different ways and benefit from instructional practices being altered to accommodate their
learning preferences and differences. Therefore, this has been considered in the following
lesson plan and the major tasks provided.

Learning Objectives: As a result of participating in the lesson, students will:

Understand that (Concepts, principles, big ideas)

Students will understand why being able to use time is important in day to day life and how and
when we use time in our day to day lives.

Know (e.g. facts, vocabulary, dates, information)

The definition of time and its use in day to day life.

Be able to (do) (Skills, processes)

Students will be able to apply their understandings about the importance of time in day to day
life by either explaining its effectiveness in their lives, imagining what life would be without
time or demonstrating how we can use time to be assistive.

Essential Questions:
Why is understanding and being able to use time important in day to day life?
How do we use time every day?
When do we use time?


Lesson Plan
Title: Time in our day to day lives!
Lesson Sequence Explanatory notes

Read the book: Just a second: A
different way to look at time by Steve
(5 mins)

- Get students to sit down on the
floor as a group and read the

Class Brainstorm about Time:
(5 mins)

- Write the word Time up onto the
Smart Board.
- As a class, brainstorm what they
think about when we are talking
about time.
- What did we learn last lesson?
- Explain to students that today we
are going to explore why it is
important that we learn time.
- Ask students when do we use
time in day to day life?
Dinner time,
Wake up time,
Catch the bus for school,
Baking a cake

Describe each activity which are part
of the TriMind:
(5 mins)

- As a class get students to make
three groups of tables prepared
for the next activity.


- The book: Just a second: A different
way to look at time by Steve Jenkins

This aims to engage students into the topic
of time. This book provides interesting facts
about what can happen in a second a
minute an hour, it shows real world
examples of using time to measure exciting
facts and really what units of time are.

This aims to have students begin the lesson
thinking about all the wonderful things we
can do when we know how to read and use

It is also to get them to think about the units
of time covered in the previous lesson
seconds, minutes and hours.


- Smart Board
- Smart Board Pens/Markers

This brainstorm about time is to activate prior
knowledge and get students thinking about
what they know about time in day to day life
and how and why it is used.

This will aim to provide for authentic learning
experiences relevant to students lives.


- Activity Templates/Worksheets:
Appendix A, Appendix B & Appendix
- A red, yellow and green cup for each
student (Traffic Light Help System:

- Allocate different areas of the
room for students to complete the
different tasks.
Refer to Appendix G and use
these table task signs to put on
the tables along with
worksheets/templates so
students can be directed after
- Get students to sit together on
the floor.
- Use this time effectively to
explain to students the
requirements of each of the tasks
to further assist them in choosing
one of the activities.
- Ensure you make it clear to
students that they are to only
choose one of these activities for
this lesson.
- As students decide which task
they would like to do direct them
to which table they need to go.
- Encourage students that they are
to work on the worksheet
individually, but if they do need
some help it is ok to ask a friend
or the teacher.
Encourage students to use the
Traffic Light Help System for
seeking help from the teacher
(Appendix H).

TriMind Activities (Differentiated by
Learning Profile):
(15 mins)

Appendix H).

Taking the time to explain each of the
activities to students will allow them to
choose an activity of their preference.

This will allow for students to better
understand the expectations of the tasks

By getting students to sit with peers that are
doing the same worksheet they can bounce
ideas of one another and the teacher can
also help multiple students with the same


- Activity Templates: Analytical Task
(Appendix A), Creative Task
(Appendix B) & Practical Task
(Appendix C).
- Class set of stopwatches
- Students workbooks
- Pencils

This activity is differentiated by learning style,
but there is no particular grouping for this
activity. Sternberg & Zhang (2005)
suggested that students learning styles vary
across tasks and situations and that there is
no such thing as a fixed learning style
unless students choose to have a dominant
particular learning style. Therefore allowing
for flexible grouping for this activity and
letting students have complete choice over

Presentation in groups of what others
doing the same activity came up with:
(5 mins)

- Get students to plan what they
will share with the whole class by
following the discussion template
which is already prepared
(Appendix D).

what activity they would like to complete will
ensure they are able to choose an activity
they would like to complete which will cater
for their preferred style of learning content.

Using the format of a template allows for all
levels of ability to be open with writing and
thoughts most activities are structured to
be universally designed for all students to
attempt worksheets/templates.

Rather than using writing lines there are
just spaces for students to write in. This
means that there are no expectations of how
much they must write rather it is focused on
as much as they can.

Instructions such as Glue me in your
workbook is located on
worksheets/templates so that students know
what they are to do with
worksheets/templates when they have
completed them. This is better than
verbalizing these instructions to students as
they may struggle to retain a certain amount
of instructions at one time. Most
worksheets/templates also provide
instructions about what they are to do which
works as a guide for students.


- Discussion Planning template
(Appendix D)
- Pencils
- Students workbooks with worksheets
glued into them

Groups discuss and then use discussion
templates (Appendix D) to map out some of
the ideas/interesting things we came up with.
This will aim to allow them to present to the
rest of the class effectively.

This presentation time will allow for students
to learn from one another the different ideas
and perspectives they have about time and
its importance in day to day life.

In expressing the importance of students
taking turns at speaking by allocating certain
speakers for different sections of the
template aims to maximise opportunities for
all students to have a go and convey ideas to

Class Presentation:
(10 mins)

Exit Card: 3,2,1 Method (Appendix E)
(5 mins)

- Provide all students with an exit
card once presentations are

the class.


- No resources needed other than
students work they have been
working on in the previous activity.

Each group will be given 3 minutes each to
explain to the rest of the class How time was
proven to be important in their activities.

In providing time for discussing ideas as a
larger group with others who did the same
activity, students who better express his/her
thoughts through oral language will benefit
from these experiences.

By showing students what the others groups
came up with and were working on, this can
assist all students to develop a clearer
understanding about the importance of time
in day to day life from different perspectives
of their peers. This will also allow time for the
teacher to reinforce and correct
misunderstandings students may have.


- Exit card prepared and ready for each
student (Appendix E).

Lesson Closure/ Check for Understanding

Exit Card: 3,2,1 Method (Appendix E)
(5 mins)

Students will answer these questions on the provided exit card individually (Appendix E).
This will be used as a method of assessment and evaluation of teaching and learning.

3 things that time affects in your life. Explain how or why?
2 things you learnt or liked that were presented from a different group.
1 question you still have about todays lesson

Answers to these questions are then used as an assessment method to determine
whether students have grasped concepts to then further scaffold and differentiate for
future lessons.

Collect up all students work from the day (worksheets/templates & exit cards) and using
the checklist (Appendix F) assess students with reference to worksheets and exit cards
from the lesson. This is a formative assessment to ensure learning objectives for that
lesson have been met.


Sternberg, R., & Zhang, L. F. (2005). Styles of thinking as a basis of differentiated
instruction. Theory into Practice, 44(3), 245-253.

Appendix A: Analytical Task

Appendix B: Creative Task

Appendix C: Practical Task

Appendix D: Discussion Planning Template

Appendix E: Exit Card

Appendix F: Assessment Checklist

Appendix G: Table Task Signs

Appendix H: Traffic Light Help System


Differentiated TriMind Learning Task
(Based on Sternbergs framework for differentiating by learning profile introduced
during classes and the readings)

Name & Student Number: Jessica Westlund ID#: 2095575
Topic: Time (Measurement and Geometry)
Curriculum Area: Mathematics
Year Level: 3

Learning Objectives. As a result of
completing the learning task, students

Understand that (Concepts, principles,
big ideas)

Students will understand why being able
to use time is important in day to day life
and how and when we use time in our
day to day lives.

Know (e.g. facts, vocabulary, dates,

The definition of time and its use in day
to day life.

Be able to (do) (Skills, processes)

Students will be able to apply their
understandings about the importance of
time in day to day life by either
explaining its effectiveness in their lives,
imagining what life would be without time
or demonstrating how we can use time to
be assistive.

Essential Question/s:

- Why is understanding and being
able to use time important in day
to day life?
- How do we use time every day?
- When do we use time?

When and how this task will be used in the
context of the lesson and/or unit:
(e.g., as an introductory hook activity for the
unit, as a formative or sense-making activity, as
a differentiated assessment piece, etc.)

These tasks will be used in the context of a
sense-making activity. Students previous lesson
covered different units of time and now this
lesson focusses on making meaningful
connections to the topic, therefore this lesson
would also be located at the beginning of a unit
after looking at basic units of time.

How students work will be evaluated:
(i.e., How will you know that students have
achieved the objectives through their completion
of the task?)

Students work will be evaluated by a checklist
which will be used to guide assessment of
students level of understanding and
demonstration about the importance of time in
day to day life.

An exit card will also be used to assess specific
understandings expected from the lesson.


Differentiated TriMind Learning Task

Analytical Task (APPENDIX A): (analyse, compare and contrast, evaluate, explain,

How time affects my day:
Write a step by step approach to your day and then write down ways time affects the
sequence of your day. Students will be given a template to follow for this activity (Appendix

- Analytical Task Template (Appendix A)
- Student Workbooks
- Pencils

This is an analytical task which allows students to develop a sequenced approach to their
day and then analyse it and reflect how time affects their day.

Creative Task (APPENDIX B): (create, design, imagine, suppose, etc)

Imagine that we didnt have time for a day:
1. Plan a story about a day without time, what could happen? What would be different?
2. Develop a plan for making a comic strip showing an incident that has occurred
because time did not exist.

- Creative Task Template (Appendix B)
- Student Workbooks
- Pencils

This is a creative task which allows students to imagine a day without time. There are two
activities provided so that students are able to write or draw to reflect their understandings
about time in day to day life.

Practical Task (APPENDIX C): (use, apply, demonstrate, etc)

Using Stopwatches:
Demonstrate how time can be used to measure by following the worksheet (Appendix C)
and then reflect on how this method of time use can be used in day to day life?

- Practical Task Template (Appendix C)
- Student Workbooks
- Pencils
- Class set of stopwatches

This is a practical task which allows students to have a go at using a stopwatch to measure
activities and then reflect how this form of time use can be used in day to day life.


Sequence of my
Why time is used: How does time
affect this part
of my day:
Wake up time:
Time is used here
because I need to wake
up at a certain time.
Waking up at a certain
time means I will have
enough time to get
ready for school.

How time affects my day!
Fill in the boxes to show the things that happen in your day. Consider why and
how time plays an important part in your life. Look at the example to start
yourself off!
Glue into your workbook when you have finished!
APPENDIX A: Analytical Task
Name: _________________ Date: ___/___/___

Imagine a day where time did not exist!
Use the grid below to plan the writing of a story or of a comic strip
demonstrating what would happen or what would be different?
Glue into your workbook when you have finished!
APPENDIX B: Creative Task
Name: _________________ Date: ___/___/___

Activity: How long did it take?
Read a page of a book

Say the numbers from 1 100

Say the alphabet twice

Write your first name 8 times

Choose your own activity now! Write it

APPENDIX C: Practical Task
Name: _________________ Date: ___/___/___
Using stopwatches!
1. Get into pairs with someone else who is doing this activity.
2. Use a stopwatch to measure how long it takes to complete these activities.
3. Then below reflect how this method of time use can be used in everyday life.
Glue into your workbook when you have finished!
How can we use this method of time use in day to day life?

APPENDIX D: Discussion Template


NAME: ___________________ DATE: ___/___/___

Exit Card

What are 3 things that time affects in your life? Explain how or why?

2 things you learnt or liked that were presented from a different group.

1 question you still have about todays lesson.


Assessment Checklist
Student Name: ___________________________

Overall comments about progress & future plans for student:

Criteria Yes No Detailed comments:

Student can provide
examples of how
time affects their life.

Student can
determine how time
is used in day to day

Student can identify
when time is used in
day to day life.

Student has shown
evidence of their
knowledge about
why time is
important in day to
day life.

Student was
engaged and
maintained on task.

Student contributed
in discussions.

APPENDIX F: Assessment Checklist

How time
affects my
day task!

APPENDIX G: Table Task Signs

Imagine that
we didnt
have time
for a day




Students are provided with cups of each colour (red, yellow and green) to place
on their table. This traffic light system allows students to refer to so they can
gauge what level of help they need at the present time.

APPENDIX H: Traffic Light Help System

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