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Lesson 1

A Review of Educational Technology 1

Educational Technology is a broad term. Often times, however, it is given a narrow meaning, to
mean just hardware. It refers to the use of all human inventions and discoveries to satisfy our
educational need and desire, i.e. learning. This inventions and discoveries can be devices, tools,
equipment, activities, procedures and processes. Included among these human inventions are the
various educational media. Educational technology is more than instructional technology in the same
way that education is more than instruction.

In ET-1, the learner is oriented towards averting the dangers of dehumanization which technology
brings into societies, such as through ideological propaganda, pornography, financial fraud, and other
exploitative use of technology. Sad to say, these dangers continue to affect peoples and culture while
widening the gap between the rich and the poor countries.

On the application of educational technology to instruction, educational technology 1 has 4
phases of application of technology in the teaching-learning, namely;

v Setting of learning objectives

v Designing specific learning objectives

v Evaluating the effectiveness of the learning experiences vis--vis the learning objectives, and

v Revisions as needed of the whole teaching-learning process.

Educational Technology 1 fittingly refined the distinction between educational technology and
other concepts, such as instructional technology, educational media, and audiovisual aids.

In sum, Educational Technology 1 served:

o To orient the learner to the pervasiveness of educational technology in society.

o To lend familiarization on how educational technology can be utilized as media for the avenues
teaching-learning process in the school.

o To uplift the learner to human learning through the use of technology.

o To impart skills in planning, designing, using and evaluating the technology-enriched teaching-
learning process.

o To acquaint learners on basic aspects of community education, function of the school media center,
and lastly

o To introduce the learner to what is recognized as the third revolution in education, the computer.


In the industrial country like Japan, they were more aware with the use of new technologies
thats why they were advance in learning. It is a big help in learning, and a real big help to their
economy. While in the Philippines, we were still coping and developing our learning through the use of
technology. Given the lack of resources here in the Philippines we are still using the traditional media i.e.
books, chalk and chalkboards, etc. But the government should find some solution by giving computers
and other educational technology to schools, knowing that learners should be introduced to the
computer world.

Lesson 2

An Overview: Educational Technology 2

Educational Technology 2 is concerned with integrating Technology into Teaching-Learning
process. In the essence, the aims to infuse technology in the student-teachers training, helping them to
adapt and meet rapid and continuing technological changes, particularly in the thriving global
information and communication technology (ICT) environment.

In the essence, the course aims to infuse technology in the student-teachers training, helping
them to adapt and meet rapid and continuing technological changes, particularly in the thriving global
information and communication technology (ICT) environment.

More specifically, the course objectives are:

v To provide education in the use of technology in instruction by providing knowledge and skills on
technology integration-in-instruction to learners.

v To impart learning experiences in instructional technology-supported instructional planning.

v To acquaint students on Information Technology or IT-related learning theories with the computer as
the tutor.

v To learn to use and evaluate computer-based educational resources.

v To engage learners on practical technology integration issues including managing IT classrooms, use of
the internet for learning, cooperative learning through the use of information technology, etc.

v To include higher-level thinking and creativity among students while providing them knowledge of IT-
related learning theories.

While the course is primarily intended for the use of student-teachers, it can also be of great use
to professional teachers, school administrators, teacher educators, and in fact anyone who is interested
on how Information Technology can be used to improve not only instruction but the school
management program and curriculum.


Many college students are presently required to take Computer courses including word
processing (Microsoft Office), spreadsheet preparation (Excel), presentation techniques (PowerPoint),
etc. This helps a lot in applying skills needed in Educational Technology in a way that it helps learners to
learn the use and evaluate computer-based educational resources. It also inculcate higher level thinking
and creativity which provide learners knowledge of IT related theories. Educational websites keeps on
generating as the years passes by. The only problem was that the resources are limited, so government
should find some solutions to this scarcity of resources. But we should not consider this limitation to be
a hindrance in developing our skills in using educational technologies.

Lesson 3

Educational Technology in the Asia Pacific Region

To provide confidence to educators that they are taking the right steps in adopting technology in
education, it is good to know that during the last few years, progressive countries in the Asia Pacific
region have formulated state policies and strategies to infuse technology in schools. The reason for this
move is not difficult to understand since there is now a pervasive awareness that a nations socio-
economic success in the 21st century is linked to how well it can compete in a global information and
communication technology (ICT) region. This imperative among nations has therefore given tremendous
responsibilities on educators to create an educational technology environment in schools.

And since it is understood that state policies will continue to change, it is helpful to examine
prevailing ICT policies and strategies of five progressive states/city, namely New Zealand, Australia,
Malaysia, Singapore and HongKong.

v New Zealand 2001 ICT Goals and Strategy

(Weblink for more detailed document)

v Australia IT initiatives


v Malaysia Smart School-Level Technology Project


v Singapore Masterplan for IT in education


v Hong Kong Education Program Highlights



Philippines compared to progressive countries are so behind when it comes to the use of
technology. Schools are limited in resources especially new technologies like computers and other
hardwares unlike in New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong they were so
progressive when technology are concern.

Philippines Department of Education plans to supply computers to public elementary and public
high schools at a ratio of 1 computer to 1 school. It wont suffice the needs of the students, they should
consider the population of the students in each school. It will be difficult for the students to learn
computers, because of limitation. Limited computers to unlimited students consumes time, and sharing
computers in the same time isnt practical. Philippines should supply each school considering the total
population of the students, in order for them to learn and achieve higher level of skills. The government
should required every school to teach ICTs, in that way we can cope up with or neighboring countries
on IT education.

Lesson 4

Basic Concepts on Integrating Technology in Instruction

Integrating technology with teaching means the use of learning technologies to introduce,
reinforce, supplement and extend skills. The difference between the classrooms of exemplary users of
technology and technology users is the way their classes are conducted. In the exemplary classrooms,
students use of computers is woven integrally into the patterns of teaching; software is a natural
extension of student tools. But when the teachers makes students play computer games to give them a
rest period during classes.


In this Educational Technology 2 is not about teaching computer skills, we do believe that
adequate hands-on develops the necessary skills to put technology integration into practice. Through
hands-on practice learners develop skills in computer technologies. In some, technology occupies a
position in the instructional process.

Lesson 5

State-of-the Art ET Application Practices

Today, one can see a greater need for teachers to acquire not only computer literacy, but
competence as well. The list of audiovisual aids available to or schools may not even apply any more
since modern-day computer hardware and software have rendered them obsolete. Sad to say, some
software materials acquired by schools about five years ago are not even compatible anymore to more
recent computer systems. The use of filmstrip/, 8mm/ 16mm projectors, also VHS players have also
become obsolete. Due to the speedy turnover of technology advancement. It is wise therefore for
school administrations to decide on technology upgrading along medium terms (5-years term only). In a
word, dont invest in technology hardware/system that may become a white elephant in a few years


Truly, technology is expensive and time consuming but it will also given that students will surely
get and be interested in learning. I salute educators who use educational media as his/her medium of
instruction because they were making and motivating students to listen and learn more. Future learners
has a great advantage when it comes to technology for they were now using technology in education.
They will be more capable and reliable on the use of technology as the medium of instruction and they
will develop more technology related skills.

Lesson 6

IT Enters A New Learning Environment

Instructional Technology enters a new learning environment and it is most helpful to see useful
models of school learning that is ideal to achieving instructional goals through preferred application of
educational technology. These are the models of Meaningful Learning, Generative learning, and


Generative Learning

Discovery Learning

Meaningful Learning

If the traditional learning environment gives stress to rote learning and simple memorization,
meaningful learning gives focus to new experiences to what is related the learner have already known.
In he learning process, the learner is encouraged to recognize relevant personal experiences.

In discovery learning students perform tasks to uncover what is to be learned. In applying
technology, the computer can present tutorial process by which the learner is presented key concepts
and the rules of learning in a direct manner for receptive learning.


Through this new conceptual model of learning, we now know that there are better ways to learn
other than to rote learning or memorization and that learning is for use not only in school but in real life.
Now we are prepared to see how these theories of learning can be more specifically through the
integration of educational technology in the teaching-learning process.

Lesson 7

IT for Higher Thinking Skills and Creativity

Instructional Technology are proven to be a big help in learning outcomes. Here, the learners
thinking skills and creativity are enhance through the use of instructional media. Wherein the
presentation is followed by discussion and the giving of assignment. Among the assignment maybe a
research on a given topic. This teaching approach has been proven successful for achieving learning
outcomes following the lower end of Blooms taxonomy: knowledge, comprehension, and application
are concerned.

It has been said that the process is more important than the product. Because the process refers
to the thinking, affective, psychomotor process that occurs on the part of the learner. While product is
the output or the product of process.


Information technology for higher thinking skills and creativity sounds and do good to the
teaching-learning process. It doesnt only a big help to the students, but it also helps teachers to give
instructions ass easy as 1,2,3. It develops higher thinking skills because it requires knowledge,
comprehension, and application in order for the students to learn how to use IT based materials and

Here, the students learn how to use media tools in the learning process. And the students are
also motivated to learn because of the new technology used in the classroom.

Lesson 8

Higher Thinking Skills through IT-Based Projects

Here the four types of IT-based projects which can be effectively used in order to engage learners
in activities of a higher plane of thinking are discussed. Students are given the opportunity to google the
net to find the latest IT-based projects that collaborate learning.


Resource -based approach has a specific higher level of thinking skills 9as in framework). It also
requires forming of an opinion, or construct a unique multi-faceted solutions. The learners are given the
chance to select resources in the internet with teachers guidance, and they were given a milepost
guide/checklist by the teacher. They build their discovery strategies and they defend their discovery
using meta-cognitive skills.

Lesson 9

Computers as Information and Communication Technology

Through computer technology, educators saw the amplifications of learning along computer
literacy. Much like reading, the modern students can now interact with computer messages, even
respond to questions or to computer commands. Again like writing, the learner can form messages using
computer language or program.

Information age is so dynamic, it evolves along the century. Computer technology I education has
matured to transform into an educative information and communication technology (ICT) in education.


Through computers, long distance communication became possible. In terms of family
relationship, computers helped a lot because we can communicate even to a very far country where we
have a relative or a common friend who lived there.

In terms of education, it is really a big help. We can now get fresh and archive information in just
a second while sitting. Computers makes the life of men easier. Especially nowadays that there re new
programs that were installed in the PC. For example Microsoft office, where we can compose our text,
graphics, photos into letters, articles, reports and others. Power-point, for preparing lectures
presentation. Excel, for spread sheets and similar graphic sheets. Internet Explorer, where we can access
the net around the world. Yahoo or Google, these were websites; e-mails, chat rooms, Blog sites, news
services (print/ videos), educational softwares and etc.

Lesson 10

The Computer as Tutors

The computer is one of the wonders of human ingenuity, even in its original design in the 1950s
to carry out complicated mathematical and logical operations. Educators saw much use of the
computers. They saw its potential in individualization in learning, especially in individualized learning is a
problem since the teachers usually with a class of forty or more learners, they therefore devised
strategies to use the computer to break the barriers to individualized instruction. The computers can be
a tutor in effect relieving the teacher of many activities in his personal role in the classroom tutor.


The computer can be a tutor in effect relieving the teacher of many activities in his personal role
as the classroom tutor. It should be made clear, however, that the computer cannot totally replace the
teacher since the teacher shall continue to play the major roles of information deliverer and learning
environment controller.

Lesson 11

Computers as the Teachers Tool

Computers as the teachers handy-tool. It can in fact support the constructivist and social
constructivist paradigms of constructivist learning. Given its present day speed, flexibility, and
sophistication, the computer can provide access to information, foster creative social knowledge-
building, and enhance the communication of the achieved project package. While knowledge is
constructed by the individual learner in constructivism, knowledge can also be socially constructed.
Social Constructivism. This is an effort to show that the construction of knowledge is governed by social,
historical and cultural contexts. In effect, this is to say that the learner who interprets knowledge has a
predetermined point of view according to the social perspectives of the community or society he lives


Computers capabilities given its present day speed, flexibility and sophistication, the computer
can provide access to information, foster creative social knowledge-building, and enhance the
communication of the achieved project package. Without the computer, todays learners may still be
assuming the tedious tasks of low-level information gathering, building and new knowledge packaging.
The computer can provide vast amount of information in various forms, such as texts, graphics, sound,
and videos. Even multimedia encyclopedias are today available on the internet. Computer is a tool of
the teacher, it helps the teacher to gather information and makes the teaching easy for him/her.

Lesson 12

Information Technology in Support of the Student-Centered Learning

The idea of the student-centered learning is not a recent idea. In fact, as early as the 20th
century, educational educators such as John Dewey argued for the highly active and individualized
pedagogical methods which place the students at the center of the teaching-learning process.

John Dewey has described traditional learning as a process in which the teacher pours
information to student learners, much like pouring waters from a jug into cups This is based on the long
accepted beliefs that the teacher must perform his role of teaching so that learning can occur. This
learning approach is generally known as direct instruction, and it has worked well for obtaining many
kinds of learning outcomes.


Desiring to gain effectiveness, efficiency and economy in administration and instruction, schools
in these developed economies have also adopted the support of ICTs. The students have now become
active not passive learners, who can interact with other learners, demonstrating independence and self
awareness in the learning process.

Lesson 13

Cooperative Learning with the Computer

Reality therefore dictates that schools face the facts that each classroom, especially in public or
government schools, may not be equipped with the appropriate number of computers. The creativity of
the teacher will have to respond to the situation, and so cooperative learning will likely be the answer to
the implementation of IT supported learning in our schools. But the situations may not be that bad since
there are motivational and social benefits to cooperative learning and these can compensate for the lack
of hardwares that educators face.


Researchers have made studies on the learning interaction between the students and the
computers. The study have great value since it has been a long standing fear that the computer may
foster students learning in isolation that hinders the development of the students social skills. Now this
mythical fear has been contradicted by the studies which shows that when students work with the
computers in groups, they cluster and interact with each other for advice and mutual help. And given
the option to work individually or in a group, the students generally wish to work together in computer-
based activities. Reflecting in this phenomenon, psychologists think the computer fosters this positive
social behavior due to the fact that it has a display monitor _____just like a television set_____that is
looked upon as something communal.

Lesson 14

The Software as an Educational Resource

Whoever people think about computers, they are most likely thinking about the computer
machine such as the television-like monitor screen, the keyboard to type on, the printers which
produces copies of texts and graphics materials, and the computer housing called the box which
contains the electronic parts and circuits (the central processing unit) that receives/ stores data and
directs computer operations. The computer machine or hardware is naturally an attention-getter.

Microsoft windows or windows for short is an operating environment between the user and the
operating system. Also called a shell, it is a layer that creates the way the computer should work.
Windows uses a colorful graphics interface (called GUI____pronounced gooee) that can be seen in the
computer screen or monitor whenever the computer is turned on.

The user can work with on screen pictures (icons) and suggestion (menus) to arrived at the
desired software. Windows 95 (now improved with Windows 2003 and 2007) is a software designed for
Microsoft Windows. Actually, Windows is in itself a self-contained operating system which provides user
convenience, new look, information center, plug and play.


Instructional software can be visited on the internet or can be bought from software shop or
dealers. The teacher through his school should decide on the best computer-based instructional (CBI)
materials for the school resource collection. But beware since CBIs need much improvement, while web-
based educational resources are either extremely good or what is complete garbage.

Lesson 15

Understanding Hypermedia

Hypermedia is nothing but multimedia, but this time packaged as an educational computer
software where information is presented and students activities are integrated in a virtual learning
environment. Most educational IT applications are hypermedia and these include: tutorial software
packages, knowledge webpage, simulation instructional games, learning project managements, and


The presentation of information-learning activities in hypermedia is said to be sequenced in a
non-linear manner, meaning that the learner may follow his path of activities that providing an
environment of learner autonomy and thinking skills.

Lesson 16

The Internet and Education

The internet, also simply called the Net, is the largest and far-flung network system of all-systems.
Surprisingly, the internet is not really a network but a loosely organized collection of about 25,000
networks accessed by computers on the planet. It is astonishing to know that no one owns the Internet.
It has no central headquarters, no centrally offered services, and n comprehensive online index to tell
users what information available in the systems. The vast sea of information now in the Internet,
including news and trivia, is an overwhelming challenge to those who wish to navigate it. Everyday, the
net user population and the available information continue to grow, and new ways are continuesly
being developed to tour the internet.


Today schools are gearing up to take advantage of the Internet access, where they can plug into
the libraries of Congress, make virtual visits to famous museums in the world, write to celebrities, and
even send questions to the heads of the states. The future of the internet is limitless. Already its
complexity has spawned and continue to spawn Net sites including new demand for services to
business, industries, science, government, and even homes.

Today, even elementary school graders in progressive countries like the United States are
corresponding via e-mail with pen pals in all 50 states. They ask probing questions like What is your
states most serious problems, or How much does a pizza cost in your state? This educational activities
prodded by their schools are paying dividends from increasing the pupils interest in Geography to a
greater understanding of how people live in large cities and other places in the United States.

Lesson 17

Educational Technology 2 Practicum

Educational Technology 2 offers students the experiential process of adapting to technology
integration within a student-centered paradigm. This is the practicum phase of the course which can be
done, as seen fit by the teacher, either at the end of the more theoretical lessons or inserted between
lessons. Assign number of hours in conformity with the course requirement. Tutorials are preferably
done during weekends in order to provide continues hours of computer hands-on training.


At the end of tutorial, the learner will be able to search and retrieve information from web,
acquire skills in locating appropriate information on the internet, Acquire ability to use internet tools
such as search engines, gain knowledge of search techniques such as browsing through an information
tree, and learn the ability to execute the search. In sum, Educational Technology 2 promises to bring the
student teacher and the professional teacher-trainee to the challenge to the challenge of the new
age____ integrating technology in the teaching learning process. The brisk pace of technology
advancement and innovation continues, but ET 2 is a preparation to bring our teachers to move ahead
with their use of technology in the classroom.

Overall, the Filipino teachers shall be empowered to meet the technology challenges of a 21st
century Digital Age.

Thank You for Reading

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