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Kristin Buholtz


Nam! Rmo"#
A$%$ra#! & % 'st
Birth(la)! Dallas* T+
Num,r o- .ars in US! &
/' an# /0 lan$ua$ larnin$ an# s)hoolin$ histor1! This student began learning English
as a baby; some of his family speaks both English and Spanish, but his familys primary
language is Spanish. This child has experienced pullout programs, and in class regular
instruction with ESL teacher coming to oin him in class. The student has been taught to
speak both English and Spanish outside of school, but he has only been taught to read and
write in Spanish at home; English in school.
Ra#in$ /"l! !n grade le"el
ES/ onl1! This students teacher says he is on grade le"el. #e is at a"erage or a little below
a"erage for his grade le"el. #e is not at$risk for being below grade le"el for reading.
Strn$ths an# 2a3nsss! This student is stronger in oral and silent reading o"er
comprehension. #e has the ability to read the text, but struggles with comprehension of what
the text means.
Possi,l Causs! % belie"e he has this comprehension problem because he is too focused
on trying to read the word rather than reading for meaning. % think if this student applies his
good foundation of using context clues it will help him gain a better comprehension of what
he is reading.
III. INSTRUCTIONA/ RECOMMENDATIONS! Like % mentioned earlier using context clues
will help him gain better comprehension and retention of material as he is reading passages
or texts. &lso, his teacher could re"iew words that he needed teacher assistance with to
make sure he retains the teacher assisted words instead of them ust staying in his short term
2009 Chris Green, Texas A & M University - Commerce

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