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Both of the passages the reading and the listening one approach in different ways two different kind of

researches about how people behaves in groups.

The first aspect is called the deindividualization and the second one the polarization. The listening passage
support the information provided in the reading passage by contextualizing through examples of both kind
of behavior, but not only of antisocial behavior but also of pro social behavior that can be related to this
The reading passage is about research about how people behaves in groups and two aspects of group
behavior that have been described: The deindividualization that takes places in groups, this process is when
people are in large groups and they tend to lose their individuality and self-awareness, and they engage
their behavior within the group in order to become part of the anonymity that the group provided, instead
of felling as a individual. And some antisocial behavior examples that can occur form this aspect. The
polarization another phenomenon that takes place in groups. That is when people who are fairly like-minded
are toghether in a group. And how they tend to arrive to decisions that are far more extreme that any
individual that the group have come up with alone, two example of this phenomenon are described also.

The listening passage provides with the examples of two different pro social situations not only antisocial
situations in which theses phenomenon happen.
The firs one related with the deindividualization phenomenon, in which for example in a situations in which
emotions are share in a group this aloud to the individuals to express their feelings in a more free way
thanks to the group. Also in a contest in which the members caught up with the mood of the group.
Furthermore in the polarization process there are also examples of pro social behaviors as a result, the first
one mentioned is a situations in which a community is being abused by a town bully and they decided to
confront them as a group, the other situation described is the one in which a group of employees that deal
with a bully boss decide to handle and confront the situation as a group instead of as individuals.

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