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Mission Three: Union


Post Psychic Phase; The player whom controls the Relic may chose to use the relic collecting corruption points. The relic ability is chosen from the recovered data
in the previous battle costing the detailed corruption to your army.
If you are a Defender you will pick table side & deploy first.
-Your primary objective is to hold the relic until the end of the battle.
-Your secondary objective is to destroy your enemy.
If you are an Attacker you will deploy on your table side, normal deployment rules follow.
-Your Primary objective is to take the relic & hold it until the end of battle.
-Your Secondary objective is to destroy your enemy.
SCORING: 9 points
- The Relic is worth 3 points at the end of the game & whomever holds the relic is a defender for the next battle
- If you Destroy 500 to 750 points of your opponents army you gain 2 points; 751 to 1250 2 points; 1251 to 1500 2 points (6 points total)
Achievement Points: 7 points
- First Blood/Slay the Warlord; each one point (2 Achievement points max)
- Eliminated Unit Type in Play; HQ & Troops. All opponent HQs/Troops eliminated one point each (2 Achievement points max)
- Table; if you completely destroy all opponents units or they are falling back at the end of the game. (1 Achievement point)
- Flawless Victory; If you table your opponent by turn 4 (2 Achievement points)


Relic; deploys with your warlord
Secondary Objective is to destroy
your enemy!
Open Ground
12 Table Side Pitched Battle:
Defenders Deployment
12 Table Side Pitched Battle:
Attackers Deployment
Notable Achievements Scored:
-First Blood
-Slay the Warlord
-Eliminated Unit Type in Play (HQ & Troops)
-Flawless Victory

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