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Program Plan 1

Tobacco-Never Risk Free Program Plan

Jason Edwards
Health 63
!ctober 11" #$1
Program Plan #
Title of Project: Tobacco-Never Risk Free
Author: Jason Edwards
Problem/Need Statement: Health% Peo&le #$#$ share that tobacco 'se is one o( the
most &reventable ca'ses o( death and disease in )merica*
Each %ear almost a hal( o( a
million &eo&le die (rom a tobacco-related illness*
#1*# &ercent o( ad'lts in +ol'mbia
smoke" &'tting them at high risk (or health &roblems associated with tobacco 'se*
,t has
also been identi(ied that tobacco 'se can ca'se cancer" heart disease" l'ng disease" and
disabilities-death with in(ants*
.econd-hand smoke has indirectl% been the ca'se o(
asthma" res&irator% in(ections" ear in(ections" and .,/.*
This in(ormation highlights
wh% tobacco 'se is s'ch a &roblem* Tobacco-Never Risk Free will be 'sed to bring
awareness o( the risks associated with tobacco 'se to the &o&'lation*
Goal(s): Tobacco-Never Risk Free is reaching o't to tobacco 'sers in +ol'mbia" .o'th
+arolina* The two main goals o( this intervention are 10 to ed'cate 'sers on the risks
associated with tobacco 'se and second-hand smoke and #0 to motivate them towards
cessation* ,n achieving this goal" the comm'nit% and nation will be a ste& closer to
healthier lives while red'cing (inancial b'rdens on the individ'al and econom%*
For goal 11
2ain knowledge o( the risk o( tobacco 'se 3cigarette and cigar 'se" smokeless tobacco
Program Plan 3
4nderstanding secondhand smoke and its conse5'ences
6h% 5'itting is the best o&tion both individ'all% and nationall%
For goal #1
.hare in(ormation on the b'rden o( (inances-(or &rod'ct and medical cost
Establish s'&&ort gro'&s
Provide nicotine &atches and &h%sician assistance
Follow '& and acco'ntabilit%
Sponsorin aenc!/"ontact person: The /e&artment o( Health and Environmental
+ontrol 3/HE+0 is willing to &rovide s'&&ort and &artnershi& in agreement (or ('l(illing
the goals o( the &rogram* The /HE+ Tobacco Prevention and +ontrol mission statement
is aligned with the &rogram" aimed at targeting &eo&le to 5'ick smoking" eliminate
second-hand smoke" and &revent 'nder-age 'se* 7oth /HE+ and this &rogram will
contrib'te in(ormation incl'ding statistics" health dis&arit% knowledge" and
recommendations (or cessation to the &'blic*
For more in(ormation on the Tobacco-Never Risk Free &rogram" contact Jason Edwards
at 8nedwards#9libert%*ed' or visit the website at
Primar! taret audience(s): The &rimar% target a'dience is all smokers in +ol'mbia"
.o'th +arolina incl'ding ad'lts and teens* )ltho'gh it is a &rogram (or all 'sers" the
(oc's will be on those less ed'cated and with lower income* =ore details (ollow1
Program Plan
The &o&'lation has a readiness to change> since #$$:" the smoking
rate (or teens has dro&&ed nineteen &ercent and ad'lts have
dro&&ed eight &ercent*
Race-ethnicit% &ercentages are considerabl% the same (or both
whites and blacks in the comm'nit%" b't the other categor% has the
greatest &revalence o( tobacco 'se*

Ed'cation and ho'sehold income characteristics show a &ro(o'nd
res'lt in that those o( lower economic stat's and lower ed'cation
have a higher &revalence (or smoking*

)ge is varied showing that the intervention can target all ages>
however the most &revalence is (rom %o'nger generations in which
#?-3 %ear olds have the highest &ercentage*

The target a'dience has low sel(-e((icac% and will acknowledge
that b'ilding this 's will hel& with cessation*
Primar! taret #e! strateies: The (oc's o( the &rimar% target a'dience will be
members o( the comm'nit% who are tobacco 'sers" both ad'lt and %o'th* ,n the #$1$
ann'al re&ort @31 &ercent o( ad'lts #?-6 %ears o( age with a high school di&loma or less
ed'cation were c'rrent smokers" com&ared with # &ercent o( ad'lts with some college
and ; &ercent o( ad'lts with a bachelorAs degree or higher*B
Cower ed'cation and lower
income seem to be the stat's o( most tobacco 'sers which &'ts them more at risks>
targeting them in this intervention will hel& get them ed'cated and ho&e('ll% 5'it*
There are several barriers to overcome (or this comm'nication strateg% to be e((ective"
beginning with making %o'th conscio's o( marketing targets directed at them* )ltho'gh
com&anies tr% to sell the &rod'ct aimed at %o'nger &eo&le" the% do not incl'de the health
risk associated* )nother barrier is the belie( that tobacco 'se is a stress reliever when in
(act it ind'ces high blood &ress're and health risks* Thirdl%" addiction will be di((ic'lt to
Program Plan ?
overcome* ) last barrier is to overcome the c'lt'ral norm and realiDe the health
Two main bene(its res'lt (rom discontin'ing 'se o( tobacco &rod'cts incl'ding mone%
saving and im&roved health* )ltho'gh there are several barriers to con5'er mentioned"
im&roved health is an immediate bene(it that contin'es ('rther in the long term* ,n the
end" ever% individ'al will contin'e to have better health while also saving mone% on
medical cost and the cost o( the &rod'ct*
,n order to reach the intended a'dience" several channels will be 'sed thro'gho't the
comm'nit%* The website will be &resented thro'gh all channels to direct 'sers to the
&rogram* ) news release will be &'blished abo't the &rogram with details abo't classes"
&artnershi&s thro'gho't the comm'nit%" and the kicko(( date o( the &rogram* The &'blic
service anno'ncement will be released on the radio* Fl%ers" &osters" and broch'res will be
distrib'ted thro'gho't the comm'nit% incl'ding healthcare (acilities and health
de&artments* Healthcare administrators 3doctors and n'rses0 will o((er the cessation
&rogram to known 'sers* Health eE&erts will be s&eaking with st'dents at the local
middle and high schools abo't the risks o( tobacco 'se and will o((er classes to those who
are read% to take a ste& towards 5'itting*
Secondar! taret audience: The intended secondar% target a'diences are other
&h%sicians and medical (acilities in the comm'nit% who treat &atients that are tobacco
'sers* There are a n'mber o( wa%s to &resent cessation in(ormation to &atients and the%
are more likel% to tr'st their &h%sician* /octors and n'rses alread% have the ed'cation
and knowledge o( health e((ects (rom tobacco 'se" so the% can o((er in(ormation to
Program Plan 6
&atients as well as &rovide (l%ers and &am&hlets (or the &ro&osed &rogram* Those who
are eE&osed to second-hand smoke are also mentionable secondar% a'diences* The% can
gain in(ormation (or &ersonal risks or to disseminate to smokers aro'nd them*
Secondar! taret #e! strateies: Ph%sicians" other medical workers who interact with
&atients" and &eo&le eE&osed to second-hand smoke are all secondar% targets* 7eca'se
these &eo&le come in contact with tobacco 'sers" the% will be a great asset to direct 'sers
to this cessation &rogram* The message will &romote medical workers 3i*e* doctors"
n'rses" &h%sicianAs assistants" etc*0 to ask &atients i( the% smoke and con(ront the iss'e*
.econd-hand smoke eE&osed individ'als will be g'ided b% the message to 'nderstand
their own health risks and &oint 'sers in the direction o( cessation*
7arriers that &h%sicians enco'nter incl'de seeing &atients on a minimal basis or even 8'st
once* 7eca'se o( this lack o( con(rontation time" the% m'st engage 'sers in ever%
sit'ation and ever% visit* The% m'st also &resent material &rovided b% the &rogram s'ch
as (l%ers and-or broch'res* The% also (ace individ'als who are not honest and neglect to
&rovide act'al in(ormation regarding tobacco 'se* .econd-hand smoke eE&osed &eo&le
are sometimes s'rro'nded b% more than one 'ser which creates an intimidation barrier* ,t
sho'ld also be recogniDed b% the eE&osed &erson that the% are at risk too* =an% will
ignore warnings and think as long as the% are not doing it" it is not harm('l*
The bene(its o( reaching secondar% a'dience members is more &eo&le receiving the
message and in the &re-contem&lation or contem&lation stage o( 5'itting* Those who are
eE&osed will become more aware o( the risks and &'ll themselves awa% (rom eE&os're
while also letting the 'ser know o( the &rogram* Reaching medical (acilities as secondar%
Program Plan :
a'diences will also 'ncover more 'sers who do not have the means o( other
dissemination channels*
+hannels o( reaching secondar% target a'diences will be b% &resenting the (l%ers and
broch'res in the medical o((ices* !nce the% are aware o( the &rogram then the% will
contrib'te to bringing man% more &atients in* EE&osed gro'&s will be bro'ght in thro'gh
the &'blic service anno'ncement" (l%ers" broch'res" or the website*
Pretest strate!
Pretesting the intended a'dience will be done thro'gh a s'rve% strateg%* The s'rve%s will
&rovide both 5'alitative and 5'antitative data" asking individ'als o( tobacco 'se habits
s'ch as n'mber o( times the% smoke or di& &er da% and what health risk the% associate
with tobacco 'se* The% will also be asked i( the% have tho'ght abo't 5'itting* This will
give s'((icient data &rior to the start o( the &rogram to estimate where the comm'nit% o(
'sers is in behavioral change attem&ts* )dministration o( the s'rve%s will be done b%
medical &ersonnel when caring (or &atients* Prior to the health eE&erts ed'cating st'dents
in school" the% will be asked to com&lete the s'rve% to know how man% st'dents are
smoking c'rrentl%*
Theoretical foundation: The model that will be the (ramework to this intervention will
be the Transtheoretical =odel which incor&orates stages o( change* This model" as
eEamined in an article" &rovides stages that are involved in behavioral change*
,t is also
known to hel& with s&eci(ic behavioral changes on an individ'al level 3not
organiDational0 s'ch as smoking" health% eating" and eEercise ado&tion*
The (ive stages
belonging to TT= are &recontem&lation" contem&lation" &re&aration" action" and
Program Plan <
This model will serve to &lace individ'als in a certain stage (or sta((
members to know how to better serve them d'ring this intervention* The goal is to get
individ'als to the action level where the% ado&t tobacco 'se cessation and (inall%
maintain that behavior*
$anaement chart
Timetable1 The (ollowing will be com&leted within estimated time(rame*
Tas# "ompleted Time
Receive grant to ('nd &rogram 1# months be(ore start o( &rogram
.ec're locations < months be(ore start o( &rogram
Train sta(( members 6 months be(ore start o( &rogram
Pretest sam&le and eval'ate months be(ore start o( &rogram
+reate (inal &rogram &lan and sched'le 3 months be(ore start o( &rogram
)ddress &rimar% and secondar% a'dience # months be(ore start o( &rogram
)dvertise &rogram # months be(ore start o( &rogram
7egin enrolling &artici&ants # months be(ore start o( &rogram
/istrib'te &retest to &artici&ants 7etween 1 and # months be(ore start date
Ed'cate &artici&ants < week session
Follow '& sessions # weeks a(ter sessions
Process eval'ation /'ring
week session
!'tcome and im&act eval'ation # months a(ter &rogram" 6 months a(ter
&rogram" and 1# months a(ter &rogram
%esponsible persons: P'blic health o((icials will be directing sta(( members" gathering
data" ed'cating &artici&ants" and eval'ating* Ph%sicians" n'rses" and eE&erts will be
disseminating in(ormation" assist with &retest" aid and s'&&ort &artici&ants" and be able to
com&lete task given b% the directors*
&udet: The one %ear &ro8ection (or advertisement and &romotion o( TNRF is the
The total (or the &rogram estimates nearl% F1#:"$$$*
)dvertising and &romotion 3P.)" (l%ers" broch'res" website0-F#$$$
Program Plan ;
Training (or sta((-F1$$$
=aterials (or cessation &rogram-F3$$$
.&ace rental at di((erent sites aro'nd comm'nit%-F1$$$
.alar% (or sta(( members-F1#$"$$$
='ch o( the &romotion will be done thro'gh the comm'nit% healthcare workers in clinics
and at the health de&artment" b't there are still cost needed to be met* The &'blic service
anno'ncement will cost a&&roEimatel% F3$$" and '&grades (or the website will onl% cost
abo't F1$$> the other F16$$ goes towards (l%ers" broch'res" and banners &'t aro'nd the
comm'nit% (or advertisement*
Those that are &aid sta(( will have great knowledge o( the s'b8ect b't those that are
'n&aid need training on dealing with &artici&ants d'ring sessions %ielding the cost o(
F1$$$* Partici&ants in the &rogram will receive eEcessive amo'nts o( in(ormational
material &rod'cing the need (or &a&er and &ens as well as ed'cational reading material
(or take home* ,ncentive gi(ts will be given along with nicotine &atches (or contin'ed
s'&&ort* .everal sites will be set '& aro'nd the comm'nit% to reach &eo&le o( di((erent
areas o( +ol'mbia res'lting in F1$$$ worth o( (inances (or s&ace*
Finall%" man% sta(( members will be involved (or the &rogram to be e((ective* Two health
eE&erts traveling to the schools will receive F1$"$$$ each where the% will give
in(ormation to st'dents" o((er advice" and direct them to the &rogram* Two n'rses will
assist d'ring &rogram giving F:"?$$ each* Two &'blic health o((icials will direct the
&rogram and collect data each receiving F#$"$$$* Two &h%sicians 3one being biling'al in
Program Plan 1$
.&anish0 will ed'cate &artici&ants thro'gho't the sessions and individ'al gro'& meetings"
both getting F#$"$$$* Healthcare o((icials 3&h%sicians and assistants0 will receive
(inancial incentives b% directing &atients to the &rogram to make '& the remaining
'ssues of concern/potential problems
Possible concerns or &otential &roblems co'ld incl'de trans&ortation (or those o( lower
economic stat's* =an% do not have vehicles or ma% 'se the b's* .ince the% are a high
&riorit% and make '& a large &ercentage" (inding trans&ortation or sched'ling aro'nd b's
times needs to be considered* 7eca'se o( their stat's" man% 'sers ma% alread% have
health &roblems so s&aces wo'ld need to accommodate disabilities and sta(( wo'ld need
to (ind wa%s to reach those who cannot leave their home* .ched'ling the &ro&er time (or
classes wo'ld be con(licting beca'se o( the variet% o( a'dience members being both
ad'lts and teenagers* Finall%" ethical eval'ation o( the &rogram needs to be done in order
(or &artici&ants to (eel com(ortable and tr'st the sta(( members*
(valuation strateies
,n order to develo& the &er(ect &rogram" one m'st go back and eval'ate how that &rogram
is doing things right" the 5'alit% o( the &rogram" and i( it made a di((erence with the target
For Tobacco-Never Risk Free" we decide i( the &rogram is made '& o(
evidence-based material*
,n its entiret%" o'r &rogram has 'ncovered the evidence o(
man% highl% re&'table organiDations and scholarl% writings on the s'b8ect o( tobacco 'se*
6e can certainl% sa% that it is valid and credible thro'gh its so'rces* NeEt" ob8ectives
have been created with the intention o( achieving them* Ceading '& to the o'tcome" we
will instill ed'cational learning in the minds o( the intended a'dience with eE&ectations
Program Plan 11
o( behavioral change and cessation* Thirdl%" we have &artnered with local schools" the
/e&artment o( Health and Environmental +ontrol" and local &h%sicians in order to
disseminate the in(ormation* 6ith these &arties incl'ded" we know we have the s'&&ort
o( the comm'nit% and antici&ate the% 'nderstand there is a need* ,n order to b'ild (idelit%
in the &rogram" we are monitoring sta(( members and &artners to ens're the% carr% o't the
original &rogram &lan* G'alit% will also be (o'nd d'e to contin'ed training (or sta((
members and '&dated in(ormation given as the &rogram contin'es* ,( an% o( the elements
o( the &rogram are 5'estioned b% the sta((" iss'es will be addressed 'ni(orml%*
Finall%" in order (or the &rogram to be e((ective" all data will be initiall% reviewed b% a
biostatistician to see i( it is attainable* )(ter working thro'gh the &rogram and develo&ing
basic data" decision makers will decide whether the &rogram was e((ective and look at
how it can be im&roved* 7% &'tting this &rogram to an achievable standard" the o'tcome
can be e((ective while also contrib'ting signi(icant data*
To eval'ate the &rogram be(ore" d'ring" and a(ter the sessions" s'rve%s will be distrib'ted
answering 5'estions relating to diversit% within the &o&'lation" channels that reached
&artici&ants" and i( the% were &ers'aded to enter the &rogram* ,m&act eval'ations will
asses i( the% (elt like it met the need o( the comm'nit%" how m'ch o( an im&act it made"
were &artici&ants satis(ied with the in(ormation gained" and what negative res'lts came
(rom the &rogram* This can be done thro'gh s'rve%s" interviews" and (ollow '& with
&artici&ants* G'alitative meas'res will determine how m'ch and what in(ormation was
taken (rom the &rogram along with how man% &artici&ants 5'it* Those that 5'it will be
meas'red b% the (ollow '& s'rve%s done at 3" 6" and 1# months a(ter the &rogram*
Program Plan 1#
The Transtheoretical model can be a&&lied to this &rogram beca'se it (oc'ses on stages o(
The eval'ation is based on im&act so this model contrib'tes to how the &rogram
&lans to disseminate in(ormation to certain &eo&le* 7% 'sing this model" it easil%
organiDes and hel&s to &lan the &rogram according to whom and what the comm'nication
intends to target* The model &laces individ'als in s&eci(ic categories or stages thro'gho't
the &lan" which hel&s in eval'ating the &rogram b% knowing the target and ob8ects* ,(
leaders and sta(( members abide b% this &artic'lar model" the eval'ation &rocess will be
5'ick and eas% to deci&her as the &lan is carried o't*
1* Health% Peo&le*gov* Tobacco
'se* htt&1--www*health%&eo&le*gov-#$#$-to&icsob8ectives#$#$-overview*as&EH
to&icidI1 4&dated )'g'st 1;" #$1* )ccessed )'g'st #3" #$1*
#* EE&anding smoke(ree comm'nities comm'nit% &ro(iles1 .o'th +arolina*
reso'rces-&ro(iles-so'th-carolina*&d(* )ccessed !ctober 3" #$1*
Program Plan 13
3* Re&ort1 tobacco 'se declining in .o'th +arolina* ABCNews.
carolina* 4&dated Febr'ar% #1" #$1* )ccessed !ctober 3" #$1*
* /HE+* #$$;-1$ national ad'lt tobacco s'rve%-so'th +arolina
res'lts* htt&1--www*scdhec*gov-Health-/ocs-#$$;-1$J#$.+J#$)d'lt
J#$TobaccoJ#$.'rve%J#$Res'lts*&d(* )ccessed !ctober 3" #$1*
?* King" 7*" /'be" .*" T%nan" =* +'rrent tobacco 'se among ad'lts in the 4nited
.tates1 (indings (rom the national ad'lt tobacco s'rve%* American Journal of
Public Health.
P/FHacco'ntidI1#$<?* November #$1#* )ccessed !ctober 3" #$1*
6* 7err%" T*" Plotniko((" R*" Raine" K*" )nderson" /*" Na%lor" P*J* )n eEamination o(
the stages o( change constr'ct (or health &romotion within organiDations* Journal
of Health Organization and Management* #$$:> #13#01 1#1 L 13?
:* Parvanta + et al* Essentials of Public Health Communication* .'db'r%" =)1
Jones and 7artlett1 #$11*

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