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Foods and Nutrition Syllabus/Course Outline

This class is baking basics so we can learn measurements and utensils and their usage. We will study
nutritious choices, food preparation and the new food pyramid. Over half of your grade will be written
work, tests and quizzes.
Course Outline:
1. Get To Know Your Classmates and Class Procedures
a. People earch
b. !olor "ntroductions
c. !lass mission statements and personal goals
d. #se of a personal foods folder$graphing grades, organization of recipes%graded work
2. Nutrition Topics
a. &utrients, '()$ *ideo$+ tandard (eviant of &utrition,
b. erving izes$ -ow much is a portion.$ /veryday items representing an amount of a
serving size and apply to a food group
c. &ew 0ood Pyramid and personal pyramid plan$computer lab
d. -ealthy 1ody$ groups of 2 or 3 will construct a body on rolled paper adding internal
organs matching nutrients and foods to the correct organ
e. &utrition #nit test$ notes allowed
3. Kitchen basics
a. afety and anitation
1. 4ina5s not so safe supper$contamination%food borne illness
2. 6ake this kitchen safe$find the safety hazards
3. /mergency crossword puzzle$ 0ire safety video
4. -and washing%(ishwashing$ practice%video%wksht
5. afety%anitation &otes$set up unsafe situations$what did you learn
6. afety%anitation test$in order to enter the kitchen a 728 grade
b. #tensils
1. (emo$#tensil wksht$names and usage$
2. 9itchen groups announced and dismissed to their kitchen, students with a partner
will identify and quiz each other on the utensil and usage in preparation for test
3. #tensil Test a 728 grade to progress to the ne:t lab
c. 6easurement
1. (emo meaursing$dry vs wet$
2. 6easuring and abbreviation wksht
3. 4allon 4uy or 4irl$wksht
4. 6easuring ;ab and !rossword Puzzle
5. ;ab grids for folders introduce plan%evaluation sheets
6. -ealthy nack 6i:$learning oven basics
7. 6easurement test$728 grade to progress to the ne:t lab
! Coo"in# with basics
a. 6ilk%(airy choices
<. += a day + identify dairy selections and fat content
>. What is your calcium intake. personal survey
=. 1utter vs 6argarine vs hortening$ video
?. moothie lab$wksht benefits of yogurt from (annon
2. !heesy @uesidallas$ lab$ te:tbook dairy crossword puzzle
3. !hoc%*anilla Pudding ;ab$ how heat can form scum%curdling
7. 6ilk%(airy test
$! %a"in# %asics
<. "ngredients$define%how are they measured%function in a recipe
2. )mazing grains video$grain kernel$flour wksht and map
3. 'eading 'ecipe and Terms$!ookie #nit
4. Oatmeal !ookie 'ecipe wksht$break apart for terms%utensils%measurements
5. (emo 9itchen )id 6i:er and gathering ingredients
6. !hocolate !hip%Oat !ookie lab$ dry measure cups and spoons
7. ugar !ookie lab$<%> recipe%process of cream%sift%form%roll
8. 1rownies$Packaged vs -omemade$Tips for quick clean up$ !ocoa Powder vs
1aking !hocolate 1ar
9. 1etty !rocker cooky wise packet
10. Overhead review for test$ !ookie !ategories% (oughs$soft vs
stiff%"ngredients%6i:ing% 1aking%toring%0reezing
11. 1aking Test
&! 'uic" %reads
a. ;eavening agents$1aking powder vs 1aking oda labA!O>
b. 6uffin study wksht and lab$test for quality%comparison
1. Task$mi:ing using +well, method
c. 1iscuit wksht and lab$;ight & -ealthy$how do yours rate
1. Task$ cutting in the fat
2. -ealthy choices can achieve good flavor
d. !omparison of 6uffin%1iscuits @uiz
e. Pancakes comparison tandard to ;ight & 0luffy
1. *ideo$Power of choice$types of flour, topping pancakes with fruit
2. Task$Pancakes from scratch, separating an egg, using a griddle
f. !repes$e:tra lab for successful students of muffin%biscuit quiz
g. !ream puffs$ magical leavening of steam$
1. Task$mi:ing puff paste, rate your cream puff
h. weet 1reads$1anana$Pumpkin 1read
i. Task$0olding in ingredients B What5s Cour 1aking core
j. Test on !ream Puffs, Pancakes, weet 1reads
7. Yeast %reads
8. a. Ceast e:periment and vocabulary list
9. b. Pizza lab and -istory of Pizza$ Why is it a complete meal.
10. c .Pizza% Ceast &otes$ equipment,prep,healthy pointers and toppings
11. d. 'eading ;abels$using 0rozen Pizza 1o:es
12. e. Test on Ceast and Pizza
( )e#etables
a.Taco 1ake ;ab
<. Task$browning meat and chopping vegetables
b.*egetable Wraps
*+! ,##s and -mportance o. %rea".ast
8. a. Parts of egg,grading,functions of eggs in foods
9. b. *ideo$/gg !ookery
10. c. /ggecellent !ooking 6ethods$4roup (emo
11. d. ham and cheese frittatas lab
12. e. egg test
13. **! ,ti/uette
14. a. setting a table
15. b. *ideo$/tiquette hotline
16. *0! 1a"in# a Complete 1eal
17. a. !hicken *egetable tir 0ry with 'ice
18. *2! ,3tra unit "itchen desi#n4drawin# and plannin#

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