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Stepping Stones Holistic Personal Practice

From quiet contemplation to powerful ritual, this 13-part course guides you in creating
a personal practice that deepens your holistic experience of the sacred within and all
around you. Discover traditional and innovative ways of learning and knowing as you
gain skills in writing, art, craft and energy work. ecoming familiar with elements, tools
and energy cycles will infuse your life with insight, vitality and the a!ility to manifest
your intentions. "ultivate your connection to #ature and $pirit, along with leadership
skills to !ring greater harmony to your life, relationships and community, sharing
support and cele!ration with a virtual circle of women on paths that parallel and
merge with your own, on the %ay to the %ell.
&ou have discovered the 'reen 'oddess 'rove and !een welcomed. &ou have
stepped through the 'arden 'ate on the %ay to the %ell. #ow your $tepping
$tones holistic personal practice can unfold and guide you through this magical
landscape on a (ourney of discovery, creation, manifestation and transformation.
)ach week you can add a $tepping $tone to your path and practice, a place to rest
and re*ect, to survey the view !ehind and !efore you, to test the waters or step out
on solid ground. &ou may +nd some lessons take more or less than one week or that
life gets in the way and rearranges your schedule at times. ,d(ust gracefully and en(oy
the *ow of life and learning.
&ou !egin and end with yourself. &ou are a connection to the divine. &ou are a
manifestation of spirit on )arth. %e all are. -his )arth is a living, spiritual !eing and we
are all connected cells in this sacred !eing. )arth, 'aia, /other #ature, 'oddess.
&ou already have a practice and you are on a path. the rhythms and !eliefs that guide
your dance through life. 0art of your task in $tepping $tones is to !ecome aware of
the currents that have shaped your (ourney from the past to this moment, and of the
direction that lies !efore you, should you continue on your present path. 0erhaps you
are thrilled to !e heading towards your future in the same manner you have !een
traveling all along. /ore power to you1 this course can !oth strengthen and challenge
your convictions. 0erhaps you are wishing to leave !ehind your (ourney to this point
and !egin a new one. ,gain may you !e !oth supported and challenged in this
-ry to resist the temptation to (udge where you have !een, where you are or where
you are headed. 2ust !e willing to !e aware. -hat awareness will !lossom into
intuitive guidance and you will +nd that many choices !ecome clearer and easier,
connecting like shining !eads on an ceremonial necklace, strung together in an
elegant continuity. ,cceptance does not condone or encourage any harm nor does it
deny !eauty and cele!ration, !ut !rings us into alignment with reality. 3t4s like pushing
in the clutch on a standard shift automo!ile 5 from there you can choose a gear
without grinding or forcing them into place.
6olistic well-!eing em!races all the parts of ourselves. physical, mental, emotional and
spiritual. &ou can evaluate these areas for yourself and !egin to notice where you are
!alanced and healthy, where you may have an overa!undance of attention and where
you may want to invest more energy, again without (udgment, with compassion and
curiosity, simply practicing the art of !ecoming aware.
,ccepting this whole picture of yourself gives you a starting point for change, growth
and healing. )veryone has certain areas that are more or less developed than others 5
the goal is not to !ecome equally skilled at everything. ,llow yourself to !e a unique,
unfolding artistic work in progress. &our $tepping $tones personal practice will share
many common features with others throughout the ages and yet you are called to
learn to trust your intuition and develop con+dence in your own experiences.
0ractice invites openness to *ow and rhythm, not merely discipline and repetition, and
will emerge organically, spontaneously and deli!erately, from your experiments and
studies. 0ractice sometimes feels like rehearsal, exercise, homework, !ecomes your
ha!it, routine, modus operandi for life, spilling out of the time and space set aside for
reading, (ournaling and meditation. 3t !egins to displace ha!its that no longer serve
your deepest and healthiest intentions, shaping your view of the path !ehind you into
a story that has !rought you to this place of empowerment and healing, and providing
you with a view of the future that !eckons you toward ful+llment.
$tepping $tones includes !oth theory and activity. /any traditions teach common
foundations such as meditation and prayer, asking for divine guidance, living !y
principles of honesty, fairness and kindness, personal growth and responsi!ility, and
honoring sacred cycles and stories. ,t their cores, they teach us that we are indeed
part of the divine, that we have !oth the power and the responsi!ility to develop
ourselves as fully as we can, not only for our own ful+llment !ut for the greater good
of all.
&our $tepping $tones holistic personal practice is your story. -he way you hear it and
tell it, the words, sym!ols, gestures, images and o!(ects you use, the people with
whom you choose to share it, the techniques you learn and the topics you pursue all
work together to shape your story on many levels, conscious and su!conscious,
creative and intellectual, physical and spiritual. -hroughout your 0ractice you can
!ecome more and more adept at choosing carefully all these elements, understanding
more deeply their meanings and their signi+cance for you. &ou will sense and respect
the power of words, sym!ols and actions, even thoughts, feelings and intentions, and
especially prayers and rituals. &ou will hear your story !eing told to you in the wind,
the laughter of children, the noise of tra7c, the falling of rain, the !eating of your heart.
&ou will tell your story in the sound of your voice, the movements of your !ody, the
feelings you express and the work and cele!ration you share with others.
/ay the $tepping $tones of your holistic personal practice lead you (oyfully, strongly
and gracefully on the %ay to the %ell, in the loving circle of the 'reen 'oddess
'rove. $o !e it. lessed !e.
"lick the !utton !elow to contact 'reen 'oddess 'rove and +nd out how to !egin
cultivating your $tepping $tones 6olistic 0ersonal 0ractice.

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