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Charles W. Cosimano
copyright Charles W. Cosimano 2003


Welcome to the mid 21st Century. Computers have become miniaturized
to the point that they are now built into people shortly after birth.
Transportation consists of opening a doorway in space and walking
through it to any part of the universe. If you want to call up a friend and
invite her to dinner, you simply blink your eyelids to start the telepathic
amplifying system implanted in your temporal lobes working and think to

Sound impossible? Well, remember that five hundred years ago we
traveled by foot or horse on land and by wind or oars over water. And if
someone had dared suggest that we could be entertained by watching
little people inside a box, he would have been burned at the stake. We
are on the verge of the greatest changes that humanity has ever
experienced since the days when people discovered that they could farm
as well as hunt.

Consider the flow of information. There was a time, in the not very
distant past, when governments could control what their citizens read
and saw. No longer. National borders mean nothing to satellites and
microwaves. Signals that cannot be jammed and receivers that cannot be
detected abound. The great computer information highway that has been
developed is unstoppable because it comes from so many sources and
goes to so many places. A revolution that be created by a fax machine
now comes from a personal computer.

The world is a very different place.

And it is going to become even more different.

Now this may be frightening to many people, and that is inevitable
because change is always scary. But fear not, it is going to be a better
world, a world that will set the predictions of the prophets of doom, the
Gerald Barneys of the world, to absolute naught. There is no problem
facing humanity that does not have a solution and as the level of
consciousness of the multitudes of individuals becomes greater, so does
the capacity to solve any problem. Never forget that there is no such
thing as an incurable disease. There are only diseases for which the cure
has not yet been found.

This is a much gentler book than I am used to writing, and that is for
good reason.

My books are normally concerned with the very Hobbsian human world
that we live in now, a place of the war of all against all. Now I do not
expect that to change, but there is another world out there, a world of the
spirit, where such things do not seem to apply and this work is intended
to help you the reader to journey through that world and bring back to
this one the things that you need. This is a helping book, a healing book
and for me that is something very different indeed, to say nothing of not
downright alien. I would say to my usual readers that they should not
worry, I have not wimped out, but I am not as one dimensional and
violent as the subjects I usually write about make me appear. This book
is merely the expression of another side of Chuck, a more private side
and one that is not usually considered part of my personal mythology.

This book, however, is going to be much different from the usual books
on Shamanism that have flooded the market. I am not writing about
traditional cultures. I am writing for a new culture and a new world. And
if I have neglected to include a great many personal stories of
Technoshamanic journeys it is simply because I want my reader to be
able to map the outer worlds on his or her own, with as few preconceived
notions of what will be found there as possible. All to often, people have
attempted to take the Shamanic Journey, only to discover that what they
have seen is not at all like what they read in the book and, assuming that
they have done something wrong, never try it again. The truth is that the
human consciousness relates to the outer worlds in as many ways as
there are people to relate it to.

So good luck. You will find this to be an interesting trip.


In a valley hidden from view, at a location where the vortex lines of the
earth energies intersect stands a large pyramid. Outside of the pyramid
sits a number of people in special chairs, with wires running from the
chairs to a console placed in front of a man wearing a helmet. A cable
runs from the console to the top of the pyramid. Inside the pyramid the
candidate lays on her back staring at the point at the apex of the
pyramid. Her initiation has begun.

All things change. The ways of the past served well in their time but
serve us no more. And those who dwell in the past find that dust is often
the only reward of their working. Shamanism served a purpose for ages,
but the day of the Shaman is fast leaving and the practice of Shamanism
must adapt. There must be new ways of approaching the inner worlds,
easier and more accessible ways. Yet the new must not lose sight of the
past. The baby must not be cast aside with its bathwater. Even as we
develop the instruments and techniques of Psychotronic Communion, the
mind powered devices which will be so much a part of the future, we
must never forget those things of value which have served for so long
and, with some adjustment to the coming times, can still serve.

The Technoshaman is the bridge between the two worlds. The living
body of the Technoshaman is trained to utilize the energy of the mind
and the mind of the Technoshaman is trained to create that energy. The
instruments of the Technoshaman are powered by his or her mind and
send forth their energy because of the will behind that mind.

In order that you may better understand the role that the Technoshaman
will play in the new world, you must first understand the traditional role
of the Shaman.

The Shaman is a social position. He or she functions as the societys
mediary between the human and spirit worlds. The Shaman heals the
sick, protects the people from spiritual evil and conducts the dead to
their resting place on the other side and communicates with them when
the people have need.

Our society is different and our approach to Shamanism must perforce be
different as well. In our world, there is no recognized need to
communicate with the spirit worlds as a collective body. Indeed, the

complexity of our society makes such a concept practically impossible.

The need, when it exists, is an individual one and must be dealt with in
that way. The healing of the sick is a role taken on by many others
besides the spiritual leaders of a community and again, is viewed as an
individual need, perhaps extending to the circle of friends and family, but
rarely farther. As for the role of the psychopomp, the guide of the dead,
we operate under the not-unreasonable assumption that the newly dead
will have guides enough and no aid from the living is necessary.

For these reasons, our approach to Shamanism is an individual matter,
rather than a social one and the Technoshaman follows in that role. That
is not to say that the Technoshaman may not perform a community
function, but the fact is that this work is that of an individual, not
necessarily isolated from his or her surroundings, but usually acting on
behalf of individuals and small groups.

There is one other significant difference. In the Shamanic societies, the
Shaman is usually chosen by an outside agency. In some cases it is
hereditary, in others it is by a sort of adoption on the part of the existing
Shaman. Still others are chosen by the spirits, who expect the one so
conscripted to start learning or make life very uncomfortable until he or
she does. Native American Shamanism is unique in that it seems for the
most part to be a purely voluntary choice on the part of the candidate,
but even there the presence of social pressure and spirit election cannot
be ignored.

In our society, no such process occurs. There is no social pressure to take
the role, in fact the opposite is usually the case. And the spirits tend to
be more gentle in guiding those whom they choose towards the role,
perhaps out of fear that the candidate may seek psychiatric care and be
removed from the program permanently. This means that the modern
Shaman is faced with a series of difficulties that his or her traditional
counterpart never imagined, for free choice brings with it the need for a
type of resolve that is not present when that freedom is absent. It is very
easy in our world to try something for a little while and then turn away
from it if it does not turn out to be exactly what we think it should be.
The work of the traditional Shaman, with its long and at times
uncomfortable training is not something that is likely to be undertaken by
many in our culture.

Technoshamanism is, frankly, easier. The experience of the inner worlds
is facilitated not so much by drums as by the Psionic Helmet and psionic

The power of the Technoshaman to change the world is great now and
will become greater as time goes on. The knowledge of the energies of
mind and cosmos combines with the ability to use those energies to bring
happiness and success. The goal of the spiritual life is so much easier to
attain and the knowledge that is available to those who seek that goal is
easier to use. The inner worlds have many doorways and many paths.
The Way of the Technoshaman is to find and take as many of those paths
as possible, to learn what is there and to bring that learning back to use
it in daily life, for the benefit of ourselves and those around us. As we do
this, we attain greater skill at living and find that no matter what life may
send our way, we will be able to deal with it.

I first encountered the instruments in this book as a young man. There
were, in those days, a large number of cheap paperbacks which dealt with
the borderlands of knowledge. Cheaply printed, the covers usually had
four little cartoons about the contents, making spectacular claims for
everything inside. One of these books, Powers That Be, told of a
laboratory in England, the Delawarre Laboratory, where radionic
instruments were in regular use. I found the subject mildly interesting,
but as the equipment seemed just a bit complicated (for some reason I
neglected to read the appendix in which the simplicity of the basic
machine was made clear) and I did not really understand what was going
on, so the book and its contents were put away and forgotten for eleven
years. During those next years I spent my time studying the ways of
consciousness and learned many things. I saw angels and talked with
devils. I walked the inner worlds and became an expert dowser. I
learned how to project my consciousness into rocks and trees. Like
Doctor Dolittle, I talked to the animals. The spirits of nature became my
companions and Lords of the Air my guides. I learned not to fear the
terror that walks by night but rather to make it my companion.

I pursued my path of knowledge with skill and ruthlessness. I cared not
where the knowledge came from as long as I got it. And then things fell

For some reason the old ways that I had used for so long no longer
seemed to work for me. I ran into brick walls where there should be
none. Facing this problem, I encountered an article on Psychotronics and
in the article was a design for a well-known (at least among those people
who knew about such things) device called the Hieronymous Machine.
Having nothing better to do with my time, I set out to build one, with a
few modifications of my own, and discovered that an entirely new world
opened up to me. I was now able, by the simple process of setting an
instrument, open fields of energy that had heretofore required days of

preparation and hours of work. I was able to travel the inner worlds at
will without difficulty and see many strange and wonderful things. I
became the master of the Machine and in doing so began to design my
own instruments. At times it seemed that I had somehow begun to
realize a childhood fantasy of mine of being the Mad Scientist.

It did not take long for me to realize that I had hit upon something so
tremendous in its implications that I had to tell the entire world about it.
I began to write my first book on Psionics and in the process discovered
that as I was writing I was still inventing. No sooner would I finish a
chapter (on a manual typewriter!) when something would come to me
which would make everything in that chapter obsolete.

It was a terribly frustrating experience.

As I worked, I began to understand the relationships that made
everything that I was doing come together. I saw the link between the
body and the meditative state. I saw the Chakras spinning and the flow
of energy between them. As my consciousness expanded in ways that
the drug culture of the sixties (which I had avoided) never dreamt of, I
listened to the words of the stars themselves. And I knew that everything
that I was doing others could do as well.

That is the greatest difference between Technoshamanism and traditional
Shamanism. While the traditional Shaman was often unique to his people,
one per tribe, everyone who wishes can master Technoshamanism. All it
takes is a little patience, some gadgets, and occasionally a little help from
a good friend.

Now there are those out there who feel that it is somehow improper to
use psionic amplifying devices. They refer to them as crutches and this
leads me to wonder how they justify using the other devices that our
civilization has provided. Let us be honest, would they rather beat their
clothes on the nearest rocks or use a washing machine? Psionic
instruments are merely labor saving devices. They are powered by the
human mind and do nothing without the will of the operator behind
them. And they make it easier for the operator to accomplish his or her
tasks. I remember a time when I had several sick family members on my
hands and if I had tried to simply use my mental abilities to heal them all,
I would have ended up very sick myself. I simply did not have enough
energy to go around. But with the aid of my instruments, I was able to
help all three of them without damaging myself in the process, a much
more satisfactory situation from any point of view. The human field has
its great strengths, but there is a limit to them and it is foolish to deny

oneself the option of a helpful device because of a pre-conceived notion

that to use it is somehow metaphysically improper. When the Egyptian
god-kings lay in the chamber of the Great Pyramid to astrally travel to the
heart of Orion, they were not using a crutch, rather they were using a
technology which has been lost until now. If a source of strength is
available, it should be used rather than be avoided. To do otherwise is
totally irrational.

There are similarities with traditional Shamanism as well as differences,
otherwise we would have to come up with a different name for what we
do. In point of fact, for a long time I used the term Technopaganism,
because in those days there was not the hostility between pagan and
magician that is now the case, for my practice until it was pointed out to
me that the similarities to Shamanism were obvious to everyone but

Once he or she is ready to practice, the Shaman performs certain ritual or
meditative acts to prepare for the activity. In this, we are alike, for
meditation and preparation are very important in all Technoshamanic
work. The Shaman attains a sort of ecstatic state which aids in the work,
and we too use ecstasy as part of our practice. The Shaman goes on a
spirit journey through the outer worlds aided by his drum. We take a
journey with the aid of our devices. The Shaman encounters spirits and
power animals on his journey and communicates with them, bringing
back power for his work. Likewise, with the aid of our instruments, we
communicate with alien beings, spiritual beings and animal spirits. The
journeys, when recorded, are remarkably similar.

A modern Shaman working in a traditional manner that has become
popular now, based on the work of Michael Harner, left me this record of
one of her journeys.

I began preparing for my trip by fasting for the day and
turning off the phone. At eight in the evening, I turned on
my drumming tape and stretched out on the floor.

In a matter of seconds I found myself walking through a
doorway that was set in the wall, a doorway that is not there
in the physical wall. I went down a staircase into a very long,
dark tunnel that was sloped downward. I did not know how
far the tunnel went but I finally came into a sun-lit valley with
crystal formations sticking up out of the ground. My power
animals, a snake and cow joined me as I left the tunnel. As I
walked through the landscape, I picked up one of the crystals

and ate it. I immediately felt a warm glow pass through my

entire body and I began to glow with a golden light. I looked
up and a large, red bird, like an eagle with red feathers, came
and landed in front of me. I stopped and it spoke to me,
telling me that the crystal I had eaten had been placed there
for me and I would know soon that I had greater knowledge
than I had before.

I conversed with the bird for what seemed like a long time
until I was summoned back by a change in the drum-beat. I
said farewell and followed the drum-beat back to the tunnel.
Retracing my steps, I returned to my body and resumed my
normal consciousness with a desire for pizza and the feeling
of a warm glow still present in my body.

Now I will quote to you something that was written to me by one of my

I set my radionic box, the five-dial one, to the level of the

astral that I wished to see and hooked the cable from the box
to the floor-plate under our large, copper pyramid. While I
was doing this, I could not help remembering how you
laughed when I told you my husband was building the
pyramid in our living room. Making certain that the plate is
just a bit off center from the top of the pyramid and setting
the timer, I lay down on my back with the plate centered
under my body. My husband strapped me into the star
position and turned on the amplifier hooked into the device,
leaving me to my work.

I lay for a few seconds doing the breathing exercise and then
felt myself rising towards the top of the pyramid, following a
what seemed to be slow tornado of light, through the top of
the pyramid. Outside of the pyramid, I walked through the
front door and found a tunnel entrance beside one of the
bushes in front of the house.

I went down the tunnel. It was dark, but dimly lighted by
glowing rocks set in the walls, like the lights at the base of
aisle seats in theaters, if you can visualize that. I followed
the tunnel down until it leveled out and then went straight
for a time.

At the end of the tunnel was a field of large, blue flowers. I
dont know much about gardening so I could not say what
kind of flowers they were and you keep saying that it really
does not matter, but there I was. I looked around and saw
that there seemed to be a town in the distance so I set out
for it. The sky was a peculiar color, not blue, but actually a
type of green and the air was misty. I could see stars in the
sky, even though it was daylight.

I rose up through the sky and encountered some people who
were flying as well, like Superman, and I joined them, flying
alongside of them for a great distance. After a time, we
landed and I found myself walking into a temple, like a Greek
temple and in the center of it was a large, very large, crystal
cut into the shape of an egg. I remember cracking a joke to
one of my companions about the poor Easter Bunny having to
carry it and he responded that I should really feel sorry for
the chicken. Who says the spirits have no sense of humor?

We stood in front of the egg and a blue glow came out of it,
bathing us. I felt a peculiar tingling through my entire being
and then a great tiredness. At that point, I felt myself being
drawn back towards the tunnel, as if through a hole in space,
and returned to my body, quite worn out but with a feeling of
intense spiritual satisfaction.

As you look at these two accounts, by two women using what would seem
to be totally different methods, you can see that they had very similar
experiences, at least in the initial stages of their journeys. The fact that
the one met animal spirits and the other met spirits in human form can
be accounted for in any number of ways and is largely irrelevant. Both
had a profound encounter with the outer worlds and both benefited from
the encounter. In the case of the first, the trip went to a place directed by
a purely outside agency. She had no way of knowing where the tunnel
would end. In the case of the second, she had a definite idea of the place
she wanted to visit, perhaps even some vague notion of what she might
find there, and utilized a mind-controlled device to help direct her.

One striking feature of these experiences is the fact that both women had
pleasant journeys. This is not the case with traditional Shamanism,
particularly in the initiation stage of the candidates development.

It is not uncommon for the initiatory journey in the traditional paths to be
filled with pain and terror. The candidate is often dismembered and
devoured by the very spirits who will aid him in his later work. This is
often a quite painful experience and the candidate, once he or she is
returned to the tribe, is a much changed person, the change being so
radical in fact that the new Shaman is often treated as one who has
returned from the dead and, after the horrific experiences of the initiatory
journey, may very well feel that way about it himself. It is a fact of
Shamanism that carries itself through the rest of the Shamans life, and
influences all of his or her practices. The Shaman is, in a very real sense,
more spirit than human, a fact that sets him or her apart from other
members of the tribe who may very well have their own spirit guides and
guardians while not being considered Shamans at all.

As you can well imagine, this aspect of traditional Shamanism is
overlooked by those who seek to market the practices, for the obvious
reason that most people do not want to be dismembered and devoured,
spiritually or otherwise. This may be due to cultural bias, something
writers on this subject would rather overlook, or it may be due to the
nature of the practice itself. Whether the traditional Shamanic practice,
as carried out in its native cultures is in any either superior or inferior to

its urbanized counterparts is not for me to say. I merely feel an

obligation to point out that for whatever reason the differences exist. My
personal preference, however, for what it is worth, is not to be eaten.

Shamanic costume is something that differs with each people. But all
Shamans have a traditional costume, or badge, that sets them instantly
apart and which they wear during their practice. It may be nothing more
than a simple cloth band around the head or waist, or it may be an
elaborate costume with feathers and ribbons depicting the human
skeleton. Some Shamans wear masks and headdresses that duplicate
birds and animals, the spirits they contact in their work.

Technoshamans also have special costume devices, the Psionic
Amplifying Helmet, in its various incarnations, being the most obvious,
but other items of clothing are used as well. The spirit bag of the
Shaman sometimes has its equivalent found in a small psychotronic
device carried in the pocket or worn on the belt. These instruments give
added power to the Technoshaman and are quite effective when properly
used to connect him or her to the energy fields being utilized. However,
in keeping with the more individualistic aspect of Technoshamanism, the
choice of costume is as varied as the individual practitioners, ranging
from almost total nudity to something out of a comic book. It is largely a
matter of personal choice and comfort. While total nudity may be best
for private work, any public working will require some covering.

That being said, on with the work.


The Technoshaman exists, like everything else, in a field of life-giving
and life-sustaining energy. It is the energy of the universe itself, the
force of creation, the Big in the Big Bang. It has a capacity to do anything,
quite literally. And it is intelligent.

Now at this point you must understand that the guiding intelligence of
the energy of the Universe is not a human intelligence. It corresponds to
absolutely nothing with which we are familiar and thus any attempt to
impose upon that intelligence the prejudices of any human culture or
time is utter nonsense. In human terms, the energy of the Universe is
truly value-free.

As you may well imagine, this fact creates some very serious difficulties
for those who are so weak-willed that they need the entire Universe to
validate their views of how people should behave. And as our Victorian
predecessors had as their favorite hobby the creation of social systems
for other people to live in they naturally expected the Laws of Nature to
be created by good Victorians. If this idea had passed from the mortal
plane with them, it would not have created a problem, but, unfortunately,
it is still with us today and creates all manner of difficulties for people.
That being said, I will give you the true Law of Nature.


Consider, if you will, electricity. It follows certain laws and never, ever
violates them. If you have a short in the wire, the lights will not go on
and it does not matter for which noble purpose they are being lit. They
will remain dark until the short is repaired. Likewise, it does not matter
what form of life is led by the person who puts his hand on an exposed,
high-current lead. Just or unjust, he will fry. When undertaking any form
of mystical adventure, it is absolutely necessary to keep these facts in
mind, lest doom befall thee.

Do not concern yourself with the opinions of other people concerning
your path. It is your path and they have no business telling you how to
walk it. Do not listen to horror stories as told by television evangelists,
wacko religious converts or Theosophical Fundamentalists. They do not
know what they are talking about. Find your goal and go after it.

That digression being digressed with, back to energy.

The energy that forms the basis of the Universe goes by many names.
George Lucas termed it The Force in his Star Wars films. And that is as
good a name as any, but there are others. In the Far East, it is referred to
as Ki or Chi, depending upon which translation you read. In India it is
called Prana and Kundalini is a carrier of it. In Polynesian Shamanism, it
is termed Huna and Max Freedom Long has written a number of very
good books about it, as has Serge King. In the 19th century, Baron Von
Reichenbach named it Odic Force, for the Norse god Odin. Wilhelm Reich
termed it Orgone and T. Galen Hieronymous (may Allah bless and salute
him) called it Eloptic Energy, due to the fact that it was carried by
electromagnetic energy and light. Others merely call it Psionic Energy.

Not all of the above named energies are, in fact, the Universal Energy.
Some, such as Orgone, are merely manifestations of it. But these are a
convenient starting point.

Every once in a while, someone will ask me if there is another writer I can
recommend who has written on this subject and I usually encourage such
a person, assuming he or she has already digested my works, to read the
novels of E. E. (Doc) Smith. Doc Smith was not only a fun writer of pulp
science fiction, but he was extremely well versed in Psionics. In fact,
without some knowledge of Psionics, his Skylark novels make absolutely
no scientific sense at all. In his book Skylark Three, the second of the
series, he gives a short description of his classification of forces into
orders, each order of force being interrelated to the one number before
and after it. All obvious physical ones, chemical, electrical and
electromagnetic he called First Order. The Second Order consisted of
atomic forces. The Third Order were forces related to sub-atomic
energies (bear in mind that in the 1930s, when Smith was writing, they
knew a lot less about this stuff than we do now) as were the fourth order.
The Fifth Order were what he termed sub-etheric energies and thus
entered the area that we term Psionics. In the later novels of the Skylark
series he would go on to a Sixth Order, which was the energy of Universe
itself, the energy that we are concerned with here.

At this point I should point out that there are various sources that
manifest aspects of this energy. The most common source, the one that
is most useful to us in fact, is the Sun. But energy also comes from
various planetary sources as well as lunar energy and terrestrial energy.
All of these have their place but one must be careful of them as there are
also some dangers involved in their use, particularly in the case of
terrestrial energies as I will explain at a more proper time later.

The Universal energy, however, is the stuff of life. It is directly related to

breathing, in fact breathing is so important that it is not going too far to
say that lack of breathing is one of the principal causes of death. And it
is important, if you are going to use the energies of the Universe to
breathe well.

Somewhere along the line some idiot came up with the idea that it looked
good to breathe from the top of the lungs. This is called Costal Breathing
and it is a very bad thing to do. It wrecks the lungs. As is the problem
with such things, a bunch of other assorted people, who were all severely
rationally challenged, agreed with the idiot and began teaching their
children that that was the proper way to breathe, instead of the more
natural, normal, and yes, I will use the word, healthy form of diaphragm

The Diaphragm is a muscle that is attached to the base of the lungs and
as it is pulled out and down, it pulls the lungs with it, forcing them to pull
in air, like a bellows being pulled apart. The lungs do not get any choice
in this matter, being nothing but big windbags, kind of like politicians
(sorry about that but I had to get one in). As people get older, things
tend to get stuck and it is unfortunate but true that people who have
done Costal Breathing all their lives find that as they get older they can
do no other form of breathing. It is very unfortunate for them.

So start diaphragm breathing now.

It is very easy to do. All you need do is wear loose clothing, or none
at all (especially if you are a young, attractive femaleChuck! Behave!),
and push your belly out. As you do this, the connecting tissue pulls at
the diaphragm and forces it out. This in turn pulls at the lungs and a
whole lot of good, healthy, life-giving air is forced into them. Done
properly, this action produces a natural calming effect, but if you have
not done it very often, and are a confirmed Costal Breather, take this
slowly. Like a person who has been fasting and finds that a large meal
only makes him sick, someone who has never done diaphragm breathing
will experience some discomfort at first, such as light-headedness (as
opposed to empty headedness) and at that point it is a good idea to stop
and rest for a while. Each day increase the length of time you do this
type of breathing and you will discover that soon you will be able to do it
at will for as long as you desire. You should also notice a corresponding
improvement in your general health and outlook on life.

Once inside your body, the energy is distributed by a number of different
systems. There are the purely physical circulatory and nervous systems,
which take the oxygen out of the air a put in the blood which travels
around and powers the rest of the body, including the electrical energy of
the nervous system. But there is an energy field that is part, yet not part
of the physical body. This biofield is totally dependent upon the
universal energy to function, in fact to survive.

The biofield surrounds and permeates the physical body. In fact, it may
said that the physical body is merely a thick manifestation of the biofield.
This field is detectable outside of the body at various distances
depending upon which aspect of the field you are looking for. The part
that stays closest to the physical is the Auric field. When people claim to
see auras (and most people, with some work, actually can see something
of it) this is the area of the field they are most likely to see. It normally
extends from a few inches to a foot around the body.

The next layer, if you will, is the Etheric field. This field is the design area
of the physical body. It acts as a sort of girder system on which the
physical body is put together. It is also the interface between the other
fields and the physical one, so, for example, if something shows up in the
Astral field, it will be transmitted to the physical brain by means of the
Etheric field connection. This field is sometimes compared to a grid
system and there are clairvoyants who see the Etheric field in that way.
There are others, however, who see it as a continuous thing, like a pool of
liquid energy without breaks, so take this information as largely a
subjective response to what is being seen. Why different clairvoyants see

the Etherical field in different ways is subject to a lot of interpretation and

one idea is probably as good as another at this stage of our knowledge.

The Astral field is the realm of emotion. In this field all of the pure
feelings, as opposed to rational, unemotional, thought are manifested
before being sent to the brain by way of the Etheric interface. It is at this
level that emotion-based thought-forms tend to stick and by means of
psionic instruments these thought-forms can be studied. This field can
extend up to seventy feet and farther.

At this point I would not be surprised if you are shaking your head and
wondering if your less-than-humble scribe has taken total leave of what
few senses remain to him. But think about it. Have you ever had the
experience of walking into a room where one hell of an argument has just
taken place. It is a very uncomfortable experience and not one that
anyone wants to go through too often. That is the result of all of the
Astral fields of the participants expanding at a rapid rate and filling the
room with powerful energy.

But I just said that it could be detected up to seventy feet away, right. In
the early days of radionics, Dr. Albert Abrams, one of its founders, did a
great deal of experimenting. While primarily concerned with physical
diseases, he also had a great interest in the psychic realm and was
fascinated by psychic energy. He set up a series of experiments to
determined if this energy could be detected and analyzed by his

So if you will, allow me to explain in greater detail Abramss set up.

His instrument was a three-dial resistance box which was wired to an
electrode attached to the forehead of his detector, a human subject who
stood patiently while his tummy was tapped by the doctor. Now this may
seem perfectly ridiculous, but modern psionics has its origins in Abrams
discovery that when a patient faced different directions his stomach made
different noises while it was being percussed, which is doctor talk for

To detect emotional energy, he set up his equipment and subject and had
the transmitter stand some distance away and send. While this was being
done, the doctor would tap the subjects tummy and note the response.
The transmitter moved back a bit and the process was repeated. This
was done over and over again until no response came from the subject.

I will go into the work of that great man in more detail later.

The Mental field stretches out even farther and there is possibly no limit
to its reach of influence. This field contains all of the rational activity of
the mind. Now this can cause some confusion, because our thoughts are
very rarely totally rational or emotional, but usually carry aspects of both.
The Mental field rarely holds information as long as the physical brain is
functioning, but at the death of the physical body all of the information
stored in the brain is shot through the etheric field into the Mental field.
As the brain stores just about everything that the person experiences,
this means that the entire life of the person is being transferred from one
area to another. This is the reason that people who have almost died say
that their entire life flashed before them. What they saw was the transfer
of information taking place.

There are other fields that make up the person, but as we have no way of
measuring them yet I will not go into them in any detail. The Intuitive
field is the field that allows us to measure the previous fields and the
ones beyond that are purely spiritual and thus of little practical use while
in physical incarnation until enlightenment occurs, when they take a very
real part.

It is the Etheric field that is the one most concerned with the Universal
energy and its use in the body. In this field are various passageways for
the energy to flow and circles of force called Chakras. Chakras are very
important as they are the points by which the energy of the Etheric field
the Prana, is sent into the physical system to power things up. Each

Chakra functions both as an absorber and emitter of energy and there are
eight of them that are major along with a number of minor ones.

I realize that by saying there are eight Chakras I am flying in the face of
all tradition that says there are only seven, so allow me to explain. The
numbering (and even recognition) of the major Chakras has been a
largely subjective thing based more on the prejudices of individual
writers than on any real information. The Pelvic Chakra, which controls
sexual response, was totally written out by Bishop Leadbeater because it
did not fit in with his Victorian system. David Tansley, for all of his great
contributions, refused to list the Spleen Chakra with the major Chakras
because all it did was distribute the Prana, the Vital Force, to the physical
body. I must confess that I do not consider staying alive a minor matter.

So, here is my list of the Chakras and what they do.

The Base Chakra is located at the base of the spinal column and controls
the lower part of the nervous system. It is also the place where the
energy known as Kundalini is stored, usually represented as a coiled
serpent waiting to rise up and bite. This Chakra is biased as a an
absorber of energy.

The Pelvic Chakra is just above the Base Chakra. You should be able to
figure out what it controls. The Base Chakra is an absorber.

The Spleen Chakra, as I have said, is the Chakra that keeps you alive. It
absorbs Prana from the Universe and distributes it through the equivalent
of a plumbing system in the Etheric field before moving the vital energies
into the physical body. It has the unique feature of automatically opening
up when the body is ill and pulling in Prana from everyone around the
person. That is the reason why people who care for sick folks are often
extremely drained of energy, because that is quite literally what is
happening to them. It is possible to cause the Spleen Chakra to absorb
by will and this talent is useful when you find yourself in a high-stress
situation. Primarily an absorber of energy, it can function as an emitter in
the presence of a stronger pulling Spleen Chakra.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the seat of emotion, in that all information
from the Astral, or Emotional field is focused through this Chakra on its
way to the brain. The location of this Chakra gives an indication of the
part of the body it controls and why strong emotion at dinner is not
conducive to good digestion. It also explains why Abrams little
experiment was so successful. He was working with the area most likely

to respond to an emotional signal. The Solar Plexus Chakra is again

primarily an absorber.

The Heart Chakra is also concerned with emotion and highly responsive
to it. It controls the circulatory system. Unlike the previous Chakras, it is
primarily an emitter of energy. This is all to the good, for if it were
otherwise, the heart function could be severely damaged by strong
emotions in the energy environment.

The Throat Chakra deals with the throat, lungs and involuntary nervous
system. While largely unresponsive to emotion, it will respond to rational
thought and is almost entirely an absorber of energy.

The Brow Chakra controls brain function and is evenly biased as both an
absorber and emitter of energy. Its location at the center of the forehead
has called it to be called the third eye. Along with the Crown Chakra, it
is the most important Chakra in all psychic functioning.

The Crown Chakra is situated at the very top of the head. It acts as a sort
of controlling mechanism for the entire Chakra system and is biased
equally as an absorber and emitter of energy.

It is generally recognized that the balance of the Chakra system is
important to the maintenance of good health and, in fact, David Tansley
developed an entire system of diagnoses and treatment of illness based
solely on the Chakra system. As healing is not a primary interest of mine
(though as I get older and the warranty has run out on my body I think
maybe I should start thinking about it) I am not going to spend too much
time in this book dealing with specific health issues. I prefer to leave that
to people who know more about it than I do and thus spare myself the
responsibility of someone misreading my advice and getting sicker.

But anyway, all digressions aside, the ability of the Technoshaman to do
the work is based on the Universal energy and being able to charge
yourself up is one of the first things you have to learn.

I will confess that one of the pet words that can send me into a blind
tizzy of unreasoning fury is posture. Even as a small child, I resented
the idea that there was supposed to be a proper way to sit and stand and
walk. As if I would care about such nonsense! And for the most part it is
absolute nonsense. The whole problem of breathing properly is the
result of posture idiocy. But it is also true that when you are charging
yourself up to do Technoshamanic work you really do need to concern

yourself with the position of your body because the position of your body
directly influences the flow of energy in your Etheric field.

If you have spent any time studying Hatha Yoga, you will realize that the
yogic postures are designed for more than just getting the muscles
limber. Each posture has a specific function in manipulating the energy
flow through the Etheric field and people who have practiced for years
will tell you how using a certain posture will cure sore throats or runny
noses. On the surface, such claims sound absolutely ridiculous, but they
are nonetheless true.

I, however, have a problem with Hatha Yoga in that I am much too lazy to
want to be bothered twisting my body into such configurations and I
absolutely refuse to stand on my head. I like seeing the world right side
up, which is probably why I have no desire to go to Australia. (For the
benefit of my Australian readers, thats an old, American joke.) I have
found that for the purposes of Technoshamanism all that is essential is
that the spine be kept straight for most work and for certain operations
that require more power, the Star Position is the most effective.

So let us begin. The purpose of this exercise is to bring a lot of energy
into the area of Spleen Chakra, which is located a couple of inches below
the navel, an area called the Hara by the Japanese.

First, you must choose a time and place where you will not be disturbed.
You need only have a few minutes, but those few minutes must be yours,
without the demands of family or friends or business. That can be
difficult in a crowded house, but if worse comes to worse, there is always
the bathroom. I remember when I first said that in a class years ago and
the students burst out laughing. I still cannot figure out what was so
funny. After all, that is the one room in any house where one can go to
have absolute privacy. In fact, when I was a college student and felt a
need to power up I would go to the bathroom and sit in a stall just to be
away from people long enough to charge the batteries. It works.

Anyway, you will want to choose clothing that is extremely loose, or, if
possible, none at all. At this stage of the work total nudity is preferable
as clothing tends to bunch in inconvenient places and be very distracting.
But you must make the determination based on your own circumstances.
There are no absolute rules in this.

Sit in a comfortable position with your spine erect and your feet flat on
the floor. This is called the Egyptian Posture and by looking at the figure
you can see why. If it was good enough for Pharaoh then its good

enough for me. If your legs are a bit short for that get some books or a
small foot-stool.

Once you have seated yourself begin belly breathing. Pull the air as far
down as you can, all the way down into the Spleen Chakra. As you do this
try to visualize a powerful, orange light going into the Chakra, filling it
with energy. Hold the breath in for a short time and then exhale slowly.

Continue this for as long as you are comfortably able to and note your
reactions to it. Some people have trouble with regulated breathing and if
you should notice that your heart is pounding, stop this exercise and just
sit and breath at a normal rate, but do it from the belly rather than the
top of the lungs. The important thing is that the energy get into the
Spleen Chakra and the details are of little matter.

After you have done this for a time, it is important that you release the
energy. An overaccumulation is not healthy and the first symptom is
trouble sleeping. The energy is released by visualizing it being brought
up to the Brow Chakra and then sent forth as a beam of light.

Work on this exercise for a couple of weeks and then proceed to the next
stage, which is pulling energy directly into the Spleen Chakra.

Again, sit comfortably and breathe, but this time, as you breathe do not
visualize the light coming in through your lungs and then down, but
visualize it going directly through your skin into the Chakra. See the
Chakra in your minds eye as a spinning wheel of orange light which is
spinning faster and faster as you fill it up with energy. This energy is
then visualized as being distributed to your entire body, filling it with
powerful, health-giving vital force.

Continue this exercise as long as you are comfortable. You may notice a
heat develop in your body and that is perfectly normal. It is the energy
being moved around and filling your Etheric field. Now it is important to
realize that this energy movement is not the rising of Kundalini. That is a
subject I do not intend to deal with in this book for the simple reason
that in Technoshamanism it serves no useful purpose and can, in fact,
cause all manner of difficulty. Remember that the processes which put
the human body together were not designed for our civilization and
behavior that may seem perfectly normal in earlier societies might cause
some real problems now. Kundalini can cause erratic behavior and a
tendency to live in an alternate reality, not exactly conducive to success in
our world. Even so, once you have become adept at filling your Spleen
Chakra, it is time to work at stimulating all of your Chakra system.

Each Chakra has a color associated with it. The Base and Pelvic Chakra
use different shades of red. The Spleen Chakra has the orange that you
should soon be very familiar with. The Solar Plexus is yellow, the Heart
Chakra green, the Throat Chakra blue, the Brow Chakra indigo and the
Crown Chakra violet. At this point you should notice that this
progression is the same as the visual light spectrum. Whether there is a
reason for that or it is an interesting coincidence is not for me to say.

The Chakras are stimulated by working on them in turn, from the bottom
up. Sit as before, but this time as you breathe, inhale a strong red light
into the Base Chakra. See that Chakra filling with red light and spinning
as you did when you only worked on your Spleen Chakra.

After you have the Base Chakra spinning at a good clip, move your focus
to the Pelvic Chakra. Again, work with red light and keep filling it until it
too is fully charged. At this point, you may feel some sexual stimulation,
but simply ignore it and go on to the next.

The Spleen Chakra is dealt with as before and the focus yellow light onto
the Solar Plexus Chakra. From there move the light up to the Heart and
fill that Chakra with a powerful green light.

Once you have the Heart Chakra filled, move your attention to the Throat
Chakra and concentrate a strong blue light into it until it is ready and
then move up to the Brow Chakra with an indigo beam.

At the Crown Chakra, see a violet light and then, when that Chakra is
running at full tilt see the light from all the Chakras running up your
spine and blowing out the top of your head.

Create a circuit with the energy coming from the top of the head, moving
around outside the body and re-entering at the Base Chakra, firing up the
spine like a light array at the nearest airport and out of the Crown Chakra
again. Keep this up for a some minutes and you will find that you are
becoming highly energized as a person. Your thought processes will
become clearer and you will have a noticeably positive effect on people
around you.

The use of terrestrial energy is a bit tricky. For one thing, not all earth
energies are healthy and some are downright dangerous. The same is
true of all planetary energies. For that reason, you should know
something about dowsing before attempting these next exercises, so if
read the chapter on dowsing before you do anything. Of course, you will
probably read the whole book before starting any work, but I figure a
little reminder wont hurt.

As implied by their name, terrestrial energies come from the energy field
of the planet itself. They originate at the core and move outward in lines
of force which are determined by natural formations. Everything that
they run into on the way to the surface and beyond alters their make-up
and the effect they have on living beings. The terrestrial energies are
highly absorptive and will act as carrier waves for any energy pattern in
their path. It is for this reason that care must be taken in their use.

For example, there is one pattern that causes cancer. It is termed
Negative Green by people who look for such things because it causes a
pendulum to react in exactly the opposite way that it reacts when held

over a green colored object. This is also the energy that is present in the
underside of a pyramid and the only safe band is a little over six degrees
off center. It is generally believed that Negative Green is the result of the
basic earth energy passing through water, such as underground pools
and streams, but also plumbing. It is not a good idea to have your bed
over the pipes in the basement. This energy, entering the human system,
causes cells to get weird and that is what cancer is all about.

There are also various disease patterns, called miasms in the older
literature and these are the result of the practice of planting dead people
who have to have died from something. The disease pattern found its
way from the corpses into the soil and are carried by the earth energies
to the Etheric bodies of people where they create a disease pattern that
may, given the right physical stimulus, take form in a real condition.

These miasms, however, can do nothing without the physical stimulus, so
a person may have the tuberculosis miasm present in his etheric body but
being a good, healthy, middle-class person, will never get the actual

The only noxious energy that one really needs to worry about is Negative
Green, as that sets off the cancer miasm by itself and our life spans are
long enough to get it.

Terrestrial energies take a vortical form, swirling about in many spiral
patterns. The strength of these patterns again is determined by
geological formations and there are lines of force, known as Ley Lines
which criss-cross the planet. At the intersections of these lines, strong
vortices of power are created and it is not unusual to find that temples
and churches have been constructed at these intersect points.

So how are these energies to be used? They are used the same way as
the Pranic energy, being drawn into the etheric system and then
circulated around the body.

Sit as before, but this time make certain that your feet are flat on the
floor. If possible, choose a place that is as close to the ground as
possible and preferably out of doors. A basement will work perfectly.
The greater the contact with the earth the better. Some people who live
in high-rise apartments find that setting their feet in a box filled with
earth serves equally well.

Begin breathing as before but this time as you breathe see yourself inside
a spiral of energy coming up from the ground and totally enveloping you.

Feel this energy entering your body and filling it, until your whole body
seems to be glowing with the energy. See this energy cleansing your
system and gathering to itself all of the yuckiness that you have
accumulated, emotional and physical. Now as you exhale, see all of the
gunk being carried out with the breath. Continue this for a few minutes
until you get tired or bored.

There is one last posture which is extremely useful for increasing the
strength of your fields and that is the Star Posture. In this position, the
body forms a star, the arms and legs outstretched. It can be used either
standing or lying down on the back with equal results. The only difficulty
with this posture is that it is impossible to maintain for any length of
time. If standing, the arms will quickly tire and if lying down the natural
tendency to move into a more relaxed position will take over.

There is an obvious way to solve this problem and I love to see the look
on my students faces when I suggest it. One simply arranges for an
assistant to strap you into position as in the illustrations.

Okay, I hear the gasps and choking noises out there, so stop it. And no
snickering either. Just be sure that you have an assistant that you can
trust not to abandon you or tickle you. If you look at figures 2 and 3 you
can see the way it is done. In figure 2, the standing posture, the straps at

the elbows help support the arms and the ones at the knees keep the legs

Once you are in position, you begin to breathe as in the seated posture.
Visualize the type of energy you are working with filling your system and
making you a glowing, living star. Keep this up for as long as you can, at
least one-half hour, working up to at least one hour. At the end of the
period, release the energy back into the universe.

Work with this for at least one week and then begin to charge the energy
as you gather into you for health, success or whatever. Know that the
energy is being impregnated with your desire and will carry it back into
the energy field of the universe as you exhale. At the end of each
working period, release the energy with the command that the desire will
be fulfilled.


It is possible to heal people by means of the Etheric field. The most well-
known and respected of these methods is called Therapeutic Touch and it
was developed by Dr. Dolores Krieger and Dora Kunz. In this procedure,
the healer uses the energy of his or her body to remove the unhealthy
aspects of the energy field of the sick person. It is extremely simple to
do and totally safe for all parties.

First, fill your Etheric body with energy. Charge this energy with healing
potential and continue this as long as is necessary. Now I should say that
in Therapeutic Touch as it is normally practiced, this procedure is left out
and is not absolutely necessary, but it is extremely helpful.

Once you are charged, move the palms of your hands around the body of
the sufferer a few inches away from the body. At certain points you will
feel a heat coming off the person, the intensity depending upon the
seriousness of the illness and the degree of disruption in the Etheric field.
One time I was giving a friend a treatment prior to her undergoing cancer
surgery and as soon as I put my hand in the area of her field most
affected I felt that my hand was going to catch fire.

Once you have found a hot spot, move your hands along the field in a
smooth rubbing motion, like you were smoothing out lumps in a blanket.
That is what you are doing, you are smoothing out the bumps in the
Etheric field of the person, cleaning out the wave forms of the illness. As
you do this, be sure to give your hands a good shake every once in a
while to clean off the gunk from your own field.

On other occasions, it is a good idea to put some healing energy into the
area in question. That is done by holding your hand over the area to be
worked on, again a few inches from the body, and visualizing a flow of
healing energy going from the palm of your hand into the Etheric field of
the person, removing the cause of illness and replenishing the lost

The effect of therapeutic touch on a person can be quite dramatic. One
time I was at a party and a friend of mine was in the midst of a bad chest
cold. She was not getting a lot of sleep because every time she lay down
she had a coughing fit. I, without telling her what I was doing, began
doing therapeutic touch on her and she got a little upset at me, thinking
that I was making fun of her. Then she realized that she could breathe!
Of course most of the time such things will not occur so suddenly and a
person may require a number of treatments but this is a tool you should
learn to use.


I bet you were all wondering when were going to get to this. The the
Psionic Amplifying Helmet, is one of the principal tools of the
Technoshaman. It grabs the energy that is being put into the Etheric field
by the brain and boosts it. And, as it is my invention, I just have this
great and abiding need to write about it.

The Psionic Helmet had it origins thousands of years ago when ancient
warriors attached horns to their helmets to identify with the power of the
animals that the horns came from. Now at this point I can hear the usual
objection that if the horns were so powerful, how come they did not help
the poor animal? Well, the men who wore them did not think that way.
They assumed that the magical quality of attraction would make them
stronger and worked under that assumption. This gave each helmet a
magic of its own and that magic was transferred to the warrior when he
put the helmet on, at least that was the theory.

But it was not only the warriors who used the principle of magical
headgear. The Egyptians used it as well and included early Psionic

The Double Crown of the Upper and Lower Kingdoms was in the shape of
a cone as you can see from the figure. The cone has the interesting
property of transmitting any energy put into into, but unlike the pyramid
the energy only goes one way, out the peak. When Pharaoh put on his
crown and thought, the energy of his thoughts were amplified and sent
out. Likewise the Ureaus, the small serpent at the forehead of the seated
pharaoh in the illustration in the previous chapter, was more than a mere
symbol. Rather, it was a wave guide, an antenna, if you will for energy
coming in and out of the Brow Chakra. That was apparently also the
function of the coiled rod coming out of the front of the crown.

When the time came for me to take up Psionics, I had been practicing
magick for many years and I had evolved a ritual garb that included a
helmet, rather than the more traditional headgear of a cap or crown.
That being the case, and the fact that I just have a thing about helmets,
(my house is full of them) it was only natural that I would design a helmet
that would fit in with my first psionic instrument, which was based on the
radionics unit called the Hieronymous Machine.

The first helmet was nothing more than a glorified head electrode in a
fancy container.

But it soon evolved from that humble beginning.

One night I was sleeping, which is unusual for me as I am a bit of a night
person, and I had a dream. That was not unusual, but in this dream I saw
a helmet with a big dial on the front and the capacity to do all sorts of
wonderful psychic things. I woke up and immediately wrote down what I
remembered of the dream.

Then I went to work. I had a basic idea of what the helmet should look
like, but that was the end of it. I had not the slightest notion of what the
internal components were to be or how to put them together.

It was very frustrating, but the helmet gods were merciful and soon gave
me the information that I needed.

At the time I was working, there was an organization in existence called
the University of the Trees, headed by Christopher Hills. Now this
organization manufactured a number of very interesting devices and
published some rather thick books explaining them, not always very
clearly Im afraid. One of the instruments they created was called the
Magnetron, based on a rather interesting discovery by the Servanx
brothers in France during the 1950s.

For those of you so benighted as to not know, the real magnetron was
solid copper core with holes bored through it in a particular pattern.
When hooked into a microwave transmitter, it produced a powerful signal
at the 10cm band, which was something considered very important
during the Second World War. The Servanx brothers, with an intuition
rare in the land of snail-eating Jerry Lewis fans and surrender monkeys,
decided to try the pattern and see if it produced any psychic energy. It
did. A pendulum held over the center of the magnetron pattern will give
a very strong response.

Hills organization discovered that adding magnets with alternating
polarities under the outer circles of the pattern increased the power
output of the device considerably.

I, upon reading of this wonderful instrument set out to make my own and
was quite pleased with the results. But there was another benefit to this.
I could see how it could be the basis of the power system for my Psionic

I went to work and modified my first helmet using the magnetron pattern
as the basis of the system as you can see from the figure. As the crest on
the helmet was not suited to act as an antenna, I placed coils of wire
under two 35mm film canisters set like horns on each side of the crest
and these were wired to the central plate which rested on the Crown
Chakra, replacing the Brow Chakra plate.

The helmet was an instant success. It not only gave a tremendous boost
in power to my work with the psychotronic box, but also could work on
its own. I now had a totally portable psychotronic instrument which could
be used anywhere I did not have to worry about being chased by men
with white coats, because it did look a little silly.

Once this was done, I went to work on trying to make a more comfortable
design. That resulted in a helmet that did not have a jack for connection
to the other instrument and a hollow crest with the antenna wire built
into it.

So far so good, but neither of these helmets had the tuning dial that I had
foreseen. Basically, all I did was put the helmet on, face north and either
visualize or clear my mind for reception. Both of them worked quite well
in that role, but there was always the working disadvantage in that I was
forced to hold a thought of the subject of my work in my mind while
doing the other stuff. In other words, my mind had to do at least two
things at the same time and that could get tiring, as well as confusing,
after a brief time.

The addition of the tuning mechanism changed all that. The Model Four
was the first helmet with its own tuning system and that is the design
that you will find in my other books. It, like the others, is still quite

useful. My original design for the tuned helmet used a series of three
variable capacitors (radio tuning things) set in the front of the helmet. As
these proved more difficult to acquire with time, I modified the design to
use three potentiometers (volume control things) instead. The interesting
fact that came out of that change was that there seems to be no
difference whether tuning is the result of induction or potential, sure
proof of the fact that the energies we use, while related to electro-
magnetism, are not electrical in nature.

What actually seems to be going on in the tuning system is that a
geometric proportion is created which resonates with the work. That
being the case, the nature of the dial is irrelevant and those of you who
have my Psionic Magicians Gadget Pattern Book know that it is possible
to make a working Psychotronic device using dials cut out of cardboard.

In any event, the biggest problem with mounting the tuning dials was
comfort. I discovered that by using a hard hat as a basis for the helmet I
had plenty of room to stick things in and still be able to wear the helmet
comfortably. In actuality, the type of helmet that the components are
mounted on is irrelevant as long as the helmet is not metal. Metal screws
everything up.

It all has to do with the way the helmet works. It is based on the
relationship between the Etheric field and the electro-magnetic field of
the brain itself.

By now everyone knows that the human body has an electromagnetic field
around it. Not only are sensitive voltmeters able to measure it, but
anyone who has ever tried to tune rabbit-ears antennae (in the stone age
before cable) on a television has had the experience of getting a perfect
picture, only to have it get terrible as soon as you walk back to your chair.
That was because the electromagnetic field of your body would act as a
what is called a scalar, or virtual, antenna and assist the television
antenna in its reception.

This field relates directly with the Etheric field. Now anything that goes
on in the brain, by its very nature, produces changes in the
electromagnetic field. That is why you do not have to drill holes in a
persons skull to take an electroencephalogram. Every time a thought
occurs, it is reflected in that field, thence to the Etheric field. By means of
the relationships of the Etheric field to the other fields of the body, all
psychic functioning occurs.

Try to imagine the Etheric field as an old-fashioned telephone switch-
board with messages going in and out all time and you can get an idea of
what is going on.

The magnets in the helmet are so arranged as to create a field around the
head. As the information that is going to be transmitted is processed by
the brain, the biomagnetic field picks up the information at the same
time it is being worked into the Etheric field. The helmet field amplifies
this energy and shoots it out the antenna, thus increasing the strength of
the signal.

In reception, the helmet field again increases the signal strength, pushes
it into the Crown Chakra and then, by means of the Etheric field interface
into the brain. This results in significantly increased clarity of perception.

The tuning system enables the operator to lock onto the subject being
worked with. With that done, all that is necessary is to wear the helmet
and let the field effects do the work. Everything you put out will be
amplified by the helmet and so will anything you wish to receive.

Another method has the helmet plugged into a radionic device which is
already tuned to the witness. The helmet is then tuned as an extension
of that device.

The third method does not use a witness at all. You merely concentrate
upon the subject and tune the helmet. This method is extremely useful
in tuning to parts of your body or Chakra System.

In addition to being a powerful aid in telepathic work, the helmet is also a
very effective tool of self-development.

The entire Chakra system is controlled by the actions of the Crown
Chakra. This is the one that that ultimately determines how efficiently
the other Chakras will operate. Now, as the Crown Chakra is also the
contact point of the helmet, it is possible for the helmet to be used to
influence the Chakra activity.

Let me give you an example. You have a problem with excessive
emotion. Now no one wants to go through life like a Vulcan with a
computer complex, but this tendency to abandon rational thought at the
drop of a fork is getting you into nothing but trouble. It is also not doing
your health any good and your stomach is beginning to show some
serious signs of strain.

Now the two major interfaces for the emotional, or Astral field are the
Solar Plexus and Heart Chakras. Clearly, one or both of them is seriously
out of alignment with the rest of the system. The helmet can be used to
lock your consciousness onto either Chakra (it is best to work one at a
time) and then you can effectively meditate that Chakra into a more
proper course.


First determine which Chakra needs work. Go to the chapter on dowsing
and read about Chakra analysis, then, using the methods described there,
check your Chakra System.

Set the helmet dials for the rate for the Chakra you have chosen,
concentrating on the particular Chakra as you tune the instrument. This
will have the helmet automatically direct your energies to the Chakra
when worn.

Sit in a comfortable position and put on the helmet.

Breathe in energy, as in the last chapter, and direct a colored beam of
light to the Chakra being repaired. See the Chakra being filled with the

light and spinning either faster or slower as the situation requires.

Continue this for as long as required.

It is a good general practice to adjust each Chakra regularly. This helps
to insure health as well as mental stability.


One of the interesting features of the helmet is that it can work without
being specifically tuned. Merely putting it on can increase the power of
the Etheric field. For that reason, the exercises in the previous chapter
can work even better with the aid of the helmet.

Sit comfortably as before and put on the helmet.

Begin breathing deeply and as you do see the energy of the Sun filling
your entire Etheric field. See the crystals on the helmet glowing with
power as they boost the power of your field.

See the field around becoming so bright that it is impossible for anyone
to look at you without being blinded.

Begin to absorb this energy into your Spleen Chakra. Feel the energy
build up in the Chakra and see it spinning at its speed of peak efficiency.
Hold the energy in for as long as you feel comfortable and then begin to
move it down to the Base Chakra. Let it collect there for a time and then
move it up the length of your spine, ultimately coming out of the Crown
Chakra to power up the helmet. See the energy come beaming out of the
crystal of the antenna and then go back around to your Spleen Chakra to
begin the process all over again. Continue this for as long as you are
comfortable, concluding with a release of the energy back into the
Universal Field.


This can be done in several ways. You may set the witness of the person
on the witness plate of the radionic box and set the instrument for a rate
which will put you in contact with the person. the Psionic Helmet is then
tuned to the person as well. The Helmet may be used alone, or it may be
hooked into the Psionic Amplifier Plate (see Chapter 6)

In the case of all three, you sit comfortably and place the helmet on your
head. Do the Etheric field charging I have just described to build up your
own energy reservoir. Now visualize the person you are trying to help.

See the Etheric field of the person in your mind and concentrate on the
helping energy you are going to send him or her. As you prepare to
release the energy that you have concentrated in your own field,
command that energy to go to the person and strengthen the Etheric
field. Once you have done that, release the energy in a great exhalation,
seeing it stream as a brilliant beam of light to the person, filling that
persons field with powerful, health-giving energy.

As you continue to concentrate, see the person glowing with health and
life. See the energy penetrating every part of the body and cleansing it of
all impurities and illness.

Keep this up as long as you are comfortable.

If you find that a more powerful boost of energy is needed, the helmet
may be used with the Standing Star Position. In that case, set the helmet
and put it on comfortably before having your assistant strap you into


As those of you who are familiar with my other books know, the Psionic
Helmet was designed as a communications device, to link the operator
with the subjects mind and thus get a telepathic message through with
greater clarity and less work. In a later chapter, I will discuss spirit
communication, but here you will get a brief run-down of how to contact
another person.

It helps if you have a witness sample of the person you wish to send to.
It is not necessary if you know the person, but if you do not it is essential.
And as I have not done so before, let me expound briefly on the witness

A witness is anything which has been in contact in some way with the
subject. Traditional witness are body parts, hair, fingernail clippings,
blood, etc.. These make perfect sense because being a part of the person
they contain the genetic code of the person as well as retaining some of
the Etheric field of that individual. But there is another class of witnesses
that does not contain that code.

Photographs and signatures, even photocopies of them, are excellent
witnesses. This puzzles many researchers but let us look at them more

A photograph is created by chemical action caused by reflective light.

The light acts as a carrier wave for the Etheric field of the person and
therefore the original negative, slide or Polaroid will have a bit of that
energy resident. As each copy made will use light in some way, that light
will carry the energy to the copy and thence back to the negative and
from there back to the person. As long as the negative is intact, the line
is secure. And that is why radionics people always insist that the negative
of a photograph be retained. Digital photos work the same way. The
electronic image holds the information.

Signatures create an even greater difficulty for some, but the process
works like this. When a person signs something, his or her hand is
holding the pen, thus putting the pen in direct contact with not only the
Etheric field of the person, but the physical body as well. The pen acts as
a wave guide to the ink, which contains particles of metal. The ink carries
a bit of the Etheric energy into the signature and there it is locked. Any
photocopy of the signature will, because of the carrier aspect of light,
also contain an element of the Etheric field of the person.

And modern technology has given us the ultimate witness, the videotape
and digital image.

Think about it from a Psionic standpoint. A video image is an electronic
record of something or someone. The light is reflected off the person
and changed into an electronic signal which is then transmitted or
recorded. As the signal is amplified in the recording and playback
process, to say nothing of what the transmitter has to do with it (thank
God for the klystron!) it becomes even more powerful than the person
himself. That is one of the reasons why strong emotion fed into a
television camera will have an effect on the viewer far out of proportion
to what might normally be expected. I remember one time I was
watching a live broadcast and something went wrong behind the camera.
Apparently the host was having a bad day and he shot a look of such
anger into that camera that I literally jumped, and I do not shake easily.

A photograph or vidcap taken off of a television screen is, therefore, as
good as a photograph taken of the person himself and there is a way to
use the video image directly off the screen as I will explain in a later

If you happen to know the person, you have had some direct contact with
him or her and you can use your imagination to create a working link. If,
however, you do not know the person, you do not have a personal link
already in existence and a witness becomes essential.

Once you have your witness, you set the rate on the helmet as I have

Seat yourself comfortably. The Egyptian Posture is excellent for this.

Clear your mind of all extraneous matters. This is not the time to think
of the overdue bills.

Let the helmet work. You should get a clear picture of the person in your
mind with little effort.

Using your imagination, zero in on the Brow Chakra of the person.

At this point, transmit your message as clearly as you can, repeating it as
many times as you feel comfortable.

There are many other uses for the helmet but I will hold off on them until
a later chapter.


One of the things a Technoshaman has to be very good at doing is
determining energy fields and flow. The traditional way of doing this is
to have the Shaman look at the energy fields directly, or feel them in
some way. As good as this is, we find that dowsing techniques are easier
and faster.

The practice of using certain devices to find things by detecting their
energy fields is called radiesthesia or dowsing. Neither word is really
acceptable, as radiesthesia sounds like something unpleasant that
happens in hospitals and dowsing is what you do to people with
swimming pools. Well, not really, but I could not resist the pun. Anyway,
before I make a complete fool of myself, a serious occupational hazard in
this field, let me explain that while traditionally dowsing has been the art
to finding hidden things, it is only recently that it has been understood
that it is not so much the thing itself, such as water, that is being found,
as the energy field of the thing as it resonates with the dowser.

Eek! I think thats the worst sentence I have ever written. But what is
going on is that the mind of the dowser is attuned to the object of the
search and then the search is made with a simple instrument, such as a
rod or pendulum. The search for the field is the key because in
Technoshamanic work we help people by working on the energy fields of
the person or the persons environment.

Dowsing works because of the peculiar relationship between the
subconscious mind and the nervous reactions of the physical body. You
must understand that everything you know is stored in your brain and
everything the fields of your body pick up is transmitted to the Etheric
field at some point. The Etheric field interfaces with the physical brain
and the subconscious.

When you work a dowsing tool, the subconscious picks up the
information and causes a very slight muscle reaction which makes the
instrument work. Or, as in the case of some diviners, the reaction is
much more pronounced leading to the dowser appearing to be literally
pulled along by his divining rod.

There are four basic tools for dowsing that I use, the pendulum, my
personal favorite, twin rods, the stick pad and the Aurameter.

Allow me to take the second one first. The twin rods are made from
metal coat hangers, the thin ones, not the heavy brass ones. These are
first straightened and then cut to two convenient lengths. You do not
want them to be too long and there is really no need for that. The
usefulness of the item does not depend upon its length.

At one end of each, make a right-angle bend long enough to hold the rod
comfortably, about six inches give or take a little. Go to the hardware
store and get some plastic tubing, about 1/2 inch diameter will do and
cut two lengths to fit over the handles. Once you have done that, bend
the bottom of the wire, the little bit sticking out at the end of the handles
to hold the tubing in place so that the rods will swing freely.

When using these rods, the object or field being looked for is usually on
the ground or under it. Detector Rods, as they are called, have a long
and glorious history. In ancient times, which actually did not end that
long ago, they were the only means of finding where to dig for wells and
mines. In fact there are many drawings of miners going around with the
traditional forked Divining Rods looking for metal deposits. The marines
in Vietnam had good luck with them searching for enemy land mines and

So now we have to see if they work for you. Hold an object for a while to
charge it and then have your assistant bury it in the back yard.

Do not look at where he is burying it and make sure that he replaces the
grass so that you will not know where the hole is.

Now go outside and hold the rods out so that they are at a right angle to
your body pointing straight ahead. Think of the object and begin walking
around the yard. When you are pointing to the object, or over it, the rods
will swing so that they cross each other, at which point you shout
Eureka!, which is Greek for This bath is too hot! and dig. If the rods
are working you, you should find the object.

In searching for energy fields with the rods, the principal is the same.
You hold the idea of the field you are looking for in your mind and walk
around. When the rods cross, you have found it. This technique is
extremely useful in looking for places of strong, terrestrial energy, but
the rods give very limited information. They can tell you if the energy is
there, but they cannot tell you if it is safe to use. It could be strong
Negative Green.

This is where the trusty pendulum comes in handy. Dont leave home
without it.

The pendulum is probably the most versatile of dowsing instruments. It
can pinpoint objects and energy fields, give yes-no answers and even tell
time. And it is surprising easy to make.

The only things you need are a convenient weight and length of string.
Some writers will suggest that you use thread, but thread tangles very
quickly and is usually impossible to untangle. I personally like my
wooden one made from a top, but I have also used a key on a string and
that has proven to be an excellent pendulum, having the advantage of
being flat and thus able to be carried in a folder or envelope with little

The length of the string is determined by what is convenient for you.
Some writers go to great lengths about tuning the length of string for
each purpose, but that is a waste of time, especially when the pendulum
is used in conjunction with charts and Psychotronic devices. It works by
taking the slight muscle movements of the hand and translating them
into swings.

As I have written extensively concerning the pendulum in my other

books, I will not go into such great detail about it here, but merely touch
on the basics. The pendulum swings in a number of directions and each
direction has a meaning. As each user has his or her own language for
the pendulum you must first determine what that language means.

Take a piece of paper and write on it Yes, No, a + and a - sign. Now
hold the pendulum over the Yes and let it swing without attempting to
control it. Make a note of the direction of the swing and then move the
pendulum over the No. That swing should be the opposite of the one
over the Yes. Note that as well.

Move the pendulum over the + sign, to indicate the presence of a
positive, healthy field. Allow the pendulum to swing and note the manner
of the swing. Repeat the process over the - sign for a negative,
unhealthy field. An unbalanced field, which may or may not be unhealthy
but usually brings weird results when present is indicated by a lopsided,
oval swing that moves around the circle.

When used to find an object, the pendulum is held in front of you while
you concentrate on the object in question. The swing of the pendulum is
followed until the pendulum begins to swing in a circle. At that point you
are very close, if not actually over the object.

The same method is used to find an energy field in a given location. The
field is locked onto in your mind and then the pendulum is used. When
at the strongest point in the field, the pendulum will circle, in one
direction if healthy, another if unhealthy and lopsided if the field is

The field of an individual is a very complicated thing, as you have
probably guessed by now and the pendulum can be used to make
working with that field a little less complicated. It is all a matter of
knowing which questions to ask.

Let us say that you want to know if a person has a problem with some
incident in childhood leaving a serious thoughtform in the Astral field.
You sit down and concentrate on the person and think, very clearly, about
the incident. Once you have done that, concentrate on the Astral field of
the person and ask if there is a residual effect present. If the answer is
yes, then you will want to know how strong that effect is.

Make a chart numbered from 0 to 100. 0 means absolutely nothing and
100 is the highest possible effect. Hold the pendulum over the chart as

you ask the question and let the pendulum swing to the number that
indicates the power of the thoughtform. Once that knowledge is
established, it is possible to go into that field and cure the problem.

The key to getting the best use out of your pendulum is knowing how to
make charts. A chart for the pendulum should take into account the fact
that the pendulum swings back and forth, therefore it is best that you do
not have things directly opposite each other. Also, you should take into
account the fact that your arm may get tired, so try not to use a
pendulum chart for something that will take forever.

The stick pad is a tool that is essential for anyone who uses a
Psychotronic instrument. The stick pad can be made out of anything that
will cause friction. The stick pad can be made to plug into a device or it
can be used separately. Both systems work equally well for me, but some
operators work better when there is a direct connection between the
equipment (box or helmet) and the pad.

To make a stick pad that will plug in, you will need two plastic can lids of
the same size, a six foot length of copper wire, any gauge will do, a
length of speaker wire and a 1/8 plug to fit into the jack.

Make a coil in the copper wire and tape it under one of the lids.

Now cut a small slot in the edge of the lid that fits over the can to admit
the speaker wire. Twist the ends of the coil around the ends of the
speaker wire. Attach the plug to the other end of the speaker wire. Fit
the other lid over the bottom of the pad, covering the coil, and glue it
into place.

The stick pad can only give two answers, Yes and No. Yes is a stick
and No is not. It is really very simple until someone asks what a stick is.
A stick is something that is easy to feel and impossible to describe. In
my case, it is like something just up and grabs my thumb and in your
case may be something totally different. You will know it when it
happens. When tuning the radionic box or the Psionic Amplifying
Helmet, you turn each dial until you get the stick.

The stick pad is useful for all operations where a simple yes-no is
required. For example, if you get called to jury duty you would end up
sitting in a large room with a bunch of people watching television talk
shows wondering if you will get stuck on a jury or get out in time for
dinner. By the simple act of transforming the chair arm into a stick pad,
you can find out if you are likely to get called. The technique is also

extremely good for students faced with multiple choice tests. Bear in
mind that the subconscious mind is what makes all dowsing work and the
subconscious has access to everything you have ever encountered. And
that means the stuff you studied and then forgot about. When you hit a
question that you do not know the answer, use the desk wood as a stick
pad and go down the list of possible answers until you get a stick. I
remember one time, a few years ago, when I had to take the written
drivers test again. I had gone through the little book that the state puts
out and felt pretty confident. Then I sat down with the test. On the test
were three questions about drunk driving. Now I had not been drunk for
a good 25 years and so I had not paid a lot of attention to that part of the
book as it would not really apply to me. And that meant that I did not
have the foggiest idea what the answer to any of these questions was. So
I did what I just recommended. I used the desk and dowsed for the
answer. And I got all the answers right.

The Aurameter has been claimed by a number of inventors, which is
something that often happens. Basically, it is a handle with a coiled
spring at one end. The spring straightens into a short rod with a small
weight on the end. This creates an extremely sensitive instrument, so
sensitive in fact that the hardest part of using it is to keep it steady
because the rod likes to bounce of its own accord.

The Aurameter has certain advantages over the pendulum. While the
pendulum can only move in a swinging fashion, the Aurameter can
bounce up or down, right or left or in a circle around its center point. For
that reason it can detect energy patterns that will only read as a circle
with the pendulum. When working with amplifying patterns this added
capacity can be very useful.

To make an Aurameter you will need a six inch length of 3/4 to 1 inch
dowel rod, a length of heavy copper wire, and a small weight, like a
fishing weight.

Begin with the wire straight. Wrap the wire around the dowel rod rather
tightly leaving about a foot straight. Now slide a few coils of wire off the
dowel rod so that they form the spring. Attach the fishing weight to the
end of the straight rod.

In use, the dowel is the handle and the wire is held over the object or
field being analyzed. Like the pendulum the Aurameter has its own
language, depending upon the user, and so you should test it over a
number of things to get an idea how it works.

As I said, the Aurameter has a sensitive touch and because of that can
detect vertical flows of energy out the top of an amplifying pattern. You
can test this by taking one of the amplifying patterns from that chapter
and holding the Aurameter over the center of the pattern.

It is possible, in fact desirable, to use dowsing equipment in conjunction
with the Psionic Amplifying Helmet. Everyone who has tried it has
noticed an increase in their ability, but with certain variables.

In most cases, the helmet is tuned to the object or field being sought and
then the dowsing process takes place. In some cases, however, the
tuning of the helmet seems to interfere with the reception and when that
occurs the helmet is used untuned, with the dials all turned to their
farthest left position. That will correct the problem.


It is a common practice to dowse for minerals, real estate and lost people
by using a combination of pendulum and map. The technique is quite
simple and if you are going to use terrestrial energy it can save you a lot
of time.

In order to do this, lay the map out on a table in front of you and
concentrate upon the thing you are looking for, in this case a good place
to use positive terrestrial energy. Hold the pendulum at one corner at the
side of map nearest you. Allow the pendulum to swing freely and mark
the direction of the swing.

Repeat the process at the other corner nearest you. Make two lines along
the respective swings of the pendulum and where they cross is where you
must look. That will give you the general location of the type of energy
you are looking for.

When you arrive at the location the pendulum has chosen, use the
detector rods to guide you to the spot where the energy is strongest. At
that point test the energy with the pendulum to make certain that it is
healthy. Once you have that piece of information, you may proceed to do
your work with the energies in question.


In any work involving healing it is necessary to know how efficiently the
Chakra system is working. Take your 0 to 100 chart and ask the
pendulum to give you a reading on the overall efficiency of that system.
Write this number down for later reference. If it is under 50% your
subject may be in real trouble.

Repeat the same procedure for each Chakra. When you are finished, you
will have an idea of what Chakras need energy and these will be the ones
you need to work on. As you work, be sure to test them as well as the
entire system at periodic intervals to see if you are having the desired

This just a brief overview for now, we will use look at this equipment in
more detail as we go on.


Using mechanical aids for spirit work is nothing really new. Every culture
uses the technology that it has for this purpose. Just think of the shock
the first drum must have created, a piece of animal or human skin
stretched over circle of wood cut from a tree and then burned out in the
center. The booming sound that it made probably caused the primitive
humans hearing it to have nightmares, proof of contact with the spirit
world, and the nearby animals would run in panic from the sound so out
of their experience. As the first drummer beat his instrument, he
probably discovered that the frequency of the strokes caused strange
effects in himself and in the members of his tribe. It made them want to
dance to the sound, to move in imitation of the beasts that served for
food and clothing. The first drummer was the first Shaman.

The ancient Greeks used a machine called the Rhombus, literally, the
Wheel. It was a simple wheel that was spun to the singing of the
sorcerer. The act of spinning gave life to the song and the power of the
chant was increased by the motion of the wheel.

In our time we relate to our machines far better than we do to nature. I
remember one time we had visitor from a warmer climate come to our
oft-icy Chicago area abode and, it being mid summer, all the yards and
trees were green. As he was more used to the scrub of the desert, he
remarked that one could really get in touch with nature around here. I
answered, somewhat unkindly, that if he tried to get in touch with nature
around here he would probably freeze to it.

When it comes to nature, I am no sentimentalist. Having lived through
some very interesting Chicago winters and a couple of tornado near-
misses I know all too well that nature does not necessarily like us. In
fact, I think it works overtime to try to kill us. And that is the general
view of our civilization. We depend upon our furnaces in the winter to
keep us warm, our air-conditioners in the summer to keep us cool and
electricity to keep us from going to sleep at night. We live in a world that
does not need to worry about the cycle of the seasons for survival. And
let us be honest, no one in his or her right mind would want to go back to
a time when people froze to death in the winter, died of heat-stroke in
the summer and had to go outside to a little wooden shed during a
snowstorm to answer the call of nature.

Machines are our lifeline. And because machines are so important to our
existence they play a huge role in our unconscious life as well. The
relationship of the Machine to the consciousness of the Human is what
puts the Techno into the Technoshaman. So let me explain by what I
mean by machine.

A machine is a device, any device, which does work on behalf of a person.
It translates energy into action. I am referring to devices which take the
energy of consciousness and translates it for the user to do work. As I
describe the instruments of the Technoshaman, this will become more

The basic machines of the Technoshaman are his Psionic Amplifying
Helmet, his dowsing tools and his radionic Box. Among the other
instruments he may use are a Hand Resonator or a Psionic Amplifying

The Helmet I have already covered in some detail. The Psychotronic Box
is the next tool you will need and it has a fascinating history.

In 1910 Dr. Albert Abrams of San Francisco, whom I referred to briefly in
an earlier chapter, was examining one of his regular patients, a middle-
aged man who seemed to be quite healthy with the exception of a small
ulcer on his lip. As the good doctor was doing his usual, routine
examination, which included the obligatory percussing, or tapping of the
patients stomach, he noticed a hollow, thudding sound which somewhat
puzzled him as he could think of no medical reason for it.

Now things get a little confusing. Dr. Abrams, for reasons known only to
himself, had the patient turn and then tapped the tummy again. This
time he got the normal sound. Well, Dr. Abrams, being the curious man
of science that he was, was determined to get to the bottom of the
problem so he spent the rest of the afternoon marching his patient
around the examining room while tapping his tummy and probably
charging him by the hour. Not only that, but remember that there was
probably a waiting room of patients outside watching their beards grow
while this was going on.

Anyway, out of this little episode, Dr. Abrams decided that the Earths
magnetic field had something to do with the changes in tummy noise. He
then proceed to test lots of people by marching them around the room
while tapping their tummies and making little tummy drawings showing
which area made which noise for which disease.

Aint science wonderful?

This line of research went on just swimmingly until one day a terrible
thing happened. The good doctor got the same noise in the same place
for one condition as he did for another.


The doctor paced and puzzled over this problem for several days until he
came upon the greatest solution in history. In his laboratory there was a
simple, three-dial resistance box for electrical experimentation.
Everyone who was anyone in those days had one. They may not have
known diddly about electronics (but at that time no one did except Mr.
Edison and a strangely well-informed foreigner named Nicola Tesla) but
they had to have one, otherwise the neighbors would not think of them as
being scientifically correct.

OK, I know I am having a bit of fun here, but there really is no logical
reason for Abrams to have had that box handy. He just did. And it was a
damned good thing too, because he used it to make a truly great, albeit
highly controversial, discovery.

When he was studying different diseases to find their tummy reactions,
he developed a rather simple experimental technique. He placed a
sample of diseased tissue in a container behind a screen and had a probe
attached to a length of wire that ended in an electrode attached to the
forehead (right at the Brow Chakra) of a subject who stood while Abrams
tapped his tummy.

All Dr. Abrams did was cut the wire and fasten it to the in and out binding
posts of the resistance box. He then took the disease samples of the two
that were the cause of his problem and first tested the one, turning the
dials on the box until he got the appropriate tummy noise. He then
repeated the process with the second and then noted the difference in
box setting for each disease.

At this point Dr. Abrams made two assumptions, both probably
fundamentally wrong, but he would have had no way of knowing that.
First, he assumed that what he was working with was an electro-magnetic
phenomenon, purely and simply with no other considerations. Second,
that because all disease was electrical, it could handled by electrical

Now remember, at that time electrical stuff was still considered very
mysterious and the state of conventional medicine was, by our standards,
extremely primitive. It was also extremely cheap by our standards but
that is a different book. (My last illness cost the insurance company
literally millions of dollars and Im worth every penny of it!)

Sorry about that. Anyway, Abrams went to work to perfect his system
and somewhere along the way got real interested in all the psychic stuff
that was going on. He was in San Francisco, remember. Besides, his
fellow medical doctors were convinced that something large had fallen on
his head during the earthquake so he had nothing to lose by forging

The first problem he had to deal with was the problem of the tummy
itself. It was not the most reliable instrument. The subject could be
having a bad day or suffering the after-effects of overmuch tofu (it was
San Francisco after all). So a number of devices were attempted to try to
solve this problem, the most extreme of which involved having the
subject swallow a small, inflatable rubber thing attached to a metering
gadget. This would allow the reactions of the stomach to be tested more
accurately. It also could make the subject choke to death, and this minor
little side effect caused the marvelous device to be abandoned, though it
was later modified to respond to changes in blood pressure outside the
arm. Ultimately the Abrams project came up with device they called the
reflexophone which was, in effect, an artificial tummy which was wired to
the machine and tapped in place of the subject and looked like a bongo
drum laying on its side.

Abrams, in spite of the difficulties of his task, discovered many things.
He learned that he could diagnose a condition over the telephone, which
in the days of operators and party lines must have made for some
fascinating parlor gossip, especially when talking about the syphillis
miasm, and ultimately that he could diagnose from blood and tissue
samples of the patient. At that point the medical community went nuts.

Let us be honest, they had been pretty patient with the eccentric from the
land of shaking buildings, but when he said that he could diagnose a
condition with just a blood sample and a box of dials, their credulity was
stretched to the breaking point.

Fortunately for Dr. Abrams, he died in 1924 and was saved the fate of his
student Ruth Drown, who labored mightily in the post-Abrams vineyard
and ended up in the slammer. But before we move on from Dr. Abrams
towards our present day, let me give you a listing of what he discovered.

1. The human body responds to the magnetic field of the Earth.

2. The existence of the human energy field.

3. A thought would produce an energy that could be detected up to 40
feet away by the reflex of the subjects stomach.

4. Anger and other strong emotions were detectable up to 80 feet away.

5. Color affects the functioning of the brains.

6. The therapeutic effects of color.

7. Definitively proved that human psychic energy could be transferred
from one person to another.

8. Psychic energy will effect photographic film.

9. Distant diagnoses.

10. Distant treatment.

11. The ability to use the reflexes of a recipient to send coded telepathy.

That is not a bad list of accomplishments for someone usually regarded
either as an eccentric or a quack and if some of the methods he used are
hilariously funny to us now, we are still much in his debt.

After Abrams, a number of researchers worked hard in the same area,
which became Radionics. For the most part, they were concerned with
healing diseases and much of the literature available is about that.
Others were involved in agriculture and one, T. Galen Hieronymous,
worked out a means of analyzing minerals and patented his machine as a
device to do just that.

But while all that was going on, something else was bubbling
underground, something rarely mentioned until I decided to start writing
about it. These machines could have a profound, and not always
beneficial, effect on the human energy field. It was possible, by means of
them, to get into the human mind, which has been the thrust of much of
my work.

But there was more. It was possible to deal with the other worlds with
their aid as well.

With that in mind for our future discussion, let us look at the instruments
of a Technoshaman.

The radionic box is a simple instrument, as are all good Psychotronic
instruments. The models I use have between three and twelve dials,
depending upon the nature of the work being done. It is a general rule

that the more dials you have the more accuracy you will have in your
work, but after a time the number of dials can become so unwieldy that
they become actually counter productive. I have seen photographs of
instruments of 50 or more dials and I can only think with horror of the
amount of work that goes into using one of them. Most healing
instruments are set up for nine or twelve dials because that is a standard
in Europe and the rate books that are used in healing practice are written
with those type of machines in mind. The standard three and five dials
units are usually more than sufficient for the work of the Technoshaman
as we depend more on our souls to do the work and less on printed rate

If you will look at the figure, you will see that the box is a simple series
circuit, beginning at the witness plate, running through the
potentiometers, to the stick pad. The jacks are wired into the system for
both input and output. These are there that the helmet and other
instruments may be plugged into the system.

The key to the use of the mind power device, the box, is the rate. Now
when old Doc Abrams invented rates, he was of the belief that disease
states, and subsequently mental and emotional states, could be
expressed in ohms. That purely electronic idea has long since been
abandoned ever since Ruth Drown and later George Delawarre proved

that the energies being worked with were not electrical in nature. In fact,
the usual radionic instrument makes no electronic sense at all, especially
the Psionic Helmet. In our case, the rate is an arbitrary way of defining a
geometric relationship within the potentiometer itself and the series of
these relationships places the instrument in contact with the energy field
being worked with and allows for manipulation of that field to bring
about a desired end.

Let me give you an example. Your friend has a real problem with
something floating around in his Astral field and wants to correct it. You
take a photograph of your friend and lay it on the witness plate of the
box and set the box to the rate for his Astral field. At that point, you
have established a link between your own consciousness and his field,
because the box is nothing more than an extension of your own

Once you have done that, you take your Psionic Helmet and plug it into
the box as in the figure. You then repeat the rate-taking process with
the helmet. You move the photograph to the stick pad, which functions
as the output side of the circuit and plug your helmet into the input jack.

Once you have done that, you can now psychically enter the Astral field of
your friend, find the problem and apply the energy to fix it.

This is the technique also used in travel to the outer worlds and will be
covered in the next chapter.

The box can also remove the problem by itself. Once you have
determined what the difficulty is, all you need do is set the machine for
the rate of the problem, which is done by writing it down on a piece of
paper and laying on the witness plate along with the witness sample,
taking the rate and then going through a balancing procedure. Balancing
is relatively easy. You merely subtract the rate on each dial from ten and
reset the dial to that new number. The box then produces a resonance
that Delawarr likened to sound waves, which are psychically transmitted
to the subject by means of the consciousness link created by the box.
Once at the subject, they will begin to work to balance out the harmful
energy pattern present in the field of the subject.

You can use the box to bring energy into yourself.


To do this you will need a charged witness, something that will hold a
psychic charge of desirable energy. This can be a relic considered sacred,
a sample of earth or water from an area of high energy or a photograph
of that area. It can be anything, provided there is a link to an energy
source that you feel is desirable and is not, in fact, harmful to you. For
example, it is possible to use a crystal that is not compatible with your
system. To do this can be actually dangerous and in the early 1980s
when crystals first started as a fad, people would try using them for
healing and because they did not know how to read the energy fields of
the crystal actually managed to make people sicker. It was not a pleasant
thing and did much to cause those of us who were a bit skeptical to
doubt whether there was any value in crystals at all. That was combined
with the fact that they were, at that time, a bit hard to find in these
midwestern parts. I kept up an attitude of interested disbelief until the
end of May, 1987.

I was at the American Booksellers Association convention in Washington
D.C. helping to sell my first book on Psionics, Psionics 101 (later renamed
Psychic Power and now Elementary Psionics). Now I have a little problem
with my back, or actually my shoulders and if I move just the wrong way
every muscle in my shoulder goes weird and if nothing is done about it,
usually a combination of massage and muscle relaxers, I will go into
muscle spasms in a couple of days.

Guess what. My shoulder went out the first day of the convention and
there were no boxes of epsom salts around. I was in a bad way and it
promised to get worse.

Well, Llewellyn had published Michael Smiths book Crystal Power and to
help sell it had a number of his rods and a very large crystal in the booth.
Any old port in a storm, as the ancient mariners rhymed, so I went over
the crystals with my pendulum to see if they were safe for my field and
picked the large one as being perfect. I then held that crystal over my
shoulder and visualized a healing light coming out of it and loosening the
muscles. The pain left and I was able to function normally for the rest of
the convention, at least as normally as one can with lack of sleep and
strange food.

I also became a crystal convert, and I hope a rational one.

So if you use a crystal, or any other source, check it first. You can save
yourself much trouble.

Having done that, take the rate for the type of energy you will need. It is
possible that a number of different energy types are available.

Plug in the helmet and repeat the procedure. Be certain after you do this
to move the helmet cable to the output jack.

Sit in the Egyptian Posture and put on the helmet.

Breathe in the energy, as you have done before, but this time know that
you are absorbing the energy from the source you have placed in the
machine circuit. Allow that energy to fill you and keep this up as long as
you are comfortable. Unlike the pure Universal energy, it is not necessary
to return this energy to the cosmos, but you may retain it as long as you

The Hand Resonator is the Psionic equivalent of the magick wand. It
takes the information placed in the Etheric field, amplifies it and directs it
towards the subject.

The palms of the hands contain minor Chakras. Usually they are biased
so that the left hand is primarily a receiver of energy and the right hand
primarily an emitter. In some people, this is reversed and the test for this
is to hold the pendulum over the left hand see if it swings positive or
negative. If it is a negative swing, the left hand is receiving.

This arrangement is the true secret of the Holy Grail. In the Grail legend,
there is not only the Grail but the Lance and neither one is of any use
without the other. This fact is usually given a sexual significance, but
that is not the real case. The Grail receives energy and the Lance fires it
out. For them to be properly used, the Grail would have to be held in the
receiving hand and the Lance in the emitting one. This would create a
complete circuit of power.

The Hand Resonator is a very simple unit. It consists of a contact plate,
an amplifier and a crystal antenna. There is also a jack attached to the
amplifier to plug the unit into other equipment, such as the Psychotronic
box or the Psionic Helmet.


The Hand Resonator is very easy to make. It takes a little time but is well
worth the effort.

You will need:

A walkie talkie

A quartz crystal

two small pieces of metal

a hard, plastic tube

two screws or a small jack

some wire

Some magnet strip.

Take the walkie talkie apart but be sure not to break anything.

Drill two holes in the front of the box.

Drill a hole or two in the top for the screws or the jack

Disconnect the antenna.

Attach wires to the speaker/microphone to run out the front and to
attach to the screws or jack

Attach another wire to where the antenna would be.

Run the wire through the tube and glue it to the crystal

Glue the crystal into the tube with a good epoxy.

Put the stuff back into the case running the wires from the speaker/mike
out the front and out the top.

Glue the tube to the top of the case where the antenna would have come

Glue the two pieces of metal to the case, each one over a wire coming out
the front so that you have two contacts when your hand holds the walkie

insert the screws in the top holes and twist the wire around them. These
are binding posts for attaching the resonator to other instruments.

The completed device should look like the illustration.

In use, the Resonator is held in the emitting hand, with the palm touching
the contact plate. This creates a circuit to the Chakra. As you
concentrate, you are putting energy charged with information into your
Etheric field and when the Resonator is in contact with the chakra, it is in
very strong, direct contact with that field. In fact, if a sensitive voltmeter
were to be attached to the output of the resonator, it would detect the
change in power of the field as you concentrate.

Once you have the information flowing, the amplifier in the Resonator
takes the signal and as the power of the field can be electronically
amplified, it is. This up-powered information is then fed to the crystal
for a final boost and from there it goes to wherever you wish to send it.


1. Hold the Hand Resonator in your emitting hand and turn on the
amplifier. Run the Resonator near your other hand with the crystal
pointing at it, but not touching it. See if you can feel the energy coming
out of the unit. This is usually felt as a change in temperature, such as a
coolness, over the point of the crystal, but sometimes it is a vibration.

2. Acquire an assistant. Have the assistant keep his or her eyes closed
while you run the Resonator near the body. Does your assistant feel any
energy coming out of it?

At this point you should be aware that the energy output of the Hand
Resonator is considerable. Some people will feel it shoot right through
their bodies.

3. Go outside and look at the sky. Find a convenient cloud. Point the
Resonator at the cloud and will it to disperse. See how long it takes for
the cloud to break apart.


Choose a friend who is need of some help, perhaps a healing. Sit in the
Egyptian Posture and charge yourself with Universal energy. Hold the
energy in and pick up the Hand Resonator. Turn on the unit and visualize
the helping energy flowing from you, through the Resonator, to the
Etheric field of the person in question.

It is best to do this type of work with a person you know. Let us say that
your Aunt Letitia has a bad case of Lumbago, whatever in hell that is, and
her constant griping has the whole family upset. Having successfully
resisted the desire to put her out of her misery by the simple expedient
of shooting her, you decide to use the Hand Resonator. You wait until
she is having an attack and then give her a treatment while she is on the
phone with your mother complaining about it. She suddenly feels better
and everyone is happy, especially your mother who was about ready to
hang up on her.

Or let us say that her husband, your uncle Zoltan, is having one of his
boughts of kidney trouble and has to run to the bathroom every ten
minutes lest he do something embarrassing on the carpet. This can
become very annoying and thus you give him a treatment by sending the
energy to his kidneys. This sets up a corrective pattern in his Etheric field
and the cold is now very unwelcome and soon departs his system, to the
great relief of everyone else who wants to use the bathroom.

The Hand Resonator is also designed to be used in conjunction with the
Psionic Helmet and the box.

When used with the helmet the energy from the helmet is channeled into
the Resonator and fired out from the antenna. This permits a more
directional specific use for the Helmet energies.

For example, you wish to direct the energy to a specific body part. With
the helmet tuned to the condition you are working on, you plug it into the
Resonator and point the Resonator at the specific area you are dealing

The Hand Resonator may also act as an external, amplified antenna. In
that case, you would merely set it on a table after connecting to the
helmet and turning it on. This will give an added boost to your system.

When used in conjunction with the box, or the box and Helmet
combination the Resonator functions in the same was as if only attached

to the helmet. The box, however, gives greater accuracy in tuning or

directing the energies being used.


This device is also known as the Star Blaster. It is designed to aid in
travel to the outer worlds, as well as spirit communication.

Like the Hand Resonator, the Amplifier Plate is constructed with a jack for
attachment to either the Psionic Helmet or the radionic box. The pattern
in the center is a amplifying pattern based on a combination of the
Magnetron and the Flanagan Sensor II disks. The two plates on the sides
of the pattern are for the hands of the operator, who sits with the
instrument on his or her lap and works through the machine. The
energies from the hand chakras are combined at the center point of the
amplifying pattern and work through there.

I will discuss this instruments role in spirit travel in greater detail in the
appropriate chapter. The Amplifier Plate may also be used an external
antenna for the helmet and box. In such use, the receiving witness is
placed on the central plate of the box after a rate has been taken on the
other instruments. The amplifying pattern on the instrument adds a
significant power boost to the signal being transmitted.

You can also use the Psionic Amplifying Plate as a transmitting
instrument to send energy to someone. Merely place a witness of the
person in the center of the amplifying pattern and lay your hands palm
down on the hand plates. As you send energy into your hands, the
machine will take it from your Etheric field and move it into the
amplifying field of the pattern where it will be given a power boost and
sent on its way to the subject.

The Amplifier Plate is also an organic part of the Biomagnetic Chair
System, which is designed to protect the operator from noxious external
influences while at the same time promote powerful transmission of
energy. That system will be discussed in full later.


You will need:

1 amplifying pattern

2 rectangular foil plates

1 small jack

1 foil circle the size of the central circle of the amplifying pattern

some wire

a cardboard sheet or box top about two feet long.

Punch four holes in the cardboard, one in the center, one on each side
some distance from the center and one towards the right edge. Put a
hole in the center of the amplifying pattern.

Glue the pattern down in the center of the board.

Make three coils of wire with long trailing wire on each and place them
with the coil on one side of the board (the center one through the hole in
the amplifying pattern and the trailing wires on the other side.

Put the jack in the far right hole.

Turn the board over.

Wire the two side coils to the center coil wire and wire the jack to the
center coil.

Turn the board over again.

Glue the rectangular foil pieces over the coils to the sides of the
amplifying pattern and the round piece over the center of the pattern,
covering the coil.


The Shaman takes his journey. He travels down a long cave until he finds
himself in the spirit world. There, he encounters various living creatures
who impart knowledge to him and finds objects of power to bring back to
the world of men. Such is the way of the Shaman.

The Technoshaman also takes a journey. He travels to the outer worlds
by various means and ultimately attains his goal. Unlike the traditional
Shaman, however, he maintains a greater level of control over his
ultimate destination. This control is provided by his machines.

There is also one other item that is of use to the Technoshaman, one
which will not absolutely necessary is quite helpful when properly used
and that is a pyramid.

My old readers may express some surprise at this. After all, I have a
reputation, as a result of Psychic Power, of not being a great fan of
pyramids. Let us say that I am not exactly a fan of some of the ways they
have been presented and used.

The pyramid fad began as a response to the fact that strange energies
exist inside a pyramid and these energies could cause things to happen,
such as sharpen razor blades and mummify things. Now let us be honest
and admit that there is little practical use for either function. I am not
likely to place my electric shaver under a pyramid and the last thing I
want is something mummified, like my brain. And thus when people
started wearing the damned things on their heads I had a small

That, however, does not mean that pyramids are useless, only slightly
dangerous. You see the energy that comes out of the underside of a
pyramid is pure Negative Green.

As you can see from the figure, there is something in the pyramidal
structure that changes the nature of the energy, reverses it actually, at
the peak. All the energy that goes out is Positive Green and all that
comes down and in is Negative Green. But inside the broad swath of
Negative Green is a narrow band of healthy energy that Christopher Hills
termed the Pi Ray. It runs down at about 6 degrees off center from the
top of the pyramid and can actually be healthy. It can also be a bit hard
to find in all that yucky Negative Green. But that explains the peculiar

feature of the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid with what is

commonly considered the Royal Sarcophagus placed at that angle off

Now that should not seem to make much difference. After all, the
Pharaoh is kind of dead and if you really want to honor him you would be
more likely to place his body under the center of the pyramid, where it
should be well and properly preserved.

There is only one little thing wrong with that idea. When Pharaoh went
into the Kings Chamber, he was not dead and strongly expected to come
out alive. Because new evidence seems to indicate that the Great Pyramid
was not intended to be a tomb. It was an astral projection launcher!

Now I know that for my regular readers, it will seem that Uncle Chuckie
has lost his cheesie pieces, but there is some very good evidence coming

out that the pyramid complex was built to duplicate the constellation
Orion and that the two small air shafts in the Great Pyramid originally
pointed up in that direction. What the hell they needed those air shafts
for has always been a great mystery up to now because dead Pharaohs do
not breathe.

Therefore the great question has become: What was this architectural
monstrosity built for in the first place?

And I guess I get to give you my answer. It was a shopping mall! Just
kidding. The Pharaoh used the sarcophagus as a bed, of sorts, in fact in
his time it was probably well padded, to lay down and project himself
using the energies of the Pi Ray out of the pyramid to communicate with
spirit beings in the general direction of the constellation Orion.

There is, of course, another possibility. While the exact means of
construction are a bit of a mystery, there is no question that the pyramids
were erected by humans. There is actually graffiti at certain points on
them that were left by the workers. And the pyramidal design is no great
mystery at all. It is the closest thing to a mountain most ancient
Egyptians would ever see. The giant pyramids are human attempts to
duplicate nature. But as to the ultimate purpose, let us suppose, purely
for the sake of conjecture lacking any real proof, that the beings that
Pharaoh was visiting were not purely spiritual, but space people. It is not

Pharaoh would have to be the one to do it. Not even the Highest of High
Priests would have the divine rank to speak to the gods directly in that
way. There would a time of ceremony, as Pharaoh announced to the royal
court that he was going to journey to the stars to speak to his brother
gods. After the preparations were made and appropriate offerings given,
Pharaoh would enter the pyramid accompanied by priests and musicians
to sound him on his way. At the end of the Grand Gallery, he would leave
them and enter the Kings Chamber alone.

Laying down in the sarcophagus, he would enter a trance state and be
bathed in the faint star-light coming in through the air shafts. The light
may not even be strong enough to be visible unless one stood and looked
directly out the shaft, but its energy could be felt and Pharaoh bathed in
it. Then there would be the moment when his spirit, energized by the
forces of the pyramid structure itself, would shoot out of the body and fly
up through the stone of the pyramid, following the flow of energy out the
top. His spirit would fly through the vastness of space until he reached

the Belt of Orion and there he would enter the Hall of the Gods to
communicate with his divine brethren.

After a time of this, his spirit would return to the body in the Pyramid
and he would emerge from the Kings Chamber with the message from
the gods, to the great rejoicing of the populace that Pharaoh had once
again returned from the land of the dead.

After a time, this practice was lost, for whatever reason. The Great
Pyramid was sealed so that none could repeat the journey and the
capstone was even knocked off the top to prevent it from happening

Why? No one may ever know. Perhaps the gods did not give a pleasing
answer. Maybe Pharaoh was jealous of the possibility that someone may
take his place.

The first indication that I had that a pyramid actually had some practical
use was a few years ago when I was at a convention and a rather eccentric
friend of mine had brought a pyramid, a big, frame pyramid and set it up
on the grounds outside the main meeting hall.

I had brought some of my equipment with and that evening a group of us
were gathered by the structure, my friend expounding and me trying not
to laugh at him. Anyway, he offered to let us try it and not willing to be
turned into a mummy, I more or less declined the offer to sit under it but
rather offered to let people try my helmet under it.

This idea went over quite well and someone (I actually think it was me)
came up with the idea of clipping a wire from the helmet jack to the
copper cap of the pyramid.

This was done and the first person to try it was a young woman who
reported that she found herself looking at a galaxy from out in space. I
sort of thought that she was kind of out in space already so I did not pay
much attention to it at let someone else try it, who reported that he got a

So far, nothing of any use, right? Well, as time went on, I experimented
with small pyramids on normal Psionic gadgets As I was doing that, I
spent more time wondering about the type of energy flow that a pyramid
produced and what else could be done with it. One feature of the
pyramid is that it amplifies in both directions. Not only does energy flow

into it, but out of it as well. Could that energy be used as a carrier for
things other than Psionic signals?

When I first began experimenting with Psionics, I built a machine that
incorporated a small (100mw) radio transmitter. Reasoning that the
carrier wave of the radio could be used to carry lots of things, I created a
procedure where I would use the carrier wave as boost in mental
traveling, following the beam, as it were. Well, if pretty standard
electromagnetic stuff could do that, why not pyramid energy, the great

It was a good idea, but I needed two things, first, a pyramid big enough
to work with. That was obtainable simply because when you deal with as
many unusual people as I do, several of them are bound to have such
things lying around the house.

The second thing I needed was a victim. It would be impossible for me to
supervise the experiment if I was the one doing the flying and if
something should go wrong, one of us had better have the brains to do
something about it.

In fact, I intended to monitor the subject with my Psionic gear. For those
of you who are science fiction fans, Robert Silverberg concluded his
Nightwings trilogy with the reconstructed Watcher using a similar
procedure to join his girlfriend in flight.

I brought the subject up to my study group and over several six packs of
beer we discussed it. One young woman volunteered and then we sat
around wondering how we should go about the project.

First we put up the pyramid. That necessitated not only getting it into
the house with some very confused cats trying to help, but putting it up.
I shall be forever grateful that no one videotaped that because I would
never live it down. I am the worlds worst klutz when it comes to putting
anything big together and the old adage about cooks and broth
combined with Krishnamurphys Law, which states that anything that can
go wrong will at least ten times, made this one of the most absurd
experiments of my life.

Once the damned thing was up, I went in with my Aurameter to find the
safe zone while the rest of the group mummified the subject in cloth
strips. Dont ask me why we did that. I dont think it was my idea, which
Im sure comes as a surprise to those who know me. But it did make
sense because it meant that she would not be accidentally moving out of

the safe zone into the real Negative Green and the natural relaxation
response from not being able to move would help her overcome any
blocks to taking off. Of course, if someone came over they would be real

Then came the matter of getting her into position under the pyramid,
without knocking anything over. That was fun! After that little
preparation was concluded, I set up my box and helmet, tuned them to
her witness sample so I could monitor the journey and away we went.

And I mean away!

Her astral body separated in a matter of seconds and we flew out of that
pyramid like a rocket that had beans for dinner. I mean we were really
going. Its a darned good thing they dont have traffic cops on the astral
plane because we would have run them over. We were out of the Solar
System before I even was beginning to grasp what was happening. It was
actually a bit scary and I was tempted to start bringing us back when we
slow down and found ourselves looking at Thoth. I mean it, the god
Thoth was standing there, bird-head and all.

I just sort of watched while she had what seemed to be rather lengthy
conversation with him on pyramid dynamics and he congratulated her on
finally figuring out what it was made for. I was a little miffed at that,
after all, it was my idea in the first place.

After that, we floated around the stars for a little bit, almost got run over
by a comet and then headed back home. I got out of the helmet while
the rest began to unwrap our traveler and we spend the evening downing
brandy and going over the trip and what it meant.

All I can say is that if you are going to use a pyramid for spirit travel, you
may be in for one hell of a trip. Other than that, what you will experience
is going to be up to you. Everyone is different.

But I can give you a few pointers.

First, it is best to use a pyramid that is large enough to lay down in, just
off center so that you can use the Pi Ray.

Second, you can fly blind, as we did, or once you are adept at using the
Psychotronic box you can use it to lock yourself into any destination.
This is done by setting a rate on the box and placing a large, foil plate on
the floor under you. Take a sheet of aluminum foil and glue it to a piece

of think cardboard or posterboard. Attach the leads of a patch cable to

the foil and then plug it into the output end of the box.

Third, it is best to be strapped down under the pyramid while making the
journey. This will keep you on the plate and in the Pi Ray. Contrary to
popular belief, the physical body will move during an astral journey just
as it does during sleep.

It is best to set a timer in all spirit journeys to make sure you get back.

It is very rare that one does not, but if that happens, somebody has to
dispose of the corpse. The ringing of the timer will pull you back to your
body if that should become necessary.

As far as clothing goes, less is more. Total nudity is best for this because
clothing has a bad habit of hitting annoying spots when you are relaxing.
It also allows for a good contact with the body plate.

Be certain that you are under the Pi Ray. Test the field under the pyramid
with both pendulum and Aurameter.

It is best to do this sort of thing in subdued light, or wear a light
blindfold. Light in the eyes can be very distracting.

The elaborate preparations of a large pyramid are not necessary for spirit
travel. The Psionic Amplifier Plate is designed to make such journeys
simple with easily transportable equipment.

The use of this instrument requires very little work, but a certain skill is
necessary. In particular, you have to be able to place your consciousness
in the center plate of the machine. This requires a bit of imagination but
it is not too difficult once you learn the trick of it.

You begin by sitting comfortably in the Egyptian Posture, with the plate
resting on your thighs. Lay your hands, palm down, on the hand plates
to each side of the amplifying pattern.

Begin to meditate and as you do, feel your consciousness moving through
the palms of your hands into the plate until you can imagine yourself
standing in the center of the amplifying pattern. At this point, study the
energy that you feel. There is a vortex spinning upward out of the very
center of the pattern. This vortex of energy is the force that speeds the
energy of the pattern to a receiver when you use this instrument as a

Take a look around. You should see the pattern as landscape with you
standing in it, almost as though you had been miniaturized and plopped
down on top of the instrument. You may see other features as well,
depending upon your own consciousness. Feel free to explore these
features and converse with any creatures you may encounter.

Return to your normal state and make notes about your experience.

An interesting feature of the Psionic Amplifier Plate is that it can act as a

doorway to many different parts of the astral world. By placing a
geometric pattern on the center plate, you can transport yourself to the
region that corresponds to that pattern.

You can prove this for yourself. Draw a circle, about three inches in
diameter, and make an equilateral triangle inside the circle. Now place
the circle in the center of the plate.

Lay the plate on your lap and meditate as you did before. As soon as you
find yourself in the middle of the pattern, look around and study your
environment. I remember the first time I did that, I found myself in the
center of a bleak landscape with the triangle forming a pattern in the
ground of some size. I could see the outer circles of the pattern in the
distance but as I walked towards them, they seemed to move away, as if
the pattern was growing with my movement. The pattern became in
effect a world unto itself.

This experiment should be repeated with many different patterns inside
the circle. You will notice that each pattern opens its own world.


This is a scary tool. For one thing, in its pure form it is not very common.
For another, it can cause real problems for anyone with claustrophobia,
so if you have that, read on. I am including an explanation here because
people ask a lot about it, but except for a few references, there is little
information readily available on the subject.

The device itself, in the form it is commonly presented, looks like
something out of an S/M manual. And not without good reason. The
individual using it is strapped in to prevent as much movement as
possible and the device is allowed to swing freely. It is probably the most
extreme sensory deprivation device available and should not be used
except with the greatest of care.

However, as there are those who will use it, I will explain the device.

It is impossible to give any form of exact history of the Witchs Cradle.
One version I have read implied that it was torture instrument designed
to so disorient the victim as to cause confession. The more common
explanation was that it was to aid astral projection. The latter would, in
fact seem to be the case. I first encountered a reference to it in William
Seabrooks Witchcraft, Its Power in the World Today, but he gave no

details as to its construction. In the 1970s, Robert Masters and Jean

Houston experimented with a model of it and were supposed to publish
their study of it in a book to be titled New Ways of Being, but the work
apparently was never put in print, at least I have never seen a copy or
reference to it. If any of my readers has seen it, please let me know
through my publisher. A photograph of their device was published in The
Book of Highs in 1973.

In 1964, an article was published in Minute Scope under the
pseudonymous authorship of Gnosticus and later reprinted by Llewellyn
Publications in Gnostica in the 1970s. The illustrations are from that

In its barest essence, the Witchs Cradle is nothing more than a swing in
which the person is attached and allowed to move on a hook. The
Masters and Houston version was a metal device, a small platform in a
frame hanging from a pivot with a pole along the back. The victim was
strapped to this pole and blindfolded. The resulting disorientation would
produce results rather quickly and a commercial version was
contemplated for the benefit of adventurous seekers.

The two versions I have illustrated are a bit more extreme. The first, is a
platform with two side bars attached to a single pivot point in a frame.
The person in the swing is first placed in a straight-jacket like
arrangement and then in a hooded bag which is laced tightly along the
body. There is also a strap to hold the head in place.

This version can be downright dangerous. If the body is held erect and
motionless for any length of time, unconsciousness will result from the
lack of circulation to the brain. And it comes on very quickly, with
virtually no warning to the victim.

The second version is a leather suit designed to be laced over the subject
with the arms enclosed and held over the head with attachment points
over the hands, with the body being supported by the suit itself. Again,
the total lack of movement presents the same problem.

The Masters and Houston design is the safest of the three. The person in
it is allowed enough freedom of movement to prevent passing out and
the construction was sturdy enough to prevent the more serious danger
of the apparatus falling with the person inside.

So does the Witchs cradle have any benefits that outweigh the difficulties
it presents? Properly used, the answer is yes.

First, you must understand that physical restraint produces a relaxation
response. That was the whole idea behind the straight-jacket in mental
institutions in the first place. When movement is prevented, an electro-
chemical system takes over that naturally calms the person.

Second, sensory deprivation allows for greater access to the outer worlds.
As more of the physical stimuli are shut down, the more the paraphysical
can take over. By removing even the sense of gravity, the Witchs Cradle
allows a significant psychic event to occur.

If you should decide to experiment with the Cradle, there a number safety
factors that you must keep in mind. First, there is the very real danger of
claustrophobia. Try out the binding and hooding arrangement on the
ground first, to make certain that you do not have a panic attack.

The second thing to worry about is the security of the equipment. Do not
just put a hook in the ceiling. Make certain that the device will not come
crashing down or fall apart with you or anyone else in it.

Third, be certain that a second party is present at all times. Work with a
set time limit and make sure that the assistant stops the experiment and
releases the subject when the time is up, no matter what is going on. Use
a loud-ring timer to bring the subject back to the physical body.

A much better device to utilize the factor of restrained movement is the

Biomagnetic Chair, otherwise known as the Hillerman Biocircuit. This
system keeps the person in place while at the same time blocks any
incoming energy.

The essentials of the Biomagnetic Chair are a sturdy armchair, a plastic
lawn chair will do, a foil plate for the feet, a Psionic Amplifying Plate, a
contact plate (foil) on one chair arm to attach to the input jack of the
Amplifying Plate, a headpiece, which is nothing more than a cardboard
box padded with foam rubber attached by a length of tubing to the back
of the chair to fit over the head with a contact plate inside that fits on the
Crown Chakra and is wired to the foot-plate.

The idea behind this chair is to utilize the best of a number of worlds.
The connection between the Crown Chakra and the foot plate creates a
closed Etheric field system. While this system is in operation, it is
impossible for any but purely physical force to penetrate. It will even

block out the effects of the Montauk Device, a high-powered mind-

control system developed by the government some years ago.

The restraining straps and head-box prevent most movement, setting off
the relaxation cycle and the sitting position removes the difficulty of the
Witchs Cradle, namely the danger of passing out while allowing a free
flow of Universal energy.

The hand plate connected to the Amplifier Plate allows for an outward
flow of energy and thus it is possible to send energy to a person or
engage in spirit travel while in the chair. The Psionic Helmet may be
substituted for the headpiece with no difficulty.

In use the operator is strapped into the chair and meditates, first filling
with the Universal energy. This energy is then cycled up through the
Chakra system and then directed down the arm to the hand on the
contact plate. The cable conducts the energy to the Amplifier Plate and
thence out to the Universal field itself.

When used in spirit travel, the same method can be followed except the
consciousness is sent into the Amplifier Plate through the hand. Some
people have difficulty with this method. In that case, it is usually because
the person is used to the spirit exiting by the head or the Solar Plexus

The problem of head Chakra exit is solved by replacing the box with a
Psionic Amplifying Helmet. The cable to the Amplifier Plate is plugged
into one of the four jacks and the foot plate cable plugged into one of the
remaining jacks. This will allow for free exit from the head.

In the case of the Solar Plexus, a plate can be made out of foil that is
strapped to the body at the level of the Solar Plexus Chakra. The cable
from this plate is then plugged into the Amplifier Plate and exit is then
made through that path.

A further refinement of the Biomagnetic Chair system is possible by the
addition of the radionic box. This box is tuned to the destination and can
be either wired to the helmet to further attune the traveler to the
destination, or it can be wired in between the outgoing contact point, be
it helmet, hand plate or Solar Plexus plate and the Amplifier Plate. Again,
it defines the path of the conscious energy.


The Psychomantium is a system developed by Dr. Raymond Moody as a

means of recreating an ancient oracle that will allow people to come in
contact with the dead. It can also be used as a gateway to the outer

The Psychomantium is a room that has been set aside for this purpose.
Its walls are covered in a dark cloth that cuts out light and reduces sound.
There is a mirror at one end of the room and at the other is a low easy
chair. There is low level lighting so arranged as to not reflect off the
mirror when the chair is sat in. Likewise, the person in the chair will not
see his or her own reflection, but rather will gaze into the clear depths of
the mirror.

The key to the Psychomantium is preparation. The person who is going
to use it to contact a dead friend or relative immerses himself in
memories of the deceased and thus when sitting in the room is primed to
see the person. In spirit travel, the mirror is used in the same way as
Alice used the looking glass, as a doorway to the outer worlds. It is a
method of astral projection.

Sit in the chair and relax, prepare your mind for the journey by focusing
on the separation of the consciousness from the physical body. As you
feel yourself starting to tire, close your eyes and imagine yourself rising
out of your body and walking to the mirror. Walk through the mirror as
you would walk through a doorway and you will find yourself in the outer
worlds. Here you may explore until it is time to return. At that point,
reverse your steps. You will see the mirror as a doorway. Go through it
and you will find yourself back at your body.


You are now counting down to liftoff. The Shaman begins his journey
with the presupposition that he or she will be traveling into the
underworld. A Technoshaman does not think in terms of such directions.
In the universe of the Technoshaman, all direction is relative and what
may be right-side-up to us may be upside-down to Australians and vice-
versa. As general rule, we try to go up, not necessarily because we know
that where we are going is physically above us, but because we are
culturally conditioned to think that up is better than down and it is far
easier to work in conjunction with such conditioning than to fight against
it. In fact, one vocal opponent of the New Age, Father Mitchell Pacwa, a
former professor at Loyal University in Chicago, once made a rather
joking reference to a group of Catholic nuns who were doing a ritual
which had them repeating We are going down, down, down. He laughed
and then said, with his voice rising a whole octave, Shouldnt they be
trying to go up?

In any event, all of our physical technology is dedicated to a rising
motion. We get on airplanes and shoot rockets into space. We do not
climb into boring machines and go into the center of the Earth except in
bad 1950s movies. Even if we go into the cave or tunnel, we begin by a
rising motion.


Prepare yourself for the journey. That means you should have some idea
of where you want to go and how you are going to get there. There are
many maps of the outer worlds, the Kabala, the Enochian Aethers,
Buddhist mandalas, etc. which can be used as starting points for your
trip. Study the map well in advance. It can save you a lot of extra work

Consider the means by which you will make the journey. Are you going
to travel by Psionic beam or by simple mental traveling? Are you going to
transform yourself into some other shape or are you going to use a Spirit
vehicle, such as a Spirit Car, Spirit Rocket or Spirit Helicopter?

For this beginning venture, let us assume you are going to use simple
mental traveling to the plane of Saturn with the aid of the Psionic
Amplifier Plate.

You take a symbol of Saturn and place in the center of the Plate. This
symbol can be of many varieties, from a triangle, to a Pentacle of Saturn
from the Key of Solomon. Placing the Plate on your lap, you lay your
hands on the hand plates and begin to meditate on the Universal energy.
At this stage you are powering up for your journey.

As you feel the energy making its circuit around your system, imagine
yourself pulling inward, away from the external environment of your
body, so that you are actually a separate being inhabiting the body.
Continue this separation until you feel that you are ready and then start
moving into your arms to the plate. Emerge in the center of the plate as
you were instructed in the last chapter.


There is a favorite Dr. Who episode of mine where the Doctor and his
companions use a teleportation device to beam down a much future and
deserted Earth. They find themselves more or less standing (one
upended into the ground) in the center of a circle of metal balls which
constitutes the receiving station for the system.

When you emerge into the outer world of the plane of Saturn, by means
of the Amplifier Plate, you will find yourself in the exact center of the
triangle, inside the pattern of the plate. At this point, you must orient
yourself, because you are not going to stay in that spot for very long.

Begin walking through the landscape. Saturn can be a rather depressing
plane with lots of grays and subdued colors. Take note of any feelings
you may be experiencing. Saturn is the planet of time, of age. You may
be noticing that as you walk along.

Somewhere in this plane you will begin to notice certain animals about.
Feel free to speak to them if they approach you. Some will totally ignore
you and some will engage in a rather prolonged conversation. Try to
remember as much as you can of these dialogues, but even that which
you do not directly remember will be recorded in your subconscious for
you to use if you ever have need of it.

As you continue to walk, you will notice that the landscape tends to grow.
I am inclined to think that this is because you are working in the world of
consciousness and that world is constantly malleable. As you move in it,
you change it.

You will begin to encounter creatures that bear no relationship to

anything you have ever seen, alien animals and beings of strange and at
times frightening appearance. These are the spirits of the plane. Others
will be in human form and these you should attempt to converse with as

Ultimately, you will find that you will be confronted by large beings that
fairly glow with energy. These are the gods. Each plane has them and
they sort of run the place, or at least think they do. Approach these
beings with respect, but not with fear. They are usually friendly, though
at times a bit long-winded and prone to pomposity, kind of like

In the plane of Saturn, the gods tend to have a aura of age and mystery
about them, of great hidden forces at work in the Universe. Their
conversation will tend to be cryptic in the extreme and do not be
surprised if you cannot understand a word that they are saying to you. At
times you will encounter familiar appearing deities, those who look like
pictures out of old books of mythology. These are not true gods or
goddesses, but thoughtforms that have acquired so much power that
they have gained an independent existence. Treat them as you do the
other gods but do not be surprised if they are filled with self-importance.
They were created that way by hordes of superstitious worshippers.

Do not be afraid of the gods. Put up with their boring talk and then retire
from them as you would from decent royalty, with respect.

Retrace your steps to the center of the triangle. Once you are there, will
your consciousness back into your body. You will immediately be back
from where you started from and you may open your eyes and look
around as a physical being again.

That is a very simple spirit journey. Now let us add something to it.

There are large areas of the outer worlds that do not fit any set pattern.
They are empty and while not exactly desolate, they are certainly ripe for
development. So lets develop a little. Lets build a castle, or in my case,
a tower.

When I was very young I would retreat from my world by an exercise in
fantasy where I would have a tower in a world that was outside of the
space-time continuum. What I did not know at the time was that I was
creating a thoughtform on the astral plane and that that thoughtform
would persist to this day.

Now I rather like my tower. For one thing, it is big. It is actually larger
that the Sears Tower. It is shaped like a sort of doubled star and contains
all manner of interesting rooms, including a large library. As I find it
useful at times to visit my tower, you may find it equally useful to have a
place of your own to visit on your travels in the outer worlds.

If you have read my other works, you are by now extremely familiar with
the creation of thoughtforms, but if you are so unlucky as to have not, I
will give a very brief explanation and then get back to our subject.

A thoughtform is a hunk of psychic energy that has been created by the
active thought of the individual or group. It can take any number of
forms and while most are of extremely brief duration, some can last
virtually forever. The great religious thoughtforms of history are an
example of the latter. Even though the Egyptian deities had no
worshippers for thousands of years until the pagan revivals of recent
time, the thoughtforms of them still exist and could be tapped into.

The deliberate creation of a thoughtform is actually a very simple
process. You decide what you want the thoughtform to do, what kind of
shape it will have and how long you want it to last. You then proceed to
visualize it and build it up by feeding it energy.

When building your castle, or cave, or mansion or whatever you want, you
go through the procedure of enter the outer worlds, but this time you do
not go to a specific plane. What you want is the vast, uncharted regions,
a place where you can work undisturbed.

With that in mind, use the Amplifier Plate as a doorway and when you find
yourself in the spirit equivalent of the plate, travel in any direction until
you find the terrain you are looking for. Dont worry, it will be there. In
fact, if you have thought out your desire properly, you will probably pop
up right squack in the middle of it.

Begin construction by visualizing the building appearing before you. It is
best to put it some distance away so you can take in the entire facade at a
single glance. Move around the building and fill in the details as you see
fit. Do not forget the door.

Once you have the building up, go in the door. You may find yourself In
and empty structure, or a totally finished and furnished one. That
depends on what unconscious energy you were putting into the building
while you were creating it.

Explore the building and make yourself at home, because home it is. As
you explore it, you will be adding more energy to the thoughtform and
thus each time you visit it, it will become stronger. A well constructed
spirit home can outlast the physical life of the builder and will serve as
your residence after the death of the physical body.


One of the methods of Shamanic travel is the spirit canoe. In this, the
Shamans of a tribe gather and take a canoe trip into the spirit world,
usually for the purpose of healing a tribe member. In this procedure, all
enter a trance state together and, surrounded by the singing tribesfolk,
go on their journey.

This method of doing things requires a number of features that are
simply not present in our culture. First, you need a number Shamans who
can think so much alike that they can share a mutual trance. Second, you
need a social system that supports such efforts. This method is perfect
for those cultures, but in ours, I hate to say it, it gets pretty silly with a
group of adults sitting on the floor of a living room pretending to be
paddling a canoe. We are just plain too individualistic as a people for
that method to be anything but ludicrous.

The spirit airplane is designed to get around that problem. For one thing,
it is not flown by more than one person. For another thing, and this is of
some importance to me, it is not a canoe.

Now I have some very good friends who are going to be very, very upset
with me for saying this, but there is no way on Gods Green Earth that I
am going to get into one of those things. I dont like boats under any
circumstances, I cant swim and I have no desire to drown. The last thing
I am going to visualize as a spirit conveyance is a canoe.

A car is nice, but cars have one little problem that my adult imagination
has trouble overcoming. It can only travel on land. If you run into a sea,
or mountains, it is stuck.

The use of an airplane, or space ship, is perfect. It fits our culture
perfectly. In many parts of the western world, the aircraft is the cultural
symbol of mobility. It is not limited by terrain, because a spirit aircraft is
not going to need a hanger or a landing strip. In fact, you do not even
have to have it land, but that can be a little complicated so lets keep it
parked outside the castle.

You build your airplane the same way you built your castle. The airplane
is a thoughtform which is designed to convey your spirit through the
outer worlds. You can make the aircraft in any form you wish, from
Snoopys Sopwith Camel biplane, to a Lear jet. As long as you can fit in
the cockpit with all the junk you wish to carry along, you will be fine.

Once you have the exterior design of the aircraft done, and that design is
really not very important, I have to keep repeating or I know the letters I
am going to get about it, you open the cockpit and climb in.

At this point take a look at the controls. Real aircraft have oodles of
gauges, dials, meters, and digital what-nots that mean absolutely
nothing to anyone who is not a pilot. Unless that is your profession, your
panel will probably be much simpler. For example, mine merely has the
control stick, a radar screen, a warning light in case something hostile is
around and a weapons control switch because I like to get into a little
astral sparring every now and then. There is also a communication
system in case something else flying around out there wants to parley.

The amazing thing about this is that the whole arrangement pops out of
your head, not literally like a pimple gone mad, but in concept without
you giving it much conscious thought. You have to remember that you
carry all the information you need to perform these operations inside of
you and the action of creating the thoughtform will bring out exactly
what you need and you can always add and subtract things if you need to.
That is the ultimate advantage of working with pure thought.

For a good background on mental construction, read the Skylark novels
that I referred to before.


Okay, its time to take the aircraft up for a test run. Sit comfortably in the
cockpit and close the top or the door, depending upon your design.
Command the plane to take off and sit back and see what it does. The
experience varies. In my case, it just sort of pops into the air, but others
find it better to go taxiing down the runway like a real airplane. Pull back
on the stick and point the nose up. If you are not familiar with this and
you have a computer, get a flight simulation game and practice. It really
does train the mind.

The first thing that you will notice is that you do not have some of the
limitations of a physical aircraft. For one thing, there is no stall speed.
You can prove this by simply willing the aircraft to stand still, not merely
hover, but literally to stand still in the air. You will just sort of hang there
watching the world go by.

Now point the nose back up and see how fast you can make this baby go.
Do not be surprised if you find yourself out in space. The vehicle you are
in is a creation of pure thought and can travel at the transcendent speed
of thought. At this point you may feel a tinge of fear and wonder if you
are going to get back in one piece. Look down at your panel. There will
be a direction finder pointing the way back to your castle. You did not
realize that you put it there, but your mind, anticipating the problem, did
it for you. In fact, one of the interesting thing about the panel of the
spirit aircraft is that things appear and disappear as they are needed, sort
of like pull-down menus on computer screens.

Level out and slow down. If you kept going at maximum speed you
would not be able to see anything. Now start looking around. Check
your radar. If you see a blip on the screen, turn the aircraft and approach
it. There are many flying spirit beings who never deign to set down on
land that are only accessible by flying up to meet them yourself. You may
even encounter other spirit aircraft of varying shapes. These are not
necessarily your fellow Technoshamans. They may be anything from
spirits who like aircraft as much as we do, to pilots having dreams. The
outer worlds are full of strange and wondrous things.

Pull your aircraft into a gentle turn. As you approach the blip and can see
what it is, turn on your communication gear and try to talk to it. See if it
is friendly. If it wants to talk, will your aircraft to stop and converse with
it. If you get no reply, hit the throttle a little and fly away. If the being is
hostile, see if you have thought to include a weapons delivery system. It
is rarely a necessity, but your mind may work like mine and put it there
just in case.

One of the advantages of the spirit aircraft is that it is easier to carry

stuff. A standard Shamanic practice is to go on the journey in search of
something to bring back. This has some very real limitations, like the
size of what can be carried and the simple fact that you cannot take it
back into the physical world. With the combination of the spirit aircraft
and your castle, you do not have those limitations.

Let us say that in your journey you come upon a rock of great power. If
you had to carry it back by hand, you might find that even in its spirit
form it is simply too heavy, depending on how your mind relates to the
outer worlds. With the spirit aircraft, you merely stop over it, open the
bottom hatch and bring it up into the craft to fly it back to the castle.
Then whenever you have need of the power from the rock, you merely go
into your castle directly from your physical body and draw the power that
you need.

But back to your flight.

Continue to explore the spirit land by air, now bringing the aircraft down
to treetop level. Do not worry about crashing, you can fly slowly enough
that you will have plenty of time to evade an obstacle. Note in your mind
the nature of the landscape and the creatures you see. Are there any
buildings, for example, or is the area totally undeveloped.

Yes, there are buildings, even cities in the outer worlds.

Find a place that looks interesting and bring the aircraft to a landing. Get
out of the aircraft and then will it to fly over you so you can return to it
immediately if the desire or need arises. Other than that, walk around as
you have before and study the land, conversing with such creatures as
you should encounter. If you see something, or are offered something to
take back, feel free to take it. You have no limitation on what you can
carry because the aircraft can always have room and the castle can be
expanded if need be.

Now it is time to return. Bring your aircraft down and get back in the
cockpit. Take off again and when you are airborne, check the return
direction indicator. Bring the craft around until the indicator points
straight ahead and hit the throttle. At the speed of thought, you will find
yourself over your castle.

Bring the aircraft to a landing and get out of the aircraft, taking with all
the stuff you have acquired on the trip. Store that in the castle and return
to your body.


One of the interesting things that we get to deal with is the vast number
of traditions concerning the arrangement of the outer worlds. Every
spiritual tradition has developed its own system of cosmology and a

mapping system for it. And in the outer worlds, the map tends to
become the territory, in the sense that it acts as a director of
consciousness to a specific location on the map.

The Technoshaman uses these maps as a way of maneuvering around the
spirit worlds. For example, the Kabala has the Tree of Life as its mapping
system. Beginning at the bottom, the traveler moves up the paths of the
tree, stopping at each sephiroth and working with the energies there,
with the journey ideally ending at the top. Of course, this process takes a
long time, sometimes lifetimes, and the methods of travel can vary.

The Mahayana Buddhist uses a mandala as his map of the cosmos, with
the various symbols around it dictating the path to be taken and the
energies to be invoked.

Let us take a trip through the Tree of Life with our spirit aircraft as our

Take a good look at the figure. The Tree of Life works two ways. The
divine energy starts at the top and splits its way down, bouncing through
the spheres like a pin-ball. We have to start at the bottom and work our
way up, and Malkuth is the stock-room of the Tree. This sphere is
supposed to correspond to the Earth and thus is the immediate astral
surroundings. It is also where your castle probably is, so that is where
you start.

When you arrive outside your castle, by whatever means you choose to
get there, take a quick look around and make sure that your aircraft is
intact. Being a thoughtform, sometimes it needs a little touching up now
and then and by doing that you make the thoughtform stronger.

It is also a good idea to spend a little time in the castle to strengthen it.
And as you explore it, you will find more rooms that you did not realize
were there.

In any event, get into the aircraft and take off. You have already explored
the immediate terrain, so you have a pretty good idea of what the Earth
sphere has to offer. That being the case, you will want to head for Yesod,
the sphere of the Moon.

Now at this point you have to understand that you are not going to visit
the physical moon, but rather a magickal equivalent, so do not expect to
find a moonscape.

But first you have to get there. That is where the Tarot deck can come in
handy because the Major Arcana of the Tarot act as gateways between the
spheres. The card you will look for is the World. And just as you are
wondering where the hell (no, you do not have to explore that, yet) you
are going to find that card, look straight up and there it will be, hanging
like a big billboard in space.

At this point you should be wondering how it got there. Im not really
sure, but my best guess is that the card corresponds to something in the
collective western consciousness and you just sort of tap into it when you
desire to move between Malkuth and Yesod.

Aim the aircraft for the center of the card. Do not worry, you will not
break anything. What will happen is that you will find yourself shooting
through a type of star-gate and coming out on another landscape, one
which may look very familiar if you have doing what I said to in this
chapter because it is the landscape that corresponds to the sphere of
Saturn. But that can get confusing because one of the sephiroth has the
same correspondence.

You have already explored that territory, so keep flying straight. After a
time you will find yourself going through what will seem to be another
gate and come out in a totally different landscape. Set down the plane
and get out to explore a little. There should be at least one elephant
running around and no, that is not your power animal, it belongs there!
Look around and notice everything that you can. Do not be surprised if
you run into a lunar goddess or two. Make a careful note of the type of
energy you feel in the place and after you have done some exploring get
back in the aircraft and head back. As a general practice, it is best to
return home after each sphere to avoid overloading yourself with

information. This will give you time to process what you experience and
put it to use in your life.

Anyway, that should give you a start. Follow the same procedure to visit
all ten spheres and the paths between them. Once you have done that,
try using maps from different traditions. As long as you remember to
return to your castle after each trip, you will be safe and you will be able
to store what you have found.

Now for a whole pile of words about the various creatures you may
encounter on your spirit journeys, as well as through the simple use of
Psionics. I know that much has been written on this subject already, but I
hope here to give you some special insights.

Much is said about the acquisition of Power Animals. These are spirit
beasts that attach themselves to the Shaman during his journey and have
a special relationship with the Shaman. In fact, Shamans will quite often
state that their powers are a gift from these animals. The unity between
humans and animals is a tenet of Shamanic systems all over the world.

There is a basis for this in the fundamental nature of the human
consciousness. As we physically evolved from animal to human form, we
gathered into our basic nature certain qualities of animal life. Not merely
from the apes who are our nearest relatives, but from every other form of
beast as well. They have taken root deep in our psyches and, under
extreme conditions, will actually manifest themselves. That is the true
secret of the werewolf. When the Shaman takes a journey in search of his
power animal, he is often diving deep into his own consciousness and
finding that which is already there.

The Shaman in the traditional culture is seeking to gain power from the
animals. This makes sense in a non-machine culture where birds can fly
but men cannot and most animals are physically stronger than people.
The very nature of things in that world would naturally make the Shaman
look to animal spirits as sources of power, a situation that does not exist
in our world where machines can lift more than the strongest animal, our
cars can outrun anything on legs and flying less a power than an

But that is not the only thing that is going on. The Shaman is using the
spirits to cause effects in the physical world. And the spirits are drawing
the energy to accomplish this from the Shaman.

There is a peculiar relationship between people and spirits. Humans are
often able to draw power from spirit helpers, and spirits can draw power
from people. In both cases the results can be quite extraordinary.

Consider if you will the phenomenon of the poltergeist. It is generally
assumed that poltergeist phenomena is the result of human
psychokinetic power gone mad. And in many cases this is so. There are,
however, cases on record of poltergeists clearly being spirits of one sort

or another, either disembodied humans or other spiritual beings. These

poltergeists usually end up speaking out of thin air to their victims and it
is clear that in some peculiar way they are drawing strength from the
humans to do their dirty work.

So it is with power animals. And while these are great importance in
traditional Shamanism, they are of less note in Technoshamanism
because we have our machines to do the extra work for us. For the
Technoshaman, the relationship with a power animal is more of a
sentimental, friendly nature, sometimes of value but not the sine qua non
of the operation.

Power animals do not have to take animal form as we know it. They can
appear as humans with certain animal characteristics, so if you should
run across a man with feathers growing out of him, it is not necessarily a
Native American, but could be a bird spirit that has transformed itself in
order to better communicate with you. In such a case you would do will
to listen to what it has to say, but you would also do well not to be too
willing to believe what it has to say. If the spirit is willing to take that
kind of trouble to speak to you it may also be a trickster trying to play a
little prank on you.

Power animals do have one very important function. They can function as
guardians. This is a role we do not think too much of in our culture. At
least we did not until recently. The guardian spirit is one that has taken
upon itself the task of helping us get out of trouble. Unfortunately, the
type of trouble we can get into in our culture is often just a little beyond
the abilities of animal spirits to protect us from. Power animals
are not really designed to help us recover from bad investments. For that
you need more human assistance, or sometimes spirits in the form of
angels, but they come later.

So how do you go about acquiring a power animal? The usual Shamanic
practice is to go on the journey and see which ones attract themselves to
you. That is a good policy and there is no real need to change it.

Upon entering the outer world, before you go into your castle or aircraft,
take a short look around. See if any animal spirits are hanging around
the castle. Often the power animal will waiting for the Shaman when he
emerges from the tunnel or cave and there is a very real possibility that
yours may be waiting for you to pop in.

If there is an animal waiting for you, walk up to it and talk to it, a simple
hello, will usually do. If the animal seems very friendly and gets

talkative, and that is probably the most disconcerting part of the

Shamanic or Technoshamanic experience for us, the feeling that
somehow we have been possessed by the spirit of Dr. Dolittle, it may very
well be your power animal. Now understand that there are few rules for
what a power animal is supposed to be. It does not have to be a bear or
an eagle. It can be a squirrel or a turtle. The mere fact that we do not
normally think of squirrels as having any power does not necessarily
imply that to be the case in the outer worlds. And as for having a turtle
as a power animal, a hard shell can be a real help when the book reviews
come in.

There is another aspect to the animals that can raise some eyebrows and
that is the subject of transformation.

The idea of people turning into animals is as old as people on this planet.
It was considered to be the singular ability of sorcerers and no self-
respecting vampire could go through an eternity of undeadness without
taking flight as a bat. It is a skill that is of great value, even to us

Remember what I said about everyone having an animal part of their
consciousness? This is an area that has not yet been fully explored,

though a Chicago witch, Carol Childers, has done some very interesting
work in this area. The transformation process in her work is usually
involuntary (like the involuntary nervous system), as the result of stress,
but voluntary transformation is an ability that is not only possible but
very desirable.

I have tried to give you as few personal stories in this book as possible,
for the reason I stated in my introduction, but this time I think you can
use one.

A couple of years ago, a friend of mine and I were visiting a business
associate on the south side of Chicago, which is pretty far out of my
usual stomping grounds. Now this person had the very unfortunate habit
of annoying people and this time the person she annoyed got hooked up
with a coven and decided to send something unfriendly.

We were sitting in the kitchen, talking and drinking a bit too much cheap
wine when we all noticed that the room was starting to get cold. Well, it
was winter and we all just assumed that there was a draft and once the
furnace kicked on everything would warm up again.

The furnace turned on and the place got colder!

At this point we all were in pretty clear agreement that something weird
was going on. I, as non-obviously as possible, put myself into a semi-
trance and began to try to trace down the source of the invading energy.
Ultimately, we found it to be coming in the direction of the front door,
which I suppose makes a certain sense.

Unfortunately, I did not have any of my Psionic equipment handy and the
problem really needed to be dealt with, so I shape shifted, very slightly,
bring out the tiger and sort of devoured the incoming force, totally
impressing our associate and totally freaking out my friend who had
never seen anything like that before.

The transformative ability is also of use when dealing with the animals in
the neighborhood. Every fall I do a little change in order to communicate
with the field mice around the house. Having three cats, it can be very
unhealthy for the little critters if they should find their way in, so I
basically tell them that they are more than welcome to eat out of the pan
of birdseed I lay on the ground during the cold weather and they can even
come under the back room, but if they get into the house, the cats will
get them and there is nothing I can do to stop that.

I never get mice in the house.

Other than those instances, I will admit that I find the ability to transform
my spirit into that of an animal has little practical use. The spirit aircraft
can travel faster than a spirit bird can and I have little use for the physical
strength of the other animals. But what applies to me may not apply to
you, so here is how to do transformation.

The very first thing you need to do is decide what animal most fits what
you want to accomplish and find out if that animal is compatible with
your spirit. Not all are. The best way to accomplish this is to enter the
outer worlds and go looking for that animal. When you find it, see how it
reacts to you. If it is friendly and talks to you then the likelihood is that it
will fit in with your spirit and you can transform your spirit into the form
of that animal with little difficulty. It may even help you.

If, however, the animal does not come to you, but rather avoids you, then
it is likely that your spirit and it are not compatible and such a
transformation may not even be possible.

Once you have decided which animal you wish to become, study it, learn
its basic nature and habits. Get a real clear picture in your mind of what

that animal looks like. The more you learn about the animal, the more
you will be able to take on its features.

The next step is to meditate on the animal, not only as being, but as a
concept. What does this animal mean to you, what do you think about
when you think of this animal. And do not be disturbed if you start
laughing at some of the things you discover, like bears going around
hugging people and turtles having trouble getting off their backs. After
all, there is a difference between Technoshamanism and a Russian novel.
We can laugh at ourselves.

Speaking of laughing, the one thing you really want to avoid is dressing
up in animal costumes and acting like you are the animal. In traditional
Shamanic cultures, that makes sense. The Shaman is acting out the part
of the animal as part of his identification process, and the entire populace
understands and supports it. When the Shaman puts on his bear suit and
claws, he is taking on the aspect of the bear and everyone relates to him
that way.

In our culture it is a bit different. If a person dresses up like a bird
someone is going to ask why that idiot is wearing all those feathers. In
our society, the transformation is an invisible process, something that is

kept hidden from those around us. They just might not handle it very

Once you have learned all you can about the animal, begin to meditate
again, only this time try to see yourself as the animal. Replace your
normal skin with fur or feathers or scales or whatever. If the animal flies,
feel the wings growing out of your shoulders and spreading. If it has
claws, feel them growing out of your fingers. Become the animal.

After you have practiced doing this for a while, return to the outer worlds.
Stand outside your castle and undergo the transformation. It is not
necessary to completely change into the animal, but change a few things
and see how the environment reacts to you. You may notice that the
animals approach you in a totally different way. Some may be more
willing to come, some may be less willing. Travel the countryside in your
animal form and study the new relationships. If you have chosen a bird,
take flight and see how the creatures of the sky react to you.

It is also possible, by means of Psionics, to communicate more effectively
with your furry friends. This is one benefit of the 25th century
technology that we use that I did not expect, if only because the cats have

never had any trouble making their opinions known. In fact, they can be
downright demanding.

Animals, like humans, have an Etheric field. Animal souls survive death
the same way as human ones. Anyone who thinks otherwise has never
had a ghost pet jump into bed with them. The bed actually does move.
Depending upon the nature of the animal, that field will have almost as
many layers as the human field and can be worked with in the same way
as you would with humans. For example, suppose that your little black
devil-cat has been really pestering its older kitty companions. Something
is bothering it but as cats do not speak American it is very difficult for it
to tell you what the problem is. This is a job for the Technoshaman!

Putting on your cape and tights (sorry about that, I just got a little carried
away)... Actually, what you really do is go to your witness file and pull
out the photograph of little Bandit-Cat and put it on the Psychotronic
box. You then take a rate for the kitty and hook up the Psionic Helmet,
repeating the process. Putting the helmet on your head, which works a
lot better than sitting on it, you sit and meditate.

Clear your mind as much as possible, closing your eyes and looking at a
blank screen in the center of your forehead. After a very short period of

time, you can see the image of the cat and start to pick up mental images
of what is going on in her little furry head.

Take some time and study these images. Remember, cats do not think
like people. On the whole, they are smarter than we are. After all, how
many of us have positions in life where we can sit around all day and do
nothing but sleep, eat and wash ourselves, taking time out to chase a toy
around on occasion. Because of that, the impressions you get will not be
those of a human. Some of them may even be rather disturbing,
particularly when you learn how stupid cats think humans are!

And cats also have a great sense of superiority over other animals. Once
I was flipping around the cable channels and briefly landed on a program
about the evolution of dogs. Nootzy, my middle cat, was sitting watching
the television with me and the thought came very clearly to me, as the
narrator said that dogs were descended from wolves and jackals And we
were descended from the gods and dont you dare forget it!

Humility is not a strong point with cats.

But seriously, and if my cats read this I am going to be deep trouble,
sorting out the thoughts of our furry friends can be a time consuming

task because unlike with people, we really do not know what to look for.
In the case of the hyper kitty, the problem may prove to be boredom. She
is simply too young to sit around all day washing herself. So she wants
to play with the other cats, who being more settled in their ways merely
want to be left alone. With that information in mind, you have to provide
a diversion, in this case a new cat toy.

Animals can also be healed by the same energies that heal humans.
Therapeutic touch can work wonders on a sick pet and healing energies
sent by Psionics work extremely well. Once Cleo, my oldest, came down
with a bug and was quite ill. I was at my wits end because I did not want
to subject her to a visit to the veterinarian if possible, because such
things are terribly frightening for animals, but it looked like that was
going to have to happen. I decided to give Psionics one last try before
taking her in and hooked up the machine. The result was nothing less
than miraculous. Using the box and helmet combination, I visualized the
healing energies going into her and in less than an hour Cleo was well, to
the great relief of both of us.

To work a healing on a sick animal, you can use any Psionic device but
the best is the combination of box, helmet and hand resonator.

Take a rate for the pet on the box and the helmet, then connect the three
units as in figure 16. Charge yourself with Universal energy and then
send the healing energies through the system into your little friend.
Unlike people, however, it is best to actually touch the animal. Cats, in
particular, are not fond of having things waved at them under the best of
conditions and a sick animal will generally want the comfort of your
touch. The amplified power should be great enough to help.

As you have been experimenting with transformation, you may wish to try
taking on the form of the same breed as your pets. This has a couple of
advantages. First, you already know what these animals are like. There is
no way you can avoid it. Second, they are already a type of power animal
for you. You have a natural affinity. The statement that there is a
difference between cat people and dog people is true.

Work on taking on the form of your pet. Visualize yourself imitating its
movements and try imagine yourself being as like it as possible. You will
find that a new union exists between the two of you and that that union
will be satisfying for you both.

And now that we have played with the animals for a time we can begin to
deal with another class of spirits entirely, namely angels.

I will confess that this is a topic I approach with some trepidation if only
because so much sentimental garbage has been written and said on the
topic. So let me give you a little warning. Angels are not necessarily
sentimental, helpful or even friendly. They can be, and often are, but
there is no rule requiring it. Also, angels are not always pleasant to look
at. They can, in fact, be downright scary. If you look at the Bible,
something I rarely recommend, and study the appearance of angels in
those stories, the appearance of an angel is not so much a cause for
rejoicing as terror. Considering the character of old Jehovah, that is not
surprising because the angel might be announcing that everyone in a
radius of three hundred miles was going to be stricken with leprosy
because somebody sneezed on the Sabbath. In any event, the people
visited by angels did not usually say, Sit down and have a beer. Usually
they tried to burrow into the ground or claw their way through the
nearest wall to get the hell out of there!

Therefore, let us begin with the definition of an angel. An angel is a
spiritual being who has never been human and probably has no desire to
be unless he has taken complete leave of his senses. The angel
possesses extraordinary powers, not the least of which being the capacity
to gather on pin-heads and dance. (Sorry about that, but I just could not

resist it.) Seriously, one of the great medieval controversies about angels
was whether or not they had to cross the intervening space to get from
point A to point B. Why they were worried about such things is beyond
me, but people used to write even sillier things about angels than they do

But enough of this merry digression. Angels can heal people, or they can
make them sick. They can protect people, or they can cause disasters. It
all depends on the angel and what it has been instructed to do.

Angels are part of a hierarchical system. Just how that system is
arranged is not really important to us, but it was of great importance to
the medievals who wanted to be sure that their favorite angels had a
good position.

Angles also tend to surprise people. They come unbidden and then
disappear, to the great consternation of everyone around them.

It is with their helping capacity that we are most concerned here.

The biggest problem with angels is their seeming lack of reliability. Now
sometimes that is understandable as my guardian angel has probably

spent many years in therapy after having to deal with me and my peculiar
lifestyle. Often it seems that angels are like the police, never around
when they are needed and always there when they are not. Because of
that it is sometimes tempting to think of them as cosmic pests.

So the big question comes, How do you communicate with them when
you do need them?

This is where Psionics can really come in. The instruments not only can
amplify your signal, but lock on to the angel in question to make sure
that you get through.


At this point it is important to get rid of a lot of garbage about angels.
First, angels, unlike most gods, are not thoughtforms. They are not
beings created by the human imagination and fed by that imagination.
Because of that, they do not have the biographies of the gods and, for the
most part, their names are a mystery. There are a whole bunch of
traditional names for different angels, but these names may not reflect
the real names of anything but the imagination of different writers. Still,
it is something to go on.

Traditional texts of magick also give sigils of different angels. These
make a very good starting point in contacting angelic forces. Even if you
do not come into contact with exactly the angel that you are looking for,
it may put you on the track of the one you want.

All that being said, you will want to start to get in touch with your
guardian angel and here is how you do it. You will need the Psionic
Helmet and the Psychotronic box.

For working with an angelic force who is traditionally known, such as one
of the more common angels, put either the sigil or the name of the angel
on the contact plate of the box. Take a rate and then connect the helmet.
Take a rate on the helmet and set up as you do in contacting a human.

Put the helmet on and meditate. Clear your mind as much as possible
and create the blank screen in your head. Wait as patiently as you can
until the angel appears in your mind. At that point, begin your
conversation with it.

If you have the means and space to build a Psychomantium, you will find
it a perfect communicator with the angel world. Never forget that John

Dee and Edward Kelly did their work, which led to the system of Enochian
Magick, with a mirror for the angel to appear in.

In this case, set up your Psionic equipment in the Psychomantium and let
nature take its course. Again, meditate but this time instead of closing
your eyes and looking inside your head, gaze intently at the mirror. You
will notice that the mirror will turn totally black and disappear from your
sight. This means that you are on the threshold of contact, so hold the
situation as long as possible. After a time, the angel will appear to you in
the depth of the mirror and may begin to show you various scenes. Take
these seriously but not necessarily literally, particularly if they are scenes
of great natural disasters. For some inexplicable reason, these things
pop up every thousand years in western civilization and we are going
through it again. Dont laugh and tell the angel that he is nuts if this
happens, but let the visions come and pass. After a time, you will get
other visions and maybe verbal communication.

Now I will admit that there is nothing quite as scary as having an angel
talk to you out of thin air. That is the sort of thing you do not tell people
about lest men with white coats and large nets begin chasing you. When
you get such communication, try very hard to remember what is being
said. It is usually very cryptic and often makes no sense at all, but

sometimes things do get through that are of use. The more important
thing is for you to be able to communicate with the angel.

Once you have established a link with the angel of your choice, feel free
to ask it any questions you may have. It may not know the answer, or it
may not give you the answer you are looking for, but you will not know
unless you try and it will not strike you with lightning or devour you alive.
You may also ask it for help. When you do that, be sure to take careful
note of the request and when the request was made. That will give you
some idea of how willing or able the angel was to respond to it. And if
the request is answered, be certain to thank the angel. They like that.

At this point I should say that even if you cannot build a full
psychomantium, any optical depth, such as a metal bowl filled with water
or a simple mirror set at an angle where no reflection of anything is
visible, will do. The same principles apply, except the image will tend to
be smaller, which is only to be expected.


Now we get to the real fun stuff, meeting and dealing with aliens. Now
by aliens, let me be very clear as to what I am talking about. Aliens in
this context refers to extra terrestrial beings, the Bug Eyed Monsters of
fifties science fiction. They are not spirits at all, but purely physical
entities that, like ourselves, have a spiritual content. For that reason they
can be communicated with psychically but they are not to be approached
as you would a pure spirit.

Aliens are like people, there are good ones and there are bad ones. It
does not do to become sentimental about all this. If something wants to
carry you off to the far stars and do sexual experiments without your
permission, it is being ill-mannered at the very least. By the same token,
if something wants to impart useful information to you, that is something
that is desirable.

And it probably a good idea to remember that aliens, like humans, have a
sense of humor and are not above playing little pranks on people who are
either obnoxious or stupid.

That being said, how do you get into contact with them?

One thing to remember is that when we use Psionics, we are operating in
a universe where time and space have a vastly different meaning and
relationship. I would not go so far as to say that we operate totally
outside of space and time, but we do not seem to suffer the same
limitations that purely physical existence imposes upon us. For that
reason it is possible to contact alien beings not only in our own galaxy
but others as well, places so distant that if we sent a conventional radio
signal, our ancestors would have evolved into a totally new species by the
time it reached them. In Psi-space we do not have to worry about that.
Communication is instantaneous, if sometimes a little garbled.

From what we know about aliens from the contact stories we have, they
seem to communicate best by telepathy. This staple of comic books
would appear to be the way the humans and aliens can best interact, a
case of truth following fiction. For that reason, Psionics gives us the
ability to contact aliens in a much more effective way than ordinary
telepathic systems allow.

Welcome to the 25th century.

Imagine that you are on a starship out in the void between solar systems.
You cannot communicate by radio or laser, because by the time the
message got home, you would be retired and worrying about your
pension. So you go to the Psionicist (Doc Smiths word) and give him the
message to send. He hooks himself into the Psionic transmitter and
makes contact with his counterpart at the receiving station on Earth.
Once that contact is made, the message is transmitted and recorded into
a mental hologram.

Sound pretty far-fetched? It is probably a description that will seem
terribly inefficient in the 25th century, though the principal will be clearly
recognized. The ability of the Universal energy to act as a carrier wave
for mental information knows no barriers.

Because of the tuning features of the Psionic Helmet and the Psychotronic
box, it is possible to direct a mental thought to any part of the universe
and find out if anyone out there is listening. In order to do this you will
first need an idea of where you are transmitting to. Go to the library and
start looking at books on astronomy. When you find a section that looks
promising, study it and see if the stars say something to you. I do not
mean that you will hear actual words, but there will be a feeling
impossible to describe, that will tell you that you are on the right track.

You must learn to follow your own mind in this. Just because a bunch of
people claim to be in contact with beings from the Pleiades, does not
mean that anything is actually there. So make your own decisions, and if
you are wrong the worst that can happen is nothing.

After you have some idea of where to look, take out your trusty pendulum
and dowse on the star charts and pictures for the spot you wish to lock
onto. With that information, run lickety-split to the copy machine and
make a photocopy of the star photograph that you are going to aim for.
This is a very important part of the process because you do not want to
tear the picture out of the book. That is terribly ill-behaved and totally
beneath your dignity. Besides, there may be a picture on the other side
of the page you may need later and you are going to have to do some
cutting when you get home.

When you get home cut out the picture of the appropriate star. This is
your target point.

It is best to begin with a general viewing expedition. For that purpose
the Psionic Amplifier Plate is perfect as it needs no specific tuning. Lay
the Plate on your lap and put the picture in the center. Put your hands on

the hand plates and close your eyes, willing yourself to be out where the
photograph came from.

When you find your mind floating out in space, start looking around. See
if you can find any signs of life and be very certain to keep a truly open
mind about this. There may very well not be anything there. What you
do not want to do is be so certain that you will make contact with an alien
that your subconscious will manufacture one for you. Such things
happen far too often and make serious research a real pain.

But let us assume that you do find something. It may be as obvious as a
little man with a big head staring back and you and scaring you half out
of your skin, or it may a faint sign of a civilization, lights where there
should be none or a vehicle shooting by. There may be psychic
transmissions or impressions, things to go on. If that is the case, it is
time to bring in the more powerful units.

Take the photograph and place it on the witness plate of the Psychotronic
box. Once you have done that, take a rate and then plug in the Psionic
Helmet. Take a rate on that. Now put the helmet on and follow the

In a matter of seconds, you should find yourself looking at the star

system you have locked onto. Begin slowly turning the dials on the box
as you move in towards the location you are seeking. This simple action
will help to lock your mind in place and keep it from wandering all over.
Eventually you will find yourself face to face with an alien.

I wish I could describe the experience in detail for you, but, as I said in
my introduction, I do not want to impose my ideas and experiences on
you. What I can tell you is that you will see a face, and this face will send
information to you, holding a conversation.

The important thing to remember about alien contact is that you must
approach the aliens as an equal. You will serve no purpose whatsoever
by bowing and scraping. They are beings like ourselves, with strengths
and weakness, aspects of knowledge and points of ignorance just as we
are. When you talk to them, remember that you are also of a star-going
species, because that is exactly what you are doing, and you are
exploring their part of space. You are a pioneer, traveling in new realms
of experience and knowledge. As long as you remember that, you will
have no trouble dealing with extraterrestrials.

As you get to know them, they may wish to take you on a tour. Feel free
to follow them. As you become adept at this type of astral projection,
you will no longer be conscious of your physical body but will rather exist
totally in your mental one as it journeys through the blackness of space.

You will discover that aliens have a totally different social structure than
you are used to. As they guide you through their cities, try not to register
too much surprise, much less shock, at what you may see. Remember
that they would find our culture just as difficult to understand and that if
there is such a thing as a law of nature in behavior, relativism is that

Never forget that when you leave the Earth, always take your common
sense with you. If you encounter an alien that tells you that you are an
incarnation of one of their gods (and it does happen) do not make the
mistake of believing it. You can get into real trouble back home if you
start behaving like you have just been deified. And take everything else
you are told with a sizable quantity of salt. You do not want to be known
as the idiot who built the flying saucer landing platform in your back
yard. If they want to visit you, they can figure out how to do it and you
do not need such things to visit them. And of course you are much too
intelligent to go out and murder the neighbors in the cause of Universal
Peace. As I said, there are some pranksters among them.

But other than that, astral space travel is one of the great pleasure
afforded to the Technoshaman. It gives us a chance to literally spread
our wings and go out where no one has ever gone before.


This chapter is going to represent a departure from my usual writing, so
if it seems somewhat unusual in style, please bear with me. I am going
to explain why Technoshamanism a path to enlightenment and this is a
I do not often deal with.

When I first started writing this book, I realized that path has to be
something more than my usual catalogue of gadgets and skills that would
be available to the studious artisan. And the end result of any truly
spiritual path is enlightenment. Yet in order to study the relationship
between psychic/Shamanic powers and enlightenment, we must first
study enlightenment itself and that is no easy thing to do, if only for the
simple reason that those who attain it are usually not around to explain it
after they have reached Nirvana.

Discovering what exactly constitutes enlightenment is a serious problem,
for except for the enlightened themselves, no one knows what it is. We
assume it exists, not because of the words of some dubious authority
who attained his knowledge by standing on his head for forty years and
living on brown rice and chewing gum while speaking in barbarous
French. Rather it is due to a latent force within ourselves, a driving and
demanding force that somewhere along the line of the evolution of the
soul makes itself felt and gives the person no rest or respite until it is
fulfilled, if not in one lifetime, then perhaps in the next. And the problem
is compounded by the annoying fact that the individuals who teach of
enlightenment do not agree on anything about it. The student is left to
sort out contradictions and paradoxes, to make sense of the senseless
and attach names to the nameless. It is for this reason that the
intellectual search for enlightenment is an almost hopeless task. It is not
so much that the mind cannot grasp the information as the fact that the
information is couched in such a way that no mind can deal with it for
very long and remain sane.

For that very reason it is often recommended that the student actually
depart from sanity. Nowhere is this more evident than in the tantric
disciplines of Tibet where the Chod rite requires that the aspirant enter a
graveyard, and Tibetan graveyards, for those of you who may not know,
are extremely gruesome and unhealthy places due to the custom of
allowing the bodies to lay exposed that the birds and beasts may feast
upon the mortal remains and while there, perform a series of rituals in

which he identifies himself with a corpse. Even among the Tibetans, the
one who practices this discipline is not regarded as one whom one would
want as either a next door neighbor or a baby sitter, much as he may be
revered for his other attainments.

But enlightenment is not a process, it is an event and it is not a
temporary thing once it has been achieved. How is it possible to say this?

Let us consider the nature of an enlightened individual. This person as
changed. He, or she, is not same person who got out bed the morning of
the day enlightenment occurred. A fundamental change has taken place
in the relationship between that person and the universe itself. A union
of sorts has occurred whereby the fundamental nature and intelligence of
the cosmos has become inseparably bonded with the enlightened one.

Therefore, let us take a speculative look at the Universe not as it
physically manifests, but as a vast reservoir of information which is
continually being processed to create that which we know of as physical
reality. In such a universe, the manipulation of data becomes the
manipulation of reality and knowledge is not only power, it is existence
itself. The individual who becomes one with this source of knowledge
may or be omniscient nor omnipotent, but he is able to process spiritual
information much faster than before. He must still deal with the
limitations imposed by the physical nervous system, but his potential is
far greater and when he finally drops his body, that potential becomes
realized and the immortal part of himself becomes part of the Universal
intelligence itself. In short, he reaches Nirvana.

Now as this process is concerned with the evolution of the human soul,
there should be evidence that such evolution has occurred. Where are we
to look for such evidence?

In that regard, all we have to go on is experience, the experience of the
individual, known as memory and the collective experience of humanity,
which we call history. And to look for the effects of evolution we have to
as the simple question What is it that we do better now than we did two
thousand years ago?

That is not an easy question to answer. For in many ways the ancients
were as smart, if not smarter than we are. I know that I never would have
thought to measure the circumference of the planet with two sticks and
do it accurately. However, we cannot judge humanity by its geniuses.
What we must do is find a standard which we can apply to the mass of the
most developed societies of the time and compare that. As we are

dealing with information, we must look to the primary carrier of

information, language and in that regard, the difference becomes
obvious. We use many times the number of words than the ancients.
While the ancient Greeks and Romans used an average vocabulary of
approximately five thousand words, the working vocabulary of the
average American is close to sixty thousand words. Clearly we are
dealing with a greatly increased amount of information, not only in the
number of words we use. To put it bluntly, the average American in front
of his or her television is actually smarter than the average person in the
center of ancient Athens, as difficult as this may be to believe.

That is not to say that we are all absolutely brilliant on all occasions. We
can be damned stupid when we want to be, but we are, as a human
species, more able to deal with information on a broader base than our
ancient predecessors.

If this is indeed the case, that enlightenment entails the efficient
processing of information, then we must realize that psychic powers are
essential and that enlightenment cannot occur without them. The truth
of the matter is that psychic powers are nothing more than the means of
acquiring information and then putting that information to use.

It has long been assumed that such powers do develop automatically on
the way to perfection. What has not been considered is the fact that the
mere development of psychic abilities is a step on the path and the one
who develops and uses such paranormal abilities is by that very act
moving towards enlightenment.

It is never wise to judge the path of another. It is his or her path and he
or she has chosen to follow it. The mere fact that it does not agree with
ours does not make it wrong, only different. That does not mean that we
are under any obligation to approve of it, or advocate it ourselves. But
we must be hesitant in saying that if a person follows a path involving a
great amount of ritual and we find ritual boring and stupid that ritual will
not get that person enlightened.

So, if it is possible to come to the enlightened state by any number of
means and the means themselves are irrelevant, what does this imply
about the Psionic Path? I would think the answer to this should be
obvious. In the search for enlightenment, the Psionic Path is as valid as
any other way and if it has its risks, they are no greater and probably less
annoying than the risks associated with any other method.

And this is as good a time as any to cover those. One finds in the
writings of Alice Bailey continuing references to the problem of what she
termed glamour, and in fact she even published a small book on the
subject. The choice of the word is unfortunate because glamour does not
have a negative meaning in modern ears, but when she used it she meant
an attractive illusion. In the case of the Psionic Path, it means the illusion
of having accomplished something prematurely. It is really quite easy for
someone to gain certain useful powers, such as clairvoyance and
precognition, and thing that now that he has these new and uncommon
abilities that he has become a great spiritual teacher. Before you know it,
he, or she, has invested in a purple robe and is going from city to city,
packing lecture halls with the ignorant who are all to ready to part with
their treasure for the sake of high-sounding nonsense. If he is able to
bilk a brainless movie star, so much the better, but in doing so he has
taken one hell of a leap off the path.

By entering into such an arrangement, the aspirant loses sight of the fact
that enlightenment come not from working on other people but rather
from working on oneself. Why else is it that one of the most common
requirements for the last stage of the path in virtually of the systems that
teach it, require that the aspirant get as far away from the rush of
humanity as possible. Clearly large crowds are not conducive to the
realized state.

In addition, there is the obvious fact that the aspirant is no longer
aspiring to anything except paying the bills and keeping the Mercedes
running. The entire concept of the path disappears from his life and what
was once a power becomes a talent and then a tool.

It is foolish to ignore the fact that people take up psychic development
for many reasons, the eventual attainment of enlightenment being the
least of them. For most, the abilities they seek are merely tools to be
used in the struggle for existence. And this is not a bad thing. There are
few behaviors more foolish and cruel than lecturing a person who is
trying to pay the rent on the relative spiritual aspects of how he is trying
to pay it. So let us realize, without casting judgment, that the true
reasons people attempt to become psychic have more to do with the
problems of daily life than reaching Nirvana.

My contention her is that psychic development is a yoga, if you will, unto
itself, as valid and effective as any of the more recognized methods and
ultimately conducive of and leading to the enlightened state..

Why do I say this?

If enlightenment is the processing of a tremendous inrush of spiritual
information, then psychic power is a means by which the individual is
prepared for that inrush and by careful practice and study of these
powers the spiritual nature of the individual is brought forth and opened
to the knowledge that leads to ultimate realization.

When a person begins to seek any psychic ability, the first thing that he
or she encounters is the fact that while everyone says that all of us have
these powers and they are only waiting to be brought forth, getting them
to work can be a real pain. This basic difficulty is one of the first pitfalls
on the psychic path, for there are two basic ways of attaining psychic
abilities. The first way, the way that is the basic thrust of all my work, is
to train yourself to use and recognize your own, natural powers. The
second is to seek the help of various discarnate entities. While such
beings can be of great help, they must never be totally relied upon. The
problem with that is that there are those who think, incorrectly, that all
psychic abilities come from such entities. That is all well and good for
the ignorant, but when someone who should know better starts believing
it, there is going to be a problem. The combination of laziness and lack
of self-confidence that come from that belief is nothing short of
disastrous for one who seeks enlightenment. It is the rough equivalent of
a practitioner of Hatha yoga paying someone else to do the difficult
postures. And it is very difficult to explore powers with someone who
really believes that they do not exist.

The first major hurdle to be overcome, therefore is the lack of knowledge.
It is not enough to merely believe that psychic power is there, one must
know it.

With the knowledge comes the daring. I will admit that like all authors on
this subject I tend to avoid talking about possible risks involved in
learning to use these powers. Now by risks, I am not talking about the
Victorian idiots who were convinced that every time a person practiced
astral projection there was the possibility that someone might steal his
body or he might get lost in the great astral field.

The fact is that there is always the possibility of loss of control, that one
might open ones vision to the astral plane and lose the ability to
determine which is being seen, the physical world or the astral one. And
one must also learn to interpret the information received, to know if it is
accurate. I remember one time I was asked to give a pendulum reading
to a lady friend of mine who was going through an emotional crisis and
wished me to predict the outcome. The pendulum gave an answer that

proved to be wrong and I told her as I got the answer that I had no faith
in the prediction, that I was sure it was wrong. Such discernment can
only come with experience and the aspirant must be willing to make his
mistakes and learn how to tell true information for the false and know
where the false information is coming from, usually the strong desire to
hear good news.

If a person does not work on accuracy, there is also the very real danger
of making a fool of oneself, such as the poor man who used to come
around the library at the Theosophical Society. He was something of a
clairvoyant but had no idea of how to interpret the information he
gathered and once even told me, who cannot sleep with even the hint of
light, that I was afraid of the dark!

Even accuracy. with time, can lead to the danger of spiritual pride. As the
aspirant progresses and his knowledge and abilities increase, a feeling of
strength and confidence replaces his old doubts and he begins to think
that he has reached his goal.

At this point the gods intervene and give the aspirant a good kick in the
rear to remind him that while he has gone quite a way, he is still pretty
far from the end. But that is not always the case and pretty soon the
student begins to see himself as a Master before he has passed his orals.
There is an excellent example of this in the history of the Theosophical
Society when, in 1925, its leaders gathered at an estate in the
Netherlands and began to give themselves initiations to the point where
poor, crazy Rukmini Devi stood before a gathering of the Order of the
Star in the East (not to be confused with the Order of the Eastern Star)
founded to promote Krishnamurti as the new messiah, and proclaimed, in
all seriousness, that she was an Arhat, an enlightened being. I will
confess that I have difficulty deciding who to feel sorrier for in that case,
the poor idiot who went to her death still believing that nonsense or the
idiots who sat there and listened to her without laughing.

The Romans, in their wisdom, when giving a conquering general a
triumphal parade, had a slave stand behind him in the chariot to whisper
in his ear that he was still mortal. It is a good idea for the psychic to
remember that when he gets out of bed in the morning he still has to put
his own pants on.

When these difficulties are avoided, however, the psychic will gradually
come to a greater unfolding in his own life. It is inevitable.

When a psychic power is developed, the Astral body enters into a unique
alignment with the Intuitive field, from which all psychic information is
obtained. Once this relationship is established, the Intuitive field
becomes activated in a much greater way than it had been heretofore.
This activation forces the other fields into alignment with the Intuitive in
order for the psychic abilities to function.

Now the important thing to remember is that this happens each and every
time a psychic ability is used. Let me give you a little illustration.

Think of each of the fields as a spinning wheel with a little gap in each, to
that the gaps, through which the information can flow, are usually not
aligned, thus preventing the information from getting from one level to
the next. But, every once in a while, the gaps line up and the information
flows freely for the time that they are.

When a psychic ability is being used, that is what is happening. The
information that is normally blocked is allowed to run from the Intuitive
field through to the physical brain. But when this alignment occurs, even
for the briefest instant, another one also takes place. The highest of the
fields, up to and including the soul itself, can make their presence felt.

Now this is, in most cases, a very rare and fleeting thing and not without
its hazards for in the area of enlightenment a little knowledge can be a
very dangerous thing indeed, leading at best to the problem of spiritual
pride which I know I am harping on, to talking to the wrong people and
ending up in a padded room at worst. For the person who is not
emotionally or intellectually prepared, the sudden inrush of data can be a
truly unbalancing experience. Fortunately the last is very rare, for the
amount of data that comes to most psychics is so small at first that it is
usually unable to penetrate the wall that their concentration on the
matter at hand creates, be it to find the lost book or influence the boss to
give out bigger raises. Such mundane concerns are the true protection
for the neophyte in that he or she is protected from that which might
prove to be too much for him by his destracted conscious mind.

Yet with continued practice come a greater perceptivity. The mind which
before could not discern between a true and false pendulum reading now
can tell if the reading is accurate. Images which were fleeting, even with
the aid of a Psionic Helmet, are now clearer and easily recognizable. As
time goes on, information comes in larger and more coherent quantities.
In short, the segments of the brain that control the use of psychic
abilities, heretofore almost dormant become more efficient in their
function and the store of data that they can handle becomes greater. And

with this the psychic begins to see things that are not really psychic at all.
For as the powers reach that level which is the plateau for that individual,
the alignment in the bodies becomes more and more frequent, and the
pathway between the highest and the lowest is open more often and stays
open longer.

The moments of bliss become seconds, then minutes and finally, as the
years pass, even hours. And that state of quiet unity with the intelligence
of the Cosmos becomes a fact of life, something no longer glimpsed or
rumored of, but a living reality, a part of daily experience.

It is at this point that enlightenment becomes a truth, not a theory.
Without this experience, the stories of the Buddha are just that, stories
and the psychologist who claims that the Buddha was not really
enlightened, only self-deluded and able to delude his followers is proven
wrong only by experience. And, at the same time, those who claim that
to be enlightened is to live in the way that they prescribe are also proven
wrong. For the experience of enlightenment transcends such
considerations. It is an existence outside the realm of daily care and it is
only with the greatest pain that one who has experienced it can return to
the problems of living. In that regard, enlightenment can be more of a
burden than a blessing. It is not easy for a mind that has been opened to
the dance of the Cosmos and seen the stately pavane of the galaxies to
return to the fact that the bills have to be paid and in our world it is the
enlightened among us, for have come to be convinced that hidden among
our teeming populace there are such, who need to be granted the
compassion that they are reputed to have for us. We think of
enlightenment as the freeing of the soul, the final end of the wheel of
incarnations. Perhaps we should also think of it as a great, perhaps the
greatest, of burdens.

Let us not forget that the enlightened one is not merely the one-eyed
man in the country of the blind. He is a two-eyed man who hears in the
country of the blind and deaf. He has opened himself to knowledge that
is both a privilege and a terror. For every pleasure he experiences, for
every moment of bliss, he feels a thousand pains. That is why the seeker
in his final stage is always advised to go to his hermitage, to get away
from the press of humanity. It is not due to a lack of compassion, but to
a realization that with enlightenment compassion and dispassion become

Faced with this daunting prospect, the aspirant is tempted, and possibly
succumbs for one or more lifetimes, to the desire to get on with his life
and forget this enlightenment business, and it is only by a tremendous

force of will alone that he is able to persist and keep on the path. But the
truth is that even if the will is lacking, his progress on the path has
reached a point that even if he were to avoid it for a hundred incarnations
the urge to get back on it would remain with him. While his will remains
free, the choices open to that will are becoming limited. He cannot
simply say that everything he has experienced is nonsense, not without
destroying himself, for the psychological commitment is too great. Nor
can he stay at the level he is at. It is simply too uncomfortable.

There is but one choice remaining to the aspirant, to go on and finally the
end must be reached. The profound silence of the soul where the noises
that beset and tormented it for millennia are blotted out and in their
place is the ultimate quietude. At that point the aspirant need aspire no
longer. He may return from his hermitage and again travel among
humanity for does not keep silence. The silence keeps him.

Therefore, to conclude this work, the old formula of the magicians, to
know, to dare, to will and finally to keep silent, are the keys to the
psychic path as well and the one who stays on that path will ultimately
experience all of them.



copyright Charles Cosimano 2004


When this book was first written in the summer of 1987, the world was a much
different place and I was a much different person. My first book, then called
Psionics 101, was out and receiving much critical acclaim, except from some
absolutely horrified new agers and wiccans who were terrified of someone who
could use their ideas and reject their philosophy.

It was great fun.

Not a lot of money, but great fun.

I was rapidly making a name for myself as the enfant terrible of the new age,
even though by then I was certainly no longer an infant. I was showing the signs
of being the scary person I have become, but not quite.

It was, in fact, a personally dreadful time for me. My grandparents had just died
and my mother was dying. By Xmas of that year my family would consist of me
and the cats. And, no doubt, some of that came through in the writing of this
book but I have not quite been able to find where it did. And I was mad. I was
mad at the new agers and the wiccans because they were trying to censor me
and anyone who knows me knows that nothing will send me into a blind rage
faster. I would cheerfully have blown their stinking brains out.

Well, anyone who knows me also knows that I react to critics in a ways far
different than the critics want. I take what they dont like and jam it down their
throats. I have always said, If you dont like this, wait until you see what is
coming next. And the last chapter of this book reflected that (and Ive totally
changed that chapter in this edition because it was hardly nasty enough. I can
assure you, the new one will make your blood run cold. It is Uncle Chuckie at his
most evil.).

The world was different too. The Cold War was ending. I had spent the 80s
dueling with Soviet psychics and usually winning (we really were psychic
terrorists in those days). Im even told that I killed at least two of them but there
is no way proving that, thank badness. The psychic battle field was changing in
ways we could not imagine.

And I did not know it at the time, but I had broken the back of the radionic/psionic
monopoly. Now it is relatively easy for anyone to get a good radionic device but
back then they were damned rare and incredibly expensive. In that I succeeded
beyond my wildest dreams.

So, here it is, the second book of my canon. It was written to fill in the gaps left
by the first one and has needed considerable updating but Ive managed to leave
most of it intact. And for those of you who have original, you will find the page

count much shorter. That is due to font size and spacing which is much different
in electronic format than in print format.

Have fun.


For those of you who many years ago were fortunate enough to have read my
Psionics 101 (before it went through all its name changes), not to be confused
with the Room 101 of George Orwell fame, I feel an obligation to explain that this
work is going to be a bit different. Yes, it will have the same biting wit and
fascinating repartee, but this book is going to be just a bit harder to understand,
because, while in my first volume I was primarily concerned with teaching my
readers how to make such useful things as thoughtforms, pendulums, and
radionic boxes, this book will explain in some detail greater than in that book why
the methods introduced in the first volume work, and will introduce a few more
advanced techniques. In addition, I will try to dive into waters in which most
researchers fear to swim by commenting on research methods and even the
ethics (or the non-ethics) thereof.

When I wrote those words seventeen years ago I never dreamt of what I was
ultimately going to get into.

But enough of this merriment, as the inquisitor said to his victim. Let us begin
with a consideration of one of the most difficult problems facing any student in
the field of the psychic, that is to say, language. For no matter how important
what we have to say is, it will not matter one bit if no one can understand what
we are talking about. This fact should be obvious to everyone with the possible
exception of social scientists and bureaucrats.

Old Montague Summers, that most credulous and hostile chronicler of things
occult and arcane, once began a work by quoting some advice given by a well-
known (at least to his students) tutor at Oxford. That worthy gentleman never
missed an opportunity to remind his students to define your terms. I will set
aside my prejudices against all things British and foreign and follow that adage
by trying to make some sense out of the words used to describe our study.

Some of the words under which the material I will cover are clearly inappropriate.
Occult and supernatural are the most obvious.. Occult means hidden and if it is
available to the public on the internet it is most certainly NOT that; and
supernatural is impossible. There is no such thing as the supernatural, there is
only that part of nature that we do not understand. For example, to the most
knowledgeable person in the fifteenth century, television would have been
supernatural. Now it is merely annoying and stupid. Or, to give a more modern
example, the flight of the bumblebee is impossible according to the classical
theories of aerodynamics. All this means, however, is that there was an error in
the theory somewhere and the specialist in that field did will to discover it before
he got stung.

Finding things with a rod or a pendulum used to be commonly called divining,

and it still is in some quarters. That term has gone out of fashion because of a
number of factors. For one thing, we do not know believe that the art is the result
of divine intervention. The other reason is that the word divine has been stolen
to describe the more bizarre manifestations of the entertainment industry and
thus can longer be taken seriously by anyone with more than half a brain. It has
been popularly replaced by dowsing, which is as good a word as any, provided
you are not near a swimming pool at the time. Its meaning is limited to finding
information by psychic means with the aid of some instrument.

The godless French, with their ridiculous, unpronounceable language and love of
making the simple complex, coined the term radiesthesia, which, in addition to
being a pain to remember how to spell, literally means distant sensing. This
word has two strikes against it. First, it only refers to gathering information which
is only half of what we are doing and dowsing works ever so much better for that.
Second, and this is a personal prejudice born out of too much time spent ill, is
that the word itself sounds like something you would hear under less than
comfortable circumstances. Imagine yourself lying in the hospital, watching
some god-awful soap opera because the hospital doesnt have any decent cable
channels and wondering when you are going to be assaulted by the PCA
(Pestilential Care Assistant) when in comes someone in a white coat who says,
Hi! Im Bobby and Ill be your radiesthesist. And before you can say, IM
ONLY IN FOR TESTS! you are on your way to the operating table about to
donate a kidney to someone you dont even like.

Radionics might seem at first glance to be the perfect term. It implies not only
the gathering of information by psychic means but also acting by those means.

Of course magick covers the same territory, but it also includes all manner of
other stuff and can be serious encumbered by lots of mumbo-jumbo and social
prejudices. Radionics seems almost respectable by comparison, at least it was
until I hijacked it (now Mahmud, tell me about the virgins again and try to keep
this thing level.). Unfortunately radionics refers to a very specific form of psychic
activity, which virtually requires the use of certain instruments with nice dials and
numbers (or computer programs that do much the same thing). There are those
who wish to expand the meaning of the term and break out of that mold, but it
must be admitted that they have served to cause more confusion than

It is due to the weakness of the other terms that I have chosen to use the word
psionics. I admit that it too has its deficiencies. Psionics has a certain science-
fictiony tone to it, which is hardly surprising as it was coined by two science-
fiction writers, John W. Campbell and E. E. Smith. It also creates a certain
confusion on the part of those who are not familiar with the terminology of the
field and, when told that a book is about psionics return a blank stare and ask
something stupid about role-playing games. But these difficulties aside, I find it

to be the perfect word for all device-assisted psychic activity, much better, for
example, than the term coined by the late Christopher Hills, supersensonics, if
only that it is much less of a mouthful to pronounce.

To put it another way, radiesthesia is sensing at a distance. Radionics is defined
as acting at a distance. Radiesthesia, plus radionics, plus psychic development
in general, equals radionics.

The Joy of Power

I hope that my little opening digression did not annoy you too much. For, with
that out of the way, we can get busy as start making you a true adept at psionics.

Before we begin, however, I should point out to you that this was the second
volume of what has become the canon of my writings on this subject and much of
the material when it was written was a continuation of the material in my first
book, now titled Elementary Psionics. But do not let that deter you. There will be
a great deal of material in this one that does not need the background of the
other book and the equipment that is mentioned is not only mostly described on
my website, but also in the Appendices of
this book as well. Therefore, if you have not had the pleasure of reading my
other books (hang your head in shame!) I recommend that you begin looking
there and build the pendulum, radionic box and amplifying helmet, as well as the
teleflasher. These are basic tools and you will profit much by the exercise.

Assuming, however, that you are among the lucky masses who have studied my
work, you may begin to use this book in earnest, and it is well to begin with a
good, honest look at yourself and your view of the world around you. This may
seem like strange advice with which to start off a book on psionics, but it is very
important, far more important than I realized so many years ago when I wrote my
first book. I you will recall, I told you in that work that you should not be afraid of
having and using power. I explained that power is nothing more than the ability
to accomplish your ends. Well, my friend, there is more to it than that.

All psychic functioning, no matter how sugar-coated its advocates like to make it,
is designed for the sole purpose of giving its user the capacity to accomplish
things that he might not otherwise be able to accomplish. It also gives the user
an advantage in the great struggle of life, for, as Thomas Hobbes said, Man is
wolf to man, to which a dentist friend of mine added, And the wolf with the best
teeth wins!

This simple fact of existence drives some people absolutely nuts. They whine
and preach about Karma and the Law of Three, and other such nonsense.
Those who have a hard time recognizing life as consisting mainly of struggle and
conflict are going to have a very bad time in using psychic power, with or without
the aid of psionic devices, to achieve anything.

You must be willing to understand that guilt is an emotion and it can be a most
pernicious emotion at that. Every time you set it off, you put out a certain amount
of energy, and if you do that often enough you are inevitably going to create a
thoughtform which will draw disaster to yourself. In effect, your conscience will
be doing to you what no outside force is able to.

So it really, really is very important that you be able to function with psychic
energy and not feel guilty about doing so. And you must also feel absolutely no
guilt about gaining results from using that activity, no matter what the effect on
others may be, and that can be a hard thing to achieve.

Now, I am not asking you to give up your conscience entirely, even though the
psychopath is a higher stage of evolution being not so encumbered. What I am
asking you to do is to take a good look at the world around you and realize that
there are times in life when what we most definitely do NOT what is a fair
chance. What we want is a deck stacked in our favor.

There is also the element of freedom. I am a firm believer in the freedom of the
individual to pursue his destiny, and there are times when in pursuit of that
freedom it will be necessary to step on someones foot. Remember, your right to
swing your fist does not end at the other persons nose. His nose merely
interferes with the trajectory of your swing.

If you are going to evolve, if you are going to grow, you are going to have to
whatever is necessary to maximize that freedom without which nothing else is
worth having. Psionics can do that for you. It can give you those abilities which
are necessary to stack the deck in your favor. It is all very nice to speak of co-
operation, what you are working with here is a fundamentally individualistic
system, and if you cannot act as an individual you are going to be of damned
little use to anyone else.

Once you have mastered that element, then you may work with others as you
wish and as it serves your purposes. Co-operation is often useful but only when
it occurs with a primary respect for the individuals involved in the effort. Nothing
lasting or of value is ever achieved by people acting as a flock of sheep,
mindlessly following their leader or guru into some idealistic never-never land.
No, what you must do is stand first on your own legs and be responsible for your
own actions.

In psionics you are responsible ONLY to yourself, and that is more than enough.
You do not have to justify your actions to anyone or your interests in this area to
anybody else. No law can call you to account for anything you do with it. But
you must also be willing to face the results of your actions and if a dozen or so
innocent people should die in a wreck that keeps you from getting a traffic ticket
because the pigs are occupied (or better still part of the casualty count) you must
not let it bother you.

Psionics gives you a tremendous advantage over other people, such as if you
make an enemy (and no one accomplishes anything in life without making
enemies) or if you are faced with a problem that might otherwise create a great
deal of hard feelings if an attempt to solve it were allowed to take the normal

course of screaming, yelling, fistfights and lawsuits. So, let me explain that
advantage with one of my favorite stories.

A long time ago, in the early 80s, one of our neighbors had the extraordinarily
bad luck to be afflicted with several offspring. And, due to undoubtedly bad
management and lack of foresight on his part in not selling them immediately for
medical experiments, they grew into late adolescence. As if this were not a bad
enough situation, one of them, in spite of much good counsel from his elders,
decided he had an ear for what passed for music in those days and wished to
make is fortune as a rock musician (and yes, I know that is an oxymoron). To
make matters worse, he formed his own band and was using his fathers garage
for a practice site. The result was that I, and the rest of my neighbors, were
fervently wishing for a nuclear attack to restore peace and quiet in our lives.
They were even drowning out the low-flying jets looking for OHare Field!
(Mahmud! You idiot! The Sears Tower is the other way!) To add to my
difficulties was the fact that I actually liked the neighbor. He was a good, albeit
honest, person who on many occasions had helped me push my car out of the
snow. He was always ready to loan his tools and was full of advice on the
arcane mystery of killing crabgrass. So hiring a hit man to kill off his children was
not what is termed a viable solution.

It was at that point that I was beginning to experiment with what are termed
disruption patterns (they get explained later), and thus I used a radionic device
(which is sitting on a table right next to me as I type this) to transmit such a
pattern at the band. After a few days of this, during which I wondered if the
machine were actually going to work, I discovered that a strange, eerie quiet had
descended upon the neighborhood unbroken only by the distressed outcry of the
baby-sitter who had discovered that her young charge did not know where its
parents left the keys to the handcuffs.

What had happened? Had my neighbor come to his senses and shipped his son
off to the merchant marine? No, the answer was much simpler than that.
Another neighbor, who was far less patient and long-suffering than myself, had
summoned various attendant spirits in the form of the local constabulary to
annoy, harass and otherwise persuade the source of the god-awful racket that
his efforts lack artistic merit and were not appreciated by the philistines next
door. This situation had the advantage to me in that the opprobrium was on that
neighbor who had to deal with cars being vandalized and other such nuisances
while I was able to go back to doing my research and flogging my girlfriend in

There is another way to enjoy psionics and the power it brings, and that is in the
playing of little pranks. In my first book I got into some hot water with a few
readers who got their panties in a knot about one small, fun little exercise that
involved visualizing a drill boring into back of someone elses neck. The person
who published Borderland Research actually called me on the phone to

remonstrate with me. I confess that I expected a few of my ideas to raise a few
hairs, but I was really surprised that that one method would create such a
response. It seemed pretty harmless to me. After some thought, and a rather
serious tantrum that ruined a couple of pieces of furniture, I think I found the
answer. It was not the experiment that bothered people, it was the idea of having
fun with it. To most people who got involved in psionics back then this stuff was
as serious as a Russian novel, not to be taken lightly or treated with irreverence
and let us be honest, I dont have a reverent bone in my body.

Now, I should not be too harsh on some of those who have viewed with alarm
anything which might detract from the seriousness with which they take their
subject (even if they do walk around with large Kick me! signs on their backs).
Psionics had a very bad reputation in this country and I have done a lot to make
that reputation worse. (tee hee hee) Some of them, poor fools, have worked very
hard to try in the face of all unreasoning opposition to make it respectable, almost
a new branch of physics. In doing so they get laughed at a lot and then along
comes someone like me who laughs at everything, well they turn all sorts of
colors and throw people out of meetings saying, We dont mention HIM here.

But is anything served by that intensity, other than providing me with new cannon
fodder for my sense of humor? The answer is no. My demands are quite simple.
All I expect of you is a little uncommon sense. Realize that you have certain
abilities, and dont be afraid to use them, no matter what utter purblind nonsense
and control-freak garbage people around you or other writers (may Allah damn
them for their ignorance and not give them a chance to be martyrs and get
virgins!) say. Face life without fear, and know that as you progress you will be
more than a match for any slings, arrows or old beer bottles that outraged and
outrageous fortune may see fit to hurl in your general direction.


When this book was first being written (the summer of 1987) it had been ten
years since the movie Star Wars popularized the idea of what in the series was
termed The Force. The concept had been floating around for some time, but it
was the movie that made the idea of an all-pervasive universal energy field that
could be manipulated by those with the skill truly common. Unfortunately the
New Agers got their sticky hands on it and almost destroyed the idea.

While calling it The Force may have been good cinema, especially when the
words were intoned by Sir Alec Guinness, it was hardly accurate (which is why
the New Agers liked it, they hated accuracy). What is really out there, at least
what we think may really be out there, is an energy field that interpenetrates
everything. This field is the basic stuff of life itself, and it is, as I explained in my
first book, the building material of matter itself. Just how this works is pure
conjecture and anyone who says otherwise is either nuts or lying so I dont have
the last word on it, but a convenient explanation of how it functions goes
something like this. Beside, Im writing the book so I can conjecture all I want.
So there!

The field begins as a pure energy flow, from what source we cannot begin to
guess and it doesnt matter very much anyway, and continues until for some
reason it is interfered with. This interference slows it down and in the process
creates the ultimate in sub-atomic particles. Each particle has a polarity, and it is
the nature of polarity to attract and repel. Thus the particles tend to grow. This
particle we will term a psion (and why some folks in this field call themselves that
is beyond me because I know Im NOT a subatomic particle no matter how much
weight I lost), because it is a longstanding tradition that the names of subatomic
particles have an ON at the end of their names. Let me admit that I have
absolutely no way of proving that these particles actually exist, but if they do it is
a very convenient way of explaining certain things that happen in psychic work,
such as the creation of thoughtforms.

A psion does not have to be created by the original energy wave. It may also
come from electrical activity in the human brain. This fact would seem to have
some very far-reaching implications, as the television morons would like to say,
but we not concern ourselves with them at the present time. Suffice it to say that
this seems to be the reason why certain forms of psychic functioning and ability
are influenced by the magnetic field of the earth and by certain weather
conditions, two things that one would not expect to matter at all. It also explains
why certain radionic experiments are aided by the input of either electric current
or light beams.

I have a confession to make at this point. I have long found discussions of
magnetic fields and their relation to dowsing annoying. It did not make any
sense to me that a function which one could assume would be purely a function

of the human consciousness should be concerned in any way with the amount of
humidity in the air, or the direction in which the dowser was standing, in spite of
the tremendous evidence to the contrary. I put it down to some weird eccentricity
on the part of the writers, who one must admit can be pretty eccentric. Well, it is
not the first time I have been wrong.

Clearly there is such an effect, and some have gone to great lengths to avoid
problems that may result from it. Guyon Richards, an early radionic researcher,
for example, would work inside of a Faraday Cage to insure that no stray
electromagnetic field would disturb his findings. Obviously I do not expect you to
go to such extremes. I do not if only because Faraday Cages take up a lot of

This explains why the psionic amplifying helmet will sometimes work better if the
wearer aligns himself north-south, and may even explain the problem of pyramid
alignment. Of course it leaves us with another difficulty that may concern those
who find this book (print version) in an antique shop some centuries from now,
and that is what will people out in space do with no Terran magnetic field to work
with? I hope I live to see dowsing experiments done in space so that I can study
the results.

But enough of this tech stuff. Just bear in mind that there is a relationship
between psychic activity and electromagnetic energy, something akin to the
relationship between electromagnetic energy and torque.

Dr. Robert Massey, an associate of Christopher Hills, put together a number of
laws on the practice of dowsing, which by extension may apply to all psychic
activity. The most important is the first, If it exists, it is known. The assumption
behind this is that anything that exists or occurs has a reflection in the
consciousness of the universe itself. If the universal consciousness is aware of
it, then the human consciousness can be become aware of it by the proper
tuning, either by direct knowledge, or by the aid of instruments.

From this concept we may make another assumptionthat anything which exists
can be studied and analyzed. There is nothing that man is not meant to know.

From analysis we can make a further statement. Anything that exists can be
manipulated. Hence, as we know about the psychic energy, we can therefore
study and analyze it, and, as we do that, we learn how to put it to work for us.

So let us start putting this stuff to work! We will begin by using the stuff you
learned studying Elementary Psionicsmeditation and visualization.

As you already know, you have an energy body surrounding and interpenetrating
your physical one. This we call the etheric body. In my first book I simply
lumped all the functions of your energy body into the etheric body and I did this
for the sake of simplicity. Actually, it gets a bit more complex. Your etheric body

has a number of gradations within it and these gradations each have different

Closest to your body is your aura. It is the densest level of the etheric body aside
from the physical body itself. The colors that are sometimes seen in this aura
reflect various aspects of the personality and health of the person. At times,
waveforms and thoughtforms are also picked up by those who are sensitive to
such things, though these usually appear at the next level, which is the etheric
body proper. It is less dense than the aura and is rarely visible except to certain
extraordinarily gifted individuals. It is at this level that most waveforms and
thoughtforms that can affect the health of the physical body are found.

The etheric body is the stuff which the physical body is hung on, and it contains
those somewhat mysterious vortices called chakras. I will discuss these in more
detail later. The phenomenon known as kundalini also occurs in the etheric
body. Most psionic work that affects the physical body will involve manipulating
this level.

Of a somewhat less dense nature is what is sometimes called the astral body.
This is the level where emotional responses have their greatest effect and it is
sometimes more accurately termed the emotional body in older literature.

Moving to the finest degree of density that we are able to work with is the mental
body. As you can guess, all intellectual activity has its manifestation at this level.
The nineteenth century produced writers who delighted into going into great
detail about these various levels went further and divided the mental level into
what they called the upper and lower mental. The lower mental was concerned
with the usual everyday thoughts of a person, as to what to make for dinner, what
whip to use on the girlfriend, that sort of thing, while the higher mental was
concerned with more abstract matters, such as how much to tip the waiter after
dinner. In point of fact the distinction was quite arbitrary and, like much of the
nonsense of the nineteenth century, probably has no basis in fact. It may have
been put because the human was supposed to have a seven-layered body
(perish the thought it should be a lowly six) and when you take out the two that
were purely spiritual in nature, you have to add an extra one to make it fit the

It is important to understand, however, that all of these levels continually interact
with each other and none is completely independent. They also are continually
influencing and influenced by the physical body, which by the normal five senses
picks up and transmits to them the information that causes the various reactions
in each body.

Its example time again. Let us assume that you are having a reasonably good
day. The air is warm and the sun is shining and your brother-in-laws cancer is
progressing nicely. In other words, no more than the usual disasters. Then mail

comes, in the morning for a change. You go to the door and bring it in,
separating your mail from the neighbors which has been delivered to you by
mistake, and seeing that one of the envelopes is undoubtedly a bill, you resist the
urge to throw it in the wastebasket and open it. At this point your day turns into a
very bad one indeed for the company has billed you several thousand dollars for
something that should have been $13.95.

As your brain processes this information, the message goes to the mental level,
which literally screams ERROR and is about to send the blue screen of death to
your heart and screams it so loud that the astral, or emotional, level which had
been more or less dozing, wakes up and begins to go berserkor rather you go
berserk. The emotional message is transmitted back to your etheric body, which
sends a message to the adrenal glands to get to work and your heart rate takes
off like a rocket. Speaking of rockets, your aura is taking on the appearance of a
fireworks display, full of nice reds and blacks and blasting merrily off around your
body. At this point the clairvoyant next door comes over to borrow a cup of
sugar, takes one look at you and runs home in terror to have a heart attack

You go to the telephone, dial the company number and get the billing manager,
frantically demanding an explanation of the mistake. The billing manager is used
to such small problems and is thus not as upset as you. After all, it is not his
money. He calmly explains that the error was the result of an incompetent
computer operator who has since been transferred to their branch office in

Your brain transmits this glorious information to your mental level, which in turn
passes it down to your emotional level, which tells your etheric body to turn off
the adrenalin; and your aura begins to take on more normal coloring which is of
great comfort to the clairvoyant next door who sees you just as she is being
wheeled into the paramedic truck.

This is, I will admit, an extreme example, but you can see from it how the various
levels interact with each other. With psionic devices, we can isolate the function
at each level and influence it, thus allowing ourselves a great deal of control over
our subjects.

Another feature of the various levels is the fact that while they all interpenetrate,
the finer levels are more spread out from the physical body. So now we can do
our first experiment.

For this experiment, you will need the following objects.

One subject, preferably human.

A radionic box.

A patch cable to connect the box to a psionic amplifying helmet.

a table

a large sheet of paper.

Lay the paper down on the table and seat your subject at one end of the table,
laying his hand (either one will do) on the paper. Set your box on the table as far
from the hand as the length of cable will allow. Now, write etheric body on a
small piece of paper and place it in the input witness can of the box. Take a rate
for the etheric body of the subject. Now, move the box a little closer to your
subject so that you can rub the stick pad while holding the one end of the patch
cable to a finger of the subject. Plug the other end of the cable into the left hand
jack on the box.

While slowly moving the end of the cable away from the finger, rub the stick pad
and continue to do this until you get a stick. This point will be the extent of the
etheric body from that finger. Repeat this procedure going around the hand and
connect the points. The drawing that results will be a picture of the subjects
etheric body. Of course, the etheric body extends in all directions from the
physical, and there is some debate as to whether or not it forms an egg, a
sphere, or a rough outline of the physical body itself. These minor details are
really of very little importance to you and so if you should run into the varying
descriptions given on this subject, do not be overly concerned. Psionics is still
something of an inexact science, which causes some annoyance to all of us who
work with it, but it is a fact which cannot be ignored.

Once you have the drawing of the etheric hand, you should try to get the astral
hand. This may prove to be a bit difficult as the astral body tends to expand or
contract with the amount of emotion being put into it. Therefore, with your
subject as calm or as happy as possible, repeat the procedure, only this time with
the box set for the astral level. With any luck you should get another drawing,
but do not be surprised if you run out of paper or even table. The astral level can
extend quite far, even covering the entire house.

It is doubtful that you will be able to draw the mental level, unless you have a
very large table and lots and lots of paper. What you can do is to set the box for
the rate for the subjects mental body and walk back from him while rubbing the
plate, always keeping the idea in mind that you will get a stick once you reach the
limit of that body. Do not be surprised if you find yourself in another room when
the stick occurs. I remember the first time that I tried this experiment I found
myself in my girlfriends backyard, in the snow, without a coat. Needless to say I
advised her not to think so much. She could have gotten a headache.

What this small activity will teach you is ju st how far-reaching your energy body is
under normal circumstances. Given the proper stimulation, it is possible to
extend these bodies even further. In fact we have no idea at all just how far they
can go.

Reset the box for the emotional body. Now have your subject think of something
dreadful that has happened to him recently, preferably not the last practical joke
you played which left him standing naked in front of a dozen people. Once he is
good and upset, begin measuring the distance that the astral body extends. You
will find it to be quite a bit larger than when he was just sitting.

The same is true of the mental body. The more energy that is put into a body,
the larger it becomes. Think of all the people on a crowded street, with all their
physical bodies touching at various unwanted places and then think of what it
must look like if one were able to see the continuous intermingling of the various
energy bodies. It is enough to make one quite frightened of crowds but for a
simple fact. Most people have so little in common that the nature of their bodies
is such that they can bang into each other without the physical brain even
registering the contact. When it does, the result is a feeling extreme unease that
can turn into claustrophobia. There are individuals so sensitive to such things
that they cannot even sit near even their closest family without being
uncomfortable. This is not a cultural matter. It is true that different societies have
a different tolerance for closeness, and we Americans need a lot of space
compared to the rest of the world and that spatial need is growing larger, but the
discomfort caused by the intermingling of the energy bodies is something quite
different. It is not a learned response but rather quite instinctive.

Of course, given the right amount of energy it is possible for the energy field of
any individual to influence another person. Surely you have had the bad luck to
walk into a room where someone has been really hopping mad. (does anyone
really hop when he is mad?) It feels like somehow the air pressure in the room
has suffered a dramatic and unhealthy increase. By now Im sure you can figure
out for yourself what has happened. The anger of the person has been
translated into a marked increase in both size and power of the emotional body.
What you are feeling is not a physical sensation at all but rather a psychic one,
which has been translated by your brain into the only response your nervous
system is designed to handle. As I said before, it is possible to so expand this
body that it can fill an entire house, so if you get absolutely furious, you can make
every person in the home uncomfortable without leaving your room or even
saying a single word.

Its a good way to get rid of the relatives.

It is useful to be able to measure these bodies, not only in the amount of space
they cover but also in the energy level that they are functioning at. This is usually

done by using a pendulum and a scale divided off between 0 and 100. But I
have found that there is an even better method.

Print out this chart.

Now, cut it out and glue it to a piece of poster board. Cut off the excess so you
have poster board left over.

Put a an extra 0 after each number except the right hand 0 which you will mark

Ok, now you have a chart that runs from 0 to 100.

Now, further divide the space between each number with small hash marks so
that they are marked from 1 to 9. This will give you an easy-to-read scale of 0 to

Punch a hole at the point in the baseline where the lines all meet. Cut out a strip
of poster board from what was left over and cut the ends of that strip to make a
point. Punch a hole in the end of that strip and fasten it to the scale with a paper

Ok, now you have your gauge. Are you ready for another experiment. What do
you mean, No?

This one is just as easy as the last one and not as much work, so stop
complaining. At least you will not have to move around as much and there is no
danger of you backing off the front steps. (Damned near broke my neck that

Find your subject again. She is probably hiding in a closet. Now, this time,
instead of measuring the size of the various bodies, you are going to measure
the amount of energy in them. Sounds simple. And it is. Have your subject hold
the probe wire and take a rate for his aura this time. Now set the gauge in front
of you (it is not necessary to attach it to the box in any way) and place the pointer
at 0. You should not get a stick there when you rub the pad because if you do
that means that your subject is dead. You will also not likely get a reading at 100
for that is the theoretical maximum point that anybody can reach and may not still
be human.

With that out of the way, you can begin to take a measurement. Set the pointer
between 0 and 10 and ask if the level of the aura is in that range. Do not expect
a stick yet as this is a very low range and healthy, or even living, subject rarely
reads in it. Repeat the process for each 10 points until you get a stick, let us say
between 60 and 70.

Set the pointer at 63 and ask if the measurement is between 60 and 65. If you
do not get a stick on your machine, set the pointer again, this time at 68 and ask
again. This time your thumb stops. So put the pointer at 65 and move it up one
number until you get a stick, this time let us say at 66. You know now that your
subject has an aura of 66% of theoretical maximum.

By this time you have probably figured out that all of our measurements are
arbitrary, including the all-important rates. Therefore, if somewhere along the
line you want to change the numbering system, go right ahead.

You may now repeat the procedure with each of the other bodies until you have a
series of measurements that will give you a pretty good idea of the overall
condition of your subject. For example, if your subject is weak at the level of the
mental body, it may be that he is not as his best thinking capacity that day rather
than being a stupid person. As time and practice goes by, you will be able to
interpret your findings with greater accuracy.

But how does this knowledge benefit you? After all, I promised to give you more
information on meditation and visualization, and then I lead you on a merry romp
measuring your friends various energy fields and making you build a new, albeit
incredibly useful, gadget.

All kidding aside, you will need to know how to do these things in order to
measure your own progress. It is terribly frustrating to be working at a
visualization and not know if you are getting any results.

We are now going to teach you how to mold your etheric body for various
purposes. This is not always as easy as it may sound. Some writers have
suggested that visualize while looking at yourself in a mirror. It sounds good but
it is very difficult to do. I know because I spent years trying and never got
anywhere with it. A far better method is to simply imagine yourself. Think of your
aura, that part of the etheric body which is closest to your physical one. Try to
see that aura in your mind. Do not worry about color or anything else at the
moment, simply hold the image of your aura in your mind and know that the aura
is there. Now expand your image of yourself to the etheric level. Realize that the
etheric body is as much a part of you as the physical and the aura.

Move your awareness now to the level of the mind itself, the mental body. Here
is all your thinking capacity and processes by which you think. There is relatively
little data stored here, most of that being kept available in the physical brain, but
it is from here that the data is accessed and used. It is surprising that relatively
few thoughtforms are found in the mental body, but the nature of the energies
involved in thoughtform production usually place them in the astral body or the
aura. The mental body is a very cold place for no emotion is found there at all.

Now return your awareness to your physical body. Feel the incredible solidity of
it and rejoice in that solidity. You are a physical being as well as a spiritual one
and you must enjoy you physical presence.

The purpose of that little guided tour was to give you a feel for what I have been
talking about. Once you have looked into each body you will know what that
body does, and, perhaps more importantly, what it does not, do.

Now you are going to repeat one of your experiments, using yourself as the
subject. Take a picture of yourself and put it into the sample can. Once you
have done that, take a rate for your aura. Set your gauge at 0 and begin stroking
the pad. As soon as you have the distance you will get a stick. Repeat the
experiment with each body until you have a series of measurements to start with.
Then go back to the aura rate and measure the strength of each body in turn. Be
certain to record these measurements so that you have a base line for the next

Once you have done this, reset the machine for your astral body. Begin to
meditate, and, while meditating, let your memory wander back to some
emotionally charged incident in your life, preferably a happy one. Hold onto the
memory and let it fill up all the available disk space in your astral body so that it
seems that your emotional capacity is dedicated to that moment in time. Now
pull back to earth and using the gauge, measure both the size and strength of
your astral body. You have a much larger figure for both, dont you?

Once you have finished this experiment, it is a good idea to meditate again, this
time on something very calming so that you will again be fit for human company.
Also, one small word of warning. If you are working with an angry memory it is a
bad idea to do this with a partner. The emotions built up can be very strong and
the results downright dangerous to anyone else in the room with you. I
remember one time I tried with a memory that made me absolutely furious and I
almost smashed some furniture. So be careful! There are a few people out
there who think we should all contact our most unpleasant memories and they
are usually happy to supply some if they are not there. But there are some
memories that should be repressed and unless there is an overwhelming reason
not to, it is best to treat the worst experiences of our lives as sleeping tigers, to
be walked carefully around and never to be kicked.

What you should learn from the above, aside from my most sensible warnings, is
that it is possible to the control the output of energy from the emotional body. In
fact, that is the level which is most responsive to such changes. It is also the
level that has the greatest impact on a subject whom you wish to influence. In
spite of the more pervasive nature of the mental level, it is much easier to
motivate a subject by producing an emotive response in him that by trying to put
an idea in his head.

In my first book, I taught how to use the eye-beam. If you will recall, the
procedure required that you focus the energy of your etheric body through your
eyes to the target. Well, by using the astral body, one can attain some pretty
significant results without even focusing on a specific target.

So now that you know this, lets have some truly harmless fun. (Ok, I know that
harmless is out of character for me, but just this once..) For this trick, I am
assuming that you have some capacity for self-control first, otherwise you might
find yourself gaining a few pounds. So study yourself a little. And be honest!!
Can you get really hungry and hold off eating everything in sight including the
neighbors children? If you can, you are going to have a little fun the next time
you go into a restaurant. (And HOWIE! Skip this section!)

Before you walk into the eatery, get yourself good and hungry, practically
famished. Be so hungry that if you did not have consummate self-control no one
would have any food left on their plates. Feel the hunger gnawing at your astral
body and feel the astral body expand as the hunger energizes it. Let the desire
cause that body to expand until it fills the entire room, but control yourself and do
not mug the waiter.

While you are waiting for your own gargantuan repast, which you will have no
trouble finishing, focus your thoughts on the solar plexus of somebody else in the
room. The solar plexus is the spot where the response to emotion is the
greatest. That is where the term gut feeling comes from. Know that the person
at the other table is feeling the desire and is responding to it.

At this point, the old principle of harmonics comes in. I am sure that you
remember the ancient, high-school physics demonstration of the two tuning forks,
one set to humming and the other simply held. Remember what happened? The
other fork began to hum at the same frequency as the first one, to the
amazement of the class. Well, you are doing the same to your subjects astr al
body. His emotions are responding to your hunger. Pretty soon he is going to be
absolutely ravenous and you will be able to tell when that point is reached when
he starts devouring the dinner rolls in spite of the fact that they are at least four
days old and have little green and blue spots.

At that point you may begin to work on subject number two and soon the cook in
the restaurant will be working overtime and the management will be absolutely
overjoyed at the sight of so many people enjoying their food. The diners, being
so happy to have their bellies filled, will reward the waiters with extra tips and
everyone will be happy.

Ok, that is really out of character for me, so once everyone has really overeaten,
aim a nasty thought at the pit of their stomachs and see how many can be made
to throw up. Ah, that felt good. Now my conscience is clear.

There is another aspect of the field that you should be aware of: color. To be
honest with you, this is something that at times seems to be more trouble than it
is worth, as there are a number of conflicting interpretations as to the meaning of
certain colors in the aura, and by extension, in the rest of the field. Color is, after
all, nothing more than the way the physical brain translates frequencies of visible
light. We could just as well say that a persons field is showing certain
wavelengths, but that would only confuse the issue more. Because of this it is
very tempting to dismiss the whole thing.

However, the detection of color in the etheric body, in particular at the levels of
the aura and the astral body, can be of great use. Unfortunately, very few of us
have the natural power to such detection, and it may be just as well that we do
not have it. Those who do often find that it makes their lives even more difficult
than they would normally be. Besides, with psionics, there is no need to actually
see the colors. One may study the aura and the astral body with the aid of
another simple device, the color disk.

These disks can become quite complex, as various researchers have tried to use
color to interpret everything from the aura to various minerals and elements. You
should be content with a relatively simple one.

Make a copy of the above illustration, or print it out separately. Now, make
another pointer as you did on your gauge and cut out a sheet of poster board the
size of a piece of typing paper and glue the disk to it. Punch a hole in the center
of the disk and at the flat end of your pointer. Attach the pointer to the disk with a
paper fastener and you now have a color gauge.

You will notice that each color has a bit of area to it. This is because there are
only so many colors and you have to fill the whole disk. But it has another
advantage. The closer the pointer is to the center of a color wedge, the purer the
color. This can be of some importance if you are making a detailed analysis of
the subject.

So, what do the colors mean? As I said, this is a subject of some controversy
and seriously Talmudic hair-splitting, so do not view my word as being
completely authoritative on the matter. Experiment for yourself and see how your
own mind interprets these things. The view I give you here is one that seems to
fit most cases.

Black is a color you would not wish to find in an analysis of someone you like but
might be nice to find in your in-laws. It means that there is a deep malice, a
serious wound that has never healed. And in the case of the in-laws you would
expect to find deep malice. Occasionally seen as a slash across a red
background by panic-stricken clairvoyants, it can denote great anger.

Red means anger. The purer the red, the greater the anger. It can also mean a
person given to sensuality and thus can be a difficult color for the average
clairvoyant to interpret, especially if found in a potential bedmate. You on the
other hand, can ask your pendulum which it is.

Orange is color that does not mean much unless your subject is from Northern
Ireland or a juice seller from Florida or some paranoid nutcase on the news
holding up a roll of duct tape. If it is strongly present it means a very well
balanced personality, which may also mean a very bland personality. It is the
color associated with the flow of the vital force from the spleen chakra, so it may
also mean good health.

Yellow is usually a good color to have, unless you are a European diplomat, all
easily recognized by the yellow stripes down their backs. It means that the
subject is smart. There are also those who say that a lot of yellow means that
the person has a highly spiritual nature, which may be a very bad thing as such
folks are often so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good. It is very
difficult to make a determination in such matters so the best thing to do is judge
by the behavior of the individual. A spiritual person rarely beats his wife outside
of the bedroom or the dungeon or his children ever, no matter what platitudes he
may repeat, while a person with a highly developed intellect cannot help but
show it.

Green is another hard color to figure out. It may mean anything from cleverness
to avarice, both very good things to have.

Blue, on the other hand, is relatively easy to figure out. It almost always means a
tendency to mental rather than physical activity. Hence a chess master will have
more blue in his aura than a basketball player, at least in general.

Indigo is usually mistaken for either blue or violet, so its presence can be a
modification of the qualities of either. It is never found in basketball players.
Those poor devils who emphasize the spiritual as opposed to the mental would

think that the presence of indigo would mean a transition is taking place between
the two, but they also eat tofu so you cant take them too seriously.

Violet, on the other hand, is an almost entirely spiritual color and those who have
it are usually so damned heavenly minded that martyrdom is too good for them,
self-righteous bores that they are. Fortunately it is very rare to find anyone with
this color in any great proportion.

Do not expect to find any white. It is almost never present in the aura or the
astral body. But if you find gray, watch out. Your taxes might get raised (sorry
about that). Gray is a bad color because it tends to bring out or show rather, the
worst aspects of all the other colors.

Now that you have some idea of what the various colors can mean, you are
going to do a little research. There is a little project that is sometimes given to
students in beginning psychology courses, namely to write what is called a
psychological profile of someone in which not only the behavior but the possible
motivations of the person are analyzed. (I would love to have someone do that
with me and watch them turn pale and flee!) So pick a person whom you know
well enough to study without his or her knowing it and write up such a profile.
Consider everything you know about this person, how smart he is, his strengths
and weaknesses (often the same thing in different contexts). Once you have
done this, acquire a witness sample of the person. This should be easy if you
know him well enough.

Set up your machine and take a rate for his aura. Now place the color gauge
and the number gauge in front of you and begin to look at his colors. Place the
pointer on each color and ask the stick pad if this color is present in the subjects
aura. Write down each color that gives you a positive stick.

Once you have a list of colors, write % on the paper next to the word color.
Your sheet will ultimately have three columns and this is the second. Set the
color dial again at each color you got a stick for and ask the numerical gauge
what percent of the aura is taken up by that color. By the way, do not be
disturbed if your numbers do no quite add up to exactly 100%. There is a
constant fluctuation of color in the astral body, between each reading, as short a
time as it is, the relative percentages will change. What you will get is a good,
working approximation.

Now you may do the last part of this reading and set the pointer on the color disk
at the first color. Write intensity on the paper at the third column. Take a
numerical reading again for each color, with 0 being the total lack of color and
100 making the aura glow in the dark.

The chart you get should look something like this:






Now, from this chart you can see right away that my friend Joe has a problem.
There is only ten percent black, but it has an intensity of 30 which means that
some deep hurt is still gnawing at him. Combine that with the presence of gray
and you have a person who can be quite unhappy at times. Now, Joes profile
says that he is given to fits of melancholy at time that can almost become
depression, that fits. You will notice that red is only 25 percent, while yellow and
blue add up to 45 percent. That combined with the far greater intensity of blue
and yellow over red means that Joe is a much more mental than physical type of
person. He does not now and never has played basketball. We also know that
Joe is a sensible person will little time for spiritual nonsense, therefore we can
reasonably assume that both yellow and blue in his case mean mental nature.
The balancing factor of orange is a mere five percent, and that means that Joe
has some small grasp on his problems but the combination of the others means
that he is probably feeding his misery by thinking about it too much. We know
from his profile that he is a decent person who rarely inflicts his troubles on
others and therefore is keeping the fury bottled up. It is not dangerous at
present, but any significant increase in either the gray or the black could mean
than an explosion is imminent. Watch out if he has a financial reversal.

Well, now you have seen how it is done. You should repeat the procedure, first
setting the radionic box for the subjects astral body. Doing this will give you an
idea of the emotional make-up of the person you have chosen and again, after
you have finished, study the chart and compare the information with the data in
his profile. This last is very important, for it can prevent you from making
embarrassing mistakes.

There is one man I know who has some clairvoyant abilities but has never
learned to control them. He is too quick to make judgments based on incomplete
data and is always giving people advice based on his spiritual (overly so) studies
and his-er-visions.

This would be less of a problem for this person if he would only take the time to
learn something about the people he is talking to. Once he looked at my aura
(and lived!) and decided that I could use some advice whether I wanted it or not
(and still lived, which means I must have been in a very good mood that day). So
he began doing an impromptu reading of my character (which I do not have,
character is for the servants) from what he saw in my aura and naturally got
everything wrong. For example, he told me that I was afraid of the dark. I should
explain that at that time due a weird architectural fluke, my bedroom had no
windows. Air came in through vents aided by fans. Thus, when I finally got to
bed, usually around two or three on the average morning in those happy
bachelor days when I did not have to get up with my wife to make sure she got to
work on time, it was quite impossible to find my hand without the aid of a

As you can imagine, I was somewhat less than impressed with both his
information which was wrong and his advice which was worthless. If he had
bothered to find something out about me first, he could have saved himself much
embarrassment and trouble, to say nothing of being on the receiving end of my
humor for the next year.

Thus I hope you have not only learned what do, but also what not to do which
can be even more valuable. You will see this even more clearly as we go along.

As you now have some practice in the basic method of analysis, you are about to
have the pleasure of applying that same skill to yourself. Remember, you cannot
hope to influence other people unless you can control yourself, at least most of
time (I rip doors off of hinges when I lose my temper) and the first rule is to know
enough about yourself to have some idea where are likely to run into a weak
point. After all, if you know that a potential character weakness is present (like
my temper) you can act to compensate for it before anyone can take advantage
of it.

Be ruthless with yourself in this, chain Ruth in the basement if you have to.
Remember, anything you miss may be the heel where the arrow hits. Begin by
making a profile of yourself. Do no underestimate, nor overestimate, any
weakness or strength. Once you have done this, study the colors of your aura
and astral body and compare that information with your profile. Do not be afraid
to admit to yourself that you have some quality that needs work.

Let me give you another example. I have one quality that works both as a
strength and a weakness. I have been blessed with the ability to be totally

oblivious to the feelings of other people. I am the exact opposite of an empath.

Often I do not even recognize their physical presence. This is the sort of thing
you must look for. The more you know the less you can be surprised.

Once you gain this information, what do you do? First determine if what you
think is a weakness really is one, so you will look not only at your profile, but also
at your life to see if any change should be made. In my case, I happen to really
like the ability that I mentioned. It enables to me to do and say the things I do. I
would not change it for the world. At the same time I do not wish it to backfire on
me, so I simply create a thoughtform (remember those?) to block any opponent
from grabbing onto my blind spot. Also, if I am going to be in such a position
where there is a great likelihood of such an occurrence, I create a stationary
thoughtform in that location and design it to block anyone who may be a problem.

How does this work? You are, Im sure, familiar with the various forms of self-
protection that are used when walking in bad areas or driving in areas known for
predatory cop-type people. Most folks into psychic stuff usually just surround
themselves with a white light, and that is often sufficient for their purposes. But
sometimes someone comes along who is not receptive to that and the individual
who depends upon that simple defense is in for a shock.

I prefer something a little more aggressive. Meditate and visualize yourself as
wearing a suit of armor. It does not have to be a full outfita simple breastplate
and helmet are usually sufficient. See yourself as wearing this armor, and at the
same time command that your etheric body take the form of the armor. If you
can see this as being either black or red, so much the better, for in any
aggressive working the more of these colors we can get the better. Know that as
you charge this image, anyone who comes near you will with hostile intent will
feel an overriding fear that reaches down to his very bones and he will not be
able to stay in your presence. Keep working on this. It is a very effective
modification of your field, so effective that I have seen large people cross the
street to avoid making contact with me.

There are those who will contend that the above exercise is more in the manner
of a creation of a thoughtform, but, on close examination, you will find there is a
great difference between molding the astral or mental bodies, as you have done,
and creating a thoughtform. For one thing, the thoughtform will, after some use
and charging, take on a practical life of its own. A molded field will only keep its
shape as long as it is being used. Therefore, it is a good idea to remake the
armor now and then until you no longer need it. If possible, keep the
visualization active in the back of your mind while it is being used, like a program
running in the background on your computer. This technique is not so difficult as
it may seem. It is something akin to carrying on a conversation and watching
television at the same time. There are other, more subtle, differences between a
molded field and a thoughtform, but these need not concern you and we will not
be discussing them at this present time.

A thoughtform may also be made that will serve to strengthen and mold your field
automatically, and I will cover that in another chapter. For now, let us
concentrate some more on your field.

I have gone on at some length about analysis, because as you progress in
psionics you will learn that most of your activity will in some way involve ability to
study your subject. Remember, the more you know about a person, the more
effectively control that person. And, when conflicts come, as they most assuredly
will, you will have a storehouse of data that will give you an overwhelming

Up to know we have concentrated our efforts on studying the aura and the astral
body. As most people are primarily influenced by their emotions, it was
necessary to spend some time on the subject. But now we will take a short look
at analyzing the mental level. This level is a bit harder to study because it is
more complex, containing as it were much more information than either the aura
or the astral body and the information is somewhat harder to get at. To begin
with, color plays a very small role in the mental level. There, color is just another
piece of data to be used or rejected. Also, much of the activity at the mental level
is extremely transitory and it is thus very hard to grab onto a single thought and
put it into the can, so to speak.

Because of these difficulties, when we study the mental level we are not going to
be looking for those individual thoughts, no matter how powerful they may be.
Rather, we are going to looking for thought patternshow a person thinks rather
than what he thinks. In this area, psionics gives us an advantage that is not
normally available.

This is not a new idea. As long as people have had conflicts, major or minor, one
side has always tried to understand the other. It often takes the form of gaming
in which simulations are used to predict the possible actions of opponents from
what is known of their behavior patterns.

So, what we look for when we analyze the mental body is not what we already
know about a person, but rather what is hiddenthose patterns that do not show
but are nevertheless dominant in the character of the subject. Once you know
these, the mind of anyone becomes an open file.

One never studies the mental level without first making a complete analysis of
the aura and the astral body. People are not dominated by thoughts but by
emotions even when they imagine that they are being unemotional so you must
first know what the emotional nature of the subject is. Once you have that
information, you may begin to look for thought patterns to emerge. In order to
accomplish this, you must first look for the basic desires, likes, dislikes and other
dominant features of the persons thoughts. It will thus be necessary to make a

dial chart similar to the color gauge, with a pointer. When dividing the circle,
make a space for each aspect of thought that is likely to influence the subject.
These should include home and family, education, religious or spiritual beliefs,
peer influence, work. sex, politics, health and any other you may think of. One of
the nice things about these gauges is that you make new ones with great ease if
the old ones become obsolete. And, as we always manage to leave something
out, it is a good idea to have a space marked other.

Once you have done this, take a rate for the mental body of the subject and set
your gauge to the first place, say, family. Use the stick pad to see if that is a
significant determiner of the subjects thoughts and do not be surprised if it is not.
You will become amazed as you go along with this and discover just how
unimportant things can be to people. Assume nothing, that is the easiest way to
be wrong.

Go around the gauge and test each category, marking on a piece of paper the
ones that get a response.

After you have your list of things that influence the thoughts of your subject, get
out your numerical gauge and repeat the procedure you learned to analyze
colors. You want both percent and intensity. Once you have made a chart
similar to the one for the colors, take a piece of paper and write analytical on
one side and emotional on the other. Take the witness sample out of the can
and place it on the paper between the words, a little lower than they are so the
words are at an angle to the witness.

Now get out your pendulum. Hold the pendulum over the witness and ask if the
subject is more analytical or more emotional in nature. The pendulum will swing
towards the correct answer. Write that answer on the chart.

Now that you have chart that will tell you the basic mental makeup of the subject,
you can begin to study his thoughts. Of course what you do with this knowledge
is up to you. And inducing suicide is usually more of an emotional thing than a
mental thing, just thought you should know that.

Next we will look at the influence of the mental body on other people and how
their mental bodies in turn influence us. As you can well imagine, this is a matter
of some importance to anyone who works in the area of the psychic. After all,
influence is what it is all about.

There is no question that the mental body and its transmissions can reach
anyone, anywhere, on the face of the earth. Telepathy experiments have been
done involving not only people but animals including very small animalslike
snails. SNAILS?!?!?!!?

Yes, you read right, snails. In 1852, which is long before even I was born, a
Frenchman (figures) named Benoit came up with the idea that certain
relationships in the animal kingdom could be proven. He must have been having
dinner at the time, because he chose snails as his subject. He gathered 52 very
cooperative escargot, saving them from the saucepan and garlic butter, and set
them to living in pairs. On the shell of each pair he wrote a letter, the same in
each pair, so that he had two As, two Bs, etc. . Then he sent one set of lettered
snails to a friend in America with explicit instructions not to eat them, telling him
when the experiment would take place. At the appointed day and hour, he
proceeded to give a very mild electric shock to Snail E. It was reported that the
other Snail E in America became very animated for a snail and threatened to sue
Mssr. Benoit. Just kidding. Anyway, it was proposed that a snail telegraph be
established. Fortunately nothing came of it because snail lovers all over the
world would have been furious at being deprived of their favorite delicacy and the
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Snails would have raised all manner of

It is easy to laugh at the Great Snail Experiment (in fact it is impossible not to)
but on August 25, 1965 (my 16
birthday) The Delawarre Laboratories conducted
an experiment between Oxford and New York using equipment somewhat more
sophisticated than what was available in 1852. After all, television had been
invented. The Delawarre people had invented a gadget they called a
psychoplotter, which measured changes in body tissue by the change in the
sound frequencies inside of them. And by means of this they were able to tell
when their victims-er-subjects were responding to their treatments. It also made
a nice graph using a plotting pen and rolling paper.

Anyway, a photograph of a 17 year-old subject with a leg problem was sent to
John Hay of Fairfield, Connecticut (nice little town, spent a year driving through
there one day) along with a piece of radionic equipment (nice of them to
remember that little detail). The boy stayed in Oxford and was wired to the
psychoplotter. After the boys leg had been run through the plotter for an hour to
determine the usual state of affairs, the boys photograph was placed in the
radionic box at 10:25 EST (by which time the redoubtable Mr. Hay had finished
breakfast and done his stock trades). The graph noted a strong change. After
twenty minutes the photo was removed and the plot resumed its normal course.
Another twenty minutes passed and the photo was given a shot of light from an
ordinary light bulb. Again, the plot showed a marked change.

The significance of this experiment is striking, for there is no reason why it cannot
be repeated in any laboratory. You can even do a similar test yourself.

You will need, in addition to a willing victim, a galvanic skin response meter
(GSR), a radionic box, and a convenient light. It is also good to have another
friend watch the subjectthat way he can be in a different room, or different part
of the world for that matter.

Take a rate for the subject and have him set the GSR (which can be a cheap one
from an electronics store) at the point just under where either the buzzer starts or
the needle moves. Have the other assistant stay by the subject to make sure he
doesnt run away or cheat and watch the equipment. Do not tell them when the
experiment is going to begin but do not make them wait too long either. Not only
is that impolite but it may cause the subject to get disgusted and leave. After a
few minutes turn on the light, aiming it at the machine. When you do this, there
should be an immediate response on the GSR meter. Have your friends note the
time when this happens.

I know this is not going to be as good an experiment as you could conduct with
more sensitive instruments, but it will give you some good, hard evidence that
your radionic device is working.

Now that you have proven that you can influence the mental body, you may
begin to measure the degree of that influence. For this you will follow a
procedure that should be well familiar with by now.

One thing you should have learned by now is that the key to getting any answers
right in psionics is simply knowing which questions to ask. In this case you are
going to take a measurement of the degree of influence a persons mental body
will have on another person simply by being in the same room with that person.

Up to no we have been taking a rate on the radionic box for the subject before
asking any questions. If you feel you still need to do this, please continue, but
there is a faster method which by now you should have the experience to use.
For this you will need only the numerical gauge and stick pad (a plastic coffee
can lid will do nicely). There will be no connections made. Place the witness of
the subject in front of you and ask the question as you begin to move the gauge,
as you have done before. 0 means no influence whatsoever and 100 would
mean that the subjects mere presence would turn everyone into a virtual robot.

Once you have done this with a subject, try it on yourself. Write down the figure
you get and put on your psionic amplifying helmet and try again. You should get
a reading somewhat higher than your first one. Of course if you have a friend
who can use the equipment so much the better. It can be very difficult to get an
accurate reading when we are asking something that truly concerns us. If you
have a strong interest in seeing a higher reading for something, that is what you
will get. So if you must test yourself, be as honest and disinterested as possible
and bear in mind you may make a mistake. It happens to all of us. I can think of
a number of times when my gauges said all was going according to plan and the
reality was nothing of the sort.

Never forget that the mental level is primarily concerned with thinking and is
energized and expanded by mental activity as opposed to emotional activity. It is

important not to confuse the two. Fortunately, however, when experimenting it is

quite easy to eliminate the emotions entirely. There are few people who can
become either ecstatic or infuriated over long addition unless you are addicted to
a calculator like I am and then it can become difficult to remember how to add at
all, but then I forget my name on occasion. But this simple exercise can energize
the mental body without letting emotion get in the way.

Take a reading to see just how far your mental body is reaching and what its
intensity is. Write that down so you do not forget it and then begin adding lots of
numbers. Do this for about five or ten minutes and then take a new reading.
You should find that its size and intensity are both increased.

The influence of the mental body, however, is not as much in these areas. The
real effectiveness lies in the fact that all telepathy comes from the mental body,
though it may carry and be energized by emotion.

A message can only be effective when it is sent from the mental level and is
clear. The greater the clarity, the greater the possibility that it will influence the
receiver. In Elementary Psionics we studied ways of sending clear and concise
messages. Never forget that at the mental level there is almost continuous
activity and any message that is sent has to get through that interface. That is
why emotional messages have greater impact than purely intellectual ones (think
of the mental body as the carrier wave for the emotional one) and why a
thoughtform, with its capacity to take root in the aura, is more effective than a
directed thought.


One of the peculiarities of the etheric body is the presence, at the etheric level, of
centers or rather vortices of energy known as chakras. Now I know that
everyone and his grand-nephew has written about these things. And if that were
not bad enough, none of the writers agree on anything except that that poor,
benighted Theosophist, Bishop Leadbeater, did not know what he was talking
about when he wrote his pioneering study of them which was based in toto on his
own clairvoyant investigations which seemed to be in conflict with what everyone
else has to say on the subject, from ancient Hindu texts to modern radionic

But what all are agreed upon is that these centers are essential for the
functioning of the physical body. As one lecturer put it, You dont have to worry
about opening your chakras because if they are closed you are dead. But after
that, its like a Theosophical Society Convention. Nobody agrees about anything.

First, no one is quite sure just how many of these things there are. They try to
keep the number of the major chakras to seven, because of both tradition and
the idea that each chakra has a color attached to it. This causes even more
confusion, especially when they add in the minor chakras and fight over which
are major and which are minor.

For example, David Tansley, who did what was probably the best research in this
area, was convinced that the spleen chakra, while essential, is a minor chakra,
thus making room for the pelvic chakra and keeping to the sacred seven thing.
There is a small problem with this, for we can be sure of the function of the
spleen chakra and that function is to make sure that the body gets its proper
dose of vital energy, called prana, the stuff that keeps it running. How he could
say that the chakra that performs that most necessary of functions was a minor
one is still beyond me. But at least Dr. Tansley had the good sense not to go to
the ridiculous extreme of some others (notably Christopher Hills) who ascribed to
each chakra a certain function and then tried to extrapolate that function to
societal behavior.

We have to be careful about when making judgments about these things so
please take everything I say with a lot of salt, some pepper, a bit of paprika and
remember that we are in an area where there is more disagreement than
agreement. Like our study of the field, you must be willing to experiment for
yourself to see what works and what is true.

I differ from most students of this subject in that I use an eight chakra system.
For one thing, I have no use for tradition, considering nothing more than mold on
the walls of the mind. I include the normal seven chakras and the pelvic chakra,
which controls the genitalia and generally keeps people busy. In this I have

taken Tansleys interpretation and restored the spleen chakra to its place of

Much of what has been written about the chakras concerns the use of these
vortices as a means of gaining psychic abilities. At one time this was of great
importance as there was no other way besides ritual of increasing these talents.
With the aid of psionic devices, however, that need is largely gone and the fact is
that increasing the activity of a particular chakra at the expense of the others can
create more problems than it is worth. Therefore I will not waste your time with
meditations on each chakra. You simply do not need them. For those actions
that require the use of a specific chakra, you will find that you probably have,
assuming that you are in reasonably good physical and mental health, more than
enough energy available now.

The purpose of our studying the chakras is not so much how they can be used as
how they can be controlled. One of the very very few times that the dire, and
often absurd, warnings of the older writers makes sense is when they talk about
the problems that can come from chakras working too hard, too soon. This is
usually associated with the phenomenon known as kundalini, the rise of energy
in the etheric body up the spinal column into the brain. This is an energy that
lays dormant in all of us and it may be best that it stays that way.

It is very easy to laugh our heads off at the cautions given by the mad Bishop
Leadbeater on this subject. Much of his concern was grounded in Victorian
moralizing and that stuff is purest garbage. But in the case of kundalini, the
Bishop was actually right, mirabile dictu! There are very real, practical, survival
type problems that can result from letting this force run rampant through your
etheric body.

First, you must understand that each chakra functions in such a way as to affect
certain organs and functions of the physical body. If a chakra gets out of control,
that organ or function can be damaged, sometimes quite seriously. If enough of
them get screwed up it can drive a person to suicide. (I know of at least one such
case, he was a friend of mine.)

Second, and this is perhaps more important, is the possibility of psychological
damage. There are certain psychic abilities that do come from the rise of the
kundalini energy, but if these are unexpected or worse, uncontrolled, they can
make it impossible for an individual to live any sort of normal life. There are few
instances more tragic than the person who suddenly discovers that he can see
the astral plane and the discovers with horror that he can no longer distinguish
between the astral and physical worlds!

Leave Kundalini alone!

So much for the dire warnings, now back to our regularly scheduled chakras.

As I said, I have found that an eight-chakra system is best for my work. As you
progress in your own experience you may wish to use a different one in which
case you have to write your own book.

It is traditional in discussing each chakra that we start from the bottom and work
up, sort of like climbing a totem pole (and please do not take that literally). There
are no major chakras in the legs as they are pretty much expendable unless one
is into walking, so the first one that we encounter is appropriately enough the
base chakra. This is also sometimes called the anal or sacral chakra, though the
term sacral is also sometimes applied to the pelvic chakra. You see how this
can get confusing. Anyway, the base chakra is roughly located at the bottom of
the spine but you probably figured that out already. This chakra is primarily
concerned with the spine itself. It is also the place where the kundalini is
supposed to be stored, coiled up and waiting to burst forth and cause all manner
of havoc. Because of its relationship with the spine, the lower parts of the central
nervous system are controlled by the action of this chakra.

Next we encounter the pelvic, or whoopee, chakra. The location and function of
this chakra should be obvious.

Once we have risen past the pelvic chakra, which we dont do until extreme old
age when it no longer matters tee hee hee, we come to the spleen chakra. This
is one of the biggies, as far as the minor matter of staying alive is concerned.
The action of this chakra and those minor chakras associated with it determines
the amount of vital force taken in by the body and how that force is distributed.
As a result, this chakra has the tendency to absorb energy from other people if
one is unwell and this, as you can imagine, can cause some difficulties for people
around such a person.

The solar plexus chakra is one you have already encountered. If you will
remember my little experiment with hunger, you were using the fact that all
emotion is transmitted by the solar plexus chakra. It is a direct link between the
physical and the astral bodies. In the physical body, it controls much of the
endocrine system, the digestive system and the skin. Malfunctions of this chakra
can cause all manner of troubles, like cancer.

The physical counterpart of the heart chakra should be obvious even to the most
unenlightened of gravel truck drivers. Like the solar plexus, this chakra has a
role in the emotional level but in a much more limited way, unlike the solar plexus
which works with all emotions.

The throat chakra is roughly in the area at the top of the throat. It governs the
throat and the lungs and works with the solar plexus in controlling the intestinal
tracts. Malfunctions in this chakra can result in such things as allergies, fatigue,
menstrual irregularities and asthma, as well as all maladies of the throat and its

The two brain chakras, the brow and the crown chakras, are a bit hard to pin
down as to their physical manifestations. The brow chakra is assumed to be
associated in some way with the pituitary gland. More importantly, for our
purposes, the brow chakra is a major psychic receptor point. It is the location of
the third eye and all psychic transmissions that are first handled by the mental
body come through here first.

The crown chakra seems to be the controlling center for the entire system. Here
lives a funny little man with a big control panel with lots of dials and leversjust
kidding. It is supposed to be related to the pineal gland. The crown chakra is the
other main emitter of the of energy in the system, like the heart chakra. In this
way it cooperates with the brow chakra which controls the eyes as receivers and
transmitters of psychic energy.

As I said earlier, we will start by learning the procedures for controlling the
functions of the chakras. They are really quite simple and should present you
with little trouble.

The malfunction of any one chakra can produce various side effects on the
physical body. Therefore by knowing how to restore a chakra to normal,
balanced operation, you will be able to improve your health. Now remember,
never consider psionics as a substitute for conventional medicine. Rather use it
as a supplement and do not tell your doctor. He will have a fit and maybe a heart
attack. Even if your machines say you are cured, do not stop your treatments
until the diagnosis is confirmed by standard means. There are too many idiots
out there dying because the spirit of Darwin has determined that they prefer the
nonsense of faith healers and witch doctors. Do not be one of them!

Now that we have that boring stuff out of the way, here is how you work with
chakras. You will want to make another gauge, in fact you may want to make
two. The first will look like the one above. You will notice that I left a space for a
neutral position. This is to make asking an all-important question easier; namely,
is the particular problem cause by the malfunction of a particular chakra or not.

Once you have made the circle for the chakra gauge, make another numerical
gauge which will look like the figure above. Then make the pointers. Now, cut
out the gauges and attach them to a sheet of cardboard. Make a circle for the
witness between them and you should have sheet that looks like this.

Only hopefully yours will not be lopsided. Now attach the pointers in the
traditional and approved manner. You now have a double gauge specifically
designed to study chakra function. Incidentally, you may make gauges for
analyzing just about anything this way. 20 years ago I made one I jokingly called
my Pervometer. It had the same numerical gauge but the other gauge was
marked off with various sexual activities I liked and also did not like. When I
would meet a likely prospect, I would check her against the gauge at home to
see if she were worth following up on.

Anyway, back to chakras.

This is a system that is rarely worked blind. Unlike the methods of the last
chapter, you do not give didly about the mental or emotional state of the subject.
What you will have is person who is not feeling well and in fact may be in Deaths
living room having a beer with Mrs. Death waiting for him to come home. Hence
you may already know what is wrong with the person and will use that
information to aid you in using the chakras to help the poor sufferer.

Let us say that your Aunt Mathilda is in the hospital. She is doing rather poorly
and as she is not rich and thus you have no material interest in her shuffling off
the mortal coil you think that you might like to be of some help to her. You are
already using the general balancing method for healing that is pretty common
(taking a rate and then resetting the dials by subtracting each dial reading from
ten to get the corresponding rate), but this is having little effect to your great
annoyance and displeasure. Therefore you decide to work on her chakras.

First you must find out if the illness is in any way related to a specific chakra. In
spite of much new age nonsense, most externally caused diseases, which are
the result of viruses and bugs, are not related at all to chakra function and
working on the chakras in such cases is simply a waste of good machine time.

Set up your chakra analyzing gauge that you have just made and place the
witness of Aunt Mathilda in the place provided. Once you have done this set the
chakra dial to neutral and the numerical dial to 0. Ask the stick pad if treating a
chakra will help her condition. If you get a stick, continue. If not, the problem is
probably not chakra-oriented.

Assuming that you have gotten a positive response you must then determine
which chakra is in most need of treatment. The chakra dial at the base
segment and stroke the pad, mentally asking if this is the one to work on. If you
get a stick there, stop and ask the numerical dial what level of disruption is
present. By now you should have enough experience with the numerical gauge
that this should be no problem. The purpose of taking a numerical reading is to
discover not only how bad the situation is but also how the subject is

Once you have a reading for the level of disruption, write it down because this
operation is going to take some time.

Now that you know that Aunt Mathilda has something worse than the cold
everyone thought she had (at least until the paramedics came and hauled her
away in the meat wagon), you have to determine the method of treatment. This
means you will need your radionic box, your pendulum and some colored filters
which can usually be made from colored cellophane found at card and gift shops
most of the year and just about everywhere around Easter so remember that and
stock up. You will also need a small lamp, your desk lamp will work quite nicely.

The first thing you do is find the treatment rate for the particular chakra. You do
this by writing the name of the chakra on a small piece of paper. Place this in the
witness can of the box with the witness of your aunt and take a rate. This rate
will correspond to the disruption of the chakra and you balance that by the usual

You will remember that in the previous chapter I gave you an experiment using
light to energize a witness sample to prove the fact that people can be affected at
a distance. Now we will use a similar procedure for healing (which I know is
boring and usually a waste of good machine time but what the hell, it worked on
me). Take the witness of Aunt Mathilda out of the can and replace it with Prince
Albert. Just kidding, I couldnt resist it. Put her witness on the stick pad of the
machine which will dump her into the receiving end of the circuit.

Lay the colored gels in a semicircle on the table in front of you. Ask which color
is best to treat the condition of the chakra. Where the pendulum swings, that is
the color to use. Once you have this information, put the colored gel on top of
the witness and turn on the light bathing the witness in the light colored by the
gel. Ask the pendulum to tell you how long to leave the light on by letting it hang
next to wall and letting it bang on the wall, once for each hour.

While this is going on of course, your aunts doctor will be calling in various
specialists and Uncle Harry will be planning the funeral and you can experience
the shocked looks on their faces when your aunt begins to recover, along with
the joy all will feel at not having to eat the dreadful food they serve at funeral
lunches. Just be certain not to mention what you have done. Some doctors
have actually heard of radionics and tend to be quite emotional about it, causing
them to want to do miraculous cures on its practitioners by the laying on of hands
and feet.

This is the basic procedure for treating and controlling the activity of any given
chakra. Leave the rate for about a week before testing again to find if there has
been any change in the degree of disruption.

Assuming there has been, and there usually is, take a new rate and balance it
and ask the pendulum if you need to change the color. Keep that up until you get
to around 0, (which usually never occurs so be happy if you get a low number)
and once that point is reached go on to treating the physical part of the body,
such as the heart or lungs or pancreas.

You can see that with radionics there is no need for the elaborate and boring
meditations prescribed for activating the chakras. Also you have the ability to
correct for any problems that may arise from working in this area. One cannot
stress to strongly that greater the energy running around the chakras the greater
the need for control and now that you know how to do it, you can begin to learn
how to efficiently use the chakras for psychic purposes.

Now remember, while each chakra acts as both an emitter and receiver of
energy, some are primarily receivers while others are primarily emitters. This is
very important to working with the chakras because those who try to use a
chakra and its energy in the wrong way usually fail if they are lucky.

You will not be using the base chakra for any psychic work unless you want your
in-laws to get a premature case of kundalini. And while the thought of your idiot
brother-in-law becoming enlightened and blaming it on the beer may be fun, it is
a lot of work. So, let us begin with the pelvic, or whoopee, chakra. It is primarily
a receiver and its use should be obvious. When transmitting to this center, you
must be careful to transmit only physical responses. It will not respond to verbal
command or emotion. It is, therefore, a very difficult target to work on without the
benefit of psionics.

You will need a witness of the subject, a radionic box and helmet and piece of
paper with pelvic chakra written on it. Set up the machine and helmet for a
contact rate for the subject and the chakra. This is done by putting the witness
and paper in the witness can and taking a rate on both box and helmet. Now all
you have to do is put the helmet on and masturbate. Nature will do the rest.

This is the quick way to get laid and it has rarely been know to fail. And if there is
someone you really dislike, it can easily function as psychic rape.

Moving up the line, we have the spleen chakra to deal with. Because of its
peculiar role in controlling the distribution of prana, or vital energy, to the physical
body, most of your work with this chakra will be therapeutic. Not only can you
increase the amount of vital energy in your subject but you can help yourself as

Once in a while you may come across the term psychic vampire. This is a
person who, consciously or unconsciously, drains energy from another person,
which can be a very useful skill to have. It is not necessary to wear a black cape
and speak with a fake eastern Eurotrash accent while doing this, fun though that
may be. Now, if you are on the receiving end, you can always tell if because you
will feel quite drained after only a few minutes. And if you are doing it, you will
energize just as quickly.

If you are on the receiving end, you have to do something because you can
hardly attack the person with a wooden stake without getting sued and waving
garlic may only cause the person to run for the nearest cookbook. There is no
need for such foolishness because you can protect yourself by means of a
simple visualization.

When you meditate, concentrate on your own spleen chakra. Now create a
thoughtform in the form of a simple valve, which can be nothing more than a tube
with a hinged flap. Visualize this flap as opening and closing towards you so that
when you inhale it is open and when you exhale the force of the energy going out
pushes it shut. Hold this image in your mind and then command it to be
activated whenever you are around the person. Thus the flow of vital energy will
come into your system as usual, but whenever you are near the other person the
valve will block any outflow from your spleen chakra.

Now, this method can also be used to vampirize someone or even a group of
people. All you do is visualize the valve pulling in energy from the target when
you inhale and blocking the outflow when you exhale. I used this many years
ago when everyone in my family was dying and I needed to re-energize. I would
go out and when among people I would just sort of suck them dry and be
functional again for a week.

You may also use the spleen chakra to pump up the vital energy of another
person and it is very easy to do. Let us assume that your Aunt Mathilda is in the
hospital again and this time she is in a very bad way indeed. There is no time to
use the normal balancing methods, she needs a good strong shot of vital energy
now so she can get her will changed and leave you all her money!

Take the witness of Aunt Mathilda and place it in the radionic box with the paper
that says spleen chakra. Take a contact rate. Using the numerical chart ask
first what level is necessary to keep Aunt Mathilda among the breathing. Once
you have this, ask what level she is at now and dont faint. This will give you an
idea of how well you are doing. All you have to do now is shine a red light on the
witness of Aunt Mathilda. There should be an immediate improvement in her

Now here is something that you have to remember. Everyone dies eventually
and even psionics can, at best, put off the inevitable only for a while. It may be
that Aunt Mathilda is so far gone that the kindest thing is to let her die in peace,
will or no will.

On that happy note we can leave the spleen chakra to vent and move on. We
have dealt with the solar plexus chakra already. Simply remember that when you
transmit to this chakra, you can only transmit emotions, not a physical response
or an intellectual concept. The solar plexus is only open to feeling.

This bringeth us unto the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the principal emitter
of emotional energy, but there is some question about the nature of the energy
that it transmits best. There are those who contend that all forms of emotion
come shooting out of it with equal force, while others contend that only emotions
of affection and love will work. I must confess that I am not sure myself. Clearly
all emotions can be transmitted and usually anger is the one that transmits best.
By the same token, anger is not good for the physical heart and therefore may
not be the best thing to send out from this particular chakra.

The throat chakra is associated with not only the functions that I have already
mentioned in the overview, but also much of the sensory responses of the brain.
This is why the usual instructions to visualize a drill boring into the back of the
targets neck are so effective, usually more effective than visualizing a hammer
hitting him on top of the head. Any input to this chakra automatically activates
the involuntary nervous system and thus if the command to turn is sent, the
chakra sends the message to the involuntary nervous system and the subject
turns without thinking while a sensory message will bring an even more
pronounced response. It is even possible to send verbal messages to this
center, but it is best to confine such transmissions to the brow chakra.

The brow chakra is one of the two head chakras, and both it and the crown
chakra cooperate in the practice of psychic power. The brow acts as the receiver
and the crown as the transmitter. Both are wired to the eyes and thus if a
thought is sent to the eyes, it is seen being shifted to the brow chakra, while if it
is being transmitted the energy comes out of the crown chakra.

Any thought can be transmitted to the brow chakra. this is the center that you will
aim at when you send a command or an idea to a target subject. This can be
done by one of two methods, the first being visualization.

Let us assume that your Uncle Harry is so happy about Aunt Mathildas
miraculous recoveries (he doesnt know that she has changed her will yet) that
he has taken to humming Sousa marches during football games. He does not
hum very well and you Aunt is getting very happy that she has changed her will
and wishing that he had his twitch back. At least it kept him occupied. This
would not be a problem for you except that it is Thanksgiving and he is trying to
hum with a mouthful of sage dressing. Not only is this being very disrespectful to
the memory of your great grandmother who originated the recipe, but it is
disgusting as well. You are trying to send him a message to be quiet and
swallow his food but you cannot get through to him. If this is the case, you have
to aim directly for the brow chakra.

Visualize a cross in a circle, like in the crosshairs of a telescopic gunsight, right
on the center of the forehead. Now, exhale and gently, oh so gently, lovingly,
squeeze the trigger. Sorry about that, I was getting in touch with my inner
Oswald for a moment. Aim the beam from your eyes and send the message,
Shut the FUCK UP! as strongly as you can. Uncle Harry should give a start
and swallow.

If your subject is at a distance, you may direct your sending to that point with the
aid of your machine and helmet. It is not necessary to set up a contact rate to
the brow chakra of the subject, though you may if you wish. The normal contact
rate to the subject should be sufficient.

Once you have the contact rate for the subject on the both box and helmet, you
should have little trouble holding the image in your mind. Once you have that
image, try to concentrate on the brow chakra to the exclusion of the rest of the
face. This is not really as difficult as it may sound. Just hold that gunsight
steady and pull the trigger.

While holding the image of the brow chakra in your mind, think of the message
you are going to send. In the case of the brow chakra, you can send verbal
messages with no trouble as long as your subject speaks the same language.
Back in the fun days that presented a real problem transmitting to Saddam
Hussein. He does not speak a work of English so I had to send images of World
War films with poison gas blowing over the battlefield (it seemed like a good idea
at the time). Anyway, the brow chakra is designed to receive verbal images.

I have found it helpful to use the counting string for this with each knot being
pulled through the fingers as the message is repeated. A counting string is
nothing more than a string with 25 knots tied along it. It can be quite useful
because even with the psionic amplifying helmet you may have trouble holding

an image. By running the string you can rebuild the image with each knot and
thus your sendings become the more powerful. A target who is on the receiving
end of this technique is, quite literally, a sitting duck. It is almost impossible for
him to not receive what you are sending.

Now we can move on to the crown chakra. This the principal emitter of all
psychic energy coming out of the chakra itself and the eyes.

The illustration shows how this works. (Hey! Im a mad scientist, not an artist!)
Path A takes the energy from the crown chakra through the optic nerves to the
eyes while the energy emitted directly from the chakra follows the lines of the
etheric body (B) down to the beam coming from the eyes and links up with it.
This is why the eyes have traditionally been considered the most powerful
transmission points for this energy.

One of the features of the crown chakra is that it emits such a powerful blast of
energy when being used that when this energy is forced downward into the brain
area it can actually hurt. This is why, unlike most radionic devices that do not
need an antenna, the psionic amplifying helmet actually has to have one, to act
as a wave guide directing the main flow of the chakra energy outward, even
when the helmet is used in the receiver mode.

At this point you may be wondering why the plate in the helmet is kept on the
crown chakra instead of having a second plate from the brow. The reason is
quite simple. I found it quite uncomfortable to use a forehead plate so I was
forced to rely on the crown plate.

The crown chakra works automatically. It is neither necessary nor desirable for
you to visualize thought energy being poured out of the chakra. To do so will
only increase the activity of that chakra to possibly dangerous levels that can do
really weird things to the brain. Let it work on its own and you will have no
trouble with it.


In my books I make frequent references to thoughtforms and in Elementary
Psionics I taught the basics of their manufacture and use. Now it is time to go
into a little more detail as to how they are made, how they work and how you can
use them to make life more enjoyable, meaningful and have nasty fun at other
peoples expense.

In many ways, even more that psionic devices, the thoughtform is the basic tool
of psychic function. It is the means by which our thoughts are made more
powerful and therefore more effective. Because of this fact the better you are
able to create and use thoughtforms, the more effective you will be.

Let us look at the thoughtform itself and begin to understand how it works.

A thoughform is a clump of very basic psychic energy. It may even be
considered to be a form of pre-matter. It contains information and this
information determines how its energy will function. Once it is created and set to
work, the more coherent it is the more likely it will be able to influence events in
the physical world. This influence takes the form of what can be considered
psychokinesis, but a PK of a type that creates coincidence. For this reason we
will call the action IPK, for incidental psychokinesis, as opposed to when an
angry psychic causes the school bus to drive off the bridge.

Got that? The thoughtform is made up of those particles I posited earlier, the
psions (and why some folks in this field choose to identify themselves as
subatomic particles is a mystery to me). Each psion has polarity, and thus
positive and negative psions attract. It is therefore impossible to have a
thoughtform with less than two particles and the number of particles in any given
thoughtform will always be even. At least that is the hypothesis we are working
on. If there is an odd number of particles, the basic coherence of the
thoughtform will be upset and the thoughtform will dissipate.

In this model the production of the thoughtform works something like this. When
the mental body ends a message to the physical brain, the waveform involved
causes the neurons to fire. Ass this occurs, the fact that life energy is involved
causes a new wave to be sent outward from the physical body to the level
appropriate to the nature of the thought. At this point it is still a wave. But along
the way something happens. The psychic stuff that makes up the various energy
fields of our bodies interferes with the wave and causes it to kind of scrunch

Let me use an analogy. It is a foggy morning and the freeway is crowded with
cars, all moving at a pretty good clip, rather close together and seen from the air
they make a continuous moving line. All of a sudden the elderly driver in the
front of this line runs into a patch of very heavy fog and slams on her brakes.

The other cars are moving too fast to stop quickly and are too close together to
miss each other and very soon, amid much crunching of metal and breaking of
glass, twenty-seven cars are packing into a space that would normally hold three
and from the air it looks as if something incredibly interesting has happened in an
accordion factory.

This what happens to the wave. It gets jammed together and the result is the
formation of a basic particle, perhaps the basic particlethe psion.

Each time the wave hits the interference pattern it forms at least one psion, and
any give thought will produce a bunch of them.

So you have a bunch of these little psions floating around in space, each
containing the information from the thought and each having polarity. What
happens then?

The psions naturally attract each other and, in doing so, acquire mass. Very
small mass to be sure, but mass nonetheless. This means that the thoughtform
cannot stay at the purely mental level. It is either propelled through the void to a
specific target, moves back towards the person and takes root in the either the
astral level or the aura or it joins with a massive, pre-existing thoughtform that
sits like an amorphous blob floating in the general mental atmosphere or forms a
tight, very coherent and potentially very powerful thoughtform within the already
existing large one.

A thoughtform cannot remain at the mental level of an individual. This is
important because if you read older writers you will often find them speaking of
their clairvoyant findings of thoughtforms in the mental body. Upon closer
examination however, you will discover that what they are really looking at is the
astral level and merely getting their movies mixed up. And, let us be honest,
most clairvoyants are crazy as June bugs anyway and you cant take their
writings with much seriousness. Ive only known one in my life who was sane
and she was highly eccentric.

Most thoughtforms are neither very powerful nor coherent. As a result they do
not hold together well and do not last very long. If you can imagine each
thoughtform as a light, you will notice that around any given person you will see
lots of small lights flickering on and off, like demented xmas tree bulbs. A few
stay on rather longer, growing gradually dimmer as their batteries wear out until
they too disappear and a very few continue to burn with a constant brightness.
This is the normal state of affairs.

A problem working with thoughtforms comes when you run across the traditional
belief that the more people concentrating on a single thing, the likely that thing
will come about. I hate to disappoint folks, but that is very rarely the case. The
fact of the matter the matter is that in thoughtforms, as in dinner, too many cooks

burn the roast. There is a way around this problem and I will explain that later
but we will not be speaking of that at this present time.

Anyway, why should this be?

Because I say so!!

Seriously, the power of a thoughtform to influence events depends not so much
on the amount of energy in the thoughtform as is it does on the coherency of the
thought itself. Each thoughtform created by an individual has at least two psions,
each containing information directly relating to the thought but also containing
sidebands of stray images and emotions that the given thought will evoke. Each
sideband will decrease the coherence of the thoughtform. In fact by now you will
have noticed that one of the greatest problems that you face with your own
visualization work, which includes thoughtform creation, is the tendency of the
mind to just take off on its own without your knowing about it until it is too late to
bring it back. If you are having that kind of trouble working with just yourself,
think of the chaos created by a group visualization.

We can, for our purposes, calculate the number psions in any given thoughtform
as 2+x. X will always be unknown, but this gives us a point at which to start. As
each psion will have at least one sideband, the formula for the coherence of any
thoughtform will be +x. Now, let us figure in the number of people trying to put
energy into the thoughtform: C=1(2+X)P, where P is the number of people
working on the thoughtform. (Not bad for someone who flunked algebra in high
school, isnt it?) We will term this the Principle of Ultimate Instability. What that
means is that no thoughtform is going to last forever, and the ability of the
thoughtform to actually influence people and events will be in inverse proportion
to the number of people trying to work on it. This is particularly true of those
attempts by various groups who try to get large numbers of people to concentrate
on one thing, but it can also cause strange things to happen to small groups
when they try to create a thoughtform.

Let me tell you another story. One time I got very upset with the people in our
study center because they consistently refused to believe that mere thoughts
could influence physical reality. So I figured that I would show them and set up a
little experiment. We all sat in a circle and tried to visualize a blue sphere over a
piece of paper in the center of the circle. You must understand that the mix of
the people in the group virtually guaranteed that the form created would be
extremely unstable, and as I had them aiming for a specific target, would be very
powerful. In fact I was beginning to worry that it might be just a bit too powerful.
You see we wre meeting in the library of the Theosophical Society headquarters
in Wheaton, Illinois and there are some objects of serious value in that building. I
started to worry that one of them might break because there is no way of
predicting how the unstable energy of thoughtform will behave. Fortunately that
did not happen. But what did happen was painful enough, for just as some of the

members began to actually see the sphere, an electric shock went all around the
circle causing all of us to jump, in order! Well, that ended that experiment.

But, as you can see, coherence is the main concern. With an abstract principle,
such as peace, coherence is almost impossible and well-meaning folk who
gather to together to try to meditate on bringing peace to the world are wasting
their time. The truth of the matter is that while they are feeding a blob of energy
that can influence absolutely nothing, one adolescent playing a first-person
shooter on his gaming machine can create a thoughtform for violence that is
much more effective. (Which was the basis of my Watchtower Project in which
hundreds of people beamed pure violence into the consciousness of the planet.)

In spite of that, even the most incoherent thoughtform will contain a tremendous
amount of energy simply because it remains as a thoughtform, but this energy
will be more in the form of potential energy rather than kinetic energy. It will not
be able to influence events in and of itself but it can be tapped and used by
individuals, which is how religion works.

I am not going to get drawn into a debate over the existence or nature of the
divine. That is not the purpose of what I am now going to explain, so do not get
these ideas confused. Great Jehovah may in fact exist somewhere but whether
or not he does is irrelevant to the fact that a very large and incoherent
thoughtform corresponding to him does. As annoying as this may be to the
religious beliefs of some, this is a truth that we will deal with. There is no possible
way that the prayers and thoughts of millions of people over a period of millennia
cannot create a thoughtform and the Principle of Ultimate Instability requires that
the thoughtform be very incoherent. In fact, the thoughtform that corresponds to
the Xtian deity may be visualized as a cloud with an elderly male face floating
around its surface.

There are three (or more) basic techniques for tapping the thoughtform. One, the
religious, two the magickal, three, the psionic. The magickal is outside of the
purview of this book and well deal with the psionic later. Right now lets look at
the religious approach.

Now, try not to laugh too hard at me with this next example.

Much as one with my education, literacy, intelligence and liberal Protestant
upbringing hates to admit it, the disgusting Roman Catholic thoughtform of the
Virgin Mary is one of the most powerful and coherent of the religious
thoughtforms. It is matched only by certain Hindu deities. And the reason for
this is obvious. Here you have cult dedicated to the worship of a specific
individual with a definite character and history (even though the historic mother of
Jesus was probably a prostitute who got nailed by a Roman soldier) who has well
defined physical characteristics that have become part of the tradition. Combine
this with a ritual specific to that being and you have worshippers working on a

very well-defined image and idea. In short, just what you need for a good,
coherent thoughtform. As a result, while the Principle of Ultimate Instability still
applies, it is somewhat blunted and some very interesting and usually bizarre
things can occur. These are usually the result of a spontaneous tapping of the
thoughtform, combined with a variety of poltergeist activity.

What do I mean by that last bit of gibberish? For an excellent and hilarious
example, we must go to Portugal to a really weird place called Fatima. And the
thought of one of the biggest shrines in Catholicism being named for one of the
Prophet Mohammeds (may vulture s tear at his liver forever) daughters is

Anyway, as I said, I was raised liberal Protestant and to say that my opinion of
the cult of Mary was and is not very reverent would be an understatement
indeed. It disgusts me! And it disgusted me when I was a good, materialist
adolescent. So, one Good Friday afternoon I was looking for something to do
and I turned on my television and discovered what is undoubtedly one of the
most unintentionally hilarious movies ever made (Plan 9 From Outer Space is
serious cinema by comparison): The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima.

It is priceless! The first time I saw it I laughed so hard I almost fell out of my
chair. The story line is beyond sappy and the acting, even with Gilbert Roland
and Jay Novello who somehow got conned into being in this thing, is atrocious.
Combine that with the idea of a strange woman dancing around in the treetops
and, well, you get the idea. And to make matters even worse, it claimed to be a
portrayal of real events! These events included the Sun doing a dance and mud
being instantly dried, along with the usual boring tale of some worthless cripple
being made to walk, as if anyone would care.

Now, if this had all happened in, say, 252 A.D., we could put it down to strange
drugs mixed in with copious draughts of sacramental wine. But this was 1917, in
living memory when the film was made in 1950. Anyway, having some small
interest in the paranormal I managed to put aside my perfectly rational prejudice
against the ravings of lunatics and the beliefs of sundry morons and wonder if
part of this farrago of nonsense might actually be true. So I did a little digging
over the years and was horrified to discover that the events depicted sort of
actually happened. Ok, we leave out the bad acting and the political McCarthyite
overtones to the subplot (this is the only movie that actually had me rooting for
the Communists). Three idiot and incredibly ugly children (not cute at all like the
actors playing them) did see some strange woman floating in the treetops and
these visions attracted a humongous crowd on one particular day. (You cant
believe the numbers though, they are undoubtedly greatly inflated.) The crowd
did not see the woman but they did see the sun behave very strangely and the
ground, which had been a muddy mess from a driving rain and being trampled by
the boots of the faithful, dried for no good reason whatsoever.

There were also the usual prophecies given in the approved manner of such
things but those are not worth worrying about since they were probably a bit
edited to fit subsequent events.

What we are concerned with is the final day when the Sun danced in the
heavens, a woman ran screaming towards the camera (one of the funniest
scenes in the movie, very short, if you blink youll miss it) and the ground dried
up. For what happened that day is unquestionably a thoughtform that went
totally berserk!

Let us begin by examining the physical phenomena. There is no question that
the ground was mud when things got hot and then got dried out after the sun
calmed down and went back to where it belonged. There were just too many
witness to doubt that claim, crazy that most of them undoubtedly were. There is
also no question that the sun was seen to move towards the earth. The image
was recorded by people living forty miles away. It is also true that at no time in
1917 (nor any other time in human history for that matter) did the relative
positions of the earth and sun deviate from the normal orbit of the earth. So it
must be assumed that what was seen at Fatima was an optical illusion, but one
of such power that it was seen for some distance.

Now, let us examine the participants. The three children were not only incredibly
ugly but also of despised, peasant stock. (God created peasants so the rest of
us would have people to despise.) They were uneducated and probably quite
stupid. Ok, we have this pattern occur too many times in history to mistake it.
The eldest child, a girl, is approaching puberty. Yes, by our standards very
young, but in that world giving birth at twelve would probably have been
common. There is no question that she was the prime recipient of the visions
and prophecies. The other two brats were much younger and by all accounts
played a secondary role. The crowds see nothing but the Sun, the mud and the
priest with his hand out.

The fact that Lucia, the eldest, was approaching puberty seems here to be the
key, for that is the age when poltergeist activity is most likely to erupt. You may
well wonder why I would bring that up but it is because I am convinced that the
key to Fatima lies in such activity.

The poltergeist is generally assumed to be what one author called a mind on the
rampage. The faculty that produces true psychokinesis, which lies dormant in
us all, is activated by a process we know virtually nothing of and it manifests in
various unpredictable and usually destructive ways. While the events at Fatima
were on a massive scale, they were nothing more than the behavior of a
poltergeist grown very big as would be expected from a mind energized by both
at thoughtform and the directed energy of the crowd.

Let me explain what I think probably occurred. Lucia was given a shot from the
basic, fat Virgin Mary thoughtform. From this and her own natural psychic
capacity, she created a second thoughtform. This thoughtform took the form of
the Virgin and was coherent enough to actually become visible to the two other
children who have also tapped into the larger thoughtform due to cultural

At this point the peculiar combination of energies is causing nothing more to
occur than the vision and audible messages from it. But things do not stay that
way because it is in the nature of such visitations that they will inevitably attract
the faithful and the curious to the site, along with the usual souvenir sellers.
These increase in numbers and expectations, and finally the stage is set for the
climatic performance.

On the fateful day, thousands (we can at least be sure of that) people
concentrate energy on the three children, particularly the eldest. This energy
increases the power of the transmissions from all three children, with the eldest
being the primary agent and the other two adding their beams to hers. The result
was a tremendous power loop between the Virgin thoughtform, Lucia and the
others. Now, remember that this whole thing is fundamentally unstable. It
cannot go on indefinitely but the energy must find an outlet somewhere. At that
point such things become truly unpredictable.

And it is at this point where we find our greatest difficulty. For while this may
explain how the energies involved in Fatima worked, we have no idea at all why
they took the particular form that they did. In that regard, we are faced with the
classical problem involved in all poltergeist manifestations. The mind of the
primary operator unconsciously instructs the energy and then it goes to work.
What monsters were floating around in the mind of Lucia at that point we cannot
begin to guess.

Anyway, that is essentially what happened at Fatima. Once the main miracle
occurs, however, Principle of Ultimate Instability takes over and the Virgin
disappears for all practical purposes. That thoughtform is replaced by a far more
unstable one which has, however, a much greater pool of energy to draw upon
and which can be tapped into at a later time by the faithful and unfaithful alike.
We find something much similar at Lourdes and we will learn how to tap that
energy in the next chapter.

Much of what we will now cover may seem like a complicated rehash of the basic
material in Elementary Psionics, but bear with me. The time will come when you
will want to not only create very powerful thoughtforms but also to analyze those
of others.

There are three inherent characteristics of a functional thoughtform. These are
form, function, and identity. It is possible to create a very short-term thoughtform
that will simply have form and function but for any thoughtform that is going to
last you must give it a name. This is not so much of importance to the
thoughtform, which is going to have a very limited intelligence at best, but to your
yourself because it makes calling up the power or function of the thoughtform so
much easier.

Let us begin with form. The purpose of a thoughtform may be embodied in its
shape, for we know that certain shapes seem to have an intrinsic meaning. For
example, the shape of a shield is always seen as defensive, even though in real
life shields were offensive as well. A sword, having two edges and a point, can
be seen as aggressive or defensive in nature but always combative. A spear or
its modern variant, the rocket, is always aggressive. For our purposes, let us use
the four traditional symbols of magick: the rod, the cup, the shield or disk, and
the sword to explain how these can be used.

The rod can be seen as any connecting link, such as telephone cables, which are
really nothing more than long rods stretched over great distances. All beams are
rods, therefore any time you make a thoughtform in the shape of a rod you would
be making a connection of some kind.

The cup, on the other hand, is always a receptacle. A cup holds things; things
are poured into it. Energy can be poured into a cup and stored there for later
use. The energy can be made to flow along a rod into a cup.

I have already covered the shield and sword, and they can be used in
combination. The sword also has the capacity to divide, a useful tool when
facing a combination of hostile people or forces.

Most objects fall under these four headings. A light bulb can be grouped with the
rod. Why? Because the light that comes out of the bulb connects the bulb with
whatever it falls upon. The mirror can be considered a shield. It blocks the light

and then reflects it back to its point of origin. Therefore, if a situation should arise
in which you wish to make a thoughtform that would not only block a thought but
send it back to its point of origin, you would make a shield in the form of a mirror.

The symbols can also be combined as well. Suppose you really want to get a
thought through to Uncle Harry while he is busy with something. This is normally
quite difficult because the subconscious mind, which is where the psychic energy
works best, cannot get through the noise generated by Uncle Harrys activity.
You would in such an instance create two short-term thoughtforms. The first
would be a rod coming from about six inches in front of your nose, to a cup
placed in Uncle Harrys third eye. The rod would be programmed to carry the
message and the cup to receive it.

Now, let us suppose that you are going to make a thoughtform that is going to be
around for a while. These take a bit of work to make, not so much because they
are long lasting, as because you have to keep feeding the little monsters in order
to keep their power up. Never forget that any thoughtform is inherently unstable
and will fall apart after a while. These thoughtforms can be the type that are
used quite often, such a one made to keep your car out of accidents, or it may be
one that is used only once a year.

The type that are used often are given a few good charges and then a quick
activation whenever needed. The mere act of thinking about a thoughtform
activates it and puts energy into it. The ones used less often have to be
consciously charged over longer periods of time so that that they can lie dormant
until activated.

Let me give you examples of both. As I said, one of the most common of the
standing thoughtforms is the one used to protect your car. It is a favorite of with
anyone who has to drive in heavy traffic, especially if the roads have a lot of
taverns along the way. This thoughtform is best visualized in the form of a shield
over the car that emits a continuous light covering the entire car and doing so
keeps the car from meeting other cars, from being stolen or vandalized, or
anything else liable to cause the insurance to become more expensive.

As this shield is expected to last for a while, like the life of the car, when it is
being visualized give it a name like Carshield or Fred. Each night for a week or
two, visualize the thoughtform over your car and program it with something like,
Your name is Fred and you will protect this car from anything that would injure
it. After you have done this, each time you get into the car just think to the
thoughtform, Fred, activate. The shield will power up and you will be able to
drive with some certainty of your own safety. It is also a good idea to thank the
thoughtform each time you miss being clobbered. This will make the thoughtform
happy and increase its supply of energy.

The other type is more on the order of a gun in the bedroom. You may not wish
to use but if you need it you damned well better have it!

Let us suppose that there is a particular resort that you go to every summer.
Now, as you have undoubtedly been made aware of by those dreadful
commercials showing happy vacationers losing their lifes savings, there is
always some risk that you may be robbed. As you go to this resort often, so it is
easy to hold a picture of it in your mind, or you probably have a photograph or
two of it laying around somewhere. If that is the case, you may use your radionic
box and helmet to lock in to the resort but it is not necessary. Visualization will
do quite nicely.

Either way, you will create another thoughtform, let us say in the form of a sword,
which will drive anyone away who would desire to rob, injure or even annoy you.
Then you name the thoughtform and charge it up every night for a couple of
months before your vacation. You may then go off with peace of mind and enjoy
your trip. But before you end your stay, you again visualize the thoughtform and
tell it to rest until it is needed again. The next year, for about two weeks before
your vacation, call up the thoughtform and renew the charge. Finally, before you
arrive at the resort again, activate it.

You should now have all the information you need to make and use your own
thoughtforms. But, suppose you wish to make a group thoughtform? You know
that it is very difficult to make such a thoughtform and expect to it to hold together
very well. After all, the more people who are working on it the less effective it will
be. Well, there is a way around this problem.

Let us take as our example the desire that many people have of creating a
thoughtform for world conquest. They have a number of things going against
them not the least of these being the fact that there are many people in the world
so stubborn as to not want to be conquered (a plague upon them!).

As I said, however, there is a way around this little problem. Lets go back to
Fatima for a minute (half-price miracles this week). You will remember that the
vision was strengthened not by the crowd concentrating on it because the crowd
could not see it, but rather by the concentration of the crowd on the children (and
for those of you who wonder why the crowd did not break out laughing at the
incredible ugliness of the little bastards, the crowd-folk were no beauties
themselves). The same principle applies here. A given individual can be chosen
to make and charge the thoughtform, in whatever image he chooses and the rest
of the people will concentrate their thoughts upon him. The energy from these
people will increase the power of his own but because he is the only one who is
putting energy into the thoughtform, the thoughtform will retain its coherence.

If you have a group of people to work with, you may use psionics to help you add
power and coherence to your group thoughtform. Each member of the group will

need a radionic box, a psionic amplifying helmet and a witness sample of the
person who will be the primary agent in creating the thoughtform.

You must all agree beforehand on a time for the creation and charging of the
thoughtform. The person who is to be the primary agent must have a witness of
each person in the group as well. Before the appointed time, the primary agent
will place all the of the witness samples in his radionic box and take what will be
a general contact rate for the entire group. He will then take a similar rate on his
helmet which is, of course, linked to the box. Each member of the group will take
a contact rate for the primary agent.

At the appointed time, the primary agent will put on his helmet, placing him in firm
contact with the rest of the group and each member will do the same. This will
create a strong psionic link between all the members of the group and primary

As the primary agent goes to work on the image he has chosen, the energy of
the group will be transmitted to him without the usual drifting of contact, for the
machines will solve that problem. All anyone has to do is think. As their energy
is fed into the prime agent, he, in turn, will put it into the thoughtform.

There is one rule you should keep to if you are using a group to create a
thoughtform. You must keep the group relatively small. The more people
involved, the more likely will there be someone who is not concentrating on the
primary agent or worse, sending conscious or unconscious thoughts counter to
the purpose of the group. The tradition of keeping a coven to twelve or thirteen
may have been created with this idea in mind. For your purposes therefore, I
recommend that you keep the number in your group to no more than eight as
that is the largest any group can be before it breaks down into smaller groups,
each with its own agenda.

It is best to have a specific target in mind, such as a politician that needs
defeating. This will help keep minds from wandering. And it is best to avoid
abstract ideas. Keep to concrete desires and results.


In this chapter we are going to get into the strangest area of psionics (as if it
werent strange enough alread y) and Ill begin it with another story. When the
science-fiction writer and editor, John W. Campbell, was experimenting with the
Hieronymous Machine back in the 1950s, he stumbled onto something he
considered truly phenomenal. He made a sort of circuit diagram of the machine
(which I found utterly incomprehensible until G. Harry Stein came out with his
Mind Machines which explained it) and attached some dials to it, and lo and
behold yea and verily! He still got a stick on the pad! From this event he made
a deduction that it was the pattern of the machine, rather than the circuitry that
made it work. Of course we know now that it is neither but let us not be nasty, for
the fact is that pattern does play a huge role in psionics. There are a number of
two dimensional patterns, simple line drawings, that somehow interface with
either the limited human or unlimited universal consciousnesses (and we have no
idea which) and produce profound psychic results.

This presents an interesting problem, for it is impossible to live without seeing
patterns all around us. If we assume that all of them are emitting some kind of
energy into the ether we will rapidly go insane and start looking for reptilian aliens
living under cell-phone towers. It is all too common for someone to hear this at a
lecture and immediately go out testing every line drawing that she sees, right
down to the tiles on her mothers floor. And before you know it, she is convinced
that all of them are in some way dangerous.

So do not go to ridiculous extremes. Read the chapter and then experiment with
an open mind, not an empty head.

In Elementary Psionics I told the story of the psionic amplifying helmet and how it
grew out of my dabbling with the Hills Magnetron device. That gadget, in its
turn, had been the outcome of work begun by a pair of French dowsers name
Servanx who looked at a drawing of the innards of a radar device and held a
pendulum over it. The pendulum swung and thus they deduced that some sort of
energy was coming off of it. You will also remember that the Magnetron pattern
was a central circle with eight circles around it connected to the center by eight
lines. You can easily make such a drawing yourself.

The fascinating thing about the basic pattern of a central point surrounded by
circles is that the more circles you have, the more powerful the energy coming off
the center. You can prove this to yourself by making a number of such patterns
starting with three small circles around the center and going on from there. This
is what a twelve-circle pattern looks like.

Once you have made your patterns, hold your pendulum over the center of each
one. You will notice that they all produce a strong, clockwise swing. This is
actually the first problem you will encounter in studying these damned things.
The pendulum can tell you if there is energy coming off of them and if the energy
is positive (clockwise) or negative (counterclockwise) but it is useless in
measuring the power of the energy. It always swings the same way!

To learn anything else, you will need your numerical gauge and stick pad.

In these tests you will use the plug at the end of the pad wire as a probe and
place it over the center of the pattern. Ask the question, What is the level of
energy coming out of the pattern? and rub the stick pad as you move the
pointer on the gauge. Write down the measurement for each pattern and you will
discover that you have a number of patterns with different energy levels. This
means that you can use these to fine-tune the amount of power you wish to put

into a transmission. This can be useful healing work where too much power may
do more harm than good.

These patterns can be used in several ways. The witness is always placed over
the central circle. Putting it on one of the smaller ones seems to do nothing at all
for it.

If you wish to send a telepathic message to the subject, lay the witness in the
pattern and hold your pendulum over the witness. Start the pendulum swinging
around the pattern and think your message at the subject, repeating it over and
over again until the pendulum stops swinging. At that point your subject should
have received your message.

Colors may be transmitted by placing a colored gel over the witness and turning
a light on it. Combined with transmission patterns (we get to them soon), the
color can be transmitted to any chakra or part of the body.

these patterns may also be used as simple energy amplifiers, to cause a subject
to receive an increase in psychic energy or to increase the power of a
thoughtform. They have the advantage of never needing to be tuned, but the
disadvantage of not being specific in the part of the subject you wish to send to.
For that you need a very clear vision of the area or a transmittal pattern.

When being used as a simple energy amplifier, it is not always a good idea to
leave the witness of a subject in the pattern. Its lack of specificity means that any
emotion you may feel towards the subject will be amplified.

This may not seem like something of great importance, but if, for some reason,
the person may make you hopping mad, that will get shot at them and you can
make dreadful things happen that way. Of course you may want to make
dreadful things happen to the person but that is a different chapter.

You can use any pattern that produces a clockwise swing from your pendulum
for helping people. What you should avoid is any pattern that produces a
counterclockwise swing. That is the sort of movement you get if you hold a
pendulum under a pyramid. It is the result of an etheric energy pattern that is
known as negative green.

Sounds pretty silly, doesnt it? Well, it was coined by a Frenchman, so what can
we expect. It seems that the said Frenchperson discovered that this type of
swing is exactly the opposite of the swing that he got over normal green on his
color chart. That is why I instructed you to put gray opposite green on your color
gauge. It is the swing that occurs over gray and, as it turns out, this energy is
very bad stuff to have floating around. Let us be honest, who wants to become a
mummy? Seriously, it seems to be extremely dangerous and may cause cancer.

Now, important! It is also true that the pendulum may swing in a

counterclockwise direction for other reasons, so it is wise not to become
paranoid. First, look and see how strong the swing is. If it is very strong, do
more testing. Take your color gauge an stick pad and see what color the energy
you are getting responds to. If you get a stick on gray, you have negative green
and reptilian aliens are living under your house (just kidding).

With that little digression out of the way, we can begin to look at patterns and
their relationship to different energy fields around us and thoughtforms in
particular. It is by the use of patterns that we can lock onto pre-existent
thoughtforms with ease and increase the effectiveness of our own thoughtforms
as well.

The idea that a two-dimensional pattern can link a person to forces of the unseen
world is hardly new. It is the basis for all talismanic magick. There are a number
of these patterns that have come down to us, most notably the 72 sigils found in
the Lesser Key of Solomon, the use of which was believed to enable the
magician to control the demon whose sigil he possessed. What is clear is that
these sigils can be used to cause certain results when used in conjunction with
psionics. From this we can assume that in some way they align the operator or
the subject with an energy pattern that already exists out in the void, and thus
that pattern can be transmitted. These patterns exist for various purposesfrom
healing (snore snore snore) to wealth, sex and destruction, in other words the fun

The seals in the Lesser Key (see appendix 2) are among the easiest to use.
They are already drawn, needing only to be copied and placed in the can right
next to Prince Albert. A rate is taken for the pattern and the witness is placed on
the receiving end of the circuit. Once that is done, the chosen energy is sent to
the subject. The only thing you need to do is take the rate and then set up the
machine. The action is no more occult or mysterious than turning on a light. It
fact, it is so mechanical it can get rather boring except in those rare instances
when the spirit gets annoyed and things start flying around the room. (But Ive
only had that happen once.)

Of more interest if only because it requires a bit more involvement, is the use of
patterns drawn from magick squares and circle patterns. While the two methods
are interchangeable and produce much the same results it is useful to be able to
work with both because there are times when one method just doesnt fit.

So, how do we use these patterns? You begin by first determining what type of
pattern you will need. After you have done this, you make the pattern and then
the thoughtform. This may seem like a reversal of the usual procedure, but by
making the pattern first, you are in effect laying the groundwork for the
thoughtform and it really is much easier to do it that way.

So, let us assume that you are going to make a thoughtform that has as its
command, Make everyone buy my book! That is a bit of a mouthful for a
pattern so you choose a name for the pattern, in this case Bestseller. And, as I
want to illustrate for you how both types of patterns are made, you choose to
make it using a magick square. These correspond to the seven traditional
planets and their influence is as follows:

Saturn: Any disruptive activity, any attempt to increase knowledge, dealing with
dead things of all types

Jupiter: Wealth, promotions, friendship, health, general prosperity and well

Mars: Acquiring courage, disruption and attack

Sun: Health, wealth, friendship, all things positive

Venus: Love and sex, not necessarily in that order

Mercury: Increasing intelligence, business matters, knowledge, anything
requiring cunning and deceit

Moon: Travel, love, any operation involving water, lunacy.

These are the squares:








First you must decide which planet the thoughtform will correspond to. There are
three possibilities that come to mind: the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter. This
presents a bit of a problem, so you use your trusty pendulum and the pendulum
with its usual infinite wisdom tells you that Jupiter would be just dandy for this
project. Now I am going to give you another choice. The traditional method of
working with magick squares requires that the letters of the words being used be

broken down so that they correspond to individual digits1 to 9. For the smaller
squares this works perfectly, as there are 26 letters in the English alphabet. But
if you use the square of Venus, for example, it can be a real problem because
most of the numbers you would use are arranged in a single, diagonal row which
severely limits the variety of pattern that square would produce.

After being really frustrated by that difficulty I decided to abandon tradition (which
is all traditions are good for anyway) and use all 26 numbers, which meant not
having to add down at all. The only drawback to that is you have to be using a
square with more than five rows each way otherwise numbers are going to be left

Jupiter has a square with four rows, so you have to be old-fashioned and use a
chart like this.

Then you find the value for each letter: B=2; E=5; S=1; T=2; S=1; E=5; L=3; L=3;
E=5; R=9.

Now that you know the value for each letter, you take your square of Jupiter and
plot the numbers on it. And hope the square does not come out lopsided like this

Find the first number and draw a line between it and the second, the second and
the third and so on until you have run out of numbers. If you have a double
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


number (two 3s for L L in this case) just use a single line with a small curve at the
end. You will end up with a pattern like this.

All that remains for you to do is to take a small piece of paper and trace the figure
from the square onto it. It is a good idea to write the name of your thoughtform
on the paper as well so you will not forget what the pattern is supposed to

Once you have done this, place the pattern in the transmittal part of your radionic
box and hook up your helmet to the box input. Take a rate for the pattern on
both box and helmet.

Place the helmet on your head as it will do you little good to sit on it and begin to
make your thoughtform in the usual mannerby visualizing it. The pattern is the
witness for the thoughtform and may be left in the machine with a witness of the
target (in this case an outer space picture of the earth will do quite nicely) or it
may be placed in the center of an amplifying pattern. When you desire to add
charge to the thoughform, you may either set up the box and helmet and
visualize the thoughtform gaining energy or place it in an amplifying pattern and
visualize it being charged while spinning the pendulum over it. Both systems
work equally well.

The circle patterns we are now going to work with have their origins in the work
of Malcolm Rae, one of the super-biggies in radionics, who discovered that a
pattern lines within a series of concentric circles would send his patients the
energy equivalent of homeopathic remedies. By extension of this, patterns could
be made that would be the equivalent of just about anything. These patterns
could be used to eliminate rates in radionic broadcasting and analysis, but I am

not quite willing to go that far. However, the circle patterns you are going to learn
to make will cause your work to become much easier.

You can make a circle pattern to correspond anything, people, parts of people,
thoughtforms, whole entire countries. They are particularly useful in working with
pre-existing thoughtforms (such as deities which are, after all, nothing more than
the product of mass superstition) and thoughtforms created by other people,
often with nefarious purposes in mind. Circle patterns are also very useful in
working specific parts and patterns in an individuals etheric field.

So, let us say that you wish to contact a big thoughtform, one that has been
charged and recharged for thousands of years by innumerable people. You want
to tap into the power of the Mad God of the Desert, sometimes known as old
Jehovah, Allah or big-g God. After all, there is no sense in thinking small and this
one is useful for just about anything. Being a rational individual, prayer leaves a
bad taste in your mouth and kneeling with your ass in the air is too much an
invitation to a passing priest.

So you use radionics!

The circle pattern you will use is much different from that used by the Rae
school. It is a little easier to make and I think it actually gives a better
representation of the energies being contacted. You begin by drawing a circle
that is marked off into segments of ten degrees each, which will leave you with
36 hash marks.

Try not to make these too big. Two inches in diameter is sufficient and any larger
may make it difficult to fit on the witness side of the machine. It is also a good

idea to plan ahead and make a sheet of them that you can print up and then just
cut one out at a time as needed.

You will now need to get out a rule and your stick pad. Once you have them,
write Great Old Jehovah over the top of the circle and make a small dot (your
starting point) over the topmost hash mark of the circle.

Concentrate on the thoughtform, trying to hold the idea of Uncle God in your
mind, and point to the first hash mark while rubbing your stick pad. Slide your
thumb across the pad about three or four times to see if you get a stick. If you
do, make a small circle around the hash mark and go on to the next. If you do
not, repeat the procedure with the next mark and continue until you have gone all
the way around the circle. This should give you a pattern that looks something
like this.

Once you have done this, take your ruler and it between the first and second
small circle on the hash marks. Ask yourself if you need a line between these
points while rubbing the pad a few times. If you get a stick, draw the line. If not,
go on and place the ruler between the first and third and repeat the procedure.
Do this also if you get a stick and repeat the procedure until you have tested all
the links between the first circle and the others. Once you have finished,, do this
again with the second circle and so on until you have gone all around the circle.
Continue until you have tested all the possible combinations, so that in this
pattern you would have tested four possible lines from the first; from the second,
three; from the third, two and from the fourth, one. The last circle has already
been tested from the first so you can stop. Your final pattern will look something
like this.

You now have a pattern that will automatically put you in mental contact with the
humongous thoughtform of Big Bad Jehovah. Place this pattern in your radionic
box, which you have hooked to your helmet. Take a rate on both and put the
helmet on your head. Do not put the box on your head. It will not stay and you
will look silly.

Once you have the helmet on, you should begin to get a picture in your head of
this thoughtform. Now, I must explain to you that these things appear to each
individual differently. I get something that looks like a cloud with the face of an
elderly man on it with a long white beard, a VERY long white beard, sort of like
some sort of demented garden gnome. Anyway, imagine as clearly as you can
the energy from this thoughtform filling you up. Once you have absorbed the
energy, you can put it to work.

Having now learned something about making circle patterns and using them to
contact pre-existing thoughtforms, you can now learn how to steal a dose of
healing energy and at the same rob the Catholic Church of a bunch of money.

In the last chapter we butchered the legend of Fatima. Now we get to run
Lourdes through the meat grinder. The pattern of events was much the same:
an adolescent, the village idiot Bernadette some French name or other, saw a
vision, produced some phenomena and now there is a giant, ever-recharging
thoughtform floating around the town drawing in the lame, the halt and the stupid
to the grotto where the visions took place and from whence a stream of water
associated with them popped out. That water is said to be so polluted that it is
truly a miracle that no one has died from touching it so the thoughtform must
work pretty well, and there are enough documented healings from that place to
make working with it worthwhile.

The advantage of this particular thoughtform is that is quite easy to work with. All
you need is a photograph of the grotto and you can find that online or at a library
with no trouble at all. Place this picture in your box and take a contact rate, as if
you were going to do a remote viewing experiment. Once you have the rate on
both box and helmet, put on the helmet and make a circle pattern that will
correspond to the healing energy of the thoughtform, not the superstitious
nonsense associated with it. Clear the rate from the box and helmet and take a
new rate for the thoughtform and picture whenever you need it.

Now, let us say that this time Uncle Harry has come down with triple pneumonia.
This is the perfect time to test your new tool. Place the picture and pattern in the
input side of your machine and get the rate. Place the witness of Uncle Harry on
the output side and let the machine work. The healing energy of the thoughtform
will be transmitted to Uncle Harry and he will be much aided by it, assuming he is
not so far gone that he dies anyway, which does happen in spite of the best of
our efforts.

I have used Lourdes here, not only because I think the place is the worlds
biggest side show, but because it is one of the best known sites for thoughtform
tapping. It is, however, not the only one. Any location associated with healing,
or any psychic or spiritual activity can be used. The only caution I would give is
to make sure that you know something about the thoughtform you are going to
steal, otherwise you may be in for an unpleasant shock. Always know what you
are getting into, or, more importantly, what is getting into you.


I was originally going to leave this chapter out in the new edition, but then I
figured what would a book on psionics be without some toys to play with. Now, a
lot of this is old hat by now, but there are always new folks just getting started, so
here it is, with a few changes to reflect the years.

If you will think back to Elementary Psionics, you will remember that the energy
we use has certain properties, among them the ability to be carried along beams
of light and electromagnetic carrier waves, such as radio and microwaves. So
now I will give you a little advice on how to use this fact to your advantage by
increasing the power of your radionic transmissions.

You will need an old-fashioned, monoraul cassette recorder, easily found at
garage sales and on ebay, an FM radio with an external antenna and earphone
jack and cheap walkie-talkies, which can be found at any toy store.

One of the peculiar things about radionics is that an amplified current can aid in
the output of the mechanism. It seems to give a little more push to the energies
being used, and there are two ways that this current can be used. The current
can be put through the radionic box thus energizing the entire system, or a
carrier wave may be added after the box, thus giving an added impetus to the
completed transmission. You will have to experiment to find out what method
works best for you, but I usually use the first when transmitting patterns to a
subject and the second when transmitting with the helmet, so if I were going to
use the helmet and box to send a message to someone, I would add the light or
the carrier wave to the end of the system rather than to the beginning.

The recorder is placed in the system as shown in the following figure.

When doing this, the pattern, witness and rate have already been placed on the
machine and the recorder is connected to the left-hand jack of the box. There is
no need to have a tape in the recorder at this point. Simply turn on the recorder
in playback and set the volume by rubbing the stick pad as you turn the dial, just
as if you were taking a rate. In fact you are taking a rate. Then you just let the
thing run.

Using the FM radio is a bit more complicated, as the next figure shows.

Looks like the radio box from my website, right? Well, it is with a radionic box
attached. You will need, in addition to the radio, a length of wire with an alligator
clip on each end, a foil place made by gluing a square of foil to a piece of
cardboard and a patch cable to attach the radio to the input of the box.

Start by taking a rate on the box for the pattern that you wish to transmit. Once
you have done this, use the wire with the clips to attach the foil plate to the
antenna of the radio. Place the pattern on the plate and attach the radio to the
box by means of the patch cable. Now use the stick pad to take a rate for the
pattern on the radio the same way you did on the box.

Turn on the radio, if it is not already when you set it and the energy from the
radio will increase the output of your machine.

One of things I have found is that if you are working with balancing rates, such as
in healing work or neutralizing incoming hostile energy, the recorder works best
and if you are working with transmittal patterns, the radio works best.
Incidentally, these arrangements were the basis of the older radionic devices.

Modifying a walkie talkie for use with a radionic box device takes a little more
work but it is well worth the trouble. This gadget is usually added to the system
after the box so that the signal coming out of the box is transmitted over the radio
carrier wave. It may be best to remove or shorten the antenna because the FCC
gets very upset at people who disrupt radio traffic. A shortened antenna will
allow the wave to get out, but it will not be strong enough to be picked up by any
but the most sensitive equipment.

Please take the above instruction very seriously. Avoid the temptation to
lengthen the antenna. It has little effect on the results and I would be very
unhappy if one of my readers ended up in jail.

You will see from the figure that a walkie-talkie, at least of the cheap variety,
uses the speaker for a microphone. The speaker is wired into the transmitter
from two small tabs on the back of the speaker, so when you take the unit apart
you must be able to get at those tabs. This is usually quite easy, the speaker
often being laid between a few slots and simply lifted out, but sometimes you
must remove some small screws to take it out. Once you have the speaker out,
do not disconnect it from the amplifier. Having the speaker still in the system
makes testing the battery easier.

Drill two small holes in the top of the walkie-talkie case. It is best to use a hand
drill for this as a power drill might push to hard and damage the transmitter.
Place two screws in the holes and wire each screw to a tab on the speaker.

Put the walkie-talkie back together and tape down the push-to-talk button. This
way the walkie-talkie will always transmit when you turn on the power switch.

This device is usually used when you want a short burst of power. The life of the
battery is limited.

In order to wire the box, or helmet, to the walkie-talkie, you will need a special
patch cable with a plug on one end and two alligator clips on the other. Each clip

is attached to one of the screws and when you transmit, the signal is sent
through the wire to them, to the amplifier and thence out to the void or your
target, depending on the operation.

The addition of a carrier wave can be a great benefit in most communication
experiments. There are a number of ways this can be done.

The helmet can be directly connected to the walkie-talkie. In this case the rate is
only on the helmet and no witness sample is used once the rate has been taken.
All that is then necessary is for the operator to have a clear image in his mind
while transmitting.

Far better is the use of the helmet and box along with the walkie-talkie. In this
case, it is not necessary to hang onto the image of the subject. The box will do
that for you. All that is required is that the equipment be set up and you can work
with relative ease.

Those of you who have been diligent in your study of Elementary Psionics can
probably guess what is going to come next. And you are right. For once you
have set up your equipment in this manner, the next step is to add your
teleflasher (see appendix). The operator has now put together an impressive
array of machinery that will at least make a tremendous impact on him and
usually on the target being transmitted at. That is provided no one else sees you
using it because you will look ridiculous. One time my mother saw me working
that way and laughed so hard she nearly lost her balance and I ended up
laughing with her. That pretty much ended that experiment.

But all this leads to an obvious question, namely why would the addition of a
radio carrier wave or amplified current affect psychic transmission? It is a hard
question to answer and please do not think that I have the last word on it. What I
am going to give you is nothing more than a guess.

It all comes down to the peculiar relationship between psychic energy and
electromagnetic energy. Even as the psychic wave is produced by the
relationship between the electrical activity in our brains and the various levels of
the etheric body, so it is made more powerful by the addition of the
electromagnetic energy, as in using light to boost a radionic signal. Unfortunately
I have no idea what the full nature of that relationship is and thus you are going
to be left with a mystery for others who are far better thinkers than I to solve. I
wish them luck.

But, suppose that you wish your transmission to be more effective still. You
already know that the teleflasher can work because of the effect of the rhythmic
flashing of the brain of the sender. By adding the same rhythm to the radio
transmission, the receiver will also be thus affected.

There is an easy way to accomplish this. Cut one of the wires leading from the
battery clip to the amplifier of the walkie-talkie. A button, like that of a doorbell, is
wired into the system by means of a long wire.

When you sit before the teleflasher, each time the image is lit, you push the
button. This will set up a rhythm in the brain of the receiver and increase the
ability of your message to get through the noise that is usually occupying the
mind of anyone we wish to send to. In fact, getting through this noise is one of
the principal difficulties that face any who work in the area of psychic
transmission. People tend to be very inconsiderate and refuse to leave their
minds totally open to us, as empty as they normally are of any rational thought. It
can become quite annoying at times and one is tempted to take a drill and bore a
hole in their skulls to let the information in.

There is another device that can be made using a walkie-talkie, and this one is
excellent for use in the car. How many times have we all been in traffic wishing
that one of the other drivers would smash her suv full of brats into the gasoline
truck and give us all some free entertainment? With the little gadget you are
going to build now, you will be able to safely put ideas in the minds of other
drivers and, on most occasions, decrease the time that you will spend waiting for
traffic lights (and with luck cause the occasional traffic cop to be broadsided by a
cement truck).

In order to create this masterpiece of psionic ingenuity, you will need an

amplifying pattern, a piece of foil, a plastic box such as a pencil box, a switch,
some wire and glue as well as a cheap walkie-talkie.

Cut a circle out of the foil and glue it to the center of the pattern. Lay that
arrangement to one side where it will be safe to let the glue dry.

Now take apart the walkie-talkie. Be certain that you start with the correct size
screwdrivers because some of the screws can be quite small and you do not
wish to damage anything when you remove the circuitry from the case. Work
slowly, be patient and do a neat job.

Take the plastic box and punch two small holes in the top. Make a small coil of
wire, small enough to lay flat under the central circle of your pattern and run the
two ends through the holes in the box. When you lay your fingers over the center
of the pattern they should be over the center of the coil.

Punch more holes in the side of the box for the switch and the antenna. Now cut
the speaker wire away from the chassis, leaving enough wire to make a good
connection. Cut one of the battery wires as well.

Mount the chassis inside the box. This can be done either by screwing it down if
possible or by taping it securely in place with plastic tape. Be sure that the power
switch of the walkie-talkie is turned on when mounting and tape or wire down the
push-to-talk button.

Attach the wires from the coil to the speaker wires. Mount the on-off switch to
the outside of the box and connect it to the battery wire that you have cut. Attach
a wire to the antenna connection and run it out through the hole provided for it.
Now close the box. It sounds more complicated and intimidating to make than it
really is and except for removing the chassis from the walkie-talkie case it should
actually take very little time.

So how is this machine used? When you are driving, place this box on the seat
beside you. It is a good idea to normally leave the power off because otherwise
you may go through a lot of batteries. As you come up to a stoplight, turn on the
power and place the index and middle fingers of your right hand on the center of
the pattern. Will the light to change and watch the results. You will be amazed.

You can also use this device to communicate with other drivers. For example,
when you see the police car cruising about looking for ways to harass honest
citizens, send a commend to driver to turn sharply left. And then watch the

Now it is time to consider using light. You will remember from earlier chapters
that adding light to a radionic signal had a clear effect upon the receiver of that
transmission. And it is true that a light beam can be used to increase the

effectiveness of any psychic work. When I was laying in the hospital neither
getting worse nor improving, my friends gathered and each had a flashlight. The
shone the beams on my photograph and sent healing thoughts. I was home from
the hospital in a week.

You can prove this to yourself with the aid of a friend. Have the person sit with
his back to you holding a pendulum over a chart with the letters of the alphabet
written on it around a half-circle. Think a letter at him and find out how long it
takes for the pendulum to swing to that letter, if it does. Mark down the time and
repeat the experiment with one small change. Shine a flashlight on the nape of
your friends neck, right over the throat chakra. You will notice a change in

There is only one problem with using a light beam in psionics and that is getting
the psionic signal into beam! While you are holding a flashlight, this is not a
problem, but when you are working with a group of psionic devices at the same
time, that can be difficult if not impossible. Fortunately there are a couple of ways
around this.

You will need a small, high-intensity lamp, a sheet of poster board, aluminum foil
and two screws with four nuts (and no you cant have my in-laws). Cut a square
from the poster board large enough to make a tube that will fit over the end of the
lamp so that the light will go through it as a sleeve. Cut a piece of the foil that will
cover one side of the poster board and glue it into place.

Punch two holes in the arrangement and be certain that the screws fit in them.

You will probably be wondering why I instructed you to have four nuts for two
screws. When the tube is complete, you will want the screws to stick out, not
sliding in and out. Therefore, screw one nut on each screw before inserting it
into its hole and then place the other nut on the inside, over the foil and tighten
them to hold each screw in place so that the heads of the screws will be outside,
on the cardboard side and nuts will be in contact with the foil.

Roll up the tube with the foil inside and fit it over the end of the lamp. Glue or
tape it together and attach it over the end of the lamp so it stays in place.

To use this piece of equipment, attach the tube to either your helmet or your
machine by means of the cable with the alligator clips holding the screws. The
witness of the person you are beaming at is then placed in the beam of the lamp.
As you transmit, the energy of your thought is picked up by the beam of light from
the foil and shot at the witness.

Another method is to make a light-emitting helmet. Now, a common mistake
among people who make psionic devices is they tend to pack too much stuff into
one device. This makes the devices overly complicated and often the energies

they create can work at cross-purposes, making the instruments confusing at

best and worthless at worst. Considering what is charged for them, that can be a
nightmare for someone working on a limited budget, like your humble author.

Helmet designers are the worst offenders. They forget that these things are
supposed to be worn in the head and the more things that get packed in, the
heavier they become! So the most important thing is to keep things as simple as
possible and make them modular so you can connect devices as needed while
not over-burdening any single unit.

The light-emitting helmet is a mod of the psionic amplifying helmet with a
flashlight replacing the crest. The helmet is made the same way as the standard,
three-dial helmet that I describe in my other books and in the appendix of this
one. The difference is that the crest is replaced by a flashlight. In my helmet, I
used a snake-type light that ran on two AA batteries and was quite cheap, but if
you cannot find that, any small flashlight will work.

The main difference is that the antenna wire is wound around the base of the
light in this case, or around the body of the flashlight where the batteries reside
and then the light is glued to the helmet. Use a small flashlight to cut down on
the weight and make sure if you use a normal flashlight that it is arranged so that
the beam of the light shines forward but slightly down. This will make it a lot
easier on your neck when you use it. The advantage of using a snake-type light
is that you can adjust the beam for your comfort.

Now, you may wonder just why you would want such a device. Well, it can be
very useful when working with unconventional witness samples, such as video
tape or pictures on a computer screen that for some reason will not allow
themselves to be printed without a lot of hacker-type work that is often too
complicated for us non-geek mere mortals.

To use the helmet in this way, you set the rate that you wish to transmit on the
helmet and then while looking at the witness on the screen, transmit at that target
by visualizing your signal going down the light beam to it. It is a very effective
technique, especially in an election year because you can aim it at the televised
speeches of politicians you dislike and cause them to stumble over their own

Unfortunately I have never been able to make one of them lose control of his
bowels on camera, but if someone can, please feel free to do so.

Now we go back in time somewhat. When this book was first being written a
number of folks who had read my first book wondered why I did not include
anything with crystals. The reason at that time was very simple. Crystals were
simply not that common in the Chicago area and I never really gave them much
thought. But at the suggestion of my readers, I did some experimenting and
came up with a simple crystal device that would act as a good output amplifier for
a radionic unit, either box or helmet.

To make this device you need:

A six-volt lantern and battery

A metal funnel

A quartz crystal

Two screws and four nuts.

This device works on the same principle of light being energized in a chamber
like the light tube and then being forced into the crystal and thence out to the

Following the illustration, take the funnel and punch two small holes for the
screws and cut four short slots in the narrow end of the funnel.

Bend these out and fit the crystal with the pointy end facing outward and apply a
small amount of instant glue to the crystal. Bend the funnel end back in to make
a tight fit and let the glue set.

Fit the screws into the holes using the nuts as you did in the light tube. Glue the
funnel arrangement over the end of the lantern.

When in use, the patch cable is again attached to the screws as when using the
modified walkie-talkie. The crystal will act as the signal amplifier and there is no
need to point the device directly at a witness sample.

The devices I have described in this chapter are mostly designed for
communication work. In other words, you have a message that you wish to send
to a person by psychic means, and these devices increase the ability to get
through the noise. So, let us say that you wish to send a normal message to
someone who has had the great blessing of having also read my books and built
these devices. All well and good and the blessings of Zeus be upon you both,
but you should understand that this must be in the nature of a fun experiment, at
least at first. Psychic communication is not going to replace the telephone or e-
mail so bear in mind that what you are going to be making is a sort of psychic
telegraph and a rather slow one at that.

Still, it is quite an experience when you get your first psychic message right so do
not be afraid to give it a try. You will need to decide who will transmit and who
will receive. The transmitter will need a radionic box, an amplifying helmet, a
teleflasher and a witness of the receiver. He may also want to add an
amplification system, such as the walkie-talkie or the crystal light to his system.

The receiver will need only a psionic amplifying helmet, a radionic box and a
pendulum and alphabet chart or Ouija Board. The Ouija Board is much faster
and please do not listen to the stupid, superstitious nonsense about how people
using it get possessed by demons. That is a lie of the Xtians.

It is necessary to agree on a time for the experiment to take place. It will do no
good for one person to be merrily beaming away and the receiver be busy
cooking dinner. Both should have their equipment set up and ready. The
transmitter should have a series of alphabet cards or pieces of paper handy with
the letters of the alphabet on them.

At the appointed time, the receiver will take up his position with either pendulum
or board and the transmitter will start sending, one letter at a time.

At this point there may be a little problem for the transmitter may not know if his
message is being received and it is time to go on to the next. There are two
ways around this difficulty. The first is to set an arbitrary time for each sending,
such as one minute for each letter. Second he may use his pendulum to tell him
when the letter has been received. To do this, the pendulum is held next to an
upright object such as the side of a desk, or inside a glass and allowed to swing.
When it hits, the message has gotten through.

It is also a good idea to agree upon a code, such as N to signify a new word
and end to signify the end of a message.

This is extremely useful for those engaged in criminal conspiracies because
tapping this is extremely difficult, though not impossible. While interception is

possible, it requires knowing when a transmission is going to be sent and having

a witness of the transmitting individual.

And with all that out of the way we can get to the fun stuff.


Destruction, aught with evil bent,
That is my proper element. Goethe, Faust

The original edition of this book had a chapter entitled Psionic Conflict but that
soon became a book of its own, Psionic Warfare. So, that you would not feel
cheated at losing a chapter, Ive replaced it with something far more interesting.

Mayhem and Slaughter! (Would you expect anything less from me?)

Ok, now get this!

Humanity was not put on this miserable little ball of dirt to sit in the mud and
bewail its fate. We were born with brains to fight our way out of the mud and the
ability to enjoy doing it.

We were not put here to alleviate suffering, but rather to cause it because
nothing is ever accomplished without somebody getting hurt in the process. As
the old saying went, You cant make an omelet without breaking eggs.

We are born to cause pain.

We are born to destroy.

We are born to kill.

We are born to raise hell.

Power comes from the barrel of a gun. Psionics is that gun. It gives people the
opportunity to be the bad guy and get away with it.

Ok, story time.

Im sort of unique among military historians in that I actually like the WW2 British
Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery. One of my favorite Field Marshall
Montgomery stories took place shortly after the end of the Second World War.
He was being driven along a country road and he spotted a small boy walking to
school. Monty had his driver stop and he offered the boy a ride, which the boy,
undoubtedly suffering from bad parents who never told him not to accept a ride
from strange general officers, accepted. Monty, with that funny grin he would
get, asked in his high-pitched voice, Do you know who I am? (And I really wish
you could hear me tell this story, I do a great Monty imitation.)

No, sir, the boy replied with a politeness typical of that bygone era.

Im a Field Marshall, Monty said with glee.

The boy, trying to make conversation, said, My father works in the fields too.
What do you do sir?

At this, Monty beamed and smiled his biggest smile and said, I KILL people!

The boy, from a more innocent time and not used to killing people on his
computer like modern children, was taken aback by this revelation and asked,
Have you killed many people sir?

Oh, thousands! was Montys joyous response.

The boy asked, in a quiet tone, May I be getting out now, sir?

There is nothing like a man who loves his work. And because I love my work,
being the Black Beast of Psionics, Ive had a little problem to contend with.

You see, I got terribly upstaged. I mean, how can I possibly top the sight of a
767 kamikaziing itself into a skyscraper? Here I am, writing these marvelous
books just full of fascinating material on how to disrupt the world and then some
nut with a dishtowel on his head screws everything up! So, like everyone else in
the civilized world, I want Osama bin Laden dead, but not for the same reason.

That bastard spoiled my fun for a whole month! I mean I had a good thing going.
I could put international terrorist in my job description and be sure of getting a
good laugh until that son of a camel screwed things up. And to make matters
worse, a whole bunch of damned fools took the thing seriously (I mean, lets be
serious, do we really care about some buildings in New York?) so now we have
phoney terrorist alerts in designer colors which make clods and lunatics duct tape
everything in sight, their houses, their cars, their kids; foot fetishists lining up to
get jobs in airport security so they can sniff peoples shoes and people finding
new dimensions in cowardice. (As well as the usual pack of governmental
incompetents, fools and sundry morons in the media, going around shouting, Its
the wolf! Its the wolf!) The only good thing that has come of this mess is now
we can start wars without worrying about them being just or not. Wars do not
have to be just, merely successful and hopefully entertaining with lots of
television of things blowing up.

Anyway, I sat and steamed and fumed and fulminated and then I got this great

You see, the works of my Dark Cycle (which is what I call my Psionic Warfare,
Psionic Terrorism and Psionic Psupervillain) were essentially based on the
premise of man against society. They were concerned with how one man can
take on the whole world and win and have some good, nasty fun in the process.

But the truth is that when psychics attack, they are usually not going to be
working for a broad, often political, end. And much of the stuff in those books
had that in mind. No, they are going to be aiming for specific individuals who
have managed to get in their way, be they traffic cops, school principals, ex-
spouses, ex-spouses lawyers, obnoxious in-laws or deranged ex-girlfriends. And
for all the ferocity of the attacks, there really should be some rational basis at
least in the choice of target, unlike the lunatic psychic back in 70s, Ted Owens,
who would retaliate against a traffic ticket in Houston by making a plan crash in
Seattle which Im sure had a lot of impact on traffic cops in Houston.

Putting all that aside, this chapter has certain fundamental premises. The first is
that there is nothing wrong with killing people. Nothing! Murder is cool as well as
highly entertaining as long as it is happening to someone else. Ok, it isnt as cool
as landmines, but then nothing is as cool as landmines. It is, in fact, one of the
coolest things people can (short of planting landmines) do provided they do it
properly, which is to say they get away with it and dont leave a mess in the living
room (unless you use claymore mines which are almost as cool as landmines).
After all, we are civilized human beings and one must be neat in ones killings. It
is very tasteless to have bodies buried under the house. But, the notion that
there is somehow something objectionable in doing people in is nothing more
than one of those unfortunate holdovers from the primitive, drug-addled, ancient
sheep-fuckers who, after spending too much time out in the desert sun and
imagining that some drooling, idiot god was talking to them, (And the voice came
from the burning bush, screaming with a loud scream, My pants are on fire!)
created a lot of the moral horse manure that we are saddled with. It is something
that civilized people should have the sense to get over and recognize that one of
the few things that makes human life of any value are the varied and entertaining
ways there are of ending it.

In the words of the prophecy:

It has been said to you, Thou shalt not kill, but I say unto you that thou shalt kill
and kill again until the world is drenched with the blood of your victims. Thou willt
show no mercy to man, woman nor child and with each act of slaughter the gods
will shower blessings upon you and lead you closer to paradise.

The second premise is that given a bit of rational judgment, anyone will not only
be able to think of people they want to kill but will be more than willing to do that
provided they can get away with it.

This chapter will tell you how to do just that, kill people and get away with it.

Think about it. Psionics leaves no evidence. There is no smoking gun. In fact
most of the time there is no gun at all and if there is one you arent going to be
the one shooting it. There is nothing that can point to the operator. All there is a
dead person, usually dead of natural causes. Which means that the antiquated

societal conventions against homicide will have no effect on you. There can be
no effective sanction against this, no law can stop it, no judiciary can punish it.
And if anyone be so foolish as to attempt to call you into account for using these
methods, well, you have the means to deal with them. (Ever see a police car
after it has been broadsided by a cement truck?)

People die of natural causes and accidents all the time.

Forget all the nonsense about ethics and morality that people have taught you.
There is no Karma. There is no Law of Three or whatever they are it calling this
month. You have the right to use psionics for anything you damned well please
and if you get away with something in this life, nothing bad is going to happen to
you in any other.

Ok, Ive ranted enough fo r the moment.

So lets get started.

Now, before was get going, this chapter is based on the premise that the target is
not adept at psychic defense and has no idea of what you are going to do. If you
have a target that can defend himself, it is best that you study my Psionic
Warfare to learn how to deal with him.

Getting your head into killing mode is a rather simple thing to do if you are
hopping mad. At that time the hard thing is forcing yourself to use psionics rather
than picking the immediate and noisy expedient of going out with a gun and
blowing the offending party away. (Believe me I know!) Happy as that outcome
would be, there can be unpleasant side effects if you are caught, to say nothing
of paperwork and legal fees. Thus it is preferable that you do work as cold-
bloodedly as humanly possible.

The idea of a mantra to get the mind into a killer state actually has its origins with
the US military. During basic training soldiers would exercise while chanting Kill,
kill, kill. This worked very well and helped train many future postal workers. (It is
also a good reason never to vote for anyone who ever served in the military.
They may go berserk at any time and shoot up their constituents.)

Well, we must not argue with success. If it worked for them it will work for us.

Get yourself a cd of drumming, the sort of thing the New Agers who have been
so unfortunate as to get into psuedo-shamanism use, to send them off to the
great beyond. What you want is a regular, steady beat that has a tempo which
you are comfortable with.

Acquire a weapon. This can be a gun, a knife, a sword, a club, anything that you
feel comfortable with and speaks to you while you are holding it. By speaking to

you, I mean that when you pick it up it feels as if it is an extension of your being.
You will know it when you experience it. Now, if you are going to use a gun for
this, be sensible and first make sure it is very empty. You do not want to
accidentally shoot the wall or your foot.

Wear loose-fitting black clothing. After all, youre going to be a psychic ninja!

Ok, got all that? Now, sit in a comfy chair and turn on the cd. Pick up the
weapon and hold it comfortably, feeling the lethal energy of it filling you and
making you one with it.

See yourself as the Executioner, the Assassin. Hold that image of yourself in
your mind and then begin the mantra:




Do not shout the words, but intone them slowly and rhythmically along with the
drum beats, drawing out the word, so that instead of a quick kill, it sounds like

As you do this, feel the energy of the word itself moving from the base of your
spine to the top of your head, filling your entire being with the spirit of destruction
and murder. You are Death in his malevolent aspect, taking the lives of the
innocent but you know that there are no innocents and all are deserving of

Hold this for a time, as long as you are comfortable doing so and then come back
to normal, putting the weapon aside and turning off the music. It is a good idea
to play something cheerful at this point to get your mood back to something that
can go out in the world of men and not scare the living daylights out of everyone
you see. After all, if you are going to stab someone in the back she has to first
be willing to let you get behind her back.

Another extremely good one comes from Dr. Who, the old British television
series. Actually it comes from a Dave Allen send-up of it. It is known as the
Dalek Mantra and I once used it as a joke to give my Theosophist friends the

The procedure for using this mantra is the same as before. Only this time the
chant is:





I know it looks funny reading it (and it was hilarious coming out of a rolling
baptismal font in the Allen skit), but it is extremely effective in practice, especially
as the words resonate up your spine--Exterrrrrmmmminnnnnnnaaaate.

And of course, prior to any operation you should always begin with the Gita
affirmation, I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.

As you perform these actions, you will charge your conscious and subconscious
mind with the joy of lethality and remove the last vestiges of weakening
conscience. This is VERY important. The subconscious can do really bad things
to you, like sabotage your operations causing you say, Why isnt he dead yet?
to making you make mistakes at embarrassing moments and injuring yourself.
Get rid of the damned thing. It only gets in the way of having fun. Remember
what I said in the second chapter!

Now, a good longer affirmation which can be of use to you comes from
Shakespeare. It is the famous speech by the Duke of Gloucester in Henry VI
part 3 when he turns from hero into villain and sets the stage for his character in
Richard II.

Why, I can smile, and murder whilst I smile,
And cry content to that which grieves my heart,
And wet my cheeks with artificial tears and frame my face to all occasions.
Ill drown more sailors than the mermaids shall,
Ill slay more gazers than the basilisk
Play the orator as well as Nestor
Deceive more slyly than Ulysses could,
And, like a Sinon, take another Troy.
I can add colors to the chameleon,
Change shapes with Proteus for advantages
And set the murderous Machiavel to school.

Repeat this every morning when you get out of bed. It will not only aid you in the
work of psychic slaughter, but help you deal with all other vicissitudes of life.
Never forget that:

Conscience is but a word that cowards used,
devisd first to keep the strong in awe.

Now, getting rid of a conscience is not an easy thing to do. We all have one.
The trick is to make yours work a bit, well, differently. And that is easy to do. All
you need do is repeat to yourself a very simple affirmation.

Everything I do is right by definition.

Thats all you have to do. Whenever you get a pang, repeat this little sentence.
And it is a good idea to repeat every night before you go to bed and every
morning when you get up.

Not only do you have to get rid of your conscience, at least in these matters, you
also have to be honest with yourself and not take yourself so seriously that you
get self-deluded.

For example, I have an unfortunate friend who is often saying how dangerous he
is. This is not uncommon in a lifestyle were people are constantly bragging
about using physical force for one silly end or another forgetting that there are
people out there who have guns.

Anyway, one night a group of us, my wife, our girlfriend/submissive and our
friend who was in very dumpy cross-dresser mode were leaving our favorite play
club about 3 AM. As we were loading our toys into the van a local Mexican was
standing by and kept approaching, slowly but rather deliberately. I, with equal
slowness and deliberateness, opened one of our boxes and quietly removed a
knife which I then opened with surprise under the Mexicans nose. He backed
away very quickly and we finished loading the van and prepared to drive away as
our friend, pretending to be oblivious, scurried towards his car like Edith Bunker
on crack followed by the Mexican.

It turned out that the Mexican was not a mugger but probably wanted to get laid
and when our friend managed to get into his car and lock himself in the Mexican
stood across the street making Obscene grunting noises. Everyone escaped
unscathed but we assume our friends panties had become somewhat yellower.

Now, who was the dangerous one? Not him!

So if you cannot be honest with others, at least be honest with yourself and know
that you are not always going to live up to your self-image. I know I dont often
live up to mine and its a damned good thing I dont. Lawyers are expensive!

The point is not to divorce yourself from common sense. Yes, you can use
psionics to kill the traffic cop who gave you the ticket, in fact I hope you will, but
the best thing is to use it to prevent yourself from getting the ticket in the first
place. It is far less work.

That being said, psychic assassination is an art that requires some knowledge of
the target, particularly the vulnerabilities of the target, and a repertoire of
techniques and weapons to deal with that target. In other words, you do not
attack a bunker with a rifle. You use a rocket or you call in your air support and it
uses its rockets. This is something you must be able to determine.

In other words, the target will stay dead ever so much longer if you hit her with
the right weapon in the right place.

Now, all that being said, how do you go about this?

Remember that pretty much until I hijacked it (Mahmud, are you sure you know
how to fly this thing?) radionics was almost exclusively a healing art (with a few
digressions into agriculture). Right after I made my first box, I asked myself the
question, Ok, who do I kill first? and proceeded to take a photograph of a target,
smear it with poison and set up the machine just like one would do if killing bugs
in the garden.

To quote an old Charles Adams cartoon, Death ray fiddlesticks! It doesnt even
slow them up!

I was in despair. Here I had this wonderful toy and it seemed that I was destined
to be stuck using it to (yuck) heal people!

Well, fortunately I was wrong. I had a fantastic weapon, possibly the most
powerful weapon one can get ones hands on unless you have access to nuclear
warheads and a good delivery system. And it may be even better than they are!

It was simply a matter of figuring out ways of working with it.

And work with it I did.

So heres the skinny, as a strange friend of mine says. What you need to do is
go back to the knowledge of medical radionics and make some, well,

You see attack psionics is sort of like judo. You take what is already in the target
and make it work against her. So, for example, if she is prone to high-blood
pressure, you work to raise that blood-pressure and attack the brain, causing a
stroke. Or, if there is a pre-tendency to cancer (and you must remember that not
all cancers are dangerous) you can amplify that tendency. That is a very long
term operation and you must expect to work for years if you take that route.

Or, if you are feeling really nasty, you can depress her immune system and she
will die of AIDS without having any of the fun of getting it!

All right, how do you do this?

The medical radionic people have, over the course of the years, created a
number of methods of diagnosis, one of the easiest being a chart with all the
relevant body functions on it (heart, lungs, brain, liver, etc.) on it. Each system
has a numbering system of 0-100 in a line under it and the witness of the person
is placed in the center of the chart and the pendulum is placed at 0 under each
system. The pendulum is allowed to swing and the higher the number, the better
the system is working. A dot is made at each point and then they are connected
to make a chart which is a pretty good indication of the physical/etheric health of
the person.

You can do the same thing. Make up such a chart by taking a piece of paper and
listing the major body functions in a row along the top and then marking off the
numbers underneath.

So how would you work this?

Let us say you want to remove your noisy neighbor. He is a bore, a pain and his
stereo is just too damned loud. You acquire a witness of him with your camera
and then place that witness over the chart. Then you go through the chart with
your pendulum and get readings on his various functions. And you learn that his
blood-pressure is elevated and he has a weakness in the brain (but you sort of
knew that anyway). This gives you an obvious targethis head.

There are a few ways of attacking this, all of which will work.

The first, and the one that takes the most time, is to use a radionic box. In this
case, you take his witness and make a circle pattern for the weakness in the
blood-vessels in his brain. You write, break the blood vessels on a piece of
paper and put that in the transmittal side of the instrument along with a photo of
the neighbor. Then you take the rate.

Add amplification as desired, usually by amplified current or light on the input and
let the machine sit. Every week, check the chart and change the rate to reflect
the changes the arrangement has caused. Eventually your target will suffer a
stroke. But, as I said, this is a time consuming method and there may be long
periods where you wonder if the changes being shown on the chart are just
wishful thinking.

The second is the direct approach. For that you need the witness, the radionic
box and helmet.

Set the box and helmet for a contact rate for the target. Put on the helmet and
visualize his brain. Now, attack! See the blood vessels bursting and making an
ungodly mess of the brain, knowing that as you do this, the energy you are

putting forth will soon cause the real thing to happen inside the head of your
target. Keep pumping that energy in and only stop when you feel drained.

Repeat as often as desired.

The third method of attack is to create a thoughtform and place it inside the
etheric field of the targets brain. This is done by creating a pattern for the
thoughtform, creating the thoughtform with the program running to cause the
target to suffer a stroke and then visualizing it as taking root in the desired
location. You use your radionic system to contact and add power to the
thoughtform as needed.

To amplify a tendency, one must first know that a tendency exists. You do that
by looking for them. So again, you make a chart and write the desired
tendencies on it, such as cancer and then ask the pendulum if that tendency is
present and if so, what level is it.

Let us say that the tendency is there. Ok, the next thing you need know is the
type of cancer. Is it the possibility of a fast-moving one that is relatively hard to
detect before it is incurable or is it one that just sort of lays and doesnt do

Let us say your target has a tendency to something nasty and inoperable and
one that does not show up until it is too late. Rubbing your hands with demented
glee and cackling insanely as appropriate, you create a pattern for that type of
cancer and put it in the box along with the witness of the target. You take a rate
and then move the witness of the target to the receiving end and add
amplification and let nature take its course. Of course, nature may choose to
take its own sweet time so you can help it along by putting on your helmet and
visualizing the cancer cells and shouting Grow! Grow! Grow! while putting
energy into them to help them do just that. The affect will be striking. What you
will be doing is the Simonton technique in reverse, instead of visualizing the cells
dying you will be encouraging them. And of course you will be doing it for
another person rather than yourself.

There is one thing you should do after you perform such an operation however.
While there is very little chance of cancer-causing energy coming back into you
as a result of this, it is still no wise to take any chances. So when you are done,
go into your bathroom and fill the sink with cold water. Plunge you hands into the
water and visualize any bad stuff going into the water. Then empty the sink and
dry your hands off. That will obviate that possible difficulty.

Now for my personal favorite techniquedepressing the immune system.

You have to understand that people do not die of AIDS. They die of other things
as a result of the virus knocking out their immune system so they cannot throw

bugs off. It is a very unpleasant way to go and has the other advantage of
horrible social opprobrium, particularly in most of the United States where the
disease is considered a sign of moral turpitude at best and being Gay at worst.
Which makes perfect for using on proletarians and other assorted trailer trash as
they will then not only die, but die in, what is for their social class, the worst
possible disgrace.

And it is surprisingly easy.

All you need is a witness of the target, a circle pattern that corresponds to her
immune system and a radionic box. Essentially, you are going to balance out her
immune system the way you would balance a disease pattern out of her etheric
body. The principal is the same.

So all you have to do is take a rate for the immune system of the target and then
balance the rate, so that if you have an initial rate of 2.3, 4.1, 2 you would
subtract those numbers from 10 and you would get 7.7, 5.9, 8. You reset the
dials as appropriate and just let the machine run. Every week you reset the
machine. This is a time consuming process but it is like water running over a
large earth damn. It seems to do little at first, but it wears the damn surface

And the beauty of this is that there is NO HIV virus in the system of the person.
There is no warning that anything is going to happen and the doctors will never
be able to figure out why the person is coming down with every cold known to
man and why she is not recovering.

Isnt it wonderful what we can do with psionics?

Now, of course we are not limited to attacking individuals. We can attack
buildings and their occupants as well. One of the best methods to use against a
building the most ancient nemesis of constructionno, not childrenfire!

To use this method, you need to be able to pack the psychic equivalent of fire
the fire elementinto a very tight, somewhat explosive thoughtform. This
thoughtform will be packed until it reaches critical mass and then sort of bursts,
causing a physical fire.

You begin with a witness of the target building. Set your box and helmet to the
structure and then put on the helmet. Move your consciousness into the building,
creating a remote, psychic presence. Now, start building your thoughtform. See
a red triangle, the traditional symbol of the fire element, in the building and start
packing it with the fire element drawn from the universe itself. As you pack it by
seeing the triangle get brighter and brighter with little flames shooting out of it,
program it to start a fire in the structure.

Keep at this one. It may take a little time but the results are nothing less than
spectacular when they occur. I was at our weekly gathering some months ago
and the place had its television on the nightly news and yea, lo, and verily, there
was my target with flames shooting out of the windows and fire trucks and rescue
vehicles all over the place. I had to work very hard to contain my joy and it was a
very satisfying evening.

Towns and cities can be attacked the same way. Create a remote presence in
the area (actually sort of in stationary orbit over it) and then start building your
thoughtform. In this case you should concentrate on social unrest (like starting
riots and suchlike entertainment) or weather conditions. If the area is in Tornado
Alley you can create all manner of havoc. And if the city is in a part of the world
where there are wars and rumors of wars, the choice of weapon should be

Now, wasnt that simple?

Just remember, if it can be done, it should be done.


When I wrote this book this chapter dealt with something that was important at
the time. While that time has passed and the New Age is dead and buried in the
rubble of 9/11, it still has things of value so I decided to leave it in.

Most people think of group meditation as being rather benign, if rather boring,
and in most cases it is. There are however occasions when something goes
wrong. When this happens it is the right of the operator to create a thoughtform
that will screw up the meditation and with luck make things go so wrong that no
one will do it again. (And sometimes it is fun just to screw things up for the hell of

To understand this, you must realize that in a group meditation two things are
going on. First, a thoughtform is being created that will function according to the
programming given it by the members of the group, usually acting on directions
from a leader of some sort. Secondly, the process of meditation itself creates a
mild trance state, similar in effect to light hypnotic induction. While in such a
state, the members of the group are easily directed in any way that the person
leading the meditation wants to take them. If the meditation is being led by
someone who understands this, the risks to personal autonomy become obvious.

With this knowledge in mind, you should never allow yourself to become part of a
group meditation unless you really know and trust the person who is leading it.
My own practice was always to look as if I were meditating with the group (after
all, there was no point in unnecessarily hurting anyones feelings) while
maintaining my alertness.

The result of remaining in a state of control is that you can watch the meditation
and if the leader invokes ideas that run counter to a value you hold strongly (like
having some damned fool trying to cause peace when you really want war) you
can visualize a thoughtform that will counter the one being created. Because of
the Principal of Ultimate Instability, your thoughtform will be more coherent than
the group one and thus more effective. If you are aware of the situation in
advance, as would usually be the case, you may even create a counter-
thoughtform and have it ready to bring out when needed.

As far as the thoughtform itself is concerned, that will depend on the nature of the
one you are blocking. In general your counter-thoughtform will either attack the
thoughtform itself or block its energy from the members of the group or wherever
it is supposed to go. (Sort of like setting up a thoughtform to block prayers from
helping the President). Both work equally well and the choice is up to you.

Basic Radionic Stuff

This short appendix is for those of you who are so unfortunate as to not have
Elementary Psionics and thus have not had the marvelous opportunity to build
the wondrous devices that are so necessary for this art.

To begin with, you will need a pendulum.

The pendulum is a very easy thing to make. You do not need to find the right
variety of crystal on a new moon, buy it without haggling and then drill a hole in it
with a bit blessed by the same rabbi who cuts off foreskins. All you need is a
weight, any weight will do, and a convenient length of string.
For my personal taste, I like pendulums that end in a point. That way I know
what they are pointing at when they are used with a chart like the ones later in
this chapter. Totally round pendulums tend to be rather confusing in such uses.
Other than that, you can use anything you like. An old key will work perfectly. It
is heavy enough to cause a firm swing and being flat can be carried in the pocket
without making a bulge that causes your girlfriend's parents to look at you with
Another favorite of mine, which is nice at my age when girlfriend's parents are
never encountered anymore because Im married is a child's wooden top. Yes,
they still make them and you can often find them at the local toy store. Failing
that, the wooden knobs that they sell at craft stores work very well. The top has
another advantage for those of us who have made the mistake of depending
upon the honesty of publishers in their royalty statements. They come with their
own string.
All you have to do is take a small screw-eye, available from your local hardware
store, screw it into the center of the flat part of the top and attach the string. Now
all you need do is measure the string so it is a comfortable length, usually
between 12 and 18 inches, and cut it and place a small knot at the end so it does
not unravel.

Voila! You have a pendulum and it works too.

Now, make a chart like this one.

This chart will enable your pendulum to answer questions in three ways, yes, no,
and I have no idea. You which answer is which by holding the pendulum over
the cross hairs and think yes, no, and How the hell should I know? Then
mark on the chart the direction of the swing.

The radionic devices take a bit of work to make and use, but they are far easier
to work with than it may seem at first look. For your box, you will need

One metal can
One plastic lid from a coffee can or other such product
Three potentiometers (volume control things) available at any electronics store or
Three knobs
Two jacks
unshielded copper wire
hook-up wire

The resistance of the wire and potentiometers is not important as the energies
we use are not in themselves electrical.

The box is wired as you can see from the figure. Use a cardboard box for your
first unit because it is cheap and if you make mistakes it is not great loss. It is
also a lot easier to punch holes in the box than to drill in plastic or metal. I used
to think that metal cases did not work well with radionics, but I was given a rather

expensive commercial unit as a gift and it has a metal case and works very well,
so I was wrong about that one.

Anyway, first do the layout of the box. This may seem obvious, but if I left it out
someone would mail me wondering what to do! Make the holes for the can, the
jacks, the pots, and two small holes for the magnet wire.

Take the can and punch two small holes into the bottom. Insert two small screws
and attach it to the box.

Wire the three pots in series and attach them to the box. Then wire the pot
nearest the can to the can.

Make a coil of magnet wire and place it on the top of the box, with each end of
the coiled wire going through the hole assigned to it. Wire one end of that coil to
the potentiometer at the other end from the first and attach the other end of the
magnet wire to the can.

Insert the first jack under the can and wire it to the can. Repeat the procedure
with the jack under the coil.

All that now remains is to attach the knobs to the pots. Ideally you should have
knobs that are calibrated, but as they are rather hard to come by you can print up
three of these

Place them each over the potentiometer stems and glue them into place on the
box before attaching the knobs.

Once the knobs are on, glue the plastic lid over the coil, making sure that the coil
is completely under the lid. It probably does not matter if wire is sticking out, but
it looks nicer if it doesnt.

Now that you have your box, you must learn to use it. The can is used for what
is called a witness sample and that can be anything from the person you are
working on. Now, here is something interesting. According to all the old theories
of radionics a digital image should not work. After all, it is nothing more than
ones and zeros and thus should contain no information such as could be said
existed in older photographs, which is why if you read older material they make
such a point of making sure the negative still exists. But digital images

manifestly DO work and work quite well, which is why computer-based radionic
systems work. So we have to seriously rethink our theories.

Anyway, once you have the witness sample in the can along with poor, old
Prince Albert, take what is called a contact rate for the person. A rate is what
the dials on the machine are set at and it is called a contact rate because this
particular rate puts you in clear, psychic contact with the person. This is done by
first clearing your mind as much as possible and then, with each dial first set to 0,
slowly turning each dial while rubbing the stick pad. Once you get a stick on the
pad, you have the rate for the dial. You then repeat the procedure until the other
dials are set.

Once you have done this, place the box where you can rest the palm of your left
hand on the stick pad while holding the pendulum over the chart you have made.
With this arrangement ask the pendulum to tell you something that you do not
know, phrased as a yes/no answer.

At this point you may wish to make a new chart for the pendulum so here it is.

By using this chart and the contact rate, you can gain much information that
would otherwise not be available to you.

The next tool you need to make is a portable stick pad.

As you can see from the figure below, this is nothing more than a modified stick
pad like you make for your box. To make it you will need:

One plastic lid
On six-foot length of speaker wire
One monoraul plug
One length of magnet wire.

Begin by stripping the insulation from the ends of the speaker wire, then split the
wire so that you have about one inch of bare wire and one inch of insulated wire
as slack at each end. Once you have done this, wore one of the speaker wire to
the plug and put the plug together.

Make a coil of the magnet wire and tape it under the plastic lid. Now all you need
to do is twist the ends of the magnet wire around each of the remaining ends of
the speaker wire. A little electric tape is added to make it look neater and protect
the wire from bending too much when the unit is used, otherwise it will break.

The portable detector is useful for any operation where you need only a yes/no
response and now we come to the helmet.

To build this helmet you will need:

A plastic hard hat
three potentiometers
three dials
one small jack
one piece of foil
eight one-inch pieces of magnet strip (found in most craft stores)
several feet of magnet wire
hookup wire
a large sheet, or two smaller sheets of inch Styrofoam
duct tape

Begin by trying the helmet on. This may sound silly but you need to know how
everything will fit inside as you are going to be wearing this thing and you want to
be comfortable without having your hair getting caught in things.

Look at the front and find the center of forehead, high enough so that the works
of the tuner will be totally inside the helmet and the dials not scraping the rim in
front. Mark this point and measure around each side a couple of inches so that
when the dials are mounted they form a nice row across the front. Actually the
dials can be anywhere, but they are much more convenient if they are placed in
front. This makes the helmet look nice.

At this point you should decide where you are going to put the jack. In my
illustrations I have placed it at the back of the head, but if you want to put it
somewhere else, thats fine. Just remember you dont want it scraping your
scalp or your cheek.

Mark this spot as well.

The last mark goes at the top of the helmet, in the center. That is where the
antenna comes out.

Once this is done, take the hard hat out to the garage and hook up your drill.

Once the holes are drilled, wire the pots in series as you did in making your box
and mount them on the helmet.

Take your pieces of magnet strip and mount them inside the helmet. As you
mount them, make sure the polarities of each strip alternate. Try to keep them
an equal distance apart.

Put the liner of the hard hat back in and see how it fits. Then take it out again.
Cut the foil into a circle and fix this so that when the helmet is on it will press
directly on the top of your head, right on the crown chakra.

Using the unshielded wire, make a coil and mount it under the hole in the top of
the helmet with one end of the wire running out the top and the other end to the
foil circle.

Insert the jack. Make sure that the wires from the jack are long enough that they
will not interfere with your head. Attach these wires to the foil circle with a drop
of solder. Then wire the pots to the circle as well.

Now you get to make the crest and the antenna!

Begin by making the crest first. This is actually a bit complicated so pay close
attention. You start by making a pattern on a piece of paper.

Tape the paper down to a table and rest the helmet on its side so that the top of
the helmet is parallel to the paper. Trace the curve of the helmet on the paper
and then set the helmet aside. Lift the paper from the table and cut out the
curved section. Now test it to see that it fits properly. Get this right!! the crest
must fit properly, it can be very frustrating but it is very important.

Once you have this pattern, draw the complete crest on it. Carefully cut each
piece of Styrofoam so that it fits the pattern and try each piece on the helmet.

Cut the wire for the antenna and lay it along the side of one of the halves of the
crest, making certain that an end of it comes out from under the crest. Spread
glue and lay the other half of the crest on top, then put a book on the sandwich to
press it together and let it harden.

Once the crest is hardened, attach the wire coming out of it to the wire sticking
out of the helmet by simply twisting them. Once that connection is made, glue
the crest to the top of the helmet.

Neatly wrap the crest in duct tape to protect the Styrofoam. Attach the dials to
the tuners if you have not already done so and paint it in some pleasing color.

You should now acquire a patch cable so that you can attach the helmet to your
box. You will remember that the box has two jacks. The jack attached to the can
is for input, and the jack attached to coil is for output so that if you wish to
transmit to the subject on the box, you would plug the helmet into the jack under

the can and if you wish to receive from the subject you would attach the helmet
to the jack under the stick pad. It is really very simple.

The helmet is tuned by placing a witness sample in front of you, inserting the
plug from the portable detector into the helmet jack and turning the dials while
stroking the pad.

The helmet is used primarily in communication work and to aid in psychic
transmission you should make a simple device called a teleflasher. To make this
machine you will need:

One cardboard box
On light bulb socket and wire set
One 25 watt light bulb
One flasher plug

The flasher plug may be a little hard to find. If your local hardware store doesnt
have them they can be found online.

Begin by cutting out the bottom of the box. When doing this, cut a nice rectangle
out of the cardboard so that you will have a piece to use for the back support.

Make a hole in the side of the box and insert the socket for the light bulb and
screw in the bulb. Attach the flasher plug to the socket.

Now, bend the remaining piece of cardboard so that it will stand up and glue it to
the box so that the light will shine up through the hole in the box and onto the
cardboard. Plug in the light and test it. The bulb should glow weakly for a few
seconds and then flash on and off with some degree of regularity.

The flashing light can be a bit uncomfortable so you may want to cover the hole
with a couple of layers of wax paper or translucent plastic to cut down on the
brightness and diffuse the light a bit.

When using the teleflasher, the word or picture to be sent is placed standing
against the back support and the light is turned on. The flashing light makes
sending easier and when used with box and helmet to lock onto the target the
results can be striking.



When using these patterns remember that they often have multiple uses, so it is
best to write the intention on a small piece of paper and put it in the transmittal
side of the box with the pattern.


This is one of my favorite disruption patterns. It is supposed to be able to wreck
careers and reduce the status of important people. The pattern works quite well
on politicians. This pattern may also be to cause earthquakes and increase the
subjects knowledge of languages.


Another disruptive pattern. This one can cause fires, so it is said. It is more
useful in improving the cleverness of the subject.


I have not had much use for this pattern. It improves the ability to absorb
knowledge and would thus be extremely useful for a student, particularly of the
natural sciences and astronomy.


I highly recommend this pattern to some of my friends. It can reconcile enemies
and cause love.


I was almost tempted to leave this one out. It is supposed to make trees fall and
do little else, but you may might like to try it on your weeds or your neighbors big
old tree that is blocking the sun from your house.


Transmit this one to your student friends. It is supposed to be quite helpful in


Another students helper, this one specializes in math.


A personal favorite of mine and one of the most effective and deadliest of
disruption patterns.


If you are having trouble dowsing for something, set up this pattern on your box
with your own witness sample.


A useful pattern for dowsers and students. It increases the abilities of both.


Another friend of the student, this pattern increases the ability to learn about
anything and had a nice, but small role in the 1920 movie, The Golem which
makes it the only spirit who can act.


Not to be confused with the Great God of the Canaanites, this pattern increases
learning ability.


Another pattern for increasing knowledge. It is also supposed to aid in
precognition and clairvoyance.


This pattern is useful for making friends, as well as for finding ways to make


No, this pattern does not cure your dirty in-laws. It increases the speed of travel
so you might want to put it in your car to see if it cuts down on your commuting


Can you imagine drawing this by hand?? The sole use of this pattern is to
procure a mate and is most effective when used with an amplifying pattern. But
beware, procuring a mate means procuring in-laws.


This pattern helps in any situation where it is necessary to gain the favor of
others, particularly if you are running for office.


Another pattern useful in gaining promotions.


Some of these spirits have even sillier names than rap artists. Anyway, this
pattern is good for anyone studying mathematics.


This pattern is good for turning enemies into friends. Personally, I prefer to kill
my enemies, but I suppose some folks would use it.


This is possibly the best pattern for healing energy. Transmitting this pattern will
make the doctors work somewhat easier. But dont forget t o call the doctor!


Transmit this pattern to anyone who is in financial difficulty or needs help with
public speaking.


I must confess that I have never had much use for this pattern. It is supposed to
help you understand animals and my cats have never had any trouble making
themselves understood.


You can use this pattern to increase your courage and to improve both your
knowledge of literature and your dowsing ability.


A good pattern for aid in remote viewing. It is also useful in making someone
fond of you.


This is another pattern I have never had call to use. It is supposed to increase a
persons knowledge of herbs and stones, two subjects I have never been much
interested in.


Now, this is more my style! This pattern is just the thing for kindling lust and
starting wars. Its as cool as land mines!


Another extremely powerful disruption pattern, one should never start a psychic
war without it.


This pattern almost looks like a circuit diagram, doesnt it? It is a disruption
pattern that is most effective against shipping or for weather control. So if your
brother-in-law has a fishing boat that goes out in hurricane season..


This one can help a person master logic and become witty. Hell, using it you
might even become me!


Just for fun, I once showed this pattern to an electronics expert friend of mine,
who immediately asked me what kind of infernal machine I was building. Well,
this pattern is just the thing for those studying a barbaric, non-American tongue
and can also make your enemies your friends, though why anyone would want to
learn the language of the foreign heathen and not just kill their enemies is
beyond me.


Those who are confused by the mysteries of deconstructionism (and who isnt) or
just find Plato utterly mysterious should use this pattern as it instructs in


No, this isnt the spirit of the Easter Bunny. This pattern helps to cause love in
marriage or thunder and lightning. You figure it out.


This is a nice, general purpose pattern. It can be used to cause love or hate,
increase divinatory skills or help with transportation problems.


This pattern is for those who wish to contact the dead.


The energies of this pattern incite men to violence and murder. Just the thing for
a family reunion.


This pattern is useful in gaining the love of women. I have no idea if it works on


Another favorite of mine. Aside from reconciling enemies, it causes honor and
promotion and works wonders at getting through traffic.


There is little known practical use for this pattern so you may want to experiment
with it. The spirit was supposed to turn metal into gold or wine into water, two
abilities of dubious modern value.


A general disruptive pattern. Shoot it at your neighbors when they are drinking in
the backyard and watch the fun.


Aim this pattern at yourself if you need eit her wit or courage.


This is a disruption pattern, the function of which is the exact opposite of Buer. It
delays healing.


Another disruption pattern. Aim this at your neighbors kids birthday party.


You may use this pattern in all matters regarding health, either to improve
healing or to cause illness.


Transmit this pattern to yourself if you are about to engage in any sort of combat.


Transmit this one to your favorite astrologer. She might even give you an
accurate reading for once.


This pattern is useful for those wishing to contact the long dead. However, if they
have been gone for too long they may have already reincarnated and thus you
should not bet the house on any horse they recommend.


If you have managed to get your boss mad at you, use this pattern to get back
into his good graces.


Another pattern useful in gaining promotion.


This pattern too is useful in gaining friends and influence.


This pattern, when fired at an opponent, can seriously inhibit his reasoning


If you wish to have power over people, and that is what psionics is all about, use
this pattern.


In addition to being the resident demon of Arizona, this pattern should be used if
you wish to write poetry but cannot get your rhyme and meter straight.


If your local adolescent is having trouble with geometry, give him a shot of this
pattern and his grades should improve.


Set up this pattern before you go dowsing for your neighbors bearer bonds.


This is a disruption pattern that is useful not only against people but cities as
well. In the 1980s I combined it with a photo of the battlefield of Verdun and fired
it at Basra. The results were nothing short of spectacular.


Another pattern that is useful for making friends.


This is a disruption pattern that is useful against shipping or anything else at sea.
Remember your brother-in-laws fishing boat?


All this pattern does is promote attraction between the sexes. That should be

Here is another pattern that needs experimenting on. The spirit it was supposed
to represent had the useful ability of causing anything to happen, which covers a
lot of territory.


This pattern can be used to bring money or as a disruption pattern.


Anyone who is a student of astronomy, astrology or some bizarre reason,
herbalism would do well to take an occasional dose of this pattern.


An old friend who comes highly recommended. This pattern will stimulate
attraction between any man and woman.


This pattern is useful if you are a snake charmer in need of money because it
gives power over reptiles and helps dowse for wealth.


This pattern is a good healing pattern for all ills save kleptomania because it can
be used to create a desire to steal. It is not a good idea to transmit it to a
politician. It is a fun idea to aim it at your local K Mart.


No, this is not a valentine for a mad scientist. This pattern is useful for any
student because it increases general knowledge. (Now you know why Uncle
Chuckie is so smart.)


In addition to being the only pattern with feet, this pattern increases the abilities
of dowsers and remote viewers, especially those who wish to spy on women.


Another disruption pattern that attacks people in water. Aim it at the local
swimming pool and see what happens.


If you are going to engage in psionic warfare, or rather WHEN you are going to
engage in psionic warfare, use this pattern. It can help you dowse the identity of
an attacking psychic and penetrate her defenses.


After the war is over you can use this one to patch things up. It causes


Aim this pattern at someone who needs a sense of humor.


And I end this book with something totally out of character, a pattern whose sole
ability is to cause love.

So now you have it.

Get out there and raise hell!

Uncle Chuckie

Charles W. Cosimano

There is a problem with this type of book and it is not one which you would expect. I have
no doubt that it is going to get me into a lot of trouble with many people, some of whom
have opinions which I actually respect. That is not the difficulty. Nor, as you will learn in
the second chapter, am I a man to be intimidated by other peoples' ethics. No, I fear that
the real problem lies in deciding how much material from my other books to include in this
one and I fear that it has proven to be quite a lot.
Please allow for an explanation. My original publisher, Carl Weschke at Llewellyn, in
asking for this book, described the audience for Psionics as being divided between what
he termed the Healers and the Warriors. Being a profound warrior myself, with the scars
to prove it, I assumed that all my readers were as enamored of psychic combat as I am
and thus my work Psionic Power was intended to have a chapter on the subject.
My publisher, undoubtedly visualizing a lynch mob of outraged Healers pursuing us with
torches and garden tools, suggested that I transform that chapter into what is this present
volume, aimed at a new group of readers.
Then he read it and his beard almost fell out. He was not quite expecting what he got and
pretty soon this work was back on the market.
It being likely that these new readers will not have seen my earlier works, I have included
the basic methods covered in them, not to fill up space, but to enable those readers to
build and work the equipment that they will need to survive in the brave new world of
psychic warfare
But I have not forgotten my old friends as well. While many of the methods and devices
will be familiar, there is much that will be new and they should not feel cheated at being
given a review of what they already know but might not have practiced for a while.
So start reading and as you work through the material in this volume, keep in mind the
advice given by General Patton to his troops: "Do not take counsel of your fears."
One other thing. It is not always easy to work alone, but with a few exceptions noted in
the text, Psionic warfare is a lone business. Very rarely will others be involved in your
work and these, for reasons which should be obvious even to the most foolish, will
generally not be allowed to know the full reasons for your activities.
When the above was written 10 years ago I had no idea that this was going to the
beginning of my dark cycle, which has led me from being the eccentric, somewhat
reclusive researcher with a weird sense of humor to the exhalted rank of International
Terrorist. Like my other early works, this one is somewhat old now and as a result needed
some very real upgrading to bring it and its ideas and methods in line with psionics as I
practice it today. Fortunately with word processors and the internet for publishing that is
not the difficulty it had presented if I were confined to a print medium.
This book was first written in the summer of 1985, just after I had sent the manuscript of
Psionics 101 to Llewellyn. I was by no means certain that that book would be published
so I wrote Psionic Combat (now returned to its orginal title, Psionic Warfare) as a back-up
even though marketing it would have proven even more difficult. After all, this is NOT the

sort of thing the New Agey types wanted to see, as was proven by the publication history
of the early edition.
As Psionic Combat, it was kept in print by IGAS for a goodly number of years but the time
has come for a revision and here it is. Ive added a few things and cut out a few things to
create a whole new work with a much more aggressive emphasis, if that were indeed
possible. And for those of you who heard about the book but never wanted to spend the
ungodly amount IGAS was charging for it, here it is, the work that made my reputation as
the psionic bad guy. Im a lot scarier now than when this was written, but at the time much
of the material in here was theory. It has since been proven in practice.


Charles W. Cosimano

"You ask what is our purpose, it is to wage war." Winston Churchill
"War is diplomacy carried on by other means." Clausewitz

Welcome to the dark side of the Force. Those of you who have had the marvelous good
fortune to be acquainted with my writing know already that I try to bring a new approach to
the subjects that I cover. To be frank, I see little point in rehashing old stories when there
are always newer and more interesting ones, that is, of course, with the exception of the
ones that are necessary to illustrate a new point, or if I just happen to like them.
As you must already be aware, for ages there were a number of books on the market
which dealt with psychic self-defence and a couple which are concerned with the uses of
psychic abilities and instruments in warfare. Of the former, most contained information
that was worthwhile as far as it goes, but occasionally the authors may lapse into
paranoia. The latter works were and are of little practical use and tend to repeat rumors
which are often more amusing than true.
Let me give you a short example. There are still a number of us old enough to remember
that in 1963, the submarine Thresher sank. After that occurred, a number of rumors
began that said, in effect, that the Soviets had managed to destroy the submarine by
means of a psychic attack. Now that made a good story, but there is no proof of it on one
hand, and on the other we are faced with the fact that the Soviets managed to lose a few
more submarines through accidents than the United States. Are we then to assume that
the Russians were testing their equipment on their own submarines?
This book is different. To my knowledge, this is the first book ever written which deals
with psychic warfare as warfare and gives as much, if not more, space to methods of
psychic attack as well as of defense. It is, if you will, a manual of strategy as well as
tactics and it is concerned not only with finding a fending off assault but with carrying the
war to the enemy and defeating him.
You will notice that in this work I will cover much more than the methods of psychic
warfare. There is a good reason for this.
It must be understood that the individuals who have written their books on psychic self-
defense were concerned with the purely psychic aspect of their work and were often not
particularly well versed in the nature of warfare. As my background, before I took up
psychic matters on something of a full-time basis, was in military history with a smattering
of diplomatic studies as well, I tend to view psychic combat in the opposite way. The only
difference, in my view, between psychic combat and purely physical combat is in the
weapons used. All other principles remain the same. Therefore, the surest route to
success in psychic warfare is to first study warfare as an art and become a warrior in the
historic sense rather than in the wimpy, New Age, one. We will deal with violence as a
fact of life.
This being said, what will this manual do for you? This book, properly used and studied,
will equip you to deal with certain difficulties in life, difficulties which come not from nature,
but from the inconsiderate or often hostile acts of your fellow humans. If you follow the

instructions given herein, you will find that you are no longer the helpless pawn of an
unfeeling cosmos, beset upon all sides by relatives, neighbors, co-workers and the
ubiquitous bureaucrats who infest our society like vermin in a grain bin. You will no longer
be expected to assent to that which you despise and pretend that you like that which you
hate. You will be able to call upon the very forces of the universe to aid you and control
them with the same skill with which you control your car. You will be able to disrupt the
lives of your foes as easily as you would tune your television and ultimately you will be
beyond any practical retribution, unless, of course, the enemy has read this book himself.
Most of the time, however, your targets will not even know the cause of their misfortune.
You must remember that psionic warfare is psychic warfare with advantages and warfare
is nothing more than the aggressive use of force to attack and defeat the enemy and in
warfare there is no limit to the acceptable use of violence, no matter what the poor fools
who get all bothered by landmines might say. In the bad old days of newts' eyes and
frogs' tongues, this was considered to be black magic. Well, if one is willing to accept
Aleister Crowley's definition of Magick, that being change in conformity to the will of the
operator, then this too is Magick and, let us be honest, much of the material in this book
will be called black magic. I make no apology for this. In the real world it is often
necessary to use dreadful methods to achieve desirable ends and I am convinced by my
reading of history that the ends do truly justify the means. This may come as a shock to
my friends who cannot understand how such a philosophy can be stated by one who
espouses universal brotherhood. For them I will only answer that it was not the pacifists
who defeated the Nazis, but good, kind men who realized that they had to become killers.
There is nothing as pleasing to the soul of tyrant as a pacifist and when the lion lies down
with lamb, you may rest certain that the lamb is inside the lion.
Do not be fooled by the unfortunate examples of Ghandi and Martin Luther King. Neither
of them faced Stalin which is a pair of the great misfortunes of history. It took the Chinese
at Tianamenn Square (spelling) to finally put paid to the idea that non-violence will always
This book, therefore, is not one which will win me any awards from those who think that to
be harmless is to practice virtue. This is not a study to be undertaken by the squeamish.
The methods I will describe are quite simple and yet some of them can be devastating
beyond belief. But the degree of the attacking force is under the control of the operator
and it is not always necessary to use a sledgehammer to kill an ant, good nasty fun
though that may be.
Here are two stories of psychic combat, one which worked and one which ultimately did
not. They illustrate why it is important to know what one is doing and have a clear idea of
what one wishes to achieve.
I had at one time a neighbor, who in the course of his marriage, had the bad luck to be
afflicted with offspring, and, due to undoubtedly bad judgment in on his part in not selling
them off to the South Africans for medical experiments, they grew into late adolescence.
To be fair to my neighbor, he did not know what a horror he had created, but as if this
were not bad enough, one of them, in spite of much good counsel from his elders, decided
that he had an ear for music and wished to make his living as a rock musician and, yes, I

know that is an oxymoron. To make a bad situation worse, he formed a band and used
my neighbor's garage for a practice site.
As he and his friends drowned out the jets looking for O'Hare Field, my other neighbors
and I were fervently wishing for a nuclear attack to return peace and quiet to our lives.
Adding to these difficulties was the fact that I genuinely liked his father. He is a good,
honest man, albeit with a tendency to gossip, who had helped me push my car out of the
snow and was always ready to loan his tools and offer advice on the arcane mystery of
killing crabgrass. Therefore, hiring a gangster to kill off his children was not what would
be termed a viable solution. Not that I did not consider it, mind you!
However, just as the garage was becoming a mecca for the local riff-raff and it seemed
that the very bricks of the house were going to crumble from the noise, I began to work
with something called disruption patterns (which I will explain in some detail at the
appropriate point in this volume) and used my first radionic box to transmit such a pattern
at the garage.
This I did for several days while watching the level in the aspirin bottle fall and wondering
if the damned thing was ever going to work. Then something truly miraculous happened--
quiet. For the first evening in months there was an all-pervasive stillness broken only by
the outraged cry of a baby sitter whose young charge had lost the key to the handcuffs.
What had happened? Had my neighbor finally regained his senses and shipped his son
off to the merchant marine? No, I am afraid the answer was much simpler. The man
living next door to the neighbor had endured the racket for some time without complaint.
This seeming aberration may have been due in some part to his being hard of hearing.
But, in any event, he decided that he had enough and called upon his own attendant
spirits in the form of the local constabulary. They explained the situation to the band and
any opprobrium from the incident fell upon the man next door rather than myself. All
things considered, it was a very satisfactory conclusion to the situation.
As you can see, the primary purpose of the operation was the elimination of a
considerable nuisance with as little trouble to myself as possible. It was not necessary to
cause a Boeing 747 to kamikaze itself into my neighbor's garage and, given the physical
proximity of that garage to my property, such a result would have been extremely counter-
productive. It might have meant a wing in my living room! Bear this in mind when looking
at my next example, for it is a story which details all the things I want you to learn to avoid.
There are many legends surrounding the frozen hills of Tibet and if we look at the distinct
lack of success the Tibetans have had in the last century, first against the British and then
against the Chinese, it must be reasonably assumed that the arts which were behind the
legends were either lost or extremely exaggerated. Bearing this in mind, look at the next
story as a tale illustrative of a method gone wrong rather than as a true incident.
The Tibetan sage Milarepa did not have an easy youth. His father died when he was a
boy and his paternal uncle, as nasty a relative as ever ruined dinner, laid claim to his
father's lands, driving the young Milarepa, his mother and his sister from their home and
virtually reducing them to the status of beggars. As one may well expect, this caused no
small amount of bitterness and his mother waited for the day when her son would be old
enough to seek vengeance upon the uncle.

When Milarepa grew to young manhood, full of energy but apparently not very bright, the
time came that he went forth from his village to seek a guru who would instruct him in the
art of killing evil relatives. He travelled around for a while and eventually ran into two other
seekers after power who were going to study under a famous sorcerer known as Lama
Yungtun-Trogyal, which translates as "Wrathful and Victorious Teacher of Evil."
This worthy accepted the young Milarepa and his companions as pupils and taught them
certain useful rituals and methods of Tibetan magic which, while satisfying his fellow
scholars left Milarepa with the distinct feeling that something important had been left out,
like how to kill his uncle. When the time came for the students to return to the outside
world, there to practice evil magic and bring more pupils to their Wrathful and Victorious
teacher, Milarepa stayed behind. When asked why he was still hanging around the
lamasery, Milarepa told his teacher that he was certain that there was more to be learned
from him and added that if he returned to his home without the means to complete his
sacred mission his mother would kill herself in his presence.
The teacher was greatly impressed with the zeal of this one student (though he probably
thought his mother was an idiot) and sent another pupil, who was as swift as a horse and
as strong as a yak and dumb as an ox, to Milarepa's home village to find out if the story of
his vile uncle was true. In due course the spy returned to corroborate the story and the
teacher agreed that Milarepa was deserving of better instruction, being almost moved to
tears by the tale of woe and injustice.
There was only one very small difficulty in furthering the education of the young sorcerer.
It seems that the secret of destroying large numbers of people was no longer available to
the present instructor. He had, some years before, given it to a close friend and had
neglected to make a back-up copy for himself. Thus Milarepa was sent off to a new
Upon arriving at the new teacher's home, Milarepa presented the traditional (for Tibetans)
scarf and a letter from his former guru detailing the situation and recommending Milarepa
for instruction. The new teacher was also much moved by the tale of woe and
immediately agreed to begin instructing the young man.
Milarepa was told to build a hermitage for his operations, and then taught what was
necessary for his work, the details of which are left out of the biography, obviously lest
someone use them without paying his guru.
This operation should normally have taken seven days, but, as the target village was
some distance, Milarepa asked for seven additional days. The teacher, unwilling to hurt
his pupil's feelings by explaining to him that the deities involved did not travel by yak,
allowed this and on the fourteenth day Milarepa was rewarded by a vision of those deities
bearing him a gift of 35 heads and hearts, which was not a bad haul in the days before
stealth bombers, nuclear warheads and chemical plants. A day later the deities returned,
to Milarepa's undoubted surprise, and said that two victims had escaped and wondered if
he would like them to finish the job. Milarepa, thinking that if he left those two alive fear of
him would spread across the land, told the deities to leave them alone. The two
happened to be his aunt and uncle, precisely the ones Milarepa wanted dead in the first
place. It seems that the great sage was too stupid to ask which two had survived.

Meanwhile, back at the village...

On the day that Milarepa completed his operation, the eldest son of his uncle was about to
be married. The wedding feast was packed with his uncle's friends and supporters, his
other sons and the bride. In short, all of Milarepa's enemies were present in one place. A
maid went out to fetch some water and ran in fright as the family livestock and horses
went berserk, with the end result being that a horse kicked down one of the main pillars
supporting the house and whole building fell down, slaughtering those inside.
Upon seeing this disaster, Milarepa's mother was siezed with a fit of joy and, making a flag
out of some of the family rags, ran around the village shouting the praises of her sorcerer
son. This act, for obvious reasons, did not exactly endear her to those who had lost family
in the wreckage and their response could be expressed in two words, "Kill Her!"
This may well have occurred had not some of smarter ones of the village prevailed,
realizing that her son, who, after all, was the reputed cause of the trouble, was still in good
health and might not look with favor upon such rash action. Thus it was that the cry
became "Kill him first!"
As finding the sorcerer would take some time, all plans of reprisal were put off and
Milarepa's mother, who apparently knew where her son was, took advantage of the lull in
the fighting to send a message to her son warning him of the danger and asking him to
send such a disaster to the village that none would ever forget it.
Milarepa received the warning and showed it to his teacher who remarked that his pupil
had a very unpleasant mother and may even have considered advising Milarepa to forget
the whole thing and let the crazy old bat kill herself anyway. Nevertheless, Milarepa had
to learn a more powerful spell and thus was sent back to old Wrathful and Victorious. This
teacher welcomed his previous and possibly best pupil with open arms and proceeded to
instruct him in the ancient and honorable art of making hailstorms, an ancient Tibetan
With the other student as an assistant, the one who had been sent to determine the truth
of Milarepa's story, Milarepa, disguised as a pilgrim, returned to a hill overlooking his old
village. On the top of the hill he set up his apparatus. It was a moment that he had waited
some time for. His teacher asked him how high the barley was, and when told that it was
just starting to grow, had said to wait. Again the question was asked, and again Milarepa
was told to wait. But finally the barley crop was waiting to be harvested.
As the ripe fields awaited the reapers, before the grain could be harvested, Milarepa
performed his ritual and the sky opened. Three massive hail storms struck the village with
a force so great that all the barley was destroyed (Kaboom! Blast! Destroy!) and the
village faced a long, hungry winter. The fact that his mother and sister were still living
there and would share in the general distress must have slipped his mind.
After this success, Milarepa returned to his old teacher and, instead of pursuing what
could have been a very lucrative career as a rainmaker, decided to try for enlightenment
instead. It was probably just as well because Milarepa, if one judges by his biography,
was too heavenly minded to be any earthly good. As for his mother, who instilled such a
strong desire for vengeance in her son, she became an outcast and did not much profit
from her revenge and his sister, whom none would marry (hardly surprising when one

considers the in-laws!) and faced with the somewhat limited options open to women in
eleventh century Tibet, became a wandering beggar. In fact, this whole tale seems to
illustrate a saying of my father, that the only difference between a saint and an idiot is that
the saint has a press agent.
I have gone on at some length with this story because, as I said, it is a good illustration of
the sort of thing which you must avoid in psychic combat.
There was first the tendency to overkill. All Milarepa wanted to do was eliminate his aunt
and uncle. Instead, he took out a goodly portion of the village and ultimately its food
supply, while the uncle and aunt were left unharmed. He never thought of tailoring his
response to the situation. I mean, I like a good, destroyed village as much as the next
person, but he did have to consider the matter of his sister at least. His mother obviously
would have been no loss to anyone. Milarepa was also cursed by the hyperactive mouth
of his mother, who, if she had been able to keep from flapping her jaws so much, might
have come to a better end herself instead of becoming a hungry beggar. Finally, as the
biography relates, both Milarepa and his teacher had a fit of guilt after the affair which
frankly makes no sense to me, but then I'm not a Tibetan. I dont even LIKE Alice Bailey.
The story also gives us an indirect lesson as well, for the uncle was also foolish. Upon
hearing that his nephew had left town with but one purpose in mind the uncle should have
seen to his defenses, as should all of his supporters. This was not done. It is, after all,
one thing to avoid paranoia, but quite another thing entirely to leave the door unlocked
and a sign outside that says "Burglars Welcome!".
It is my hope that this book will teach not only how to engage in psychic warfare, but also
how to avoid the mistakes that so often accompany it. Begin by reading the entire book
and studying its contents. Then go back and practice what it teaches and above all else,
think. There is no better way to keep one's head than by using it. Besides, you look real
funny with an empty space over your shoulders.
But enough of this merriment. Read on and let the battles begin!


"You must cultivate your wisdom and your spirit." Musashi

This entire subject creates an unusual series of responses, ranging from "That sounds like
fun." to "Why?" to a horrified "Please don't." If we are to be honest, the question of why
psychic warfare is a legitimate one. If we think back to the last chapter, it would have
been much simpler and probably more effective in the long run, if Milarepa had simply
found a convenient opportunity to slit his uncle's throat. In his primitive society, such an
action would have been looked upon as the natural outcome of a blood feud and most
likely would have been either ignored or applauded. In our society things are more
complex and some people actually object to murdering one's relatives, no matter how
obnoxious they are. And, no, that does not make a lot of sense to me either, but my
lawyers assure me that it is the case and I have to wait for my rich uncle to die of natural
causes. Curses!
Looked at from the purely psychic point of view, it has long been held that all that is
necessary for you to learn are a few basic defensive techniques to hold off any offensive.
You were not, of course, ever to launch an attack yourself for that would have been "black
magic!" and very unBritish.
Until recently, that has been the case. But, as you will learn, psionics has changed all the
rules and the old ways no longer work. As I said in my introduction, psychic warfare is
only warfare that is carried on with other weapons and, like physical combat, defense is
never good enough.
You must realize that there is no defense that cannot be penetrated, just as there is no
attack that cannot be defended against. The success or failure of any operation depends
upon the balance between these two. There are times when the offensive is dominant
and there are times when the defense is supreme. When we study the principles of
strategy in a later chapter you will understand this better, but for now I will give you an
example of what can happen when it is assumed that the balance does not shift.
It is time for a history lesson and you cannot study warfare without studying history. That
way you can avoid making other people's mistakes. Besides, its fun. Let us go back in
time to the First World War. For those you who may have forgotten, in 1914 there was a
minor disagreement between Austria-Hungary and Serbia over the little matter of the
assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. Now any reasonable human
being would have laughed and said "What's the big deal about one less useless king?"
Anyway, it should have been a matter of purely local significance but the continent of
Europe was divided by a couple of rather complicated alliance structures further confused
by the desire of the French to avenge themselves on the Germans for 1870, and a
movement called Pan-Slavism which was a sort of what for a time became termed
bioregionalism and was equally foolish because its proponents sort of forgot what
happens when two bios want the same region. You get one hell of a general protection
fault. (Imagine a mob of Cro-Magnon attacking a group of Neanderthals shouting
EVOLUTION! as they charged.) The upshot was that in a very short time, Austria-

Hungary had declared war on Serbia, Russia had declared war on Austria-Hungary,
Germany had declared war on Russia, and France declared war on Germany.
While the diplomats were sorting out the paperwork, Germany marched through Belgium
to attack France (the presence of a scrap of paper from 1888 notwithstanding) and the
British, incensed at the thought of such a foul deed declared war on Germany to make the
world safe for waffles. Even the stuffy and weird British of that period would hesitate to
make war over Brussel sprouts.
The armies marched around for a while, turning Europe into a wasteland and blowing
Flanders completely off the map. (Have you ever tried to find Flanders on a map?) Then
somebody decided to dig a trench and before you could say "poppies" there were trench
lines running from the North Sea to the Swiss border. The war settled down into a conflict
of sieges, each side trying to break through the other's lines while holding their own and
nobody got anywhere. So for a couple of years there was a war which produced nothing
but a lot of corpses and some of the worst poetry ever written, mostly about dead bodies
and poppies. (In case any of you wonder why the veterans groups sell paper poppies
around memorial day, it goes back to WWI.)

What had occurred was that the generals, in spite of the experience of small wars (and
there were a lot of them) in the previous twenty years, had not learned that the technology
of defense had, for the first time in centuries, become more powerful than the capacity for
offense. But in 1918, everything changed.
Russia was out of the war having fallen to the Red Menace and the United States, after
dithering which side to fight on, had the previous year declared war on Germany as there
were fewer voters of German descent than of British, for the sake of making the world safe
for democracy, though what democracy has to do with waffles is beyond me. Germany,
realizing that it had a brief advantage with troops available from Russia and some new
tactics launched an offensive before the massive American presence which had been
predicted could be felt.
This offensive, in the spring of 1918, meant an end to the siege war and a return to
mobility on the battlefield. But it failed and the British and French, with the important (in
the morale sense) aid of a relatively small American force reversed the situation and
pushed the Germans back towards the Rhine. Things were just getting interesting but the
Germans gave up, not because of their reverses in the west but because of the collapse
of the Balkan Front! The war ended and everyone went home to prepare for the next one.

You would have thought that they all had learned something from this, but you would have
been wrong, at least as far as the French were concerned. While the Germans were
developing a whole new style of warfare, the British improving their tanks and the
Americans and the Japanese inventing the aircraft carrier, the French, determined that the
barbarous Boche would never again set foot upon their sacred soil, went to work and built
what they believed would be an impenetrable line of forts called the Maginot Line, which,
when the next war came, proved to be about as useful as the line of forts around Liege
had been in August of 1914. They were fine for hanging out the wash, but useless for
anything else. Well, what do you expect from people who think Jerry Lewis is funny, eat
snails and read an idiot like Sarte?

Those who put their faith in psychic self-defense are in the same position as the poor
French. There was a time when a person could build a psychic Maginot Line and sit
behind it, but with the machines and tactics you will study in this work, the old defensive
systems are as obsolete as a medieval castle. The individual who engages in psychic
combat and relies only on defense will find himself to be extremely vulnerable.

Therefore, in this chapter, we will work on ridding you of that vulnerability. In order to do
this, we have to begin by making you think of yourself as a warrior, in the historic sense of
a ruthless and brave fighter, not in the wimpy, New Age sense.
First, you must understand that a warrior is not a soldier. That I would bother to make this
distinction at all may disturb some, but they are probably so disturbed by now that they
have stopped reading and have gone back to their televisions. In any event, you must
realize that your point of view will make all the difference in the outcome of a psychic
By using chess, we can illustrate the fundamental difference which exists. Consider the
contrast between the knight and the pawn. The pawn can only go in one direction, in a
straight line, with only one objective. It has no volition, no options, no will in him but to
reach that objective. The knight, on the other hand, goes all over the board. Because of
his peculiar way of moving, he can, with a little luck on the part of his player or a little
carelessness on the part of his opponent, appear in a place where he is not expected and
wreak havoc on the opposition. His greater mobility is representative of the will of the
warrior for the soldier is outer-directed. He follows the directions of others around him and
is conditioned not to think for himself. The warrior, in contrast, is inner-directed. He
follows no guidance but his own.
Therefore you must begin by examining yourself. Are you an inner-directed person. Now
be honest. We would all like to think of ourselves as standing on our own, apart from the

whims of the crowd, despising fad and fashion. It is part of our national mythos as
Americans. But the fact is that most of look to those around us for guidance. Some of the
time this is not a bad thing. It can often keep you out of a lot of trouble. And again being
honest, there are times when the most fanatical individualist will find it convenient to get
lost in the mass. We may even take the opinions of others into account, not that we would
be so foolish as to agree with them, but if only to more easily exploit those ideas. There
are even times, shameful as it is to say, when we may even desire for someone to like us.
If, after looking at yourself with all the brutal honesty that psychic warfare requires, you
discover that in spite of your best efforts you are still an outer-directed shlub, you must set
yourself to becoming a inner-directed warrior. In the study of psychic warfare this attitude
is of the most extreme importance, for the practice of psychic warfare, as opposed to
psychic self-defense is much frowned upon. The warrior must learn to resist, and
ultimately become immune, to the disapproval of his fellows. You should be able to say,
as I have learned to, that if the only weapon an opponent has against you is disapproval,
then he is very poorly armed. As you do this, the confidence which you will gain by each
successful engagement with the forces who would try to control you will enable you to
face life with a greater sense of personal power and effectiveness.
Remember that life itself is conflict, the conflict between the strong and the weak and the
smart and the stupid, the human and the sports fan.
The starting point in this transformation is the self-image in its entirety. There are those
who would have you go out and buy a new wardrobe, join a health club and eat bran
flakes. None of this is necessary and only wimps eat bran flakes. If you project a warrior
image from your mind, how you look will not matter. It is the mind that does the real work.
Let me give you an illustration. When I was a boy, there were number of advertisements
by Charles Atlas. They referred to a young man, called the "98 pound weakling" who had
a bad habit of being on a beach and getting sand kicked in his face by the sort of muscle-
bound clods who frequent such places. The young man sent away for the course and
after much straining and heaving became a muscle-bound clod himself and proceeded to
place his fist in the face of the bully. He could have saved himself much trouble if he had
used a method much favored by myself when I was young, namely throwing sand into the
clod's eyes and then kicking him in the groin. In other words, if you have brains, you do
not need muscles and if your mind is in the right condition you do not need to be a
strutting peacock. In fact, the rule in psychic warfare is to be as inconspicuous as
possible, though without going to extremes. Do not worry about the color of your necktie
or if you have a bit of a spare tire. Real power has nothing to do with such things. A
famous clergyman of the nineteenth century, Charles Spurgeon, said that "Fashion is the
collective opinion of fools." Which proves that no matter how stupid a person can be
normally, he can still say something intelligent. Or, to use a modern example, the CEO of
a Fortune 500 corporation need not concern himself with opinions of the local adolescents
about the length of his trousers.
So now I am going to start saying things which may shock even the cold-blooded.
Success in psychic warfare depends on two qualities: powerfulness and ruthlessness.
Ok, Ive made a gospel of ruthlessness over the years in my recent work but please do not
have a stroke if this is your first exposure to my thought. Let me assure you that I am not

expecting you to kick granny down the stairs or build an atomic bomb in your garage, fun
though those things may be. By being ruthless, I am merely expecting you to take those
actions which are obviously to your benefit without suffering pangs of conscience if and
when something unpleasant happens to other people as the result of your actions. We
start this by eliminating two great weaknesses which beset mankind: compassion and
You must learn that the problem is not that people suffer, but that their suffering bothers
you. Let me give an example. You watch the news and see that a school bus has been
broadsided by a frieght train and the reporters are shedding enough fake tearage to short
out their microphones. Now, you may feel some pangs at this yourself, but be honest. Do
you know anyone on that bus? Do you know anyone who knows anyone on that bus? Do
you have financial or other interest that might be negatively affected by the accident? If
the answer is no, then what you have is a situation where you are disturbed by something
that really does not matter to you. You have to get away from that.
I will admit that this is difficult to accomplish. There are evils and injustices in the world
which can make even my heart of lead glow with indignation. But the truth is the victims of
those things have usually only their own weakness and stupidity to blame. If a person is
attacked by a burglar it is his own fault if he did not have a gun to kill the burglar with!
You must learn that no one can fight all the battles of humanity and often people must be
left to their own devices, to solve their own difficulties. For example, every year there is a
cyclone in Bangladesh and tens of thousands of people drown. This usually causes all
manner of upset in the news media, ignoring the fact that the damn fools choose to live in
a floodplain.
Also, it is unwise to become indignant over injustices if one benefits from them. It may be
that the clothes you buy are made by underpaid foreigners chained the basement of a
factory in Asia, but think how much more those clothes would cost if the foreigners were
not underpaid. It may be that the problem is not that they are underpaid, but that they are
paid at all. After all, what would they do with money anyway, spend it on drugs and sex
no doubt. Become ruthless and dispassionate. Remember that you cannot make an
omelette without breaking a few eggs.
The problem with compassion is that it requires you to in some way identify with the
difficulty of the victim. This is disastrous, because by so identifying you place yourself in
the mental position of being weak rather than strong. When this happens, your capacity to
act is diminished because you become blind to your own strength. Therefore, while it is
permissible to feel some sympathy for a victim, one must never feel empathy. You must
never, ever make the mistake of identifying with either the victim or the weakness of the
person which caused him to become a victim in the first place.
Incidentally, this why you cannot be successful in psionic warfare and be a sports fan.
Sports fans are the ultimate losers, spending their lives attempting to identify with the
winners that they can never be.
Now I know that this something which takes a little doing. It is not easy for most people to
totally abandon the socialization process, but is something which you must do--not try to

do, but do. Fortunately, there is an easy way to start and that is to begin identifying with
the villain in any fiction you may encounter, be it books, television or film.
Another example: When I was sixteen, I spent a few pleasant hours one afternoon
reading Orwell's 1984. And, being sixteen and not knowing any better, felt the appropriate
indignation at the society described and some sympathy for the character Winston Smith,
especially in the third section of the book when Smith had finally come into the hands of
the Thought Police and was being re-educated by his former superior, O'Brien. During
one of their little chats, O'Brien tells Smith to see the future of humanity as a boot
smashing into a face--forever. Not a very happy image, is it? Well, that evening, I took
part on one of those violent adolescent rites of which I am not overly proud of now that I
am in stable middle age and had what was at the time the inestimable pleasure of actually
putting a boot into someone's face.
At that moment I had a conversion experience, if you will, from what little humanitarian
sentiments were left in me and I realized that there was really nothing wrong with
O'Brien's image of the future as long as it was my boot and someone else's face. Armed
with this wonderful new insight into the nature of the cosmos, I went back to 1984 and re-
read it, this time consciously trying to identify with O'Brien and see the world and Smith as
he would have. The results were phenomenal, for Smith, the hero in an unheroic world,
became rather a fool, an insect to be stepped on. Dystopia became utopia and the drab,
lifeless world of Airstrip One was transformed into a playground where one could have all
the material pleasures, wear a nice, black uniform and torture fools like Winston Smith.
Now at this point I hasten to say that one of the hidden agendas of my work in the field of
Psionics is making such a world impossible. I have never had any sympathy for
totalitarianism in any of its forms, nor for authoritarianism in any of its forms. It was purely
a psychological exercise. The point is that you can train your mind so that you are not
manipulated into someone else's point of view. If you truly feel sorry for someone and
desire to help that person, or feel that you must stand for a principle, it must be because
you have decided that such a course is worth following, not because someone else has
told you.
You must learn to use three small words which can immunize you from the most unctions
of pleadings. These words are "I don't care." And you must be able to say that you do not
care about some things in order that you may have the energy left to deal with those
things which you do care about.
You must learn to become immune to the tales of misery which flood the evening news.
There is a very effective way to accomplish this and you need is a tape recorder. You will
simply make your own laugh track.
There are a couple of ways to do this. One very good method is to set up the tape
recorder at a party and get everyone laughing hysterically. At that point, turn on the
machine and record their laughter. If you feel shy about that method, acquire a sound
effects record with laughter on it and make the tape off that. Either way you will have a
tape of loud, raucous laughter available to you.
Once you have the tape, make certain that it is ready to be played on a recorder close at
hand whenever the news comes on television. Then, when a story comes on which is

designed to tug at your heart, turn on the tape and laugh all the way through it. This
method also works quite well with commercials, so next time the idiot comes on extoling
the latest in stomach potions, have a good belly laugh.
You are probably wondering why it is necessary to use a tape. After all, cannot one train
oneself to laugh at such things? Well, you can teach yourself to do just that, but the tape
makes it so much easier. That is why television comedy producers include a laugh track
in their shows. Laughter is infectious, so infectious that a few people laughing at the
wrong moment can wreck anything.
I proved this back when I was a student. The school leftists invited a street gang leader to
speak who had the unfortunate name of Jose Ximenes. Now I dont know how many of
you remember, but back in the 1960s there was a dialect comic named Bill Dana who
created a rather dumb hispanic named, of all things, Jose Ximenes. So we did a little
rigging with the PA system and as the thug began to babble, instead of his worthless
mouthings came, My name Jose Ximenes. I plan to cry a lot. Well, as you can imagine,
everyone burst out laughing and the thug stormed out never to be seen or heard of again.
You probably know that laughter spreads. If you have a tape of it, you do not have to
consciously force yourself to laugh at scenes which may not be in and of themselves very
funny but usually are. The sound coming from the tape will encourage you automatically.
It is something like a bad situation comedy which has the laugh track go off every time a
character comes into a room. In theory, the audience is thus conditioned to expect
something funny from this character. And if that audience were possessed of such bad
taste as to watch the show long enough, that would happen. You are using the same
technique to immunize yourself from the noxious bleatings of the television journalist. As
you proceed with this method, you will reach the point where the most unpleasant events
in the world can be dismissed with a snicker.
As you work on ridding yourself of the disease of compassion, you should also try to stop
being ethical. There is a simple reason for this and that lies in the basic fact that most
ethical principles are strictly for wimps.
I love to say that to my Theosophist friends because it sets them off into veritable spasms
of shock. But consider this point. Who, possessing an ounce of courage or intelligence,
would allow his actions to be determined by the opinions of his fellows. In the view of
those who take such matters seriously, a person facing a given course of action should go
through a series of judgments to reach a conclusion concerning the rightness or
wrongness of the action, according to their definition of right and wrong, and then behave
accordingly. Thus, in that view, if you wish to perform an act (A), and they were to tell you
that such an action is wrong, you, seeing the ultimate wisdom of their statement, would
refrain from performing the act.
But let us see what is really going on. Let us assume that A has no observable negative
consequences to yourself and maybe not even to anyone else, though that is not a
serious consideration if one is truly rational. The moralist cannot, therefore, point out to
you any practical reason why you should not engage in the action. Failing that he will fall
back on abstracts, such as responsibility and maturity, ideas which are assumed by him to
be of such power that by merely hearing the words, you will fall into line. He is using what
I like to call "NO words." A "No word" is a word used to say no to an adult because, unlike

a child, he cannot be physically constrained to act, or refrain from acting in a way

determined by the moralist.
Your attitude in such matters must become that of the strict pragmatist. If it works, it is
right. If it does not work it is wrong and there are no other considerations. Furthermore,
the decision as to whether or not it does work is to be yours alone. You decide the
criterion for judgment.
For example, one is scrupulously honest in one's business dealings because while there
may be a short-term gain in cutting corners, one will ultimately lose customers. Therefore,
in such conditions, it is better to be honest. Likewise it is easier to tell the truth because
lies have to be remembered and kept straight, otherwise people will have a hard time
believing you. Thus we see that honesty has a definite advantage over dishonesty. The
advantages are practical and easily proven by experience.
But let us take something which is not so clear cut. Let us suppose that you have been
grievously injured in some dealing. Legal remedies are troublesome, expensive and the
outcome is by no means certain. You decide, therefore, to use some of the techniques
from this book to seek redress and as a result you utterly destroy the life of your victim
and it is not necessary to kill him to do this, though killing may be a desirable result. The
good moralist will recoil in horror from this act. But looking at it from your point of view,
you have achieved the desired end with no cost to yourself. Never forget that if it is your
end and your means the end will justify the means.
Example time again. During the Vietnam War there were two American patrols. The first
patrol found itself under attack and while huddling with a group of civilians, a grenade
came into the center of the group. The Foolish Soldier threw himself upon the grenade
and was blown up, saving the lives of his comrades and the civilians at the cost of his
own. And a lot of good it did him. A second patrol found itself in similar circumstances.
Again, with civilians, it came under attack and again, a grenade fell in their midst. The
Wise Soldier, however, threw one of the civilians on the grenade and saved not only
himself but his fellows at the cost of one total stranger.
You must, if you are to succeed at psychic warfare, become like the Wise Soldier and look
out for yourself first. You must not worry about the effects that your actions have upon the
rest of humanity as long as you benefit by those actions and there are no unpleasant
consequences to yourself. Remember the words of the Apostle Paul when he wrote "All
things are lawful to me, but not all things are expedient." And if Paul read this book he
would kick himself for ever having said that.
In addition to expediency, you must also consider the emotional element in your actions.
This is, in many ways, more important, for when you study thought-forms and their effects,
you will realize just how dangerous a thing guilt is. You must eliminate guilt from your life
as best you can and recognize that you may find yourself in a position where guilt may be
inevitable and learn to avoid those situations.
There are two causes of guilt. One cause is breaking rules that one has been taught and
not yet been liberated from. You should be well on your way past that by now. The other
cause is doing harm to people whom you feel close to. Therefore you should begin now
to see humanity as divided into five groups as in Figure 1.

At the top you have yourself. Immediately next in importance are your friends and loved
ones. This is a small group but the most important one. It is essential that you avoid any
negative operation with regard to anyone in this group. Such actions will always cause
guilt and it is virtually impossible to avoid that.
Next comes a larger segment of humanity, namely those persons whom you may or may
not like, or even know, but whom you happen to need. These can include such folks as
your auto mechanic, or your greengrocer or even the farmers who grow your food. While
actions against persons in this group may not cause guilt, (farmers are such boring shits)
they bring about other undesirable results such as having to look for a new mechanic or
watching the price of food go up.
The largest grouping by far is the bulk of humanity, or, as we affectionately term them, the
cannon fodder. As this amorphous, nameless mass of numbers has no physical
relationship to you whatsoever (we are not dealing with the metaphysical relationship at
this point), you may proceed against them in any way which serves your desires and
purposes at the moment without fear of negative consequences. This is, of course,
assuming that you are using psychic methods. Physical action would still have practical
consequences because of the peculiar attitudes that society has developed over the

Finally we come to another and much tinier part of the human race--your enemies. These
are those who wish you ill and you, in turn wish misfortune for them. If you have been
living a well ordered life (not a chaotic one like mine) you should have relatively few of
these. But the nice thing about having some enemies is that you can practice on them
without any guilt at all. I must confess that at times I wish that I did not get along so well
with my neighbors, for there are a number of techniques I would like to try, but I have no
one nearby to try them out on. It can become most annoying.
And this last leads me to something which I will repeat a number of times in this work
because it is very, very important. You must never assume that merely because someone
has acted to displease you that that person is your enemy. The inconsiderate driver who
decides to make a left turn in front of you is not acting out of malice and does not deserve
to have his gas tank exploded. A simple flat tire will suffice. While no attack should go
unresponded to, you should not assume that you are being attacked without good reason.
To think otherwise is going to lead to paranoia which can lead to making a total fool of
yourself and people will laugh at you as you sit with a collander on your head.
Anyway, you should get the point by now. Be ruthless in the pursuit of your own interests
and do not worry about the opinions of others. And while we are on the opinions of
others, this is as good a time as any to dispense with one of the more noxious
superstitions which has acquired prominence in the last thirty years and that is the
concept of Karma.
It is wise to rid yourself of the notion now, that anything you do in life will come back to
you, if not in this life, then in the next. If you do not, you may create a thought-form which
can attract difficulties to yourself.
The concept of Karma has its roots in the idea that the universe is a closed system and
that any energy put out will ultimately return to its source. To this is added the
assumption, not always stated, that the universe is governed by a benevolent, just mind
which will reward goodness and punish badness. On the face of it, the concept becomes
unworkable. The universe is far too vast for any energy to reflect back and the concept of
a just and benevolent cosmic despot must have been a great comfort to the dinosaurs in
their final hours. If we face the fact that if the sun goes nova both just and unjust will fry
alike, we can see how silly the idea is. Karma is an idea which can only function in a
mechanistically determined universe and in a universe which is not, the concept fails.
So let us look at the real meaning of Karma, not as a psuedo-law of the universe, but as a
means of social control.
Imagine, if you will, India a couple of thousand years ago. There is a power struggle going
on between the Brahmans and the Warrior, or princely caste. It has reached the point
where the warriors have taken to using the Brahmans for archery practice and a council of
Brahmans is meeting to decide what to do. The meeting is conducted with an air of
urgency because arrows are flying through the windows.
Head Brahman: This is getting dangerous. My brother came home yesterday looking like
a pincushion.
Second Brahman: I agree. If we don't come up with something...Yike!
An arrow comes into the room taking a bit of hair from the second Brahman's head.

Young Brahman from the provinces: I have an idea. Let's create Karma.
Head Brahman: That's nuts! All Karma means is that the ceremonies are properly
Young Brahman: I know, but let's add the idea that if the warriors don't behave and make
us rich they'll come back as toads.
Head Brahman: They'll never buy it.
Young Brahman: Oh yes they will. Those aren't geniuses out there. You tell them
anything three times and they'll believe it.
And thus the idea of Karma, as we have it now was born, more or less. In any event, the
idea serves primarily as a means of social control, exactly like the Christian notion of hell.
There is no reason to suppose that the thinkers of classical India were any more honest
than the founders of Christianity and history well attests to the kind of slime they were. So
forget about Karma. If there is no reprisal in this life, there is no reason to believe it will
come in any other. Never forget that all actions are nothing more than interchanges of
energy and energy is value-free.
And having dispensed with the last ethical barriers to psychic warfare, we can get down to
the more interesting area of powerfulness.
To be powerful is more than a matter of possessions, position or knowledge. It is a state
of mind, and acknowledging to yourself that you have the capacity to act in any situation.
So you must work to create that state of mind where you will see yourself as one of the
great ones of the earth.
Now I realize that this is not always the easiest thing to do, especially on a day when you
come down with flu and your third wife is upset because the child-support payments got
lost in the mail. It can be damn difficult to think of yourself as having any power at all
when you get stopped by every traffic light.
The key is to rise above such considerations. "Easy for you to say!" I can hear you
object, and there is no need to shout. But the fact remains that you become powerful by
thinking of yourself as being powerful.
Another illustration. Have you ever had the misfortune of listening to a radio talk station.
Sometimes it can be interesting, but often the experience can be almost sickening. The
cause of this lies in the occasional call by someone whose brain ceased to function before
he was five. Such callers can be identified by their use of language even before they try
to make their point (not including the one which graces the top of their heads). Such
callers constantly refer to two classes of people, the "big shots", otherwise known as the
people who make decisions and the "little guy", otherwise known as the average clod.
(None of my readers fall into the latter category, whether they know it or not). Guess
which group the callers place themselves in. And this very use of the language gives us a
clue as their problem in life. They are small because they see themselves as being small.
That is why gravel truck drivers tend to be sports fans.
Now, let us take someone from this type of background and give him power without any
preparation in what to do with it. What happens? Disaster, usually comic disaster such as
when a group of coal miners bought their mine and hired new management. After a time

they decided that they did not like the methods used by this new management. What did
they do? They went on strike against their own mine! The thought of calling a
stockholders meeting and firing someone never occurred to them.
So the very first practical thing that you are going to do is think of yourself as being
powerful and that is not as difficult as you may think. Forget the petty difficulties of life for
a few minutes and concentrate upon those qualities which you possess which can give
you power. Now these will vary with each person who reads this book, but there is one
which they all have in common with you and you with them and that is the fact that you
can read.
Think about it for a minute. There is no greater plague that can beset a society than
illiteracy and there is no greater advantage a person can have than to the ability to read
the printed word and, by thinking about what he has read, use his mind to improve his
position in the world. That is why television will never replace the book as the truly
dominant force in society. The masses may get their pitiful gleanings from the tube, but
those who make the decisions which determine how those masses will live get their
information from books. Thus, on your list, reading must come first.
Once you have made this list, however, you can throw it away. Its only purpose was to
persuade you that you, as an individual, have the capacity to be powerful.
Once you have gotten past the first hurdle, you must begin to program yourself to think of
yourself as a person who has power. As you do this, you will notice a shift of attitude in
your life, most obviously you will no longer be beset by feelings of jealousy. I am not
making a pompous value judgment here. The person who is jealous is the person who is
inferior. Envy is the mark of the small man, the sort of person who calls radio shows to
complain about the "big shots". You never hear the person he is complaining about call
the same show to complain about the "little shits".
As all attitudes have their place in the mind, rather than in the left thigh, it is the mind we
will work on. We are going to practice a little meditation which will program the
subconscious to permit the power that is latent in you work.
You must begin by relaxing your body and your mind. There are a massive number of
books that tell you how to go about this, including a very good one I wrote myself, but for
those of you so benighted as to not have any of them, I will give you a brief overview of
the technique.
You start by finding a comfortable place where you can be reasonably sure that you will
not be disturbed. If worse comes to worse, you can use the bathroom. Sit comfortably.
Most writers say that you should keep your spine erect, but for this practice, that is not an
overwhelming consideration. The only thing you must try to avoid is falling asleep, which
is why it is never a good idea to try to meditate in bed.
Once you are sitting, do nothing but sit. This is not going to be as easy as it sounds
because you may get bored very quickly. In order to avoid that, you must begin to get
your mind concentrated on the reason why you are doing all this. This will require what is
generically termed a mantra. If you are familiar with the word, you are probably wondering
why chanting in Hindi will help you gain power. Well, you do not have to chant anything,

even in English. All that you have to do is repeat to yourself over and over again the
sentence "I am powerful."
What happens when you do this? Well, there is an interesting psychological process that
causes people to believe things they have heard over and over again, even if they knew
that it was nonsense the first thousand times that they heard it. It is the same method
used by political slogan writers and advertising agencies. Even if, after listing those things
which give you and advantage in life, you still feel relatively weak, repeating this statement
over a period of weeks and even months will convince you that you not only have power
but are able to use it. Do not forget this fact. In any psychic conflict, your opponent will
have absolutely no doubts as to both his abilities and the rightness of his cause. You,
therefore, may not have any doubts about yours.
This may all seem like a lot of mental game playing which will have no basis on the way
the world and you get along. Let me assure you that nothing could be further from the
truth. Those around you respond more to the image your subconscious projects than they
do to your physical appearance.
While you are working on this, it will be well for you to begin working with your imagination
a little.
Begin by imagining yourself alone in the vastness of the universe. Once you have that
idea in mind, realize that flowing throughout this vastness is a pulsing, vibrating sea of
power and energy. Know that this sea contains all of the power and energy of the cosmos
and it is all yours for the taking. Fell the power flowing through you and around you,
becoming part of you and becoming part of it.
Now see yourself as the center of power in the universe. Fell the power move out from
you to create galaxies and solar systems. Imagine that you are the center of gravity in the
universe and all the galaxies are rotating around you in their majestic dance of the
Now see yourself as the sun, with all the planets of the solar system moving around you.
See Red Mars, Ringed Saturn, the Blue Earth, all spinning around you and under your
Now move your consciousness to the center of the Earth and feel the life of the Earth itself
flowing through you and know that you are in complete control of this life force and you
can let it flow, or dam it up as you desire. Know that you are influencing and acting upon
the world around you and the world must respond to you.
Now see yourself as the central force in all humanity. Everyone circles around you and
derives their direction from you. You are all powerful and you feel the joy of strength as
the ocean of cosmic power runs through your entire being.
See yourself as you are, sitting your room, but retaining the feeling of power you have just
experienced and repeat to yourself, "I am powerful".
While you are at it, this is as good a time as any to work a little on your self-image. There
has been much said and written on how one can use the mind to change physical
appearance, but we are not interested in that. Remember, the mental image that you

project will be picked up by anyone who is sensitive and will influence even those who are
You are beginning to see yourself as being powerful. Now, you must begin to see yourself
as a psychic warrior. You must see yourself take on the image of a fighter.
First, it is a good idea to choose the image you are going to build from. It may be the
image of a war god, such as Mars or Thor, or it may be an image of a fighter out of the
past, such as a gladiator. You may even choose something from popular fiction, such as
a television hero, or villain. The important thing is that you stick with the image you have
chosen and not jump around from one to the next. If you do that, all you will achieve is
confusion. With much practice, it is possible to take on different characters for different
tasks, but at this stage in your training it is best to keep things as simple as possible.
Psychic warfare can become complicated enough without making it more so.
Once you have chosen your character, you should obtain a picture that will approximate it.
Let us say, for the sake of an example, that you have chosen a classical Greek warrior.
The first thing that you should do is take your body to the local library and look through
every book which might have a picture of this warrior. In this case, there should be quite a
few. Go through them and choose the one which is most appealing to you and make a
photocopy of it. It is considered extremely bad manners to tear pictures out of library
books and you must consider this kind of vandalism beneath you. (The concept that
certain actions are beneath your dignity may seem out of place in the context of this
material, but part of being powerful is deciding what you will not do as well as knowing that
you are able to.)
Take the picture home and glue it to a piece of cardboard so that you can stand in front of
you on a desk or table. Study it quite closely. Note the attitude on the face, the type of
armor, the shape of the helmet, the weapons, everything that you can. Once you have
done this for a few minutes, close your eyes and see yourself as this warrior. Imagine
yourself to be in the image of the picture. Feel the weight of the armor on your body, the
helmet on your head. Hold the weapon in your hand and be prepared to use it.
Work on holding this image in your imagination and you do your power exercise, imagine
yourself in the guise of this warrior. As a warrior needs certain qualities for fighting, it is a
good idea to make a list of the qualities you desire and make your imagined character
possess them all. Now be a little practical at this point. It will do you no good to imagine
that you can blow up things by merely looking at them. Do not set impossible goals for
yourself. After all, there are enough people out there who would like to set them for you if
you were to be weak enough to let them. It is far better to keep the qualities in more
general terms, such as strength of mind, courage, perseverance in the face of great
adversity, feral cunning (psychic combat can require a bit of sneakiness) and downright
Meditate upon this image and the qualities you desire for a couple of weeks until you feel
truly comfortable with the new you and then take it out on a trial run.
There is nothing like a little imaginary combat to get the juices flowing for the battle of life.
Therefore the time has come for you to go out in your armor and fight a dragon, or a troll,
or whatever else comes to mind.

Imagine yourself in full armor. Now, in your mind, get up from your chair and walk to the
door, out of your home and imagine that there is an entrance to a tunnel opening before
you. Enter the tunnel and descend, holding your shield before your body.
Quite suddenly, an angry troll appears before you with a large axe. He swings the axe at
you and you deflect it with your shield, drawing your sword at the same time. You use
your shield to knock the troll to the ground and you kill him with your sword as he tries to
You walk on and you see another warrior standing before you, waiting to give battle. You
say nothing, but attack immediately. Do not give him time to react, but strike quickly and
kill swiftly. This done, turn around and retrace your steps through the tunnel to the outside
world. When you have seated yourself, open your eyes and enjoy your first taste of astral
You should practice the above exercise on a regular basis, at least once a week. Never
forget that the first step in becoming a warrior is to think of yourself as being one. There is
one thing which you should be careful of in using this exercise and that is making certain
that your confidence does not become truculence. You are training for psychic combat,
not physical brawls and purpose of much of this work is to insure your physical safety as
well, so do not think that just because you have just clobbered a bunch of imaginary thugs
that you can go into a bar and behave like one yourself. Thats the quick way to be
mistaken for a gravel truck driver.
It is now necessary to touch an a matter that has caused more trouble to people than it is
worth. You may have encountered it before in other works and this is the subject of diet.
The only rule which applies in psychic warfare is that it is of less importance what you eat
than that you eat enough. There is one school which insists that a person should become
a vegetarian as that regime will make him more sensitive to the psychic forces around
him. There two very significant arguments against this course. First and foremost, there
is not one shred of reliable evidence that a vegetarian diet increases psychic ability.
These same writers will then go to great length and detail describing the fabled powers of
Tibetan monks, blithely ignoring the fact that the Tibetan diet is not now, nor has it ever
been, vegetarian. The staples of the Tibetan food supply are beef, beer and barley, with a
little butter for the soup and the tea. You have no idea of the consternation which beset
some of the more extreme members of the Theosophical Society when, during the
summer of 1981, the Dalai Lama came to visit their headquarters with a squad of eight
monks and his Secret Service guards, none of whom are vegetarian. Apparently my
zealous brethren thought they bought their food supplies at the Dharmsala Heath Food
Emporium and New Age Candle Shoppe.
The second case lies in the fact that any sudden change in diet, from carnivore to hay-
burner or the reverse is simply not healthy. As a devoted devourer of flesh, I suffered
terribly every time I attended a Theosophical Society convention from what can only be
called withdrawal.
Likewise, the vegetarian should not start eating meat merely because he is about to go to
war. This change can also be quite distressing and the system of a vegetarian, especially
after years of practice, can be as unfriendly to hamburgers as mine is to sprouts. The fact

is that the body becomes used to the type of food that it takes in and does not react with
kindness to sudden shifts in intake.
In the matter of diet, therefore, the best approach is the same as in all other matters and
that is to use some common sense. There is no advantage to be gained in this practice
by the use of one diet as opposed to another. It may be true that in some rare individuals,
who have not been studied, a change in eating habits may result in an increase in psychic
abilities, but this is more than offset by the serious difficulties such a change can cause for
most others, particularly when they need to be as free as possible from such concerns.
During the course of this study, I urge you to stick as closely as possible to your normal
habits of living. That way, when the hour of battle comes, you will be able to concentrate
upon the situation at hand, without having to concern yourself with extraneous garbage.

"Listen up, Meatheads!" Anonymous Drill Instructor
"Whoso neglects learning in his youth, loses the past and is dead for the future."

Now that we have you well on your way to thinking and feeling like a psychic warrior
should, it is possible to begin teaching you how to make use of the most basic and
important weapon you possess. That weapon is, as you might well expect, your mind.
I assume that I am safe in believing that you are by this time somewhat aware of the
various psychic powers which are available to those who are diligent in attempting to
develop them. You may have even studied some methods of using those powers. In this
chapter we are going to study the use of meditation and visualization as adjuncts to
psychic combat, both in the offensive and defensive roles.
It is good to begin with a little theory. This may seem either boring to you or ridiculous, but
please bear with me. It is important that you realize the nature of the weapons you will be
fighting with. By knowing this, you will find the succeeding chapters much easier to
There are certain assumptions current about the nature of the cosmos. Most of these
need not concern us, especially those models in current vogue which may have some
value as ideas to play with, but are totally unprovable. Likewise, the notion that some find
comforting (the Gods alone know why) which states that individuals are not really
individual but merely some weird expression of a cosmic all is not only unprovable, but
probably untrue. I use the word probably because we can never be entirely sure in such
matters. The usual adjunct to the latter is the belief that there are no separate entities,
only one vast web of undefined energy. It is likely true that everything is connected at the
deepest level of existence, and certainly it is a convenient theory to justify why all this
psychic/magick stuff works, but we do not truly experience that level even though we will
make use of it.
Even so, carried to its logical extreme, monism becomes laughable. If anyone starts
thinking that he is his desk he is going to have some problems with living that make being
on the receiving end of a psionic attack feel like a nice outing by comparison.
The more practical, and thus probably more accurate, view is to imagine an infinite
number of clumps of energy, in varying degrees of solidity, capable of interacting at
various levels, but nevertheless functionally separate.
In other words, I am not you and you are not me. Unless we are willing to understand the
fact of this separation of parts, we are not going to accomplish anything.
The basic energy that makes up these clumps is the same for all clumps, varying only in
degree of solidity and intensity. Furthermore, this energy has the habit of sticking to
things. Thus, if a person has a photograph taken, a part of that person's energy is going
to be captured by the light that makes the photograph, put into the chemicals and even
printed each time with the photo. The individual whose picture has been taken can,

therefore, be manipulated through the photographic image. the usefulness of this will
become apparent as we go along.
This essential stickiness causes the energy to form its various shapes and the manner in
which it gathers together ultimately determines the nature of the resulting object or being.
A rock has a different pattern of energy than a person and if there are gods, their energy
patterns would be different still. But, in its final form, it is all the same energy and that is
why we are able to work with it.
In the human body, which is the form with which we are most concerned, the energy takes
a number of differing forms at the same time, of varying functions and density. The
densest energy grouping is what we know as the physical body. Here the energy has
formed matter. Surrounding, interpenetrating and forming the pattern of the physical body
is what we call the etheric body. Of greatest importance to our work is that the etheric
body is the fundamental structure of the physical body, something like the steel framework
that a skyscraper is hung on. Anything, repeat, anything which takes place in the physical
body shows up at some time in the etheric body, first if it is a natural condition, afterward if
the condition is produced by the environment. We can consider anything which does not
have its origin in the etheric body as being environmental. Cancer, for example, is usually
a condition which shows up long before its physical manifestation as a pattern in the
etheric body, while the effects of being hit by a falling rock show up only after the fact,
assuming the subject has survived. Also, anything which occurs in the mind of the subject
will have a counterpart at some level of the etheric body. Thus, if a person is thinking
about dinner, a careful analysis of the etheric body will find an image of dinner floating
around. Anything which affects the person will leave a mark in the etheric body, even if
that thing is not physical and by manipulating the etheric body, the person himself may be
Got that?
Now guess what. It gets more complicated now. The energy which make up the etheric
bodies of all of us is floating around all over the place. It works as connecting wires
between individuals and can be used the same way phone wires are. It is also very easy
to work with, once you develop the skill and can be made into small clumps of etheric
matter which will act on anyone they run into.

This energy field exists, as I have stated, in varying degrees of density and the human has
an etheric body of varying density levels around him. It is generally assumed that the
energy which functions as the mind is less dense than that which goes to create the
physical body. These levels have different names and it is possible to go into great detail
both in studying and working with them. Fortunately, the purpose of this book does not
require that and we may simply use the term "etheric" for all that is not physical. This will
help to eliminate confusion. The important thing for you to understand is that each degree
of density effects each other density, thus if we assign the physical body a level of 1, the
denser etheric a level of 2 and the less dense a level of 3, we can see a that a disturbance

at level 3 will create a corresponding disturbance at level 2 and finally create a condition in
the physical body.
But this energy can do more than that. It can create coincidences.
This is the part of psychic research that drives everyone nuts. It is related to
psychokinesis and to make matters a little simpler we will define the sort of things that are
usually called PK, such as breaking china or bending spoons as True PK. We will call the
other kind Incidental, or IPK.
I will give a couple of examples to explain the difference as it might relate to our work.
First, True PK would act something like this:
Dr. Radionic is coming out of a meeting at the annual Psychic Warfare Conference. To
get to his car he takes a shortcut down a dark street and notices out the side of his eye
that a rather unpleasant individual is loitering in a shadow. The doctor prepares himself
for battle and when the stranger acts as expected and moves toward the doctor implying
by word and gesture that the doctor should turn over to him his worldly goods, the doctor
fires a blast from his eyes and the mugger is immediately engulfed in a ball of fire.
Unfortunately, we cannot do that yet. It is being worked on and when the problem has
been solved CSICOP will be the first to know.
IPK works a bit differently. Again, Dr. Radionic is coming from the Psychic Warfare
Conference and is heading for his car. This time however, he has set up a defensive field
using the energy that have been speaking of and when the mugger prepares to attack, an
air-conditioner that has been poorly mounted in a window fifteen stories up decides to
come loose and falls, killing the mugger most thoroughly and, I might add, most
For obvious reasons, we will work with IPK rather than True PK. It is easier to produce
and always much less spectacular, therefore less troublesome. The only real difficulty
with IPK is that is very hard to explain why it works. We can be certain that something is
going on with etheric energy, but we have no idea what. Therefore, I am going to have to
ask you to accept the fact that things can be caused to occur, even though we cannot
explain why.
But enough of my babbling. You want to get started and I am not going to disappoint you.
Please refer to Figure 2. This is a very rough sketch of the three types of etheric energy
involved in the human body. When you work to produce a thought, an idea or an attitude
in your target, you will be directing energies that work in the level of the Fine Etheric, what
are termed either the mental or emotional levels in other writings. When you seek to
produce any physical change, you will target the denser levels of the etheric body.
As all activities in this area begin with ability to meditate, we will now consider the best
way to approach this subject. First off, you should not be frightened by the word. I do not
expect you to stand on your head and eat brown rice. You do not even have to wear a
purple sheet or shave your head. In fact, in our work the more normal your life, the better.
Meditation is nothing more than the ability to concentrate your thoughts on a single target.
If you have been following the exercises in last chapter, you should be well on your way to
being able to hold a coherent picture in your head. This ability is the most important one

you can master in psychic warfare. It is as important as a soldier knowing which end of
the gun the bullets come out of. The practice of holding a picture in your mind is called
visualization. It is sometimes difficult to master and millions of words have been written on
the subject, most of them in Sanskrit. I have found, however, that if you work with your
memory, you should have little trouble in keeping the pictures in place. If they move
around, you must not be concerned. The talent improves with practice.
The major difference between the exercises we will now study and the ones in the
previous chapter is that the exercises that you have been doing are purely internal,
psychological ones, designed to train your basic instincts away from years of social
conditioning. Now we are going to work on setting up patterns in etheric by using
meditation as your basic tool. There are a few differences, so pay close attention.
The psychological exercises can be considered a form of reverie, day-dreaming, if you
will. The method we will now begin to use is much more active and will produce more
concrete results.
You begin by sitting comfortably in the same place and posture a you have been using. If
it works, there is no reason to change it. Close your eyes and try to see a spot of light in
the center of your forehead. This may take a little time to master, so if it does not come
right away, please do not feel discouraged.
While seeing the dot of light, concentrate on the dot and your breathing. To aid in this,
you should use a mantra, which is, in effect, nothing more than a word or sound. I have
found that the old Tantric method of using So and Hum, the sound of the breath being
inhaled and exhaled, are the best to begin with. They are simple and have no meaning.
As you inhale, think the word So and as you exhale, think the word Hum. Do not try to
regulate the pattern of your breathing. Your body will do that for you. Some teachers
make a big deal out of regular breathing, but I have found that the pupil spends so much
time worrying about that he cannot work on anything else. Trust your innards. They know
what pattern of breathing works best for you.
You should, however, make a habit of breathing from your diaphragm, at least when you
do these exercises. This practice will bring air deeply into your lungs and is a great help
not only in concentration, but also in gathering energy from the cosmos. This Vital
Energy, otherwise known as Prana in certain texts, is then distributed around your body
and will increase your abilities to function not only in the psychic, but the physical world as
So breathe any way that is comfortable, holding the spot of light and thinking So and Hum.
Continue this for at least a week, once a day.
Once you have become used to holding the dot of light, you will be ready for the next step.
It is said that the best defense is a good offense. In traditional psychic warfare the reverse
is often true. Therefore, we will start by programming your etheric body for defense.
Before we begin, it is well to consider the nature of the operation you are undertaking. It is
quite easy and the only problem you should be aware of lies in its limitations, the most
significant of these being the fact that it is impossible to maintain and etheric defense of
this type for twenty-four hours a day. There will be times when it is not totally functioning

and if you fail to take that into account, you may encounter some difficulties. There are
ways around this problem and we will cover them in due course.
But that one caution aside, you will find that by creating a psychic shield around your body
you can stave off a number of problems. As I said, it is quite easy and you do not even
have to wear garlic around your neck.
While you are meditating, try to imagine your body. See yourself sitting in your chair,
calmly breathing (do not stop this, it is not healthy). Once you have this image, see your
body surrounded by light. Know that this light is your etheric body. Once you can see
this, begin to increase the intensity of the light. This will create a corresponding increase
in the strength of your etheric body. See this increased light glow with tremendous power.
At this point I have to add an aside. Most authorities would have you try to see this light
as a particular color, usually white or blue. If you can do this, fine. If you cannot, and
most beginners cannot, do not be bothered. It is sufficient that you be aware of the
presence of the light around your body.
As you feel the power of your etheric body grow, begin to think, in terms of command, that
you are now surrounded by an armor of light and no hostile or dangerous force may
approach you. Keep this up for a few minutes. It may even be advisable for you to create
a short invocation to your own mind of the power which may go something like this:
"I am surrounded by the brilliant, powerful light of the universe. Nothing which can harm
me, or even oppose me is able to approach me."
The more often you repeat this, the more effective it will become. One way of helping you
to hold the image while repeating your invocation is to take a length of string and tie 25
small knots into it. Hold this string in your right hand and each time you say or think the
invocation move it one knot. The method is similar to the use of a rosary in the various
religious traditions, to keep track of prayers or mantras. I suggest using the string
because it has no such religious implications, something which can on occasion be
disturbing to a student. It certainly bothered me at first.
It may be that you will have some trouble holding the image of yourself with the light
surrounding you. If this should be the case, do not bother yourself overmuch about it. We
all have things which are not as easy for us as they might be for somebody else. A good
alternative method is use the same invocation, but visualize the sun spreading its rays
down over you. It is only necessary to see the sun in this assume the rest is happening.
It is here that the value of the counting string shows up.
One of the greatest difficulties in any work requiring visualization lies in the fact that it can
be very difficult to hold an image for any length of time. The mind loves to wander and
sooner do you have the sun than the smiling face of the loan officer at the bank will
appear. This can be very annoying and positively disastrous in psychic work.
The string helps you overcome this problem. As you move the knots, pause before
repeating the invocation until you are holding the image that you wish. Do this with each
repetition. You will find that the image will become steadier and held longer as your mind
becomes trained and loses its tendency to conjure up things best forgotten. Thus you
would begin by imagining the sun in all its brightness, pouring down its glorious rays upon
you, filling your etheric body with strength and power. As you hold this image, you will

repeat the invocation. You move the string to the next knot and start over again. Do this
until you have gone through the entire string.
Well, what is accomplished by all of this? One of the functions of the etheric body is to
protect you from random psychic influences. In this role it works quite well on its own or
we would all go insane very quickly. When you strengthen your etheric body in this way,
you are not only increasing its power to shield against those influences, but also causing it
to create counter-influences which can block some problems at their source.
For example, let us say that your mother-in-law is coming for a visit and in the traditional
manner of such individuals she is an obnoxious old biddy. So obnoxious in fact, that the
last time she was at your home you almost attacked her with a spatula and was only
prevented from doing so by your wife's screaming that all the commotion would ruin the
souffle. This time, however, things will be different, you bought a new harness gag for
your wife. Sorry, couldn't resist it. Seriously, you have read this marvelous volume and
digested the magnificence of the wisdom herein (I have never believed in false modesty)
and have built up your etheric body as an invisible and impenetrable shield, like they used
to use to sell toothpaste. You mother-in-law comes in, ready to raise a fuss about the
carpet and runs smack into your field. All of the energy which she puts into her dreadful
character gets blocked and she, depressed because she cannot so much as cause you to
raise an eyebrow, leaves and goes to visit your sister-in-law, there to nag about that
woman's husband and his latest arrest for drunk driving (what it is, ten now?).
As you can imagine, this technique can be used not only to protect your person, but your
property as well. The method is the same, only in this case you will visualize the energy
surrounding your house or your car or anything else that needs protecting. I have a friend
who once used it to protect the food in the refrigerator from the baby-sitter.
At this point, I can hear the loud protest that things do not have etheric bodies.
The level of influence that can be exerted through the etheric field of a rock is somewhat
limited (unless it is a crystal and then things get somewhat complicated), but there is still a
field. Remember that the whole universe is built on this stuff. Objects do not have the
same type of fields that people have, but they have a reservoir of etheric energy that
makes it possible for a defensive, or even offensive, field to be placed in position
surrounding an object. This field will act the same as the field surrounding you, except for
the fact that it will only do what it is programmed to do. You must also continue to
recharge it.
Recharging a field is a very simple and easy process, one which you should carry out
even in fields around yourself. When you recharge a field, all you must do is visualize the
field as you saw it when you put it into position in the first place. Then imagine this field
being filled with power, just as a battery is refilled with electricity when you charge it. See
the field glowing more strongly with every charge, until it is as strong as you think
necessary. At that point, give it another dose just to make sure. After all, we all have our
moments of laziness.
A common question which arises when the creation of an etheric defense field is
discussed is the one about color. As you become more adept at this art, you will be able

to imagine these fields not merely as glowing light, but as colored light and there is some
argument over which color is the best to use.
Most authorities on these matters will have you use white light for all fields. The rational
behind this is that white is the combination of all colors and it has a certain virtuous
symbolism attached to it, such as goodness, purity and other such useless and disgusting
ideas. My personal experience has it slightly different.
If the field is to be purely defensive, white is a very good color, but there are some others
which work even better. A defense must have certain solidity about it, to it is better
sometimes to choose a color which implies that solidity or density. Black is an excellent
color, especially if you wish to defend a large area. A well charged black field will have a
terribly depressing and often frightening affect on anyone who enters it. The drawback of
this color is that will have the same effect on everyone, even those whom you would wish
to welcome. A field is very hard to make selective. This means that if you place a very
strong, black field around your backyard, you may discover that your neighbors are less
friendly than they used to be. On the other hand, the same field around THEIR backyard
may make them move.
Brown is another excellent color, with a little less of problems which come with black. It
can create a firm, solid defense, and will not be so inimical to everyone. by the same
token, it may not be as effective. The person entering a brown field may barely notice it
unless he has mischief on his mind, in which case he should feel an oppressive sensation
which may deter him, but it will not chill his blood like a black field.
The best way around this problem is to use different fields in the same general area. For
example, you can divide your property into areas and decide which defense is best for
each area. The back yard may only need a brown field, while the garage may need a
black one. This will some require some work on your part, but the results will improve
If you wish the field to function as an aggressive defense, such as the anti-mother-in-law
field of my example, the best color is red. A red field has a tendency to broadcast better
than any other color and this reason for this should be obvious. Red is the color that is
most associated with aggression. By seeing your field in this color, your subconscious
mind will add the necessary aggressive emphasis which will cause the field to have its
Under normal circumstances, you will have plenty of time to create your fields, and, as you
are aware of the problems which you are likely to face which may require such a defense,
you should have little difficulty in tailoring your fields to those problems. There may come
times, however, when you need something very fast, as in a family situation where it
seems that there is a definite tension in the air, nothing visible, or even measurable by
normal instruments, but clearly there as the result of real big argument an hour before.
This tension is the result of the etheric bodies of the people involved in the dispute being
made denser by the tremendous emotions released to the point where their influence and
anger can be felt by anyone who runs into them. Furthermore, the energy put into them
has expanded these bodies to the point where they cover more three-dimensional space
than they normally would.

when you expand your etheric body, you are pushing it out so that it can run into other
etheric bodies. This is an aggressive action. In defense, you do the same thing, only this
time you are creating a wall which will keep the other bodies, or energies from reaching
you. to accomplish this, we again use visualization.
As you meditate, see yourself surrounded by the field of light that is your etheric body.
You should have little difficulty with this by now. You may even be able to tell the
difference between the dense etheric and the fine etheric, but that is not necessary. As
you visualize your etheric body, see the boundaries of the body. Be as specific as
possible in this. For example, you might determine that your etheric body extends to
about the door, or some piece of furniture.
This is an aggressive action. In defense, you do the same thing, only this time you are
creating a wall which will keep the other bodies, or energies from reaching you. to
accomplish this, we again use visualization.
As you meditate, see yourself surrounded by the field of light that is your etheric body.
You should have little difficulty with this by now. You may even be able to tell the
difference between the dense etheric and the fine etheric, but that is not necessary. As
you visualize your etheric body, see the boundaries of the body. Be as specific as
possible in this. For example, you might determine that your etheric body extends to
about the door, or some piece of furniture. Anything may be used for a marking point.
Once you have an idea of how large the field is, begin to see it growing, so that if it
reaches the chair on your right, see it cover that chair completely and reach beyond it.
See yourself as being at the center of an expanding ball of light.
In defensive work, this expanded ball will act as a barrier, as it would in its normal size.
The advantage in expansion comes from the fact that by making the field spread out
farther, it will act as a cushion to protect you from any incoming thought-forms. Thought-
forms are very strong clumps of etheric energy and you will study them in great detail very
soon. All you need to know at this point is than an expanded and strengthened field can
act as one defense against them.
This expanded field will also block any other field which might interfere with yours. A
tension-filled room can be a great psychic and, on very rare occasions, physical danger in
the long run, but the expanded etheric body will keep that energy from affecting you and
thus improve both your physical and mental health.
The use of the a sculptured field is for more specific circumstances. Let us say that you
have to spend some part of each day walking in an area which is notorious for thieves,
cut-throats and panhandlers. The sculptured field is one of several ways of dealing with
this problem.
To solve the situation, you will need a field defense which will be more aggressive than
passive. After all, it is better to deter the enemy from wishing to attack you than to deal
with the attack as it occurs.
When you visualize, see yourself surrounded by a suit of armor, red armor. You should
practice this for about ten minutes each day until you can actually see the armor around
you. Imagine it as flashing with brilliant light, blinding any who would oppose you and

terrifying any who would endanger you. Eventually you may get to the point where you
can even the see the faint outline of the armor around yourself as you look in the mirror.
Do this exercise every day before you go out the door and as you continue it, the field will
become stronger and you will be able to walk down the street and fear nothing. You will
notice that people will get out of your way and some may even cross the street in order to
avoid you.
Now this is an excellent thing to have happen, not only where there is a certain physical
danger, also where there is the potential for great annoyance, such as a crowded
supermarket. The only drawback is that you must also be able to turn off the field or you
may find that people react to you as if you had run out of deodorant.
To avoid this, it may be necessary to add a modifier to the original program, such as a
ritual word or gesture which will activate the field. In my case, I evolved a gesture very
similar to pulling a visor down over my face. By adding the information that such an act
was turning on the armor and its reverse, raising the visor, was turning it off, I
programmed the field to act only when I wanted it to and saved myself some problems. It
is not hard. All you need do is know that your chosen act or word will have the desired
effect and your mind will do the rest.
There is another, much rarer, use for this kind of armor and that is in preparation for actual
psychic combat.
Let us assume that you have made the enemies list of the local clairvoyant. To be
specific, a clairvoyant, for our purpose, will be defined as a person who can, with little
difficulty and some accuracy, see the etheric fields of a person. Many people have this
talent in rudimentary form and a few are quite good at it. It is not, incidentally, a talent to
be desired, for without good training it can be more of a curse than a blessing.
If you should find yourself in a situation where such a danger exists, your best course is to
practice a bit of psychic intimidation. Understand that clairvoyant sees the etheric body as
a field of colors and makes judgments on the basis of this information. Therefore, the
moment he sees the red, he will think of great hostility and as he picks out the shape of
the armor, he will decide that he is not going to bite off more than he can chew. He is
unlikely to attack anyone who can create such a defense and may change his tune, going
out of his way to gain your friendship. In this case, therefore, you will have won the battle
before it began and should it turn into a genuine psychic brawl, you will already have
taken the high ground, for in psychic combat, if your opponent can be made to fear you,
your victory is assured.
An aggressive field can also be used as a weapon. Let us say that you have acquired,
through no fault of anyone but the local real estate broker, some undesirable neighbors.
(And that is not really his fault either because by law he has to see to whomever has the
money, so don't waste time attacking him.) You want those people out of there and you
want to do it without any legal hassles, which might result if you burn the house down, to
say nothing of the damage a burned out hulk would do to your own property values. The
answer to this problem lies in the use of a field placed around the house itself.
You begin by visualizing the neighbor's house encased in a black cloud, sealing it off from
the outside world. Then you charge the cloud with a simple command, to the effect that

no evil shall escape that house and no good shall enter it. In essence, you are then
turning that house into a form of psychic pressure cooker which will, depending upon the
degree of unpleasantness manifested by the new residents, ultimately drive them to utter
distraction. But you should be warned that the results of this may be very unpleasant and
very, very spectacular.
The same method may be used against institutional structures, such as an office building,
or even against individuals. In the latter case, the results may be striking. A close friend
of mine used this technique against the opposing lawyer in an estate case and the man
had to have his leg cut off and then she was actually unhappy that that happened, to my
great annoyance. So be prepared and realize that this form of attack is not to be used by
those still afflicted with a conscience.

"And like hail fell the plunging cannon-shot" Guy Humphries-McMaster

Let the battle commence! The thought-form is one of the most potent psychic weapons
you can master, so give this chapter a lot of study. We will begin by considering what a
thought-form is and how it works.
The idea that thought somehow has mass is a bit hard to believe, but, in the psychic
sense, this is exactly the case. There are conflicting views of just what a thought-form is
made up of and how it works, but, in its essence, a thought-form is a clump of etheric
matter, from the finest level of the etheric, molded into a shape, strengthened with energy
and given a particular instruction. When released by its user, the thought-form flies to its
target instantaneously and carries out its instructions with an effectiveness that is subject
to a number of variables. These variables are:
1) The amount of energy in the thought-form
2) The amount of energy needed under normal circumstances to complete the assigned
task and
3) The nature of the target. Is it open or defended.
Let us give an example. You desire that the Secretary of Defense choose your company's
bombs over those of your competitors. In order that his thoughts will be directed in that
way, you decide to use the thought-form technique to influence him and his decision. In
the process of creating your thought-form, you determine that he has no extraordinary
resistance to your bombs and that an ordinary thought-form will be sufficient. You create
the thought-form in the manner which I will describe presently and send it blasting to your
target. The thought-form locks onto his etheric body at one of the finer levels and places
the idea in his mind that your product is exactly what he has been looking for.
The process is, as you can readily see, extremely simple and the creation of a thought-
form is likewise so, so simple in fact that we are creating them all the time, mostly without
any conscious knowledge of the fact.
Whenever a thought is sent out from the mind, it gathers a certain amount of energy, that
energy being in direct relation to the clarity of the thought and the will with which it is
directed. This energy forms a small clump around the thought, creating the thought-form.
So as you can imagine, there are quite a few thought-forms floating around out there and
we all run into them during course of an average day. Fortunately, the overwhelming bulk
of them are quite ineffective.
As to the effectiveness of a thought-form, it is in relation to the qualities I have stated.
Thus it is obvious why most thought-forms are not effective at all. People, on the whole,
do not think very clearly. Even their strongest desires, the ones which we would expect to
create the most powerful thought-forms, are usually quite muddled. There are always little
side thoughts and feelings which get intermingled with the expressed desire and thus ruin
the cohesiveness of the thought. Hence, a thought may be sent forth with a tremendous
will behind it, but because the thinker has no clarity to his thought, it totally fails to

accomplish anything except frustrate the sender. It is for this reason that a clear thought,
even with a little energy, will be more effective than a highly energized mass of conflicting
This is a reason why most attempts at making group thought-forms fail. Each individual
comes to the group with is own agenda and as all these get mixed up in the soup, the
resulting thought-form tends to be an amorphous mass with no effectiveness at all.
There are different types of thought-forms for different purposes. The thought-form can be
used in conjunction with a field to create an extremely powerful defense. It can function
as a defense on its own, in which case the defense is usually of an aggressive type. It
can be purely aggressive in nature, the equivalent of a psychic cannon shot.
So on to the creation and use of these prodigies. You have by this time some good
experience in meditation, I must assume. If you have been experimenting with the
material in the previous chapter you have already learned much of what you need to
know. The visualization technique is similar, but you must work on clarity. Remember,
the clearer the thought, the more effective the thought-form.
There are three inherent characteristics in a functional thought-form. These
characteristics are form, function and identity. It is possible to create a very short-term
thought-form with simply form and function, but any thought-form which is going to last,
you must also give it an identity, or a name. The name is not so much important to the
thought-form, which will have a very limited intelligence at best, but to yourself, because it
makes calling up the function of that thought-form so much easier.
Let us start with form. The purpose of a thought-form may be embodied in its shape, as
we recognize that certain shapes have an intrinsic meaning, that once they are seen the
individual always knows what they imply. For example, a shield is always defensive, even
if it takes an aggressive role. A sword, having two edges, can seem either aggressive or
defensive in its nature, but always combative. A spear and its modern variant, the rocket,
is always aggressive. Other forms can be either aggressive or defensive or both
depending upon their nature or the purpose with which they are created. It is impossible
to list them, so you will have to do some thinking on that yourself and decide which form is
best for you.
When you meditate for the purpose of creating a thought-form, you must set aside a
certain number of minutes each day and practice visualizing objects. Keep them simple,
like shields, daggers, bombs, fun stuff. (This is, after all, a book on psychic warfare.) Get
real good at this, because the clearer the form the more effective the thought-form.

Let us say that you wish to create a thought-form which will protect your car from getting
speeding tickets. Spend some time and think about just what it is you want the thought-
form to do. You do not want to make the car invisible to the police, because then they
might run into it while chasing someone else. Such things occur all too frequently without
any psychic help. What you do want is to avoid getting caught. With this in mind you
decide that you will make a thought-form which will prevent the police from interfering with
your driving. You will want a shape which will be easy to visualize and symbolize
protection. but you want that protection to be of an active sort, to block the problem
before it occurs. For this purpose, therefore, you choose a sword which will hang over the
car with its point aiming at the front end.
Meditate upon this image and as you form the sword in your mind's eye, instruct it in what
it is supposed to do and give it a name, Copperstopper will do quite nicely, and place it in
position over the car. After you have done this, spend about two weeks charging it, which
means that every day spend a few minutes visualizing the sword as being filled with

etheric energy, all the time reminding it that its name is Copperstopper and its function is
to prevent you from being stopped by the police for any reason.
Continue to fill the thought-form until you feel that it is packed enough and your mind
starts to wander. A good idea is to assign a certain amount of time for the filling of the
thought-form, such as four or five minutes and use a timer to help you get until you get the
hang of it. Thought-forms tend to run down, like a car battery and thus a little
maintenance can save you a lot of trouble.
Once the thought-form has been created and given its initial charge, recharging it is
extremely easy. You meditate as usual, visualizing the thought-form by calling up its
name. Once you see the thought-form, you visualize it as being filled with light for a
couple of minutes, at the same time repeating its program. This may seem like a silly little
exercise until one day as you are merrily driving along at only 20 miles over the limit and
you notice out of the corner of your eye a shadowy thing rushing forward from your car.
You give it little thought until you pass the demolished, twisted, smoking wreckage of what
was a police car that has just been hit by a cement truck travelling at 50 miles per hour
over the speed limit.
A short-term thought-form works a little differently and you should practice making them
as well. This type of thought-form exists only as long as the thought-energy is being put
into it and ceases as soon as the energy runs out. Its primary use is in immediate psychic
communication, or combat, where there has been no preliminary psychic work done.
Most psychic communication is done in the form of waves, the radio wave being the much
overused and abused analogy. The thought-form actually has its beginning in these
waves, but it is not necessary to explain the relationship in this volume. Suffice it to say
that the wave is not as effective as the thought-form because the thought-form puts out
more energy for less work and its energy is received with less difficulty. Like any method,
however, it requires some practice.
Next time you are in a movie theater, and you discover that you have made the dreadful
mistake of listening to the critics (never listen to movie critics, they wouldn't know a good
movie if they fell over it) and have plunked down your money for some piece of
pretentious crap, try to recoup your losses by having a little fun with the people in the next
row. Once you have chosen your victim, sit back and relax yourself, using a few deep
breaths, maybe doing the so hum exercise.
Now, begin to create your thought-form in the shape of a rocket. Visualize it as clearly as
you can and instruct it to give its target a splitting headache. Work on this for a minute or
two and send it off to the back of your victim's head, visualizing it as hitting and exploding.
Once that is done, wait a few minutes and watch your target to see if he is reacting.
Usually, the effect will be obvious almost immediately, but there are those occasions
where it is delayed. If you get bored waiting, create another one to reinforce the first and
send it off. In a short time, the target will not be very interested in the movie. This was, I
am told, a favorite technique many years ago when women wore large hats in theaters.
The above method is also extremely useful in those situations where one is somewhere
among people who have the lack of consideration to not only have small children, but also
to bring them to places where the little monsters are not wanted, like everywhere civilized

people gather. By blasting away at the parents stomachs, one will quickly eliminate any
patience they have with their little beasts and it will not be long until they become
completely frazzled and drag their urchins away.
As you can well imagine, this method is purely aggressive and has no defensive purpose,
except that the best defense is a good offense. It is only one weakness, and that it is not
usually able to penetrate a well-made defensive field. For that, you need the thought-
forms we will come to later. Other than that, it is excellent for any social or business
gathering in which you are in danger of being annoyed. Let me give you another example.
You are eating dinner in a fine restaurant and the someone at the next table decides to let
his disgusting and obnoxious child run loose. Now you can always use the roll plate for a
killer Frisbee and knock out his brains (assuming there are any), or you may use a
thought-form, which has the advantage not having to be explained to a jury. This time,
however, instead of aiming at his head, you aim at the solar plexus, which is also the pit of
the stomach, a highly appropriate target, given the circumstances. Instead of
commanding the rocket to give him a headache, however, you order it to cause massive
indigestion, of the type that is sometimes confused for a heart attack. The effect of this on
someone who has eaten a large meal is truly amazing and, depending upon the degree of
your annoyance, often quite entertaining. But I am certain that your imagination can give
you more than enough material to work on. I would caution you against using this
technique while driving. I know how tempting it is to try to send the crowded school bus
careening off the bridge, but remember that any degree of visualization work must require
some serious concentration and you may find yourself so busy merrily wrecking another
car that you do not see the cement truck coming at YOU or your own car about to
scoutmaster the truck in front of you.
A long-term thought-form will come in one of two types, those which are in constant use
and those which are designed to function only at certain periods of the year. The one I
described to protect your driving record is a type of constant use thought-form. Period use
thought-forms are like the family gun collection. You may never need them, but if you do,
they had better be there. They are created in the same manner as the type in continuous
use, but it is not necessary to keep them charged continuously. Rather, they are made,
given a good charge for a time and then forgotten until needed.
Let us say that once a year you have to make a business trip to a large and unfriendly city,
noted for the bad condition of its street lighting and the obnoxious, if not criminal, habits of
its citizenry. In other words, Milwaukee! Naturally, if it were not for your business, you
would not go near this place at all. But, travel you must, and thus you create a protective
thought-form which you activate before you leave.
The procedure is something like this. You decide which dangers you wish the thought-
form to ward off, being mugged, robbed in your hotel, murdered in the shower and being
ground up for bratwurst, etc. and once you have the purpose in mind, you choose a
shape. In this case you choose a shield as being the most appropriate. Then you pick a
color. As you have your armor for going out, you need only protect your hotel room and
your belongings. Thus, you make the shield black. Now, all it needs is a name, let us use
Arthur in this case. Once these preliminaries are attended to, you begin to meditate and
visualize the energy of the universe being formed into a black shield which will hang in

orbit over the city. You do this because you are not yet certain which hotel you will be in.
If you know, place the thought-form there. Work on the thought-form as being in place,
ready to be moved into position at your command. When you have a clear image in your
mind of the shield, you begin to program it with your instructions, in this case to prevent
any injury from befalling you or your property while in the city of X. As you repeat your
instructions, see the energy filling the shield, making it even blacker. Do this for about five
minutes each night for a few weeks before your trip. While in your hotel, bring the
thought-form into the room and keep it there, giving it a short boost every once in a while
until you are ready to return home. Then send the shield back up into orbit and forget
about it until you have to make the trip again. When that time is approaching, call up the
shield by visualizing it and thinking the name. You will contact the thought-form
immediately. Once you have done this, repeat the charging procedure and by the time
you leave, the shield will be armed and waiting for you.
You should keep in mind the fact that thought-forms work in two ways. They may, as in
the case of the standing ones, remain in fixed positions unless deliberately moved and
broadcast continuously, or they may speed to a target and release their energy in one
burst, like a bomb. The rocket thought-form I described is of that type. These can be
made quite powerful, especially if you are angry.
Let us say that you have been slighted in some way, perhaps the parking attendant was
rude and you are boiling mad about it, so mad that you cannot sleep.
Most people will say that being mad does nothing to the person with whom you are angry
and will only hurt you by causing your blood pressure to rise and other unhealthy things.
When such advice is given to ordinary folk, it is quite correct, for that anger will create a
thought-form which will attach itself to the etheric body at either the level of the solar
plexus, where it will wreck the digestion, or the heart, where it will wreck everything. But
the psychic warrior is not an ordinary person. He knows how to use his anger and, as the
saying goes, he does not get mad, he gets even. And he does not have to glue door locks
to do it.
Begin to meditate. Do not try to get away from the anger, but let it well up in you, filling
you to the point of almost overflowing. Review the incident in your mind, becoming more
and more indignant at each moment until you are ready to smash the furniture. Now,
while your blood is hot with fury, create in your mind the image of a bomb. See the anger
as red energy filling the bomb and making it powerful and dangerous. Keep filling the
bomb as you would fill a real one with high explosive. The image of the bomb will become
very real and solid. It may almost glow a little from the energy which is being put into it.
See the parking lot attendant. Get a good look at his face. Feel the anger, the hatred that
face inspires and pack that into the bomb. Finally, holding the image of your target firmly
in mind, drop the bomb! See it fall onto your target and then explode with a bright, red
light covering him. See him explode as well, with body parts and viscera flying all over.
Open your eyes, take a few good, deep breaths and relax. The attendant may not know
where the message came from, but you may be sure that he got it.
You may also create a thought-form which will hang in some place that the person spends
a lot of time, at work, if that is where you know he will be, or even in his home, or his car.
The thought-form is then charged with the command to attack and destroy the target by

some means, either through accident or disease. If the location of the thought-form is the
enemy's car, you can imagine the results of such an attack.
There is a final type of thought-form we will consider and that is the sticking thought-form,
also known as the parasite. This type of thought-form is often mistaken for a type of
psychic vampire, but while its function is much the same, its nature is far different.
The parasite is a stationary thought-form which is attached not to an object of place, but
rather to a person. It is not used very often anymore, at least by those who have learned
that psionic devices eliminate the need for it, but it is sometimes useful and hence I
include it here. Let us assume that you wish to keep an idea in the mind of a target, for
example, that his company will not be able to successfully compete with yours in getting
the landmine contract. You want to be certain that he being effected but for some reason
you do not feel the sort of direct psychic influence which we will cover later is appropriate.
To solve this problem, you create a stationary thought-form in the etheric body of the
target at one of the finer levels. This is accomplished by first visualizing the target and
visualizing his etheric body. You see the thought-form taking shape in that body and
becoming part of it. In the process of programming it, you instruct the thought-form that it
is to feed off the energy of the target's own etheric body and block his ability to sell
missiles. This thought-form need only be loaded a few times until you are certain that it is
functioning on its own and feeding from the target.
The parasite can also be used as a very powerful psychic weapon if you have the
patience. If you will recall, in my description of the nature of the etheric body, I stated that
everything that affects the physical body has a counterpart in the etheric body and most
diseases show up in the etheric body long before they do in the physical one. The
parasite, properly created and positioned, can create a disease condition in the target. It
is important that you know this because you cannot protect yourself against that which you
do not know about.
Up to now, I have discussed thought-forms with the assumption that the target is
undefended. Most of the time this will be the case. There will, however, be occasions
when you may discover that your operations are being thwarted and you will be at a loss
to discern a reason for their failure. At this point, you may begin to question whether or
not the target has a defense around it. If that should prove to be the case, and you will
learn later how to detect such a defense, you will be forced to defer your attack on the
target until the defense has been either breached or neutralized, just as if you were laying
siege to a fortress.
Psychic self-defense comes in four basic varieties with various combinations and
variations. These are 1) simple field defense, 2) strengthened field defense, 3) thought-
form defense and 4) psionic defense. It is necessary that you understand the differences
between these systems.
A simple field defense is exactly what we covered in the previous chapter. In spite of the
name, it is not always easy to over come, because the simple field can be charged just
like a thought-form. The only real differences are the density of the psychic matter and
the complexity of their functions.

A strengthened field is similar in nature to a simple field. The principal difference is that is
built with the aid of some ritual, such as are often found in books on psychic self-defense.
The nature of the ritual being to strengthen the output of the psychic function, these
defenses can be very strong indeed. The effectiveness of this defense varies widely with
each target and depends on a number of variables, such as the amount of faith the target
has in the rite, and the number of persons participating in the ritual.
The thought-form defense we have covered. A variant you may encounter is what we
may call the Guardian Angel (not to be confused with strange people in red hats who ride
busses). This is a peculiar thought-form which is created as a result of religious activity,
such as a mother praying for the safety of her offspring. The emotional output involved in
the manufacture of such a thought-form, combined with the fact that it is usually made by
a single person with a very clear purpose in mind can make this a very difficult thought-
form to penetrate. It is one of the reasons that religious leaders are difficult targets.
The fourth method we will cover in some detail later. The psionic defence is breakable,
but only with much work and persistence. A thought-form is usually unable to penetrate it
Of these four defenses, the simple field and the thought-form defense are the two most
likely to be penetrated by a thought-form. When attacking a target covered by the other
two, it will usually be necessary to use psionic techniques.
When faced with the probability of defense, you must first determine if this is, in fact, the
problem. It is quite possible that you have somehow failed to create a strong enough
thought-form in the first place. You may have neglected its charging, or the shape may be
inappropriate, such as using a spear for a defense. The instructions given may have been
incorrect. If none of the above applies, then it is time to look for the presence of a
defense. After all, you will not be the only one reading this book, at least I hope not.
There are methods for determining this and these will be explained in forthcoming
chapters, so you may want to read ahead if you are in a hurry.
Once you have determined that a defense is in position around your target, you must
analyze that defense and determine which type it is. Again, we will go into some detail
about that soon. But let us assume at this point that you have studied the target and have
determined that it is defended by nothing more than a simple field. You may attack this
field with a thought-form in one of two ways.
If you wish to breach the field directly, you must first analyze the field itself. It is possible
that its effects are not uniform over its coverage area. Assuming that such a gap exists, it
would probably be too small to permit a major breakthrough, but you can expand it.
Imagine a thought-form in the shape of a small cone coming to a very sharp point. Using
your imagination, place this cone at the edge of the opponent's field, with the point just
entering it. Every day, spend time visualizing this cone to be pushing further and further
into the enemy's field, creating a passage for your incoming thought-forms. This may take
a few days or even weeks before you get a tunnel that will permit your attack to succeed.
But once your cone has broken the field, you may create your attacking thought-form.
This thought-form should be made in the shape of a spear or rocket and include in its

command an instruction that it will enter the opponent's field through the gap made by the
When this method is not available, meaning that the enemy field is just too strong to
penetrate, you have to use something else. In this case a parasite thought-form can be
used to drain the power of the field.
When you meditate, visualize the field around the target. Try to see its limits as clearly as
you can and hold that image in your mind. Once you have done this, create a thought-
form just at the outer edge of the field. the function of this thought-form will be to drain the
energy of the field by feeding on it, so that as the field becomes weaker, the parasite will
become stronger. Once the parasite has done its work, you may then create a second
thought-form to attack the target, including in its instructions the command to devour the
parasite and use its energy to add to the loading that you have given it. Your attacking
thought-form will thus be advancing on the fuel provided by the victim, just as ancient
armies lived off food provided by the enemy.
The other form of defense which is vulnerable to thought-form attack is another thought-
form. Again, there are two fundamental methods of assault.
You begin by analyzing the defending thought-form. In doing this, you should, if possible,
determine the shape and color (if any), function and name (if any) of the thought-form. In
the case of a Guardian Angel type, for example, the thought-form may be unnamed. Most
importantly, you must determine the level of the strength of the thought-form. This last is
necessary in order that you will know how much work it will be to destroy the defense.
Let us assume that we are dealing with a gold Guardian Angel with a strength level of 63
out of 100 on a 0 to 100 scale. If you choose to use a parasite, it is a simple matter to
create it with the instruction to devour the target thought-form and send it on its way.
Each day, test the parasite and the strength of the target. The parasite should grow
progressively stronger as the target loses energy, but if your opponent is adding energy to
the defending thought-form, this may take some time.
An alternative is to destroy the Angel by brute force. If this is the case, you know what the
strength of the Angel is. You, in turn, create an aggressive thought-form and load it each
day. Visualize this thought-form as being in one place away from the target until you
determine that it has a strength level of its own of at least 80. When that point is reached,
you may give it its final command, to go forth and obliterate the thought-form guarding
your opponent. The destroying thought-form should then have little trouble in eliminating
the defense.
There is one more matter which should be given serious consideration. When you charge
your thought-form, except when using a bursting thought-form, always be certain that you
charge it from the energy of the universe itself, never your own. Also make certain that it
feeds either from the energy floating around in the ether or from the field around your
target. It is most unwise to create a lasting thought-form from your personal energy.
Those who make such a mistake not only risk draining their own energy but also leave
themselves open to a nasty return shock. A return shock is something unpleasant which
can occur if an operation fails when the operator has neglected to cut the attacking
thought-form off from himself. For this reason, it is unwise to charge a thought-form by

any ritual method other than meditation as the ritual tends to bind the thought-form to its
maker. There are even times when it may be wise to include a self destruct program into
a thought-form so that it cannot return to you if fails.

"Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road
may be; for without victory there is not survival." Winston Churchill

One impression that this book may give is that psychic warfare is a long, drawn out
struggle. In many cases that will be true, as you will see later. But most of the time,
psychic combats will tend to be quite short, a swift battle of wills between yourself and an
opponent for the upper hand in a conversation, for example. It may be nothing more than
the meeting of the gaze to see which one turns away first or it may take the form actually
draining the life force of an individual, the true psychic vampire.
Let us say that you are going to a meeting and the group is usually dominated by one,
powerful individual. Very often this person will have from youth on mastered the art of
controlling other people, of bending them to his will and these techniques do not have to
be psychic in and of themselves. There are a number of simple, psychological tricks that
one use to gain the upper hand in a social situation, for which see my new book Psionic
Psupervillain. But merely because the opponent does not use psychic methods is no
reason to be sporting and not use ours. Life is too important a game to be played by any
But back to your meeting. The first thing you must do is not let your opponent gain any
advantage over you, so you guard your own mind by thinking each time that you look at
him "You have no power over me. I am stronger than you. I am more powerful." Try to
keep this as mercifully short as possible and you will discover that you will face each
situation involving this person with greater and greater confidence.
As you feel your confidence in the situation grow, it is time to press your advantage. Look
the person squarely in the eyes and think, while holding as bland an expression as
possible, the classical "poker face", if you will, "I am stronger than you."
At this point, the person may turn his gaze away from yours, which means that you have
won. But let us suppose that he continues to look back at you, determined not to give an
inch. You must not, under any circumstances, flinch from his gaze, no matter how
embarrassed you feel or even if someone shouts that the building is on fire. He must give
up first. There is even a trick you can play with your eyes that will allow you do this with
little difficulty.
Practice looking at yourself in the mirror. You will notice that after a time, your eyes will
begin to get heavy, heavy and you will begin to feel sleepy, very sleepy and very soon you
will want to ...
Oh no you don't! Not while reading one of my books!
Anyway, you get the point. Continuing to stare at any given object or person will begin to
relax the mind and before you know it you are ready to drop off. It also makes you quite
open to suggestion and that is why one of the classical methods of hypnotic induction
involved having the subject stare at a bright object held just above eye level. As you do
not want to be hypnotized by your opponent, shift your gaze, in the mirror, to something
behind your image, like the wall or an object on the wall. This will alter the focus of your

eyes and you will find that you can look in the direction of your reflection for much longer
without feeling any sensation of tiredness. In effect, you are learning how to look through
your opponent. Thus, when he returns your gaze, he will be looking at your eyes, but you
will not be looking into his and he is the one who will be become exhausted and
When you return to the fray and you notice that your opponent is beginning to weaken, his
eyes blink more often and seems to have trouble concentrating, send him a powerful
thought that goes something like this: "You are afraid of me. You know that I am stronger
and that you fear is eating at you. You no longer can resist me."
All the time you are doing these things, it will be a good idea to intersperse the thought
"You cannot affect me. Your energy scatters off my shield," with the other thoughts you
are sending.
This last is a simple affirmation of your own protection which will serve to increase the
power of your defense. As you will learn later, the combination of offense and defense is
essential to psychic victory.
Once you feel that you have attained the upper hand in this struggle, look back into the
eyes of your opponent and think to him "You cannot resist me. I am burning my gaze into
your brain. Your mind is transparent to me and you must do as I command."
This will set up anyone for whatever verbal suggestion that you wish to make. It will also
greatly facilitate the sending of purely psychic commands.
It is not always necessary to be in a combat situation in order to use the above
techniques. On the contrary, it is a good idea to practice them as often as possible on the
unwary. If you should find yourself on a train, do not neglect to practice sending these
statements to other people on it. You may even add certain commands, such as making
them go to sleep, a favorite one of a friend of mine who takes a bus on occasion (the gods
alone know why because no one with human blood takes public transportation) and likes
to watch the fun when people wake up and discover that they have missed their stop. You
can make them squirm and scratch and do things with their hands. Not those things! This
is a family book. In any event, success with psychic transmission is brought about by the
same method used to get to Carnegie Hall. "Practice, practice practice."
As you manage to gain greater and greater power in this way, you may begin to add the
power of the thought-form. It is possible to create a thought-form which will act as a
psychic conduit for your messages, increasing their effectiveness.
This thought-form is a very transitory one and will last only as long as it is in use. Before
you transmit, visualize a long tube, proceeding from in front of your eyes to the forehead
or back of the neck of the target individual. Instruct this thought-form that it is to act as a
telephone cable, making certain that your message reaches the mind of your target. Once
you have a clear image of the connection between yourself and the target, send the
message down the tube. Experiment with this technique and as you gain proficiency, you
will find that you are able to influence most people.
There are certain areas of the body which respond better than others to different types of
transmissions. Verbal transmissions, commands in the form of words, for example, are
best sent to the spot in the center of the forehead, the area commonly associated with the

third eye. A command in the form of a desire to move some part of the body is best sent
to the back of the neck. That is why staring intensely at the back of a target's neck will
make him uncomfortable. It sets off a series of reactions in the muscles. Finally, an
emotional transmission is best sent to the area of the solar plexus. You are familiar with
the phrase "gut feeling". That is no mere cliche. The emotions have their first effect in
that area and that is why emotional stress so often results in digestive problems and
These areas are all related to chakras, and while this book is not intended to study these
centers of energy in the etheric body, it is important for you to know that stimulating or
depressing a particular chakra can cause different effects in the mind and body of a target.
Use of them is quite rare in psychic combat, however, and with the exception of the above
mentioned areas they are hardly ever considered, with one very important exception.
There is a chakra called the spleen chakra and it has the singular task of distributing the
life energy throughout the body. Any significant upset in this chakra will have lasting and
serious results in the life of a person. And it is here that we run into the phenomenon
known as the Psychic Vampire.
Vampires have been the stuff of legend for as long as people have wandered the face of
Father Earth. The concept of an eastern European noblemen in a long cape is a modern
conception which serves to romanticize something which can be very unpleasant and
psychicly messy, even if you are the one doing it. The art of stealing the life force from an
individual and turning it to one's own nourishment is a skill which we must all learn in order
that we may defend ourselves against it when it occurs and use it when we need to.
So how does this process work? The spleen chakra absorbs and distributes the life
energy from the universe itself. In effect, it turns disorganized energy into an organized
one, much as steam engine turns disorganized heat energy into organized mechanical
energy. In effect, it fuels the etheric body the same way that food and drink fuels the
physical. And like all chakras, it not only pulls energy in, but gives it out as well. In normal
flow, the energy is pulled in from outside and put out in the etheric body. but when a
psychic vampire is a work, this normal flow of the etheric energies is reversed. The
energy now flows from the etheric body of the subject out of the spleen chakra. You may
well imagine the result of this for the person so afflicted. The etheric body is deprived for
a time of the fuel it needs to function, and, as the etheric is continually working, it needs a
continual supply of fuel, so that even a short-term disruption, such as what may be
expected during a trip to visit a sick friend, will cause a significant loss of energy to the
etheric body as it will then be consuming more than it is bringing in, something like the
Federal government. In both cases the result is a serious breakdown of efficiency.
It should be noted here that most psychic vampires are not voluntary. The knowledge of
how to accomplish the feat is not that widespread, at least it wasnt before the internet.
Now, who knows? Most of the time, it is unconscious desire of an ill person to live which
causes the etheric body to begin to draw energy from those around them. This is why one
tends to be very exhausted after a trip to visit someone in the hospital. The sicker the
person, the more likely they are to draw from you. But you must remember that they do
not know what they are doing and thus it is quite impolite to call them vampires and make
a difficult time in their lives even more so. It is sufficient that you learn how to protect

Actually, defense against the ordinary psychic vampire is so easy that I am amazed that
more people do not know it. It only takes a simple thought-form. All that is necessary for
you to do is to visualize a small valve over the chakra and see this valve as controlling the
flow of energy so that it will flow from the outside into the spleen chakra, but close to
prevent any energy from flowing from the chakra out of you. This will block the flow of life
energy to vampire and you will notice that you are nowhere near as tired as you once
were after seeing this person. This technique is invaluable for anyone charged with the
care of the sick and you find yourself in that situation, do not fail to use
If, however, you encounter a deliberate psychic vampire, you must treat it as you would
any act of aggression, defend and then respond. In this case, you would create a thought-
form in the shape of the valve and continually charge it. This would act as a block to the
energy required by the vampire.

Once the vampire discovers that his energy source has been blocked, he will simply dry
up, as it were. In the case of an involuntary vampire, you will notice that your visits are
much more pleasant for you and much less tiring; quite literally less draining.

But let us say that you should find yourself in a situation where you have to become the
vampire. This is not very likely, but one never knows what perils life may bring and the
knowledge may prove useful someday.
In this case, you must be very careful in the choice of a victim. Once of the dangers of
drawing etheric energy off another person is you never quite know what you might get with
it. If the victim has the potential for some serious malfunction in the future, you may end
up with it yourself. With that caveat, you would begin by choosing a victim who is the
same sex as yourself. If the victim is male, he should be under twenty-two, if female,
under twenty five. This will insure that the victim has a goodly supply of vital energy to
draw upon for the younger the victim, the less likelihood of unwanted things floating in with
the prana.
Meditate and visualize a tube running from your spleen chakra, at the small of your back,
to the spleen chakra of the victim. This tube is to be the pipeline for the life force of your
victim. Now, inside the tube create two valves. The first valve is by your spleen chakra
and will work the same as the valve used in defense. It will open as the vital energy flows
into you, but will close to prevent it flowing back to victim. At the same time, create a
valve at the spleen chakra of your victim, so that when you inhale, both valves will be
open and the bright, orange light which is the energy of the vital force will flow from the
victim to you, and when you exhale, both will close, so that the energy will not flow back.
In this way, you will create a one direction flow of energy from the victim to yourself. As I
stated, it is extremely unlikely that you would ever use this procedure. It is, however, also
an excellent method of counter-attack against a deliberate vampire. In that case,

however, you must also create a filter in the tube which would keep out any unwanted
energies, which in such a case would almost certainly be present.
One form of psychic combat which was popular about a hundred or so years ago but still
works is called Adverse Treatment and was greatly feared by Mary Baker Eddy and her
followers, not without some reason. In this case, the combatant uses the techniques of
psychic healing, but to injure, rather than to help the target.
In either case, the person who is being affected is transmitted to when sleeping and is
visualized as being in front of you and listening attentively to your commands. Therefore
the first thing you must master is the art of visualizing the person and this is not as easy
as it sounds.
Sit in front of an empty chair and think of someone you know very well. Get the image of
that person in your mind and then imagine that one sitting in the chair in front of you. Now
this is going to take some time for you to master, so be patient. Try to see this person as
solidly as you can, but do not be disappointed if all you get is a shadowy form. Most of the
time that will be sufficient for this method to work.
Now, as this is only a practice exercise and not a real attack, speak to the visualized form
as you would to the person if he were actually there. Give him a command to follow and a
time frame to complete the assigned task in. This activity should be something that he
would normally not do, but nothing so outrageous as to provoke a genuine resistance on
the part of your victim. Remember that you are just learning this and you do not want to
discourage yourself.
If the message has been received, you will find out when the target completes the
assignment within the appointed time. Once you are able to do that, you may change the
experiment to more complex and unlikely things, such as getting people to give you
money. Build up your skill gradually and do not become discouraged when something
does not go quite as well as you expected. In psychic activity, it is rare to have a success
rate of over 85%. That means that 15% of the time even the best psychic misses, no
matter what method is used. And do not forget that I am giving you a number of different
methods you can use. If one fails, there is no reason you cannot try another.
But as you continue this practice and increase your talents you will want to try it out as a
Pick on someone you do not like, someone you absolutely regard as surplus population
and would find great joy in hearing has died in some messy and unpleasant manner. You
must know that feeling without any shadow of doubt or conscience because you are going
to kill that person.
Now the next requirement is that this be a person who is known to you. The method here
can work with strangers, but you are not yet sufficiently prepared to do that.
Build up the image of the victim before you. Begin to speak to it, softly, compellingly. If
you know something of hypnosis, speak to it as though you were putting it into a deep,
hypnotic state. (Incidentally, while there is no room in this book for a study of hypnotic
induction, it is something you really should learn and there are a number of good books
available on the subject. Get them.)

Once you feel that you have reached your target, begin to place the suggestion that he
wants to die, that life has no purpose or meaning and the world would be very happy
without him. Keep this up for a while and then command the target to kill himself at the
first opportunity.
If you are lucky, you may hear of his suicide the next day. If not, do not be discouraged.
Continue the operation until he succumbs and if he still continues to resist you, then it is
time to look for a defense around him as will be covered in the chapter on gathering
So how is this method of attack to be defended against?
This is, for all the work put into it, a simple telepathic transmission. You are not using any
ritual or any psionic device to amplify the power of your sendings. Thus it is, if expected, a
very simple form of attack to defend against.
Once you have a reason to be convinced that such an attack is being directed at you, and
the last chapter of this book on combat will explain that, it will be a simple matter to set up
a psionic defense that this attack, unaided, cannot penetrate. For that reason, you will
only use this method against those targets who either do not know of your interest in these
matters or have no belief in their effectiveness.
This method may also be used to induce illness in a target or even bad luck at the race
track. It is all in the way the commands are formulated. It is, for example, possible with a
good target, to tell him that he will die in one month from the next new moon and then
have him drop dead on the exact day.

"There is a time and a place for the use of weapons." Musashi.

Up to now, we have been dealing with forms of purely psychic combat. What separates
psionic warfare from all this is the use of different machines and other gadgets to increase
both the accuracy and effectiveness of your capabilities, or, to put it simply, you fight
better with a few weapons than without them. This chapter is primarily concerned with
obtaining or making some of the equipment you will need to fight a truly effective psychic
war. Some of them you may already have available, particularly if you have used the
material in my other books and websites, but there are a few basic devices, some you can
buy, but most you may have to make for yourself.
If you do not already possess them, you will need to buy:
1 amplifier. An ordinary cassette recorder will do quite well.
1 AM-FM radio with a mono ear-phone jack and an external FM antenna.
1 camera
1 Ouija Board
1 100 MW walkie-talkie.
You will need to make:
1 pendulum
2 pendulum charts
1 three-dial radionic box
1 eight-dial radionic box
1 portable detector
1 five dial radionic box
1 psionic amplifier helmet (Psionic Warhelm)
1 teleflasher

I know that this is quite a list and I will admit that I built up my supplies over a few years,
but do not let the number of items throw you. Everything is quite easy to make and the
parts are readily available, though I would caution you about buying most ready-made
radionic equipment. Such machines work well enough, but cost an arm and a leg. There
is also the fact that in psychic warfare there is a certain benefit to making your own
We will begin with the pendulum. This can be any weight attached to a string. The string
is held by the fingers of the operator and, by its movements, certain information can be
obtained. there are a vast number of commercial pendulums available, coming in many
different shapes and sizes, to say nothing of materials. It is not too wise to become overly
complicated when using this instrument, so if you must purchase one, the simplest will be
the best. If you make your own, wood is best, though I know of cases where excellent
results were obtained through an old key on a string.

The way to make a pendulum is to buy a child's wooden top in a toy store. They are still
relatively easy to find and quite cheap. Failing that, acquire, without haggling, a dowel rod
about one inch in diameter. Out of this, cut a short piece, about two and a half to three
inches long. whittle the end so that it comes to point, or, if your carving skills are as poor
as mine, glue a nail to one end so that the point of the nail is at the center of the rod.
Insert a screw eye and attach a string to this. Measure the length you need by resting
your elbow on the table and holding the string as you would when using the pendulum, so
that the pendulum will hang with its point just over the table. Tie a knot in the string at that
point and cut. Some authors go to great lengths in describing how a pendulum should be
tuned, but that is not necessary. Your pendulum is ready for use as it is.
To effectively use a pendulum, you will need to make two charts such as I have included.
This figure is a simple cross-hair chart, sometimes called an ideometer, and it is based on

the three basic movements of the pendulum; horizontal, vertical and circular. It is to be
used when you need a simple yes or no answer from the pendulum.

The next figure is for gathering more complex data. You will notice that it contains the
alphabet, the numbers 1-0 and several punctuation marks. It also has spaces marked for
repeat letters and new words. Copy both charts on stiff paper or poster board so they will
last. You will discover that you will get more than enough use out of them.

Now at this point I recommend that you go on to the next chapter and practice with the
pendulum a little before building the next projects. If you have already used a pendulum
or other dowsing instruments, you may proceed.
Before you begin to make the radionic boxes, it is good to have some proficiency in
dowsing. The machines tend to work better for those who have practiced the art. You
can quite easily discover if you are ready for the next step.

Take a plastic coffee-can cover and lay it flat of on a table in front of you. Hold it by the
edges with your left hand and with your right, gently rub your thumb over it. As you do
this, repeat to yourself a statement that you know to be true, such as 2+2=4. Your thumb
should suddenly encounter a strong resistance on plate and be stopped. If that occurs,
you are ready to build a radionic box. If not, your dowsing skills need more work, so
repeat the exercises in the next chapter.
Assuming that your thumb has been stopped, you are ready to make your portable
detector. This little gadget, in addition to being an excellent dowsing instrument in its own
right, is essential in the use of the radionic machines you will be building.
As you can see from the drawing, this device is extremely simple in design. To make it,
you will need the plastic cover, three feet of uninsulated copper wire, usually sold as
magnet wire, six feet of double strand speaker cable, one mono plug and a few minutes.
You start by making two small cuts in the edge of the plate for the wire to fit in. After you
have done this, make a coil with the magnet wire. The number of turns in the coil is not
important. Place the coil on the plate and arrange the two ends of the wire so that they
are stuck in the slits. Tape the coil in place. Now connect the ends of the magnet wire to
the speaker wire, on end to each strand. Twist the wires to make a firm connection of
each. Wrap the arrangement in electric tape and reinforce the wires in the slits with the
same tape so that they will not break under stress.
Take the plug apart, put the shield of the plug onto the wire, with the threaded end facing
the plug. Attach speaker wire to the plug in the places provided and re-attach the shield.
Having completed your detector, you are now ready to build your first radionic box. To
make this box, you will need three radio potentiometers, (value not important) three dials,
calibrated if possible, otherwise you will have to make your own calibration, two jacks, the
same diameter as the plug you used on the portable detector, two cans, four screws with
nuts (your relatives don't count), hook-up wire and something to put it in. A cardboard box
will work quite well.

The machine is wired as in the figure . When completed, the circuit will run from one can,
through the three potentiometers, to the second can and back to the first. The insertion of
the detector plug in either jack does not take that can out of the system, but the detector,
or anything else, becomes part of the circuit at that point. Hence, by plugging the detector
in the right-hand jack, the operator is able to get a signal from the witness in the left can
and by plugging and amplifier into the left jack, the operator can influence the subject of
the witness in the right can. What's a witness? It gets explained in the next chapter.
This box is useful for all operations involving radionics. It can analyze, transmit and
receive. It is your basic box and you may want to make more than one of this pattern.
But, before you go on, if you are not familiar with the workings of a radionic box, study the
appendix on how to operate them.
The five dial instrument is as illustrated in the next two drawings and is a very special
device. It is a radionic box which has been specifically designed for use as a weapon. It
has no other use than to attack the etheric body of an enemy. It cannot analyze or defend
and may be dangerous to use in the communication experiments in my other books.
Keep this in mind as you build it.

You will immediately notice that on the face of this machine is the figured of the inverted
pentagram, traditional sign of evil. One would think that in using these devices we would
be getting away from this sort of thing, but that is not the case. The design is integral to
the functioning of the machine. You will understand this better when you study transmittal

To make this device, you will need five potentiometers, two jacks, five dials, two cans, four
screws with nuts, and hook-up wire. The cabinet may be another cardboard box, but the
face must be clear of any writing. It may be a good idea to glue a plain sheet of paper
over it to be sure.
You start this project by making the inverted pentagram on the face of the box. This must
be exact. With a compass, draw a circle on the box. Using a protractor and ruler, locate
five points on the circle at 72 degrees apart, with one point at the bottom. Draw the lines
of the pentagram and then erase the circle. Go over the lines with a magic marker and
make your holes for the potentiometer stems at each point of the star.
Turn the box around and insert the potentiometers as shown. remember that the view is
reversed, so the #1 potentiometer will be on the right when you wire it and on the left
when you use the machine. This is the only machine in which such things are important
and this case they are extremely important. You must wire the box as it is shown in the
diagram. Beginning with pot 1, wire 2, 3, 4, and 5 as shown. Wire pot 1 to the can over it
and 5 to the other, connecting the cans as in the other box. The jacks are wired the same

as in the other box. When properly made, the energy transmitted will start at the can on
the left, go through the five potentiometers following the pattern and picking up the energy
inherent in that pattern to come out with devastating force in the second can. Or, to
paraphrase an old song, "You put the witness in here, the forces go round and round and
they come out here."
There are some precautions that must be observed in the use of this machine, so read
that section carefully before you begin to use it. This can be a dangerous machine to the
very sensitive, though the average person should encounter no difficulty with it.
The remaining radionic devices are based on a gadget called the Magnetron. The
Magnetron is unusual is that it is based on an electronic mechanism by the same name
which was put together with no thought of anything psychic in mind. During the Second
World War, British radar researchers were looking for a way to transmit on the 10 cm
band. The Klystron was already in use, but the models at that time were not powerful
enough. So a pair of engineers came up with an idea. They made a device with a solid
copper core with eight holes placed around a central, larger hole connected to it by small
veins. This shape did something weird to the electron flow and the experiment was a
resounding success.

In the mid 1950's, a pair of French radiathesists, which is a fancy word for dowsers,
named Servanx (brothers) looked at the magnetron and had another idea. If the design of
the core influenced electron flow, might not the same design drawn on paper influence the

flow of a subtler energy. On the surface, the idea seemed ridiculous, but that has never
stood in the way of the French and they tried it. To everyone's surprise, it worked.
The magnetron might have sat with them, had not another group of researchers working
under Christopher Hills decided that the Magnetron would be a good substitute for a
radionic instrument. They did a few more experiments and decided that by adding
magnets at the outer circles, arranged in alternating polarities, the output of the device
was improved.
This author, after reading a description of the Hills device, went to work and created a
further modification. The vanes connecting the central circle with the smaller circles were
removed, leaving a large circle in the center surrounded by eight unconnected, smaller
circles. In the Hills' device, the eight magnets are set into the center of each small circle,
thus creating a magnetic vortex of sorts around the center. My version used magnet strip
stuck under each circle. Magnet strip has the polarities arranged differently from the usual
bar magnets in that the positive poles are at the ends and the negative poles are along the
sides. The resulting arrangement under the magnetron pattern thus ended up looking like
the drawing below. This arrangement of magnets and circle pattern proved that the circle
designs around the center could be eliminated altogether, thus allowing for a flexibility in
design which would not be possible in the Hills device. The reason for this seems to lie in
the fact that in the Hills device there are two different principles at work; the geometric one
present in the Servanx drawing, and a magnetic effect.

The eight-dial box is based on this Magnetron pattern, in spite of the fact that it bears a
surface resemblance to certain radionic devices used by Dr. David Tansley in his healing
practice. It is unique among the machines discussed here in that the subject witness
sample and transmittal patterns are both placed in the center. The jack is used for the
detector or other devices.
To make this machine, you will need eight potentiometers, eight dials, one jack, one can
or circular foil plate, three screws and nuts and box to put it in. You will also need some
connecting wire.

Start off by drawing a circle on the front of the box, which will be the top when complete.
Mark the center of the circle and, using a protractor, mark off eight points along the circle,
exactly 45 degrees apart. Make a hole at each point for the potentiometers. In the base
of the can, make three holes; one in the center and two at one side. It will make things
much easier if the holes are the right size for the screws. Place the can over the center of
the circle. It may even be a good idea to use the compass to mark off another concentric
circle the same diameter as the can so that you can get this right as it is of some
importance to be as exact in this as possible. Once the can is in position, punch three
holes in the box by pushing the punch through the holes in the can and then the box.
Insert the three screws, placing the nuts on loosely inside the box. On the inside of the
box, insert and wire the eight potentiometers as shown in the figure. The wire from the
center point of each potentiometer is connected to the center screw holding the can after
these connections are complete, you may tighten the nut on that screw.

Wire the jack to the other two screws as shown, punching a hole in the box for the jack
itself. after you have done this, turn the box over and attach the eight dials and tighten the
jack nut, holding that in place. Do the same with the potentiometers and attach and
calibrate the dials.
This box will act as a very powerful transmitter and as an extremely accurate analyzer.
The number of dials, when used with a good witness and transmittal pattern gives it an
accuracy greater than the other two designs. It is also one of the best psionic defensive
tools available.

The Psionic Amplifying helmet needs a bit of explaining. The idea that it would be
possible to make a head gear of some sort, usually a helmet, that could increase psychic
output has been around for some time in science-fiction. The helmet you will be making is
based on the Magnetron and two important facts. First, the brain reacts to small magnetic
fields. Second, the etheric body also reacts to those fields. I will say at this point that we
are going to be working with the etheric field rather than the electrical fields inside the
brain. The magnetic field we will generate is too small to affect the latter and the type of
magnetic field which is powerful enough to do that is positively dangerous to use by any
but the most skilled individuals. The purpose of psychic warfare is to hurt other people,
not ourselves.
To make your helmet you will need:
1 plastic hard hat
3 potentiometers
1 three inch diameter foil circle
8 one inch pieces of magnet strip
1 jack
2 feet of magnet wire
2 2 1/2 sheets of Styrofoam
hook up wire

Start this project by inspecting the helmet. It must be plastic. Metal helmets will not work
for this device. Assuming that, make certain that it fits properly. It should rest

comfortably, yet firmly on your head without being too tight. There must also be room for
the potentiometers over the forehead. Assuming that you are using a hardhat, remove the
liner, adjust it to fit and set it aside.
Drill two holes, one at the very top center of the helmet and one for the jack near the edge,
towards or at the rear. Be certain that you choose a place for the jack hole where the tabs
from the jack and the wire will not be bothered either by the liner or your head. Also, you
really do not want your hair to get caught. It hurts when you take the helmet off. Drill
three more holes for the potentiometers at the lower front of the helmet. There should be
one hole at the center and one on each side of that so that the arrangement, when
complete, will look like the next figures.
Start putting the mechanism together by mounting the three potentiometers. After you
have done that, you will place the magnet strip as in the figure around the inside of the
helmet. Try to get the same distance between the pieces.

Put the helmet aside for a minute and take the magnet wire, making a coil. It is best to
coil the wire around a pencil and put the coil on top of the helmet, running one end of the
wire through the hole in the helmet.

The foil plate must be in direct contact with the top of your head. Place the foil at the
center-top of the liner, where it comes in contact with your head. Once it is placed
correctly, glue it into position.
Insert the jack into the hole provided and attach hook-up wire to the tabs.
Wire the potentiometers in series.
Place the liner back in the helmet and connect the antenna wire to the circle of foil, the
jack wires to the circle and the potentiometers to the circle.
Now comes the hardest part. Cut a piece of paper so that it is the same as the curve
along the top of the helmet. It must fit exactly when stood along that curve going from
front to back. This may take more than one try, but keep at until you get it right. Once you
have a template of the curve of the helmet, cut the Styrofoam sheets to the shape of the
curve and then to the shape of the crest.
Sandwich the antenna wire between the pieces of Styrofoam and glue them together.
Glue the arrangement along the top of the helmet. If the helmet is red, paint the crest red.
If the helmet is another color, paint it as well. That being done, add your knobs and
The Psionic Warhelm is the same as a Psionic Amplifying Helmet but made to look like a
helmet worn by a fighting man of old. The changes are purely cosmetic, but clothes do
make the man and if you need a little boost to help you feel more warlike, this is it.
Now the Psionic Helmet, as it is, looks vaguely reminiscent of the helmet worn by the
British cavalry at Waterloo, but you can easily make the helmet look more Roman by
adding chin pieces and a neck guard. Any good book on theatrical costume will tell you
how to make those, so there is no need for me to describe them.
The last instrument you will need to make is a Teleflasher. This simple device causes
flashing images to enter your brain to be more effectively transmitted at a target. It is a
great aid in penetrating a thick skull.

In order to make this marvelous device, you will need a shoe box, a piece of wax paper, a
light-bulb socket with cord and switch, and a flasher plug. Cut the bottom out of the
cardboard shoe box and keep the cut piece at one side. You will need it soon. Cut
another hole in the side of the shoe-box for the socket. Place the socket in this hole so
that the light-bulb is on the inside of the box. You are going to feel very foolish if it is on
the outside. Use a 25 watt bulb for this device.
Use the wax paper to cover the hole where the bottom of the box used to be, but is now
the top. Glue this in place and then bend the remaining piece of cardboard to make a
back for the message or picture you will be transmitting. When completed, the machine
should look like the figure .

At this point there is one more thing you must do. The walkie talkie has to be modified to
permit it to carry a radionic signal. This is quite easy to do. You will only need two small
screws and some hook-up wire.
Open the walkie talkie and remove the chassis. Do this carefully and try not to break any
wires. In most cheap walkie talkies (and you do not want to use an expensive one for this)
the speaker also acts as the microphone. Gently remove this. You may need a set of
small screw drivers to do this, so do not be cheap. Go out and buy a set.
Attach a piece of hook-up wire to each of connections on the speaker. Set this aside.
Now carefully drill two small holes in the top of the case. These holes must be the right
size for the screws to fit firmly. Insert the screws into the holes part way. You will want
enough room for the chassis and speaker to fit back together without touching them.
These screws will act as binding posts for attaching the box or helmet to the walkie talkie.
Connect the hook-up wire to the screws and replace the speaker and the chassis. Screw
everything back into place and you will have completed this task.

"From one thing, know ten thousand things." Musashi

All successful operations begin with a knowledge of the enemy; who he is, what his plans
are, what he is capable of, what he is doing at the present. Wars have been won or lost
by the quality of the information available to the opposing commanders and ability of those
commanders to utilize it. Failure in either of those areas can be disastrous, for even if
ultimate victory is achieved, the price is greatly increased. For example, prior to the Battle
of the Bulge, American intelligence knew that an offensive was coming and had a pretty
good idea of where it would hit. But the command structure did not listen and when the
attack came, it fell on troops that were totally unprepared. An even more dramatic failure
occurred when British aerial reconnaissance produced photographs of rockets at
Peenemunde, but the British refused to believe that they were anything more than barrage
balloons which were large balloons attached to the ground and each other by cables in
order to snag the wings of low-flying aircraft. Of course, the British conveniently forgot
that the Germans never used such things, which were totally obsolete by that stage of the
war anyway.
So you see that it is not only important to gain the information which you will need, but
also to correctly interpret that information and then act upon it. The interpretation is
always the most difficult part, but with practice anyone can master it provided that they
have the basic intelligence to. That group naturally includes all of my readers.
In psychic warfare there are three main techniques for gathering information. these are
dowsing, remote viewing and, for defense against surprise attack, early warning thought-
Dowsing is a technique for gathering psychic information which may use a number of
methods; pendulum, divining rod, etc. The tools which I have found to be the most
reliable are the pendulum or stick pad for simple yes-no questions, the pendulum or Ouija
Board for spelling out words when used with the radionic box or psionic amplifying helmet
to increase accuracy and the stick pad for determining patterns. We get to those in the
next chapter.
Therefore, let us begin by using the pendulum. It is nothing short of amazing what can be
learned by the skillful use of a piece of wood attach to a string. It can find everything from
enemies to oil wells and has given rise to a number of parlor games. So take your
pendulum and the design in the figure and get started.
With this drawing, the pendulum can give three answers; yes, no and data insufficient.
We will start by learning how to get the yes-no response. Hold the pendulum with the
point over the intersection of the cross-lines. As you hold the pendulum in position, will it
to follow the vertical line. Do not try to force it. it should swing gently on its own along the
line, though you may notice that there is a slight hesitation before it gets going and it may
not swing very far. If this should happen to you, be of good cheer, for most beginners
suffer from it. The most important thing to bear in mind is that the pendulum must seem to
swing of its own accord. It will not do for you to give it a little boost to get it started. That

will only make for serious problems later. Just relax, take a few deep breaths and look at
that vertical line.
Eventually, the pendulum will get the message and begin to swing along the line like it is
supposed to. Once this has been accomplished, repeat the procedure with the horizontal
line. You should be able to get the pendulum going merely by looking at the line. After
the horizontal line has been conquered, try to make the pendulum follow the circle, first
spinning clockwise and then counter-clockwise.
Repeat these exercises a few times. By doing this, you will become used to the feel of the
pendulum and at the same time train your nervous system in the art of controlling the little
After you are convinced that you can make the pendulum do what you consciously want it
to do, you must get used to it doing what it wants to. The pendulum will have a specific
swing for yes and another for no. You can determine which is which by the simple
process of asking very stupid questions.
Hold the pendulum over the central point and ask it if two plus two equals four. Assuming
that you know the answer to be true, the pendulum will swing in a certain way, usually
along the vertical line, but sometimes clockwise. Mark the direction of the swing as yes.
Repeat the procedure for no, this time asking if two plus two equals five. The response
should be the opposite of the one for yes. If it is the same, something is very wrong. The
only remaining answer is data insufficient, which should be a circular swing, if the other
two are along the lines, or no swing at all.
it is a good idea to reinforce in your mind the direction of each answer. This is done by
holding the pendulum over the chart and thinking yes or no. By repeating this exercise,
the habit will become ingrained and the pendulum response will be automatic. Another
useful technique is to continue to ask the pendulum for answers to questions where the
answer is known.
But how does this little device work? It is said that tools are nothing more than the
extension of the operator. The pendulum is an extension of the subconscious in the
conscious. By making this extension, we are able to bring forth information that might
otherwise be kept hidden.
In the ideal world, we would be able to latch onto our psychic impressions immediately
and consciously. Unfortunately, this not an ideal world. That means most of our psychic
knowledge remains buried in the subconscious mind, which is by its nature more in tune
with the etheric body and there much data can lay and rot. By meditation and self-
hypnosis, we can get in touch with the subconscious, but at the price of usually being
unable to record the data. Dowsing, by any method, removes that problem.
When a question is asked, the subconscious mind, which knows the answer, will try to get
into contact with the conscious mind, which down not know it or it would not be asking the
question in the first place. The conscious mind, however is too busy asking to listen to the
answer, which gets lost in the noise. There are nerves which do listen to the
subconscious and respond. Under normal circumstance, we do not notice this response
because the messages of these nerves, like that of the subconscious itself, cannot get
through. These nerves create a minute, muscular response in the hand. If that hand is

holding a free pendulum or lightly rubbing a plastic plate, the muscle response will cause
the pendulum to move or the thumb to press just hard enough to stick.
There are also conditions which limit the effectiveness of the pendulum and we may as
well cover them at this point. As you have seen from your exercises, the pendulum can
be influenced by the will of the operator. This means that you should avoid asking the
pendulum any question in which you are so emotionally involved that you will force the
device to give you the answer you desire rather than the answer you need. This is not a
problem which we run into very often in the context of psychic warfare, but it does occur.
It is also possible to pick up other people's emotions and even opinions if they are strong
enough. This is a serious difficulty which besets anyone who tries to use a pendulum to
locate a missing person, particularly if the case has been will publicized.
Because of these factors, it is a very good idea to try whenever possible to verify your
results by means other than the pendulum. On occasion, it is good to have a trusted
friend work it for you rather than to trust your own dispassion.
The pendulum is, as I a stated a device to be used when information is needed which is
not available through the more usual channels of communication. You will commonly use
the pendulum to determine:
1) if opposition exists
2) the nature of the opposition
3) what is the opponent's method of attack
4) what defense, if any, does the opponent possess
5) if an attack upon yourself is occurring
6) the nature of the attack
7) the best defense against the attack
8) the relative strength of offense and defense
9) the strength of thought-forms
10) in area work, the location of the enemy
11) the effectiveness of all methods.
Let us consider these one at a time.
In all situations, you must first determine if you have an opponent. You must not assume
that just because everyone around you seems happy and harmonious that there is no
danger. In fact, it is in just such idyllic situations that psychic warfare thrives. By the
token, you must avoid paranoia. One author on this subject went so fare as to describe a
psychic battle in terms which made the bombing of Dresden look like a Victorian garden
party by comparison. And it occurred over a missed telephone call! I have visions of this
author's students being afraid to get out of bed for fear of the resentments which might be
caused by the sound of their waking. Try to use a little common sense in this stuff. It is a
waste of time trying to hunt down every small resentment and upset and blast it out of
existence. People are always getting annoyed for no rational reason and the thought

energy these minor sendings use is usually so incoherent that it does no damage. Save
your skills for more serious matters.
You determine if you have an opponent by first having a reason to suspect it. Assuming
this, you ask the pendulum if your suspicions are correct. It may be wise to have a friend
ask this for you.
If the answer to the above is positive, you must make a list of all potential enemies. After
you have made your list, go down it, one name at a time, and ask the pendulum if he is
the problem. If the name is on the list, you will get a strong, positive swing at the person.
But suppose that your enemy is not on the list. This is where the alpahnumeric chart in
comes in, or the Ouija Board may be used as well. You must first ask if the enemy is
someone known to you. In the overwhelming majority of cases this will be so, unless you
are in a position in life where you can annoy people that you have never met. In either
case, the next step is to ask the pendulum or board to spell out the name.
Having learned that the opponent is named Joe Smith, we must now consider the nature
of his opposition. To do this, we have to get our greedy little fingers on a witness of the
A witness, to make what can become a very complicated and confusing subject as simple
as possible, is anything which will create a link between yourself and your target. It can
be anything from a blood-spot to a signature. In traditional psychic warfare it was usually
hair or fingernails, thus causing even some modern writers to advise their readers to be
extremely careful about hair and nail clippings. What these writers forget is that
photographs make excellent witness samples it is virtually impossible to avoid being
photographed if someone really wants your picture. There are also often copies of your
signature on items of public record which are available to anyone who wishes to take the
time to get them and photocopy that signature. Some magickal organizations demand
that you submit a photograph to them so that if you turn against them they can attack you,
not realizing that there is an easy method by which such schemes may be foiled, but that
is for the last chapter. It is best, therefore, to assume that anyone who wishes to obtain a
witness of you is able to do so and concentrate on dealing with the attack and the
For our purposes, assume that you will be using a photograph for your witness. That is
why I listed a camera among the supplies you will need. Slides are best, but it is possible
to even work with photocopies of a photograph from a newspaper.
You may also, provided that you know the person, use his name written on a piece of
paper, but that will only work for a person you know. The reason for this is that the name
is not so much a direct link to the person as it is to your memory of that person. The
memory creates a thought-form, which, being made up of etheric stuff, will act as a link to
the target. As to how exactly a witness works, I must answer that we really have no idea.
I must ask you to accept the fact that it does.
So now you have a witness of Joe. We must learn if he has a particular method of attack.
This is done by asking the chart or board to spell the method out. The board, in this case,
spells out thought-forms as the means of assault.

Next we look of a defense around the enemy. In this case, Joe has read the wrong books
and is only trusting a simple field defense.
Now comes the hardest part of all. You have to determine if an attack is actually
occurring. After all, merely because something is going wrong and you have a potential
enemy does not mean that you are being thought-bombed. Let us be honest and realize
that everyone gets problems in life and very few people are on the receiving end of a
psychic bombardment. So again you must visit your friend for help and in this case he
discovers that indeed, you are under attack. You are, like it or not, at war.

With this information, you have a choice, you can do your Jimmy Carter imitation and do
nothing, or you can prepare to give the bastard hell. Guess which one I recommend.
Assuming that you have an ounce of guts, you will begin to prepare your weapons. This
means seeing to your defenses before launching your counter-attack. You will need to
make a chart like that of the drawing . You will notice the pie is divided in five sections,
but only four are named. Is due to an unfortunate peculiarity on the part of the pendulum,
namely that it will swing back and forth. In practical terms, this means that a pendulum
chart should never have two things directly opposite each other. In this case the problem
is solved by leaving a space blank.
Hold the pendulum over the center of the chart, where the lines meet, and ask which
defense is best in the situation. In this case, the pendulum indicates that a thought-form

defense is best. With that knowledge in hand, you create a thought-form which will block
any incoming attack. In this case, his thought-form.
At this point you need to know how the situation stands between his offense and your
defense. For this you will need to make another chart.
Make a circle and using a protractor mark off 300 degrees. This will give you a pie similar
to the one below. Then mark off every 30 degrees and number these from 0 to 100 as 10,
20 etc. Divide the spaces into ten so that you now have a chart marked off in 100 lines,
11 long and the rest short.
Now we turn the chart into a gauge. Paste it on poster-board and cut out a piece of
poster-board in the shape of a pointer or an arrow, whichever is easier. Using an ordinary
paper fastener, attach this to the center of the chart so that it will turn freely with the point
travelling around the circle aiming at the chosen numbers.

Using a stick pad and the witness patterns of each thought-form, both attacking and
defending (patterns come in the next chapter) ask first the strength of the attacker. The
best way to do this is to ask if the strength level falls in each group of ten, so that you
would say, "Is the strength of this between 1 and 10, 10 and 20 etc.." Once you have that,
and let us say that it lands between 50 and 60, which as a good average for these things,
ask about each number in that range, 51, 52, etc. until you get the exact level, which we
will say in this case is 57.
Repeat the procedure with your own thought-form and find out how much more charge
you need to give it. If the power of your defense is already greater than that of the
attacker, you can relax and see to the counter-blow. Remember let no attack go
unanswered. We are warriors, not wimps.

Once you have determine you method of counter attack, you will use the same technique
to determine if your assault is getting through. This gauge can be used to determine the
effectiveness of all your operations.
This leaves us to one last method for using dowsing in psychic combat. My first genuine
psychic battle was fought against a coven which had taken a dislike to some friends of
mine. As it was not practical to use witness samples of each member of the coven, I
merely dowsed the location of their meetings and directed my counter-strike at it, in the
form of a stationary thought-form hanging over the place. They were so sure of their own
abilities that they totally neglected their defenses and were easy prey. In fact, this was
one of the easiest victories of my life. This is to illustrate that there may be times when it
will be more practical for you to attack a building and it occupants rather than individuals.
The pendulum, used in conjunction with a map or aerial photograph, can tell you exactly
where the target will be and when.
Lay the map on a table in front of you with a witness of one of enemy if possible. Place
the pendulum over the top edge of the map at the center and ask it to find the target.
Mark the direction of these and repeat the procedure with the pendulum at the side of the
map. where the lines cross, the target waits. It is then a simple matter to obtain a
photograph of the location and use that as your witness. The next method of gathering
intelligence is one which is enjoying a certain vogue at the moment. Remote viewing,
what used to be called travelling clairvoyance, is continually being tested by intelligence
agencies around the world as a means of gathering information about other countries'
military facilities and plans (in fact, it is being used at this writing to locate Iraq's nuclear
facilities). And there is no reason why you cannot do it yourself.
At this point, if you are not already familiar with the use of the radionic box and the psionic
amplifying helmet, turn to appendix B and study the material there. You will need to know
how to use this equipment before you begin to use this method.
To properly use remote viewing, it is a good idea to have a witness of either the person or
the location you are going to study. Hook the helmet into the three-dial box and place the
witness in the left can. Take a contact rate on both the box and the helmet. This rate will
put you in a position to watch your enemy.
Put on the helmet and begin to meditate. In this case we use meditative techniques to
relax the mind so that we can watch what is going on without our own worries getting in
the way. It is, incidentally, a good idea to practice this technique by watching your friends
or neighbors for a while. It takes some practice to get to the point where you can look
clearly. With that practice, however, the information will come through as clearly as an
extraordinarily vivid dream.
Begin by picking a place to watch, such as the living room of your aunt Mathilda's home.
You will probably get nothing more exciting than her latest argument with Uncle Harry, but
it will be good practice and it is always best to learn on something that is not a matter of
life and death. The advantage of using someone close to you is that you can, by means
of conversation, learn if your vision is accurate.
After you have become reasonably good at this, you can progress to total strangers. For
this, it is best to use a politician. Politicians make the best subjects because almost

everything they do becomes public eventually and, as they are all pond scum, you want to
know what dreadful and slimy schemes they are up to anyway. Cut a photo of your target
out of newspaper and set up as you did for aunt Mathilda. In this case it is a good idea to
record what you see, so have a tape recorder handy as you watch. Describe the vision
into the tape and when you are finished, save the tape with the time and date. In this way
you can go back and prove that you saw where he hid the bribe money. In fact, if you are
lucky enough and he is stupid enough, you may be able to dig it up before he comes back
to it and either keep it for yourself or send it to your local Federal Attorney.
After you have been practicing for a while, see if you can dig something out of the memory
of the person. In this case, you are not so much looking at the subject as into him.
Set up your equipment the same way as before, but now, as you watch the person,
command your mind to tell you what he was doing on a certain day and time. You will,
after a bit of practice, notice that the image shifts to the activity of that time you have
asked about. In this way, you can watch the behavior of a person through his entire life
and this can be of great help if you have to determine how he put his attack on you
There is another way of using this equipment to gather information from the past of a
target. With a contact rate, use the pendulum of Ouija Board and ask the questions. The
pendulum or the board will spell out the answer for you. This can be of great help if you
need to know a particular item of information, such as where the bribe money is buried.
A final method of digging out the past is to set the machine for a specific date. In this
case, you will set the helmet for a contact rate for the target and write the date and time
down on a piece of paper. Place this paper in the can with the witness sample. Now take
a rate on the machine for that person or place at that date and time. Put on the helmet
and start watching.
As you practice with this equipment, you will learn that it is possible to study almost
everything about the enemy, from the lunch he had on the day after his fourth birthday to
the strength of his defense field. Properly used, this equipment means that no secret is
hidden from you and no secret is hidden from anyone who would use it on you. You will
learn in a later chapter how to erect a temporary block, but never forget that it would be
only temporary. In other words, the FBI can, for all practical purposes, kiss the federal
witness protection program goodbye.
The final method of intelligence gathering involves the use of thought-forms, for early
warning and as an aid to remote viewing.
The early warning thought-form is a stationary thought-form which is placed in your
bedroom, usually somewhere over the bed, but not necessarily. It has as its function the
duty to inform you if an attack is occurring by causing you to dream about it. The thought-
form is made in the usual manner and given a good charge. Once that is finished, you
forget it and let it work, though it is a good idea to test it about once a month with gauge to
make sure it is still working. Never forget that a thought-form needs an occasional
A thought-form used as an aid to remote viewing is made in the form of a large eye and
placed either in the location being watched or near the target. One common method is to

make and charge such a thought-form, sometimes called a Watcher, and keep it near you,
to be sent to a specific location on command. Once you have thought-form in position
over the target, set your box and helmet to the rate of the thought-form and look through it,
just as you would look through a remote television camera. One writer has suggested
making this thought-form in the shape of a camera, but I must admit that I like the big eye-
ball better. It's more fun and the shape has a psychological resonance that a video
camera can never have.
You will, of course, find more uses for the information in this chapter than fighting psychic
battles and there is no reason why you should not use them.

"Oh divine art of subtlety and secrecy!" Sun Tzu

This is going to be a short chapter, but a necessary one. It will provide you with the tools
for contacting not only your own thought-forms, but also those of the enemy. You will also
learn how to amplify the power of your thought-forms and certain pre-existing form of
energy which can bring about desired results.
The relationship between two-dimensional patterns, line drawings, and psychic activity is a
very complicated subject which leaves those of who research such things with many
questions and very few answers. Suffice it so say that such drawings have an influence
on psychic power.
One of the discoveries of Malcolm Rae, a well respected researcher in the field of
radionics, was that just about anything could be expressed as a pattern of lines within a
circle. If he were to see the use that we will be making of his discovery he would turn over
in his grave, but because of his work it is possible for us to turn these patterns to our
tactical advantage.
If you are using a pattern to create difficulties in the life of a target, such a pattern is called
a disruption pattern. If you are using it to prevent difficulties in your own life, that is termed
a defensive pattern. When we cover actual combat, you will learn to work with them in
Let us first cover the making of the basic pattern. Rae patterns are a series of concentric
circles with a number of radii drawn inside them. The method you will use is just as
accurate and much easier to accomplish.
Assume that you wish to keep in contact with a thought-form to prevent the Governor from
being successful in his nefarious and vile scheme to raise taxes. To that end, you have
created a thought-form which you have named Taxbuster and placed in the rotunda of the
state capitol building. You wish to keep this pattern under continuous charge and want to
be able to call it up quickly each evening for that purpose. With the procedure that
follows, you can create a pattern which will act as a witness for the thought-form to
enable you to work with it with greater efficiency.
Start by making a circle two inches in diameter. Divide this circle off into ten degree
segments. (You will use a lot of these patterns as time goes on, so it might be a good idea
to make a sheet of them and photocopy it as needed.) This will give you a circle
something like step one in the figures.

Write the name Taxbuster over the circle and hold the thought-form in your mind as you
do the rest.
With a pencil in your left hand, go around the circle and ask either the pendulum or the
stick pad if you will be connecting that point on the circle with any of the other points. If
the answer is positive, make a small circle around the hash mark. Do this at each mark
until you have gone once around the circle. There is no point in repeating the process.
Your drawing should now look like step two.

Lay a ruler between the first hash mark and you have circles and the second and ask if
these marks are to be connected. If the answer is positive, draw a line between them. If
not, lay the ruler between the first and the third mark and again ask. Repeat the process
with the first mark and then move on to the second. Keep it up until you have tested every
combination. Your completed pattern will resemble step three.
Once finished, this circle pattern will give a very true representation of the energy of the
thought-form. You can either place it in the witness can or the three or eight dial machine
and take a rate, along with the helmet and all that will remain will be to put on the helmet
on to be in instant contact with the thought-form.
This technique can also be used to contact enemy thought-forms. The procedure for
making the pattern is the same.
Amplifying patterns are based on the Magnetron.

You will recall in my discussion of that instrument, I described it as eight circles drawn
evenly spaced around a larger central circle. Well, the more circles you add, the more
power you get. Each circle drawn around the central one feeds energy into that point and
thus any witness placed in the center of such a pattern is energized with whatever thought
the operator wishes. All that is required is that the circles be evenly spaced, which in
practical terms means that you decide how many circles you want, divide that number into
360 and place the center of each smaller circle the resulting number of degrees apart.
The pattern of any thought-form placed in this will result in that thought-form being
charged. In serious psychic conflict, this ability can mean the difference between victory
and disaster.

There is another form of pattern which has its origins in magick and that is the pattern
created from what are called Kamea, or magic squares. These patterns, like the pre-
existing ones we will get to shortly, are used to transmit certain forms of energy to a
target. In use, they are placed in the left-hand witness can of the three or five dial box, a
rate taken and then the pattern and the rate are sent to the target, whose witness is in the
right-hand can. In the eight-dial mechanism, it is simply place on the central plate with the
receiving witness. A circle pattern, incidentally, can be transmitted the same way.
To use these patterns, it is necessary to know something of the traditions of magick.
There are seven magic squares, each corresponding to a particular planet and day.
These planets, days and their main points of influence are as follows:
Saturn--Saturday, anything to do with death or attaining knowledge. Note that traditional
operators will attack usually on a Saturday evening.
Sun--Sunday, gaining wealth, position, power, all good things. Great for defense, lousy
for offense.
Moon--Monday, anything involving travel, usually positive, love, anything involving boats.
Again, good for defensive patterns.
Mars--Tuesday, war and all things that pertain thereto. Again, any traditional enemy is
likely to attack on a Tuesday evening. good for both offense and defense.
Mercury--Wednesday, good for anything involving business or gathering information, also
useful for theft and deceit.
Jupiter--Thursday, good for gaining wealth and position. Useful for defense, useless in
Venus--Friday, love, it's enough to make you sick!
In practical terms, this means that you will use patterns from Mars, and Saturn for offense,
the Sun and Jupiter for defense and the others for specific operations should the need
to use patterns from magic squares, you must first be able to phrase the command of your
thought-forms as clearly and simply as possible. This is a good idea in any case. Let us
say that you want a pattern that will protect your house. You create a command for the
thought-form, which you have named House Guard and the command is "Guard my home
from all
enemies." You must then decide which planet this will fall under. After some
consideration, you decide that the Sun is a good, general planet and thus the pattern will
be made from that square.
The next thing to do is break down the letters of the command into numbers. The
traditional method uses the digits from 1-9 so that the alphabet is arranged over them
something like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

You would then break down the words like this:
Guard my home from all enemies.
73194 47 8645 6964 133 5554951
After you have done that, you would draw a magic square of the Sun and, beginning with
the number 7, the first number of the series, connect the appropriate numbers as you
would the dots in a child's puzzle book. The result would be a pattern like that in the
figure. Trace the pattern off the square onto another sheet of paper and set it to one side.

Create your thought-form with the appropriate command and visualize the pattern you
have created at its center. This thought-form you would charge in the same way as a
circle pattern. You would place this pattern in a sample can of one of your boxes, take a
rate, which you will record as it will not change, and place the witness of the target in the
receiving end of the machine. All you have to do now is let the machine go, perhaps
adding some amplification as explained in the appendix.
The other method of making a square pattern is the result of a peculiarity of a couple of
the squares which cause the number of possible patterns to be severely limited. The way
around that problem is to assign numbers to letters by the way that they fall in the
alphabet so you would have a list that goes as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26

This would create a different pattern for the same words, but as a pattern only expresses
a relationship, this should not concern you. In any event, both systems work equally well
and another tradition bites the dust! The second method, however, can only be used
when there are more than 26 numbers in the square, for reasons which should be
For all seven squares see Appendix.
The last form of transmittal pattern we will study are the traditional seals of the spirits from
such works as the Lesser Key of Solomon, as well as others. I reproduce a few which you
might find to be useful in the Appendix. These seals have the advantage in that by being
used by magicians from time, if not immemorial, certainly very long, so they have become
attached to extremely effective patterns of energy which may be thought-forms or which
may have a life of their own. We are not in a position to tell which. For that reason, all
you need do is pick the pattern which most suits your needs, place it in the left hand can,
set the machine for the rate for that pattern and let it go.
There is, as in most cases, something to be aware of in using these patterns. The
qualities attributed to the spirits associated with them are not exactly analogous to the
results you will get from using them. For example, Andras is, traditionally, a very
dangerous spirit to conjure to full visibility. Its seal is a good disruption pattern. But
broadcasting the seal of Andras is not likely to kill the target. You must also be aware,
and I cannot stress this too strongly, that radionics takes time, as I explain in Appendix.

"If you attain this way of victory, then you will be able to beat several tens of men."

Admittedly it is a minority point of view, and probably touched with more romantic notions
than a devout realist like myself should admit to, but I think that war is one of the most
beautiful words in the English Language. It brings to mind all manner of glorious images
of burning cities, blasted fields and tons upon tons of expensive bombs and other
weapons being used up and having to be replaced. The possibilities of profit for the
studious investor are enormous. But this is not a book about playing the defense group in
the stock market. Here, we are concerned with serious feuding between angry psychics.
Yes, my friend, you too can enter the exciting, ever-growing field of sub-national conflict
and you do not even have to stop shaving or wear a towel on your head in order to do it.
Here we are going to deal with psychic battle in a way that has never been done before.
You will remember my comments from the beginning of this book. Psychic warfare is
warfare carried on by other means. The weapons are those of the psychic world and thus
your strategy and tactics will be determined by that fact. But never forget that it is still war
and we are not playing at silly games. There is more to psychic combat than making a
strong aura and hiding behind it as the French did on the Maginot Line. Wars are not won
by staying on the defensive. They are won by carrying the battle to the enemy and
destroying him. It is not always necessary that the end result be the total obliteration of
the foe, but it is a good idea for you to operate under the assumption that it is and not be
squeamish about any ills that may befall him.
So now let us consider the elements of psychic strategy.
All warfare has three elements: intelligence, defense and offense. You already know how
to gather intelligence. This is never, under any circumstances, to be neglected. You
must, once you have reason to believe that you are, or are about to be, under some form
of psychic attack, begin to work to discover who the enemy is and everything about him
that you can learn by means psychic or ordinary, by methods fair or foul. There is no
reason to think that he will not try to do the same with you and there is no error so great as
to underestimate an enemy.

It is the tendency to underestimate, to declare victory too quickly, that has cost many
generals dear. At the battle of Cannae, for example, the Romans mistook the planned
withdrawal of Hannibal's center for a sign that they were winning and thus drove their
entire force at that refused center. This put them between Hannibal's flanks, which closed
on the legions trapping and destroying them in the classical double envelopment which
this battle has given name to. Just when the an enemy is seemingly defeated may prove
to be the time when he is most dangerous. therefore, never stop examining the state of
your opponent's mind. Study him. Learn to know him better than you know yourself so
that you will think of his moves even before he does. In other words, REALLY know the
mind of the enemy and not be like that damned fool MacArthur who knew less about the
Oriental mind than he did about anything else.
Defense is another matter. There was a time when it was a simple affair to win a psychic
duel by defense alone. One merely made his wall and sat behind it. From your study of
thought-forms, you know that this is no longer the case and there is no traditional defense
that can withstand a psionic attack. You will learn the reason for that very soon.
The principle of attack is to exploit your opponent's weaknesses quickly, before he has
time to discover those weak points and reinforce them. Dawdling is suicide in war. It cost
the Germans Kursk and was the principal reason for the defeat of the Iraqis in the Gulf
War. Likewise, you must never hesitate to exploit a weakness. If your opponent has a
liking for strong drink, turn him into an alcoholic. If the enemy is skillful and if there are no
apparent weaknesses, you must act first and create them.
So let us examine some of the tactical considerations of psychic combat.
In a traditional psychic battle, the attacker would launch his blow at what he hoped would
be an unsuspecting or undefended target. In this case, the simplest form of counter attack
was always to turn the invading energy around and send it back to the attacker. We must
remember that relatively few psychics know a lot about military history and virtually
nothing about fortification and siegecraft. In addition to this was the fact that traditional
methods of launching an attack virtually required that a psychic link, such as exists in a
witness sample, would always exist between the attacker and the attacked, especially the
energy being launched and the one who sent it. With psionics we can not only get around
that, as you will learn shortly, but also use that very witness against the attacker.
Often a traditional attacker will use ritual. This would, on the surface, seem to be a very
powerful means of assault, for ritual has the capacity to create very powerful fields and
thought-forms. To a skilled defender, however, it is one of easiest things to counter.
Once your intelligence has told you that such an attack is imminent, you must prepare
your defenses. The rule in psychic combat is to have a defense in place to cover your
attack. That is what a defense is for. Your defense will be determined by the nature of his
ritual, but a strengthened field or thought-form is usually sufficient for defense against a
ritual attack. You know, because of your pendulum, at what time the attack is likely to
occur and when that time comes, meditate upon your defensive arrangements. In addition
to that, have handy a circle pattern that will correspond to the pattern of your defensive
thought-form or field, and amplifying pattern, such as twelve small circles around the
larger, central one and light, such as a high-intensity lamp. Place the circle pattern in the
middle of the amplifying pattern and aim the lamp at it. The light, hitting the pattern, will

energize the circle pattern and add charge to the field or thought-form to which it
corresponds. It is virtually impossible for a ritual offensive to penetrate this defense.
You should also be aware of the tradition that states that if an attack fails, it rebounds on
the attacker with three times its original strength. The reason for this is that traditional
methods, with their dependence upon a link and strong emotion, create a powerful bond
between the attacker and his victim. The released energy must go somewhere and if it
fails to reach the target, it just goes back along the line to the attacker. That is why all
psychic experiments must be carried out with as much dispassion as possible and all
linking between yourself and your target should be avoided.
This last tradition can also be used to your benefit. Any practitioner of traditional psychic
warfare will be aware of it and will probably believe it so strongly that once he discovers
that you are uninjured by his sendings, his own beliefs will work against him, gnawing at
him until he creates a powerful attractive thought-form which will bring disasters to him by
the process of IPK, to say nothing of the not inconsiderable power of suggestion. This
will, of course, be in addition to your own counter-attack which will follow on a day when
he is not expecting an attack of any kind, such as a Thursday. Why? Because as you are
not following tradition, you are not bound by its limitations.

You should include in your attack patterns for any aspect of his conscious or
subconscious which may be turned against him. For example, if he is weakened by
conscience, you can make a circle pattern which will correspond to his conscience and so
amplify it using a a radionic box that he will damage himself. If he is foolish enough to

believe in Karma, you can amplify that belief until he is best by worries which will become
self-fulfilling prophecies. Never forget that a worry, or a fear, if felt strongly enough and
often enough, can create a thought-form which may ultimately bring that very thing about.
Find such thought-forms and amplify them.
Now let us suppose that your enemy is using another method. In this case he has created
a stationary thought-form in your room, or even in your etheric body. For whatever
purpose it was done, you must find this thought-form and dispose of it.
Your first indication that such an attack is taking place will be either your suspicions, or the
advice from your early warning thought-form. With that as a starting point, go through the
procedure to determine if an attack is taking place. If you have not done so already,
(shame on you) make yourself a gauge or chart, similar to that in figures and and on it
have a space for the following: simple thought, thought-form, ritual, ritual object and
psionic. These are the basic methods of psychic attack. You may even want to include a
space marker "other", but it is not necessary. By holding the pendulum over the center of
the chart and asking the right question, you will learn what form of assault has been
launched and in this case it will say a thought-form.
As a thought-form for this purpose is usually placed in a fixed spot, like the "psychic land
mine" technique I taught in my first book on psionics, only here the purpose is not the
harmless desire to make you like someone. The thought-form has the advantage when
used in attack that, if properly made, it is very difficult to send back to its maker. Most
attack thought-forms have a self-destruct program similar to the one I instructed you how
to make. In any event, you have to find it and analyze it.
This is done by first making a circle pattern which will correspond to the attacking thought-
form. Once you have made such a pattern, set up either your three or eight dial box and
helmet by taking a rate for the thought-form and start asking the questions we covered in
the chapter on intelligence. Find out if the thought-form is placed in your etheric body and,
if not, move out, covering your room and any place else you can think of. If all these
answers are negative, ask the pendulum chart or Ouija Board to spell the location out.
The location of the thought-form often has a lot to do with its purpose. One in your etheric
body may be there to cause you illness, one in your room general distress and one in your
car can kill you in an accident.
We have already covered using a counter-thought-form to destroy the attacking one.
Radionics can be used even easier.
In the appendix on the use of the box, I explain what a balancing rate is and how to find it.
With the pattern of the thought-form in the box, set up such a rate and let the box work.
This will attack the very nature of the thought-form and by continually testing it, you will
know when it is no longer a threat. A good rule to follow is if the strength level is over 80,
the situation is serious. If between 50 and 80, the thought-form is effective, but you have
time to destroy it without too much worry and if under 30, it is already on its way out. In
any case, in addition to using the radionic technique, it is a very good idea to cut the
thought-form off from its power source.
A thought-form can be literally starved by visualizing it as being encased in a shell with no
opening, which will prevent all energy, either from its maker or from the universe itself,

from reaching it. This procedure, when used with the balancing method, will render the
thought-form useless and finally non-existent in a short period of time.
Continue on the defensive until the thought-form is exhausted. While you are doing that,
find out who the attacker is, either by the methods covered in the chapter on intelligence,
or, if they are not sufficient, by interrogating the thought-form. This is done by again,
getting into contact with it and asking the questions over again. Incidentally, knowing just
who to counter-attack is of some importance. I still remember the embarrassment I felt as
a young and inexperienced practitioner of magick when I launched a powerful blast and hit
the wrong man.
In this case, you will counter-attack by the same methods as before, finding the
weaknesses of your opponent and amplifying them. The teleflasher can be used in this
regard. With the witness of the target in the box, set up your box and helmet for a contact
rate and place the message you wish to send on the teleflasher. In this case, just the
word "FAILURE". Using your pendulum to strike the hours, find out what time he will
asleep and at that time send the message. This will get through to his subconscious and
he will begin to be nagged by self-doubt, multiplied by the fact that you are still hale and
hearty. By thus sapping his self-confidence, you can make it very difficult for him to resist
your counter-strike, which may take the form of a thought-form or a disruption pattern
transmitted by the five-dial box.
Assault by ritual object has a quaint ring about it and it is so old a technique that it can be
very difficult to take seriously. For that very reason, you should. Even so, remember my
injunctions about paranoia. Anyone can get a witness sample of, as I explained before, so
do not waste your time trying to protect yourself from that. Such precautions distract the
person from the true menace, which is the attacker himself.
Understand that for our purposes, ritual objects come in two varieties. There are those
which are meant to be seen by, or contacted by, the victim in some way. This can mean
anything to a charm taped to the front door or stuck in the mailbox, to a knotted string
jammed in the furniture. The other kind need never be seen or come near the target and
this would be the sort of thing exemplified by the traditional voodoo doll. The first kind is
rather amateurish and quite easily dealt with. All that is necessary to neutralize it is to put
the thing on your radionic box and set up a balancing rate. After your gauge shows that
its strength is gone, burn it. Of course, if your attacker knows that you are versed in
psionics, he will probably not use such crude techniques, except as a diversion. You
should realize also that suggestion is very important when these methods are used.
Therefore, by neutralizing the object, you create an equally powerful counter-suggestion in
addition to removing any psychic potential it may have.
The other form of object is a little harder to deal with, but not impossibly so. As you will
not have any direct contact with it, you will only feel its effect. It that regard it is similar to
psionic assault. The difficulty, therefore, does not lie so much in the countering as in the
You must first determine, accurately, that an attack is taking place. Never forget that
suspicion is not proof, a fact that would save the local state's attorney a great deal of
embarrassment if would remember it before he opens his mouth in front of a television
camera. After that, you must determine that the means of assault is a ritual object, in this

case let us say a doll. As the doll has not been placed somewhere for you to get into
contact with it, you must realize that you are extremely unlikely to get a hold of it. So you
must disregard any instructions that you have read concerning the physical destruction of
the object. You are not going to be able to do that. What you are going to do is turn the
energy of the attack back onto the attacker.

Using your helmet and box, try to remote view the doll. This is not going to be as hard as
it sounds, because the doll is already in contact with you. Simply write "doll" on a piece of
paper and set up the rate on your box and helmet.
Take a good look at the doll and then return to your normal consciousness by the simple
procedure of opening your eyes. While still in contact with the doll, make a circle pattern
of it and replace the paper with it.
Now you must use the numerical gauge to determine the level of both the effect the doll is
having on you and its own strength. If you get a low reading, you may wish to laugh the
whole thing off, but it is wiser to assume that the doll is not fully charged and prepare your
counter attack. If, on the other hand you get a high reading, you must deal with it as a
matter of some urgency.
One of the reasons why no psychic warrior in right mind will use a ritual object to attack an
equally competent opponent is the object may become as dangerous to the maker as to
the intended victim. Think about it for a minute. The sorcerer puts a tremendous amount
of effort into the making of such a thing. He must acquire the witness samples, find the
proper materials, make the object and then go through the trouble of charging it. The
object, in this case the doll, has become one hell of a witness for the attacker. You have a
circle pattern that can function as a witness for the doll, therefore you have a link to the
person who made it as well as the fact that you transmit back through the witness used in
the making of the doll.
So you can now do a little ritual yourself. It is one of the few times when you will use such
a thing with psionics, but the psychological power of it is enormous.
But first you must block the incoming energy. Using the circle pattern as a witness, find
the balancing rate for the energy of the doll, as it affects you. Place a witness sample of

yourself in the machine and let it go. That will knock out the attack. Now for the counter-
Remember that most people who use charged objects in attack are not very bright and it
is quite possible, probable in fact, that the one who is striking at you will have neglected
his own defenses. If he has not, you will learn a little later how to deal with them. But for
now, let us assume that this is the case.
Use the circle pattern and another radionic box, with your helmet, to set up a contact rate
for the sorcerer. You are balancing out the energy from the object, so you need not fear
contacting it. Put on the helmet and again, try to see the object. This should be quite
easy for you as you will be contacting your own witness sample. But now it will get a little
harder. You remember my instructions about looking back in time. You will want to look
back until you see the enemy charging the object. I warn you, you may get some very
unpleasant images, but hang on. while you are watching, hook the walkie talkie that you
have modified into the end of the system by using the right hand jack. If you have to stop
looking for a while to do this, it is not problem for you will be able to return to the set time
with little trouble once you have been there.
Keep watching the enemy. As you do this, hit the button on the walkie talkie and repeat
the following:
"Your witchcraft and your sorcery are powerless to injure me. I give your curses back to
thee! Return, return by three times three. Return I say! So mote it be."
What you have just done is taken the traditional means of returning a curse and added
one hell of a boost to it. It would be effective in most cases without psionics, but the
combination of psionic amplification of your thought, combined with the fact that you are
playing games with time and, in effect, blocking the curse at the moment of origin, makes
this a truly devastating counter-move.
Psionic Attack is a whole other breed of animal. Depending upon the experience, skill and
determination of the enemy, it can be extremely difficult to not only detect, but defend
against. Its only serious weakness lies in the time that it takes to work, and even then that
is not all weakness. A disruption pattern may take time to become truly effective and you
would not realize it until you tried something important. At that time, everything might go
wrong. With Psionics, it is also possible to destroy any warning mechanism, and as we
have seen, learn every weakness you possess and amplify them, making the attack
indistinguishable from the sort of problems that beset us in everyday life.
So let us look at psionic combat from the standpoint of defense and offense.
There is only one effective defense against a psionic attack and that is a psionic device.
You cannot expect a thought-form or any field to withstand the dissolutive powers of the
balancing rate. Defenses of this type do not get battered down, they simply disappear,
evaporating into the ether. Likewise, psionics can remove the early warning system,
leaving you unprepared for the attack until you check your thought-form and find it
missing. Also, and this is very important, a teleflasher, if properly used, can put ideas into
your mind without you having any idea that they come from any source other than your
own brain.

Sounds pretty scary, doesn't it. This is why people get very nervous when the subject of
psionic warfare is brought up. And the funny thing about it is that often they become
nervous about the wrong thing and neglect the more serious dangers.
There is one form of psionic attack that does not work, and you should be aware of it. As
a result of some very successful uses of psionics by farmers in ridding their fields of pests,
there has risen the belief that it is possible to kill people by placing their pictures in the
machine along with poison. This has no effect. I know because I tried! The reasons are
a bit too complicated to explain here, but in essence, the etheric body of a human has
more layers than that of a bug and thus humans are less susceptible to that kind of thing.
Therefore, in planning your attack, do not fall into that trap. You will only waste valuable
time unless your opponent is a farmer and you want to use this method to attack his
In spite of the fact that a psionic device can eliminate it, your best first line of defense
against such attack is the early-warning thought-form. It is, unless you are fortunate
enough to know that an attack is likely to be on the way, the first means of detecting one.
This means that you have to build a program into its initial command to let you know if it is
being dissolved, while you sleep, of course. It is even a better idea to make a second
thought-form to watch the first and have it inform you if the first one is being dissolved.
The likelihood is that the attacker, if he is good, will destroy the first thought-form but
neglect to look for a back-up. Even so, it is a good idea to check at least once a week on
the warning thought-form. This should give you time to react.
Against the attack itself, you will need to make a psionic shield. It is not a good idea to
buy any of the preset ones on the market. Their settings are just like thought-forms, in
that their effect can be balanced out. It takes time, but it can be done. A pattern can also
be transmitted which would have in it the inherent nature of evading the defensive pattern
being used. Therefore, it is not wise to be locked into one defense. You must have
flexibility to deal with the changing battlefield. It is something like the Greek phalanx,
strong, but not very maneuverable, running into the Roman legions. You know who won.
You can make a much better shield by taking a pattern which you feel is most protective to
you and placing it in your standard, three-dial box, setting the rate and letting it run with a
witness of yourself. In effect, you have created a radionic rabbit's foot. Any incoming
disruptive pattern must contend with the protective energy coming out of the box and this
will blunt its effects long enough for your warning system to let you know that trouble is on
the way. The weakness of this defense is that it may only slow, but not stop the attack,
depending on the nature of the attack and it can be balanced as well. But in this case,
you have the flexibility of using different patterns, to confuse the enemy and he would
have to balance each one in turn, which takes a lot of time. You would, of course, use this
time to counter attack.
The key to any successful battle being information, you must be able to gather yours while
at the same time denying it to the enemy. It is possible to make yourself temporarily
psychicly invisible. There are two ways of doing this. The first is to make a thought-form
which will block any remote viewing of yourself and/or any area you can cover. This
thought-form can be dissolved, but it will last long enough for you work unwatched. If the
opponent is using a watcher thought-form, that thought-form may, of course, be dissolved,

forcing the enemy to create a new one or change methods entirely. The other method is
to find a rate for the enemy's remote viewing skill and counter that. He will then have to
put together a new pattern and may spend some valuable time wondering why his screen
is blank, so to speak.
While you are doing this, you must be hard at work gathering your information about the
threat. You must work fast, because it is only a matter of time before the enemy discovers
that he has not defeated you and gets working on his new offensive. And you absolutely
must counter-attack. In psionic combat, a shield of any sort is only a temporary barrier
which will fall eventually. Your only course of action is to get the bastard before he gets
Understand that in a peculiar way, we are back to World War I. Psionic combat is
essentially siege warfare and the key in such warfare is to penetrate the enemy defenses
before you can get at him.
Begin your phase of the battle by laying your groundwork. You will want to counter-attack
with great force, so be like Montgomery before second El Alamein and husband your
forces before committing them. The final thrust of your attack will, in all probability, be a
prepared thought-form energized by psionics. Using a barrier to prevent the enemy from
watching, create this thought-form and store it in a place where he is not likely to look for
it. At the same time, create a thought-form in your own etheric body that will prevent the
information from being read by psionic means. Remember, any information in an etheric
body can be discovered by using a contact rate and the pendulum or Ouija Board. If your
enemy is using psionics, he probably knows most of your life history anyway and may not
be looking again, but take no chances. Keep this thought-form charged by meditation
every night and check it regularly. Meanwhile, work as diligently on your strike-form.
Visualize this as being charged at least three times a day; when you get up, after lunch
and before going to bed. Make a circle pattern of it and keep it in an amplifying pattern.
Study it regularly and do not even think of stopping the charge until its strength level hits
There are three things you will want to do to your enemy. First, you must determine if he
as early-warning system and back-up. If so, these must be disabled, as must any field
defenses he may have erected. You must get, or make, a witness sample of him. It may
be necessary to use a circle pattern for this, in which case you would make the pattern in
the same way, only while meditating on the enemy. Third, you must strike directly at him.
You cannot use the energy from his radionic box to attack him. A radionic box, when used
to transmit a disruptive pattern, is powered not by the thought of the operator, as is
normally assumed, but rather by the witness of the victim. This means that any energy
the target puts back, around or into the machine is shot back at him. That is the reason
that, aside from balancing the incoming energy, there is no defense against a psionic
attack. The only effect a traditional defense will have is to increase the power of the
transmission from the box. In other words, using a field or thought-form to reflect the
energy back to its source is about as stupid as using horses to fight tanks. You must
attack the operator directly.
Now understand that if you have a smart opponent, he knows that you have this capacity
and is prepared for it himself. He may even have read this chapter. Thus, you may find

yourself against someone who is as mobile in his offense as your are. If that is the case,
expect a long fight. Understand that there are defenses which block and defenses which
reflect. If your enemy has been foolish enough to use defense that reflect, then you have
a simple task. But if he is smart enough to use psionics you are probably not that lucky.
Assume that he has the same capacity as you and go from there.
Study his defenses as best you can. It is a good idea to do this while he is awake, so that
his early warning system will not tell him anything. Use the noise of his mind to block his
information about you and your work. Dissolve any fields he may have as well as any
defensive or offensive thought-forms. You will want to work fast in this, so when you set
up your machine for a balancing rate, hook the amplifier into the machine as well. The
amplified current will increase the speed of the dissolution as well as the power of any
pattern you transmit. Your capacity to dissolve must be greater than that of his to
recharge, otherwise you will have a stalemate.
Check the defensive capacity of your enemy regularly until each one is below 30 on the
gauge. This will not apply to his radionic defenses, but you can at least disable any
others, that is, unless he is foolish enough to not check his defense pattern, in which case
you may disable that as well.
While this is going on, set up the teleflasher and begin to broadcast the message to him
that his sendings are hurting you, even though in reality they are totally blocked. This will
lull him into over-confidence and make him neglect his defenses, as well as prevent him
from renewing his assault. It may even, if the situation allows it, be possible to make a
thought-form which will increase that over-confidence.
So now you have him. His defenses are down and he has no reason to suspect a counter
attack. At this point, make certain that your own defenses are arranged and in top shape.
Never attack without a covering defense and in this case, it had damned well better be a
good one. Bring out your thought-form and give it its final charge, as well as a self-
destruct program in case it does not succeed. Do not neglect this. You do not want the
power of your own thought-form to come blasting back at you. Set up a new defensive
pattern on your radionic device. Charge your defensive thought-forms one more time and
send the watcher to look at your sleeping enemy. His own early-warning system should
be knocked out by now.
This stage is roughly akin to having dug the final trench line and bringing up your siege
guns to point-blank range against the besieged fortress. At this point, in fact, the old rules
of war required that the fortress commander surrender, for if a fortress was taken by
assault after a siege, the attacker had the right to kill everyone in the place. This
seemingly cruel provision was designed to prevent bloodshed, for it gave the besieged
commander a justification to surrender with his honor intact, especially, and for our
purposes, importantly, since once the siege had reached this stage the fortress would fall
inevitably unless relief came from the outside.
You will not give the enemy that option any more than he would give it to you. Transfer
the circle pattern of the thought-form to a radionic box and take a contact rate for it. Set
up your helmet as well and take a rate for the thought-form. Place the witness of the
enemy on a foil plate and hook that plate to the antenna of the walkie talkie. Attach the
walkie talkie to the other end of the box. See your thought-form floating in space,

pulsating with power. As you command it to attack, turn on the walkie talkie and watch
with glee as it blasts it way to the target to do its work. When you see it hit the enemy,
break contact by removing the helmet from the system and reset the helmet to another
box with the watcher pattern to see what is happening. Transfer the pattern to the five-dial
box, which you do not want to hook into your helmet and transfer the walkie-talkie as well.
This machine will amplify the negative force of the attacking thought-form. Unless he is
very lucky, your enemy is in for a rather rough go of life but be careful at this point. Do not
try to micro-manage the results but rather let events take their own course. Check on the
progress of this thought-form regularly as well. It should work before the enemy has time
to counter it, but if it looks like that is not the case, assume that the enemy has set up his
machine to balance the threat and begin to make a new attack-form. As you do this, hook
the amplifier into the input of the five-dial box and let it run. This will energize the
attacking thought-form enough so that you will have time to prepare your next strike.
Keep up the attacks until the enemy is neutralized, no matter what that may mean. If you
should find that, in spite of your training you still have a tinge of conscience, do not
hesitate to use your box to balance it.
That is the way of what would be called a direct strategy, in that only aim your forces at
the target himself. But you also include indirect strategy in your arsenal. Never forget the
old saying "He who loves leaves hostages to fate." An opponent may spend a great deal
of time protecting himself and totally forget about his wife and children. If that is the case,
and you can obtain the witness samples, the choice of target will be obvious. Likewise, a
place of business can be an excellent target for area assault. Do not be limited by any
standard of morality in this work, but continue to remember the words of Lord Shang,
"When you can do that which your enemy is ashamed to do, therein lies an advantage.
Never forget that psychic warfare is a complicated matter. There will always be twistings
and turnings and the unexpected, so plan for it and do not merely study this book, but
study warfare itself. It is normal to be surprised. It is deadly to be shocked. Fight with
wisdom and dispassion. Go with power and you will return with victory.

There are two ways to get calibration on your boxes and helmet. Either you can use
calibrated knobs, assuming you are lucky enough to find them, or you have to make your
own. The latter is not as difficult as it seems.
Make a series of circles about an inch and a half in diameter. They can be larger or
smaller as you wish, but this is good average. In the center of each, make a smaller
circle, just large enough to fit over stem and threads of the potentiometers once they are

Following the steps, Step 1 shows the circle just after it is drawn on the paper. Step 2
shows the circle divided as you divided the numerical gauge in the chapter on dowsing. It
is a good idea to make a large circle, divide it off into 30 degree segments with long lines
running along the radii and lay the smaller circle on it with their centers matching. You
can then simply mark on the smaller circle at each point. These are then marked from 0
to 10. At Step 3, you cut out the central circles and at Step 4 you glue the calibrated circle
down on the box or helmet with the stem and threads sticking up through it. You then turn
the stem of the potentiometer all the way to the left, lay the knob on it with the pointer at 0
and tighten the screw.

Basic Radionics
Radionics is a difficult subject to deal with under any circumstances and in the area of
conflict, even more so. There is something about the nature of the science which drives
people nuts. It offends the materialist and appalls the psychic. Any materialistic individual
is going to be upset by the notion that a box containing nothing but a few pieces of wire, a
couple of cans and several potentiometers will affect a target at virtually any distance
through the agency of his photograph. The psychic, on the other hand, has very often so
spiritualized his practices that the very idea of a machine becomes nothing short of
blasphemy. And then when they discover what we are doing with them in this book, well
the results can be similar to Grand Mal. This material is the stuff of what can be, for them,
a source of unreasoning terror.
In this book, I hope I have done my best to justify their fears by teaching you how to make
them come true. For while radionics was discovered by a physician and has been used
almost exclusively for healing and agriculture, its tremendous potential as a weapon
seems, in spite of some wild speculation to the contrary, to have remained unrealized. To
repeat my favorite example, there was the oft-repeated rumor that the sinking of the U. S.
submarine Thresher, back in 1963, was the result of a Soviet radionic experiment. Yet, if
the truth be told, there is not one shred of evidence to support such a claim, other than the
obvious fact that intelligence agencies, ours as well as theirs, have tried for decades to
exploit psychic abilities as a weapon, with little good result.
In the use of radionics as a weapon, we must discard all previous theories and work on
technique alone and assume that in this field we are beginning from scratch.
There are three basic things that one can do with radionics. One can contact the etheric
body of the target in order to transmit. One can examine targets and analyze them. One
can balance fields and thought-forms out of existence. The key to these functions is what
is known as the rate.
The rate is something you get when you use the machine. It is the reading on the dials. It
is taken as follows.
With the witness of the target in the left hand can, or the on the central plate of the eight
dial mechanism, you plug in the detector pad and, while turning the first dial with your left
hand, stroke the pad with your right thumb. Do this until your thumb is stopped along the
pad. This sensation is impossible to describe and is different with each operator, but you
will know it when it happens.
This is done with each dial in turn until you have turned all the dials. You will end up with
a series of numbers, the meaning of which depends upon the operation. If it is a contact
rate, then this rate places you in contact with the target's etheric body and you may
transmit your message or pattern or examine him at your leisure. The contact will be
maintained until you break it, something like an open phone line. Contact rates change
each time you wish to get in touch with the target, so there is no point in recording them.
An analysis rate is usually a pre-determined rate used to ask if a given condition exists in
the target. It is used more often in medical radionics than in our work. The witness of the

target is placed in the machine and the machine is set to the rate of suspect condition.
The pre-set rate is also used for transmittal patterns. In this case, you set up the machine
for a recorded rate of a given pattern, place that pattern in the left-hand position or on the
central plate and place the witness of the target in either the right hand can or on top of
the pattern on the central plate. Then all you need do is either let the machine go or add
some amplification or light energy.
Adding electrical or light energy is sometimes useful in increasing the power of a
transmission. It is not always necessary, but it can often help. When used, the light is
shone on the pattern or the left hand can and the radio or tape amplifier is plugged into the
left jack. When the radio is used, it is set to the FM band, the patch cable run from the
ear-phone jack to the left jack and a rate taken on the radio as you would any other
radionic instrument. This equipment is usually used in conjunction with transmittal
The walkie talkie is used a bit differently. It is wired to the right hand jack and is usually
used with a contact rate to aid in direct psychic transmission from you to the target.
When the box is used in the balancing role, you set the rate for the pattern of the thought-
form or field or condition you wish to get rid of and take a rate. Let us assume that you
have a rate of 3.6, 2.2, 7.1. on the three-dial box. This rate is balanced by subtracting
each setting from 10, so your balancing rate would be 6.4, 7.8, 2.9. By letting this rate go,
the box will automatically dissolve the offending etheric component. As balancing rates
are similar to contact rates, they change, so as you examine the target component, you
will have to take a new rate and balance that one until the component is dissolved.
The advantage of radionics lies not only in the ease of use, but also in the fact that the
peculiar circuit of the machine creates a loop effect. The energy use is quite small, but it
continually goes from the pattern to the target and back to the pattern, in a continuous
process. This means that there is no danger of a back-flow from the target to the
operator, who is no more into the system while it works than he his attached to his light-
bulb after he turns it on. In effect, he loads the pattern, sets up the machine, and fires. At
that point, the operator is no more involved in the end result than the gunner who has fired
the shell. The only difference in the machines is that the eight-dial box shoots out its
energy in a spiral, but the principle is the same. The operator is separate from the
Your Psionic Amplifying Helmet is strictly used for contact work, either with the target or
the thought-forms. It has no balancing or analysis function, in and of itself. Therefore, all
you need to know about it is how to tune it.
There are two ways to do this. The first method is to put on the helmet, or lay it with the
central head plate directly over the witness and plug the detector into the jack. A rate is
then taken on the dials of the helmet by the usual means. The second method is even
easier. After you have taken the contact rate on either your three or eight-dial machine,
plug in the helmet and take the rate. Now you will discover that there is a little problem
with the eight-dial machine in this regard, as it only has one jack. When you use that
machine, lay the plug of the detector under the plate of the helmet and take your rate on
the helmet.

Above all else, you must use your machines often, in order to get the feel of them.
Understand that these machines reflect the strengths and weakness of the operator and
thus there are times when they get a little quirky. This is usually manifested in a failure to
get a stick on the pad. If this happens, do not despair, for there are many different
reasons for this, none of them fatal. I, for example, normally get a stick no matter which
direction I face, but some people have to face a particular direction. But, by the same
token, the equinoxes foul me up something terrible. Learn your weaknesses and you will
be able to work around them.

D Machine
The five-dial box, otherwise known as the D Machine, needs some special handling. Most
particularly, you must pay close attention to the order in which the rate is taken and follow
certain precautions during this and afterwards.
This is a purely offensive device. You will never use it for defense or analysis. You will
only use this device when you are attacking the enemy. For that reason, it has been
designed to carry only destructive energy in its loop. Naturally, due to this fact, you will
wish to be careful when setting it up.
As I have stated, in most radionic work, it is not possible for the operator to be affected by
the energies of the witness sample or the rate his taking because of the time involved.
The occurrence of problems with this in medical radionics is due more to the continual
concentration by the practitioner on the diseases he is treating. The D Machine is a bit
different. While there is still a time factor involved in attaining results, it is remotely
possible that the operator could pick up some negative energy merely from taking a rate
or setting the machine to an already determined rate. This depends upon the natural
sensitivity of the individual. I have no problems at all, but I have a couple of friends, who,
if they wished to use this device, I would insist be very careful with it. The precaution,
however, is simplicity itself. After you use this machine, for any reason, go into the
bathroom and fill the wash basin with cold water. Plunge your hands into this water and
hold them there while visualizing any negative energy in you flowing out of your hands and
into the water. That done, let the water out the drain. Make a habit of doing this, for, while
as I said, the dangers are remote but it is best not take chances.


Magic Squares

These seven squares, or Kamea as they are sometimes called, are used for the patterns
described in the chapter on that subject.









Patterns from the Lesser Key of Solomon

I have included here a selection of twelve patterns from the Lesser Key. Six are for
defense and six are for offense. Remember, the results you get from these patterns with
psionics are not going to be the same as you would get from conjuring them up. So follow
the instructions in the book and see what they do.

Belial--Gains favor for the operator and thus is good for balancing attacks on one's status.
Berith--similar to Belial
Buer--an excellent standard healing pattern. Perfect for general defense.
Eligor--bestows favors and starts wars, good for victory.
Foras--defends against attacks on property
Gusion--good things in general, thus an excellent pattern for all basic defensive work.

Agares--attacks status. Devastating when used on a politician.
Andras--general destruction
Flauros--general destruction
Lerajie--causes wounds to heal more slowly than normal and thus can aggravate existing
conditions of any kind.
Ose--can attack mental state of opponent.
Vine--credited with destroying castles, he is perfect for attacking any defense.

Psionic psupervillain

A Celebration of Creative Social Deviance


Charles W. Cosimano

Copyright 2006


Welcome to the world where the only rule is there are no rules.

Welcome to a world where there is no truth, no right and no wrong.

Welcome to the world where the only desire that is wrong is the desire that
is not fulfilled.

Welcome to the New Millennium.

Welcome to the Age of Chaos.


In the beginning there was Abrams, and Abrams begat Drown and Drown begat
Hieronymus and Delawarre. And while all that damned begetting was going on
the art of Radionics was getting mired in the swamp of healing because no one
was willing to have any real fun with it.


Because healing is boring boring boring boring! And people dont like to do boring things.

The word radionics became more and more associated with healing and psionics
was coined for the more interesting aspects of it, like maybe someday people
would make psychic machines that could really do things that were worthwhile,
like blow up whole entire planets.

Now that sounded like fun!

And psionics remained pretty much the stuff of scientifiction (yes, there really was
such a word at one time) while governments got very interested in the idea and
worked very hard and very secretly to make psychic machines that could do
things that were worthwhile, like blow up entire other countries.

And thus things remained until the late 1980s when, out of nowhere, came a
voice bellowing that psionics was fun and everyone could do worthwhile things
like blow up traffic cops.

And who was this paragon of oddness and perversity who would shake the
foundations of civilization and give New Agers and Wiccans (yuck, ptooey, spit!)

Me, you idiots!

Yep, little old
funny looking
me, Uncle
Chuckie, The
Terror of the
Known Cosmos.
anthem in the

So here we go.
This is going to
be a fun volume,
full of all kinds of
things, lots of
which have

Here I am,
making the

Good folks
work from
sun to sun.
A bad guys
work is
never done.

nothing whatever to do with Psionics but are just good things to know how to do
in case you should desire to be a super villain yourself, and if you are reading
this then you have probably already decided to do just that. This book is going to
be a mass of ideas, gadgets (a few), techniques and ideas with lots and lots and
lots and lots of digressions and twists and turns and really scary stuff on

It's also going to have lots of pictures because books without pictures aren't
worth the trouble of reading and most of you are probably used to reading stuff
off the web now and expect oodles of nice graphics.

Well, I can't very well promise nice, after all, I have an image to live down to, but
there will be many illustrations.

So hop on, take your Dramamine and enjoy the ride.


Why Villainy????

One of the most annoying questions I would often get asked over the years of my
wild and misspent youth, usually by a girlfriend, who, being stark naked and tied
to a bed or post or something at the moment and not really in a position to be
asking such things, was why did I use my knowledge and ability to create chaos
(fun) in the world instead of doing good works and healing (doublepluss unfun).

Well, there is a actually a very simple to answer to all that. I'm psychotic! (And
being round and cute instead of all wrinkled and ugly and dead like Mother
Theresa may have something to do with it too.)

No, not really, but I just sort of like it when bad things happen to people I don't
like. Or even to total strangers because true joy is only found in the sufferings of

Ok, you can put your hair back on now. I'm going to try, and try is the operative
word here, to explain how this works.

Take a look around you. You've got a whole lot of people running around loose
who think that not only do they have the best way to live themselves, but they
think everyone else should live that way to. And it doesn't stop at living. They
want to control how you think, speak, eat, sleep, work, everything. Now you
would think that everyone else would just sort of come out and tell them to go to
hell, but for some reason people don't. They just sort of take it and before you
know it you have a race of cowards whose lives are being run by a bunch of
stinking do-gooders and activists, the sort of folk who are summarily killed in
more civilized societies.

If you go through life trying to be a "good person" you are asking for nothing but
trouble because these annoying cretins are all out there waiting to tell you what it
means to be good and to jump all over you if you don't go along with every little
belch and whine.

And can they ever whine.

So you are left with the problem of what to do about your life in the face of such
people. In the end, who is in control? Is it you? Do you make your own
decisions following your own light? Or is it going to be the whiners and

I think I know what the answer is, at least what answer you would like it to be.
But then the question becomes how do you go about that?

The answer that I found, many years ago during the wicked 60's was to play the
bad guy. I mean think about it. The villain invariably gets all the good lines, is
the most interesting person around and never has to follow the rules. On the
contrary, he is expected NOT to follow them. Given that fact, it was a simple
matter for me to come to the conclusion that I would be the villain.

I don't know if I can describe how incredibly liberating an experience it is,
knowing that one does not have to subordinate your will to the will of the horde.
There is an exhilaration to it that is unmatched, knowing that you are free to act
in any way, without having to account to anyone for your actions. And, when
someone rebukes you for anything, you can simply shrug them off and say, "Hey,
I'm the bad guy. I'm supposed to do that stuff." And then all they can do is
sputter in impotent fury and stamp their little feetsies.

As an example, one time a fellow student, possessed by Satan-knows-what
demon, asked me what I was going to do about what he termed, in all
seriousness mind you, your responsibility to the inner city.

I looked rather quizzically at him and said, Nothing at all. I dont have any
responsibility to the inner city. Whatever in hell gave you that idea? At that, he
just sort of gasped and stood with his mouth open not knowing what to say.
Back in the 1960s they simply did not expect such a forthright answer.

So the funny rhetoric aside, once you free yourself from a lot of these petty
considerations of good and bad you are seriously free. You have to understand
something here. When you use psionics, you are beyond the reach of any law.
There is no recourse from your actions. You can burn, murder and pillage the
minds of everyone and no one can do the slightest thing about it. In fact, they
will have no way of knowing if you are the one doing it.

This is the sort of thing that makes Psionics really really fun to do, much more
interesting that just making people well who should be dead anyway.

And that's just the Psionic stuff.

Okay, something you have to realize here as you get started. The technique
stuff is easy. Anyone can learn to use Psionic equipment. Frankly I'm getting
incredibly bored with just writing about that sort of thing. After all, there are only
so many ways you can say the same thing over and over and over again. What
we are going to work on here in this volume is creating an entire self-image and
ultimately a public image as well as having a jolly good time and then getting
down to wrecking the planet in the process. Style is everything and style is what
I am going to teach you how to create.

You see, if you do a real good job of being a villain, you can do all sorts of
politically incorrect things as well as things that are socially unacceptable and still
be able to walk into a party and have people be very pleased that you are there,
not in spite of your behavior, but because of it. If you do it right, you can break
every rule of god and Man and you will discover that not only are you lionized for
breaking those rules, but the folks who would try to ostracize you for your actions
are themselves the ones to be isolated because they come off as crashing, self-
righteous bores and no one wants to be around them.

Now you have to do this right. Because while boring is Because while boring is Because while boring is Because while boring is stupid, stupidity is worse. stupid, stupidity is worse. stupid, stupidity is worse. stupid, stupidity is worse.

There is little point in dressing a part and going around proclaiming how evil you
are and then going into conniptions if someone does something that seems to

violate conventional morality in some way. That is the quick way to look real
stupid real fast.

The other thing is go around proclaiming yourself to be evil and then trying so
hard you end up in the hoosegow. Do not sacrifice your common sense, as
uncommon as that quality is.

Rule One. This is not a 24/7 thing.

You are permitted to feed the birds in winter, be nice to little old ladies in the
grocery store and even say a kind word to your sister-in-law on occasion, though
for the life of me I have no idea why you would want to do that. (Ok, you do it to
make your wife happy.) Don't take yourself so damned seriously that no one can
stand you. In fact, it is better if you never take yourself seriously at all.

Rule Two. Life is a joke, treat it as one.

No matter what the whiners on local television may say, cynical detachment from
the affairs of the world is always in. Operate under the basic assumption that
everything a politician says is a lie and you can never go wrong. And never,
never, under any circumstances, take a television journalist seriously if he uses
the word "crisis."

If you can watch the days news and get a good laugh, say "Who gives a fuck?"
and then go back to playing a video game without letting any of it disturb your
dinner you will be off to a good start.

At this point, cultivating a profound sense of irony is the most useful thing you
can do.

And here, with the appropriate roll of the drums, is an example.

A whole passel of years ago, a couple of days after Xmas, there was a fire in
Chicago. Now that is no big deal. There are always fires in Chicago, some of
them rather big and one nearly burned down the whole city (the damned fools
rebuilt it, unfortunately). But what made this fire truly funny was the fact that not
only did it kill off one useless future drug dealer but it was started because the
little brat wanted a barbecue for his birthday, so his obliging and retarded family
started a fire going in a pan full of oil which his moronic father was carrying
through the living room. He dropped it, setting the whole building burning, and
praise be to Darwin! Such genetic material should not be propagated!

And Moloch got a well-cooked little monster for an offering!

I was at a girlfriend's house when that came on the news and immediately broke
out laughing, to the absolute shock and horror of her mother (shocking girlfriend's
mothers seems to have been quite a habit with me when I was young but now I
merely terrify in-laws) so I explained my behavior by simply saying, "Well, they
WANTED a barbecue!"

You have to learn to look on the sufferings of strangers as a source of

entertainment and remember that the only problem with suffering humanity is that
it is not suffering enough!

If you can learn to look at the world from the point of view that nothing that does
not directly affect you is of any value you can learn to appreciate better the dark
humor that makes up human existence, those little ironies that make the most
seemingly tragic events quite funny. It is always possible to find some little nasty
twist to put on things that not only will bring out a feeling of terror from those
around you, but also make them laugh at what you say no matter how horrified
they may be.

A good method to use in getting the desired response is to find out the kind of
reaction people expect and then never give it to them. One of my favorite
methods is to watch the news, hear of some minor disaster like a train wreck or
something and then complain that we can never do disasters right in this country
because we never manage to get enough people dead and that that fact is a sign
the world is going to hell.

It works like this. The announcer on the news, trying to sound like it matters,
says that a school bus has rolled down a hill and two children were killed. Your
response should immediately be to shout with indignation, "Is that all? Can't they
even wreck a school bus right any more?" If you want you can even go into a
long speech about how when you were a child a wreck like that would have killed
every kid on the bus and if that wreck had occurred in Bangladesh it would have
killed everyone for ten miles around. In fact Bangladesh is the perfect target for
your outrage simply because anyone who is stupid enough to build a country in a
floodplain deserves all the disasters they can get. Just treat it as a metaphor for
the sum total of all human stupidity and you can't go wrong.

As long as you can find some totally bizarre thing to say and say it with
conviction, you can achieve your goal.

Your hearers will not know how to react. Should they try to rebuke you and have
your indignation turn on them or should they laugh at what must obviously be a
joke? If you have managed before this to persuade them that you really dislike
children (as all people of taste and breeding do--disgusting little plague carriers
that they are), they will wonder even more. But the important thing is that they
will not expect you to react in the way they would. You have separated yourself
from them in a very real, very definable way and in a way that will ultimately work
to your benefit.

You see it works like this. Everyone works on the assumption that people share
certain common beliefs. It makes things easier in some ways if they do and
historically societies did share such things. These common beliefs allow
members of a given social group to make value judgments about other members
of that group. It gives them leverage, control if you will. But that leverage never
extends to those outside the group. The Pope doesn't really get upset if a Baptist
doesn't consider him infallible (well, maybe Pius XII did but he was never quite
the same after Hitler lost and heard voices as well). If someone is separate from
them, does not ascribe to a given belief or value structure, that person is not
expected to follow the rules of the group, but rather gets a great deal of leeway in
action, more freedom in a very real sense. No one really expects a Baptist to

modify his behavior because of something the Pope says, quite the contrary,
people would be very surprised if one did.

Now, if we were living in a very closed, very tribal culture, this would not work
because such societies tend to close ranks and eliminate outsiders and the non-
conformist literally has to take over and kill all his opponents in order to survive,
like the Prophet Mohammed did (peace be upon him). But our broader society
prides itself on its openness to everyone. A group that becomes exclusive
becomes looked down upon. So people are conditioned to accept differing
approaches to life. The villain, faced with group of people who does not
appreciate the art of his villainy can say, with some approval from his fellows,
that the ones who disapprove are narrow-minded buffoons and everyone will join
in the disapprobation and ridicule that will naturally follow.

So you see, the point of all of this is freedom, the freedom to think, to speak and
to act. By removing yourself from the herd you acquire the right to act in ways
the herd does not approve of.

Of course that means you have to start thinking of yourself as the bad guy and
enjoying it, so after a bit of useless metaphysics I'll get onto the real stuff of

And no one drew spacemen like Gil Kane in the 1950s. Just thought you should
know that. If you look at the headgear, you can see that he had an obvious
influence on my work.


There is rational of Villainy, not merely of crime, for while all criminals are
Villains, not all Villains are criminals. Quite the contrary. Many of the greatest
deeds of wickedness have been performed by those individuals whose probity in
the eyes of the law was unquestioned, even by their victims. Yet, in spite of that
fact, it must be stated that the frail mortals who seek to legislate for their betters,
for it must be admitted that the legislator is among the foulest and lowest
example of the human species, have never understood the high calling of Villainy
and have ever attempted to stand in its way, thus forcing the man who would
follow the true path of darkness to stand outside the law.

In view of this, there is the temptation to link the highest calling to the actions of
the petty miscreant who is only capable of robbing some worthless wretch of his
life savings. Fie upon such foolishness! The true Villain is one who, secure in
the knowledge that he is a part of the great chain of being, will undertake to bring
chaos into the world, cause suffering on a massive scale and in general make life
worth the trouble of living.

So at this point we must consider the nature of evil itself, not merely as the
opposite of good, but as a pre-existent quality, the summam malum, if you will, of
all human behavior. A ding an sich which manifests itself through the activities of
those who heed its glorious call.

But at this point we must clear up a misconception that may emerge in the mind
of the literate reader. We will not concern ourselves with the illiterate ones. It
must not be supposed for even the barest second that we hold to the peculiar
theory so popular in late classical times, which stated that evil was a physical
substance. No wonder the Empire fell! Evil is not a thing. It is, rather, the
manifestation of the primordial darkness from whence sprang the universe itself.

In the beginning, as we all know, there was nothing but darkness. The great
explosion, the ultimate violence which created the universe, time, space and all
therein, had not yet occurred. And the first cause, if you will, the first intelligence
which made the whole thing go boom, was the Lord of Darkness. How could it
be otherwise when Darkness was all there was? And of him came his fellow
Lords of the Night, self-made, creatures of power. And for reasons which we
cannot even speculate upon, they conspired to create Light, the manifestation of
weakness, to oppose their strength. Who knows? Maybe they were bored.

And thus the great Blast took place. And out of that gigantic conflagration, the
universe and Light were born. And of the Light came another, far inferior form of
intelligence, the Lords of Light, who believed themselves to be self-made, but
were, in fact, merely the demented creations of the Lords of Darkness, who
made them to be their playthings.

But the Lords of Light persisted in their foolishness, as they do even to this
endarkened age, rejecting the wisdom of the Darkness and choosing to exhault
in its place the madness of light and its corresponding principle of weakness.
And to mask the truth, which they can never admit, not knowing it themselves,
they created the beings, perhaps beasts would be a better word, called by men
Heroes. And these Heroes were given the illusion of strength to counter the true
power of the Darkness.

The Lords of Darkness were amused by the new game, but disturbed as well, for
the Heroes worked their false strength with such cunning that they feared that the
race of men should be forever lost to the falsehood of Light and be seduced into
the paths of weakness. It was out of that fear that the Lords of Darkness created
the Villains, who would forever stand against the heroes and make humanity
realize that weakness is a disease and that compassion, its symptom, is as a lie,
an illusion, a foolish dream and by opposing, end it. And the Villain must always
win, for there is no way for the Hero to even have a hope of triumph unless he
becomes like the Villain, to use the force of Darkness to his benefit and thus
become one with the Darkness itself.

But why must the Villain, who is strong, be considered evil and the Hero, who is
weak, be considered good? It is only through the success of the Great Lie,
worked upon the minds of men by the insane Lords of Light. The definition that
they have driven into the foolish hearts of men is that Light is good and Darkness
evil and they have been so successful in that striving that they have not only
made themselves to believe it, but all other men do as well, and thus, we, who, in
spite of our higher allegiance, are nonetheless men, must adhere to that
definition until the forces of Light are destroyed and Darkness once again reigns
supreme in the universe.

Ours is, after all, the superior way. The Darkness which we serve is the first
cause, the true Creative Force out of which came all there is. Light, being the
mere creation, is far inferior and cannot be other in spite of the Great Lie.

This the reason that by allying ourselves to the Lords of Darkness we partake of
their strength and their wisdom, unlike our adversaries who follow a weaker path.
Those fools who follow the path of light, have no such great resource to draw
upon, save that small hope of Darkness in the black hearts of mankind. Heroes
are weak, being themselves followers of the principle of Ultimate Weakness. It is
the desire of the Lords of Light that men should remain powerless, while the
Lords of Darkness give strength to whomever calls upon them and follows them
in the way of the Shadow.

The Lords of the Light thrive upon ignorance, for is not knowledge strength? And
wisdom, that goal of all true men, comes from knowledge. The word of Darkness
is strong, far superior to the silence of Light and thus is it not true that where the
book-burners hide, are not the followers of Light among them?

Ignorance, on the other hand, produces weakness, just as it produces
foolishness and the Hero is always an unlettered beast, who has no ability but in
his overdeveloped muscles.

Out of this must come conflict. The Light cannot withstand the Darkness which
surrounds it and absorbs it. The Light cannot bear the Truth that it too is of the
Darkness. But the Darkness and its Lords are patient and can wait while we,
their chosen ones, the Villains, do the Great work and drive the forces of Light
and Weakness from the world.

Whew! Glad thats over with!

Now, the important thing to remember is that none of the above may be true, or
all of it may be true, because there is a basic credo to all this and that credo
states that "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." So if you want to take a bit
of warmed over Gnosticism and turn it into a personal religion, go ahead and
have fun. Maybe you can even make some money at it, which is, after all, the
only thing religion is good for (besides giving folks a reason to kill other folks, of

It is also good to remember that the wicked do prosper and since everyone wants
to be prosperous, the wickeder they are the better off they are.

So, that being done with, it is now time to learn the basics of wickedness.

Be patient, we get
to this later.


Ok gang, here we go with the basic parts of becoming a villain.

All philosophers write of the problem of good and evil. Primarily, they wish to
address the question of how one is to be a good man in evil times. In this, they
are mistaken, for if experience teaches anything, it is the good which is to be
avoided and the evil which is to be embraced.

As it is written:

"Straight from the shoulder,
I think like a soldier,
I know what's right and what's wrong.
I'm the Original Discriminating Buffalo Man
And I'll do what's wrong as long as I can."

When one hears those stirring lines, the heart thrills with joy. Were it only that

The is an important thing to remember; all societies use the concept of good and
evil to enforce conformity. Therefore the surest way to evil is to discover what
constitutes conformity and then do the opposite. In other words, you must first
learn the rules in order to break the rules. If a quality of the personality is
regarded as virtuous, cast it from your life and if a quality is regarded as a vice,
amplify it, uplift it, practice it and enjoy it.

It is in seeking to know what is considered good that many a budding Villain falls
by the wayside, for in that search, they fall prey to the insidious nature of
goodness itself. They catch the dreaded disease of conformity. They begin to
seek the acceptance and approval of their fellows for its own sake, rather than as
a cloak to cover their own dark and happy deeds.

While the distinction may be obvious when reading about it, it is far less so in
practice. It is very unwise to assume that merely because you have chosen a
path that places you beyond the common ruck that you have automatically
become superhuman. While we may all look forward to the next step of human
evolution--Homo Horribilis--when man shall truly be wolf to man, it is with our
present condition that we must deal.

All evil must produce a feeling of suffering in its victims. There must be pain of
body or mind or both, for as it is written:

"What doth it availeth a man if he kill the whole world if it dieth without pain?"

Franz Hartmann, whom you've probably never heard of (be thankful, he was a
bore), wrote over a century ago, "The real villain, however, is who performs evil
for the love of evil without personal considerations. ...This power of evil may kill
the man...that never offended it, and by whose death it has nothing to gain,
destroys for the sake of destruction, causes suffering without expecting any
benefit for itself, robs to throw away the spoils, revels in torture and death."


The work of the Villain, therefore, is to cause human pain. You must study hard
this work, for it is not sufficient to merely injure the body of your victim, you must
damage the soul as well.

What is it that causes most people to suffer? Fear. For we know that it is the
fear of something which is far worse than the thing itself. Take Death for

In and of itself, death is far from terrible. The human condition is such that in
almost all cases, it is preferable to life. Yet all sane men fear dying. Often this
fear is the result of base superstition, tales of punishment in an afterlife, for
example. But usually, the real fear is not of death itself, with its total cessation of
suffering, but rather of dying, for as the saying goes:

"Death is always quick, but the road to it can be exceedingly slow."

But death is not always the greatest fear. There are the classical phobias:
heights, confined places, water, etc.. There is the fear of poverty, humiliation,
social isolation. And, most powerful of all, fear of injury to loved ones. Not for
nothing is it said "He who loves leaves hostages to fate."

For that reason, the weakest and most helpless of people are always those with
the strongest emotional ties. These are the ones who you will find the greatest
joy in attacking. It is one thing to torture the parent. It is quite another to torture
the child in the presence of the parent. This is a basic fact to which all of the
great evildoers in history will attest.

Therefore, one of the first actions of a Villain must be to learn of the fears of his
victim. Never forget that the fear of pain is often harder to bear than pain itself.
The wise interrogator knows this, as does the capable dentist.

As a Villain, you must cast out all fears from your life. You do this in order that
your enemies may not be given some hold over you. You must value life so little
that you can look a robber in the eye and say "Go ahead and shoot."

To some, this may seem to be an unnecessarily harsh view. And their reasoning
must be considered. To be evil is to be truly alive. It is to be unencumbered by
the weaknesses of our fellow men. And one can hardly live to the fullest if one is

But as all social control is based on fear, the one who is not afraid is the one
least able to be controlled. This you must never forget. Society has no
defense against one who is truly willing to die. Or willing to destroy

Fortunately, however, our great work rarely requires such extremes, for as it is

"He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day."

Yet this is the whole of the matter. All Evil is based on the suffering of our fellow
men and our Villainy is based upon our capacity to inflict pain and to enjoy
inflicting it.

Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo! Yahoo!

It is this very ability to take our pleasure in the pain of others that gives us our
strength. For we feed upon that which weakens the lesser breeds of humanity.
Consider this: Who is more likely to survive? Will it be the one who shares his
food, or the one who hoards it? The answer is obvious. But there is one beyond
these, who manages to appear to do good while really doing harm.

Study well the ways by which men are deceived. The wise Villain teaches his
child the mores of his society, not that he should be so foolish as to accept them
himself, but rather to learn that people's values are levers by which they can be

And remember, the stronger a quality which resides in a person, the more likely it
is to become a weakness. A man who is truly honest is the one who is easiest to
cheat, for being incapable of cheating others, he is unlikely to expect it to happen
to himself. But the most damning and damaging weakness of all is guilt. Guilt is
the direct result of the presence of a conscience. It is the controlling element in
the hands of good-doers by which they seek to maintain the power of the weak
over the strong. No real Villain is going to let himself be controlled by his
conscience. It gets in the way far too many times until it is brought under control
by the Villain. It is not easy to attain this perfect state and no one who tells the
truth will make light of the difficulties that you will face. But you must make the
attempt. It is only power that separates the Villain from the common ruck, the
power of his mind and of his character, dominated by the sheer, unyielding
ruthlessness of his personality.

Consider if you will the parable of the Wise and Foolish Soldiers. In Vietnam,
there were two American foot soldiers, each in a different unit.

The unit with the First Soldier found itself under enemy fire and huddling with a
group of civilians. A grenade fell among them and the Foolish Soldier
unthinkingly threw himself upon it, saving his comrades, but at the cost of his
own life.

The unit with the Wise Soldier was in a similar circumstance. But in this case,
the Wise Soldier threw one of the civilians on the grenade, saving himself and his
fellows at the cost of a total stranger.

In the above story, the Wise Soldier was no less courageous than the Foolish
Soldier. He merely was able, in the emergency, to call upon his superior
character, schooled in ruthlessness, to make the right decision. He did not
hesitate to think, but instinctively sacrificed the weakest of the party that he might

For as it is written:

"What profiteth a man, if he save the whole world and loseth his own life in the

Or, as my father used to say as the WW2 veterans would march by on Memorial
Day, "Remember son, those are the damned fools who got shot at."

In other words, if you are beside a river and a small child falls in, you let the little
bastard drown. And, if you're lucky, you have your camcorder nearby and you
can get some material to sell to the local news and make some money off it. At
the very least you can put it up on YouTube and everyone can have a good

Now, let us consider the making of an evil deed.

You have seen blind people. Who has not? With their staggering around and
tripping people with stupid canes they're a goddamned menace and they should
be exterminated. And in more civilized societies they would be ground up for
sausage stuffing! But you must remember that our society values weakness. It
has lost the capacity to enjoy another's pain. Hence, people place an inordinate
value upon the well-being and happiness of those whom nature, in his greater
wisdom, created to be despised. This results in such perversions of nature as
ramps on sidewalks which are nothing more than a danger to everyone who does
not use a wheelchair. Better to have had everyone in the wheelchairs shot!

This being the case, society, in its foolishness and vain sympathy, has given the
True Villain an obvious target. Therefore, you must first study this victim.

It cannot see. This means it has no sense of direction and no warning of danger
except that which can be heard, felt or smelt. The most simple act then, can take
on far greater significance. All the Villain need do is give the disgusting creature
the wrong directions. At the very least, it will staggering off not knowing where it
will end up and at best it may be hit by a car with a resounding and very
satisfying squishing noise, or even, if you are very lucky, fall off a cliff. But the
real fun comes from all the fuss that people will make over this, as though the life
that was lost was of any value in the first place.


Thus you may see, that by preying upon the weak and useless, you may cause
great annoyance to the strong. One should not rob from those who are rich, for
at most you cause them only a mild inconvenience, at greater risk to yourself as
they often have the means of retaliation. But when you steal from the poor, you
cause great and lasting suffering.
Therefore, let it be your guiding principal that all actions taken in the name of
Villainy be directed against those who are too weak, either in resource or in spirit,
to defend themselves or to retaliate against you.

And never assume that just because the person appears weak he is going to
stay that way. That's how lawyers get their brains blown out.

Never forget that cowards die peacefully in bed.

Its amazing the ideas that are out there if you look for them.


Being a bad guy means that you have to acquire a mindset that will put you in
opposition to the world. There are a number of ways of doing that, the easiest
being to simply watch the news and realize that the people being portrayed as
victims are really nothing more than worthless idiots who deserve everything they
get thrown at them.

And you have to remember that being evil is cool. Evil rocks, evil swings, evil
moves, evil is the stuff of living. Where Goodness is all the stupidity of Princess
Dead, the ugliness of Mother Theresa and the incompetence of Jimmy Carter,
Evil is joy, well-being, comfort and happiness.

But you want to do more than just have an attitude, you want to express that
disdain in a positive, aggressive manner without going out and physically pushing
blind people into the path of oncoming traffic, fun though that may be because
such action has certain attendant difficulties involved if you get caught.

We're gonna steal from the fluffy bunnies. No, that doesn't mean you have to go
out and rob the local candle shoppe. You see they have this weird idea that if
enough people put out thoughts of sweetness and light the world will sort of fall
into line with that. Ok, it's not that crazy an idea. If something can get put into
the mahatmosphere with enough oomph behind it people can lock into it and who
knows what kind of trouble can result, because if do-gooders get their grubby
hands on something you know for sure they are going to try to make life
miserable for the people who should not be miserable--like you!

The best way to counter this plague is to create one of your own. After all, just
because we can't go around injecting people with HIV doesn't mean we can't
poison their minds. That's why I wrote a chapter on that. (It's coming up soon so
keep reading.)

This little creation has its roots in the 1993 World Parliament of Religions, one of
the biggest and silliest gatherings of its kind in history (but hell, it was a great
party). About 8,000 people were jammed into the Palmer House in Chicago and
the organizers had some really bizarre and stupid ideas. They started off with a
crypto-fascist loony named Robert Muller who used to work for the UN (now,
right away, that should tell you something!), got advice from his dead wife and
whose goal in life was to create a super-religion controlled by the UN. I know that
sounds like Uncle Chuckie has flipped out completely and next thing you know
he may start speaking in tongues, but after hearing him my friend and I looked at
each other and said that for once the fundamentalist Xtians might be right, for the
first time in 2000 years!

Damn! That would be something different!

But that was only the beginning. It got worse!

Next, the organizers brought in some hopeless refugee from the 1970s named
Gerald Barney (not to be confused with a purple dinosaur who is much smarter)

who apparently really believed that back in the 1970s there actually was an
energy crisis.

Can you say MORON?

He was so utterly stupid that the thousands who heard him left the ballrooms
muttering "BULLSHIT!" to each other and resolving to totally ignore the mixed
and assorted nuts who were organizing this debacle.

Finally, the ultimate lunacy was the idiotic diatribe they called the Statement of
Global Ethics created by Hans Kung (who in the good old days would have been
burned at the stake and I never thought I would find myself agreeing with the
Pope, but Kung really is a crackpot) and presented to the assembled
representatives of the various faiths as a fait accompli which they were expected
to sign without any discussion. That nearly turned into a riot as the
representatives of the various religious and spiritual bodies in attendance threw a
fit and threatened to walk out onto State Street and start shooting unbelievers.

Now, you may be very well asking yourself what the hell was a paragon of
worldly wisdom like your Uncle Chuckie doing at this thing? Well, I was there
because it was a great party, one never misses an opportunity to sit in the lobby
of the Palmer House which is one of the most beautiful public rooms in Chicago,
and I was rather hoping to see the Hindus and Moslems shoot each other down
on State Street in front of the hotel. That didn't happen (curses!) but there was a
very pleasant exchange between the Sikhs and the Hindus which caused the
police to be called to one of the plenary sessions. Unfortunately no one was

Oh well, can't have everything.

But there was actually some good that came out of that gathering in that it gave
us a framework to work against, the Declaration of a Global Ethic. And one of
the things that preceded it was a chant created by the organizers which was
supposed to put everyone in the world (I'm serious! Never let it be said these
folks think small in spite of the lunatic ravings of Gerald Barney.) in the proper
mindset for what they were doing. I won't repeat it here; I would not so offend
your digestion, or mine for that matter because I would have to copy it (It would
make my scanner die!). It was called the Chant for the Universe and it was so
sickly, sugary syrupy that even my sentimentalist do-gooder friends (yes, I have
several) could not repeat it without feeling violently ill with me, with one notable
exception but the poor man is obviously mentally ill and needs lots of prayer.

As I do not complain without trying to fix things, I wrote this response.


Spirit destroys, the breath of life poisons,
All teachings of earth are false and are lies.

Rejoicing in the power of Evil.

Alone we stand, together we are mighty, bringing devastation
to the weak of the Earth.

Let all the creatures of this earth cower in terror.
Surrounded by fire, enchanted by death.

Spirit destroys, the breath of life poisons,
All teachings of earth are false and are lies.

With a heart of iron

We attack without mercy.

When we see the cold, let us give them ice.
When we see the hungry, may we let them starve.

Spirit destroys, the breath of life poisons,
All teachings of earth are false and are lies.

With knowledge and with power

Together we work to conquer the earth

Let the rivers run dry, let orchards be barren,
Let the air be as dust in the dark of the moon.

Spirit destroys, the breath of life poisons,
All teachings of earth are false and are lies.

Together we raise the unrestrained fists of violence, of
vice and of crime.

Let all know subjection to the lash of our tyranny.

Together we are free from all restraint to conquer all
people and rule the earth.

Let all those enslaving rejoice in their power,
Let those enslaved writhe in their chains.

Spirit destroys, the breath of life poisons,
All teachings of earth are false and are lies.

Let the words of the other be ground into silence,

They have nothing to say that's worth listening to.

Spirit destroys, the breath of life poisons,
All teachings of earth are false and are lies.

Great is the power, the power of darkness,
It casts out the light and boredom from our lives.

Fierce is our path, our roadway to glory,
Anger is fuel and blood shows the way.

We rejoice in the power shown by the atom,
We bless the destruction of all that is weak.

Spirit destroys, the breath of life poisons,
All teachings of earth are false and are lies.

As you can imagine, the do-gooders reacted to this with some dismay. Hell they
ran for their fucking lives! And one of the most fun moments at that gathering for
me was watching Charles Tart (famous parapsychological superstar whose nose
is even more prominent than mine and that takes some doing) squirm in my
presence and try to avoid me once he took a look at my name tag. Name tag
hell, those things were as big as the Aaronic Breastplate! If Father Satan
himself had popped up before him, little Charlie Tart would not have been so

So what the hell do you do with this thing?

Well, you repeat it!

Every morning when you get up, you take a minute to recite the litany. Not only
will it help you get through the day but also if you do it often enough you may set
up a pattern in the local atmosphere which will cause an increase in drunk
driving, petty crime and maybe even boost the homicide rate.

Hey! It can't hurt!

And after you have been doing that for a while, you can add the war meditation.
The instructions were written for a group but you do it as an individual just as


I told you
to oil this


Find a quiet place where you can meditate without being disturbed. Sit in a
comfortable position on a chair or cushion. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and
allow yourself to relax.

Mentally link with each person in your group by repeating the name and picturing
the image of a person you all hate. This will help bring the energy of the group to
its fullest, most destructive power.

Find the ultimate center of hate inside yourself. This may prove slightly difficult at
first, but it is usually a simple matter to remember those times when you have
been injured or offended. Let the feeling of hate well up within you until you feel
that you are about to burst with fury.

Visualize your circle of hate extending until it encompasses the entire earth,
creating an atmosphere of anger, of violence and of destruction. Continue this
visualization until you can see the planet as it would be seen from space. See it
being enveloped with red light and becoming transformed into a glowing ball of
seething rage. Hold this image for as long as you are able.

Dedicate your own energies to the realization of destruction in whatever way

Close with the following verse:

Oh hidden anger, rising from every atom;
Oh hidden rage, boiling in every creature;
Oh hidden hate, consuming all existence;
May all who feel themselves filled with thee
Know that they are at war with every other.

This meditation is also good for charging your murder crystal which is something
I will be describing later so watch for it.

Now for the Declaration of Aggressive Individuality.

This was created as a response to Hans Kung and his nonsensical and
worthless global ethic. You see one of the important things we are working with
here is not merely the rejection of an authoritarian structure, but the creation of
an anti-structure that can oppose it at the deepest levels of the human psyche.
By using this Declaration, one can appeal to those most base and therefore most
valuable of human instincts (nothing of value is created unless it has selfishness
as the operating motive) and in doing so create a sort of psychic insulation
against the current set up by such monstrosities of degenerate humanitarianism
as the Kung blasphemy.

With that in mind, here it is.

Declaration of Aggressive Individuality

Humanity is in danger and the danger is now so all-pervasive that to ignore it is
no longer possible.

The search for peace has become a refuge for tyranny. Humanity is born in
despair to live in fear and die in filth. The superior are ruled by the inferior. Too
many children are born and far too few of them die before reaching an age where
they can breed more of their worthless kind.

This must cease.

We condemn the sentimentality that sees the poverty of the poor as wrong. We
condemn the concept of justice which seeks to elevate the weak and foolish to
rank of human. We reject sensitivity. We reject fear.

We reject any attempt to impose any ethic which is at odds with our interests and
our pleasures.

To this end we declare:

1. That all are independent. That no individual is in any way responsible to any
other individual or group for his actions.

2. That violence has primacy in all non-loving human interaction.

3. That the earth exists to be exploited and despoiled as we see fit to do so.

4. That we reject all foolish notions of human dignity.

5. That we reject all notions of equality.

6. That the poor and weak and stupid may be exploited and despoiled as we see
fit to do so.

7. That we shall oppress, injure, torture and kill other human beings as it should
serve our purposes to do so. We affirm the joy of domination and abuse.

8. That we reject all notions of sexual morality and affirm the right to obtain
pleasure in any and all ways at the expense of whomsoever it should please us.

9. That we affirm our commitment to greed, power, prestige and money.

10. That we have the right to destroy any who seek to impose their will upon us
contrary to these declarations.

By promulgating this declaration by whatever means necessary, you will go far to
making life very interesting for the do-gooders out there as they recoil in panic
from its ideas. It also gives you a working framework when you have to
encounter one of the enemy because now you have something to respond to
them with. If a do-gooder tries to tax you with the global ethic, you can then
respond with the counter. It won't persuade her, but it will shut her up, which is
what you want to do anyway.
In the good old days they knew how to handle do-gooders!!


Imagine this, you are wearing your best black outfit, got your shoes shined and
everything. You pull up the car, park it, get out, put on your expensive shades
and walk into the nightclub and immediately trip over someone.


As you try to recover your lost dignity, you crash into a table and knock over
everyone's drinks.

Sounds pretty bad right? Well, it is and it all happened because you did one
really stupid thing. You put the sunglasses on before you went into the club so
your eyes did not have a chance to get used to the dark.

You managed to blind yourself without even looking into the laser beam!

This is the sort of thing this chapter is going to try to teach you to avoid. You
have to know how your body works, how your Slave's body works (yes, I said
SLAVE) and what clothes are best for both of you as well as organizing the

Ok, now that I have your undivided, I can start teaching the important style stuff.

First thing is you have to have some idea of the type of person you are going to
be, the type you want to project and a lot of that depends on your physical make-
up. For example, much as I would like to look like Christopher Lee, being short
and round is going make that impossible. So I have to work with my short and
roundness. Answer--Peter Lorre, who did some damned good scary horror work
without being at all horrifying in demeanor.

You see there is this thing people have where they expect everyone who is cool
to be skinny and menacing, like Jack Palance in his younger days, with a deep
voice that speaks rarely, laughs even more rarely and sort of lowers over
everyone like an avalanche about to descend.

Well, the tallest man I ever met was a United Church of Christ minister who was
6'7" and didn't have a sinister bone in his body and looked absolutely ridiculous
staggering down the front steps after two of mother's martinis (one of which
would floor an unregenerate alcoholic). Height has nothing to do with villainy,
less to do with psionics and yes, it can be useful, but if you don't have it there is
no point in worrying about it. In fact being short can be a real advantage if you
play the game right.

So lets start with clothes, after all, Villains rarely run around naked.

Let us say that it is a given you are going to wear a lot of black. I started wearing
it because it made me look thin and discovered that at that time there was some
new age nonsense going around that the colors you wear had some bearing on
the state of your soul. So, whenever I was around my new age friends I made

sure to wear all black and thus make them very nervous. And besides, it made
me look thinner.

But wearing all black has other advantages, besides the fact that blood stains
don't show real well on it. Designers of women's clothing back in the 1950s
termed it Basic Black and knew that it had the advantage that any accessory
would look good with it. It made coordinating jewelry much easier, so women
wore it a lot. Then in the early 1960's men wore a lot of black suits because any
necktie would look good with them, but there was a problem because the cut of
the suits at that time made all the men look like undertakers.

That was not a good thing.

Fortunately your suits don't have to be black. Gray actually works much better.
But back to black.

It is the universal non-color. And in addition to the fact that it helps you blend in
with all the young folks it means that you do not have to worry about

The important thing is that you avoid the trap of considering something "your
color." Men do not worry a lot about that, but women have been known to and
they forget that the color they think is unique to them is being worn at the same
time by millions of others. It is a stupid thing so do not worry a lot about being
unique in dress. All you will achieve is to make yourself look ridiculous. The key
is not what you wear, but how you wear it and where you wear it.

Let me give you a fun example. I'm an ordained Gnostic Priest. I don't make a
big deal out of it for lots of reasons, but I do have a clerical shirt with the funny
white collar tab thing. This is extremely useful if I have to visit a friend in the
hospital, particularly if the friend is in intensive care, because if you walk into a
hospital and they see the collar no one will question you or keep you out, you can
go visit literally at any time, even in the middle of the night. The only drawback to
this is the occasional having to give last rites to a dying Roman Catholic in the
next cubicle. (You wouldn't believe the things people confess when they are
dying! I really must remember to carry that little tape recorder.)

But it has lots of other advantages. (In fact, so does being ordained in general so
send off to the Universal Life Church for your ordination now. You won't regret
it.) You can make life very difficult for people merely by your presence in the

For those of you (I know youre both out there) who do not know already, I'm
pretty heavy into S/M and I'm a pretty heavy top. I play hard and I manage to
scare novices a lot. And I was, for a number of years, an officer in a Chicago
BDSM Discussion club called the Chicagoland Discussion Group. We would
also have parties on a regular basis and one of our members was an obnoxious
and ignorant fool who thought that his wisecracks were funny (No, not my
brother-in-law). Ok, that describes me too, but I'm the one telling the story so it's
this other guy!

Anyway, I was going out at one time with a young woman who was the
masochist from hell. I mean she determined how good a time she had by how
many WEEKS the bruises lasted (my poor arm!). And she had this religion thing
so we went to one party with me in my clerical suit. It turned out to be priceless!

The obnoxious one was a middle-aged, rather stupid Roman Catholic with all the
guilt associated with that stuff and he took one look at the collar and he did not
say a word all night. He was in shock.

So there we were in the dungeon, my girlfriend clad only in her blushes, tied to a
cross getting a really serious whipping by me in my clerical shirt speaking Latin
and poor Mr. Obnoxious sitting silent down in the social area unwilling to even go
up into the dungeon, much less play.

Damn we had fun!

Ok, so now think about this. All it took to completely silence the guy and
probably destroy his whole weekend was a simple change of clothing. People
react to clothes without thinking, it's a programmed response.

Let me tell you another story, which shows how things can go wrong if you don't
realize this fact.

I have a friend who is priest in the Liberal Catholic Church. In fact he's a bishop
now, but he was only a priest when this happened. Now you have to understand
that the LCC is sort of a warmed over Anglicanism with some dashes of
Theosophy in its theology. It has a married clergy, like all Protestant faiths and
its clergy wear Catholic style vestments during the rituals as well as the Roman
collar. These are VERY confused people.

At this time my friend was going out with the woman who later became his wife
and she was assisting him at church. So they would go to church, do the religion
thing, and then after church go out to have breakfast in what was a heavily ethnic
neighborhood of Chicago.

They got terrible service!

Now, my friend is Filipino and his now wife is White, so they thought they were
being discriminated against because they were an interracial couple. Except that
that was not the reason. Because it was after church, he was wearing his clerical
collar and the waitresses thought that he was a Roman Catholic priest out
holding hands with his girlfriend and we all know that Catholic priests are only
supposed to hold hands with MEN! Especially while in uniform!


So this is a case where the clothes caused something unwanted to happen.
Keep that fact in mind.

A good Villain always knows what buttons it is safe to push!

In essence we are dealing with the difference between style and eccentricity.
Style is useful, powerful. Eccentricity, while it has the delightful aspect of
seriously bugging the relatives, can often only get you laughed at or worse
unless you are a genius like me or really really rich. Then you are expected to
have some little quirks.

So back to clothes. You have to pay attention to the cut. Rumpled is ok if you
are a scholar or writer. Any profession that works with the mind allows you to be
a little loose about clothing because you are expected to have your brain working
on other things. Which means if you really want to terrify people you
occasionally change into something that fits perfectly, preferably an expensive
suit. In fact, you should have at least one reasonably expensive suit of clothes
for business stuff and funerals.

Now, what happens when you make that change. We live in a casual world.
People wear clothes to work in offices that years ago would they not have been
seen wearing in their garages while working on their cars. Which means that if
you appear dressed very uncasually you can get noticed real fast. Remember,
you aren't trying to make people like you, you are trying to make them afraid of
you because that is what villains do. So if you appear well dressed and everyone
else is casual (assuming it someplace where you would not be totally out of place
like at a picnic or something) you have a natural advantage because in most
cases you will set off the "Oh My Gawd! It's the Boss!" response. Now, the folks
around you will probably have no conscious idea that that is what is happening,
but they will nonetheless be deferential.

Now let's take that one step further. Combine the gray or dark suit with
sunglasses and you get the "Oh My Gawd! It's the Feds!" response. That's a
purely conditioned response from popular culture but it's there and you can have
lots of fun with it.

You see that's the trick of picking your clothes. You decide what kind of effect
you want to create and then choose the outfit to match.

Anyway, you get the idea about that now, so on to more important things.


Ok! I can hear all you young'ns out there saying "Whazzat?" Well, posture is the
bearing of your body and once upon a time it was considered to be something
important. Unfortunately, it was said to be important by a lot of old fuddie-
duddies who had some really strange ideas about life, like not having sex until
you were married and other such nonsense so when the time came that people
just sort of realized what a pack of silly old bores those folks were, the posture
baby just sort of went with the bathwater.

Anyhow, what we are dealing with here is not so much the "sit up straight and
breath from the top of your lungs" bullshit but rather what came to be called
"body language."

Oh, damn, I have to explain stuff again!

Some 30 years ago psychologists started to publish books on how to read people
by the way they held their bodies, that positions revealed a state of mind. It
actually was a pretty good piece of work and quite useful because it's true.
People do reveal how their inner minds are working by the way they hold
themselves. What the psychologists who wrote those books may not have been
thinking when they put them out, however, was that by studying the material, one
could learn to consciously use certain postures and gestures to create an image
totally the opposite of what you would be really feeling.

For example, there is gesture known as "peaking" in which the hand are held
with the elbows resting on something and the finger tips just touching, creating a
peak. When this is combined with leaning back, it denotes great confidence.

So, if you are in position where you feel really unconfident, sit back and do that
gesture. You will find the people sitting around you will react as though you are
in command of the situation even if you really aren't.

Or, if you want to look very bored, even though you are extremely interested in
what is going on, fold your arms on your chest, lean back, tilt your head and look
around the ceiling. Everyone will think you are zoning out and ignore you and
you can keep very close track of them without them realizing you are doing so.

If you sit with your elbow resting on a chair arm and you head supported by your
thumb under your chin with your index finger circling around the upper lip, you
will appear to be deep in thought. This posture allows you to either pay very
close attention to what is going on without people realizing how close attention
you are paying or go off and daydream because they really are boring you half to

Now, if you really want to scare the living shit out of someone, sit back, peak and
just have small smile while looking past their heads. This will allow you to have
the image of staring without really doing so and thus you won't blink. This is the
classic "I got you!" pose and it works real well in any sort of conflict short of
physical violence.

And if someone tries to peak you, respond with the bored pose, which says, "I
really don't give a bloody damn about this so stop wasting both our time."

When you sit, it is better to slouch a little than to sit straight up. Slouching is a
sign of comfort and confidence. It shows that you are happy in your
surroundings and in command of your situation. Sitting straight up is only useful
when working at a desk for some time because that takes strain off the back but
otherwise has no benefit. In fact, in a social situation, it puts you in the position
of the inferior.

The one thing you should never do, unless you are in a crowded noisy place
where you need to hear, is to lean forward towards a person. That puts you in a
position of serious inferiority and you want to avoid that.

Another trick is using or not using eye contact.

One time I was invited to a dinner party and I knew that one of the guests
considered himself to be person of some importance. I needed to take control of
the dinner, so to speak, in order to get something done and that meant not being
in an inferior position to the other man.

As it was a small party given by a very close friend of mine, it was a simple
matter to claim one of the ends of the rectangular table, which meant that I had
possible claim to the head of the table.

He took the other end, with the same result in mind.

I removed my glasses.

When I took my glasses off, my natural nearsightedness made it impossible for
him to gain any eye contact with me, and thus he could not use his favorite form
of control. He could not fix me in his gaze because my gaze would simply not
focus on him. That, combined with a bit of slouching made it impossible for him
to gain any sort of dominance and I was able to get what I wanted.

Now, if I had really wanted to be nasty about it, I would have worn my sunglasses
through the entire meal. That would have created a masking effect and he would
not have been able to tell where my eyes were at any time.

Eye contact is a tricky thing. If you use it too much, you can create an
aggressive response and if you avoid it altogether you can create the impression
that you are trying to hide something. That is one reason why, if you don't need
glasses, you should wear sunglasses as much as possible. When you wear
sunglasses, you remove eye contact as a possibility and thus no one can
interpret you through that. At the same time, you may make others nervous
because they may become convinced that you are watching them and they can't
make eye contact back at you.

Ok, now that we've covered that, it's time to do some work on your aura.

Oh no! I can see you shaking your head and thinking you're going to be fed New
Age nonsense again. Well, stop worrying. Just because we may steal some of
their tech does not mean we steal their motives.

So, with that, I suppose it's time to get to that dirty word:


It's gotten to the point where I really hate to even use that word because it has
such yucky connotations but it is really only a technique for controlling the mind
and making it do what you want it to, not what someone out there is telling you it
should do, so with that in mind, I offer you the following short lesson.


Ive already put in a couple of things with this but now I can go into the subject in
some greater detail and then you can go back to the war meditation and give it
just a bit more oomph.

All right, let's start by telling you what this does NOT include.

You do not have to spend the rest of your life eating vegetative matter.

You do not have to screw your body into some god-awful position that
even a team of chiropractors armed with muscle relaxers and
chainsaws can't get you out of.

You do not have to wear cotton.

You do not have to give up wearing shoes.

You do not have to stand on your head.

And you don't have to chant in Tibetan, Sanskrit or Mongolian!

All you have to do is sit!

That's right, just sit!

Oh, there's a little more to it than that, but that is the basic skill.

All you need to get started is a comfortable chair, but not one that is too comfy
because you don't want to fall asleep doing this. Sleep tends to defeat the
purpose. Any armchair with a reasonably straight back is perfect. And if you
don't have one, go to the local Salvation Army store or Goodwill store because
you can get some very nice furniture real cheap. (How much money do you think
psionics makes? I have to know this stuff!)

Anyway, once you have your chair, find a quiet place to work. Now, I understand
that that is not always easy. Apartments tend to be noisy and even a house can
have other people in it or worse, neighbors with children who play in the
backyard and scream up such a storm that if someone were being murdered no
one would notice. If you are beset with such problems, not to worry. All you
need do is go to the local pharmacy and purchase, without haggling, a set of ear
plugs. The waxy type that can be molded to the fit the shape of the ear are the
best because they can keep out just about any sound. I once slept through a riot
wearing them and I've used them for pistol shooting and hardly even heard the
gunshots. They were much better than the standard ear protectors.

Ok, that problem is solved. Now you have to make sure you are not likely to be

This can be a serious problem if you have a family. I once wrote that the way
around this, if all else failed, was to sit in the bathroom because then you could
be reasonably certain of a few minutes of peace. Another option, especially
since now you have the chair and want to use it, is to wait until everyone is in
bed, or get up a bit earlier than they do.

So much for the logistics.

Now you are ready to get started.

It is best that you wear something comfortable, that won't bunch up in
inconvenient places, not tight but rather loose. In fact, if you can work nude, so
much the better. You don't want anything distracting you if you can avoid it.

Sit in the chair, trying to keep your back straight. I know, this runs counter to my
previous instructions about slouching, but this is not to impress people, this is to
get the energy flowing around you.

Let out a nice, long sigh. This has a natural relaxing effect and if you do it a few
times, you will notice that you feel quite a bit of tension leaving your system.

Sitting is the first stage. Just sit and notice things. That's all you have to do.
Pay attention to your body. Notice the muscle tension in your shoulders and the
twitch in your left leg. You can't help but notice the itch and do not hesitate to
scratch it. There seems to be some relationship between not moving and itching
because whenever I've tied up one of my girlfriends over the years she would
immediately develop an itch somewhere.

You will also notice that you hear things you normally would not. This is perfectly
natural and normal, nothing superphysical about it. There are a lot of
environmental sounds around us that we pay absolutely no attention to because
our minds are on other things. It's sort of like when you are trying to sleep and
the house makes all kinds of noises it doesn't make during the day. Actually it
makes those noises all the time, but you aren't laying in bed trying to sleep so
you don't hear them.

Now, as you do this, you will notice that you no longer really notice things around
you because your mind will be so busy that it won't have time. It can really only
concentrate on one thing at a time and you can be so absorbed in noticing the
strange things in your body that you don't even notice that the basement is
flooding and pretty soon the water is nearly up to where you are sitting.

Well, maybe you don't want to be THAT detached from your surroundings.

Anyway, work on this for a week or two just to get the feel of it and get yourself in
the habit of setting aside a few minutes (about ten to twenty) per day for this sort
of thing. Meditation is one of those things where habit can become very

Here we get to use another dirty word, so cover your ears.


I know, just the sound of it sets your teeth to grinding and you want to go out and
shoot a cab driver, but control yourself. All it is is a set of sounds that when
properly used can program the mind.

Sit and start meditating. Try to breath regularly, but don't try to force it. I
remember when I first tried that and I nearly found myself having a heart attack. I
mean it really pounded and scared the living shit out of me!

So just let you body decide what it wants to do with that, it knows best.

Notice how you breath, how you inhale and how you exhale. If you are not doing
that, begin now or you will turn blue and die and have no further need of this

After discovering that you are, in fact, still breathing, pick a couple of sounds, one
for the intake and one for the exhalation (isn't that a wonderful sounding word?).
The Indians from India (not the ones running the casino downtown) came up with
a useful little pair of noises, So and Hum.

Now, superstitious and gullible New Agers, hearing this, immediately assume
that there is great spiritual power in those words and run around with them
printed on Tee shirts. Just shows what they know!

Those damned idiots can even make Wiccans look intelligent!

So and Hum are nothing more than the sounds the breath makes as it goes in
and out. That's all they are.

As you inhale, think the sound So and as you exhale, think Hum.

Do this for a while and you will notice an interesting effect. Your mind will no
longer notice the various things it was noticing before and so you will have to
become really careful so as not to get so wrapped up in this that you don't hear
the alarm until the firemen break down the door to rescue you! The last thing I
want is for you to get really burned up about this and be mad at me!

Keep this up for a time, maybe for about a month until you get into the habit
again. Once you have gotten to the point where you can pretty much shut things
out it is time to really get to work on yourself.

Working on the aura and the psychic image you project takes a bit of time, so
don't expect results the next day. Give it a week or two. Remember that Rome
wasn't burned in a day.

Now, the first thing you have to decide is what kind of villain you want to be.
There are a number of different types to choose from, ranging from those who
rely on brute force to those who can worm their way into people's minds and
wallets. We call the former truck drivers and the latter politicians.

What you want to do is give the impression of strength without having to resort to
stupid brutality. It is, after all, very difficult for someone with a pistol to take
anyone armed with mere muscles seriously. And with psionics you are going to
be armed with something a hell of a lot more powerful than a pistol though not
quite as quick.

Thus the impression you will want to make is someone with calm, overwhelming
power who does not have to depend on mere physical force to get things done.
A person to whom the rules quite literally do not apply, therefore there is no point
in even bringing them up.

Get yourself some comic books.

Ok, I'll bet that woke you up!

Study the villains in the comic books.

I'm not kidding. Those characters can give you keys to the way you present

Now, as most of my knowledge of comic book characters is pretty out of date,
(the bulk of you werent even born when I was buying them new, but now I collect
the old ones I missed) I won't use them as the concrete example but rather pick
one that most of you can relate to, Darth Vader.

Consider this character well. While physically imposing (after all, it is a movie
villain) he rarely does anything physical except get in a few sword fights. His real
actions tend to involve little more than the occasional movement of a couple of
fingers and his voice and delivery, ah, there is the key. The moment in The
Empire Strikes Back when Princess Leia and Han Solo encounter him in the
conference room and he says, very simply, "We would be honored if you would
join us," is one of the classics of understated power.

So it is power that you want to ooze out of your aura.

Now it is time to meditate. Picking your character carefully, begin to meditate
and as you do so, feel yourself becoming that character, even to the point of
looking like him. Work on this every day until you notice that you are taking on
certain personality characteristics that you didn't have before. And pay very
close attention to how people react to you.

This is important. While you are not going to change your physical appearance
(no way could I ever be as tall as Darth Vader), you are going to be setting up a
pattern in your aura that will make people who come into contact with you
respond to you as they would to the type of character you are creating. They will
feel it at an instinctive level, so while you want to create something powerful, you
don't want to create something that will produce revulsion. And you don't want to
make the mistake of creating something that will get you into trouble.

So watch what you are doing and if it is not working get rid of it.

But once you have that character down, sit and meditate and begin to do things
in your imagination as that character. See yourself walking around as him and
doing various things as him. Just remember as you do that that you remain you
and you are merely doing this to internalize (old psychological word) certain
useful qualities. It is not necessary to do what a cult in the late sixties did and go
out and wear the same costume as the character. That is going too far.

Keep your common sense and your head screwed tightly on your neck!

Repeat after me:

Image is everything!

Ok, now you have your character down, it's time to do more work with it.

Begin to meditate. Take on the form of your character and feel yourself
becoming him.

Now see yourself in the center of a vast empty space in which you the very

Begin to expand yourself until you feel that you are filling the entire space.

Now, start to see people around the edges of the space being pushed out by
your expanding self. See them as being subservient to you and responding to
you in that way. See that they exist only to keep you happy and content and
know that they see themselves in that light as well. They are your willing
servants and will remain that way forever.

It is at this point that you have to work on the bad guy part.

Make an audio tape of the following and use it to go out on an adventure as your
character. Repeat it occasionally because it will help you develop the kind of
ruthlessness you will need to accomplish your work of villainy.

































Do that exercise once a day for a couple of weeks and notice where it gets you. I
won't give you any more clues because everyone is different but you will begin to
notice some interesting changes in your life.

Now it is time to work on really charging up your energy field.

Sit in your chair and relax, keeping yourself reasonably alert because we can
always use a few good lerts. Sorry, couldn't resist it. Anyway, do the mantra
thing and then begin to see a beam of light coming from over your heard and
reaching down to the base of your spine.

See this light, this burst of energy, spiraling around your body going back up to
your head, filling you with energy and making you more and more powerful.

Watch as the light returns to its source, completing the circuit and encasing you
in a glowing sphere of light.

Now, start packing more and more light into the sphere until you feel that you will
glow in the dark. Keep this up until you start to get seriously bored and then

Repeat this operation every day combining it with your chosen character. As you
do this you will discover that you not only take on the personality characteristics
of that character, but also begin, in a small way, to have some of its powers.
Now you have to reasonable about this. Don't expect to fly if you jump off a
building! But certain minor effects can be expected, particularly in area of
controlling the people around you.

Once you have gotten used to operating as a being of power it is time to work
more on your basic personal character.

Repeat after me:

True joy is only found in the sufferings of others.

This is where you separate yourself from the do-gooding goose turds out there!

Time to watch television.

Ok, stop running around the room screaming obscenities, I know it's a difficult
thing, but force yourself to do it. It's good for you!

Put on the local news. And stop yelling! I can hear you all the way across the
damned continent!

Why the local news? Because it usually sucks and the reason it sucks is the fact
that the stories are supposed to be calculated to get people all mushy and
sympathetic, not realizing that to anyone with an ounce of sense knows they are
hilarious, like the big mess in Milwaukee years ago about the cemetery where all
the bodies were in the wrong graves. Hell, given the class of people buried there

the families should have been glad their loved ones were even allowed into the
ground instead of being ground up for dog food!

And then there was the stupid story about the missing fishing boat with the three
morons who went out into a storm on Lake Michigan and were never seen again.

Now, if the directors had any brains, they would have used the Gilligan's Island
music every time they ran a story about that idiocy, but no, they took it seriously,
as if three incredibly stupid looking fishermen were ever a loss to anyone! Hell,
any day now the UFO will return and throw them back.

So, you see the local news is gold mine for things to learn to laugh at. All you
have to do is start laughing and the rest becomes easy.

I will admit at this point that some misguided folk have a problem with that,
figuring out how to get that first laugh going. Well, television itself has provided
the cure.

You see, laughter is contagious. Like itching. So what you need to do is make a
laugh track of your own and this is easily done with a tape recorder and a few
friends. Just get them laughing all at once and make an audio tape of it. Then,
whenever the whiners start on the news about the misplaced dead welfare
mothers and crack whores, turn on the tape. As you hear the tape, you will start
laughing yourself and pretty soon you won't need the tape. You will have
counter-conditioned yourself to see things in a new light, a much more humorous

Ok, so now you have your clothes, your body language, your aura and your
sense of humor. What do you need next?

You need henchstaff!

Great Villainy usually requires some help. After all, think of Stalin, peace be
upon him. Can you imagine him running purges and gulags all by himself?????
He needed assistance and lots of it.

And Hitler needed a whole damned country!

Now, admittedly, for most of the psionic stuff, you don't need any help, you can
do it yourself. But there are some operations that having extra bodies can make
much easier. And for the image it is a necessity. The visual of the shabbily
dressed individual walking alone through the crowd which does not realize the
terrible danger that moves among them may make for great literature, but it is a
lousy way to live and no fun at all!

You need to be surrounded by attractive, intelligent people, some of them of the
opposite sex as you even if you are gay and at least one of them has to be the

This is the best part of the villain image because the concept itself is guaranteed
to set teeth and hair on edge (even the word can if you use it right). Properly

used, the pairing of the Villain and his Slave is one of the most powerful tools in
creating a public image that will catapult you into a world of attention.

The Slave is your official victim, your appointed hostage, someone with whom
you may or may not have a sexual relationship but who will, by her very
appearance, draw attention to the two of you. Because her appearance is more
than mere psychological captivity, she is in going to be in physical bondage as

Ok, I know, at this point you think Chuckie the High Perv has really lost it. But
think about it. Properly used, and I emphasize properly, bondage is a visual tool
that is unmatched in catching the eye of all in a room. It is much more
acceptable than nudity, totally legal as long as everyone is happy (performance
artFirst Amendment and if anyone is stupid enough to object, well, you can use
your psionics to make their silence permanent.), and can be easily passed off as
a fashion statement. The trick is to be artistic and have a Slave that can carry it

That is the tricky part.

You have to understand something here. This is an image thing and that is the
most important part of it. You're using a visual to get attention and maybe even
shock a few of those folks out there so benighted as to still be shockable. The
Slave is not so much a girlfriend (or boyfriend as the case may be) but rather an
integral part of the Henchstaff, capable not only of looking nice when unable to
do anything but look nice, but also of working the psionic stuff and assisting with
the operations of villainy.

But the Slave is important because a Villain needs a Victim, a Damsel in
Distress, a Hostage. All that sort of stuff is important. Yeah, I know that you are
going to be victimizing the whole bloody world, but you need the visuals to go
along with it.

The task of the Slave is to appear with you in those environments where her
appearance will create the most stir while being able to get away with it. In other
words, you don't want to get thrown out. That is not conducive to what you are
trying to accomplish.

The choice of locations to bring the Slave I leave up to you. It depends a lot on
where you are operating, but generally speaking, art gallery openings tend to be
the best spots. Nightclubs can be ok, but with the proliferation of Fetish Night
events the shock value is somewhat diminished though there may be status
points from doing so. You have to use your own judgment in this.

The key to the Slave is simple--bondage. The Slave is always very obviously
your captive and you have to be able to tie her in a secure and convincing way
while at the same time making sure that she is comfortable and safe, meaning
she won't tip over or suffer serious loss of blood flow to parts of her anatomy.

The other thing to consider is the fact that people are going to see her like this
and you don't want to have to use your laser pointer to blind potential rescuers

too often. With that in mind, let me give you a simple piece of advice. The more
elaborate the binding the better.

It's like this. The average criminal is not going to use a whole lot of rope or chain
to tie a victim. It is time consuming and criminals are usually too busy looking to
rob dollar stores so they can get money to buy drugs to worry about aesthetics.
So, if you walk in with an attractive woman tied in an elaborate harness over her
clothes, you may attract a lot of attention, but no one will consider foul play,
especially if both of you are reasonably happy with the situation. This is one
case where attitude really IS everything.

It is also one of the few cases where a member of the henchstaff has to really be
prepared for a role.

Unless you are lucky, you should not expect the Slave to have much experience
in these matters. Yes, it is much more common than when I started, but you still
have to assume she needs some practice and preparation in order to pull this off.

I'm going to assume here that you are starting from scratch with her. You can
add or subtract things as you go along.

First, after you have done the basic recruiting, you have to begin her training.
Now listen up! I'm not talking about the usual Blue Gobbles of Gor sort of thing.
I'm talking about the stuff she has to be able to handle in order to make you look

First and foremost. She has to be able to be able to walk into a crowed room
with her arms tied behind her and hold a conversation with anyone as though
absolutely nothing unusual is going on. She has to be so used to being tied that
there is not one shred of self-consciousness about her in being seen that way.
And if she is able to do it totally naked so much the better because you may find
yourselves in an environment where that is part of the project.

Second, she has to be able to maintain her posture and look good while doing

Ok, so the first thing you have to do is keep her tied as much as possible. This
will get her mind used to it and when you to go out among the powindah and the
gadje you will not have to worry about her having an anxiety attack at the last
moment. In fact, this is where Fetish Night and S/M club things can get real
useful because they make good practice sessions.

The other thing is the posture. I know this sounds like an archaic thing, but the
more erect the Slave can hold herself, the better she'll look and the better you'll
look. So when you are practicing and preparing, it is a good idea for her to work
at moving and sitting with her arms behind her and a book balanced on top of her
head. Yes, I know it's an ancient idea but it works. It is also real important
because with her hands strapped behind her she will have a tendency to lean
forward as she walks. You want her to keep her body perfectly erect.

As to clothing for her, the less she can wear and get away with the better,
depending on the environment and the vagaries of fashion. A full business suit

with a harness gag locked on but no other bindings can be very effective in the
right environment. You should try to make sure that whatever color she is
wearing contrasts with the rope or other binding you are using on her so it shows
properly. Other than that, the only seriously important thing is that she not look
like a refugee from the nearest street corner. A little style goes a long way so
here are some tips you may find useful.


When you prepare the Slave for your public stuff, you have to keep in mind that
you are dealing with a matter of image, of style and while there are an infinite
number of ways the Slave can be bound, you have to keep in mind what you are
trying to project. She has to look good as well as be helpless. And she has to be
comfortable in her helplessness and never ever look bored. This way, when
folks see you, they will feel anything from a slight frisson up the spine, to
absolute shock, but they will also unconsciously feel her comfort in the situation.
In fact, a whole lot of unconscious stuff will be going and you can expect half the
people who see her to become horny as hell.
Without question, style of any sort is a branch of esthetics and it is to that subject
which we appeal when we wish to decide upon the proper tie for the Slave. After
all, it is not merely sufficient that she be secured. Any common criminal can do
that. She must look nice as well as helpless and the more creatively this can be
done the better. Never forget that the process of tying changes the appearance
of the Slave and, to a certain degree shapes not only her body, but the way she
reacts to her environment. Therefore you must take the following facts into
consideration before binding her.
a. When her wrists are tied behind her back, the Slave will tend to lean forward
while walking. If she compensates for this by pulling her spine straight, her
shoulders will pull back.
b. If the Slave's wrists are tied palm-to-palm in front of her, the hands will be
pushed away from the body and the elbows will tend to pull towards each other.
c. The converse of the above is true if hands are tied palm-to-palm behind the
back. In this case the elbows will be pushed apart.
d. If the wrists are crossed in front of Slave, the elbows will be pushed apart and
the hands will lay flat.
e. If the hands of the Slave are tied over her head, the positioning of the hands
determines the stance. If the hands are tied palm-to-palm, her back will be forced
into an arch and the face will turn up, while if the wrists are crossed, the spine will
not curve.
f. It is considered highly improper to suspend the Slave by her wrists tied behind
her back. It can damage the shoulder muscles and is very painful. As good
Slaves are hard to come by, you dont want to damage her.
g. If you are using a single strap to tie the wrists, the hands should be tied palm-
to-palm if in front and crossed if behind her back. If the hands are behind her
back, the strap should be placed vertically over the wrists rather than
horizontally. This has more to do with comfort than esthetics. Remember, she is
going to be kept that way for some time.
h. If you are going to tie her ankles as well, you should try to use a single strap.
There are those who will use two straps for the ankles, one strap across the
ankles themselves and then a shorter one in between the ankles over the first
strap, but this arrangement is nowhere nearly as attractive as a single strap and
provides little extra security. It is better to use cloth straps rather than leather,

because the holes in a leather strap are never spaced properly, leaving the tie
too tight or too loose. If you are going to use leather straps, it is best to use ones
with the holes no more than a half-inch apart or the type with locking hasps.
i. Remember that if the Slave is both blindfolded and gagged, she will not be
able to communicate. That means that if she is tied in a stationary manner, such
as to a chair or tree, she will, in effect, be more a piece of sculpture than a
person. This sort of thing is perfect if you are giving a party or reception. It
guarantees the interest of all attending.
Transporting the Slave can present certain problems. These result from the fact
there are always those annoying busybodies to whom the sight of a tied female is
a cause for concern. The transportation tie, must, therefore, be put together in
such a way as to remove suspicion of wrongdoing, making the situation
fashionable rather than threatening, otherwise you may have to shoot somebody.
Of course every situation is different and the Slave has to be able to comport
herself in all of them, so practice, practice, practice.
For most transportation work, the 1/2 r-r tie is probably the best method
available. Based on the standard Railroad Track Tie, (see below), it is, by its
very complexity, a guard against interference.
As good as the r-r tie is, however, it has certain limitations, one of which being
the amount of rope you have to use and work involved in putting it together. If
you wish the same degree of complexity, but also want the Slave's wrists behind
her back, the Japanese Tie is an excellent method to use. The shoulders and
elbows are tied in the same manner as the 1/2 r-r tie, but only two turns are
made at the elbows. This will leave a length of cord hanging behind the Slave at
the center of her back. The Slave's wrists are then tied behind her with this cord.
If any remains, that rope is pulled up to the elbow or shoulder rope and knotted
behind her, thus pulling the wrists into the small of her back.
If you are distressing a very flexible Slave, the back-prayer can be quite
attractive. The hands are brought up behind the back so that her palms are
together and her fingers pointing up towards the shoulder blades. Her wrists are
then tied in position and held there by a cord around the wrists, body and upper
arms. If you wish, you may tie the thumbs with a narrow cord.
If you wish your victims hands in front of her, tie your victim's hands palm-to-palm
in front of her. Run a longer cord under her elbows behind her back and pull the
ends across at the middle of her back, tying it there. Bring the ends around her
front and back again to tie in back.
A traditional method of tying the Slave has a drilled or notched stick is placed
behind her back and her arms are brought forward under the stick. The wrists
are lifted and tied in front of her. The arms, near the elbows are fastened to the
If you wish to retain the wrists of the Slave behind her back but with some greater
security than merely binding her hands and the Japanese Tie is just a bit too
much work, tie the hands of the victim behind her back in a parallel tie, with the
cord vertical over the wrists and cinched in between them. Tie a long rope

around her waist and knot it in back, with some rope left over. Tie this rope
around her wrists to hold them at her waist.
The wrist may be bound far behind the back of the Slave for a visual effect by
attaching them to the opposite elbows. First determine if the wrists of the victim
can be made to reach the arms above the opposite elbows behind her back.
Once you have done this, bring the right wrist over the left elbow and tie it in
place. Repeat the procedure with the left wrist and right elbow.
If you are going to use any metal ties, the appearance factor
must again be considered. When using handcuffs it is a good
idea to add something to them. They can be locked to a chain or
belt at the waist. If her wrists are locked in front of her, the waist
chain can be combined with a chain going up to and around the
neck. This will prevent the hands from being lowered as the
chain at the waist prevents them from being raised. You must
not use this method if her hands are locked behind her back,
however, as in that case the tension of the chain would be on the
front of her neck and possibly choke her.
Wrist shackles look very nice, much nicer than handcuffs. they
can be connected to any length of chain, though a chain longer
than one foot would defeat the purpose of the tie. It is also
possible to use locking leather cuffs instead of metal wrist
shackles with a chain in between them. The type with a simple
hasp coming through holes in the leather are best because they
are both simple and cheap.
Thumbcuffs have a subtlety of appearance which belies their effectiveness.
They are usually used with the Slave's hands in front of her. You should be
aware that the compression on her thumbs can be severe, so use some caution.
Likewise, it is best to only use the thumbcuffs with the wrists tied palm to palm.
This will prevent her from accidentally pulling on her thumbs and injuring herself.
The Siberian Chain is a very good device for close confinement of the wrists.
Seen from a distance it can look like jewelry. It may also be combined with the
thumbcuffs. When put on it is best to have the wrists crossed. In that way, the
binding is less obvious than if the hands are bound palm to palm.
To get back to rope, if you do not want to go to the trouble of the 1/2 r-r, or the
Japanese ties, and the back prayer is not possible, despair not. There are a
number of other confinement procedures which can be used to evil effect.

In the double hammer-lock, both arms are tied to the opposite shoulder so that
both wrists are pulled up. For the details on how to accomplish this, look down to
the one arm behind the back tie in the storage section. Once you have the wrists
bound, tie another rope where the arms meet, if possible.

It is not always necessary to tie the wrists of the Slave. the thumbs can
substitute quite nicely. They can be tied either in front of her or behind her back,
but the Villain must practice this technique in order to gain the proper degree of
security. Use thin cord, such as heavy twine or boot-laces.

The elbows can also be tied effectively. Tie a long rope around them behind the
Slave's back and cinch it well to keep it from falling. This will limit the movements
of her arms to a little bit forward. If the wrists are tied in front of her, pinioning the
elbows will pull the wrists into the stomach.
The straight-jacket tie is quite simple. With the Slave standing, cross her arms in
front of her and tie the elbows together. Now tie a cord to one wrist and bring it
around her back to the other wrist, tying it there securely. This can also be done
with the Slave's arms behind her back. In that case, you would tie her wrists first
and then secure her elbows.
There are times when you will want the Slave to stay put, if only for display
purposes, like if the in-laws are coming over. If you are out of doors, you can
always attach her to the nearest tree. The Burning At the Stake Tie is excellent
for this, but if you do not wish to go to that much trouble, it is permitted to simply
tie the Slave with her wrists around it. If she is facing the tree, it is sufficient to tie
only her wrists, but if her back is against the tree, you must tie her ankles as well.
If you do have a tree or post handy, you may tie the Slave on her knees with her
back to it. Help your victim to kneel with her back pressed up against the post.
Tie her wrist together behind the post and bring her ankles together behind it.
Cross her ankles and tie them. This tie is particularly shocking to some folks and
if you know those kind are going to be around, by all means use it but always be
sure there is some padding under the knees of your slave as she is likely to be in
that position for some time.
If you are inside, it is unlikely that a tree will be available except at Christmas and
you would not tie her to a pine anyway. But you may very well have a post
handy, in which case you can adapt the tree ties to it. You may, however, find it
necessary to use a chair. For the sake of aesthetics as well as comfort, you
must never tie her hands behind her back before putting her into the chair, but
you may tie them in front of her. If the chair has arms so made that the ropes
can pass through them, you must tie her wrists there. If there are no arms, you
should, if possible, tie her wrists behind the chair. The other cords holding the
body to the chair will depend upon the design of the chair and cannot be
discussed here. The ankles must always be tied.
If you have a picnic bench handy, the Connie Mortensen tie is perfect. (Connie
Mortensen was the girl who lived across the alley and her brothers were always
tying her up to keep her out of their hair.) You use it with a bench, such as one
would find with a picnic table. The Slave is laid upon her stomach along the
bench with her arms hanging down. The wrists are crossed and tied under the
bench. Then the ankles are tied and roped to the bench. More rope is added at
the waist and knees and then rope is tied to the ankles and led under the bench
to the wrists, and there it is tied in such a manner as to pull the arms back
If no props are available, you can put the Slave into the full R-R tie, but she will
have to lay down on her back after it is finished. If that is too much trouble, the
standard hogtie will work quite well.

Lay the Slave on her stomach and tie her wrists behind her back. Tie her ankles
together and bend her knees so that her feet come towards the hands. Then tie
her wrists to her ankles.
If you have a barefoot Slave, and no bench is nearby, you may use the traditional
English Witch Swimming Tie. The Slave is seated on the ground with her legs
crossed, or maybe her arms are crossed. Anyway, the right thumb is tied to the
left big toe and the left thumb to the right big toe. This is perfect for picnics or
just having her sitting on the floor of the living room when the guests arrive.
It is also possible to tie in the manner of a calf at a rodeo. This is done by first
tying her wrists in front of her and her feet together, then bending her forward to
tie her wrists to her ankles. This tie may be modified by bring the knees up
between her arms and inserting a stick between the knees and the elbows,
forcing her to sit in place.

There are times when you may want the Slave to be able to perform certain
simple actions but still be secured. If that is the case, you may tie one arm
behind her back with this method and leave the other one free to sign the papers.
Choose which hand is to be bound and then tie one end of the cord around the
wrist and pull that wrist up behind her back as far as possible. Bring the cord
around neck, to cross her body between the breasts. Hook the cord under the
elbow and return it the wrist, tying it in place.
This tie was made famous by the old movies. It has all kinds of uses, so study it
You must begin with the right equipment. For her arms and upper body, you
should have two lengths of rope, about 25 feet each and couple of equal length
for her legs and ankles.
With the Slave standing, loop one cord around the upper body and shoulders
above the breasts, knotting it in back. Let the cord hang, then loop once around
her arms at the elbows. Bring the cord under the rope at the back and loop again
in the opposite direction. This will pull the elbows in tightly. Loop the cord
around the elbows as many times as you can and still end up in the back. Knot
the cord to the vertical rope in the center of the back.
Take the second rope and tie one end to the end of the first rope. Now bring it
down and loop it once around the wrists and body. Take this cord under the
back as you did at the elbows. Loop around the wrists and body several times
and cinch at one wrist, looping and knotting between the wrist and the body.
Bring the cord to the center of the back and make quick knot at the center rope.
Repeat the cinching at the other wrist.
If enough cord remains, pull it around her front and tie it to the first wrist. If not,
bring the remaining cord to center rope and tie it there. Her arms and wrists are
now secured to her sides in a firm, self-supporting arrangement. This is called
the half-railroad (1/2 r-r) tie.

Once you have tied her arms, you tie her legs with at least one long rope. You
begin by knotting the end of the rope to the wrist cord at the back and winding it
at the thighs, knees and ankles, looping and knotting it as you did at her elbows
to prevent slippage.
This tie is used outdoors for setting up a garden party or at a picnic. Indoors, she
can be placed on the dining room table as a centerpiece.
Most folks have seen the various Joan of Arc movies and there is a particular
style of bondage used when she is tied to the stake, made most famous by the
Ingrid Bergman version. This method is perfect for attaching the Slave to a post
or tree. It looks real good and is perfect for display purposes. In other words, if
you are going on a picnic, be sure to bring the rope. There is nothing quite so
much fun as watching people off in the distance as a group
of you are sitting on a blanket eating chicken while the Slave
is tied to a tree. It confuses them terribly.
The Slave must be tied with her back
to the stake. Her wrists are tied
behind the post and then her ankles
are tied together. Having done this,
take a long rope or chain and hang it
from behind the stake over her
shoulders passing in front, so that
the lengths are equal when they are
allowed to hang free. Bring these so
that they cross between the breasts
and then down so that they meet
behind the stake. Knot them in back
and decide if they are long enough
to finish with. If they are, bring them
down and around so that they cross
at the knees and then back to meet
behind the stake again at the base.
Knot again and loop the remaining
rope around the stake and her
ankles, tying the ends.
If a second rope is required, the first being too short, loop
the first rope around the waist of the victim, tying it in back.
Take the second rope and tie it also at the waist of the victim
with the ends hanging in back. Now tie this rope around the
legs and ankles of the victim, as previously described.
One really interesting use of a post tie is to have the Slave tied naked (if
possible) to a post in another room and a closed-circuit television system
showing her on the living room set. This is a perfect little scene-setter for a party,
especially when the guests realize the VCR isnt running.
A variant of this tie can be used for transportation work. The rope is doubled and
the bend placed behind her neck. The two ends are brought over her shoulders
and crossed in the same way so that they meet behind her back. They are

knotted there and brought around her waist and to the back again where they are
used to tie her hands behind her back.
If you have an extension ladder available, it can be used to good effect. You tie
her to it on her back, with ropes holding her down at her shoulders, waist, knees
and ankles. You will use separate lengths of rope for each of these, tying around
the victim and then to the ladder itself. Her ankles must be bound and then tied
to the rung she will stand on when the ladder is raised. This is perfect to use if
the neighbors are having an outdoor party. Put the Slave in a bathing suit, strap
her up good and tight and let them try to figure out how to explain it to their
The hands of the Slave may be bound in several ways. Her arms may be
stretched out and her wrists tied to the ladder over her head, the hands may be
tied palm to palm in front of her and her arms tied to her sides at the elbows and
then to the ladder, or her arms may be tied back around the ladder and her wrists
bound behind it.
If you are in the open and you want the folks coming to the picnic to have a good
shock, staking your Slave out on the ground can be just the thing. You will need
four tent stakes, four short lengths of rope and one Slave. The stakes are placed
firmly in the ground and the Slave tied spread-eagled between them. For that
reason, it is a good idea measure her first so the stakes are the proper distance
from each other.
You may vary this technique by tying the thumbs and big toes of the Slave to the
stake instead of her wrists and ankles.
A is something very useful if you use it right. The sight of the silenced Slave,
even if she is bound in no other way, can be very impressive to the audience. Of
course the Slave has to be able to sit tied and gagged without looking bored, so
spend some time working on that.
When gagging a Slave, it is necessary that you avoid choking her. This means
that everything you put into her mouth should be positioned in such a way as to
not get into her throat. You should avoid any cloth that has loose strings as they
can get into the windpipe with disastrous results.
The one form of gag that must be avoided is the old movie routine of tying a cloth
over her mouth. This will silence her for a total of three seconds and it looks
seriously stupid as well.
A very effective gag can be made by threading a strap through a small rubber
ball. This will effectively silence any Slave, but there are two drawbacks with this
type of gag. The ball must fit properly! If it is too large, it will not get in and your
Slave will be chattering away in no time. If it is too small, it will come out as fast
as it went in.

An even better silencer is made by attaching a sponge to a strap. The sponge is

dampened and forced into the Slave's mouth, filling it without any danger of
choking her. the strap is then tightened around the back of her neck.
You may also tape her mouth shut, in which case you should use duct tape
rather than the more common adhesive tape. The duct tape is more resistant to
moisture and will not come loose as readily. The tape may also be combined
with a ball if the ball is the proper size. In this case you will strap the ball in the
Slave's mouth and then tape over it, completely covering the mouth. Note. If the
Slave has a stuffed nose, never use the last method.
Another gagging method to avoid is the thick, wooden rod tied between her teeth.
This can be very bad for the teeth if it does not fit properly and you would not
want her to have large dental bills.
If you have the room in the budget for it, a harness gag is just the thing for a trip
to the art gallery. It usually consists of a ball gag attached to a leather harness
that goes around the head as well as under the jaw, making it impossible for the
Slave to spit the ball out. They also usually have a provision for a small lock so
the gag can be locked on, removing the need for any further bondage. It is
visually quite striking, guaranteed to get all the attention you may need and is
sufficiently complicated that no one will mistake you for a common crook.
There will come a time in the course of Villainous events that will have you not
wishing to have the Slave see where she is or where she is going. When that
time comes, a blindfold is in order.
Before we begin, there are two problems with blindfolding the Slave which must
be avoided. First you must be very careful not to pull the Slave's hair when
blindfolding her.
Second, you must never put a normal blindfold on over contact lenses. This will
cause the Slave significant and unnecessary discomfort. It is considered proper
to as if she is wearing any first. (Actually, you should know that by now!) If she is
wearing contact lenses, you may still render her sightless by the following
method. Procure a Ping-Pong ball, available from your local Chinaman. Split
this ball down the seam so that you have two, perfect, half-spheres. Place each
half over one eye and tape them both into place. This is also the method used in
Ganzfeld for psychic work.
For any other Slave, you may blindfold her by the usual means of tying a cloth
over the eyes. You should keep a bandanna in his pocket for just such a purpose
at all times. If you wish something fancier (and what Villain does not) you may
wrap an Ace bandage over her eyes. This is a very effective method and is
highly recommended by all authorities. It is also something of a favorite with
Spanish soap opera directors, who usually have some Slave with eye trouble.
For transportation, you may blindfold the Slave by taping gauze pads over each
eye. This will keep them closed and make her look as if she has suffered an
accident. A pair of large sunglasses over this arrangement can be a good idea
as well.

Sleeping masks work very well, as do the movable leather pads on a strap found
in most adult stores.
A final arrangement, if you have the time, is to use a pair of welder's goggles
painted black. These can also be used over contact lenses and it is a good idea
to keep a pair in your supply cabinet. If the Slave is going to be blindfolded for
any significant length of time, it may be best to use a hood. This can be nothing
more than a dark bag of cloth or paper which is placed over the head. A pillow
case will work quite well. The most important thing to remember about using a
hood is that you must not obstruct her breathing and you must be aware that a
hood can cause a claustrophobic reaction in some victims where an ordinary
blindfold will not.

Just remember that the purpose of this member of your henchstaff is to make
you look attractive and menacing at the same time. You want to push buttons
with this but at the same time you don't want to start a brawl so use your
intelligence in bringing out this person but remember that if you have sufficient
wit and grace you can get away with just about anything anywhere so don't
spend too much time worrying. Get out there and have fun.

Another essential person you need is a good remote viewer, someone who can
look in on targets as you perform your operations. This person frees up your
abilities to transmit to the target while helping you know if you are having any
effect when using methods that often take time to get results. Viewers tend to be
made rather than born and so it is important for the viewer to practice regularly in
order to increase the accuracy of what she sees.

Have that person study the section on remote viewing and practice much. And
don't neglect that skill for yourself!

Instrument makers are somewhat less important than they used to be as there
are number of places now that sell good psionic gear. Generally you pick up
henchstaff as you go along depending on the nature of what you are doing, but
the only real essential ones are the Slave and the viewer and they can very well
be one and the same person.

So now, with a loud cry of Huzzah!!! we move to the good stuff.



It has been said that in the time of the Old Ones there was a land called Atlantis
and the people who dwelt upon that land were possessed of many rare arts and
obscure sciences; that their knowledge extended to the raising of stone towers
by sound, of the making of animals into men and of the making of men into

And then somebody pushed the wrong button and it sank. Whoops!

Blub Blub Blub.


So much for an ancient, superior civilization. But it was one hell of a movie! (I
love the scenes with the Chief from Get Smart shuffling around his combination
temple/laboratory with all the cool idols.)

Such knowledge has been lost to us, but that which has been lost can be
regained. And, in truth, many of the ancient arts were inferior to our own. Thus it
is that we are to make our own world and not long for that which has gone

The first lesson is to use what you have. Were the flying boats of Atlantis larger
than a 747, or faster? Did the Atlanteans have that greatest of modern
blessings, airconditioning? Of course not! Edgar Cayce never mentioned it and
he ought to have known. But we have our own greatness and Psionics is a part
of it.

What is Psionics? Well, part of Psionics is that it is a way of knowing things.
Information exists at many levels. It can be stored in many different ways. It is
usually assumed to be a passive thing, having no life of its own, but only existing
when it is used. But this is not the case.

Information is an active thing. It is the driving force of the universe itself. By the
skillful manipulation of information the functioning of the universe is changed.
That is how Magick works and, in a very real sense, Psionics is Magick. Psionics
is a means of working with information to make the world do the things you want
it to.

For the sake of an example, consider the true nature of a talisman. A talisman is
an object that has been created to cause a given effect for its possessor. How is
this to come about? Certainly in a purely physical sense the talisman is nothing,
a small object with little inherent monetary value. Yet this seemingly insignificant

thing is possessed of some mysterious quality which is radiated around the one
who owns it. I'll cover some practical uses for that later.

But what is this mysterious property? Information! A talisman is nothing more
that a carrier and broadcaster of information.

When a talisman is made, the very act of will which causes it to be produced
creates a transmittive energy field around and about the physical object of the
talisman itself. This act of will is combined with the shape of the object and any
words, drawings, patterns, etc. with which the object is decorated, even the
material out of which it is made. All of these features are carriers of information
and, as such, act to exert a force of power which will influence the field of
universe itself.

Likewise, all Magick, from the primitive prayers of the Christian, to the sacrifices
of Voodoo and Santeria, to the more pompously exhaulted path of the Hermetic
tradition, to the machines of the Master of Psionics, is nothing more than the
transmission of this force, this influence. The effect of such a transmission varies
under the many other actors which are involved, but the fundamental nature is

Such knowledge is, of course, elementary my dear Watson, a mere starting
point. What is important is the realization that such a field exists and the means
are available to influence it. Hell, that is what you were working on with the
meditation exercises!

But that field also contains knowledge that the Master of Psionics proves to be
the greatest adept. His knowledge and machines combine to make his accuracy
unparalleled. And if the Master is a Villain, well, so much the better!

That which is known can be studied, analyzed, taken apart to see how it works.
Once anything has been properly considered the instrumentality by which it can
be controlled may be created. As everything that exists in the Cosmic all can be
known at some level of consciousness, then everything that exists can be

"The sound magician is a mighty god."

Thus it is that Master of Psionics is able to know all things and master all things,
at least in theory. As nothing in the universe can be hidden from him, so
everything in the universe can be controlled by him. In this way, knowledge is
truly power, ultimate power over man and nature.

With absolute power comes absolute freedom, for as the Master of Psionics can
command all of the forces of existence, it must therefore follow that he is
answerable to none. Nothing can threaten or compel him. Even the gods

themselves must defer to his will. The Master of Psionics is uncontainable and a
Psionic Psupervillain is unstoppable no matter how the doers of good may whine
and drool and invoke the nonexistent law of three.

What is the basis of this inexorable force? It is the mind, purely and simply, and
the degree to which that mind can be brought to bear upon any subject.

Of all the tools and instruments that you may possess, it is the one between your
ears that is the most important. It is the seat of all power, the storehouse of all
knowledge. It is the residence of the will and the throne of the spirit. It is the final
determiner of behavior. In other words, your brain is useful for something than
keeping your skull from rattling and the wind whistling between your ears.

Work then on perfecting your supreme control of this great mechanism. Know
that it is by means of it that you and guiding intelligence of the universe are one.
And since that intelligence is as nasty as it gets, well you can have all manner of
fun. I mean think about it, you can be in the same rank with the creator of
mosquitoes, bubonic plague and religion. It doesn't get much better than that!

It is said by the Hindu sages that the mind is like a monkey. It runs hither and
thither to no purpose and absolutely fails to realize the divinity that resides in the
rear of the cow. (And I think someone just sat on the sitar.)

Oh well, so much for the Hindu sages!

But seriously, you must be able to focus your mind like a cat waiting for a mouse.
This is the most important skill you can learn, as it is the means by which all
other things come. The focused mind is like the beam of a cutting laser, nothing
can resist or oppose the power of that beam. It can cut through diamonds like
butter. If you possess yourself of the Laser Mind, you will cut through all
problems and defeat all opposition.

What is the Laser Mind? It is nothing more than the ability to concentrate all of
your mental energies on a single point and you must learn to be able to do this in
any situation.

Mastering this skill is not as difficult as it may sound at first reading. Or first
attempts for that matter. You begin by recognizing that in your face are three
powerful emitters of energy, your two eyes and your brow chakra. While it is true
that the brow chakra is normally used in the reception role, it also has a
significant transmittal function. In India, this function is known as the Eye of
Shiva. Ok, stop panicking. You don't have to grow extra arms and carry a dildo

And you don't have to worship a cow's ass either!

Make a dot on a piece of paper, big enough that you can see it clearly across the
room (which in my case would make it the size of a basketball-Chart?? What
chart?) and tape the paper to the wall so that when you are seated facing it, the
dot will be at eye level.

Sit and gaze at the dot. Relax yourself as much as possible and charge your
energy field. Do this for a while and then begin to visualize three beams going
from your eyes and the brow chakra to the dot.

Hold this for as long as your are able and make note of the time spent. Repeat
this exercise each day until you are able to hold the gaze for a half hour.

It is important to remember that when you perform this exercise you are training
your mind in two all-important areas. First, you are learning to hold a simple
image in your mind. Second, you are learning how to project that image.

I get real big on projection of energy as youve probably already figured out.

When you perform this exercise, you are also putting energy and information into
the dot. The beams that you visualize act as carriers of information. This
information will become imbedded in the dot as the latent, etheric energy around
the dot is saturated by the energy of the beams. This transmission/charging
technique is called the Laser Triangle, or Laser Trylon. It is far more potent than
the usual, simple eye beam visualization technique in which just the beams from
the two physical eyes are used.
(insert picture)

By gaining mastery over the actions of your mind you may avoid the great peril of
self-delusion (referred to as glamour in older texts). It is sometimes the
unfortunate case that a person will unconsciously project images from his own
imagination outside of himself and then become convinced that he has seen
external phenomena. This was case of the pseudo-clairvoyant Geoffrey Hodson,
who saw the electrical activity in his own brain and was convinced that he was
seeing angels. Of course old Geoffrey was nutty as a fruitcake as anyone who
reads his journals can find out.

By knowing that the ability to project such things exists, you will avoid that trap
and likewise, by learning to make such projections consciously, you will be able
to create working thoughtforms to do your bidding.


Thoughtforms are fun things to work with. Possibly even more fun than
landmines, though what can be more fun than burying explosives in the ground
and waiting for people to step on them is beyond me. A thoughtform is a clump
of psychic energy created for a specific purpose and then left to float around
influencing people and events until that purpose is achieved. It needs some care
and feeding after its creation, but otherwise is pretty self-contained.

And now that I've got you all interested, you want to know how to create one of
these marvelous devices!

It's real simple. You think.

The procedure for making a thoughtform is as follows.

First, you have to decide just what it is you want the thoughtform to do. You
have to keep this as simple as possible because thoughtforms are really not very
bright and if you give it more than one task you may confuse it and get no results
at all.

Second, you have to create the thoughtform. This is done by a process
combining meditation and visualization. Meditate and create an image in your
mind of a object that will be the thoughtform, in effect the container for the idea
you are presenting. Once you have that, visualize the function of the
thoughtform inside the container.

For example, if your container is a sphere (one of the most common and easiest
to work with) you would visualize the result you want (like a bridge collapsing or
building blowing up) inside the sphere, so the sphere is running the image like a
movie. If you are familiar with the snow globes they sell around xmas in gift
shops you know what I mean. There is a scene encased in a ball.

Third, you have to give the thoughtform a name, like Bridgeblaster or something
that indicates its function. This is so you can psychically get in touch with your
thoughtform easier when you work with it.

Fourth, you have to charge the thoughtform. This is done by visualizing it being
filled with a bright light that is the energy of the universe. You pump this light into
the thoughtform until it is nigh unto bursting. The charging process has to be
repeated occasionally because thoughtforms are like batteries and will run down
if they are not charged on a regular basis. This is something you must not forget
but it is very easy to do. You simply bring the thoughtform back to mind and
visualize a charge going into it.

So much for basics. How does this work in practice.

Ok, let's say you really want to start a plague of chewing gum in Singapore.
There are several ways you can do it but in this case we're talking about
thoughtforms so that is the method you choose.

Begin meditating and while meditating create the basic shape of the thoughtform.
In this case let's use a simple sphere because that is the easiest. It's not like we
have to penetrate anything thicker than the skulls of the morons who would allow
a society like Singapore to exist in the first place.

On the other hand that is pretty thick, isnt it? Oh well, back to the example.

While meditating you begin to chew gum. Now, it is possible to just use memory
to do this, but what the hell, you save yourself some trouble by doing the action
at the same time.

Allow yourself to be engulfed by the pleasure you have in chewing the gum, the
oral sensation, the taste, the memory of the Doublegood Twins (stop that! You're
making me look old!) and you put all that into the sphere. You really charge that
thing up so that anyone who comes into contact with it will have this horrible
desire to chew gum, even if they don't have any teeth!

Now! Send the thoughtform to hover over Singapore and instruct it to make
everyone in the city have a craving for chewing gum. A few good chargings and
the social order of Singapore will be seriously endangered as a new breed of
smugglers emerges to fulfill the desires of the poor, deprived Singaporans. Who
knows, it might even start a revolution and we can all enjoy the sight of the
corpses of the Tyrants of Singapore hanging upside down in the center of the city
being pelted with used chewing gum.

You see the kind of fun you can have with this!

My personal favorite is the Psychic Landmine. It
is made like this.

First, I decide what I'm going to achieve with this
instrument. Do I want to cause a mass murder or
merely an outbreak of mumps?

Second, I create the thoughtform, this time in the
shape of the classic landmine, circular, rather flat,
like the head of my brother-in-law. I fill this shape
with energy programmed to my desire.

Third, I mentally bury the landmine in the location I wish to affect.

So, let us say I want to put a restaurant out of business, say I had a bad meal
there, or the waitress is ugly or something. I create my landmine and charge it
to give everyone who steps on it serious tummy troubles. Then I bury it under
the front entrance of the restaurant.


That's right. People walk into the restaurant, come into contact with the energy
of the landmine and as soon as they eat something their stomachs begin to
churn. They get a weird sort of feverish sensation and next thing you know their
dinner returns to the plate or the floor or all over the waitress! A few weeks of
that and the restaurant closes its doors never to reopen.

Landmines are perfect for dealing with any business concern or government
location because those places are fixed and it is a simple matter to place the
mine under the door to affect everyone who walks in. There is no need to remote
view the interior of a location you are not familiar with, all you need is to know
what the outside looks like and work from there.

And with that one piece of information, all manner of chaos can be created.

Another, extremely interesting use of the thoughtform is to increase your own
psychic abilities.

Ok, let's be honest and realize that there are certain things we'd really like to do,
like command the school bus driver to turn in front of the oncoming train, but we
just don't have the oomph to do it. A thoughtform can properly remedy that.

It is really simple to do. All you need do is create a thoughtform and place it next
to yourself and charge with the function of increasing your psychic power,
particularly your output. Continue to charge this thoughtform until you discover
that things are working lots better for you and lots worse for your targets.

And now, onto the gadgets, those things which make us psionic.


It gets very hard to talk about dowsing without wanting to break out laughing.
The first thing that comes to mind is a scene the old movie God's Little Acre,
where Buddy Hackket is running around the field being dragged by his forked
stick, bouncing off trees, falling into holes and ultimately being sucked into the air
intake of a jet engine. Well, maybe not the jet engine, but it is a pretty funny
image, the semi-to-illiterate rustic following his stick until he reaches a spot and
who then says, "The Lord done has told me to dig HERE!"

With an image like that to live down, it's amazing that anyone would take the art
up in the first place. But its image does not negate the fact that dowsing works
and works quite well. And it has worked for a very long time. There are pictures
of men in the middle ages with their sticks looking for mineral deposits and the
art is a hell of a lot older than that, because remember that that was the only way
anyone had of knowing if there was anything under the ground worth digging for.
Otherwise they were like the old prospectors who found a nice hunk of desert,
with some water for the mule, and just began to dig in the hope of finding a hunk
of gold in them th'ar hills.
It was even
that that
was how
found where
they buried
the lutefisk,
but that is
They follow
their noses.

But I'm not
going to
waste your
time or mine
about that
kind of
For one
thing, I
could never get the classic forked stick to work for me and for the other, this
chapter is about dowsing with the pendulum.

Now pendulum dowsing is easy, fun, and gives you all kind of surprising goodies.

Now years ago, before this stuff got popular, if you told someone about using a
pendulum to dowse with, they wondered if you were going to be carrying a
grandfather clock around with you and dowsing was something you did to people
with swimming pools.

By now, of course, there are a number of books specifically about the pendulum
out there, and lots of different types of pendulums (or is it penduli?) on the
market. So I am just going to give you the basics in this chapter in case you
have not come across this stuff before and use it to get you started because in its
humble way the pendulum is an essential part of psionics, even though it has no
funny dials or moving parts, except for itself, that is.

The pendulum is a very easy thing to make. You do not need to find the right
variety of crystal on a new moon, buy it without haggling and then drill a hole in it
with a bit blessed by the same rabbi who cuts off foreskins. All you need is a
weight, any weight will do, and a convenient length of string.

For my personal taste, I like pendulums that end in a point. That way I know
what they are pointing at when they are used with a chart like the ones later in
this chapter. Totally round pendulums tend to be rather confusing in such uses.
Other than that, you can use anything you like. An old key will work perfectly. It
is heavy enough to cause a firm swing and being flat can be carried in the pocket
without making a bulge that causes your girlfriend's parents to look at you with
suspicion which causes you to have to go to the trouble of making them really ill.

Another favorite of mine, which is nice at age like mine when girlfriend's parents
were rarely encountered outside of graveyards and seance rooms, is a child's
wooden top. Yes, they still make them and you can often find them at the local
toy store. Failing that, the wooden knobs that they sell at craft stores work very
well. The top has another advantage for those of us who have made the mistake
of depending upon the honesty of publishers in their royalty statements. They
come with their own string.

All you have to do is take a small screw-eye, available from your local hardware
store, screw it into the center of the flat part of the top and attach the string. Now
all you need do is measure the string so it is a comfortable length, usually
between 12 and 18 inches, and cut it and place a small knot at the end so it does
not unravel.

Voila! You have a pendulum and it works too.

Now as you work with the pendulum you will discover that it has four basic
movements, back and forth, side to side, circle right and circle left. Sometimes it
gets weird and swings on a diagonal and sometimes the circles become elliptical,

but those are the basic things a pendulum does. And that is all that it does. Oh
yes, sometimes it just sort of jiggles and doesn't move at all. The trick is learn
what these movements mean.

The pendulum basically answers simple questions in one of three ways. Yes, no,
I haven't the foggiest idea what the hell you're talking about. With the right
charts, it can give more complicated answers, but first things first. You need to
know which swing means what.

Start with yes. Hold the pendulum in front of you and ask it if two plus two equals
four. Note the swing. Now ask it if two plus two equals five and if it says to you
that it is if Big Brother says so, then you have a real problem because a
pendulum is not supposed to speak, only swing. The answer to that is usually no
and the pendulum should swing in the opposite direction of the yes answer. At
this point you may notice that the pendulum does not swing very far for either or
may not even swing at all. Don't worry about that. You are just not used to it and
with a little practice it will go swinging as merrily as thieves at Tyburn. (That's
where the British used to hang...oh, forget it!)

Once you have this down, make a copy of Figure One (idiomter) and mark the
direction of the yes swing. It was either a straight line or a circle. Then mark the
no swing.

The chart is called an ideometer and I did not know that when I started using it.
In fact, when I first heard the word, I thought that the person was talking about a
device to measure idiots (why would anyone want to measure my in-laws?) and I
could not quite understand what that had to do with the pendulum.

The reason we need to learn to work with the pendulum is really very simple
when you stop to think about it. For in spite of the relationship between the
etheric body and the human nervous system, when psychic information is
received, it is rarely through the agency of the conscious mind. This makes
sense because the conscious mind is usually too busy with more important
things than to waste time with strange feelings about Aunt Bianca's latest
hemorrhoid operation. There are just too many distractions unless the message
is a very powerful one.

That being the case, a psychic message will usually get shoved off to the
subconscious where it will lay like a law stuck in committee, waiting for an
opportunity to come, usually at night with the help of pepperoni pizza. This is
where the pendulum comes in. The subconscious rarely lets such information
through without the aid of a natural tendency to do so, which can be quite
embarrassing at times, or much practice. What it can do, however, is cause
minute movements of the voluntary muscles in the arm and hand and those are
what makes the pendulum move.

So, before you begin to really work the pendulum, it is useful to remember some
simple rules.

It is essential that any question you ask the pendulum be phrased in such a way
as to get a simple yes or no answer. Practicing with this will make your readings
much more accurate, especially as the pendulum cannot speak except you use
an alphabet chart as I will describe later.

The pendulum will only give accurate answers to those questions on which there
is information. If there is no information available to the subconscious mind, it
will not give an answer or it will give a wrong answer to make the conscious mind
happy so the conscious mind will eat pepperoni pizza before going to bed so the
subconscious can come out and play.

Your conscious mind can control the pendulum. And if you make the mistake of
asking it about something you have an emotional stake in it will, which means
you will get the answer you want to hear rather than the answer you need to

So now we
can have
some fun with
this gadget.

The Martian in the Iron Mask only made one
appearance in DC comics in Tales of the
Unexpected in January 1958, but that did not
prevent him from being a role model for me.


One of the most frivolous, and therefore the most fun, uses to which a pendulum
can be put is telling time. This was a very popular pastime and hundred or so
years ago before clocks had lighted dials and actually had to be wound by hand
to keep running, which meant that if the maid was lazy, the clocks ran down and
the people did not know what time it was and when to have dinner. Well, when
folks found out that they could make a pendulum tell the time, they got all excited
and would get up in the middle of the night and set the pendulum working hoping
to fool it. This made life much easier for the poor maid because if she forgot to
wind the clocks the butler was less likely to yell at her.

You can duplicate these experiments yourself with little trouble. Hold the
pendulum next to a wall or piece of furniture, in easy striking distance by far
enough that some swing is required. Now, simply ask the pendulum what hour it
is. The pendulum will strike the wall the number of times of the hour.

It is really something to see. The pendulum will swing very slowly at first,
measuring itself, until it hits the wall and then will repeat the strike somewhat
faster until it has beaten the hour. And if you ask it on the half-hour, it will count
out the hour and then hit somewhat softer for the half.

This is not the useless game it might appear to be at first look. The pendulum
can not only tell the time, it can predict times. So think back to the last time you
were stuck in the living room waiting for a repairman who came two hours later
than he was supposed to. With the pendulum, you could have avoided that

When you are expecting someone to arrive, ask the pendulum what time they are
going to get there. The pendulum will bang out the hour and you can pretty
much relax until then.

The pendulum, however, can only give you information that it has at the time. So
let us say you are expecting the dishwasher repairman sometime that morning.
At eight you ask the pendulum what time he is coming. It says ten. But the
repairman has a flat tire on his truck at 9:30. So at ten you are waiting him and
he doesn't show up and you get mad at the pendulum. Well don't do that. Ask
the pendulum again because new information has surfaced that was not present
the first time. For that reason, it is best to ask the pendulum the question every
hour or so, just to be sure.


The most common use for the pendulum is finding things. In this way the
pendulum acts in the manner of the traditional dowsing unit that it is. So, for the
sake of an example, let us say that you have lost your engagement ring. This is
not going to make your fiancee happy at all because he had to mortgage his
grandmother's grave to buy it and if you have ever tried to get a mortgage on a
grave..(did I tell that joke already?) Anyway, you really want to find this ring
because it actually has a real diamond, which makes DeBeers very happy
because their television commercials with the nice music have not been wasted,
even though he could have gotten a fake one off of a television shopping
channel. And you need to find it fast because he is coming to take you out to
dinner and to lose a relationship is bad enough, but to lose a dinner is worse.
(The first thing they teach us in writing school is never to turn down a free meal
because you never know where your next one is going to come from.)

There is only one problem. You have no idea where to look and you have this
sneaking fear that the neighbor's child may have eaten it while you were

Nil Desparandum (which is ancient Italian for don't despair). You have your
trusty pendulum and this book. Stand and hold the pendulum away from you and
visualize the ring, while humming Wagner. Well, you don't have to hum the
Wagner. The pendulum will swing away from in the direction of the lost object.

All you have to do now is follow the pendulum in the direction that it swings until it
stops going back and forth and starts to swing in a circle. The lost ring should be
in the center of that circle.

I remember many years ago when I first started using the pendulum and I found
myself giving a surprise demonstration of what it could do.

When I was very young, like in my late teens, and thus still in school, I worked for
my father in summer. He ran a screw-machine shop and the machines were
older models which, because of their advanced years (something I can readily
identify with these days) had a tendency to fall apart, often dramatically with
banging noises and everything. This happened one afternoon when something
called a stock-bar feed came loose at the end of one machine and as the part
was spring loaded, with a very heavy spring, it went off into orbit, or at least that
was how it seemed until we looked up and could discover no hole in the ceiling.

All work ceased as we searched high and low for the missing piece. The shop
was busy so the machine could not be left idle, but it would not run without the
part, so we crawled around in the oil vainly looking for the missing mechanism.
But no matter where we looked, it was nowhere to be found.

Well, as you can imagine, things were getting pretty desperate at Acco
Engineering that day as my father was beginning to run out swear words (in
seven languages, only two of which he understood and only one of which he
admitted that he understood) when I remembered the pendulum. The truth is
that it did not take much remembering as I had just started to work with it and I
was behaving like a kid in the candy store and there was no way I was going to
resist an opportunity like this.

It probably looked very strange, but being boss's son has some advantages and
this was one of them and besides, nothing else was working. So I made a
makeshift device with a cam and some heavy twine and asked it to point in the
direction of the missing part.

At that point I felt a little stupid because it pointed in a direction we had searched
to death. In fact we had found oodles of other things, but no missing part. But I
did not give up, but rather persevered and followed the pendulum until it stopped
over a barrel which contained a substance called Oil-Dry, which is actually sort of
like kitty litter and is used to pull oil up from concrete (which kitty litter does
equally well, for those of you with oil dripping in your garage. This has been
another useful aside from the Uncle Chuckie store of odd knowledge.). The
barrel had an open top and the part, flying off the machine, had dropped into it,
burying itself under several inches of the stuff. So we dug, having nothing better
to do with our time, and found it. And there was great rejoicing and all were
confirmed in the knowledge that I was truly a genius.

Now there is one little problem with finding things with the pendulum. It has this
habit of swinging back and forth. It has something to do with a very inconvenient
law of physics and we can't really do anything about it, so we have to allow for it.
This means that you may follow the swing of the pendulum in the opposite
direction of the one you should be and that can be very annoying and not at all
conducive to building confidence in your abilities.

Fortunately, great mind that I am, I have a way around it for you.

Aren't you lucky?

Let us say that you are playing golf and you have lost your favorite ball (golf ball,
you idiot!!!). Now I know everyone has more than one golf ball, even if they don't
play golf, but this one is your favorite, being the one your grandfather used when
he played against Sam Sneed back in the 1950's.

The field is going to be too big for you to simply follow the pendulum even though
you can be pretty sure the direction the ball went, so you take two readings.
Hold the pendulum and let it swing, noting the direction. Having done that, walk
to the side some distance and take another reading. Where the lines of the two
readings cross, there is the ball, just waiting to be hit again.

Map Dowsing

Map dowsing is nothing more than using a pendulum over a map to find
something. It is a time-honored practice for finding water, minerals, oil, all sorts
of things including the best house to buy. It is a very simple procedure, but
depending on how detailed your search, can be time consuming.

So let us say that you own a large tract of land and you want to find a new place
to dig the well. The tract is large enough that there is a map detailing it and you
take this map and hold the pendulum at one side, asking it to find the best place
to sink the well.

Note the direction the pendulum swings and then hold the pendulum at a
different spot on the edge and repeat the procedure. Draw two lines along the
swings of the pendulum and where they cross, there you will find water.

But let us say you are looking for something on a very large map, such as where
you want to move. You can, with some time, find the exact location of the house
you want.

Begin with the map that covers the most territory, like a map of the country or
state. Hold the pendulum over the vertical coordinates of the map and let it
swing. Mark the swing and then repeat the procedure over the horizontal
coordinates. Where they cross, there is the ideal location for you. In this case let
us say they cross right over a town.

Your next move is to get a street map of that town and repeat the procedure all
over again. This will give you an exact block to look for a home on.

This method has been proven over the years to have some highly beneficial
uses. Lost people, for example, can be located quite readily using it when more
conventional methods would take so long that all they would find would be a
body. And it can play hob with the efforts of certain annoying government

Let us say that your Uncle Garbanzo is in a dither because he has taken out a hit
on Louie the Shoes but Louie has gone into the Federal Witness Protection
Program. At the next family funeral, you take your uncle aside and tell him that
you can solve his problem and it won't cost him more than say a weeks interest
on his loan shark operation.

He immediately breaks into a spontaneous tarantella and gets out the good
Chianti, not the cheap stuff he gives the neighbors.

Atsa nice, but now you gotta deliver, right!

So here's what you do. You get a picture of the rat Louie and a map. Actually a
bunch of maps. Starting with a map of the country with the picture of Louie on
top to remind you, you go along the horizontal side with the pendulum and mark
the direction of the swing. You repeat the operation on the vertical side.

After you do that, you mark where the swings cross. That gives you the town.

Now, you get a good street map of the town and do the same thing all over
again! This gives you the block that Louie is living on!

You call your uncle and you give him the goods. He sends out the boys, you
collect your money and Louie gets a nice pair of cement shoes. The Feds have
heart failure and start going into a panic wondering who is snitching in the

Lies, crooks, and crime stuff, in other words, US.

We all deal with dishonest people and not all of them are publishers. Some of
them are editors. And all politicians are in that category. So as you look out at
your world and realize that no one is to be trusted, you have to come up with
some means to find out who, if anyone, is telling you the truth.

This can get very expensive if you do it by trial and error and yet there are those
rare, very rare, times when something that is too good to be true really is true.
After all, people do win state lotteries, but no one in his right mind bets the farm
on it (believe me, I know!). The pendulum can be a real help in finding out if
someone is telling you the truth.

This is something that works best over the phone, for the very simple reason that
if you are talking to a face that person may look at you very strangely if you are
holding a pendulum and watching it instead of him.

So let us say that you get a call from Uncle Enrico and he wants to borrow
money again, this time claiming that your Aunt Mathilda needs food for the
goldfish. Ok, you know they really have goldfish, which is one little fact in their
favor, and you know that they have never been able to keep track of how fast
they spend their socialist security money, most of it going to golfing expenses, so
he may really need a loan, in which case he is lucky he is asking you and not me
because I'm usually the one who needs money, but I digress. Of course you
could send him to Uncle Garbanzo, but he doesn't like to give family discounts.

As he babbles, somewhat embarrassed, take out your trusty pendulum and your
idiometer (no, don't need to find out if Uncle Enrico is an idiot. You already know
that.) and hold the pendulum over it. As he finally gets around to asking for the
money, notice that the pendulum is swinging "NO!!!" and doing it so hard that it
wants to leave your hand.

At this point you know that the money is not going to feed the fish, and judging
from the swing you wonder if Uncle Enrico is planning on going into politics. But
you do get a positive that they do need a few bucks because, you guessed it,
they spent too much at the golf course. So you groan and give him a few bucks
so they can buy fish food and hope that this time they pay you back before you
die of old age.

Now suppose you need to know if someone in the office is a crook. I assume
here that you don't work in a law office or a real estate firm, in which case you
already know the answer.

Years ago, a friend of mine had some camera film stolen from her. She knew it
had to be a co-worker but had no evidence of who it could be. And as she was
too emotionally involved to get an accurate reading, I volunteered to do the
dowsing for her.

We made a list of all the suspects, both likely and unlikely, and then went down
the list with the pendulum with my finger, stopping for a few seconds at each
name, while commanding the pendulum to tell me who the thief was, until we got
a real swing by one name.

We then continued down the list, checking each name, just to make sure and as
there were no other response, we were pretty sure we had the suspect.

The swing of a pendulum, however, is not sufficient reason to make an
accusation unless you work for a tabloid television show, so my friend could not
say anything. But she was very careful to watch the other person from then on. I
offered to kill her, but...


In the area of romance in particular, the pendulum can give you a tremendous
advantage over your fellows.

First, it can test the compatibility of two people. Now for this test, it is best to
have a trusted friend, who has no interest in the other person, to do the work.

You will need two pictures, one of each of you, to make this work best, but you
can use the two names if the pictures are lacking. Place these side by side and
have your friend hold the pendulum between them. If the pendulum swings
positive, you are compatible. If it swings negative, look for somebody else. As
you can imagine a person with this information can save him or her self a lot of

But let us say that you are not so much interested in a long-term relationship, but
rather a brief, passionate affair. For that you can use the pendulum for
something completely different.

You need to know what your prospective partner's tastes are and it helps if they
are the same as yours. So you need to make two charts, one a list of all the
sexual things you enjoy or are willing to do even if they are not your first choice.
Second, a chart like figure 2 (0-10 chart).

If you have a picture or a signature of the prospect, lay it on the table in front of
you. If not, write the name down on a small piece of paper while holding the
image of the person in your mind.

Now hold the pendulum over the picture or name and go down the list of
activities, noting which ones make the pendulum swing. After you have done
this, hold the pendulum over the center point of the number chart and go down
the new list, one desire at a time, noting the number that the pendulum swings to.
The higher the number, the greater the interest. With this information in hand,
you may pursue the grand seduction with more confidence because you already
know what buttons to push.

Using the pendulum as a gauge to test your thought-forms

The last chapter taught you how to make and use thought-forms. But the
problem with thought-forms is that you have a hard time knowing if they have hit
the target. Well, the pendulum can solve that problem.

Before you create your thought-form, you will assign it a name, like Eustace, or
you will have just given it a command. Either one should be written down on a
piece of paper and kept in a safe place where you will know where to find it,
unlike in this house where to put something in a safe place is to guarantee that it
will not be found until the Third Coming.

After you send out your thought-form, forget about it for a day or two. After a few
days have elapsed, take out the paper and hold the pendulum over it, asking it if
the thought-form has done what it was created to do. If you get a positive
response, there is probably no need for further action unless after a reasonable
period of time you see no actual results. If the response is negative, make and
fire off another thought-form to replaced the old one.


I will cover this in more detail later when you have your instruments up and
running. By means of the pendulum you can read messages from any mind in
the universe as long as you are attuned to it. That's right, I said the universe.
Now as the universe is a pretty big place, you have to do some real fine tuning in
some cases, but there is no reason you cannot do it.

Usually, however, you will be more interested in more terrestrial sources and the
best way to do that is to make a chart like the one on the next page. To do this,
draw a large circle on a piece of paper. Now, evenly spaced around the circle,
write the letters from A to Z, numbers from 1 to 0, and some common
punctuation marks such as a period, comma and question mark. Once you have
done that, take a ruler and draw a line from the center of the circle to point
between each letter and number and punctuation mark so that they all are in little
wedges. If you wish, you may shade every other wedge from the center point to
about half way out. Shading makes it easier for your eyes to separate the
wedges when the pendulum swings.

Now you have your receiver.

So how do you use it? Let us say that you want to know what Aunt Bianca is
planning to have for dinner before you accept her invitation, especially as last
time she tried to inflict broccoli on you and you almost hired Uncle Garbanzo to fit
her with cement shoes but you didn't because hitmen are expensive and Uncle
Garbanzo doesn't like to take more contracts on family than he has to. Now
things like this are perfect to start with because they are very easy to verify.

So you begin with a short period of meditation to clear your mind of the
extraneous garbage that sometimes manage to come through while using this
arrangement. After you do that, you hold the pendulum over the center point and
ask it what Aunt Bianca is cooking.

The pendulum begins to swing along one of the edges towards a letter. It reveals
a "b" and you stop the pendulum and bring it back to the center to repeat the
procedure. And after a short time your worst fears are realized, she is making
broccoli again so you call her back, say you have a business matter and order a

The uses of this simple device should be obvious. It can spell out words,
sentences, numbers, any piece of information that is out there can be received.
It can tell you anything, but there is one little fact you must remember.

The pendulum, as I have already said, can be influenced by the conscious mind
and give you false information. You have to be careful in what you ask, not being

too involved in the answer otherwise the pendulum will cease to be a tool and
become a cheering section.


Ok, here we go with your basic unit! There are more complicated devices
available but right now we just want to get you started.

Most people when they come into contact with psionics or radionics for the first
time are terribly intimidated by the seemingly complex nature of the instruments,
to say nothing of the cost of buying one. The commercial models are not cheap
by any means. Hell, I can't afford them!

But the truth is that radionics is very easy and a psionic transmitter can be built
with materials that are usually found in every home and easily acquired if not.
This device is based on the Hieronymus Machine, which is a rather complicated
device designed in the late 1940s but was actually nothing more than a modified
radio of the time with an energy collector as the antenna and the stick pad as the
output in place of the speaker. Other than that, the amplifiers and tuners were
the same as a radio. So, with that in mind, Uncle Chuckie went to work and
created a simple device using a cheap radio.

To make this instrument you will need:

1 portable FM radio with extendible antenna. The best place to find this is one of
those stores that have all kinds of cheap stuff. I got the one this design is based
on for five bucks in 1997.
1 sheet of aluminum foil
1 packet of posterboard
a couple of feet of speaker wire and 1 plug that fits the earphone jack of the
radio. You can use an old earphone plug and wire for this. Just cut off the
earphone and strip the ends of the wire leaving the plug in place at the other end.
6 feet (2 m) of ordinary wire
6 alligator clips (at any hardware store).
1 plastic can lid.

Leave the radio intact. There is no need to take it apart or do any tinkering with
it. In fact, the less tinkering you can do, the better.

Cut 2 squares of foil about four inches across and do the same with the
posterboard. Glue the foil squares to the posterboard squares.

Cut a one inch (25mm) wide strip of posterboard long enough to fit around your
head at the forehead with enough left over so you can glue it to the right

Cut a small square of foil (about 1 inch or so square) and glue it to the inside of
the headband so that it rests firmly against the center of your forehead when you
put it on.

Cut the wire into two pieces, about 1 foot and five feet in length. Strip the
insulation from the ends of the wire and attach one alligator clip to each end.

Attach alligator clips to the ends of the earphone wire and plug that wire into the
Attach a foil square to the earphone wire clips.

Take the other foil square and attach clip it to the 1 foot wire and clip that wire to
the antenna of the radio.
To use the machine, get something of the person or place you are going to
transmit to, like a photograph (a newspaper
photo works quite well.)

Place the plastic lid on top of the plate at the other end.
You set the tuning on the machine by turning the tuner knob of the radio while
gently rubbing the plastic plate. When you get a stick (and you will know what
this is, it cannot really be described) stop turning and repeat the procedure with
the volume control.

Once you have that, clip one end of the longer wire to the plate with the witness
on it (that's the picture or whatever of the target) and the other end to the foil
square on the headband.

Now, all you have to do is put the headband on and think real hard at the target,
visualizing what you are sending
as clearly as possible.

Repeat as needed until the desired result occurs.

Now, you have to understand that this a starter unit. It only has two tuning dials
so the accuracy of the tuning is going to be a bit limited, which means you really
need a witness for it to work right. The other thing is that the headgear is nothing
more than a head electrode.

So, what the hell happens when you use this thing?

Well, you have to understand that the electronics of the radio have more to do
with the amplification and propagation of the psychic energy you are using and
don't ask me to explain that because it's just way to complicated and you don't
need to know that right now anyway. Let's just say that it gives more oomph to
what you are doing.

Beyond the electronic stuff, what happens when you tune the unit is you
effectively lock onto the target. You are sort of making a connection that will
exist as long as you are hooked into the machine, sort of like if you are on the
phone with the person. Once you have that connection, you can remote view,
dowse and otherwise gain information about the person, such as look around the
person's body for weak points that can be used to make him really sick.

The device can also be used to amplify any psychic work you might do, so you
can use it to charge objects, as I will describe shortly, or charge and recharge
thoughtforms. If it can be done with the psychic faculties, these units can make it
done better.

So how the hell do you charge a thoughtform with radionics.

Very easily!

The first thing you have to do is make your thoughtform.

Ok, now that you've done that, you make a pattern to represent the thoughtform
as a witness. You do this by giving a name to the thoughtform, like Sam the
Landmine, and then make a pattern using the alphabet wheel in the next chapter
and once you have done that set the pattern on the witness plate of the
instrument, take a rate for the thoughtform and don the head unit.

You are now in mental contact with the thoughtform. Using the connection and
the amplification capacity of the radionic device, you add power to the

thoughtform by simple visualization until you have boosted it enough to do its


A hardworking
thoughtform hard
at work.
No rest for
the wicked!



One of the principal commandments of anyone who really gets into being a villain
is THOU SHALT KILL. And the most important part of psionic killing is that A: it
works and B: you can get away with it.

You see the problem that villains have had over the centuries is that there was
always the possibility of being caught. Now, if you were a super biggie type
Villain, like a Stalin or a Mao, you didn't have to worry about such things because
no one could do anything about you, but if you were just an ordinary Villain with a
little storefront operation you had to be somewhat careful that people did not
connect you to your various deeds, otherwise your lifespan could be come
seriously shortened as your neck became noticeably lengthened.

The advantage psionics gives in this area is that it is impossible to prove that the
killer did the killing. No court will accept the argument that someone killed
someone by using mind alone and no prosecutor would dare bring such a case
for fear of being ridiculed out of office.

On top of that, there is the real possibility of anyone being foolish enough to
prosecute such a case becoming another victim of the weapon, because the
mind is not subject to any law.

Of course they can pass any stupid law they like, but how do they plan to enforce
it and live to tell the tale?

Here are a couple of easy devices that every psionic villain should have in his
arsenal. They are cheap, common and very effective, just the sort of thing
everyone should have in their home in order to make life somewhat shorter for
those folks we really don't like.


As part of our never-ending quest to render law impossible by the simple
expedient of making its enforcement suicidal, I have what may be the perfect
psionic weapon for you.

When I first heard about pyramid stuff back in the 1970s, when the fad hit, I
dismissed it with a the notion that if you couldn't make a bomb out of it, it wasn't
worth bothering with. Well, you may not be able to make a bomb with pyramid
energy, but you can sure make a lethal weapon out of it.

You see the energy flow in a pyramid works in two directions. There is the
energy that flows down from the top of the pyramid to the interior and the energy
that comes out the top to everywhere else. The energy that comes from the top
down is unhealthy, witness the fact that it mummifies tissue, and can even cause
cancer if one is exposed to it for too long (which is a real good reason not to wear
one of those things on top of your head in addition to the possibility of
mummifying your brain). The energy that comes out the top is more healthful,
but sitting on one can become very uncomfortable after a short period of time.
The important thing to remember, however, is that the pyramid is a natural
psychic amplifier. Any mental energy put into it will be amplified and sent out.

So, to work. In order to make your killing machine you will need a pyramid of any
convenient height and a murder crystal. And, of course, you are wondering just
what a murder crystal is.

Ok, a murder crystal is an ordinary quartz crystal, the same kind the new age
fluffy bunnies make such a fuss over. Procure such a crystal from the sort of
place that sells such things and keep it in a silk bag, just like the fluffy ones do.
Only whenever you are having a real bad day, feel very angry or just frustrated,
take out the crystal and hold it, using it as a sink for all your anger and frustration.
Feel all of that yuckiness just flow out of you into the crystal until you are back to
normal and then put the crystal back into its bag. After a few weeks of normal
living, with traffic, and business and family, you should have enough anger stored
in that thing to kill off a city in no time.

Now comes the fun stuff.

Let us say there is someone you really want dead, like the traffic cop who gave
you a speeding ticket even though you were only doing 50 mph over the posted
limit. The fact that the ticket book has spent a lot of time in his pocket, in addition
to the signature on the ticket, makes the ticket a perfect witness sample of the
offending officer.

Lay the traffic ticket on a table and take the crystal out of its bag. Lay the crystal
on top of the ticket. Now put the pyramid over the ticket and crystal, aligning the

sides of the pyramid to magnetic north. Once you have done this, spend a half-
hour to an hour a day thinking thoughts of pure anger and hatred at the offending
officer while staring at the pyramid. The energy will accumulate until it reaches a
sort of critical mass and then BANG, one less cop (off to the great hog farm in
the sky). You will go to court, plead not guilty, and as the officer who wrote the
ticket will not be present, you will be acquitted.

The beauty of this instrument lies not only in its utter simplicity of manufacture
and operation, but in the fact that it is totally undetectable in use. Death will
always be by natural causes or accident and you need have no fear of
retribution. After all, people die all the time.


OK, this is going to sound absolutely insane but bear with me because if my idea
is right it means that everyone in the world can have a working means of mass
destruction with little expense and virtual impunity.

Let me start with some background. I don't know how many of you are familiar
with the Tepaphone? It was an idea that hit prominence in occult circles about
20 years ago with the publication of Franz Bardon's Frabato the Magician. In that
book he describes a device used by the FOGC lodge in Germany between the
two world wars as a machine for projecting energy that could work as a death
ray. Like most researchers, I was fascinated by the idea and set about to
recreate the device, but like most researchers, I got stuck in the idea that it was
somehow a 1920's radionic device when a clear reading of the brief description
gives the impression that it was more likely optical rather than electronic in
nature. In other words, he describes an antique magic lantern, a slide projector.
This should not have been a surprise to me because I was already working with
projected light and at the time Frabato is supposed to take place, Dinshah P.
Ghadiali was treating people with colored rays of light from an instrument of his
own design. Healing!! YUCK!

The Dinshah lamp was a simple
projector with colored lenses
that could be aimed at the
witness of the patient.

Now, if we add that description of what apparently was a real instrument (it
seems to have been destroyed in the bombing of Germany during WWII) to the
work of T. Galen Hieronymus, which proves that there is a optical component to
psionic energy, we can come up with a system whereby an ordinary slide
projector can be turned into a lethal weapon. This idea seems somewhat far-
fetched to orthodox radionicists until you explain to them that a photograph is
nothing more than a chemical reaction to light, light reflected off the subject and
where it not for that a photograph would never work as a witness.

This system works because the focused beam of light carries and amplifies the
mental energies put into it. All you need is a slide projector, a stand and a
photograph, such as of a building (a newspaper photo will work) or anything else
of the target, such as a photocopy of a signature if it is an individual.

Place the slide projector so that it is facing the stand with the photograph on it in
such a way that the beam from the projector is focused onto the target. (The
reason we use a slide projector is that the beam can be focused more tightly,
though any similar source will work, even a flashlight.) Stand the picture so that
the beam hits it squarely and then go back to the projector.

Turn on the projector and as the beam plays on the target, focus your thoughts
on the beam of light. If you visualize the destruction of the target, that energy will
be carried to the target by means of the witness sample.

As you can see, the effectiveness of this device is largely dependent upon the
clarity of the thought put into it as well as the emotional energy behind it. It is
wise, therefore, to spend some time concentrating on the reasons you want the
target destroyed and build up sufficient hate energy in your system so that that
energy will blast its way through to the target with devastating results. Keep this
up until you think you are going to destroy the furniture and then hit the switch
turning on the beam. As you do this, feel all of the anger pouring out of you, as if
a spigot was turned on, flowing from you to the beam.

When you feel totally drained, turn off the beam and go out and do something to
cheer yourself up. Nature will take its course.

Isn't it FUN to be evil?

The New Tepaphone

And here we go with the ultimate psionic killing machine.

Remember all the nice things I said about the Hieronymus Machine? Well, this
device is the Hieronymus Machine built backwards. Essentially, it is modulated
light source that can act as a device to emit a psionic carrier wave on a beam of

If you look at the schematic, you will see that the headgear is plugged into the
jack at one end of the system and the psychic stuff goes through the
amplification process, tuned by the potentiometers and comes out the light
source to be focused on the target witness.

This device has a real advantage over the Slideray. The input is directly from
you to the light beam, no need to visualize your thoughts going into the light
coming out of the projector. And it can be used in conduction with other radionic

devices, merely plugging it into the output of them with a patch cable so you can
get real accurate tuning.

So how do you use it?

Well, the first thing you do is set it up. It's an optical device, so you need to have
it set so its beam will hit the witness. That should be no trouble, just do that the
same way the slideray is set up.

Then you need to tune it. Plug in your headgear and lay the stick pad next to it.
Now, meditate and fill yourself with energy, energy that is going to be transmuted
into pure anger and hatred. See yourself literally glowing with red light and then
put on the headgear and start turning the dials on the unit as you stroke the
stickpad. When you get a stick that is the setting for each dial.

Keep focusing on your anger, let it build and build and build. Then, as you are
about ready to pick up the machine and throw it at the witness, turn it on and let
the light wave blast the witness. Again, pour all your anger and hatred through
the machine until you feel completely drained of it. At that time you turn off the
machine, put the witness away and wait for results. If the person doesn't die right
away, simply repeat the procedure until he does.

No, this isnt a tepaphone, its the Peritron from an old movie serial, The Great
Alaskan Mystery. But its nice looking so I figured you might get some ideas from


And now we get to one of the fun things modern technology has blessed us with.

I'm sure that by now you are familiar with laser pointers. These fun things are not
only good for those of us who do public speaking and have to point at things
hanging across the room or being projected on a screen, but they also make
excellent little hand weapons because a shot from even the small one can
effectively blind somebody at a considerable distance. They are cheap and
easily concealed even in a shirt pocket.

You can see what the psionic value of one of these things is going to be with little
trouble. If a slide projector, or any other light source, can be used to project
psionic energy, one of these little babies can really send it!

First you have to charge it.

Place the laser on the output plate of the radionic box and set the unit while
holding your purpose in mind. Then put on your headgear and send energy into
the laser device through the radionic system. This will fill the light source of the
laser with your intention and make anything you send out of the laser that much
more powerful. In effect, you are attaching a thoughtform to the laser device
itself and if you wish to create a specific thoughtform to do that it would not be a
bad idea.

Now to using it.

This is simple. You just point it and shoot. Set the witness (probably a
photograph) of the target up across the room and fill yourself with the same kind
of anger you felt when using the other weapons, but this time, as you really get
furious, bring the laser to bear and fire it. Again, as you do so, feel all of your
anger and hatred flowing out of you through the beam to the witness of the

Repeat as necessary for best results.

Now! Common sense type warning!

It gets real tempting with the laser to point it at the target directly. This is most
unwise. People, especially cop type swine people, tend to get rather intense
when someone shines a laser dot at them, because the dot mimics laser
gunsights. For that reason, it is best to confine the use of the instrument to
hitting the target through the witness sample, except when actually using it to
blind someone in self defense. However, that being said, a laser pointer can be

fired directly at the person if it is used in such a way as to not be perceived as a

direct threat, like a quick shot at the back and then the pointer put away.

One thing though. Strange as it may seem, some folks can feel the laser as it
strikes their energy field and the dot of light is slightly warm on bare skin. Keep
this in mind if you are going to shoot it directly at a person.

The mindray claims a new victim!!


The Psionic Amplifying Helmet had its origins years and years ago when I was a
budding magician and got this idea that it would be really cool to have something
I could wear on my head to increase the power of what I was doing. You see, I
have this thing about hats and helmets, the house if full of them, and so naturally
I wanted one for my magick.

I went to work and created a version of Fortunatus Cap, which was a simple
hard hat with a metal talisman charged to increase my power to command
people glued onto it. I even had a little chant that went with it,

Mind to mind,
I command they obey
I call they come.
My will be done!

And it worked. Well, with my thing about helmets, when I built my first radionic
unit on April 7, 1977, a day that shall live in infamy, (Thank you Franklin, now
go back into the box.) I built the head electrode into a helmet that could be
plugged into the box. From this evolved the Psionic Amplifying Helmet as we
know it today. There are lots of versions of it out there now as people have been
experimenting with it and improving on it, so Ill give you a simple version to start
with and then you can work from there as your own intuition and creativity leads

To make this device, you will need to procure, without haggling:

1 hard hat.

8 small magnet disks or circular magnets

1 length of copper wire

1 length of speaker wire

1 1/8 monaural audio jack

1 crystal

1 circle of foil

Remove the liner from the hard hat. Now, drill a hole at the top of the shell of the
hard hat. Drill another hole at one side or the back of the hard the right size to
mount the jack.

Glue the magnets in a circle above the rim of the hard hat shell. Once you have
done that, take the copper wire and make a spiral (direction doesnt seem to
matter) at one of the wire and lead the wire through the hole at the top of the
helmet wrapping it around the crystal and then glue the crystal to the top of the

Put the liner back into the hard hat.

Attach the coil to the foil plate.

Strip the insulation off the ends of the speaker wire (I know that sounds
elementary but you would be amazed at the number of people who forget this!)

Attach one set of the ends to the foil plate.

Attach the foil plate to the top of the liner where it will sit on the top of your head
when you wear the helmet.

Run the speaker wire under the line to the jack hole.

Attach the leads of the jack to the speaker wire.

Mount the jack on the helmet.

At this point all you have to do is put on the helmet and think, getting a real clear
image in your head of what you want to send and the helmet will automatically
grab the psychic stuff as it comes out your head, run it around real fast and then

shoot it out the top blasting its way to the target. And by plugging the helmet into
a radionic box, you create a direct connection between you and the instrument.
(Which is why the jack is there!)


This is your standard tool. It works the same way as the radio unit but is self

In order to make this device, you will need:

1 box, a simple shoe box or gift box will work fine. Just avoid metal containers
because metal screws up the energies.

1 can

2 screws and nuts (and no, the author does not count).

1 plastic lid like from a coffee can or cat food can.

3 rotary potentiometers, the ohm value does not matter.

3 knobs

2 1/8 monaural jacks.

wire, both insulated and uninsulated.

2 quartz crystals

Begin by opening the box and laying the bottom of it aside. Now, lay out the can
in the left upper corner of the box, the lid in the right upper corner, the three
knobs a bit lower between them and the jacks, one in each lower corner. Mark
these spots with a pencil.

Now carefully punch holes for the two screws in the bottom of the can. Lay the
can on the spot you marked and mark on the box lid where the holes you
punched are.

Carefully punch holes where those markings are.

Now, punch a hole for each potentiometer stem, two small holes under the center
of where the lid will be and one hole in each corner for the jacks.

Take two lengths of the unshielded wire and wrap them around the crystals with
a short length left over at each end. Once you have done this, attach a short
length of the regular wire to each end of the crystal wires by wrapping the
exposed wire (I assume you have stripped the ends) to the crystal wires. This
will give you two crystals with a length of wire at each end.

Now, attach these wires to the potentiometers so the three pots are in series as
in the diagram with the crystals between them.

Now, wire the jacks to the end pots as in the diagram. Be sure the wires are long
enough to reach the assigned holes in the box lid.

Make a coil of unshielded wire which will fit under the can lid and place it on the
outside of the box lid with the ends of the wire running through the holes into the

Glue the plastic can lid in place over the coil.

With the screws attach the can to the box lid in its assigned corner.

Turn the box lid over and attach the pots on the underside of the box lid so the
stems protrude out to the outside of it.

Repeat the procedure with the jacks.

Connect the wire from the coil to the pot at the right end and to the right screw of
the can as in the diagram.

Connect a wire from the left pot to the left screw of the can as in the diagram.

Turn the box lid over and attach the knobs to the pots.

Put the box lid back on the box.

And there you have it. You now have a working radionic box. Go to Radio
Shack and get the right patch cables so you can connect the helmet to it and
youll be all set. Oh, and one other thing. Youll soon learn that the more
radionic units you have laying around the better and there are lots of designs out
there for them, so dont be afraid to experiment.

The most important thing you have to remember is that electronically, radionic
devices make little or no sense. So dont worry about anything you learned in
electrical engineering class with this stuff.

And here is a rather bad webcam shot of guess who with a helmet and box. The
helmet is actually the first version of the Psionic Amplifying Helmet and it is still
my favorite after nearly 30 years.


OK, you read the section on the laser mind and you're really wondering why I
would go into something like talismans. After all, they're just superstitions, right,
sort of like the rabbit's foot to bring luck to everyone except to the rabbit?

And you read my comments about stored energy, which sort of explains the
concept of how these things work. So where do you go from here?

To the store to buy some things.

I'm going to talk about a range of stuff here, so be prepared to get a lot of
different things because they are all going to be really useful.

The first object is nothing more than a pattern on a piece of paper. Now there
are a bunch of ways of making these patterns (otherwise known as disruption
patterns) and it is really very easy to do this.

First you need to know what idea you are going to charge the energy with once
you put it into the paper. Write this down as simply as possible, something like
"Kill the neighbors!" Now, take the wheel thing below and make a photocopy of it
at the local copy place until you get a useful size, no larger than three inches in

Once you have that, place a
sheet of paper over it and trace
from one letter to the next on the
inside of the wheel so that you
will have a pattern which
represents your idea. This
pattern is the form of your
talisman and all you need do
now is draw a circle or square or
any other shape around it that
you think is appropriate and cut
that out of the paper.

Now you have to charge it.

There are a number of ways of doing this. The easiest is to use your radionic
unit. The talisman is placed on the output plate and the headgear donned. Set
the unit for the rate while concentrating on your idea and then visualize the idea
being carried out.

Do this a number of times until you are sure that the talisman is really charged
with the energy of your idea. Once you have accomplished that, put the talisman
in an envelope until you are ready to use it.

There are a number of ways to use this object.

The simplest way is to use it as a transmission pattern. When doing this, you
merely place it on the input plate of your radionic unit and the witness of the
receiver on the output plate. A rate is taken for the pattern and energy applied in
the form of amplified current or a light wave (a lamp shining on the unit) until the
result is accomplished, in this case the death of the neighbor.

The next method, and one that is a little more hazardous, is to send the object
directly to the target involved. Now, here you have to be very careful that A:
there is nothing directly incriminating in the object itself, no pictures of dead
people in their coffins or such and B: that is not traceable back to you without a
lot of trouble. It is best to use an envelope that has been actually held under a
vacuum cleaner and handled with latex gloves. The stamp should be either pre-
glued or use tap water to moisten the glue on the stamp and the envelope.

The address should be typed on from a public typewriter. Do not use a return

Once the talisman is sealed in the addressed envelope, repeat the charging
process. Include in the charge the command that the energy of the talisman will
be released on contact with the person even if he does not open the envelope.
Then once you have done this, mail the talisman from a location that is nowhere
near where you live or work.

Another use for a paper talisman is in mass communication of an idea. In this
case, you would create one around the idea of something that requires lots of
people, such as "Unelect so and so." You repeat the charging procedure but
then you do something a bit different with finished product.

First, you can use an aerial or satellite photo as the witness sample of the
geographic are you wish to affect. This is used in the same way as a witness of
an individual on a radionic unit.

Second, and this is a bit more time consuming, you scan the talisman into your
computer. Now, when you do this, remember the energy of the talisman can be
carried by electromagnetic energy so the pattern retains its charge even as it
becomes resident as a pattern of 0 and 1 on your hard drive.

Using the appropriate software, you print out the pattern onto labels so that you
have a number of sheets of them, all psionically linked to the original.

This being done, it is a simple matter for you and your henchstaff to go out and
stick them up where people will see them and as you run the original on your
radionic unit, everyone who sees one of the patterns will respond to it.

Of course any object can be charged to project your desire and this makes
distribution of the idea pretty darn simple.

Go out and get yourself a ping pong ball gun and a slingshot. You will need both
of these items as we go along.

The ping pong ball gun is usually a pretty cheap item and can be found in most
toy or novelty stores. It is a light, plastic item that cannot take a lot of banging
around but it can usually store and fire about four or five balls about ten feet or
so, depending on how strong the spring in it is.

Once you have that, go get a few packages of ping pong balls to shoot out of the
gun, otherwise there is not much point getting the gun in the first place, is there?
The ping pong ball actually makes a good charged object because it is large
enough to write or draw on.

To convert a ping pong ball into a carrier for your ideas, simply get a felt-tipped
pen and when you have your idea in mind, write the first letter of the sentence
that best expresses your idea on the ball, so if the idea is "Kill Aunt Janet," you
would then write KAJ.

After you do that, you charge the ball by placing it on the receiver of the radionic
box and visualizing the result until the force of your mind has filled the interior of
the ball with energy. Repeat this process once a day for about a week and then
you are ready to send the ball on its way.

Load the ball into the gun and go by any place where you want the idea to be
released. The gun gives you the advantage that you do not have to stay around,
but just go by and shoot the ball, as from a moving car or bicycle and be gone
before anyone knows you were there. Because it is obviously a toy and totally
physically harmless, a ping pong ball gun can be carried just about anywhere
with no trouble.

With greater range the slingshot is perfect for sitting in your backyard and
sending objects out to the neighborhood. A Wristrocket type slingshot can have
a range of a couple of blocks if fired at the right angle. I got this idea years ago
sitting in my back year firing marbles off in every direction and listening for the
satisfying sound of breaking glass as they came down on car windows. Of
course the local constabulary would be running around like crazy looking for kids
and not at all interested in the middle-aged man sitting in his back yard, tee hee

To use this implement, you pick your object with some care. Ordinary glass
marbles are the best. They are perfectly round and totally aerodynamic, thus
giving them the best range. They also have good striking power on impact but
are not obvious weapons like ball bearings. They are best used on targets that
are near your home or near where you are able to fire the weapon without being

The object used here is charged in the usual fashion and then fired with the
slingshot at a place where the target will likely be, such as his back yard. If you
are firing at a distant target from your own yard, it is best to charge a number of
objects and fire them in the general direction. This will give an area of psychic
coverage that will make it more likely that your target will walk into the field and
be affected by it.

Shot pattern of charged objects.


For those of you new to this, the term "encryption" does not refer to burying
anyone in a crypt. It is a word used to describe methods of coding
communication so that no one can read or hear it without authorization. As code
breaking becomes more and more sophisticated, the techniques of encryption
become equally so, but when using psionics it is possible to encrypt a message
by a very simple substitution code but because you are using psionic methods of
transmission and reception it is almost impossible to intercept or understand if
intercepted and thus you and your henchstaff will have means of communication
that can only be intercepted with great difficulty.

You never know when such things may come in handy.

In order to do this, you and the person you communicate with will need two
radionic boxes, two sets of headgear and either a Ouija Board or an
alphanumeric chart like the one on page 75.

You will also need a code technique. There are a number of ways of setting up a
code, but let us say that for your purposes a simple substitution code is all you
require. In such a code, one letter stands for another and when the coded
message is received, the receiver simply replaces the code letters with the real
ones and the message is then read. In it's easiest form, both parties have
wheels with the letters of the alphabet, numbers and maybe even punctuation (a
very good thing to have, actually) that are set to rotate around each other out of
order, one inside the other. The letter A of one wheel is set to a pre-arranged
spot on the other wheel and that creates the code. So you might have a
message where A is over X and the sent message is X BRD COGEZ which
would then read "a dog bites." In this system it is necessary that each participant
have a duplicate of the wheel.

The next thing to do is practice. At a set time each night, the partners should set
up their equipment and practice sending coded messages to each other. This is
done by each partner placing a witness of the other in his radionic instrument and
putting on the headgear. Then the sender concentrates on the key letter, where
A is going to be set. The receiver uses either the Ouija Board or the chart and
pendulum to determine the placement of the key and waits for the sender to
transmit the message, one letter or word at a time. With practice, the messages
will come through very clearly and in relatively little time.

Now just what one can do with this depends on the personal situation. It can be
just a fun project to get the children interested in psionics or it can be used for all
manner of conspiracies where secrecy is important and you wish to communicate
with the henchstaff without using more conventional means.

Now, a word of caution. While this method is virtually immune from ordinary
surveillance, it is theoretically possible for the message to be tapped if a third
party knows the time of transmission and has a witness of either the sending or
receiving party and the psionic equipment. The clarity of the tapped message,
however, will not be great and the lack of the code and key will add to the
difficulty a casual observer on the psychic plane would have in understanding the


This is a fun little gadget that I cooked up one day when I had watched too many
television shows with radar screens on them. PSIDAR stands for PSIonic
Direction And Ranging, as if you could not guess. It is a perfect device to use in
conjunction with map dowsing.

Using this instrument is surprisingly simple. The witness of what you are looking
for is placed in the witness circle and the pointer in the cross-hairs is turned until
you either get a stick on the pad or the pendulum swings positive.

Once you have a direction, you need to have an idea of the unit of distance you
are going to be dealing with. If the object or person is in the near vicinity, like in
the house, you would set the dial to inches, feet, yards or the metric units
provided. If the object of the search is some distance, it is best to use either
miles of kilometers.

That being done, direct your attention to the top dials. Each dial represents a
decimal unit, 0-10, 0-100, 0-1,000, 0-10,000. Start with the largest unit you think
appropriate. If the object is in the house, there is no need to look at a distance of
10,000 feet. On the other hand, if the person is on the other side of the world,
that may be exactly the number you need.

Let us say that I am looking for a person who is about 552 miles away, but I do
not know that. The first thing I need to know is if the person is over 1,000 miles
away. I touch the last dial and ask that question. The answer is no, so I move to
the third dial and ask if the person is between 100 and 1,000 miles away. I get a
positive response, so my next move is to begin setting the dial around the circle
at 100 mile intervals until I get a response, in this case at 500.

I direct my attention to the second dial and repeat the procedure until I hit 50
when I get another response.

The last dial narrows the distance to 552 miles. If I wished, I could find the
distance to nearest millimeter, but I do not need to know that.

To learn how to use this device, have a friend hide something and then use the
Psidar to find it. It also can make one hell of a party game, with each participant
looking for hidden objects. Who knows, someday it might even replace bean-bag


This is something I've written an awful lot about before so I'm going to make it as
simple as possible. There is some real peculiar relationship between two
dimensional patterns and psychic stuff which means that patterns can have
interesting and useful effects when properly made and used. I've already
covered the making of transmission patterns so now I'm going to explain
amplifying patterns.

An amplifying pattern is just what the name says it is. You place a thought, any
thought into the center of it and the pattern, by its very nature, amplifies the
power of that thought and sends it out into the ether to accomplish whatever dire
and nefarious end you have in mind. The patterns here all represent the circle
type of amplifying pattern though other types exist, mostly based on a top views
of a pyramid in various arrangements.

This is a Chaosmine. It is a pattern transmitted at a target you wish to inflict
chaos on. And DONT STARE AT IT!


We have to begin with the fact that remote viewing is nothing new. There is
nothing new about being able to see things far distant by use of the mind alone,
traveling through the ether to the point that is being observed. There are many
historic examples of this, perhaps the most famous being the story of the time
Emmanuel Swedenborg left a dinner party in 1759 and came back in terrified.
There was a huge fire in Stockholm, some two hundred miles away but the
prophet was greatly relieved when he discovered that the fire was put out three
houses away from his. The patron saint of television was a woman who
apparently was able to watch church services from her bed some distance from
the church. Why she would want to do this instead of looking into the future to
watch Flash Gordon on the Community Outer Space Theater in 1958 is beyond
me, but to each his own.

In the middle of the nineteenth century the art of psychometry was popularized.
This is the talent for taking an object and being able to psychically sense what
has gone on around that object. The theory behind that is that the object picks
up the energy field of the activity around it and that field is then readable by the
psychometrist. When we use psionics to aid in remote viewing, we are basically
doing psychometry with the added advantage provided by our instruments. The
advantage to this method lies in the fact that it is not necessary to in any way
concentrate on the target of the viewing. The instruments do all the heavy work
and the viewer need only relax, meditate, and watch, sort of like television only
much more interesting.

So lets take a quick look at the instruments. To do psionicly enhanced remote
viewing you need a couple of things. First, a radionic box of some sort capable
of being tuned to that which is being viewed. Second, a means of attaching the
head of the operator to the box in order that the information from the unit may be
more efficiently placed in the energy field of the brain.

The basic radionic box has minimal circuitry. This is extremely annoying to those
who think of this stuff in material terms, but all it really needs are some dials that
are wired together and a means of detecting when they are properly set. This is
usually done by means of what is called a stick pad, a piece of rubber or plastic
that is rubbed as the dials are turned until what is called a "stick" is felt. That
stick cannot really be defined as it is different for every operator, but the operator
definitely knows when it happens. There is also a plate or well to hold the
sample that is being tested and this is wired to the tuning dials so get to work and
build the unit I describe.

The third, and most important part of the system, is the operator himself. He
must be able to hold the impressions that he gets in his mind clearly and be able

to record them. Government remote viewers are expected to be able to draw

what they see, largely due to the fact that it was considered the best way to test
results, but a detailed audio description is also considered acceptable, especially
if you are as bad an artist as I am. I could have accurately viewed the entire
Soviet war room in the 1980's but there is no way I could possibly have drawn
any sort of accurate picture of it. It would have been a confused mass of

In order to use this system in actual remote viewing, it is first necessary to have a
witness, anything from the target area. This can be a rock, a photograph out of a
tourist book, or even something as simple as the map co-ordinates written on a
piece of paper. If a person is to be watched, a photograph or copy of the
person's signature works very well.

The witness is placed in the sample holder of the radionic box and the box is
tuned. The tuning is done by slowly turning the dials with one hand while rubbing
the stick plate with the other until the stick is achieved on each dial. At this point
the box is tuned to the target.

Next the headpiece is attached. Most psionic amplifying helmets are tunable and
they are tuned the same way as the box, turning the dials until there is a stick on
the plate.

Once this is done, it is time for the operator to do his thing. He puts on the
headgear and goes into a meditative, relaxed state. This opens up his mind to
the impressions that will come from seeing the target.

During actual viewing, the impressions that are received are largely visual, seen
very often as images filling the entire head, but a technique is also used where
the eyes are closed and the visual sense is concentrated on the third eye, seeing
the images as on a screen. In either event, they are there and while the first few
tries may get nowhere as multiple images bounce around without making any
sense, they become clearer with practice.

With the addition of psionics and a little practice, virtually anyone can become
expert at remote viewing.


If you wish to do some serious remote viewing, a way to make the entire process
much easier and effective is to combine psionic technology with the older method
of the thoughtform. The use of thoughtforms for this is an old idea that was
made popular by Al Manning in the 1970s.

The Manning technique called for making a thoughtform in the form of a
television camera (still big, hulking things in those days, even the portable units
weighed a ton!) and programming it to broadcast images to the operator's third
eye. This meant creating the thoughtform and then visualizing a cable running
from it to the brow chakra. To use it, the thoughtform was willed into the location
to be viewed and the person just sort of closed his eyes and focused on the
region in the center of the forehead and tried to remember what was seen in the
mind's eye.

Now as it went, this is a pretty good method of working. It was usually reliable
with some practice and a lot of fun for beginners because it meant that they could
imagine playing with some equipment that was not exactly commonplace in them
thar' olden times before camcorders and VCRs and DVD recorders. (I never
cease to be amazed at how different our lives are now than thirty years ago.)
With psionics, this method can be made more efficient.

The thoughtform is made by the simple process of imagination. Close your eyes
and visualize a ball in front of you, now when you have that image and can hold it
for a while make a slight change and transform that image into an eyeball. Yes,
a camera is more fun, but it is also more work and an eyeball is just fine. Give
the eyeball a name, like Edward or Walter or something and see it being filled
with the universal energy to power it up. As you do that, program it by
commanding it to send images of what it sees back to you when you command it.

Work on this for a while until you feel that the thoughtform is up and running

Now for the easy part. Set up your instrument, tuned to the contact rate for the
thoughtform. This is done by the simple of procedure of writing the name you
gave the thoughtform on a piece of paper and laying it on the sample plate
before setting the instrument.

Now it is time for a little practice run. Put on the headgear and close your eyes.
Focus on your brow chakra and see what appears. Move the eye around as you
would a floating camera and see through it.

After you have accomplished this to your satisfaction, move the eye out of the
room and around the house, out of the house and into the neighbor's bedroom.
Don't waste time worrying about the ethics of this. You're working with this to get

information, not to teach Sunday school. Besides, you may find something you
can use to blackmail the neighbor with and get your snow shoveled for free.

Knock knock. Villain, remember?

Okay, now comes the fun stuff. Set up the equipment and move the eye into the
bedroom of the Mayor. Surprise! He really does wear women's underwear! On
the other hand, considering what one sees of the mayor on television, maybe not
so much of a surprise after all.

But the advantages of this are really quite astounding.

Besides the joy that comes from putting an end to the idea of privacy, of course.

Consider the business applications. You can find out what the marketing
strategy of a rival firm is by looking into their board meetings and then mapping
your own strategy to get the customers before they have a chance. If you know
a company is going to have some tough sledding because of some news about
them that is going to come out in a few days, you can call your broker and short-
sell their stock to make a tidy profit. Or, if they are about to be the target of a
takeover, you can buy the stock before the announcement and make a bundle.
In other words, you have access to tons of inside information and the Securities
and Exchange Commission can't do a blessed thing about it because you have
no known connection they can trace. (Can you imagine them trying to tell a
judge that someone used psionics? Can you see the judge laughing so hard he
falls off the bench?)

Or let us say you are a criminal lawyer and you need to know what lies the
prosecution is going to use against your client. With this technique, you can
listen in on them rehearsing the arresting officer so he can remember his story on
the stand (given the usual intelligence level of such folks it takes lots and lots of
rehearsing) and you can find just the right thing to ask to make him look like the
bribe-taking scoundrel he really is.

And, of course, there is the old stand-by for the snowy, Chicago winter night,
looking at your favorite actress taking a shower, which is what I'm going to do as
soon as I'm done writing this.

The important thing to remember is that there are no rules. Like all tools, this is a
method to be used in whatever manner you see fit. Just remember that it takes a
bit of practice and you should start with things you can verify, like what Aunt
Myrtle and Uncle Eustace had for dinner. (On the other hand, considering Aunt
Myrtles cooking, you may not want to do that.) Once you know that you can do
something like this reliably, then you can move on and learn everything you want
to about anyone anywhere you want.

And one of the things you will learn is that this method is not limited by time or
space. After you have shocked the neighbors with the appropriate off-hand
comment about the best place to buy whips and bugged the Mayor with cartoons
of him cross-dressing placed all over town and made some money in the stock
market while hiring out to law firms as a consultant, it is time to experiment with

The best thing to do is work with going back in time to something not too famous
but still interesting, like the big fist fight you heard about at the neighbor's family
reunion two years ago, something you would have sold your mother's grave to
see. (of course it was your thoughtform that caused the fracas, but they dont
have to know that.)

Set up the machine and tune to the thoughtform. Now begin moving the eye
back into time to the time and place you have chosen. Now you can watch the
next door neighbor duck under the picnic table as the beer cans fly overhead,
followed by beer bottles and finally coolers. Move the eye way up in the air for a
blimp-shot of the line of police cars and paddy wagons pulling into the picnic

Play around with the past for a while and then experiment with seeing the future.
Now I should put in an advisory here. The future is mutable, so you may see
things that just don't happen. Don't put your life savings on the horse race you
watch. It may turn out different. But have some fun with it and you may get
something useful and profitable.


One of the methods used in the remote viewing experiments of the 1970s
involved what were termed "beacons." Put very simply a beacon was a person
sent to view the target and the remote viewer, in effect, looked at the target
through the beacon's eyes. This technique had a number of advantages for
research purposes, not the least of which was the possibility of easy verification
of the results. The beacon reviewed what the viewer drew or described and
would be able to tell exactly whether or not the viewer was right.

For military intelligence work, this method had, however, one very obvious
drawback. If a person could get close enough to a target to physically eyeball it,
there was absolutely no need for a remote viewer at all and thus justifying that to
the various congressional committees looking into this stuff would be very
difficult. Even the most ardent supporter of intelligence use of psychics would
have choked on that expense.

So the beacon idea was relegated to the dustbin of interesting things of no
practical value. At least until someone decided to combine it with psionics.

Now, who could that someone have been?

Psionic equipment gives the remote viewer the capacity to look through the eyes
of a person even though that individual has absolutely no idea that his eyes are
being used by another person. Now you can readily imagine the uses that such
a technique would have for lots of people.

For example, let us say that you wish to look inside the board room of a
competitor, to find out what that company's marketing strategy will be for the
coming year so you can hit that market first and steal it. The usual method is to
plant someone inside the company and engage in what is pretty standard
business espionage. But with beacon remote viewing, you can know exactly
what the competitor's CEO knows simply by looking at the scene through his
eyes and hearing with his ears.

Or a more interesting idea, just to make some folks really nervous, let us say you
are involved in a political campaign and you want inside information about what
the other side is planning. No need to bug the telephone, just set up to look
through the other candidate's campaign manager and you can have your
counter-media ready even before the other side has the ad taped. Just think of
what good old Dick Nixon could have done with that!

Closed door congressional hearings? No trouble. Just look through the
committee chairman. The same is true with Supreme Court deliberations.

And, of course, if you are the local drug lord you can easily know when the
constabulary is getting ready to bust your people so you can set up an ambush
and make their lives really interesting. All you need is a photograph of the head
of the drug enforcement unit.

So how do you do this wondrous thing, so full of potential for fun and mischief?

Well, the first thing you have to know is that it is going to take just a bit of
practice. You have to be able to see and hear with the mind of the beacon rather
than with your own, so you have to be able to get your consciousness out of the
way and that may take some work.

It is best to practice with a beacon who is talkative but not aware of what you are
doing. (Hell, if you want ethics, go to a seminary! We're talking about being a
Villain here!) The reason for this is that in your real work the beacons will have no
idea of their role and a person who is doing it voluntarily may futz things one way
or the other so you may think that you are getting better results than you really
are. This is one time when you want to know the truth, not what you want to

Anyway, once you have your beacon chosen, take the photograph and place it
on the sample plate or well of the instrument, hook up the headgear, take the
contact rate and put on the headgear. After you have done that, blank out your
mind as much as possible by focusing your interior gaze on the center of your
forehead and start noticing what impressions you get. They will not be very clear
at first but with practice they will improve.

The remote hearing aspect is a little more difficult, but fortunately the ganzfeld
technique works very well to aid that. Take a ping-pong ball and split it along the
seam. Now paint the ball red or have a red light nearby with the ball halves
placed over your eyes. Hook up a pair of headphones to a tape recorder with a
tape of white noise (or just play it without a tape in it) to block out external noise
and repeat the experiment. You will find with some practice that you will be able
to lock yourself totally into the sensory input of the beacon and be able to gather
everything that he sees or hears.

And once you can do that, no one will be safe from your prying mind.

Unless, of course, it is someone who knows psionics.


Ok, one thing about us Villains. We don't buy into any of that Golden Rule shit.
The last thing we want is to have done to us what we do to other folks. So we
certainly don't want anyone looking in on us when we are planning our latest

One of the features of remote viewing is that the person being viewed knows that
he is. Oh, he may not consciously know it, but at the very depth of his psychic
being a little alarm is going off. The key is to get that knowledge to the conscious
mind so counter-measures can be taken.

Create a thoughtform around yourself. This can take any form you want, but the
purpose of it is to warn you if someone is performing a remote viewing on you. It
can let you know of this in any number of ways, from a feeling of being watched,
to having a clear vision of the person doing the viewing in your minds eye when
you go to sleep. In any event, you get the information.

At this point, you should counter-attack. This is done by hooking yourself into
your radionic unit and taking a rate for the remote-viewer. Once you have done
that, you look back down the beam and begin firing.

Get a rubber hammer and a board. Now, as you look at the center of the
forehead of the viewer, hammer the board and visualize a nail being driven into
the center of the viewers forehead. Keep this up as long as you can and repeat
it until the viewing stops.

That will not only stop the remote viewer from bugging you again, but with luck
you may even kill him.


Ok gang, now that you have a decent background into the gadgets and some of
the basic techniques, it's time for you to start applying them. After all, a Villain
has to do villainous things and it isn't all tying pretty young women to the railroad
tracks great kinky fun though that may be.

This should fix
that loud


One of the things Villains do best is stir the pot of the body social. After all, what
you are doing is taking people and destroying the very foundations of their ideas
of security. Now, thanks to the mass media, the old stuff that shocked people
don't have much of a punch any more. The poor hack reporting on the burning of
the Hindenburg probably had no expectation that his "Oh! The humanities!" line
would become an object of cultural ridicule in a time when people would react to
the same thing by shouting, "Look at that sucker burn!"

Of course at the same time that reporter would be amazed to see a professional
football player stumbling off the field in tears of pain, nursing a sprained thumb
like it was a broken leg to the boo hoo hooing of the sports reporters.

But by and large that is a good thing of course and we may well celebrate the
fact that at long last people are learning the happiness that can come from
watching someone else get the chop. The only problem with a coarsened culture
is that it is never coarse enough. This is a fact which should never be forgotten.
No matter how bad things may seem, they can always get worse and being a
villain your job is to help them get that way. Given that fact, we can use the few
remaining sources of discomfort to create a wave of horror and forever disturb
the sleep of men. Add to that the knowledge deep in their souls that they are
totally helpless in the face of it can bring a tremendous feeling of satisfaction to
the skilled bad guy.

Just remember that you are not working for any pompous bullshit broader
objective here. You are being nasty for the sake of being nasty and not worried
about how things shake out after all the stuff you do. You are doing evil deeds
for the joy of doing them.

Leave the politics to the boring folk and do-gooders. There are enough of them
to go around.


The mind is a wonderful thing to waste, to destroy, to devastate, to eviscerate, to
annihilate, to exterminate. It was made as a weapon to be used against all and
sundry who would be so foolish as to stand, sit, lie, bend, fold, mutilate, exist, be
or soon not to be in our path.

Yowzaaaa! Whoopeee!! Yowzaaaa! Whoopeee!! Yowzaaaa! Whoopeee!! Yowzaaaa! Whoopeee!!

Let's blow'em back to the stone age! Hell, let's blow them beyond the stone age
back to the stoned age! Make 'em pre-BC. Leave 'em in the dust. Make 'em

Sounds like fun, is fun.

Listen up meatheads. It works like this. Everyone has a central nervous
system. Everyone. It doesn't matter if the person is a genius, of normal
intelligence, sub-normal, somalian, polack, feminazi, whatever. If you are human
(more or less depending upon your ethnic heritage) you have a brain and
nervous system that feeds into it.

The brain is like this bio-computer thing. It processes information carried by
electrical signals through a chemical environment and it does a real good job of
it. Even the dumbest crack-smoking welfare mother in Cabrini Green has one of
these. It may not use it very well, but it has one.

Ok, but there is a component to the system that is added in as well. The central
nervous system, being a computer, is programmable and it can be programmed
by psychic means. By this I mean that information can be sent, from a distance,
by paranormal instrumentality and placed in the program of the system.

It's sort of like a virus.

So here you go. Workadaddy is driving to workaday job and his brain is running
on autobot. He has the radio on to drown out the traffic noise and soothe him
into virtual insensibility. Same as every day. But as the bot is running, a line of
programming is hit that wasn't there the day before and
KAZOWEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! He hits the accelerator, clenches his jaw, lets out a
cry of BANZAI!!!! and when the car gets to 90 he rams it into the nearest school




Pieces of useless little bodies fly in the air and scatter all over the road, causing
all manner of wonderful chaos as other drivers hit their brakes and spin out trying
not to get blood on their tires, causing them to slam into other cars, causing
those cars to slam into buildings and pedestrians, squishing the just and the
unjust alike into masses of red goo all over the sidewalk.

Of course workadaddy is dead dead dead, real permanent dead so no one can
ask him what happened and the little retards in the school bus would not have
been able to figure it out anyway, not that anyone would have been able to
understand their accents anyway even if they ever did have anything to say that
would be worth listening to (genuine miracle, counts towards sainthood, get one

And when they cut workadaddy out of the wreckage, cut him up on the autopsy
table, examine his blood chemistry, examine his brain chemistry, they find--

The little piece of electro-chemical information is gone with the wind.

Gad! This is fun just writing about it!

What has happened is that workadaddy has a rival at the office who wants his
window seat. So that man sends the piece of information that ends up getting
workadaddy his fifteen minutes on the news, only thing is that workadaddy isn't
around to enjoy it. (Wipe tear)

Ok, I know, I know. You want to do this, you just can't wait. Hell, I don't blame
you. This is one of those things that everyone wants, sort of like giving Forrest
Gump a box of Ex-Lax chocolates and watching him REALLY run.

So let's not waste time with the tech stuff. You don't need to know how the
energy fields interface with the physical brain and we don't know how they do it
anyway so it doesn't matter.

Hear that damned screaming out the window. Yep, workamommy has come
home and brought her squalling brat home from the day-care center with her.
And the screaming of the little monster is keeping the whole neighborhood
awake, to say nothing of you!

So it's programming time. You get out your "Assassination for Dummies" book
and study it, but find nothing really useful in it. Sure a silencer is fun and cool,
but bullets can be traced and let's be honest, the motive for shooting the brat
would be pretty obvious, even though any jury would rule it justifiable kidicide.
Lots of paperwork and lawyers ain't cheap.

There is another way to go about it. Look around. Look in the mirror. The
weapon of choice is looking right back at you. It's the thing connected to your
eyebones. Your own mind is you weapon, it's the device you will use to send
your mental poison into the mind of workamommy and then by using her and her
feeble intelligence rid the world of her useless whelp!


No matter who loud her little beast yells, workamommy has to sleep sometime
and what you need to do is find that out. Figure that after her boyfriend goes

back to his wifeypoo she is going to take about an hour to drug the kid and then
get off to dreamland (no! not the Art Bell show! sleep.)

Once she is sleeping, under the probable influence of lots of medication, sit in a
nice, comfy chair, but before you do that, put an uncomfy one in a place in front
of it so you can look at it. Once you do that, make yourself nice and relaxed and
begin to imagine her sitting in the chair facing you.

Start talking to her.

Say "You are getting very relaxed and very sleepy, very very sleepy. You cannot
keep your eyes open and you are going to sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep...

Keep this up for about fifteen minutes. It's sorta kinda like doing hypnosis on a
person for real but in this case you are doing it to workamommy and preparing
her subconscious for what is gonna happen next.

After you have done the basic induction begin to take her deeper and deeper into
the land of slumber, where Little Nemo and the Nightmare Brigade dwelleth and
the worm dieth not.

Get her into a real deep sleepy-trance and then start the nasty work.

At this point you have to choose your own words, but what you want to do is go
over her nerves with sandpaper. You want her nice and raw and easily upset,
especially when she is in the kitchen.

"Why?" you ask all agog.

Real simple. The kitchen is where the knives are!!!!!

Yahoo!!! Yahoo!!! Yahoo!!! Yahoo!!!

At this point you are probably figuring out what comes next.

You are going to program workamommy to do an OJ on the kid.

You work the induction of this on her and keep it up, every night, until one
glorious afternoon in the not-too-distant future:


And workamommy has had a real super bad day, with the boss overworking her
and the boss's lesbo dyke secretary trying to fondle her under the portrait of
Janet Reno. Workamommy is not in a super-good mood and is about ready to
cook her frozen dinner when the howling from the other room hits the little line in
her mind-program and the subroutine finally begins to run.

Workamommy gets this kind of glazed look in her eye as she does not really see
anything but the red of the blood filling her retinas. Her blood pressure rises
through the top of the charts and she picks up the nearest real sharp object and

runs, not walks, into the other room, where she carves up little noisy beast like
the Thanksgiving turkey.


BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KILL KILL KILL!!!!!!!!!! KILL KILL KILL!!!!!!!!!! KILL KILL KILL!!!!!!!!!! KILL KILL KILL!!!!!!!!!!

As the terrified neighbors look on, blood and small body parts splatter the
windows and small pieces of child-meat go flying out the open door.

In a matter of minutes there is a pack of siren screaming pig-mobiles and the
local meat wagon followed by the pack of television reporters with the nice trucks
with the satellite antennae sticking out the back.

As the blood covered workamommy is hauled away still catatonic, the police
throw up, the paramedics throw up, the reporters throw up and pretty soon the
sidewalk is a mixture of red and green bay green. The place looks like an
explosion in a pea-soup factory.


See what happens is that there is this weird psychic thing that lets you talk to the
inner mind of just about anyone. The trick to psychic poisoning is to get that
inner mind to do things that the conscious mind would not want to do, like kill, or

Die? Princess Die?

No, die as in Princess Dead! And the stupid bitch was no great loss.

Making a person die by psychic induction is a bit more time consuming. So look
at the clock and figure the little hand is going to have to make lots of circles, but
the more circles it makes, the more likely it is to happen.

It's the old fortune teller kill 'em dead trick. You tell someone they are going to
die right now and nothing will happen. You tell someone they will die in three
years and three years later they walk in front of a train.

I know. You don't want to wait three years!

Well, you don't have to.

What the fortune tellers do is put that subroutine into the program and three
years later the virus hits and person dies, long after they have forgotten the
original prophecy.

Let's go back to workadaddy. His rival programmed him the same way you
programmed workamommy, only he set the routine to run while workadaddy was
driving. A simple, long range, hypnotic induction repeated over time with an

activating key. In this case heavy traffic and a school bus. Once he was in that
traffic and saw the school bus approaching the intersection, the subroutine
started running and he was off to hell.

So here's the trick.

First, you have to know something that will set the target off. It can be anything,
not necessarily something that produces natural anger, like the screaming little
monster child. It can be the clock reaching a certain time. It can be a train
whistle, anything that will register.

The target is programmed so that when that key is struck the system will take
over and the conscious mind is just sort of put aside for the moment. Usually a
moment is all it takes.

Once you know that key, you program the induction so that the person will have
a specific reaction. It can be dramatic, as in ramming the school bus, or it can be
physiological, like a heart attack.

And there is always SUICIDE.

People are weird. (A Martian friend told me that one night over bloody mary's
'cause they have this sort of funny effect on Martians, they make them talk a lot.)
People have this built in death wish and just about everyone has it.

You see people go through life with other people telling them that they ain't no
good, and let's be honest, most people ain't no good and if they end up dead no
one who matters will miss them. This seems, for some bizarre reason, to be
especially true of adolescents, who looking at life through the twisted lens of
twisted hormones see no reason to keep on living. This is especially true about
an hour after the president gives the state of the union address. So naturally they
want out! The thing you do is make them really want out to the point where they
are not only willing to do something about it, they don't give a shit about who they
take with them.

Do the hypno thing, like on workamommy, only this time, tell the target that it is
fat, ugly, stupid, worthless, you know, just tell her the truth. She has no reason
for living, not one. Get that fact really into her subconscious and keep doing it.

Once you have that done, set up the key, that one little thing that happens every
day that will set the subroutine to running and once that happens, it's time to buy
the box, dig the hole and have the family over for lunch.

Finally, there is the way of attacking the organs of the body. NO, not the big
thing with pipes that makes noise, but the body parts, like hearts and lungs and
kidneys and pancreas, those organs, you know, the stuff English people eat.

You do this by talking not to the person himself, but to the part of the body you
want to malfunction. You sit and visualize that part of the person's body and tell
it that is very tired and wants to rest, to retire, to cease to function altogether.
You give the person a treatment like this at least once a night while he is
sleeping and within a rather brief period of time the person will notice that

something is not working. Next thing he will have to go to a doctor who will run
all kinds of tests and ultimately confirm his worst fears, that he is dying and then
finally they will put him in a nice box and plant him among the dead relatives in
the family plot.

The key to this seems to be that the cells of the body have an independent
consciousness of sorts and thus you are able to make the psychic connection
with them directly without having to go through the medium of the central nervous
system. As you talk to the organ in question, the cells will get the message.
That is not to say that they understand English, but rather the concept you are
speaking of will translate to them. They will naturally respond, just as if you were
talking to the person himself.

Anyway, there you have it, a nice, very brief overview of some of the fun ways
you can get rid of people and get away with it. Now all you need to do is find a
victim and get to work.


Oh this is a nasty one, one that even I hesitate to write about with shaking hands
on an ancient word processor during a stormy night while the wind howls and rips
the siding off the building next door.

It has been said, and truly said, that the only real sources of pleasure are the
infliction of pain and the corruption of the innocent. You are going to become
that corrupting influence and you are going to do it without anyone knowing you
are or having any reason to suspect it (not that they could do anything about it if
they did!).

Do-gooders (a plague upon them all!) have one habit which is particularly
disgusting. They are unwilling to come right out and say that what they want to
do is control the way other people live because they are weak, and stupid people
and terrified that someone might actually be enjoying life. No, they cannot do
that, that would be practicing honesty and the very thought of such a thing turns
their bones to mush.

Faced with such a dilemma, the do-gooder has but one recourse, to find
something to hide behind, something that has enough emotional strength that
even those who are strong enough to reject the argument they may make on its
worthless face (do-gooders never have any arguments that are worth anything,
their ideas are worth even less than their lives and that is nothing at all). They
hide behind THE CHILDREN.

Now, faced with such an argument, the best response is to look the do-gooder
square in the eye and say, calmly but with infinite menace, "Kill the children," or
my personal favorite, Children are the reason the gods created meat grinders.
That will shut the do-gooder up faster than a bullet in the belly.

But one must do more than silence the do-gooder in one's presence. One must
strike to the root of the problem and that is to totally destroy any hope the do-
gooder may ever have of protecting the little monsters from what horrible, evil
thoughts they are trying to overcome.

With psionics we can get into the very minds of the young without going through
the usual media. We can broadcast directly to them and totally corrupt them,
leading THE CHILDREN on the path of decadence right under the noses of their
helpless parents.

There are three areas we can influence young folks for our pleasure and the do-
gooders' misery--murder, suicide and the worst, most frightening thing of all,

And we can do it in a way that no one, NO ONE can stop!


(Weird '50s science fiction music in the background as appropriate)

Consider this. In every high school in the land there are adolescents who are
miserable and disaffected and ANGRY! And, every one of them over 15 is as
horny as hell! With that knowledge in our minds, we can set to our work.

It is best not to try to target individual adolescents for this unless you happen to
know the ones you want to work through. Far better to target the school or the
town and let the energies you transmit find the appropriate subjects.

Murder first.

For this, you must acquire, without haggling, a photograph of the local high
school. No problem, just drive by and take the picture if you don't already have

Place this picture on the input plate of your radionic instrument and take a rate
for it. When you hook up your headgear, you will be in psychic contact with the
structure and you may work with anything or anyone inside of it.

Pick you times for working well. The best are around 8:30 AM and 2:30 PM,
when the students are at their lowest mental powers, being still groggy from
getting up, or exhausted from having been in classes all day. It is at these times
that you will encounter the least mental resistance to your transmissions as most
of them will be half asleep anyway.

While in mental contact with the school and it's occupants, begin to meditate and
visualize yourself moving through the building with a firearm, shooting the place
up as you go. This may be aided by playing a first person shooter computer
video game while hooked into the instrument. In that case the game will do the
visualizing for you and the energy you put out will be actually much more
concentrated and effective (it is amazing how emotionally involved one can
become in playing these things).

When you do that, the desire to KILL will be transmitted to everyone in the
building, students, teachers, administrators, janitors, drug dealers, everyone. But
the students, because of their lack of maturity and general drowsiness will be the
ones most likely to act upon it.

Now, given that in any population, there are those who are somewhat unstable
and prone to acting without thinking, it is inevitable that several of the students in
the building will respond to your sendings the way they are supposed to and go
out and shoot somebody.

Very nice, very random and hopefully very messy.

The drawback is you don't know who they are going to shoot. It may be that it
will only be a minor street killing with no impact whatsoever and may not even
make the evening news unless you are in Milwaukee where they get weird over
everything including missing fishing boats and a child falling off its tricycle is the
lead story. Or, you may be really lucky and one of them will gun down the
principal in his office, which would upset lots of people.

There is a corrective to this, fortunately.

Go out and rent the movie IF. It was made in the early 70s and is actually a
pretty good movie about a British boarding school and the dreadful goings on
there. For our purposes, the ending where the disaffected students shoot up the
place from a rooftop is just peachy keen!

Alternate playing the game with viewing that section of the movie while hooked
into your instruments. That should program the little fools to do the evil thing to
the school itself and make everyone really happy, especially the local reporters
who will actually have something interesting to cover instead of missing fishing
boats, their moronic and useless crews, and drooling idiot families!

Just think of the joy you will feel when you put on the evening news and there will
be all the wonderfully gruesome pictures of the body bags being taken out of the
local high school and you will know, even though no one else will, that you have
done this great thing. Your laughter will resound to the heavens.

True joy is only found in the sufferings of others!

Now for suicide.

There is something profound about the suicide of an adolescent. After all, it
should have its whole life ahead of it and for one to choose to snuff that life out
voluntarily causes an emotional shudder in the hearts not only of the worthless
do-gooders and new agers out there, but in parents as well, for they know full
well that their own offspring, subject to the same pressures as the ones who
have departed, may very well be next.


So, with a twirl of the psionic mustache, you can see why we do this. Not only do
we kill bodies when we induce suicide among the young, we kill off souls as well
and plunge many others besides the immediate victims into deep despair.

YAHOO!! Let's get started!

Ok, you have the witness of the high school, which has just reopened following
the shootings and you have your radionic unit and your clock.

For this you pick about 3 in the afternoon to do your transmitting, because by that
time the victims are going to be totally exhausted. At that time, hook up your
radionic gear and mentally put yourself in front of a classroom looking at the kids
as they are dozing off to sleep. In effect at this point you are remote viewing but
your concern here is not with information, but rather with imparting a message.

And the message is, "You are fat, ugly and worthless and the world will be better
off without you!"

Stand there in your remote presence and begin haranguing them, telling them
that they are so much human garbage and that everyone around them will be
happy to see them dead, that they have no future and no reason for further
encumbering the planet. You can even shout this with your physical body if it will

help. Remember, you are putting a message into their empty heads and in that
classroom there will be a certain percentage who will respond to it, at least one of
them who will actually do it. And besides, for at least half the class it will only be
the truth.

Repeat this operation until you put the news on one evening and the lead story is
the local suicide.

But you don't stop now!!! Oh no!

One of the wonderful things about suicide is that it breeds, sort of like the mating
habits of coat hangers. So as soon as you get the good news, the very next day,
you repeat the procedure, psychically moving from classroom to classroom
planting the idea into more and more empty heads until you put on the news one
evening and the lead story is a dozen suicides.

At this point you can sit back and relax because the whining do-gooders and new
agers will do the rest for you. They will get so superconcerned that they will
scatter among the young like beetles at harvest time and make them feel even
worse than they already do. The parents and teachers will be overcome with
guilt and everyone but you and your friends, who will be enjoying a good, hearty
laugh at all this wasted emotion, will be terribly distraught about the whole affair.


Now this is something that puzzles me. I have never understood why so many
folks get so utterly weird about adolescents boinking each other. But the idiots
who get weird are the real targets here.


Hey! Think about it! If you get kids to have sex, it ain't gonna bother them.
They're going to be having too much well deserved fun. It's the damned fool
adults, who are old enough to know better than to care, who are going to get all
bent and the more we can bend them the better. There are few things more fun
that watching the self-righteous face the fact that lots of folks are doing things
they don't like and there isn't a damned thing they can do about it.

Your target is, once again, the local high school, where, in spite of the mass
shooting and the suicide epidemic that followed, youthful hormones are running

Now, to accomplish this, you will need two photos of the school, two radionic
units, your Slave, two chairs, lots of rope and a vibrator.

First, set up the radionic units so both you and the Slave will be broadcasting to
the school. That should be pretty simple, you just put the picture of the school on
each input plate and then set the rate on each device.

Second, tie your Slave buck naked into her chair (use the Hillerman Biocircuit for
this) and place the vibrator as appropriate. Put her headgear on her. Turn on
the vibrator.

Third, place your chair where you can watch the Slave react to the vibrator, sit
down and put on the headgear.

Are we having fun yet?

At this point nature does the rest. All the erotic frenzy coming from the Slave as
she goes into one crashing orgasm after another, and your natural reactions to
watching her, are sent to the school where they will take root in the subconscious
minds of just about everyone there. So try to imagine a situation where an entire
high school population suddenly becomes stimulated at exactly the same time!
And if you repeat this process for a few days you have a pretty good idea what is
going to happen.

Now the game really begins, because as the kids go off to do what comes
naturally, there is going to be some addle-brained fool of an adult who is going to
get all bothered about it. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth, and in the
case of some of these geezers teeth may have to be provided, but the beauty of

They can scream, they can wail, they can hold their breath until a rap artist gets a
brain (or until the sun stands still in the heavens, whichever comes sooner), but
there is absolutely nothing they can do to stop the forces of nature and
hyperactive hormones.

As they go slinking back under their rocks, the do-gooders will shudder at the fact
that all of their efforts at control have failed and the forces of violence and sex
have overcome at last.


The Hillerman Biocircuit was designed to facilitate psionic transmission while at
the same time blocking out external psychic influence. The operator is strapped
in and a closed etheric system is created around her. By, in effect, taking
voluntary movement out of the system and removing the incoming sidebands that
can bedevil an operation, the Hillerman Biocircuit creates a working environment
that considerably boosts transmittal capacity.


You will need:
1: A straight-backed armchair. (a lawn chair will do if necessary.)
2: an amplifying pattern (see illustration)
3: aluminum foil:
4: material to make a headband with (if you do not already have a Psionic
Amplifying Helmet. If you do, use the helmet where the instructions say
5: brads
6: a few six foot lengths of wire with alligator clips at each end

First make the headband with a strip running along the top of the head. push a
brad through at the point where the strip touches the crown of the head so that
the points come out the top and the head of the brad touches the head. Glue a
foil circle over the head of the brad.

Make a foil contact plate for under the feet. This is done by gluing a piece of
aluminum foil to a sheet of posterboard.

Glue the amplifying pattern to a sheet of posterboard and push a brad through at
the center of the pattern. Glue a sheet of foil to the base so that you have a
sandwich, the pattern, the posterboard and then the foil at the bottom.


Wrap a piece of foil around the chair arm where the palm of her right hand will
rest so that the hand will lay on the foil.
Lay the pattern on the floor or a table near the chair and attach the pattern to the
foil on the chair with a wire.
Place the foil plate so that her feet will rest on it while she is in the chair.

Attach the foot plate to the headband by clipping a wire from the foot-plate to the
ends of the brad on the headband. If you are using a helmet, clip the wire to the
end of a patch cable (such as you would use to connect the helmet to the
radionic box) from the jack on the helmet.

Strap your assistant nude into the chair as follows:

Her arms along the chair arms so that her right hand rests on the foil electrode.
Her waist and upper body strapped to the chair back to keep her spine erect.
Her feet strapped together at the ankles
Her legs strapped together just above the knees.

Once she is tied to the chair, place the head-band or helmet on her so that the
foil touches her crown chakra and set the timer for one hour. Then ask the
warden to hold her hand (sorry about that)... . All she has to do then is
concentrate on transmitting her own signal.

This process can be modified by having the signal from the operator run into a
radionic transmitter rather than simply to the amplifying pattern.


There is one thing that lots of folks agree on (some would say most, but most
folks live in China and who knows what they think!) and that is that politicians are
the absolute lowest scum on the face of the earth. They are two steps below
undertakers, used car salesmen, welfare mothers and pizza boys. The only
good one really is a dead one! This fact presents us with a problem because one
could make an argument that destroying them is a an act of goodness and thus
not something we would care to indulge in! Well, don't waste any time worrying
about it because making their lives difficult and short is just too damned much fun
to resist.

Now, there are lots of ways of dealing with these vampires, so I'm just going to
give you a couple here and then you can use your own perverse imagination to
come up things. The important thing to remember is that no matter how powerful
a politician may seem, he has lots of vulnerable points and it is often a simple
matter to find these points and use them against him.

Sometimes it is real simple, like merely getting the media to realize that the
mayor wears women's underwear. Just arrange the energies around the mayor
to bring out every little scandal in office, like his wife's new furniture bought with
money that was originally intended for the Ironworkers Memorial Beer Fund.

But enough of such merriment, let's get to work.

Politicians have to keep the public happy, so the surest way to get rid of them is
to make enough of the public unhappy that they vote them out of office. Of
course, this can present some practical problems because lots of the things that
get the public unhappy would make you unhappy too, like the garbage not getting
picked up, or the streets going to ruin. So unless you are going after a politician
in another part of the country, total social disruption is not a desirable tactic.
Save that for Singapore because those assholes deserve it.

The best way to get rid of a politician is to simply create an emotional response in
the voters that will cause them to say, "Yeeech!" whenever they see him on
television or even hear his name, sort of like what happens when anyone under
45 hears the name Kennedy. And that sort of mass mental manipulation (oh
god! the alliteration in that phrase! I really am sorry about that.) is exactly the
sort of thing we deal in.

One thing about politicians that make them such easy prey is the fact that getting
witness samples of them is so damned easy. They love to have their picture
taken and it is a simple matter to cut one out of the newspaper. Once that is
done, you set up your radionic machine to a contact rate for the politician and
hook up your headgear.

Hold his image in your mind and visualize a field around him. Make that field
nice and black, something which is pretty easy to do since politician's auras tend
to dark colors anyway, and impose on that field the instructions to bring disasters
to the target. Repeat that operation daily until things begin to happen, which
should be reasonably soon. And the wonderful thing about this is that because

politicians are such public figures the news will cover the disasters immediately
so you get instant feedback.

Another technique, which is a little more complicated, is to get the distaste for the
target directly established in the mind of the constituents. Now, here we don't
have much a chance to use witness samples because politicians districts tend to
be pretty big, which is the reason why special interests get so muchthere are
just too many constituents for him to serve them all. For this you need a big
thoughtform, or at least a very powerful one.

Create a satellite. Now, the satellite thoughtform is a really useful tool for
influencing large geographic areas. Begin by visualizing yourself in orbit over the
target area, looking down on it from space. From that vantage point, create the
satellite by visualizing it in position as a solid object. The shape is pretty much
up to you, whatever your individual taste may be. I, being somewhat old, still
remember the early satellites of the 1950s and I tend to use that shape, a simple
ball with four antennae sticking out of it.

The thing to remember in this is that the satellite can be programmed like any
other thoughtform, to impose any concept in the minds of those it is transmitting

A sattelite
thoughtform can be
put anywhere you
want, there is no limit
to either the number
or location.

Ive found that
geosynchronous orbit
is the best way to
work with them.

to. For the purpose of this operation, the satellite is programmed to transmit
dislike of the target to the entire population of his district.

Once you have the satellite built and in position, make a pattern that will
correspond to the satellite. This pattern will act as a witness for the satellite and
you can recharge it by placing the pattern on your radionic unit, taking a rate,
hooking up the headgear and then just visualizing a charge filling the thoughtform
while repeating the instructions. As the satellite transmits the information, the
people of the district will start to pick it up, slowly at first but then building as your
sending takes root in the mass mind.

As you do this, Mister Politician will look at his dropping poll numbers and
scream, "What the hell is going on????" to his horrified staff people, all of whom
will scatter trying to find ways to stop the slide and protect themselves from
having to earn an honest living. As the situation worsens, he will begin to fire
people and replace them, creating distrust and suspicion among that very staff
he needs to keep himself in office.

Now it is time to start working on the press.

Create a second thoughtform and place it in position over the district as well.
This one is programmed to cause members of the press to dislike the politician
even more than the public does. Actually this will be pretty easy to accomplish
as all reporters dislike and distrust all politicians.

Now, if there is one particular reporter who really has it in for the target (and
there usually is) it is a simple matter to feed that reporter information gleaned
from remote viewing the target.

You begin by creating a thoughtform around the reporter to make him receptive
to your psychic sendings. After you have done this, transmit to him the
information you have received. He will pick it up as a hunch and, being a good
reporter, will act on it.

Meanwhile, the public will start hitting the mute button every time the politician
appears on television, (Does anyone ACTUALLY ever listen to a word Jesse
Jackson says?) so his old media tricks won't work any more. The press, smelling
a wounded fish and responding to the second thoughtform, will go into shark
mode and start circling for the kill. Pretty soon some little innocent act will
become a major scandal and he will be either forced to resign, indicted and
convicted, or voted out of office. With luck he may even be driven to suicide!

Good riddance to bad rubbish!


When attacking an institution, such as a corporation or government, it is
necessary to keep in mind that such things, while not totally dependent upon the
actions of any given individual can be greatly harmed by mistakes caused by
individuals working for them. A business can survive many things but total
incompetence on the part of the CEO is rarely one of them. Likewise, a
government agency can be seriously damaged by the stupidity of one of its
employees. Witness the almost daily embarrassments that were faced by the
Justice Department thanks to the utter buffoonery of the Butcher of Waco. Or by
anything that comes about the FBI (Federal Blunderers Institute).

There are also infrastructural targets within institutions, such as their computer
systems, that are extremely vulnerable to psionic attack and these often respond
to the same stimulus that is applied to the people in the institution. For that
reason, one should never be surprised at the nature of the results one achieves.
An attack may be launched against the employees of a corporation and its
computers may go down at the same time.

When choosing an institution to target, you must keep in mind that what you are
aiming for is to either totally ruin it, in the case of a business, or make it look
totally incompetent, in the case of a governmental agency. You may also wish to
target given individuals in the agency even though you may not know who they
are but are a problem by virtue of their given function.

When attacking a business, the principal target should be its mail room. Now this
may seem utterly ridiculous on the surface, but consider that businesses survive
only as long as they can keep their customers happy. The mailroom is where
most of the contact with the customers takes place because that is where the
bills are mailed from and payments are received through. If the people in that
department, who are considered the lowest of the low in the office hierarchy and
therefore less than competent by definition, really mess up, the entire operation
of the business goes to hell. The accounts get screwed and the customers have
a fit.

The next target in order of priority is the computer system. No business today
can exist without its computers and many businesses exist only in a computer
which does all the heavy work. If that system goes down, or does some bizarre
things, the entire enterprise becomes endangered because it cannot work
without it. Therefore an attack on computers is something you should practice
regularly if only to keep your skills honed. For that reason I have included a
separate section on that.

Back to the personnel. The accounts payable and accounts receivable staff are
to be targeted for disruption. Errors in those departments have a real bad impact
on the balance sheet and make the stockholders very unhappy.

Employee theft should be encouraged at all levels. This too, negatively impacts
profits. As does employee violence. An employee running amok with a shotgun
will do nothing to help either the image or operation of a concern.

If the business is in manufacturing, the employees in that area should be both hit
with disruption patterns and given suggestions of discontent either by
thoughtform or direct psychic presence.

Finally, one gets to the decision making level. The CEO should be hit with a
disruption pattern to cause him to make the type of errors that lead to bankruptcy
or hostile takeovers by other companies.

That is a very general overview of course. I will get into more detail later in the
sections on specific technique, such as dealing with the computers. But on to
governmental targets.

Governmental agencies are hit the same way businesses are, beginning in the
mailroom. These agencies send out enough paper every day to cut down a
forest and if something happens to make sure that that paper does not get where
it is going it creates all manner of problems. The agency then acts on incomplete
information and pretty soon someone is complaining to congress and then to the
media and then back to congress and the budget gets cut. But that is a very
slow method. The better way is to attack the agency directly, by blasting its

When you target employees at a governmental agency, you are not attacking
people so much as functions and you want to make sure that those functions are
disrupted as much as possible. So here is how you do it.

Get a photograph of the building you are going to be dealing with. Usually that is
a large federal building downtown in a city and getting that picture is pretty easy.
Just be sure you are walking and not driving a rented truck. That makes them
understandably nervous. The best way is to get an outer-space picture from any
sattelite website and use that as your witness. Once you have that picture, you
put it on the input plate of your radionic instrument and set up the machine to
remote view inside the building following the instructions in that section.

When you do remote viewing, you are establishing a psychic presence in the
building and you can work through that presence to create the effect you wish.
So psychically move through the offices until you find the office and the people
you wish to target. Once you have done that, create a thoughtform in that office
to bring about your desired result, be it a mysterious illness that makes the
building uninhabitable, or something as mundane as starting a fire in the file
cabinet. You may also enter the bodies of the employees and begin to
manipulate the electrical activity of their brains, causing the neurons to misfire.
Now remember that these are government employees, so it will be very hard to
detect if their brains are not working properly because they are so rarely used,
but you will be amazed at the fun things you can make happen that will find their
way to the evening news.

Again, computers must be targeted. Any agency that has its computers
malfunction becomes utterly confused and unable to fulfill its quota of harassed
citizens. For that reason, the computer is the principal target of any attack on a
bureaucratic structure.

Now for the really evil stuff!

A thoroughly nasty method of dealing with the bureaucracy is based on the fact
that in any society there are a certain number of highly disturbed individuals who
have neither the access to psionics nor the ability to use it that we have. These
poor devils are often prone to extreme violence and not all of them work for the
postal service or the local Police Department. This being the case, it is a matter
of matchmaking, getting the right nut in the same place as the right bureaucrat at
the same time. This is done by the application of a thoughtform outside the main
entrance of the building, rather than inside. The reason for this is that most
government office buildings have metal detectors and your killer has to be able to
use his gun.

The thoughtform is built and charged as in that section to cause the killer to go to
the building and wait until either a specific person (if you have one in mind) or a
target of opportunity comes out the door at which point your tool draws his
weapon and opens fire. He, of course, will either be killed or apprehended, but
that is none of your concern for after he has done his work you have no further
need of him.

This last method, incidentally, is one of the best ways of dealing with lawyers and
anyone in law enforcement because it is inevitable that they will cause someone
to want revenge so badly that that person will have no concern for the
consequences of his act. In any event, you will have attained your desired goal
and no one will be the wiser. They will have the killer and have no reason to look
for any other party. Even if they did, psychic power does not play well in court.
Can you imagine some poor prosecutor trying to make such a case? Can you
imagine the poor judge laughing so hard that he soils himself?


One of the fundamental principles of law is that everyone accused is innocent
until proven guilty. A fact that is rarely stated is that almost everyone is innocent
even if they have been proven guilty and the reason for that is there is no system
more corrupt or dangerous to the individual than the criminal justice one. Unless
one has access to a team of very good lawyers, one is in terrible trouble if one
gets involved in any way with it.

There are a number of reasons for this. First, one should remember that police
officers are never to be believed under any circumstances. In fact a truly just
society would never allow the admission of testimony from anyone involved in
law enforcement in any capacity. The mere fact that they carry that tin star
makes them untrustworthy. They will lie, cheat, plant evidence, do anything that
they can to get a conviction and thus add more goodies to their retirement fund.

Add to that the fact that judges tend to be lazy at best and stupid at worst.
Political hacks for the most part, they get their office by sticking their noses up
the rear ends of whatever politicians have a hand in selecting them. And that is
where judges are elected. In the case of so-called merit selection, the situation is
much worse, for then they are chosen by other lawyers along with politicians, as
if one could possibly conceive of such a dreadful concatenation.

Then there are the prosecutors, those school-yard bullies grown up to pick on
innocent people. These are the lowest rung of the legal profession, incapable of
being good corporate attorneys or just out of law school and not yet hired by a
firm, they are capable of getting convictions against public defenders who have
no real interest in their clients but will crumble when faced with a competent

The whole mess ultimately lands in the laps of the weakest link in the chain, the
jury. Now you must understand that juries are groups of people who are jurors
because they were too stupid to get out of it. Barely literate for the most part,
they subsist on an intellectual diet of local television news, soap operas and
basketball (except in Wisconsin where they regularly make sacrifices of beer and
virgins to a football team). It is the task of all prosecutors to keep people with IQs
over ten off of juries because such people will immediately see through the
prosecution and vote to acquit the almost universally innocent defendants.

Fortunately psionics gives you the opportunity to redress the balance. We have
not yet come to the happy day when the psionic death ray will put an end to law
once and for all by the simple process of killing anyone who would seek to
enforce it, but you can, right now, make it impossible for any jury to bring in a

There are two ways of doing this. The first way is very complicated and time
consuming but it never fails. It also requires a team of operators each of whom
know what they are supposed to do and can do it.

You need a bunch of photographs or signatures, one from each juror, the judge,
the prosecutor and the defense lawyer. These can be obtained by a combination
of people, one a spectator in the courtroom and the other a person outside the

courthouse manning a hidden camera. The spectator makes a mental note of

each juror and then instructs the photographer as to whom to photograph as they
leave the courthouse (Camera phones work perfectly for this). Photos of the
judge and attorneys are obtained the same way, using a hidden camera catching
them as they leave the building.

The photographs of the jurors and the judge are placed in one machine and the
word "innocent" is beamed at them every night during the course of the trial while
they are sleeping. A pattern to build success is broadcast to the defense lawyer
and a disruption pattern is broadcast to the prosecutor. The same method is
used to broadcast disruption patterns to the prosecution witnesses so that no
matter how well rehearsed and coached they are they will make utter fools of
themselves on the witness stand. This method is assured of preventing a
conviction because there will always be a few jurors, if not all of them, who will be
susceptible to the transmission. The worst thing that can happen is a hung jury
(and most jurors should probably be hanged) but usually the result will be
acquittal. When we actually tested this procedure in the early 1990s the result
was 100 per cent acquittal in all ten cases. Of course all the witness samples
were throughly destroyed immediately following each case.

If the jury is sequestered, the task is even easier. All that is needed is a
photograph of the hotel they are staying in. The word "innocent" is beamed at
that hotel every night and by the time the case goes to the jury, they will be totally
programmed to acquit. This procedure can be carried out by one person.


The ultimate purpose of psionics is to render law impossible by rendering its
enforcement suicidal.

Ok, now that I have your attention with one of my favorite, old lines, let me say
right now that I hate the very notion of law. No one has the right to tell anyone
else what that person may or may not do. All sovereignty resides ultimately in
the individual and while it may be convenient for individuals to form voluntary
associations in order to make sure that certain things are done, like keeping the
roads paved and the power on and the garbage collected, no society has the
right to control any behavior on the part of individuals. Those who cannot protect
themselves do not deserve protection and should be regarded as expendable
even as their deaths should be sources of entertainment.

In the late and totally unlamented (except for poor, crazy Gertrude Himmelfarb)
nineteenth century, the idea of the "rule of law" was promulgated as opposed to
the "rule of men," as if anyone besides men were fit to rule themselves or
anything else for that matter! But what the promoters of that idea failed to
recognize was that they were doing nothing more than putting a nice-sounding
gloss on what was still a "rule of men." After all, who made the laws, and who
enforced them? The fieldmice? God? No, it was men, crooked, stupid, vile men
who gathered in large rooms and dared to call themselves legislators and impose
their will on society at large backed by hired thugs called police.

And that is all that a law is. A scrap of paper, proposed by lunatics, passed by
scum, enforced by thugs and obeyed by cowards.

Well, with psionics the rule of law ends!

You have to understand that there are inherent weaknesses in the idea of law.
One is the idea of process. Something has to be proved. The other is in the
capacity for enforcement and if enforcement becomes too expensive the law will
be abandoned. And expense is not always financial.

Will the justice department pursue a criminal if it knows, beyond a shadow of a
doubt, that that pursuit will end in a nuclear attack? Of course not. So the limit
here is deterrence. Oh they will bluster with lots of brave talk, but they will do

That is why the idea of international law always fails when it comes to a major
crisis. When powers appeal to force of arms, law runs for cover. They make a
ridiculous show of attacking Serbs, but no one has suggested indicting the
Premier of China for genocide in Tibet.

So now that that is off my chest, how do you go about taking out the local police?

Well, it depends on what you want to accomplish. If you are just avoiding paying
a speeding ticket, use the signature of the offending officer on the ticket as a
witness sample and set your machine to a contact rate. Once you have done
that, put a thoughtform around him that will attract a large truck to his police
cruiser. That should at least insure that he will miss the court date. The murder

crystal and pyramid are also excellent for this and if you have one up and
runningtepaphone the bastard!

If you have to take care of a serious court case, see my section on jury control. It
does not matter what the evidence, a jury can always simply refuse to convict.

Now, suppose you want to totally ruin the capacity of a police department to
function? You can go about this in a number of ways.

First, you must remember that virtually all police are inherently crooked, just like
politicians. The honest cop is an extreme rarity and, oddly enough, a real
example of social deviance. That being the case, a simple thoughtform to cause
them to be caught taking bribes is usually sufficient to wreck the morale of any
department, as police tend to depend on bribe money to pay the mortgage and
buy the new boat.

Second, if you want to accomplish something more dramatic, set up a
thoughtform over the town to turn the entire populace against the police. This will
create a political crisis and make them totally unable to perform their function.
And if you do it right you can even get the local Federal Attorney to become
interested in the department and pretty soon the busloads of pigs will be on their
way to hard time in Marion.

Third, aim a tornado at the police station. They can hardly charge Father Nature
with anything. And if you live near an airport, a thoughtform to cause a 747 to
kamikaze itself into the station can be a very dramatic way to deal with the

And, of course, you have the means to psychically influence them as well. If they
instinctively know that if you get a parking ticket, that a 747 is going to hit the
grade school their children go to, you are not going to get that parking ticket and
you don't have to say a word. You merely use the radionic unit to implant the
idea into the minds of everyone in that department while they are sleeping.

And of course there are the more mundane ways of dealing with such things,
such as getting into their computers and screwing with the records and
communications, so look at the section on computers and see how that is done.
But to get you started, here is a simple thoughtform you can create.

Lets say that you put on the news and the announcer propounds with glee that
the local cops have started another of their famous and useless crackdowns on
littering or public farting or whatever useless thing they do to harass honest
citizens instead of actually trying to solve crimes (something beyond their feeble
intelligence anyway). This time you decide to do something about it instead of
just being frustrated.

So you make a thoughtform. A cop killer thoughtform.

Create the thoughtform in the usual way, but in this case, hold the visualization of
a police car. Once you have that, move in and see the officer sitting behind the
wheel. Ok, got that? Now, add a gunsight with the cross hairs aimed at his head

and feel the stock of the rifle resting against your shoulder, your hands on the
trigger and the front stock, aiming very carefully.

Gently feel your finger squeezing the trigger. Hear the noise of the rifle and feel
the recoil on your shoulder as you see the officers head explode all over the
squad car.

You can imagine the results when this thoughtform kicks in. As the bodies pile
up, the media will howl in fake outrage (all the while loving the story) and the pigs
will start cowering in terror, never knowing when the next bullet will have their
name on it. They will also go on a rampage, attacking innocent members of
whatever minority happens to be handy, causing a backlash against the police
and forcing the department to have to defend itself against a ton of civil rights

But the real beauty is that you, the true cause of all this, will be untouched and
untouchable. You can sit back and enjoy the chaos.


One of the really fun ways psionics can be used is to make life interesting for lots
of people at the same time. This is done by aiming your blasts not at individuals,
but at the institutions and things that make society run. For example, a
successful disruption of a power plant can make some people have a bit of
inconvenience, and it can kill other people, depending on the circumstances they
are in when the power goes out. Agriculture is particularly vulnerable to psionics
because the methods used in agricultural radionics can be turned against a cash
crop, driving the price of that crop up and making a nice profit for the studious
investor. The technique for that is known as buy and blight. And of course
anything based on computer technology is going to be vulnerable as well as
computers, by their very nature, are vulnerable to psychic attack in ways that
humans are not.

Im not going to try to give you every idea humanly possible here, but the
examples that follow should give you a working basis for your nefarious plans.


Here is one of my favorites and since I just mentioned it it is a good place to start.
A few years ago I was in one of my anti-environmental furors and decided that it
might be fun to defoliate the tropical rain forests. That would drive the
environmentalists into conniptions and there would be nothing they could do to
stop it. Well, obviously I calmed down and never did that, but it is something I
keep in the back of my mind in case I ever really get pissed.

That moment of laxity notwithstanding, agricultural radionics is something that
has been around for a long time and has usually been confined to ridding cash
crops of pests and weeds instead of using chemicals directly on the plants and
fields. The methods for this are very simple and extremely adaptable.

The first method was to use a leaf or cutting from the plants to be treated as a
witness. They would be placed in the machine with a sample of whatever they
were to be treated with, fertilizer or herbicide, and then the rate taken and the
machine left running until results occurred, usually rather quickly. This technique
has been pretty much supplanted by replacing the leaf sample with an aerial
photograph of the field to be treated. The photograph is smeared with the
herbicide or pesticide and the machine turned on with again the usual rapid
results. I used a similar method to rid my house of a wasp nest just outside the
back door. I put a bit of Raid in the witness can and aimed the antenna of the
device (the instrument was based on a low-power radio transmitter, a modified
Hieronymus pattern of sorts) at the nest. In a matter of an hour, there were no
more wasps flying around the back door and there never were again.

So, if the technique is so simple, what can you do with it. Well, you can always
defoliate the tropical rain forests and watch the environmentalist scum have heart
failure. Or you can go after the local farmer who refuses to sell his land so you
can build the shopping center and make it impossible for him to grow anything on

Consider the economic impact of agriculture. The supply/demand aspect of food
production aside, there are a lot of industries peripheral to it. There are
distributors, banks, products that service agriculture, the local militia and KKK,
lots of things. There are a number of states that totally depend on the agriculture
industry in order to keep the politicians solvent.

So let us say you really want to fuck with a certain senators head. The thing
that keeps him going is the tobacco farmers of North Carolina. Now, everyone
with a nose agrees that tobacco is one of the great evils of the world. It stinks
and makes the people who use it stink. And let us be honest and realize that the
only people who are as inconsiderate and ill-mannered as smokers are people
who don't drive. So, if the tobacco crop is destroyed, who will miss it besides
those who we don't care about anyway? (and the ones we do care about will live
longer) Well, actually a lot of people because taxes on tobacco and tobacco
products keep a lot of politicians happy.

Do you get what I'm aiming at here? Suppose the entire tobacco crop of North
Carolina were to die off overnight? Let's be honest. Everyone hates the tobacco
industry, but no one has the guts to come out and tell the truth that tobacco

farmers are in the same category as the folks who grow poppies for heroin.
They're truly the scum of the earth and anything that can drive them into
bankruptcy is a good thing. So by using radionics you can hit the cancer-growers
where they live, right in their fields and drive them off the land and there is no
way they can stop you.

OK, stop cheering and I'll tell you how to do this.

First, you will need a satellite photograph of North Carolina, or any other state
you are bombing. You can arrange to get that through your local public library.

Once you have that picture, you start looking at books on agriculture to find the
best herbicide to attack the tobacco crop. Once you have that, you place the
satellite photo and the herbicide (which you can smear on the photo) in the
transmittal end of the instrument. You then take a rate and plug it in. Within a
relatively short time, the agricultural reports on the news should start telling of a
massive die-off of tobacco fields in the targeted area.

But let us say that your goal is more local. You have had it up to your schnootze
with the local town ordnances about grass length and you decide to do
something about it once and for all. Well, guess what? Go to the library and get
an aerial photograph of the town. A photocopy will do and the funny thing is that
most towns have such things.

Now, take some grass killer and smear it on the picture and place it in the
machine as I instructed. With the machine up and running all you have to do is
wait and watch everyone's lawn turn brown. Now, if you really want to have fun,
take a photo of your own lawn and set another radionic device to block the rate of
the attacking unit and you will have the only decent lawn in town and you may
even win a prize. The blocking rate is taken simply by taking a sample of the
herbicide and getting a rate for it, then resetting the dials on the radio to the
opposite point with a photo of your own yard on the receiver plate.

There is another use for this method and that is to make money in the commodity
market. Pick the crop you wish to invest in and then use the above method to cut
down on the yield of it. That will drive the price up and the volatility of the
commodity market will insure you a tidy profit.


Here it is, the section you have all been waiting for. To be a good villain you have
to know what to hit and in the civilized world the target of opportunity that gives
the best possibility of serious damage with least risk is the computer system. It is
easy to find and extremely easy to disable. Which means that any villain worth
his salt is going to need to have to learn to target them.

Now, as hacking is a somewhat difficult skill to learn to do well, time consuming
and always carrying with it the possibility of discovery, it is best that you use
psionic methods for dealing with these instruments.

First, let me explain to you a little of the theory behind this procedure, which is
based on a phenomenon known as micro PK, or psychokinesis as applied to
subatomic particles.

Boring stuff to follow. Take some caffeine before reading.

Around the turn of the century, Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater wrote an
exhaustive study of psychic investigation of subatomic structure called Occult
Chemistry, which seemed to be so utterly outlandish at the time and thereafter
that it was relegated to the dustbin of nut books by nutty people and more or less
forgotten. Then, in the late 1970s, Dr. Stephen Phillips, a physicist who is also a
Theosophist, was reading it (probably more for entertainment than anything else)
and realized something very interesting. Besant and Leadbeater were writing
about quarks, and don't ask me to explain them. He did some figuring with his
blackboard and came up a book entitled The ESP of Quarks in which, by means
of a big mess of equations that I don't pretend to understand since I can barely
balance a checkbook, he proved that what they had done was influence the
activity of the subatomic particles they were psychically looking at.

Now this would seem to be utter nonsense were it not for something else that
was going on at the time--the random number generator experiments that I
referred to earlier in this volume. Those experiments consisted of having a test
subject look at lights flashing on a randomizer (a primitive computer) which had a
counter under each light and try to make one light go on more often than the
others. The experiments were actually quite successful (though the orthodox
scientists will never admit it) and proved something that made people whose job
it was to worry about such things very nervous, namely that a computer could be
influenced by psychic activity.

So let us consider just what was happening in those experiments. The
randomizer simply sent a bunch of electrons around to make the lights go on in a
random pattern. The subject, by influencing the electron flow, influenced the way
the lights worked.

Now let us consider how a computer works. There is the memory, both stored
and random access. Then there is the processor that controls the way the
electrons run between the stored memory, the random access memory and the
other things like the keyboard and the screen. The microprocessor is nothing
more than a pattern of pathways for the electrons to follow to direct them where
they are supposed to go carrying the information that makes the thing work. If

the electrons go someplace else in the system, the whole thing dies. It is
something like the switching system in a railroad yard. If the train director is on
drugs and puts two trains on the same track going towards each other, there is
going to be hell to pay but it will be very entertaining and messy when it happens.

Get the idea? Now we get to the practical part so pay attention.

Now, one of the other interesting things about the Besant-Leadbeater work was
the fact that it was possible to put psychic presence into something as small as
an atom and look around. That being the case, it is a simple matter to put your
psychic presence into the main processor chip of the computer (usually the flat
thing with Intel written on it) and futz up the pathways, making the electrons go
every which way but where they are supposed to be going.

And you don't have to change a lot of them. Just a few particles misplaced will
have a disastrous impact on any system and the newer the system, the more
significant the impact because they need fewer electrons to get the same things

Ok, now you know the theory, how do you do the work?

First, you do not need a witness of the computer you are going to hit. You are
not going to get one anyway so there is no point in worrying about it. You are
going to be working strictly with psychic presence and remote viewing, so
practice that.

Once you have that down, choose a target. Using your radionic unit and
headgear, lock first onto the target computer and then put your consciousness
inside of it until you see the processor chip. Move inside of that. What you will
see will be a lot of little glowing things moving very rapidly along set pathways.
Those are the electrons. Do not do anything just yet, but sit and observe the
phenomena until you get used to the environment.

Now, after you have done this, begin to psychically push the electrons out of one
path and into another. Practice this until you can see a cross-flow of electrons
from one stream to another. That cross stream will totally destroy the running of
whatever program is being used.

I am sure that you can imagine what can be done with this without any help from
me. I mean, just think of the fun you can have with the billing system of the local
phone company, or better yet, with its call-routing system. Imagine the sheer joy
people will experience when they call 911 and get Luigi Yu's Italian Take Out and
Chinese Laundry. The possibilities for creative mischief are truly mind-blowing,
and I as sure you will have many happy hours making people's lives as
interesting as possible.


While my comments on institutional targets covers much of this material in
general, this is one of the targets that requires some specific instruction. So here
it is.

The air traffic control system is perhaps the most important governmental agency
in the country. It makes it possible for all passenger and freight air travel to occur
safely and thus is one of the most serious targets one can consider. If this
system goes down, the entire air travel network goes with it.

Consider this. If aircraft are grounded on the east coast, those aircraft are not
available to move passengers anywhere in the country. We see the effects of
this every winter when a large airport is shut down by snow. The whole country
is affected because airlines need those planes to be moving. When the system
slows or is stopped, it has a serious economic impact as well as a severe
personal impact on the individuals who need to get from point a to point b and
cannot. When this happens every holiday season because the airlines are too
stupid to plan for it, there are wonderful stories on the news about people
stranded at airports for days on end missing all sorts of things.

HOOOO BOY! You can see where this one is going!

The air traffic control system is a huge network of interlocking parts. If enough of
them go down at once, it becomes seriously unsafe for anyone to leave the
ground. And this is not only true in the United States. It is true all over the
civilized world (meaning everywhere but central Africa). In fact, in the early
1980s when Ronald Reagan brought the air traffic controllers to heel by the
simple expedient of firing and replacing them, the French controllers made
noises about not giving instructions to American flag air carriers. They were
persuaded that this would not be a good idea when it was hinted that a few
AWACS planes could turn on their electronic counter-measures equipment and
blind the entire air-traffic control system of Europe.

The system itself is based on a series of control centers around the country with
radar covering much of the country except for right over the Rocky Mountains
where the beams get interfered with, but satellites take care of that. Inside these
centers are controllers and computers and screens that direct the aircraft and
keep them from running into each other. While the tower controllers at individual
airports do a lot of work, it is this other system that is the backbone of the
network. It is also the prime target.

First the computers. The difficulty in dealing with the computers of the air traffic
control system is their great age. Some of them actually still use vacuum tubes,
in honor of the empty spaces in the heads of the members of congress who have
not mandated new equipment for them. These computers are rather difficult to

influence psychically because it takes more push to affect the electron flow in
their processors. Even so, they are vulnerable, particularly in area of their power
source, so that is the area of the computer you would wish to target. When an air
traffic control computer goes down, it means that the entire control center goes
down and all aircraft must be rerouted around the area that that center would
cover. If enough centers go down at once, it is possible to totally ground all air
traffic over a continent.

The other target is the personnel. This is more difficult as far as bring results
because it takes some pretty serious mistakes to cause trouble. The planes do
not fly that close together except in landing and take-off patterns and thus
causing them to collide in mid-air is quite a task. And there is some redundancy
in the system so if a given controller becomes non-functional another one can fill
in quite easily. The only way to bring about results with the personnel as the
target is a massive disruption pattern/thoughtform combination that will disable
enough of them simultaneously to create the kind of hazardous travel condition
that would genuinely have a negative effect on air traffic.

For that reason, it is recommended that the computers remain the prime target in
any such attack.

Besides, you dont want a 747 tail in your living room. It is very bad for the
window treatments.


Here we go! As is customary, I saved the best for last. This is the one that
makes everyone nervous, so naturally I'm putting it in because if you really really
really want to do a number on the infrastructure of a country, this will do it.

Nuclear power is one of the greatest things that this century has produced. Not
only does it provide lots and lots of electricity for our air conditioners and
microwave ovens, but it also gives us some very nice targets for psionic
terrorism, targets the mere thought of hitting scares the living daylights out of
everyone and not without good reason. After all, look at what happened to

Comrade Gorbachev! Is having good news and bad news.

What is good news, Comrade?

People of Ukraine are glowing with health.

What is bad news?

People of Ukraine are glowing in dark.

For that reason it is almost impossible for any normal bad guy or terrorist to get
anywhere near a nuclear reactor, much less do any damage to one unless they
have access to cruise missiles or naval guns. They are among the best guarded
facilities in the world.

Stop drooling! Youre going to short circuit something if you keep that up.

Of course no matter how good a guard system is, psionics can penetrate it. And,
not without a few tiny qualms, this is how you can do all kinds of damage to one
of these facilities.

It helps if you have an idea of which reactor you are going to target. One does
not just get up in the morning and say, "Gee, what a nice day. I think I'll blow up
Rancho Seico and then go out to Luigi Yus for lunch and pick up my laundry."
This actually takes a bit of work.

As in all targets, one must first consider what the weak points of a nuclear reactor
are. There is a lot of heavy machinery, but that is very difficult to influence with
psionics, so don't waste time with the pumping facilities that run water through
the system to cool it. And the reactor core is not particularly easy to attack
directly either, so forget that. The weakest points in the nuclear reactor are the
computers that make sure everything runs right and the people who man them,
the operators. As usual, the weakest part is the nut behind the wheel.

Now that you know that, how do you attack one of these places?

Well, first it helps if you have a photograph of the facility. These are actually
pretty easy to come by because the companies that run them publish them. And,
security aside, they are big enough that one can take a photograph of one from a

pretty safe distance without attracting much attention. People do that all the

Once you have your photograph, you have a couple of choices of the method of
attack. You can, for example, simply fire a disruption pattern at the entire facility
and see what happens. That could result in nothing more than a minor
inconvenience inside the plant that no one ever hears about, to a major
catastrophe, like Chernobyl. There is no way of knowing in advance. Of course
thats half the fun of disruption patterns, not knowing how they are going to work.

The other method takes a lot more work but can bring about more reliable and
often more spectacular results. You have to establish a psychic presence in the
control room and screw up the operators and the computers.

First you have to find the control room.

That is not as difficult as it sounds. If you look at your generic nuclear reactor,
they usually come in three parts, just like Gaul (and I know I have a lot of gall
writing this). There is a cooling tower, which is absolutely useless to you so you
can ignore it. That is the tall thing with the flared top with steam pouring out of it.
The water from the reactor runs through that and releases its heat before being
pumped back into the core to keep that part of the system from melting down to
the center of the earth (actually, it would probably only go about a couple of miles
down before cooling off but you know the kind of idiots who worry about such

The big round thing is the reactor core itself. You can look around inside if you
wish, because your psychic presence is not going to be in any danger, but
generally there is little that can be done. Changing the nuclear activity on the
scale required for any serious consequences is usually beyond the power that
psychic presence can muster.

The target you are interested in looks like an office building or a factory. That is
the main control center for the reactor. Nose around inside the place until you
come upon a room with lots of computers. Once you are inside, build a
thoughtform that will cause the operators in that room to make mistakes, big
mistakes. Enough human errors at the same time can have extremely interesting
results in any environment and in this one, well, you can imagine.

The other thing you can do is go after the computers. They are all over the place
and some of them are big and old and some of them are small and new. The big
and old ones are the ones you are after because they are the ones that do most
of the control functions, having been put in when the reactor was constructed.
The smaller ones usually just handle bookkeeping stuff but some of them may
have control function as well, so it is best to not completely ignore them. In any
event, a computer malfunction will cause a serious problem in the reactor and
may require it to be shut down. When that happens, that reactor cannot produce
electricity and the entire power grid suffers. If you can shut down enough
reactors, particularly on a hot day, you can really fuck up delivery of electrical
service and get the power company in terrible political trouble because without
air conditioning people have this habit of dying and if enough of them do that at
once the coroner's office gets really overloaded and the bodies have to be kept in
refrigerator trucks and everyones very offended by the smell, to say nothing of
the aesthetic displeasure caused by refrigerator trucks filled with dead smelly old
people parked on the streets.

Of course, if you are really pissed, you can work on getting the core overheated
and that will produce a major emergency. In order to do that, the control system
of the cooling system must be shut down, so snorf around inside the electronics
(ain't psychic presence wunnerful?) until you find the circuit that controls that and
then shut it down with a pk blast. If the circuit is wired to a new computer, that

will be very easy as the newer the computer is, the easier it is to screw around

Now, a couple of things. If you are going to hit a nuclear reactor, it is best to do
one in another state, or better still, in another country, like China or something. If
one of those suckers really blows, it will make the entire area around it for many
miles totally unlivable for a long time, so don't do this if someone you like lives
within hundred miles of it. And then take air currents into account because the
radioactive fallout is the same as a nuclear weapon explosion and you don't want
that landing on someone you like.

On the other hand, if someone you dont like...

This capacity is the psionic psupervillains ultimate weapon. A psychic image of
the local nuclear reactor with a mushroom cloud rising over it is usually sufficient
to end even the most determined government sponsored mind control
experiments. And remember, this can be done with nothing more than a
modified radio or slide projector.


No, Im not referring to antique birth control methods here. Im referring to
protecting yourself from the side effects of your own actions.

About ten years ago a friend of mine and I decided to have some fun with the
convention of an organization we both belong to. I set up a disruption pattern in
my radionic box and aimed it at the witness of the building where most of the
sessions of the convention were going to be held. Now that meant that there
was going to be an obvious problem.


Obviously we did not want to blasted with our own sendings, so Uncle Chuckie
prepared a system to prevent that from happening. I took another radionic box,
this time putting in the same distruption pattern on the transmittal side and our
pictures on the receiving end, but instead of the normal rate (dial settings) for the
disruption pattern, I set up a balancing rate which would cause the pattern to be
inneffective against us.

So how did I do that? It was very simple. I took the standard rate for the pattern.
The dials were calibrated 0-10 so I subtracted the number on each dial from ten
and then reset the dial to that number. This sent out a pattern of energy which
blocked the energy of the disruption pattern, sort of like a jamming frequency in
radio. We went to the convention, watched with glee as the keynote speaker
could not put one word after another with any degree of coherince, and suffered
none of the impact of the pattern.

This is what you have to do on occasion. Whenever you perform a psionic act
which may influence an area you are likely to be in, you must set up a balancing
rate for yourself on one of your machines (which is why the more machines the
better) in order to make sure you dont get caught in the blast from your own
bomb as it were.

If you are doing something that requires direct concentration, such as charging or
using the Murder Crystal or the Slideray, it is best, after you complete the
operation, to go into the bathroom, fill the sink with cold water and then put your
hands into it. Visualize all the nasty stuff you have been using going into the
water and then let it run down the drain. In this way, you will not poison yourself
while blasting your enemy.

There you have it. Being a Psupervillain has all kinds of wonderful advantages
and youll love every minute of being one. Youll get all the good lines, a chance
to make life really interesting for people (in the sense of the ancient Chinese
curse), and, most important of all, get away with it! Just remember, in the realm
of Chaos the only rule is that there are NO rules.

So have fun, raise hell and we will all meet together in the Land of Nightmare.

I am

Uncle Chuckie

If you seek his monument, look around.

By Charles W. Cosimano


This is a redoing of Psionics 101, which lasted one edition and then was reissued
as Psychic Power by Llewellyn. What most folks who read my stuff forget is that
the material in the original book is now almost 20 years old and so a whole bunch
of it became obsolete with time.

In 1981, Fate Magazine published an article by Joseph Goodavage entitled The
Conspiracy Against Psionics which implied that the powers that be had worked
to suppress the study of this stuff and when I read that article the proverbial light
bulb went off and I started to work in earnest on a project that had been sort of
sitting in my office, a book on basic radionics and psionics, something I had been
working with for several years.

It took a few more years to get the book done because no sooner would I write a
chapter then I would come with something new and the chapter had to be thrown
out, which was a real pain considering I was writing it on a manual typewriter (no
word processors in them days! Even if you had one, the printers that were
available werent very good and publishers would not accept manuscripts done
on them). Finally, in 1984, I sat down and wrote and finished the manuscript in
what was pretty much its final form in early 1985.

At that time I expected Parker Publishing to be the target for selling the book so it
had lots of cutesy little stuff in it that Parker and its readers seemed to like but
then I got surprised. Llewellyn had decided to come out with its Psi-Tech series
and in their advertising mentioned radionics. I figured if they had material coming
out similar to mine I had better cover my ass so they could not accuse me of
violating copyrights and so I sent a querly letter off, not expecting anything to
come of it.

I was wrong again! A couple of months later I got a letter asking for the
manuscript, so I wrapped it in swaddling clothes, put it in a nice, reed basket and
left it to the river of the postal service. And then waited, and waited and waited!

Finally, in March of 1986 I wrote Llewellyn in some exasperation that if I did not
hear from them by April 14 I would have to seek another publisher, after all,
almost a year is a long time to wait for a publisher to make up its mind! On the
morning of April 13 I got a phone call saying they wanted the book and a contract
would be on its way! I was about to enter the ranks of the immortals!

Psionics 101 hit the streets in January of 1987, almost 7 years after I typed the
first pages. So you see what I mean about time lag!

But time has not been kind to the book. Many of the techniques and ideas of that
first edition are hopelessly dated and frankly, it no longer reflects my view of the
world very much. I am no longer a young man and with the darkening of my eye
there has been a correspondent darkening of my vision. The cheerful prankster

with just a touch of amorality has been replaced by an international terrorist (at
least according to some folks) and Im certain that those who were shocked by
my little drill joke now look upon my work with maximal disfavor. Once jokingly
called Darth Vader by my friends, I have become the Emperor, an old, little man
who longs for his comfy chair and the pleasures of the Dark Side of the Force. In
many ways doing this has been a bittersweet experience for me because it has
forced me to remember a happier time and a world that might have been.

So this volume is going to be a bit shorter than the first edition, because I have
removed a lot of the cutesy stuff that the publishing world of that time
expected(oh, I left a few things in because they are still funny) and distilled
certain techniques down and simplified them because Ive learned how simple
they really are. Not only that, but this book is no longer the only game in town as
far as teaching tech is concerned so there is no longer the need for the extreme
details of the first edition.

But here it is and I hope you will enjoy it.

In the beginning was the thought, and thought created a form, and from that
came the word "thoughtform."
Ok, I couldn't resist having my little joke, but it is true that everything begins with
a thought of some sort. Goethe has his Faust come to that conclusion and he
was right, for it is the action of consciousness that gets everything going.
This book is about thought. It is about taking the power of human thought and
making it do things for you, not for humanity, but for you. There will be no
idealism in this book, no do-gooderness. I am not that type of person. What I
am going to do here, in this work, is continue what I started years ago, break the
monopoly on psionics that existed for so many years and make it available to the
general public. And, maybe, break the back of society at large as well.
Now, as all of you who have followed my writing over the years know, I do not
waste my time and yours with stories of people who do psychic things and then
have something totally impossible happen, like win the lottery because they
happened to find a million-dollar ticket in the street.
A fifty-dollar ticket, that happens. In fact it happened to someone I know and did
nothing psychic at all, he just stepped on a piece of gum and then the gum
catching the ticket, but a million-dollars, I'll believe it when I see it.
But psionics does sometimes cause the nearly impossible to happen. In fact it
has saved my neck on more than one occasion.
I have a rule, coincidence does occur, but some coincidences are just too
impossible to be that.
So what am I going to do for you in this book?
This is going to be a very basic text. It is going to teach you how to do basic
psychic stuff, like visualization, thoughtform building, psychic transmission and
reception, dowsing with a pendulum and how to make and use different
machines to help you accomplish these things.
So I want you to consider some things.
The first thing is that there is nothing miraculous or even very mysterious about
these powers. Everyone in the world has them and can develop them if they will
only take the time.
The second thing is that once you have these powers you can use them for any
reason you want. I will place no limits on you. You are absolutely free to make
your own decisions with regard to this material and how you will use it. You are

your own judge and no one in this world or any other has the right to tell you how
you will use your abilities.
So what goodies are you going to get from this book?
First, the one thing that has at times eluded me, prosperity. Now I know that
sounds really stupid, but my money troubles are the result of personal decisions
that had nothing to do with psionics and a lot to do with being a terrible
procrastinator. And it's always been the psionics that has pulled my rear out of
the fire. So I'm going to give you all the information you need so that if you
should get into the same sort of messes I get into, you too will escape with a
whole skin. Otherwise, as one critic of mine once told me "If you burn your ass,
you have to sit on the blisters!"
I'm going to teach you how to make and use the psionic components, machines
and thoughtforms in combination, that will bring you the things you need, and the
people you need, like my wife! (Well, not MY wife, you cant have her.)
Second, I'm going to give you enough background material that you can strike
out on your own and not have to depend upon me. I am going to give you the
designs for some really simple gadgets that you can build. There is something to
having equipment that you make yourself that cannot be described. When you
build your own instruments, you invest an energy into them that no commercial
unit can duplicate.
And there is another benefit. By building your own units, you get a far better
understanding of what is being done with them and then when you realize that
you want to spend the money for the commercial devices, you will be able to get
the most out of them.
So what does psionics do for you? Can't you do the same things without the
Well, there are damned few things psionics can do that one cannot do by oneself
with no external aid. When I first started writing about this stuff, I was castigated
for creating a "crutch," among lots of other things. What the poor devils who
were upset with me forgot is that when one breaks one's leg, a crutch can be
very helpful. Machines exist to save labor. A man can walk across town, and
take three days to do it, or he can drive his car to the same place in an hour.
Don't let anyone deprive you of something useful because it does not fit their
scheme of things.
In fact, at this point, I should mention something that is unpleasant but must be
faced. There are those who profit from ignorance of this material. That is why
they worked so hard and so long to keep knowledge of it suppressed.
Some do it from misguided and foolish religious motives. They would like you to
believe, as they do, that all psychic power comes from the Devil and his horned

minions. That is probably the most stupid argument ever advanced and anyone
dumb enough to believe it can probably be offered a real good deal on a used
bridge. Religion is the province of the weak-minded.
Then there are those who feel directly threatened by this knowledge, and in
some cases rightly so. A politician is not going to be happy knowing that one
person with a radionic box can influence tens of thousands of votes.
Finally, there are those unfortunates who must have the universe fit their neat
theories and cannot bear the idea of something going on in it that cannot be
taken apart, qualified and quantified. If it does not fit their equations, it cannot
Such people are only fit to be ignored. They will always be around and they are
always wrong. In the very early days of the nineteenth century when railroads
were just being invented, someone predicted that people would travel at the
enormous speed of 40 miles per hour. Now remember that the fastest land travel
was by horse and they average eight miles per hour. This was so shocking that
a London magazine ridiculed it by saying it was as likely as putting a man on top
of a rocket and shooting him at the moon.
There is no arguing with British logic, presupposing of course that you can find it.
Now, for those of you who have never read anything by me before--SHAME ON
YOU! Sorry about that, I just couldn't resist it. Anyway, if you're not familiar with
me or my work I'm going to tell you a few basic things about myself.
I was not born psychic. I cannot say that when I was three I saw the end of the
Korean War. Hell, I probably didn't even know that a war was going on in Korea
or even that such a place existed. I was too busy playing in my backyard with
the kids on the block and tying up the babysitter. I got into psychic stuff sort of by
I was raised by good, materialist parents who had little use for anything they
could not party with. They really enjoyed life and when I was in college I would
come home from a date at three in the morning and they would not get back until
two hours later. And, in spite of the bible boom of the 1950's, they did not take
religion very seriously. We were United Church of Christ, with a short interlude
among the liberal Methodists and when a local television station decided to run
the classic Flash Gordon serials on Sunday mornings, Dad was all to happy to
give up church-going so I could watch my favorite show and he could get some
sleep. There were no opportunities to see angels in my house and if anyone did,
there would some very serious questions about the quality of the liquor.
I was going to be a scientist. I had my chemistry sets and set off bombs in the
backyard (they were actually attempts to create rocket fuel) and my telescope
and I still have my microscopes packed away in this apartment somewhere. I
was going to be a good little nuclear physicist, because that was the glamour job

back then, much more respectable than the corner bookie, and when I was
twelve I got this really interesting present, a lie detector.
Well, actually it was a very simple galvanic skin response meter in a big, green
cabinet and I discovered that by doing some mental stuff I could make the needle
stay on the truth setting no matter what whoppers I made up.
I also discovered some interesting things that very few people knew about in
early 1962, such as biofeedback.
I hated school. What kid in his or her right mind does not? So I learned to give
myself a fever. It was actually really quite simple. I would get the needle to its
lowest setting and then start thinking I was in a very hot room. Before you knew
it my body temperature went from a very cool 98.6 to a slightly roasting 99. I
would look at mother, tell her I wasn't well and she would take my temperature,
frown slightly and tell me I wasn't going to school that day.
The hard part was spacing the days off so the school nurse wouldn't want to start
poking at me.
Then, when I was fifteen I got my Ouija Board. Calm down! Nothing terrible has
ever happened because of it. In fact it is standing next to the wall near me and
no demons have ever come roaring out of it, which is a pity because that would
be really cool. But it was very useful for finding out which girls were attracted to
me and thus I could save myself a lot of work chasing the ones who found me
repulsive, like most of them.
When I was sixteen I made rocket fuel. Well, I didn't know that. I sort of took up
alchemy for the fun of it and got this terrible banging noise which made my
chemistry teacher look very serious as he helped clean up the mess. I did not
know it, but I had distilled pure ethanol, pure to the point of being somewhat
Then when I was 17 I got serious about psychic stuff, stopped being a scientist (I
flunked math) and got a little book that described the radionic machines in use in
Britain at the time, the Delawarre equipment which seemed too preposterous to
be taken seriously. Besides, all they did with it was heal people and when you
are 17 you dont worry about such things unless you are in really bad shape.
Ten years later, on April 7, 1977, when I built my first radionic unit, I could have
kicked myself for not building it ten years before, but it seemed so outrageous at
the time.
The purpose of this little exercise in confession is to get you to realize that there
is nothing unique about psychic stuff. You may have read tons of books that
promised you great powers and how you to could get zillions of dollars like Mr. X,
but you look at your life and realize it hasn't worked for you. After enough

failures, you may be thinking that all this psychic stuff is bunk and the Amazing
Randi may be right.
Well, I know how it feels to wonder when the check is going to arrive. I also
know how it feels to have the impossible happen and there are times I think that
subconsciously I used to get myself into those messes because of the adrenalin
high I would get when I would come out of them with a whole skin.
When all is said and done, the purpose of developing any power is to gain
influence over your life and your environment. Power is nothing more than the
means to get things done and without it you might as well be living in a dumpster
Psychic power is nothing more than that, a means of accomplishing things,
making your life work and making other people live their lives to make yours work
better. This book will give you the means to do just that and I hope it will give
you a few laughs along the way.
So get to work and start reading. You have a lot to do and the new millenium is
already here.


By now you probably know that psychic powers, the stuff upon which psionics is
based, involve a type of energy. Now there is no real common name for that
energy yet, but there are a quite a few people who have come up with different
names for what is probably the same thing. And there is absolutely nothing new
about this. People have been trying to come up with a word for this stuff since
they first started thinking about it, about the time that Ugh the Caveman knew
that his brother-in-law was going to ask to borrow the club again and would go
hide it because it was two months before he got it back the last time.

This energy is stuff of creation itself. It is the stuff of which the Gods are made
and ultimately everything else in the cosmos.

We are used to working with energy all the time. We work with it when we heat
our homes or turn on a light. Remember years ago when some idiots actually
thought we might run out of it? So the concept of energy is not a difficult one for
modern folks. It is when we try to talk about the psychic energies that we get into
some real problems.

So let us posit that the energy exists. It had better or I have just wasted some
very good writing. By the fact of existing it has certain properties, for example it
is a property of light that it causes heat when it hits something. The properties of
this energy are somewhat less easy to define, but here are some of them.

1. It totally permeates everything. It exists in all things and through all things. It
is inseparable from existence itself. In fact, it may define existence. Everything
that exists now, has existed in the past or will exist in the future contains this
energy. This is why we get to hold conversations on the phone with dead

2. It can be made to, and has been observed to, travel along with
electromagnetic energy, the electromagnetic energy acting as a carrier wave,
much as a radio signal carries sound or microwaves carry pictures and sound.
All radiant energy, light, microwaves, radio, can act as a carrier. It even can be
sent over telephone lines. Which is why your dead grandmother can call you on
the phone the day of her funeral and scare you half to death when you realize
whom it was you were talking to. (Im serious. It happened to me!) One time I
was watching a live television show and something went wrong on the set, which
caused the person on the screen to really get mad. He sent a wave of pure fury
into the camera that almost knocked me off my chair and it takes a lot to move

3. This energy can be polarized and will behave much as light does. It can be
made to pass through lenses and be reflected by mirrors.

4. It will emanate from the entire human body, with certain points, such as the
eyes, the forehead, the top of the head and the fingertips being the strongest
emission points.

5. It has a relation to electromagnetic energy that allows it to be carried over
wires without a carrier wave.

This is one feature that can be proven by an easily repeatable experiment. T.
Galen Hieronymus, a famous radionic expert who died in 1988, did an
experiment in which he took two identical potted plants and placed them in a
totally dark environment. To one plant he ran wires which led to the outside and
were exposed to sunlight. The other plant, the control, was not so connected.
He watered and fed them alike and observed the difference between them. The
plant with the wires was perfectly healthy, a state not enjoyed (if plants can enjoy
anything) by the other one.

6. This energy can be stored.

In the 1970s, Robert Pavlita created small devices to do just that and caused
quite a stir. One device attracted objects that a magnet would not, another one
ran a small motor. Unfortunately, relatively few people can make them work, so
something about the energy involved was not accounted for. This should not be
surprising as we are still barely scratching the possibilities of this stuff.

7. The mind of an individual can be trained to operate this energy at will. This is
important, because if it were not true we would be totally wasting our time even
thinking about it. It would not be lying to say that its use goes back to the first
humans on this planet and there are the popular legends about Atlantis being
sunk by evil people who did bad things with it. (That is, of course, not true.
Atlantis was sunk by accident when one of my experiments went haywire and my
then wife was very upset over the lack of good clothing stores in Egypt after we
rowed there.)

Of course the Atlantis stuff is probably only legend and I don't think I really sank
it, (though I wish I had) but it makes a fun story so I thought I'd share it with you.

We do know that primitives in various parts of the world still use it, because they
have to, and love to make exaggerated claims for it because they love to bug
anthropologists. So we have to take them with lots and lots of salt, and maybe a
little pepper and just a dash of garlic to keep the vampires away.
Even taking that into account, there is a mass of material that is difficult to
account for without accepting the possibility of this energy, so accept it we will
and get on with the business of relating it to living and working in the physical

Let us start with the energy fields of the human body. If you take a look at
yourself in the mirror, making first sure that the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt is not
looking over your shoulder because you don't want it to explode (Damn! She was
ugleeeee!), your body seems like a pretty solid piece of work. In fact for some of
us it is just a bit too, too solid (I write as I regard my tummy). You would never
dream that this oh so solid mass of flesh is more nothing than matter and that the
matter is hung on an energy field like a skyscraper is hung on steel girders.

This framework is called the etheric body and it is made up of the stuff we call
psychic energy. And it does not stop there, because in one form or another, this
is true of all physical matter. Atoms are nothing more than solidified, slow energy
and the energy particles that constitute atoms, one way or another, go back to
the energy of the psychic. It gets a little complicated at that point and there is no
point in boring you with the theory, just accept it as true for the moment and we
can deal with questions later if we have time.

But we can make an assertion about the etheric body because we have some
real unpleasant evidence for it in the phenomena of the phantom pain.

If something terrible happens to a person and they lose a body part, like an arm
or a leg, it seems that the etheric body of that part does not leave. It sticks
around and causes all manner of trouble for the poor person. The individual may
very well feel intense pain where the missing part should be, but there is no
reason why such a pain should occur. After all, all the nerve endings went with
the part.

However, if a person suffers from a birth defect and a part is missing, no such
pain will occur. Why should this be? Because the etheric body never formed
that part and thus does not react to a loss.

Phantom pain, however, is useful to study because it gives us some idea of the
interface between the etheric body and the physical one, in this case, the
nervous system.

Remember that there are no nerve endings present. They are gone to wherever
amputated parts go (and I don't know that and I don't want to know!). After all,
you cannot cut a finger that is not there. In spite of this, there is significant pain
where there should be none.


Clearly there exists a relationship between the etheric body and the physical
brain. The nervous system is carrying signals to the part of the brain that says
"PAIN" and that part is responding.

So let's go back to the bit about psychic energy being carried by electrical
conductors. There are still etheric nerves (or their equivalent) present. They are
being activated by something, we have no idea what. They carry information to
the interface with the physical nerves and they in turn convey a message to the
brain that something is not right in that part of the body. Now, while some people
are very smart, the brain is not, at least at that level, and does not know that
there is nothing there and thus sends out the message automatically.

Here we get to the real important part of this stuff, the ability of psychic energy to
act as a carrier of information. And at this point we have to make just a bit of a
leap, so bear with me. We will operate under the assumption that the energy of
the etheric body is in some way all-pervasive. This means that the etheric body
of one person is connected at some level, by some instrumentality, with the
etheric body of everyone else in the world, if not in the universe and this
connection is the means by which psychic powers operate.

Will this cure our water addiction? How the hell should I know, but that is not
what this book is about, thank badness. But it will gives up a working framework
for our system.

Let us posit that once a piece of information is placed in the etheric body of the
person sending it, it can be directed to the etheric body of the receiver and from
there to the nervous system and thence to the physical brain. In some way it will
operated the same way as the phantom pain. Thus it is not only possible to send
specific thought messages to other people, such as "Send the royalty check!" but
also to send emotions, like love and even physical responses. For example,
have you ever seen someone get banged up, like a football player who lands
wrong, and actually feel the impact? That is what I am talking about. It is not
mere empathy, but an actual connection made by the transmission, in such a
case involuntary, of the feeling of impact.

When you transmit a psychic message, you transmit it to the nervous system of
the receiver by means of the etheric connections.

There is one final and real super important property of this energy to remember.
It cannot die. Energy does not die. It may be transformed, but it does not die. It
is always there in one form or another. It never ceases to exist.

Now, let us consider this. If your body is made up of energy, what are your
thoughts made of? Is it such a great leap to think that they have their origin in
energy? If your thoughts begin in your mind, must that not too exist as energy in
its original form? So it logically follows that if energy is eternal and your mind is
energy, is not then your mind eternal as well? If your mind is eternal, is not then
the minds and the thoughts and the knowledge of everyone else that has ever
lived or will live in the future also eternal? If that is the case, then all death is the

cessation of a mechanism, something like a car breaking down forcing its driver
to walk. Just because the car isn't working doesn't mean the driver isn't.

Now it may very well be the case that over certain periods of time various
transformations of the energy body may take place. In fact it is probably wisest
to expect just that, for energy can be transformed, but we are not here concerned
with that. What we are concerned with is the fact that the energy bodies of those
who have gone on before still exist out there somewhere and that means the
minds of those individuals continue to function.

This should lead you to the obvious conclusion that if the etheric body of an
individual can be used to impart some information to a rock or a hunk of metal or
even a piece of paper (it used to be called writing), then it can be used to contact
the dead. And indeed it most certainly can. In fact in the psychic world that is
still the most common intentional use of it. People are always wanting to talk to
their dead relatives, even when they had no use for them while they were alive.
Even the great Thomas Edison, before whose memory all inventors, even those
who do not have the grand title of Crackpot, bow, had as one of his uncompleted
projects a device to communicate with the dead. Such a device is, in fact,
possible and I will show you how to make and use it and communicate with those
great evildoers of history who have gone before.

Hey! We can all use a little advice every now and then.

So, having said all this, you now have an idea of what the energy you will be
working with is like. Now bear in mind, this is hardly the last word on this,
probably not even the starting word and as you progress you will discover that.
But everything psychic that you do is based on it.

In many ways we are in the same position as the very early experimenters in
electricity were during the 1700s. We know there is something out there we call
psychic energy. We have oodles of evidence as to its effects and use. We have
finally managed to deduce some of its properties. But, due to the primitive nature
of both our knowledge and our technology, we are just beginning to find practical
uses for it. After all, Benjamin Franklin must have known that the power of
lightning could be used to light homes and power machinery, to say nothing of
being able to cook popcorn in the microwave, (Al Gore would have told him about
the internet but he was too busy trying perfect the wheel.) but he had to be
content to stop it from burning down houses, no small feat in a day when the
local clergy were convinced that lightning was a sign of divine wrath rather than
poor divine insulation, and were thus certain that the lightning rod was
blasphemous in the extreme. Of course, it is a good thing to remember that if
someone comes along with something that improves the lot of humanity, some
religious fool will object to it.

So if a lot of the stuff in this volume seem odd, and the machines primitive,
remember that we are standing on one shore, trying vainly to see the other one
and hoping that someday we will have the boat that can get us there.
But you can't build a boat without learning what will float, so get on to the next
chapter. You've got a lot of work to do.

Now that I have explained to you something about the energies we will be using,
it is time to get to work and learn how to use them. At this point I can hear you
groaning, "Not that tired nonsense again! Why can't I just build the machines
and get on to the fun stuff?"
Well, my friend, nothing is stopping you from doing just that but I would advise
you to read this chapter first and try some of the ideas herein with my usual
marvelous prose. You will find, as I have found and many others have as well,
that the successful use of psychic power, even mechanically assisted power,
comes from first having a clear mind which is able to concentrate on the use of
the machines. Also, there are many operations for which a machine is not even
required; simply using meditative techniques can bring about the desired results.
When I say meditation, I do not mean twisting yourself into some ridiculous
posture that intelligent beings were never made to get into, nor do I mean
indulging in such inane foolishness as living in a yurt and eating nothing but
broccoli (may the gods deliver us from such a fate). I will be honest and say that
I have little to no patience with those who advocate such things and fervently
wish they would go off to the Pleiades to cure their water addiction. (There was a
dreadful book written a few years back by some new age nutjar who claimed that
the Australian Aborigines were actually aliens sent to cure humanity of its
addiction to water. The Aborigines were less than amused.)
What I do mean when I talk about meditation is the ability to calm the body and
clear the mind, to concentrate on a given subject and to see certain things in your
mind's eye. It is not necessary to practice these things every day, but some sort
of regular schedule is advisable and you should do your best to follow it.
It is best to begin by considering your own body, with particular attention paid to
your breathing. This is not too difficult as breathing is something everyone does
at some time in their life. Merely sit in a comfortable chair in which you can sit
without falling asleep (that leaves me out as I can fall asleep in any kind of chair).
You should also try to find a place in the house where you are not likely to be
disturbed, not because the disturbances are in any way dangerous, but because
you may find yourself so enjoying the relaxed state that to be brought out of it
suddenly by an offending family member may cause you to lose your temper and
murder the poor wretch.
Once you have found your spot, sit rather quietly for about ten minutes at a time.
That is how you start; just sitting quietly, doing nothing in particular. While sitting,
try to notice how your body reacts. Note that twitch in your right leg. You cannot
help but feel an itch in your scalp, so do not hesitate to scratch it. Fell your lungs
filling with air, rising and falling, pushing out your rib cage and letting it fall back

As you sit, you will notice all of these things. Your body has certain places that
are naturally tense. You will hear things you normally would ignore. Now all of
that is really not very strange when you think about it. We all have had the
experience of trying to fall asleep only to be constantly reminded of some slight
creak in the house which during the activity of our waking hours we would not
even hear because our minds were just too occupied to notice them.
Pay very close attention to all these things and you will discover something else
that is very interesting. The more you listen to your own body, the less you are
bothered by the thoughts of the day. This is because your conscious mind can
only handle one piece of data a time. If you are studying my writing intently, as
you are supposed do, you will not pay attention to the smell of smoke until the
fireman breaks down the door. (Which is why you should make sure your smoke
detector has fresh batteries.) The more you practice, the more effective the mind
becomes at blocking out unwelcome stimuli.
After you have done this for a week or two and it is starting to get really old and
boring, it is time to add something that will control your mind still further and that
is a mantra.
Don't panic! You don't have to try to remember something in Sanskrit that
translates roughly, "The Sacred Cow has defecated on the Jain in the Garden of
Vishnu." All a mantra is a set of words or sounds which you think in order to
keep other thoughts from intruding.
Sit comfortably. Try to breathe regularly, in a set rhythm, but do not become
overly concerned about that. Your body has its own rate of breathing that it likes
and if you upset that rate your body will get upset at you. I remember when I
thought it was necessary to breathe in a certain way in order to attain a fully
relaxed state. The results were anything but relaxing. My heart began to pound
fiercely and I had to abandon the exercise for fear of having a coronary. Just
breathe naturally, not forcing yourself into any set pattern. Your body knows
what it is doing, so trust it.
Notice each time you breathe how you inhale and exhale (not that you do inhale
and exhale, you already know that!). If you are not doing this, start very quickly
otherwise you will be dead very soon and I can't afford to lose any readers. Now
pick a couple of sounds. The Indians of India, or at least some of them, use the
sounds so and hum. These are nothing more than an approximation of the
noises the breath makes as it enters and leaves the body. They also have two
other great advantages. First, they are very easy to remember. Second, they
don't mean anything so you won't have to worry about invoking the feces of the
Sacred Cow.
It works like this. As you inhale, think the sound so and as you exhale think the
sound hum. Just do this while you sit and you will notice that by doing this you

can block out all manner of wandering thoughts which can disturb you, like the
mountain of bills on the desk.
Practice this for about a month. You should, by that time, discover a few definite
changes in yourself. First, you should be able to think more clearly. Second, you
should be more relaxed in your everyday life. That is not to say that you will not
have any upsets; far from it, but you will be able to handle most of them far better
than you do now. Finally, you will be able to blot out from your mind any
unnecessary worries that might creep in. Worry, incidentally, is one thing which
is not only unnecessary, but also dangerous. It creates thoughtforms that can
attract to you the very things you are worrying about, as you will discover soon
when I explain them.
But the main reason I am taking the time to teach you this technique is not to
improve your mental health. That is a side benefit (no extra charge). Meditation
has the added advantage of putting your mind into condition to be better able to
manipulate psychic energy.
Why should this be?
Understand that your mind is constantly putting out this energy. Every second
some part of your consciousness is transmitting into the etheric body and thence
to the psychic world. Most of these transmissions come to nothing because
there is not enough energy behind them to hold them together. The thought
message goes out and immediately dissipates into the ether. It is like a clump of
dirt. When the clump is moist, it has a cohesion which will hold it together in a
breeze. But, let it dry, and the wind pushes at it, pulling away small parts until
there is nothing left but the dust floating in the air, capable of getting the
neighbors' laundry dirty (why she can't buy a drier like a civilized human being is
beyond me), but little else. So it is with the energy of our thoughts. It is only by
being able to concentrate this energy that we are able to make it do any work.
To use another analogy, there may be more kinetic energy in a good rainstorm
than in a slow moving stream, but the stream can be made to run a turbine while
the falling rain does little more than water the shrubbery.
With that in mind, we will now (or rather you will now) learn how to make thought-
forms and to concentrate psychic energy. This is going to take some time and
practice, so I advise you to be patient. In the realm of the psychic there are no
more free lunches than there are anywhere else.
In order to concentrate, you must first have something to concentrate on, and by
that I mean a concrete, physical object, rather than some abstract idea.
Abstracts do not make good thought-forms. Take a pencil, for example, and
study it. Try to notice as many different things about it as you can. What is it for,
what is it made of? What other things can it be used for besides its intended
purpose? All the things which make it a pencil rather than a cabbage should be
considered (like how do you write with a cabbage?). Now sit back in your chair

and relax. Begin your mantra like you always do, repeating so and then hum,
breathing in and then out, completely naturally, until you feel that you have
somehow managed to cut yourself off from the rest of the world.
Continue in this state and close your eyes. Now comes the hard part. Try to see
the pencil in your mind's eye and hold it there as long as you can. You should
find the experience to be a little disappointing at first because the pencil will
refuse to stay put. Remember to try to really see the pencil, not to merely recite
the word "pencil." The image will flit in and out, with different parts appearing
and disappearing. You will see the point and then the eraser. You may see
nothing but the name of the company printed on its side, only to have the image
leave completely to be replaced by the smiling face of an old girl-friend. This is
all perfectly natural and is an excellent indication of the way the mind works. It
also explains why it is so difficult to create a working thought-form. And now you
also know why all those teachers who simply tell their pupils to visualize
something are all wet. If it is this difficult to hold the simple image of a pencil in a
prepared mind, how much more trouble would a completely untrained person
have holding the image of a person or complicated object or action. Now you
understand why most of the books that have been sold on this subject failed in
their purpose. They made demands which were impossible for an untrained
person to fulfill, and also neglected the preliminary training..
Keep working on the pencil, and above all else do not be discouraged by failure.
It took me some years to completely master the technique but I was easily
distracted. I wish I could tell you just exactly how long it will take to get this down
to the point were you can do it at will; unfortunately everyone is different. The
best advice I can give is to keep at it.
After you feel that you are able to hold the image of the pencil in your mind for,
let us say, five minutes, you may proceed to other things. Take a coin and do the
same thing with it as you did with the pencil. You will find that once the ability
comes, it grows ever easier with practice, and it will take you far less time to hold
a compete image of the coin that it did for the pencil.
Once you have sufficiently mastered this practice to your own satisfaction, you
will be ready to create your first real, deliberate thought-form.
What is a thought-form?
A thought-form is a hard clump of psychic material, as strange as that idea may
seem, and in the pre-physical world in which it functions it will be as solid as a
rock, but a rock which will constantly be radiating energy, and it will do so until
the energy which is fed into it as its creation is exhausted, kind of like psychic

Sit comfortably. You must now prepare yourself to work with the stuff of the
psychic world, and that means following certain forms and techniques, just as
working in the physical world means a certain preparation, if only to turn on the
computer before typing.
Begin to meditate. Use the mantra to clear your mind of the troubles of the day.
There must be no outside interference with this, so get anything that will cause
you to lose your concentration out of your head. Do not consciously will such
unwelcome thoughts to leave; that will only impress them further. It is much
better to simply ignore them and think your mantra.
Continue with your mantra, feeling your body detach itself from your
surroundings. You should have your eyes closed at this point. If they remain
open, you may actually notice a change in your perspective of the room you are
in. Continue in this state as long as you wish.
Now it is time to begin the visualizing. In your mind, see a beam of light coming
into your body from the ceiling. Concentrate this light in your body, feeling

yourself being filled with the light as if you were a bottle being filled with water.
Hold the light in. It may even help to say something to yourself like "I fill myself
with the energy of the universe."
Now, see this energy forming itself into a ball in front of you. Keep packing the
light into the ball so that it becomes more and more solidified. Make a wish, any
wish, and put it into the ball. Then release it like a bowling ball into the void.
At this point I have to put in one of my very rare words of caution. You will
probably get exactly what you ask for, even if you do not know why you are
asking for it. Therefore, it is of absolute importance that you never, never under
any circumstances create a thought-form when you are feeling depressed. All
this will do is make matters worse, because worry is one hell of a form of
concentration, and thus the things you worry about are made more likely to
happen. In my last financial crisis, I made it a point to have friends do the
psychic work for me so I wouldn't sabotage myself.
But let us not dwell on such unpleasantness. You have made your first thought-
form, and if you have done it correctly, you should notice some tangible results.
Let us now consider how you may use this new-found ability for your benefit.
One of the most important things you have learned with this practice is not
merely the creation of lumps of psychic matter. You have also learned a
technique which can be used to program your own etheric body to make it attract
to you those things you desire. If, even after all this, you still have doubts about
the existence of your etheric body, here is a simple experiment that you can do to
prove to yourself that it does, in fact, exist. All that you have to do is to take your
right hand and move it very slowly about an inch over the back of your left hand.
Did you notice a slight feeling as if there were an air current in between your two
hands? That feeling was your etheric body.
Now walk over to a plant, any plant will do. Hold your hand out over a leaf but do
not touch it. Now, very slowly, move your hand across the leaf. The leaf will
move, following your hand. That was your etheric body again, this time moving
against the etheric body of the plant. But you are going to do more than that.
You are going to learn how to control your own etheric body so that it can
effectively extend itself to touch other people at a distance.
As you sit in your chair, begin to meditate as you always do. When you feel
yourself relaxed, close your eyes and try to see yourself. Sometimes it helps to
sit before a mirror when you begin until you get the visualized image down.
Remember that visualization takes time to learn and you may find that you have
more difficulty with this than with you did with the previous exercises. Do not,
however, let yourself become discouraged because it will come if you keep at it.
It is something like learning to drive. At first, everything is an effort, but with
practice it comes as naturally as walking.

When you are able to see yourself in your mind and hold the image, you will be
ready to for the next step. To this point, you have only been visualizing your
physical body. Now you will add the etheric body to the image. You do this by
surrounding the image in a glowing light. It does not have to be too strong a glow
at first. You can, if you wish, build that up later. While you do this, think to
yourself, "I am seeing my body. This image is my psychic body and my physical
body. I see the energy field around my body."
Continue to practice this until you can, at will, sit and visualize the energy field of
your own body. When you are able to do this, you will be ready for the next step.
Sit and visualize your body with the energy field of your etheric body shining
around it, making your body look like a human shaped neon light. See the light
coming down from the ceiling, bathing your etheric body, making it glow even
brighter and brighter. Know that the glow of the etheric body is the radiating
energy of the that body, and everything that this energy touches must be affected
by it in some way. You are, for all practical purposes, setting up a magnetic field
around your body which will attract to you that which you desire.
So the big question that immediately comes to mind is what do you do with these
marvelous little things? Well, let me give you a couple of ideas.
People are, by their very nature gregarious. Like wolves, they run best in packs.
People are terrified of loneliness, almost as much as they are of speaking in
public, something that has never bothered me very much, but then I've never had
my pants fall down either, which may be what they are really afraid of. Anyway,
even the hermit in the backwoods secretly desires the day when he can return to
his fellows instead of trying to blow them up.
There is a problem with this, however. The way our society is constructed it is
very easy to become totally isolated, even in the midst of a mass of humanity. All
it takes is to be placed in a situation where one cannot connect with one's
fellows. This can be true of everyone and if the natural desire for a mate is
combined with this state of affairs, it can be very troublesome indeed. This is
one situation where a thought-form can come in handy.
The first thing you have to do is program your etheric body to bring you a
companion. This is begun by making out a program. You have to have some
idea of the ideal companion you want to have, but you don't want to
micromanage it. The more detail you put into a desire, the more you limit the
possibility of it coming true and while it still may, it may take some time.
So once you have made out a short, very broad list of the type of partner you are
looking for, and please try to leave the word "rich" out of it, because that
complicates matters terribly, you sit down and begin to meditate. Visualize first
your physical body and then add the etheric layer to it, feeling it glowing and
growing around you. Visualize light coming into it and making it glow terribly

bright, so bright that if the lights were turned out you would glow in the dark and
people would start talking to you in Ukrainian.
Now comes the interesting part. See the energy radiating back into the universe.
After all, you don't want to so pack yourself that you combust. As you do this,
repeat to yourself "I am the source of all love and attraction. I am a powerful
source of magnetism and anyone who comes into the range of my field is drawn
to me as an iron filing is to a magnet. They cannot resist this power and they will
come to me. I am irresistible."
Your etheric body is now acting like a magnet, a very big magnet and all you
have do to put into action is to use your imagination.
Visualize yourself moving among the type of people you wish to attract and see
them being bathed in the power of the magnet, the light of your etheric body.
Know that as they are being so bathed, they are being inexorably drawn to you,
being totally interested in you and everything about you.
This exercise will serve a double purpose. First, you have programmed your
energy field to interact with the energy fields of others for your own purposes.
Second, you have trained your mind to work in the presence of other people, one
of the hardest things to accomplish in this work because of all the distractions
around. The idea is to make the function as automatic as possible, then you
don't have to worry about it. You can be the general in World War I who set up
the battle and then went fishing, except your stuff will work. The more you
practice, the more automatic the process will become until you will not have to do
anything except reap the benefits.
Now, suppose you do this and you get a particular subject that you want to bring
into your life, but for some reason the opportunity to connect just never quite gets
there. This is where a working thought-form will come in handy, so go back a
couple of pages and review the method for creating one. Go through the
procedure, but this time, as you program it to bring you the individual you are
aiming at, give it a name, like Egbert. It is actually best to give the thought-form
a name that you are not likely to encounter in everyday life. That way you don't
accidentally program the thought-form with qualities of a person.
While you are visualizing the ball hanging in the air, instruct it very clearly and
concisely in what it is supposed to do. Then release it into the void and let it
One little matter of some importance. Never expect a thought-form to do more
than one thing. They are not very bright and you will only confuse it and nothing
will happen.
It may be necessary to repeat the procedure as thought-forms do run out of gas
after a while and sometimes it takes more than one to do a job. If that is the
case, do not be hesitant to create another one and send it out, and another one

after that. I make it habit to send out a new thought-form every night when I am
trying to accomplish something important.
Once you have mastered this method, you may go onto other and even more
interesting things.
As I mentioned in the earlier chapter, the energy is emitted by certain parts of the
body and the eyes and the fingertips are the best. You can learn to control and
direct the power that comes through these parts and put it to use. Like all of
these things, while it is easy once it is mastered, that mastery can take some
practice, so do not be discouraged if you do not get immediate results.
Use your skill at meditation to examine the energy flow in your body. Now I know
that sounds a bit scary, because you have never done it before, but it is not as
hard as it sounds and once you know how to do it, you never forget. It's sort of
like riding a bicycle. You fall off a lot and then one day you are riding in and out
of traffic giving heart failure to the parental units.
As you meditate, see your etheric body. Now look around your body in your
mind and try to see the emitting points and the ones that are stronger or weaker.
You will want to balance this, so visualize energy going into the weaker points,
bringing them up to the same strength as the stronger ones.
Repeat this exercise for at least one week before trying to put this energy to use.
Take an object, the old, reliable pencil is perfect for this. Lay it on the table in
front of you and begin to gaze at it. Don't try to avoid blinking, but just gaze
comfortably at it and as you do so, visualize the power coming from your eyes
and filling the pencil with energy. Continue this until you can almost see the
pencil glowing and causing people to wonder if you imported it from the Ukraine.
Once you have finished doing this, place your hands over the pencil. You should
feel a slight, but definite warmth from it and you may even feel the same thing as
when you felt your own etheric body.
There is a very simple machine that you can build that will enable you to practice
working with this energy. You will need a small piece of cardboard, a pin, and a
drinking straw.
Push the pin through the center of the cardboard so it will stand up straight.
Now, carefully push a hole in one spot on the straw, at the center, being careful
not to penetrate the other side but large enough that the straw can turn with little
friction. Balance this on the pin, so that the straw can spin freely. Be certain that
you place the little device where there is no breeze blowing, and that means
away from heat registers as well. You want as few air currents around as

Now just sit and wait for the straw to stop moving. It will do so naturally so be a
little patient. When it is perfectly still, slowly and carefully move your right hand
to within a few inches of one end. Now be very careful. You don't want to touch
the straw because if you do you will knock it off balance and, as you have by now
already discovered, it is a real pain in the rear to get it set right in the first place.
You also have to be very careful to avoid setting up an air current around when
you move your hand. You want that straw as stationary as a rock when you
When your hand is in position over the straw, it should begin to turn, slowly at
first and then faster, either towards your hand or away from it. Once you have
this response, repeat the procedure with your left hand and see what it does.
Usually the straw will turn towards one hand and away from the other.
Once have gotten the thing going with the energy from your hands, it is time to
see what the beam from your eyes can do.
A lot of material has been written about the eye beam and many interesting
claims have been made for it, but there is no substitute for experience, especially
in the realm of the psychic.
With the straw at rest, sit quietly and gaze intently at it, willing it to move. If you
can imagine a beam coming out of your eyes and converging on it, pushing it, so
much the better. After a few seconds of this, the straw should begin to move.
Sometimes it can get up enough steam to turn completely on its axis, but that is
not necessary.
The little gadget you have just played with is nothing more than a confidence
builder. Back in the 1970's during the fake energy crisis, there was some
nonsensical talk about harnessing this power to do things with serious
machinery, but of course nothing ever came of that. Can you imagine lots of
people doing nothing but staring at little rotor things to try to generate power?
Even Ralph Nader isn't that nuts.
But now that you know in a very concrete way that you can get results, it is time
to move on to more productive and interesting things, like working with living,
breathing human units.
I'm sure you have heard of the famous old practice of staring at the back of a
person's head and seeing if that person will turn around. And they usually do.
But let us be honest and admit that that is a very boring way to practice and if the
person turns around and stares back at you, possibly embarrassing. This is a
much more fun way to practice your powers, annoy a total stranger and shock all
the good new-agers who hoped that I had outgrown this little exercise.
First, you must betake yourself to a lecture. Now I know that that is a terrible
thing to ask anyone to do, unless I am the one talking in which case you should
look forward to it with unspeakable joy. But my lectures are far too interesting

and entertaining for this because you would be so entranced by my ineffable

wisdom that you would forget all about the exercise and we can't have that.
Take a seat near the rear of the hall, so that you have the pick of victims sitting in
front of you. Now, as the speaker drones on, stare at the back of the neck of a
person in front of you, where the skull meets the neck, and visualize a drill boring
into the back of the neck. See your energy field form the drill and watch it grind
into the person. You should begin to notice, after a short time, that he has a hard
time keeping his mind on the lecture and will begin to seriously fidget and may
even take an aspirin.
Sound's like fun, right? You should have heard the howls of outrage when I first
wrote that and that is why I have kept it in. The fellow who ran Borderland even
called me to remonstrate with me and attempt to guide me back to the path of
new age righteousness. It was wild! In the words of Oswald Sprengler, "When
one has an opportunity to annoy people, one should do so."
You may experience some difficulty visualizing the drill with your eyes open, but
do not be discouraged by that. It is a skill that sometimes takes a bit of practice
and even if you do not actually see the drill, merely knowing that it is there is
usually sufficient to get the work done.
Once you have done this a few times and you notice that people are unwilling to
sit directly in front of you, it is time to move on and send simple messages. Now
the operating word here is "simple." You will be working where there are people
around and you do not have time to create any elaborate visualizations. All you
will have time for is to send a one word command that can be released like a
burst of power, such as "turn," or "run," or my favorite "trip."
This is one skill you need to practice at home before trying it out in the big, wide
world. Stand in front of a mirror and stare at yourself. Now, while you do this, try
to see your etheric body glowing. You want to look like you just came off of a
Russian submarine, just glowing with health! When you have got the feeling of
this, that you know in your mind that your etheric body is radiating energy like a
lamp, stare at the reflection of your eyes. You may notice some strange feelings,
but ignore them. You are just not used to the image of two eyes staring back at
you as intently as you are at them. Now, send energy into the mirror.
Remember that this energy can be reflected by mirrors, so it will come back to
you, so keep it a nice, happy energy. You will feel something different at this
point, but as each person is different in this regard it is impossible to say what.
Once you have worked on this for a while, go out into a crowd, any crowd will do.
After all they are uncomfortably easy to find. Now pick a victim, any victim will
do. They are pretty easy to find to, just ask any mugger.
Once you have your mark (egad, I'm beginning to sound like a pickpocket!)
making sure that he or she is not distracted, like being involved in a heated

conversation with a traffic cop, fix your gaze on the person, preferably from the
rear. I know it works better if you can aim directly into the eyes, but there are
some serious cultural problems with that sort of thing and so I advise you to
shoot the person in the back.
Decide on the command you will give. Fix your gaze and send out the energy,
feeling the stuff of your etheric body expand and flare out from your eyes to
extend in a long, thin line to the target. Again, you do not actually have to see
this, though it helps, merely know that it is happening, that the energy is going
forth and acting on the etheric body of your subject. You may even feel the
energy leave you, just as Jesus is said to have felt the energy leave him when
the woman touched his robe (which was nothing compared to what he felt leave
him when she touched hisCHUCK!! STOP THAT!). In any event, the person
should respond to your sending by doing what you wish, but there will be times
when that will not happen. If that is the case, do not give up; pick another victim
and blast away again. Remember the old FBI motto: "If you keep shooting,
you're bound to hit somebody."
Now I get to show you a more practical use for this latest ability. Let us say that
you are at a party and you are having a thoroughly miserable time because you
are alone and likely to leave it that way. Across the room is an unattached,
perfectly gorgeous person whom you would sell your grandmother's grave to
Fortunately, nothing that drastic is required, which is just as well because finding
a buyer for a used grave is pretty hard to do, at least in this country.
Get away from the general commotion for a few seconds, which may be all you
may get, and begin to fill yourself with energy. Feel the etheric body begin to
expand and glow. Know that that glow is increasing in brightness and that if the
lights went out people would be able to read by the light you are emitting.
Fix your gaze on the subject, trying to catch the eye if possible, and then
transmit. As you send out your energy, exhale, strongly. It is well known that
exhalation increases the strength of the muscles, which is the reason for the
famous karate yell. The same principle applies here, but do not yell or you may
get the opposite results from what you want. By exhaling as you transmit, you
will increase the power of the transmission and the chances of success.
Once you have the person's attention, choose your word of command.
Remember, keep it down to one word. It is best to have chosen this word in
advance because the situation may be such that you will not have time to think of
one. Stare at the person for a couple of seconds. You can probably get away
with that in a social context at a distance. While staring, shoot the beam directly
into the eyes of the subject while thinking your command and then approach the
person. If the circumstances are right, you may not have to do that. The person
may approach you.

Now comes the hard part. After the initial approach is made, do not do anything
more with your psychic energy until you make sure you want to continue with this
person. It may be you will meet someone and discover an instant, mutual
distaste, so it is a good thing to remember that one of the most important things
to know about having a power is knowing when not to use it.
It is at this point that I can some of you grumbling that this is a waste of your
time. I can hear somebody thinking "I'm happily married." Or someone else is
saying, "I've got four girlfriends now. What do I need with another one?"
Well, there is something everyone, especially writers, need and that is more of
the green, folding paper, without which life is just not worth the bother of living.
Money may be considered by some who can afford it to be the root of all evil, but
the evil that money is the root of is benevolence itself compared the evils that
come from the lack of it. Let us be honest and realize that more sleep is lost and
more dinners ruined by a lack of money than by any other cause. After all, if your
mother-in-law dies while you are cooking dinner, you can always just dump the
body in the corner until after you eat, but if the bills have to be paid, that is a
serious problem. When he presented his peculiar ideas about geography to the
Spanish court, Columbus cinched the argument by saying, "Gold is most
excellent. With gold all things may be obtained."
The first prerequisite to getting your psychic powers to bring you money is good,
old-fashioned greed. Now don't be shocked by that. I know it has unfortunately
become fashionable to attack greed again by people who have so much money
that they don't know what to do with it, but remember that if it were not for greed
there would be no human progress. It is the motive of wishing for wealth that
caused Columbus to sail over the edge of the world and land upside down in
America (well, maybe not upside down, but it sure turned the world that way). It
is the motive of greed that causes people to start business and invent things, to
bring about a betterment of the human condition. You cannot obtain what you do
not first desire, and you must desire it in as positive a way as possible. Now by
positive, I do not mean some gushy, disgusting nonsense about helping
humanity. The greatest fortunes have been made by those whose only desire to
help humanity was over the nearest cliff. No, by positive, I mean that you truly
desire wealth without that desire being polluted by worry.
And here you go doing unauthorized thinking again! You didn't know that it was
that loud, did you? Well it is and I can hear it. You're thinking that you really are
worried because if you don't pay back your brother-in-law the thousand dollars
you owe him, he'll sell your daughters into white slavery. Do you know what
happens when you think like that? You create a though-form that will bring about
exactly the thing you are worried about. And that is precisely the sort of thing
that is keeping money from coming to you. Believe me, I know from experience.
And in my case the worry was so bad that I had to farm the psychic work out
because I could not stop worrying.

How people think about money has a lot to do with how they get it. Let me
explain it like this. Before the stock market laid its famous egg in 1929, there
was tremendous economic activity. The businesses were booming, the factories
were spewing goods as fast as people good buy them. The president was
making a fortune on his vacuum cleaners. (That's a joke. Think about it.) All the
facilities and staff that were present before the crash were there after it.
So what the hell happened?
The minds of the people became so paralyzed that people literally did not believe
that they were still there. I know that sounds nuts but people were REALLY
stupid back then.
The same applies to money. To bring money in, you must first start thinking of
yourself as being if not rich, then at least prosperous.
Look around you. You have your health, and no, kidney stones and the sniffles
do not count against that. As long as your brain is functioning that is what
counts, because that is what really matters. All else is a messy appendage.
You have this book, which is a very, very valuable piece of merchandise indeed,
because the stuff in here is going to help you. You have a capacity to learn.
No matter how poor you think you are, you live in luxury compared to the kings of
the past. Louis XIV would have given half his kingdom for an air-conditioner, to
say nothing of a flush toilet. You have to get past the immediate circumstances
realize that whatever else you may be, you are not poor, broke maybe, but never
So what I want you to do is every night before you go to bed, silently or aloud,
catalogue those things which you possess that you would count as wealth.
Every time you do that, you will program your mind to think in terms of being rich.
Remember: wealth attracts wealth. Success attracts success. The reason
people get rich is because they think that way.
Okay, that takes care of the first step. As soon as you notice your attitude
changing, and believe me, you will notice it, you should begin to meditate on the
subject of wealth. In the course of your meditation, imagine yourself in
possession of all the material things you want, the good car, the big house. This
act of imagining is very important because it creates the thought-form in your
own mind which will ultimately bring those things to you and transforms money
from an abstract concept to a concrete reality. You should avoid the mistake I
made of visualizing a large check, and stick to the objects.
At this point it is time to begin to charge the etheric body to bring money to you.
As you meditate, see the light that fills your body make your etheric body radiate

a gold or green light. These are the colors most associated with wealth, so these
are the colors you must use.
See the colored light fill your body and bring with it the capacity to make money
come to you seemingly out of thin air. This works. You cannot imagine the
number of times I have done this and sources of money have just appeared, out
of nowhere and my friends sort of stare at me and say that they can't believe I did
Perform this exercise every day until you see results. They may not be as
spectacular as mine, but they will be there. And do not get discouraged. Some
things take time.
As you continue to charge the etheric body this way, you may begin to get
hunches about ways to get money, hunches that pay off. Now, important here,
this is not to suggest that you go to the race track and put your mother's life
savings down on a long-shot because you have a hunch about the horse. Use
some of that terribly uncommon common sense you have. What you should get
are definite ideas on how to make money. You may dream of a certain job, or
someone who is going to hire you and then find ad for that job in the paper. If
that happens, go apply. The worst thing that can happen is they'll say no. And if
that happens, try something else. Do not get discouraged, at least for more than
a few hours at a time, because it will happen on occasion. Keep trying. Learn to
trust your intuitions and soon you will learn that they can be quite accurate.
Suppose you have a possibility of getting a job, or you are going to try to sell
something. You must prepare yourself and the ground for it. The day before,
imagine yourself talking to the person whom you wish to impress. At the same
time, imagine him or her being totally impressed with you and listening attentively
to everything you have to say.
Repeat that image when you get up the next morning. Build it in your mind and
when you walk through the door, you will have tremendous confidence.
You should also use your etheric body. Before you go in, meditate and fill that
body with energy. Fill it up and keep it stored in you. Then, when you finally see
the person, send the energy out of your eyes like two laser beams, burning
directly into his brain. Imagine that these beams are burning directly into his very
soul, driving the message through like a heated nail. With practice, you should
be able to do this instantaneously. You are, after all, working with the speed of
thought, so it is not necessary to transmit for very long periods of time. In fact
this is the sort of thing that is best done quickly if at all.
Sometimes you will be lucky enough to have met the person you are going to
deal with before you make contact about your latest proposal. If that is the case
you can soften him up with a preliminary bombardment. OK, I know that analogy
may bother some folks, but that is literally what you are going to. You are going

to use your psychic power in exactly the same way an army uses its heavy
artillery. You are going to stand off and work from a distance and soften him up
before moving in for the kill.
Again, you sit and meditate. Relax yourself as best as you can and by know you
should be pretty well used to doing that sort of thing. Do your transmitting with
the assurance that everything you send is going to burn into his subconscious
and program him to respond to you.
Then comes the question of what do you send.
Rule one: Do not send a command. This is a person whom you want to like both
you and your ideas and you have something to lose by the rejection of either.
Commands in this context can backfire if they hit at the wrong moment. This is
not to say that they should never be used, but you want to be sure, so couch
your sending with nice, warm fuzzy (GAACK!) thoughts that are soothing and
Rule two: Unlike the meeting situation, where you have to act as quickly as
possible, you should be willing to take your time about this, and send as often as
you can, for as long as you can.
As you do all this, try to see the person as clearly as possible. See him as a
happy, very receptive individual who is only too happy to meet you gain and
listen to your pitch. Think that you will be equally pleased to renew the
acquaintance, and send your thoughts in such a way as to convey this.
Incidentally, this is a good way to cover those little embarrassments that befall us
from time to time. If you have managed to offend the person, just keep thinking
to the person how much like him or her and you may be amazed at the results.
Everyone who has read my material knows that I am nothing if not outspoken, so
I have had many opportunities to do this.
Now for a little word of warning. There are times when, in spite of our best
efforts, the results are not what we expect them to be. It is absolutely imperative
that you do not be defeated by such failures. Much as we would like to pretend
otherwise, no system is foolproof and you may have spent a lot of time wasting
good etheric energy on a fool (pearls before swine, as it were). Or, it may be that
what you are trying to sell does not meet his needs, like refrigerators in
Antarctica. You must never interpret a less-than-positive response as any failure
on your part, at least as far as the use of psychic power is concerned.
This brings us to one of the most powerful psychic tools you can put in your tool-
box, the stationary thought-form, or as I call it (and get into all kinds of trouble for
doing so) the psychic land-mine.
It is possible to charge an area with psychic power. You can charge any place,
or anything, for that matter, with enough energy to influence anyone who passes

by it. There are even those lucky individuals who have enough power to make a
thought-form that is visible to people out of virtual thin air, but we are not even
going to try that, and in most cases that sort of thing is very counterproductive
I have already explained how to create a small thought-form and send it to a
specific person. Now you are going to do much the same thing, but in this case
instead of hitting a given individual, it is going to affect everyone who passes
near it.
This is actually a very simple process and well worth the few minutes it takes to
learn it, so let's go back to the lecture hall.
Let us assume that you are going to speak on some arcane subject, like the
relationship between the tarot and the commodity market. You can be
reasonably sure that everyone who comes to hear you will be at least slightly
interested in your topic, but as you are going to approach it from a slightly
unconventional point of view, you are not sure how well it will be received. (Hooo
Haaaa! Don't I know about this!) To deal with this, you can use a stationary

To begin with, you should have a pretty good idea of how the hall you are going
to speak in looks. If possible, take a look at it in advance.
You create the thought-form by the usual methods, but this time you put at the
ceiling, over the audience like a lamp. In fact, if you can see it as a lamp, that is
so much the better. See it glow with the light you put into it and charge it to keep

glowing, making everyone who is bathed by it receptive to what you are saying to
you and your ideas. See the lamp illuminating the entire hall, leaving no corner
Charge this lamp-form as often as possible, always adding to the charge the
command to make everyone who comes into contact with it like you.
So what will happen with this? On the day of the lecture, the audience will come
in and sit down, not realizing that each individual mind is being manipulated by
psychic energy to look favorably upon you. As the beams play over their etheric
bodies, they will find themselves instinctively liking you and what you have to say
without even questioning why.
There are myriads of other uses for these excellent tools, the number and type of
them being bounded only by the imaginations from whence they spring. There
are a few basic rules for their use and they are quite easy to remember.
1. You must be certain that you really want the results that you are programming
2. You must keep all commands as simple as possible.
3. You must always phrase the command in a positive way, never using a
negative in a statement of purpose.
4. You must remember to keep charging the thought-forms for as long as you
wish them to function.
Now, all this may have the appearance of a complicated, psychological game. If
you believe that something is going to happen, it will, that you will act
unconsciously in such a way as to make it happen. That is all very good as an
argument, but you should also take into account the fact that even if you act on
an assumption is no guarantee that of the fact that somebody else may act to
serve your ends. There is more at work here than mere auto-suggestion.
Never forget that we are dealing with energies that are quite real, have significant
evidence to prove their reality, and are quite capable of causing effects at
tremendous distances. What is more, the rest of this book is going to be devoted
to teaching you how to make and use machines which have been proven to
detect and manipulate these energies.

It gets very hard to talk about dowsing without wanting to break out laughing.
The first thing that comes to mind is a scene the old movie "God's Little Acre,"
where Buddy Hackket is running around the field being dragged by his forked
stic, bouncing off trees, falling into holes and ultimately being sucked into the air
intake of a jet engine. Well, maybe not the jet engine, but it is a pretty funny
image, the semi-to-illiterate rustic following his stick until he reaches a spot and
then says "The Lord done has told me to dig HERE!"
With an image like that to live down, it's amazing that anyone would take the art
up in the first place. But its image does not negate the fact that dowsing works
and works quite well. And it has worked for a very long time. There are pictures
of men in the middle ages with their sticks looking for mineral deposits and the
art is a hell of a lot older than that, because remember that that was the only way
anyone had of knowing if there was anything under the ground worth digging for.
Otherwise they were like the old prospecters who found a nice hunk of desert,
with some water for the mule, and just began to dig in the hope of finding a hunk
of gold in them th'ar hills.
It was even once suggeseted that that was how Norwegians found where they
buried the lutefisk, but that is nonsense. They follow their noses.
But I'm not going to waste your time or mine talking about that kind of dowsing.
For one thing, I could never get the classic forked stick to work for me and for the
other, this chapter is about dowsing with the pendulum.
Now pendulum dowsing is easy, fun, and gives you all kind of surprising goodies.
Now years ago, before this stuff got popular, if you told someone about using a
pendulum to dowse with, they wondered if you were going to be carrying a
grandfather clock around with you and dowsing was something you did to people
with swimming pools.
By now, of course, there are a number of books specifically about the pendulum
out there, and lots of different types of pendulums (or is it penduli?) on the
market. So I am just going to give you the basics in this chapter in case you
have not come across this stuff before and use it to get you started because in its
humble way the pendulum is an essential part of psionics, even though it has no
funny dials or moving parts, except for itself, that is.
The pendulum is a very easy thing to make. You do not need to find the right
variety of crystal on a new moon, buy it without haggling and then drill a hole in it
with a bit blessed by the same rabbi who cuts off foreskins. All you need is a
weight, any weight will do, and a convenient length of string.
For my personal taste, I like pendulums that end in a point. That way I know
what they are pointing at when they are used with a chart like the ones later in

this chapter. Totally round pendulums tend to be rather confusing in such uses.
Other than that, you can use anything you like. An old key will work perfectly. It
is heavy enough to cause a firm swing and being flat can be carried in the pocket
without making a bulge that causes your girlfriend's parents to look at you with
Another favorite of mine, which is nice at my age when girlfriend's parents are
never encountered anymore because Im married is a child's wooden top. Yes,
they still make them and you can often find them at the local toy store. Failing
that, the wooden knobs that they sell at craft stores work very well. The top has
another advantage for those of us who have made the mistake of depending
upon the honesty of publishers in their royalty statements. They come with their
own string.
All you have to do is take a small screw-eye, available from your local hardware
store, screw it into the center of the flat part of the top and attach the string. Now
all you need do is measure the string so it is a comfortable length, usually
between 12 and 18 inches, and cut it and place a small knot at the end so it does
not unravel.

Voila! You have a pendulum and it works too.

Now as you work with the pendulum you will discover that it has four basic
movements, back and forth, side to side, cirlce right and circle left. Sometimes it
gets weird and swings on a diagonal and sometimes the circles become eliptical,
but those are the basic things a pendulum does. And that is all that it does. Oh
yes, sometimes it just sort of jiggles and doesn't move at all. The trick is learn
what these movements mean.
The pendulum basically answers simple questions in one of three ways. Yes, no,
I haven't the foggiest idea what the hell you're talking about. With the right
charts, it can give more complicated answers, but first things first. You need to
know which swing means what.
Start with yes. Hold the pendulum in front of you and ask it if two plus two equals
four. Note the swing. Now ask it if two plus two equals five and if it says to you
that it is if Big Brother says so, then you have a real problem because a
pendulum is not supposed to speak, only swing. The answer to that is usually no
and the pendulum should swing in the opposite direction of the yes answer. At
this point you may notice that the pendulum does not swing very far for either or
may not even swing at all. Don't worry about that. You are just not used to it and
with a little practice it will go swinging as merrily as thieves at Tyburn. (That's
where the British used to hang...oh, forget it!)
Once you have this down, make a copy of the picture and mark the direction of
the yes swing. It was either a straight line or a circle. Then mark the no swing.

The chart is called an ideometer and I did not know that when I started using it.
In fact, when I first heard the word, I thought that the person was talking about a
device to measure idiots and I could not quite understand what that had to do
with pendulum.
The reason we need to learn to work with the pendulum is really very simple
when you stop to think about it. For in spite of the relationship beween the
etheric body and the human nervous system, when psychic information is
received, it is rarely through the agency of the conscious mind. This makes
sense because the conscious mind is usually too busy with more important
things than to waste time with strange feelings about Aunt Mathilda's latest
hemeroid operation. There are just too many distractions unless the message is
a very powerful one.

That being the case, a psychic message will usually get shoved off to the
subconscious where it will lay like a law stuck in committee, waiting for an
opportunity to come, usually at night with the help of pepperoni pizza. This is
where the pendulum comes in. The subconscious rarely lets such information
through without the aid of a natural tendency to do so, which can be quite
embarrassing at times, or much practice. What it can do, however, is cause
minute movements of the voluntary muscles in the arm and hand and those are
what makes the pendulum move.
So, before you begin to really work the pendulum, it is useful to remember some
simple rules.
It is essential that any question you ask the pendulum be phrased in such a way
as to get a simple yes or no answer. Practicing with this will make your readings
much more accurate, especially as the pendulum cannot speak except you use
an alphabet chart as I will describe later.
The pendulum will only give accurate answers to those questions on which there
is information. If there is no information available to the subconscious mind, it
will not give an answer or it will give a wrong answer to make the conscious mind
happy so the conscious mind will eat pepperoni pizza before going to bed so the
subconscious can come out and play.
Your conscious mind can control the pendulum. And if you make the mistake of
asking it about something you have an emotional stake in it will, which means
you will get the answer you want to hear rather than the answer you need to
So now we can have some fun with this gadget.


One of the most frivolous, and therefore the most fun, uses to which a pendulum
can be put is telling time. This was a very popular pastime and hundred or so
years ago before clocks had lighted dials and actually had to be wound by hand
to keep running, which meant that if the maid was lazy, the clocks ran down and
the people did not know what time it was and when to have dinner. Well, when
folks found out that they could make a pendulum tell the time, they got all excited
and would get up in the middle of the night and set the pendulum working hoping
to fool it. This made life much easier for the poor maid because if she forgot to
wind the clocks the butler was less likely to yell at her.
You can duplicate these experiments yourself with little trouble. Hold the
pendulum next to a wall or piece of furniture, in easy striking distance by far

enough that some swing is required. Now, simply ask the pendulum what hour it
is. The pendulum will strike the wall the number of times of the hour.
It is really something to see. The pendulum will swing very slowly at first,
measuring itself, until it hits the wall and then will repeat the strike somewhat
faster until it has beaten the hour. And if you ask it on the half-hour, it will count
out the hour and then hit somewhat softer for the half.
This is not the useless game it might appear to be at first look. The pendulum
can not only tell the time, it can predict times. So think back to the last time you
were stuck in the living room waiting for a repairman who came two hours later
than he was supposed to. With the pendulum, you could have avoided that
When you are expecting someone to arrive, ask the pendulum what time they are
going to get there. The pendulum will bang out the hour and you can pretty
much relax until then.
The pendulum, however, can only give you information that it has at the time. So
let us say you are expecting the dishwasher repairman sometime that morning.
At eight you ask the pendulum what time he is coming. It says ten. But the
repairman has a flat tire on his truck at 9:30. So at ten you are waiting him and
he doesn't show up and you get mad at the pendulum. Well don't do that. Ask
the pendulum again because new information has surfaced that was not present
the first time. For that reason, it is best to ask the pendulum the question every
hour or so, just to be sure.


The most common use for the pendulum is finding things. In this way the
pendulum acts in the manner of the traditional dowsing unit that it is. So, for the
sake of an example, let us say that you have lost your engagement ring. This is
not going to make your fiance happy at all because he had to mortgage his
grandmother's grave to buy it and if have ever tried to get a mortgage on a
grave..(did I tell that joke already?) Anyway, you really want to find this ring
because it actually has a real diamond, which makes DeBeers very happy
because their television commercials with the nice music have not been wasted,
even though he could have gotten a fake one off of a television shopping
channel. And you need to find it fast because he is coming to take you out to
dinner and to lose a relationship is bad enough, but to lose a dinner is worse.
(The first thing they teach us in writing school is never to turn down a free meal
because you never know where your next one is going to come from.)
There is only one problem. You have no idea where to look and you have this
sneaking fear that the neighbor's child may have eaten it while you were
Nil Desparandum (which is ancient Italian for don't despair). You have your
trusty pendulum and this book. Stand and hold the pendulum away from you and
visualize the ring, while humming Wagner. Well, you don't have to hum the
Wagner. The pendulum will swing away from in the direction of the lost object.
All you have to do now is follow the pendulum in the direction that it swings until it
stops going back and forth and starts to swing in a circle. The lost ring should be
in the center of that circle.

I remember many years ago when I first started using the pendulum and I found
myself giving a surprise demonstration of what it could do.
When I was very young, like in my late teens, and thus still in school, I worked for
my father in summer. He ran a screw-machine shop and the machines were
older models which, because of their advanced years (something I can readily
identify with these days) had a tendency to fall apart, often dramatically with
banging noises and everything. This happened one afternoon when something
called a stock-bar feed came loose at the end of one machine and as the part
was spring loaded, with a very heavy spring, it went off into orbit, or at least that
was how it seemed.
All work ceased as we searched high and low for the missing piece. The shop
was busy so the machine could not be left idle, but it would not run without the
part, so we crawled around in the oil vainly looking for the missing mechanism.
But no matter where we looked, it was nowhere to be found.
Well, as you can imagine, things were getting pretty desparate at Acco
Engineering that day as my father was beginning to run out swear words when I
remembered the pendulum. The truth is that it did not take much remembering
as I had just started to work with it and I was behaving like a kid in the candy
store and there was no way I was going to resist an opportunity like this.
It probably looked very strange, but being boss's son has some advantages and
this was one of them and besides, nothing else was working. So I made a
makeshift device with a cam and some heavy twine and asked it to point in the
direction of the missing part.
At that point I felt a little stupid because it pointed in a direction we had searched
to death. In fact we had found oodles of other things, but no missing part. But I
did not give up, but rather perservered and followed the pendulum until it stopped
over a barrel which contained a substance called Oil-Dry, which is actually sort of
like kitty litter and is used to pull oil up from concrete (which kitty litter does
equally well, for those of you with oil dripping in your garage). The barrel had an
open top and the part, flying off the machine, had dropped into it, burying itself
under several inches of the stuff. So we dug, having nothing better to do with our
time, and found it. And there was great rejoicing and all were confirmed in the
knowledge that I was truly a genius.
Now there is one little problem with finding things with the pendulum. It has this
habit of swinging back and forth. It has something to do with some inconvenient
law of physics and we can't really do anything about it, so we have to allow for it.
This means that you may follow the swing of the pendulum in the opposite
direction of the one you should be and that can be very annoying and not at all
conducive to building confidence in your abilities.

Fortunately, great mind that I am, I have a way around it for you. Aren't you
Let us say that you are playing golf and you have lost your favorite ball. Now I
know everyone has more than one golf ball, even if they don't play golf, but this
one is your favorite, being the one your grandfather used when he played against
Sam Sneed back in the 1950's.
The field is going to be too big for you to simply follow the pendulum even though
you can be pretty sure the direction the ball went, so you take two readings.
Hold the pendulum and let it swing, noting the direction. Having done that, walk
to the side some distance and take another reading. Where the lines of the two
readings cross, there is the ball, just waiting to be hit again.
Map Dowsing
Map dowsing is nothing more than using a pendulum over a map to find
something. It is a time-honored practice for finding water, minerals, oil, all sorts
of things including the best house to buy. It is a very simple procedure, but
depending on how detailed your search, can be time consuming.
So let us say that you own a large tract of land and you want to find a new place
to dig the well. The tract is large enough that there is a map detailing it and you
take this map and hold the pendlum at one side, asking it to find the best place to
sink the well.
Note the direction the pendulum swings and then hold the pendulum at a
different spot on the edge and repeat the procedure. Draw two lines along the
swings of the pendulum and where they cross, there you will find water.
But let us say you are looking for something on a very large map, such as where
you want to move. You can, with some time, find the exact location of the the
house you want.
Begin with the map that covers the most territory, like a map of the country or
state. Hold the pendulum over the vertical coordinates of the map and let it
swing. Mark the swing and then repeat the procedure over the horizontal
coordinates. Where they cross, there is the ideal location for you. In this case let
us say they cross right over a town.
Your next move is to get a street map of that town and repeat the procedure all
over again. This will give you an exact block to look for a home on.
This method has been proven over the years to have some highly beneficial
uses. Lost people, for example, can be located quite readily using it when more
conventional methods would take so long that all they would find would be a

Years ago, some friends of mine were out camping, and don't ask me why, I hate
camping, and their child wandered off into the woods. Well, as you can imagine,
the thought of their offspring become bear food was not a pleasant one and the
mother got into the truck (yes, they drove a pick-up too) went charging off to the
ranger station to get help, this being in the days before cellular phones.
The father, having a rare moment of lucidity in this rustic surrounding,
remembered the many times I had bored them with my lecturing on the wonders
of the pendulum and he just happened to have one. He also had a US
Geological Survey map, which covers every nook, cranny and bear nest, and did
the map dowsing as I have described. The pendulum led him to within one
hundred yards of the child and by the time the frantic mother returned with the
forest rangers and three new dents in the truck, father and son were back at the
camp site. After all, how fast can a three-year-old run?
Lies, crooks, and crime stuff
We all deal with dishonest people and not all of them are publishers. Some of
them are editors. And all politicians are in that category. So as you look out at
your world and realize that no one is to be trusted, you have to come up with
some means to find out who, if anyone, is telling you the truth.
This can get very expensive if you do it by trial and error and yet there are those
rare, very rare, times when something that is too good to be true really is true.
After all, people do win state lotteries, but no one in his right mind bets the farm
on it. The pendulum can be a real help in finding out if someone is telling you the
This is something that works best over the phone, for the very simple reason that
if you are talking to a face that person may look at you very strangely if you are
holding a pendulum and watching it instead of him.
So let us say that you get a call from Uncle Harry and he wants to borrow money
again, this time claiming that your Aunt Mathilda needs food for the goldfish. Ok,
you know they really have goldfish, which is one little fact in their favor, and you
know that they have never been able to keep track of how fast they spend their
socialist security money, most of it going to golfing expenses, so he may really
need a loan, in which case he is lucky he is asking you and not me because I'm
usually the one who needs money, but I digress.
As he babbles, somewhat embarrassed, take out your trusty pendulum and your
idiometer (no, don't need to find out if Uncle Harry is an idiot. You already know
that.) and hold the pendulum over it. As he finally gets around to asking for the
money, notice that the pendulum is swinging "NO!!!" and doing it so hard that it
wants to leave your hand.
At this point you know that the money is not going to feed the fish, and judging
from the swing you wonder if Uncle Harry is planning on going into politics. But

you do get a positive that they do need a few bucks because, you guessed it,
they spent too much at the golf course. So you groan and give him a few bucks
so they can buy cat food and hope that this time they pay you back.
Now suppose you need to know if someone in the office is a crook. I assume
here that you don't work in a law office or a real estate firm, in which case you
already know the answer.
Years ago, a friend of mine had some camera film stolen from her. She knew it
had to be a co-worker but had no evidence of who it could be. And as she was
too emotionally involved to get an accurate reading, I volunteered to do the
dowsing for her.
We made a list of all the suspects, both likely and unlikely, and then went down
the list with the pendulum with my finger, stopping for a few seconds at each
name, while commanding the pendulum to tell me who the thief was, until we got
a real swing by one name.
We then continued down the list, checking each name, just to make sure and as
there were no other respones, we were pretty sure we had the suspect.
The swing of a pendulum, however, is not sufficient reason to make an
accusation unless you work for a tabloid television show, so my friend could not
say anything. But she was very careful to watch the other person from then on.
Help in relationships
In the area of romance in particular, the pendulum can give you a tremendous
advantage over your fellows.
First, it can test the compatability of two people. Now for this test, it is best to
have a trusted friend, who has no interest in the other person, to do the work.
You will need two pictures, one of each of you, to make this work best, but you
can use the two names if the pictures are lacking. Place these side by side and
have your friend hold the pendulum between them. If the pendulum swings
positive, you are compatible. If it swings negative, look for somebody else. As
you can imagine a person with this information can save him or her self a lot of
But let us say that you are not so much interested in a long-term relationship, but
rather a brief, passionate affair. For that you can use the pendulum for
something completely different.
You need to know what your prospective partner's tastes are and it helps if they
are the same as yours. So you need to make two charts, one a list of all the
sexual things you enjoy or are willing to do even if they are not your first choice.
Second, a chart like this one (0-10 chart).

If you have a picture or a signature of the prospect, lay it on the table in front of
you. If not, write the name down on a small piece of paper while holding the
image of the person in your mind.
Now hold the pendulum over the picture or name and go down the list of
activities, noting which ones make the pendulum swing. After you have done
this, hold the pendulum over the center point of the number chart and go down
the new list, one desire at a time, noting the number that the pendulum swings to.
The higher the number, the greater the interest. With this information in hand,
you may pursue the grand seduction with more confidence because you already
know what buttons to push.

Using the pendulum as a gauge to test your thought-forms

The last chapter taught you how to make and use thought-forms. But the
problem with thought-forms is that you have a hard time knowing if they have hit
the target. Well, the pendulum can solve that problem.
Before you create your thought-form, you will assign it a name, like Eustace, or
you will have just given it a command. Either one should be written down on a
piece of paper and kept in a safe place where you will know where to find it,
unlike in this house where to put something in a safe place is to guarantee that it
will not be found until the Third Coming.
After you send out your thought-form, forget about it for a day or two. After a few
days have elapsed, take out the paper and hold the pendulum over it, asking it if
the thought-form has done what it was created to do. If you get a positive
response, there is probably no need for further action unless after a reasonable
period of time you see no actual results. If the response is negative, make and
fire off another thought-form to replaced the old one.
I will cover this in more detail later when you have your instruments up and
running. By means of the pendulum you can read messages from any mind in
the universe as long as you are attuned to it. That's right, I said the universe.
Now as the universe is a pretty big place, you have to do some real fine tuning in
some cases, but there is no reason you cannot do it.
Usually, however, you will be more interested in more terrestrial sources and the
best way to do that is to make a chart like the one below (letter number chart).
To do this, draw a large circle on a piece of paper. Now, evenly spaced around
the circle, write the letters from A to Z, numbers from 1 to 0, and some common
punctuation marks such as a period, comma and question mark. Once you have
done that, take a ruler and draw a line from the center of the circle to point
between each letter and number and punctuation mark so that they all are in little
wedges. If you wish, you may shade every other wedge from the center point to
about half way out. Shading makes it easier for your eyes to separate the
wedges when the pendulum swings.

Now you have your receiver.
So how do you use it? Let us say that you want to know what Aunt Mathilda is
planning to have for dinner before you accept her invitation, especially as last
time she tried to inflict broccoli on you. Now things like this are perfect to start
with because they are very easy to verify.
So you begin with a short period of meditation to clear your mind of the
extraneous garbage that sometimes manage to come through while using this
arrangement. After you do that, you hold the pendulum over the center point and
ask it what Aunt Mathilda is cooking.

The pendulum begins to swing along one of the edges towards a letter. It reveals
a "b" and you stop the pendulum and bring it back to the center to repeat the
procedure. And after a short time your worst fears are realized, she is making
broccoli again so you call her back, say you have a business matter and order a
The uses of this simple device should be obvious. It can spell out words,
sentences, numbers, any piece of information that is out there can be received.
It can tell you anything, but there is one little fact you must remember.
The pendulum, as I have already said, can be influenced by the conscious mind
and give you false information. You have to be careful in what you ask, not being
too involved in the answer otherwise the pendulum will cease to be a tool and
become a cheering section.

Well, folks, now that we have finished the preliminary stuff, we can get down to
the real fun, the part you all are curious about, radionics.
Of all the methods and techniques involved in psychic development, none has
ever been more controversial. To those who use it, it is a fantastic tool. To those
who hear about it with no experience, it sounds like utter nonsense. The idea
that it is possible to influence the minds and bodies of other people by turning
dials on a box, or even a modified radio, with in many cases, most in fact, no
power other than the mind of the operator is hardly the stuff of rational discussion
and most people on both sides get pretty irrational about the whole thing.
If you don't believe me, just ask the family doctor and see how fast you can run!
So, if you find the material that is going to come next hard to swallow, you are
most assuredly not going to be alone. I was one of the skeptics at one time. And
I had a lot of things thrust at me that could have had me working with the
instruments long before 1977, when I built my first unit.
Have you ever found out something years after it could have done you a lot of
good and had this desire to bang your head against the nearest wall? It
happened to me recently.
I collect comic books. Or rather I'm a packrat and I kept almost all of my comic
books from when I was a kid and when I was 13 I got one that if I had looked at
the right story, I could have had a working radionic system then.
The comic book in question is Adventure Comics, #308, May 1963 and when I
bought it I was so much more interested in the Legion of Super Heroes story and
artwork (which seems to always had more of an appeal to me than the stories)
that I virtually ignored the Superboy story at the front of the book.
Stupid me!
You see the Superboy story has everyone's favorite juvenile delinquent, the
young and prematurely bald (oh most hideous of fates!) Lex Luthor running the
reform school radio station, or at least that's what everyone in Smallville thinks
because it was pretty easy to fool the people of Smallville. They never could
imagine what Clark Kent would look like without his glasses.
Anyway, what Luthor was really doing was operating a mind control instrument
that put the stuff from his mind through a radio transmitter and then it got silly
with the people of Smallville having illusions and blaming Superboy for it.
Ok, let's forget the stupid part, which is probably why I never really bothered
much with the story, but at that time I had the machine to create a psionic
instrument on the lines of the Luthor device.

Christmas of 1962 and I received a radio receiver/transmitter that had a working

range to about the back yard with the antenna length provided. Looking back at
that device, it would have been a simple matter to make basic head electrode
and wire it into the transmitter part where the code key or microphone came in.
Of course, tuning would have been a little catch as catch can, but it would have
Arrrrrrgh!!!!! Drat! Curses! Foiled again!
What makes it worse, is that the chasis of that unit is now a radionic unit that has
served me for many years.
It gets better!
I was always a fan of Braniac and so whenever there was a Superman comic
with him in it, I bought it. And in Superman #167, February 1964, he teams up
with our old friend Luthor who has a "time-space thought scanner" which tunes
into the origin of Braniac, who is revealed to be an anthropomorphic computer
(something DC comics had to do because they had accidentally stepped on a do-
it-yourself computer company's trademark and this was how they got out of it).
Well, guess what. We can build that machine and you will.
It was not until April 7, 1977 (some numerological significance there, no doubt,
though I have no idea what it is) that I finally got around to building my first
radionic box based on the machine designed by T. Galen Hieronymus in the late
Anyway, I'm going to risk boring you by introducing this stuff with a bit of history.
I find it fascinating and I think you will be entertained by it as well.
Radionics was discovered, or invented rather, in 1910, by Dr. Albert Abrams of
(you guessed it) San Francisco. He was examining a patient
and was in the process of percussing his tummy (no, he was not swearing at him,
he was tapping it) to find out the true size of man's stomach. While he was doing
this he had a bit of a surprise that turned into an inspiration.
He expected to hear a sort of hollow sound, especially as the man had been
sitting in the waiting room long enough for the contents of his lunch to have long
since gone the way of all flesh but instead got a dull thud, sort of like hitting a
stud under the plaster instead of an empty spot, or an empty stomach as it were.
Now as the man was not fat, it was not a hunk of people-blubber, so the good

doctor was rather puzzled by it. He felt around and found no mass of tissue and
repeated the tapping, this time getting the sound he expected. Now this was a
great puzzlement and the only reason Doc Abrams could figure out was that the
man had changed the direction he was facing. Maybed the magnetic field of the
earth had something to do with it. Inspired by this fascinating posibility he
marched the man (who was, after all, paying for this) around the office tapping
his tummy as he faced in every direction except upside down (let us be thankful
the good doctor did not think of that, better yet, let the patient be thankful, in
whichever heaven he now resides, which for the sake of eternal peace hopefully
not the same one as Abrams because if a doctor did that to me I would be very
upset). After an afternoon of this, Abrams was convinced that only the
relationship between the magnetic field of the earth and the patient, who had a
cancerous ulcer on his lip, could be the cause of the sound change.
Now you have to remember that when Abrams was working there was no AMA
or FDA. It was a time of miracle cures for everything and most of them, let us be
honest, were pretty loony, like the fun electric shock machines that people held to
zap whatever ailed them. But in that environment, Doc Abrams became quickly
convinced that he had made one of the great discoveries that change the world.
And he did, though not in the way he imagined it. And Abrams was by no means
a quack. He was one of the most respected physicians in San Francisco, which
meant that that man paid quite a pretty penny to be marched around the office.
His next experiment was to have an assistant hold a diseased tissue sample in a
bottle over his forehead while he tapped his tummy. And he got the same
response. And it was good.
Anyway, now certain of his discovery, he set out to prove that this relationship
could be used to diagnose diseases and that the energies involved would pass
over a wire. He procured an assistant, undoubtedly a local medical student, and
had him stand with an aluminum electrode attached to his forehead while the
doctor had another assistant behind a screen hold another electrode, this one
attached by a wire to the one on the forehead of the victim, over disease tissue
samples. While the second assistant did this, Abrams tapped the tummy of the
first assistant to determine what kind of noise he got and where on the tummy it
came from.
In doing this, Abrams proved that such a diagnosis could be made and the
energies he read in doing so could travel over a wire. This convinced Abrams
that he was dealing with an electromagnetic energy. And it was good again.
These experiments continued as Abrams catalogued the different sounds and
the different locations of the sounds coming from the tummy of his assistant.
Then, one day, disaster struck. He got the same sound, in the same place, from
two different diseases. And it was not good at all!

Doc Abrams was not happy with this new finding, but being the good man of
science he was, he was not to be deterred. In fact he did something that makes
absolutely no sense in the purely electronic sense but worked nonetheless and
as electronics was in its Hugo Gernsback Edisonian infancy (Well, golly gee
whiz, if I put my finger in this socket my nose lights up!) it actually made a weird
sort of sense to Abrams.

He had a three-dial resistance box in his laboratory. Now why a physician would
have a box with three rheostats wired in series is a mystery, but Abrams was a
scientific person and in those days every scientific person had one of those
laying around, if only to impress the neighbors when they came over for the
evening singing around the victrola (which was kind of a manually cranked pre-
stereo music playing machine. You remember, records, before cd's, before
mp3s, the things Grandpa brings out at xmas to bug the family.). Anyway, he cut
the wire, and attached the box in between and repeated the experiment while
setting the knobs on the box. And yea, lo and verily, he was back in business,
for he got a response on one setting, but not on another. And it was good again.

In one fell swoop, Abrams discovered the now essential "rate", the setting on the
instrument that makes radionics work in the first place. Of course Abrams was
still convinced that he was dealing with electro-magnetic phenomena and
continued to do so until the day he died, but that does not diminish the
importance of this.

Now I am having a bit of fun with this because it lends itself to that. One can see
Abrams as Boris Karloff, puttering around the laboratory making one discovery
after another, like a good, mad scientist from a bad movie, but the truth is that
Abrams was undoubtedly a man of extraordinary insight and inspiration and was
able to translate both into action. Clearly the idea of using the resistance box, as
strange as that may seem to us who think in terms of frequencies on televisions,
was a brilliant idea and it gave us the means of understanding what we are
working with.
Let me explain. A radionic box translates information. It takes the psychic
information of the subconscious (which was what Abrams was working with even
though he did not realize it) and translates that into a numerical read-out which
means it can be worked with, again by psychic procedures.
The usual radionic instrument is a box with dials on it, though there are digital
models avaialble at digital prices, and these dials tend to be calibrated either 0 to
10 or 0 to 100. As the machine is set, each dial will have a reading, such as 3.6
and the final collection of numbers is the rate for the operation. So in a three-dial
machine the numbers could be 5,3,5 and that would be the rate, 5 being the first
dial, 3 the second and 5 again for the third.
As you can imagine, Abrams contemporaries in the medical profession wondered
if he had been hit on the head by a brick during the big earthquake. And as he
continued to do his research and seem to go further and further out into the bay
they began to fervently hope that he would have a shamanic journey and not
come back. And it must be admitted that Abrams did little to help the situation.
One problem was that he insisted on giving his machines names that were, well,
somewhat ridiculous sounding to lay ears and somewhat embarrassing to
medical ones. For example, Abrams discovered that he had a problem getting
asssistants to have their tummies tapped while making a diagnosis. Thus
understandable situation was aggravated by the fact that he had a number of
followers who had a similar problem. So Abrams went to work and created the
portable tummy. Now if he had called it that, everyone would have had a good
laugh and went on with their business, but he called it the reflexophone, which
looked like a bongo drum on its side and came with a number of oddly shaped
instruments for tapping purposes. Naturally, everyone asked, "What's a
Reflexophone?" and when they were told it was a portable tummy (well, not quite
that, but that was the gist of it) they became quite offended and spoke harshly of
the good doctor.
The early radionicists were also guilty of terrible overenthusiasm and that can be
death to any idea, no matter how laudable. And the system was not foolproof, no
system is and this one, like all others, attracted a certain number of fools.
Abrams himself, when demonstrating his skill, once proved to be at that moment
unable to tell the difference between the blood of a human and the blood of a
rabbit. That was hardly going to cause great confidence in the normal medical

profession. At that time, of course, they did not realize this was a psychic
phenomena and thought that all radionic work should be perfectly repeatable.
After all, if it is electronic, it should be like turning on a light. If the wiring is good,
the generator running and the bulb not burned out, the light will go on.
But back to Abrams. He continued his work and discovered that it was not
necessary to have the patient physically present. He learned that he could
accurately diagnose with just a blood spot from the person (or rabbit if he was
helping the local veteranarian) and he termed this the "witness," a term now used
to describe anything put in the radionic instrument or tested by other psychic
means in place of the actual person, place or thing.
Finally, old Doc Abrams discovered that it was possible to treat people with his
machines by sending energy to them from the machine by way of the witness.
The first of these units were called oscilloclasts and sent pulsed charges to the
patient who was at first directly wired into the device like his assistants had been.
This method was ultimately dispensed with in favor of the witness as that was
just more convenient.
As Abrams was dying, radionics started to get a lot of attention, not all of it
favorable. Many of his fellow physicians simply thought he was a crazy and his
machines a fraud, a common opinion to this day.
After Abrams died, the work continued in the hands of mostly unknown and pretty
boring people. One of the more interesting was Ruth Drown who is credited with
inventing what we call the stick plate (you'll learn about that later) and got into
terrible trouble with the FDA and ultimately tossed into the stripey hole. You see,
technology began to catch up with radionics in that people understood
electronics better and they would look at a radionic instrument and say that it
could not possibly work, no matter how much evidence to the contrary.
The real importance of Drown (aside from giving us good reasons not to heal
people) is that her work influenced George De la Warre in England who
discovered once and for all that radionics was psychic function and set up the
Radionic Association there along with a whole slew of ethical guidlines that I
violated the first day I built my box. But then, as everyone knows, I dont have an
ethical bone in my body.
There is one more researcher who died in 1988 and that was T. Galen
Hieronymus. TGH has the distinction of having invented the most well-known
radionic device (at least until my first book came out). Now I used to look down
on the Hieronymus Machine as being somewhat clumsy and old-fashioned, in
spite of the fact that I had two instruments based on his basic concept running.
So now I am going to go into some detail about his and his machine.
Hieronymus started out as a radio engineer in the US Army during WWI and got
interested in radionics during the 1920's. In the 1930's he designed a number of

radionic units for medical purposes, most of which have long since been
forgotten. After the Second World War he invented the unit that bears his name
and and patented it. But the interesting thing is that being the cagey fellow he
was, he did not say that it was a medical device, but rather an instrument for
analysing minerals. Now why in hell anyone would need a psionic instrument to
do that is beyond me. So the usual and probably correct assumtion was that he
wanted to avoid FDA scrutiny by taking it totally out of their hands and he did and
because one could get a copy of the patent by buying it from the US patent
office, a lot of people did and built their own.
The Hieronymus Machine looks terribly intimidating to build from scratch and it is
until you realize something. It was nothing more than a modified radio.

The sample to be tested would be placed in front of a short tube that led to a
prism hooked to a calibrated dial and there was an electrode behind that (the
antenna). This led, in the original patent, to a four stage resistance box (four
potentiometers in series) and then to the amplifier. where the speaker would be
wired, there was a coil and the stick pad. Basically, the mineral was placed in
front of the machine, the calibrated knob turned and the stick pad rubbed until the
proper setting was found. But what use then were the four other settings? They
were to further refine the signal, but you would not need that to analyse a mineral
and most people who make the device leave that part out. But, if you are going

to do more conventional radionic stuff, or unconventional like in this book, that

extra tuning matters a lot.
See what I mean about cagey?
The interesting thing about this development, however, was that it was the first
time a radionic device was invented that did not have healing as its stated
purpose. And the first idea that came to mind to many was agriculture.
Before you could say "cornfield," there were radionic instruments to kill bugs, kill
weeds, make crops grow faster and drive off them pesky revenooors. This did
not set well with pesticide makers and fertilizer companies and so things got a
little nasty but the instruments are still used for that purpose by lots of farmers.
Anyway, enough of the interesting stuff, now I get to bore you by trying to explain
something that no one really knows, how radionics works. Now this is mostly
theory, but as everyone who works with radionics has one, you might as well
hear mine as mine is probably the right one and they are most likely wrong
unless they agree with me. At least that's what I think.
A radionic instrument has two functions, tuning and transmitting. When it does
either of these, the device acts directly upon the energy field surrounding the
individual in such a manner as to isolate the different patterns in that field and
either emphasize them or depress them.
So what the hell does that mean?
The common conception of the human energy field is as a more or less mass of
etheric energy. This is not, however, the case. In reality, the etheric body is
something more or less like light when you break it up with a prism, before you
put the prism into your Hieronymus Machine. There are many different
wavelengths combining to make up the whole. Now if you work with light, you
can use colored filters to isolate a particular set of wavelengths. The same is
true with radionics. When you use the machines, you isolate bands of energy in
the etheric body. By means of this capacity for isolating things, we can discover
many useful things.
For example, someone hits his thumb with a hammer. He feels the pain of the
thumb, anger at himself for hitting himself in the first place and as the thumb
swells it produces another reaction. Now all these things show up in the etheric
body, and by means of a properly tuned radionic device we can isolate each
We can isolate these things because they show up in the etheric body. The term
for them is "wave-form." Some psychics would consider the reaction to be
thought-forms but they are mistaken. There is a vast difference. A thought-form
is a clump of energy, as you will recall, which tends to stay put for a length of
time in proportion to the amount of energy put into it. A wave-form, on the other

hand, is a transitory phenomenon which spreads throughout the etheric body like
the proverbial ripples in a pond after you toss in a rock. Now, if you have never
seen a pond, fill the bathtub with water and toss in a penny. You will see what
everyone is talking about.
Wave-forms, unlike the much more powerful thought-form, can never take on a
life of their own and rarely influence another person directly unless that person is
present when the wave-form is produced. For example, have you ever seen
someone have an accident and felt the accident? That is the energy coming off
the wave-form.
When you use a radionic device to isolate and work with a wave-form, it is
something akin to reaching into that pond and pulling out one wave while leaving
all the others intact. The radionic instrument makes us capable of so specifically
tuning our psychic abilities that we are able to seek out and either analyze or
work with the particular wave form or collection of wave-forms that we desire.
The ability to accomplish this, however, lies in the skill and control of the
operator. That is why I made the point of starting this book with meditation.
When you proceed with a clear vision of what you wish to accomplish, you can
use the machines in this book with both accuracy and effectiveness. You will find
that by using radionic instruments in the ways I will describe, you will be able to
accomplish things that ordinary psychic methods cannot and make the others
much easier.
The reason for this lies in the peculiar structure of the etheric field. It is so
designed as to be largely impenetrable to all but the most powerful psychic
transmissions. It is, in fact, a very dense clump of energy. It is difficult to put
things into it from the outside, and just as difficult to pull things out of it. This is
very good, because there can be nothing worse than to know what everyone
around you is thinking and feeling. It would drive you insane even quicker than
reading this book. By the use of radionics, however, we can find weak points in
that clump, that wall if you will, and penetrate it like a bullet through paper.
So much for the theory. I will give you a bit more as we go along but now it is
time for you to build.
If you will look at the illustration of the innards, you will see the layout of the most
basic radionic device. In this illustration I have drawn a three-dial box, which is
the basic design I have found useful for most work. Its elements are as follows:
the can for holding the sample, the three dials wired in series, and a coil of wire
under a plastic or rubber plate. As you can see, dthis is an extremely easy
machine to build, and at this point you would do well to put one together for
yourself and thus be able to experiment with it as I go along and explain. By
doing so, you will find everything will be easier to understand.
But before you actually do the work of building your first radionic box, I have to
say a few words about tuning. there are four ways to tune a radionic instrument,

three work very well and the fourth may seem a little iffy but those who use it get
good results as well.
The one I prefer is the stick pad, which I will explain shortly. Others use the
pendulum, which works quite well except that it tends to start swinging before the
actual rate is determined and thus it is best to set an arbitrary point which the
pendulum meets to indicate the proper dial setting. Having the pendulum hit the
side of the desk works well for this. The third method is to use a galvanic skin
response meter. These come in several types, but I prefer the ones with the
meter rather than the tone generator. I find the tone annoying and the movement
of the meter is pretty definite when the proper setting is made. The fourth
method is to just turn the dials until it "feels right" and go by pure instinct. This is
both the easiest and the hardest method because it requires you to have total
trust in your feelings.
The stick pad is the hardest to learn, in spite of what I consider to be its utter
simplicity so that is the one I will explain here and the method I will talk most
about through the rest of the book, if only because, like I said, it is my favorite.
The stick pad, or rubbing plate as our more old-fashioned brethren sometimes
call it, is nothing more than a piece of rubber, plastic (what I use), plexiglass, or
even polished wood. This is stroked lightly while the dials are turned until
something happens. Just what that is real hard to describe but when I do it, it
feels like something just sort of grabs my thumb and stops it from moving. Other
people say it feels like it gets like jelly, an oozing sticky feeling (which may
account for the popularity of the other methods) but when I do it people have told
me they can actually hear a popping noise.
Anyway, learning to use the stick pad is pretty easy even though a lot of
radionicists make a big deal of how much trouble it was for them. My feeling is
that they started with complete machines (and some of the older ones were
pretty impressive looking, the Wigglesworth Pathoclast being the size of a desk)
and were intimidated by the size and complexity of the unit. The truth is that
using this tool is simplicity itself once you realize that it is a binary indicator. It
can only say "yes" or "no." The stick is a "yes" and a "no" is the lack of it.
So first you have to get a stick pad. These are actually very easy come by. You
probably already have one in your house. I use the plastic lids that come with
cans of cat food or coffee or lemonade to keep the insides fresh after the cans
are opened. There is something about the type of plastic they use in those
things that is just perfect for making stick pads.
Lay the plastic lid on the table in front of you so that you are comfortable and
while holding the edges with your left hand (so it doesn't try to get away from you
while you are stroking it, they can get very shy sometimes) gently rub your right
thumb across it while asking a question you know the answer to, such as "Is two
plus two four?" With a little, perhaps very little effort, you should get your first

stick. I remember trying this the night before going out to by the innards of my
first box and got a stick on the first shot.
Now, it may be that you will not get a stick at all. That happens to everyone so
do not get disappointed. I have certain days that I cannot get a stick for love,
money or offers of free drinks, usually on the two equinoxes. Otherwise I have
no trouble. But some folks have to face a certain direction and others have to do
other things like rub their fingers with resin. It is a very individual thing and, as
there are other tuning methods available, do not let the lack of a stick on the pad
at this point deter you.
Your next step after getting a stick, however, is to refine the skill you have with it
so that you can actually use the stick pad as a dowsing tool like you would use a
pendulum. (I could kick myself for not knowing that when I was in school. Think
of all the multiple choice tests I would have aced. As it was I once used this
technique while taking a written driving test that we have to do every nine years
or so. There were some questions about drunk driving and as I don't drink a lot
of liquor and never when I'm driving I had not bothered to look at that section of
the book, so here I was faced with these questions. I rubbed my thumb on the
desk and used that to get the right answers.)
Take a few pieces of paper and write the answer to a question that you know on
one and and wrong answers on the rest and shuffle them. Lay them out in front
of you and ask yourself the question while rubbing the stick plate as you
concentrate on each paper in turn. You should get a stick at the right answer.
Keep doing tests like this until you really build up your confidence. Then when
you go on to bulid your box you will have no doubts as to your ability to work it.
So now it is time for you to make your first radionic box. To do this you will need:
A can
three potentiometers (any value, whatever Radio Shack has in stock)
Three knobs
Two monoraul jacks (1/8)
a couple of screws and nuts (besides the author)
a whole pile of copper wire.
a cardboard box to put it in.
The cardboard box is the best thing to use when making your first instrument. It
is cheap, available, does not require drilling and if you make a mistake it doesn't
seem that bad. There is also a funny little story about this. Once a friend of mine
took me to an occult bookstore where the owners stocked my books and were

great fans of mine, even though they had never had the great good fortune of
actually meeting me. So when they did, naturally they wanted to talk psionics
and I told them about putting the stuff in cardboard boxes. My friend was greatly
displeased and said that I should not metion that because it "didn't sound good."
I told her that the machines worked better in an organic material container (which
is true) and that I told everyone about using cardboard boxes in my books so it
would be no surprise.
Anyway, it is still my material of choice, though the commercial models sold in
wood boxes are much nicer looking, and my first unit is still in its shoe box after
almost twenty-five years (gad, I'm getting old!).
Start by making the stick plate. Take the plastic plate you have been playing with
and a coil of unshielded copper wire (sold as magnet wire). Coil the wire under
the plate in such a way that when it is turned over the wire will be all under it and
the two ends of the wire can be brought down into the machine.
Next take the sample can and punch two holes in the bottom for the screws.
Now comes the really hard part. Wire the three potentiometers in series so that
they look like the ones in the picture. You don't even have to solder the
connections. Merely wrap the wire around the contacts. Put this arrangement to
one side, making sure that you don't get things tangled.
Easy, wasn't it. Well it gets even more difficult!
Take the box and remove the lid. Set the three knobs where you want them
when it is finished and draw a circle around each on the lid so you know where
they go. Now, put the knobs in the box so you don't lose them. Now do the
same thing with the stick pad and the can, by placing the can on the lid and
marking where the holes are for it to be screwed on.
Taking a punch, make holes for the wires from the stick pad, the screws from the
can and the stems of the potentiometers. Make sure the holes are not too big
because you will want everything to stay put when you are finished.
Now you have to make calibrated circles to put under the dials. Print out and
copy the 0-10 dial back from the chapter on the pendulum (calibrated circle) on a
photocopier three times and cut out the hole in the center of each copy. Cut out
the holes in the center of each and glue them over the places you selected for
the dials with the holes matching up.
After the glue dries, turn the lid over and push the potentiometers through the
holes in their locations, so that the screw part is through the opposite side. Using
the small nut that comes with each, bolt it into place.
Turn the lid over. Take the can and put the screws through the holes, placing the
nuts on loosely inside the lid. Now put the wires from the stick pad through their

holes and glue the stick pad into place. Use cellophane tape to hole the stick
pad down until the glue hardens.
Take a length of wire from the stick pad and attach it to the screw on can that is
nearest the stick pad. Tighten that screw securely. Repeat the process with the
wire from the nearest potentiometer. Attach the jacks as shown. Now all you
need to do is attach the other wire from the can to the potentiometer nearest it
and your circuit is complete as in the drawing.

All you have to do now is attach the knobs. There should be a small screw on
the side of each knob. Loosen that so that the knob will set easily on the
potentiometer stem. Turn each stem as far to the left as possible and then put
the knob on with its pointer over the 0 mark on the calibration sticker. Tighten
the screws down and voila! You have a radionic box all ready for use.


Good for you! You now possess an instrument that has been the cause of
controversy and consternation for the bulk of this century. But now that you have
it you have to learn how to make it work.
The one thing that is most important with this device is the all-important rate. I
have already explained to you that the rate is nothing more than the relationship
between you, the operator and the thing or person you are working on as
expressed by the numerical read-out of the dials on the box. This rate may
indicate any number of things, the subject as a whole person, or merely one
aspect of him. As I show you how to use the instrument, this fact will become
Let us say that you wish to use the instrument to get a rate for your Uncle
Eustace. Well, the first thing you need is a witness of him.
This immediately leads you to ask, "What's a witness?"
That is a good question and one that is all too rarely given a good answer. A
witness, to make something that is very complicated in theory easy to
understand, is anything which can physically represent the subject, having some
part of his energy field attached to it. This can be a photograph, signature, blood
specimen, hair clipping, nail clipping, eyeball, ( I once said that in a lecture and
someone took me seriously) anything. In practical terms, a signature or
photograph is easiest to obtain and even a photocopy of it will work as long as
the original is intact.
So let me explain why that is. In a photograph, the light reflected off the person
acts on the chemicals of the negative. In doing so, the energy is carried to that
negative. The picture that is printed off the negative carries the energy as well
and each copy of the picture will also carry that energy, back to the negative and
then back to the subject. When a person signs his name, the body is in contact
with the pen, which is in contact with the ink, which is contact with the paper and
thus the trail goes back to the person.
It is even possible, if you know the person well enough, to use your own
consciousness as a witness and be able to get perfectly good results with the
person's name written on a piece a paper and placed in the sample can. As long
as there is some link, the machine will work.
Place the witness in the can you porvided for it. And it is good idea to keep that
can clean, which means dusting it out on occasion (at least once a year or so)
and not using it to hold crackers or pretzels.
Having done this, sit and meditate for a few minutes. Remember that you are
going to be doing something more than merely tuning dials, so try to behave
accordingly. It may help you to play a little good mad scientist music from an old

movie soundtrack to get into the mood. It is also a good idea to keep all this a
secret so your friends won't laugh at you unless, like me, they are already
convinced you are crazy and expect it.
Once you have prepared yourself for the task at hand, concentrate on the
subject. You should be able to keep your thoughts on the subject and what you
are trying to determine about him. If you are able to visualize Uncle Eustace so
much the better but since he shaved off his long, white beard he doesn't look
quite as much like Santa Claus as he used to (and there the resemblance ends
damned cheapskate that he is). But that is not necessary at this point. Simply
do your best to keep distracting thoughts out of your head while setting the rate.
It is not, for example, a good idea to have the television on in the background
while doing this and try to avoid reading the editorial page of the newspaper
before working, in fact it is best never to read it because editorial writers are
either utter bores or complete morons not fit even for Themestream. Extraneous
thoughts have a way of being reflected in the results, so keep your mind on your
Now, if you have built the machine as I instructed, and not backwards, the
witness will be on your left side and the stick pad on the right. When radionic
practioners (folks to generally avoid as they tend to be very boring and stuffy and
don't like me one little bit) get together, they call this setting up for right-hand
operation, so if you get an old book on radionics and it says something like that,
you know what they are talking about. All they are saying is that you are rubbing
the stick pad with your right hand while tuning the dials with your left.
Sit facing the machine with it on a table at a comfortable height. Put your left
hand in position, holding the first knob as you would a dial on a radio. Place your
right thumb on the plate. Note that it does not matter which order you use in
setting the dials. The rate will come out the same no matter which order you use,
though I always work from left to right.
Begin turning the first dial very, very slowly while lightly rubbing your thumb over
the stick pad. If you have practiced the use of the stick pad as I told you to in the
last chapter you should have no trouble recognizing the stick when you get it.
Once you get the stick, stop. Repeat this procedure with the other two dials and
you will have the rate for Uncle Eustace.
Now that was pretty easy, wasn't it. For most of us, that's how it works. No
trouble at all. If however, you were one of those who has trouble getting a stick
on the first shot, despair not but rather perservere.
Failure to get a stick can be the result of a number of things which have
absolutely nothing to do with you or the machine but somehow affect that
relationship. Let us say that you turned the first dial through its entire cycle and
did not get a stick. Turn the dial back and try again. If you do not get a stick this
time, there are a number of things that you can do to correct the situation.

Different spots on the stick pad tend to be more sensitive than others. Try
rubbing around the pad until you find a place that feels right. It will be the place
that offers the best resistance. Change the direction you face with the box.
Some folks are sensitive to the earth's magnetic field (which is, after all, how all
this started in the first place) and you may be one of them.
But suppose, horrors of horrors, you don't get a stick at all, no matter what you
do. Then you can use the pendulum to tune the instrument.
Now using the pendulum to do the tuning has a little problem in that the
pendulum will generally start to swing as you get close to the rate and keep
swinging after you pass it. So you need to set an arbitrary point for the pendulum
to cross that will tell you you have the rate. This can be done in a couple of
When I use the pendulum to get a rate, because I have to a couple of times a
year, I hold the pendulum over the center of the pad and when the point of the
pendulum crosses the edge of the pad I have the rate. The other method is to let
the pendulum swing next to the edge of the table or desk and when it hits the
desk, you have the rate.
There is, of course, the galvanic skin response meter if you wish to use one, but
if you get one with a meter rather than the tone generator. The tone can be very
Finally, you can just hold the question in your mind while turning the dials until
they just sort of feel right.

Well, now you have your box up and running. Let the entrenched neo-luddites
and preachers rave to their helpless hearts' content. You now possess a radionic
box and there is not a damned thing that they can do about it. Hurrah!!
But, of course, this creates a new question. Now that you have this wonder of
the age, this miraculous and terrifying device, what are you going to do with it?
After all, you are unlikely try to pass it off as a piece of avant garde sculpture.
You want to do something.
If you have followed the instructions in the previous chapter with any degree of
attention, you not only know how to get a rate, but you will also know that the
rate, in and of itself, is meaningless. What you have to learn to do now is narrow
that rate down to a specific aspect of your subject.
Now this may sound very intimidating in the abstract, but once you take things
out of the abstract and put them into practice it gets very easy. Let us go back to
Uncle Eustace.
You have to begin by deciding what it is you want to do. No one can sit down
with a radionic device like they would with a Ouija Board and just wait for an
inspiration or a message from the gods. Radionics is an active form of psychic
activity rather than a passive one. In that regard, those who claim that radionics
is a branch of magick are right, in the sense that magicians actively move to
influence their world as opposed to oracles and mediums who just sort of let the
psychic world work through them. It is a very important distinction and when you
sit down in front of your box you must realize that it is you, not it, that is in control.
The box is, after all, nothing more than a primitive series circuit which does not
make a lot of electronic sense.
So when you deposit yourself in front of your little machine, you have to first
make up your mind as to what you wish to accomplish with the machine. Your
chosen victim is Uncle Eustace. What do you want the machine to tell you about
Suppose your uncle has the annoying habit of bouncing his knee, a habit I share.
You want to find the rate for the habit. Or do you want to find a rate for the cause
of the habit. You have to make a decision because the machine can only tell you
one thing. So you sit and cogitate for a while as a friendly spider builds its web
on your head and finally you come to the conclusion that you want to know the
rate for the cause of it.
Once you have made that decision you are ready to go to work, and not before.
Assuming that the witness you are using is an old photo of Uncle Eustace, you
place that photo in the sample can. You should write down the question for the
machine on a small piece of paper, in this case "What is the rate for the cause of

Uncle Eustace's annoying habit?" and place it in the sample can with the photo.
Now there are those foolish people who write the question on the back of the
photo itself, but as you may wish to use the picture for other operations, that is a
very unwise thing to do. Otherwise you will end up with writing all over it and get
very confused.
Another method which is a little more work for a beginner is to hold the question
in your mind while doing the tuning. Once you have worked with this stuff for a
while, this will be the method you will use because it is actually easier, as well as
keeping the laboratory from being filled with piles of little pieces of paper. But for
now it is best to write the question down and leave your mind uncluttered to work
the machine.
Once you have done this, take the rate as you did when you built it. That
procedure never changes. You will always get a rate the same way.
Now I am going to make a little digression, but it is an important one, so please
read it an bear with me.
When I wrote my first book on psionics, the work this one is based on, I made a
big deal about The Book of Rates. At that time I felt that one should record every
rate for everything and that the basic rates never changed. So if you took a rate
for Uncle Eustace's twitch, you would always work with that particular rate. Well,
I was wrong. (Yes, it does happen.)
I now know that the rate is an expression of a relationship between the operator
and the subject and that relationship is in constant flux. So the rate one gets
today may not work tomorrow, because the relationship has changed. For that
reason, I no longer bother to record the rates. I find that I always take a new rate
for each operation, even if I am transmitting a pattern that I have transmitted
many times before.
There are a number of commercial rate books available for operators of more
complicated instruments, usually nine or twelve dial units, and there are those
who swear by them. But my feeling is that they have so bought into the idea of
set rates that their minds just sort of link with the thought-form and those rates
work for them. You do not need to record the rates you get as you will find them
constantly changing.
Another thing you will notice about the basic box is that it only has three dials.
This, by its very nature, limits the number of rates you will get, but there is a way
around the problem.
One thing you will notice is that when tuning the box you will very rarely land
directly on a number. So what you have to do, at least with this model, is to
mentally divide the spaces between the numbers so that you have decimals as
well as whole figures. Thus you may get a rate of 3.2, 1.4, 2.5. It will take you a
little bit of practice to figure out the decimal reading but after a short while it will

come quite naturally to you and you should realize that even if you are off just a
bit it is not going to matter that much. The system is very forgiving.
So let us say that you get a rate for Uncle Eustace' twitch at 4.5, 3.2, 2.5. Now at
this point you must realize that the machine has just told of a relationship
between yourself, your uncle and his twitch. Some of the medical radionic types
would then go into great detail to find the exact name of the cause of the twitch,
which would probably be some long nonsense in Latin and make a big deal out
of it. You don't need to do that.
There is another problem with the situation, however, and that is that your Aunt
Myrtle has developed the same twitch and seeing the two of them together is
driving everyone batty. In fact, at the last family gathering, Uncle Oglethorpe was
so furious at seeing them bounce around that he was ready to do them both in
with the family grouse gun. (Have you ever wondered why your relatives have
such bizarre names?)
Something clearly has to be done about this and so you set about to cure the
twitching disease before you have to visit Uncle Oglethorpe in the stripey hole.
So you set out to fix the problem and avoid a terrible mess on the carpet.
So how do you do this? This involves a procedure that is simplicity itself to do
but is absolutely impossible to explain why it works to anyone's satisfaction.
Look at the rate for Uncle Eustace's twitch. Each knob is calibrated between 0
and 10. Take the number of each and subtract it from 10. Doing this will give
you 5.5, 6.8 and 7.5. Set each dial to the corresponding numbers and you will
have set what is called a "balancing rate," which is the setting that balances the
condition as it manifests in the etheric body before it hits the physical. Now all
you need to do is leave the machine and let it work. After some time the twitch
will leave of its own accord.
Now don't ask my why this works. I don't know and I really don't think anyone
else does either. But I do have an idea which may or may not be close and as
everyone else who writes on the subject does it, I'm going to inflict my views on it
on you as well and let you decide if it is worth bothering with or just so much
hokum like all the others.
I have stated already that the human body is surrounded by an energy field
which goes by any number names depending on whom you happen to be
reading at the moment. There is a functional relationship between this field and
everything that goes on in the body be it chemical activity in the cells to electrical
activity in the brain. In a sense, this field can be said to be the same as the
girder system in a skyscraper. The field exists first and then the body is just sort
of hung on it. The analogy sucketh, of course, but it's the best we can do.
Anyway, any change in this field will have a corresponding change in the physical
person. Now, even if you grant that, how can a photograph, or the person's

signature influence the person. I'm afraid that to explain this, modern science is
useless, as good as it is. And when people try to fit it to a conventional scientific
model they usually end up making up weird terms and muddying things even
more than they are. And when they try to add in quantum mechanics they only
succeed in making themselves ridiculous as well as incomprehensible.
You will remember how I explained the connection between the person and the
witness gets there. It's like a little hunk of the etheric body is attached to it. The
witness falls into the tradition of the magickal link and if we are accused of
playing with electronic voodoo dolls, well, the charge is not far from the mark.
When you get the link, in this case the photographs of Uncle Eustace, you
acquire a functional representative of the energy field of the person. This puts
you in touch with the person at the level of his energy field by making a
connection with your own field. I'm going to use an overworked and very bad
analogy here, but it's the only one we got. It's like putting a crystal into an old-
fashioned radio receiver. The crystal was the link to the radio waves and by
twiddling with it, the frequency was discovered and horrible noises, usually in the
form of what was considered music, would come out. The link, the witness, does
the same thing.
Once such a link has been made, you are able, at the level of your own
subconscious, to contact that person or any aspect of that person. You are wired
to that person in much the same way as your telephone is wired to every other
telephone in the whole damned world. All you have to do is punch lots of
numbers and pay the bills. It is at this point where the box comes in because it
takes the abstract thought-form or wave-form and reduces them to numbers on a
dial, making the relationship concrete.
Now this will create a somewhat different interpersonal relationship between you
and your uncle. Where before you may have been close to your uncle, at least
until he tried to cheat your mother out of her inheritance, and maybe even some
rare telepathic contact, like when my real Great Aunt Lula (which was her real
name so you arent the only one whose relatives have strange cognomens) knew
when dad had his first heart attack, now, by means of the box, you have not only
the normal telepathic contact but are able to narrow the range of information from
that contact to concentrate on one thing, instead of running around all over the
ether like a psychic phone line operator.
But none of this explains the why of it all. The answer lies in the combination of
the link and the rate.
Remember, in the view of traditional folk magick, the link is the person. If the
witch doctor sticks pins into the doll with the person's link as a part of it he is
sticking the pins into the person himself. Now this does not work for most
people, particularly in our culture because a lot more is involved than just sticking

pins into a doll. There has to be some mental stuff going on to make the link
The radionic box eliminates that mental work, at least in the traditional sense.
The tuning does that. The picture of Uncle Eustace is always the link, no matter
if the box is on the receiving or transmitting end. As long as his picture sits in the
can, just like Prince Albert (I've always wanted to tell that joke), his energy field is
going to be locked into whatever comes in or goes out of the instrument, just as if
his phone were laying off the hook with someone talking on the other end. As
long as the phone is off the hook and the line is open, the voice is going to come
When a rate is taken, that rate becomes in itself a representational link with the
portion of the energy field that you are working on so now you have links not only
with Uncle Eustace but also with that portion of his field which is causing the
annoying twitch in the first place. In fact, if you were to leave this rate on with
Eustace's picture the amplifying effect of the box would kick in and the twitch
would get gradually worse. The balancing rate works because it is the opposite
of the condition rate.
The whole thing works because of the peculiar nature of the circuitry of the box
itself. The circuit runs from the witness of your uncle, through the potentiometers
where the signal is refined, to you through the stick pad. But once you are taken
out of the system, the circuit recycles back signal back to the witness.
Now at this point I hear this peculiar grinding noise coming from the region of
your head which indicates that you are thinking. Good for you! If more people
did that the world would be a much better place and think of all the politicians
who would be forced to earn an honest living. But you are wondering if you, by
virtue of working the stick pad and thus making yourself part of the system, will
pick up something from Uncle Eustace and start twitching yourself, to the great
and lasting chagrin of all around you. The answer to that is no, or least you are
highly unlikely to have that happen. There is only one real disadvantage to
radionics and that is that it tends to take time and a certain amount of exposure.
The length of time that you are working the stick pad is so small that it does not
give the energy time to get into you. You are perfectly safe.
After you set the rate, leave the box alone for a while and see what happens.
The next time you see Uncle Eustace he should be through twitching leaving only
Aunt Myrtle bouncing around and driving him nuts as well as asking Uncle
Oglethorpe if he can borrow the grouse gun.
In case you wondered why I chose something as innocuous and silly as a
nervous twitch as an example, I should explain that radionics requires a certain
degree of self confidence to make it work. By deliberately choosing something
that is hardly a matter of life and death you can judge the results without being
overly concerned about their outcome. It is best to start with something simple,

like the Bosnia Flu and work up to more serious matters like the dreaded Spotted
Nose Drip and Ague.
There is another matter to consider and you will have noticed that I did not
instruct you to ask Uncle Eustace permission or in any way let him know that you
were going to this little experiment. There are two extremely good reasons for
doing things this way. First, if the subject knows you are working on him, the
dreaded placebo effect, the bane of all researchers in any area of healing in
particular and especially psychic work of any kind, will kick in and the person will
subconsciously act to influence the outcome of the experiment. For that reason,
all psychic experiments should be done with unwilling and unknowing subjects
and the ethics be damned. Second, and this is super important, you can get into
real serious legal type trouble for making people healthy without a license. And
when you become adept at this, NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES,
You can charge for killing folks but making them healthy will get the FDA after
you and then you have to read Psionic Terrorism and nuke the FDA and it gets
all very complicated and time consuming.
Now I realize that by saying this I am going to give most radionic practitioners
screaming fits and that I flying in the face of the principles followed by the
Radionic Association in England which is most insistent that no one be treated
without their consent. Too bad! This ain't England and the ethical principles of
that association are based on a naivete which is charming in small children but
the rest of us know better than to try to use them in the real world.
Not only is the box useful for dealing with physical conditions or behavior, but it is
even more useful when dealing with thoughts. Yes, my friend, you too can read
minds and open your own Psychic Phone Network.
The procedure for doing this is similar to working with a physical condition. Let
us use the old adolescent female parlor game of wanting to know if person X
really loves person Y. Do you have any idea how many Ouija boards have been
worn out with that question? No wonder the spirits get mad.
Anyway, love, as we know, can take many forms, all of them bad (sorry about
that) so you should be certain to use for a witness sample something from
someone who you know is emanating the type of love you wish to examine.
Failing that, it is possible to use the word "love" written on a piece of paper as a
Put that piece of paper in the witness can and get a rate for it. Now take a piece
of paper and write the names of persons X and Y on it and place that in the can
as well. Now try the stick plate. If the relationship between the two fulfills the
idea placed in the system by the witness you should get a stick on the pad. If
you do not it can mean a number of things.

First, you may have a totally different idea of what constitutes love than the
couple in question. Thus you may have the right answer to the wrong question.
Second, they may not love each other at all and you have been indulging in the
sort of games popular with pre-adolescent girls and should be thoroughly
ashamed of yourself!
It is, of course, possible to be more detailed in studying this couple. Suppose
you want to find out if the feeling is shared by both parties or only by one. This is
particularly useful if you have your eye on one of them for yourself.
Write the name of each person on a separate slip of paper and test them both. If
one gets a positive and the other does not then the relationship probably will not
last unless one of the parties has a lot of money.
By now you should be getting a pretty good idea of how the box works, so before
we leave it for a little bit I want to give you one more basic use. It is something
that will be of some importance to you as you progress so pay attention.
Up to now , we have been primarily concerned with finding the rate of a certain
aspect of a given person, be it in his physical or emotional make-up. There is,
however, a more general rate that applies to each person and that is his personal
rate. Now the personal rate is nothing more than the rate at which the machine
is attuned to the person as a whole and is of great use in telepathy experiments.
It is sometimes called the contact rate.
Let me tell you a little story. In the euphoric period immediately following the
Second World War there were so many predictions of what the world would be
like, particularly as the advances in technology brought by the war reached the
public, that it became popular to satrize them and it is difficult to watch the
newsreels of the period without laughing at some of the outlandish gadgets that
were considered advanced at the time and are now antiques, like the giant
computers that had all of one K of memory.
Anyway, one of the satirists was a cartoonist name J. Norwood (Ding) Darling
who was quite famous at the time and of his cartoons showed a scientific-looking
gentleman telling an incredibly dumpy looking woman (all women over 30 were
incredibly dumpy in those days) a rather complicated box with binoculars affixed
to its top and telling her that with this machine she would be able to tune to her
husband's personal wavelength and know what he was up to at all times
(apparently so she would know when to have the rolling pin ready).
Mr. Darling thought he was being funny, but it turns out the joke was on him. Not
only does everyone have a personal wavelength, but even as he was drawing
that cartoon someone was working on a device which would accomplish exactly
that. Unfortunately, the Delaware Camera is just too complicated for me to build
so I will have to leave any discussion of it to someone who has actually worked
with one, if ever that person would stop being scandalized long enough to speak

to me. Instead we are going to deal with the more mundane practices of
telepathy and remote viewing.
I would imagine that by now you are absolutely furious with me complete with
steam coming out of your ears, and demanding that I get to the point. Okay, the
personal rate is really quite simple. As I have just said, it is the rate at which your
mind, the real operator of your machine, is most clearly in touch with the part of
your subject that is most receptive to being touched, something like finding the
closest tuning point on an FM receiver. Once you have this rate for any
indvidual, you can send him a telepathic message with much greater clarity than
you would by the usual means of transmission. Your way of working will be
much the same, but you will be tuned to your target with great precision.
Let us try a little experiment. Now for this experiment, you will need someone
who is a bit of a blabber-mouth, someone who will talk to you, or anyone else for
that matter, about anything, including what he or she dreamt the night before.
Taking the personal rate is simplicity itself. Assume that your victim is your long-
suffering Aunt Myrtle, who is coming over for dinner tomorrow with Uncle
Eustace (which is not surprising considering that she cannot drive), he of the
former twitch. The the witness of your Aunt which you have cut out from the
picture of the last family picnic, the one where cousin Oswald fell into the poison
ivy while relieving himself, and put it into the can. It may help you to write
"personal rate" on a small piece of paper and put it in the can with the picture, but
it is not necessary.
Take the rate.
Now, take your pendulum and set the box so you can sit with one had on the
stick plate and the other holding the pendulum near something it can hit.
Have you got that? Good!
Now, ask the pendulum to tell you what time Aunt Myrtle will be asleep. Not in
bed, but asleep. There is a difference. Let us assume that the pendulum strikes
once. That means that you can go out and play until one in the morning because
you have nothing to do until then. At the appointed hour, ask if Aunt Myrtle is
sleeping yet. If it swings positive, you can begin. If not, wait an hour or so until
you get a positive swing.
With your hand on the box, close your eyes and begin to meditate. while you are
doing this, see your Aunt Myrtle in your mind. Try to get as clear an image as
possible and hold it. Now when you do this, you may get some extra information
coming through and this is quite normal, even though you did not know until this
point that Aunt Myrtle snored louder than a truck with a bad muffler. This whole
thing is creating a very strong telepathic link between yourself and your aunt.
Later on in this book we will make devices which will make this link even

stronger, but for our purposes right now, you are in more than sufficient contact
to influence her dreams.
Now this can be tricky. I should warn you in advance that the subconscious
mind, which is what we are working with here, can take its own turns and
surprise even those of us who have been doing this for years and years. A good
thing to work on is some strong feeling, such as hunger. Remember, you are
going to want her to talk about her night, so it has to be something that she will
want to talk about and erotic dreams of the neighbor's pet rottweiler is not going
to be something she will admit to.
While holding your aunt in mind, begin to think about food, preferably something
she likes. I mean, you may love escargot, but she may be repulsed by the
thought of it (a problem I have with my wife who keeps thinking of garden snails).
So make it her personal favorites while avoiding things that repulse you, like
brussel sprouts. You will want to make this so clear that in a few minutes you will
have to attack the refrigerator yourself. At that point the experiment is ended and
you can eat your sandwhich and then go to sleep. The next day, when Aunt
Myrtle and Uncle Eustace come over, engage in the usual chit-chat and then
bring up the subject of your snack last night. At this point you should hear all
about her dream.
Using the box as an aid in remote viewing is a bit more difficult. It takes some
practice and time, so be patient. In case you don't already know what remote
viewing is, it is the ability to see things mentally at a distance with enough
accuracy that you can cause the people guarding Area 51 to become very
nervous and start tapping your phone. Just kidding. If the government had to
listen to everyone who does psychic stuff in this country they would have no time
to listen to each other and learn the secrets of the next presidential campaign.
Still, just in case you want to have some fun and there may be a truth to the story
about a giant computer somewhere waiting for certain words, be sure to say
Anthrax every time you have a long-distance phone call. It will drive them nuts.
Anyway, around the turn of this century, soon to be the last century, the term
used for this was "travelling clairvoyance," so if you run into that phrase in an old
book you will know what it means.
When I wrote the first edition of this book, the Defense Department was doing a
lot of work with this skill under the direction of Ingo Swan and General
Stubblebine (his real name! When I first heard it I thought it was a joke because
it sounds like something right out of Rocky and Bullwinkle.). Some of what they
did apparently was surprisingly accurate but when a few of their people went
bonkers and started looking for the Ark of the Covenant (which EVERYONE
knows is in my bedroom because Grandma used it for a cedar chest) the bean
counters in the Pentagon got very unhappy and ultimately sacked the lot.

The problem with their method was not that it did not work. It worked very well.
The problem is that it is too structured and boring for the average person to put
up with. For example, one of the requirements was for the viewer to make a
sketch of what he saw. Now I can't sketch for diddly and so that would have left
me out if they had wanted to hire me and at that time they did not know I existed.
Then the first edition of this book came out and I started getting fan mail from
Fort Benning. And the stuff they looked for was boring too. I mean, who wants
to pick out rock formations from coordinates on a map?
Even so, remote viewing is a most useful skill and one that anyone who has the
time should probably learn. It has so many uses! But before I explain the use of
the box in this regard, I will teach you the basic skill. The actual practice is rather
simple, but it may take a few tries to get the best results so don't get discouraged
if you have some troubles with your first tries.
You already know how to meditate and I hope you have been practicing it with
some regularity because that is how we begin. You will use the methods of
meditation to focus your mind on the target, in ths case let's say it's your mother.
It can't be mine because you don't know her and she's dead anyway. Now this
image can be something you remember, such as seeing her watch television, or
something different, something she is doing at the moment as you concentrate
on her.
The latter is what you are after, so close your eyes and try to see her in the
space in the center of your forehead. Some writers reccommend that you image
a blank screen there and let the pictures come onto it. If that method sounds
good to you, by all means try it. Whatever works is right. In any event, try to see
her as she is right now, holding her image while willing yourself to see what she
is doing at this very moment. When you get that image, hold onto it. Look
around. Try to get as much detail as you can. Where is she? What is she
wearing? What is she doing? That sort of thing.
For this experiment, as for all the others, it is best to use someone you are close
to. It makes verification that much easier. After you come back, as it were, it is a
simple matter to give your mother a call and ask her what she was doing. This
method is much better than drawing pictures, especially if you have my skill, or
lack thereof at drawing.
That was pretty simple, wasnt it? I remember my first experience with it lots of
years ago when I was student. A friend of mine and I were waiting for a third
person and she was a bit late. Being naturally curious as to the reason for this
my friend suggested that we try a bit of psychic research. We both closed our
eyes and looked for her. And wonder of wonders, we found her, in her car,
driving the wrong way! After that we did not expect her and it turned out that she
had an emergency errand to run and was in her car to that place while we were
looking in on her. You must admit that this type of experiment is much more

practical than trying to describe a unique feature of the landscape around James
You should practice this method several times without the machine. That way
you will get the basics down before moving on.
When you feel that your are finally getting the hang of remote viewing, it is time
to use the machine. Coose the subject you wish to view and obtain a witness
sample. By now people should be used to you running around with a camera
taking everyones picture, so you can get one easily enough. Having done this,
put the picture into the can and get a contact rate. Place your left hand on the
stick pad and close your eyes. Begin to meditate, visualizing the person in the
can. If things are going right you should get a pretty clear picture, at the very
least some real strong impressions. Now, at this point it is a good idea NOT to
let folks know what you are doing. Some people get very paranoid and while it is
great fun to make them nervous it can sometimes get in the way of learning how
accurate your findings are. Fortunately, most folks like to talk a lot and it is
usually a simple matter of listening to verify your data and they will never be the
Practice with people for a while. I have found from experience that they are the
most interesting of subjects. But after a while you should be ready for the next
step, looking at locations and watching what is going on in them.
The only difficult part of location work is finding a witness sample. A photograph
is by far the best and one of the best ways (which was not available at all when
the first edition of this book was written) is to set your search engine to find
pictures of it on the web and then download them. A printed copy of such a
picture is a perfect witness sample. Now, to lock in your own consciousness to
what you are doing, put this picture in the witness can, write remote viewing on
a piece of paper and put it in the can with it and then take a rate. Verification of
what you see is best found by watching the news so it is best to pick a location
that is likely to be on it, like a courtroom where a highly publicized trial is taking
place then all you need to do is watch the news and see if your information is
Anyway, with some imagination you can readily see how useful this can be so
have at it.

The subject of psychic healing is one which always produces some trouble in the
mind of the writer, especially in my case because healing is most definitely NOT
my thing and something I only do under extreme duress. There is always the
fear that a zealous reader will take the advice given to him and do something
really stupid, like give up insulin for his diabetes. Therefore, in putting this
information before you I am going to expect that you will use some degree of
common sense in its application.
Let me illustrate what I expect you to avoid. At one time in my life I found myself
hanging around with a group of religious-type people (hell, the girls were cute)
and a faith healer came to town. Being of a somewhat skeptical bent, I was
unimpressed by his habit of pouring oil on people and pronouncing them cured of
everything from arthritis to the dreaded spotted nose-drip. As you may well
expect, my lack of faith was a great trial to my friends but they came to
appreciate my point of view after one of their number who had been copiously
greased with olive oil announced that his eyes were healed, threw away his
glasses and drove into a tree on the way home.
I insist that you do not make the same mistake. If you are under medical care,
DO NOT, even if the your pendulum, stick pad, instincts and the sacred chickens
say you are healed give up either your medicine or your doctor. The last thing I
need to run into on a jaunt into the astral plane is the spirit of one of my readers
who died of stupidity.
So how do you use the abilities taught in this volume of ineffable wisdom to keep
your body in good health? The same way you would use conventional medicine;
that is to say, by prevention of what can be prevented and treatment of that
which is not. It is far easier from the psychic point of view to prevent illness than
it is to treat yourself after you have come down with something. The reason for
this should be obvious. All psychic activity requires the ability to concentrate,
and concentration is impossible when you are coughing. Believe me, I know. So
we will begin with prevention.
You start by resolutely avoiding paranoia. Now, by this I do not mean that you
are in any great danger of becoming a hypochondriac in the normal sense of the
term, but you must face the fact that we live in a hypochondriacal society. If you
have the bad habit of watching the news, particularly the local crap, you are
constantly besieged by messages of illness, potential illness and possible
curesusually in the form of some over-the-counter patent medicine. To make
matters worse, may local stations have their own version of Dr. Guiltgiver, who
reports on all the latest plagues and their symptoms and what the viewer can do
to avoid them (usually by avoiding everything that makes life worth living). As H.
L. Mencken said, In the heart of every puritan lies the fear that someone,
somewhere might be happy.

As if this were not bad enough, there is the disease of the week TV movie (not as
many of them now as their used to be because no one watches them anymore)
and the ubiquitous commercials, which, if viewed with a discerning eye, would
give one the unfailing impression that the nations senior citizens have teeth that
dont fit, are always constipated and not potty trained. Not something we want to
look forward to, is it? It would be funny, and often is, but for the fact that even
granting you are sane enough not to believe ANYTHING that is said on television
(unlike Archie Bunker and the Dumbest Generation), the continuous
bombardment of this garbage is eating away at your subconscious, which is
exactly what the network bean counters have in mind. They are hoping that by
the time is over you will feel sick and go out and by the patent medicines.
I do not expect you to become an anti-television fanatic; in fact I hope you avoid
becoming a fanatic of any type, but I want you to be aware of the corrosive
effects of watching too many commercials. It is best that you time shift your
watching with a vcr so you can avoid them, or failing that, mute the television
every time one comes on. This will give you the satisfaction of knowing that the
advertisers have spent gazillions of bucks and you have foiled their nefarious
Having dealt with that problem, let us now turn to the more pleasant subject of
protecting yourself from the onset of disease. There are three basic methods of
performing this operation: 1)strengthening the etheric body, 2) creating a
protective thoughtform and 3) radionics.
The process of strengthening your etheric body to resist disease is accomplished
by visualization. You should be quite practiced in most of these techniques by
now, so this procedure should give you no trouble at all.
Any disease will appear first in the etheric body before it manifests in the physical
one. The length of time prior to its physical appearance will vary, with hereditary
malfunctions being present for a long time, while a virus may only show up as a
weakness in the etheric body which will allow the bug to attack as soon as it gets
into the physical system. Every etheric body has its weaknesses, otherwise we
would never get sick, and I must warn you that it is very difficult to eliminate them
all. You must not feel as if you have failed because you find yourself in bed for a
few days or even in the hospital donating a part of your lung to the cause of
science. It is far worse to fall prey to malady of those who have so much faith in
the power of faith that they condemn themselves if something does not go
exactly as planned. By now you have probably discovered that in the area of
psychic work things often dont go exactly as planned. Fear not, it will work more
often than it fails and you will end up enjoying far better health than your
So, start to visualize, you will want to see yourself surrounded by your etheric
body, glowing with perfect health. Feel the energy of the universe filling your
etheric body and making it glow with a brilliant, white light. As you do this, know

that all the waveforms that leave you open to disease are being cleaned out;
washed away as it were, and you are now invulnerable to the bugs which float
around us continually. You should repeat this procedure with some regularity,
depending upon your own health and circumstances. For example, someone
who works out of the his house would have to only do this once a week, while a
person who deals with the public, as in a store, may have to do it as often as
twice a day.
The use of a thoughtform to protect your health requires a bit more work and is
probably best reserved for those times when a disease is making the rounds,
usually during what is commonly called flu season, though the flu does not follow
the calendar. Now, I know that there are writers who suggest that you can make
a health-protecting thoughtform for general use, but my own experience has
found that strengthening the etheric body seems to work better for that purpose.
By now you should be adept at making thoughtforms, so you should have little
trouble making this one. Lets assume that in the place where you work there
has been a severe outbreak of stomach colds since one of your co-workers
brought her obnoxious child to the office (children are plague carriers and their
presence in any environment breeds contagion). You already have your field in
place so you are not too worried, but you would like to be certain. You would
therefore meditate and create a thoughtform, giving it the specific instruction that
it will block the disease as it attempts to enter your body.
If you thought that using a thoughform is easy, wait until you use your box to
protect yourself. Remember that every illness shows up first in the etheric body
before it manifests in the physical one. This fact cannot be repeated too often.
Therefore, it follows that if you can keep your etheric body free from the
waveforms and thoughtforms which weaken it, you should be able to avoid most
difficulties, at least in the matter of health. While the strengthening of your
etheric body will block individual ailments that appear to be most threatening, the
radionic box can seek out and eliminate the weaknesses which are present now
and may lead to trouble years from now.
When doctors first started studying radionics, they discovered that there were
certain conditions present in practically everyone they diagnosed. They came to
the conclusion that these conditions were present in the environment and while
most radionic practitioners agree that they are present, they disagree violently
about their source. Some claiming that they come from the ground, others going
so far as to say that they are the result of a previous incarnation, though how
they would prove this is open to serious question. Anyway, there is agreement
that there are at least three, although they argue over which three. Abrams listed
them as Cancer, Tuberculosis and Syphilis. You can well imagine the furor the
last one caused. And to make matters worse and more confusing, Abrams was
referring to the venereal disease.

Personally, I think too much is made over the miasms as they are called. The
most important thing is to avoid hypochondria. The surest way to create a
disease thoughtform is to worry about it.
Protective radionics can be done in two ways: the long, complicated way which
is done by old fashioned practitioners in which the major organs of the body are
studied to find weaknesses which are then dealt with specifically; or the short,
easy way, in which the entire etheric body is balanced.
There is a middle way which I will now teach you. You will need your pendulum,
your box and a photograph of yourself. You will also need your pendulum chart
and it helps if you know a little of your familys medical history.
Many conditions are hereditary. If your father died of a heart attack, it is a good
idea for you to take care of your ticker. Therefore, the first thing that you will
want to do is learn what type of genetic ailments, if any, have appeared in your
family. Once you have done this, make a list of them and place this list on the
table in front of you. Place the pendulum chart before you and put your picture
on the center of the chart.
With the pendulum in your right hand, hold it over the chart and point with your
left hand to each condition on the list in turn. If the condition is present in your
etheric body, the pendulum will swing positive. At each positive response, mark
the condition so you will remember it later. When you are done, you will know
what conditions need fixing. Well get to the fixing part in a minute.
First, how to do a general balancing of the etheric body.
This is very simple. All you need to do is take a rate for your general physical
condition by putting the witness of yourself in the can and taking the rate as I
explained in the previous chapter. Once that is done, simply do a balancing rate.
Do this every once in a while as a prophylactic.
Now, suppose you have found a pre-existent or genetic condition that you want
to be rid of, or have, in spite of your best efforts and many sacrifices to Moloch,
come down with the latest virus? For these, it is best to use the box for the
reason I have already alluded to, namely that concentration is impossible when
ill. The treatment procedure is the same as I have outlined in the previous
chapter with one addition.
Let us say that you have a sore throat. Write the condition on a piece of paper
and place that in the can with your witness sample. But, when you turn the dials,
try to see your throat. This is actually easier than it sounds and with a little
practice you should have no trouble accomplishing it. After all, you should have
some idea what your own throat looks like! Once you have the rate, balance it as
you learned to in the last chapter and wait. In a reasonably short time you should
feel better.

Another method which works pretty well is to write a command on the paper,
such as, Heal my sore throat, and place this in with your witness sample.
When using that method, you simply take the rate and leave the dials set that
way on the box.
Once you have set your machine by either method, use your pendulum and chart
to find the strength of the condition you are trying to heal. It is a good idea to
leave the box set at the curative rate until the pendulum reads 0. Another good
practice is to reset the machine every couple of days until the condition is out of
your etheric body. This done by rebalancing or taking a new curative rate.
Now Im going to close this chapter with a few other comments. Psychic healing
and radionics are no substitute for normal medicine and I dont care WHAT their
more enthusiastic advocates say. If you come down with a serious illness, go to
your doctor and take your medicine. Use the box as well, but follow the doctors
instructions. You cannot hurt yourself by using the box as I have just instructed
you, but unless one is an experienced practitioner in the realm of medical
radionics (and there are damned few of them in this country), it is extremely
unwise to totally depend upon radionics for your well being. We are not miracle
workers here, so always apply a good dose of common sense when dealing with
your health.
One other thing, it is not a good idea to mention to your doctor that you are using
this stuff. Some medical people get very upset at the mere mention of radionics
and you dont want to ever give your surgeon a reason to start laughing.


The radionic box, as you have discovered by now, is a wonderful instrument, and
a tremendous number of unusual and entertaining things can be accomplished
by skillful use of it. In and of itself, however, it is not completely sufficient to
accomplish everything you will want to do. It is often necessary to supplement
your basic box with other devices, and these can be used either alone or in
conjunction with the box.

The first of these contraptions has a little problem in connection with it. The
machine is called the teleflasher and the difficulty involved in using it is that it
does not work.


Thats right, it does not work, at least in the way it has been touted as supposed
to work. Oh, its just fine for playing little psychic games with people who know
that you are using it and, if the wind is coming out of the right direction, you might
even be able to send a one-word message to somebody who does not know that
he is on the receiving end of such an experiment. But the teleflasher as it was
described in most books on the subject years ago is virtually useless for the
purposes of this book.

Now, by this time, you are probably wondering why I would waste my time and
yours on something that does not seem to be worth the trouble of making. Well,
hold on. I said that it is useless as it is described in most literature on the
subject. By the time I am through telling you how to work it, you will discover the
teleflasher is an excellent supplement to your box.

Before I tell you how to make one of these machines I am going to explain to you
just what the teleflasher is, how it works and why my modifications worked better
than the original designs. Pay attention to this, it may seem dry but learning
about this stuff is worthwhile in and of itself and will help you when you, as so
many of my other readers have done, set about to designing your own devices.

I first came across the teleflasher some 20+ years ago in a book by Sheila
Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder entitled Handbook of Psychic Discoveries. They
went into great detail describing this machine, what it does, why they thought it
does what it does or was claimed to do and telling how to build it. They claimed
that the invention of the unit had its roots in Soviet research and right there that
should have sent up a red flag, no pun intended! After all, these were the people
who claimed to have invented everything from fire to the wheel which is
ridiculous because we all know Al Gore invented them. If you combine the
somewhat inflated claims that came out of Russia and the joyous credulity of
some Americans you get a terrible mess of stories.

Anyway, enough digression. The teleflasher is basically an instrument which

uses a flashing light to cause the mind of the person using it to transmit images
in pulsed packets. And there is some evidence that the pulsing seems to help.
Unfortunately, problems can arise when trying to transmit anything complicated.
If you are going to send the number two to somebody sleeping in the next room,
you will have little trouble. If you are trying any of the sort of experiments we are
talking about you are going to have some difficulties to say the least.

The problems lie in two areas: the conditions of working the device and the
design of the device itself.

To properly use the teleflasher can be quite an interesting task for someone who
lacks experience in telepathy experiments. In order to get any kind of results,
you have to first be able to get into the meditative state. After you have done
this, you must be able to concentrate on the image being flashed at you. This is
not as easy as it seems. The creators of the miraculous teleflasher forgot that
the pupils of the eyes open and close with light, so when each time the light
flashes, they close a little and the resulting effect can destroy concentration.

While you are battling with the flashing light you have to not only concentrate on
the image before you, but also onto your target. You have to be able to hold two
images in your mind at the same time and that is a lot easier said than done. In
addition, you must also be able to send, or know that you are sending, the image
to the target.

You can easily see what a difficult proposition using the teleflasher can be. Now,
add to these problems one very serious design flaw.

The teleflasher is nothing more than a box with flashing bulb inside which
illuminates a word or picture. The conventional teleflasher was very good at
illuminating words, but was useless with pictures. Why should this be? A simple
teleflasher could have been constructed using a slide sorter with a flasher plug
attached. The message to be sent was placed against the illuminated screen
and the light flashed around it, causing the word to stand out in silhouette. This
meant that anything to be transmitted had to be adaptable to that form of lighting.
You could not, for example, transmit a picture from a newspaper. A photograph
would likewise be useless.

Faced with the above difficulties, it was amazing that anyone was able to get any
results at all with the device.

With my method you eliminate these difficulties. We begin by making a simple
modification to the box itself. In the drawing you will notice that the light box
does not stand up but lies flat, with the light coming up out of the top. You can
easily make this by taking an old shoe box and cutting out the bottom. Over the
empty hole where the bottom used to be, glue a sheet of wax paper. Now, get

thee to the hardware store and purchase without haggling a light bulb socket,
with cord and switch attached. While you are there purchase as well a 25 watt
bulb and flasher plug.

When you get home, cut a hole in the side of the box just big enough for the
socket and fit it in. Screw in the bulb inside the box. Attach the flasher plug to
the cord, plug it into the nearest outlet from when cometh the electricity and turn
on the switch. Assuming you have remembered to pay the bill, the light will go
on with a dull glow for a few seconds and then begin to flash on and off with a
more or less regular rhythm.

Now that you have an idea of how the light will come out of the translucent
screen, you have to make a stand for the message. Take a piece of thin
cardboard, the bottom of the box will do nicely, or a piece of poster board. Bend
this so it will stand at the end of the box as in the drawing and glue it in place.

Ok, now that you have it is time to work with it.

First you grab your box and pick out a witness of your subject. Take the contact
rate and then find out with your pendulum when the target is sleeping and at that
time transmit your message.

It is of some importance to carefully choose the message you intend to transmit.
I have found that it is often best to use a picture to send to the sleeping target,
particularly if you are going to try to verify that the subject received your message
without the subject knowing it. Let us assume for the moment that the target is
your long-suffering (as she often reminds everyone) Aunt Myrtle. It would be a
good idea to choose a picture that she would likely remember in the morning,
such as a tintype of the ancestral mansion. A picture of yourself may be an
excellent message to send, especially if you are going to see her the next day.

When the appointed hour strikes, have the box already set up at some place
where you can lay your hand on the plate without being uncomfortable. You may
even be able to rest the box on your lap. Set the teleflasher on a table so that
stand with the picture on it is at eye level or just slightly below it. Prop the picture
up and turn it on which will illuminate the picture.

It is NOT a good idea to completely darken the room. Remember what I said
about the flashing light and your eyes. I have found that it is best to simply dim
the room light slightly, or use a small lamp on the other side of the room.

You are finally ready to begin. You sit before the flasher, lights dimmed, the box
ready, your hand on the plate. Now, get into a meditative state as you have
practiced. Get good and relaxed, all concerns of the day banished from your
mind. It is not necessary to focus on the mind of the receiver for this. The box
will do that for you. Remember, once you put your hand on that plate you are in
contact with your target.

Turn on the flasher. Watch the image flash on and off, while keeping your mind
as clear as possible. The flashing image will automatically be transmitted to Aunt
Myrtle and she will have an exceptionally vivid dream about whatever picture you
send. The next day, when she comes over for the Sabbath dinner, cunningly
bring up the subject which will get her going on the dream you sent her and
watch as Uncle Eustace becomes upset at his wife for bringing up such
nonsense during the football game.

Now let me explain how this works.

You already know that the box is locked onto the target so concentration on that
is unnecessary. What goes on between the flasher and your hand is a bit more
complex. Working backwards, we know that one of the better emission points for

psychic energy is the palm of the hand, which is why miraculous cures of drunks
involve the laying on of hands and feet. When you lay your hand on the plate,
you are hooking yourself into the circuit of the box and whatever comes out of the
box is going to be shot at the target by way of the witness. As you are using the
contact rate, this means that any energy you put out will be sent, no matter what
form or what information it contains.

The information comes from your brain, where whatever message you are
sending is processed and usually mixed up with a whole bunch of other
messages. This is one of the reasons why untrained senders have so much
trouble getting results.

The teleflasher makes that concentration easier, and were it not so difficult to do
all the things that are necessary to make it work at the same time, the mind
would be able to interface with the brain and send out the message on the
flasher with little trouble. As it is, the combination of these devices creates a
transmittal unit of great power and accuracy.

The eye, picking up the flashing light, sends the image to brain, not in a steady
flow, but in quick bursts. The more rhythmic the bursts, the more likely they are
to activate that part of the brain which controls the sending of psychic impulses.
Notice I said Brain instead of Mind. What we are working with here is nothing
more than electrical activity, which in some unknown way causes the psychic
capacity to become activated.

So lets get on with it. By now you know how to control what goes out of your
mind when you transmit. Even if you have trouble holding an image, and lots of
people have real trouble with that, the teleflasher solves that problem for you.
You can lock onto a target with an accuracy that is the envy of cruise missile
designers. So now you have to decide what you are going to do with this ability.

Theoretically, you should be able to send a message to anyone, anywhere and at
any time. And send you can. The problems are at the receiving end. As we
know, most people go through life with a lot of junk crowding their heads. That is
why the experimenters in their laboratories to so much trouble to block out any
extraneous information coming in to their receivers. That is also why their
experiments have often seemed so primitive. We are simply working with a
greater level of difficulty and that is why there is so often a gap between theory
and practice. In theory, for example, we know that you should be able to
accomplish anything in this book by simple meditation and visualization. In
practice, this is not going to happen.

Next experiment:

Again, begin by choosing a victim that you know. It is not good to start with total
strangers because you want to know if what you are doing is working. You see,

there is a serious requirement in all psychic experimentation. The person you

are working on must have no idea that he is a test subject. This rule strikes a lot
of fools as unethical, but only a fool lets ethics, particularly other peoples ethics,
get in the way of research. By using an unaware victim, you can be certain that
he is not going to consciously or unconsciously screw up the data.

Always get a good witness if possible. Slides are excellent as are digital images
which are easily printed up for your use.

Dont expect miracles overnight. If you are trying to influence a dream, you can
reasonably expect results the next day. If you are trying to influence attitudes or
behavior, remember that many factors go into these things and you are only
adding another, albeit a powerful one.

For example, your local scumsucker of a politician is going to have to vote on a
subject that you have a personal interest in; say a new tax on widgetmakers or
something. You strongly desire that this bill, like the enemy, shall not pass.
Given your knowledge of psionics, which you have diligently studied and put into
practice at every conceivable opportunity, you make the quite reasonable
decision to use the box and the flasher.

Now, if all things were to go according to the ideal, the politician would be
properly influenced and would vote against the bill with little effort on your part.
But the world does not work on the basis of the ideal. In fact, it usually does its
best to work in the contrary fashion and the political filth has other influences
working on him. The franistat makers have not only heavily lobbied but there are
more of them and they donate lots of money to his campaign, to say nothing the
extra business they have given his wifes law firm. The politician has had some
rather unfortunate experiences with widgets, one of them blew up in his face
when he was a boy, thus he views widgetmakers with something of the same
disdain that humans feel towards steelworkers.

In the face of this overwhelming energy, you are going to sally forth and try to
cause the politician to vote your way. It is quite possible that you may succeed,
but it is not likely. It is, therefore, a good idea to know your target subject and be
as familiar as possible with his attitudes.

You should always set up an experiment in such a manner that success is easily
determined. Try to create experiments in which the results are obvious and not
the sort of behavior that one expects under normal circumstances, such as
making the local soccer slut turn her minivan in front of the speeding truck. By
taking this route, you will make this work much easier because with each
success you will gain more confidence in your abilities.

So much for the sermon on experimental methods. If you have been using the
teleflasher with the box you may have noticed that sitting with the box on your lap
can be a bit inconvenient, especially if you are built like me and dont have much
of a lap to begin with. So NOW, with drums and fanfare, I am going to describe
the device I created to make a direct contact between yourself and the box, the
device that has sort of made me famous (or infamous) in the psychic worldthe
Psionic Amplifying Helmet!!


The story of the helmet is well known by now and there are even a number of
good versions on the market. It began as head electrode built into a helmet the
day I created my first radionic box and then sort of progressed from there. The
version I am going to explain now is one of the first tunable units and, for my
money, still one of the best. It is simple, uncomplicated and works.

Now, this sort of thing was not original with me. The idea of a psychic amplifier
built into a helmet was a staple of science fiction writers and comic books and
there was even a real fun, albeit really bad, Boris Karloff movie, The Devil
Commands, based on the idea. And, as everyone in the world knows by now, I
have this thing about helmets, it was only natural that I would go to work on the

idea. Besides, it looked a hell of a lot better than the silly pyramid hats the New
Age nutjars were peddling with I started to work with psionics.

And it did not mummify the brain!

As you can see from the two drawings, the component parts are built into the
helmet itself, making it possible for it work as a self-contained unit with the tuning
dials at the front and the antenna encased in the crest. To build it you will need:

A plastic helmet (a hard hat is perfect)

three potentiometers (the value does not matter like in the box)

three knobs

a small jack

8 1 inch pieces of magnet strip (usually found in craft stores)

a piece of foil

several feet of unshielded copper wire for the coil and antenna

a sheet of inch Styrofoam for the crest

duct tape

red spray paint

The very first thing you must do when you get home from the helmet store is to
try it on. It is important that it fit comfortably. After it is adjusted, put it on and
look in the mirror and try to get some idea of how the device will look after it is

Okay, now that you have an idea of what your going to do, take the helmet off
and look at the front. Find the center of the forehead, high enough so that the
works of the potentiometers will be inside without scraping your head and the
dials in front will be able to turn without running into the brim. Mark this point with
a felt pen and measure a couple of inches off to each side and mark those points
as well. This way when the pots and dials are mounted they will form a neat row
in front of the helmet.

Now figure where you want to put the jack. Find a place where it is not going to
scrap your head when you put the helmet on and once you have done this again
mark the spot with a felt pen.

Now find the center of the top of helmet and mark that.

Having done all that, go out to the garage and hook up your drill. Find the right
size bits for the potentiometer screwing point at the base of the stems and drill
those holes. Then pick a new bit for the jack size and drill that hole. You can
use the same bit for the antenna hole because that is only for a thin wire.

Now wire the pots in series, as in the box and mount them on the helmet. Dont
mount the knobs yet.

Cut the magnet strip into the 1 inch strips and stick them inside the helmet as in
the interior drawing. Alternate the polarities by putting them in horizontal and
vertical arrangements, so for example if the strip in front is horizontal, the two on
either side will be vertical. Try to place them at equal distances.

Put the liner back in the helmet if there is one.

Make the coil of unshielded wire with enough left over to go out the top of the
helmet. Wire the coil to the foil circle and then run the end of the wire out the top.
Mount the circle so it will come into contact with the top of your head.

Time to mount the jack. You will notice that, like the pots, the jack has three
tabs. Mount the wires to the two outside tabs and forget the center one. Making
sure that the wires from the jack are long enough so that they dont interfere with
your head, attach the ends of them to the foil circle as in the figure.

Attach the end wires from the pot series to the foil circle. The inside of the
helmet should now pretty much look like the drawing so its time to make the
antenna and crest.

Making the crest is a little complicated, so pay close attention. Begin by cutting
the sheet of Styrofoam into two equal pieces. Put them aside for a moment and
proceed to make a pattern on a sheet of paper. Tape the paper down to a table
and then rest the helmet on its side so that the top of the helmet is parallel to the

paper. Now trace the curve of the helmet on the paper. Cut out the curved
section of the paper where the helmet had been and test it by holding the paper
along the top of the helmet They should fit together, if not you have to do it all
over again.

Once you know the pattern fits, draw the complete crest on it. Then cut the
Styrofoam so that it fits the pattern and try each piece on the helmet.

Cut the wire for the antenna and lay it along the side of one of the pieces of the
crest. Be sure that the end of the wire comes out from under the crest. Spread
glue on this and then lay the other half on top of it to make an antenna sandwich.
Put a heavy book over it for weight and then let the glue dry.

Once the crest is hardened, attach the wire from the crest and wire from the coil
on the head plate together. Glue the crest to the top of the helmet and let it
harden. Now wrap the crest in the duct tape to protect it and put some masking
tape over the pot stems. Paint the helmet with the red spray paint because one
of the things old Doc Abrams discovered that red on the head increases psychic
output whereas yellow on the head decreases it. There is an obvious implication
here but I would not be so crass as to mention it. When the paint dries, put the
knobs on the pots and its finished.

Wonderful, your helmet is done. At this point you are undoubtedly wondering
what use this marvelous instrument may have. Like all radionic instruments, the
helmet has the capacity to tune and target psychic energy, especially the energy
emitted from the eyes. The helmet will also increase the output of visualized
energy and aid in the accuracy of any transmission, with or without the

There are two ways to tune the instrument. The first method involves the use of
the pendulum. Put the helmet on your head and turn the pots all the way to the
left. Sit facing north or south. Holding the pendulum, begin to concentrate on
someone you know. As you concentrate, reach up with your other hand and
begin to turn the left knob. Turn this very slowly until you get a strong swing from
the pendulum. Repeat this process with the other two. You are now
telepathically linked to the person you were concentrating on and may send him
a message to get off his ass and get the book into adobe like he should have a
month ago!

There is an even better way to tune the helmet than the pendulum because the
pendulum can be a bit tricky when used to tune radionic instruments. Knowing
just when the swing is at its strongest can be pretty hard to detect and can make
things rather time consuming. So now you will learn why I told you to put the jack
in the helmet. It has lots of uses.

One of the earliest gadgets developed by George de la Warr was the portable
detector. It was a rather cumbersome block of wood with a stick pad on top and
a wire coming out of it to attach it to things. Well, when I built my first box, I
made a portable detector of my own, much less complicated and was very proud
of myself until I learned that it had been invented by an eccentric Englishman
with bad teeth some years before I was born.

Anyway, mine is a lot easier to make so Ill give that one to you. You will need:

1 plastic stick plate like the kind you put on top of the box.

a length of unshielded wire

a length of speaker wire

a monoraul plug the same size as the jacks you use.

Begin by making a coil of the unshielded wire. You place this coil on the
underside of the plate so that the coil is in the center and the two ends of the wire
are extended near the edge of the plate. Tape this into place with electric tape.

Now strip the insulation off the ends of the speaker wire and separate the two
cables. Twist one strand of the speaker wire around one end of the coil wire and
repeat the procedure with the other strand. Wrap these connections separately
and then together with electrical tape.

Take the plug assembly apart It should simply unscrew, leaving the plug and its
connecting points as one piece and the shield (the little plastic tube thingy) as the
other. String the tube onto the speaker wire with the threaded end facing the end
you will attach the plug to. Attach the strands of the speaker wire to the plug
connectors and then wrap them with small pieces of electric tape. Screw the
plug back together. Your detector is now complete.

When using the detector to tune the helmet, you plug it into the jack on the
helmet. Now, concentrate on the person you wish to contact. While turning the
dials with your left hand stroke the plate with your right thumb, just like the one
on the box. And you will get the same stick at the right settings.

There are three principal experiments that must do with the helmet alone, without
the aid of any other apparatus other than the stick pad. The first, sending to a
distant subject, you have already done. The second experiment is similar but
requires the use of a witness and the detector. With the helmet on, lay the
witness sample on the table in front of you and concentrate on the subject while
taking a rate on the helmet. Once you have the rate, you can disconnect the
detector because it only sort of gets in the way. While staring at the witness,
send your thought message to the person. As in your other experiments, you
should try to sent the type of message that will produce a verifiable response.
Know that as you stare at the picture, you are staring at the person himself and
that the message you are transmitting is being received by that person.

So much for transmitting. Now to test receiving.

In this experiment, you are going to be in direct contact with the energies of the
person you are working with so try not to work with someone who is in going to
be in a reasonably good mood at the time, at least until you get used to this stuff.

Set up the helmet and stick pad as before but this time, once you have the
contact rate, place the witness on the pad, close your eyes and see the person in
your mind. Its sort of like psychometry, well, it IS psychometry but with an
advantage. In ordinary psychometric work, the experimenter will just hold a
witness and take what impressions he is lucky enough to get. Some people can
become very adept at this and cause all manner of embarrassment to their

friends. Me, I never could do it. If you handed me a ring belonging to a dwarf, I
would say that he was six-foot-eight and his name was Wotan! With the
machinery it is a different matter and with its targeting capacity you will be able to
zero in on your subject and be able to come up with things you never dreamt of,
and quite possibly things your subject would rather you never had and would pay
you quite well not to talk about.

Play around with that and see what you get. You might be able to blackmail the
neighbors for all kinds of things. But now we will talk about connecting the box
and the helmet.

You will notice that I had you put two jacks in the box when you built it. Now go
to the local electronics toy store and purchase a cable with a plug at each end
the size of the jacks on the box and helmet. Once you have safely returned
home, having avoided muggers, beggars and idiots selling flowers at
intersections and the bargains offered by the ladies of the evening, bring out your
box and plug the wire into the side with the can (the transmittal side) and then
plug the other end into the helmet. Now you dont have to hold the box any more
and you have increased your accuracy (the more dials the better).

Put the witness in the can and take a rate on both the box and the helmet.

Put on the helmet and face north/south. The reason for this is that the magnets
arrayed inside the helmet create a field inside the head of the person wearing the
helmet. It is not a particularly strong field, but it is sufficient to increase the
output of that part of your brain that does the psychic stuff. By aligning yourself
with north, you are lining up with the magnetic field of the earth itself and that will
add to the boost you are getting from the helmet.

Anyway, now that you have this thing on your head and you feel totally ridiculous
(there is no way to appear dignified while hooked into this stuff) the first thing you
have to do is stop laughing. Once you have stopped giggling at the absurdity of
all this, concentrate on your message, just as you did with only the helmet. If you
have chosen the subject and message properly, you should get results very

Repeat the reception (psychometry) experiments. Try to note any differences in
perception with the addition of the box.

Now you can start to have fun and add the teleflasher to your work. A repeat of
the dream experiment on Aunt Myrtle might be a good idea. After all, if you cant
torment your relatives you might as well grind them up for dog food.

You arrange your equipment as before; the box on a table next to you and the
helmet on your head. You then place the teleflasher in such a position that you
can look at it without the wires getting in the way. Never forget that when using

the flasher you have to keep all visual distractions to the barest minimum. You
would be amazed at how annoying the slightest shadow over the image can
become, and the sensitivity of the equipment you are now using is such that any
emotion you feel is going to be transmitted along with the message.

But the teleflasher can be used in much more interesting ways than merely
sending messages to a subject. Let us assume that the local librarian makes you
horny as hell and you want to bed her. Thus far all of your efforts have failed,
including thoughtforms, meditation, even the use of the box. The combination of
all the above elements can greatly increase your effectiveness in dealing with
this problem.

Set up the equipment as prescribed and determine when she is going to be
sleeping by means of the pendulum. Now, place a photograph of yourself on the
flasher stand and take the rate for the target. Know that as you prepare to
transmit, the target is locked into your equipment and anything that you send is
going to quite literally blast its way into her subconscious. With that knowledge in
mind, calm yourself and then turn on the flasher and open fire. I mean that
phrase quite literally. Each time the flasher goes on, your mind is going to be
sending the image of yourself like a psychic cannon shot at your subject and
there is not a single thing she can do to resist it.

After several nights of this, you should notice that your subject is responding to
you much differently than before. She will, at the very least, notice your
presence. Now you have to add something to the image.

Get thee to the local porno emporium and procure a dirty magazine with pictures
of what you want to do with her in it. The next night, transmit one of those
pictures for five minutes and then transmit a picture of yourself for five minutes
and then the other picture again. This should prepare the ground but now the
rest is up to you.


This chapter may seem a bit like a journey into outer strangeness, but I am quite
serious. The machines you have built can be of great use to you in gathering
much information from any human source and the source does not necessarily
have to be living to give it to you.

When you set out to gather information, you will need a good witness sample,
your box, your helmet, your pendulum and the charts for it. You set up the
machine as always, taking the contact rate for both the box and the helmet and
the you start to formulate your questions. A good starting point, if you are
working with a subject that you know reasonably well, like your Uncle Eustace, is
to ask the pendulum a few questions that can be answered with a simple yes or
no. Then the next time you see Uncle Eustace find out if the pendulum was right.

After you have worked with that for a bit, you can go on to get more detailed stuff.
Use the big chart with all the letters and ask the pendulum to describe for you in
detail what Uncle Eustace is doing at that moment. As the words are spelled out
record your findings with a small tape recorder and then, as discreetly as
possible given the nature of what you may be getting, find out if the information is
true or not.

As you become skilled in this technique, you will be able to use it on people you
dont know and maybe dont want to know, but are nonetheless able to acquire a
witness for. Politicians are perfect for this sort of thing for two reasons. First,
they love nothing more than to have their pictures published so it is real easy to
get a witness and second, everything they do ultimately gets made public so it is
real easy to verify any data you get.

For example, you, for obvious reasons, want to know if your congress-swine
plans to vote for a tax increase. Now, he has been asked this many times, but
has never given a clear answer because he does not want to be lynched. An
ordinary voter, assuming that voter is intelligent to read a ballot himself and not
just vote for whomever he is paid to, would have a problem at this point because
he has no idea what the politician has in mind. You, however, are no ordinary
voter. You know how to work a punch card, and your congresspigs mind is open
to you in all its Byzantine and deviously criminal ways.

You set up the machine as you always do, taking a contact rate for the
representative. In this case, all you need is a simple yes or no answer to the
question, Mr. X, are you going to vote for a tax increase after you are elected?
Using the idiometer you will get the true information and then be able to go into
the voting booth and cast your ballot knowing that you, at least, are smart
enough to vote.

As you can imagine this equipment lends itself to all manner of interesting
possibilities. You can learn, in fascinating detail, of your brother-in-laws

fantasies about sheep and dogs. In fact, it can become so fascinating that you
may spend all your time eavesdropping on your neighbors and forget to mow
your lawn which will explain why they are thinking nasty thoughts about you.

So much for the mundane uses for the combination of machines and pendulum.
You can think of more than enough uses for that so there is no need for me to go
into any more detail. Now we take off into outer lunacy because not only can the
machine put you into contact with people who are alive, it can also put you into
contact with those who have moved to a warmer climate, so to speak. While the
basics are the same, the problems are just a bit different.

Your first difficulty is choosing whom to contact. Ideally it is someone for whom
you can obtain a witness sample.

Your second difficulty lies in verifying any information you may receive from this
person. You have to accept the fact that a lot of things you may be told cannot
be verified and be willing to file them away as interesting but not particularly
useful or even true for that matter.

The final, and most important thing to remember, is that YOU are the one in
control of the experiment. This is not like the usual stuff of sitting down with a

Ouija Board (which incidentally works really well in place of the chart and
pendulum) and waiting for a message to come through from an unknown source.
You already know who the source is and ideally enough about that source to
know if psychic taffy is being pulled. Control also means not accepting blindly
everything that you get, particularly any emotions that may come through and if
something does not feel right, end the experiment immediately. Break contact at

So much for the problems. Let us assume that you have the witness sample and
the rate and are beginning to get a response from the subject. It is a good idea
to avoid specific questions. You should already know all the specifics you need
anyway. It is far more fun to ask general questions about the nature of his
present existence. It is foolish to ask him anything about yourself. It is doubtful
that he would know anything about you and it is unlikely that he can give you any
information that would be of value to you unless it relates to what he did for a
living while alive.

For example, if you are a writer and you have managed to have written yourself
into a corner in your latest novel, there is nothing wrong with dialing up a famous
dead author and asking for a little help. They are usually all too willing to give it!
The same can be true of the soul of your auto mechanic who shuffle off this
mortal coil and now you need to know about an honest replacement. Anyway,
you get the idea.

There is one caveat here. You have to be practical in what you ask. You are not
likely to get the directions to the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine or winning lottery
numbers so try to avoid that kind of nonsense. Of course there is nothing to
prevent you from asking a famous jockey whom he likes in the fifth, but please
dont bet the family home on it. Use some common sense in this as out of place
as that may seem to be.

Now, in these next experiments you may think that any sense has flown to the
four winds and Uncle Chuckie has totally lost it but here we go.

You now know how to contact the living and the dead. Now you get to learn how
to contact those who may not even be HUMAN! Arent you the lucky one? So, if
you do any work along these lines, please please please consider it to be in the
nature of a fun experiment and not go hog wild over any information you receive.
Take any contact with much salt and if you decide to form a new religion make
sure it is a profitable one.

There is a long standing tradition that humans are not the only life forms
inhabiting the unseen realms; that among the various creatures to be found there
are gods, devils, angels and assorted nature spirits that may disguise themselves
as gods, devils and angels. There is also the long standing tradition that these
beings like to play pranks on long suffering humans, particularly those who run

into them without knowing the proper etiquette and as no one knows the proper
etiquette... . So take the usual precautions before encountering these things,
avoiding drink and drugs and keep a tight hand on the helmet plug in case you
need to pull it.

These cautions understood, you must realize that you are flying blind as it were.
There are no witness samples for these beings. And as there are no witness
samples to lock in on your technique will be a bit different. You will tune your box
and helmet much as you would tune a radio in a strange city. Plug the helmet in
the box with all the dials set to maximum. That will allow whatever comes
through the box to be unfiltered. Set all three of the box dials to 0 and relax.
Close your eyes and think of England (sorry, couldnt resist it). Think about what
you want to contact and then start turning. As you get near to contact you will
stop turning the dials and you should have a sort of visual image in your head of
what you have encountered.

Now, if these instructions seem a bit sketchy, there is no way to make them more
concrete. It is all trial and error. You learn this stuff through trial and error.

Once you have made your contact it is easier for you to communicate using the
pendulum and chart. You can open your eyes because the machines will
maintain the contact for you.

There is one risk you should be aware of. Part of the traditional prankishness of
these beings is a certain perverse joy in taking control of the lives of those who
contact them and are weak enough to let that happen. Not that you are likely to
spin your head around and spit pea soup at people but there is a slight risk of
unpleasant and dangerous side effects from such contact.

The best way to avoid such difficulties is to always remember that YOU are the
one in control. As long as you keep that fact firmly in mind you should have little
trouble. Likewise it is not a good idea to follow any specific instructions given by
such contacts. Im certain that you would not be so foolish as to pay any
attention if one of them should tell you to murder your Aunt Myrtle. After all, who
would you have to experiment on? But even the most benign of instructions
must be given a good deal of serious thought before being acted upon. As in
dealing with the dead, dont bet the family farm.

The same instructions apply if contacting, God forgive me, extraterrestrials. I
wish I did not have to bring this subject up but there is so much damned idiocy
floating around that I, knowing that some of my readers will not be able to resist
trying, have to say something on the matter.

In this the greatest danger is that of an over-active imagination. The
experimenter may wish to may contact with such fervor that he is unable to avoid
letting that desire determine his results. In effect, he is contacting his own

subconscious and will hear exactly what he intends to. Sometime this is
harmless silliness. Other times the person goes out and buys a purple robe and
convinces brainless movie stars that the science-fiction voice is that of an
enlightened being from another world.

Assuming that you are able to avoid the pitfalls of this, you will find the
experiment to be fascinating. Just be sure to keep your skeptic hat firmly on your
head and never forget that there is a world of difference between having an open
mind and an empty head.


Congratulations again. Youve survive to the final chapter. Now you are going to
learn how to put everything together and use it at the same time.


Here we go!

First, we need a hypothetical situation. Lets take something common, like job

In order to get the job you want, you must first find a place that wants your skills.
We will assume that you already know what those skills are but not only must the
company want them, it must also want you.

Back to finding the place to work for. You have searched the want ads daily and
diligently, and, despite your best efforts, you have found no one advertising for
the type of work you do best. Now is the time to start making thoughtforms.
Create your first thoughtform as you learned so long ago and send it forth with
the instructions to create a number of openings in your field. That is all you want
this thoughtform to do.

While you are waiting for that thoughtform to work, begin working on yourself.
Use money attracting techniques, such as visualizing your etheric field as a
money magnet and begin to condition that field to attract people to you, to make
them like you. This is very important. Continue to work on yourself and send
forth thoughtforms about openings until a job appears.

When you see the ad for the job you want, ask the pendulum if this is right for
you. The pendulum will probably say yes because of your emotional involvement
with the answer, but that is all right at this point because you need confidence.
And if it is really wrong for you, you may get some warning.

Now it is time to bring up the machine. Lets assume that the advertisement has
a phone number to call for an interview appointment. You will call the number
and make the appointment for several days hence. There is usually a short
waiting time for any job worth having, only burger flippers are hired right off the
street, so use that time to your advantage.

Immediately after you make the appointment get a witness sample of the place
you are going to be interviewed at. All you need is a photograph of the outside of
the building. Time is important, so try to use a digital camera. Return home
immediately and print up the picture, put it in the machine, and get a contact rate
for the building.

Ideally you should have the name of the person you are appointed to meet with.
Write that name on a small piece of paper and put it in the box. Dont worry
about spelling, all you need is the focus point.

Once you have the picture and name in the box, tune the box to the contact rate
and hook up your helmet. Take the rate on the helmet.

With the helmet on, visualize the office building where you will be interviewed.
Try to get as clear an image as possible but dont worry if it fades in and out.
They usually do. It is sufficient to know that your mind is linked to the
environment of the office.

Now, once you have placed your psychic body into the office, create another
thoughtform. You create this thoughtform with the programming to cause anyone
who comes into contact with it to like you lots and lots and that no one will be
able to resist your scintillating and dynamic personality.

This should be enough to help just about anyone, but we are not through!

Remove the picture of the building and take the rate for the person doing the
interview. Use the pendulum to find out when he is going to be sleeping and
then send him a happy, smiling picture of yourself. Now, using a heavy magic
marker, write the word HIRE on a piece of paper and send that word to him.
Follow that with another dose of your picture.

If you perform all of these activities with some degree of energy, you should
merely have to walk into that office to get the job. It is a rare individual indeed
who can resist the power of this type of bombardment.

The important thing to remember when you combine your techniques and
equipment is that you should know what you want and be willing to do what you
need to in order to get it. Remember, power exists to be used, without hesitation
and without remorse.

And there you have it. When I started writing this stuff 20 years ago I had no
idea where it would go and what would happen with it. After all, there was no
internet to speak of, computers were just coming into the home and the world
was a much different place indeed. I had no idea that psionics would spread the
way it has nor did I expect my own life to take the turns it has. That so many of
these words have held up amazes me and yet I am also amazed at how much
material had to be removed because it was just hopelessly dated. Things have
moved rapidly in areas I never expected them to. I certainly never thought that a
radionics program in your computer would work as well as a box, yet the
Cybershaman program does just that.

As for my own work, well, before the first edition of this book came out, I had no
idea how psionics could scare people half to death and how much fun it would be
to scare them. Ive gone from a stodgy, pompous young man to a nasty, middle-
aged prankster and it is a hell of a lot more fun. While I was writing this book
years ago I learned not to take the material too damned seriously, to have fun
with it. And since then Ive learned not to take myself very seriously either.

So deal with psionics like everything else in life. Have fun with it, enjoy it, but
dont take it too seriously. Use it as a tool for living but dont make a religion of it.
We have enough of those things in the world as it is.


Charles W. Cosimano
Being a study of the magickal art of planets and spirits and how they may be used most
effectively for the benefit of the magician and those whom he wish to benefit along with
him as well as causing destruction and wreck to those whom the magician does not
like, copiously illustrated with divers colors and drawings.

I began as a magician. I studied the Kabbala before Madonna was even heard of. I
summoned demons to my service and aid while still a boy. I created talismans and
used words of power unheard of before or since. And I did this for years before I hit
upon psionics.
But I came to psionics by way of magick and thus never fell into the trap of thinking it a
hard science, for such was the error of its founders. Even now there are those who
tape pictures printed from a digital camera to a computer screen with a moving gif and
think that they are somehow doing science. Well, let them. We know better.
Psionics is magick and magick is not a science, it is an art. It is the way of making
things happen that would not happen any other way. It is the way of wonders and
miracles and things that go boom in the night. It is the power that speaks to truth and
truth gives way before it. It is the creation of reality.
And it is a power that all can wield if they are willing to take the time and trouble.
Fortunately, with psionics, that time and trouble can be minimized.
But this work is a grimoire, which means it is concerned with two aspects of magick, the
evoking of spirits and the powers thereof, and the use of talismans to contain and direct
those powers to serve the ends of the magician. It makes no pretense of spiritual
advancement. It is purely concerned with earthly ends and human ends. You will not
become enlightened from this but you will be as God, beyond the need of knowing good
and evil.
With this book I return again to my magickal roots. It will be a fusion of the hermetic
traditional and the psionic anti-traditional, bringing out the best of the old world to
redress the balance of the new. In it I will go beyond the general techniques of Psionic
Magick and the small section on sigils in Psionic Power. And in it all I will not forget the
words of Marlowe's Faustus, "A sound magician is a mighty god."


Magick used to be very expensive and for that reason in the good old days Magicians
were from the best class of society. It cost a lot of money to get the tools and the robes
and the books and the place to work undisturbed, something that the worthless
peasantry (Yuck!) could not afford and it would not do them any good because even if
they could afford it they could not read the books. A country witch could be illiterate. A
magician needed education!
So, the first thing you need is books, lots of books, preferably books with Psionic in the
title written by me! OK, so I have to have some fun with this and a little commercial
now and then does not hurt. My old Key of Solomon was published by L. W.
DeLaurence and he put ads for everything in that book, including an absolutely
hilarious one for paper that went, "Gold is gold, diamonds are diamonds and extra
virgin parchment paper is extra virgin parchment paper!" (What parchment has to do
with olive oil eludes me.) It is that sort of thing that actually makes magick fun because
you never know when you are going to burst out laughing. But the system worked and
the pentacles in it work even better, which is why I have made a point of including them
in this work.
Tradition stated that a Magician had to first get himself a knife to cut a branch with to
make his wand. Well, tradition can be mold on the bathroom wall and this is one of
those times. Your wand will be a flashlight.
This used to drive my friends nuts. But it is one of those ideas that was born of
necessity that actually works and predates my interest in psionics.
When I was a young magician full of youthful enthusiasm and impatience I had a
problem. All the instructions on using a magick wand insisted that you visualize a light
coming out of the end of it. This created a problem for me in that I could not visualize
for shit! But despair is not a word normally in my vocabulary (depression is, but it
passes) and I figured out a perfect work-around. I picked up a flashlight and pointed it,
turning it on at the same time. Then I made the sigil in the air with the beam of the
flashlight! It worked perfectly and strange noises came from a corner of the room to the
great consternation of the cat who had been watching me wondering if her favorite
human had taken leave of his few senses.
I learned about banishing real fast that night.
So go out to the hardware store and purchase, without haggling, a new flashlight.
Bring it home. Put batteries into it.
Now you have your wand. Just be sure to put it somewhere where you will not grab it
to look under the sink. Try to only use it for magick if possible.

The next thing you will need is your radionic box.

This is the schematic layout of the basic radionic box. To build it you will need:
Two foil circles about 3 inches in diameter each.
Three potentiometers (value unimportant) and knobs
2 crystals
2 small jacks
Some connecting wire
Some unshielded (magnet) wire.
A box to put it in.
Begin by laying out the pattern of the instrument on the box. You will want the two
circles and the knobs for the potentiometers outside the box as well as the openings for
the two jacks.
Punch the holes in the box as appropriate to the layout.

Now assemble the parts. Make two small coils of magnet wire to place under the foil
plates and wire them to the potentiometers as shown. Wire the jacks to the
potentiometers as shown.
Wire the potentiometers together with the crystals between them as shown.
Put it all together in the box. Put the knobs on the potentiometer stems.
Simple wasn't it.
Ok, put the box aside and make yourself a stick pad. This is even easier.
You will need:
1 length of speaker wire.
1 plug, the same size as the jacks you used on the box.
A plastic coffee can lid
A short length of unshielded wire.

As you can see, the unshielded wire is coiled under the lid and glued in place and then
wired to the speaker wire which is then attached to the plug.
Ok, next thing--the pendulum.
For this you can use any object that terminates in a point and can be attached to a
convenient length of string. The illustration is of a child's wooden top, but you can use
an old key as well.

Now for two easy ones. All you need do is print them up.
The first is a simple yes-no chart.

The second is a chart with letters, numbers and punctuation.

These are the charts that you will use with your pendulum to get answers from the
spirits. It is a lot less trouble to do it this way than it is to listen to them talking in your
head because they like to talk and sometimes the voices get very annoying and you
have to kill people to make them stop and....CHUCK!!!
Ok I'm having fun.
This next instrument is going to be the most complicated one you will need to make
right now. It is the psionic amplifying helmet and to make it you will need:
1 hard hat with removable liner
3 potentiometers
1 jack

1 foil circle
8 1 inch pieces of magnet strip with adhesive back (craft stores have it in rolls and you
cut the pieces to length)
Something to make the crest out of. I used to say cut Styrofoam but it can also be
made out of cardboard cut to the shape.
Finally, some wire.

This is the layout of the helmet.

Of all the instruments you will need, this is the most intimidating to make until you
actually get started. Then it becomes very simple.
The first thing you need to do is take the liner out of the hard hat. This should be pretty
easy, they are usually made to be removed by pushing a few things out some slots.
Once you do that, put the hat on the table on its side and, using a piece of paper, trace
the curve of its top from a little in front of the center to the back. This is the template for
cutting the bottom curve of the crest.
Finish the template by drawing the crest on the piece of paper. Cut it out.
Lay the template on one of the pieces of cardboard and trace around it. Then cut that
out of the cardboard. Set the hardhat upright and hold the cardboard crest to it to see if
you have the bottom curve matching the hard hat surface. It you do, repeat the process
with the second piece of cardboard and set them aside for a bit.

Now you will need a drill and the correct size bit. You will want a bit just a little bigger
than the screw part of the potentiometers (usually a 3/8 to 1/2 inch bit will work fine) so
that after you drill the hole you can slip the pot into place and then bolt it down with the
nut that comes with it.
Make three holes in the front of the helmet spaced so that the tuning knobs will not run
into each other.
Now, with a smaller bit, make the hole for the jack on the same principle as the holes
for the pots and a hole at the very top of the helmet.
Take a piece of wire and coil it flat with a length coming out one end. Put this coil on
one of the pieces of cardboard and tape it in place so that the end wire runs out the
bottom of the crest-piece. Now smear the cardboard with glue and place the other
piece on top of it to make a sandwich. Clamp it together and let the glue set.
While that is going on, cut the magnet strip into eight pieces and stick them around the
inside of the helmet, alternating the polarities. This is done by placing them vertically
and horizontally so that one has the long side pointing to the top, the next has it
pointing along the side.
Now fix the foil circle to the spot on the liner that sits on the top of your head when you
put it on. This part of the liner tends to be fabric, so put some tape on the back of the
circle, not covering it entirely, and then staple it to the fabric with the folding side of the
staples AWAY from your head. The tape will allow the foil to hold without tearing.
Now wire the pots together and put a length of wire at each end of the circle, make sure
this wire is long enough that when it is attached to the foil circle there will be enough
room for your head. Put the pots into the holes you have drilled for them, bolt them
down and attach the knobs.
Wire the jack and put it into the hole provided for it.
Attach the wire from the crest antenna to the foil circle.
Put the liner back into the hard hat.
Attach the wires from the pots and the jack to the circle.
And that's it for the basic tools. There is one more but we will get to that after
explaining how the box and helmet are used.
Now, for those of you who have read my other books, you will notice that I do not
require a calibration for the knobs. There is a reason for this. In the operations in this
book all the rates are contact rates and they change all the time, so calibration is a
waste of time and work.

The key to using the box and helmet is the relationship that they establish between the
operator and the subject of the operation. Setting the dials on the box and helmet locks
in that relationship and frees the mind of the operator to do other tasks. There is
nothing electronic about it, which is why these devices make no sense electronically.
When you use a sigil to contact a spirit, the instruments do the heavy lifting and all you
have to do is communicate.
How is the rate, which is what the settings on the dials are called, taken? It is actually
very simple.
To get a rate on the box, plug in the stick pad on the right-hand side jack of the
instrument. Put the witness, which can be anything representing what you want to
contact, on the witness plate on your left side and, while stroking the pad with your right
thumb, slowly turn the dial to the farthest left. Do this until you thumb just sort of stops.
This is the "stick" and it really cannot be described, but you will know it when it
Repeat this procedure with each dial. The settings are now locked in. Now it is time to
add the helmet.
Using a patch cable, plug the jack of the helmet into the left-hand jack of the box. Now
repeat the tuning procedure with the helmet. Once that is done, you can put the helmet
on and be in instant contact with whatever or whomever you have in the machine. It's
kind of like a psychic telephone. And it is very easy to use. The equipment does all the
work, you just have to sit back and let your brain have fun.
Play around with this, get used to working with it. Send messages to people in their
sleep, spy on the neighbors. And once you get the hang of radionics, it is time to build
your last instrument, which I take from my Psionic Magick, the Ritual Board.

In Psionic Magick this device is made out a sheet of cardboard with dials cut out of
poster board and foil sheets for the plates. And it works very well that way because all
you are doing is setting up relationships in your consciousness with what you are
working with.
Of course if you want you can make a more conventional box in this pattern. To do
that, you will need:
4 potentiometers
6 knobs
2 short 1-2" 1/4 inch diameter rods (the excess from Radio Shack pot stems cut to fit
works fine)
foil for the witness plates, detector plate and visualization plate.

Three pieces of poster-board cut as pointers about 5/8 inch wide and two inches long
cut to a point on one end for the color dial, the planet dial and the sweep dial.
two small pieces of magnet strip
And this is how it is wired.

This is the sweep dial.

This is the color dial.

This is the planet dial.

You create this by first cutting the short pieces of metal with a hacksaw and making
sure that they fit in the knobs with about an inch left over. Once you have done that,
glue the poster board pointers over the base of the knobs so that when you turn the
knob you turn the pointer as well. Put a piece of magnet strip on two of the dials which
you will use for the planet and color dials. Punch a hole in each so that the stems will
fit into the knobs, tighten the little screws in the two for the color and planet dials that
hold them and then set them aside.
Make two circles of wire for the color and planet dials and set them aside. When these
dials are set, the magnet strip will interact with the wire to establish the rate.
Now set up the wiring for the box. On the inside of the box, lay out where each dial will
be with the visualization plate in the center as well as the witness and detector plate
hook-ups. Punch holes as required and then tape the wire circles in place where the
color and planet dials will be. Make certain that the holes in the planet and color circles
are tight enough so that the stems will fit snugly.

Wire the pots as indicated on the drawing. Wire the circles to the pots as indicated.
This should give you a hexagram pattern with the visualization circle in the center.
This device needs a little explaining. It is designed to assist in manifesting the power of
a spirit in any of the three worlds that they operate in and that we are able to work in
ourselves, the mental, the astral and the physical. When working with it, you take the
sigil of the spirit, whom you have already established a relationship with and place it on
one of the witness plates. You then set the planet dial for the planet whose influence
you are invoking for this, the color dial, which will correspond to the planet and then the
three dials at the bottom are set as in any other radionic operation, by stroking the
detector plate and turning each dial until you get a stick.
The sweep dial at the top is set last and that is the rate that sort of puts it all together.
The visualization plate is set at the center of the energy pattern created by the
instrument and by means of it you can scry the results of the operation or communicate
with the spirit.


In the olden times it was considered de rigeur for the magician to have a set of special
clothes that he would use when doing his work. This is still not a bad idea but you do
not have to go to the trouble and expense of having something made for each particular
day of the week! The best thing to do is to get thee to the local costume shoppe and
purchase, without haggling, something that you feel suits you and your magickal
personality best. It does not even have to look very magickal.
A lot is sometimes made of the choice of clothing, but the fact is that it really does not
matter very much what you wear. The key is that what you wear must fit into helping
your mind set. So, for example, a lab coat may be more appropriate for a contemporary
magician than a priest's cassock. Do not worry about overmuch symbolism. Your belt
is to keep your pants up, not to symbolize your position in the cosmos, unless you want
it to. So feel free to have fun with this. If you want to look like some barbarian warrior
or science-fiction character, go for it.
The same is true for the ritual chamber. It is nice if you have a house that is big
enough that you can dedicate a room to magick, your temple as it were, but it is
certainly not necessary. If it were, a lot of us would be in trouble. All you need is a
space to set up your equipment and when you are done you can put the equipment
away and have dinner. If you have the space and you want to, decorate with things that
put you in the magickal frame of mind, a few paintings, a plasma globe to symbolize the
power of the universe, a skull of a former girlfriend, whatever works. What you do need
is a computer because there are some things you will want to run on the screen while
you are working, such as images of planets, that sort of thing.

One of the things you will run into if you do any study of magick is the notion that
certain operations have to be done under the influence of a specific planet. This is, of
course, nonsense, but enough people have believed it over the centuries that each
planet has acquired a powerful thoughtform which can be tapped into. What this
means is that while you are not locked into a specific day and time, you can still take
advantage of the thoughtforms to boost your work.
There are a number of ways to use the planets other than following the time and day.
You can take a picture of the planet and place it in the radionic box and transmit its
energy to you, as well as setting up the planet on the ritual board, or you can put the
picture in a projector and shine it on the wall of the ritual chamber. But the easiest is to
just bring up the picture on your computer screen and let that emit in the ritual chamber
while you work.
Now, in most books on magick, there are a whole bunch of things to remember when
working with the planets, such as perfumes, flowers, weeds, types of clothes to wear,
all that stuff. You do not need to bother with any of that. All those things are
memnonics, things to help you remember that you are working with the energies of a
given planet. With psionics, you engage in direct contact with the planetary energy and
thus memory is unimportant which at my age is a very good thing because I tend to
forget things a lot, like my name, where I live...CHUCK!! STOP THAT!
Anyway, here is what the planets are set up for.

Saturn is good for summoning the souls of the dead, which means it is a good planet to
do necromancy with. Get out your Ouija board next Saturday and see if your sainted
Aunt Lydia will give you her pickle recipe. In fact Saturn is good for anything having to
do with death, so it is probably a good planet to use to help kill off your rich Uncle
George or anyone else you think has lived too long.
You can also use Saturn to work with anything involving buildings, be it the architect,
the construction crew or the fault line running beneath it; call spirits to serve you as
familiars (which can be a problem for, as we all know, familiarity breeds contempt);
helping your business and hurting your competitors'; and anything involving
possessions, worldly goods and the seed for your plants; and, of course, anything to do
with causing discord and destruction, hatred and death, the good stuff.
The color associated with Saturn is black.
This is the seal associated with Saturn and Saturday and should be kept handy when
working with the energy of this planet.

Jupiter is good for all things that benefit you, be it to acquire honor, riches, friendship,
promotion, good health and all manner of happiness. You do not use the energy of
Jupiter to kill your in-laws.
The color associated with Jupiter is blue.
Here is the seal you use with Jupiter and Thursday, the day traditionally assigned to

Mars is the planet of war and all that pertains to conflict, struggle, courage, victory,
defeat and devastation of enemies and relatives. Using it you can cause ruin,
slaughter, cruelty, discord, wounds and death. My kind of planet! It is also perfect for
works of protection from all of the above because being the good sadist that I am, I
would never want people to be able to do to me what I enjoy doing to them.
The color associated with Mars is red, as if that would be a surprise.
This is the seal for Mars and Tuesday.

The Sun
The Sun is Jupiter on steroids! You use its energy for everything good you can
imagine, be it wealth, health, gain of all types, good fortune, divination, the favor of
people who are important, dissolve hostile feelings in case your Mars workings run
amok, and to make friends, especially generous friends with money.
The color of the Sun is yellow.
The Sun is usually associated with Sunday, for some bizarre reason, and here is the
seal for it and the day.

Venus is perfect for getting laid, anything involving love, sex, finding someone to use
the new whip on, and safe travel, particularly traveling for love, sex and using the new
The color associated with Venus is green.
Friday is the day of Venus and here is the seal you use with them.

Mercury is good for anything involving intelligence, which means no Packers' fans or
rappers need apply; business, science, divination, causing miracles and things to just
sort of appear (like illusions of the Virgin Mary to drive your Catholic neighbors nuts),
writing, as well as those mercurial arts of theft and deceit. It is best to do your taxes
while under the influence of Mercury.
The color associated with Mercury is orange.
You were supposed to invoke Mercury on Wednesday with this seal.

The moon is good for anything involving communication, like mercury, travel by water,
cruises, etc., love, sex, gravity, anything shipped by water. You can use an image of a
waning moon to cause shipwreck and storms at sea, like hurricanes. Remember that
the next time your mother-in-law decides to go to Florida.
The color associated with the moon is silver or white.
And the day of the Moon is Monday with this seal.

These are the seven major planets. The others, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Mickey (or
whatever they are calling the latest one) have various influences assigned to them but
as they are so recent they have not had the chance to build up the thoughtforms that
the other planets have and thus I have not put them in.


Assigned to each planet are a number of seals, or pentacles which we find in the
Greater Key of Solomon. Each of these is useful for various magickal operations and in
the old days it was necessary to make them on the day and hour of the planet in
question in ink of the color associated with the planet. For our purposes, this is not
going to be necessary. All you need do is print up the seal you intend to use, charge it
with the energy of the planet and set it to work.
Each seal has been used many times by many people, all for the same purposes. This
means that each one has attached to it a very powerful thoughtform and when you put a
seal to work, you are tapping into the power of that thoughtform so it really is not
important to worry about what angels are named in them or all that other stuff. This is
why it is not necessary to go to all the trouble that our magickal forebears, and some of
us who worked with them before we got into psionics (now who could that have been?)
had to. All you need do is bring the image of the planet whose seal you are charging
up onto the computer screen and hold the seal up to it. That will charge the seal with
the energy of the planet. If you wish a more potent charge, put the image of the planet
into your radionic box, set the rate, put the seal onto the receiver plate and let it go for
a couple hours under a desk lamp.

The First Pentacle of Saturn
This pentacle was designed to strike terror into spirits. That was considered very
important in the Yahwehist system of magick because the spirits were considered to be
hostile. As we do not view them that way, striking terror into them is counterproductive,
but if you have an angry spirit for some reason, such as a mad ghost, this pentacle can
be useful. All that is necessary is for the spirit to see it and it will calm down, thus
making it perfect for dealing with that annoying poltergeist.

The Second Pentacle of Saturn

This pentacle was said to be perfect for repressing the pride of the spirits, but again, we
do not want to repress their pride. We want that pride to help us! It is, however, also of
great use against adversaries of all kinds.

The Third Pentacle of Saturn

This pentacle is for use at night when evoking spirits of the nature of Saturn.

The Fourth Pentacle of Saturn

Now we get to the good stuff! The fourth pentacle of Saturn is used for causing ruin,
destruction and death. Just the thing to have when you think of your in-laws. It also
can be used to summon spirits that bring news if you face south when you use it.

The Fifth Pentacle of Saturn

Another pentacle to guard the magician against the spirits he is invoking if the invoking
is done at night. It also chases away spirits who guard treasures. Of course how many
treasures are there that have spirits guarding them? However, this might be useful for
archaeologists, just in case.

The Sixth Pentacle of Saturn

This is the pentacle that you use for performing inorcisms, which is to say, casting
demons into a person. You aim the pentacle (or use a radionic device to project it) at
the target and say the bible verse inscribed around it, "Set thou a wicked one to be
ruler over him, and let Satan stand at his right hand."

The Seventh Pentacle of Saturn

This pentacle is made for causing earthquakes, which means that you put it on the
transmitting end of the radionic device and the satellite picture of the target region on
the receiving end. It works really well on places that are prone to such things, like Iran.


The First Pentacle of Jupiter
This pentacle is used in evoking the spirits of Jupiter and is especially good for taking
possession of places where treasures are supposedly hidden. In modern terms, this
means making good stock trades and business acquisitions.

The Second Pentacle of Jupiter

This is one of the really useful ones. It is designed for acquiring honors, glory, dignity,
riches, and all manner of goodies, combined with the tranquility of mind that only comes
from having lots of money. It is also useful for business acquisitions (finding treasure in
the olden days) and chasing away spirits who are guarding them, which means that
Lord Carnarvon could have used this when he found King Tut.

The Third Pentacle of Jupiter

This was designed to protect the magician from grumpy spirits when they were evoked
to full visibility. It is useful for dealing with the occasional annoying spirit but as we do
not evoke in the old way its usefulness is limited. It is one of those things to keep
handy but do not expect to need it very often.

The Fourth Pentacle of Jupiter

This is one of the most useful ones. It serves to acquire riches and honor and to gather
much wealth. It is used by gazing at it and repeating the verse written around it,
"Wealth and riches are in this house and his righteousness endures forever."

The Fifth Pentacle of Jupiter

You use this pentacle for seeing visions. What manner of visions you see are not
specified and you should be really careful about taking anything you get too seriously.
The Astral Plane is full of pranksters.

The Sixth Pentacle of Jupiter

This is a very powerful pentacle of protection from the dangers of daily living. You look
on it every day when you get up in the morning and repeat the verse surrounding it
which says, "You shall never perish."

The Seventh Pentacle of Jupiter

This pentacle protects against the greatest danger a human can face--poverty. You
look upon it each day and repeat the verse, "He lifts the poor up out of the dirt and
raises the needy from the dunghill, that he may set him princes, yea even the princes of
his people."


The First Pentacle of Mars
This pentacle is used in evoking the spirits of Mars in general. In other words, if you do
not know which particular spirit you wish to evoke, but just one that comes under the
influence of Mars, you would use this pentacle to bring one to you.

The Second Pentacle of Mars

This pentacle has a feature that one would not expect to come under the heading of
Mars. It is used for--gasp--healing. You lay it on the afflicted part of the body and do
not tell the doctor because he will become very upset at you.

The Third Pentacle of Mars

Now we have a pentacle that does what you expect a Martian pentacle to do. (NO! It
does not summon little green men with two heads no matter what my deranged
ex-girlfriend thinks!) This pentacle is of great and wondrous value for exciting war,
wrath, discord, and hostility, as well as for resisting enemies and striking terror into
grumpy spirits. Carry this one with you whenever you visit your in-laws.

The Fourth Pentacle of Mars

This is one that you should always have handy when you go online. It is of great virtue
and power in war and brings victory. So when you get into a flame war, have this next
to your computer.

The Fifth Pentacle of Mars

It is a pity that you will probably not get much use for this pentacle because it is very
pretty. It is used to terrify demons, but we do not want to terrify them, we want to put
them to work. Of course if you have to do an exorcism, this is the pentacle to have
along with the first pentacle of the Sun.

The Sixth Pentacle of Mars

This is a good pentacle to carry with you when you walk down a dark alley. If you are
attacked, your attacker will be destroyed by his own weapons. It is also useful to have
in your car as it works marvelously to cause traffic cops to have serious accidents
before you reach their speed trap.

The Seventh Pentacle of Mars

After you have charged this pentacle, use it as a transmission witness and the target
area will be beset with major thunderstorms and hail. With luck and the favor of the
Gods you may even hit it with a tornado. If you should get a traffic ticket, aim this at the
offending town. They will have expenses they never dreamt of.


First Pentacle of the Sun
This is a pentacle that gives general power over spirits and everything else. You use it
when you need a blast of power, particularly if you are dealing with an angry spirit,
which fortunately does not happen very often.

The Second Pentacle of the Sun

This is another pentacle designed to control unruly spirits. Now, you must understand
that when this stuff was created the magicians did not see spirits as friends, but rather
as possible enemies to be feared, so protection was important to them. We do not
need it so much, but like a handgun near the bed, it is something you had better have if
you do need it.

The Third Pentacle of the Sun

This is a pentacle that is of much greater practical value than the two preceeding it. It
aids the magician in acquiring power, empire, kingdoms (or, in our world, political clout)
to inflict loss on enemies, in-laws and deranged ex-girlfriends, and getting renown and
glory. Every magician needs this one.

The Fourth Pentacle of the Sun

At first glance, this may seem another pentacle of dubious modern value, particularly
when psionics is involved. It enables the magician to see spirits that are invisible,
which is, of course, the natural state of spirits. It can, however, be useful in dealing
with hauntings.

The Fifth Pentacle of the Sun

This pentacle is a good one to keep in your car, or on your person whenever you travel.
It is used to evoke spirits who can aid in your journey, keep you safe and on schedule,
a thing far more important thing now than when these were created.

The Sixth Pentacle of the Sun

This is one that can be useful, or dangerous. It makes you invisible. Now, understand
that you will still reflect light so you actually can be seen as by a camera, it is just that
people will, for some reason, not see you in their minds. This can be a good thing if
you are trying to avoid someone, or play a prank, but it can be a damned nuisance if
you are trying to get through a crowd. People will keep running into you and you will
have to kick small children out of your path.

The Seventh Pentacle of the Sun

This is one that I have never had need of use. It is to help one escape physical
bondage, like being in the hoosegow. Of course if you do your magick right, that
should never happen because your spirits can make evidence disappear, witnesses
lose their memory or die, prosecutors become epileptic at embarrassing moments, cops
get run over by trucks, etc.. So think of this as a sort of back-up that you never really
should have to bother with.


The First Pentacle of Venus
This pentacle is made to control the spirits of Venus. You should not have to use it, but
keep it handy just in case.

The Second Pentacle of Venus

This a good one! Using this pentacle can give you grace and honor and all things
which pertain to Venus.

The Third Pentacle of Venus

If this pentacle is just shown to a person, that person will become sexually attracted to
you. The trick is to get the person to look at it. The best way is to use your radionics to
broadcast it to the person in her sleep. She will see it in her dreams and cannot resist

The Fourth Pentacle of Venus

This pentacle puts the spirits of Venus to work and when transmitted to a person will
cause the person to come to you.

The Fifth (and last, you are not being cheated) Pentacle of Venus
This is another one you transmit to the target in her sleep to make her horny as hell at
the mere thought of you.


The First Pentacle of Mercury
This is supposed to invoke the "spirits who are under the firmament." Now, I have no
idea what in hell that is supposed to mean in practical terms so experiment with it and
see who shows up.

The Second Pentacle of Mercury

This is to bring spirits who do not fit any other category and can do things which are
supposed to be contrary to the order of nature. In other words, it is for miscellaneous
spirits who work miracles.

The Third Pentacle of Mercury

This is for invoking spirits of Mercury and thus will be useful for all the operations
associated with Mercury.

The Fourth Pentacle of Mercury

This is a good one if you are puzzled by a mystery of any kind. It helps to bring
knowledge and understanding, especially of hidden things.

The Fifth Pentacle of Mercury

If you accidentally lock yourself out of your car, this pentacle might help. It is supposed
to open locked doors. I'm not sure if it works but you can play with it and see what it
can do.


The First Pentacle of the Moon
Do you get the impression that the author of the Key of Solomon had a hard time
keeping track of where he left his keys? This is another pentacle that opens doors! It
also serves to invoke lunar spirits.

The Second Pentacle of the Moon

This is to keep the magician safe from the perils of water, particularly storms. If you are
in Tornado Alley, it might be a good idea to paint this on your house.

The Third Pentacle of the Moon

Carry this one with you when you travel, particularly if you are going to a dangerous
place by boat. It protects the magician from danger when on journeys, especially if by

The Fourth Pentacle of the Moon

This protects the magician from everything evil, be it from in-laws, bankers, lawyers, bill
collectors, politicians, bureaucrats, traffic cops, wiccans, deranged ex-girlfriends or
even other magicians. It also helps the magician to work with herbs and stones.

The Fifth Pentacle of the Moon

This is a very useful pentacle. It helps you to get answers in your sleep, causes your
enemies to have loss and destruction, protects against phantoms that come in the night
and even helps to call up the dead, provided you have their area code.

The Sixth and LAST Pentacle of the Moon

This is a fun one. It causes there to be heavy rains on the target area. Put it in the
transmittal side of the radionic box and a satellite photo of the target region in the
receiving side and watch the fun as people head for the hills. It is a wonderful tool to
have during hurricane season.
Whew!! Am I glad that's done! Now onto the spirit world.


The evocation of spirits is one of the areas of magick that everyone has to do at some
time and the older writers would really get their robes in a knot over it. To do it the
old-fashioned way, you need a circle, a wand, a sword, a whole bunch of extraneous
items and a triangle for the spirit to pop up out of, or appear in the mirror set in the
triangle. All of this was to protect the magician from the wrath of the disturbed shade
and keep him from being torn limb from limb.
Well, if you look at those old conjurations, you can see why this stuff was necessary.
Let us be honest, if someone got you out of the shower by calling you "most unclean
and foul spirit," and then threatening you with eternal hellfire you would be really
annoyed at that person. And, of course, the spirits obliged. They would pick the most
unpleasant forms to manifest in, with all manner of noise and stuff, all intended to make
the magician nervous. This is why you get the instructions to do homage to the spirit,
wear a hat, do not wear a hat, do not do homage to the spirit, and do not forget that the
spirit has all kinds of titles and ranks which somehow correspond to the social structure
of the Renaissance.
Do you get the feeling that some folks were being had?
Spirits are, basically, friends of the magician. Oh, some of them can get grumpy at
times, and downright unfriendly on rare occasions, but usually they are co-operative
and helpful. I think it is because they rather enjoy the attention.
Now, there are two aspects to spirits. The first is the personality of the spirit. This is
the spirit as being, an individual with a functioning consciousness that has volition, can
act at will. When you evoke, or in our case, contact, this is what you are dealing with.
You will see something. And it is important to remember that what you see is not the
only image the spirit can project. They can change that at will to suit the prejudices of
whomever they are in touch with, so someone who thinks of them as terrifying will see a
terrifying image. Someone who is not frightened by such things will see something
more pleasing and they also change genders, which is why one magician will see a
spirit as male, another will see the same spirit as female. They have no physical
bodies to be limited by.
You contact a spirit using psionics in the same way as you would call a friend on the
phone. It is a conversation, not a peremptory summons. As long as you remember
that, you will be fine.
The system for contacting the spirits is very very simple. You place the sigil of the spirit
in question on the transmittal side of the radionic box and take a rate. Then you plug in
the helmet and take a rate on it. This is the equivalent of dialing the spirit's phone
number. You put on the helmet, relax and then, when you see the spirit in your mind,
start talking to it. And don't jump out of your skin when it answers!

Now, there are going to be times when you want something a bit more concrete than
images in your head, and this is where your pendulum and the charts come in. You
contact the spirit and, holding the pendulum over the chart that is appropriate, ask the
spirit what you need to know. The pendulum will point out the answer. This method is
particularly useful in contacting the spirits of the dead.
Using the energy from the spirits is pretty much something I covered in Psionic Power.
You simply choose the spirit whose energy you need for an operation, put the sigil of
that spirit in the radionic box, take the rate and put the witness for the subject of the
operation on the receiver plate. If you wish, and sometimes it may be a good idea,
contact the spirit and ask to use his sigil and energy.
This is a very simple procedure and often the hardest part is deciding which spirit to
deal with and what is the best way to approach the problem you wish to solve. For
example, recently a person on a mailing list wanted to use a spirit to pass a college
course. Well, he was thinking in terms of making the professor like him and overlook
any mistakes he may make on the test. I pointed out to him that the better course
would be to work on himself so that he would remember everything he needed to know
when he took the test and have sufficient skill at writing the answer that he would have
no trouble getting the grade he wanted.
Sometimes this is not obvious. The descriptions written for the offices of the spirits are
very old and not really that useful in our world. For example, there are relatively few
people who bury treasure any more. Now they put it in banks so a spirit whose function
is stated as finding buried treasure is not going to be much use if that is all he can do.
But, of course, that is never all a spirit can do. They may have had a particular
specialty that applied to the person writing the book, but you can be certain he can do
more than that. And of course if a spirit can find buried treasure, he can probably also
help you to find lots of things so do not let yourself be limited by the descriptions of
what spirits can do. Use those as starting points and see from there what you can
Often you will have an operation that will come under the stated expertise of several
spirits and you will want to know which spirit is best for the particular working. You
could, of course, ask them, but like people they will all say that they are the best one for
the job. Spirits have egos, just like we do. This is where your pendulum will come in
Take the sigils of the spirits you are considering and lay them in a row on a table in
front of you. Now, hold your pendulum a little below the row at its center and ask the
pendulum to point to the spirit that is best for what you wish to accomplish. It will pick
one out and that is the one you should go with.
One thing you need never have to worry about. You will never get a message on your
pendulum chart that says, "Thank you for your conjuration, however your working does
not meet our needs at the present time. Best of luck with another spirit."

There are a number of spirits who are assigned to specific planets. At least that is what
they want us to think and there is little point in arguing the matter. Planetary spirits are
generalists, within the purview of the planetary energy that they are attached to. They
are able to perform all the tasks that are appropriate to the planet they are assigned to.
Now, there are actually quite a few of them and Franz Bardon did a very good job of
cataloging them but for our purposes you really only need to know about the seven big
ones. Once you have contacted them, you can go to work on dealing with the others if
you want to.
To work with these spirits, have on hand the first pentacle of the planet you are dealing
with and the sigil of the spirit in question. Have the pentacle handy and set your
radionic box and helmet for the spirit and then communicate. You should have no
problems, but if the spirit should become tempermental, you will have the pentacle to
help you. And with that, here are the spirits.







It is a good idea to contact all of these spirits and get to know them. They are generally
quite friendly and helpful and will assist you in gaining the knowledge and friendship of
other planetary spirits as well as those spirits that sort of just float around and have no
assigned place in the firmament, whatever in hell the firmament is supposed to be.
Now, there comes a little problem with this help in that you will ultimately need sigils for
the spirits you contact in order to maintain contact with them. In the case of planetary
spirits, sigils are pretty easy to create. You use the kamea, or magic squares.
When you contact the main planetary spirit with the intention of getting the name of a
sub-spirit who can help you with a specific project, use the pendulum and alphanumeric
chart to spell out the name of the spirit. Now, let us say you have contacted Aratron of
Saturn to get help and he gives you the name of a spirit who is called Sorath (to the
best of my knowledge, there is no such spirit, I just made the name up to use as an
example). Using the numerology chart you get the numbers that correspond to the
letters in the name and then take a copy of the square of Saturn and use it to plot the

The numbers are 1, 6, 9, 1, 2, 8. You plot them as follows.

First, 1 to 6.

Second, 6 to 9.

Third, 9 to 1.

Fourth, 1 to 2.

And finally, 2 to 8.

The final plot is the sigil of the spirit Sorath. You copy that sigil to a piece of paper and
then put in the radionic box to make the initial contact. Anyway, here are the kamea.


There are a number of listings of spirits out there, the most famous being those of the
Lesser Key of Solomon and those are the ones I cover in my Psionic Power. But there
are others and they are readily available so there is no need to copy them here. It
takes very little research to find them.
When you deal with spirits the best attitude to take would probably be termed,
"business casual." You want to be friendly but not too chummy, respectful without
being reverential. Remember, these are the employees. You want to keep them happy
so they can make you happy. Of course sometimes things get a little hairy and on
those very rare occasions you have to resort to stronger means to get your way. That
is where the main planetary spirits and some of the pentacles come in handy. The
pentacles are linked to some pretty powerful thoughtforms and when you bring one out
you are tapping into that energy. And that is also when you use the flashlight.


Exorcism is something that happens when things really really really go wrong. It does
not happen often, in spite of some the peculiar notion of certain Pentecostal preachers
and televangelists, but when it does you will know it. Things tend to get unpleasant.
The first thing you have to understand is that usually you can do an exorcism by simple
power of personality. Often just yelling at the spirit will work wonders but not always.
Sometimes they get mad back at you. That is when you have to bring out the heavy
You need your pentacles, the help of the planetary spirit, the first pentacle of the Sun
works really well and you have that, and your flashlight. Why the flashlight? Because
it directs your will to the particular location of the spirit. Wands have always worked
better in exorcism than swords and knives because usually it meant driving the spirit
out of somebody and stabbing the person was seriously counter-productive, to say
nothing of messy.
Using your pendulum and chart, find out the name of the spirit. This makes yelling at
him a lot easier because spirits, even grumpy ones, respond better to their names than
a just, "Hey! You! Spirit!" Once you know that, hold the pentacle in your left hand and
point the flashlight in its general direction with your right. Now, speak in a firm,
commanding voice:
"X! I command you to leave this place. I order you to leave. Get out! Get out NOW!"
Say this while shining the flashlight and mean it! It may take a few shots, but it will
Now, sometimes the spirit keeps coming so if that happens, get a bottle and fill it with
salt. Draw the six-pointed Star of David on it (the center of the hexagram has a peculiar
energy to it, pendulums hold still over it and it blocks energy from escaping).
Command the spirit into the bottle and seal it. You now have a bottle of spirit and you
can use this spirit if you have to make life interesting for someone you do not like. I'll
leave that to your imagination.
This sort of general exorcism technique works far better than the drawn-out methods of
the religious folk for a very simple reason. Some spirits do not respond to religious
exorcism and just get madder. A Roman Catholic priest trying to exorcize the spirit of a
Baptist is going to have some unexpected difficulties.
Now about inorcism.
Inorcism is the process of casting demons INTO people. it can be great fun and works
wonders on ex-girlfriends (Oh, do I have story about that one I should write someday!).
To accomplish this you need the Sixth Pentacle of Saturn, the cooperation of a friendly

spirit who shares your sense of humor and personal malevolence and an unwilling
Using the ritual board, make contact with the spirit who is going to aid in this and have
the Pentacle of Saturn on your person. Set the machine to the rate for the spirit, his
planet and the color of the planet and then lay the pentacle on the middle witness plate.
Visualize as clearly as possible the spirit in the visualization plate in the center of the
instrument. Do not be surprised if you hear his voice in your head or even audibly. It
happens sometimes. Once you have the image, tell him of your plan and ask him to
help by possessing the person who intend to send him to. When he agrees, and he
probably will, ask him to enter the pentacle.
Now, take the pentacle with the spirit in it and place it in the radionic box. Set the rate
and then place the witness of the victim on the receiver side. Command the spirit to go
from the pentacle to the target. Hold the pendulum over the pentacle and see if it
swings. If it does not, just sort of makes little jerky movements which it always will from
the muscles of your hand, then you know the spirit is on its way and you can sit back
and watch the fun. (Do not be surprised if you get a letter from the victim accusing you
of being in league with the Reptilians.)


A talisman is an energy emitting object and any object can function in this way. That
being said, a talisman is usually something that is specifically made for a magickal
purpose, to make life easier for the magician and it can either be carried, left in a safe
place, or used as a transmittal witness to bring about the effect that the magician
desires. And making them is extremely easy and not at all time consuming.
This was not always the case. In the olden days it was required that talismans be made
of specific materials, often metals that were either expensive or difficult if not
impossible to obtain (such as solid Mercury). That was modified with time and
experience to be a requirement that they be drawn on parchment (extra virgin
parchment paper was considered best according to L. W. DeLaurence who sold the
stuff). By the time I started, paper worked just fine but if you really wanted it to work
good you soaked the paper lightly in salt water first and then hung it up to dry before
drawing on it.
You do not even have to do that, ordinary paper will work quite nicely.
You begin by deciding what the talisman is supposed to do and then you write that out
on a piece of paper. Once you have done that, take your number chart and find the
number of each letter in what you have written. Add down the numbers of each word
until you get a single number for each word, in other words if the numbers of the letters
of a word are 2, 3, 6, 4, you would add 2+3+6+4 which would give you 15. You add
1+5 to get 6, which is the number of the word.
Decide which planet your talisman will work under and then using the magic square for
that planet, plot the lines between the numbers as I explained in the directions for
creating the sigil for a spirit.
Copy the resulting design onto a piece of paper and then draw a circle around it using a
compass (it is good to have a true circle, it looks nicer). (If you have the software, you
can do this on your computer as well, but I'm old fashioned and like to do things by
hand.) That is all there is to it. Now you have the talisman and it only needs to be
You do this by either bringing up the image of the planet whose energy you are using
onto your computer monitor screen and holding the talisman to it, willing the energy of
the planet into the talisman, or you set up your radionic box with the picture of the
planet in the transmittal side and the talisman on the receiving end. Take a rate for the
planet and let the machine run under a desk lamp for a couple hours.
And that is all there is to it. The talisman will automatically be personalized by the
process of making it, there is no need to do anything else and charged by the energy of
the planet. Now all you have to do is work with it as appropriate and that is determined
by the nature of the desire placed in the talisman.

There you have it, magick made easy.

As you go along with this stuff, you will find that you get inspirations of your own and
often they will conflict with things you have read or learned. When that happens, go
with your inspiration. No one, especially authors, knows everything and if something
better pops into your head the fact that it may disagree with someone is no reason not
to use it. That way we all make progress.
The bane of magick is that for centuries it was locked into rote and rule and no one had
the nerve to make any changes for fear of being devoured by devils or worse. Well, the
time came when people broke from that and started to truly experiment and the result is
that magick now is a vibrant, living thing, not the dead words from centuries past.
Unfortunately there are those now who would do the same thing, try to create rules to
impose on the rest of us. Resist them, ignore them, they have no place in your life and
your work. Your only judge is yourself and your only criteria are results. Remember
that and you will do just fine.
And with that this work is finished.
Done in Hell, in the presence of the Devils (I've always wanted to write that)
I am
Uncle Chuckie

Charles W. Cosimano

Copyright 2005


Once upon a time, Field Marshall Montgomery was driving along and he came upon a
young boy on his way to school. Monty offered the boy a lift, which he accepted and the
two drove along.

While they were riding, Monty asked the boy, "Do you know who I am?"

"No, Sir," replied the boy with a politeness of a bygone era.

Monty beamed and answered in his high voice, "I'm a Field Marshall!"

The boy as somewhat impressed and said, "My father works in the fields too, sir. What
do you do?"

"I KILL people!"

At this the child was somewhat taken aback and asked, "Have you killed many people,

And you have to imagine Montgomery's voice at this point as he answered, "Oh

"May I be getting out now, sir?"

You have to love a man who loves his work.


One night I was at a local club and someone asked me what psionics did. I was in a
rather testy mood and I responded with a bit of a growl, "It kills people."

And that is what this book is going to teach you to do, kill people. There will be none of
the usual sweetness and light, no healing, no niceness. Just good old-fashioned
slaughter, the sort of thing that makes getting up in the morning worthwhile. And, by the
time you are finished with the material in this book, you will be able to kill folks both
individually and in large numbers, in fact you will learn that large numbers are actually
easier to kill.

I did not get into psionics to heal people. I got into it to use it as a weapon against the
rest of the world, not so much against personal enemies, of which I had few and they
were of no consequence, but against the enemies of my country. Now this may seem
rather strange, but you must understand that when I built my first radionic box back in
1977, Jimmy "the weasel" Carter was President and Coward-In-Chief. Things were bad
and in a couple of years they got worse.

Something had to be done and those of you familiar with me and my work know that I'm
not one to sit and complain. I get off my butt and do something about it! And radionics
seemed the perfect tool for doing just that. After all, consider the possibilities. You can
sit in the comfort of your home and set some dials on a box and let nature take its
course. No running for public office with all the attendant difficulties that course has.
No joining the military and having to put up with orders, uniforms, bad food, sergeants
and other nuisances. And, best of all, no accountability, none! No one can call you to
answer for anything you do with psionics because if it works, they won't live long

Let's be honest. This stuff is the bad guys' dream. And as I played with it and
discovered more and more things it could do, I realized that there was more to being the
bad guy than just getting all the good lines and tying up the pretty girls.

And out of that came Psionic Terrorism.

Some years ago I had my first website courtesy of Amargi Hillier and I found myself in a
debate on a psionics mailing with some hopeless do-gooders. Well, it reached the point
where I could not stand it any more and I wrote a short piece for that website titled
"Psionic Terrorism."

It was a fun little piece, with a few nasty things that could be done right now with proven
techniques, such as dowsing, agricultural radionics and micropsychokinesis. The last I
used to demonstrate how to screw with nuclear reactors, which is something I just love
to end books with now because it gets people so delightfully upset!

Anyway, it succeeded in getting some stupid German bureaucrat upset and he wrote
me a rather nasty e-mail demanding that I take the article down. That is not a smart
thing to do to a radical libertarian free-speech nut! But I was nice. I did not kill him. I
did something worse. I wrote him back, one word: "Nuts!"

Now you have to understand that when an American says that to a German it has all
sorts of meanings going back to the Second World War when the 101st Airborn was
surrounded in Bastogne and the Germans demanded they surrender. General
McAuliffe gave that classic response and now whenever you tell that to a German they
know it is your way of saying, "Stuff it up your ass, kraut-face!"

I never heard another word. In fact in the years that Psionic Terrorism has been
available for free on the net I have never heard anything from any other government
agency even though I know they have all read it. (One of the funny things about the
CIA is that they do such a good job of erasing where they surf that it is obvious that they
have and for some reason it gets a lot of hits from naval sites, even though I don't have
a single word about boats in it!)

I think it comes down to this. Either psionics works or it does not. If it does not, then we
are just harmless crackpots running around thinking we are doing things when we really
are just looking at a series of interesting coincidences. In that case, taking action
against us would only make a law-enforcement agency look extremely stupid and be a
total waste of time and resources. On the other hand, if it does, such action could very
well be a means of suicide! And assassination is not the answer either because, as you
will find out from a little favorite story of mine, killing us may only make us mad, to say
nothing of the vengeance that other operators may take on our behalf.

It has been some years now since I wrote Psionic Terrorism and the world has changed
somewhat, making a few things in that work out of date and, of course, as time has
gone on I've added some tricks to the repetoire. So here it is, the new, improved
version with a fun new title and pretty pictures.

Read the book.

Have fun.

Raise Hell!

And remember, the goal of psionics is the end of personal accountability. We can do
anything we damned well please as long as we are able to do it.

This is as good at it gets. Cool helmet, nice control panel and--you get to set off a
nuclear blast! What more can you want out of life?


This was a book that scared even me. I would sit down to write a section, finish the
section, look at what I had written and shake my head in horror. Were these the
words of the kind, gentle man who feeds the birds and bunnies all through the
eternal midwestern winter? And the answer is yes, they were. Because they were
also the words of a man who loves freedom and wants everyone to share it and
sees that personal freedom can only be guaranteed by personal power, a power
that psionics alone can give.

When I wrote my first book on psionics years ago, I said that it's purpose was to
bring about the end of a monopoly. That was interpreted by nearly all who read
it (who knew about the subject already) to mean that I was going to break the
monopoly on radionics held by a few organizations and instrument makers. And in that
I succeeded beyond my wildest imaginings

But I had another monopoly in mind. The sociologist Max Weber defined the state as
having "the legitimate monopoly on the use of force." I have learned that psionics
breaks that monopoly and this book may prove to be the most dangerous thing I have
ever written. It is not merely a handbook of gadgets and techniques. It is also a work of
political theory and that is an area few people in this field get into, yet as I have done my
work and research for the last twenty years I have become more and more convinced
that the political and social ramifications of psionics are overwhelming. They may very
well lead someday to the total elimination of the state as the arbiter of interpersonal

In the 1970s a new form of conflict reappeared on the international scene. It
was called "subnational conflict" otherwise and popularly known as terrorism.
So let me define for you what terrorism is. Terrorism is the means by which
relatively small, usually non-governmental agencies or organizations commit
violent acts for the purpose of influencing governmental policy or ultimately
removing a government altogether. This is done by various acts of violence
aimed at usually innocent people, by which I mean people who are not actively
involved in the business of government, law enforcement or military. The
Olympic Park bombing in the summer of 1996 is a perfect example of a terrorist
act, being aimed at folks who had no reason to be targets other than the fact that
they were in the vicinity of the bomb. What made that action different from what
is normally considered terrorism is that no organization came forward to claim
responsibility, which meant it's purpose was purely disruptive and in no way
intended to call attention to an organized group. If that had been the case there
would have been some sort of announcement to the effect that "This bombing
has been brought to you by Al Fazool, the official Terrorist Organization of the
1996 Olympics." Or something along that line.

Ok, at this point you have understand several things:

There are NO innocents, only targets.

Victims are scum, that is why they are victims.

Got that?

Ok, back to work.

As I was saying, the Olympic Park bombing was, in many ways, an excellent terrorist
act. It disrupted the olympics and removed the sense of security that Atlanta officials
had worked so hard to create. It put the FBI in the position of appearing to be
publicity seeking bumblers (which is actually all that they really are) in their

unfortunate hounding of an innocent man so that they could appear to have
solved the matter quickly and thus destroyed that agency's credibility with a
large portion of the American public. And for a long time it remained unsolved. In short,
by all the definitions of a terrorist act, it was a resounding success.

That was actually a rare success for conventional terrorism, however, because it
usually fails. Libya's campaign of terrorism against the United States only
succeeded in getting Tripoli bombed and decades of Palestinian terrorism has
brought little result other than a meaningless scrap of paper and many more
dead Palestinians than Jews. And does anyone really think that losing a couple of
buildings in New York would cause the United States to abandon its oil interests in the
Middle East? The usual end is only a hardening of the position of the attacked
government. And there is a reason for this. The terrorists are acting on a basically
erroneous premise.

Terrorism proceeds from the assumption that a people will want safety and
security above all other things and if a government is proven to be unable to
provide that the people will change either the government or its policies. But
people do not react that way. Instead of getting angry at the government they
become very mad at the terrorists and this mystifies the poor terrorists to no end.
The truth is terrorists generally turn out to be gangs that can't shoot straight and
as a result almost never achieve their ends.

Consider the practice of hostage taking. It doesn't work. No government is
going to change a policy for the sake of a relative handful of people. The idea
that it would is ludicrous. Governments take whole populations hostage, they
are not going to worry about a few diplomats. The fact is that a hostage in a
terrorist situation is more valuable dead than alive. Alive he's a nuisance with
an obnoxious family that everyone wants killed, but dead he becomes a martyr in
the cause against terrorism. A dead hostage can be the impetus for a war if
played right.

The fact is that terrorism, as it has been practiced to this date, has been a
dramatic and noisy failure as a strategy. It has proven to be a failure time and
again. It's successes are very rare and usually only after a very long time and
the intervention of other factors. In and of itself it cannot succeed.

The reason for this is very simple. Conventional terrorism can only hit targets
that are not well protected. But the reason they are not well protected is either
because they are not considered important to the totality of the nation or
because they have to be open in order to work. For example, a bomb in a
crowded store is going to kill a number of people and not do a lot of good to the
store's business, but in the great scheme of things is not going to matter very
much. People still have to shop and all they will do is get very mad at whoever
planted the bomb. The government, on the other hand, will chortle with hidden
glee at the thought of all the new police powers it can try to get by using the
public upsetness at the bombing and view the store as no great loss anyway.
Given that fact, one often wonders if terrorists are not, in fact, working for police
departments as they seem to be the principal beneficiaries of these things. One
has nasty visions of Scotland Yard having a direct line to the IRA.

There is an irony to this in that there were actually two successful terrorist campaigns in
the 20th century and both of them were directed against the British, the IRA campaign
in 1921 and the Israeli campaign in 1947.

The truth is that up to now terrorists have not had the wherewithal to do the kind
of massive destruction that would influence a government. In the 1980s there
was a lot of talk about terrorists building their own nuclear device, but anyone
who knows anything about such things knows that an atomic bomb cannot be
constructed from scratch in a basement. Even working with the radioactive
materials would kill them before they could finish the device, assuming they
could get their hands on those materials. And radioactive material cannot be
hidden without very heavy shielding. It sets off Geiger counters a long way
away. The threat of nuclear terrorism has never been credible to anyone but a
few idiot journalists who see terrorists under their beds. Poison gas is not much
better. It has a rapid dissipation rate and unless released in a very confined
area will generally have little impact. Witness the incredibly low rate of lethality
on the gas attack on the Japanese subway. A conventional bomb would have
been much more effective, witness for example the attack on the Spanish and British
rail lines.

Psionics changes this. It gives the means of mass destruction to everyone who
is willing to take the time to use it. It may even mean that for the first time in
history the balance of power between the individual and society may shift to the

So now comes the personal question. If I know this stuff, why am I going to write

this down and tell everyone in the world how to do it? Would it not be better that
I keep it quiet and hope that no one finds out?

Remember what I said about ending a monopoly? The psionic cat has been out
of the bag for a long time now. Everyone who works with this stuff knows what
can be done and no doubt somebody has done it. And research continues. It is
only a matter of a short time before a working psionic death ray is developed that
will kill as quickly and efficiently as a bullet. It is inevitable and nothing can stop
it or change it. No law, no government, no social system can prevent what is
coming. And that will be the ending of an aeon. So keeping quiet is not going to
make any difference. Someone will do this and somebody probably has done
most of the things I will write about already. That is a fact people will just have
to live with.

And, there is a more personal reason for making this information public. I
protect myself.

People who make breakthroughs in psionics have a bad habit of dying. Just why
this is a bit of a mystery but it makes enough folks nervous that they don't
even want to talk about it. That is why I have a policy of making everything I
design as public as possible as quickly as possible. A secret once published is
no longer a secret and thus doing me in accomplishes nothing but make it more
popular. For example, it has long been a popular rumor in psychotronic circles
that I was in some way involved with the Chernobyl explosion. And I've had a bit
of fun with that over the years because it helps sell books. But what will happen
the next time a reactor goes boom? By telling people the means that such a
thing can be caused (and it really can) that means that I'm not the only person
who knows how to do it. It can be anyone! The more people who have this
information, the safer I am from those who do not like the idea of it being out at

So I'm not going to hide behind the usual platitudes that accompany this kind of
work. I'm not putting it out so society can better protect itself. I do not think
society can ever protect itself from this and frankly, like my old, childhood hero,
Captain Nemo, I do not give a damn about society or the social order. The
material in this book is unethical by most standards and probably illegal in much
of the world. But I think ethics are for wimps and I have no respect for the laws
of Singapore or the EU (rhymes with ewwww. This work is for the real world and the
only rule in that world is that there are no rules. It is only the results that matter.

In this work, I am unleashing the dragons and may they feed heartily and well.


I've touched on this earlier, but you have to understand that terrorism has at its
base the disruption of entire societies. You are going to be in the business of
creating instability and unease and by doing so bring about your desired ends,
be those ends the defeat of a political candidate or just the sheer joy that can
only come from making life difficult for people.

That being the case, you have to consider what your ends are. In a very
controlled society, such as Singapore, an individual act of terrorism will have a
much greater social impact than a similar act would have in a looser society,
such as the United States. The looser the social fabric, the more limited must be
your goals. You are not going overturn the American government by causing an
occasional disaster, no matter how great that disaster may be, because most
people will not be affected by it and won't care. Oh, some may watch the news
and get a little upset, even downright furious for a time but the bulk of the population will
pretty much ignore it or view it as a local nuisance and go on with their lives as they
always do. Consider the fact that a massive flood can destroy billions of dollars worth of
property and screw up the businesses of several states and the rest of the
country will not even notice the impact unless the pack of looters and rapists displaced
by it is imported their community by the Red Cross.

The point I am trying to make is not to get too grandiose in your schemes if you
are dealing with a society that has a large tolerance for social and economic
chaos. That type of society is very difficult to influence because while it is
possible to get a bunch of politicians to pay lip service to anything for a brief
period of time, when their constituents who matter, in other words those who
donate, feel their vital interests threatened, the politicians will shut up very

But those whose livelihood is politically controlled can get very nervous and
virtually paralyzed because they do not understand the fickleness of the public
and thus tend to view each event as earth-moving in and of itself. Combine that
with the percentage of crazy people that every society has and you can develop
a situation where no one is willing to do anything for fear that any action may set
off something even worse. This is known as deterrence.

That being the case, how does one use the nature of a society to one's

Let's go back to Singapore. No, not literally. The only way I want to see
Singapore is through a bomb sight.

Singapore is basically a dinky little city in the Malaysian peninsula surrounded

by a bunch of islands. It has a booming economy in spite of the fact that it has
no resources other than labor and it is a dictatorship with laws that are so
ridiculous and tyrannical that the city of Oak Park, Illinois regularly sends a
delegation there to learn from them. Singapore has been justly called the
world's weirdest police state. So it is fair game.

The trick to disrupting such a society is to make the people discontented to the
point where they will begin to not only break the stupid laws, but also the heads
of anyone who tries to enforce them. Now discontent can come from many
directions. It can be a significantly large social minority that feels for some
reason that it is entitled to better treatment. It can be a frustrated middle class
that wants freedom as well as money (the usual cause of revolutions, the lunatic
ravings of Marxists notwithstanding but then Marxists have never understood anything).
It can be something as simple as a crazy religion or the mere unreasoning fear of an
increase in crime in a society that prides itself on not having any. The key is to study the
society and find its weaknesses. In the case of Singapore, a dramatic increase in the
rate of violent crime would be a good starting point. The government would, of course,
respond by extremely repressive measures, always entertaining in and of themselves (I
always thought that hanging was too good for people who keep
library books overdue myself) but once those fail, the public of that city will lose
faith in its tyranny and take matters into their own hands. This will cause a
breakdown in the tight social fabric of an Asiatic society and the result will
ultimately be a social chaos that such societies cannot deal with. Singapore
would not survive a good crime wave of the sort we have seen in Russia so that is the
way to go in dealing with it.

You see the problem Singapore would have is that its system is based on the
ability to control the populace. But a major crime wave, with the police becoming
more often the hunted than the hunters, would make such a society untenable.
You have to remember that all police officers, no matter what society they are in,
are congenital cowards and bullies. They are perfectly willing to attack the
common citizen and occasional criminal gang because they can bring
overwhelming force to bear, but if they face a situation where they are going to
be wiped out themselves they will simply hide. The creation of a criminal
organization in Singapore that can wipe out its entire police force in the space of
less than a day would result in the total collapse of that society.

Another method for dealing with an authoritarian structure is to remove the aura
of authority. That is usually done by the simple process of making that wielders
of authority look either ridiculous or criminal in the eyes of the public. This has
been done so successfully in the United States that no political or religious
figure is going to be taken seriously no matter what they say. We have created
the first truly anti-authoritarian society in history, with the result that the concept
itself is considered evil and automatically rejected by anyone who encounters it
with the exception of the occasional mentally retarded person teaching college in
Stuebenville, Ohio.

This is, of course, to the good, but it creates an interesting problem. As attacks
on authority structures have no impact on American society, what can work? My
feeling is that in general nothing can in the short run, short of massive
destruction of infrastructure, like the banking system, or the power system, or the
air traffic control system. If those things go down on a regular basis the public
will get very pissed and throw people out of office. Would it make any cultural
change, not likely. American culture is internally resistant to dramatic change
unless that change makes people happy like the sexual revolution of the 1960s.
Anything that negatively impacts the inherent American belief that anyone can

do whatever he damned well pleases will be met with a wall of resistance that no
agency can breach. Remember what happened with Prohibition.

But what can be accomplished is the paralysis of the governmental structures,
particularly law enforcement.

Remember what I said about all police being cowards at heart. The one thing
that absolutely terrifies them is politicians, because they control the hiring and
firing. If the politicians know that enforcement of a law will mean the end of their
careers, if not their very lives, they will reign in the law enforcement apparatus.
And the career of a politician depends on people liking him. If the constituents
develop an unreasoning hatred for a political figure, he might as well look for an
honest job and psionics can create that hatred with no trouble at all. If the
national computer networks start going down the politicians are going to be very
worried indeed.

Now, you will notice that I have not yet spoken of direct attacks on law
enforcement agencies and personnel. Well, we will get to that later, for they are
truly fair game for any terrorist. This is just social theory here.

Back to the different types of society. What I have been trying to point out is that
the nature of the broader society determines the level of impact a given attack
will have. An attack that would not even raise an eyebrow in Singapore might
totally annoy the United States if the press gets ahold of it. On the other hand,
that which would obliterate the entire structure of Singapore society would not
even be noticed in the United States. The degree of damage is much different.
It is one thing to be mildly upset by a news story that will be forgotten if a few
months, if not hours, and quite another to have the entire society collapse
around your ears.

In the final analysis, the difference between Singapore and the United States is
that Singapore can cease to physically exist if the United States decides to get
rid of it (one well-placed warhead can do it easily), but Singapore cannot do the same to
the United States. The psionic terrorist has to plan his campaign accordingly.

Let me give you an example of how you might use a psionic terrorism campaign
in the US. The media has certain people that it really likes and gives a lot of airtime
to, even though they really count for very little in the great scheme of things.
Witness, for example, the nonsense some years back about the supposed
arson campaign against black churches which turned out to be purest hokum
(there had actually been more fires in white churches during the same period
and the bulk of the fires were accidental, most of the arsons being by people
wanting to collect insurance). So let me give you an idea of a good target that
would get the media in an uproar and give you a few good belly-laughs in the

Hit a women's' shelter. Now first and foremost you have to find one. This is
rather easily accomplished by map dowsing and once you have done that get in
your car and drive by it and take a photograph of the place. When you get the

picture developed or printed, put it in your transmitter and create a thoughtform over it
that will bring a mass murderer into the place. Get that thoughtform good and
charged and in a reasonably short time you should hear on the news that
someone went into the place with an automatic weapon and killed a bunch of the

Can you imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth that would cause. The media
darlings would shed enough crocodile tears to fill the Amazon river and poor,
vapid, Bill Moyers would be just speechless for the first time in his life.

That is how you pick a target. You choose a site that will get the maximum
attention with the least work and risk to yourself. Then you let the news media
do the rest of the heavy lifting. There is no need to destroy lots of buildings, fun
though that may be, in order to get the type of attention you want. The
disruption of the social order will just naturally occur because people will want it
to for their own peculiar reasons.

But let us say you want to totally destabilize a country, like Iran. You have to
first immerse yourself in a thorough study of the target country in order to find its
weaknesses. Now Iran's greatest weakness lies in its class structure. This may
come as a surprise to those who have not studied it, but the strength of the
Islamic fundamentalists comes from the lower and working classes, those scum
of the earth whose presence is unavoidable in all countries and who in all cases
are the greatest enemies of human freedom. The middle and upper classes are
much more secular in outlook and are not at all happy with the Islamic state. So
what you need is to parlay that disaffection into action.

Easy to say, but how does one do it?

Well, where does the military in any society draw its officer class from? From
the middle and upper classes because they have the education going in. Now,

take a look at Turkey. The reason Turkey stays secular is because it has an
active, secularist military that is not above rolling a few tanks into the
government office buildings and using Islamist politicians for target practice.
How does this apply to Iran? very simply. One uses a thoughtform to amplify
discontent in the officer class to the point where one day the Iranian military rolls
into Qum, aims its guns at the mullahs and blows them all to whichever hell is
waiting for them. It takes time, but it will inevitably work. Never forget that
republics of virtue inevitably end with the virtuous on the guillotine.

Historic example time.

In 1492, the year the Universe really did change, the Medici, in a rare fit of total
insanity, invited the preacher Savonarola to Florence to preach what could only
be called a revival. And he was very good at it. He preached and preached and
pretty soon the good people of Florence had a huge bonfire in which they
burned books, and art, and cosmetics and all kinds of good things that xtians
despise. Well, this went on for a while until the good people of Florence and the

Medici decided that enough was enough and then they had another bonfire.
They burned Savonarola.

What you have to do is learn the basic discontents of a society and then amplify
them until the society just sort of self-destructs and the more rigid the culture, the
easier it is to do that. It's the old pressure-cooker analogy. Now, for those of
you who don't know, pressure cookers were big pots that people cooked things
in. A little water was heated to steam and then the steam pressure did the
cooking. They had a gauge and valve to let out steam when it got too powerful,
but occasionally the valve would fail and the kitchen would explode. People
actually got killed by the damned things and they went rapidly out of fashion.
Besides, the food they produced had no flavor and no one wanted to eat it
anyway except for assorted working class types to whom the gods had been
merciful and who were thus born without taste buds.

Rigid social structures act like pressure cookers, particularly in our world where
everyone wants to be like free Americans and thus feels frustration at every turn.
It is a relatively simple matter to find the weak points in such societies and then
apply psychic pressure to them.


As in all my other works, I will begin by having you work on yourself. You have
to understand that by choosing to become a psionic terrorist, you are making a
very big, important decision, one which will change your life forever. Things will
never be the same for you. Once you have done this thing, you will have burned
all your bridges behind you.

There is no going back.

That being said, I want you take a good, long look at your life. Are you happy
with it? Are you happy with your world? If that is the case, then perhaps you
have no need of this activity. If you are already content with things as they are
then you should enjoy them to the fullest and not bother about trying to influence
the world. It is a lot of work and you really don't need to do it.

But, if you are like me, you are driven by discontent. You put on the news and
see a congressman from the other side of the country get up and wreck the
country and you wish you could vote him out of office, but the nation is stuck with
him because his constituents like him. You see the Loons of Singapore have
hanged another innocent foreign worker and you wish that someone would drop
a few bombs on them, or import a million masochists with spray paint cans into
their silly little city and really make their lives fun. Watching the news is a cause
of nothing but frustration to the masses because they see so much that they
cannot change.

Psionics gives you the capacity to inflict change.

It gives you the ability to project power in the same way that a great nation does,
not with aircraft carriers in this case, but with thought bombs that can be even
more devastating in the long run. And you can do it with total impunity. No law
can touch you because no one will know that you are doing it. The forces you
will use can reach out and kill thousands, even tens of thousands,on the other side of
the world and no one will have any idea that you were the one who put the forces of
their deaths into motion. You can topple dictators, assassinate heads of state, ruin
political careers, drive corporations into bankruptcy, all by simply using your mind, the
mind of one determined individual who has chosen to focus his energy on a
given target and hound it to the depths of hell. You can cause natural and man-
made catastrophes, environmental nightmares, crop failures and famines, all
from the ease and comfort of your home. In fact, one of things about this that
most appeals to me is the image of the world being driven mad by someone in a
Lazy Boy recliner with a bowl of popcorn next to him.

Is it any wonder that psionics is so frightening to so many?

Those of you who have had the great good fortune to have read my other works
know I like to tell my little stories, so I have one for you now. It is a bit
apocryphal in some ways, but the gist of it is basically true.

In the 1970's a common method of testing for psychokinesis was the use of the
random number generator. This was, by our standards, a very primitive
computer that simply had a number of lights, usually between seven and ten,
light up in a pattern selected by a randomizer in the instrument processor.
There was a counter under each light and the test was conducted by having the
subject try to make one light go on more often than the others. And it was pretty
conclusively proven that people could do that. The numbers tended to go far
over the chance score.

Then one day some bright person in one of the government agencies that was
looking at the data, either the CIA or the defense department, realized
something. He realized that if a person could do that with a random number
generator, he could probably do the same thing to any computer and thus every
computer in the world was vulnerable to psychic attack.

In the early 1970s the implications of this were scary enough. Think what they
mean now when everything and everyone is computerized. An angry psychic can wreak
utter havoc! One bureaucrat looking at the data said "If someone could do this, we
would have to kill him, but if he can do this, killing might not stop him."

Think about that! An enemy that killing cannot stop! There are a lot of white
knuckles in the world over that prospect. Especially when you realize that every
country in the world that has a literate population, two cents to rub together, and
not actively engaged in a civil war is working on this stuff, which means the
entire world with the exception of Central Africa and Bangladesh. The concept
of a psychic world war is interesting to say the least.

But back to talking about doing nasty things from beyond the grave.

Now I get to tell you a really good, scary ghost story. My mother hated her
sister-in-law, Aunt Fran with a passion that defies human description. It was the
result of a silly misunderstanding about a funny get-well card sent to my father
that arrived on the wrong day, but mother never forgave her and probably
nothing disturbed my mother more about dying than the thought that Aunt Fran
should outlive her.

Well, three months after mother died, I was awakened by her voice in my ear
saying "I got her!" I shook my head a few times and figured that I was having an
auditory illusion as part of a waking dream, the sort of thing that happens to
people after the death of a loved one, took a few good, deep breaths and then
proceeded to go back to sleep.

I totally forgot the matter until a few days later when my Uncle Dayton (yes, that
is his real name, the city in Ohio is named after him) called to tell me that Aunt
Fran was dead and had died the night of my visitation of a very bizarre heart
attack. Well, it was more than just an attack. Her heart literally exploded! My
mother had killed Aunt Fran from beyond the grave.

I come from a nice family. Now you know why Uncle Chuckie is so weird.

So you see killing people doesn't necessarily stop them. That is one reason why
we can get away with this stuff. I mean, think about it. What prosecutor in his
right mind is going to take a case where the defendant can kill him even if he is
dead and assassination may prove very counter-productive. But I digress. Back
to you.

You have to be certain of your motivations. Remember that the powers you will
unleash are so potentially destructive that you cannot have any qualms of
conscience about using them. You cannot have any subconscious censor telling
you that if you do something unpleasant to another person, something
unpleasant will happen to you. If you have that floating around, you had
damned well better get rid of it fast or it will do you in.

So the first thing you have to work on is getting rid of your conscience. Now I
will admit that I was lucky. I never seem to have developed one, at least in the
conventional sense of the word. I mean, there are things I will not do because
they leave a bad taste in my mouth even to think of them and that is, of course, a
conditioned emotional response, but the response is there and I have learned to
live with it and avoid those things. And as they are things I have no desire to do
in the first place it's pretty easy. I'm not into selling drugs or sexually abusing
children, so them things just ain't gonna happen, at least not with me at the

But one thing I have never had a problem with is the taking of human life, as
long as it is not done in such a way as to leave a mess in the living room. One
should be neat in one's murders. (giggle) But seriously, the idea of an enemy
dying has never been a problem for me. It is, rather, something to be hoped for
and encouraged. For some reason, this is an aspect of my character that people
find disturbing but I cannot imagine why. I did my first known psychic killing
when I was twelve and maybe I even did one when I was nine, but I don't
remember the details on that.

I would expect that you do not have that advantage going in. Do not feel bad,
most people do not. The social conditioning against killing people is still very
strong, but fortunately is starting to wane just a little and one sees hopeful signs
in the number of murders committed by ten year olds. Ok, so I'm engaging in a
bit of the deliberate nastiness that Uncle Chuckie is notorious for, but like the

anthropologist Ashley Montague, I believe that "If humanity is to survive we have

to get rid of the ridiculous notion that there is something sacred about human
life." And if you are going to become a psionic terrorist you cannot be
squeamish about killing!

So you have to get to work to get rid of that conscience, at least as far as doing
in strangers and enemies is concerned. You have to become a strict pragmatist.

What does that mean?

Oh damn, that means I have to do my anti-ethical thing here. Ok, it works like
this. When people get the idea into their heads that they have to be "moral" they
find themselves going through all manner of mental gymnastics to find a
justification for something they have to do but their principles tell them that they
should not do. The pragmatic test is much more simple. If it works, it's right.
When faced with a decision about a course of action I have three criterion.

First, do I desire to perform the action? If I have no desire to do something then
is there a compelling reason to do it? In other words, I don't want to use drugs,
so I have no need of considering how to get away with using them. On the other
hand, I may not want to take out the garbage because it is raining, but I don't
want the house to stink.

Second, am I able to perform the action? I may want to levitate the house next
door, but I don't have that ability.

Third, can I get away with it? Will the action bring the desired result?

If a given course of action has an affirmative answer to all three, then I will take
that course of action without regard to whether or not anyone else thinks it fits
into their ethical or moral system. Especially if the other person happens to be
short, bald and obnoxious and don't ask me why I said that, it's a very long story.

Neither I, nor you, are in any way morally obligated to follow the ethics of
another person. One may bow to brute force, but one does not have to accede
to the principle behind the force. If I am determined to do something, those who
object had best have the force to stop me because moral suasion will not.

In the final analysis, the desire to act is the only ethical justification an action needs.

This is the sort of determination you will need because if you think psionic
combat is frowned upon, this material will cause people to go into epileptic
seizures. You have to become totally ruthless in the pursuit of your goals. In
other words, the removal of a dictator may involve the death of tens of thousands
of innocent children in that country. Are you willing to cause that? I am. And
you have to be as well if you are going to accomplish that particular end. That is

what I mean about not being squeamish.

Fortunately, modern technology has given you the means to get over some of
the emotional difficulties you may have in dealing with the results of your

Consider again the news on television, with its reports of war, famine and
plague. All good fun stuff and the only reason for watching the news is we get to laugh
at it. The normal reaction, the expected reaction to such things is unease or
horror. That is why the stories are put on in the first place. But suppose you
change your reaction to laughter? The emotional control that such stories is
intended to impose is lost and you free yourself from the tyranny of your

"Wonderful!" you shout, jumping up from the commode and dancing around the
bathroom. "But how do I do this?"

I'm glad you asked.

You are, of course, familiar with the principle of the laugh track. Television
producers, faced with the fact that their comedies really are not very funny, put
recorded laughter in to encourage the audience to laugh along. At one point
they were even having the laugh track go off when certain characters would just
walk on, the idea being to condition the audience to automatically think that
person funny. You can use the same method to cure you of the whining of the
television journalist.

Make your own laugh track. Take a tape recorder and keep it with you. Next
time someone starts laughing, make a tape of it and keep that tape ready for
play when you watch the news. Then, when they put on stories that are
supposed to be really heart-wrenching, play the tape and laugh along with it.
Keep this up until you can see the disasters in the other parts of the world as the
entertainment that they are. I have been doing this for years. In fact one time
when I was really laughing at something in the back room my mother asked, in
all seriousness, who died. And a few years ago I was sitting my rocking chair watching
the news while rocking and as I was rocking back the chair died of old age and I kept
going until I found myself upended in, what is for a man, a ridiculous posture normally
associated with women about to give birth, and realizing that I was not hurt, laughing my
head off. My former house-mate, in the living room, assumed that something truly
terrible had happened and I was laughing at the news, not realizing that I was laughing
at myself.

But there is another benefit from watching the news, besides knowing when your
operation has succeeded. You can gauge the potential effect of your workings
by the type of stories that are covered and the ones that are ignored. If you are
working on something in this country, the importance of the target is directly

related to the amount of coverage the target will get. A target that gets no
coverage is probably not going to be worth going after unless it is a very local
matter, like getting rid of an obnoxious congressman of Eastern European
descent. Any foreign target, will, by definition, be subject to news coverage or
you would not have heard about it in the first place.

So get to work and start laughing at the tears of others. It will make things a lot
easier for you as you go along.

Another thing you really have to disabuse yourself of, if you have not already, is
the ridiculous notion of karma. The idea that if you do something nasty, nasty
things will happen to you if not in this life then in the next has got to go if you are
going to accomplish anything.

Now, if you have been doing anything involving psychic stuff up to now, you
have probably had the karma crap shoved into you to the point where it is
coming out of your ears and that looks pretty silly. (It is starting to mess up your
shirt collar.) You have to understand that karma is one of the biggest frauds
perpetrated on the human race since the religious obsession began to infect

people back in the caves. (We can now be pretty sure that all religious
experience is the result of a malfunction of the temporal lobes.) But it is just like
the Christian hell. There is no such animal. It was just an idea invented for the
purpose of keeping people under control.

You see societies need to control people or they develop problems. And
primitive societies need a lot of control because the battle for survival is
paramount. So you get monstrosities like the Mosaic Law which made sense for
a band of desert nomads but were utterly ridiculous for a civilized people I
mean, if you don't covet your neighbor's oxen you won't want to go out and buy
one for yourself and there goes the whole economy. Karma is one of those
disasters. It was created for the sole purpose of keeping the Brahman caste in
control in the face of the Warrior caste, which by all rights really should have
been running things. And that is all that it is. So when someone starts babbling
to you about the terrible karma you will get from destroying central Africa just let
them babble and ignore them. If they want to believe in that sort of nonsense let
them, they only weaken themselves.

Now you may well wonder at this point why societies go through so much bother.
After all, they have police (often secret) and armies and torture and all kinds of
other fun things to keep people in line with. Well, it doesn't quite work that way.

You see, there are never enough police in any society to control everyone for
any length of time. Oh, they may be able to do it for a decade or two, like the
Soviet Union under Stalin, but then something will crack, like Stalin's doctors
deciding he had lived too long followed by the meeting of the Presidium when

his putative successor, Beria, sat down and the man across from him opened his
briefcase, pulled out his pistol and shot Beria dead. (The Soviets gave out a story that
he had been secretly tried and executed but Kruschev let the truth out in 1960 while
talking to some Italian communists.) It just can't be maintained. And police are corrupt
by definition. Public relations aside, it is the honest cop who is the rarity. A system of
bribery develops and pretty soon things are back to where they should be.

I happen to think that people doing what they please is a good thing. I want
everyone to feel that way. And I'm willing to put up with a bit of social dislocation
for the freedom of having fun. But most societies like to keep a tight control over
people or next thing you know everyone is having sex and no one knows whose
child is whose and who is inheriting what. In our society this isn't very important.
Oh, some folks get excited over the number of unwed pregnancies, but that is
really more of an economic problem easily solved by mass sterilization of the
underclasses. But we really don't worry too much about inheritance and family
grouping. It is not very important to us because it in no way relates to survival.
In modern America one may live very happily and well without any family at all.
In fact one may be happier.

Traditional societies are not like that and remember, all of the moral and ethical
bullshit we are stuck with comes from a bunch of desert nomads and ancient
urban homosexuals. As control of personal behavior is important in primitive
cultures, they develop a bunch of rules that can be imposed without the need of
state power. And thus the idea of inculcating them (brainwashing) into children
from an early age comes in so that as the child grows up he is unable to think in
any way other than that taught to him. The opinions of the social group, the
family, the community dominate the individual rather than the opposite.

We have pretty much gotten rid of that in America, but one still finds its remnants
in such ideas as "goodness" and "morality" and "ethics" and "responsibility" and,
a personal bugaboo of mine that merely hearing the word sends me into a blind
rage, "maturity." In our society, all you have to do is eliminate the hold that any
of those words hold on you and you are on your way. It was once said of me
"You don't say community and Chuck in the same sentence." Of course I wasn't
supposed to know about that but walls have ears and in this case the ears were
sitting in the next booth in the restaurant. (My spies are everywhere!)

So begin by questioning things. If someone says something is "good" ask what
is good about it and is some says something is "evil" ask why? Do not let
yourself be controlled by the opinions, much less the emotions, of other people.
Merely recognize that they are there and that they are levers by which people
can be manipulated.

When you do this, you will notice that your attitude towards life changes. Let me
give you one of my favorite little stories and for those of you who have read it in
Psionic Combat, bear with me.

When I was sixteen, I spent a pleasant hour in study hall rereading Orwell's
1984, the section where Winston Smith is having one of his long conversations
with O'Brian about the nature of civilization and the future of humanity. O'Brian
tells Smith to see the future of humanity as boot stepping onto a face. Not a
pleasant thought, is it? I conjures up all kinds of nasty images of Janet Reno in
her leather underwear and you masochists out there stop masturbating! This is
serious stuff!

Anyway, being sixteen and still rather foolish, I shared in the author's distaste for
such a future but that evening I became involved in one of those violent
adolescent rituals that are just a bit embarrassing to think about at my advanced
age and actually had the great, good pleasure of putting a boot into someone's
face. And you could say I had a conversion of sorts. Because you see I
suddenly realized that such a vision of the future was not a bad thing as long as
it was my boot and somebody else's face. In a flash, the world of 1984 changed
from dystopia to utopia, where one could wear nice black clothing, have all the
worldly pleasures and torture fools like Winston Smith. (Or, in my case, his
girlfriend Julia, being the good heterosexual dom that I am. That may have been
the night I took up S/M.)

So you see it all depends on how you view things. Nothing is right or wrong,
good or evil, in and of itself. There are no intrinsic values. It merely depends on
your point of view.

Let us say for the moment that you own a company that makes bombs. A war
breaks out and you get a nice contract from one of the competing parties to
supply bombs for their airplanes. Now, from the standpoint of the poor devils

who are under the bombs, this war is a very bad thing and not at all conducive to
either long life or great prosperity. (Being shot at is not conducive to a healthy lifestyle.)
But from your point of view, it is a very, very good thing indeed and you hope that it
goes on for years and years and years.

It all depends which end of the bomb you happen to be on.

Identification is important because it is one of the keys to social control. Once
you can identify yourself with the bad guy, in fiction and in fact, you go a long
way to breaking the back of the those controls. So go back to my little story
about 1984. When you read a work of fiction of see a movie or television show,
change the focus of your personal identification from the good people (which is
what the author or filmmaker usually wants you to do) to the villain. See him or
her as being much like yourself and think of what you would do in his position to
get away with the crime.

This is no mere exercise. You must remember that when you begin to actually

work as a psionic terrorist, the only difference between you and the poor devils
on the news who keep getting caught is that you are using weapons that are
undetectable and very often you will be working through those unfortunates in
the orange jump suits. They will be your unwitting tools, acting out impulses that
your thoughtforms will have placed in their minds. In effect, you will be the
ultimate criminal mastermind, working to cause social chaos on a scale so grand
that it would have been unthinkable a century ago when Conrad wrote The
Secret Agent, which, by the way, is an excellent little book and I highly
recommend it.

Never forget the fact that you are a predator and humanity is your prey. In the
words of the Nuremburg Tribunal, you will be a "hostis generis hominis" an
enemy of humanity.

In order to accomplish this end, you have to do a lot of work. So begin with
some fantasy stuff.

Now understand at this point that you are not creating any real thoughtforms or
patterns that will be carried out. You are merely training your own mind to deal
with the realities of your actions. I am not going to do any sugar coating here. When you
work with the real world, people will die and you must be willing to embrace that.

Sit back or lie down and enter what used to be called a reverie, or a nice relaxed
state conducive to daydreaming, something which, by the way, is very important
to mental development and children would be better off spending their time
doing that than sitting in school learning useless stuff like spelling and math that
they will never use anyway. All they really need to know is history and reading
so they can work the computers but I'm digressing again.

See yourself walking down a street and there, in front of you, is a nice, fat bank,
just full of money that is going to waste. Take out your submachine gun and
walk through the door and begin shooting people. Feel the pleasure course
through you as the bullets tear into their bodies, splattering the walls with blood.

See them writhe in dying spasms on the floor and hear their groans and cries.
Fill yourself with the energy of the moment, the sheer euphoria that can only
come from the taking of human life. Go around and pump a few rounds into the
possible survivors and then go behind the counter and begin filling your pockets
with money. Don't worry about being caught, this is a fantasy, remember, and
when you have taken all you can carry, walk back out onto the street and begin
shooting at pedestrians and passing cars, picking them off as they go by.

Now, didn't that feel good? Remember, that was a fantasy, do not go out and do
it for real, because you may get into terrible trouble if you get caught.

Now here is one that I use because I have had the misfortune to live under the

O'Hare Field glidepath and every once in a while it can get really noisy. I
visualized myself at an anti-aircraft missile control unit and when the noise of the
airplane was first heard I saw it as a blip on the radar. As it grew louder, I fired
the missile and saw it rise up to strike the aircraft where the wing meets the
fuselage (where the hell did they ever come up with that word? I have to look it
up someday.) Then I saw very clearly the explosion as the wing was ripped from
the plane and the plane spun down out of control to crash in flames as the sound
of the aircraft diminished to silence. By doing this little exercise I transformed a
real annoyance into a pleasurable mental experience and at the same time got
my mind in condition for certain operations that may have unpleasant
consequences for those who have the misfortune of being in the wrong place at
the right time.

This last one came in sort of useful one evening when the wind was coming out
of the wrong direction and the damned things were coming the house every
minute. After a while I just sort of went berserk, screamed "Enough is enough!"
put on my psionic amplifying helmet and began visualizing a jet crashing into a
control tower. Well, as bad luck would have it, a plane did crash into an airport
within ten minutes. The only problem is that it crashed into the wrong damned
airport. I was so upset I almost shot the television!

To quote my father in law, "Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Form these couple of examples, I am sure that you see how it works and I know
that you have more than enough imagination to come up with scenarios of your
own, and if you need help, just watch the news. There is always something you
can use, often in graphic detail.

Another thing you can do is make a point of playing violent computer games. First
person shooters are excellent training for the mind, especially since you are never going
to be in physical proximity to your victims so they will never have any more
psychological reality to you than the images on the screen. Once you realize that while
they may be real people there dying on the news, to you they are nothing but two-
dimensional images with no value other than the entertainment provided by their dying,
you will be able to function with little difficulty.

After you have become used to this little bit of mind-play, you can start to
progress to the important stuff and that requires that you be able to meditate.


Was that a high-pitched shriek of outrage I just heard? Oh, I know what the
problem is. You have been conditioned by the propaganda of the enemy to think
of meditation as something that brings about peace and goodwill. No! No! No!
It is nothing like that at all. All meditation is a procedure for calming the mind
and letting it work without the hindrances of everyday life, such as worrying

about bills or what whip to use on your new girlfriend.

Begin by sitting in a quiet place and just relaxing. Don't worry about where you
are in the house. All that matters is that you are not going to be disturbed. Use
the bathroom if you have to. I know I get a lot of laughs when I say that, but it is
the one place where one can usually count on a few minutes of peace and quiet
even in the busiest of homes. There have been times when I have been at
crowded affairs and the crowd has gotten too much for me (which happens often
because crowds annoy me) so I have retreated to the bathroom to just sit and recover.
Another method is to simply wait until everyone else in the house is sleeping. When
mother was alive that was my standard procedure because that way I knew she was not
going to bother me about some nonsense concerning the need for more vodka. (After
my father died I really learned to appreciate the Hindu custom of burning the widow.)

Once you have your quiet place occupied, close your eyes and just breathe. Do
not try to control your breath, just breathe deeply, with some regularity, and do
nothing else. If a stray thought enters your mind, ignore it and go back to
watching your breathing. This is the simplest form of meditation and it can have
some marvelously beneficial effects in your life but that is something other
people write about and not at all germane to this work.

After you have done this for a few days, start adding something. While
meditating, look at the space between your eyes with your inner sight. You will
begin to notice images appearing. Now do not attach any importance to them at
this point. This is a natural thing and all you need to do is watch them. Most of
the time, they will be very indistinct and fleeting, but occasionally one will stick.
Those are the ones you need to learn to pay attention to, either to choose to
continue to watch them, or, if the image is something you really do not want to
see, to get rid of it and replace it with something you do want to look at.

As you continue with this, you will gain control over the images and soon should
be able to call up certain ones at will.

Now when you can do this, you will have gained what is probably the most
important skill you can have as a psionic terrorist. It is the basis of just about
everything, from the creation of thoughtforms to remote viewing to psychokinetic
mischief. It is the means by which you take the power of your mind and project
it, the same way this country uses aircraft carriers to project its power. And you
have to think of it in precisely those terms. You are using a capacity of your
mind to influence events at a distance, usually involving people with whom you
will have absolutely no direct connection.


This is something of a departure from my usual way of doing things. In the past,
I have always written about such things as thoughtforms and patterns before
describing the psionic instruments, but I thought it would be nice to change that
this time, especially since I am going to make another departure from custom.

In the past, I have written about very simple devices that need no electric power
and were pretty easy to make. Well, the basic instrument I will describe here is
even easier to make but does use electricity because it is based on a transistor

It is not considered proper to laugh that hard while reading my books. An
occasional giggle is more than sufficient. We would not want the neighbors to
think you had an attack of hysteria would we? Yes, I said a transistor radio.

Now this is not as utterly ridiculous as it sounds. You have to understand that
virtually all of the early radionic instruments were in some way based on the idea
of radio and the famous Hieronymus machine was nothing more than a modified
radio receiver. If you look at the original patent you will see a system that has a
radio amplifier at its heart with an optical tuning system and four tuning
potentiometers attached to the antenna input and the stick pad and coil where
the speaker would be. The sawed-off, one-dial unit that is usually written about
and that is the basis of the symbolic versions using the circuit diagram, is
nowhere near as effective or powerful a device and is virtually useless except for
doing what the original patent claimed it was for, analyzing minerals, something
that T. Galen Hieronymus probably used as a blind to hide the true functions of
his machine. Because there is now no question in my mind but that Hieronymus
was onto a very powerful psionic weapon and he did not want anyone to know

Again, this is a departure for me, because if you will remember what I said in
Psychic Power, I thought that the Hieronymus machine was simply a bulky, old-
fashioned instrument that could be easily replaced by my more streamlined
units. OK, I was wrong. It happens every now and then. And, to make matters
worse, I should have known better because my first two instruments were based
on the Hieronymus pattern. I think it actually had more to do with the type of
experiments I was running and the fact that I was coming up with more powerful
versions of my psionic amplifying helmet and that colored my view of the
equipment in general. My feeling now is that the Hieronymus-type instrument,
combined with a psionic amplifying helmet or even a simple headband, is the
way to go as far psionic terrorism is concerned where you need a lot of power

That being said, lets take a look at the basic instrument.

To make this instrument you will need:
1 portable FM radio with extendable antenna.
1 sheet of aluminum foil
1 packet of posterboard
a couple of feet of speaker wire and 1 plug that fits the earphone jack of the
radio. You can use an old earphone plug and wire for this. Just cut off the
earphone and strip the ends of the wire leaving the plug in place at the other
6 feet (2 m) of ordinary wire
6 alligator clips (at any hardware store).
1 plastic can lid.

Construction of the instrument

Leave the radio intact. There is no need to take it apart or do any tinkering with
it. In fact, it is best if you avoid doing that because you might break something.

Cut 2 squares of foil about four inches across and do the same with the
posterboard. Glue the foil squares to the posterboard squares.

Cut a one inch (25mm) wide strip of posterboard long enough to fit around your

head at the forehead with enough left over so you can glue it to the right

Cut a small square of foil (about 1 inch or so square) and glue it to the inside of
the headband so that it rests firmly against the center of your forehead when you
put it on.

Cut the wire into two pieces, about 1 foot and five feet in length. Strip the
insulation from the ends of the wire and attach one alligator clip to each end.

Attach alligator clips to the ends of the earphone wire and plug that wire into the

Attach a foil square to the earphone wire clips.

Take the other foil square and attach clip it to the 1 foot wire and clip that wire to
the antenna of the radio.

As you can you now have a complete psionic transmission system. And there
are certain advantages to this system if you wish to retain total secrecy in your

The system does not require you to go out and purchase anything out of the
ordinary. Therefore nothing you are doing will raise any suspicion. The
materials are either common to every home or so common that no one would
even give their purchase a second thought. Those nasty, prying government
agents can never find out what you are doing because you are doing nothing to
set off the red flags. You are not going out to buy ammunition, or explosives, or
fertilizer. Nothing that is commonly associated with anything illegal is associated
with this instrument.

The system is totally undetectable in use. Everyone has radios and everyone
uses them. The most sophisticated of electronic surveillance equipment would
only show that a radio had been turned on. Big deal!

And you can take it anywhere. All you need a reasonably secure place to
operate it from so no one will see you with the headband on. That is the only
thing that would arouse suspicion, though laughter would be more likely.

In spite of its utter simplicity, this is one of the most powerful psionic
transmission systems available. It combines the direct connection to the
instrument and the amplification necessary for the capacity to truly act at a
distance that psionics ultimately is. And the amplifiers are already built in. You
don't have to go to any extra expense or construction.

Using it is even more simple. You put the plastic plate on top the foil square that

is plugged into the earphone jack, place the witness (usually a photograph) of
the target on the other foil square and set the tuning and volume controls (and
any tone or other tuning controls) to the lowest setting, slowly move those
controls with one hand while rubbing the plastic with your other thumb. When
you have reached the right tuning you will get what is called a "stick" which is
something impossible to describe but you will know it if you get it. When I do it

is like something literally grabs my thumb but other people have different
responses so it is impossible to make any sort of general statement other than it
is obvious when it happens. And you don't need to worry about getting an
electric shock from the instrument if it is plugged in while you do this. The
current coming out of the earphone jack is far to small to be a danger. But you
must remember to have the cable plugged into the jack. You can tune the
instrument without that connection because you are the tuner, but if the radio
has electricity working through its vitals you will get horrible sounds resembling
music and human speech coming out of it and that is extremely annoying.

Once you have set all the movable things, (dials or slide pots) you will have what
is called a rate, which is nothing more than an expression of the relationship
between the operator (you) and the target which the psionic stuff will use to lock
onto it.

Clip the foil of the headband to one end of the wire and clip that to the plate that
the witness is on. And that is all you need do to set up the machinery. You can
now put your mind to work to influence the target in any way you wish or to
gather any information about the target or its surroundings that you want to in
the manner of remote viewing.

The next instrument you will need to either make or acquire is a pendulum. This
is nothing more than a weight suspended from a string which is about a foot
long. I prefer to use weights that terminate in a point because it makes figuring
out what the thing is saying so much easier. The pendulum has all kinds of uses
and is a pretty standard dowsing tool. Because of that there is so much written
about it that I am not going to go into any great detail here except to say that
your primary use for it is going to be to find targets. For example, you want to
know where a particular target lives so you can get a photograph of his house so
you can use the pendulum to dowse for it on a map. That will give you a good
general location to start from and then you can work from there. Likewise it can
give you the most vulnerable location of a city to send a thought-bomb to cause
the maximum social or economic disruption.

Working your pendulum is very simple. You merely let the weight hang over the
map and ask it where the best target is to be found unless you are looking for a
specific location, such as the office of a major corporation or such. The
pendulum will naturally swing in the direction of the target and by taking two
readings you can easily triangulate on the target location.

The next tool you need to make is the old, reliable teleflasher. Now I have
written about this device for some time but it is very useful if you want to do in a
public figure.

But first how to build it. You will need a cardboard box (a shoe box will do
nicely), a 25 watt bulb, a flasher plug and socket, and a sheet of wax paper.

You cut the bottom out of the box on three sides so you can bend it up to make a
stand. Now cut a round hole for the socket and fit it in and screw in the light

bulb. Attach the flasher plug to the plug of the socket. Now glue the wax paper
over the hole in the bottom that you cut when making the stand. When you turn
on the light, you will get a diffused light bathing the stand or any picture you may
put on it and as the light flashes on and off it does something to the brain making
transmission of the image easier.

So how do you use this. Well, suppose your congressman is a real dipshit (I
know, they all are, but I mean a REAL dipshit, a genuine dudych). You really
want to get rid of this clown. So you use the usual disruption patterns on him but
you want to make sure that he's gone after the next election. Well, all you have
to do is take his picture and then draw a swastika on it. Set your transmitter to
send to the entire district and put on the headgear and then put the picture of the
politician on the teleflasher and turn on the light. Repeat this every night before
the election and he will be gone.

This also works really well on religious figures who dare to advocate censorship,
or anyone else for that matter. It is a simple matter to program the public to view
them with subconscious revulsion every time they see the face or hear the
name. It will then no matter what they say, no one will listen and never forget, it
does not matter who is saying something or what is being said. What matters is
who is listening. It is not necessary to silence the Pope as long as you can
insure that the Pope will be ignored.

Of course this is the basic system. You will also want to make at least one psionic
amplifying helmet.

Psionic Amplifying Helmets

There are several Psionic Amplifying Helmets that you should build and have available
in your arsenal. Each has it own particular function and you will find that while they all
work, there are times when one helmet will work better than the others. The helmets
are the basic helmet, the tunable helmet, the light emitting helmet and the horned
helmet. The inner workings of the basic and the light emitting helmets are essentially
the same. The tunable and horned helmets will take a bit more work.

The components of the interior are

1 foil circle about 3 inches in diameter

3 lengths of wire

8 small magnets (magnet strip cut into 1 inch lengths works perfectly

1 jack to plug other stuff into.

Begin by drilling a hole in the top of the helmet. Take one length of wire and make a
coil at one end. With the coil inside the helmet, run the wire up and out though the top.

Drill a second hole at the back of the helmet and fit the jack. Attach the wires to the jack

and then to the coil.

Attach the coil to the foil circle and glue the circle in place so that when the helmet is
worn the circle will be on the top of your head, touching the crown chakra point.

Position the 8 magnets around the circle, as equidistant apart as possible, alternating
the polarities and secure them in place with glue.

When complete, the inside of your helmet should look like the drawing.

The basic helmet has the wire coming out the top coiled around a crystal to make an
antenna and glued in place as in the next drawing.

This is a good helmet for most functions and should be the first one you build.

The light helmet is not a new idea. The first one I designed was a rather heavy and
complicated model that I described in my Psionic Power back in the late 1980s. This
one is much simpler and is essentially the same as the basic helmet except that it
requires another piece of apparatus, a small snake light, easily found in most hardware
stores. These small flashlights have the light at the end of a plastic gooseneck that is
attached to a battery case. Before you attach this to the helmet, check to make sure
that when you have it attached you will be able to switch on the light (some have the
light turned on by turning the part with the bulb and some have a switch on the battery
case) and be able to change the batteries.

With that ascertained, glue the light in place as in the next figure.

After the glue sets, coil the wire coming out the helmet around the base of the battery
case. This will create a field effect of the thought energies coming out the top of your
head, amplified by the magnets, and charging the batteries, which will then send it
through the light to the witness of your target.

Now, you are probably wondering how one can be sure that any energy at all is coming
out of the helmet by way of the light beam. Fortunately, there is a very easy way to test
for that. All you need is the completed helmet and your trusted and trusty pendulum.

With the light turned off, hold the pendulum over the top of the helmet. You should get
a spin around the top of the helmet as the pendulum picks up the energy coming off the
amplifying magnetic grid and out the top by way of the wire coil.

Once you have done that, hold the pendulum in front of the light, but with the bulb still
turned off. You will notice something. The pendulum does not spin. It just sort of
hangs and vibrates a little but spin it does not.

Now, turn on the light and again, hold the pendulum in the beam. Surprise! The
pendulum spins in the same way as it did when held over the top of the helmet. Thus
you have proven to yourself that the energy of the coil is being transmitted out along the
beam of light.

The tunable helmet is the basic helmet with a series of rotary potentiometers wired into
the system. They are connected in series and then to the contact plate.

The final helmet is designed for heavy duty transmittal work. It is a tunable helmet with
a couple of additions.

To make this helmet, you will need the same components as the tunable helmet with
the addition of two extra crystals, some more wire and two horns. You make the horns
out of poster-board cut into a circle with a cut along the radius to the center of the circle.
The circle is spun along the cut to make a horn. Wrap the horn in duct tape and
measure the length of the completed horn. Repeat the procedure with another circle of
poster board to make a horn of the same length as the first and wrap it in duct tape.

Drill two holes in the helmet towards the front.

Wrap the each of the crystals in wire and run the wire from each crystal to the contact
plate and attach them there. Glue the crystals to the helmet.

Glue the horns over the two crystals.

If you wish, you can make a crest of posterboard and cover the center crystal as well.
That will give you a helmet that looks something like this:

The horned helmet is based on the work of Verne Cameron, who discovered that the
energy flow out of a cone is unidirectional, out the point, unlike a pyramid where the
energy flows both in and out of the shape. This is why the horned helmet is best used
in transmission work.


Thoughtforms are something every psionic terrorist needs to know a lot about
because they are the principal weapon in his arsenal, even more important than
his machines. So let me explain for the millionth time it seems what a
thoughtform is for the benefit of those so unfortunate to have not read any of my
other books (and you know who you are! Go hang your heads in shame!).

A thoughtform is a clump of psychic stuff that is charged to bring about a specific

Sounds simple, right, well it is, at least in practice. The theory is real
complicated so I won't go into it in this work.

The procedure for making a thoughtform is as follows.

First, you have to decide just what it is you want the thoughtform to do. You
have to keep this as simple as possible because thoughtforms are really not very
bright and if you give it more than one task you may confuse it and get no results
at all.

Second, you have to create the thoughtform. This is done by a process
combining meditation and visualization. Meditate and create an image in your
mind of a object that will be the thoughtform, in effect the container for the idea
you are presenting. Once you have that, visualize the function of the
thoughtform inside the container.

For example, if your container is a sphere (one of the most common and easiest
to work with) you would visualize the result you want (like a bridge collapsing or
building blowing up) inside the sphere, so the sphere is running the image like a
movie. If you are familiar with the snow globes they sell around xmas in gift
shops you know what I mean. There is a scene encased in a ball.

Third, you have to give the thoughtform a name, like Bridgeblaster or something
that indicates its function. This is so you can psychically get in touch with your
thoughtform easier when you work with it.

Fourth, you have to charge the thoughtform. This is done by visualizing it being
filled with a bright light that is the energy of the universe. You pump this light
into the thoughtform until it is nigh unto bursting. The charging process has to
be repeated occasionally because thoughtforms are like batteries and will run
down if they are not charged on a regular basis. This is something you must not
forget but it is very easy to do. All you have to do is write the name of the
thoughtform on a piece of paper, put it on the witness plate of your radionic
transmitter and then set the machine. Put on the headgear and visualize a new
charge going into the thoughtform.

Fifth, place the thoughtform where it will do the most good. For example, if it is
to summon a mass murderer into the local village hall, you would place it over
the door of the village hall. If it is to destabilize an entire country, you would
place it in stationary orbit over the center of that target country.

After you have done these simple things, you only need let the thoughtform
work. And don't forget to recharge it!


This is a weird one. One of the peculiar features of psionics that makes it
unique among psychic methods is the fact that it can be used to easily transfer
patterns of energy and thoughtforms from one location to another. What that
means is that the energy field of one place can be moved to another to bring
about any desired result.

For example, the battlefield of Verdun still has a tremendous amount of energy
lingering over it. Anyone who visits it is going to feel it whether they are
normally psychic or not. This is not surprising considering the tremendous
casualties inflicted during that most useless of struggles. Well, during the Iran-
Iraq war in the 1980s, an experiment was performed to take that energy and lay
it over the frontier between the two armies. A quick study of the battlefield maps
indicated that the port city of Basra would be the likely juncture and so it was a
simple matter to take a photograph of Verdun, put it on the transmittal side of a
radionic box and place the photo of Basra on the receiving end and let the
machine move the energy from one to the other. The results were nothing short
of spectacular. Basra was transformed from a picturesque ancient city into an
Islamic killing field, complete with the type of trench warfare unknown since

That was an case of particular nastiness, but let us say we want to make life
interesting for the natives of Singapore (Do you get the feeling I have something
against that place?). The dictators of Singapore pride themselves on the low
crime rate of the city. So suppose we want to increase that crime rate. Nothing
simpler! We just get a photograph of a crime ridden area of any large city and
photograph of downtown Singapore. We place the crime area picture on the
transmittal end of the instrument, set a rate for it, put the photo of Singapore on
the receiving end and plug in the unit. Then we simply let nature take its course.

Now, if we really want to be nasty about this, we replace the crime area photo
with a picture of British soccer fans. That should drive the Singaporans
absolutely nuts.

So what is happening when we do this? Well, the energy that is left behind from
any great, emotional event just sort of hangs in place. You have entered a room
where a great, screaming argument has taken place a little while before and the
room felt real uncomfortable. That is the left-over energy that has not yet
dissipated. The sight a of a great battle may take years, even centuries in the
case of Verdun, to dissipate back into the ether and as long as it is there, it can
be used. By setting the radionic instrument in the way I have described, the
pattern of the energy is transferred to the target. The pattern creates a psychic
connection that for all practical purposes places that same energy over the
target area, sort of like opening a faucet and letting the water run into the

bathtub. As the target area is filled with the energy, it takes on the aspects of
the transmitting area, so the energy that produces a great deal of criminal
activity becomes resident in an area that heretofore had little to none. For
example, if there is a football game between two schools that are noted for the
well-behaved students that attend them and the energy of a British soccer field

is transmitted to that stadium, the results may be quite exciting for the spectators
and thoroughly embarrassing for the school officials.

With a little thought, you should be able to come up with all manner of
interesting uses for this phenomenon.


One of the really odd things about psionics is the fact that simple (or not so
simple) patterns drawn on a piece of paper have real effects on things. Now this
is something that should not happen and defies all attempts at rational
explanation, so I am not even going to attempt that. All you need to know is that
the phenomenon exists and is useful in your work as a terrorist.

The best patterns to work with are the spirit sigils from the Lesser Key of
Solomon. There is something about them that links the operator with the pattern
of energy that is defined as that spirit and when one of them is transmitted at a
target, it will cause something to happen to that target in the nature of the spirit
that the pattern is related to. Other than that, they tend to be unpredictable and
one never really knows what kind of impact any given pattern is going to have
other than it will cause trouble for the target. That trouble can range from mild
annoyance to natural disaster of biblical proportions.

That being said, the one reliable thing that can be told about these patterns is
that will cause people to make mistakes. The degree of the mistake depends of
many factors but they do occur and the disruption pattern makes them more
likely and more disastrous.

Disruption patterns may be fired at either individual people, buildings, or
geographic areas depending upon the amount of damage you are trying to

Here are a few of my favorites.


He is entirely destructive and when launched at a target will cause all manner of chaos.


This one incites men to murder and bloodshed. Just thing to aim at a family gathering.

Chaos Mine

Fire this at any target and chaos will descend upon it.


Using psionics, it is possible to influence large numbers of people at the same
time. In fact, it is easier to control people in groups than it is as individuals. The
reason for this lies in the fact that people rarely think for themselves, but are
usually quite content to have other people do their thinking for them. If two or
more people come up with a similar idea at the same time they can spread it like
a fire in a gas station, all over hell, in very little time. And remember the thing
about connections, how most people in a given geographic area are connected
by about three or four people. So things can spread pretty fast.

Masses are moved by thoughtforms and by direct transmission. Thoughtforms

Most people who operate in the realm of psionics think of people in individual
terms. To influence masses of people, one must think in geographic terms. The
operator, in this case, will work to send a thought pattern over an a large area,
maybe as big as an entire country. In order to do this the thoughtform must be
designed and positioned where it can broadcast to the entire area so

Let me give you an example. We all know that the greatest social evil is
censorship. All other things pale in comparison to it because it attacks the mind
and soul of the people it seeks to control. There is no conceivable justification
for it and when the time comes that the Psionic Death Ray is up and running the
advocacy of it will be punishable by death. In fact the only thing we may censor
is censorship. (Yes I know it isn't logical, but who gives a fuck about logic
anyway?) Anyway, it is important that the very idea be squashed as soon as it
rears its fascist head, so you, being the freedom-loving psionicist that you are,
wish to create a thoughtform to defeat this monster.

Now this thoughtform you are working on must cover the entire country. And the
best way to do that is to make the thoughtform in the form of a satellite in
geosynchronous orbit, which means it stays at the same place in relation to the
ground, and have it broadcast from that high frontier to the entire nation. The
thoughtform is made and charged in the usual manner for such things and then
sent to do it's work. As it builds power, it broadcasts to the minds of everyone in
its target area and as soon as the mere word "censorship" hits their ears, they
feel a rush of adrenalin and an uncontrollable desire to put a bullet in the person
who said it.

And it is not necessary to create the thoughtform and put it only over the country
that one lives in. One may put any thoughtform in orbit for any reason over
anywhere, so if one wishes to totally destabilize a country, all one must do is
create a thoughtform that will cause massive public discontent and keep

charging it until the folks in its target area rebel and keep rebelling. The more
controlled the society is, more effective such a thoughtform is. (Watch out
China!) And the beauty of this method is that one can in effect wage a private
war upon another country and there is not a damned thing anyone can do about
it because they won't know who is doing it.

Sounds like fun, doesn't it. Hell, it sure worked on Eastern Europe in 1989. So
now you want to know how to make one, right. Ok, here's what is done.

The first thing the operator absolutely must do is decide what he wants the
thoughtform to do. Otherwise he is going to get an ineffectual blob of energy
floating out in the ether that does absolutely nothing.

Once he has the purpose of the thoughtform down, he decides where in orbit he
wants to put it. He does a bit of meditating and visualizes himself out into space
looking down until he can see the entire target area.

Now it is time to build the thoughtform. Shape is necessary, but unimportant. I,
because of my age, tend to make mine like 1950's satellites, round things with
four antennae around the center, but he can make his look any way he likes. He
decides what he wants the thoughtform to look like and then while mentally out
in space, begins to construct it. This is done by simple visualization and as he
visualizes it, gives it a name and instructs it in what it is to do. Once he has
done that, charges it and keeps charging it until he feels it is fully operational.
After that, he goes back to it about once a week and gives it another shot until
he starts seeing results on the evening news.

He can use the radio box on this site to maintain contact with the thoughtform
and add power to the charge he places in it.

The other form of mass influence is psionic and this can involve a number of

Again, he is thinking geographically, so he will want aerial, or if possible,
satellite pictures of the target area. The bigger the target, the easier it is to get
satellite pictures of it. Most public libraries can obtain copies for him and there
are a number of web pages that also have them. That photo will be the target

With the target witness in the machine, he sets the machine for the rate for the
area and dons the headgear, be it the simple headband, or a full psionic
amplifying helmet, and visualizes the populace of the area doing what they are
supposed to do, be it voting someone out of office or lynching a popular cleric.
There are absolutely no limits on what he can send.

This method can be used very effectively as a means of indirectly influencing

elections. Poor Dan Rostenkowski never knew what hit him! He can take the
target area and send a picture of the politician with a swastika imposed over him,
or in a prison uniform, or if he really can hold the image and his stomach can
handle it (mine cant), child molesting. I once told a friend of mine in the
Theosophical Society that one radionic box was worth 50,000 votes and he did
not believe me. He was wrong. A good psionicist can easily control the
outcome of any election. It is not necessary to directly attack the politician
psychically to do it either. One simply gets the voters to feel disgust at his very
name sort like what happened just naturally to Adlai Stevenson the umpteenth in
Illinois in the 1980s. He was not a bad man, or even a particularly bad senator,
albeit a rather unskilled politician it turned out. But there was something about
him that made people go "Yeech!" at the hearing of his name. I think it was that
the good people of Illinois had just decided to put paid to the Stevenson clan
once and for all and refused to vote for him. And let us be honest, how can one think
about anyone named "Adlai" without laughing?

A very good method of sending an influence is to hook oneself into a machine
tuned to the target and put on a videotape of something one wants to happen.
Saddam Hussein was an excellent experimental subject for this, almost as good
as Maggie Thatcher. (I really miss Saddam, he was such fun to play with.) For some
reason the more dictatorial the character of the target, the more easily they are
controlled. In any event, as part of our continuing private war against the Iranian infidels,
we set up a machine to broadcast to Saddam and then put on some WW1 footage of a
poison gas attack. It took him about two days to launch his.

Verbal commands may also be used and in this case it is best to confine the
command to a single word or short phrase that can be repeated over and over.
This is broadcast to the target area and in a matter of time the people will


Of all the skills that a psionic terrorist needs, remote viewing is one of the most
important. It is nothing less than the means to gain information about a potential
target that would not be available by other means as well as training in remote
presence, the ability to psychically place yourself in the location where you will
be working.

We have to begin with the fact that remote viewing is nothing new. The phrase,
is, in fact, the literal meaning of the word "clairvoyance" and we all know that
that has been around forever. There is nothing new about being able to see
things far distant by use of the mind alone, traveling through the ether to the
point that is being observed. There are many historic examples of this, perhaps
the most famous being the story of the time Emmanuel Swedenborg left a dinner
party in 1759 and came back in terrified. There was a huge fire in Stockholm,
some two hundred miles away but the prophet was greatly relieved when he
discovered that the fire was put out three houses away from his. The patron
saint of television was a woman who apparently was able to watch church
services from her bed some distance from the church.

In the middle of the nineteenth century the art of psychometry was popularized.
This is the talent for taking an object and being able to psychically sense what
has gone on around that object. The theory behind that is that the object picks
up the energy field of the activity around it and that field is then readable by the
psychometrist. When we use psionics to aid in remote viewing, we are basically
doing psychometry with the added advantage provided by our instruments. The
advantage to this method lies in the fact that it is not necessary to in any way
concentrate on the target of the viewing. The instruments do all the heavy work
and the viewer need only relax, meditate, and watch, sort of like television.

In order to use this system in actual remote viewing, it is first necessary to have
what is called a witness, anything from the target area. This can be a rock, a
photograph out of a tourist book, or even something as simple as the map coordinates
written on a piece of paper. If a person is to be watched, a photograph
or copy of the person's signature works very well.

The witness is placed in the sample holder of the radionic box and the box is
tuned. The tuning is done by slowly turning the dials with one hand while
rubbing the stick plate with the other until the stick is achieved on each dial. At
this point the box is tuned to the target.

Next the headpiece is attached. The psionic amplifying helmet is tunable and it
is tuned the same way as the box, turning the dials until there is a stick on the

Once this is done, it is time for the operator to do his thing. He puts on the
headgear and goes into a meditative, relaxed state. This opens up his mind to
the impressions that will come from seeing the target.

During actual viewing, the impressions that are received are largely visual, seen
very often as images filling the entire head, but a technique is also used where
the eyes are closed and the visual sense is concentrated on the third eye,
seeing the images as on a screen. In either event, they are there and while the
first few tries may get nowhere as multiple images bounce around without
making any sense, they become clearer with practice.

As you become adept at this, you will realize that you are, for all practical
purposes, present in the location that you are viewing and can work their
psyhically, either by direct influence or creating thoughtforms that do the work for
you. The is known as psychic presence.

With the addition of psionics and a little practice, virtually anyone can become
expert at remote viewing.


If you wish to do some serious remote viewing, a way to make the entire process
much easier and effective is to combine psionic technology with the older
method of the thoughtform. The use of thoughtforms for this is an old idea that
was made popular by Al Manning in the 1970s.

The Manning technique called for making a thoughtform in the form of a
television camera (still big, hulking things in those days) and programming it to
broadcast images to the operator's third eye. This meant creating the
thoughtform and then visualizing a cable running from it to the brow chakra. To
use it, the thoughtform was willed into the location to be viewed and the person
just sort of closed his eyes and focused on the region in the center of the
forehead and tried to remember what was seen in the mind's eye.

Now as it went, this is a pretty good method of working. It was usually reliable
with some practice and a lot of fun for beginners because it meant that they
could imagine playing with some equipment that was not exactly commonplace
in them thar' olden times before camcorders and VCRs. (I never cease to be
amazed at how different our lives are now than twenty-five years ago.) With
psionics, this method can be made more efficient.

You will need a radionic unit and headgear, like the simple radio device in this
manual or, even better, a radionic box and helmet.

The thoughtform is made by the simple process of imagination. Close your eyes
and visualize a ball in front of you, now when you have that image and can hold
it for a while make a slight change and transform that image into an eyeball.
Yes, a camera is more fun, but it is also more work and an eyeball is just fine.
Give the eyeball a name, like Spyeye or something and see it being filled with
the universal energy to power it up. As you do that, program it by commanding it

to send images of what it sees back to you when you command it.

Work on this for a while until you feel that the thoughtform is up and running

Now for the easy part. Set up your instrument, tuned to the contact rate for the
thoughtform. This is done by the simple of procedure of writing the name you
gave the thoughtform on a piece of paper and laying it on the sample plate
before setting the instrument.

Now it is time for a little practice run. Put on the headgear and close your eyes.
Focus on your brow chakra and see what appears. Move the eye around as you
would a floating camera and see through it.

After you have accomplished this to your satisfaction, move the eye out of the
room and around the house, out of the house and into the neighbor's bedroom.
Don't waste time worrying about the ethics of this. You're working with this to get

information, not to teach Sunday school. Besides, you may find something you
can use to blackmail the neighbor with and get your snow shoveled for free.

Okay, now comes the fun stuff. Set up the equipment and move the eye into the
bedroom of the Mayor. Surprise! He really does wear women's underwear!

Harold Washington, dead Mayor of Chicago, was well known in the local gay community
as a drag queen. The truth really hurt when it came out. Ha Ha!

Okay, I'm having a bit of fun with this, but the advantages of this are really quite
astounding. Consider the business applications. You can find out what the
marketing strategy of a rival firm is by looking into their board meetings and then
mapping your own strategy to get the customers before they have a chance. If
you know a company is going to have some tough sledding because of some
news about them that is going to come out in a few days, you can call your
broker and short-sell their stock to make a tidy profit. Or, if they are about to be
the target of a takeover, you can buy the stock before the announcement and
make a bundle. In other words, you have access to tons of inside information
and the Securities and Exchange Commission can't do a blessed thing about it
because you have no known connection they can trace. (Can you imagine them
trying to tell a judge that someone used psionics? Can you see the judge
laughing so hard he falls off the bench?)

Or let us say you are a criminal lawyer and you need to know what lies the
prosecution is going to use against your client. With this technique, you can
listen in on them rehearsing the arresting officer so he can remember his story
on the stand (given the usual intelligence level of such folks it takes lots and lots
of rehearsing) and you can find just the right thing to ask to make him look like
the bribe-taking scoundrel he really is.

And, of course, there is the old stand-by for the snowy, midwestern winter night,
looking at your favorite actress taking a shower, which is what I'm going to do as
soon as I'm done writing this.

The important thing to remember is that there are no rules. Like all tools, this is
a method to be used in whatever manner you see fit. Just remember that it
takes a bit of practice and you should start with things you can verify, like what
Aunt Myrtle and Uncle Eustace had for dinner. Once you know that you can do

something like this reliably, then you can move on and learn everything you want
to about anyone anywhere you want.

And one of the things you will learn is that this method is not limited by time or
space. After you have shocked the neighbors with the appropriate off-hand
comment about the best place to buy whips and bugged the Mayor with cartoons
of him cross-dressing placed all over town and made some money in the stock
market while hiring out to law firms as a consultant, it is time to experiment with

The best thing to do is work with going back in time to something not too famous
but still interesting, like the big fist fight you heard about at the neighbor's family
reunion two years ago, something you would have sold your mother's grave to

Set up the machine and tune to the thoughtform. Now begin moving the eye
back into time to the time and place you have chosen. Now you can watch the
next door neighbor duck under the picnic table as the beer cans fly overhead,
followed by beer bottles and finally coolers. Move the eye way up in the air for a
blimp-shot of the line of police cars and paddy wagons pulling into the picnic

Play around with the past for a while and then experiment with seeing the future.
Now I should put in an advisory here. The future is mutable, so you may see
things that just don't happen. Don't put your life savings on the horse race you
watch. It may turn out different. But have some fun with it and you may get
something useful and profitable.


One of the methods used in the remote viewing experiments of the 1970s
involved what were termed "beacons." Put very simply a beacon was a person
sent to view the target and the remote viewer, in effect, looked at the target
through the beacon's eyes. This technique had a number of advantages for
research purposes, not the least of which was the possibility of easy verification
of the results. The beacon viewed what the remote viewer drew or described
and would be able to tell exactly whether or not the remote viewer was right.

For military intelligence work, this method had, however, one very obvious
drawback. If a person could get close enough to a target to physically eyeball it,
there was absolutely no need for a remote viewer at all and thus justifying that to
the various congressional committees looking into this stuff would be very
difficult. Even Clayborn Pell, supporter of intelligence use of psychics that he
was, would have choked on that expense.

So the beacon idea was relegated to the dustbin of interesting things of no
practical value. At least until someone decided to combine it with psionics.

Psionic equipment gives the remote viewer the capacity to look through the eyes
of a person even though that individual has absolutely no idea that his eyes are
being used by another person. Now you can readily imagine the uses that such
a technique would have for lots of people.

For example, let us say that you wish to look inside the board room of a
competitor, to find out what that company's marketing strategy will be for the
coming year so you can hit that market first and steal it. The usual method is to
plant someone inside the company and engage in what is pretty standard
business espionage. But with beacon remote viewing, you can know exactly
what the competitor's CEO knows simply by looking at the scene through his
eyes and hearing with his ears.

Or a more interesting idea, just to make some folks really nervous, let us say you
are involved in a political campaign and you want inside information about what
the other side is planning. No need to bug the telephone, just set up to look
through the other candidate's campaign manager and you can have your
counter-media ready even before the other side has the ad taped. Just think of
what good old Dick Nixon could have done with that!

Closed door congressional hearings? No trouble. Just look through the
committee chairman. The same is true with Supreme Court deliberations.

And, of course, if you are the local drug lord you can easily know when the
constabulary is getting ready to bust your people so you can set up an ambush

and make their lives really interesting. All you need is a photograph of the head
of the drug enforcement unit.

So how do you do this wondrous thing, so full of potential for fun and mischief?

Well, the first thing you have to know is that it is going to take just a bit of
practice. You have to be able to see and hear with the mind of the beacon
rather than with your own, so you have to be able to get your consciousness out
of the way and that may take some work.

The equipment involved is very simple. All you need is a radionic box and
headgear, such as the radiobox and headband I've described earlier. Then you
have to have a photograph of your beacon.

It is best to practice with a beacon who is talkative but not aware of what you are
doing. (Hell, if you want ethics, go to a seminary!) The reason for this is that in
your real work the beacons will have no idea of their role and a person who is
doing it voluntarily may futz things one way or the other so you may think that
you are getting better results than you really are. This is one time when you
want to know the truth, not what you want to hear.

Anyway, once you have your beacon chosen, take the photograph and place it
on the sample plate or well of the instrument, hook up the headgear, take the
contact rate and put on the headgear. After you have done that, blank out your
mind as much as possible by focusing your interior gaze on the center of your
forehead and start noticing what impressions you get. They will not be very
clear at first but with practice they will improve.

The remote hearing aspect is a little more difficult, but fortunately the ganzfeld
technique works very well to aid that. Take a ping-pong ball and split it along
the seam. Now paint the ball red or have a red light nearby with the ball halves
placed over your eyes. Hook up a pair of headphones to a tape recorder with a
tape of white noise (or just play it without a tape in it) to block out external noise
and repeat the experiment. You will find with some practice that you will be able
to lock yourself totally into the sensory input of the beacon and be able to gather
everything that he sees or hears.

Have fun.


When attacking an institution, such as a corporation or government, it is
necessary to keep in mind that such things, while not totally dependent upon the
actions of any given individual can be greatly harmed by mistakes caused by
individuals working for them. A business can survive many things but total
incompetence on the part of the CEO is rarely one of them. Likewise, a
government agency can be seriously damaged by the stupidity of one of its
employees. Witness the almost daily embarrassments faced by the Justice
Department in the face of the utter buffoonery of the Butcher of Waco.

There are also infrastructural targets within institutions, such as their computer
systems, that are extremely vulnerable to psionic attack and these often respond
to the same stimulus that is applied to the people in the institution. For that
reason, one should never be surprised at the nature of the results one achieves.
An attack may be launched against the employees of a corporation and its
computers may go down at the same time.

When choosing an institution to target, you must keep in mind that what are you
aiming for is to either totally ruin it, in the case of a business, or make it look
totally incompetent, in the case of a governmental agency. You may also wish to
target given individuals in the agency even though you may not know who they
are but are a problem by virtue of their given function.

When attacking a business, the principal target should be its mail room. Now
this may seem utterly ridiculous on the surface, but consider that businesses
survive only as long as they can keep their customers happy. The mailroom is
where most of the contact with the customers takes place because that is where
the bills are mailed from and payments are received through. If the people in
that department, who are considered the lowest of the low in the office heirarchy
and therefore less than competent by definition, really mess up, the entire
operation of the business goes to hell. The accounts get screwed and the
customers have a fit.

The next target in order of priority is the computer system. No business today
can exist without its computers and many businesses exist only in a computer
which does all the heavy work. If that system goes down, or does some bizarre
things, the entire enterprise becomes endangered because it cannot work
without it. Therefore an attack on computers is something you should practice
regularly if only to keep your skills honed. For that reason I have included a
separate section on that.

Back to the personnel. The accounts payable and accounts receivable staff are
to be targeted for disruption. Errors in those departments have a real bad
impact on the balance sheet and make the stockholders very unhappy.

Employee theft should be encouraged at all levels. This too, negatively impacts
profits. As does employee violence. An employee running amok with a shotgun
will do nothing to help either the image or operation of a concern.

If the business is in manufacturing, the employees in that area should be both hit
with disruption patterns and given suggestions of discontent either by
thoughtform or direct psychic presence.

Finally, one gets to the decision making level. The CEO should be hit with a
disruption pattern to cause him to make the type of errors that lead to bankruptcy
or hostile takeovers by other companies.

That is a very general overview of course. I will get into more detail later in the
sections on specific technique, such as dealing with the computers. But on to
governmental targets.

Governmental agencies are hit the same way businesses are, beginning in the
mailroom. These agencies send out enough paper every day to cut down a
forest and if something happens to make sure that that paper does not get where
it is going it creates all manner of problems. The agency then acts on
incomplete information and pretty soon someone is complaining to congress and
then to the media and then back to congress and the budget gets cut. But that is
a very slow method. The better way is to attack the agency directly, by blasting
its employees.

When you target employees at a governmental agency, you are not attacking
people so much as functions and you want to make sure that those functions are
disrupted as much as possible. So here is how you do it.

Get a photograph of the building you are going to be dealing with. Usually that
is a large federal building downtown in a city and getting that picture is pretty
easy. Just be sure you are walking and not driving a rented truck. That makes
them understandably nervous. Once you have that picture, you put it on the
input plate of your radionic instrument and set up the machine to remote view
inside the building following the instructions in that section.

When you do remote viewing, you are establishing a psychic presence in the
building and you can work through that presence to create the effect you wish.
So psychically move through the offices until you find the office and the people
you wish to target. Once you have done that, create a thoughtform in that office
to bring about your desired result, be it a mysterious illness that makes the
building uninhabitable, or something as mundane as starting a fire in the file
cabinet. You may also enter the bodies of the employees and begin to
manipulate the electrical activity of their brains, causing the neurons to misfire.
Now remember that these are government employees, so it will be very hard to

detect if their brains are not working properly because they are so rarely used,
but you will be amazed at the fun things you can make happen that will find their
way to the evening news.

Again, computers must be targeted. Any agency that has its computers
malfunction becomes utterly confused and unable to fulfill its quota of harassed
citizens. For that reason, the computer is the principal target of any attack on a
bureaucratic structure.

A thoroughly nasty method of dealing with the bureaucracy is based on the fact
that in any society there are a certain number of highly disturbed individuals who
have neither the access to psionics nor the ability to use it. These poor devils
are often prone to extreme violence and not all of them work for the postal
service or the Los Angeles Police Department. This being the case, it is a
matter of matchmaking, getting the right nut in the same place as the right
bureaucrat at the same time. This is done by the application of a thoughtform
outside the main entrance of the building, rather than inside. The reason for this
is that most government office buildings have metal detectors and your killer has
to be able to use his gun.

The thoughtform is built and charged as in that section to cause the killer to go
to the building and wait until either a specific person (if you have one in mind) or
a target of opportunity comes out the door at which point your tool draws his
weapon and opens fire. He, of course, will either be killed or apprehended, but
that is none of your concern for after he has done his work you have no further
need of him.

This last method, incidentally, is one of the best ways of dealing with lawyers
and anyone in law enforcement because it is inevitable that they will cause
someone to want revenge so badly that that person will have no concern for the
consequences of his act. In any event, you will have attained your desired goal
and no one will be the wiser. They will have the killer and have no reason to
look for any other party. Even if they did, psychic power does not play well in
court. Can you imagine some poor prosecutor trying to make such a case? Can
you imagine the poor judge laughing so hard that he has to call a recess to
change his underwear?


Here it is, the section you have all been waiting for. If one is going to be an
effective terrorist, one has to know what to hit and in the civilized world the target
of opportunity that gives the best possibility of serious damage with least risk is
the computer system. It is easy to find and extremely easy to disable.

First, let me explain to you a little of the theory behind this procedure, which is
based on a phenomenon known as micro PK, or psychokinesis as applied to
subatomic particles.

Around the turn of the century, Annie Besant and C. W. Leadbeater wrote an
exhaustive study of psychic investigation of subatomic structure called Occult
Chemistry, which seemed to be so utterly outlandish at the time and thereafter
that it was relegated to the dustbin of nut books by nutty people and more or less
forgotten. Then, in the late 1970s, Dr. Stephen Phillips, a physicist who is also a
Theosophist, was reading it (probably more for entertainment than anything
else) and realized something very interesting. Besant and Leadbeater were
writing about quarks, and don't ask me to explain them. He did some figuring
with his blackboard and came up a book entitled The ESP of Quarks in which, by
means of a big mess of equations that I don't pretend to understand since I can
barely balance a checkbook, he proved that what they had done was influence
the activity of the subatomic particles they were psychically looking at.

Now this would seem to be utter nonsense were it not for something else that
was going on at the time--the random number generator experiments that I
referred to earlier in this volume. Those experiments consisted of having a test
subject look at lights flashing on a randomizer (a primitive computer) which had
a counter under each light and try to make one light go on more often than the
others. The experiments were actually quite successful (though the orthodox
scientists will never admit it) and proved something that made people whose job
it was to worry about such things very nervous, namely that a computer could be
influenced by psychic activity.

So let us consider just what was happening in those experiments. The
randomizer simply sent a bunch of electrons around to make the lights go on in a
random pattern. The subject, by influencing the electron flow, influenced the
way the lights worked.

Now let us consider how a computer works. There is the memory, both stored
and random access. Then there is the processor that controls the way the
electrons run between the stored memory, the random access memory and the
other things like the keyboard and the screen. The microprocessor is nothing
more than a pattern of pathways for the electrons to follow to direct them where

they are supposed to go carrying the information that makes the thing work. If
the electrons go someplace else in the system, the whole thing dies. It is
something like the switching system in a railroad yard. If the train director is on
drugs and puts two trains on the same track going towards each other, there is
going to be hell to pay.

Get the idea?

Now, one of the other interesting things about the Besant-Leadbeater work was
the fact that it was possible to put psychic presence into something as small as
an atom and look around. That being the case, it is a simple matter to put your
psychic presence into the main processor chip of the computer (usually the flat
thing with Intel written on it) and futz up the pathways, making the electrons go
every which way but where they are supposed to be going.

And you don't have to change a lot of them. Just a few particles misplaced will
have a disastrous impact on any system and the newer the system, the more
significant the impact because they need fewer electrons to get the same things

Ok, now you know the theory, how do you do the work?

First, you do not need a witness of the computer you are going to hit. You are
not going to get one anyway so there is no point in worrying about it. You are
going to be working strictly with psychic presence and remote viewing, so
practice that.

Once you have that down, choose a target. Using your radionic unit and
headgear, lock first onto the target computer and then put your consciousness
inside of it until you see the processor chip. Move inside of that. What you will
see will be a lot of little glowing things moving very rapidly along set pathways.
Those are the electrons. Do not do anything just yet, but sit and observe the
phenomena until you get used to the environment.

Now, after you have done this, begin to psychically push the electrons out of one
path and into another. Practice this until you can see a cross-flow of electrons
from one stream to another. That cross stream will totally destroy the running of
whatever program is being used.

I am sure that you can imagine what can be done with this without any help from
me. I mean, just think of the fun you can have with the billing system of the local
phone company, or better yet, with its call-routing system. Imagine the sheer
joy people will experience when they call 911 and get Luigi Yu's Italian Take Out
and Chinese Laundry. The possibilities for creative mischief are truly mind-
blowing, and I as sure you will have many happy hours making people's lives as
interesting as possible.


This is an old one and is perfect for hitting an individual target. Back in the 19th
century the Christian Scientists, of all people, discovered something that scared
them half to death. They learned that the same methods that they used to heal
people could be used to make them sick and even depart this mortal coil. (I've
always wondered why they called it a coil, a battery would have made more

Anyway, the method was really very simple and that is what made it so
frightening. The non-healer, or sicker or--what the hell would you call him-would
give a treatment to the target in much the same way as healer would,
talking to the person as if he were actually present, implanting the suggestion in
the mind, only at a distance and in this case the suggestion would be that the
person was really very sick and ultimately was going to die.

Here is how it is done. You do not need any apparatus for this, just your mind,
your mouth and a couple of chairs, one for you and one for the person who is not
there. You sit your rear into the comfortable one and look at the empty one,
which should be placed so that if it had an occupant he would be facing you. Try
to see the person you are dealing with sitting in that chair. This may be difficult
but it can be done with practice. In any event, merely knowing that you are
talking to the person's subconscious mind is sufficient but the better the
visualization the faster the results.

There are two ways of performing the actual operation. The first is to simply
speak to the person in a script something like this.

"I know you are not feeling well, Jones, but there is nothing for it, you are going
to get worse and worse and you will die before the next new moon. Even now
you can feel your bones rotting in your body and your flesh falling away in gooey
clumps of yeechiness. Your liver is failing and your kidneys are growing stones
faster than they can be passed. Your stomach is completely ulcerated and you
have internal bleeding that will continue to get worse until you finally bleed to
death. Your heart is pounding faster and faster and the walls of it are about to
rupture and they will rupture, suddenly and completely but not before you have
an embolism in your brain..."

Anyway, you get the idea. What you are doing is implanting a strong suggestion
into the subconscious of the target that every organ in his body is malfunctioning
and that he is going to die. This will to death is the key to whole operation. It is
an old trick used by fortune tellers. But the important thing to make it work is
that you don't tell him he is going to die right there and then. He will not get the
message and you will be disappointed. The key is to have him die in the

foreseeable future, like in about a month or two. This gives the telepathic
message time to work into the subconscious and that part of the mind is what
does the real work for you.

The second method is to use long range hypnosis. Now I am not going to try to
get you to use the Vasiliev method here because that requires that you put the
person under in person, plant the post-hypnotic suggestion that the victim will
receive and respond to your signals and then do the real work. That is not only
a lot of trouble, it is not likely you will get to hypnotize the person in the first
place. At least not in the same room! No, this is going to be an implanting of a
suggestion like the first method with a couple of changes. First, you will work
when the person is sleeping. Second, you go through a full hypnotic induction
as if the person were physically present, from putting them into trance to placing
the suggestion, to bringing them out of it.

You work something like this and in this case we are going to induce suicidal

Again, seated facing the empty chair, about 2 in the morning when the victim is
likely to be asleep, you begin.

"I want you to become very relaxed, very very relaxed. You cannot stay awake
and as I count down from ten you are going to be more and more relaxed until I
reach zero at which time you will be asleep."

Slowly count down from ten to zero.

"You are now asleep and will respond only to my voice, hearing only what I have
to say and what I have to say will take residence in your subconscious. You will
not remember it consciously, but it will be there and you will respond to it.

You hate your life. Life really sucks for you. Your body has pains and is ugly.
You are ugly. You have no reason for living and life is a terrible burden to you.
You have no joy, no happiness. Nothing works for you and nothing can ever
work for you. You are a failure at everything you do. Everyone is repulsed by
you and everyone hates you and you hate them. You are a vile, evil, disgusting
excuse for a human being. You are so fat, and poor and ugly that there is no
reason for you to be alive and you want nothing more than to stop being alive, to
die, to leave this world behind. You want to die and as the days go by you will
want to die more and more until you will act on that desire. The desire to die will
grow and grow and grow until you can no longer bear it and then you will (use
whatever method of suicide is most likely)."

"Now I am going to count to ten and as I count you will awaken. You will not
remember what I have told you but you will act on it within a month. Now I am
going to count."

Count slowly to ten.

"You are awake. You are awake and refreshed. You are now fully awake."

You can see from this little sample just how effective such a suggestion can be.
Repeated often enough, there is no way the subject can resist it unless he
figures out what is happening and that is extremely unlikely.

For more details on detection of this, however, see my Psionic Warfare.


I'm probably taking my life in my hands with this one, considering how long my
grass sometimes gets, but every once in a while people find themselves having
to deal with neighbors that they wished they did not have. Usually that ends up
being very nasty and making money for the lawyers when they sue each other.
But with psionics, the nuisance can be gotten rid of with little trouble and no

Let us say the unthinkable happens. You live in a nice, quiet neighborhood and
the people next door get quietly older and older and then suddenly decide they
would be happier in a nursing home. Now why anyone would want to go into
one of those places is beyond me, but it happens. People get weird. They put
their house up for sale and before you can persuade the realtor that the place
has termites, you find that you are now living next door to a family with twelve
children, three dogs, two basketball hoops and a goat!

Obviously they have got to go!

Ever read The Amityville Horror? Well, you may not be able to accomplish that,
but you can use your psionics to make life very unpleasant for them, all the time
being outwardly very friendly and giving them good advice on how to replace
their crabgrass with nettles and planting big rose bushes along your side of the
border so their little monsters will get thorned to death if they try to climb the

All you need is a photograph of the house and your radionic transmitter along
with a newspaper photograph of a house where everyone in the family was
murdered. This happens at least once a week, so you should have no trouble
getting that.

Now there are couple of ways you can play this. The easiest is to take a rate for
the murder house and the yeechy and terrifying energies still resident it in and
then broadcast that rate to the house next door. Put the photo of the murder
house on the input plate and take a rate. Then place the photo of the house
next door on the output plate and plug the instrument in. All you have to do is
wait and let nature take its course.

A slightly more difficult, but much more entertaining method is to use the radionic
unit to contact the spirits of the people who were murdered. You do this by
again taking a rate for the murder house and putting your mind into it, meeting
the unfortunate and traumatized ghosts of the victims. Once you have done that
you persuade them that they can only get rest if they haunt the house next door.
Now this may sound absolutely bizarre, but it is a common method of psychic

attack in Brazil. All you are doing is using the psionics to contact the dead
rather than a ritual. It may take a few tries, but when it works you can sit back
and watch the fun as one night there is a terrible commotion next door and they
all jump into their minivan, pack in the dogs, goats and basketballs and flee for
their lives never to be seen or heard from again.

Now, if that is a bit much to do, another method is to set the machine up so you
are in psychic presence in the house and create a large, black cloud filling the
entire house. That cloud is then programmed to attract evil in all manner of
ways to the family, be it sickness or other ruin. Keep this up until you see
results. I used this method once with a girlfriend to quiet a nosy upstairs
neighbor. We programmed it to make him very ill every time he played his
guitar. He would start playing, she would give the cloud a shot and two minutes
later he would be quiet again.

I do not recommend the more dramatic methods of hitting the house with a
tornado or an airplane. You do not want to have a large, metal wing in your
garage or be blown away along with the nuisance.


The ultimate purpose of psionics is to render law impossible by rendering its
enforcement suicidal.

Ok, now that I have your attention, let me say right now that I hate the very
notion of law. No one has the right to tell anyone else what that person may or
may not do. All sovereignty resides ultimately in the individual and while it may
be convenient for individuals to form voluntary associations in order to make
sure that certain things are done, like keeping the roads paved and the power on
and the garbage collected, no society has the right to control any behavior on
the part of individuals. Those who cannot protect themselves do not deserve
protection and should be regarded as expendable.

In the late and totally unlamented (except for poor, crazy Gertrude Himmelfarb)
nineteenth century, the idea of the "rule of law" was promulgated as opposed to
the "rule of men," as if anyone besides men were fit to rule themselves or
anything else for that matter! But what the promoters of that idea failed to
recognize was that they were doing nothing more than putting a nice-sounding
gloss on what was still a "rule of men." After all, who made the laws, and who
enforced them? The fieldmice? God? No, it was men, crooked, stupid, vile men
who gathered in large rooms and dared to call themselves legislators and
impose their will on society at large backed by hired thugs called police.

And that is all that a law is. A scrap of paper, proposed by lunatics, passed by
scum, enforced by thugs and obeyed by cowards.

Well, with psionics the rule of law ends!

You have to understand that there are inherent weaknesses in the idea of law.
One is the idea of process. Something has to be proved. The other is in the
capacity for enforcement and if enforcement becomes too expensive the law will
be abandoned. And expense is not always financial.

Will the justice department pursue a criminal if it knows, beyond a shadow of a
doubt, that that pursuit will end in a nuclear attack? Of course not. So the limit
here is deterrence.

That is why the idea of international law always fails when it comes to a major
crisis. When powers appeal to force of arms, law runs for cover.

So now that that is off my chest, how do you go about taking out the local

Well, it depends on what you want to accomplish. If you are just avoiding paying
a speeding ticket, use the signature of the offending officer on the ticket as a
witness sample and set your machine to a contact rate. Once you have done
that, put a thoughtform around him that will attract a large truck to his police
cruiser. That should at least insure that he will miss the court date.

Or you can be really nasty. While he is standing next to your car doing his pig thing
look at his badge and get it really well placed in your memory. You will want to be able
to bring up the image of it in your mind later.

While he is writing the ticket, hold his image in your mind and mentally command that
he will be totally receptive to any telepathic transmission you will send later. Take your
ticket and be nicely on your way.

When you get home the fun begins.

Your first move is to use long-range hypnosis. Using the method I described in the
section on adverse therapy, put him under and send him the suggestion that he will be
totally open and vulnerable to any energies you may put into his badge.

Now, once you have done that, bring up the image of the badge into your mind and
place a thoughtform in it to kill him by stopping his heart.

Do you see where that is going? Every time he puts his badge on, his symbol of office
and authority, he is committing suicide! If you do this right, he will not live to see the
court date on the ticket!

If you have to take care of a serious court case, see my section on jury control.
It does not matter what the evidence, a jury can always simply refuse to convict. This
is known as jury nullification and it is something everyone should know about.

Now, suppose you want to totally ruin the capacity of a police department to
function? You can go about this in a number of ways.

First, you must remember that all police are inherently crooked, just like
politicians. The honest cop is an extreme rarity. That being the case, a simple
thoughtform to cause them to be caught taking bribes, or better yet planting evidence, is
usually sufficient to wreck the morale of any department, as police tend to depend on
bribe money to pay the mortgage and buy the new boat.

Second, if you want to accomplish something more dramatic, set up a
thoughtform over the town to turn the entire populace against the police. This
will create a political crisis and make them totally unable to perform their

Third, aim a tornado at the police station. They can hardly charge Father Nature

with anything. And if you live near an airport, a thoughtform to cause a 747 to
kamikaze itself into the station can be a very dramatic way to deal with the
And, of course, you have the means to psychically influence them as well. If
they instinctively know that if you get a parking ticket, that a 747 is going to hit
the grade school their children go to, you are not going to get that parking ticket
and you don't have to say a word. You merely use the radionic unit to implant
the idea into the minds of everyone in that department while they are sleeping.

And of course there are the more mundane ways of dealing with such things,
such as getting into their computers and screwing with the records and
communications, so look at the section on computers and see how that is done.


One of the fundamental principles of law is that everyone accused is innocent
until proven guilty. A fact that is rarely stated is that almost everyone is innocent
even if they have been proven guilty and the reason for that is there is no
system more corrupt or dangerous to the individual than the criminal justice one.
Unless one has access to a team of very good lawyers, one is in terrible trouble
if one gets involved in any way with it.

There are a number of reasons for this. First, one should remember that police
officers are never to be believed under any circumstances. In fact a truly just
society would never allow the admission of testimony from anyone involved in
law enforcement in any capacity. The mere fact that they carry that tin star
makes them untrustworthy. They will lie, cheat, plant evidence, murder, do anything that
they can to get a conviction and thus add more goodies to their retirement fund.

Add to that the fact that judges tend to be lazy at best and stupid at worst.
Political hacks for the most part, they get their office by sticking their noses up
the rear ends of whatever politicians have a hand in selecting them. And that is
where judges are elected. In the case of so-called merit selection, the situation
is much worse, for then they are chosen by other lawyers along with politicians,
as if one could possibly conceive of such a dreadful concatenation.

Then there are the prosecutors, those school-yard bullies grown up to pick on
innocent people. These are the lowest rung of the legal profession, incapable of
being good corporate attorneys or just out of law school and not yet hired by a
firm, they are capable of getting convictions against public defenders who have
no real interest in their clients but will crumble when faced with a competent

The whole mess ultimately lands in the laps of the weakest link in the chain, the
jury. Now you must understand that juries are groups of people who are jurors
because they were too stupid to get out of it. Barely literate for the most part,
they subsist on an intellectual diet of local television news, soap operas and
basketball. It is the task of all prosecutors to keep people with IQs over ten off of
juries because such people will immediately see through the prosecution and
vote to acquit the almost universally innocent defendants.

Fortunately psionics give you the opportunity to redress the balance. We have
not yet come to the happy day when the psionic death ray will put an end to law
once and for all by the simple process of killing anyone who would seek to
enforce it, but you can, right now, make it impossible for any jury to bring in a

There are two ways of doing this. The first way is very complicated and time
consuming but it never fails. It also requires a team of operators each of whom
know what they are supposed to do and can do it.

You need a bunch of photographs or signatures, one from each juror, the judge,
the prosecutor and the defense lawyer. These can be obtained by a
combination of people, one a spectator in the courtroom and the other a person
outside the courthouse manning a hidden camera. The spectator makes a
mental note of each juror and then instructs the photographer as to whom to
photograph as they leave the courthouse. Photos of the judge and attorneys are
obtained the same way, using a hidden camera catching them as they leave the

The photographs of the jurors and the judge are placed in one machine and the
word "innocent" is beamed at them every night during the course of the trial
while they are sleeping. A pattern to build success is broadcast to the defense
lawyer and a disruption pattern is broadcast to the prosecutor. The same
method is used to broadcast disruption patterns to the prosecution witnesses so
that no matter how well rehearsed and coached they are they will make utter
fools of themselves on the witness stand. This method is assured of preventing
a conviction because there will always be a few jurors, if not all of them, who will
be susceptible to the transmission. The worst thing that can happen is a hung
jury but usually the result will be acquittal.

If the jury is sequestered, the task is even easier. All that is needed is a
photograph of the hotel they are staying in. The word "innocent" is beamed at
that hotel every night and by the time the case goes to the jury, they will be
totally programmed to acquit.

It is also possible to create a powerful thoughtform around the accused to make any
juror who looks at him believe, without any doubt or uncertainty, that he is innocent no
matter what evidence or testimony may be produced to the contrary.


This is a fun one. Actually, it was not even my idea. It was cooked up by a
deranged (literally) ex-girlfriend who, after eighteen years, decided that I was
using my machines to psychically stalk her and wrote me a rather disjointed and
nasty letter about it. It was actually rather amusing as I had not even thought of
her in years and years and when the letter arrived by priority mail, no less, as
evidence that she must have slipped her keepers (she always did look cute in a
straightjacket), it set me to thinking about all the fun I must have missed out on.

But there was one line in the letter that sort of confirmed my long-held
suspicions about this stuff. She said that there was no legal recourse for what I
was supposed to have been doing (which I really wasn't, dammit!) and that
meant that at some point she must have actually considered it and ended up in
the local police nut file.

You have to understand that police departments are always getting calls from
people claiming to be attacked by martians or KGB agents or that the big, bad
CIA is beaming microwave signals into their brains, usually when they sit on the
toilet for some reason. And these folks are never given any serious attention for
a very simple reason. There is no evidence that martians are attacking people,
the KGB was out of local jurisdiction and it is not called that anymore. It is now the
FSB, and if the CIA is beaming microwaves into somebody's head it is probably legal
under some obscure statute. But basically, the people who claim such things are
considered to be crazy and generally ignored, unlike in more civilized ages when they
were put in cages for public display and amusement.

However, just because the sufferers are not taken seriously is no reason why
they cannot provide us with a bit of amusement, so, with gratitude to my crazy ex for
giving me the idea, here is how you do psionic stalking.

First you will need a witness sample of the intended victim. This should be a
photograph but a signature will do as well, as in all other cases where an
individual is the target. Having procured that, you set up the machine in the
usual way, taking a contact rate for the target and then you have to decide what
it is you are going to do to this person. Let us say you are going to have a bit of
fun with her while she is sleeping, in other words, dream telepathy.

With the machine set to the contact rate, put on the headgear and hold your
pendulum up against an upright thing, like a wall or desk, something it can bang
on, and ask what time she is going to be sleeping. The pendulum will count out
the number of the hour and you can relax until then.

At the appointed time, redon your headgear and plug in the machine to get the

amplifier going. Now comes the fun part.

Begin by remote viewing. Just take a good look at her and try to avoid the
obvious feelings of utter revulsion she produces in you after your unfortunate
relationship. When you have done that, move your consciousness into her
mind, so that you are broadcasting directly into her thoughts, in this case her
dreams. Do not try to disguise your presence. You want her to know that you
are there and that there is nothing she can do about it. Be as nasty in this as
you can be, with the ultimate end in mind of driving her completely insane. Tell
her things like how she is a terrible person who just let her mother die or remind
her of the five hundred unpaid parking tickets she has. If you can manage it,
send a nice visual of you as the devil and her as a soul roasting in the Christian
hell. That is always good for a laugh.

Keep this up every night until you can get her to the point where she will literally
be afraid of going to sleep. Once that occurs, the psychiatric profession will step
in and put her on some nice, powerful medication and leave her in a very
comfortable dumpster.

Another approach is less ferocious but possibly more disconcerting and that is
good, old-fashioned, psychic rape. This takes a lot of practice, so do not be
discouraged if you fail the first few times. It is not like she will be in bed with you

Place yourself in psychic presence with her and begin to manipulate her body in
your mind. Now at this point it is important that you get your own mindset right.
This is not love-making, this is hate-making. You are not seducing her, you are
raping her. You are expressing your power over her by the use of her body
against her will and in spite of any desires that she may have to the contrary. If
you did this physically, you could get into terrible trouble, but psychically, there's
nothing anyone can do about it. It's not like you're leaving any incriminating
DNA on the sheets. On the contrary, there is no physical evidence whatsoever
and if she goes to the cops they are going say they cannot arrest someone for
appearing in a wet dream, as unwelcome as that dream may be. In fact, they will
probably die laughing at her, so you have the added benefit of ridding the world
of some police officers.

So what you are going to do is move your hands all over her, night after night, as
soon as she goes to sleep, all the while thinking how much you despise her and
view her as a total piece of garbage. She will pick that up along with the other
sensations and become very unhappy with herself in the process.

After you have done this for some time, you should be in enough rapport with
your victim that you can even attack her while she is awake. Think of it, there
she is at work, sitting behind her desk with the computer beeping merrily away
and the printer making little chattering noises and all of a sudden, totally

unwanted, there you are working on her. If you do that often enough, you will
make her totally discombobulated and cause her to make all kinds of mistakes,
yell at the boss and finally become unemployed.

The beauty of all this lies in the fact that there is no escape. She can run all
over the world, but your mind will seek her out and go for her. And if she tells
anyone, they will think she is out of her mind, charitably assuming that she has a
mind to be out of.


If you really want to destroy any sense of security people have, the best thing to
target is their children. They are the most psychically vulnerable and anything
that happens to them, particularly in large numbers, will send an entire
community into a tizzy faster than you can say Yasser Arafat!

That being said, this sort of operation takes a certain amount of intestinal
fortitude, unless one is already a scoutmaster or Catholic priest in which case
you have probably been enlarging juvenile orifices for years and have no need
of further instruction. But sexual corruption is the least significant method of
affecting the young and frankly is so distasteful to me that even I have never
considered it because my stomach turns at the thought. Besides, it is something
that rarely sets an entire town on edge for any length of time because
adolescents fuck like bunnies anyway and once the scoutmaster is hauled off to
jail everyone calms down. No, what I am talking about here is something that is
actually far more permanent and far nastier--juvenile suicide.

Remember all the fuss back in the eighties about kids killing themselves. Well,
they still do and if they can be induced to do it in great enough numbers, the
resulting chaos can really make life interesting for people who have the
misfortune to be afflicted with offspring. And it is really damnably easy to cause.
So easy in fact that one wonders why it is not done more often, because the
fewer adolescents running around loose the better the environment for
everyone as anyone who has to spend any time in a shopping mall will readily attest.

Here is what you do. You will need a radionic transmitter, a photograph of the
local high school, a witness of some prominent person who has killed himself
recently (if no one has done that, send out a thoughtform and wait a few days,
somebody will) from the local newspaper and a tape recorder and patch cable
with a plug on one end that fits the recorder earphone jack and two alligator clips
on the other end, sort of like the thing you use for the output plate on the

Put a new tape into the recorder and plug your head band into the microphone
jack using the patch cable. Put a real tearjerker of a movie on the vcr and while
watching it, set the tape to record. This will place your emotional reaction onto
the tape. I know it sounds crazy, but believe me, it works. Your emotions are
transmitted into your energy field which is picked up by the headband and then
fed into the tape. Because of the weird relationship between electronics and the
field (carrier wave) the information will be stored on the tape.

Once you have that tape, set the radionic unit to transmit to the local high

school. This is done by the usual means of placing the photograph on the
witness plate and taking a contact rate for the building.

Transfer the photograph to the output plate and clip the cable from the tape
recorder earphone jack to the antenna of the unit. Place the photograph of the
suicide victim on the transmittal plate of the unit. Now, all you need do is plug in

the radiobox, turn on the recorder and let the energy from the system bathe the
school, affecting all inside it. As there will be a certain percentage of students
who are prone to suicide at all times, this system will give them all the psychic
encouragement that they need and the end result will be a smaller number of
teenagers at the local shopping mall and a general increase in peace and quiet.

Another method that works very well is to use remote induction. In order to do
this, go to the section on adverse therapy and study the method of long range
hypnosis. That method can be used to induce suicidal tendencies not only in a
specific individual, but in a whole classroom as well.

You begin by placing your psychic presence in a class at the local high school.
This is done by a procedure very similar to that of remote viewing and once you
are in there, place yourself in front of the class, like between them and the
teacher (who should have them half-asleep anyway, the best time to do this
being first thing in the morning or near the end of the school day). Once you
have done this, begin to transmit the suicide induction to the entire class. Now,
as you are working with targets that are more or less awake and thinking of other
things, you must be willing to repeat this every day for some time until you begin
to hear of concrete results and remember that you are not likely to take out the
entire class, that would be a happy surprise but given the differences in
susceptibility not something to be expected. Even so there should be a few in
the room who will remove themselves from life's pain in a reasonable length of


This sort of comes under the heading of direct pk even though when we do it we
can never quite know what is going to happen. Essentially, the process of
thoughtbombing combines psychic presence with making a lot of small
thoughtforms and then dropping them on a target area, usually a capital city of
country you don't like.

First the psychic presence.

To do thoughtbombing, you do not want to be on the ground, but rather a couple
of miles above the target area. So once you have determined what your target is
going to be, let us say Beijing, you get out an atlas and get an idea of where the
target is in relation to the countryside. You use this as an aid in visualizing your

Psychically place yourself in orbit over the target area and then move in towards
it. As you approach land, the target area will become much clearer, just as if you
were coming down on it from outer space. When you are close enough that you
can see it filling your field of vision stop and hover.

Now the bombing.

If you can get your hands on an electronic noisemaker that simulates bomb
noises, this will be of great help to you. While over the target site, visualize
bombs being dropped on it as if they were falling out of an airplane and
exploding as they hit. It may help to watch some old war footage to get the
image in your head right. If you have the noisemaker, hit the bomb noise button
each time you see a bomb hit and as the little boom goes off, visualize debris
flying in the air, just as if a real bomb had gone off on the target.

Do this about once an evening until you feel you have made an impact and then
watch the news to see if something happens in the target area that is sufficiently
disastrous and out of the ordinary to qualify as a result. It will.


Here is one of my favorites. A few years ago I was in one of my anti-
environmental furors and decided that it might be fun to defoliate the tropical rain
forests. That would drive the environmentalists into conniptions and there would
be nothing they could do to stop it. Well, obviously I calmed down and never did
that, but it is something I keep in the back of my mind in case I ever really get

That laxity notwithstanding, agricultural radionics is something that has been
around for a long time and has usually been confined to ridding cash crops of
pests and weeds instead of using chemicals directly on the plants and fields.
The methods for this are very simple and extremely adaptable.

The first method was to use a leaf or cutting from the plants to be treated as a
witness. They would be placed in the machine with a sample of whatever they
were to be treated with, fertilizer or herbicide, and then the rate taken and the
machine left running until results occurred, usually rather quickly. This
technique has been pretty much supplanted by replacing the leaf sample with an
aerial photograph of the field to be treated. The photograph is smeared with the
herbicide or pesticide and the machine turned on with again the usual rapid
results. I used a similar method to rid my house of a wasp nest just outside the
back door. I put a bit of Raid in the witness can and aimed the antenna of the
device (the instrument was based on a low-power radio transmitter) at the nest.
In a matter of an hour, there were no more wasps flying around the back door
and there never were again.

So, if the technique is so simple, what can you do with it. Well, you can always
defoliate the tropical rain forests and watch the environmentalist scum have
heart failure. Or you can go after the local farmer who refuses to sell his land so
you can build the shopping center and make it impossible for him to grow
anything on it.

Consider the economic impact of agriculture. The supply/demand aspect of food
production aside, there are a lot of industries peripheral to it. There are
distributors, banks, products that service agriculture, the local militia and KKK,
lots of things. There are a number of states that totally depend on the
agriculture industry in order to keep the politicians solvent.

So let us say you really want to fuck with some southern cracker-brain's head. The thing
that keeps him going is the tobacco farmers of North Carolina. Now, everyone with a
nose agrees that tobacco is one of the great evils of the world. It stinks and
makes the people who use it stink. And let us be honest and realize that the
only people who are as inconsiderate and ill-mannered as smokers are people
who don't drive. So, if the tobacco crop is destroyed, who will miss it besides

those who we don't care about anyway? Well, actually a lot of people because
taxes on tobacco and tobacco products keep a lot of politicians happy.

Do you get what I'm aiming at here? Suppose the entire tobacco crop of North
Carolina were to die off overnight? Let's be honest. Everyone hates the
tobacco industry, but no one has the guts to come out and tell the truth that
tobacco farmers are in the same category as the folks who grow poppies for
heroin. They're truly the scum of the earth and anything that can drive them into
bankruptcy is a good thing. So by using radionics you can hit the cancer-
growers where they live, right in their fields and drive them off the land and there
is no way they can stop you.

OK, stop cheering and I'll tell you how to do this.

First, you will need a satellite photograph of North Carolina, or any other state
you are bombing. You can arrange to get that through your local public library.
And while you are there, check to see if they have my other books. If they dont,
yell at them.

Once you have that picture, you start looking at books on agriculture to find the
best herbicide to attack the tobacco crop. Once you have that, you place the
satellite photo and the herbicide (which you can smear on the photo) in the
transmittal end of the instrument. You then take a rate and plug it in. Within a
relatively short time, the agricultural reports on the news should start telling of a
massive die-off of tobacco fields in the targeted area.

But let us say that your goal is more local. You have had it up to your schootze
with the local town ordnances about grass length and you decide to do
something about it once and for all. Well, guess what? Go to the library and get
an aerial photograph of the town. A photocopy will do and the funny thing is that
most towns have such things.

Now, take some grass killer and smear it on the picture and place it in the
machine as I instructed. With the machine up and running all you have to do is
wait and watch everyone's lawn turn brown. Now, if you really want to have fun,
take a photo of your own lawn and set another radionic device to block the rate
of the attacking unit and you will have the only decent lawn in town and you may
even win a prize. The blocking rate is taken simply by taking a sample of the
herbicide and getting a rate for it, then resetting the dials on the radio to the
opposite point with a photo of your own yard on the receiver plate.

There is another use for this method and that is to make money in the
commodity market. Pick the crop you wish to invest in and then use the above
method to cut down on the yield of it. That will drive the price up and the
volatility of the commodity market will insure you a tidy profit.


Ok, I hate environmentalists. I think they are a plague upon the land and if were
up to me they would all be shot and someday it may very well happen. But
nature does have a few uses besides giving us someplace to lay the pavement.

Natural disasters are fun if you are someplace else. There are few things that
can come on the news that are more entertaining than earthquakes, volcanoes
(love that spewing lava!) and mudslides. Add to that the sheer joy of eating a
big dinner while watching some famine rid the world of a hunk of useless
population and you can see why attacking nature itself is something everyone
who wants to take up psionic terrorism should do.

I have already covered the methods of crop defoliation. Weather control in
general is something else and while difficult to pin down as far as exact
technique goes, is something you should experiment with. My experience is that
for the most part it is a manifestation of direct psychokinesis and while never
100% reliable, is always interesting.

Denying rainfall to parts of the world can have many interesting results. For one
thing, it tends to increase the demand for domestic grains, so that means money
can be made in the commodity market. Of course, if the demand gets too high,
then you have to create a thoughtform of massive consumer discontent and
force congress to vote controls on agricultural exports. This has not happened
yet, but it is something to look forward too. After all, as long as there is enough
for us, the rest of the world can always stand to lose a few pounds. The other
benefit is that drought in the right place can cause famine and there are parts of
the world that have them regularly so they should be used to it by now. And as
we do not want them to get out of practice rainfall should be regularly
discouraged in such places. That is accomplished by the simple application of a
powerful thoughtform placed over the affected area that has as its function
chasing away rain.

There are other places that can never get enough rain and they are all on
hillsides or in floodplains. There is something deeply satisfying to the soul when
the television news shows the home of some fool sliding down a hill when if the
idiot had any brains he would have built someplace else. So again, a powerful
thoughtform to produce rain is placed over the target site and then nature can do
as it is told. And then there is the little matter of Bangladesh, the only place in
the world where the collective IQ is a negative number. The entire country is
built on a floodplain and there is one toilet in the entire place. Whenever it is
flushed the entire country floods and 20,000,000 natives drown. Now you would
think these damned fools would have the sense to have built their country on
higher ground, but no, they stay there and drown, as nature intended such

morons to do. And, that being the case, nature again should be encouraged, so
a rainfall thoughtform over Bangladesh is always a good thing to do. It is going
to rain there anyway, so why not make it REALLY rain.

Then we get to earthquakes. When the ground moves everything goes to hell and they
produce wonderful tsunamis,so you should work on that as much as possible and avoid
living over fault lines. An earthquake is nothing more than the techtonic plates of the
earth moving and making a mess of the buildings that are placed in the path of the
shock wave. Now, getting those plates to move can be a bit of a problem, so the
experiment will consist of putting yourself in psychic presence in the fault line and
pushing. I know that this does not sound like it is going to accomplish anything, but if
you can attain the proper resonance, the earth will cooperate.

Tornadoes are actually very easy to control. Begin by practicing on clouds. Go
outside on a mostly sunny day and find a cloud. Now, start willing that cloud to
move. You will be surprised at first but it will move in the direction you indicate.

Practice with this for a while until you are comfortable with your ability and then
change to breaking up the clouds. Simply pick out a cloud and visualize it
breaking up. In a matter of a few minutes it will do just that. Again, practice with
this for a while.

Now we get to the fun bit. A tornado requires a big thunderstorm in order to
appear. They do not come out of a clear sky. So the next time a huge storm
gets going, put yourself in psychic presence some distance from your home and
will a tornado to appear and touch down. Then put on the radio and listen to the
news to find out if worked. If it did, and it will, select a specific target building or
town and repeat the experiment next time there is a storm. With practice you
should be able to level everything in sight with no risk to yourself.

Psychic presence in these cases is done by the technique of remote viewing.
Hook yourself into the radio unit and visualize the target area. Tune the knobs
on the radio until you have a clear image of the area and then plug the radio in.

Once you have done that, visualize the tornado appearing over the target and
hitting it. This may take a few tries, but once you get the knack of it it is like
riding a bicycle. You never lose the talent.


While my comments on institutional targets covers much of this material in
general, this is one of the targets that requires some specific instruction. So
here it is.

The air traffic control system is perhaps the most important governmental
agency in the country. It makes it possible for all passenger and freight air travel
to occur safely and thus is one of the most serious targets one can consider. If
this system goes down, the entire air travel network goes with it.

Consider this. If aircraft are grounded on the east coast, those aircraft are not
available to move passengers anywhere in the country. We see the effects of
this every winter when a large airport is shut down by snow. The whole country
is affected because airlines need those planes to be moving. When the system
slows or is stopped, it has a serious economic impact as well as a severe
personal impact on the individuals who need to get from point a to point b and

The air traffic control system is a huge network of interlocking parts. If enough
of them go down at once, it becomes seriously unsafe for anyone to leave the
ground. And this is not only true in the United States. It is true all over the
civilized world (meaning everywhere but central Africa). In fact, in the early
1980s when Ronald Reagan brought the air traffic controllers to heel by the
simple expedient of firing and replacing them, the French controllers made
noises about not giving instructions to American flag air carriers. They were
persuaded that this would not be a good idea when it was hinted that a few
AWACS planes over the Atlantic with heavy fighter cover could turn on their
electronic counter-measures equipment and blind the entire air-traffic control
system of Europe.

The system itself is based on a series of control centers around the country with
radar covering much of the country except for right over the Rocky Mountains
where the beams get interfered with, but satellites take care of that. Inside these

centers are controllers and computers and screens that direct the aircraft and
keep them from running into each other. While the tower controllers at individual
airports do a lot of work, it is this other system that is the backbone of the
network. It is also the prime target.

First the computers. The difficulty in dealing with the computers of the air traffic
control system is their great age. Some of them actually still use vacuum tubes,
in honor of the empty spaces in the heads of the members of congress who have
not mandated new equipment for them. These computers are rather difficult to
influence psychically because it takes more push to affect the electron flow in
their processors. Even so, they are vulnerable, particularly in area of their
power source, so that is the area of the computer you would wish to target.
When an air traffic control computer goes down, it means that the entire control
center goes down and all aircraft must be rerouted around the area that that

center would cover. If enough centers go down at once, it is possible to totally
ground all air traffic over a continent.

The other target is the personnel. This is more difficult as far as bring results
because it takes some pretty serious mistakes to cause trouble. The planes do
not fly that close together except in landing and take-off patterns and thus
causing them to collide in mid-air is quite a task. And there is some redundancy
in the system so if a given controller becomes non-functional another one can fill
in quite easily. The only way to bring about results with the personnel as the
target is a massive disruption pattern/thoughtform combination that will disable
enough of them simultaneously to create the kind of hazardous travel condition
that would genuinely have a negative effect on air traffic.

For that reason, it is recommended that the computers remain the prime target in
any such attack.


Here we go! I saved the best for last. This is the one that makes everyone
nervous so naturally I'm putting it in.

Nuclear power is one of the greatest things that this century has produced. Not
only does it provide lots and lots of electricity for our air conditioners and
microwave ovens, but it also gives us some very nice targets for psionic
terrorism, targets the mere thought of hitting scares the living daylights out of
everyone and not without good reason. After all, look at what happened to

For that reason it is almost impossible for a conventional terrorist to get
anywhere near a nuclear reactor, much less do any damage to one unless they
have access to cruise missiles or naval guns. They are among the best guarded
facilities in the world.

Stop drooling!

Of course no matter how good a guard system is, psionics can penetrate it. And,
not without a few tiny qualms, this is how you can do all kinds of damage to one
of these facilities.

It helps if you have an idea of which reactor you are going to target. One does
not just get up in the morning and say, "Gee, what a nice day. I think I'll blow up
Dresden and then go out for lunch." This actually takes a bit of work. And don't
you even think of blowing up Dresden because it is located in Morris, Illinois, a
name sacred to all cat lovers.

As in all targets, one must first consider what the weak points of a nuclear
reactor are. There is a lot of heavy machinery, but that is very difficult to
influence with psionics, so don't waste time with the pumping facilities that run
water through the system to cool it. And the reactor core is not particularly easy
to attack directly either, so forget that. The weakest points in the nuclear reactor

are the computers that make sure everything runs right and the people who man
them, the operators. As usual, the weakest part is the nut behind the wheel.

Now that you know that, how do you attack one of these places?

Well, first it helps if you have a photograph of the facility. These are actually
pretty easy to come by because the companies that run them publish them.
And, security aside, they are big enough that one can take a photograph of one
from a pretty safe distance without attracting much attention.

Once you have your photograph, you have a couple of choices of the method of
attack. You can, for example, simply fire a disruption pattern at the entire facility
and see what happens. That could result in nothing more than a minor
inconvenience inside the plant that no one ever hears about to a major
catastrophe, like Chernobyl. There is no way of knowing in advance.

The other method takes a lot more work but can bring about more reliable and
often more spectacular results. You have to establish psychic presence in the
control room and screw up the operators and the computers.

First you have to find the control room.

That is not as difficult as it sounds. If you look at your generic nuclear reactor,
they usually come in three parts, just like Gaul. There is a cooling tower, which
is absolutely useless to you so you can ignore it. That is the tall thing with the
flared top with steam pouring out of it. The water from the reactor runs through
that and releases its heat before being pumped back into the core to keep that
part of the system from melting down to the center of the earth (actually, it would
probably only go about a couple of miles down before cooling off).

The big round thing is the reactor core itself. You can look around inside if you
wish, because your psychic presence is not going to be in any danger, but
generally there is little that can be done. Changing the nuclear activity on the
scale required for any serious consequences is usually beyond the power that

psychic presence can muster.

The target you are interested in looks like an office building or a factory. That is
the main control center for the reactor. Nose around inside the place until you
come upon a room with lots of computers. Once you are inside, build a
thoughtform that will cause the operators in that room to make mistakes, big
mistakes. Enough human errors at the same time can have extremely
interesting results in any environment and in this one, well, you can imagine.

The other thing you can do is go after the computers. They are all over the
place and some of them are big and old and some of them are small and new.
The big and old ones are the ones you are after because they are the ones that
do most of the control functions, having been put in when the reactor was
constructed. The smaller ones usually just handle bookkeeping stuff but some
of them may have control function as well, so it is best to not completely ignore
them. In any event, a computer malfunction will cause a serious problem in the
reactor and may require it to be shut down. When that happens, that reactor
cannot produce electricity and the entire power grid suffers. If you can shut
down enough reactors, particularly on a hot day, you can really fuck up delivery
of electrical service and get the power company in terrible political trouble
because without air conditioning people have this habit of dying and if enough of
them do that at once the coroner's office gets really overloaded and the bodies
have to be kept in refrigerator trucks and everyone's very offended by the smell.

Of course, if you are really pissed, you can work on getting the core overheated
and that will produce a major emergency. In order to do that, the control system
of the cooling system must be shut down, so snorf around inside the electronics
(ain't psychic presence wunnerful?) until you find the circuit that controls that
and then shut it down with a pk blast. If the circuit is wired to a new computer,
that will be very easy as the newer the computer is, the easier it is to screw

Now, a couple of things. If you are going to hit a nuclear reactor, it is best to do
one in another state, or better still, in another country, like China or something.
If one of those suckers really blows, it will make the entire area around it for
many miles totally unlivable for a long time, so don't do this if someone you like
lives within hundred miles of it. And then take air currents into account because
the radioactive fallout is the same as a nuclear weapon explosion and you don't
want that landing on someone you like.

This capacity is the psionic terrorist's ultimate weapon. A psychic image of the
local nuclear reactor with a mushroom cloud rising over it is usually sufficient to
end even the most determined government sponsored mind control experiments.
And remember, this can be done with nothing more than a modified radio.

Pleasant dreams.



I don't think I need to remind you that is not the sort of thing you want to go
around bragging about. A threat is actionable under law and even though you
can use psionics to negate the legal process it is still an inconvenience you will
want to avoid. In fact, it is best if no one has any idea that you are involved in
this. That way you can act without worry.

I know, you are thinking that I am all over the map with this stuff, but remember,
my ass has been out there for years now and it is no secret what I work with.
So my case is a bit different. My safety depends on as many people knowing
about this as possible. Your situation is different.

So work quietly, change your world and enjoy the results without telling the
entire planet what you are doing.

Charles W. Cosimano
copyright 2006

From the beginning:
Safety is for weenies; it isn't a good party unless somebody dies.
Now that we have that out of the way, this is going to be unlike any manual of kink that
you have ever encountered. We do NOT, EVER, practice, advocate or have anything
to do with that which is safe or sane and consent is strictly there to keep the lawyers
happy. With psionics we can get around that. In fact, our goal is going to be:
The abolition of consent in our lifetime!
Ok, now that I have the hairs of those who do not know me or my work or background
falling out, let me explain a few things about myself. For while this book may seem
extra-ordinarily radical and revolutionary to those who come from either a conventional
(ok, I know it's an oxymoron) BDSM background or the usual sweetness and light and
don't do anything nasty to the neighbors psychic background. I'm not like that. I LIKE
scaring the villagers. That is what villagers are for.
I have a couple of identities by which I am known. In the psionic/magick world I'm the
great, wise and evil Uncle Chuckie, the purported father of modern psionics (I'm not! I
just wrote the books.), general troublemaker and all-around no-goodnik. My Russian
friends would probably love to dub me a nekulturny khooligan, but unfortunately I suffer
from being over-cultured. Nevertheless, the khooligan part would probably fit. Or as
my wife describes me, I'm just a big, overgrown 8-year-old. Anyway, if you're reading
this book, you probably already know that. In fact you probably have read some of my
other books and if you have not, be ashamed! Buy them now!
But I am also a "community leader" (Oh, Lucifer! I hate being described that way!) in
the BDSM world. I was a club officer in the old Chicagoland Discussion Group for a
number of years, starting as the, gasp, Librarian (it was a practical joke they were
playing on me--they wanted to fill my house with bad porn) and then being promoted,
by default because no other qualified person wanted the job, to club Secretary, a post
that I held until that group's demise in 1998. And from there I went to being co-runner
of the Chicago Slosh because my then girlfriend, who is now Mrs. Chuckie, made the
mistake of saying that we would take it for a couple of months. More famous last words
were never spoken, with the possible exception of the time my stepson was going to
change our garbage disposal and said that it would take ten minutes. (Three hours
later and by that time reduced to commenting on the sexual habits of monkeys...)
Somewhere along the line about the same time, some of our friends saw us playing at
the old Leather Rose in Chicago and said, "It's the Dagger Dom." Well, I grabbed that
as an AOL screen name and suddenly found that I, who had never used a scene name
in my life, and did not believe in them, had a exactly that--Dagger. It was
embarrassing, to say the least.

Oh well, it could have been worse. I could have been Guy Baldwin. (I'm going to have
a lot of fun at the expense of Guy Baldwin because he something of a sacred cow in the
SM world and as we all know sacred cows make the best hamburger.)
But also along the way it has become more and more obvious to me and those who
know me that I have a much different approach to BDSM from my counterparts, not only
in the way that I practice it technique-wise, but also as to how I relate to my BDSM
interests as a part of my life, my work, and my world.
I'm not afraid of the things most of my friends are and there is a simple reason--
Ok, I know that I'm doing a lot of Me-I-Me here, but this is somewhat inevitable and the
reason that I am writing this book is so that you, my most fortunate, blessed-of-heaven
reader, will be able to do the same things and maybe see the world if not exactly in the
same way, for no two people do, closely enough that you will find that your fears will
have passed by the wayside and you will have methods of play and partnering that
others around you will lack. For let us never forget, one of the purposes of life is to
acquire things that other people cannot have. And NO, HIV does not count no matter
what Guy Baldwin says! (And neither does bird flu so no kissing chickens.)
So this book is going to approach BDSM and Psionics as a series of life skills, tools of
influence and power being aimed at making your sex life happier, healthier (for you at
least) and at the same time allowing yourself the joy of breaking all the rules that folks
in the BDSM community may try to put on you and keeping the godless nillers at bay.
Now, one other thing. This book is written from the standpoint of a Het, Male Dom.
That is what I am and I don't write well trying to be something that I am not, nor do I
have any wish to. And I have made a career out of breaking taboos, crossing lines and
not only doing things that people do not approve of, but writing books teaching other
people how to do them as well. As people who know me already know, I'm not one to
sit around and complain. If there is something I do not like I do something about it and
there has been something rotten in BDSM for some time now and that something is
SSC! The words Safe, Sane and Consensual have become a millstone around our
necks, an excuse for every damned do-gooder and would-be Pope in the scene to try to
control people and ruin their fun.
Well, we've gotten rid of the Safe. We've gotten rid of the Sane. Now we are going to
get rid of Consent! Psionics is a means of projecting power and when you project
power you do not worry about the consent of the powerless. You do not have to.
At this point I should explain for my new readers that this not my first essay into
combining these things. Ten years ago a literally deranged ex-girlfriend of mine wrote
me a totally disjointed letter accusing me of, among many other things, psionically
stalking her for the 18 years since our break-up. (And I still have that letter which
someday I may put on a website so the world can see just how nuts people, and
perhaps that particular person, can be.) Now, the irony of all this is that while I have

never hesitated to do anything nasty if it was going to be fun and I could get away with
it, I had never even considered that particular bit of nastiness until she gave me the
Anyway, I decided that I should have some fun at her expense and so when I wrote my
Psionic Terrorism I put in a chapter on Psionic Stalking, or how to do astral rape for fun
and profit. After all, if one is going to write about doing evil deeds, one should enjoy it
and even though I had never really given any thought to it before, as I wrote the short
chapter and had a good laugh at my own wickedness, I realized that there might be
another use for these skills than I had considered heretofore.
It has turned out over the years that that chapter has become the favorite of the people
who have read that book, even more than the chapter on how to blow up nuclear
reactors which I thought would be the big selling point and actually was the real reason
I wrote it because I knew it would drive foreign governments apeshit. (And it did! It
was great fun!) So, without apology or moral justification, I present to you a volume on
how to do everything people in the bdsm community tell you that you should not do.
Remember the words of H. P. Lovecraft:
"The time would be easy to know, for then mankind would have become as
the Great Old Ones; free and wild and beyond good and evil, with laws and
morals thrown aside and all men shouting and killing and reveling in joy. Then
the liberated Old Ones would teach them new ways to shout and kill and revel
and enjoy themselves, and all the earth would flame with a holocaust of
ecstasy and freedom."
Have fun. Believe me, I have. But then I am the Dagger Dom.
I am--
Uncle Chuckie

Power and Transgression
The Transgressionist Manifesto
We are not old, obsolete guard, nor are we new guard. We are beyond such petty
We follow no rules, save those it serves our purposes for the moment to do so,
in accord with the practice of expediency.
We respect no authority and defer to no pretended hierarchy.
We despise tradition, that stinking collection of moldy walls and incontinent
briefs that need changing. It has no place in our lives save as a source of never-
ending ridicule and laughter.
We do not fear and we cannot be intimidated. We refuse to live in hiding,
cowering like frightened animals.
We do not give a damn about community nor its image. We will never allow
ourselves to be controlled by such considerations. Rather we defend the right of
the individual to follow his own path and make his own decisions, to express his
lifestyle by whatever definition he so chooses without regard to any external
We do not defend our lifestyle to the despised vanillas. We make them defend
their lifestyle to us.
We admire skill, wit and daring.
We are the Outlaws.
We are the Anarchists
We are the Future.
We are transgressionists. We don't like rules, we break them. We don't like people
who make rules. We break their heads. It's a simple as that. And we exist in a
lifestyle that is beset with rule-makers and would-be pontiffs. This book is about
ignoring their rules with absolute impunity and making life very difficult for the rule
makers as well because while iconoclasts violate rules, transgressors violate people.
So let's get started.
Those of us who have the misfortune to spend too much time in the BDSM community,
instead of getting real lives like normal pervs, hear the phrase "Power Exchange" a lot.
And that phrase is utter hokum. Let us understand that power is never exchanged.

Power is seized and comes from the barrel of a gun. It is authority that is granted. At
least that what happens in a common BDSM relationship. The submissive or the
bottom, depending on the nature of the beast with two backs, grants the
top/dom/master/supreme dickhead the authority to command her and do certain things
to her body. That is were the consent business comes in. because the
submissive/bottom/slave/dumb-bunny can always say "NO" to the whole thing. And
that is always the case unless either the threat of force is present, in which case
someone is probably going to need a good lawyer, or her mind has been so worked on
that she is literally incapable of saying "no." And the track record for the latter is pretty
bad because brain-washing wears off after a time.
Now, the usual cases of things like that, the situation is considered undesirable. We
are going to approach it from a different way seeing things. We are going to operate
under the idea that the deprivation of consent is the desirable state of affairs and as
brute force simply does not work in our culture, and the more conventional methods of
brainwashing will usually backfire, even after a number of years, we are going to learn
to use our psychic abilities, backed by certain machines, to influence our chosen
victims so that withholding consent is not only not possible, they have no idea that they
would ever even WANT to withhold consent from us. Properly done, they will not even
know the difference.
Not only that, we are going to learn to use the same techniques to impose our lifestyle
and our desires on the world around us, whether the rest of the world wants it imposed
or not. The principal of consent does not even begin to apply in such cases, in spite of
the hair-splitting of our rule-making compatriots. We do not ask permission of cattle to
eat them nor of sheep to shear them and the vanilla is of less value in the great scheme
of things than either cattle or sheep. The outsider, the iskish and the gadje, are literally
fair game. After all, you can eat cattle and sheep.
And to illustrate this let me tell you one of my favorite stories.
Almost 20 years ago now (time does fly when you are having fun!) I was in a grocery
store with a young girlfriend and we found ourselves in the hardware section. She took
one look at the plastic bag closing clamps and shouted "Nipple clamps!" at the top of
her lungs. (Which was only logical as that was what we used them for.) There was a
little old lady at the other end of the aisle and she almost went to her ancestors from
shock. It was absolutely hilarious and it would have been even funnier if she had
actually dropped dead!
Oh well, can't have everything, damn it! After all, it isn't a good shopping trip if nobody
We are going to transgress the norms that say we should not have such fun.
So let me give you a common example.

Take the above story and change the little old lady to a mother with ten children
ranging in age from 1 to 5 in tow (she took those damned fertility pills and now is truly
cursed of Shub Niggurath, the Black Goat With a Thousand Young). She hears the
shout and has to try to explain to her five-year-old what nipple clamps are (if she
knows) and is really uncomfortable about that. Now, our do-gooder folk would deny us
the joy of that woman's discomfort. I mean, can you just hear them? "What about the
poor mother? What would she tell her children?"
Oh boo hoo hoo! Like we give a damn!
Put a sock in it!
Let us be honest. It was her own fault! No one made her have the little bastards and
so any discomfort she may have to deal with because of it is no one else's problem but
hers. Certainly not ours, we owe her nothing but a quick death, unless we think it
would be fun to cause her to have a slow and lingering one. And besides, it would be
fun watching her grab her brood and run out the door in panic!
We'd still be laughing! Ok, not laughing as hard as we did at the dom who looks like an
Amish cowboy, but still pretty hard. (Do these people own mirrors?)
To put it bluntly, the stupid bitch came in the door with a big "Kick Me!" sign taped to
her back. So to make all this simple and give you the philosophical basis of this aspect
of the work, there is no obligation to strangers. None whatever. They exist for only one
purpose and that purpose is to provide us with fun at their expense. The notion that we
should refrain from an action because it might cause some emotional discomfort to
someone we do not know, do not care about and have no financial or other reason to
keep happy is nonsense in the extreme. "If the gesture is beautiful, the victims do not
matter." And that is because it is the victims that make the gesture beautiful.
Ok, are you getting our approach here. We are Hedonic Sadists. We believe that it is
fun to torture people and that can include all manner of methods that do not require a
playroom. And those methods do not require the consent of the victim. In fact it is
intended that they should not. As long as there is no physical contact, and it does not
take place in the workplace (and with psionics even that proviso does not apply), there
is no legitimate recourse on their part and if they are stupid enough to think that they
have, well they have nasty surprises coming. They are cattle to be devoured. And we
will devour their souls in due course.
Transgression is fun. It is also liberating. And when transgression is combined with
psionics... Well, you get the picture.
The psionic paradigm meets BDSM.
Psionics is a tool for the projection of power.

This is where the power aspect comes in. Power is the capacity to get things done, in
this case, to impose our will upon people without their consent. It also enables us to
get away with what we do in ways that our fellow pervs cannot imagine. Because, you
must understand, (and my regular readers already know this) psionics is a mighty
weapon in the wrong hands and the thrust of my work has been to make sure that it
falls into the wrong hands. (After all, you can't get wronger hands than mine, tee hee
Now, those of you who know the sort of stuff I work with, know that I approach the
subject of psionics with a singular ruthlessness which sometimes frightens even my
most ardent fans. That is fun. I love it when one of them says, "I don't agree with
everything he does but..." It is simply a matter of recognizing the capacity of the
psionics to project power, in many cases destructive and lethal power and the
willingness to use it.
This sort of spills over in everyday life on occasion, if I haven't had enough sleep or I'm
in a bad mood and then, for some reason, people get rather nervous about me. I
remember one night at the local dungeon when I was talking about psionics and the
young woman that I was talking to asked me what it did. Well, I was in a rather testy
mood that night and I growled, "It kills people."
And then there was time when someone said something about somebody wanting to
close down dungeons and I said, "Get me his photograph, he'll be dead in a week." For
some reason, people's hair stood on end when I said that. There is a reason why I
don't waste much time worrying about law enforcement and by the time you are versed
in this material you won't worry much either.
At that point people's eyelids start to raise and they sort of wonder if I'm all there and
maybe there is another reason for my rejection of the "sane" part of SSC. But that's ok
too because being a bit crazy is a useful skill, as long as you don't do everything the
voices tell you, except of course the one that told you to buy my books. In fact you can
probably hear them saying that to you now.
Buy Chuck's books.
Buy Chuck's books.
Buy Chuck's books.
But seriously, if you have the capacity to remove anyone who is going to get in the way
of your fun, why not do so? After all, no law can stop you from using your mind and the
equipment I am going to explain in this book is so damned simple that no government
can hope to regulate it. And if they try, well, we have the means to foil them even if
they wear foil on their heads. And that ability, combined with the ability to override the
will of another, is a mighty force. And there is more.
With psionics you can really twist someone's head. You can dominate a person--
sexually--without even being in the same country and having no contact with the person
other than your mind and maybe a simple instrument.

So now you can forget all that nonsense about consent. Consent is for sissies!
Psionics is, after all, about the elimination of consent. When we do our psionic work in
other areas of life we do not ask the consent of the target. When we do our research
we cannot ask consent of the test subject because that would screw up the data. So
those of us into psionics have never really cared about consent to begin with.
Oh, and occasionally someone who lacks a knowledge of history will babble something
about nasty things coming back to you for doing this. Ignore such people as they are
only trying to make you behave in a way that they want rather than in a way that you
want. The nastiest people in history tended to die of old age and usually quite wealthy.
There is one more objection that you will hear to this philosophy and that is the notion
that by eliminating consent we make ourselves vulnerable to those who would try to
destroy our little hobby. What those who use that argument do not realize that by
thinking that we should censor ourselves they actually would make us vulnerable to the
very people they are trying placate.

Why is this? It is very simple. They are arguing from a position of assumed weakness.
What is happening every time they say such things is they are saying to the enemy that
we are weak enough to worry about what other people think. That is precisely the
wrong approach to take, especially with psionics at our disposal.
The proper approach in dealing with the enemy is to say, "We are people who torture
people for the fun of it. Are we really the kind of people that you want mad at you?"
Add to that the weapon potential of psionics and we silently can ask them another
question, "Are you feeling lucky, Pig?" Because with psionics we can reach out and
touch, or rather smite, someone with no possibility of being discovered or stopped. We
can act with total impunity. In other words the presence of another person's face does
not in any way affect our right to swing the frying pan. Their face only changes the
fan's trajectory when it hits it.
So in answer to the argument of weakness we can respond with honesty that we really
do not care. We do not have to. It is simply a matter of changing the paradigm from
the craven, cowardly, oh-so-law-abiding, NCSF one of "We are so weak and helpless
we must always live in fear of the rest of the world and maybe if we are really nice and
play by their rules and be good little house Negroes and then maybe if we're really
good they won't persecute us," to the psionic one of "We can do anything we want and
remove anyone who would try to stop us. It is we, not they, who are the Masters of the
And remember, freedom is doing what you want, not what others think you ought. And
Lord Acton can shove it up his ass! (Extra points if you figure out the reference.)
But enough of such rumination.

To work!

Basic Psionics--The Energy Field
Those of you who have read my other books can pretty much skip this chapter except
for the fun stuff.
Psionics is a branch of psychic work. It utilizes the usual means of meditation,
visualization, concentration, etc. but it also involves certain devices, ranging from a
simple pendulum, to charts, small radio transmitters, light sources such as a flashlight
or six-volt lantern and even more specific devices such as the psionic amplifying
helmet, and, of course, radionics. It is an area of study that drives people nuts when
they first hear of it and it makes people who do not believe in it think that we are nuts.
They're right. We are nuts, but at least we have fun being crazy.
But it all comes down to one thing--the human energy field and its study and
manipulation, because if you can do that you can know everything the other person
knows and you can make her do just about anything you want. It is simply a matter of
time, patience and work. And no one is safe. When you use this stuff you are subject
to no rules, no laws, nothing. There is total freedom and absolutely no responsibility.
You are accountable to no one. When you work with this you can do anything that you
want to anyone that you want.
So let us get started with the human energy field. This field can be broken down in any
number of ways and I go into that in much more detail in my other books, but for the
purpose of this work, we can divide it into two basic parts, the electromagnetic field,
commonly referred to as the aura, and the non-physical, or etheric field. These fields
inter-relate with each other and the information they carry is transferred back and forth
between them. This is important to understand because this explains why psychic
information gets into the physical brain and manifests as electro-chemical impulses
when by all rights it should not do anything at all.
It also explains why the electrical activity of the brain can influence a brain at any given
distance in spite of the inverse-square rule which would remove any possibility of that
influence being electromagnetic in origin.
In any event, it is as good an explantation as any and I'm the person writing the book,
so that is the one we will use. So there!
But the important point is that the etheric field can interact with any other person's
etheric field anywhere on the planet. There is no escape! No matter how far the
person may run, no matter how well she can hide, your mind can seek her out and find
her. Where she to hide in the depths of Hell you could still find her.

Now, you have to understand that that does not mean that you will get results
immediately. Some times you will and sometimes you will not. In my own case I
occasionally have had to wait years for results, largely from not doing my homework.
Let me give an example. Over 20 years ago I fell madly in lust with a young woman
who worked in the local library but I am a very shy person. I know that this surprises
people but I really really really am! I could not figure out how to approach her. But I
am also a very good psionic operator and I figured I would solve the problem in the
most simple way. I would make her approach me!
Simple, right? Well, in theory it was.
In practice, it was a disaster at first. I did all my mumbo-jumbo, with machines and
thoughtforms (I'll explain all that stuff soon) and nothing. Nada! Why? Well, It wasn't
because Mumbo and Jumbo were making pancakes for Sambo, that's for sure! (Yes, I
know that I'm being naughty.) It was because I did not know that at precisely that
moment in time she had gotten herself engaged to be married!
Talk about stupid dom tricks!
So after a time I abandoned the project and figured that it was one of those that just did
not work for some reason. And yes, that can happen. And I proceeded to get on with
my life and tie up every woman I could get my paws on and thought nothing of it again.
But the project kept working even without me.
Eight years later, I was in the library waiting for the tow truck to come and get my car
which had broken down in the Jewel parking lot across the way. And as I was thumbing
through the card catalogue (something they used to keep track of books with in the
ancient days before everyone had computers) she came up and we started talking for
the first time.
A year later we were together for a time.
What had happened was that her marriage started to fall apart and as soon as that
happened the project, which I had long abandoned, had kicked in and she was drawn to
me just as she was supposed to be.
What had been a dreadful failure became a marvelous, if temporary, success. (It
turned out that we were not really compatible, but it was fun while it lasted.)
Over the years I have learned that projects rarely fail, they just have not worked yet.
Sometimes they do, but the success rate is far higher than the failure rate.
And with that out of the way, back to the energy field.

This illustration shows the usual breakdown of the field and it is the way I present it in
my other books. But, like I said, we do not need to be that detailed in this work. I put it
in to give you a basic notion of what we work with.
Now, a two-dimensional drawing has certain weaknesses, like not being able to show
how the field totally interpenetrates the person and everything else out there. Think of
the thing as a sphere of sorts that just keeps expanding ad infinitum, sort of like spam.
It goes everywhere, goes through everything and just does not stop, kind of like an
email rumor or some of the old wive's tales we hear of in bdsm (for details on those,
see Castle Realm). This is to our advantage because it means we have no range
limitations. We can hit any target, anywhere in the world.
So how do we make use of this field?
The same way we get to Carnegie Hall--practice, practice, practice.
We begin by sitting. That's right, just sitting. That is an easy thing for bottoms, they
are used to not moving. We find ways of keeping them from moving. For us tops
however, it is a little more difficult. But find yourself a chair that is comfortable, but not
too comfortable. You do not want to fall asleep so the recliner is probably not the best
one to use for this.
Once you have your chair picked out, sit like an Egyptian. Ok, I know it's a bad joke,
but they can't all be gems.

Just sit, spine erect, feet flat on the floor or on a stool if you are really short, hands
resting on the chair arms or your thighs and think of the Days of Sneferu when the poor
Pharoah had to resist saying "Osiris bless you," every time someone said his name.
(And the first person to say, "Like sands through the pyramid...," is going to be fed to
the crocodiles!)
Now, feel the energy field around you and in you. This will take a bit of trying because
it rarely comes right away, but with some effort you will begin to feel the energy flow
around you. As you do this, know that you can manipulate, shape and expand this
energy as you desire and it will carry information that you will place into it. By means of
this energy you can reach out and touch anyone in the whole world, you do not need
their consent, they cannot deny you, in fact most of the time they will have no idea at all
where the funny feelings between their legs are coming from. And as you know this
you will know that the very notion of consent is foolishness in this context. You are
beyond such petty considerations.
Set aside some time every day to work on this. It does not have to be a great deal of
time, about ten minutes a day to start with. As you go along, you will find that you enjoy
this so much that you may totally lose track of time and realize that you have been
sitting for an hour or more without even thinking about it.
Once you have mastered this exercise, it is time to start charging your field. This is to
boost its power. To do this we use a very basic and old-fashioned method. We bring
energy into you by visualizing it as a cosmic light source.
I know that sounds trite and disgusting and worse, New Age, but hell, it works so here
we go.
Sit and visualize a light source over your head. If you are lazy, like me, put your chair
under a ceiling light and then you have the light source ready made.
Ok, once you have the notion that you are being bathed in the cosmic, all-powerful,
Divine Light of the Universe (Stop laughing! This is serious important psychic stuff!),
feel it penetrate your entire body, filling you like an empty bottle with concentrated
power. Keep pumping this light in until you feel like you are going to explode and then
when that point is reached, release it back into the universe with a mighty cry of:
In the Name of Uncle Chuckie, DIE Guy Baldwin DIE!!!!
Ok, I'm having fun. Just let it go rushing back out into the cosmos because otherwise it
tends to cause headaches. Not that there is anything wrong with causing headaches,
mind you, but you want to cause them in other people, not yourself.

Practice this for about a week or two until you end up looking like the above illustration
and then move on to charging the chakras.
Now, if you look at this drawing, you will notice a number of circles, seven in all. This is
the usual presentation of the chakra system but there are variants.
At the top you find the Crown Chakra. This is the one that powers the whole system
and organizes it.

At the base is the root chakra, which is where energy is stored in the Kundalini system
but is also the location of sexual energy that feeds into the pelvic chakra which is pretty
much in the same place. Guess which one we are going to be working with.
The others do not matter very much for our purposes. The spleen chakra distributes
the vital force that keeps you going and we are not doing healing so you can pretty
much forget that one for the moment. The one at the tummy, on the other hand,
controls gut feelings, for some peculiar reason, and so if you want a strong, visceral
reaction you aim at that one.
The heart chakra is for more rarified emotions, we don't deal much with them. After all,
this book is about sex, not about love.
The throat one controls involuntary muscle response and is a good receptor of thought
energy. You can give a person serious willies by staring at it from behind them.
The brow chakra is the one that you use to emit thought energy, it's sort of like a
spotlight on the center of your forehead and when you are wearing a spotlight on your
forehead the light from it makes a great carrier wave but more about that later.
Ok, got all that? Obviously things get a lot more complicated and as we go along we
will work with a little more detail, but that is what you need to get started.
So now it is time to do the light exercise over again, only this time do it to get the
chakras running at full blast.
Begin with bringing the light into yourself as you have been doing. Once you have got
yourself packed with light, focus it into the base chakra and charge it up like hell. Get it
running good and hot, and then when you have that warm, glowing feeling, send it
rising up your spine to the spleen chakra.
Let that run for a while, feeling that your vital energies are being recharged and your
cold is going away, then send it up to the Solar Plexus.
Hold the energy there, giving strength to your emotions and your ability to project them,
then raise the energy to your heart.
Let that spin there for a while and then bring the energy up to your throat.
Again, hold the energy for a while before raising it to your brow.
At the brow, feel the spotlight being turned on and shining a beam all around the room.
Know that you can charge that beam to send any message, feeling or response to
anyone anywhere in the world, whether they want it sent or not!
Now bring the energy back up to the top of your head, to the crown chakra, and let it go
blasting back out into infinitude.

Once you have got the hang of that, repeat the exercise daily but do it it as a circle, the
energy being focused into the root, or base, chakra and then rising back up the system,
out the top of the head and back to the root chakra, as a continuous circuit keeping you
constantly charged and constantly able to act.
One of the side effects of this exercise is that your energy field is going to get a lot
more powerful and able to do things you would not expect it to do. And very often it will
do things when you do not expect it do them, like occasionally screw up electronics and
blow out street lights. These are normally minor annoyances, but do not be shocked
when they happen. It is all quite natural.
You may also find that people around you react differently to you. Depending on the
person, they may be more attracted to you, or they may not be able to run out of the
room fast enough. That is because your field is interacting with theirs and they are
responding to it, quite unconsciously.
So now it is time to work with this thing, to play with it and have some fun.
Practice the above until you are able to do it very quickly, like in a couple of seconds. I
know that may sound difficult but it is actually very easy and you should have little
trouble in doing that. There is a reason for learning this and that reason is that you will
want to be able to do it on a moment's notice. After all, you never know when the
opportunity to have some good, nasty fun will emerge.
When you have the skill down, go out among the masses, like you do every day, only
this time go out like Count Svareff, looking for victims. (Count Svareff is the bad guy in
one of my favorite movies, The Most Dangerous Game.) You are now the predator and
everyone else is the prey, but this time you are not going to do anything particularly
dramatic. You are just going to have some fun.
Have you ever noticed that sidewalks are really poorly engineered. They go right up to
the street, with a curb a few inches high that can be a real menace if someone isn't
looking. Well, if you have the good fortune to be on a crowded street, there is always
going to be someone who is walking a bit too close to the curb for his own good.
Of course that is not too close for us to get a good laugh at his expense.
When you see such a person, charge up real quick and then will your field to expand
extremely fast, pushing at the field of the person walking close to the curb.
For some reason the person is just sort of pushed off the sidewalk into the street, where
he is barely missed by a passing bus! (Of course if you get really lucky he is not

Tee hee hee!

Now, let me explain what just happened. The person was not pushed in the exact
physical sense. In other words, he was not shoved by an unseen force as if you had
walked up behind him and used your hands. What happened was that your field hit his
field and his field reacted, making him move away from you without thinking about
where he was going. And where he was going was face first into the street and under
the bus.
Now, did that poor fool give you his consent to be pushed off the curb? Of course not.
And was what you did safe or sane? Don't be ridiculous. Was it fun? Sure was!
Ok, it was not as much fun as pouring gasoline over a bag lady and setting fire to her,
but what the hell, with this you don't have to worry about being caught and having to
deal with the paperwork, as well as killing the prosecutor etc... I'M KIDDING! (You
concentrate on the fire element in her etheric body and she has spontaneous derelict
combustion from the cheap alcohol oozing out of her pores. Much less paperwork, but I
Do you get the idea that we are expanding the idea of sadism out of the dungeon?
Yes, that is exactly what we are doing.
We are getting honest!
You see the problem with BDSM folk is that they have become fundamentally dishonest
about who and what they are. They hide behind slogans such as "Safe, Sane and
Consensual," or "Risk Aware Consensual Kink" (Do you see all the consent crap in
those two?). And in doing so they have brainwashed themselves into thinking that they
are just like everyone else with just a weird hobby. They have never been able to
accept themselves for what they are and they need to engage in orgies of self-
justification and convince themselves that they really are "normal," instead of being the
happy, godless perverts that they are.
Well that is not what we are. We are people who take great pleasure in causing pain to
other humans. In a different context, what we do for fun on any given Saturday night
would be considered war crimes! Not only are we not like other people, we are better
than they are.
We have the capacity to enjoy and feed off the sufferings of others and there is no
reason, other than the paperwork, that we should confine that joy to a dungeon on
Saturday night. There is just too much evil fun to be had.
Back to work!
Let's have some more fun with the field. This time let's have lunch in a crowded

Normally I don't like to pick on waitresses. They tend to be a combination of cute and
overworked and the pay sucks and people don't tip or tip too little, especially our fellow
pervs who are the cheapest people on Satan's green earth. But every once in a while it
is good to be nasty for its own sake and there is something about a waitress balancing
a tray full of food that just seems to cry out for it.
I discovered this by accident many years ago. I had just driven home for a weekend
from school and my parental units were taking me out to dinner. They picked a
restaurant that was a bit too popular and we were stuck sitting waiting for a table. I was
not pleased. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a good person to be around
when I am hungry. I tend to get very vile tempered and take bites out of the people
sitting next to me. However, the gods smiled upon me that night and took pity upon my
frustration. A waitress was carrying a tray of food, and it was a well loaded tray, and
somehow it went off balance, causing the food to come cascading down upon some
poor diner. Dinner was truly on him that night and I cheered up immediately.
Do you see where this is going?
You have a crowded restaurant, with little room to maneuver, people carrying food all
over the place and other people stuck sitting in the line of fire. The Hand of God is in
Wait for the right moment. You will want your target to be carrying a tray with a number
of orders piled onto it, the more the better and the secondary target to be the elderly
woman in the booth a bit up and across from the aisle from you. I really like to pick on
old people because they are esthetically displeasing and very slow and annoying. I
can't count the number of times I've found myself behind some damned senior citizen in
a walker and wishing that I had my cattle prod. I'd get the old bitch moving!
Anyway, wait until all the stars are aligned and then fire up your field and expand it at
the waitress!
Watch the destruction as your field hits the field of the waitress and she just sort of
jerks away from it, causing the tray to go off balance and the food to come crashing
down on the old folks who should be at home anyway. Cover your mouth to hide the
giggles (insane cackles are appropriate but only as you are driving home) and watch
the fun as the staff all run to make sure the old farts are not injured and dispense
apologies along with gift certificates.
(By the way, if you want to have fun with old people in a restaurant, beat the cadence
played at John Kennedy's funeral on the table. If you don't know it, there are videos of
the funeral procession online. They won't remember where they heard it but it will give
them the willies. It's a fun prank and works on anyone over 60.)

Now that was fun, wasn't it?

And what makes it even more fun is the knowledge that there are people who do not
approve but there is not a blessed thing that they can do about it. That is one of the
keys to dominance--the ability to ignore the disapproval of others.
As I always say, "Real Doms don't care what other people think."
Ok, enough of such merriment for the moment. Back to work.
Now that you are used to working with your field, it is time to concentrate on working
with the specific chakras. I've gone into more detail about them in a couple of my other
works, notably Psionic Power, but here we will look at a few of them and how they can
be used for pervery, in particular the root chakra, the solar plexus chakra, and the brow
Let's start with the root chakra (actually it is the pelvic chakra we are dealing with but
they are so close together that I'm going to stick with the conventional system for once
so you do not get confused more than necessary). The energy of the root/pelvis
system is what runs sexual desire and function, so obviously this is one you are going
to use, a lot!
You can both transmit and receive with any chakra and in your case, being the one who
is acting rather than the one who is acted upon, you will be using the root chakra to
charge up your field with sexual energy and transmit that energy to the your chosen
victims, whether they want it or not. And you will find that it is very simple to do that.
Well, it is very simple once you master a little skill called visualization.
Visualization is a function of the imagination and it is the imagination that powers this
stuff. What you basically do is imagine that you are seeing something and if you do
that well enough you can really see it.
So you have to work on your imagination. This is going to take some time, so be
patient and remember that Rome did not burn in a day.
Begin by just sitting with your eyes closed and looking at images in your mind. Keep
these images as simple as possible, a circle, a line, that sort of thing. With a little
practice you will find that you can hold the image for a time, but it will sort of flash in
and out at first so do not be disturbed by that.
Work on this for a couple of weeks. And while you are doing that, keep up the charging
When you are able to hold the image in your mind for a few minutes, it is time to go
onto the next stage, seeing it in space with your eyes open.

Ok, this can be a toughie. I developed one of the techniques I will describe later
because I could not do that for shit when I was young. But keep at it. You will find that
it is one of the most valuable skills you can have.
Put a blank piece of paper in front of you and look at it. Do not try to stare, you will only
give yourself a headache. Now, see a chosen image, such as a circle, on the paper.
What you will probably get is a sort of shadowy, floating thing hovering just above the
paper. But that is perfect. It means that you have acquired the ability to take an image
from your mind and externalize it. And that image is able to do work.
What you have done is create a thoughtform. Now this particular thoughform does not
do anything but float over the paper, but if you wanted to, you could program it to cause
someone to do something they would not normally want to do, like hop into bed with
We'll get to thoughtforms in a little bit.
Now back to the root chakra!
To work with this chakra, you need to have a victim in mind. It does little good to
charge it up and get it running with no target. So your first task is to pick a target,
preferably someone you know and find attractive but who has not shown great interest
in you. I know all about this because with my face the hardest thing was to first keep
the woman in question from falling down laughing. I've been accused of many things in
life but being attractive is not one of them. Large, angry dogs have been known to run
away from me.
I hope you are not similarly blessed, but if you are, this will fix it. Your face will not
change, but her reaction to it will.
Begin the procedure with some practice. You know how to charge your field and you
know you can visualize. Now combine them to charge up the root chakra.
Close your eyes and see the energy coming into you as when charging your field, only
in this case see it as collecting in the root chakra and really charging it up. The
chakras are traditionally represented as wheels (which is the literal meaning of the work
in Sanskrit) and you will see the root chakra as a red wheel, spinning madly out of
Hold this image and now make a little shift in the image. Transform the wheel into the
round lens of a spotlight and see it shoot a red beam, like a laser, at the target.
Do this a few times and then see how the person reacts when she sees you. There
should be some change.
There may even be a dramatic change but sometimes that requires more work.

So try this and see what happens. When you find yourself in sight of her, do a quick
charge like when you played your little pranks on the street, only this time fire up the
root chakra and see the beam hitting her right between the legs. Think of it as a
psychic dildo!
Do not stare while you are doing this. That will make her put up a defense. Just look in
the general direction but avoid looking directly at her. Let the psychic energy do the
dirty work. With some practice you may even be able to make her have an orgasm
from across the room, but that takes a lot of energy and do not be disappointed if you
do not get those kind of results right away. It will come, you should pardon the bad
pun, in time.
Of course you do not have to use this with the intent of getting her into bed. You can
also do this to have some nasty fun but the brow chakra works even better for that.
The brow chakra is the psychic workhorse. It is the primary emitter of information-
bearing psychic energy when fired off in conjunction with either minor chakras in the
eyes or the hands. Spend a lot of time working with this chakra.
Again, bring the energy down into the top of your head and this time concentrate it in
the center of your forehead. Close your eyes and see the bright, indigo light swirling
there. Hold that light there for a time letting it get brighter and brighter and then, open
your eyes and fire the light out of them!
Play with that a few times and then set up a target, something simple like a circle on a
piece of paper. Repeat the procedure only this time aim at the circle and see the beam
illuminating it. With some practice you may even actually see the circle lighten in front
of you.
Ok, now it is time to go out and play. This is a technique I love to teach because it
makes what we do simple and fun, as well as allowing people to have a good laugh
when they get home. I created it as a prank that was easy to describe to people on the
radio during interviews because it never fails to get a chuckle at the very least, but
when put into a bdsm cultural context, it takes on an added meaning.
Take yourself somewhere where you will be sitting a bit to the back of an attractive,
young woman. If you can stand it, or have a reason to be there, like a wedding or a
funeral, a church is perfect.

Now, close your eyes for a second a do a quick charge. Open your eyes and fire at the
target, at the same time seeing her in a flame, thinking heat at her. Imagine that she is
burning up in front of you, that her skin is actually starting to singe.
While you are doing that, think at her telling her that she is hot, the room is hot and she
is cooking. Keep that up for a few minutes and watch as she unconsciously starts to
take her clothes off, reaching up to unbutton her blouse, only to stop herself in
embarrassment wondering what could have possessed her to start undressing in
Congratulations. You have just run a really good, non-consensual humiliation scene.
And there is nothing anyone can do about it. After all, what are they going to say? And
what can they possibly do?
Can you just hear the purists whining out there?
We have one more basic field technique to cover and that is using the hands to direct
The energy field coming out of the hands is the easiest to detect. Simply point the
fingers of one hand at the palm of the other and slowly move the hands back and forth.
You will feel something like a small breeze or coolness at the points on the palm of your
one hand where the fingers of the other are pointing.
Repeat this procedure with the fingers of each hand pointing at each other and you will
feel a similar thing between them. If you hold them near a white piece of paper you will
even see something similar to the illustration.

This is the energy coming off your fingers in normal, daily life. If you charge yourself
up, you can make that energy do some pretty amazing things. The key to all this is that
there are small chakras, called Minor Chakras in the palm of each hand and at the tip of
each finger. By energizing these chakras, you can project a stream of energy like a
flashlight beam which will interact with the energy field of the target and, in doing so,
impact on her nervous system causing involuntary muscle reactions.
This is a basic little exercise that is fun and can greatly alleviate boredom at weddings.
In fact I used it on people in front of me at a wedding and the future Mrs. Chuckie was
most annoyed and kept telling me to stop it. Of course I ignored her.
Go somewhere where you can sit behind your unsuspecting victim. A movie theater
works good for this if you do not have a wedding handy.
Give yourself a fast charge only this time bring the energy through your arms into your
hands and to the tips of your fingers. Now, slightly raise your right hand and point at
the back of your target. Wiggle the index finger like you are tickling the person while
seeing energy from your finger acting as an extension of the finger doing just that.
Most of the time the person will start to itch and wriggle like they are being gently
tickled. You can drive a person crazy doing this, which is what makes it a good thing to
Torment the target as long as desired and have a good laugh at her expense on the
way home.
Just think of the poor dummy in the dungeon social area in his sacred leather itching
like crazy. He can't scratch through the leather and he can't take the leather off
because it is sacred. So he stands and itches until he loses control of his bladder.
There are a number of techniques in play which also involve the interaction of the
energy field of the top with that of the bottom and which involve no toys whatsoever.
These techniques have the added advantage of totally mystifying Dungeon Monitors at
large events and confusing onlookers terribly, which will, of course, add to your
reputation as an amazing player. When Mrs. Chuckie and I were first together, she
would say that I could do more with my fingers than most people could with an entire
toy bag and this is the reason why. So we will come back to the human energy field
often. It is our principal medium.

Basic Psionics II--Thoughtforms
Thoughtforms are clumps of psychic stuff that are created every time someone thinks
very hard about something. If you were to look at the energy field of any given
individual, there would be a continuous effect of blinking lights, something like a
Christmas Tree gone berserk. These lights are thoughtforms and most of them tend to
be very transitory phenomena, lasting only a few seconds at most before the energy
placed in them burns out and they just sort of disappear. Some will last longer, a few
minutes before dying and then some will just sort of go on forever. Those are the ones
put there by significant events in a person's life and they never die because there is
some part of the consciousness that is constantly reliving the event or being reminded
of it. These are called engrams and can only be removed by an auditor with the help of
an e-meter. CHUCK!!!!!! Ok, I had to put a little joke in.
But there is another type of thoughtform and that is one deliberately constructed by an
individual to serve a specific end and that is the type we are going to be concerned with
here. Such thoughtforms are the principal weapons in the arsenal and everyone should
know how to make and use them. Think of them as psychic transmitters that just keep
broadcasting your desire until they lose power or the desire is fulfilled.
There are two ways to make a thoughtform and both are very easy. All you need is a
good, strong imagination and an idea of what the thoughtform is supposed to do.
The first way is to simply close your eyes and see a figure, a form that the thoughtform
is going to take. Keep it simple, something like a ball, something easy to visualize and

This is a pretty generic thoughtform. It is a simple multilayered sphere and you can
make it even simpler by just visualizing the center without all the pretty colors.
Now, once you have done that, you need to charge it and program it. You do that by
visualizing it as being filled with light, like an empty bottle being filled with colored water
and saying that it is being charged to perform a specific task, like bring you someone to
play with Saturday night at the dungeon.
Once you have done that, send it on its way into the ether and forget about it. It will do
its work without any further effort on your part.
The other method is to create a thoughtform using power brought through your hand
chakras. For this method, you begin by first charging yourself up and then focusing the
energy into the palms of your hands. Once you have done that, hold your hands a few
inches apart and visualize the energy flowing out of the palms of your hands forming a
ball between them. As you pack the ball with energy, much as if you were packing a
snowball, again you program it with your desire, which in this case may be something
that requires an immediate burst of energy, sort of like a psychic hand grenade bursting
on a target. You fill this one until you feel, and you will actually feel, your hands being
pushed by it and then you release it at the target to explode and cause the target to
respond to your desire. This is a good one for pranks. We use to it to get rid of
annoying, noisy nillers at tables near our Slosh group when the bar is too crowded.
I've also been known to use it in a restaurant while having dinner if there is a large
family nearby. There are few things more entertaining than watching a screaming brawl
break out at the next table. And if you have the misfortune to be near a table with
squealing brats, you can make the parents so annoyed that they will commit child
abuse right there in front of god and everyone and the police will come and arrest them
and everyone will get all shocked and you will get a real good laugh on the way home.
So as you can see, thoughtforms are no great problem to create and use. And once
you have mastered the simple ones, you can create all sorts of useful things for
everything from bringing you a reliable play partner to filling up your group with the kind

of people you want to have around, to repelling people who might be a problem for you.
It is all simply a matter of visualization.
You can even use them to draw energy from others playing and make the energy of
your own play broadcast to the unconscious minds of everyone in the world. There are
few limits as to what you can do with a good thoughtform.
Of course some thoughtforms need a lot of power and if you are using a thoughtform to
draw energy or information from, you will need to be able to contact it. For that you
need to name the thoughtform and create a pattern that will allow you to contact it with
little difficulty.
Picking the name is pretty easy. You just come up with a name for the thoughtform, in
this case let us say to bring you a slave. So you name the thoughtform Slaver. Now
you have to create a pattern to allow you to contact Slaver when you need to give it a
charge, which you should probably do every few days until you get what you are after.
In order to do this, you need a template to make the pattern from. This is one used by
magicians and it works as well as any other so:
You will notice that it has most of the letters but J and U are missing. That is no
problem, just use I and V in their place.
So you take the template and you make a line between S and L like this:

Then you make one between L and A.

Next from A to V.

V to E.
And finally from E to R.

Now all you need do is trace the pattern onto a piece of paper, write Slaver on the
paper so you know what it is, and then put it in a safe place. When you need to contact
the thoughtform, bring it out and hold it. You will be in immediate mental contact with
your creation and you can work with it with no trouble.
Anyway, this pretty much covers the basics of thoughtform making. We'll be using
them a lot so get used to working with them.
And to get you started, here is a fun little exercise.
Go someplace where there are attractive and unsuspecting people, like a club. Pick
your victim and make a thoughtform in your hands. Charge this thoughtform with the
energy from your root chakra and when it is good and strong, let it fly at the pelvis of
your target. She should suddenly feel a tingling and have no idea where it is coming
from, just like when you used the energy field.
Now, make another thoughtform, only this one you design to make the person she is
eyeing, assuming that it is not you, totally dislike her. Let it fly at him.
Sit back and watch the fun.

The Machines!
Psionics is about using gadgets. Anyone can do the stuff with the energy field and the
thoughtforms but for it to be called psionics, other things have to be involved and these
can range from simple patterns on paper to large consoles with all manner of electronic
gewgaws, whistles, bells, lasers, radar, nuclear power, the works. For this reason
psionics can seem a bit intimidating at first, but it is actually very easy to work with
because the gadgets that you will need are actually very very simple.
Let's start with the pendulum.
Now this is as about as easy as you think it can get--nothing more than a weight
suspended from a string. And that is all that it really is. Yet this device can give you
more information than you may need, or even want. By using it you can find out almost
anything about your chosen vic-er-partner, including stuff that she probably would
rather that you did not know, like about the three years that she spent in prison for
trying to shoot her last dom.
The pendulum in the illustration is an old favorite of mine. It is nothing more than a
child's wooden top with a screw-eye attached to a length of string. I like it because it
has a lot of weight relative to the string and it comes to a point which means that when
it is dangled over a chart it will point to what it is supposed to and not leave you
confused. And as I confuse rather easily at times this is an important quality. Of

course any pointed weight will do, like an old key. It is not necessary to go out and
spend money for a gold pendulum with a brass chain. That is silliness.
Once you have your pendulum, you need to train it, or rather you, to be able to
understand the answers to your questions. This is, again, very easy.
This chart is called an ideometer, not to be confused with the idiot author who did not
know what it was called at a book convention and managed to make himself look very
silly years ago. (Now who could that have been?) Anyway (we don't have to go into
that, it was embarrassing), as you can see this chart is a circle with cross hairs. The
vertical lines mean yes and the horizontal lines mean no. The circle itself means "I
have no idea what the hell you're talking about." To train the pendulum, you hold it so
that the point is over the center and think of a question to which you that the answer is
"Yes," such as, "Is Guy Baldwin a waste of skin?" The pendulum will move slowly at
first but will follow the vertical line.
Repeat the procedure with a question to which you know that the answer is "No," such
as "Can Uncle Chuckie ever be wrong?" The pendulum will follow the horizontal line.
It's kind of like nodding your head for yes and shaking it for no.
What is going on is that your brain is causing the muscles of your hand and arm to
move very slightly and that is what is moving the pendulum. No matter what your Aunt
Mathilda says, it is not evil spirits grabbing your arm.

For obvious reasons you use this to get very simple yes or no answers to questions. It
is not very good for anything more complicated than that.
If you need to know something that requires words, we have a chart for that as well.
This chart is designed for pendulum communication in the same manner as an old-
fashioned Ouija Board. Actually it is much older than that redoubtable instrument as we
have records of such charts being used in ancient Rome, usually engraved on a table
specifically designed for such things. This version is my own, and I made a few
improvements over previous designs in that I include punctuation marks and a space
for repeat letters as well as one to indicate a new word.
Now normally these charts would be used to get messages from the great beyond, like
your dead Uncle Lou telling you which horses to bet on tomorrow. But for our purposes
we will be content to use this one for getting messages from the subconscious mind.
In use, you hold the pendulum over the center and ask the question, such as which
horse is going to win in the Fifth, or, for the purposes of this book, who in the munch
group likes me? (And with any luck it will not spell "No one.") In other words, this thing
is perfect for spelling out names and short pieces of advice on how to proceed with
someone. Its use is predicated on the notion that unconsciously we know a lot more
than we know consciously, from body language and speech inflection, and by
communicating with that subconscious we can more effectively get laid.

A word of advice however. There is no way to keep your arm from getting tired using
this instrument, so try to confine your questions to those which will only need short
After you have worked with a pendulum for a bit it is time to play with the stick pad. A
stick pad is nothing more than a plastic lid from a coffee can or the lids they sell to
close cans of pet food. It is important that it be smooth, other than that, any of them will
You put the stick pad on a table in front of you and rub it gently with the thumb of your
right hand while asking a question that you know the answer will be "Yes," such as "Is
Uncle Chuckie the greatest mind of the new millennium?" What will happen is that
after a few rubs the pad will sort of grab your thumb. It is impossible to describe what
this feels like but you will know when it happens.
With that we come to the next chart--the Pervometer!
This chart is actually two charts put together. The first is a dial that goes from 0 to 100

And the second is a simple circle divided into sections.

In each section you write a particular activity that you like. This wheel is divided into
ten sections but you can make one with as many sections as you want. In each section
of this wheel you write down an activity that you are interested, such as bondage,
electric play, noose play, etc..
Now, there are a couple of ways to use this chart. One is to make a pointer for each
wheel out of poster board and attach it to the center of the chart with a brad so that it
turns as a dial, or the other is to simply hold the pendulum over the wheels of the chart.
If you use the pointer, then you can use the stick pad.
In either case, you first decide upon your victim and if you can get photograph of her,
such as from an online site, so much the better, but otherwise just writing her name on
a piece of paper will do. This will give you something to concentrate upon.
Put the witness, which is what I was just talking about, in front of you and either set the
pointer to an activity or hold the pendulum over it. If the stick pad or the pendulum says
"Yes," mark that down on a piece of paper. Then test the numbered dial to find out
what level of interest the person has in that activity, so you might get Bondage--75.

That is a high reading and indicates that you should see to your rope supply when you
connect with this person.
You repeat that with all the activities on the wheel and when you are done you will have
a list of things you like that the other person does and the relative level of interest in
each, the higher the number, the greater the interest.
You can well imagine how much easier this little instrument makes things. Instead of
having to go through complicated negotiations with lots of hemming and hawing and
neither of you quite knowing what to say, you can get right to the point and she will be
totally amazed at how you know just what she is interested in.
And, just as importantly, you will know if the person is not into what you are and you will
not have to waste any time. When I designed this thing many years ago I made a point
to put in activities that I wanted nothing to do with so I would know if she was interested
in something that I could not stand. It saved me a lot of trouble.
Now it is time to build a couple of things. They may seem intimidating at first but do not
worry, when you actually start to work they are rather easy to construct.
The first thing you need to build is a psionic amplifying helmet. What this does is boost
your output in transmission and allows a direct connection to other equipment in
To make this you will need:
1 hard hat.

A circle of foil.
8 small magnets (pieces of magnet strip with adhesive backing work perfectly)
a small jack to plug things into
a crystal
some wire
some glue.
Take the liner out of the hard hat.
Drill a small holes in the hard hat at the back, it should be a little larger than the
diameter of the jack without the nut that holds it in place.
Glue the crystal to the inside of the comb on the top of the hard hat. Glue the wire to
the crystal with a tail long enough to attach to the foil plate on the liner.
Glue the circle of foil to the part of the liner that will rest on the top of your head.
Attach two lengths of wire to the jack and attach it to the hole in the back of the helmet
by unscrewing the nut, putting the stem through the hole and then screwing the nut
back on over it to hold it in place with the wires on the inside of the helmet.

Stick the magnets around the inside of the hard hat as in the illustration.
Now, put the liner in and attach the wire from the crystal to the contact plate. Attach the
wires from the jack.
The helmet is now complete.
Give the glue on the crystal a chance to harden and then try out the helmet. You do
that by putting it on, sitting and just letting your mind work. You will know what I'm
talking about once you do that. Again, it is something very hard, if not impossible to
You use the helmet to boost your power when at home or in the play space. With all
the silly things scene people wear, you don't have to worry about what anyone will
think. It looks better than those stupid biker hats and because it looks like an ordinary
hard hat people will just think it is part of your kink, which it is. (It goes very nice with
goggles and a respirator.) It will make your work much more effective but it is probably
not a good idea to wear it in a restaurant. It is very impolite to wear a hat at the dinner
table. Only proles do that.

There is one more complicated thing you need to make and then it gets very easy. You
now get to make a radionic box.
It is possible to write books about radionic boxes all by themselves, and people actually
have, including me, but all you need to know is that this simple machine establishes a
relationship between the mind of the operator and the subject of the operation. It is a
psychic labor-saving device. It enables you to lock in on the subject and transmit to it,
such as charging or receiving energy from a thoughtform, or contact a person and send
thoughts directly to that person.
It can do other things as well but we don't have to deal with them here.
This is the layout of a basic radionic box. People charge lots of money for these things
but you can make one rather cheaply.
To make this unit you will need:
A box, a cardboard box will do or if you want to get fancy, a plastic pencil box works.
Three potentiometers, value unimportant (this gadget is not really electronic, it just
looks like it is)

Three knobs for the potentiometers.

Two crystals.
Two jacks.
a can for the witness with two screws to hold it to the box and act as binding posts for
A plastic lid for the stick pad.
Begin by laying out on the box where you want everything to go. Once you have done
that, drill the holes in the box for the pots, the jacks, the screws to hold the can for the
witness (and connect to the system) and the coil under the stick pad.
Put the box aside and wire the jacks, the pots and the crystals as in the illustration.
Make a coil of wire.
Put the innards of the box together.
Attach the can to the box and wire it to the left hand jack as in the illustration.
Put the coil on the outside of the box and run the wires inside it to attach to the right
hand jack and the witness can as in the illustration.
Close the box and attach the knobs to the pots.
And the box is ready.

Guess who this is holding a completed box. The helmet is the very first one I ever
made, back in 1977, and the crystal antennae are under the horn-like cylinders. From
looking at this picture you can probably guess how the system works. You will need to
get a patch cable to go from the helmet to the box to make the connection.
So now it is time to take it out for a test run. Create a thoughtform and a pattern to
correspond to that thoughtform. Once you have done that, put the pattern in the
witness can and set up the box by taking what is called a "rate." The rate is simply
what the numbers on the dials say when they are set. It is nothing more than an
expression of the relationship between your mind and, in this case, the thoughtform you
will be working with.
Once you have the contact rate for the thoughtform, plug in the helmet and put it on.
Now relax and close your eyes. You will see the thoughtform clearly and once you do
that, visualize it as being filled with energy, like a bottle being filled with colored water.
As you do that, know that the thoughtform is being given more and more power to
achieve the end that you have programmed it for. Do this for a few minutes and then
take off the helmet, set the dials back to the starting point and put the pattern in a safe
place until you need it again.
Another fun experiment. Get a witness of someone you want to play with. Put the
witness of her on the transmittal side of the machine and set the rate while thinking of
her pelvic chakra. This will focus the machine on that chakra. Now, put on the helmet
and send energy to her through that chakra and see how she responds to you next time
you see her.
See how simple that was?
You can use the box for all sorts of things and we will cover them in their turn. But now
it is time to get to the really simple things, like the hand resonator and simple light

The hand resonator is another one of those devices that is actually very easy to make,.
All you will need is a cheap walkie talkie, a short length of narrow plastic pipe just long
enough to be a bit longer than the antenna of the walkie talkie, a crystal that will fit into
the pipe end, some adhesive magnet strip and some glue.
Fit the pipe over the antenna and glue it in place to the case of the walkie talkie. Glue
the crystal to the end of the pipe. When the glue has set, wrap the magnet strip a
couple of times around the pipe. That is all you need to do.
What you have just done is create a psionic transmitter that is surprisingly effective not
only for sending things to people, but also when used in play because the bottom will
usually feel it.
So how does it work? Well, in the original model which I have on my websites, there
was a contact plate on the outside for the palm of the hand to fit over and thus have a
direct contact with the hand chakra. It turns out that that plate is not necessary. If you
are holding the instrument with the microphone near the palm of your hand even if not
directly on it, the microphone is in the electromagnetic field of your hand and the
chakra, and thus what you put out will get into the instrument and be amplified using

the radio transmission as a carrier wave. The crystal acts as a further amplifier and
when the instrument is pointed at a person, whatever you are putting into it will hit the
field of that person and cause a response which actually can be physically felt, which is
why the hand resonator is perfect for demos.
You can prove this by using it in play.
Tie up your bottom stark naked and blindfold her. Stand near her with the resonator
held as I describe holding down the talk button when you turn it on. This will prevent it
from making walkie-talkie noises and letting her know that the instrument is on.
Move the instrument over her chakras in a circular motion. She will feel it and not quite
know what it is that she is feeling. Now, sometimes this can be rather dramatic. One
time I pointed the resonator between the legs of our victim and she literally jumped in
the ropes, causing someone near us to say to me, "I'm not playing with you!" as we all
burst out laughing.
This is also the perfect instrument for event play parties because it will drive the
dungeon monitors to absolute distraction trying to figure out what it is. At one Vicious
Valentine, I was playing with Mrs. Chuckie and using the resonator. We had six DMs
standing around us wondering what I was doing because the instrument makes no
contact with the skin and they had never seen anything like it. Remember, for all their
inventiveness, scene people can be easily confused by things that do not fit their way
of doing things. This is known as non-consensual DM play.
And consider this. With this instrument you can zap people on the other side of a room
without their consent. You just sit in the social area and aim it at someone and fire.
Their energy field will go all bouncy and they will have no idea where it is coming from
as long as they do not know about the gadget and what you do with it. It is the perfect
instrument for a lazy dom. One time we had our sub tied to a chair and blindfolded on
one side of the dungeon while I sat on the other side and just fired the resonator at her.
She felt it. And so did the person standing next to her!
As with all psionic instruments, there does not seem to be a range limitation and it is
possible to zap someone with it at very long range, like miles. All you do is take up the
instrument, turn it on and transmit while visualizing the part of the target you are hitting.
I know that makes no material sense, but it works and it can be very disconcerting to
someone to be turned on for no reason in the middle of a political banquet. When I first
created it I literally drove a state legislator crazy by doing that. She never knew what
was going to happen to her or when and she would do most bizarre things in the
legislature because of it, to the point where her own party re-districted her out of office
because her behavior had become such an embarrassment. So you see with psionics
you can accomplish all manner of things and have fun at the same time.
It gets simpler.

There are two more instruments you will need, a headlamp, of the sort found in
camping departments and a six-volt lantern. The reason for these is that light functions
as both a carrier wave for the energies we use as well as a focusing agent for them.
I'm living proof.
Some years ago I managed to get very sick. And I ended up in the hospital for four
months which was no fun at all. I was neither getting worse nor getting any better and it
was becoming damned frustrating for me and my wife! Well, my wife, who actually has
never read anything I have ever written except for a few short pieces on a magick
website that I was looking at when she came into the office one night, independently hit
on the idea of using focused light to heal me.
On the Friday before Xmas, which was also the winter solstice, she arranged for all the
people at our Slosh to aim flashlights on my picture and think healing thoughts. They
did this with an amazing enthusiasm for which I will always be grateful, including one
friend who brought a million-candlepower spotlight. And it worked. I was home in
exactly a week! (And for those who thought that my illness was karma for all the nasty
things I had done, my rapid recovery was a great blow to their philosophy.)
Using the headlamp in play is something that I sort of hit on by accident. Years ago I
created a helmet with a large spotlight in front for play because the dungeons tended to
be dark and I did not want to accidentally turn my pain-slut sub into hamburger. If
flogging her was going to be a blood sport I wanted it to be on purpose!
Anyway, as you can probably guess, the helmet is heavy and hot and uncomfortable
and the battery and the wire are a pain to deal with so I don't like to use it very often
now. By the way, for those familiar with my gadgets, the horns and the crest are simply
decorations. This was not intended to be a psionic instrument.

But I still want light and a headlamp has the advantage of leaving your hands free to
rummage in your toybag.
But if you look at the next picture...
You will see that the lamp and its power source are right over the third eye, the brow
chakra, well within the field of that chakra. Thus you can charge the light directly from
the energy of the brow chakra. The effect of this is that the energy of the chakra can be
sent along the light beam as a carrier wave directly to the target, who is sitting naked,
tied to a chair in front of you.
Anything you put into that light, you can put into her. With practice, you can so
energize her chakras with energy that will produce orgasm with no other contact. (More
on that later.) The headlamp also is very useful for finding things in the toybag so no
one will think more than twice about seeing you wearing it--until you start using it to
play with your sub.
The six-volt lantern is used for something else entirely.

Forgive the ectoplasm in the picture. It happens in the lab sometimes from the
equipment I have running. (I'm joking. The lines are from some peculiarity in the word
Anyway, from the photo you can guess how this thing is used. It is a transmitter and it
is used in conjuction with the helmet,a foil plate and a patch cable clipped to the plate.
The lantern is stood on its ass on the plate pointing straight up. The energy from the
operator goes through the helmet, where it is given amplification, to the plate and the
battery of the light is in the field coming off the plate. (These fields usually extend for
several inches.) The battery is charged with the energy and the electricity coming out
of it goes into the light where it becomes a concentrated carrier wave.
In use, a witness, such as a photograph, is placed on the lens of the lantern so that the
light will bathe it. Put on the helmet, concentrate on what you want to send to the
target, turn on the light and just think and visualize. The energy that you put out will be
sent inexorably to the field of the target and thence to her subconscious. The
advantage of this system over the headlamp or just holding a flashlight aimed at the
witness sample is that by using the helmet as the connecting point, you gain the
advantage of the magnets in the helmet boosting your field and by not having to aim a
flashlight or keep the headlamp aimed at the witness, you can sit and relax, close your
eyes and visualize. It makes things a lot easier and it is an amazingly effective system,
much more effective than even the wishing machines that are being sold commercially
and they are mostly very good units.
If you really want to boost your power, you hook the helmet to input (left) side of the
box, take a contact rate for the target and then daisy chain the plate to the output (right)
side of the box and put the lantern on it with the witness on the lens of the lantern. This
system gives you a more accurate lock on the energy of the target and enables you to
add the energy of a thoughtform to your own by putting the pattern witness of that
thoughtform into the witness can. That done, you just put on the helmet and transmit.

This pretty much covers the instruments that you will need. As you go along you will
learn to combine them to really increase your power and the effectiveness of your

Remote viewing
One of the most important and useful skills you will need is remote viewing. It is
nothing more than the means to gain information about a potential target that would not
be available by other means.
We have to begin this with the fact that while the phrase, "remote viewing" is pretty
recent, the activity itself is nothing new, in fact it is probably as old as humans on this
planet. It used to be called "clairvoyance" but that term now pretty much means
predicting the future. There are actually a number of historic examples of this, some
going way back. Older writers used to love to repeat the story of the time Emmanuel
Swedenborg (he used to matter) left a dinner party in 1759 and came back in terrified
and not of the grumpy wine steward. It seems that there was this huge fire in
Stockholm, which was about two hundred miles away but the prophet was ultimately
greatly relieved when the fire was put out three houses away from his! The Patron
Saint of Television (there really is one!) was a woman who apparently was able to
watch church services from her sickbed some distance from the church. Now why she
would want to do that instead of watching the Flash Gordon serials on television in the
future is beyond me, but there is truly no accounting for taste. She probably did not
even really enjoy being flogged. What am I saying? She was a saint, of course she
enjoyed being flogged! The idiot probably thought the orgasm was something spiritual!
In the middle of the nineteenth century the art of psychometry was popularized. This is
the talent for taking an object and being able to psychically sense what has gone on
around that object. The theory behind that is that the object picks up the energy field of
the activity around and that field is then readable by the psychometrist. Does that
sound familiar? When we use psionics to aid in remote viewing, we are basically doing
psychometry with the added advantage provided by our instruments. The advantage to
this method lies in the fact it is not necessary to in any way concentrate upon the the
target of the viewing. The instrument does all the heavy lifting and the viewer need
only relax and watch, sort of like watching television but without the annoyance of
commercials and idiot talking heads.
In order to use this system in actual remote viewing, it is first necessary to have what is
called a witness, which can be anything that links your mind to the target, a photograph,
something from the particular place if a place is the target, or something that has been
in contact with a person. A photocopied signature will work very well.
The witness is placed in the sample can of the radionic box and the box is tuned, as I
just described. Then the helmet is plugged in. You put the helmet on and relax. That
will open up your mind to the impressions that will come from the target.
During the viewing, the impressions that are received are largely visual rather using the
other senses, but do not be surprised if you were to smell or hear something. Often the
images just seem to fill the whole head but sometimes they appear as on a screen at

the point over the nose. In any event, they are there and while the first few tries may
seem to get nowhere as multiple images bounce around without making any sense,
they become clearer with practice.
As you become adept at this, you will also realize that you are, for all practical
purposes, present in the location that you are viewing and can work there psychically,
either by direct influence or by creating thoughtforms that will the work for you. This is
known as remote presence.
Remote presence is something you will use a lot. It enables you to work at a distance
without anyone knowing what you are doing so you can just sit back and watch the fun.
We will cover it in more detail soon.

Remote viewing and the watcher thoughtform
If you wish to do some serious remote viewing, a way to make the entire process much
easier and effective is to combine the psionic technology with the older method of the
thoughtform. The use of thoughtforms for this is an old idea that was made popular by
Al Manning in the 1970s. His technique called for making a thoughtform in the shape of
a television camera (still big, hulking things in those ancient days of our youth) and
programming it to broadcast images to the operator's third eye, or brow chakra. This
meant creating the thoughtform and then visualizing a cable running from it to the
To use this system, the thoughtform was willed into the location to be viewed and the
person just sort of closed his eyes, focused on the region in the center of the forehead
and tried to remember what was seen in his mind's eye.
Now as it went, this was a pretty good method of doing things. It was usually reliable
with some practice and a lot of fun for beginners because it meant that they could
imagine playing with some equipment that was not exactly commonplace in them thar'
olden days before camcorders, vcrs, and pc's not to mention dvd recorders and players.
With psionics, this method can be made even more efficient. All you will need is the
radionic box and helmet.
The thoughtform is made by the simple process of imagination. Close your eyes and
visualize a ball in front of you. When you have that image and can hold it for a while
make a slight change and transform that image into an eyeball. Yes, the camera is
more fun, but it is also more work and the eyeball is just fine.

Give the eyeball-form a name, like Spyeye or something like that and charge it up like
any other thoughtform, seeing it being filled up with the universal energy to power it up
and get it running. As you do that, program it by commanding it to send images of what
it sees back to you when you contact it.
Work on this for a while until you feel that it is working properly and then make a
pattern to contact it as I described earlier.
Once you have done this, set up your instrument by taking a rate for the thoughtform
and putting on the helmet for a little practice run.
Sit back, close your eyes and focus your attention on your brow chakra and see what
you get. Move the eye around as if it were a floating camera and see through it.
After you have accomplished this to your satisfaction, move the eye out of the room and
around the house, out of the house and into your neighbor's bedroom. Do not waste
time worrying about the ethics of this because ethics are for weenies and if you were
the kind of person to be bothered by such things you would not be reading one of MY
books in the first place.
Now this can be fun and if you play the information you get right you may even be able
to blackmail the neighbor with it and get your snow shoveled for free. Or, you may find
that you are not the only perv on the block and your neighbor has a very nice collection
of floggers.
Now you can really get to the useful stuff. Move the eye into the offices of the local
police chief and watch him play pass the choirboy with the Archbishop. You can really
use that information in the future and the fact that the Mayor is a closet drag queen may
come in handy as well. You never know what you will find out.
The important thing to remember in using this stuff is that there are no rules and you
are accountable to no one. You can use it in any manner that you see fit and that you
are able to do. Just remember that it takes a bit of practice and you start off by looking

for things that you can verify, like what your Aunt Myrtle and Uncle Eustace had for
dinner. Once you know that you can do something like this reliably, then you can move
on and learn just about anything about anyone that you want to, anywhere in the world.
There literally are no secrets and in the face of this people can take their notions of
privacy and kiss them goodbye.
One thing that is fun to do is experiment with time vision. Now, the best way to do that
is to go back to some recent event that is not too famous but still interesting, like the big
fist fight that you heard about that occurred at the neighbor's family reunion two years
ago, something you would have sold your mother's grave to see if you had not already
sold it to a land developer.
Set up the machine and tune it in to the thoughtform. (Turn on. Tune in. Rule the
World.) Now, begin moving the eye back into time to the time and place that you have
chosen. Here you can watch the next door neighbor duck under the picnic table for
dear life as the beer cans fly overhead, followed by beer bottles and finally coolers.
Move the eye way up into the air for a blimp shot of the line of police cars and paddy
wagons pulling into the picnic grove.
Play around with the past for a while and start looking in at various parties and scene
events. You never know what you might find interesting as long as you don't bother
with Guy Baldwin (who hasn't said anything worthwhile in years anyway). Send the
watcher into the local dungeon and get some information that you can verify. And then
sit back and have a good laugh when people in the scene talk about confidentiality.
We know better.

Beacon Remote Viewing
One of the methods which were used in the remote viewing experiments of the 1970s
involved what were termed "beacons." Put very simply, the beacon is a person sent to
view the target and the remote viewer, in effect, looked at the target through the
beacon's eyes. This technique has a number of advantages research purposes, not
the least of which is the possibility of instant verification of the results. The beacon
viewed what the remote viewer drew, sculpted or described and would be able to tell
exactly and immediately if the viewer was right. For military intelligence work, however,
the system has one very serious drawback. If a person could get close enough to the
target to physically see it, there is absolutely no need for a remote viewer at all and
justifying this stuff to the various congressional committees, staffed by superstitious
religious nuts, assorted morons and luddites, in other words, congressmen, would be
very difficult. But for our purposes it is an extremely useful tool and starting point for
the stuff that is coming next. And it can be great fun as well. One time I knew there
was going to be a brouhaha at a meeting of the Esoteric Section of the Theosophical
Society but as I was not a member (can you imagine them letting me into that?) I had
no way of being there, at least not physically. But the fuss was going to be caused by a
friend of mine and I used her as a beacon to watch the excitement and excitement there
was. The moment she walked in people's auras all started going bright red and
bursting all over the place and I was able to enjoy the show.
With psionics, we are not limited to the use of a voluntary beacon. In fact, psychics
who work with police use this all the time, seeing the crime through the eyes of either
the victim or the criminal and they do not give their permission either. Psionics makes it
easier. We merely set up the machine for a contact rate for the individual, sit back,
relax and with some small practice see, hear and taste, etc. everything he does.
The uses for such a technique are obvious. Let us say that you want to play with a
certain submissive, but she has a dom and the relationship is not likely to end soon.
So all you need a witness of the dom if you do not know him, (if you do, his name
written on a piece of paper will work just fine) and your radionic box and helmet.
But first you have to learn how to do this. You will need a practice dummy who is
talkative and has no idea what you are into. Write the target's name on a piece of
paper and set up a contact rate for him. Put on the helmet and blank out your mind as
much as possible by focusing your inner gaze on the center of your forehead. Start
noticing the impressions that you get, looking out the eyes of the target. They will not
be very clear at first but with practice you will be able to see everything that he sees.
When you are with this person, subtly bring up things in the conversation that will get
him talking about what you have seen and find out if what he says goes along with what
you have experienced through him.

Work at this for some time. When you get the level of accuracy and clarity you want,
go for hearing. This may be a bit more difficult but there is a way to make it work faster.
You will need a source of white noise and headphones, old tape recorders did this just
fine and there are computer programs available that create it as well. Put the
headphones on under the helmet and let the noise create a void for your mind to fill
from the target.
Repeat this with the other senses. I know that it is time consuming to learn this, but
believe me, it is worth it!
I'm not a great fan of voyeurism. I think that for the most part watchers are no good
doers. But watching is the best way to learn a new technique and using remote
viewing, or perhaps we would better call it remote presence as we are doing more than
just viewing, one can develop all manner of skills simply by being, for all practical
purposes, in the body of the person using them. And you get to play with some really
beautiful women who may not even be in the same country!
You can imagine what this can lead to. Instead of having to go out into the winter's
snow, you can sit in your recliner, hook yourself into a radionic system and play to your
heart's content. And you can experience doing things so totally anti-social that if you
did them yourself in your physical body you would get into real trouble if you got caught
to say nothing of the mess involved in cleaning up afterwards.
Ok, everyone likes a good, non-consensual snuff scene. At least every honest person
does. That is why stories of ghastly murders get so much media attention. It is not just
the good mystery of finding the culprit but the vicarious thrill of being the culprit! The
reason Hitler material is such a perennial best-seller is because people want to BE
Hitler. Of course they would never admit it, but that is the truth.
Now, you have to remember, what we are doing here is not limited by space or time.
We can go back in time and experience things with little trouble once we have the basic
skills down. And as serial killers have this really bad habit of getting caught... Well you
can see where this is going.
As soon as a serial killer is caught, his picture is scattered to the four winds. You can
find pictures of them everywhere. These pictures make excellent witness samples.
And the news stories usually have the dates of the killings as well so you know when to
go back to.
Ok, you have the killer's witness and the date of the killing. Set up your machine with
the witness, put on the helmet and go back in time to the murder you want was
performed, because, and this is important lest you get squeamish, when you are in total
remote presence, you are as much a part of the killing as the killer.
We don't have to go into details here.

But what do you gain from this besides the knowledge that you have just done
something that is really forbidden but great fun? Well, you can learn something
seriously important from serial killers--pick-up techniques.
People's hair really stands on end when I tell this story, but when I was a freshman in
college the book about the Boston Strangler came out and I studied it. There was a lot
of bondage in the murders (and I can just hear our wimpy BDSM brethren if that
happened now as they shit bricks all over the internet and the NCSF puts out a
panicked press release that no one will read anyway) and he had a way to pick up
women that was amazing. Serial killers have a talent for getting victims to go with them
willingly. That is how they get them. So if you get into the mind of a serial killer, quite
literally in our case, you can take acquire the necessary skill to get your more lucky
Now, at this point, I know there are some of you out there who do not quite get it and
think that this technique can be of great aid to law-enforcement. That is not a good
idea. First, it is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. But seriously, unless you are a
real long distance from where the murder took place and have a very good alibi, you
may very well find yourself the prime suspect in the killing.
Look at it from their point of view. Someone comes into the precinct with detailed
information about an unsolved murder, information that they know, the killer knows and
no one else does, and starts telling them that stuff. What are they going to think?
This really happened some years ago in Illinois. A bible college student in Oak Park,
Illinois had a dream of a murder and it was so vivid that the damned fool went to the
police. After all, he was a student at a bible college so what would you expect?
Intelligence? Well, they assumed that he was making a confession and he ended up
not only being the prime suspect, but convicted of the killing! His family was ultimately
able to get him exonerated but you may not be that lucky.
I always tell my students the same thing. If you get information about a crime from your
psionic work, keep your mouth shut. You may think that you are being a good citizen
but the constabulary may view your actions in an entirely different light.

Remote control
You just knew I was going to call this section that didn't you? There is something
appealing about having a little box with buttons on it and being able to push them and
make people do things they don't want to do, like give you money, that is very
appealing, but this chapter is not about that. For one thing, it is really difficult to do and
second, this is not a book about relieving people of their extra money, laudable though
that goal may be. This is a section about possession and how to do it.
(Odd rumbling noises in the background.)
Pazuzu! Stop that! I know you were in the movie but I'm the one writing the book!
The things I go through! Everyone wants to get a word in, even my pet demons!
Anyway, where was I? Oh yes.
I started playing with this idea over 40 years ago now. I had just gotten myself into the
idea of astral projection and had this strange notion that it might be possible to project
myself into people's minds and make them do things, to take control of their bodies for
a time. It was great fun and did not work real well because I simply did not have the
experience to make it work. So that become one of those bright ideas that just sort of
get filed away and forgotten.
Then I got into psionics.
Psionics changes things. It makes things happen that normally should not happen.
And one of the things that should not happen, but does, is that you can literally, with
practice, take over the body of someone.
Now, this takes work, lots of work and most of the time you are not going to be able to
totally control the person because you would have to override his own mind to a degree
that is simply not doable unless you are dealing with someone in pretty bad shape. But
what you can do is influence the person to do things that he is already inclined to do, by
simply giving him a little push.
The beginning exercise for this is pretty simple. You do not even need a radionic box,
only yourself and an unsuspecting victim. Choose a victim that you spend time with
along with other people. While the group of you are chatting, focus your mind on your
mark and put words in his mouth. It works. It really does! And there is that wonderful
moment when he says something totally out of character and looks around with a
terribly puzzled look on his face wondering, "Why did I say that?"
Once you get used to doing that it is time to have fun.

I love to pick on politicians. They have it coming, being nothing but filth and pond
scum. And politicians like to talk, and talk, and talk and while most of the time it is
prepared stuff that they cannot deviate from even if they had the brains to, occasionally
they will find themselves without a script, live, on television. That is when you can take
pleasure at their discomfort, which is only right and proper as you will be causing it.
This is where the headlamp will come in handy. For years I would use a hand-held
flashlight for this and my arm would get tired and screw up my concentration. The
headlamp removes this problem. All you need to do is wear it and turn it on. With the
politician on television, focus the beam on him and listen to him for a few seconds so
you will be able to tell the moment of weakness. At the appropriate moment, fire
something really stupid sounding into his head and hear the words come out as he
manages to jam both feet squarely in his mouth and then spends the rest of the
interview trying to talk his way out of it.
How does this particular skill play into BDSM? I'm glad you asked. One of the banes
of our hobby, among many, is the fact that we have become a people of words. We
talk, we talk, we talk. We spend so much time talking that we wonder if we are ever
going to get around to beating butt which is why we are here in the first place!
It's annoying as hell!
And the people who do the most talking are the ones who have nothing to say worth
listening to, like Guy Baldwin. (You knew I was going to put him in.) So if you have
spent any time among the "community" you know what a Tower of Babble it has
become. At least once a month, just about everywhere, there is some group sitting
around discussing something that they have discussed to death over the last 20 years
but people put up with it because they can't find a way out of it so they sit around
listening to the pontificating of some imbecile who's real knowledge of bdsm would not
fill the condom of a flea. We call such people "event presenters."
Well, you can use this for a good laugh.
Bdsm speakers are, for the most part, not rocket scientists even though they would like
to think so. Basically they are out for a free lunch and a chance to feel superior to their
audience. These people really think that because they have a website and they go
around to events and talk that they somehow actually matter. I write books on mind
control and I don't make that mistake!
So given the amount of hot air that inflates their precious egos, it is a good idea to stick
a pin in them and watch them deflate like the windbags that they are.
The key to this is timing. Their talks are like politician's speeches--canned. They have
their script and they are not likely to deviate from it if only because that would require
thought. But after the talk comes the question and answer session and there they are

So think of something really stupid for the person to say. Now, I know that can be
difficult because most likely everything the person says is going to be stupid, but some
things are more moronic than others. Wait until the right question is asked and then let
her have it! If all goes well, she will say something she never expected to say, would
actually never think of saying and be so flustered that the rest of the session will just
sort of fall apart. And if you combine this with a blast of energy to her forehead to give
her a splitting headache at the same time... well, you can figure it out.
You do not even have to be at the event or a meeting to do this. All you need is the
witness of the person and the place and time that the person will be speaking, or even
be at a meeting. At the appropriate time, set up the radionic box and helmet, and use
the person as a beacon, only this time you are going to be the person, rather than just
looking through him. In essence, he is going to be two people at the same time.
For the most part, just sit back and watch, like you normally would, but at the right point,
start putting words in his mouth. This will take some practice and they will not all come
out, but enough of them will to make the person look like an even bigger fool than he
already is. You can totally destroy a person with this and being the good sadist that
you are, I'm sure you have a list of people that you would like to destroy.
And here you see one of the reasons why psionics folks do not worry about interference
from politicians. If you can get into the head of a political figure, you can pretty much
make his career dust. In practical terms, if some poor local politician decides that he
does not like the local BDSM community it is a relatively simple matter to cause him to
make such a total fool of himself that no one in town will take him, or anything that he
says, seriously. And it is an equally simple matter to put the idea into the mind of the
local Federal Attorney that maybe this politician should be looked into for some reason
or other.
Faced with a crusading cop or district attorney? Nothing simpler. They make all kinds
of enemies in their work. Find one and get him mad enough to go out with a gun and
do your work for you. The target is destroyed, as my Russian opponents used to say,
and you cannot be touched.
So work on control. And we will dominate the world and not worry overmuch about
getting its consent first.
Now, there is a very old technique that was used a lot about a hundred years ago and
then sort of disappeared but is very effective. In essence you do long-range hypnosis
and a Russian psychologist, V. V. Vasiliev, developed a technique to make it work very
effectively. His method had only one serious drawback. It required the subject to be
hypnotized by the operator first in the conventional way and then given a post-hypnotic
suggestion that he would respond to what was sent to him by the mesmerist. As you
can imagine, this set up an interesting roadblock because you had to have the subject
first willing to be hypnotized, or be really good at disguised hypnosis.

With psionics we can get around that problem.

What we will do is combine the Vasilieve technique with a method used for distant
healing and influence along with our machines.
Let us say that you really want to play with a certain person but she is a social butterfly
and just getting onto her dance card is almost impossible. In this case, you know the
person so you do not need a witness sample. Her name, written on a piece of paper, is
sufficient for this.
First you need to find out when she is likely to sleeping. That is when she is going to
be most open to your transmissions and you do that by asking the pendulum to tell you.
The pendulum can tell time in a number of ways, from holding it over a clock face to
holding it next to a wall and letting it bang the hours, so if the subject is going to be
asleep at 2 AM, it would bang twice.
The next time you encounter her, send a thought message to her, as you would do in
putting words in her mouth, that at the appointed time she will be totally open to
anything your mind sends to her and that cannot resist it in any way. Send that
message in short bursts as often as possible and know that it is getting into her
subconscious priming her for what is coming next.
As the time of working approaches, you set up the box to a contact rate for her. You do
this by putting her name in the witness can and then taking a rate, then plugging in the
You put the helmet on and remote view her sleeping.
Now you start to talk to her. You can do this out loud if you want.
You speak to her in a calm, commanding voice, telling her that she knows how good a
player you are and how experienced you are and that she knows that you can do really
interesting things to her body and mind and she wants to play with you. She REALLY
wants to play with you. She cannot get the idea of playing with you out of her mind.
Every evening at 10 PM she will have an uncontrollable desire to play with you.
You get the idea. By putting a specific time in you anchor the thought. She will see the
time, it is the time she puts on the news to get the next day's weather, and your
command will kick in in her subconscious getting her all wet at the thought of you.
Keep this up and it will be a very short time before she asks YOU to play with her.
This is also a very effective weapon to use in scene conflicts.
Scene wars are not pretty. They are, in fact, downright nasty because scene people
are not nice. If you get involved in one, you cannot be nice either.

So let us say that some annoying bitch has decided that you are a bad person and
attacks you in a chatroom. People are always attacking other people in a chatroom. If
that happens, do not debate with her, do not argue with her, do not waste any time
defending yourself.
Destroy her!
How do you do this? Very simply. Follow the above procedure and in this case tell her
that she is utterly worthless, everyone hates her, everyone laughs at her and that you
are laughing at her.
Just keep pouring it on how utterly useless a human being she is, that she is no better
than a coal miner's daughter in some trailer park (and if she really is a coal miner's
daughter in a trailer park so much the better), that she is the scum of the earth.
That is stage one.
Stage two is determining who she hangs out with. Do the same thing with them only in
this case get them to believe that she is the scum of the earth.
After all, it is only the truth.
After a short time of this, you can go your merry way and watch the fun as she sputters
and fumes and stamps her silly little feetsies and no one cares what she says or thinks
about anything.
And now we get to the genuinely evil stuff so hang onto your hair!
Let us say that you are at a party and it gets busted. I know, the odds of that are about
the same as winning the Powerball jackpot, but for the benefit of my readers who
actually worry about such things, let us say it happens.
While it is going on, do not bluster or do any dumb dom things. Follow the rules but
while following the rules put the idea into the heads of the cops that they are going to
be open to anything you send them.
And when you are able to, send them death.
Lock the images of their faces in your memory because your memory is going to serve
as the witness sample. You will have their names as well.
Follow the standard procedure to find out when each one is vulnerable and transmit to
each one that his heart will stop at a certain time a couple of weeks hence. Psychically
inform each one that he is going to die, that there is nothing that can prevent it, that his
body is tired and his heart is not going to last much longer. Then give him a date to die

In between doing that, set up the box for a contact rate for his heart and visualize it
stopping and dying. See the blood flow stop, see the heart slow and become inert.
Do this to every cop involved in the raid. None of them will live to the court date and
the case will have to be thrown out.
After you have done that, create a thoughtform in the local police station to say to the
survivors wondering what the hell happened to their donut buddies, "Don't even think of
pulling a dumb stunt like that again!"
Remember, we are people who torture people for the fun of it. We are not the kind of
people they want mad at them, especially since we can do them in and they have no
There is one more technique to cover in this section and that is dream invasion.
Dream invasion can be a thoroughly evil bit of entertainment because you can cause
your subject to squirt in the sheets or have such nightmares that she will be terrified to
go to sleep for fear of what dreams may come.
In any event, the basic requirement for this is that your victim be sleeping! It does not
work very well when she is awake.
Set up the box and helmet with a contact rate for your victim. That is the easy part.
The hard part is finding out when she is dreaming because dreams are relatively short
things and come at different times during the sleep cycle. For that you will need your
pendulum. Put on the helmet, hold the pendulum where it can swing and hit something
and ask it first for the hour when she will be in dream state. Next ask it for the minutes.
That is very important because you need to be exact in this.
At the appointed time, put yourself into remote presence in the mind of your target. You
should find yourself squack in the middle of her dream. This can be a very weird
experience because you never quite know what it is you are going to be landing in. But
look at the bright side, neither does she!
Once you get your bearings, it is time to go to work. Begin manipulating her dream,
putting ideas and images into it. Think of it as building a computer game in 3D. With a
little practice you will be amazed at how easy this becomes.
A good one is to change your features so that she cannot recognize you and chase her
all over the place with obvious malefic intent. You can give someone a real workout
this way and be a real, genuine night terrorist. One of the best ways to do this is to do
some homework before the invasion and practice seeing yourself as you intend to in
her dream. Have you ever wanted to be the Mad Rapist? Well, now you can. Her
experience will be of a masked figure chasing her down twisting, dark, narrow alleys
and finally being dragged into a basement and raped. It will not be pleasant for her but
it will be fun for you and it will set her up for stage two.

Stage two is you as you, in a benevolent form, filling the air with light and joy. Ok, this
is out of character but believe me, it works. After the horrific experiences she has been
having, you are going to be a welcome relief and when she spreads her legs this time it
will be because she wants to. And she will want to because you will be broadcasting
into her mind that she does want to, that she cannot resist the desire.
Now, what is the purpose of this exercise? It is to destroy the will at the subconscious
level and program her to see you as desirable at the conscious.
There are some writers on this who suggest taking the form of the present boyfriend at
the first stage. I do not. I think that that is a waste of energy. Yes, done right it can
turn her away from him, but if you do both stages properly, he will become irrelevant
and she will gladly leave him for you.
This is a good technique when used to convert someone who is, for all outward
appearances and experience, vanilla. Now, as we all know, the vanilla are God's
mistake and we are here to correct that mistake so you will, of course, be not only doing
her a service, but the will of God. (How can he say this? Because he IS the Kwisatch
Ok, all kidding aside, there are a lot of attractive women out there just waiting to be
flogged, but for some reason they have just not met the right dom and they are stuck in
boring, vanilla, relationships and for some bizarre reason do not realize that they
should be your submissive. I know, that is difficult to understand given the media
attention we noble perverts get, but it is the horrible truth. They need help!
So you find a target who just gets your dick hard thinking about her, and the pervometer
reads all sorts of nice, fun things, but for some reason your remote viewing does not
give any indication of them being done. This has to be fixed. You cannot in
conscience let this poor dear go through life being frustrated and bored. You need to
get into her dreams and get her hot for you and your toy collection.
This is where the pervometer really comes in handy. You will need to know what to
make her dream about, in particular dream about you doing to her. Before even
deciding on the scenario, use the pervometer again to determine her desires and then
sit down and write down different techniques for each of the basic ones. For example,
bondage, what does she fantasize about? What position, what binding tools? Go
through the list and get it down as detailed as possible and by using the pendulum find
out what will get her the hottest the fastest, because in dreams you do not get a lot of
Once you have all that down, do the dreamwork and work on her, bringing her to
orgasm in the process. Keep this up until you are able to get her into the dungeon for
real. She will be eternally grateful to you.

Now, there is one other method to consider here and that is dream blasting on a large
scale. About a year or so ago I came up with something that I called the Cthulhu
Project. For those of you not up on your Lovecraft (shame on you), Cthulhu was the
peculiarly constructed priest of the Old Ones who sleeps under the sea and his dreams
project madness to the world.
I decided that it would be fun to project horror and madness to the world, so I had a
bunch of folks sit up late at night and watch slasher movies while hooked into a radionic
box and helmet with the witness of the earth as the target. The idea was send
nightmares to as many people as possible, just for the evil fun of it. This technique can
be used to demonstrate the utter, total futility of attempts at censorship. You see
people who believe in censorship have this peculiarly weird idea that they somehow
can control the flow of ideas and images in spite off all evidence to the contrary and
because they are vile, despicable, disgusting folk who usually go to church, it is a good
thing to make them frustrated. That being said, how do we go about this? The same
way as the Cthulhu Project, except in this case we aim for a more limited geographic
target, a city, for example, or maybe a small town.
You begin by acquiring a bdsm porno video of some kind. Or you can watch them
streaming online if you have the right accounts to the appropriate websites. Once you
have done that, go online and get a satellite image of the target area. Print this at the
size convenient for your instrument and then cut it out.
Set your box to the contact rate for the target area.
Plug the helmet into the box.
At the appointed hour, sometime around 3 to 4 AM target time seems to be best, put on
the helmet and turn on the video or the video stream. Then all that you need to do is
watch the video. The machine will do the rest and everything that you see will pour into
the helpless subconsciouses of the people sleeping in the target zone.
Now, think about what this means. Politicians from the Bible Belt may get their panties
in a knot (they are mostly closet drag queens and pedophiles anyway) about all that
terrible, horrible, godless porn out there but now there is not a blessed thing that they
can do to stop it. It is being fired directly into the empty heads of their constituents
while they are sleeping and the forces of sin and corruption are winning!
There is no idea that cannot be spread this way. You simply pick the right movie and
send it. For example, if one of your people finds himself on trial for killing his sub,
(accidents do happen) simply broadcast the movie Twelve Angry Men at the jurors
while they are sleeping and he will be acquitted no matter what the evidence. The
jurors will simply not believe it!

And think of this! When the religious nuts out there start whining about THE
CHILDREN, their children will be dreaming that night about naked people being
Censor that--assholes!
I just sort of like this picture
It reminds me of me.

More Thoughtform Work
Now that we have the basics down, it is time for some serious fun.
Sabotage is cool but you can do more with thoughtforms than ruin somebody's day. Let
us say that you have a play space that you frequent pretty regularly and you are in a
play partner desert. This happens to all of us and it can be damned frustrating to just
sit and visit while other people are happily beating their victims. Now, you can set up
your machine at home and use remote presence but that is not always the most
satisfying method or you can set up an attractive thoughtform to bring the right victim to
In essence you are going to be creating a psychic land mine that you will put over the
door of the play space and program it to bring the right play partner to you.
This is very easy to do. All you need to is put yourself into remote presence in the play
space and you can do that at any time. After all, it is not like you need someone to
unlock the door and let you in. Once you are there, see the door and begin to make the
thoughtform right over it. I like to create it in the shape of a lamp of some kind and
program it to beam down on the doorway itself, charging it to bring you the type of
person you are looking to play with.
Make a pattern for this thoughtform and use that to contact it and keep its charge up
because the charge will go down and sometimes it may take a few weeks to get the
right person in the right place at the right time, especially if the play space in question
is couple's oriented and single targets are relatively few and immediately set upon by
so many singles that they are never seen nor heard from again. Do not be a part of
that sort of thing. At the most, introduce yourself and sit back down. When the
thoughtform brings the right person, she will come to you.
But let us say that you have met someone who seems interesting and the pervometer
says that your desires are reasonably compatible. Now you need to get her to your
dungeon and under your ropes.
First, do your homework and find out of there is anything or anyone already in the way.
Remember the story of my little experiment. You do not want to wait eight years. If that
is clear, your next move is to create a thoughtform that will draw her to you and make
her want to be drawn to you. It is not like she is going to get much choice in this matter.
Create the thoughtform in some simple form, a ball works just fine, and program it to
draw her into your control. Make a pattern for the thoughtform and then when you
contact it, experience in your head what you want to do with her, so if you are going to
be tying her up, actually feel working the rope around her and knotting it. If the
pervometer is correct, she will respond subconsciously to everything that you do to her

and when she see you that subconscious will kick in and she will find that she wants to
play with you.
Now, at this point I have to put in a serious proviso. Do not jump the gun. If you go in
for the kill too quickly, you may cause her to react in the opposite way of what you want.
Just sit back, relax and let the thoughtform work. If you are doing your job right, even if
she seems to be getting involved with somebody else, she will find herself with you.
And do not obsess. Even if you want her so bad that you can taste it, keep yourself
busy with other things and let nature take its course. It will.
And remember this. Compatibility on the play floor does not mean compatibility for life.
If you are contemplating a long-term relationship, there had better be a lot more that
BDSM or it will not last. You can save yourself a lot of trouble if you remember that.
And it does not have to be someone with everything in common with you either. The
most disastrous affair of my life was a short fling with someone with whom I had nearly
everything in common.
From getting a play partner to protecting the play space may seem a bit of a leap, but it
is another thing that thoughtforms are just made for. Play space owners are not into
psionics and thus find that they worry about all sorts of legal things that they could just
avoid with a few simple techniques. Well, there is nothing that says that we cannot do
that for them and protective thoughtforms are just made for such things--quite literally.
The best way to do this is to make a thoughtform and place it in front of the entrance to
the building that the play space is in. Choose a shape that is pleasing, such as a
shield, and program it to keep the enemy away AT ANY COST TO THEM. This last is
important. You cannot be afford to be squeamish in such matters. If protecting the play
space means that a couple of vice cops have to die, they are no loss to anyone
anyway, with the possible exception of the local donut merchant. What will happen is
that as soon as they get the idea of busting the play space, something will happen to
them, something nasty that will keep them so occupied that they will not be able to do
anything to anyone.
Build this thoughtform, pick a name for it and make a pattern to contact it with and keep
giving it regular chargings. Each time you charge it, be sure to repeat the instruction
and each time you go to the play space give it an extra boost as you walk in.
From protecting the play space to protecting the local scene in general thoughtforms
are the best tools you can use short of direct psychic action. Every once in a while
some self-righteous old biddy will try to interfere with your people and she is easily
dealt with.
Using remote presence, create a thoughtform around here like a black cloud that will
engulf and devour her. Program this thoughtform with the command to "Bring
unspeakable horror to X." Unspeakable horror is usually fun and is open ended
enough that it can cause all manner of things to happen, ranging from pancreatic
cancer to her child being run over by a garbage truck. After all, there are far worse

things that can happen to a kid than having a bdsm group in the community. If the
problem with our people is their lack of ruthlessness in dealing with the gadje, then this
method is the cure.
Let it be upon their own heads.
This is a good model of an aggressive thoughtform.

Play Energy
This is something that requires a special chapter because it involves a real peculiarity
of what we do. It is something that I first encountered in a book many years ago and for
the life of me I cannot remember where and it is something that I have worked with and
elaborated on for some years now.
The reference in the book was a very brief one about Chinese sorcerers torturing
women to steal their chi. At the time I thought that it was pretty silly, the sort of
nonsense the Sages would get into along with giving the First Emperor mercury pills
and powdered jade to make him immortal. In other words, these are not the sort of
people you take too seriously once you get to know them. And thus, in spite of my
magickal interests, I just laughed at the idea and forgot it.
Until someone gave me a copy of Patrick Flanagan's Pyramid Power.
In that book he describes Russian experiments in which they discovered that painful
stimulus would cause a measurable expansion of the electromagnetic field around the
human body. You can actually prove this. Get an EMF meter and set it about four feet
from your submissive. Now, give her a good whack with a paddle on her rear and
watch the needle jump. It is really quite amazing when you see it happen for the first
From that I formulated an idea about what us sadists get out of play. After all, everyone
knows what the bottoms get. They get the physical stimulus, the endorphins (which are
actually a myth. When I was in the hospital I learned that nothing happened to get rid
of pain except plenteous medication.) and the attention. But what do we get? We do
all the work and there is no direct connection between what we do and the reaction of
our bodies. Well, there is.
When you inflict pain, the expanded energy field of your victim interacts with your own
field, causing that field to send information into your subconscious. And at the
subliminal level you get your jollies from that interchange of energy. When you add
that to the conscious joy you just naturally feel at the suffering of a fellow human being,
you can get one hell of a rush. After all, true joy is only found in the sufferings of
So there is something to the ancient Chinese magicians after all, but I don't think I'm
going to be taking mercury pills any time in the near future.
But there is another interesting feature to this expansion of the human energy field and
that is that it knocks the notion of consent into the dustbin where it belongs along with
Marxism and Guy Baldwin. And this is based on serious, academic research by a

serious academic researcher who is also famous--Dr. Charles Tart of the University of
California at Davis.
Dr. Tart decided to do a little experiment. He hooked a test subject into a polygraph
and had him just sort of sit there. A couple of rooms down the hall, Dr. Tart gave
himself a series of electric shocks to his ankle. Obviously there was a shortage of
masochists in his circle. Anyway, the polygraph showed a marked jump at the same
time that he gave himself the shocks. The subject had no way of knowing what was
causing the response, in fact did not even know that the response was even occurring.
What was happening was that the subject was responding to the stimulus applied to Dr.
Tart at the subconscious level.
Now what has this got to do with us, and with consent?
When you play, when you inflict pain upon your victim, the energy field of your bottom
is expanding and at the same time transmits information which is picked up by the
subconscious mind of everyone in its path. And we have absolutely NO idea how far
that information carries. It could very well go around the world and out into space for all
we know! But we can be absolutely certain that is blasting into the minds of people
whether they want it to or not. Unless they work to protect themselves, there is no
natural force stopping them from getting this stuff.
When you flog your sub, you flog the world.
So now think of the dungeon, or even your bedroom, as a broadcasting station and
from that station you are sending out waves of information to all humanity. Except for
the hopelessly vanilla, who suffer from a genetic defect which prevents them from
accessing this in the same way that the blind cannot access light, everyone, literally
everyone, is being hit and is at some subconscious level responding.
And this explains how we get into this in the first place.
People have been torturing other people for thousands of years. It is one of humanity's
oldest sports and these waves have been bouncing around for that long. Everyone
gets hit with them from the moment of birth and those of us with our more evolved
central nervous systems come to respond to the stimulus at an early age. It burns its
way into us and by the time of sexual awakening we know, beyond a shadow of a
doubt, that it is cool to be cruel. And if we avoid the rocks of social disapproval forcing
these desires into quiescence or uncontrolled behavior that gets us into terrible trouble,
we become good sadists and get to have our fun at the expense of suffering humanity.
And we can use this fact to cause all manner of trouble for those who do not like us,
which will give us double pleasure.
To do this, you need to set up a play area as an energy collector. This is done by
laying down a large sheet of mylar, big enough for a piece of dungeon furniture, such
as a cross or spanking bench, to be stood upon it along with your submissive. The

mylar is then attached to the patch cable that you use with the helmet/lantern
arrangement and plugged into your radionic box.
Once you have done that, you take a photograph of the church that the old biddy who is
causing problems for your group attends. You set up a contact rate for that church.
Do you see where this is going?
Tie your submissive the cross and torture her as you normally do. What will happen is
the energy that she is putting out will be picked up by the mylar as a witness plate, run
into the box and thence to the church building where it will attack everyone inside.
If you wish to be even more creative, place a thoughtform into the church using remote
presence that will concentrate and fire the energy that is being sent while the services
are going on. Get that thing really charged up and the spirit will be moving!
Here is the church, here is the bell. Build the thoughtform, blast the people to hell.
The funny thing about this one is that I did not invent the idea. It was actually created
by someone who wrote a satire of me about ten years ago which purported to be a
lecture that I had given to a group of magicians about dealing with the Christian
menace. It clearly was written by someone who knew me and this idea was so good
that I decided to actually use it.
Now, there is an even easier method which works perfectly for sending the energies of
public play booming out to the target. Public play spaces sometimes have a problem
with people moving their furniture to put large, mylar sheets under them. Why this is is

one of the greater mysteries but it is nevertheless a fact that we must deal with.
Fortunately, your Uncle Chuckie, in his infinite wisdom and with perfect malice in his
heart, has created a very simple way to work around this.
All you need is a witness of your victim for the evening and a photograph of the target
and a radionic box. In this case, let us use the target that I used literally the night
before this writing, an outer-space picture of the Earth.
Before you go out, you set up the machine with the witness of your victim in the
transmission side of the machine and take a rate. Place the picture of the Earth on the
stick pad, which in this case will function as the receiver plate. Now, everything that
your bottom experiences is going to go booming out into the field of the Earth itself,
infecting the subconscious of every man, woman and child on the planet. No one can
escape your influence but of course the effect will differ with every individual.
What that means, and you must remember this, is that when you perform this action
you are not playing only with your partner. You are quite literally playing with the entire
Now, this method can be done to target specific individuals as well. Let us say that you
have a nice play space and for some reason or other some xtian bitch gets it into her
head that it is not a good thing to have something like that in town. Well, all you need
is a witness of her and your radionic box.
Put the witness of your submissive into the transmittal side of the box and the target
witness into the receiver side. Play with your submissive--hard! Make sure that the
marks last for at least a couple of weeks. And everything that you do to your
submissive you will be doing to the target. With any luck, and this has actually been
known to happen, the target will even have marks appear on her body where you put
them on your submissive. You can just imagine the reaction to that! You will, at the

very least, drive her insane and with any luck and the mysterious marks on her body
will make her run to the doctor, who will see them and automatically assume that they
were put there by her husband. Being a mandated reporter, he will turn the husband in
to the constabulary who will take him off to durance vile to the collective laughter of the
media who will have a field day at the expense of the poor fools. After all, they can
hardly claim that it was consensual S/M play after making all the public fuss against it.
Besides, it was not consensual in any event. When you combine this technique with
the thoughtform defense you have already created they will not know what hit them.
There is one final method to be discussed here and that is taking the play energy of the
entire dungeon and transmitting it. This can be done in two ways. The easiest, if you
are able to acquire it, is to take a photograph of the dungeon (it does not have to have
play going on it in when the photo is taken) and put that in the transmittal side of the
radionic box. The other is to create a thoughtform to grab the energy out of the
dungeon, make a pattern for that thoughtform and use that as a transmittal witness,
again placed in the transmittal side of the instrument.
Now, let us go back to blasting churches. There is one day out of the year when we
can make all manner of lemonade out of those lemons and that day is Good Friday!
For lots of Xtians, Good Friday is a grand festival of sublimated sadomasochism
celebrating the torture and execution of Jesus (who deserved it!). And the more they
get into it the more fun we can have because the door is wide open!
So you will need to do something just a bit different. In this case, you set up the
machine with a witness of yourself and a witness of a local church that you know is
going to have a late, Good Friday service and choose a church that is likely to have a
congregation that really gets into it, like a Latin mass Roman Catholic one. They make
the best targets.
Tie your bottom to a cross, a T cross is best but if you must make do with a St.
Andrew's, oh well, it will still work. Then do a heavy flogging scene. Make this one a
blood sport if you can. Now, while you are doing this you are going to probably get
seriously turned on in any number of ways. Imagine all this being fired at that poor
congregation! Those people are never going to be the same.

used with permission

You get the idea.
You see it works like this. Inside the bulk of humanity there is something hardwired into
the nervous system to respond to this stuff. There are a few cases where it is not but
they are actually a distinct minority which is why the symbolism of martyrdom works for
religions. The iconography of torture would not work if it turned the congregation away
so we have an opening into their heads by the very fact that they are sitting there.
When we transmit the play energy of our bottoms, we are exciting that part of the
subconscious of our targets and setting them up for conversion, so to speak. Think of
this as an evangelistic outreach of sorts. The church will be full of people who will feel
a major stirring of the hormones in ways they have not felt since adolescence and it will
puzzle them greatly.
It is great fun merely to contemplate the effect it will have on family gatherings
afterwards. The poor devils will not know what hit them. Of course it might be a bit
dangerous for the choirboys, but you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.
And that leads us to the next chapter...

Energy Grabbing
Or how to be a vampire for fun and profit.
No, you don't have to turn into an early jet fighter. I just happen to like old aircraft.
As I've said before, one of the things I really, truly enjoy doing is taking things that
people do not approve of and then writing about how to do it. There is something very
satisfying to the soul in hearing people sputter with impotence at my latest enormities.
And because I have made a career out of violating norms, they have a lot of opportunity
to sputter. And for some reason what are called, "energy vampires," drive the bdsm
purists to distraction. Given that it was only natural that I would write about doing it
and here are some more methods to accomplish that end and put the energy to work.
It should be obvious by now that play in the local dungeon puts out tons and tons of
free energy which is available to anyone who has the wit to steal it. The usual
procedure is unconscious. The person just sort of watches and absorbs, to the
annoyance of various players who forget that when they play in public people are
supposed to watch! Idiots! But that is a relatively crude method and the people who do
it are working unconsciously for the most part. Nevertheless, it has the advantage of
being present in the field where the energy is produced and thus one can choose which
energy pattern (determined by the type of play) is most useful.
In essence, when you use this method, you set up your own energy field as a receiver
and accumulator. When you go into an active dungeon, you are immediately engulfed
in a field of play energy being emanated by all the participants. This is a power source

and a source of information. As a power source, it can be tapped and stored for future
use. As a source of information, it can be transmitted to the unwitting and unwilling for
our benefit and amusement.
You can also use the energy of other onlookers because they are putting energy out as
well as taking it in.
So let us begin. When you arrive at the play space, sit down in the social area and
charge up your field, instructing it to absorb the energy of the play going on in the
dungeon. Do that for a minute and when play starts, go in and watch. Observe how
you feel. Do you notice what you are taking in? Does it produce any response in you?
Stay there for a few minutes and pull energy in. Once you have done that, leave the
the dungeon area and go into the bathroom. This is so you will have some privacy for a
minute--NO! Not for THAT!!! Control yourself!
(The things I have to deal with!)
When you are in the bathroom, create a thoughtform with the energy you have stolen
and fire it off. This will put the energy to use and relieve you of the burden of having to
hold onto it. You can use this energy for any purpose whatsoever.
So much for the simple stuff. Now you are going to create a thoughtform that will do the
grabbing for you.
You do not have to be in the dungeon to do this. In fact, it probably is best that you are
not because you do not want to be distracted.
Use remote presence to put your mind into the dungeon area from your home, like you
would if you were going to use remote presence to play there through someone else.
Select a spot near the ceiling of the dungeon, preferably centered as much as you can
between the various stations. Once you have done that, build a psychic vacuum
cleaner. It does not have to look like one, though that would be fun if you can do it, but
it will function like one in that it will suck the play energy up out of the space and store it
for you. Give it a name and make a contact pattern for it so you can tap into it
whenever you need to.

Ok, I'm being silly here.

Now you have a lot of play energy, with all the information and experience of the people
playing and watching in the dungeon. This is potent stuff and the Pope is coming to
Oh boy, this is going to be fun.
He has a special gathering planned for "Youth." Can you say "Hormones?" And how
does the Pope make a whore moan? By not paying her, of course! All right, I have to
get serious now.
True pleasure is only found in the infliction of pain and the corruption of the innocent
and the innocents are going to get corrupted.
You get a photograph of the location where the gathering is to take place. That should
be pretty easy because it will be all over the local media. You have the contact pattern
for the thoughtform. Set up the contact rate for the thoughtform and then put the photo
on the output. Let fly!
What you are doing is charging up the energy field of the target area so that when the
crowds of superstitious young come into it they will get hit right in the gonads by the
play energy from the dungeon. So you will have thousands of college age people, in
the full bloom of youth and sexual excitement, crushed among each other and their
subconscious minds are getting blasted by your thoughtform. The effect should be
nothing short of nuclear. The gathering will probably not turn into an orgy, they will
have too much socialization to overcome for that, but when the opportunity to give into
temptation comes, they will not be found lacking in zeal.
The same principal applies to Evangelical gatherings as well and if they are
Pentecostal...well, you understand the concept. The energy is present and as soon as
the social guards come down the juices flow and mingle. And a goodly number of them

will add BDSM to the mix and when they get old enough to join the groups we will reap
what we have sown. They will be the whirlwind that we will send flying into the culture.
There is one more method of energy gathering which works in a delightfully non-
consensual way. You can gather energy from anyone who shows a particular interest
in looking at anything. Remember the eye-beam? Well, you can use the eye-beam of
another person to suck energy out of them. All you need is something to attract their
attention and an accumulator.
There are a number of methods of doing this but a favorite of mine when I was younger
was to use people in an art gallery. I was part owner of one and it was a simple matter
to place a small work of art that would act as the accumulator, put a thoughtform in it to
do the grabbing and then let people stare at it. But there was another thing I did that
was much more fun.
I had a very tall submissive, I was into very tall women being somewhat short, and one
night I put her into a tight crotch rope under her clothes, hung a crystal around her neck
to act as the accumulator and put a locking harness gag on her. Then we went into the
gallery. It was, of course, one hell of a fashion statement, a performance work entitled,
"Vow of Silence."
And, as you can imagine, even in the environment of a gallery that specialized in
somewhat out of the ordinary even by art world standards material it got quite a few
shocked stares and if I had not been one of the owners we might have found ourselves
seriously unwelcome. But as it was, we were just part of the art. And as the people
stared at my submissive and the height contrast between us, the crystal at her neck
pulled in the energy from their eyes.
Now, you may wonder why the crotch strap under her clothes. The answer lies in
projection. As she was sexually stimulated, the people around us unconsciously picked
up on that and equally unconsciously responded, adding more energy to what they
were already putting out and putting a distinct sexual tinge to that energy that might not
necessarily have been there otherwise.
When we got home later that night I removed the crystal from the necklace mounting
and stored it as a power cartridge for some time when it might be needed.
So as you can see the possibilities associated with this sort of thing are limited only by
the imagination. For example, you place a similar crystal on your bottom and then
torture her in the local dungeon with an audience. As the folks look on drooling, all that
energy they are putting out will be yours to do with as you see fit. If your submissive is
attractive enough, simply having her naked and in some form of bondage will be more
than sufficient. But she must be attractive for this work and be honest about this. You
want lust energy, not revulsion and let us be honest, just because she may be beautiful
to you does not mean that she is beautiful to everyone else. Not all of us are blessed
with perfect, or even good, bodies and age does take its toll. There are few things

more tragic than a woman with the body of a teenager but the face of an old crone
trying to look like a teenager.
Even with psionics there are just some things that will not work.

The Astral Leash
I got this idea many years ago reading a novel by Dion Fortune, The Demon Lover, and
in it the sort of hero is a bit of an evil person who gets reformed by the love of a woman,
a rather common plot device back in those days. Anyway, he is also a powerful
magician and he gets the girl under his control and keeps her that way by putting a
psychic collar and leash on her, using hypnosis and if she misbehaved, it would just
kind of tighten.
Psychic breath play!
Ok, this can be fun.
And it can be even more fun if the victim does not know that you are doing it until you
have already done it.
Now I know that you cannot wait to try this, so here is how you do it.
First you need a victim. She does not have to be a willing one. Remember, consent is
for weenies. What is important is that she does know you and is not totally
incompatible with you for the simple reason that you are going to be stuck with her.
And it is important that she be someone with whom you have some contact, preferably
someone you see regularly hanging out in the same dungeon. You need this because
you want to see her respond to your little trick.
Set up the box and helmet for a contact rate for your target. While she is sleeping go
into remote presence and begin to create a thoughtform of a collar and leash around
her neck. Do this for a number of nights, making the thoughtform as strong as you can.
You want her to really feel that collar around her neck in her subconscious mind. The
next step is to create the leash.
You do that the same way, making a thoughtform of the leash attached to her collar and
then to you. Work on this for some time as well. You want that to be as strong as the
Work on this for a couple of weeks every night at least. You want this to be a very
strong, powerful connection that only you can break when the time comes.
And one thing. While you are doing this, it is very important not to give any outward
sign that you are. Pay no extra attention to her at all. Give no indication of any interest
other than what might already be there. Be careful. You do not want to have this
backfire in the early stages.

After a couple of weeks, start to yank her chain a little--literally. Test the leash to see if
it is working. You do that by simply feeling your hands pulling on it drawing her to you.
If it is running properly she should start to come over to you and if it is really working
she should get to you without becoming distracted.
This is creating a psychic bond in the most literal meaning of the word.
This is also the dangerous stage because you do not want to become the kid turned
loose in the candy store. It is very tempting to go in for the kill too early and that always
results in everything blowing up in your face. Be patient. If the system is working, it will
not matter who else is interested in her or whomever she may be interested in. She is
collared to you only she does not know it yet.
Keep building this up. And at the same time do the other things I have described
earlier to reinforce the attraction. You will have her.
Once you have her, you can use play to reinforce the bond. After all, you will have her
in bondage in a much more literal sense. And this is where the energy coming off your
hands gets put to work.
During the course of play, gently move your hands around her throat while visualizing
the collar. Really feel that you are molding a steel collar around her neck as if you
were molding the metal in your hands. If she actually has a collar on, so much the
better. The movement of your hands will create a pattern in her energy field that will be
very strong. No matter where she goes, she will not be able to break it and if you do
your job right she will not even want to.

I've touched briefly on using these techniques during actual play because up to now
I've been dealing with the problem of how to get around the consent factor. But the
time comes when you no longer have to worry about that. You have your victim in your
dungeon, her clothes are off and it is ready to play. That is when you really get to use
So let us begin with the most basic element of play, bondage.
There is something that drives me to distraction and that is the rope expert who spends
literally hours tying up his victim, takes a few pictures and then unties her! Pablo
Casals had a great line that describes such people, "You are playing the notes
beautifully but you are missing the music." They are forgetting a salient feature of
bondage. It does more than immobilize. It changes the relationship of the mind of the
victim to her environment. In a very real sense, it takes the body out of the system,
allowing the mind to function in ways that it does not in normal life. It also produces a
relaxation response after a time which is akin to a meditative state. This is the perfect
situation for using psionics on your submissive.
The key is time. The mind requires time to adjust as does the nervous system. The
longer the time the submissive spends tied, the greater the level of adjustment which
means that you don't just tie her up and then immediately untie her again, not if you
want to get any sort of mental response. You need at least an hour, preferably more.
Two hours is a good target to aim for and three is even better.
The same is true for any type of sensory deprivation. The longer you keep her that way
the more effective it is. And more thorough it is the more effective it is. One technique
that works very will is to prepare her before going to the dungeon by keeping her
blindfolded all day and, if possible, not removing the blindfold until you are done
playing. You will be amazed at the results such priming can bring.
Now, this means that you have to pick the method and position of the bondage with that
in mind. There are some positions that can become very painful after only a few
minutes. That does not mean that you want to avoid those positions. Pain is an energy
stimulator. It merely means that you have to be aware of that so you can decide if that
is the effect that you want. And if that is what you are aiming for you cannot use
safewords. The knowledge that she is going to stay that way no matter what is a good
means of settling her mind, whereas if she has an out she will be constantly trying to
decide if she should use it. You have to remove that process.
Which is why safewords are a real bad idea for this sort of thing.

So forget all the crap you have been told. You are aiming for something quite different.
At the same time, you want her to stay conscious and that means no total
immobilization while standing. That will cause the blood to leave the brain and she will
pass out on you which is a damned inconvenience and not at all conducive to the sort
of the reaction you want. This means that if you have her tied standing to a post, make
sure that her legs can move a little so that she will stay awake.
Another thing that you need to remember is that the position of the body will influence
the flow of energy in and around the body. That is the reason for all those silly
positions in hatha yoga. They are not to make the person limber, though that is a side
benefit and every submissive should study yoga for that reason. They are to direct the
flow of energy. This knowledge can be very useful in play. Unfortunately it is not
possible to go into great detail on that as every person is constructed differently. You
will have to do a lot of trial and error work to find out which positions work best for each
submissive. Remember, what may get the juices flowing in one may very well dam the
stream in another.
Ok, once you have her tied up you need to do some quick work on yourself. Sit back
for a couple of minutes and charge yourself up. After all, it is not like she is going to be
leaving any time in the near future so if she gets a little bored it really does not matter.
Let's say that you are go to start with a little flogging. That is pretty standard and most
people will fall asleep watching it because everyone does it. Well, you are going to add
a little something extra.
You are going to send your energy field down along the flogger so that when the falls
hit they will also carry that energy into her field. This will mean that you have to use a
very specific technique in order to make this work right.
If you have ever had the misfortune to actually watch how most people use a flogger,
you will notice that they tend to hit with the body of the falls. That is not how you
should do it for this. You need to hit with just the very tips of the falls. Not only is that
more painful, but it permits the chi that you send down the flogger to most efficiently
slam into her field. Think of the end of each fall as a point of light and each of those
points blasting on her as they make contact.
So it is time to practice with your flogger on the pillow. Remember that a flogger uses
centrifugal force to work. It is an extension of your arm and when you swing, get that
flogger to extend in a straight line along your arm. Not only is this for perfect aim, but
when you do that, you can direct the tips of the falls to their target. That is the easy
Your next step is to visualize the chi flowing through your arm out through the flogger to
the ends of the falls. Again, the flogger is an extension of your arm and when the tips

strike the submissive, that energy will flow out through the flogger into her, penetrating
her outer energy field and going directly into her system.
When you do this, you are not merely flogging her body. You are flogging her very
Now let us go back to an earlier chapter where I describe the use of the headlamp in
play. Remember the scenario. Your submissive is tied naked to a chair and you are
sitting across from her wearing the headlamp.
Ok, you are not going to look like this picture but it gives you an idea of what is going
on, only the arrow will only be going one way, from you to her.
Sit and relax, give yourself a charge up. Now, turn on the headlamp and create a flow
of energy down from the top of your head, back up through your spine to your brow
chakra. Feel that energy flowing out and being directed by the beam of the headlamp,
which will act as a carrier wave. That energy will impact any chakra on your
submissive that you aim it at. Do nothing else at this time. Just keep pouring the
energy into your submissive and watch her react. She will feel it.
While doing this, combine the headlamp and the hand resonator. Aim the headlamp at
her brow chakra and the resonator between her legs. That will set up a flow of energy
inside her and she will respond accordingly and everyone else in the dungeon will
wonder what planet they have landed on because they will never figure out what the
hell you are doing.
One other thing to try if you are in an active play space and that is to use "the
intoxication of the others." In this case, you do not charge yourself so much as you

open yourself up as a channel for the energy of the space, drawing it through you and
directing it by the beam of the headlamp into the body of your submissive.

Erotic Touch
Many years ago I made the acquaintance of a one of the most delightful people in the
world, Dora Kunz who by that time was somewhat elderly and highly eccentric. She
was also the then President of the U. S. section of the Theosophical Society out of
Adyar and the creator of Therapeutic Touch, a healing technique where the healer uses
the interface of the energy field of her hands with the energy field of the subject. Now,
as all my readers know, healing is not my specialty. In fact I hate doing it. First, I don't
like healing people and second, it means if I have to do it then someone close to me is
sick. Sickness is for strangers.
Anyway, in spite of my distaste for such things, Dora was such a wonderful, fun person
to listen to that whenever she gave a talk I went to hear her, if only to see if she would
have her clothes on straight. (One time she was almost going to give a lecture with her
dress inside out and the librarian had to sort of shanghai her and get her put together
properly.) As Therapeutic Touch was her favorite subject, naturally I got a healthy
dose of it and Dora being the "hands on" speaker that she was, I ended up learning
how to do it, at least the basics.
If Dora could see what I have done with her discovery she would spin in her urn!
Let us start by going back to the part about the energy field around the hands. If you
take one hand and pass it a couple of inches over the back of the other, or over your
arm, you will notice that there is a feeling of heat. This is normal and the natural result
of the fields touching each other. If you were to do this over a sick person you would
discover a great deal of heat coming off the affected part of the body. This is the result
of your field encountering the increased energy that the other person's body is putting
into the diseased area to try to heal it. One time, when a friend of mine had breast
cancer, I put my hand over her back and nearly burned myself. It was that hot!
The person who is on the other end of this will also feel heat. That is what we are
aiming for.

Now, if you move your hand back and forth along the person, you will manipulate that
person's field. This is what produces the healing effect. These movements can get a
bit complicated as you get used to the different types of feeling you get while you do it
and there is no need to go into that kind of detail here for our purposes.
The first time I used this in a play space was not in play. A friend had a bad case of
bronchitis and was really uncomfortable. She had not been able to sleep well because
whenever she lay down she had a terrible coughing attack. So I just sort of got behind
her and began to work on her lungs, to the great annoyance of the local wiccan who
thought that SHE was the chief healer. And to the surprise of my friend, it worked,
rather dramatically, which also surprised me.
Then it just sort of lay fallow for a time until I learned about pain causing the human
energy field to expand. It was time for an experiment.
I figured that if the field were expanded, then it should be more responsive than usual
to the sort of thing that made Therapeutic Touch work. So one night after giving my
submissive a good flogging while bent over a bench, I began to run my hands over her
about three inches over her bare skin. The effect was dramatic. At certain points, she
would actually jump in her bonds and she, being blindfolded, had no idea what it was
that I was doing to her.
It was great fun.
So, to make this simple, here is what you do.
Begin by practicing running your hands around your arms, chest and face. Get yourself
used to feeling the energy of your own body. If you have an ache and you can reach it,
hold the palm of one hand over the part of the body, about one to three inches away
from the skin. Do not touch the skin. Let the heat of the field sort of penetrate and see
what happens. Most of the time the ache will go away. But the important thing is to get
used to the feeling of heat.
In play, tie your submissive with as much of her available to you as possible. If you can
have her standing in an open frame or with her hands tied over her head in the center
of a room, so much the better. Blindfold her.
Now, repeat the procedure on her. Slowly move your hands over and around her,
feeling the heat, without touching her skin. At certain points, stop and just let the heat
from the fields sink into her. Watch how she reacts. She will. Make a mental note of
the places that she reacts to your hands for future reference.
Once you have done that, stand behind her and hold both hands over the base of her
spine, right over the base chakra. Let the energy from your hands really interact with
the energy of that chakra.

After you have done that for a few seconds to a minute, keep one hand over the chakra
and slowly move the other hand up along her spine until you reach the top of her head.
Hold your hands in place there and watch her squirm.
Now move to the front of her and hold your hands over her breasts. Let the heat sink in
and then move them down between her legs. Watch her reaction. With some practice
you can really send her flying without even touching her.
Now repeat the procedure with the hand resonator in one hand and the other hand just
using the field. The effect of that combination is nothing less than dramatic. With time,
the response can actually become Pavlovian and she will orgasm with just the field
interaction between her legs.
And when you do this at a large event, expect the poor Dungeon Guardians to be very
confused. Which is, of course, more than half the fun of doing it.
The benefits of this technique are numerous. You do not have to carry lots of toys with
you, in fact you do not need any toys at all. And once you have your submissive
trained in this way, you can set her off anywhere, from a distance of a few feet to across
the room. And you can do it without the trouble of a remote-controlled vibrator. All you
need do is point your fingers at her and let the energy field do the rest.
I'm sorry Dora. What you discovered is just too good to be wasted on healing.

Psi Ball Play
Psi balls are not what you think they are. They are thoughtforms created in the shape
of a ball and thrown with the intent of bursting on the target. They are intended to be
transitory and when properly made can give quite a kick. It is possible to knock a
person over with one if you pack it with enough power.
Get the idea?
You sit or stand across the room from your submissive and create the ball by holding
your hands a few inched apart, about the level of your mid-section, slightly cupped.
Now you focus the energy from your pelvic chakra into the space between the hands

and form it into the shape of a ball, sort of like making a snowball just like I described
earlier in the chapter on thoughtforms.
As you do this, you will feel the heat build up in the seemingly empty space between
your hands and there will be an actual pressure that you will feel as your form the ball.
Keep this up for a time until you have a good, powerful thoughtform of pure sexual
energy and then literally throw it like a baseball at your submissive's pelvic chakra. It
will hit and explode and you will see the results immediately as the energy from the
bursting thoughtform shoots into her etheric body and sets off all manner of interesting
This is another good trick to make the dungeon audience shake their heads in
amazement. It will also make your submissive wonder what it was you just did. It is
also a good way to deal with annoying Dungeon Monitor-Pests. All you do is create a
psi ball that will make them very uncomfortable, like maybe sick to their stomachs, and
fire it at them. They will leave rather quickly, with any luck running off to throw up
And, of course, with this you are not limited to your own partner. Remember, with
Psionics, everyone is fair game. So let us say that you are sitting in the dungeon bored
out of your mind. It is just one of those nights when your submissive has to stay home
because it is her weekend to have the kids and you just don't see anyone you want to
play with. And the play is boring as virtue itself with just the usual goose-floggings
(gooseflog, verb, to make goose noises with the flogger, whack whack, whack whack).
You need to liven things up.
Remember the trick from the nightclub? Create a thoughtform and fire it at one of the
subs, only this time you want to dry her up and decrease her pain tolerance. Then you
make a second one to decrease patience and fire it at her dom. Keep making psi balls
to do those things, firing them off at the couple, one after the other until you see the
results. And with any luck the results will make the evening worth the price of

Ok, maybe not as much fun as this...

But the important thing to remember is when you use Psionics, there are no limits, there
are no safewords and everyone is a potential victim, and you can play with all humanity
whether they want to be played with or not.

This pretty much covers the basics. I'm sure you can think of things that I have left out
and no doubt you will think of things that I never dreamt of. But I think I should
conclude by explaining why I have written this work in the first place so there will be no
My ideas here are beyond controversial. There are those who will find them, and me,
terrifying if not insane. That is par for the course. It cannot be avoided. We have too
much avoidance in our lifestyle as it is and it has served us ill.
And cowardice has served us ill.
I'm sick of the way we are bombarded by do-gooders and wimps who would have us do
nothing but worry about what we do and be paralyzed with the fear of how outsiders
may view us. I'm sick of it and I'm disgusted by that belief and by those who hold to
that view. We do not have to be afraid. If the "good people" disapprove of us, let them
move! They will be happier, and healthier, somewhere else.
We tried being nice. And we can see where it has gotten us. So let there be an end to
niceness. Let us become creatures of nightmare and let those nightmares beset those
who think that they can oppose us. We are people who torture other people for the fun
of. We are not people that the old biddies want mad at them, or their families.
So let there be no more Safety. Let us have done with the very word!
Let there be no more pretensions of Sanity.
And let us finally, once and for all, put an end to the illusion of Consent!
And to those who say, "What will this do to our Community?" I say, "To Hell with the
damned community! We will not be controlled by your fears." And we will rampage
across the land as the barbarians that we are, fearless and joyful, uncontrolled and
uncontrollable, accounting to none and answering to none.
We will finally recognize that all these concerns that people try to foist upon us are
nothing more than another species of Sacred Cow and sacred cows, do, in fact, make
the best hamburger. We will cast them aside, ignore those who would try to impose
them, and finally, at long last, be free.
Psionics can do that. Psionics will do that.
I am
Uncle Chuckie--the Dagger Dom




Charles W. Cosimano

copyright Charles W. Cosimano 2003

I Introduction
II What you need
III Connections
IV Pendulum
V Ideometer
VI Pendulum Chart
VII Headband
VIII Main Board
IX Chakra Wheel
X Color Wheel
XI Basic Radionics
XII Amplifying Patterns
XIII Circle Patterns
XIV Light Cylinder
XV I Ching Board
XVI Visualization Board
XVII Pyramid Crystal Amplifier
XVIII Pyramid Crystal Amplifier Board
XIX Pyramid Gun
XX Third Eye Headband
XXI Glossary


I began my first book on psionics, almost twenty four years ago now, by stating that the
purpose of that book was to end a monopoly. It is my sincere hope that this little book will
continue to blow that monopoly right out of the water.

There seemed at the time I started writing to be a couple of reasons why people interested
in matters psychic were not more actively involved in psionics. The first was that most of
the material available on it (damned little in this country) was extremely complicated and
almost exclusively oriented towards healing. Not that there is anything wrong with healing
people, but there are other uses as well. The second was the extreme rarity and expense
of psionic instruments. It is still not uncommon for a pre-made unit to cost nearly a
thousand dollars. Thus, while it may be going too far to say that a conspiracy was
involved, but the effect was that psionics, and in particular, radionics was an art well
hidden from public view. Psionics 101 was intended to correct that, and was successful in
its own way, but I learned that some of my readers, much as they were interested,
entertained and some even terrified by that work, (which amazes me considering how
harmless in comparison to my later writings it was) were still intimidated by the
construction of the devices. This book was, and is, intended to solve that problem. It is
impossible to get simpler than cut-outs. And in creating this work I hope that I have solved
another problem as well.

Back in the mid to late 70's, a pair of books were published written, or rather designed, by
John P. Boyle. They consisted of a collection of patterns and designs for psionic devices,
such as pyramids of various types, which were in vogue at the time. Unfortunately, my
particular area of interest, radionics, was left out and the idea of stiff paper, with no
backing, while useful for putting together items not intended to last, proved to be, at least
in my case, clearly unsatisfactory. It made storage difficult, to say the least.

I have tried to correct that problem with this book, by creating patterns that can be printed
out to be used as patterns for cutting heavier material, such as cardboard or posterboard.
This will allow you, the reader and experimenter, to create machines which will serve you
for some years, rather than be crushed in unrecognizable lumps in the back of a closet.

As it has never been my practice to indulge in unreasonable flights of fancy, all of the
devices in this book have been tested and used by the author. I trust that you will find
them to be entertaining as well as useful. In fact, it is not stretching the point to say that
when you have finished with this work you will have a complete psionics laboratory, far
better equipped than the one I started with.

When using this book, it is a good idea to read all the instructions before starting to make
any of the devices. I have tried to put all the instructions in the right order, but every once
in a while, something slips up, for stylistic or other reasons, (like the author having a rare

fit of stupidity or an AARP moment) and thus by reading first, you may save yourself some

One other thing. Psionics is more of an art than a science and some designs work better
for some people than others. The advantage of this format is that is a simple matter to
rearrange things and it is my hope that you will not hesitate to do so when you feel that
you might attain better results.


In spite of my best efforts, there will still be a few things that you will need to acquire
besides the patterns in this book and some cardboard. Some should be obvious, such as
glue, but others include:

A plastic can lid, such as off of a coffee can, to be used as the stick pad.

Magnet strip, which is usually found in the kitchen area of hardware stores or in craft

Unshielded copper wire, sometimes sold as magnet wire.

Insulated copper wire, gauge unimportant but the easier to work with the better.

Alligator clips.

Aluminum foil.

Paper fasteners. (the type with prongs that spread out, sometimes referred to as brads)

The usual tools, such as scissors, punch, pencil.

Fortunately you will not be put into the position of a group of psionic magicians standing in
their robes and pointed hats, bent over a book of 1930's radionic instrument designs being
instructed to purchase, without haggling, a Sylvania MK1147 amplifier tube while a group
of anthropomorphic brooms stand in the doorway with water buckets.


To make the connections between instruments, you will need a simple patch cable with an
alligator clip at each end. As you will need these in lengths which may be somewhat
longer than you normally find in electronics stores, you will happy to know that they are
very simple to make.

Take a length of hook-up wire, any gauge will do, and strip the insulation off each end.
Attach an alligator clip to each end and you have your connector. It is a good idea to
make one at least six feet long so that you can hook the headband to the instruments and
still be able to move around.

Now I am sure that some of you have read my other works and and would like to know
how to hook your instruments into the ones in this book. Nothing could be simpler. Take
a length of speaker cable and strip the insulation off the ends, separating the two types of
wire in the cable. Attach a plug (of the size you use in your other machines) to one end
and two alligator clips to the other. If you wish, it is a simple matter to modify the plans in
this book to allow for two connecting points in the headband and the visualization board.


Well, not quite, but you can use this little gadget to learn quite a bit, from when the washer
repairman is coming to where the cat hid your toupee. As the device has to hang with
some gravity, it is best to cut out the pattern and use it as a template to make a copy on
very stiff cardboard, such as the type used in boxes from the grocery store. Cut that out
and then glue a penny to each side of the pendulum. These will add weight and make the
pendulum swing better.

Attach a string to the hole in the center of the top and let it hang over the charts in this
book. That is all there is to it. The tiny muscle reactions caused by your subconscious
mind as it processes the information you are asking for will do the rest.

One small thing. The more emotionally involved you are in the question you are asking,
the more likely the pendulum is to give you the answer you want than the answer you
need. It is best in such cases to have a friend work the pendulum for you.

Some questions to ask might include what time the repairman is coming to fix the
dishwasher, am I reading enough by Charles Cosimano, that sort of thing. Seriously, the
pendulum translates impressions from the subconscious, which is where your psychic
knowledge usually lays unnoticed and makes them open to scrutiny, in a way easily
recorded for future reference. With practice, you will learn which types of questions the
pendulum will answer most accurately for you. As this varies with each individual, that is
something that you have to find out for yourself. But do not hesitate to try it on anything.


How to embarrass an author in one easy lesson. First let the author write a book. Then
let the publisher of the book bring the author to a convention to show off his toys. Now
have someone from the convention point out to the author that the chart he is using is
called an ideometer and the author having to admit that he did not know that. See the
author turn very red in the face and mumble something stupid.

Well, guess who did that. You're right--me. Which just goes to show you that it is not wise
to put too much faith in experts because we are the ones who know how little we know.
What I do know is that this chart, as simple as it looks, is a virtual necessity if you are
going to use a pendulum. The reason is that the pendulum is only capable of spinning in
straight lines, circles and oval lines. The Ideometer enables you to translate those swings
into answers by creating a language for the pendulum.

Hold the pendulum over the center of the cross-hairs and think "yes". Then note how the
pendulum swings and mark it on the chart. Repeat the process for "no" and note that as
well. Now ask the hard question "don't know" or "data insufficient". Mark the response to
that as well.

With the knowledge of how the pendulum will behave in response to these ideas, you can
ask it for information and have some idea of what it is trying to tell you. Of course, for
more complicated stuff, you will need the next chart.


Here is a dandy little item which every home should have. It is extremely useful for
answering those little questions which come up from time to time, the answers to which
are buried deep in the subconscious of yourself or someone else. By simply holding the
pendulum over the center of this chart and concentrating on the question, the movement
of the pendulum will spell out, or count out, the answer.

As you must know, there have been many devices marketed over the years that spell out
answers to questions, the most famous, and best selling, being the Ouija Board. This
chart has an advantage over that and other such products in that, as you will notice, it has
spaces for punctuation and new, which signifies the beginning of a new word. This means
that the operator (you) will not have to guess where the words end and sentences begin.

There is one question which I was asked about this chart and you may wonder about it as
well. The question was "How do you keep your arm from getting tired?"

I'm afraid the answer to that is that you don't. So until you get used to working the
pendulum with this chart, it is a good idea to try to keep your questions to the type that will
only bring short answers.

Another thing to remember about the use of the pendulum with this chart. When you
contact your subconscious mind, you are not only picking up psychic impressions (which
is, after all, the reason for this exercise), but other things laying around there as well. We
all have stuff buried away that nature intended to stay buried and therefore we have to be
very careful about what we let out. For that reason, it is not wise to simply let the
pendulum hang over the chart and wait for it to start telling you things. While I have never
been one to believe the sort of nonsense that says all such experimentation is dangerous,
there is something to be said for caution. It is wise to let sleeping dragons sleep.


When I created my Psionic Amplifying Helmet, I was primarily concerned with a making a
radionic device that could be worn. I admit that this was something of a silly idea, but I
have a strange sense of humor. Anyway, that device, which I have explained in great
detail in my other books on psionics, went through a number of incarnations, from what
was at first nothing more than a glorified head electrode, to a rather heavy, tunable
instrument with all kinds of attachments which I made out of a hard hat.

After the publication of the first book, a couple of problems with the design became
apparent. First, the making of the helmet seemed to be just a bit too intimidating for some
readers, which made sense, and some readers were, for reasons which totally escape
me, put off by the design. Like I say, I, for life of me cannot figure the latter out, but my
publisher assured me that it was true and asked if I could come up with something in a
different shape.

My initial reaction was a great desire to cause something unpleasant to grow in his beard,
but I calmed down and went to work. The real impetus for this device, however, was the
great heat wave of 1988, when working with the normal helmet was just too hot, even with
air-conditioning. And thus spurred by the necessity of the moment, the following device is
here included.

You will notice that the drawings consist of four long strips and a circle. In addition to
these, you will need eight inches of magnet strip, some foil, glue and a paper fastener.

You will expect this device to last a while, so it might be a good idea to use the drawings
as patterns and cut the parts out of posterboard. This way you will have a headband that
will serve you for a long time (Im still using the one I made back in 88).

Using glue or tape, attach two of the strips together and fit them around your forehead,
comfortably snug, not too tight. Attach them where they come together and cut off the

Now attach the other two and fix one end of the long strip that makes to the inside of the
headband. Place the headband back on your head with the fixed point in front. Now lead
the strip over the top of your head to the back, so that it presses down on the top of the
head. Mark or hold the place in back and, after removing the headband from your
cranium, attach the top strap and cut off the excess.

See how simple that was? Now cut out the circle and punch out the hole in the center.

Put the headband on again and fit the circle under it at the very top of your head. Hold it
in place and remove the headband. Mark the place on the headband where the hole of
the circle is and then punch a small hole there.

Glue the circle to the underside of the top strap so that the holes match.

Take the paper fastener and put it through the holes so that the prongs are bent out on the
underside. Do this loosely so that when the prongs are pressed, the top of the fastener
sticks up slightly.

Cut a circle of foil to fit the circle and glue it to the underside over the prongs of the
fastener, thus creating a contact between the fastener and the foil, the foil resting on your
head when the headband is worn.

Measure the magnet strip in eight one inch lengths and cut them. Take the first one inch
piece and affix it vertically to the outside of the headband at the front. Repeat this with the
piece at the back and at each side so that the vertical strips are approximately 90 degrees

Take the other four strips and affix them horizontally in between the vertical ones, so that
you will have all eight strips placed around the headband approximately 45 degrees apart
from the center of each. The alternating polarities of the magnets around the forehead
causes a minute field effect in the energy field around the brain which increases psychic
output but at the same time is not strong enough to affect the function of the brain itself, a
matter of serious import for those of us who value the capacity of our minds.

Your headband is now complete. All you have to do to use it is put it on, face north and
think. If you wish to attach it to the other devices in this book, simply take a wire, about six
feet long should do, and attach an alligator clip to each end. Clip one end to the paper
fastener on the headband and the other to the instrument, (Main Board or Crystal
Amplifying Board) ask the warden to hold your hand (sorry, I could not resist it. That was
how I felt the first time I used the helmet) and think.

If you are transmitting, set the machine for the appropriate rate and visualize the message
you wish to send. If you are receiving, attach the headband to the machine and close
your eyes and see what images appear, or use the visualization board. You may also use
the pendulum charts for spelling out messages.


Radionics, which is a large part of psionics, has gone through a lot of changes in the short
time it has been practiced, from complicated machines with lights and amplifiers, to simple
charts. Each device, however, worked on much the same basis, translating the
information present in the mind of the operator to a language either of rates or patterns.
As I will explain in my short chapter on basic radionics, this makes psychic work a lot
easier. What I am giving you here is a cross between the usual radionic boxes, with
electrical components, which I still use a my basic instrumentation, and the simple charts
of a number of modern practitioners of the art. It is a board with cut-outs backed by a
sheet of aluminum foil. The foil serves little purpose in analysis work, but in the more
usual psychic work of reception and transmission, it seems to help tremendously. Please
do not ask why because I don't know why.

This board will work for just about any purpose a person will use a radionic device. It is
also about as cheap a radionic instrument as one can hope for, not a bad thing in a field
where it is not impossible to pay a huge amount of money for a simple device.

One day, I was puzzling over what would happen to radionics when everything became
digital and it became virtually impossible to find the potentiometer and dials that are used
in any standard set. (It is already almost impossible to find calibrated knobs.) And that
day is coming. Even now, it is very difficult to find a good, cheap slide projector for optical
work. It was then that I was struck by an almost divine revelation in the form of an old
television show, Space Patrol, which was being broadcast over a cable channel. Now for
those of you too young to remember, Space Patrol was a very popular children's science
fiction show in the 1950's and to help sell the show, as well as the sponsor's products,
there were a huge number of toys available on the market tied to it, such as ray guns,
space helmets, etc. There were also, as was common in the period, a number things that
one could send for fifty cents and a couple of box-tops from the sponsor's cereal. And as
fortune should have it, one of these premiums was a cardboard control panel with a few
dials that actually turned. As I watched the show, the memory of that panel returned to
me and I wondered if it could be adapted to radionics. It could and what I now explain to
you is the outgrowth of that idea.

The board, as you can see from the drawing, consists of five rate dials, a large sweep dial
for measuring the effect of an operation, a dial to select chakras and a color dial.

So, before I tell you what to do with these, it is a good idea for you to make the device.

Begin by cutting out all of the patterns. You will notice that each tuning dial has three
parts, a calibrated circle, a smaller circle with a radius and a small strip. The sweep dial
has a calibrated circle and a pointer, as do the chakra and color dials (which are explained
under separate headings).

Take a sheet of poster-board or cardboard. It should be large enough to allow you to

place the dials as in the diagram. Lay out the three large dials (such as in the diagram) so
that you have an idea of where you want them and then, when that is decided, glue them
into place. Once the glue has set, punch a hole in the center of each and fasten the
pointers with paper fasteners, with the prongs on the underside of the board, leaving them
loose enough that the pointers will turn freely.

Repeat the first part of this procedure with the five calibrated circles. Once the glue has
set, attach the smaller circles in the same was as the pointers.

Now comes a slightly difficult part. Take the small strips and bend them at the dotted
lines. This will turn each into small V with two short tabs, one at each leg. Carefully glue
these to each of the small circles, so that the point of the V is over the center of the paper
fastener, the two legs spread over it and the tabs fastened to the circle, not touching the
fastener or the calibrated circle. Be certain that you do not accidentally glue the tabs or
the small circle to the calibrated circle or the paper fastener.

Repeat this procedure with the pointers on the large dials.

Cut out the two braces from a piece of cardboard and fold them at the dotted line. Tape or
glue the long tab to the board so that when the board is stood, it rests on these at a
comfortable angle.

When in use, the braces are folded out, the board is propped up at an angle and the three
plates bent out to lay flat in front. Witnesses on the plates are connected to the foil plate
in back by the contact of the foil on the tabs and the back foil.

Cut out the witness plates and the large plate. Cut foil to fit over them making the foil over
the tab long enough to fold over the back of the tab. Glue the foil into place.

Once the glue on the plates has set, turn the board over and glue the tabs on the plates to
the back of the board, as in the drawing. Once they are set, glue a sheet of foil over the
back of the board.

The board is used as any other radionic instrument. The five small dials are used for
taking a rate, the sweep dial is to measure the effect of the operation or anything else for
that matter, and the chakra dial and the color dial are used to tune the operator to those
aspects of the subject.

For example, suppose you want to analyze the nature of the brow chakra of a person.
First you would place the witness of that person on the left witness plate and turn the
chakra dial to the brow setting. You would then set the five tuning dials to a rate which
would connect you to the person and his brow chakra. Once that was done, you would
measure the condition of the chakra with the sweep dial and find out what color dominates
it by using the color dial.

Or let us say that you wish to transmit a verbal message to a subject. You would again
take a rate for that person and his brow chakra. You would set the color dial to white, as
being neutral and move the witness to the right-hand plate. Having done that, you would
attach your headband to the left plate and visualize the message being sent. The
machine would act as a targeting mechanism and the message would automatically enter
the subject at the brow chakra.

By linking this machine with the Crystal Amplifier Board, you can increase the accuracy of
that device as well. To accomplish this, merely take the appropriate rates on both
machines and attach a wire between the right plate on the main board and the left plate on
the amplifier board.

Incidentally, this plan can also be used for the layout of a conventional radionic box if you
are so inclined.


In order to use the chakra wheel, you must first understand that its purpose is to tune your
mind to the chakra of the person whose witness sample is on the board. Never forget,
that it is ultimately the relationship between the mind of the operator, the machine and the
subject that makes this stuff work. That is why the simple act of turning a cardboard
pointer to a space on a wheel has any effect at all. But once this is understood, you may
proceed to work with the chakras of anyone, including yourself.

The number and functions of the chakras is much debated. The system I use is a
modification based on the system of David Tansley. The only significant change is the
inclusion of the spleen chakra among the major chakras, thus giving a total of eight, as
opposed to the traditional seven.

It is difficult in a book like this to give a complete explanation of these centers, so the
following table is merely an outline to aid in psychic work.

Base controls physical nervous system. Rarely used in psychic work.
Pelvic controls all sexual response.
Spleen controls vital energies and their distribution through the body.
Solar Plexus controls emotional response as a receiver.
Heart Chakra Transmits emotional response. (note,
there is a difference in the type of
emotions these chakras respond to.
The Solar Plexus responds to the
lower emotions, the heart to the
Throat Chakra receives messages that directly affect
the physical nervous system, causing a
muscular response.
Brow Chakra Receives verbal and visual messages.
Crown Chakra Primary emitting point which interfaces the brow chakra and
the minor chakras in the eyes.


The color wheel is designed to help you analyze the colors that are present in a person's
aura by first determining if a given color is present and then finding out what percentage of
the aura is that color. by knowing this, it is possible to analyze the personality of an

Now I have to give you a word of caution here. There is some disagreement between
various authors on the meaning of the colors, so do not view what I say here as being a
final authority on the matter. What I am about to give you is a distillation of a number of

Black--deep malice, a wound that has never healed. When combined with red it means
deep anger.

Red--a difficult color to assess. Usually it means anger, the deeper the red, the greater
the anger. In lighter shades it can mean sensuality, which may have nothing at all to do
with anger.

Orange--the color usually associated with the spleen chakra and the vital force. If present,
it usually denotes a well balanced person.

Yellow--the subject is smart. A heavy dose of yellow may also indicate deep spiritual
development, but that is hard to tell. If you get a high percentage of yellow, look at the
behavior of the individual.

Green--another puzzle, meaning anything from cleverness to greed. Look at what other
colors are present to figure out the true meaning.

Blue--a tendency to the mental rather than the physical.

Indigo--The mid-point between blue and violet. Usually considered a transition between
the pure intellectual and the spiritual type of person.

Violet--rarely found in any great percentage, it denotes spirituality.

White--almost never present. Indicates an extremely spiritual type, who tends to preach a
lot, rarely eat and generally ignores the fun things of life.

gray--bad, very bad. It tends to amplify the worst aspects of any personality.

In using the main board for this, take a contact rate for the subject and then set the color
dial to each color in turn, noting those that give you a stick in about four rubs each on the

pad. That being done, go back and set the dial for the first color and begin using the
sweep dial to find out the percentage.

The easiest way to use this dial is to divide it up. So you would begin by asking if the
percentage is over or under 50%. If over, begin at 50 and if under begin at 0. Then ask in
increments of ten, so that you would ask if the percentage is between 10 and 20%. Let us
say you received a percentage between 30 and 40. You then ask each number from 30 to
40 until you get a stick, let us say 37%. Write this down and repeat the procedure with
each color. Now understand that the colors are constantly shifting from moment to
moment. Therefore, if you finish and your total percentage is not quite 100%, do not be
concerned. It never is.

Once you have this information, you can analyze the character of person with a surprising
degree of accuracy by adding the knowledge of the colors of his aura to what you already
know of his behavior.

It is not necessary to color the sections of the wheel, but if you feel that you can respond
better to the various colors if you have them visible before you, then feel free to do so.
One of the advantages of these instruments is that they are extremely easy to change if
you should feel the need to.


Radionics is a branch of psionics which uses instruments, usually involving electronic
components, to analyze and transmit information about and to etheric fields. As you can
easily imagine, the devices in this book make no electronic sense whatsoever and the fact
is that the use of such components in radionic devices has been largely a matter of
convenience, combined with the model present in the minds of the early researchers who
believed that the energies used in radionics were in some way related to electrical energy.

The principal factor in all radionic work is what is known as the rate. The rate is nothing
more than a language for translating psychic impressions into numbers. Rates come in
four basic types: contact, which is nothing more than a relation between the operator and
his subject, imbalance, which indicates a disease condition, balance, which corrects the
disease condition and pattern, which is a rate for transmitting a certain pattern of energy to
a subject.

Let us consider these one at a time.

A contact rate is easily obtained. Place the witness of the subject on the left plate of the
main board and the stick pad over the right plate. While slowly turning the first dial, gently
rub your thumb over the stick pad. Continue this until you get what is known as a stick. A
stick is hard to describe but you will know it when you feel it. Essentially, the pad seems
to just grab the thumb and stop it. Once you have done this, repeat the procedure with
the other four dials.

With a contact rate, you can send a message telepathically to the subject by hooking the
head band to the left plate and moving the witness to the right plate. Depending upon the
nature of the message, you may want to adjust the chakra dial first. You may also use the
contact rate and the pendulum charts to receive a message from a subject or merely pick
his memory. This technique is excellent for remote viewing experiments.

The imbalance and balancing rates are used together in healing. The witness of the
person is placed on the left plate as usual and the stick pad on the right. While asking for
the rate for the disease condition, a rate is taken. This is then balanced by subtracting it
from ten. Thus, if you have a rate of 4.5, 3.1, 5, 1.2, and 3, your balancing rate would be
5.5, 6.9, 5, 2.8, and 7. This rate, left on the machine with the witness, will knock out the
disease. Of course, no one in his right mind would substitute this for standard medical
treatment, but it can help.

The pattern rate is a rate for a pattern to be transmitted to a subject. Let us say that you
wish to transmit a pattern for courage to someone, such as local politician fighting a noble
battle to block a tax increase (or, which is more fun, a disruption pattern to attack the
dastardly swine who is supporting it). Make the pattern, as explained in the section on
circle patterns and place this pattern on the left plate. Take a rate for it and place the

witness of the subject on the right plate. Add light and leave it. The pattern will be
transmitted to the subject and he should respond rather quickly.


Psionics can lead you into areas of strangeness that you never would expect to enter and
that sometimes can make you wonder if you have taken a wrong turn somewhere and left
sanity behind. We are now going to enter such an area.

The relationship between the two-dimensional pattern, a fancy way of saying drawing, and
the unseen world has a long history in magickal tradition. It also has a place in psionics.

The amplifying patterns in this book will enable you to transmit thoughts and energy to the
witness of anyone whose picture you put in the central circle. Simply cut them out and
use them as is, or photocopy them and paste the copy to a piece of cardboard for a longer
lasting instrument.

As you will discover with experimentation, different operations call for a different level of
power. In healing work, for example, too much power from a pattern can cause the client
to become overcharged and thus actually hinder healing. Fortunately, there is a simple
cure for this problem and that lies in the fact that the power of the pattern is in proportion
to the number of circles that surround the central one. It is a simple matter to use your
pendulum to choose which pattern to use by the simple process of laying them on a table
and asking it.

Remember that everything you think about the subject will be amplified and transmitted to
him as long as his witness is in the pattern, so use some caution.

Another excellent use for these patterns involve keeping one or more of them in your car.
Then, when you find yourself stuck in a traffic mess or continually running into red lights,
put the fingers of your hand onto the center of the pattern and transmit the desire to be
free of the difficulty. You will be amazed at how fast it works.


This sheet of patterns is for making line drawings that work the same as a rate when
placed in a radionic system. The are based on a discovery by Malcolm Rae, that any
energy pattern can be expressed as lines drawn in a circle. He used a series of radii
inside a series of seven concentric circles. I have considerably simplified this technique
and by means of a circle divided into 10 degree sections, it is possible to translate any
field into a visual language.

Now that sounds real complicated but in practice it is very simple. Let us say you want to
work with a thoughtform. You know that the thoughtform exists because you made it and
now want to study it with the main board. To make a circle pattern that will be the working
equivalent of that thoughtform, you will need on of the circles, a ruler, a pencil and the
stick pad.

Lay the circle in front of you and put a small dot over one of the lines around the circle.
This will be your starting point and the dot is to remind you where it is. Now write over the
top of the circle the name of what you are working with, let us say a Money Thoughtform.

Concentrate on that thoughtform and put the tip of the pencil on the first line. Ask the stick
pad if you will be connecting that point with any of the others. If you get a stick after four
or five rubs, put a small circle around that line and go on to the next one. Repeat the
process until you have gone all the way around the circle. When you have finished this
first step, you should have a number of small circles placed at the edge of the circle.

Next lay the ruler between the first marked point and the second one. Ask if these should
be connected. If you get a stick, draw a line between them. If not, do nothing. Repeat
the procedure between the first marked point and all the others. Once you have done
that, go to the next marked point and repeat the process. Continue this until you have
tested all the combinations. Don't worry, it is not as time-consuming as you may think.
Each succeeding mark requires that many fewer tests.

When this is done, you will have pattern of lines which will be the functional equivalent of
the thoughtform and by placing it on the main board and taking a contact rate, you will be
able to psychically contact the thoughtform at any time, instantly. You will also be able to
work radionically with the thoughtform through the board, or amplifying patterns by simply
leaving it on the board or pattern and adding light to charge it or balancing to discharge it.

The advantage of this technique over the usual method of visualization is that it frees the
mind of the operator, you, for other tasks. This will become apparent as you go along.
And do not be afraid to experiment with this, or any other technique in this book.


This is about as simple as a psionic device can get. It is nothing more than a foil-lined
tube that is fitted over a lamp (such as the high-intensity variety) and attached by alligator
clips to the headband.

Cut out the pattern and use it to trace a piece of aluminum foil. Cut the foil out and glue it
to the pattern. Decide which lamp you are going to use and then roll the pattern to fit with
the foil on the inside. Glue the pattern (a simple rectangle) together and when using it,
slide over the lamp and tape it into place. With the tube in position, attach the headband
to the foil by means of the alligator clip and place the witness of your receiver in the beam
of light.

The principle behind this little gadget is the fact that light acts as a carrier for psychic
energy. It also has the effect of increasing the power of any radionic transmission. Thus,
by focusing energy through a light beam, the effectiveness of a telepathic transmission is
increased considerably.

This was actually proven by my friends when they did a healing operation on my a while
back. I was languishing in the hospital, neither getting worse, nor recovering. Well, they
gathered together and each shone a flashlight on my picture while thinking healing
thoughts. I was home in a week.

A portable version of this system can be made by placing the tube over the end of a
flashlight. It can also be used to increase the output of the main board by either focusing
the light on the input plate of the board or attaching the output plate of the board to the
cylinder and focusing the light beam on a witness sample. As with all the instruments in
this book, you will discover different uses for this one as you experiment.


Like everyone who professes an interest in things occult I have used various methods in
the hope of learning if not the future, then how best to deal with what might be the future.
And after some years of practice I have found that the I Ching is not only the most reliable,
but also the easiest to understand. One simply tosses the coins, writes down the trigram
and looks that up in the book. What could be simpler? Well, I do not know if the this
gadget is simpler, but it eliminates one problem that has always bothered me, namely the
randomness factor. I know that the coins are not supposed to fall in a truly random
manner, that the psychic function of the mind is supposed to control how they fall, but I
must admit that I have never really felt comfortable with that. I prefer a greater degree of
certainty and it was out of this preference that I created the board in this book.

As you can see, it has three dials. The first one is for the lower trigram, the second for the
upper and the third for any moving lines that may be appropriate.

Cut out the pattern, paste it to some stiff cardboard, attach the pointers with paper
fasteners, as you did with the main board, and use it as follows.

Begin by writing down your question on a piece of paper and laying it in front of you. If
you are asking for somebody else, place a witness of that person in front of you as well.
While holding the pendulum or rubbing the stick pad, turn the pointer on the first dial to
each trigram until you get either a stick or a positive swing. Write this trigram on the paper
as the bottom trigram, leaving room for the top one over it. I know that sounds silly, but
you would be amazed at how often people forget that. Repeat the procedure with the
second dial and write the trigram over the first to create the chosen hexagram. Once this
is done, ask the stick pad or pendulum if there are any moving lines. If the answer is
negative, look up the hexagram in any translation of the I Ching. If, however, you receive
a positive response, go around the moving line dial until you get a reaction. At that, mark
the lines that are moving (you may get more than one) and follow the directions in the
translation you are using. Usually, you are required to make a new hexagram with the
moving lines changed as indicated, either from ying to yang or vice versa.


Men of affairs are proud of their cunning and skills,
But in the TAO they still have much to learn.
They are proud of their exploitations,
But they do not know what happens to the body.
Why do they not learn from the Master of Dark Truth,
Who saw the whole world in a little jade bottle?
Whose bright soul was free of Earth and Heaven,
For riding on Change he entered into Freedom.

In his novel, The Eyes of Heisenberg, Frank Herbert referred to Chen Tzu-ang's Master of
Dark Truth, who could see the whole world in a jade bottle. Needless to say, when I
encountered this, I immediately began to wonder how I might be able to do the same
thing. There were two immediate difficulties. The first was that jade is somewhat
expensive and secondly there was the little matter of learning how to do it. That was
many years ago and after quite a bit of experimenting, I have come up with a little toy
which works for me and will help you to visualize as well.

The device is constructed in much the same way as the main board.

Begin by cutting out the dial assemblies, a foil circle, a strip of foil, the witness and stick
plates, foil for the plates and the braces.

Take the board and lay the foil circle and the calibrated circles on it as in the drawing.
Trace around them and remove the foil circle. Cut a slot in the center of the circle and
slide the foil strip into it. Then turn the board over and attach the braces at the ends so
that the board will stand on an angle when complete.

Turn the board back over, bending the braces in so that it will lay flat as you work.
Assemble and attach the tuning dials and bottom plates as you did in making the main
board. Glue the foil circle in place and glue a sheet of foil over the back, but do not forget
to bend the braces back out before you do this, otherwise you will have a bit of a problem.

To use this instrument, place the witness of a person you know on the left plate. Place the
stick pad over the right plate and take a contact rate for the person. Now simply relax and
look at the circle of foil on the center of the board. You will begin to see a number of
images, most of which will have purely symbolic value and may take some time to figure
out, but you may also see the person in question. If that is the case, note what you see
and find a way to bring it up to the person, assuming that it is nothing too embarrassing.

You may also connect your headband to the instrument by attaching the alligator clip to
the right plate. This machine will take some experimenting with to determine which
method of operation is right for you, but it is well worth the time and trouble.


This simple device combines the energy properties of crystals and pyramids in such a way
that you will be able to use the crystal as a psychic amplifier with great effectiveness. It is
designed in such a way that the positive energy from the pyramid is added to the energy
field of the crystal.

Begin by cutting out the four sides of the pyramid and gluing or taping them together,
leaving the point unfastened above the dotted line. Once the glue has set, bend back the
top points and place a small quartz crystal in the hole, with its point facing upwards. Glue
it in place by placing a drop of instant glue on each of the four points and attaching them
to the crystal. This should be sufficient to hold it, but if added security is desired, simply
wrap tape around the four points holding the crystal.

With the device complete, you will discover that any energy, such as a telepathic
transmission, which you place in the crystal will be received with much more success than
without the addition of the pyramid. This is due to the fact that pyramid energies work in
two directions, downward, as is the usual case in working with a pyramid, and upward, out
through the top. In working with a crystal, the energy that comes from the top is more
desirable, hence the design of the instrument. The fact that it looks prettier is an added

You will achieve best results with this machine when it is used in conjunction with the
tuning board designed for it, or you may stand it on the large plate of the main board as
well. In either case, the thought energy which is placed in the system will be amplified by
the combination of crystal and pyramid.


Isn't that a mouthful? This board is designed to be used with the pyramid crystal amplifier
and the headband.

Begin by cutting a four inch square piece of foil. Set that to one side. Now cut a small
strip of foil and lay that aside as well. Cut out one more piece of foil for the bottom plate
as you did for the plates on the main board.

Cut out the dials and calibrated circles as you did for the main board.

Now take the piece of cardboard you are going to use as the base and lay the calibrated
circles and the foil plate on the board as in the drawing. Trace around them so that you
will know where they are supposed to be placed and then cut a slit in the center of the
square you have drawn. Run the foil strip through this slit so that approximately half of it
will be on each side of the board. This will act as a contact between the foil square and
rest of the system.

Assemble and attach the tuning dials as you did with the main board.

Insert a paper fastener near the bottom of the board to attach the headband to the system.

Glue the foil square in position.

Glue a sheet of foil to the back of the board.

That was simple, wasn't it. So how do you use this machine?

This is strictly a transmitter. It is designed to sent a direct telepathic signal to the subject.

You begin with a witness sample of the receiver. Place this on the foil plate on the board,
lay the stick pad on the bottom plate and take a contact rate for the subject. Once that
has been done, hook your headband to the head of the paper fastener and think.

When you transmit in this way, the information is placed in the witness and amplified by
the energy of the crystal combined with that of the pyramid. It then speeds its way to the
subject, cutting through the noise that normally blocks most telepathic sendings. It is best
to use this when the subject is sleeping.

You may also use this device in conjunction with the main board to transmit patterns to a
subject. In that case, you would set up a pattern rate on the main board, link that board to
the amplifier board by attaching one end of the cable to the right hand plate of the main
board and the head of the paper fastener on the amplifier board and take a rate on the

amplifier board as well. Then place the subject witness as you would in a telepathic
experiment and turn a light on the main board.


You could also call this a psychic bull horn. Essentially, it takes the thought energy of the
operator, as directed through the headband and aims it a target, usually in line of sight of
the operator. It can also be directed at a witness sample, such as a politician on

Begin by using the four sides of the pyramid as templates on cardboard. After cutting the
cardboard triangles, glue the sides together to create a pyramid.

Now cut out the coil base and wrap about six feet of copper wire (any gauge) around it
leaving one end loose for a few inches. Insert this into the pyramid and run the wire
through the point of the pyramid pulling the coil firmly in place inside the pyramid.

Put a paper fastener through the top of the pyramid and open the prongs inside to hold it
in place, then wrap the wire coming out the pyramid top around the fastener. This will
hold the coil in position and tighten the fastener, as well as create a contact.

Cut out the pistol grip and fold it at the dotted lines. Glue the tabs to the sides of the
pyramid. If you wish, you may wrap some tape around the grip to make it more

To use this device, clip it to the connector on top of the headband and aim it. Then
concentrate on the message you wish to send. The thought energy will come out of your
crown chakra, be amplified by the magnets in the headband, flow through the wire and
enter the coil of the pyramid. The natural flow of energy in the pyramid itself will push the
thought to the target.


There are some people who think that psionics is very dignified and must be treated with
utmost seriousness. Such people are easily identified by mentioning my name and
watching them turn all sorts of pretty colors. (And one time someone was almost tossed
out of a meeting of the U. S. Psychotronics Association for mentioning my name. He was
told, We dont talk about HIM here!) Well, I can honestly say that there is nothing
whatever dignified about this instrument. The truth is that it is downright funny-looking.
But don't let that disturb you. It can be quite useful and is very easy to make.

The instrument is based on the work of Verne Cameron, a dowser who did research with
the conic shape and discovered that energy flowed from the tip of the cone. This made
the cone superior to the pyramid for devices in which the operator wanted the energy flow
to be in a single direction, rather than in two, as is the case of the pyramid.

The basic headband is made in the same way as the normal headband, so if you have not
made that already, read the instructions and then come back because there are a couple
of changes.

In this headband, the only difference is the placing of the foil contact plate. It is placed
over the center of the forehead in the position commonly known as the third eye. There is
no paper fastener, the foil is affixed directly to the circle, though the small holes are still
punched in the center of the circle and the headband.

Once the circle is glued in place and set, cut out the cone, which is the circle that looks
like a partially cut pie. Bring the straight edges together and begin wrapping them until the
cone fits over the circle properly. The overlapping ends will help reinforce the cone when
they are glued in place, as you will now do.

While the glue is setting, place eight pieces of magnet strip as you did in making the first
headband. The front vertical piece should be directly over the small hole in the headband.

Once that is done, glue the cone to the circle. Your third eye instrument is now complete.

To use this machine, put it on and think of a message to send someone. The foil will take
the thought energy and the magnets will amplify it. At the same time, the nature of the
conic energy flow will push it to the receiver.

One major point to consider. The nature of the energy flow in the cone makes this device
only useful in transmitting energy. It cannot receive.


When you work with Psionics you will encounter words and phrases whose use you may
not be familiar with. Here are the most common ones.

Amplifying Pattern--a pattern drawn on a piece of paper which has the effect of
transmitting and amplifying psychic energy to any person whose photo is place in its

Chakra--in sanscrit, lit. wheel. Circles of energy placed in the etheric body along the spine
to control various functions of the energy flow between the physical and etheric bodies.

Circle Pattern--a pattern of lines drawn within a circle which correspond to a particular
energy or quality to be transmitted to, healed, or blocked from a subject.

Contact rate--the rate which puts the operator into direct psychic contact with the subject.

Psionics--the use of paraphysical energy to know or act at a distance.

Radiesthesia--usually called dowsing, the ability to know at a distance. It has no
relationship to anesthesia,

Radionics--the use of paraphysical energy to act a distance using certain instruments.

Rate--the numerical readout on the dials of a psionic instrument, the meaning of which
depends on the operation involved. The rate is an expression of the relationship between
the operator, his subject or pattern and the machine.

Stick pad--a piece of plastic or rubber which the operator rubs to determine a rate on a
radionic box. It can be used for any question with a yes/no response, a stick meaning yes
and lack of it meaning no.

Thoughtform--a clump of thought energy capable of influencing people and events. It is
made by concentrated thought on a single subject.

Witness--anything which links the operator to his subject, such as a photograph,
signature, hair or nail clipping or blood spot. In practical terms, witness now are usually
signatures or photographs though it is possible to use a circle pattern for a witness if the
operator knows the subject.

Psionic magick


Charles W. Cosimano

copyright Charles W. Cosimano 2003



Welcome to the class. This course is probably going to be just a little different from any
you have taken before in that I, like my own teacher in these arts so many years ago, am
a firm believer in starting from scratch. All too often, instructors in the occult arts assume
that the student already has certain abilities and a background of understanding. And
often this is true, but more often, either the student has no such background, or has found
a previous course incomprehensible. In addition to this is the fact that the mere title of
Technomage was new to a lot of people not too long ago. So let me begin by giving you a
little of what technomagick is and we can get into the heavier aspects of its philosophy in
later lessons.

I will begin with the simple question. What is a Technomage and what the hell is Psionic

These are two questions which will inevitably pop up whenever I find myself talking to my
pagan friends, even before they try to lecture me about the latest in political fads. It is not
the easiest thing to explain and the reaction to the concept is something akin the face of
the Russian Colonel in Rambo III when he asked the hero "Who are you?" and he
responded "Your worst nightmare."

In some ways, Technomagick is the orthodox (and I use word because there is no better
one even though it may not be entirely appropriate) pagan's worst nightmare. There is
something that is not quite savory to them in the idea of machines playing a role in Magick
and the fundamental premises of Technomagick do not fit at all with the worldview that
they are trying to promote, even though the basis is the same.

The unfortunate fact is that some of our brethren look on us as being little better than
Satanists, even though we have as little use for that breed as they do.

To understand how a Technomage thinks and how it relates to modern paganism, you
have to visualize a balance between religion on the left and science on the right. The
distinction is purely arbitrary and please do not read anything political into that. On the
extreme left hand, you have the orthodox pagan with his or her various forms of worship
based ritual. Slightly to the right of that, you have the practitioner of Magick, now usually
basing his work on the Golden Dawn system in some way, or the work of Franz Bardon,
the system favored by my own teacher.

On the extreme right, you have the true materialist scientist as exemplified by the
blockheads in the Scientific Committee to Investigate the Claims of the Paranormal. And
just a little to the left of them, the New Physicists, who seem to be less interested in
physics than in philosophy and trying to create new social systems for other people to live
in. It can become very annoying, trying to sort all of these matters out and then you find

us, somewhere in between. For our model of working is based on the use of machines to
mediate between the magician and the mostly impersonal forces of the unseen universe.

The Technomage is in many ways a materialist. He functions in a world where all is
energy, and matter is nothing more than a form of energy. He is not likely to be interested
in religion, because he realizes that gods and goddesses are nothing more than patterns
of energy themselves, which means that he cannot put his mind into a frame of worship.
Devotion is a concept utterly alien to technomagick, even though it may be convenient to
personify the patterns. To put it more clearly, a Technomage is sort of the pagan
equivalent of a secular humanist, only he goes a bit farther. Where the humanist says that
"Man is the measure of all things," the Technomage says "Man is potentially the master of
all things."

Right away, you can see the problems that this is going to present. The good neopagan,
or simply pagan, will go into raptures about the worship of the Goddess or the various
manifestations of the Horned God and the Technomage will look at her with a certain
puzzlement of expression, wondering what all the fuss is about. It is not the type of
situation which makes friends easily. And, to be honest, the good Technomage can be
just as bullheaded and obnoxious as any other person and at times possibly moreso. The
truth of the matter is that the basic training of the magician, as opposed to that of the
mystic, is not conducive to humility.

OK, so now you know why Uncle Chuckie is such a pain in the rear at times. So how did
he get that way and how does all this relate to the ideas of Technomagick?

So at this point let me tell you something about myself and my own journey.

I am, in truth, a product of my environment. I was eight years old when Sputnik was
launched and that event had a terrible impact on me, for I had the misfortune to be
considered, rightly or wrongly, a child prodigy with an interest in science. Whether I truly
deserved that reputation or not is open to argument, since I have always been capable of
being damned stupid when I wanted to be. As I grow older, I increasingly doubt it myself,
though it did wonders for the budding ego of a small boy who was so uncoordinated that
he did not learn to ride a bicycle until he was twelve and so utterly unathletic that he never
even bothered to try to catch the baseball. Charles the Fierce, of which so much has
been made, did not appear until adolescence at which time I made up for things with a
vengeance. (How many 16-year-olds carry a garrote and know how to use it?)

But the Russian sattelite changed everything, for the nation went into a paroxysm of terror
at the thought that the Godless Communists had better scientists than we did, (actually it
was an accident of history due to the fact that their scientists were not as good and they
needed more powerful rockets because their nuclear warheads were so much heavier and
less sophisticated) and any child who had the slightest interest in the sciences was treated
as a potential savior of the nation and pushed as far and as fast as possible.

That is one hell of a heavy trip to lay on the head of an eight-year old.

As a result, I became a junior scientist, complete with chemistry set, telescope,
microscope, electronic stuff, and occasional explosions in the back yard as I tried to make
rocket fuel and a peculiar interest in the borderlines of nature, particularly such things as
telepathy and ghosts.

When I was twelve I got to mix them.

That year, for Christmas, I was given a plastic box with two dials, a large and colorful
meter and a thing you strapped to your hand. It was a simple lie detector, actually a
galvanic skin response meter. Of course, in those days, no one outside of a few
psychologists knew what biofeedback was and I certainly had no idea of it and if you had
mentioned "galvanic skin response" you would have gotten some very strange looks. It
was just fun to hook up the machine and make the needle move by thinking.

I got real good at that. In fact, I became so adept at moving the needle around that I
became the most accomplished liar in school. I trained myself to the point where I could
say the most outrageous untruth and have no physical register at all for the teacher to
grab onto. This did not exactly make me popular with my fellows, for it is inherint in the
nature of children that they insist that everyone be exactly like themselves and I was most
definitely NOT like anyone else.

Well, so much for the socialization process.

But my little green box came to the rescue again, for I discovered that if things got too hot
at school, I could get myself a day off by hooking myself up, getting the needle down and
willing my body temperature to rise. Mother would never have dreamt of sending me out
with a fever!

I also discovered, and at this point my orthodox brethren feel their hair start to rise in
shock, that once I had the needle down, if I imagined real hard that something unpleasant
was happening to anyone I did not like, something unpleasant did happen.

It was great fun.

But you must remember that at this time I was still thinking of myself as a little scientist
and my room had the appearance of a laboratory, with control panels for different gadgets
all over the place. That had started when I was six and that year, Santa Claus (who still

existed then) gave me a control panel that was a mock television station control unit. That
was not remarkable, but my father did one small thing that day that set a suggestion in my
mind that never really left and probably resulted in my present interests. This is the toy.

I was on the floor of my room playing with it and he came to take a picture. I was about to
throw a switch on the panel which would cause a small red light to go on. My father, for
reasons I have never quite understood, said that if I had thrown the switch, it would have
caused the photo to blur. Patent nonsense, but a six-year-old would not know that.

Anyway, by the time I was thirteen, I had more control panels than I had wall to put them
around. And I got a good one.

Remco made a radio transmitter station that could transmit voice and code to any AM
radio in the house. It was in a nice, blue cabinet and it was my favorite gadget. I
discovered that by turning the television in my room on a channel that was not used for
broadcast, and by playing with the frequency control on the transmitter, I could make
pretty patterns on the screen.

In one fell swoop I graduated from scientist to video artist and nobody knew what they
were at the time either.

Are you getting the point that I have this bad habit of being ahead of everyone? I will
confess that it was a surprise that my eighth grade art teacher started giving me A's to not
only my parents but to myself, as I had never shown any talent in art before, but it is
vaguely possible that my little games with the television were somehow carrying over into
my classwork.

But what the hell has all this to do with becoming a magician? Well, think about this. If
you could build a machine that would control a television set, why could you not do the
same thing with the human mind and the rest of nature? Hence the concept of the
Technomage, to use machines to do Magick.

We have to go back to the culture of the 1950's and early 1960's. It is difficult for those
born later to realize the hold that orthodox Christianity had. And by orthodox, I do not
mean fundamentalism, but mainline Protestantism and Roman Catholicism.

My mother's family had been protestant from the reformation. The first one to come over
on her side did so in 1645 and Resolved Waldron came complete with high hat, buckles
on his shoes and a bible, as well as a land grant for much of New York.

Father left the Roman Catholic church when he was 13 and a priest did something to
offend him, though he never told anyone what it was, though knowing my father it was
probably being told not to do something that he wanted to. Only two people that I know of
ever got away with saying no to my father, my mother, because he let her and me,
because I was supposed to.

So I was raised in the United Church of Christ, with a short interlude among the
Methodists when mother had an argument with the preacher. My parents were not, by
any standard, religious people. It was just something fashionable at the time and we did
have one set of neighbors who were and are avowed atheists. My parents always liked
them and now that I know what the time of my childhood was like, I admire them as well.
But the point was that I was not raised to take religion very seriously and when the time
came that Sunday School conflicted with Flash Gordon, my parents were only too happy
to sleep late.

By the time I was thirteen, Christianity was too ridiculous to take seriously. In those days
there was still the conflict between religion and science and anyone with any brains sided
with science. And still does, for that matter!

It was that year that I met the two figures who were in many ways to be my idols. And I
use the word met in a somewhat figurative fashion, because one was long dead and the
other never really existed. They were Dr. Faustus and Rotwang.

All right! You all know who Faustus was. Faust was the scientist who sold his soul to the
devil and became a great magician until the devil came to claim his part of the bargain. I
knew better than to believe in a devil, so I just went with magician side. It fitted nicely with
my interests in what I was learning was called the occult.

Rotwang was, for those of you who may not know, the mad scientist/magician in the
movie Metropolis.

There was, in those days, a magazine, and I still have three issues of it in my collection,
published by Forrest J. Ackerman, called Spaceman. It was a fan magazine dedicated to
science-fiction film and still probably the best of the genre ever done. And Forrest J.
Ackerman was a fan, a devotee actually, of the movie Metropolis. He published some
stills from the movie and I encountered Rotwang and immediately realized that that was
what I wanted to be. I mean, here was this fascinating character, in his black glove and
trenchcoat with tons of control panels.

Then I got the novel by Thea Von Harbou and really knew that that was what I wanted to
be. By the time I got to see the movie I was so prepared that it became a truly profound

There was only one little glitch to all this. Sometime between childhood and adolescence I
got burned out on math. I mean I really was bored to tears by it. And you cannot become
any sort of professional scientist without being a mathematician as well.

So much for being the scientist.

I transferred my love to history, philosophy and the occult, which can be quite a
combination. It also meant putting aside the scientific trappings for more traditional

Well, not quite.

You see I had this little problem. All of the material available on the subject assumed that
a person could visualize things with no practice. For those of you who have read my
books, you know I don't assume that and here is why.

I could not visualize with my eyes open for spit!

As you can imagine, this was a serious difficulty, for how can a person visualize the blue
light coming out of the wand as he draws his circle and says the appropriate phrases if he
cannot visualize any light at all?

I solved the problem and whenever I tell my fellow magicians how I solved it they turn
strange colors and look embarrassed, except for one young woman who nearly went into
Gran Mal. I simply replaced the traditional wand with a flashlight. When I wanted a
colored light, I put a colored gel over the lens. Thus there was no further need to visualize
a light, because the light was really there. And in psionic terms using a flashlight as a
wand makes very good sense because the visible light acts as a carrier wave for whatever
energy you are using.

It worked marvelously. And it was then that I met my teacher in a bookstore where I was
looking for a copy of The Key of Solomon, which at that time was still real hard to come

This may come as a surprise for those who are already familiar with my writings and who
have probably assumed that I taught myself everything occult I know. That is not true and
I wish to set the record straight. While much of my early work in psionics was done in
isolation, I had the benefit of studying for a number of years under an elderly man in
Chicago who can be described as an adept in the Mysteries if ever that title can be truly
applied and with whom I had a working relationship which could be compared to Darth
Vader and the Emperor (which has even greater meaning now as I look very much like the
Emperor). For those who will wonder why I do not name him, he felt, for reasons of his
own, that his identity should be kept hidden while he was alive and it is out of respect for
this most wise of men that I will continue to keep his secret even though he has been
dead for years. I will make a number of references to him during the first couple of
lessons in this course. And I will confess that it has been a bit of a problem for me to write
about him, because of all the books and movies that have come out about mystic
teachers. So let me say that he was not an Indian in South America, a short alien, or a
Japanese actor.

This teacher had a method of instruction which was very simple. He provided me with the
basic groundwork and then let me work out the details for myself. He never called his
room where he did his ritual magick anything but a laboratory and he always termed his
rituals "experiments." But from just before my seventeenth birthday to just after my
twenty-second, I spent one day a week with him, learning not only by doing, but by
discussion and example. Our usual procedure in the early stages was to begin with the
performance of some physical or mental exercise, as you are about to do, and then
discuss the results. His whole purpose seemed to be to draw more out of me than I knew
was already there, not only in ideas, but also in experience. W. E. Butler wrote "The
whole aim of this training is to give you an integrated personality; a personality no longer
at the mercy of its surroundings. Is is important therefore, that independence of
environment is acquired as soon as possible."

My teacher would have agreed with that wholeheartedly but he would have added the
qualifier that the independence sought is mental and spiritual. Certainly most the following
exercises will place you in a position of extreme, though temporary, physical dependence
on your partner, as I was dependent upon him when I did them so many years ago.

But I was lucky. Most people learn the occult arts (and make no mistake about it, Psionics
is a branch of Magick) only from books and never have contact with a real teacher. And I
know that this course is but a poor substitute for actually having you here in my lab, but I
am sure that you will do well. But understand that this first lesson is to help you
understand yourself to the point that you will be so well anchored in your own mind that
you will not be moved by every current you later encounter.

I will try to make things as simple as possible and give a good reason for each exercise,
but I can also make assumptions and if you have any problems with any aspect of this
course, feel free to write me. I would, however, appreciate that any difficulty you have be
described in as much detail as possible so that I may help you overcome it. But back to
my story.

I was a good student and by the time I was starting college, I was already accomplished in
the traditional arts. I was particularly good at summoning rainstorms, which for some
perverse reason I got into the habit of doing on the days when father went off to play golf.

However, with time and practice, I was finally able to visualize and the flashlight was
packed away with the Ankh made of twisted aluminum foil and a few other ideas that were
fun to play with but either never quite worked the way I expected or had outlived their

But by now you must be getting the idea that I was never one to slavishly follow any
tradition or idea. In that you would be correct because by both upbringing and the work of
my teacher I was taught to always seek my own ways of doing things.

Let us look at another modification. I never had much use for the traditional robes of the
magician, they seemed to be out of place in my time. And I catch cold much too easily to
run around buck naked, to say nothing of the embarrassment it would have caused my
teacher who could be a bit of puritan in his way. Thus I decided that the only thing that
really mattered was the color of the shirt, which should match the planet whose influence
was being invoked, and the head covering.

This made matters much simpler, for now all I had to do, if I was working with Venus, for
example, was to wear a green shirt, which I had in abundance, and a green something,
usually a paper crown, on my head. It saved a lot of room in my closet and, as I lived at
home and mother did the laundry, saved a lot of embarrassing explanations.

My teacher passed from this life shortly after my twenty-second birthday, about a month
after I left home to go to graduate school and as the years passed, I more or less began to
specialize, largely due to the fact that I tend to be somewhat lazy and I discovered that a

well-made talisman was just as good as a full-blown evocation, and a hell of a lot less
work. I also became infatuated with the idea of Fortunatus Cap.

Think about it, wouldn't it have been great to have a magickal hat that you could wear and
have all kinds of powers from just putting it on. And if you've read my other work, you
probably already know what ultimately came of that idea. If the truth be told, the first
version of the Psionic Amplifying Helmet, was not psionic at all, but a magical implement,
made and consecrecated with the same care as the wand.

Nevertheless, in spite of my tendency to modify things, my work was overwhelmingly
traditional, as was my library. Even my dowsing was done with a very traditional-looking
pendulum and I even had one that had words of power written on it.

I was a good little magus.

And I read the materials that a good little magus should, trying to keep up with the latest
developments of the trade, as it were. And that is what got me into my present situation.

The man who became my first publisher put out a short-lived and much prized journal
called Gnostica, which was full of interesting stuff about the magickal and the occult. And
in one the issues was an article entitled "Electronic Talismans".

I could not resist reading such an article, since talismanic magick had become the heart of
my work, and I discovered the article to be about radionics. Now I had been exposed to
the subject of radionics before, but the equipment seemed hard to come by and I had kept
my interests along the more traditional lines of work. But this article had a design for a
radionic device on the Hieronymus pattern, though somewhat simplified, and I was, using
that pattern as my guide, able to build, on April 7, 1977 (three sevens in there, mind you)
my first radionic box. And, as I have this hobby of building helmets, a head electrode for
the box which was built into a plastic helmet, thus creating the prototype for the first
Psionic Amplifying Helmet. And, in one fell swoop, it became obvious that all my work
along the lines of traditional Magick had been, at least in my life for I make no judgement
about the work of others, obsoleted. What had once taken hours of work, finding out the
right day and time for the working, preparing the circle and getting all the correspondences
right, could now be done by setting a few dials and thinking!

Again, well, not quite.

It has been many years now since that day and I have learned that sometimes it helps to
combine the traditional rites with the equipment, even as I have combined the traditonal
patterns with it. In his last novel, Skylark DuQuesne, E.E. Smith wrote "Psionics is Magic"
and, in its own way, magick is psionics. For all the conventional magician and the
practitioner of psionics do are the same things, only using different models. And, as I
have learned, the models can be combined to produce some very interesting and powerful

Anyway, that, in short is my story of how I got to this stage in my work. This course is
designed to take you to the same place a lot more quickly than it took me, but do not rush
things and do not be disappointed if some skills take more time than others.

So let's begin. This lesson is primarily designed to teach you the relationship between
your body and your mind. I know you probably know that the mind can influence the body.
After all, you are taking this course, but what is often forgotten is the degree that the body
influences the mind.

Everything that happens to the body will have an effect on the working of the mind. It may
be direct, as in learning that it is almost impossible to meditate when you are coughing, or
it may be more subtle, involving sense perception and the sense of time and space. For
that reason we will begin with the body itself and its reactions to changes in its
environment. Now this may seem a rather silly way to start a study of anything psychic,
but you will be amazed at how your senses work and how changing them increases
psychic ability. My teacher used to say that body and mind meet at experience and
experience alters them both. And, as you ultimately judge your experience from the
physical level, the more you know about how that works the better. The following is a
condensed version of work we did over a period of six months and by the time that six
months was over, I could tell if something was upsetting my left little toenail.

As you study this lesson, some of you may find a certain similarity to things written of by
William Seabrook in his book Witchcraft. This is not an accident. My own teacher was
influenced by that work as well as some of the things of the sixties and I am merely
following in his footsteps though I have added some things to his exercises and subtracted
a lot to make this section manageable for you, but do not be surprised if some of the
exercises are the same as found in certain popular new age type works.

Another benefit I hope that you get from this lesson is learning that by changing your
physical environment, you change your perspective and force your mind to look in
different directions than it normally would. For example, my teacher once tied my hands
behind my back and pointed up to the ceiling light and told me to turn it off. Well, there
was no way I could reach the cord hanging from the light with my hands, so after about a
half-hour of thinking, I dragged a chair under the light and, standing on the chair, pulled
the cord with my teeth. Sometimes you have to remember that no problem is unsolvable,
it is merely a matter of using your head.

There are certain things that you will need for this lesson. First and foremost is a partner
that you can trust. It is best to have someone who shares your interest in this area of
study and will not play pranks on you. The reason for that will become obvious later.

It is also a good idea to have a tape recorder handy. If you have a video camera
available, that will also be useful, but it is certainly not necessary to go the expense of
buying one. There are other things you will need, but as you have them lying around the
house, we can talk about them as we come to them.

Now, as to procedure.

First, read the exercise in full. Think about it for a time and consider what you wish to
accomplish by doing it.

Second, do the exercise. Work to make certain that you are not disturbed while in the
course of each exercise. Take the phone off the hook and, if possible, disconnect the
doorbell. Chase all extraneous personnel, spouse, offspring, in-laws out of the house.
Use a large stick if you have to.

Third, record what happened during the exercise and everything you felt during it. This is
most important. You will need at times to be able to go back and study things during your
work and if you can get started now in keeping a journal of your experiences, so much the

Exercise 1.

For this opening exercise all you will need is an audio tape recorder and a mirror. While
your partner may be present, unless he is very a very close friend it is best to do this
exercise alone.

a: Set up the tape recorder where you can talk into it and not have to hold a microphone.

b: Take your clothes off and stand naked in front of the mirror. (Incidentally, this is the
only exercise where nudity is required or even desirable)

c: Look at yourself very carefully in the mirror and describe in detail what you see and
how you feel about what you see. Also be sure to describe any physical sensations you
may experience, even the most mundane, such as the feel of the floor or carpet and the
possible drafts in the room. Leave out nothing.

d: After you feel that you have gotten everything out of this exercise that you can, put
your clothes back on and look in the mirror again. Record any differences in feeling.

e: Upon completion of the of exercise, listen to the tape and write down everything you
believe to be important, but keep the tape as well. After a couple of days, listen to the
tape and compare what you said to your notes and discover any differences you may find.

f: Always preserve all your records, both notes and tape.

Exercise 2.

For this exercise you will need a chair and the tape recorder. Wear comfortable clothing.

a: Set up the tape recorder.

b: Set the chair where it will face a blank wall.

c: Sit in the chair and stare at the wall. Do not try to avoid blinking, but just hold you gaze
at the blank space for as long a you can until total boredom sets in.

d: Record any sensory impressions that come to, anything you may see on the wall,
spots, or shadows or light patterns. If you should see images appear, record them as well
but do not expect that and do not be disturbed if they should, or should not appear. All
you wish to do is make an objective record of your impressions.

e: When you feel that there is no more to be gained from this, that you have become
bored, write down all your reactions and preserve the tape.

This is a variant of an exercise created by my teacher. He learned Magick between the
world wars when it was commonly believed that the postures used in Hatha Yoga were
not suited to the western mind or body. As meditation was essential he had me use the
Egyptian seated posture and I got real bored very quickly. And when I am bored I fidget.
My teacher solved the problem by tying me to the chair. I do not expect you to do that, but
if you want to try it, go ahead.

Exercise 3 (optional, car required)

a: Put the tape recorder in the car before you go out driving.

b: During the course of your drive, and it can be anywhere, to work or school or shopping,
record all you feelings and physical impressions. Is the seat too hot or cold? Does your
heart beat faster when some clod cuts you off? Did you want to run the bus off the road
and into the river?

c: Upon returning home, write down your experiences and feelings and preserve the tape.

Exercise 4.

For this exercise you will need a chair again and should dress in loose-fitting clothing.

a: Set up the tape recorder as usual and sit.

b: Close your eyes and begin to concentrate your attention on any part of your body.
Now you must understand at this point that you are not doing a relaxation exercise of any
sort. You are merely fixing your awareness.

c: Record any feelings that you have from that part of the body. Is it touching anything
such as clothing or the chair? Is it hot? Is it cold? Are the muscles loose or tense?

d: Continue this until you get bored. If you have not completed an assessment of your
entire body, you may wish to repeat this exercise.

e: Write your impressions down and preserve the tape.

At this point, you should also make a decision about what you will wear and it may be a
good idea to repeat it a number of times, always remembering that you are free to change
such details at any time.

Now the time has come to bring your partner into the scene. Remember, this must be a
person you can trust, who will not play pranks at your expense or tell everyone how crazy
he thinks you are.

What is now going to happen is that your senses are going to be changed. In effect you
will be entering a very mild version of what is called an altered state of consciousness, not
the extreme varieties usually referred to by that phrase, but merely simple changes in the
way you relate to your world. It is often forgotten that our consciousness changes from
one moment to the next as subtle changes in the environment influence us. These
exercises are a way of simply adding a little extra nudge without having to resort to the
shock tactics favored by certain teachers.

Exercise 5.

For this exercise you will need a blindfold. As you will be using a blindfold often from here
on, it is a good idea to pick the kind that you wish to use.

The standard cloth tied over the eyes will work, but it has certain drawbacks, such as the
possibility of being too tight. Much better are the sleeping masks sold in drug stores. For
some exercises, gauze pads taped over the eyes will work quite well. You may even wish
to use split ping-pong balls but if you do, be sure to cover the edges with tape so that they
do not cut the skin around your eyes.

Never, with the exception of the split ping-pong balls, wear a blindfold over contact lenses.
The pressure of the blindfold can cause discomfort at the least and may even damage the
eyes. One other thing. The following exercises are similar to those used to sensitize
people to the needs of the handicapped. That is not the purpose of these. They are only
to sensitize you to your own mind. They are also used by drama instructors so no matter
how weird some of the exercises may seem, they are not that uncommon.

a: With your partner present, spend some time blindfolded. Do nothing else. During that
time, act as normally as possible, sitting, walking around, holding a normal conversation.
If possible, walk around outside. When you do this, be certain that your blindfold is
secure. If light seeps in from cracks along the nose, have your partner close those cracks
with adhesive tape.

b: Repeat this exercise a number of times, until you are able to stay blindfolded for an
entire day, or longer.

c: Record all of your impressions. Are you nervous? Did you become easily disoriented
or lost even though you were in your own house? Were you frightened at any time? What
did you think during the exercise? Were you able to trust your partner or did you think that
he might deceive you in some way.

d: For this exercise, and most of the succeeding ones in this lesson, a videotape can be
very valuable. With video, you can see how you reacted and moved and thus be more
aware of the actions of your body and how it related to what your mind was doing at the
time. Even if you do not have a video camera, a photograph of yourself doing the
exercise will be helpful later in your work as you will learn in the next lesson.

Exercise 6.

a: Again have your partner blindfold you.

b: Remain blindfolded long enough for the other senses to become sharpened, at least
one hour before proceeding.

c: Have your partner bring you small objects to identify by touch, not only with your
hands, but with your cheeks and the soles of your feet. See how many you can get right.

d: Record your impressions.

Exercise 7.

a: Acquire, without haggling, some colored construction paper. (Magicians never haggle
about the price of their implements.)

b: Have your partner blindfold you and wait one hour.

c: Using both your hands and the soles of your feet, try to tell the colors of the paper. It is
to be assumed that your partner will have the good sense to mix the papers up.

e: Record your results and impressions.

Exercise 8

a: Repeat a and b from the previous exercise.

b: Hold each piece of construction paper and record your impressions from the color of
the paper. Is it warm or cold? Is it friendly or hostile? Anything that comes to mind
should be mentioned.

Exercise 9.

a: Have your partner blindfold you and wait at least one hour.

b: Listen to some music.

c: Record your reactions to the music. If the piece is familiar, does being able to see
make a difference in your feeling towards it?

Exercise 10.

a: Have your partner blindfold you. It is not necessary to wait to begin with this exercise.

b: Listen to the television. What is the difference between being able to see the picture
and merely listen to the sound?

c: Record your reactions.

Exercise 10.

For this exercise you will need to use a blindfold that will not be obvious. A pair of gauze
pads taped over the eyes and covered by sunglasses is the best.

a: Have your partner blindfold you and drive you somewhere. It is best to pick a location
that is not too crowded because you do not want to be bumping into people every two

b: Once there, try to use your mind's eye to replace your physical ones. Attempt to
describe your surroundings without seeing them. See how much you can get right.

c: On returning home, record all your reactions.

This exercise should be repeated a number of times. See if you can improve your score.

Exercise 11.

a: Have your partner blindfold you and sit with your back to him.

b: Instruct your partner to shine a flashlight on your back, but make no sign as to when he
is going to turn the light on or off. (It is important to use a flashlight with a silent switch, for
obvious reasons.)

c: Try to feel the light as it hits you. See if you can tell when the light is on or off.

d: Record your impressions and repeat this exercise at a later date. Try it both over
clothing and bare skin.

The key to the blindfolded exercises is detail. Conversation should not be too difficult for
you. It is just like talking on the telephone, where you only have the verbal cues to go by.

Other things will come easier with practice. You may, for example, have trouble getting
food onto your fork and into your mouth. A spoon may be a medium of utter disaster.

And do not forget safety. This will become even more important as you go on, but at first,
never move without your partner present. If he or she has to go to the bathroom, sit until
he comes out. Respect stairs.

When recording your results, do not confine yourself to the bare facts of the experience.
Be certain to record your feelings as well. If you were nervous, write it down. If you felt
lost, say so. Be honest with yourself.

The other senses we will pretty much leave alone. There is little useful knowledge to be
gained by cutting off the senses of smell and hearing, though you may want to try ear
plugs to see if you discover anything. Most of what we will work on now involves
movement, or rather lack thereof.

How often in the course of a few minutes do you touch something?

Do you talk more with your hands than with your mouth?

Can you function mentally without hands?

Most people never ask themselves these questions. They never cross their minds. You
are about to.

This is where the importance of trusting your partner comes in, for the next series of
exercises requires that you be almost helpless.

Now at this point I can sense the utter shock some of you may be feeling. Well, calm
down. Nothing dreadful is going to happen to you and you will discover all manner of
interesting things about yourself and your world. Oh, and one other very important thing.
There is, for many people, a strong sexual element in the following (believe me, I know!).
In fact one person I showed this lesson to when I was putting it together asked where I
kept the whips and chains, which is not a good question to ask ME. If that is the case for
you, merely recognize that it is there, but do not allow that aspect to control your
responses. That is not what we are working with here, any more than when I was a pupil.
For obvious reasons, I do not wish for there to be any misinterpretation of this aspect of
the work.

You can probably guess what is coming next. So I have a few other words of advice
before beginning. If you have real claustrophobia, or a history of being abused in some
way, you might wish to seriously think over whether you want to do the following. If you
decide to continue in spite of such fears, be absolutely certain that your partner knows
what you are thinking and if you feel that you absolutely cannot handle being helpless in
any way, I will not hold it against you and you must not hold it against yourself because it

can happen that there has been some incident in your life that makes this work
impossible. If that is the case, simply go on to the next lesson.

Exercise 12. This is a simple memory exercise to warm you up for the following. Ask
yourself a simple question--have you ever been tied up? If the answer is no, go on to the
exercises. If the answer is yes, and in most cases it will be, try to remember the event as
much as possible, which may be difficult if you were a small child and now an older adult,
and think about what you felt at the time, if anything. This way you will know if you are
bringing any preconceptions to the exercises you are about to do and can allow for them.

Exercise 13. Begin simply. Spend an hour with your hands tied in front of you. Do not
merely sit and chat, but move around, try to do things. You will notice that a great many
things you take for granted are now difficult or impossible.

Increase the time of this to a day. Notice how you eat, wash, perform all your normal
activities around the house and record it.

Exercise 14. Once you are more or less used to this exercise, so that you are not made
nervous by it, have your partner tie your hands behind your back.

You may have to try it a couple of times to find the right position for your wrists, and it is
best to use cloth, such as old neckties rather than rope though it is a good idea to avoid
scarves. They can slip and become uncomfortable. Your partner will also have to be
careful not to cut off your circulation.

Now you may begin to discover some very real differences.

It is to be expected that you will not be able to do much this way. You may have trouble
talking if you are used to moving your hands around. Eating, for example, would be a real
and highly embarrassing chore, opening doors very difficult and you can forget about
taking something down from a shelf or even turning on a light. In effect, you will be totally
dependant upon your partner for almost all the simple things you normally take for

As you will not be able to do much, pay attention to the way your body reacts to the
position. You will notice that your body language changes enormously. Walk around and
notice how you stand. Do you naturally bend forward, or do you compensate by pulling
back your shoulders. How does it affect the way you sit. I once worked with a young
woman who told me that in the parochial school she went to the nuns tied the students
hands behind them as part of method for teaching posture. It is, as you will find just a little
difficult to sit back in a chair. And scratching can be a real pain.

How is your balance affected when you walk and when you move from a sitting to a
standing position? Is there a difference if you wear shoes or go barefoot?

How does the change affect the way that you view the world. Are more nervous? Is there
any change? How do you feel about yourself without hands? What is it like to be totally
dependant upon your partner.

Be certain to record everything. Again, a video or a photograph will be very helpful.

Exercise 15.Expand the length of time for experiment to an entire day, only being freed to
use the bathroom. See and record how your mind adapts.

When you do this exercise, try to pick a time when you will not have the in-laws coming for
a visit. They may not understand. I will never forget one day with my teacher when his
wife came in and I was sitting with my hands tied behind me which is, admittedly, a very
odd way to study thoughtforms. He laughed and I turned a very deep shade of red to the
tips my toes. She, of course, knew what was going on but I felt very stupid and I shudder
at the idea of what anyone else may have thought.

Exercise 16. With your hands tied in front of you, try to write something down or draw a
picture. Now repeat that with your hands tied behind you. See if what you created comes
close to what you were trying to do.

Exercise 17. Now lets' try something that is genuinely not for the faint of heart. Have your
partner take you out somewhere with your hands tied behind you.

When you do this, use a little sense. You are trying to judge your own reactions, not the
shock on other people's faces. So make sure that your hands are hidden under a coat or
jacket. Avoid restaurants. And make certain that under no circumstances does your
partner leave you at any time for any reason.

What is your reaction to being out in the world without any way of protecting yourself. (I
was scared to death!) Is your trust in your partner sufficient or will you demand to go
home immediately? Do not try to tough this out. If you feel any discomfort, head for

Exercise 18. Repeat a number of the blindfolded exercises with your hands tied,
particularly 5, 6, 10 and 11. Pay particular attention to how you walk and sit. Notice the
position of your body. Are you more comfortable barefoot or with shoes? Is that a change
from your normal feelings? And when you do these, pay some attention to safety. Be
certain your partner is present. This should give you enough to work on for a while. You
should feel free to repeat or combine any of the above exercises as often as you wish.
You may also add elements to them that I have not covered. I would, however,
recommend that you avoid total nudity in these exercises except during the first. While
some teachers consider it essential, I have found that in the early stages of the work it is a
serious distraction and can create more problems than it solves.

You should also never allow yourself to be shocked by anything that my come to you or
that you may experience during the course of these exercises. It is not unusual for a

spontaneous psychic experience to occur and you should be open to it. I remember that
my first controlled out-of-body-experience occurred as I was tied to a chair in my teacher's
laboratory. So if something comes to you, grab it! Remember, no matter what happens to
your body, your mind is still under your control and that control is what you are trying to
perfect. Once you have studied your reactions, go back and repeat an exercise and see if
you can consciously determine how you will react. See if you can direct your mental and
emotional responses


Welcome back. I'm glad that you've survived the first lesson of this course without too
much trouble and I really do enjoy hearing from my students. It is amazing the things one
can miss when putting together these courses and I appreciate any ideas that may come
to me as how to improve them.

Now we can start to get to the meat of the work. You should already have a pretty good
idea of how your body reacts to unusual situations so we can start really training your
mind. This lesson will be slightly shorter than the last because you already have an idea
how to work now and the initial background about me is out of the way as well as the fact
that the exercises in this lesson will take a greater length of time.

I know that many, if not most of you, already know something about the subject of this
lesson. Meditation is a very common practice now and it may seem like a rather foolish
subject for me to include as a separate lesson. Yet the fact is that many people who try
meditation do not keep with it for any great length of time. Either they get bored with the
practice and give up, or the general demands of life become such that they feel that they
no longer have time for it. And you must also remember that each technique has a
different purpose. Someone who is trying to attain enlightenment in one lifetime is going
to use a different technique than one who wishes to successfully work a radionic box. And
as Psionic Magick is somewhere in between, it can get very different indeed.

So before we begin, I would have you remember the work of the first lesson. In that you
were studying yourself and your own mind. This lesson is, to a large extent, a
continuation of that, the only major differences being that you will not need a partner and
the exercises will be less weird though they may be even scarier.

Enough of such merriment. Let's get started.

You should begin by finding a time and place where you can work undisturbed. In my
book Psychic Power (now Elementary Psionics), I somewhat jokingly suggested that if
worse came to worse, you could always use the bathroom, that being the one place
where, in a crowded house, one can sit for a time with the reasonable expectation that
one would not be bothered. That is, in fact, quite important, for there is nothing worse
than being in deep meditation and having someone come barging in on you. (And that
applies to all the other aspects of this work as well.)

Likewise, the location should be as quiet as possible. This is, I know, very difficult to
manage. Apartment buildings are terribly noisy at most times and even houses can have
such distractions as jets from the local airport. (A personal bugaboo of mine which had
caused me to seriously consider a disruption pattern on their radar, the only thing
deterring me being the very real possibility of two planes colliding over my house.) While
one can always turn the phone off or take it off the hook, these other problems are almost

impossible to get rid of. If such is your case, there is no reason why you cannot invest in a
good pair of earplugs. If you do, pick the type that cuts off the most noise and get used to
wearing them, which can be difficult at times.

The room you work in should be dimly lit. It is not a good idea to have it totally dark, but
bright lights can be another unwelcome distraction. If lighting is a problem, feel free to
experiment with a blindfold, but if you do use a blindfold, be certain to first go over your
notes from the last lesson and remember to take into account all of the things you
experienced while blindfolded. It can be more of a distraction than a benefit.

As far as clothing is considered, the less you can wear the better. The exercises in the
last chapter were such that total nudity would have been a real problem for most of my
students but this lesson is different. For one thing, you are working alone, so you do not
have to fear being embarrassed. (If you have a body like mine, the less of it that is seen
the better.) Likewise, clothing has the bad habit of bunching in inconvenient locations. So
if you can work naked, by all means do so. If not, if you are living in an arrangement
where it is possible to be disturbed by someone whom you don't want to see you nude
such as your children or parents, experiment with different types of clothing to find out
which is most comfortable. Go back to your notes from the last lesson and see if you
have any information that might help you. Many writers suggest, or rather demand, that
you work barefoot and while I do not understand their dogmatism on this matter, give it a
try and see if you are more comfortable. If you do choose to work clothed, you may wish
to try different types of robes, ranging from an ordinary bathrobe, to something more
mystical looking that can be found at any costume shop.

Now at this point I can hear the obvious objection to learning to meditate naked and that is
how do you join in a group meditation comfortably when you necessarily wear some
clothing if not all your normal clothing? The answer to that is that you never join in a
group meditation. There are some very good reasons for that injunction and I will detail
them later, but suffice it to say at this point that I have never meditated as part of a group,
which is not to say that I do not try to look like I am, for the sake of courtesy if nothing

Now we come to the next question, a rather serious one, in fact, that of posture. In all
meditation, it is important that the spine remain erect, or at least in a reasonably straight
line, not curved more than the normal, natural curve of the spine. This is essential for the
energy flow in the body. But other than that, the position that you choose is of little
importance other that the obvious requirements that it be comfortable and not allow you to
fall asleep, which is why lying on your back is not a very good idea.

Actually, a posture that keeps you from moving around a lot is a good idea as well. If you
can do the classic lotus posture, so much the better, as that posture is designed to
virtually lock the body into position. The normal western posture, of being seated in a
chair something like an egyptian statue, will keep the back straight but you may find that
holding still is a bit of a problem and I told you in the last lesson how my teacher solved it
for me. That method, simple and direct as it was, created another problem which my

teacher had not forseen and that when I started to itch, as everyone does when they begin
to meditate, I could not move my hands to scratch it as they were firmly strapped to the
arms of the chair and with my upper body tied to the chair back, I could not bend down to
them. It was very annoying. My teacher was of a school that demanded that the student
learn control as fast as possible, so he just let me sit and try to get rid of the itch by
ignoring it. And with all due respect to him, I think we wasted a lot of time with that.

By the way, I can guess that at this point a lot of my students are wondering how it would
be possible to get into any sort of relaxed, meditative state while tied to a chair. Actually it
was very easy, in many ways easier than just sitting because once your body knows that it
is not going to be able to do anything, it naturally relaxes itself.

Fortunately, you will not have that particular problem. When you start to itch, reach up
and scratch it.

At this point, once you have chosen your posture and figured out how to heat the room so
you do not start to shiver, many teachers will instruct you in relaxation. I am not going to
do this for a very simple reason. Once you begin to meditate in earnest, the relaxation
comes naturally. I can assure that I felt anything but relaxed when I started.

So if you have some tense muscles, do not worry about them. They will untense in due
course without any special effort on your part.

Now is the time to work on your breathing. Again, many teachers give great emphasis to
the acquiring a specific rythm in breathing. This can be a mistake and there is no real
need for it. Your body knows what rythm is best for the breath and you should have
enough confidence in it to follow it. I remember when I first tried to use a rythmic breath
my heart began to race and I thought for certain that I was going to have a coronary. It
was a very frightening experience!

All that you have to do is breathe as you normally do, but breathe from the diaphragm.
This gets more air into the lungs and is, in fact, much healthier than the more common
practice of breathing with just the top of the lungs. That latter habit was the unfortunate
result of a peculiar notion held in previous generations that people should hold their
tummies in with their chests pushed out. And that is a good example of why tolerance of
authority, in even the smallest matter, is stupid. Anyway, if you do not breath from the
diaphragm already, learn to do it. You will live longer.

So what do you do now? For the time being, just sit and breathe. Let you mind run as it
wants, but get used to holding the posture and do this for as long as you can until you are
bored to the point where you have to get up or go crazy. The reason for this is that as you
progress in the use of this form of Magick, you will often find yourself sitting for long
periods of time holding an image and you must first get your body used to doing it.

So now it is time to begin doing some exercises.

Exercise 1. Repeat the sitting exercises from the last lesson. Try to hold yourself as still
as possible while noting the reactions of your body. Scratching an itch does not count as
movement. Do this until you can no longer hold the position and record the amount of
time you spent as well as your reactions.

Exercise 2. Repeat the previous exercise until you can remain in position for at least one
or more hours without discomfort and this exercise will take some time to master, so be
patient. It was for me and I really did not get much choice in the matter. Repeat this
exercise both clothed and nude. Note which you feel more comfortable with and how the
changes affect the length of time you can sit, if any changes do occur. This exercise will
give you a basis for working out certain details when you begin the real work of the later
sections of this course.

Exercise 3. Once you get used to sitting for an extended period of time, begin to simply
observe your surroundings. Pick out some object in the room and concentrate on it, trying
to describe everything about it, its shape, its color, how you feel about the object and
where it is located. Work for as much detail as possible in this. Remember, when you
begin to work your Magick in earnest, you will depend very heavily on the memory you
have of people and situations you have observed, so be very concientious in this exercise.
Give it a lot of time and work thoroughly and carefully.

Exercise 4. Repeat the above exercise with sounds. Do not turn on the television or radio
or play any music. Merely sit and be aware, mentally recording every sound you can
distinguish in your environment. You will discover that there are many noises that you do
not normally hear, but are such a part of your existence that you block them out. Listen
attentively to them and identify them. You may wish to repeat this exercise blindfolded,
but if you do, it is best to remember that the boredom factor may set in and thus you
should set a time for yourself and use a timer to let you know when it is up, try for a
minimum of one hour.

There are many writers who would have you work with the sense of smell as well, but that
will be a waste of time at this point. In our culture there are few things which we identify
by their odor and those are usually things we wish to avoid, unlike agricultural societies
where the smell of the stray sheep could lead the shepherd to him.

Now at this point you may feel that all you are doing is an extension of the last lesson and
none of this has anything to do with meditation. Sorry, but that is not the case. In Magick,
the purpose of meditation is not passivity, but action. In other words, when acting as a
magician, you meditate on something to use it, rather than be used by it. You are not
going to merely enter a state where you make your mind a blank slate in the hope that
some force in the universe will write upon it, except in rare and highly controlled
circumstances. Therefore, the cultivation of the ability to observe in detail and then bring
that information back to mind in detail is very important, as you will discover when you are

Exercise 5. Acquire some pieces of white posterboard and draw the following pictures on
them: a square, a circle, and a triangle. Place a small table in front of you and put
something on the table, such as a plain book-end, available at any office supply store, or
decorative plate holder, that can hold the card in front of you.

Sit and stare at the image of the circle. Get as clear an image in your mind as you can
hold of the picture and work on this until you can close your eyes and see the circle clearly
in the center of your mind, actually of your forehead.

Now, by force of imagination alone, transform the circle into a sphere. Make the ball turn
in your mind and watch it turning.

Continue this until you are proficient with the first image.

Exercise 6. Repeat the above exercise only this time using the square. Now you will turn
the square into a cube and again rotate it. You must be able to see the cube from all the
angles you would normally look at it.

Exercise 7. Again repeat the exercise, only this time use the triangle, ultimately
transforming it into a pyramid.

Exercise 8. Now you are on your own for a little bit. Pick out simple objects and repeat
the above experiments until you can look at the object in your mind and study it from any
angle, even though the picture you used originally was purely of two dimensions.
Continue to work with very simple things until you have attained proficiency in this. When
you begin to make and use thoughtforms, the talent will be essential to you.

As you do the above exercises, try to note the colors that come to you. Some of us are
lucky and can imagine in full color immediately. Others only can manage a few colors or
black and white. If the latter is the case with you, repeat the above exercises and try to
put color into them. For example, try to visualize the sphere as being blue, or red. By
doing this you will increase you abilities and make your later work that much more

Exercise 9. Repeat the pictures that you used in exercise 8, only this time try to move the
image around in your mind, examining small details of the pictures and holding those
details in mind. Be as specific in this as possible. If the picture is of a person, try to see
the details of his face, or one of his hands. Once you have the image in mind, hold it there
for as long as you can.

Exercise 10. For this exercise you will need a blank screen. This is very easy to make.
All you will need is sheet of white poster board and a stand of some sort to hold it up. Put
this on a table and sit about three feet away from it.

Bring a simple image up in your mind. It may be best to start with the three shapes you
were working with. Close your eyes and try to hold the image you have chosen there for
as long as possible.

Once you have your image as clear as you can make it, open your eyes and project it onto
the board. Now do not be discouraged if nothing happens for the first few tries. After all,
Rome was not burned in a day. This is an art that requires some little practice and it took
me some time to master it. At first, you will only get a dark, shadowy outline of the image
you are working with. Once you can see that, begin to fill it in until you can see the image
clearly on the screen.

Exercise 11. Repeat the above exercise, only this time use simple pictures. Work for as
much detail as possible and do not be afraid to repeat the experiment with the same
picture until you have it perfect.

The above exercises come under the heading of visualization. Take your time with them
and get them right because visualization is without doubt the most important skill you can
develop in any sort of Magick. Without it, nothing will work and with it, the system that you
ultimately choose to follow, be it mine or anyone else's will be simple for you.

You must remember that every time you hold an image in your mind, that image becomes
imprinted in the astral world. The stronger the image, the longer the imprint will last and, if
it is used in any Magick, its effectiveness will be determined by that strength and clarity.

So much for vision. Now let us add emotion to the mix.

Most teachers of meditation neglect emotion in their work. If they cover it at all, they do so
as something to get beyond. If you are meditating for a purely spiritual end, this is quite
proper. There is nothing more detrimental to the type of inner tranquility that such a
course requires than a fit of worry or a sudden burst of anger.

But in Magick things are just a bit different. In fact they are a lot different. (My old English
teachers will have fits if they read this!) Magick is concerned with results, with doing. And
the emotions, far from being cast aside, are tools to be used. They are the energy source
for much of your work and a strong visual image combined with an equally strong burst of
emotion can be quite effective in any psychic transmission.

Exercise 12. Sit down and make a list of emotions. Now be certain that these are
emotions that you have really felt, not some that others have tried to sell to you. For
example, calm is an emotional state. We have all felt it at one time or another. Peace is
not very common and most people have never felt it at all. So be sure to be able to tell
the difference between the two. And be certain to top off your list with anger and fear.
Everyone has, at some time in their life felt those two things and anyone who thinks he
has not is deceiving himself. Be honest. No one but yourself is going to read this list
therefore you need not worry about the moral disapprobation of your neighbors, if you are

the type who worries about that sort of thing. Me, I think neighbors exist so that we will
have someone to shock.

Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes, emotions. Once you have your list complete, look it over
and then put it with your other records.

Exercise 13. Take your list and pick an emotion.

Sit and relax. Just be calm and look at the wall. Once you have relaxed yourself, begin to
remember a time that you felt the emotion you have chosen. Now in the case of fear, that
may prove to be a rather unpleasant experience, so once you have the memory, abandon
the facts of the incident and concentrate on the emotion itself. Do you remember how
your mind worked and how your body reacted? Grab these mental images and hold them
in your mind, objectively if possible, like you were watching someone on television.

Hold onto the emotion and let it rise in you until you feel that you are going to be
completely controlled by the emotion. Now I know that this can be a very scary
experience and I wish that there were an easier way to do it, but I know of none and it is
best to face these matters head on.

When you feel that you have had enough of the particular emotion, begin to come out of
the meditative state. Breathe deeply and as regularly as you can. Think of some minor
task you have to perform, such as doing the laundry or taking out the trash. This will clear
you of the effects of your work and enable you to go through the rest of the day without
terrifying everyone around you.

Exercise 14. Repeat the above experiment with each emotion in turn. Remember to
record all of your impressions as you go through them.

Once you have focused on each emotion in turn, you are ready for the next group of

Exercise 15. Go back to your records from the previous lesson and find the photograph of
yourself taken while you were blindfolded. Place this photograph on the stand in front of

Sit and gaze at the picture. Read your records from the exercise when the photo was
taken and listen to any tape recordings you may have made at the time.

Now, while looking at the picture, relive in your memory the entire exercise, with as much
detail as possible. Begin with the start of it, from the moment that you closed your eyes
and felt the blindfold being put on and take your memory through to the end. As your
memory picks out an emotion, analyze it, look at it in your mind and think of why you felt
that way at that particular moment.

Repeat that with each successive emotion you felt during the course of the exercise,
always trying to be as objective as possible, as if you were analyzing a total stranger.

Exercise 16. Repeat the above exercise only this time use the photograph taken with your
hands tied. Again, study the records of the exercise first and then repeat it in your
memory looking at your emotional responses in turn. Relive in your memory that moment
when the cord first began to tighten and you realized that you would be helpless.

The purpose of the last two exercises was to show you how each event in your life has an
emotional content and the emotions change during the event. There is rarely an event
that contains only one emotion.

Now we come to the point in our study of meditation to introduce you to the use of
mantras. I know that waiting this long is a real departure from the usual methods of
teaching this subject which have you begin by using a mantra and then going on from
there. And in certain courses that is the best method to use. But as we are working for
much more detailed thought patterns, it is best to wait. And thus I have worked with you
on a bunch of other things before coming to this point.

You see, Mantra Yoga is a form of Magick in and of itself. Most westerners think of a
mantra as chanting Om over and over again until they get terrible headaches or
constipated or both, depending on their ages and diet. Certainly most of the people I have
to listen to chanting that syllable sound like they are so afflicted. And, to be honest, there
are times when I wish they would be, especially the ones who think that spiritual
development has something to do with consuming vegetables and who go through life
looking like they subsist on prunes and pickle juice. Because, you must understand, they
have not the slightest idea what the hell they are doing.

For one thing, Om can be pronounced at least three ways. It can be simply om, as in
come, or ohm, as in home, or aaoommmm, the aa being like in baa humbug, the oo like
soon, and ending in a drawn out mmmmm. And each different pronunciation makes the
mantra work differently in the mind and body of the person trying to meditate. That is one
reason why you never actually take part in any large group meditation. The odds are that
the person leading it will use the syllable and not really know what they are up to, or
worse, for you, know exactly what they are doing and expect you to be a part of it whether
you want to be or not. The same principle applies to any form of guided meditation.
When you allow yourself to take part in such efforts you surrender control and that is one
thing a magicican never does. Besides all that, the mindless repetition of any word, even
in a language you know, is never a good idea in Magick. You have to always know what
you are saying in order to be in control, and control is what Magick is all about.

The problem of pronunciation was one of the reasons I used a different mantra in my
books. So Hum is absolutely meaningless, being nothing more than the sound of the
breath going in and out of the nostrils. Therefore, there was no danger of mispronouncing
it or missing a meaning that was not present. The purpose of that was to give an absolute
beginner something to focus on and keep his mind from wandering.

You do not need that. By now you should be adept at keeping an image and holding it.
So when you use a mantra, you will be using it for a specific purpose.

Exercise 17. In order to understand what I said, take the three pronunciations of Om and
try them one at a time. Set your timer for five minutes for each version and sit and chant
them with your eyes closed or blindfolded. As you chant, make a close observation of
how your body reacts to each one. Note clearly where in your body each resonates.
Does the vibration stay in one location, or does it move?

Now you see my point. How can a person with any brains participate in a group
meditation when the person leading the meditation is going to use a mantra that is going
to have a diferent effect on each person in the room, depending on how the mantra is

In Magick, the mantra acts as a spell. It is spoken, or chanted, for the specific purpose of
influencing people or events. Therefore, when you introduce a mantra into your
meditation, you must be aware of the results you have in mind before you use it. For
example, in my work involving psionic combat, I have often found it useful to steal from Dr.
Who and intone the Dalek Mantra, which, for those of you so culturally deprived as to
never have heard it, goes "Exterminate, exterminate, exterminate!" the last word rising to a
violent crescendo as the Daleks were nothing if not hyper.

You may well imagine the result that his can have when you are facing a conflict of any
kind, especially when combined with a clear visualization of nuclear blast. But, of course,
this sort of thing is really very rare and so you might be better served by a more simple,
and much more quiet mantra.

Exercise 18. Think of something you would like to own. It could be a simple object, or it
could be an extensive piece of property. Take a picture of it and concentrate on that
picture until you can hold the image of the thing clearly in your mind for a long period of
time. Once you have that clear image, intone the word "Mine." Feel the sound of the
word moving along your spine and filling your entire body. Keep this up for about ten
minutes minimum a day.

Continue this for a few days to a week, at least once a day, and then see if you find
yourself placed in a position to acquire the thing. Now use a little common sense in this.
Do not start with something that would take a literal miracle to get, because miracles, even
in Magick of the psionic variety are a little hard to come by. Start simple and work up.

When you do this last exercise remember that everything you form in your mind is
transmitted outward into the astral realms and what happens to it there depends on just
how clear the thought is. The clearer the thought, the stronger the result. In the lesson on
thought-forming, I will cover that in much greater detail but for now, you do not need to
bother with the theory.

Exercise 19. Now it is time to put the material in this chapter together. I want you to think
of some result you would like to obtain in your life. Be very careful that it is only for your
life. It is quite proper to do Magick for others, but not until you first learn how to take care
of yourself. Pick a time and a place where you will not be disturbed for at least one hour a
day. Now I understand that that can be very difficult for many people, so if you have to
shorten the length of time, I will certainly understand and you must not feel any guilt about
the situation. We all have things we cannot control, but one hour is a goal you should aim
for and try as hard as possible to attain.

Once you have your working time and location decided on, make up your mind as to what,
if anything you will wear. Do not change this and if you choose a particular garment, be
sure to wear it only during the meditation.

Think of how this goal will look, literally. You want a visual image that you can work with.
Incidentally, this is why it is impossible to visualize peace. It simply does not work. The
meditator may try to come up with an image that brings thoughts of peace to mind, but the
usual result is to create images that only come after total destruction, thus defeating the
purpose of the operation.

Now try to think of a single word which will correspond to your visual image. Be certain
that it is a word which you will have no trouble remembering. In a later lesson, I will teach
you how to create words of power that will automatically resonate with the thought, but
there is no need to go into that here.

Break this exercise down into two meditations. The first part requires you to create your
visualization and think of it clearly, concentrating on it and working out the various
emotions that it creates in you. Be certain that the emotion you feel is a positive one,
something that will make you happy after having felt it strongly for a period of time, not
something that will drain you.

Now you are ready for the second step and the technique you will follow in the rest of the
exercise. Meditate on the image you have created. Hold this image as clearly as possible
and when your mind wanders bring the image back to center. Add the emotion you wish
to project to the image and let that emotion so charge the image that in the future neither
you, nor anyone else on the planet will be able to have the image in mind without feeling
that emotion.

Once you have done this, add the word, the mantra you have chose and repeat this
mantra over and over as you hold the image. It is not necessary to continuously say the
mantra for the entire hour. That can become very tiring if you are not used to it and
working alone, but say it at certain intervals, such as when the image begins to be
replaced by stray thoughts, to return you to your work.

Try this exercise for at least a week, a month or more if you can manage it, making
detailed records each day of how well you do at it and any results you may be obtaining.
And once you have finished this exercise cycle, keep looking for results, for often it takes

some time for the patterns established in the astral realms to make their presence noted in
the physical world.

Well, I think I have given you quite enough to work on in this lesson. I trust you will
proceed with dilligence and do not be discouraged if something takes a bit longer than you
would hope. these skills take time to develop and patience is often called for.


Well, are you ready to start doing the real work of psionics? I hope so, because now you
are going to learn the basic instruments and principles behind the subject.

At this point, if you have not already done so, I recommend that you get your hands on a
copy of my Psionic Magician's Gadget Pattern Book. With that in hand, you will be able to
go through the exercises in this chapter with great ease. In fact, the book itself may be
considered a part of this lesson due to the fact that some of the equipment in it will be
essential to your work and it is much cheaper than buying the tools, or even building your
own devices from scratch.

I should begin by explaining to you why I decided to put this lesson so early in the course.
Normally, when I teach my students, I have them make and use thoughtforms before
teaching them psionics proper. After some years of doing things that way, I have decided
upon a change of strategy. A thorough knowledge of dowsing gives the operator an ability
to measure the effectiveness of all of his workings. This means that once a thoughtform
has been made, you will, with the knowledge you will gain from this lesson, be able to find
out how powerful it is and how well it is working, in addition to such useful things as being
able to measure energy fields of all types, find lost objects and know what time the
dishwasher repairman is coming.

This chapter will also be much faster to go through than the two previous ones and,
frankly, it will be a lot more fun, even if I do have to bore you with some theory.

You must understand that dowsing is a function of telepathy. All of us are psychic to
some degree, thought in normal life that degree is greater in some than in others. And
often the major difference between operators is the ability to get telepathic information
from the subconscious mind to the conscious mind. That is where the dowsing facility
comes in. It makes that work much easier and much more accurate.

Accuracy is very important. One of greatest hazards psychics face in all endeavors is the
fact that sometimes they make mistakes and these mistakes can be terribly embarrassing.
In Magick, a mistake can lead to utter disaster, for example, in healing work were the life
of the object may depend upon the accuracy of the diagnosis or treatment.

So what dowsing does, in essence, is to translate information that is present in the
subconscious mind into small muscle movements that can tell the operator what is going
on. You may use this in either the form of conventional dowsing, using a pendulum as the
best instrument for most work, a planchette for the purpose of automatic writing or just
plain automatic writing holding a pen, a Ouija Board, or radionic work involving
instruments such as you will construct from the pattern book.

And the reason dowsing is so utterly important is that all psionics is based upon it.

There are certain principles that come into play. The first is that anything that exists can
be known at some level of consciousness.

Once something is known, it can be taken apart and analyzed. This is called reductionism
and it drives the orthodox pagans nuts, but it is still the best way to analyze anything.

Now we get to magick part, because anything that can be analyzed can be controlled and
you know what that means. Yes, the entire cosmos and everything that is in it can be
worked on. Now I am not saying that we have the actual capacity to control everything at
this very moment, but we have the potential and potential is what magick is all about.

Very well, you kind of get the idea how the instruments will work, but what provides the
information to make them work?

Time for the first exercise in this lesson.

Exercise 1. It is best to do this nude if possible. Sit as you would for meditation. Close
your eyes and relax. The relaxed state should be automatic by now. Begin to focus your
attention on different parts of your body, which ones are not important. Hold your
concentration on each part you choose until you become aware only of that part of your
body. Analyze how it is feeling, what pressures are on it, if any. Work on yourself until
you feel that you know most, if not all of the physical pressures on your body.

Once you have done that, begin to try to feel the pressures that may have no physical
source. Sometimes it is like a slight breeze, other times it is change in temperature.
Whenever you discover one of these things, make a note of it in the tape recorder and
when you are out of your meditative state play the tape back and try to analyze each point
of pressure or change. Work very hard to find a physical cause for it first. In this work you
must as the most hardened sceptic. Accept the change as non-physical only after you
have exhausted the physical possibilities. There is nothing more frustrating for a teacher
than a student who assumes that once he has had a psychic experience that all
experiences are psychic.

It comes under the heading of controlled sensitivity. One of the great mistakes teachers of
the psychic make is training their students in how to be sensitive to their environment and
the people in it without teaching them how to stop being sensitive. This creates all
manner of troubles, not the least of them being unable to determine what question to ask
and whether an answer is true or not. Many of these problems come from the fact that the
student is not aware of how he or she actually perceives the environment and thus has no
ground for making a judgment in the first place. Hence the first lesson in this course.
Another factor is the tendency many beginners have wanting results so badly that they do
not really care what kind of results they get.

For that reason it is good to remember that the brain has a more important function than
just to fill the space between the ears. It is meant to be used.

Okay, lets start talking about instruments.

The easiest dowsing instrument to use is the old, reliable pendulum. It can serve for a
variety of functions, from locating lost items, to predictions, energy mapping, and even
spelling out information. It is the best general purpose instrument you can have.

It is also the simplest to make.

If you have the pattern book, make your pendulum from the pattern in it. If you do not, you
can make your pendulum by taking an old key and attaching a string to it. The string does
not have to be very long, in fact if it is too long it will just get in the way. Some authors
would have you use a ring for the pendulum, but a ring carries a lot of information in it
merely from being in contact with your body for so long and thus is a very bad thing to
use. One pair of writers has even gone so far as to instruct their readers to make a
pendulum out of a ring attached to one their hairs! Now that is ridiculous. First, you
should not use a ring. Second if you are bald or have hair as short as mine you would not
be able to get a hair long enough to use anyway and finally, have you ever tried to tie a
knot in the end of a hair?

The ideal pendulum ends in a point of some sort because that makes reading the
information so much less difficult. There are few things more annoying than trying to read
a letter chart under a ball-shaped pendulum.

Exercise 2. Once you have your pendulum, go to the gadget book and take the cross-hair
shaped diagram. As it says in that book, this is called an idiometer and, as I said, it once
made me feel like an idiot. (A little psychic humor there. Ok, I know, very little.) Hold the
pendulum over the point where the lines meet and think of the word "yes". Think of it very
strongly and see what the pendulum does. It may follow one of the two lines, or it may
rotate around the circle. Once it moves, note the direction of the movement.

Now at this point you should not be disappointed if the movement is very short. If that is
the case, it will grow with continued practice, sort of like getting to Carnegie Hall. The
important thing is that you get a definite movement in a single direction corresponding to
one of the lines on the chart, either vertical or horizontal or around the circle. This the
pendulum word that means "yes."

Exercise 3. Repeat the above exercise with the word "no." You should get a response
that is the opposite of the one for yes. If you get the same response, then something is
very wrong, but that is very unlikely to happen. If it should, then consciously direct the
pendulum to move in the desired direction and keep at it until the pendulum understands
what it is supposed to do.

Exercise 4. Now that the pendulum can tell you if the answer is yes or no, ask it to tell you
what "I don't know." is. That should be a swing totally different than the type you got for
yes or no, or the pendulum may remain completely still. Again, note the response.

So you see, the pendulum can express three language concepts on its own, without the
aid of a chart. These are a positive, a negative and "Duh?" You can get these answers at
any time by simply holding the pendulum and looking at the swing. With practice, you will
be able to judge the degree of positive or negative by the strength of the swing. For
example, once I was giving a demonstration of the use of radionics in contacting those
who were no longer in this life. We were using Madame Blavatsky as our subject (the
audience was made up of Theosophists) and all was going well until one member of the
group had the temerity to ask if she thought Ramtha was an ascended master. All hell
broke loose in my body (the videotape showed me clearly convulse) and the pendulum
went "NO!" so hard it almost made a complete circle around my hand.

Incidentally, if you wish, you can prove that the pendulum is moved by small muscle
movements in your hand. Merely hold the pendulum dangling from a hand that is
strapped to a chair arm and see if it will move. It might move some, but not much.

Exercise 5. The pendulum can also count. Hold the pendulum so that it will strike the
side of an object or a wall after a short, but not too short, swing. Think of a number and
expect the pendulum to count it. The pendulum will strike the number of times that you

Exercise 6. Ask the pendulum to tell you what time it is. the pendulum will strike the
number of the hour and if you are near the half, it will make a lesser strike.

Now you may well be wondering what possible use this is for the pendulum. After all, it is
a simple matter to look at a clock to find out the time. But can a clock make predictions?
The pendulum can.

Let us say that you have called the dishwasher repairman and you have an idea of what
day he is supposed to arrive, but, as is the custom with that particular breed, the exact
time, or even the exact hour, is a mystery. Now you would like to get a few things done
around the house without having to worry that you will miss the doorbell. By asking the
pendulum to tell you when he is due, you can stop worrying. Of course, you must
remember that the pendulum will only tell you when he is likely to come at the time you
make the test. If the appointed time comes and goes, ask again. Circumstances do
change the accuracy of such predictions and thus you must expect a higher error rate
than in normal work.

Exercise 7: You will need your partner for this exercise. Have him make up a list of
numbers from one to ten. Now comes the hard part, well, not really. All you have to do is
as the pendulum to tell you what the number is and then move the pendulum down the list
until it swings over a number. Ideally it will be the number that your partner picked and if it
is not, try again until you get it right. Seriously, practice will improve your score. It may be
a good idea to have your partner write the number down on a piece of paper and cover it
so that he cannot later claim that he was thinking of a different number.

Exercise 8. Repeat the procedure for the last exercise, only this time have your partner
make a list of names of people you both know and think of one of them. Again, move the
pendulum down the list until you get a swing over the name.

Repeat the above exercises a number of times so that you can get some idea of your

Exercise 9: One of the most important things a pendulum can do for you is help you find
lost objects. Have your partner take something and hide it in another room. Go into the
room and ask the pendulum to point to where it is. Now, at this point you will discover
something. The pendulum swings in two directions, doesn't it? So the object could be
anywhere along the line of the pendulum swing. Well, there is a simple solution for this.
When you go into the room, do not simply stand in the center and ask the pendulum, but
rather stand at the door. Now ask the pendulum where the object is and note the direction
of the swing. After you have done that, move to a corner and ask again. Where the lines
of the two swings intersect, that should be the hiding place of the object.

Exercise 10: Radionics is a branch of psionics which is often concerned with manipulating
the energy fields around the body. These fields work at different frequencies and extend
for varying distances out from the body depending on a number of factors ranging from
the physical health of the person to the intensity of thought the person is experiencing.
The pendulum can map these fields.

Now some writers go into great detail about each field level and what it means, but the
matter is by no means that complicated. All you need to know are a few basic facts.

The field closest to the physical body is called the Etheric Body or Etheric Field. It is the
primary building pattern for the state of the physical body and everything that occurs in the
physical body first appears at some stage in the etheric, with the exception of changes in
the external environment. If a safe falls out of a window and squishes the person walking
below, that will not have shown up in the etheric body.

The aura comes next. That is a slightly finer version of the etheric level and is considered
as a separate field in psionics because it makes analysis easier.

Spreading a little farther out is what we call the astral body. Now here is where the terms
get confusing. Most writers call all the fields the astral, but we will use it in a more detailed
way to indicate that level at which the emotional make-up of the person is resident. Every
emotion that the subject of a psionic analysis feels is first here and every emotion that is
felt leaves a trace at this level.

the next, and the last level that can studied by psionics no matter what anyone says, is the
mental level. The reason psionics cannot study any of the levels beyond this is that the
level following the mental is the intuitive and that is the level that psionic functioning
comes from. As it cannot analyze or manipulate itself, the mental level is the final one that
psionics can work with. It is more than enough.

The mental level does not, in and of itself contain the individual thoughts of the person.
As long as the person is in his physical body, the thought process, and particularly the
memory, are resident in the physical brain and it is only after death, when the cord
attaching the various bodies to the physical one is severed, that these are dumped into
the mental level. That is why when a person is dying they are said to see their entire life
flash before them. This is not, as some have said in their ignorance, the beginning of
some cosmic justice, but rather the experience of the process of transfer between the
physical brain and the mental body. During life, the mental level, or body, contains
patterns that are the basis for thought, the essential programming if you will, that the
physical brain uses in addition to its tera-k's of memory.

With this knowledge in mind, you are going to measure the extent of each field around
your partner.

Instruct your partner to lay down in the center of the room. Now ask the pendulum to trace
the extent of the etheric level. Move the pendulum slowly away from your partner until you
get a swing. Mark the spot and then repeat the process at different places around him
until you have a number of marks around the person.

Repeat the procedure with the aura.

When that is marked, again repeat the procedure with the astral body. By now you should
be getting some distance from your partner and you may have bit of difficulty finding room
to do the mental level.

But the important thing to remember from doing this is that your partner is reasonably
relaxed while you are doing it, albeit feeling a little foolish. If he were to be excited, the
astral level would be much bigger.

Exercise 11. Now it is time for you to learn how to use the stick pad, so first you have to
get one.

Actually, a stick pad is one of the easiest things for anyone to acquire. They are all
around us, usually as lids on coffee cans or cans of cat food. The plastic in these lids
seems to have been made with this extra use in mind and one cannot help but wonder if
the makers of these items had the concept of psionics in the backs of their heads. Yes, I
know that that is extremely unlikely, but it is a nice thought.

Once you have your pad, you must learn to use it. Unlike the pendulum, the stick pad can
only give two answers, yes and no. Yes is a stick and no is a lack of one. Simple, right.

There is only one small problem for those who have never done this and that problem is
that it is impossible to describe the phenomena of the stick, so I will simply give you the
basic procedure to work with and let you take it from there.

Lay the plastic circle (which is how they usually come, though I have one in the form of a
square) on the table in front of you. Now, hold the circle down with your left hand by
gently, but firmly grasping it along the edge. You do not want you hand on the top of the
lid, that is for rubbing. As you do this, hold a question in your mind that you know the
answer to be yes, such as "Is two plus two four?" While holding that question, gently rub
your right thumb over the top of the lid. After a couple of rubs, you should get the
phenomena known as a "stick". This may take a number of forms, but usually the thumb
simply stops, like the plastic has reached up and grabbed it. It may also be more subtle,
as a distinct change in feeling as you rub. It not always the same for different people, so
you have to learn for yourself what it feels like. I can, however, assure you, that you will
have no trouble recognizing it when it does happen.

Exercise 12. Now that you know how to get a stick on the plate, it is time to learn how it
works for you. Some people have various responses to time and climate with regard to
their ability to make the pad work. In my case, for example, I have little trouble with time
or direction or even weather, but the two equinoxes drive my ability to use the stick pad
out the window and I have to use a pendulum on those two days of the year whether I
want to or not.

That being the case, you must make a point of working the stick pad facing north, south,
east and west. See if facing any of those directions makes a difference in your ability to
get a stick on the pad.

Repeat this when the weather is both dry and wet.

Make a note of the results each time you operate the pad and you will be able to
determine what conditions are best for you to work under. Also be sure to try the pad in
different rooms of your home. Anything which may make a difference in your abilities
should be tested and noted. Remember, these factors change with each individual, so it
is impossible for me to give you any hint of what will affect you.

Exercise 13. Have your partner make a list of objects, only one of which he has in his
pocket. Using the stick pad, go down the list until you find out which object he is holding.

Repeat this as often as possible.

Exercise 14. This is a good training exercise to prepare you for using radionic equipment.
Take a radio and put masking tape over the dial so that you cannot read which station it is
tuned to.

Have your partner detune the radio, so that you will have no idea where the dial is set.

With the radio off, turn the tuner while using the stick pad, asking it to give you a stick
when you hit the station you are looking for. When you get the stick, turn the radio on and
see if you have hit the target.

Repeat this exercise often. It also can be good party game and a hell of a way to recruit
people into psionics, because once they realize what they can do, they cannot help but
want to do more.

Exercise 15. For this exercise you will need two sheets of graph paper.

You are probably familiar with the game, Battleship, where you try to hit the opponents
ships by hitting grid squares. This is a psychic version of that.

First, number the top and side grids of both sheets. Have your partner mark a square and
then, using the stick pad go along the top row of numbers until you get a stick. Repeat
this with the side numbers. See if you hit the target square.

Exercise 16. Most people do not think of a Ouija Board as a dowsing instrument. Well,
they're wrong. The Ouija Board is a device designed for the purpose of dowsing words
and numbers, exactly like the letter and number chart in the gadget book.

So, since anyone can work a Ouija Board, you are going to play with the chart for a while.

Think of a person you know. Hold the image of that person in your mind and ask the
pendulum to spell out his name. The purpose of this is to get you used to having the
pendulum work in this way.

Repeat this exercise by thinking of a number of different people.

Exercise 16. Now that you know the pendulum can spell, Hold the image of a friend in
your mind. As you do that, ask the pendulum to spell out what that person is doing at the

The next time you see that person, try to find out what he was up to while you were
working the pendulum. See how accurate your reading was.

Repeat this experiment a number of times. In later lessons, when we add the rest of the
psionic instruments, you will discover that you can find out just about anything about

Exercise 17. Be imaginative. While holding the image of a friend in mind, start asking
questions about his past. Assuming the information that you get is not too embarrassing
to him, ask him about the results you received. Again, try to find out how accurate you

Exercise 18. Have your partner think of a number. Hold the pendulum over the chart and
ask it to point out the number that your partner is thinking of.

Repeat this experiment.

Exercise 19. Have your partner give you a series of numbers to add together. Without
doing the addition, ask the pendulum to tell you the sum. After recording the answer from
the pendulum, do the addition yourself in the normal way, with a pocket calculator.

Repeat this experiment until you can accurately do mathematical problems by means of
the pendulum alone.

At this point I recommend that you construct the Main Board from the pattern book.

Exercise 20. Radionics is nothing more than a complicated branch of dowsing which can
give a very accurate reading to the operator. It also allows the operator, by manipulating
the information received to affect the people and events around him. But more about that
in a later lesson.

The chapter in the pattern book gives you the absolute basics on radionics, so here you
will begin to work at taking a rate, setting color and measuring strength.

We will begin by taking a rate. Acquire a witness sample of a friend. This can be either a
photograph or a signature. Many operators in the field like to work with hair and blood
samples but it is not likely that you will be able to obtain these in your real work, so it is
best to learn without bothering with them.

Place the witness of your friend on the witness plate of the board. With the stick pad on
the other plate, ask for the contact rate for your friend. Begin with the dial farthest to the
left and as you gently stroke the stick pad, turn the dial from 0 towards 10. When you get
the stick, stop.

Repeat this with the other four rate dials until you have a rate for your friend.

Exercise 21. Once you have a rate for your friend, you may ask the board to tell you what
color is dominant in his aura at the moment. Begin with the color dial set anywhere you
wish and turn it to one color after another until you get a stick. This is the color which is
dominant at the time you are taking the reading. You must always be aware that these
colors are in continuous flux and the readings will never be exactly the same.

Exercise 22. Now take the sweep dial and ask what percentage of the aura is the color
that has been selected. Again, stop when you have a stick.

Exercise 23. In case you were wondering why I broke that operation, which would
normally be done in one exercise down into three, I have discovered that people who are
just starting with radionics have to get used to things in stages, so rather than give you
three operations at one time, I gave you a little time to get used to each one.

Anyway, you will need your partner again. With all the dials on the board set to 0, have
him think of a number with up to five digits. Once he has the number in mind, have him
write it down and cover the paper.

Using the stick pad, turn the dials until you have a stick at each digit in the number. After
you have finished, check to see what he had written.

Repeat this exercise as often as you need to increase your score.

Exercise 24. Have your partner think of a number between 0 and 100. Turn the sweep
dial until you get a stick. Check for accuracy and repeat this exercise to build up your skill.

Exercise 25. Have your partner think of a color, or have him look at a piece of colored
paper. Using the color dial, find out what color he is thinking of. Again, repeat this

Exercise 26. Repeat the above three exercises with your friend talking to you over the

In most of your dowsing work, you will probably not have time to make elaborate
preparations. If you are at work, for example, you will not likely to have time to set up a
radionic set or do any sort of meditating, though if you absolutely must meditate, it is a
simple matter to go to the bathroom. No one ever questions that. When you work alone,
however, that is a different matter.

Go through this lesson and pick out the exercises that can be done without the aid of a
partner. Once you have done that, attempt them with and without a period of meditation
(and that need not be long) as well as trying them both clothed and nude. Make notes as
to any changes in results you may get. Be certain to incorporate the information that you
gather from this work into you standard operations as much as possible. Remember that
everyone is different and I cannot tell you which methods will work better than others. You
must learn that for yourself.

Anyway, I think that this lesson should give you more than enough to work on for a bit. In
the next lesson it will be on to thoughtforms and you will begin the heavy work of Psionic


Well class, now we get to the real meat of psionics as magick. The last three lessons
were nothing but the groundwork, the things that you need to know in order to function in
this area, but now you will learn how to manipulate the energies of the universe itself and
make things change not merely in conformity with will, but, much more important, change
in conformity with your will.

In order to accomplish this, you will ultimately need to understand and use a number of
tools, but the most basic one is the thoughtform, which has the advantage of needing only
your mind to make and put into service. In fact, your mind is continuously making
thoughtforms whether you want it to or not. Every time you think strongly about
something, you put out a beam of energy which gathers more energy to itself and
ultimately creates a thoughtform corresponding to what you put into the thought itself.

And you will have the advantage of reading this in the comfort of your own home, unlike
your somewhat embarrassed teacher. (That was what my teacher and I were discussing
when his wife walked in as I related in the first lesson of this course.)

There will not be as many exercises in this lesson because once you have the theory
down, it is really very simple to make and use the thoughtform.

Now these thoughtforms have a life span which is determined by a number of factors and
most of them only last for a very short time. In fact, if you were to imagine each
thoughtform as a light bulb floating around you would see that most of them glow very
briefly and flicker out, while some would last longer, burning dimmer only gradually and a
very few would keep burning with the same brightness that they started with.

So the first thing that you have to remember about thoughtforms is that they last only so
long as the energy in them can hold them together. As soon as that energy is dissipated,
the thoughtform will collapse.

All thoughtforms that last, and thus are able to do work for you, have the following

A: They have a well defined shape. The shape does not have to be very complicated, a
simple sphere will do, but it must be clear. For example, a number older writers on the
subject of psychic development taught that if you wanted to send a message to another
person, you should first visualize a tube extending from your mouth to that person's ear.
This, of course, was a thoughtform designed specifically for the purpose of communication
and it does work rather well. Try it.

It is actually a good idea to think about different shapes and what purpose they serve in
the normal order of things. This way you will be able to prepare your thoughtforms much

B: They have a well defined function. You must never forget that thoughtforms have an
intelligence that is rudimentary at best and thus cannot be expected to carry out a great
number of different tasks. The only exception to this rule are the huge thoughtforms that
are part of religious belief, taking the form of various gods.

C: They have names. A short-term thoughtform does not need to be named, but any
thoughtform that you create and intend to keep around for a while certainly does. The
name that you choose to give the thoughtform should relate in some way to the function of
the thoughtform.

A thoughtform, whether it be of very short, or nearly permanent duration, is made up of the
same basic stuff that permeates the entire cosmos. It forms a clump of energy that is
programmable and can be used by the studious magician to create all manner of
interesting phenomena. In my book, Psionic Power, I posited the concept of the Psion, a
sub, sub, sub-atomic particle that is the basis of all matter. This particle is created when
the energy of the universe, called etheric energy by some but in fact it has as many
names as those who have written on it, becomes interfered with. Once that occurs, the
clumping that results creates the Psion. Each Psion has polarity and it takes two Psions
to make the most rudimentary form. Each time a Psion is added to the form, it unbalances
the polarity and creates an instability. Furthermore, each group of Psions contains other
pieces of information which interfere with the stability of the form. For that reason it is
important, actually necessary, to realize that all thoughtforms, no matter how coherent or
powerful, are inherently unstable and will come apart eventually, though in the case of
Gods, they may take a very long time, in human terms at least, to do it.

For that reason, individuals working alone can create far more effective thoughtforms than
those who work with groups and that fact comes as a surprise to many who have been led
to believe that many people concentrating on the same thing can increase the power of
their work.

Sorry, it just does not happen that way. Yes, groups can work to accomplish the same
end, but they must either work as separate individuals or feed energy into one person who
then creates the thoughtform. In fact, it is quite possible for a disaster to result when a
group of people try to create a thoughtform.

So now I get to tell you one of my favorite stories. Once upon a time I was leading a
group that was meeting in the library of the Theosophical Society headquarters in
Wheaton, Illinois. I had the misfortune to have a couple of sceptics in the group who did
not believe that anything could be created by the mind alone, so I had them do a little

I set a piece of paper down in the center of the circle of chairs and instructed everyone to
see a blue sphere over the paper and just keep putting energy into the sphere, knowing
that the instability of the energy would result in some phenomena, though it was
impossible to predict what.

They did as they were told and as the experiment progressed I realized that this could be
a real disaster as there were some rather valuable items in that room and any one of them
could have been shattered. It has been known to happen.

Well, It was too late to stop, so I gritted my teeth and waited for the explosion.

In a matter of minutes, my expectations were realized, though not quite as badly as I
feared. For the unstable thoughtform reached a point where it was almost clearly visible
to the ordinary eye and then blew up as its basic instability caused it to reach critical

Instantly, an electric shock ran around the circle and everyone jumped in turn, which
caused almost as much laughter as puzzlement.

So do not expect to just create a thoughtform and then have it last forever without a little
feeding and maintainence every now and then.

One other thing. A thoughtform should always be made for a concrete purpose, such as
keeping the local police from giving your car a parking ticket. Abstract principles never
make good thoughtforms.

Exercise 1. Go back to lesson 2 and look again at the last two exercises in that lesson.
They were about the making of thoughtforms and thus for this exercise you should repeat
those. Assuming that you are working alone, it is best to work nude. Begin with a period
of meditation and then proceed with the visualizations necessary to create and charge the

Remember, when creating a thoughtform it is important to decide first what you want the
thoughtform to achieve, then decide on the form it should have, the color, the name and
the ultimate duration.

For each thoughtform you create, you should have a worksheet that will look like the






Exercise 2: Using the worksheet, set up the type of thoughtform you will use to protect
your car from traffic cops. Now do not forget that you do not want your car to be invisible
to them, because if it works you may find yourself being rammed by one as he chases
somebody else. All you will want is to keep the infernal nuisances out of your way and if
he should get broadsided by a speeding cement truck in the process it is no great loss.

Follow the procedure on the sheet. Write down everything pertinent concerning the
thoughtform. For example, this is to be a protective thoughtform, so you would choose a
protective shape, such as shield. Write that on the sheet and then decide on the name, let
us say, Fuzzguard. After that pick a color, preferably a strong one like red or blue and
after that how long you intend the thoughtform to last, in this case forever. Record
everything. This way you will have a record of the thoughtform and everything you need
in order to recharge it.

Once you have done this, create the thoughtform and imagine it in place over your car,
there to remain as long as you own it.

Exercise 3: Create a thoughtform which will give you continuing prosperity. And do not
object that the thoughtform is superfluous because you are prosperous now. Money is
like breathe and pizza. It something no one can possibly have too much of. And you
should remember that sudden reverses can hit anyone, so you should always be prepared
to remove them before they hit you.

Again, use the worksheet to decide the parts of the thoughtform before you make it. Like
the one protecting your driving record, this thoughtform is going to last for some time, so
you should give a big charge and then make it a point to recharge it at least once a week.
It is a good idea to pick a day for recharging the thoughtforms and mark that day on the
calendar. Then you will never forget. More on this in a later exercise.

Exercise 4: Make a list of everything that you think a thoughtform will be of use to you in.
Once you have done that, create a thoughtform to cover each individual item on the list.

These four exercises will take you a few days to accomplish and after you have completed
them it will be time for you to consider the use that the very large, preexistent
thoughtforms that hover over us might be put. These thoughtforms are the various ideas
of the gods and goddesses of all of the worlds religions.

Consider this. For two thousand years the Christians, much as we dislike them, have
been praying to their god and in doing so creating a thoughtform and energizing it. This
thoughtform is nothing more than a vast power source which you may tap into whenever
you want. The same is true of any other deity which has held sway for any length of time.
Even those that have lost most of their followers still, by virtue of the thought put into them
over the time they were in power, have a tremendous amount of free energy for you to
draw upon.

And, at this moment, I can hear you raise an objection. You are wondering if for some
reason the principal of ultimate instability has been overturned in the favor of these

Well, the answer is no, it has not been overturned. It has merely been significantly
delayed by the fact that religions, by their tendency to personalize the divine, have created
a huge coherence for the deity in question. Even the concept of Allah, which is supposed
to be without an image, has taken an unconscious form in the mind of the good Moslem
and thus has attained coherence.

The Christian god, complete with long white beard and robe, is, of course, a very easy one
to use because his image has been forever solidified by the work of Michealangelo.

Now as we go on to later lessons, these thoughtforms will become of even greater use to
you because you will have the advantage of the radionic equipment to work with,
combined with the patterns which correspond to the gods you will be using. But for the
purposes of this lesson, we will not be needing that.

Exercise 5: Make a trip to the local public library and begin looking at books on
mythology. Remember that every god mentioned in those books still has a vast amount of
energy available, even if his worship is no longer practiced. Study these deities well,
learning their various qualities and what they were expected to do or not do for their
worshipers. Do not make the mistake of ignoring their negative qualities as well. The
Aztec deities are interesting, but they required human sacrifices (which can create some
problems in using their energy) and, let us not forget, the Aztecs lost, not only badly, but
embarrassingly, to a force greatly inferior to their own. Try to stick with the gods of

Once you have pretty good idea what forces are out there available to you, make a list of
the gods who seem to be of most use to you. This will become your personal pantheon,
your collection of power batteries which you will be able to use in your work. Go back to
the library and photocopy any pictures of paintings or sculptures of those gods that you
can find. In the case of the Norse gods, comic books make a very good source. These
pictures are not witness samples in the normal sense, as they only serve as a means of
putting your own mind in touch with the energies, rather than directly linking you.

With regard to gods, it is most important to remember that the technomage does not
worship, he uses. A deity, to the technomage is nothing more than a bundle of energy like
everything else and thus can be used and controlled like anything else. Where the good,
orthodox, Christian will take an attitude of reverence toward old Jehovah and approach
him with fear and supplication, the good technomage will set up his instrument to the rate
for the energy of Old Jehovah and draw upon that energy to serve his own ends. To the
believer, what we do is utter blasphemy and thus we should not be surprised if the
orthodox of any belief system dislike us, not that we are likely to lose any sleep over this.

Exercise 6: Pick the first god on your list. Study this deity carefully and decide what you
would like to gain from the energy of this god. Now meditate on the deity.

Hold the image and name of the deity in your mind and visualize the energy from the deity
coming into you and filling you. As you do this, bear the thought firmly in mind that it is
you who are in control of this energy, not the energy in control of you. This is extremely
important because while the energies I imagine you to be drawing on at this point are
beneficial, the time will come in your work where you will draw from energy sources which
have a strong malefic power as well. It is also good to remember that even the most
beneficent deity has a dark side and thus you must be the one who will determine how this
energy will manifest itself in your life.

This controlling aspect of the technique is what separates it from the usual form of
magickal invocation, where the magician invokes the power of the deity and takes
whatever comes to him, and hopes that it does not accidentally burn his house down
around his ears.

Repeat this meditation every day for at least a week, longer if necessary, until you begin
to see definite results in your life. You should not expect anything to happen after just one
meditation, but you should not wait longer than one month either.

Exercise 7: Repeat the above exercise with every god on your list. This will give you a
mental contact with the entire group that you may renew at any time you have need of the
energy. It's sort of like putting gods in the bank.

Exercise 8: Now that you are used to working with the idea of gods as nothing but energy
batteries, you can set about to create your own.

And at this point I can see some of my readers shake their heads or get a strange, wistful
look as they vaguely remember something in a very funny de Mille movie about a group of
drunken nomads trying that and getting Charleton Heston and the special effects unit very
upset with them.

Well, yes, it is possible to create a god.

Some years ago a group of experimenters in Toronto (yes, they have experimenters in
Canada who study other things than making the perfect hockey puck) sat down to hold a
seance, the only difference is that they created the spirit with their own imaginations.

Essentially, the group decided that their spirit should be the ghost of an English Civil War
cavalier (royalist) to whom they gave the name Phillip (why they did not name him Charles
is beyond me). They wrote a relatively detailed, and somewhat romanticized, biography of
him. One member of the group even went so far as to paint his portrait. But the important
thing to remember in all this is that there never was such a person.

Anyway, they sat down to hold their seances and, to everyone's surprise, the group began
to get answers to their questions by the usual spiritualist means, such as raps on the table
and the table tipping. But that was not all, the created spirit took on a rather spirited
existence of its own and one time when a member of the group managed to offend it,
literally threw the table across the room. You can imagine the effect that that had on the
sitters. If I had been there, there would have been no need of a door, I would have made
my own as I went through the wall screaming "Feets don't fail me now!"

In case you are interested in pursuing this case further, it was the subject of a book
entitled Conjuring Up Phillip, or in other editions, The Imaginary Ghost.

Which gets us back to the dreadful movie, which climaxes after Moses, having gone up
the mountain with a headache comes back with two tablets and a prescription. The movie
Israelites are capering around the Golden Calf and Moses, who still has his headache,
causes the ground to open up under them and swallow them up, thus sparing them the
pain of having to read the reviews.

But seriously, when I was little kid in Sunday school, in the benighted days before Flash
Gordon freed me from such drudgery, I was told the biblical story, without the bad acting,
and I was a bit puzzled. No, actually I was quite confused. Now I had to admit that the
people of the Old Testament seemed to have been pretty damned stupid to wander for
forty years around a strip of land that they could have crossed in a month if only they
moved in a straight line and the thought that one could create a working god by casting it
in gold, in the shape of a moo cow no less, was preposterous. Obviously these were low
grade idiots and nothing they had to say then or in the future could possibly be of any use.

Well, I was probably right about that, but the idea of making the god was not as weird as it
may sound.

Think about it. Every god that the human mind in its fevered imagination has conceived
has been created by somebody. Some poor nut case had to sit down and think of what
this god was like, what he had to do and how he expected to be paid for his services, for
in the matter of the divine there was not supposed to be such a thing as a free lunch.

(By the way, if by now you are getting the idea that I don't have a lot of use for religion,
any religion, you're right!)

And that fact being the case, combined with the Toronto experiment, leads to the obvious
implication. Gods can be made as they are needed. And if that idea doesn't send the
orthodox of any religion up the wall and over the battlements I don't know what will.

So the first thing you have to do is decide what you need this god for. It should be
something that is beyond the work of an ordinary thoughtform. After all, a god is a being
of some complexity and has both a good and an evil side. Even Allah, the Compassionate
and Merciful, created insects and Shiites.

After you have some idea of the function of the deity, you should begin to create its
mythology. Was it originally a human (or non-human) that got deified? Was it always a
god? What various god things does it do. How does it expect to be paid for its services,
with gestures of worship, or with certain prayers.

Some people working with this have even gone so far as to expect their god to desire
sacrifices of various types, but that is not a very good idea because the neighbors may
start to wonder where their children are disappearing to.

What you are doing in effect is creating an artificial personality, which is, after all, all that
gods really are. Once you have done that, you have come up with an idea of how this god
is supposed to look. Now that is not as difficult as it may seem. All that you have to do is
go the local toy store and find an action figure or doll that fits the type of god you are
creating. This will be the icon of the god, the idol if you will and it will remind you of what
the god is like. Do not forget that when you worship the god, you are not worshipping the
figure, but rather the energy field that you are creating.

Behold Cthulhu!

And on this matter of worship you have to do a bit of Orwellian doublethink, kind of like a
politically correct neo-nazi claiming that she really is against censorship. On the one
hand, this god is your creation. You made it and it would not exist without you and the
energy that you put into it. On the other hand, because it is a god, you have to go through
the motions of worshipping it even though you know that it is actually you that it should be
worshipping as its creator. But gods tend to be a bit touchy about that sort of thing, so you
must go through the actions that you have prescribed.

When you perform the act of worship, you are putting energy into the god-form that you
have created. You are bringing the image of the god into mind, energizing its personality
and making it powerful. It is for this reason that gods are the most powerful and effective
of thoughtforms.

At this point I hope you have realized something that is very important. If you can create a
god out of virtually nothing, and let us be honest, for all practical purposes that is what you
have just done, then you should be able to realize how stupid a thing religion is. By the
study of psionics, you should be able to rid yourself once and for all of the idea of divinity
as something worthy of respect. A god, any god up to and including great Jehovah
himself, is nothing more than a clump of energy and to worship, to reverence in any way
such a clump makes about as much sense as worshipping a light bulb. Man was not
made to serve god. God was made to serve man.

Likewise, you should at this point be free of any notion of fearing divine wrath or
judgement. If you should come across a god who is likely to inflict such things upon you,
simply create a more powerful god to wipe the floor with his face.

And as long as we have broached the subject of judgement, this is as good a time as any
to get rid of the idea of Karma. Now, for those of you fortunate enough to have read my
book Psionic Combat, and if you have not I highly reccommend it, know that I have little
use for the concept of Karma. To put it mildly, I consider it nothing more than a psuedo-
spiritual fraud designed to keep the masses under control and make the Brahmins rich.
But I also recognize that some of my students are so unfortunate that they have learned to
believe in the idea of Karma with such force that if they do something that they have
taught as small children that they should not do, their own subconscious will create a
thoughtform which will bring trouble upon them.

Fortunately, it is possible to create a thoughtform which will neutralize the effect of Karma,
simply by designing and charging it. Once this is done, the student will need not fear the
idea again, because any energies which it may energize will simply be blasted out of
existence. Or, if you feel really nasty, create a thoughtform which will transfer the
negative consequences of any action (even if in most cases there are no such
consequences) to the neighbors and watch the fun.

Exercise 9: Now that you have created a number of thoughtforms and your own, personal
deity, you have to be able to get back in touch with them. The god-form is very simple.
The act of worship is sufficient. But the thoughtforms take a bit of work, but not too much
provided you keep good records.

When you have need of a thoughtform, go to your file and pull the record sheet on it.
Visualize the thoughtform and see the energy of the universe flowing into it, filling it like a
bottle, charging it to the point of glowing. Remind the thoughtform of its purpose and then
set it to work.

Exercise 10: When all of your thoughtforms have been made and charged, take your
pendulum and the numerical part of the word chart and ask the pendulum to tell you the
strength of each thoughtform as measured on a scale of 0 to 100, 0 being non existent
and 100 being the most powerful it can possibly be. Make a notation for each thoughtform
and use this as a guide to how often you must charge the thoughtforms. As each
thoughtform will discharge at a different rate, test them regularly without extra charging to
see how fast they discharge. Once you know this, you can create a schedule on the
calendar to tell you what days each thoughtform should be charged, so that, for example,
you will look at the calendar on May 31 and see that your antitheft thoughtform needs its
weekly boost and the money bringer could use a shot as well. This will relieve you of
having to charge each thoughtform every day, which can be real drudgery and yet make
certain that none of them loose their power.

Well, now you know enough about thoughtforms to make your own, so get working
because in a couple of lessons I will teach you how to make them even more powerful.
This is just the beginning.


Okay class, now we get to the fun stuff. This is the lesson in which I get to tell you how to
make all of the equipment that you will need to be a good technomage. So, if you have
not already done so, and you should have while you were working on the second lesson,
get a copy of The Psionic Magician's Gadget Pattern Book. This pattern book is not the
total sum of all the equipment that you can make, but, with the addition of a few things I
will mention in this lesson, it will give you most of the equipment that you will use and you
can function very well with just the gadgets and patterns from that book. It is, as the
advertisement says, a complete set of laboratory instruments.

And once you have mastered these instruments, you can accomplish just about
everything a master of ceremonial magick can and do it with a lot less effort, which means
that when the time comes for you to add ritual to your work, you will be that much more
powerful. in fact, it is not reaching very far to say that when you hook yourself into a
psionic device you are coming close to that next stage of human evolution, the Cyborg,
only that in this case you are not so much gaining physical skills, but psychic ones.

Exercise 1: Build everything in the gadget book.

Sorry about that. But the sooner you have everything done the better and as you will be
using radionic equipment from here on in, it is best that you take care of the construction
immediately, if you have not already done so.

Exercise 2: Go back to the notes that you have taken from the exercises in the first three
lessons. What limits appeared in your functioning in those lessons? Did you work better
clothed or nude? Did the direction that you faced make any difference? These things do
matter and you should make a point of knowing as much about yourself as possible.
Careful study now can save you a whole lot of trouble later.

Exercise 3: We will begin with the main board. This instrument is capable of boosting
your psychic reception, analyzing the information that comes in and targeting you
sendings. Begin with analysis.

a: Take the photograph of a someone you know and place that picture on the foil plate
farthest to the left. Set all of the dials to 0 and the chakra dial to Base. Set the color dial
to white.

b: Now take a rate on the five dials at the bottom as you did in lesson 3. This will be the
rate for the base chakra of your friend.

c: Once you have that rate, take a rate on the sweep dial, asking it to tell you the
percentage of efficiency of the functioning of that particular chakra.

d: Now take a piece of paper and write on it the chakra and the number from the sweep

e: Leave the color dial on red and set the chakra dial for the pelvic chakra. Reset all the
dials to 0 and take a rate for this chakra. Once you have done that, repeat the procedure
with the sweep dial.

f: Record that reading and repeat the process until you have covered all the chakras.
You will set the color dial at orange for the spleen chakra, yellow for the solar plexus
chakra, green for the heart chakra, blue for the throat chakra, indigo for the brow chakra
and violet for the crown chakra.

The pattern book will explain to you the functions of the various chakras as we deal with
them and the efficiency of the particular chakra you are studying will tell you how well that
system is working. This reading will also tell you something about the physical condition
of the person, but for that, I suggest that you read the works of people who specialize in
radionic healing, which is just enough out of my territory that I do not wish to go into detail
about it in this course.

Exercise 4. In this exercise you will measure the strength of the aura around the person.

a: Place the witness of your friend on the left hand plate and set the stick pad on the right.

b: Hold the concept of the aura, which is the layer of energy that is seen as touching the
physical body, clearly in mind.

c: Take a rate on the five dials at the bottom of the board.

d: Using the sweep dial, ask it to tell you how strong the aura is of the person, with 0
meaning no strength at all, in which case the subject is dead and you are wasting your
time, to 100, which is the theoretical maximum possible for the person and is somewhat
unlikely, though no not impossible to get.

Record your results for the subject and repeat the experiment daily for the period of a
week to see what fluctuations you can discover. If possible, try to observe the person
each day as you carry out this experiment and try to discover if the changes in auric
strength are reflected in the subjects behavior, thoughts, etc. Record all of your findings.

Exercise 5. The next step is to measure the strength of the etheric body. This is the level
which comes just after the aura and extends a little farther out. For those of you not
familiar with my other writings on Psionics, the etheric body contains the building pattern
for the physical body and everything which manifests in the physical body, including
electrical activity in the brain (thoughts) appears first in the etheric level.

a: Again, place the witness sample on the left plate.

b: Meditate for a short time (a couple of minutes should do) and visualize the etheric body
of the subject.

c: While holding the idea of the etheric body in mind, set the rate on the five bottom dials.

d: Again, use the sweep dial to determine the strength of the etheric body of the subject.

When observing the subject, try to watch for things which will indicate the state of the
person's health. Usually, the stronger the reading on the etheric body, the healthier the
person is.

As always, be careful make complete records of all your results.

Exercise 6: Now it is time to measure what is sometimes called the astral level, or
emotional level. The use of the term "astral" for this level of the person can create some
confusion as the term "astral body" is usually used to cover all of the non-physical aspects
of the person and is often used interchangeably with the term "soul". For our purposes,
we will use the old meaning and this is the level which is the origination point for emotional
patterns in the individual. Now you have to be careful with this level, at least in studying it,
because the separate emotional responses to different situations, while they are reflected
at this level, come mostly from information processed by the physical brain, in
conjunctions with the different levels. Hence you can have a piece of information come
into the physical brain through the eyes, such as a bill for $30,000 which only should have
been for $30.00 and this will immediately set off a whole chain of reactions in each level of
the body. But most of the time, what is present in the astral level is the pattern which
controls the emotional response of the individual, the central program if you will, from
which all others come.

A and B are the same as in the previous exercises.

c: When you meditate on the astral body of the subject, be very careful not to be
judgmental about the emotional state of the subject. You want as objective a reading on
the state of the body as possible.

d: Take the rate and measure with the sweep dial as before. In this case, try to take a
reading while the subject is calm and while the subject is animated over some disaster.
Compare the readings. The more upset the subject is, usually the higher will be the
reading on the strength of that level. It was for this reason that older writers contended
that the emotional level had a life of its own and would try to take complete control of the
individual if the emotions were not kept under tight control. Victorian garbage, of course,
but there is a relationship between the ability to think clearly and the strength of the
emotional level.

Exercise 7: Now we come to the final level that we can measure with psionics, the mental
level. As I explained before, there are two levels beyond this but we use the intuitive level
to operate the equipment and a level cannot measure itself or any level beyond it.

The mental level is like the emotional level in that it rarely directly influences the behavior
of the individual. While the physical body is alive, it acts as a place for the storage of the
basic programming of the individual, leaving the actual day-to-day work of thinking to the
physical brain. When the physical body dies, all of the information stored in the brain is
dumped into the mental level and that accounts for the phenomena of people who are
close to death seeing their entire life pass before them. In effect, they are watching that
transfer of information.

That being the case, what this exercise will do is allow you to measure the efficiency of the
mental level and get a picture of how mentally active the subject is.

a: Repeat all of the procedures as in the other exercises.

b: When you take a measurement on the sweep dial, remember that you are measuring
the level of activity at the moment. Repeat this exercise when the subject is at work and
asleep and note the differences in result.

Exercise 8: For this exercise, you will need the main board, the headband and connecting
wire as well as your tape recorder.

a: Set up your main board for a contact rate for the subject. This is done by simply taking
a rate on the bottom row of dials that will put you into telepathic contact with the individual.

b: Attach the headband to the board by clipping it to the right hand plate of the board.

c: Put on the headband. (That seems obvious enough, doesn't it.)

d: Put yourself into a receptive, relaxed state and observe your subject. As impressions
come in, speak them into the tape recorder. It is important to make no judgments about
what you see or feel. You are in a direct mental link with the subject and you can access
anything in his mind. Now at this point, if you are just beginning, what you will probably
get is a jumble of impressions. Do not try to sort them out at this point but merely record
everything. And do not worry about accuracy. That varies, even with the most
experienced operators and yours will improve with practice.

e: After you have finished, play the tape back and make a note of every significant
impression you mentioned. Make a list of those things which you feel can be verified and
then go and find out how well you did.

f: Repeat this experiment a number of times until you are good at it. It is one of the
principal skills that come with the use of psionics.

Exercise 9: You will need the main board, the headband and connector, the pendulum
and the yes or no chart as well as a tape recorder.

a: Select your subject and make out a list of questions that you would like to ask him. Be
sure to phrase the questions in such a manner that the answer will be either yes or not. A
politician works extremely well with this because every question that you ask can be about
something which he will have to act on in the very near future.

b: Take a contact rate for the subject on the main board and hook up your head band.

c: Put on the headband and set up the chart in front you.

d: Holding the pendulum over the chart, ask the first question from your list.

e: Record the reply and ask the second question, repeating the procedure until the list
has been exhausted.

Once you have completed this exercise be certain to watch the subject very carefully. If
he is politician, watch the news for any indications concerning the information that he gave

Incidentally, this is one of my favorite little methods of demonstrating psionic equipment to
an audience and the President has given a number of interviews that he has no
knowledge of.

Exercise 10: This exercise will be similar to the last one except that instead of the
ideometer, you will need the letter/number chart.

a: Make your list of questions. It is important in these experiments to have the questions
written down in advance. That way you will save yourself a lot of time while actually
hooked the machine. You will discover that the one drawback to the word and number
chart is that using it tends to make your arm tired. A simple solution to this is to invest in a
Ouija Board and we will cover the use of that in conjunction with this equipment shortly.

b: Repeat steps b-d from the previous exercise.

c: When receiving the reply with the word/number chart, you will have to be certain to
stop the pendulum after each letter has been pointed out. Doing this will allow the
pendulum to start the next letter with a clean swing instead of having to spin around until it
comes to the new letter. You will find that you use less time and thus the procedure will
be much easier on your arm.

Exercise 11: Now you will need your partner to give you some assistance. You will need
a witness of your partner, a small object, the head band, the main board and connector
wire, the pendulum and the word/number chart.

a: Instruct your partner to hide the object somewhere in the house.

b: Once that has been accomplished, set up the machine for a contact rate for your
partner and hook up the headband.

c: Once hooked into the system, ask the pendulum to spell out the location of the object.

d: Verify the answer. Repeat this exercise a number of times until you are able to find the
object with some reliability.

Exercise 12: If you have procured a Ouija Board, you may perform this exercise. If not,
go on to the next.

You start by examining the equipment.

From the beginning, this is a Ouija Board. You will notice that it is nothing more than a
piece of laminated wood with letters and numbers on it and a plastic pointer called a
planchette. It is used to spell out words and is much simpler to use than a pendulum chart
and, because it is less tiring, much more accurate.

In order to use it properly, you need two people, one who actually works the machine and
is called the operator, and a person to record what is being spelled out and ask the
questions. The reason for the second person will become obvious presently.

A Ouija Board is used for three things. To communicate with the subconscious of the
operator, to receive telepathic messages and information from living persons, and to
communicate with disembodied entities, both human and non-human.

In practice, the operator and the recorder decide in advance what purpose the board will
serve. If it is to be used to ask questions of someone, the questions must be decided
upon in advance and written down, so that the recorder can ask them in the proper order.

If a radionic hook-up is used, it is the operator who is hooked into the machines.

The recorder also is in charge of the tape recorder, which should be used during each
session with the board.

The operator is blindfolded and places his hands on the planchette. The recorder asks
the questions and the answers are written. The operator also records any impressions
that come to him while using the board.

The purpose of the blindfold is to make certain that the operator does not influence the
information being received.

Okay, so you figure out how this is done without too much trouble. You will need the
board, your main board and headband, a blindfold and your partner as well as a tape

a: Decide who it is you are going to interrogate and set up the main board for his contact
rate. In this experiment it is not necessary to have a prepared list of questions. In fact, it is
best that your partner ask the questions at this point.

b: Put on the blindfold and the headband and place your fingers on the planchette of the
Ouija Board.

c: Clear your mind as much as possible and place yourself in contact with the person
whom you will be interrogating.

d: At this point your partner may begin to ask questions of the person. He should speak
as if he were really asking the person whom you are accessing. As the board spells the
answers, your partner should speak them aloud so that they may be recorded on tape. It
is also wise for the partner to wait until a complete word has been spelled before
speaking, rather than try to say each letter individually. Some letters tend to sound like
different ones when the tape is played back.

e: As completely as possible, verify the information given.

Exercise 13: So much for words. Now it is time to work with vision. This exercise is to
train you in the art of remote viewing. For it you will need your partner, the main board
and the headband.

a: Send your partner on little trip, someplace where you do not know where he is.

b: Set up the main board for a contact rate for your partner.

c: Put on the headband and look out through the eyes of your partner, seeing what he

d: Record all of your impressions, particularly your visual ones.

e: Verify your results later with your partner. Repeat this exercise often, not only with
your partner, but with other people who will not know that you are using them as beacons.

Exercise 14: Now that we have more or less thoroughly covered the methods used in
receiving data, it is time to work with transmitting it. So if you have not already done so,
build the pyramid crystal amplifying board. And, while you are at it, you might as well
make the pyramid gun and the third eye headband.

a: Select the person whom you wish to transmit to. This may or may not be your partner.

b: Decide on the type of message. For this experiment, the classic command "call me!"
may be tried as it is quite simple and can be easily verified.

c: Place the witness sample of the target on the sample plate under the pyramid. Yes,
you have to lift up the pyramid to do it. (I know that sounds silly, but I can promise you that
if I did not include that I would get at least one letter from someone wondering how you
put the witness on the plate with the pyramid over it and my blood pressure is just not up
to that sort of thing.)

d: Take a contact rate for the target and replace the pyramid.

e: Hook up the headband to the connector and think the message.

f: Wait for verification.

Exercise 15: This is a fun one and you practice it on somebody that you do not
particularly like because the results can be spectacularly unpleasant.

a: Set up a contact rate for the target and hook up the headband.

b: Now it gets interesting. Think of something that will get you hopping mad. Try to
become so angry that if you had no other outlet for your fury you would smash the

c: Release the anger at the target, visualizing it going out through the wire into the board
and out through the top of the pyramid.

d: Wait for verification. It is a good idea to pick a target that you have some contact with
so that you can verify the results of this experiment. If you really hate the person, you can
transmit at a time when he is likely to be in a stressful situation to begin with. Once, as a
bit of a joke, I picked a time when my next door neighbors were having a bunch of their
relatives over and aimed the transmission at a photograph of the house. You may rest
assured that the party became a lot livelier than anyone expected and the local police
were laughing about it for days as it was the only brawl our neighborhood has ever had.

That, incidentally, is one of the real joys of psionics. You can torment the neighbors and
get away with it.

Now it is time for you to build a favorite little toy of mine called a teleflasher, which for
some reason got left out of the gadget book. This nothing more than a device which
flashes a pulse of light on a picture and, in doing so, aids in psionic transmission.

In order to make one of these miraculous instruments you will need a box, an old shoe
box will do; a twenty five watt light bulb; a light socket with wire and plug attached
(available at any hardware store) and a flasher plug (also available in any hardware store
with the exception of those in Queensland, Australia and don't ask me why) and a sheet of
wax paper.

Cut the bottom out of the box and cut a hole in the side for the light bulb.

Take the piece that you cut out and fold it to make a stand and glue it to the box so that
the light will come up through the hole in the box in the box and illuminate whatever is
placed on the stand.

Glue the wax paper over the hole so that the light is diffused, otherwise it becomes very
uncomfortable to use the instrument.

Place the flasher plug over the plug of the light switch and plug it into the nearest wall

Test the unit by turning on the light and waiting for the flasher to start working.

Exercise 16: Now that you have the teleflasher, you have to do something with it,
otherwise it will sit and gather dust and you will feel very foolish about the whole thing.
So, once again conscript your partner, (with your pendulum you can find out which piece
of furniture he is hiding under) and set up your apparatus.

You will need the pyramid board, a witness of your partner, the teleflasher, a card with a
word written on it in magic marker, the headband and connector, the letter/number chart
and the pendulum.

a: Set up the equipment so that your teleflasher is in front of you at approximately eye
level. Place the witness of your partner on the plate of the transmittal unit (pyramid board)
and take a contact rate for him. Hook up the headband to the unit and send your partner
into the next room with the pendulum and chart. He should know from watching you how
the chart works.

b: Place the card with the word you are sending on the teleflasher and turn it on. Tell
your partner that you are sending.

c: Watch the flasher for no more than five minutes or until your partner says he has the
word, whichever is sooner.

d: Compare the word with what your partner has received. Repeat this often, moving
from single words to entire sentences.

Exercise 17: (optional) This is a fun exercise which you can do if you have a neighbor or
someone you have much contact with who a: has great fear of bugs or some other
creature, and b: a big enough mouth that she likes to talk about it.

a: Set up the main board with the witness of your victim and the headband.

b: Using the pendulum, dowse the time that your victim is likely to be sleeping.

c: Set up the teleflasher and the pyramid board with the witness of the victim and the
contact rate.

d: Procure a picture of the creature that your victim has the phobia about and set in on
the teleflasher unit.

e: When the victim is sleeping, transmit the picture of the creature. This is done by
running the teleflasher for five minutes, resting for five minutes, and running it again for
another five minutes, on and off for about an hour.

f: Verify the results of the experiment.

Exercise 18: This is best performed on a nice day when the neighbors are out in the back
yard. You will need the pyramid gun and the headband.

a: Be certain that you can transmit from a location which will permit you to see the targets
without them being able to see you. Otherwise you might feel a little foolish.

b: Hook up the equipment and aim the pyramid gun at the targets.

c: Imagine yourself getting very, very angry. Once you are so furious that you can hardly
control yourself, send that anger out through the pyramid gun at the targets.

d: Sit back and watch the fun.

Exercise 19: For this exercise, you will need the third eye headband and your neighbor's
car. Be certain that it is a neighbor that you do not particularly like.

a: Put on the headband. (that should be obvious.)

b: Visualize a field of light around the neighbor's car, programming that field to attract
other cars to it, so that they meet in a rather noisy fashion.

c: After a few days of this, start counting the new dents on the neighbor's car.

The above two exercises can be done interchangeably. And they should be repeated on
different victims if possible.

As I said in the beginning, this lesson does not cover the total range of psionic instruments
available. In fact, as new ones are constantly being invented, no one lesson could. But
these basic devices should be more than sufficient for you to get started and I am certain
that as you experiment you will find more things to do with them.


This lesson is going to be just a bit different in format from the previous ones for in this
one I am going to be more interested in giving you information than in having you do
various exercises. Yet what you will now study is of great importance, perhaps among the
most important material in this course, because all magick is ultimately related to the use
of pattern and form to cause alterations in the circumstances in the life of the magician.

In my ceremonial magick days, I will admit that I was always totally mystified by the way a
simple pattern, drawn on a piece of paper, could cause events to occur. And yet this is
the entire basis of talismanic magick. And it does not matter how the pattern is created,
be it using the gemetria of the Cabalist, or the mandala of the Tibetan Buddhist. If the
pattern is properly created, it will bring results and that is a simple fact, proven by
experience time and again down through the ages. Now given this basic truth, it is
amazing how many people cannot seem to get their patterns to work! So I am going to try
to solve that problem for you and give you the basic fundamentals of not only psionic
pattern work but the more traditional forms of talisman making as well in order that you
may better be able to combine the two into a most effective whole.

So let us begin with the traditions and work forward to psionics.

A common mistake those who seek to teach magick make is to tell their students that the
talisman is nothing in itself, it is the charging, the consecration, that puts the energy into it
and makes it work. Well, that is not the whole story.

It is true that charging and consecration are essentials for the working of any traditional
talisman, not so much because of the nature of the talisman, but because the mind of the
magician requires it to be so. Yet there is a virtue in the form itself which is usually
overlooked by our traditional brethren, not out of disbelief, but rather out of the simple fact
that because they take all of their ideas from works and other teachers before them they
have simply not bothered to look for any energy flow from the naked form itself, prior to
charging and/or consecration.

If you will look at illustration 1, you will see that I have drawn a traditional talisman from
the Key of Solomon. It is actually a rather simple design, as such things go and I
remember as a young sorcerer's apprentice being hunched over a desk trying to copy
much more complicated things as accurately as possible and, in spite of the fact that
drawing was something of a hobby of mine, become often quite frustrated at my pitiful
efforts. So as you can see I chose one to copy that would not present me with any great
difficulties, especially since as I grow older my eyes tend to strain more easily.

If you will look at the pattern itself, it is elegant in its symmetry, with the two triangles
locked into the center of the inner circle and the traditional Hebrew letters written in and
around it.

Now this pattern has an energy flow even without being charged and you may test this for
yourself by taking you trusty and (I would hope by now) well used pendulum and holding it
over the center of the circle.

Notice how the pendulum behaves. That movement of the pendulum indicates the nature
of the energy flowing off of the talisman design.

Now look at illustration 2. Again, this is a simple design, in its own way simpler than the
first. Hold the pendulum over that and see what it does. Notice the difference? What you
have is two designs printed on paper without any other attempt at charging, yet they each
cause the pendulum to swing in a different way.

Incidentally, if you are wondering why I did not tell you what those patterns are for, it is so
you can have the pleasure of using your radionic equipment to analyze them and find out.
It is not too difficult.

Illustration 3 is an even simpler design yet, an ordinary Star of David, the Hexagram. Hold
the pendulum over the center of that and see what happens. Nothing! Now that is as real
surprise, is it not? Well, take the pendulum and hold it over one of the points of the star.
Now you see movement. What is happening here?

The Hexagram is a very interesting pattern in that the center of the pattern is a place of
total balance. But, if you hold the pattern upright on the desk or table and hold the
pendulum in front of it, you will see movement away from the center. And in psionics this
has tremendous implications. What is happening is that any witness placed in center of
the pattern is surrounded by totally balanced forces. Nothing entering the hexagram can
injure the person whose witness is thus surrounded. It won't stop a bullet, of course, and I
do not recommend playing with electric cords in the bathtub while expecting to be
protected by this pattern, but it will stop any psychic attack dead in its tracks and while it
can be overcome, it is a damned lot of work to do it.

Likewise, any energy that is transmitted from the center of this pattern will take on greater
power because it will be uninfluenced by incoming junk. The uses of that should be
obvious and there is no reason why you should not begin playing with it.

Get a small photograph of yourself and when you are about to enter a stressful situation,
be it driving to work, visiting the in-laws or even making the mistake of watching the news.
(Which is a real dumb thing to do and you should stop wasting your time with such
nonsense because you can bet your mother's teeth that if something is really important
the fatuous buffoons who edit the garbage that gets on the air will not know about it.)
Place the picture in the center of the pattern and leave it there. Now go about your
business and see if it has any effect on your blood pressure. You should find that you can
face the annoyances of the day with less difficulty than you might otherwise experience.

But as you saw from you little test, this pattern also has some very real transmittal
function, because even though nothing can get in, anything transmitted from the center
will be amplified as it goes out.

So it's time to have some fun. Raising storms was a traditional accusation leveled against
witches by their inquisitorial accusers. Now for those of us who enjoy thunder and
lightning, it seems a pretty silly thing to get upset about, but in those days, storms could
be a real problem. For one thing, a really big storm could make water travel virtual
suicide, not only from the wind and the rain, but also from the danger of lightning striking
the unprotected, wooden ships. Likewise, crop losses could be significant and again,
there was the problem of lightning in the days before Ben Franklin discovered the means
of protection from it. Therefore, with a more than a little smirk on my face, I will tell you
how to ruin the neighbors' barbecue.

Take your hexagram pattern and now draw the trigram Chen

_____ _____
_____ _____

from the I Ching on a small piece of paper. The trigram represents thunder and the well
known and the well regarded researcher Christopher Hills used it to dowse the path of
storms though why in these days of radar and satellites anyone would want to bother with
that is beyond me. Anyway, get a small photograph of your neighbor's yard. Now take
the photograph and lay it in the center of the hexagram with the drawing of Chen on top of
it. Then wait and see what happens. The odds are that your neighbor, who is having a
huge gathering of useless relatives and their disgusting and noisy offspring who, for some
dreadful reason, like to play basketball and for those of you who are fortunate enough to
not know, there is no sound in the world as annoying as that dreadful bouncing. I have
often expressed a fervent hope that there is a Hell, if only as a fitting place to put the
bastard who invented that game.

But I digress.

If everything works right, your neighbor should be the center of a deluge and have to
move the party into his house, which will be much too small for the number of people he
has and a very unpleasant time will be had by all.

See how much fun it is to be nasty?

Any, that last little prank is designed to show you how patterns can be combined to bring
about results. And you can well imagine where that can lead.

All traditional patterns produce energy fields from their center. That is why they have
survived to become traditional. With that fact in mind, I want you to take your pendulum
and start testing them. You may find the results surprising and because I want you to be
uninfluenced in those results, I am not going tell you what to expect.

Think of as many traditional patterns as you can. The pentagram is a good starting point.
But I will give you a piece of advice. When you test the pentagram, try it with the single
point facing opposite you and the double point also facing opposite. See if their is any
difference in the swing.

Repeat that with any of the other patterns you may choose. Test not only the obvious
direction the pattern may face, but also, whenever appropriate, its opposite. Sometimes
the pendulum will swing differently, sometimes it will stay the same. Write all of your
results down for later reference.

So much for tradition. In psionics, we use patterns as well and these, too, are based on
the circle. I don't pretend to know why it is, but the circle has some mysterious quality
about it that even those of us who prefer our magick technical find that it is invaluable.

In psionics, however, the circle is the basis for a series of relationships which are
expressed and by expressing them, give energy to the thoughts placed into the circle,
either by direct action on the part of the magician, or by the use of other patterns and/or
witness samples. Now I know that this sounds very weird, but it's true. A pattern of circles
placed equilateral around the circumference of a larger, central circle will add energy to
any thought or pattern which is placed in that larger circle.

If you will turn to chapter XII in the pattern book you will find a number amplifying patterns
based on the circle and ready for use. Take your pendulum and hold it over the center of
each pattern. Notice how it swings? That is the energy coming out of the center of the

In practical use, the witness of the person you wish to influence is placed in the center of
the amplifying pattern you have chosen and the thought you wish to send is then aimed at
that witness. This thought is then picked up by the energy coming out of the center and
beamed at the target.

You will also note that there are a number of patterns with different numbers of circles
surrounding them. The more circles that you have, the greater your energy output. And
at this point I can hear you wondering why it matters. It would seem reasonable to always
go with the highest possible output, the biggest bang for the buck, as it were. Well, it does
not quite work that way. There are certain operations where a lower level of output is, in
fact, more efficient than the higher level. That is why I gave you a series of them to work

Another thing to remember when using these patterns is that they will amplify any thought
that you send to the target, so you have to be pretty careful while you are using it. For this
reason these patterns are best used in conjunction with either spirit patterns, such as are
found in The Lesser Key of Solomon as well as other grimoires, or in patterns which you
create yourself and which embody a particular concept or desire.

So, before we proceed to adding other instruments to this mix, let's look at those other

The patterns from the grimoires are common enough and I see no need to reprint them
here. The collection from the Lesser Key of Solomon is reprinted in my Psionic Power
and is thus available from that source as well as their usefulness in psionics. But there
are two excellent methods of creating your own patterns. Now I know that I have already
explained these methods in Psionic Power and Psionic Combat, but for those of you who
do not already have those books (and you know who you are, I can tell by the
embarrassed looks on your faces as you read this) I will give a brief description of the
techniques here.

The first involves the use of the Kamea, or magick squares. You begin by first deciding
which planet your operation comes under, in this case let us say Jupiter.

The next thing which you must do is create a statement which accurately describes your
intention. Jupiter brings good fortune and we can all use that, so let us say that you want
more money. You then write out your statement as:

Bring me lots of money.

Okay, we have our planet and our statement. Now comes the fun part. We have to break
that statement down into a pattern. This done by means of one of two methods. In the
first, the most common, you use a chart like this:


This chart works well for most of the squares, but it does not operate particularly well in a
couple of them, particularly the square of Venus in which most of the numbers you would
use are in a straight line and thus the number of different patterns is severely limited.
Therefore, for any square with more than 26 numbers, you may use this system:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26

At this point traditionalists run from the room screaming dreadful things about blasphemy
and start using barbarous and often obscene words of imprecation. But that only proves
that they are missing the point because it does not matter how the statement is broken
down, only that it be translated from words into a geometric form.

Begin by putting the appropriate number under each letter in the statement. Add the
numbers of each word together and keep adding until you have a single digit for each
word. In this case you now have series of numbers 5-9-3-3-9. Now you have to make a
workable pattern.

That is done by taking the square and imposing the pattern on it by starting with the first
number and drawing a line to the second number, then to the third and so on until the
pattern is complete as in illustration 4.

This pattern is then transmitted to the witness sample by means of either an amplifying
pattern or a radionic device such as the pyramid board or a combination of devices as I
will explain later.

The other technique is to use a circle pattern. Now this creates a bit of confusion because
the amplifying patterns are sometimes referred to as circle patterns but a circle pattern for
our purposes is a pattern created inside a circle to represent a pattern of energy. It is, in
effect, a radionic rate translated into a two-dimensional pattern for transmission to the

Got that?

Well, if you feel a bit confused, do not let it bother you. I've been working with this stuff for
years and I still get confused by it sometimes, especially when I'm trying to explain it to
people for the first time. But in practice, it works a lot better than it does when talking
about it.

Anyway, if you look at Chapter XIII in the pattern book, you will find an explanation of how
you make the circle pattern and a sheet of circles to photocopy.

Once you have a few sheets copied, you can try making a pattern for yourself.

First, decide what you want a pattern of. This can be literally anything. Malcolm Rae
discovered that he could make a pattern that equalled homeopathic remedies and would
transmit them to his patients rather than use the remedies themselves. This has been
expanded to include emotions and ideas.

So pick an idea. Circle patterns are also excellent for connecting an operator with a
thoughtform, so you may want to try that as well. That can be a thoughtform you create or
one that is already in existence. (The thoughtform over the battlefield of Verdun is a good
one if you get a speeding ticket in a distant city and want to get even. Or as an old teacher
mine once said "The quality of mercy is not strained, merely stupid.")

Okay! Now that you have patterns to experiment with, what do you do with them?

Start with something very simple. Take the witness sample that you were experimenting
with before and make a square pattern that will cause the target to respond in a certain
way. I do not know who you are working on, or what you want them to do, so I cannot be
more specific.

Place the target witness in the center of the circle and the square on top of it.

Once you have done that, shine the beam of light from a high intensity lamp on the
arrangement. This will energize the patterns and send the energy being used charging to
the target and bring about the desired result. All you need do is wait for the result to

For example, suppose you use the money pattern and yourself, you should begin to see
an increase in your fortunes in a reasonable period of time.

Or, if you have chosen as your target the witness of a politician and are sending him an
appropriately negative idea, such as "Stumblefoot", you should see him start to make an
even greater fool of himself than usual.

If you will recall the lesson on thoughtforms, I went into great detail on the subject of
creating your own deity or using ones that have been around for a long time. With the aid
of the circle pattern and the radionic system, you can utilize these thoughtforms with even
greater effectiveness and power.

Let me tell you a story. There is a well known lecturer in the Theosophical Society who
wished to read some Tibetan invocations. There was only one problem in the mind of this
individual and that was that he was convinced that these writings were protected by
certain entities on the astral plane and that if he read the material without going through a
certain initiation performed by the Dalai Lama (for the appropriate fee) he would be at
some risk from the wrath of these disembodied creatures.

To tell you the truth, I was not really sympathetic to his belief because most traditions are
supposed to have nasty guardians and these guardians inevitably turn out to be as lazy as

civil servants. In point of fact, lots of people have read these writings without paying one
red cent to the Dalai Lama and have had absolutely nothing happen to them except a
great shock when they discovered that there was nothing worth protecting in the first

But my friend was not deterred by reason and went through the ceremony to the delight of
the person collecting the money and the amazement of the rest of us. And there was no
real need for him to do this.

Even granting that such entities existed, it would have been a simple matter for him to get
the same benefit from psionics as he supposedly received from the Kalachakra Initiation.

Why do I say that? When we look at the procedure from the viewpoint of the technomage,
we see that all that is involved in such an initiation rite is that a pattern is placed in the
astral body of the initiate. With psionics, it is a simple matter to duplicate that result with
far less expense.

We begin by first assuming that the Dalai Lama has already gone through the rite. If he
has not, then he is no position to be doing it for anyone else, no matter how much they are
willing to spend. With that knowledge in mind, we can assume that the pattern we are
looking for is already present in the astral body of the Dalai Lama.

We acquire his photograph (readily available from any store that stocks Tibetan stuff) and
place it on the sample plate of the Main Board. We would then hold the concept of the
Kalachakra Initiation in mind and take a rate on the board.

Hooking ourselves into the unit by means of either the headband or the psionic amplifying
helmet, we then proceed to make a circle pattern that would be the equivalent of the
pattern that the initiation takes in the astral body of the initiate.

Once this circle pattern is made, it would be a very simple matter to take the photo of the
Dalai Lama, the circle pattern for the initiation and a photograph of my friend (or anyone
else for that matter) and set up the machine so that the energy of the pattern is placed in
my friend's astral body.

The end result is that my friend would have the pattern take form in his own astral body
and the entities would see the pattern and leave him alone, which is what he wanted in the
first place.

I think you can see where this is leading. Once you have witness sample and circle
pattern, you can take the energy from any source and place it into your own system. You
merely bring the source to mind, be it a deity or a thoughtform, make the circle pattern and
then link yourself either directly or by witness to the pattern and draw the energy in.

Likewise, you will be able to analyze the energy from any thoughtform, to determine its
nature and strength. With that ability, there is no power in the astral or mental plane that
you cannot draw upon for your own purposes.

Another example. Let us suppose that you have acquired a desire to bathe in the
Ganges. Now why under any normal circumstnaces you would want to take a bath in one
of the dirtiest rivers in the world is beyond me, but you want to do it for spiritual reasons.
The only problem that you face is that you are allergic to curry powder, so a trip to India
could be very inconvenient.

Very well. You will need a picture of the Ganges, your radionic device, a circle pattern
and a metal bowl.

Using the procedure I just outlined, make a circle pattern for the energy around the
Ganges River. Once you have done that, fill the metal bowl with tap water and place it on
the receiving plate of the board. Shine a light on the photograph and continue this until
either your pendulum informs you that the water is fully charged or you have a high
reading on the sweep dial of the main board.

All you need do then is pour the water from the bowl into your own bath tub full of water
and perform whatever ritual you would have done at the Ganges itself before climbing in
and taking a bath.

Now we can get back to the making of talismans. All a talisman is is a set of patterns on a
piece of cloth, paper or metal which when used by the magician transmit an energy to
influence the environment around the magician. Therefore, to make and charge a
talisman is quite simple. All that you need do is create the pattern you wish to transmit,
put in on a piece of paper and place that on the main board. Set up a contact rate for the
pattern and turn a light onto the board. While doing that, hook up the headband and begin
to visualize the purpose of the talisman along with the command that it will operate to your
good at all times and will be activated by your command. Once this is done, the talisman
may be carried or used as any other pattern.

Anyway, you should have a pretty good idea what you are working with now and it is time
to stop reading and start experimenting.

Kamea of Saturn

Kamea of Jupiter

Kamea of Mars

Kamea of the Sun

Kamea of Venus

Kamea of Mercury

Kamea of the Moon


What the hell is skrying? That is a very common question and the answer is seeing things
by the use of spiritual, as opposed to normal, vision and seeing them as if you were using
normal vision, that is with your eyes open, like looking into a television screen. And at this
point you are probably thinking of the classic image of the bangled Gypsy looking into the
large, clear crystal ball and asking you to cross her palm with silver. At which point you
then look at the potted palm in the corner and wonder why she would want you to paint
silver crosses on it. Sorry, I've wanted to tell that joke for years and no editor would let me
do it.

But seriously, skrying and crystal gazing have much in common, in fact crystal gazing is

Now why would a technomage want to acquire a skill that has been in use from time
immemorial? And the answer is that it is a very useful skill and just because we like
gadgets with dials on them does not mean that we have to abandon things that work.
After all, just because the toilet is not digitalized does not mean that we avoid going to the

Okay, I know I'm having a bit of fun with you here, but I want you to approach this lesson
with a good sense of humor because while for some this skill comes very quickly, for
others it can take one hell of a long time and for those an ability to laugh is the best way to
deal with frustration that can result from staring into space and getting nowhere.

And as you undoubtedly noticed, the heading of this chapter tells you that astral projection
is involved in the work. Originally this was going to be two lessons, but as the two skills
are so intertwined it seemed foolish to split them up. Therefore, you are going to get them
both in one blast.

Exercise 1: The first thing you have to do is be able to visualize with your eyes open, so
we are going to work on that for a while. While I would guess that you can do such things
inside your head with almost no difficulty by now, projecting those images into the air or
onto a screen can be a daunting project at first. Do not fear, the skill will come.

a: Go and get the cards you made up during the second lesson, you remember, the ones
with the geometric shapes on them as well as the card holder. Once you have done that,
get a piece of blank posterboard and set it in the holder. Now comes the hard part.

b: Pick one of the shapes, let us say the circle, and stare at it for a time.

c: Look up from the picture and look at the plain card. An image of the circle should
appear for a time. Yes, I know that that is a common optical illusion (and more of those

who write about this sort of thing should mention that) but it serves a purpose, namely to
show you that eye can project an image onto a blank surface.

Exercise 2: Take the other cards and repeat the procedure.

That wasn't too hard, was it?

Exercise 3: Now things are going to get just a little bit more difficult.

a: Stare at the picture of the circle and then close your eyes. Hold the circle in mind as
clearly as you can.

b: Open your eyes and make the circle appear in the air in front of you. This may prove a
little hard to accomplish at the first shot, so do not become discouraged but keep at it and
rest assured, the skill will come.

Exercise 4: Repeat the experiment with the other shapes. Continue this until you can
summon any simple geometric shape to appear in front of you at will.

At this point you are now going to begin working with the four basic elements, Earth,
Water, Fire and Air. As much of the work of the magician depends upon these elements
and their various combinations, as well as the spirits attendant upon them, it is well for you
to be as adept as possible in dealing with them.

First you must consider and meditate upon the properties of each element. Fire is hot and
dry. Water, its exact opposite, is cold and moist. Air is moist and hot. Earth is dry and
cold. These properties are not only relative to the elements themselves, but also to the
spirits that work with them. Likewise, you may use these elements and their properties in
creating thoughtforms or in other work.

Enough babbling. As in all things magickal, the elements have their symbols. These vary
with the system of magick being used but for our purposes let us have fire as a red,
upright triangle, water as a green inverted triangle, air as a blue upright triangle with a line
through it and earth as a brown or yellow inverted triangle with a line through it.

Exercise 5: First make a series of cards, each having the symbol of one of the elements
drawn and colored on it.

a: Place the card with the symbol for fire in the holder and stare at it for a time.

b: Close your eyes and hold the image of the symbol in your mind while imagining the
properties of the fire element. Notice if you feel any different while you are doing this or
for a short time afterwards. Make no judgments about any such feelings, but be certain to
record them.

Exercise 6: Repeat the above procedure with each of the remaining three elements. Be
certain to record your results.

Exercise 7: One of the most interesting things about working with the elements is that one
can project the power from the element by means of its symbol to a physical target. That
is what we are going to do now, but I would advise you to use some common sense in
this. I have one student who attempted to start a fire while strapped into a system called a
Hillerman Biocircuit (the workings of which I will explain in the next lesson) and she was
lucky that she failed because if she had succeeded she might have burned the house
down around herself and her poor husband, who had obligingly strapped her in would
have been very hard pressed to explain to the authorities how his wife got incinerated. So
try to avoid taking stupid risks and be certain that you can get away.

a: Go someplace where you can pick a target to experiment on. A concert is good,
provided the music is not distracting, or a lecture is even better.

b: Gaze intently at the person on the stage or platform and visualize the symbol for the
fire element at the center of his forehead.

c: Hold the visualization as long as you can or until there is an obvious physical reaction.
The target should notice that he is getting quite warm and may become very

Exercise 8: Repeat this with the other elements. Remember to tailor the experiment to
the situation. For example, the element of earth has a certain solidity, a weightiness to it,
which makes it perfect to aim at the silly jogger who keeps running in front of your lawn
mower. But please, do not aim the air element at TV news anchors. They have enough
of that between their ears as it is.

At this point it is time to build the visualization board from the pattern book if you have not
already done so.

Skrying can take two forms, passive and active. With aid of the board, you can do both
with far greater ease than if you were only using the traditional methods of either a crystal
or a mirror. And as it is easier to sit and watch than to do, we will begin with passive

You will notice that the board is designed to use witness samples and rates, just as any
other such psionic instrument is. The foil circle in the center is where the vision takes

Exercise 8: For this exercise you will need the visualization board and the tape recorder.

a: Draw the symbol for the fire element on a piece of paper or take the card you have
been using and lay it on the witness plate of the instrument.

b: Take a rate for the fire element on the dials.

c: Relax and gaze intently into the center of the foil plate.

d: Continue this until you have an image appear or fifteen minutes passes. (A timer is
useful here.)

e: If an image does appear, record everything that you can about it. Does it move or
does it stay still? Is it colored or black and white? Describe its shape as best you can. Is
it an object, a face or an entire being? Put as much detail into your description as you are
able to.

Exercise 9: Repeat the above experiment with the other four elements. Again, be certain
to record your results with as much detail as possible. If you have any drawing skill, you
may wish to make drawings of the images as you see them, but that is optional.

Exercise 10: You may also use this technique to communicate with thoughtforms, or at
least to study them.

a: Go to your files and pull the patterns for your thoughtforms and god forms.

b: Repeat the above experiment with each thoughtform and godform that you have

c: Record the results.

This method may also be used with any pattern that is the equivalent of a spirit or deity.
Feel free to experiment with such things as often as you wish. In the use of skrying,
practice does make perfect.

Exercise 11. Now we can have some fun. You will need a victim, someone whom you
can ask prying questions to and expect to get an answer. You know, the kind of person
who cannot carry a secret in a basket. You will also need a witness sample of that

a: Set up the visualization board for a contact rate for your target.

b: Study the image that you get. Try to make out what the person is doing.

c: Record your information with as much detail as you can.

d: Talk to the victim and verify your data.

One thing. It is important that your subject not know that he is being observed in this way
for two reasons. First, he consciously or unconsciously interfere with accuracy of your
data. Second, he may get mad at you.

So much for passive skrying. A tremendous amount of material has been written on it, but
now you have done it and you can see just how simple the process is. But, having done
that, you are now ready for active skrying.

We now come to point where skrying, visualization and astral projection come crashing
into each other. So I think it is time I told you another of my little stories.

At the end of the first lesson of this course, I made the comment that my first controlled
astral projection took place while I was tied to a chair in my teacher's laboratory. Now I
know that this has raised more than a few eyebrows and I think at this point I had better
give you a detailed explanation about what was going on, so that you do not think that
either my teacher, or myself had either lost our minds or worse, were engaged in some
erotic ritual.

It had a lot to do with meditation. Now, as I tried to explain in the second lesson,
meditation in magick is done for a somewhat different reason than it is normally taught. It
is done to put the mind of the magician in a state where he can accomplish things. And it
takes a bit of time. Unlike the common practice of getting up in the morning and sitting for
fifteen minutes or so, meditation in magick is something that may last hours, particularly if
the operator is working solely from a mental standpoint with or without the aid of psionics.

Now for those of you who do not know what that means, it is possible, as we will cover
briefly in the next lesson, to go through an entire magickal operation without doing a thing
but use the imagination and, if the imagination is clear enough, get results.

But in order to do this, one must be able to sit for extended periods of time without
bouncing around and distracting yourself. That was the reason my teacher, quite early in
my training until I had mastered my own reflexes, made it a practice to strap me into the
chair. It was, I think an act of desperation rather than a planned idea because by the third
week of our work my fidgeting was driving him to distraction. As I stated in the meditation
lesson, once the body realizes that it is not going to do anything, the mind can take over.
And it was not unusual during the second three months of our work together for me to
spend several hours or more in that position.

The chair my teacher used was a padded arm-chair, and the usual procedure was to have
me dressed in my bathing trunks (the fewer clothes one wears while meditating the better
and total nudity was not an option either of us wanted) with my wrists tied to the arms,
soft ropes around my waist and chest to the chair back to keep my back straight and my
knees and ankles tied together. So you can see I was not going anywhere for a while.

Well, one afternoon my teacher tied me down with the chair facing a blank wall with a light
behind me casting my shadow clearly on the wall. He then instructed me to contemplate
my shadow, while thinking that my shadow was a part of me.

Well, I got bored doing that real quick, but I had little choice but to keep sitting with nothing
but my shadow to look at, and pretty soon I actually became envious of my own shadow. I
mean, there I was, tied to the chair and my shadow could move around all it wanted. So
after a short period of that, I decided to play a little imagination game and think of myself
as my shadow and able to move as the shadow.

That was all it took. One minute I was looking at the shadow, and the next I was the
shadow looking back at me. I took off and flew around the block and returned to my body.
My teacher, who had been watching all this, while pretending to be reading at his desk
could tell the instant I returned and untied me, so that I could tell he what happened and
write the experience down.

It turned out that the old fox had planned for me to do that all along. He said that if he had
told me to project, I would have tried too hard and not gotten anywhere, so he tricked me
into doing it.

So you see the hardest part is getting you to stop trying and do it. And when it comes to
Astral Projection that is a very difficult thing to accomplish, because we all want to force
our astral form out of our body and make it go running around the block and often all we
accomplish by doing that is to anchor ourselves even more firmly into the physical body.
One of the advantages psionics has is that it removes the need to attempt to force
anything. After a few basic skills are acquired, the machines take the work out of it.

Active skrying is very much like astral projection. In fact, it is very easy to confuse the
two, because very often it is impossible to tell when one stops and the other begins. The
question is answered by some with the decision of where one is going. It the location is
somewhere in the normally physical world, it is called astral projection and if in the worlds
occupied by the elemental spirits and others, skrying, or mental travelling.

It is all very confusing and in some respects a waste of time, this categorizing of what is,
after all, the same thing. So without wasting any more of your time, let us get started.

Exercise 12: In order to do these exercises, you should were comfortable, loose-fitting
clothing, or be nude, whichever is more comfortable. You will also need a straight-backed
chair, the proper height so that you may sit comfortably with the soles of your feet flat on
the floor. If you are too short for that, use a foot-stool or, if necessary, telephone books.

a: Sit and meditate.

b: While meditating, visualize the symbol of the fire element floating in front of you.

c: Imagine yourself rising from your seat and walking through the symbol, as if it were an
open door.

d: Observe the landscape and its inhabitants as carefully as you can. If any wish to
communicate with you, speak to them, but do not attempt to initiate conversation yourself.

e: Return to your body by way of the door. Always visualize yourself reuniting with your
body. If you should find yourself back in normal consciousness early, visualize the return
anyway. This is a safety measure which will prevent problems later on.

Exercise 13: Repeat the above experiment with the symbol of the water element.

Exercise 14: Repeat the experiment with symbol of the air element.

Exercise 15: Repeat the experiment with symbol of the earth element.

Exercise 16: Once you have travelled in the elementary worlds, you are ready to begin
using psionics to travel and study the physical realm. In order to do this, you will need the
main board and the headband.

a: Go to the library and photocopy a picture of some place that you would like to visit.

b: Place the photocopy on the witness plate and take a contact rate.

c: Attach and put on the headband.

d: Meditate and imagine yourself in the location. Take a good look around, particularly for
any landmarks that you might notice. Observe any people there as well.

e: Visualize yourself returning to your body and record your results.

That was easy, wasn't it. It seemed like nothing more than ordinary remote viewing and in
a sense that is exactly what it was. But now we can have you go on to something a little
more complicated.

Exercise 17: For this you will again need the main board and the headband.

a: Hook yourself into the machine and relax.

b: Imagine yourself as being out in space, looking down at the earth.

c: Choose the location that you wish to visit.

d: Slowly turn the first dial until you have locked the country of your target site into your

e: Use the next dial until you have locked your vision onto the city or general area of the
target site if it a rural one.

f: As you imagine yourself moving into the city towards the target site turn the next dial
until you are locked onto building.

g: The next dial is turned as you move through the building until you have the exact room
you are looking for.

h: Use the last dial to refine your vision of any target inside that room.

i: Observe everything about the room. What kind of furniture is in it. If there are any
people in it, what do they look like, what are they wearing. If you are able to hear any
conversations, remember what is being said.

j: Return by reversing the above procedure.

By practicing the above method of mental projection, you will eventually have the ability to
go anywhere on the planet and come back with accurate information. You may also use
this method to enter a location and leave behind a thoughtform which will affect all who
come in contact with it.

A final method of skrying is the use of thoughtform as a sort of floating eye. Al Manning
writes that he likes the image of a television camera, but I still think that a giant, floating
eyeball is much more fun and I prefer to make my watcher thoughtform in that image.

Exercise 18: For this you will need the visualization board and a circle pattern.

a: Create, by usual procedures, a thoughtform in the shape of either an eye or a
television camera.

b: Create a circle pattern that is the equivalent of the thoughtform.

c: Send the thoughtform to observe a target, preferably one that is verifiable, such as a
friend or a politician.

d: Place the pattern for the thoughtform on the witness plate of the visualization board
and take a contact rate.

e: Gaze intently into the visualization plate of the board and record everything that the
thoughtform transmits back to you.

Exercise 19: Now it is time to have some fun. You will need the main board and the

a: Take a photograph of a neighbor's house and set up the contact rate for it on the first
three dials of the main board.

b: Put on the headband and imagine yourself standing outside the front door of the

c: As you walk through the front door, turn the next dial until you have locked yourself into
the bathroom of the house.

d: When your neighbor comes in, imagine yourself shouting into his ear at the top of your

e: Return home.

This exercise may take some repeating to get right, but when it works, you can scare
someone half to death. It may also be done in the bedroom of your neighbor while he is
sleeping. With a little luck, you can persuade him that the house is haunted.

There you have it. These are the basic skills of psionic magick and in the next lesson you
will learn to put them all together and add the ritual practices that make magick what it is.


At first glance, the idea of ritual psionics seems to be an oxymoron. After all, we are used
to thinking of psionics as a technology and technology and ritual are not supposed to fit in
the same room together. For some, the mere thought of it is enough to give the Goddess
menopause. Yet you must remember that all traditional rituals of magick used the
technology available at their time and no one thought any the less of it for that.

So let us begin this final lesson with some theory. We want to know why magick works
and why psionics is, as I have asserted along with others, a branch of magick.

Aleister Crowley, peace be upon him, defined magick as the act of causing change in
conformity with the will. Now that is a very broad definition indeed, because as all willful
action produces change of one sort or another (along with non-willful action) then all
human behavior is magick. In other words, changing your flat tire is an act of magick!

I would not wish to go quite that far. It is possible to give a word such a broad meaning as
to make it meaningless. I would rather define magick as the act of causing deliberate
change by means normally considered to be paranormal.

So how is this done. For the technomage, it is through the manipulation of information.

At this point the orthodox pagan screams, "Do you mean that the Goddess is a

Well, I don't know about their goddess, which is probably just a thoughtform anyway, but
yes, in a very real sense, the universe of the magician seems to work very much like a

If you consider what is done in any work of magick, no matter what tradition is being used,
the actions finally break down into nothing more than putting information into a system and
then expecting the system to act upon it. By manipulating that information, be it through
dance, or word, or ritual correspondences put into a talisman, the intelligence of the
universe is made to work the will of the operator. Even the elaborate temple
arrangements of the traditions of High Magick are nothing more than a means to bring
information to the minds of the participants in the group workings.

In psionics, all that is done is work with data, with information. When a rate is taken on a
radionic instrument all that is being recorded is information about the subject. When a
rate or a pattern is being transmitted to a subject, all that is being done is that information
is being put into the system that controls the subject.

This leads us to the laws of Technomagick.


In other words, at some level of consciousness we can know about anything that is in the
cosmos. It may not be present in our consciousness yet, but the potential is there.


If you know that something exists, all that you need is the instrumentation to take it apart
and see how it works.


All things have, inherint in their nature, the means by which they can be manipulated. All
that is necessary is to first find that means and then create the instrumentation to use it.

Now if this is the case, then it would seem at first glance that ritual would be utterly
superflous in psionics as the instruments added to the mind of the operator alone should
be sufficient. Yet that is not true. The addition of ritual has the impact of clarifying the
information being transmitted and as you know the clarity of the information is of far
greater importance to the results than the raw power of the transmission itself.

Likewise in communcation with the spirit worlds, clarity is of the utmost importance. This
is the reason why group work is almost always inferior to solitary work when one looks at
the matter purely from the standpoint of the results obtained. The truth is that the more
people who are involved in any working, the less clarity there will be. There are, of
course, ways to get around that, and I will cover them later.

One of the beauties of psionics, however, is that one is not bound to follow any particular
tradition in choosing which style of information you wish to work with. The instruments are
such that they can be designed to access the forces of any system. It is simply a matter
of creating a pattern for that force and inserting it into the system.

Another aspect of psionics is that it is relatively easy for the practitioner to make up a ritual
practice as he goes along. There is no need to follow any set form of ritual, therefore the
systems I will give you in this chapter should be looked on rather as guidelines than as

"Settle thy studies Faustus and begin to sound the depths of that thou wilt profess."

That was the advice given to Dr. Faustus at the beginning of Marlowe's play and it is good
advice even now. Before you begin any ritual practice, it is a good idea to study the
various traditions and decide which you will draw from. These will ultimately influence not
only your approach to magick, but also the design of your instruments when you are ready
to create your own. For example, when I first decided to relate my work in psionics to my
ritual background, I designed an instrument that would translate the paths of the Tree of
Life into radionic rates. Fortunately, that never quite got beyond the design stage because
it would have been a rather bulky device and space is always a premium in my house.

I have, however, designed and built a ritual board (figure 1) which is perfect for my work
and which you will find useful as well.

As you can see from the design it is a large piece of poster board assembled like all of the
other instruments in the pattern book. It has three rate dials at the bottom, one each for
taking the rate for the influence of spirit or pattern in the mental, astral and physical
planes, a wheel for the planet whose influence is being invoked, a color wheel, for the
color that best suits the working, a sweep dial for the final rate that is the conjoining of the
other rates and a visualization plate, by which the spirit may be seen. It also has three
sample plates at the bottom for patterns, witness samples and taking the all-important

The dial and witness plate patterns for this board can be copied from the main board in
the pattern book. The visualization plate is the same as in the visualization board. The
planet dial is all that remains and that I have provided (Figure 1A).

Once you have made the ritual board, you have to consider the usual magician stuff,
namely your wand, your robes and whether or not you need a sword.

So first the wand (figure 2). This is an instrument that you cannot make out of cutouts. To
put it together you will need a flashlight (an old metal one is best but plastic will do if you
cannot find one), a small metal funnel and a small quartz crystal.

Begin by taking apart the flashlight and putting in the batteries. This very important
because you will want to be able to do it again and you have to attach the funnel in such a
way that you can open the flashlight.

Next, affix the funnel over the lense of the flashlight. Use epoxy cement to hold it in place.

After the funnel is firmly set (about 24 hours to make sure), use tin snips to cut two slits
down the tip of the funnel and spread these to allow the insertion of the crystal, point
outwards. Cement the crystal in place by applying the glue to the sides of the crystal and
then closing the tip of the funnel around it with pliers. But be careful not to use too much
pressure because you do not want to damage the crystal.

The choice of a robe is something that is best left to the taste of the individual. When
working alone, or with those who are very close, nudity is always possible. The only time
nudity is required is when using the Hillerman Biocircuit. Otherwise, ordinary clothing may
be used with no difficulty but the addition of robes has a useful psychological effect. My
personal preference is based on the clothing drawn in comic books from the 1950's which
was the time of my childhood and thus they had a great influence upon me. They seem to
fit in with the science-fiction nature of psionics and go quite well with the Psionic
Amplifying Helmet. Or, if you prefer the more traditional robes, it is a simple matter to go
to a costume shop and purchase a light, hooded robe.

This is how I conceived of my magick outfit.

The sword is the one item from traditional magick that we are stuck with. And the reason
for that is that the only working substitute would be a powerful, hand held laser and that is
simply too expensive for most. And besides, swords look nice.

If, however, you would rather use something a bit different, make a trident out of wood and
cover it with foil. That will work as well as the sword and the foil will allow it to be
connected to your headband or other instruments. There are other designs available, one
being a trident made of plumbing materials with crystals at the end, but they seem to be
lot of work to make and there is really no need to go to all that trouble.

Now you will notice, if you have any background in magick, that I have left out the other
two traditional tools of magick, the cup and the shield, or pentacle. If you are working with
a tradition that requires them, you my certainly add them to your operation, but psionic

magick does not need those instruments. In psionic workings, the elements are invoked
by their patterns rather than by symbolic implements.

Once you have your basic equipment, you must consider the arrangement of your place of
working, usually termed the temple or, in our case, the laboratory. And it is here that you
can readily see the advantage of working with psionic magick as opposed to the more
traditional methods.

In the traditions of High Magick, a temple usually must be a room set totally aside for that
purpose or an ordinary room that can prepared. And the preparation can be very time
consuming indeed. When working with psionics, all that you need is a reasonably quiet
place to set up your instruments for most work and if you need more space, as in group
work or evocation, any room that can be set up quickly will do.

As the former condition should be obvious, we will study the latter.

The first item of furniture you will need is a desk or table. This functions in the same way
as an altar would in High Magick, except that it is merely the place upon which the
instrument in placed. The chair of the Prime Operator is set behind it and the
arrangement ideally should face either north or east.

If an evocation is to be performed, which is the calling up of a demon, you would place the
altar and chair in a circle. Now in normal magick, this circle must be drawn upon the
ground but in psionic magick all that is necessary is a long piece of wire that is clipped to
the output jack of an amplifier circling the floor around the Prime Operator and any
assistants he may require. The circle may be made even more elaborate, as you desire
and your space and treasure allow. It is possible, for example, to make a circle of a large
neon tube that is turned on at the beginning of a ritual or in some cases an amplifying
pattern is laid out on the floor around the Console area.

The triangle used in the evocation should be cut of foil and glued to a sheet of cardboard.
This is placed a few feet outside of the circle and the stand for the visualization board is
placed inside of the triangle.

In a work of invocation, the triangle is not necessary, nor is the cirle used in a defensive
role, but rather as a symbolic representation of the universe and the role of the magician
at its center. In fact, an invocation may be performed in any location by the magus without
any instrument other than his board and headband or helmet.

In any event, the laboratory, when set up, will look something like figure 3.

In most operations, the Prime Operator works alone. But on certain occasions, such as
when doing types of transmission work, extra power is needed and in that case a system
is set up whereby the energies of other operators is pumped into the Prime Operator.

There are certain requirements for the extra operators in such work. First, they must be
thoroughly versed in psionics themselves and have their own equipment. Second, they
must be totally compatible with both the personality and ends of the Prime Operator.

Associate Operators may work in the same location as the Prime Operator or even
transmit from their own homes provided that they are working at the right time. If they are
working in the laboratory with the Prime Operator, then the laboratory must be set up to
account for them. The resulting arrangment will look like figure 4.

In cases where a great amount of extra power is needed, the Hillerman Biocircuit should
be used. This system was developed as means of allowing a person to put out the
maximum amount of energy with as little personal strain as possible. It is named for
Leslie Hillerman who was the first person to use it and was created during a situation in
which it was necessary for her to transmit for long periods of time without draining herself
or distracting herself.

There are certain rules for the person who is to be in the biocircuit. First, the person must
be of the opposite sex of the Prime Operator. If the Prime Operator is a man, then the
person in the biocircuit must be a woman and vice versa. Second, the Prime Operator
and the person in the biocircuit must be perfectly compatible. Third, the person in the
biocircuit must be experienced in its use and not someone who is in it for the first time.

In order to use the Hillerman Biocircuit, you will need a straight-backed arm-chair (a lawn
chair will work), a headband of the same tupe as you use with your other instruments, A
foot plate, an amplifying pattern, some foil, and two connecting cables with alligator clips.

The foot plate is made by taking a piece of cardboard and gluing a sheet of foil to it.

The amplifier pattern is modified as follows. The pattern is glued to a sheet of posterboard
and a brad is pushed through the center of the pattern and the posterboard. After this, a
piece of foil is glued to the pase of the posterboard so that a sandwich is created with the
pattern, the foil and the posterboard in between as in figure 5.

Once this has been created, attach pieces of foil to the arms of the chair where the palms
of the associate operator will rest.

The biocircuit is set up as follows.

The associate operator, nude, is strapped into the chair with her hands on the foil strips
and her feet together. Additional straps are placed around her waist and shoulders to
keep her body upright in the chair. Her knees are strapped together to keep the legs from
bending apart and becoming uncomfortable. In short, she is tied down the same way my
teacher strapped me.

The foot plate is placed under her bare feet so that the soles are flat upon it and the
headband on her head. A wire is clipped between the foot plate and the top of the

The amplifier pattern is connected to the right hand foil plate and a photograph of yourself
placed upon it. She is now ready to transmit energy to you as you transmit to the target of
the ritual. She will also look like she is ready to ask the warden to hold her hand, so keep
the Ethyl Rosenberg jokes to a minimum.

In use, the Hillerman Biocircuit creates a closed system around the operator who
transmits out through the right hand to the pattern. Because the energy flow is so
restricted, you may well imagine the level of output this system creates. But you can also
see the need for a practiced associate when using this device. The last thing that you
need is to set up for a ritual and discover that your associate has claustrophobia.

When set up in the laboratory, the associate operator and the biocircuit is placed directly
behind the Prime Operator. In this way, the Prime Operator can work without being
distracted by the associate.

Now as to the rituals themselves. A psionic ritual can be as simple as sitting and turning
the dials, or it may be as complicated as the ones of High Magick. Therefore, the first
thing which you must decide is your intention in the ritual.

If the ritual is one of transmission, which used to be called spell casting (and still is, I know
that!), you will need to set up the laboratory accordingly, with the addition of such
associate operators as may be required to increase the power of your transmission.

If the ritual is one of invocation, in which you bring in the power of anything and then
inform it of your desires or merely commune with it, then you will most likely work alone.
Any associate operators will be placed behind you and will set up their equipment exactly
as yours is.

If the ritual is one of evocation, you will need to prepare to control the energy or spirit you
are bringing into the triangle even though you will be using the visualization board.

Once you have made the decision as to the nature of the ritual and your intention, you
must sit down and write it out. What I will give you now are some very broad guidelines as
to how to create a psionic ritual

All ritual begins with the setting up of the laboratory. This is done before the beginning of
any ritual activity itself so that the magician and his associates may enter the laboratory
already prepared. The laboratory is set up by placing all of the equipment where it will be
handy and the instruments in their proper location. A lamp is turned on and the light from
the lamp is instructed to remove all interfering energy from the room. It is reccommended
that blue bulb be used to aid in this and if possible the lamp should only be used for this
purpose and at no other time.

Once the laboratory is set up, it is sealed by making the sign of the pentagram in the air at
the door, facing inward. After doing that, turn around and leave the chamber.

The next stage of the ritual is the robing, or disrobing as the case may be. All outer
garments are removed and replaced with the ritual garb.

At this point, it is permissible to reenter the laboratory.

The laboratory is entered by the magician, or in the case of group work, with the Prime
Operator leading the way. The door of the laboratory is opened by the Prime Operator by
the making of the sign of the pentagram with his wand. The wand is activated by turning
the flashlight on and is turned off between uses during the ritual.

Once inside, the associate operators take their places at their own boards or the associate
is strapped into the Hillerman Biocircuit. The Prime Operator seals each associate by
making the sign of the pentagram over each head in turn.

The Prime Operator goes to his position, the Console, and makes the sign of the
pentagram to each of the four, cardinal directions. He then turns on the amplifier attached
to the circle, thus completing the circle.

The Prime Operator turns on his wand and points with his right hand. He turns clockwise,
visualizing a circle around the wire.

In the case of an evocation, the pattern for the spirit to be evoked is placed on the witness
plate of the visualization board and the rate set before making the circle.

The Prime Operator seats himself at the Console and puts on his headband or helmet. In
the works of transmission, communion and invocation the headpiece is attached to the
Console but in evocation it is not.

The planetary and color dials are set on the Console.

The Prime Operator reads the appropriate invocation to the controlling energy of the
universe. This must be written out beforehand.

The pattern of the energy to be invoked is placed on the witness plate of the Console and
the first rate dial is set, as the Prime Operator says "This is the rate for the operation of
this energy (spirit) in the mental plane."

The second dial is set as the Prime Operator says "This is the rate for the operation of this
energy in the astral plane."

The third dial is set as the Prime Operator says "This is the rate for the operation of this
energy in the physical plane."

The sweep dial is set as the Prime Operator says "This is the rate for the joining of all the
other rates."

At this point the instruments are locked onto the energy or spirit that is being worked with.
In the case of invocation, the Prime Operator will read the invocation to the energy that he
has written out beforehand and the associate operators will join in as required. In the
work of evocation, the Prime Operator will evoke the spirit into the visualization board. In
the work of communion, the Prime Operator and associates will meditate and bring the
energy into themselves.

In the work of transmission, the associate operators will set their machines to the witness
of the Prime Operator and will transmit such energy to him as his work requires.

Once the ritual is complete, the Prime Operator will sit before his console and reset the
four dials to 0 in reverse of the way it was done at the opening. In the case of evocation,
the spirit is banished by being commanded to return in peace from whence it came and
the dials of the Console are reset. After that is done, the circle is turned off and the ritual
is complete. In the case of evocation, the circle may not be traversed until the banishing
and the turning off, at which time the dials of the visualization board are set at 0 and the
pattern removed.

At this point, the Prime Operator and his associates are free to take down the laboratory.

With practice, you will discover that it will, in fact, be possible for you to create a psionic
ritual entirely in your head, without the need to set up the laboratory. This is actually more
difficult to do and takes a great degree of concentration, but it can be very useful in
situations, such as in the office at work, when you wish to use magick but cannot just bring
out your instruments. It is a talent you may rarely use, but you will have it if you need it. I
remember one time I wanted to do a ritual at a certain time, but I was on a train to
Washington D. C. and there was no practical way I could set up all my equipment in the
small compartment. So I meditated and visualized myself going through all the motions of
the ritual and accomplished the same ends as if I had used the machinery. Of course, it
would have been easier to do the physical work, but that was one situation where the
circumstances did not allow it. Now, to give you idea of what a simple invocation looks
like, here is one that I use at the opening of most rituals.

I (we) invoke you, oh guiding power of the Cosmos.
I (we) invoke you, oh spirit of the Cosmos.
I (we) invoke you, creator of all energy.
I (we) invoke you, manifester of all existence.
Grant to me (us) your light.
Give to me (us) your power.
Strengthen me (us) in this working.

From this, you can get the basic pattern. You may, of course, and probably will, use ritual
ideas from other writings. That is what I expect. But the forms are all pretty much the
same and with a little practice you can create your own words which will not only give you
the satisfaction of making an original contribution to the art, but also be more effective in
the long run.

And that finishes it. I trust you will forgive me for making this last lesson so general, but
the adaptation of psionics to magick is such that, as I said, any system or tradition can be
utilized and to try to give examples of them all would simply be a waste of time. In the
final analysis, only you, as the magician, can make the ultimate determination as to which
methods work best for you. No one can dictate that decision, but rather it must come from
inside of you.

Never forget that theory is never so important as practice and the results are what matter,
not the means by which the results are obtained. But what you will do now is entirely,
completely up to you. If you need further guidance, I will be happy to answer any
questions you may have. But you must never forget that the magician is more than a
mere performer of rituals, or a turner of dials. He is one who has attained a certain
mastery of the elements of the universe itself and if I have, in this humble attempt at
pedagogy, helped you to that mastery, then I may rest content, secure in the knowledge
that I have done my duty to the memory of my own teacher, my art and to myself.

The Psionic The Psionic The Psionic The Psionic

Predator Predator Predator Predator
Charles W. Cosimano
copyright 2006

Hang onto your hair! I'm going to start this with a quote from one of the most evil
people in history, someone that I normally would not even mention in a book.
"The state does not dictate to us! We dictate to
the state!" Adolf Hitler.
Now, you may very well ask why the hell I would include a quote from Hitler in one of
my books. After all, he lost, didn't he? Well, I have always believed that, with the
exception of the Pope (any Pope) and Bill Moyers (who with luck will be long forgotten
by the next generations of my readers) everyone who makes public statements says at
least one intelligent thing. This line was Hitler's one intelligent thing and it reflects what
the proper attitude of psionic operator is to the environment that he lives in. We are not
controlled by our social and political environment. We control the social and political
environment that we find ourselves in. That is what psionics is all about, control.
If you are going to succeed in psionics you need to be something of a control freak.
Not obsessively so, but you must have within you the desire to be in command. And
you have to be rational about it. As I said during the Iran-Iraq war years ago, "The
important thing is not who is killing Iranians, the important thing is that Iranians are
being killed." When you work with psionics you work through other people and through
nature itself. You are not the one who gets either the credit or, more importantly, the
blame. But you will be the puppeteer pulling the strings, the piper who plays the tune
that others will dance to and they will have no way of knowing that you are the one who
is determining what decisions that they will make. You will have power without
authority and that is a good thing because when authority conflicts with power, power
always wins. One of my favorite movie scenes is near the end of Dogs of War, when
the mercenary played by Christopher Walken is standing next to the man he is placing
in control of the country that he has just taken over and the man who arranged the coup
and has other ideas shouts something to the effect of, "We are in charge here!" and
Walken simply says, "You aren't in charge of shit," and shoots him.
Authority is public and noisy. Power is private and quiet.
When truth (whatever in hell that may be) speaks to power, power can ignore it. When
power, real power, speaks to truth, truth dies.
Never forget that.

And who knew that a bumper sticker could speak such truth?
We are in the business of hunting humans.
Never forget. When you use psionics you are answerable to no law and accountable to
no one. You have absolute personal autonomy.
In the use of psionics if you are able to perform an action you have the absolute
right to perform that action, no matter what that action may be. No human can
stop you and the universe does not care.
Remember this, "With electricity you can cook a man's dinner. Or you can cook
the man!"

This is not a book for the weak. This is not a book for the do-gooder or the
humanitarian. This is a book for those who rightly view the world as a game preserve
and humanity the only game worthy of the hunt.
This is not a book for those who fear.
This is not a book for those who believe in justice or right and wrong or karma.
This is a book for those who despise such things.
We are the hunters. It is THEY who are the hunted.
We are the pursuers. They are the pursued.
We are those who have looked upon the face of God and spat in it.
We are those who despise all morality.
We cannot be preached to or persuaded.
We are too powerful to coerce.
We are the Bringers of Chaos.
We are the Destroyers.

"Power comes from the
barrel of a gun." Mao
Psionics is a very
big gun.

When I was a boy, probably about 11 or 12, our teacher ran the old movie version, from
the 1930s, of Les Miserables, which is a story that I immediately came to despise. In
that version, the climax has the holy fool, Jean Valjean, actually get the drop on
Inspector Javert in the sewers of Paris, a more appropriate place for either of them I
cannot imagine. And what does the moron do? He lets him LIVE!!
I could not bear it. With all the horror of the utter stupidity of the moment rising in my
young heart I shouted, "KILL HIM YOU FOOL!" The rest of the class laughed in
agreement and my poor teacher, I fear, was never the same after that. And, of course, I
was right. Given the state of forensics in 19th century France, by the time Javert was
missed and they even started to look for him, the sewer rats would have eliminated all
the evidence except for the gnawed bones. Javert would have been eliminated and
Valjean would have walked away a free man.
We live in a world where we are hemmed in by those whose entire purpose for
existence is to control us. The list of petty dictators is endless and they do not end with
the police and the politician and the bureaucrat. We do not have to put up with them.
We do not have to obey their rules. We can break their rules. And if they try to enforce
the rules, we can break them!
Think about that for a minute. Is this madness? To speak of a level of power that can
make one that invulnerable?
Well, yes it is madness. But it is madness that works. Psionics works!
Now read the next page!

Declaration of Aggressive Individuality Declaration of Aggressive Individuality Declaration of Aggressive Individuality Declaration of Aggressive Individuality
Humanity is in danger and the danger is now so all-pervasive that to ignore it is
no longer possible.
The search for peace has become a refuge for tyranny. Humanity is born in
despair to live in fear and die in filth. The superior are ruled by the inferior. Too
many children are born and far too few of them die before reaching an age where
they can breed more of their worthless kind.
This must cease.
We condemn the sentimentality that sees the poverty of the poor as wrong. We
condemn the concept of justice which seeks to elevate the weak and foolish to
rank of human. We reject sensitivity. We reject fear.
We reject any attempt to impose any ethic which is at odds with our interests and
our pleasures.
To this end we declare:
1. That all are independent. That no individual is in any way responsible to any
other individual or group for his actions.
2. That violence has primacy in all non-loving human interaction.
3. That the earth exists to be exploited and despoiled as we see fit to do so.
4. That we reject all foolish notions of human dignity.
5. That we reject all notions of equality.
6. That the poor and weak and stupid may be exploited and despoiled as we see
fit to do so.
7. That we shall oppress, injure, torture and kill other human beings as it should
serve our purposes to do so. We affirm the joy of domination and abuse.
8. That we reject all notions of sexual morality and affirm the right to obtain
pleasure in any and all ways at the expense of whomsoever it should please us.
9. That we affirm our commitment to greed, power, prestige and money.
10. That we have the right to destroy any who seek to impose their will upon us
contrary to these declarations.

"If rape or arson, poison or the knife,
Has wove no pleasing pattern in the stuff
Of this drab canvas we accept as life--
It is because we are not bold enough!"
Charles Baudelaire
Things are a lot different now that when I started playing with radionics. My BDSM
brethren like to whine a lot about being a persecuted minority, but they don't know what
persecuted means! When I got into this stuff it was dangerous and expensive.
Professionally made instruments were hard to come by, incredibly expensive (they still
are and that has to be changed somehow) often horribly made with very shoddy
materials (fortunately that has changed) and if you did not play your cards right you
could get into real trouble.
You see radionics had been developed as a healing art and as that had only
succeeded in getting its practitioners in the US in a lot of trouble. It was frankly illegal
and there were some states where it was actually illegal to own radionic equipment. Of
course those laws may still be there but god help anyone stupid enough to try to
enforce them. There are better ways to commit suicide.
I changed all that. Essentially I did three things.
First, I created devices that were dirt cheap to make. That was the easy part as I was
creating them for me. I did not want to spend a thousand dollars for a radionic box that
would literally fall apart when I could make one just as good for $25 that would not fall
apart. Now this changed the enforcement dynamic in a serious way because while the
threat of confiscation of equipment might carry a bit of weight if the equipment is rare
and expensive, it becomes pretty silly when the equipment can be replaced cheaply in
a matter of a couple of hours work.
Second, I spread the psionic gospel. I wrote a book and found a publisher with a name
and distribution. The cat was really out of the bag after that.
Third, and foremost in many ways, I weaponized radionics. I was the first to publicly
say that not only could radionics be used as a weapon (a fact which was actually pretty
well known among most of its practitioners who would never have actually had the guts
to admit it) but also give instructions on how to use it precisely as a weapon. With me

the worst nightmares of the US Psychotronics Association had been realized. The
information had fallen into the truly wrong hands and the wrong hands broke down the
So radionics and psionics people are not afraid any more. They don't have to be.
Smile! Moloch loves you! He really does! And he loves children even more
because they taste so nice.

In case you have not guessed it by now, this book is going to be organized a lot
differently from my other ones. I'm not going to be worried about order and progression
in this one. It is not exactly going to be ramblings, I never ramble (ok, my nose just
grew a foot) but it is going to be more of a collection of stuff than my usual, boring,
start-here-go-to-there type of writing. This book really is going to be a celebration of
the chaotic, the villainish and the just plain nasty. In other words, a typical Cosimano
And now that I have you almost as confused as I am let us get started.
I am
Uncle Chuckie

Ah for the good, old days!
Don't forget to bring the marshmallows.

Every once in a while people will ask me where I get my ideas for my gadgets.
One of these years I'm going to get around to building a radionic set that looks like this
thing. Just seeing it makes my heart palpitate. (Which at my age can be a bad thing!)
Radionic units can be made to look any way that you want them too. The system is
infinitely malleable, there are no set rules. David Tansley decided to create
instruments that pleased his eye and his vision of how radionics actually worked and
thus his devices were laid down differently than the other instruments of his time and
this was considered very radical. When I design an instrument, other than my purely
basic sets that are useful in writing about this stuff, the aesthetics of it becomes as
important as the working of the unit itself, and in fact is inextricably bound up with the
function of the unit. In radionics, when you become advanced in it, form really does
follow function.

Here we see David Tansley with an instrument of his own design. It's a pity he died a
year after my first book came out because I would have loved to have been able to pick
his brain. Of course given the stuff that I write he may have wanted to pickle mine!
There is a reason the old-style radionics people view my work with utter horror.

Learn the Learn the Learn the Learn the
rules rules rules rules. .. .
Break the Break the Break the Break the
rules rules rules rules. .. .
And break the heads of those who make them.
Remember, there is no obligation to follow any rule made by another person. If they do
not have the power to enforce such things, they can be ignored with impunity. And if
they do have the power to enforce their dictates, you can respond with power of your
own. Psionics is power.
We are not weaklings who must bend with any wind that blows. If there is something
that you do not like, do not just sit around a whine. Get off your fat ass and fix it!

You have to learn not to be controlled by fashions in thought. If you listen to any news,
you will hear a litany of things people say are bad things, but you must be willing to
question whether they are really bad or merely something people do not approve of,
and ultimately you will realize that all that is considered evil is merely that which is not
socially acceptable at the moment.
You must learn to be able to think in ways that are not socially acceptable. You must
liberate yourself from that bondage.
Let us take a common example, racism. Now, there are many rational objections to
racism. If I am in the hospital hovering between life and death I am not going to waste
a lot of time worrying about the color of the doctor's skin or the spelling of his last
name. On the other hand, allowing yourself to have a racist thought is not going to kill
you. And it will probably make you feel all warm and glowy inside knowing that you
have thought something forbidden and, if you are home, do not be afraid to say the evil
Now, didn't that feel good?
Ok, this is something you do in private because you still have to deal with other people
and it does not have to reflect your real feelings. What it does do is give you control
over your own mind, freeing you from a constraint.
The important thing to get into your head is that you and you alone determine what
ideas you will hold and it does not matter what anyone else thinks. Just because
someone thinks that something is wrong does not make it so. Just because a chorus
says that something is wrong does not make it so. It is might that defines right and
never forget that Psionics is might.
Whatever you do is right by definition because you, and you alone, make that definition
and you make that definition by the fact that you have the power to make it and no one
has the power to stop you. The fact that holding or expressing an idea, or performing
an action may be socially inconvenient does not alter that essential rightness. Learn to
make that distinction. And remember, the mere fact that someone objects to something
is a pretty good reason to do it. If someone does not like what you are doing and is in
no position to stop you, ram it down that person's throat!

Never forget that the law of nature is very simple. The ability to perform an action
confers the right to perform the action. Every thing else is social tinkering.
Now, with online, the social dynamic has changed considerably. People who have no
interest in a person and will not be affected in any way by their actions have come to
feel that they have the right to pass judgment on others and their actions and get into
prolonged debates over such things. Never let yourself be drawn into that! The
moment you make the mistake of trying to justify what you do, you will find yourself in
the trap of arguing on the terms of the other person, trying to prove to them that the
action meets their criterion of right. Learn to function under the truth that their criterion
is not worth its weight in cold shit.
Discussion is a waste of time. So let others waste their time doing it. Words on a
screen have no power in the face of concrete action. They are as the squeaking of
mice in the claws of the family cat. Let others discuss the merits of what we do. We
will be too busy doing things.
Never forget: No matter what you do, there will always be those who disapprove and
their disapproval is a never-ending source of entertainment.
It's fun to scare the villagers!

It's even more fun to burn the village down around them.
You gotta love the smell of burning sacrifices in
the morning!
After all, the gods do.

Smile, Voxtor loves you.

Now what the hell has any of this got to do with psionics?
When you do psionics you are doing something that is sort of forbidden but can no
longer actually be forbidden. Psionics is something that should not work. It is
something that sane people should stay away from. It is something that scares the
living bejesus out of folks when they see it work because it is something so far removed
from their ordinary experience of living that they cannot believe their eyes.
And that is just the psionics itself. Now when you add what we do with it, breaking
every law of god and man, doing nasty things just because they are nasty, well, that
requires a certain mindset, the mindset of the hunter pursuing his prey, without
conscience, without remorse, pursuing for the pleasure of the pursuit. You will learn
that when you blow the living hell out a city just because it was there that instead of the
pangs of conscience and terror for the fate of your immortal soul that the monkish
chroniclers and idiot Wiccans would have you expect, you will feel a pleased
satisfaction from a job well done. When you get that, you have to know, beyond any
shadow of doubt, that the feeling is what is right and the preaching is what is
This is important. This is the most important thing you have to deal with if you are to be
the predator rather than the prey.
Conscience kills Conscience kills Conscience kills Conscience kills! ! ! !
I mean that most literally! You have to understand that the Wiccan "law of Three,"
Karma, and Hell (in its various manifestations depending on which religion is talking)
are all total bullshit. There are no such things, except in the human imagination but the
human imagination can create all manner of trouble.
The trouble comes from what we can term an "attractive thoughtform," meaning a
thoughtform unconsciously created that attracts things to the person. If a person buys
into Karma, for example, he will build in his etheric body a thoughtform that
corresponds to the whatever concept of Karma he ascribes to, usually a sort of
retributive justice thing. And that thoughtform will work against him every time he
breathes because no matter what he does in life he is going to do something that will
set that damned thing off. And even if you are smart enough not to consciously buy
into it, you have probably heard it enough that it is laying dormant in your subconscious
just waiting to cause trouble.
And what does it do?

It causes disasters.
Now, we work at eliminating conscience and the psychopath, who is free of such
burdens, will be the next stage of human evolution, but try as we might there are always
going to be some things that just nag, and annoy, and stick in our craw. No matter how
we try we always have something floating around in our minds that says we did not do
the right thing. So what is important is for you to determine what the right thing is, then
it will not matter what society thinks, at least as far as the philosophy goes. Remember,
there is the matter of social inconvenience.
Let me give an example. I acquire a noisy neighbor and determine that the best way to
deal with the problem is to kill him. In the purely philosophical sense I have every right
to do that. He is annoying, noisy and I have no practical or emotional reason for
wanting him to be alive. After all, the only value a human life has is in its capacity to
benefit us. Or as the bumper stick says, "Kill them all! Harvest their parts!"
However, if I do that which is right and proper, namely take out my gun and shoot him,
society, in its perverse and stupid belief that human life has some peculiar and distinct
value in and of itself in spite of all evidence and reason to the contrary, will become
very annoyed with me causing lots of inconvenience and paperwork. In other words
that which is right is frustrated by social inconvenience.
However, if I use psionics and he should just sort of drop dead, well society has no
cause for complaint. People drop dead all the time and it is no big deal. In fact in most
cases we are better off without them. I mean, let us be honest, does anyone really
miss all those surplus Rwandans?
Now, if I buy into the notion that society is right and I should not kill this person for
some undefined metaphysical reason, I create guilt in myself even for thinking about it
and next thing you know, one of those attractive thoughtforms is going to kick in and
kaboom! I'm in trouble!
Therefore, repeat after me:
You are a predator, a hunter. You are not limited by the weakling ways of the broader
culture. But you are also smart enough not to let it trap you into doing things that it can
respond to. You wield a power that it cannot stop. You have no hesitation in using that
power and in doing so you deal with society on your terms, not on its. You are the virus
that has no vaccine and that the immune system cannot stop.
When you use psionics, rather than the brutal, stupid force that society expects, you
are fighting on your ground and on your terms. You are the predator, they are the prey.
Never doubt yourself. Never criticize yourself. Self-criticism only leads to self-doubt.

Why would you care?
Why should you care?
The more that you know the
less that you care.
The less that you care the
less that you fear.

Mandatory, Obligatory, Psionic Stuff
Whomsoever dieth with the most toys doth winneth the game.
Ok, this is still a book about psionics so you have to read this, even if you already know
it. Besides, as my words are as golden drippings from the nose of God, you will want to
read them anyway. Other than that, even if you have read my other works and you
probably have a considerable arsenal by now, there is going to be some new stuff as
well as a short rehash of the older.
Psionics is doing psychic stuff, usually with the aid machines of some kind. Now, there
is a debate as to what constitutes a psionic device. Some of the really old-fashioned
folks hold out for the good, old, radionic boxes and I can't blame them. I like the good,
old radionic boxes. I'm from an era when you turned dials to get the little people to
appear in the window in the box in the living room. And there is something to be said
for the tactile relationship between the operator and his unit as he turns the knobs.
There is an intimacy there which cannot be denied, and no computer program can
come close. It's like comparing online BDSM to having a real body under those ropes.
It just ain't the same thing!
So you are going to need to have some basic gadgets to work with if you don't already
have them. After all, the hunter needs to find his prey and then needs the gun to shoot
it with. So let's get the gadgets out of the way.
The trusty pendulum
Information is very important. You must be able to determine which targets are right for
you and then be able to analyze those targets in order to find out what is the best
method of attack and by far, the simplest and easiest method to learn is pendulum
dowsing. It is a skill that just about anyone can learn in a very brief period of time,
often just in a matter of minutes.
So, first you will need a pendulum.
A pendulum is nothing more than a weight suspended from a string. It is very simple to
make, all you need is an old key and a string. I like to use a string that is about a foot
long, but you can tinker with the length. It does not seem to matter very much as long
as the pendulum can swing freely. And using a key has a number of advantages. It
means that as long as you have a key and piece of string, you can have a pendulum
handy. The key is flat so you can carry it in your pocket with the string wound around it
and not attract attention. And, this one is actually important, the key comes to a point
which will make determining the swing easier, particularly with the alphanumeric chart I
am going to describe in a minute.

This is an ideometer, not to be confused with an idiot meter, which is used to measure
in-laws. It is used to get basic information from the pendulum and using it is very
simple. All you need to do is let the pendulum hang from your fingers with the point
over the center of the cross-hairs. Now, ask the pendulum a question that you know
the answer to be yes, such as "Is Uncle Chuckie the greatest mind of the new
millennium?" The pendulum should swing along the verticle line. Sometimes it takes a
while for the pendulum to get started but it will follow the line.
Now repeat this with a question that you know the answer to be negative, such as, "Can
Uncle Chuckie ever be wrong" The pendulum will swing along the horizontal line.
The circle is for the pendulum to say, "I don't have the slightest idea what the hell you
are asking about."
As you can see, with a little practice, you can get an answer to any yes/no question
pretty quickly and the more you can phrase your questions in that way, the faster the
pendulum will work for you.
But there are those times when you need something a little more detailed. For that you
need something that will spell words out for you. You need this:

This is the chart that does that. To use it, you hold the pendulum over the center point
and let it swing along to spell out the message. Now, if you look at the chart, you will
notice that I have a couple of things that get forgotten when folks design these things. I
have punctuation, a space for a new word and a space for repeat letters. Those are to
make the thing easier to use and the messages come out more clearly.
The use of this is pretty self-explanatory so I do not have to go into any great detail on
it. The most important thing to remember is that your arm is going to get tired from
holding the pendulum over it so try to keep your questions to things where the answers
can be stated in a few words. Another important thing to remember is that if you ask it
a question where you really want a specific answer, that is the answer that you are
going to get. Your desire will override any other force in your mind and thus your
information will not be accurate.
Inaccuracy is a bad thing, especially if money is involved. Do not forget this. You do
not want to bet the entire family fortune on a horse that your pendulum says is a good
horse to bet on because if you are wrong you are on the fast track to the cardboard box
under the bridge. You really do not want to have to grow a long beard and rent yourself
out as a garden gnome or have to spray paint your step-daughter-in-law silver and rent

her out as a blimp or worse, have her standing on a street corner with a sign that reads
"$4.95, Crabs free!"
Ok, now you have a pendulum and the two charts. So far so good. The next thing that
you need is going to be the basis for the machines in this book--an amplifying pattern.
There are two basic types of amplifying pattern, the circle pattern, otherwise known as
the Magnetron, and the pyramid square. These take a bit of explaining, so here we go.
The Magnetron started off as a normal, electronic device, the cavity magnetron, which
was nothing more than solid copper cylinder with holes and vanes drilled into it. When
hooked to some sort of amplifier system this device created microwaves at a certain
band which was really useful for aircraft radar and it is still used in various forms.
Secretly developed by the British in WW2 for their fighters, it did not stay secret long
because the copper cylinder was virtually indestructible and all it took was for the
clever Germans to find one in a crash site and figure out what to do with it.
Unfortunately the French got their hands on it as well and you know the French! It was
not long before a couple of French radisthesiests got really drunk on cheap wine and
decided that it would be fun to see what the pattern of the holes and vanes would do to
a pendulum. But even they were surprised when the pendulum jumped out of their
hands! After that, they started experimenting and discovered that there was some
mysterious (and it still is!) force in the center of the pattern that amplified the psychic
energy of anything that was placed in it.
In the 1970s, Christopher Hills got his hands on it and went to work to try to figure out
how to make it more powerful. As he was operating under the assumption that all this
psychic stuff related to the earth's magnetic field, he added magnets in alternating
polarities under the outer circles and came up with this. It was a simple, elegant design
and it worked very well as a psionic transmitter.

And then he published his ideas. I got my grubby little hands on them and this is what
became the innards of the Psionic Amplifying Helmet and remained the basis of it until
recently when I had to start questioning the role of the magnets. It may be the
geometry of their placement rather than the magnets themselves that makes the helmet
work because it was not long before it became obvious that the circle pattern does not
need magnets to be effective.
The next addition to the magnetron came from the folks at Borderland Research back
about the time my first book was coming out, about 20 years ago at this writing. They
added the Patrick Flanagan Sensor Two discs as the outer circles and the result was
something like this.

They called it the Psychotronic Impressor. Well, this was very nice but I was not
comfortable with the seven vane system. It offended my sense of symmetry so I went to
work with my scissors and glue (no graphics creation programs back then to speak of)
and came up with this.

This version had the eight circles of the original magnetron pattern and the larger,
center circle which made placing a witness a lot easier. All that was now needed was
to add the pyramid grid.
The pyramid grid was another idea that came out of Christopher Hills. In essence, it is
a two-dimensional representation of the Great Pyramid and it has the peculiar ability to
recreate the energies that come out the top of the pyramid.

This pattern figured prominently in his Square Balance Equalizer.

This gadget was a simple energizer and really did not do much in the way of
transmission. It had a radioactive block under the grid to energize it, but of course that
was not necessary.
Anyway, I took his pyramid grid and stuck in the center of a magnetron and came up
with this.

Simple, isn't it.

As Marvin the Martian would say, "Just lovely."
So, now we have a very simple device, nothing more than a pattern that can be printed
up and used as a transmitter, a very powerful transmitter. And this pattern, like all the
others, has the advantage of being nothing more than a drawing on paper. You can
carry this on an airplane and not even the idiot foot-sniffers will give it a thought. Just
focus on the avionics and think Allah Akbar real loud--I'M KIDDING!!!! (It's a good
thing that I never fly. With my sense of humor...)
So how do you use it? Well, I've covered that a lot in my other works and on the
website. You simply put the witness of the person or place you are trying to influence
in the center and think at it. That's all you need to do. The energy from the pattern will
do the rest.
The pattern can also act as a psionic amplifier for any thought you need to transmit
without a witness. To use it in that way, merely place a couple of fingers on the center
of the grid and let fly with your thoughts. With this system you do not need to carry
around any complicated equipment. All you need to do is print up the pattern in a size
small enough to glue to a small piece of posterboard and carry it in your shirt pocket.
Then when you need it, you have it and it is unobtrusive enough that you can usually
find a way to work it without attracting undue attention. This can be very useful in traffic
where you really cannot have a lot of gadgetry around you and you certainly do not

have time to take a rate on a box. Just have this laying on the car seat next to you and
when you are waiting at a light, put a finger on the center of it and send an evil thought
to the breeder in the SUV in front of you with the twelve children by eight different
fathers. With luck you can get her to make a wrong turn in front of the speeding truck
and wouldn't that just be lovely? I mean, can't you just hear the crashing noise and see
the broken glass littering the pavement, to say nothing of the wonderful screams. It's
the sort of thing that makes all this worthwhile! (And the memory of it will make you feel
all warm and glowy inside on a cold, winter's night. When I was laying in the hospital
dying it was memories like that that kept me going.)
That is the simplest way of using an amplifying pattern but I am going to come up with
much more complicated and powerful ways to work them because it is possible to build
radionic devices around amplifying patterns and come up with some very effective
So onto the next.
Holding your finger on the center of the pattern can get a bit awkward so I came up with
something a bit more complicated for home use--the Psionic Amplifying Plate. This is
what happens when I get bored.
On Xmas day, 1993, I was between girlfriends and I was sitting at home looking at the
bare space under the tree where the piles of gifts should have been and feeling very
annoyed and sorry for myself. Then I had an inspiration. I ran down to my
office/laboratory/dungeon and pulled out a box that I had been saving for just such an
event, a photocopy of my amplifying pattern (I made up a bunch of them because you
never know when such things may come in handy) and a few odds and ends and went
to work. The result was this.

It is showing a bit of age in this picture, as you can tell, but it still works. The version
I'm going to describe now is a simplified version of the original which was explained in
detail in The Psionic Path.
To make this device, get a narrow box about 2 feet long and a foot wide, print up the
amplifying pattern and cut a few pieces of foil. You will need to cut a foil circle for the
center of the pattern, two rectangles that go on each side for the top. For the underside
you will need to cut three narrow strips of foil.
First glue the pattern in the center of the top of the box. Cut a small slot in the center
and take one of the narrow strips and thread it through so that when folded over it
leaves a tab in the center of the pattern. Now glue the foil circle over the center of the
Measure where the two side plates will be and cut a small, verticle, slot in the center of
each position. Thread the two narrow strips so that they will make a small tab under
each hand plate and on the underside reach the center foil strip.
Glue the hand plates over the tabs so you get something that looks like the picture.
Turn the box over and attach the foil strips together something like this.
Now this is the underside, so you are not going to have a pattern or the plates. I just
included them in the illustration so you can see where the foil strips go.
The plate is a telepathic transceiver. To use it, place the witness of the target or the
sender in on the foil circle in the middle of the pattern and place the palms of your
hands on the plates. Once you have done that, all you have to do is transmit whatever
message or image you wish to the target. The pattern will grab the energy and boost it
sending it flying on its way.

So let us say you want an accident to happen to your deranged ex-girlfriend, or, better
yet, her daughter. All you do is take a witness of her, like one of those pictures you
have been saving to put on the dart board, place it on the center of the plate and then
put the plate on you lap while you sit comfortably on your couch, put your hands on the
hand plates and close your eyes.
Now get a good picture of her in your mind. See her getting into a car and driving off.
Now, find a convenient truck and aim it at the car. See her car getting hit broadside by
the speeding truck, crushing it and her. Make this as gory as you want. I rather like the
image of the smashed car with the blood dripping out the bottom of the door.
As you send that image, transmit to her mind, "This is going to happen to you." What
will occur when you do that is you will cause her own subconscious mind to set up an
attractive thoughtform which will cause her to have her final meeting with the truck.
If you are able to
perform an action
and can get away
with performing the
action you have an
absolute right to
perform the action.
This public service message was brought to you by your Uncle Chuckie. Now back to

In the receiver mode, the plate is used in much the same way. The witness of the
target is placed on the center of the amplifying pattern and the palms of the hands rest
on the hand plates. Once you have done that, all you have to do is sit back, close your
eyes and relax, and try not to fall asleep, which is a problem that I have. I'm always
falling asleep. It may take a few tries to get it right and not fall asleep in the process
but once you get it, you will be able to pick up stuff from the mind of anyone at any time
and you can guess at how useful that will be.
For example, you are running for sewer commissioner, a job which may make no sense
to outsiders but to anyone who has ever tasted the fruits of graft it is the most desirable
of public offices. It is sufficiently under the radar that the bribes and kickbacks flow like
champagne on New Year's Eve and no one ever notices. There is only one problem.
You have an opponent in the election.
Now, the immediate thought that one gets in such situations is to simply kill the person
and there is much to recommend in that approach. I like permanence in my solutions.
But it is much more fun to destroy the person and ruin his family. There is something
about watching your opposition's first born being hauled off to federal prison that is just
too satisfying for words. But to accomplish that end you need information!
Start with the trusty pendulum. Write down the names of the target and the members of
his family and ask which one is the best, most vulnerable target. Let us say that it
points to his wife. Ok, this is going to be fun.
Procure a witness of her. That is usually pretty easy because, as you know having
done it yourself, all politicians love to have pictures taken of themselves with their
families. They think it will bring them votes when it reality it shows that their wives are
too incredibly stupid to get their pill bottles straight which is why they end up being
cursed by Shub Niggurath (the black goat with a thousand young) with a pack of
drooling, mongoloid offspring running in the Special Olympics. But I digress.
Cut out the picture of the opponent's wife and put it in the center of the pattern on the
plate. Now put your hands on the plates and relax and let whatever impressions come
to you that will.
You did not know that she ran the town's premiere escort and domination service on the
side! (And what is more amazing is that you have an ex-girlfriend who worked for her
as a professional submissive!)
The key is to get the local newspaper interested in that. Actually all you need to do is
get a local reporter interested.
And to do that you need to make a thoughtform.

Thoughtforms are something that get used all the time. In fact they are the principal
tool of anyone in this field which is why all of my books talk about them. So, for you
poor devils who have not read any of my other books, and YOU KNOW WHO YOU
ARE (shame shame shame on you), a thoughtform is nothing more than a clump of
psychic energy that is programmed to perform a specific task. Actually, people make
them unconsciously all the time and David Tansley (super important radionic
researcher who unfortunately wasted all is great knowledge and talents on--yuck--
healing. What an assassin he would have made!) was of the opinion that radionics
worked because the operator was tapping into a thoughtform created by all the radionic
operators in the world. Which was not a bad idea until you realize that when Doc
Abrams created it, there were no radionic operators and it still worked for him!
In spite of that, people who put a lot of energy into anything create a thoughtform
around that and those thoughtforms can be used for anything you want. Like starting
wars, but we'll get to that in a bit.
So, if you don't know already, how do you create one of these most useful of psychic
instruments? It's easy as pie, in fact it's easier than pie because you don't have to
mess with any ingredients or bake anything. And it's a lot easier than pi because pi is
math and as Barbie has told us, "Math is hard."
Ok, back to work.
To make a thoughtform all you have to do is think. Well, it is not quite that simple.
What you have to do is first decide what it is that you want the thoughtform to do. In
this case, as we have already decided, it is to get a local reporter really curious about
the business affairs, so to speak, of your opponent's wife. So first you need to decide
which reporter is best for this. You get a copy of the newspaper and make a list of the
bylines on the stories, particularly the political ones. If you have done your job right up
to now you have not been mentioned in many of these because in an obscure, but
lucrative, position like sewer commissioner, the less people know of you the better.
Once you have a list, go down it with the pendulum asking the pendulum to swing at the
name of the reporter who would be best to work on. It picks a name and now you have
your mark.
Now you need a witness of the reporter. With any luck, his picture will appear in the
paper. You may have to go the paper's website and dig a bit but there should be one.
If not, you will just have to use his name but a picture is best.
Assuming you get the picture, place it on the amplifying plate and go to work. Visualize
yourself next to the reporter. This is actually a lot easier than it sounds because the
amplifier plate is going to be doing the heavy lifting. Create the thoughtform as a ball
over his head by visualizing a glowing sphere which is being charged by your will to get
him really curious about your opponent's wife. As the thoughtform becomes more and

more powerful, he will start to wake up in the morning with a strange feeling that there
is something he should be looking into. As he sits as his desk consuming his usual
quota of Jack Daniels (as a member of the working press he has to prove how much
liquor he can consume before being hired, seriously. Every reporter covering the
aftermath of 9/11 was smashed.), he will suddenly have an inspiration and he will start
looking at your opponent's pictures and those of his family. When he sees the wife--
Kaboom! The thoughtform will kick in and he will be off like the proverbial rocket
calling up all his sources to see if they know anything about her. As his sources may
very well be some of her customers, he will get the information that you want him to
have and her business will be front page material for a week.
Good-bye opposition.
It is good to be the Devil's
Advocate but it is more fun
to be the Devil!
So get out there and sharpen your horns.
Anyway, back to the amplifying pattern and fun stuff we can make with it. This device is
a radionic box based on the pattern. The witness goes in the center of the pattern and
the energy is refined by tuning the three dials. And, as you can see, it has jacks for
input and output to link it to other instruments.

There is a story behind this box. It was created a couple of years before the Starblaster
to be loaned to a friend and so I put it in a box that printer-paper came in back in the
old days when they had the tracks on each side to drive the paper. As you can see, it
has handle on the top to make it easier to carry. In use, a witness plate was plugged
into the left-hand jack and a rate taken, then the box was stood on it's side, as in the
picture and the person just sat and looked at the foil plate in the center and sucked the
energy in. In effect, it was early version of a vampire machine, where a helmet was
simply not the best way to absorb the energy and we wanted a direct method rather
than just using a witness of the person who was receiving the stuff. It was a case
where directly willing the absorbtion was important.
However, we discovered two things. First, the energy really flew out of the pattern and
this became the basis for the Starblaster that I just described. Second, the foil in the
center of the pattern worked really well for visualization.
The box is wired as in the diagram.

As you can see, everything is hooked to the center of the pattern.

To make this you will need:
1 box.
1 amplifying pattern
3 potententiometers, value unimportant.
1 foil circle
3 knobs.
2 jacks (1/8" is best though the ones in the unit pictured are bigger)
1 screw and nut

Glue the amplifying pattern to the outside of the box and glue the foil circle over the
center of the pattern. Measure the places for the stems of the potentiometers to go
through (allowing for the size of the pots on the underside and the dials) and mark
Do the same for the jacks.
Punch the holes as needed and a small hole in the center of the foil circle for the screw.
Insert the screw so the head is in the center of the foil circle.
Now turn the lid over.
Wire the pots together and put the stems of them through the holes provided. Attach
the holding nuts that come with them and tighten them. Attach the knobs to the stems.
Wire the pots to the screw as in the diagram.
Repeat this procedure with the jacks, again wiring them to the screw. Place the nut on
the screw and tighten it to hold it and the wires in place.
Put the lid on the box and the unit is complete.
See how easy that was! Remember, Psionics is easy, math is hard. (And so was GI
Joe which is why Barbie left Ken for him.)
You are going to need a couple of other things to work this machine. First, you will
need an input plate if you want to work it standing up, and that is very easy to make. All
you need is:
1 piece of posterboard about 4" X 4"
1 length of speaker wire
1 plug (same size as the jacks on the machine)
some aluminum foil
2 alligator clips
some glue.
Attach the plug to one end of the speaker wire and the alligator clips to the other end.
Wrap the foil over the posterboard and glue it in place so you have a foil plate.

Clip the speaker wire to the foil.

The other thing you will need to make is a stick pad to plug into the box. To make that,
you need:
1 plastic lid from a coffee can or pet food can
1 length of speaker wire
1 plug
a length of copper wire.
Make a coil of copper wire and stick it under the lid, you can tape it in place.
Wire the plug to the speaker wire.
Attach the speaker wire to the coil.
When you put it all together it looks something like the photograph. I had to take the
picture with the unit on the couch because it was the only place that I could get decent
lighting on it. The way our windows are arranged everything was in shadow and the
flash was just too powerful, it washed out the image!
(Of course if I had really wanted to put something over on people I would have said that
it was the energy coming out of the machine...)

Anyway, how you set this thing up depends on what you are going to use it for. If you
are going to use it as a standard radionic box, just lay it on its back and place the
witness on the foil circle. You do not need the extra foil input plate unless you are
going to transmit a pattern or the energy from another witness to the target witness in
the center. You use the stick pad on the right to tune the instrument.
Tuning is pretty easy. With a witness on either foil plate, depending on the use
intended, you slowly turn each dial while gently stroking the detector plate with your
thumb. When you get a stick, and it is impossible to describe this but you will know
when it happens, that is the rate for the dial and it is time to go and do the same thing
with the next one.
And as this is primarily a transmittal instrument, you will need to make the next device,
the psionic amplifying helmet.
Ok, if you have been following my stuff for any length of time, you probably already
have at least one of these things floating around. But this one is different.

This is what happens when you are too lazy to set up the tripod.

It's pretty different, isn't it?

Well, the horns are not the only different thing about it. It has completely different
You see we are making a bit of a change in the theory about the helmet. In the past I
have operated under the working assumption that the magnets positioned around the
helmets I have worked with heretofore did something with the brain, the etheric body
and the electromagnetic field of the earth. Now, there is some reasoning behind this.
After all, radionics began with Doc Abrams moving his patient around, under the
assumption that the position of the patient affected the relationship between his body
and the electromagnetic field of the earth and George Delawarre was so convinced that
that field played a role that he included a turnable magnet in his devices which he felt
absolutely essential for accurate results. So the idea has a history.
But that does not make it true and this helmet is a serious departure. It could be that it
is the position of the magnets in the helmet, the geometry that they create, which is
what really makes the thing work. If that is the case, then what is actually present is a
type of amplifying pattern and the magnets can be replaced with an amplifying pattern.
In any event, that is the idea that we are going to be working with now and so the
helmet I am giving you here is something of an experiment. Now, there is some basis
for believing this thing will work, not only because it seems to be working for me.
About ten years ago I made a couple of devices which were nothing more than
amplifying patterns wired to crystals and then encased in a small box with the crystal on
the outside and an activating button. They seemed to work quite well and someday I
have to find out where I hid them and play with them again!
That being the case, I think we can assume that this helmet design will function as well,
if not better than the helmets that we have worked with heretofore.

So here we have the design for the interior wiring. What is not shown (because I could
not figure out quite how to draw it) is the wiring from the center of the pattern to the
three antenna, the crystals under the crest and the horns. Those wires come out the
top of the central circle and run out the top to the crest, and under the helmet bowl to
the position of the horns and out to those as well. In practice, those wires are covered
by the central circle and really do not show.
To make the helmet you will need:
1 hard hat

3 crystals
3 potentiometers
1 amplifying pattern
2 foil circles about 2" in diameter
1 small jack
duct tape

The first thing you need to do is make the horns. You do this by cutting two 3" diameter
circles out of the posterboard. You then draw a line from the center of each circle to its
edge and then cut along that line so you have a straight cut from the edge of each
circle to its center.
Now start twisting the circle, using the cut, to make a cone. When you have a pleasing
cone, tape the posterboard in place and repeat that with the second circle so that you
will have two cones about the same size, the closer the better. When that is done wrap
each cone in duct tape and set them aside.
The helmet in the drawing and the photo each have a crest for the central crystal but
you can dispense with that and just have that crystal exposed on top. The horns act as
transmittal amplifiers so they are necessary.
Ok, set the horns aside for a bit and look at the hard hat. Take out the liner. Now,
mark the holes that you will have to drill. You will need a hole at the very top, a whole
on each side a bit down towards the front and three holes in the front spaced so that
the potentiometers and knobs will have enough room between them. Make sure that
the three front holes are large enough for the screw part of the pots to fit through them
but not so large that the nut holding them will go through.
Mark where the hole for the jack will be.
Drill the holes.
Set the helmet aside and wire the pots together in series with a wire at each end of the
chain long enough to reach the top of the helmet when they are inserted.
Wire the three crystals by coating each in glue and wrapping the wire around them.
When the glue dries, position each one over one of the holes provided and run the wire
into the helmet. Glue the crystals in place and mount the horns over the side crystals.
Glue the horns in place.
When the glue sets, cover the crystal on the top of the helmet in masking tape and then
paint the helmet.
While the paint is drying, wire the jack so that the wire will be long enough to reach the
top of the helmet and cut out the foil circles. Put a SMALL hole in center of one of the
When the paint dries, attach the wires from the side crystals to the wire coming down
inside from the central crystal. Twisting the wires will work fine, just be sure that the
wire from the central crystal can reach the top of the liner of the hard hat.
Insert the pots and the jack.

Wire them to the central wire.

I know this makes no sense electronically, but psionics is not electronic so don't worry
about it.
Now run the central wire through the foil circle and glue that circle in place under the
top of the inside of the helmet.
Take the amplifying pattern and put a pinhole in the center.
Run the central wire through the amplifying pattern and glue the pattern and glue the
amplifying pattern to the top of the inside of the helmet as in the diagram.
Now attach the second foil circle to the top of the liner so that when worn it will rest on
the top of your head at the crown chakra.
Attach the wire to that circle.
Insert the liner.
Attach the knobs to the potentiometers and the helmet is complete.
This helmet was designed for transmittal work, which is why the horns. A cone has
interesting properties with regard to the energies that we use in that unlike a pyramid
the energy only goes one way, out the top. So in use, the crystal on the top of the
helmet acts as the receiver and the crystals under the horns boost the transmission
So how do you use this thing?

Ok, I'm kidding. This is what happens when you use it, if you're lucky.
The first thing you do is tune it. Lay the helmet in front of you and think of a person
whom you would like to give a splitting headache to, say your mother. Now, slowly turn

the first dial on the left until it feels right. Repeat that with the other dials. Now, you
have to understand that when you tune a radionic device what is happening is that a
relationship is between locked in between your consciousness and the subject of the
operation. There is nothing physical, certainly nothing electronic at work here.
Put the helmet on your head and if you know the direction that your target is from you,
face that if possible. It is not necessary, but it sometimes makes things easier.
Get a good picture of her in your mind. Concentrate on the center of her forehead,
where the brow chakra is. That is a good receiving point for this. If you can, visualize
the center of her forehead in the cross hairs of a gunsight, but that, again, is not
necessary, only fun.
Now pour energy into that chakra, visualizing it as a beam of red light, filling her chakra
with an overdose of energy and see that energy going out to the muscles under her
forehead, causing them to tighten. That is actually what causes most headaches.
Keep doing this for about five to ten minutes. (It is a good idea to invest in a timer.) At
the end of that time, take off the helmet and have a good laugh at the thought of her
running for the aspirin.
Now, we can have even more nasty fun with this technique. Let us suppose that you
have had it up to your nose with your Aunt Letitia. First, she has a ridiculous name
which is embarrassing everyone who has to say it. Second, she keeps wanting to drag
your ass to church even though she and everyone else in the family knows that you are
a High Priest in the Orthodox Church of Satan! (and please don't tell me that there
really is an Orthodox Church of Satan, I just made it up)
Well, enough is enough! You can't stand it anymore and she has go to go, in some
prolonged and entertaining manner. How about a brain hemmorage? Those are
always fun.
Repeat the above procedure, but now, instead of visualizing her forehead, look through
her thick skull into her brain. Yes, in spite of all outward appearances, she actually has
one, everyone does, even my in-laws, even-gasp-Packers fans.
Once you have that image, go looking around the brain for weak blood vessels. She
has some, everyone does. When you get the image in your mind of a blood vessel that
is showing signs of strain, start visualizing that blood vessel breaking, spewing blood
all over her brain and both starving the circuitry of nourishment and drowning it at the
same time. Get as gory and graphic as you want with this. You can never be too
Keep pouring it on. And repeat the procedure at the same time every day until you
hear that she has been rushed to the hospital and with any luck has died on the spot.
At the very least, she will suffer a massive stroke and spend the rest of her days as a
drooling idiot.

And of course you are not limited to the brain.

Let us say that you have someone who really needs to be taught a lesson in what
psionics can do and you know that that person suffers from serious kidney trouble,
maybe even has had a transplant. Well, you have your target!
Set the helmet to the target and visualize his kidney. See it as being covered with a
black cloud, strangling it, making it malfunction. Now this is not for kidney stones, they
are curable albeit really uncomfortable (believe me, I know!). This is to kill the kidney
that was weak to begin with. In the case of a transplant, you need to nullify the anti-
rejection medication and have the target's own body dispose of the organ.
Pump negative energy into that cloud. Keep at it until the target is destroyed.
From these examples you can readily see, with little difficulty, that the helmet can work
as a stand-alone instrument and does not need to be attached to anything else. But
most of the time you will use it in conjunction with the radionic box.
When I built my first unit, on April 7, 1977 (a day that shall live forever in the
nightmares of men) I thought it would be interesting if I could make a direct connection
between myself and the box. Now, one would have thought that a simple headband
would do, but I really like helmets, and so I took a helmet that I had made about a year
before but really did not like design so I did not wear it very often and hooked up the
head electrodes inside of it and wired them to a jack on the side. That was my first
helmet. It was purely a connecting tool. It was only later that I had a dream in which
the workings of the psionic amplifying helmet were revealed to me and I immediately
modified that first helmet to conform with what I had been given. But it was still
essentially something to be plugged into the box and so, without further adont, (I'm
sorry, I just couldn't resist it.) here is the next step in your system.
Evil is whom evil does.

See how simple it is? All you need to add is a patch cable to attach the instruments
You now have a very effective weapons system that can be used to cause all manner of
chaos in the world.
So how do you use this arrangement?
The system is designed for transmission, which means you are the sender and your
target is the receiver. Lay the box down and place the witness of the target onto the
central plate of the box. Turn the dials on the helmet and the box until they fell right.
You will know it when it happens. You now have a contact rate between yourself and
the target which psychically links you to the target.
Now you are really locked in! It is almost like having an open telephone line between
you and the target and unless she has really good firewalls you can place all manner of
virii into her system. And you can know just about anything about her because there
are no secrets from this stuff, so people can take their ideas of privacy and kiss them

True joy is
only found in
sufferings of

Imposing energy
One of the most interesting and fun things that you can do with radionics is to take the
energy from one place and dump it onto another. You can start wars doing that,
But let us say that you have had the misfortune to have gotten a speeding ticket in
some small town that should have been paved over for a shopping center ages ago.
You are madder than hell, and rightfully so. So, what are you going to do about it?
You're going to kill someone, with luck lots of someones.
The first thing that you need is an aerial or outer space view of the town. That is easily
obtained. Go to any of the servers that supply such things and use your screen capture
program to get the image. Save that image as a graphic and use whatever picture
editing program you have (there are a number of good ones available online) to cut out
the picture of the town. Save that and dump the screen capture because you don't
need it any more and it will just take up space on your hard drive.
Print up the image of the town small enough to fit comfortably on the central plate of the
Now you need a transmittal witness, a photograph of a location where a mass murder
has occurred. Again, that is easily found online. Print up that picture again in a small
enough size to fit nicely and place that one on the central plate of the box.
Take a rate for the energy of the mass murder. Believe me, the residual energy of such
things lasts a very long time. The garage where the St. Valentine's Day Massacre of
blessed memory is long gone but the park that is in the location now is a very strange
place and people are hesitant to walk their dogs there. The dogs dislike it.
Once you have done that, merely place the picture of the town on top of that image and
let the machine run. The energy of the mass murder will be imposed on the witness of
the town and that place will suddenly find that it has its first murder in years and they
will keep happening!
That'll teach them to bother honest travelers!
Of course you may want to add a little extra energy to that to make things work faster.
The easiest way to do that is to set the box under a desk lamp and turn the lamp on.
The light from the lamp will energize the unit and you may see results on the news even
As you can imagine, this technique has any number of uses that are as nasty as they
are fun. When you use people as your target, as opposed to an area or a building,

what you are doing is taking a pattern of energy out of the etheric body of the donor,
such as a tendency to become accident prone, and placing it into the etheric body of
the target. So, if you want to bet against a race-car driver, you would broadcast energy
from a photo of a driver who was killed in a wreck at the target and watch the carnage
while counting your money.
Just imagine the fun that you can have broadcasting the energy of this image to an
intersection that is normally dangerous anyway. It is just the thing to liven up a New
Year's Eve.

Landmines are wonderful things. What can be more fun that sticking something in the
ground and forgetting it, knowing that at some time in the undetermined future some
useless child will step on it and be blown to perdition and may Moloch accept his
And they might be the one thing that could make soccer interesting. After all, the
difference between football, real football and soccer is that football is played by large
Americans in armor and soccer is played by little gay foreigners in their underwear.
Ok, to be realistic, we can't just go around planting explosives, fun though that may be.
They tend to be a bit expensive and if you get caught people get really weird for
reasons that I have never quite understood. After all, everyone needs a hobby and if a
few people get blown up in the process it is not like anyone who matters, namely me, is
going to miss them. That being said, with psionics we can do the next best thing. We
can create psychic landmines that will cause, if they work right, almost as much and
maybe even more damage to the unsuspecting but oh-so-worthy-of-destruction victims.
For never forget:
Victims are scum! That is why they are victims.
In my first book, Elementary Psionics, I describe how to make a psychic landmine to
make people like you. Now I will describe how to make one that will make life difficult
for our favorite targets, traffic cops and politicians.
First let's go after the pigs. That is always fun and my readers love these ideas.
Traffic cops tend to pick places along the road where they can hide and jump out to
snatch honest citizens. They are EVIL and must be dealt with accordingly, without
mercy or compassion. If they were decent people they would have decent jobs so do
not feel any guilt about making their lives nasty, brutish and short. Their lives are
already nasty and brutish.
Your first task is to determine the place where these scumbags tend to hide or gather.
The police station is, of course, an obvious target, but you do not need need a
landmine to deal with that. For that you would use location fire. The place you are
looking for is the hiding place, or just the place where they tend to lie in wait and that is
pretty easy to figure out because you probably drive past one of them every day and
see them sitting there looking at their radar meter hoping that the microwaves from the

radar will give them testicular cancer. Actually that is kind of foolish because if you
take away their tin stars and guns you find they have no balls anyway, but I digress.
Once you have the spot, get a photograph of it without the cop car sitting there. That is
easy as well, simply have a passenger take a quick shot of it as you drive by. I use a
small digital movie camera and then grab a still off the video. Print this picture up and
you have your witness sample.
Now you need to make the landmine. The best way to do that is to create a
thoughtform in the shape of a landmine.
As you can see it is a very easy shape to visualize, just a flat disk. Create a
thoughtform that looks like this by the following procedure.
Setup your helmet and box to lock your mind onto the location. You do that by putting
the witness of the location onto the box, hooking up the helmet and taking a rate on
both. Once you have done that, put on the helmet and visualize the landmine in the
location. As you visualize it, program it to receive and broadcast the piece of
information that you are going to transmit to that location.
Once you have done that, remove the helmet from the box and plug in the foil
transmittal plate.
Now, print up this picture.

This is your transmittal witness.

Take the print of this picture and place it on the transmittal plate and reset the rate for
the energy from it to be transmitted to the landmine and, in doing so, impregnate the
Now what will happen when Officer Fuzzbottom parks his car in that spot? Well, you
can probably guess. The energy from the wreck will engulf his car and it will just sort of
attract large, rolling objects to itself, to the inconvenience of the occupant.
Now, you have to understand that the local constabulary will not realize what
happened. They will just see that they have a wrecked patrol car and, with any luck, an
officer in the hospital. So they will continue the use the spot because it is a good
hunting ground. That is why it was picked in the first place. And every time they do,
another cop car gets the same treatment.
There is another use for this and that is to target the garage or parking lot where they
keep their cars. Again, get a witness of the location and plant a landmine in it and
charge it the same way. It is possible to disable an entire department by this method.
Never forget:
There are no innocents, there are only targets.
Ok, we've had our fun with the pigs, now let's go after their masters, the politicians.
If cops are cowardly scumbags, politicians are unmitigated filth. Anything bad that
happens to a politician, any politician, is a good thing. And politicians make wonderful
targets because it is so easy to determine if the operation worked. You simply watch
the evening news and see them make fools of themselves or get into terrible trouble.
Actually it is not necessary for them to make fools of themselves, they were born that
way, but it is great fun to see the reality come out in front of a camera.

One thing about politicians is that the never stay put! They move around like a plague
of locusts, devouring the land in the process. They are always off somewhere
speechifying or raising money or figuring out how to rob everyone else while
speechifying and raising money. And this gives you a chance to play with a landmine.
While politicians are always going somewhere, there are certain places that they keep
coming back to. That is because the location is just perfect for their particular audience
or they just happen to like the rubber chicken they devour in large quantities. (A
requirement for any politician, aside from plenteous hot air, is a cast iron stomach an
no taste buds.) After any given length of time, it is very easy to know what those places
are and prepare a landmine in them accordingly.
You follow the same procedure that you did with the speedtrap landmine. Only in this
case you program the landmine to make the politician look really really stupid. You do
this by giving the landmine a name and using that name to lock onto the thoughtform
for repeated chargings so that once a day for about a week before the target is to give
his talk and raise money, you charge the landmine to make him stumble over his own
At the appointed time and place, the politician will step up to the podium, make some
biblical reference to his introduction, such as saying that he now knows what all the
Philistines felt like because he too has been slain by the jawbone of an ass (somebody
actually did respond to a butchered introduction that way many years ago) and begin to
speak. And as he does so, the thoughtform will hit him and he will unceremoniously
jam both of his feet in his mouth sideways in front of a shocked or laughing audience
while the television cameras record his every blunder.
Of course with politicians the fun does not stop there. They do not have the
intelligence to figure out that if they make a joke of their blunders the whole incident will
be forgotten in a couple of days. They have to explain things and explain things and
explain things and in doing so dig themselves into a hole and look totally ridiculous at
the same time. So one good psychic landmine under a podium truly is the gift that
keeps on giving.

Isn't this the coolest looking device? I have no idea why anyone would want to build
such a thing but I love this picture.
"First we kill all the
Ok, I have to admit it, some of my best friends are actually lawyers so they aren't all
bad, but most of them are one step above traffic cops and several steps below pizza
delivery boys. In other words, they a surplus population and should be deleted from the
planet. Or, as the old joke goes, "What are a million dead lawyers? A good start."
And before you bury a dead lawyer it is a good idea to pound a stake through his heart,
cut off his head and stuff the mouth with garlic. No point in taking foolish chances.

Now, in a civilized society, people could go down to the local camping and outdoor
supply shop and purchase a hunting license would entitle them to kill as many lawyers
as their ammunition supply would allow but, as I have often pointed out, we are not
living in a civilized society. And while shooting lawyers down in the street should be
considered a laudable and highly justified action, for some reason which eludes me and
everyone possessed of an ounce of intelligence, people get weird about that.
I know, it makes no sense at all.
Fortunately, with the aid of psionics, we do not have to care what society thinks about
anything. We can do whatever we want, the difference being in that we don't use
firearms or other things that can be traced, or even detected.
So let us give a hypothetical situation. You come home from work to discover that your
wife has had a minor accident while driving to the hairdresser that day. Ok, that should
be no big deal. The insurance can handle it. But, for some bizarre reason, you find
that you are being sued.
Ok, the insurance will handle it but you really want to teach that damnable ambulance-
chaser a lesson. Well, you can!
Lawyers love paper. Well, actually it is not that they love paper, they hate trees, but
then lawyers hate everything. (No, not like Uncle Chuckie! I love my wife and my cat
and I'm very fond of my readers.) And because they have this peculiar sexual hang-up
about paper, they tend to distribute it far and wide, with lots of gobbledygook printed on
it and their signatures.
Do you see something useful here?
The nasty letter from the lawyer is a perfect witness sample not only for the individual
lawyer but for his firm as well.
Oh my, I think he's gonna die!
How do you go about this?
Well, you have a witness sample, a radionic box and a helmet. You also have the
starblaster. What you are going to do is draw nasty energy into yourself using the
starblaster and then send that energy to the lawyer.
First, you have to draw the energy. To do that you set up the starblaster by putting the
Symbol of Ultimate Evil in the center of the amplifier pattern and then resting the device
on your lap with your hands on the hand plates.
What is the Symbol of Ultimate Evil you ask. Well, it was given us in the last century by
the process of taking a sacred symbol and perverting it in ways that even I could not
imagine (and I'm really good at perversion). Here it is.

Yes, I know that Buddhists and Hindus still consider this thing sacred but we aren't
working with the energy of Buddhists and Hindus here. In our world this is as bad as it
can get and you really need to be careful when you work with it because things can be
catching. It is ok to have a racist thought every now and then and it is probably actually
a good thing because it is better to be honest than to be always afraid that you might
think something that people do not like. It is not ok to make a fool of yourself and run
around in a brown shirt preaching unity and book burning, which is what the idea of
unity inevitably leads to.
So watch yourself with this. If you find that you are behaving strangely, stop using it.
But as long as you can use it, pull the negative energy into yourself and don't worry,
there is a lot of it floating around out there. Make yourself a living battery of pure
malice and hate and then fire that energy through you hands into the starblaster and
thence to the lawyer. Keep pumping until you are exhausted.
Repeat the procedure and if all goes well in about a week, two at the most, the lawyer
will be unable to sue anyone any more. He'll be too busy being dead.
Now this method will work on anyone who uses paper for communication, such as
bureaucrats. The technique is always the same, you charge yourself and then use the
papers as the witness samples. They have no defense and they have no way of hiding

from it. With this equipment and the ability to use it you can outmatch any such
problem agency. The key is in how you use it.
When attacking a bureaucracy, you are not only attacking the individual bureaucrat, but
the entire agency as well. This way if the principal individual drops dead, as he will
most assuredly, replacing him on the case will do no good. The entire agency will be in
To do this, you focus the hate not on an individual, but on the organization around him
using him as a radiating point to infect the organization with the mental virus you are
sending. As the energy permeates the organization, bad things will happen to bad
people. Documents will disappear. Computers will break down and the staff will start
to become very accident and sickness prone.
So how does that happen? It is really very simple and I'm amazed that more people
have not thought of it.
Everyone radiates energy. We know this. Think of people as large, walking light bulbs
illuminating everything in their path. The trick is program the energy field of the target
to radiate the energy you put into it outward rather than into the target himself. So if
you put disruptive energy into the person, everyone he comes into contact with,
everything that gets into the range of his field, will be engulfed by that disruptive power.
You can easily imagine the results. Things just go wrong. And they go wrong
whenever the person comes into the building! Well, after a while people will put two
and two together, get six and figure that what they are thinking has to be utter
nonsense. The notion that someone may bring bad luck with them to everyone he
comes into contact with is just too absurd for anyone with more than a fifth grade
education to take seriously.
So the target will continue to go to work and things will continually break down,
documents will keep disappearing, records will mysteriously catch fire and be erased
from computers, all manner of dreadfulness will happen.
People will come down with more illnesses than usual and sick time will multiply.
Accidents, serious accidents will start to happen and key employees will end up in the
hospital or dead.

The agency will no longer be able to function efficiently and soon its blunders will reach
the press and all hell will break loose and people in places that normally do not care
about such things start asking embarrassing questions.
Department heads lose their jobs and in disgust go to the media and blow whistles on
their former co-workers. Moral ceases to exist. The remaining employees no longer
care if the work gets done right or even done at all. Things are left to fall apart.
Do you remember the old rhyme?
"For want of the nail, the shoe was lost.
For want of the shoe, the horse was lost.
For want of the horse the rider was lost.
For want of the rider the battle was lost.
For want of the battle the kingdom was lost.
All for the loss of the horseshoe nail."
All you have to do is cause a nail to disappear at the right moment and the house will
come tumbling down.
So, to get back to lawyers, in this case prosecutors, the worst of the breed, that
dreadful combination of cop and lawyer! It is amazing that they do not leave a trail of
slime behind them in the courtroom. We have all seen them on television, standing
before the cameras, their smug faces barely able to conceal the joy they get out of the
free publicity. Well, we can take those faces and wipe the smile off them forever!
Let us say that there is a high-profile rape case. The accused is, of course, innocent.
They always are. So, how do you fix this clown and wreck his trial? Very simple. You
create a thoughtform around him to radiate to the jury the following statement, "The
bitch is lying!"
And, as he gets up in front of the court that will spread all over the courtroom, hitting
the judge, the jury and even the witnesses.
You can imagine the effect that that will have. No one will believe his case. It will not
matter what lies the accuser tells, what evidence they have manufactured or planted.
The minds of the jury will be made up and there will be nothing that he or his paid
cronies can do about it. It will not matter that the judge is his brother-in-law!
The jury will acquit. And his job will no longer be worth the proverbial plugged nickel.

The goal of psionics

is to make law
impossible by the
simple process of
making its

We do not want
their hearts and
We want their
hearts and kidneys!
and their livers and corneas and whatever else we need to transplant.

Creative road rage
Driving is one of the most stressful things that we do. The never ending annoyances
caused by other drivers are not healthy to have to deal with. They cause the blood
pressure to rise and damage the digestion. Fortunately, with the aid of psionics, we are
not helpless against this problems, on the contrary, we have the opportunity to have a
tremendous amount of fun at the expense of everyone else on the road, whom, as well
all know, have no business being there in the first place.
This is fun. But first you have to learn how to make a fast-acting thoughtform, now
commonly called a psi-ball.
A psi-ball is a clump of psychic energy molded and charged to bring about a specific
result very quickly. It is useful in causing the parents of noisy children at the next table
to suddenly become child abusers in front of dozens of witnesses. And if you are really
good at it you can make the senior citizen across the room just drop dead, which is
always good for alleviating boredom because people tend to get really animated when
someone sitting next to them just up and dies. My Aunt Jenny did that years ago.
She was visiting her daughter's family and sitting on a stool peeling potatoes for dinner.
Why good Italians would be eating potatoes instead of healthy pasta is a mystery to me
but that is what she was doing. Well, as luck would have it she had a massive stroke
and just keeled over dead.
It totally ruined their dinner! (Of course if they were having potatoes the dinner was
already ruined. If it were not for french fries there would be no reason to even cultivate
You would think that rational people would just kick the body into a corner and have
dinner and then take care of the paperwork, but people are not rational and for some
reason think that somebody having the lack of consideration to die on them deserves
lots of attention even though the person is no longer in a position to notice it.
Anyway, I digress. Back to the psi-ball. This will take a little practice but once you get
the hang of it the procedure is very quick and very effective.
The first thing that you have to master is the art of bringing up the ambient energy of
the cosmos into you. You do that by a very simple process of visualization.
Sit in a comfortable chair with a reasonably straight back and close your eyes. Now
imagine the energy of universe just sort of beaming into you at the base of your spine.
Bring the energy up through your spine to the top of your head and then send it
shooting out only to return to the base of your spine and start the cycle all over again.

Practice this for about a week. It is pretty easy.

After you have been doing that for a while, repeat the exercise but hold your hands out
in front of you with the palms facing each other. You don't have to stretch your arms, in
fact you really do not want to stretch your arms because you do not want to be too
obvious when you do this in public.
Bring the energy down your arms into the palms of your hands and feel it forming a ball
in between them. Mold the ball as if you were making a snow ball, packing the energy
into the ball and commanding it to do your bidding with a simple phrase such as, "Go
kill that old fart." After you do that sort of just toss the ball in the direction of the target
and watch the fun.
Now start practicing doing this real fast, so that you can charge up, create the ball and
fire it off in a few seconds, less than a minute at most. When you can do that it is time
to take your skill out for a ride, quite literally.
I think that by now you realize that just about every time you get behind the wheel of
your car you have something happen that is just plain annoying, if not totally infuriating.
It can be anything from the damnable old lady driving ten miles under the speed limit in
the fast lane to the school bus stopping to pick up some little monsters every other
house when you are running late for work. Well, now you can do something about
The next time you find yourself dealing with one of these ever-present and never-to-be-
sufficiently-damned nuisances, wait until you are at a stop light and quickly charge up
and create a psi-ball. Program it to do something unpleasant to the target, like have
the school bus broadsided by a speeding gravel truck, and let fly. You may not actually
get to see the result, in fact most of the time you will not, but it will happen and when it
does if you are lucky it may be entertaining enough to make the evening news. There
are few things more satisfying to the soul than to turn on the television and see the
minivan of the soccer slut who delayed you turned into tangled wreckage with the
remains of her little bastards crushed inside.
It is things like that that make getting up in the morning worthwhile.
Now, you are not limited to psi-balls. You can use the amplifying pattern that I talked
about earlier for this as well.
Print it up a bit small, approximately 4" in diameter, and glue that to a piece of
cardboard. The cardboard is to keep it from getting wrinkled and torn and makes the
pattern much easier to work with.
Keep this on the seat beside you while you are driving. It is, after all, nothing more
than a pattern printed on paper and anyone seeing it may find it a bit puzzling but
nothing more.

Now let us say that you are merrily driving along and all of a sudden you come up
behind a truck that is taking forever to get moving. Ok, you have more surplus
population fit only to be harvested for its body parts driving the thing. Of course given
the substances truck drivers abuse there may not be much left worth the trouble of
harvesting. Anyway, it is time to have some fun.
When the truck finally picks up speed, put a finger on the center of the pattern and
think at the driver of the truck, "TURN RIGHT!" With practice and some luck you will
get to the point where the driver will, without thinking, slam his steering wheel to the
right and slam his truck right into the road construction crew next to the lane he is in.
And if you are really lucky he will go careening off the road, over the grass and into a
grade school!
Isn't it fun to be evil?
One more thing to cover on this. If you should be the passenger, you have the
advantage of being able to work without having to concentrate on your driving at the
same time. This means that you have more time to charge up and build the psi-ball or
use the amplifying pattern. It also means that you can use something that my wife and I
joking refer to as the smiter.
The smiter is nothing more than a cheap walkie-talkie, easily found in any toy
department or on ebay. It is also an excellent psionic amplifier.
To use the walkie-talkie, hold it in such a way as to have the palm of your hand over the
microphone, or at least on the same side. This will let the energy from the minor chakra
in the palm of your hand fill the electronics of the device, charging it up as it were.
Then, when you turn it on and push the talk button, that energy will go blasting out
through the antenna in any direction you point it.
This method has all sorts of wonderful applications. It has the benefit not only of
amplifying your output (power at source) but also, because you are actually pointing the
the antenna, giving you the psychological benefit of actually directing the energy in a
tangible way. In essence it is an electronic magick wand.
How do you use it? Just aim and fire. And whatever you fire out of it will go blasting
into the field of the target.
Now, if you really want to create something with lots of power at source, this little
gadget that I first wrote about in my Psionic Power is just the thing. It can really boost
anything that you send and it is not really all that difficult to build.

To make this you will need:

1 amplifying pattern, about 4" in diameter.
1 small foil circle for the center of the pattern.
The innards of a cheap walkie talkie
1 switch
some wire.
A project box.
Take the walkie talkie apart and mount the innards inside the project box with a hole cut
for an off-off switch. Wire the push-to-talk button thing in the talk position so that it
remains open and turn on the power switch of the walkie talkie. Drill a hole for the
antenna wire to come out. Drill two holes in the top of the box.
Cut one of the battery wires and connect that wire to the switch so that when the switch
is closed the current will run through it. You may need to extend that wire, in which
case you will splice the extra wire to it as needed. Mount the switch on the box.

Cut the speaker/microphone wires and run those wire out the holes in the top of the
Take the amplifying pattern and punch two small holes in the center.
Run the microphone wires through those holes and glue the amplifying pattern to the
top of the box. If the wires are too short extend them with the spare wire.
Now attach the bare ends of the microphone wire to the foil circle and glue that circle
over the central circle of the amplifying pattern, as in the box design I gave you earlier.
Hook up a battery in the clips that came with the chassis and close the box lid, screwing
it into place.
At this point you should have a box with an amplifying pattern on top, a switch on one
side and an antenna coming out the other as in the illustration.
It is, in effect, a sort of modified wishing machine.
To use it, simply turn it on when you get into the car and whenever you need to transmit
something put a finger on the foil circle and think. The box will do the rest.
To give it a test, when you come to a red light, put your finger on the box and visualize
the light turning green. See how fast the light changes. It should change significantly
faster than it normally would, to the great consternation of the drivers who are going in
the other direction.
Once you have mastered these simple techniques you will discover that your driving
experience is much more pleasant. Instead of being the helpless victim of the stupidity
of everyone else, they are now the victims of your capacity to project power.
You are the predator. They are now the prey.

The fact that others

consider any action
to be immoral is not
sufficient reason to
refrain from
performing the

Toxic logos
When you see the logo of a corporation you see a witness of the corporation. The logo
is chosen, created with the idea of establishing recognition. The consumer, the
hapless consumer, seeing the logo will be programmed by advertising to automatically
think of the company that it represents. In other words, he's brainwashed!
But something else is happening when the person sees the logo. He is connecting with
a thoughtform that is linked to the company because it is impossible for a large number
of people to associate an image with something and not create that thoughtform.
And that thoughtform is the link between the individual and the corporation.
Now, let us suppose that it is possible to make that connection poisonous, that every
time someone sees that logo they get something toxic placed into their psyche that can
affect them in negative and unpredictable ways. And, at the same time, the toxicity of
the logo attacks the corporation as well because the link works two ways.
Sounds like fun, doesn't it. Just imagine taking a thriving concern and driving it into
bankruptcy, casting its overpaid and underworked employees into the employment line
at the local fast-fast food emporium. Or, as the saying goes, "Let them flip burgers!"
Ok, first you need a target. There are so many of them to choose from that this can be
a real problem. But there is always one company that does something that just drives
you nuts. It may that its commercials are written by do-gooding tree-huggers who live
under the illusion that you actually don't want global warming even though you live in
Wisconsin and warm is good. Or it could be that they crow about spending their profits,
money you spend, on helping people who exist only to be spare parts for the rest of us.
In any event, it makes you want to puke!
Well, now you can do something about that.
Every corporation has a logo. It has to. There is something in the corporate rule book
that requires it and if the corporation does not have one its stockholders will become
very upset and put their money into something that is more worthwhile, like the defense
group. (If it doesn't blow things up governments have no business spending money on
it.) Get a copy of the logo.
That is very easy because the other corporate rule is that the logo must be placed in
every conceivable location, even tattooed on people's foreheads if they can find a way
to do it. I know, don't encourage them!

Once you have your target and a copy of the logo, you need a witness for toxicity.
Here it is.
Important stuff to remember!! Do not use the actual poison as a witness. It is
very dangerous to handle and if you kill yourself you will not be able to buy by
next book and you will spend eternity in absolute misery over the opportunity you
The other important thing to remember is that you are not going to actually poison
anyone with this witness. Radionics does not work that way, at least with people and
their works. That is what the experiments have shown and I ought to know because I
did them. (Some people just refuse to die!!! It is most annoying.)
Anyway, back to the fun stuff.
You will need the radionic box, the witness of cyanide and the picture of the logo. It is
also useful to have a desk lamp.
Put the witness of cyanide and the corporate logo on the central plate of the box. Once
you have done that set the three dials for a rate for the combination of the two. That
will start the process of mixing the energies of the logo and the cyanide making the logo
itself toxic to everyone who uses it. Which means if it is a clothing logo anyone
wearing the brand of clothing with the logo on it is going to get zapped. If you want to
boost the power of this, turn the desk lamp on over the box and let it sit for a few hours.
That will get things really going.
Now all you have to do is sit back and wait for the news that the company is having
some sort of trouble. Don't worry, it will.

House haunting
I'm sure by now you've run into the gazillion things out there on astral projection, but by
now you've also probably noticed something. No one seems to do anything worthwhile
with it. They just go floating around willy-nilly, visiting other planes of space,
conversing with who-knows-what and never finding any real use for the stuff.
Well, there are some really fun things that you can do with astral projection and your
Uncle Chuckie, the fountain of all blessings, is going to tell you how.
Back in the 19th century, long before I was born, (and no, the rumors are not true, I did
not poison Socrates. Plato did that!) a book was published, a very long and dreadfully
boring book entitled Phantasms of the Living. And in spite of the fact that it is as boring
as virtue itself to read, became a massive seller if only because of its delightful title.
The book was a collection of stories of people who had been visited by the astral
bodies of people they knew. And that is pretty much all it is and the stories tend to all
sound the same after a while. "I was standing the kitchen washing dishes and Uncle
Harry appeared out of thin air. I was so shocked I dropped the plate."
Ok, that sounds pretty damned boring to read over and over again, but look at it this
way. Think of all the fun Uncle Harry had when his niece dropped her prize china and it
shattered all over the freshly scrubbed floor! Sure, it scared her nigh unto half to death,
but he laughed all the way back to his physical body, or he would have had he not been
a good Victorian and believed that laughing was sinful.
The trick to all this is to be able to get your astral body to be visible to other people
and/or be able to cause physical effects with it. In other words, do the same sort of
stuff ghosts do.

Are we scared yet?
Here we go. The first thing you have to master is getting the astral body to get out of
your body and go where it is supposed to.
I know, there are tons of different methods for doing this and all of them work so do not
think of this as the only one. If you have your own way of getting out and about please
do not fee any obligation to change it.
The first thing you have to do is relax. I am not a great fan of the progressive relaxation
technique that is commonly taught for the simple reason that I have a condition called
lazy leg, which is anything but lazy and if it try to use the progressive method rather
than my legs relaxing it feels like I have weird electrical things going on inside of them,
which is exactly what is happening.
The method I use is much simpler. You sit in a straight-backed chair, with your hands
on the chair arms or in your lap, feet flat on the floor. This makes falling asleep less
likely, a problem I always encounter if I try to project laying down.
Once you do that, the rest is the work of the imagination.
Sit comfortably and imagine that you are standing up. Feel yourself standing up in front
of your body looking in the same direction your physical body is facing. That is all you
have to do for the moment.
Once you have done that, get used to your new body. This is not the usual mental
projection that is normally done with the aid of a radionic box and helmet, where you
put your mind into another part of the world. This is a full body project and you have to
operate as a full body, not just parts of it.
After you have gotten used to that, take a walk around the room. It gets really tempting
to go through the walls and head out into the rest of the house but resist that. You are
still practicing. Feel the movement of your legs and arms as you walk, the floor under
you. You are still half in the physical space even though you do not feel like it. You
want to keep that connection. No flying off to Jupiter this way.

Practice this for about a week every day. You want to get used to having a body again,
arms and hands and legs and feet and torso and head. Practice stretching out your
hands and grabbing at things. And get used to looking around and seeing through your
astral eyes.
That is the easy part of the exercise.
Once you are used to working in your astral body, it is time to make that body do things
in the physical realm. To learn to do this, we take our lessons from ghosts.
Ghosts are able to cause things to happen. They make things move, adjust
temperature, cause noises and smells. There is nothing that will persuade a person of
the existence of the supernatural faster than to have a roll of paper towels jump off a
shelf and fly across a room. Doors open and close and water glasses explode next to
sleeping hotel guests.
And things can appear and disappear. Think of the person in the library who puts a
book down and when she looks for it again it is gone and there was no one around to
take it.
How do they do it? Well, we are not quite sure but we think it comes from taking the
ambient energy in a room such as heat and electricity, and using it as a power source
for themselves. That would explain cold spots and batteries dying for no reason.
What we are going to do takes a lot of energy so things are going to become very chilly
where we work. And this gives us the means of testing our skills.
If it is winter, and where I live it is winter most of the year it seems, the thermostat in the
living room is going be turning the heat on and off with some regularity. What you do is
project into the living room right after the heat has turned off and the room is warm.
Now, begin to visualize all the heat in the room entering your astral body and charging
it up. Keep pumping it in, feeling yourself become more and more solid, more and more
powered up. And after some practice with this the heat will turn on as your astral body
draws enough heat out of the room to set off the thermostat.
When that happens, try to move something. Go over to a light object and see if you
can grab it with your hand and move it. A voudoun in Haiti was described by Sir Julian
Huxley as practicing moving match boxes (small boxes that matches came in in the
olden days). You can practice with pieces of paper, small boxes, anything that does
not weigh too much.
Once you are able to do that it is time to do something spectacular. Set a voice
recorder running in the room and project into it. Draw energy into yourself and then
speak into the recorder. When you are back into your body, play the machine back and
listen for your voice. It may not come the first time, but with practice it will and you will

jump out of your skin, I promise you. It is one of the most spectacular things you will
ever hear, your own disembodied voice.
It gets better.
Almost everyone has a camcorder these days. And I'll bet you can guess what is
coming next.
You're right!
Set the running camcorder into the room and project into the space. Pull energy into
yourself and walk back and forth in front of the camcorder. End the projection and
check the recorder. If you have not drained the battery on the recorder, a very real
possibility, you may, if you are lucky, get an image of a shadowy, transparent thing
floating in front of the lens. That thing is--YOU!
Ok, this last takes some doing and the reality is that you may very well drain the
camcorder battery before you get an image, but that is ok because the drained battery
means that you are there and working.
Now it is time to go out and have some real fun at the expense of the neighbors.
The first thing you need to do is pick your target. The house down the block with the
damnable breeders and their twelve children is perfect. Get up out of your chair and
walk through the walls of your house out onto the street and down the block. Go
through the walls of the target house until you find yourself in the kitchen.
Got that. Why the kitchen? It's because the breeder mom is busy making dinner for
her litter.
Look around, get a feel for the place. Start pulling in energy. She will notice the room
is getting colder and probably think there is a draft somewhere and wonder which of her
damnable brats has left a door open again.
See that glass sitting near the edge of the counter? Knock it onto the floor so that it
Such a simple thing. Yet added to the stress of everything else and mommy is going to
lose it! See how much fun that was?
But that is only the beginning.
Go back later and go into the living room. See the parental units watching television. It
is time for a little experiment. See if you can change the channel on the television.
Reach into the electronics of the set and just will the channel to change. If you have
charged enough it will do something. And if it does they will be very puzzled and
probably go out and buy a new television the next day!

Break something valuable.

You see how this works? You are the ghost haunting the house and as you continue to
play small pranks on the family they will get a bit desperate and maybe call in a
clergyman to do an exorcism. After all, if they are dumb enough to have twelve children
they are stupid enough to believe in anything.
Of course the exorcism will not work. It never works on living people using their astral
bodies. (and usually does not work on ghosts either unless the ghosts are the same
religion as the exorcist. Baptist ghosts are rarely impressed by Catholic priests.)
This is a good way to acquire property cheaply. If there is a house you want to buy but
the owner has not put it up for sale, this is one method of making the owner not only
want to sell the place but take any offer he can get.
Now imagine the other uses for this method. A few year ago I had some surgery and it
was rather disappointing. I had hoped to have an out of body experience while under
anesthesia, go around the hospital gooseing the nurses, setting all the televisions to C-
Span and replacing the children's lunch food with liver and brussel sprouts. But no, I
just went to sleep and woke up operated on.
Oh well. Such is life.
But imagine the chaos you can create inside a business. Things break, people hear
strange noises, the office gets cold and for some reason the owner has this weird
feeling that someone is staring at him all the time.
You can also pretend to be an angel and really cause trouble.
In the early 1930s there was a very strange movie made entitled, Gabriel Over the
White House. In that movie, the corrupt President of the United States has a divine
vision and makes himself a dictator, trying and executing gangsters by military tribunal
and threatening foreign creditors with destruction from the air. Ok, it sounds familiar, I
wonder if a certain President saw it. But the point is that you can be that angel.
Project into the bedroom of a politician, particularly one noted for peculiar religious
sentiments. Start drawing energy until you can become sort of visible and then give
him a good kick in the ass to wake him up.
When he wakes up and sees your glowing form floating in front of him, assuming that
he does not immediately have a heart attack and join you on the astral plane, start
talking to him. Tell him that you have come from God and he is supposed to aleviate
the sufferings of his constituents by lowering taxes. The disappear.
Wait a week or two and then visit him again. Keep this up over a period of time and
watch the news as your victim becomes more and more irrational. Ok, it may not be

quite as hilarious as the result of sending the soon-to-be former (at this writing) Senator
Santorum the video of the woman and the dog in his sleep a few years back, but it will
still be pretty funny.
Once you have had your fun with the politician, go after a televangelist. They make
really good marks because even if they do not believe in the nonsense they preach,
they have it in the back of their minds that it might actually be true and if they get a
divine visitation kicking them out of bed they will respond in ways that are hilarious
beyond mentioning. You can get them to say anything, no matter how ridiculous.
Ok, you've given divine inspiration to a politician and caused him to make a complete
fool of himself. Then you went to an evangelist and made him appear even more stupid
than god made him. Now it is time for the big show.
First you will need a church parking lot in an ethnic neighborhood, either Hispanic or
eastern European. Project there but do not draw energy yet. You want to just look
around and see what targets present themselves. You are looking for three incredibly
stupid children. Ok, all children are incredibly stupid but you are looking for three
especially incredibly stupid ones. (I can loan you the grandchildren of my in-laws...)
After you have found the targets, begin drawing energy in until you attain reasonable
visibility. You just sort of want to be a glowing blur so they cannot determine your
gender by looking at you. You can guess what is going to happen next.
The children will run home saying that they saw Jesus or the Virgin Mary or some saint
or other and pretty soon all the superstitious morons in the area will flock to the site.
Then all you have to do is repeat the projection on a reasonably regular basis for a
while an let the mass hysteria do the rest. They will hallucinate all manner of things
and you won't have to do anything yourself.
Once you have done that it is time to give the Pope a little visit. But I dont' have to go
into detail on that. You can pretty much figure out on your own what to do.
The human imagination is a powerful weapon in
the wrong hands and we are the wrong hands.
The possibilities are endless and you don't have to wait to be dead to do it.

Think of yourself as a tank

rolling through life. You
are invulnerable, able to
crush your opposition and
strike at a distance with
your cannon!

The Psionic Warlord
One of the really great things about psionics is that you can take a hand in world affairs
without any of the trouble of having to run for public office and deal with all the hassles
(to say nothing of the type of people) that that entails and nothing is more interesting in
the affairs of the world than fighting wars, or at least starting them. Yes, you too can
act as head of state sending armies to kill each other in the night!
Let me start this with a little story.
Back in 1979, when Jimmy the Chicken was President of the US, the filthy Iranian
Musselman Scum took their hostages. And what did little Jimmy Spineless do?
Well, as that shitbag was not going to accomplish anything, I set to work to figure out
what was the best way to kill Iranians, because while it would be nice to see footage of
their children drenched in burning napalm and their mullahs blown to pieces, their
mosques packed with worshippers, locked and then burned down around them by our
forces, their women raped and mutilated and their infants tossed into the air to be
caught on raised bayonets, it was not so important that Iranians were killed by
Americans. What was important was that Iranians were killed! And the larger the
numbers of them killed the better.

So I sat down and thought and read the newspapers and magazines and came up with
an idea. What if Saddam Hussein in Iraq could be induced to start a war? I got a
photo of him and some super-eight footage of combat (vcrs were in their infancy then
and cost a fortune!) and transmitted that footage at him every night, or rather what was
night for him. Then I got a map of the Middle East and laid on a table. I took a bunch of
toy soldiers and, while hooked into the machine broadcasting to Hussein, moved them
across the border of Iran.
It took about two months of this but it worked. Hussein launched the Iran-Iraq war and
created an Islamic killing field.
I miss Saddam. He was an excellent test subject.
Ok, enough of such merry nostalgia.
The first thing you need to do is determine who is likely to go to war. Let us be honest,
China and Japan are really not likely to start shooting at each other again. You need a
couple of countries that border each other, or in reasonable proximity unless one of
them has a really good navy and air force, unstable heads of state (dictatorships are
best because they don't have to deal with the messy problems of keeping legislators
happy), and armies that are getting bored, restless and need something to keep them
occupied. Of course this means that you will concentrate on either the Middle East,
where killing each other is the national pastime and pleasing to Allah, God of Pigs, or
sub-Saharan Africa, where they have to kill each other in order to prevent the spread of
Once you have your target area and the bloodthirsty dictators or petty tribal chieftains
picked out and the witness samples acquired, you need video of warfare, easily
obtained from the Military Channel and any dvd store, a map of the border where the
fighting is to start and toy soldiers.
Once you have that, you just do like I did in my story.
Now, if you want to do something a little more general, acquire an outer-space photo of
a given region, (go to google maps, set to satellite and use a screen capture) then and
a first-person shooter video game. I've written about this before and the method is the
same. You use the photo as the target witness, hook yourself into the radionic box and
play the video game.
You can also substitute strategy games where you create armies and fight wars for the
first person shooter but they do not have the emotional intensity.
What you are trying to create in the minds of the targets is not the idea of anger and
bloodlust so much as, "This is going to be fun!" You want to convey to the target the
joy of destruction for its own sake, the pleasure that can only come from the death of
enemies, or anyone else that gets in the way. And, since the targeted heads of state
are not going to be anywhere near the battlefield unless they really screw up, they will

be able to sit back and enjoy all the chaos and destruction on television just like you will
and thus have no reason to see it end. You can start a war that will go on for a very
long time and have years of entertainment to look forward to.
Ok, it won't be very entertaining to the poor devils caught up in the fighting, but you
can't make an omelet without breaking eggs and as people in those parts of the world
really aren't even good for spare parts no one is going to miss them so they might as
well give us pleasure by their dying. That is all they are good for.
You see how much fun it is to be evil?
Never forget. The bad guy gets all the good
lines, gets to tie up the pretty girls
and gets the comfy chair. And at my age the comfy
chair is the most important of the three.

I've had a lot of fun being nasty in this book but let me be serious for just a minute.
There are a lot of people out there who have nothing better to do with their lives than
make rules for other people to live by. The tragedy of our time is that there are people
who are gutless enough to actually follow them. I'm here to tell you that you do not
have to.
The mere fact that someone states an ethical proposition in no way obligates
anyone to follow that proposition. You can ignore those things and you are better
off if you do ignore them. Recognize morality for what it is, a weakness and if others
possess that weakness, well, that just makes them so much sheep for the
W. Clement Stone, the great financier, used to use a phrase, "Other people's money." I
use a similar phrase, "Other people's ethics." No one is bound to follow other people's
ethics. If they do not like what you do, let them try to stop you. And let them pay the
price for trying to stop you. With psionics you can make the price far higher than they
can afford to pay.
I have been doing this for many years. At this writing (November, 2006) it is nearly 45
years to the day of my first confirmed psychic kill when I was twelve years old. I will
celebrate that day, as I have done for a few years now, as the Day of Liberation. On
that day I learned what it was like to be beyond the reach of human law and human
judgement. For that one, intense and at the time terrifying moment, I was as god,
beyond the need for good and evil.
The author William S. Burroughs once wrote that "Anyone who can wield a frying pan
wields death." And that is true. But the wielder of the frying pan cannot get away with
it. The wielder of psionics can. That is the difference and when psionics reaches its
full potential we will have made the notion of the "rule of law" as quaint an anachronism
as "divine right of kings."
That is the implication of psionics that has frightened so many. When faced with the
societal implications of the work many have fallen back, retreated into healing or
agriculture, terrified of what future they may unleash. I have had no such terror. I
expect that you, my blessed reader, will have no such terror.
Let us face the reality that we have let loose upon the world and let us rejoice in the
dragons that follow in its wake.
I am
Uncle Chuckie

The Psionic The Psionic The Psionic The Psionic

Predator Predator Predator Predator
Charles W. Cosimano
copyright 2006

Hang onto your hair! I'm going to start this with a quote from one of the most evil
people in history, someone that I normally would not even mention in a book.
"The state does not dictate to us! We dictate to
the state!" Adolf Hitler.
Now, you may very well ask why the hell I would include a quote from Hitler in one of
my books. After all, he lost, didn't he? Well, I have always believed that, with the
exception of the Pope (any Pope) and Bill Moyers (who with luck will be long forgotten
by the next generations of my readers) everyone who makes public statements says at
least one intelligent thing. This line was Hitler's one intelligent thing and it reflects what
the proper attitude of psionic operator is to the environment that he lives in. We are not
controlled by our social and political environment. We control the social and political
environment that we find ourselves in. That is what psionics is all about, control.
If you are going to succeed in psionics you need to be something of a control freak.
Not obsessively so, but you must have within you the desire to be in command. And
you have to be rational about it. As I said during the Iran-Iraq war years ago, "The
important thing is not who is killing Iranians, the important thing is that Iranians are
being killed." When you work with psionics you work through other people and through
nature itself. You are not the one who gets either the credit or, more importantly, the
blame. But you will be the puppeteer pulling the strings, the piper who plays the tune
that others will dance to and they will have no way of knowing that you are the one who
is determining what decisions that they will make. You will have power without
authority and that is a good thing because when authority conflicts with power, power
always wins. One of my favorite movie scenes is near the end of Dogs of War, when
the mercenary played by Christopher Walken is standing next to the man he is placing
in control of the country that he has just taken over and the man who arranged the coup
and has other ideas shouts something to the effect of, "We are in charge here!" and
Walken simply says, "You aren't in charge of shit," and shoots him.
Authority is public and noisy. Power is private and quiet.
When truth (whatever in hell that may be) speaks to power, power can ignore it. When
power, real power, speaks to truth, truth dies.
Never forget that.

And who knew that a bumper sticker could speak such truth?
We are in the business of hunting humans.
Never forget. When you use psionics you are answerable to no law and accountable to
no one. You have absolute personal autonomy.
In the use of psionics if you are able to perform an action you have the absolute
right to perform that action, no matter what that action may be. No human can
stop you and the universe does not care.
Remember this, "With electricity you can cook a man's dinner. Or you can cook
the man!"

This is not a book for the weak. This is not a book for the do-gooder or the
humanitarian. This is a book for those who rightly view the world as a game preserve
and humanity the only game worthy of the hunt.
This is not a book for those who fear.
This is not a book for those who believe in justice or right and wrong or karma.
This is a book for those who despise such things.
We are the hunters. It is THEY who are the hunted.
We are the pursuers. They are the pursued.
We are those who have looked upon the face of God and spat in it.
We are those who despise all morality.
We cannot be preached to or persuaded.
We are too powerful to coerce.
We are the Bringers of Chaos.
We are the Destroyers.

"Power comes from the
barrel of a gun." Mao
Psionics is a very
big gun.

When I was a boy, probably about 11 or 12, our teacher ran the old movie version, from
the 1930s, of Les Miserables, which is a story that I immediately came to despise. In
that version, the climax has the holy fool, Jean Valjean, actually get the drop on
Inspector Javert in the sewers of Paris, a more appropriate place for either of them I
cannot imagine. And what does the moron do? He lets him LIVE!!
I could not bear it. With all the horror of the utter stupidity of the moment rising in my
young heart I shouted, "KILL HIM YOU FOOL!" The rest of the class laughed in
agreement and my poor teacher, I fear, was never the same after that. And, of course, I
was right. Given the state of forensics in 19th century France, by the time Javert was
missed and they even started to look for him, the sewer rats would have eliminated all
the evidence except for the gnawed bones. Javert would have been eliminated and
Valjean would have walked away a free man.
We live in a world where we are hemmed in by those whose entire purpose for
existence is to control us. The list of petty dictators is endless and they do not end with
the police and the politician and the bureaucrat. We do not have to put up with them.
We do not have to obey their rules. We can break their rules. And if they try to enforce
the rules, we can break them!
Think about that for a minute. Is this madness? To speak of a level of power that can
make one that invulnerable?
Well, yes it is madness. But it is madness that works. Psionics works!
Now read the next page!

Declaration of Aggressive Individuality Declaration of Aggressive Individuality Declaration of Aggressive Individuality Declaration of Aggressive Individuality
Humanity is in danger and the danger is now so all-pervasive that to ignore it is
no longer possible.
The search for peace has become a refuge for tyranny. Humanity is born in
despair to live in fear and die in filth. The superior are ruled by the inferior. Too
many children are born and far too few of them die before reaching an age where
they can breed more of their worthless kind.
This must cease.
We condemn the sentimentality that sees the poverty of the poor as wrong. We
condemn the concept of justice which seeks to elevate the weak and foolish to
rank of human. We reject sensitivity. We reject fear.
We reject any attempt to impose any ethic which is at odds with our interests and
our pleasures.
To this end we declare:
1. That all are independent. That no individual is in any way responsible to any
other individual or group for his actions.
2. That violence has primacy in all non-loving human interaction.
3. That the earth exists to be exploited and despoiled as we see fit to do so.
4. That we reject all foolish notions of human dignity.
5. That we reject all notions of equality.
6. That the poor and weak and stupid may be exploited and despoiled as we see
fit to do so.
7. That we shall oppress, injure, torture and kill other human beings as it should
serve our purposes to do so. We affirm the joy of domination and abuse.
8. That we reject all notions of sexual morality and affirm the right to obtain
pleasure in any and all ways at the expense of whomsoever it should please us.
9. That we affirm our commitment to greed, power, prestige and money.
10. That we have the right to destroy any who seek to impose their will upon us
contrary to these declarations.

"If rape or arson, poison or the knife,
Has wove no pleasing pattern in the stuff
Of this drab canvas we accept as life--
It is because we are not bold enough!"
Charles Baudelaire
Things are a lot different now that when I started playing with radionics. My BDSM
brethren like to whine a lot about being a persecuted minority, but they don't know what
persecuted means! When I got into this stuff it was dangerous and expensive.
Professionally made instruments were hard to come by, incredibly expensive (they still
are and that has to be changed somehow) often horribly made with very shoddy
materials (fortunately that has changed) and if you did not play your cards right you
could get into real trouble.
You see radionics had been developed as a healing art and as that had only
succeeded in getting its practitioners in the US in a lot of trouble. It was frankly illegal
and there were some states where it was actually illegal to own radionic equipment. Of
course those laws may still be there but god help anyone stupid enough to try to
enforce them. There are better ways to commit suicide.
I changed all that. Essentially I did three things.
First, I created devices that were dirt cheap to make. That was the easy part as I was
creating them for me. I did not want to spend a thousand dollars for a radionic box that
would literally fall apart when I could make one just as good for $25 that would not fall
apart. Now this changed the enforcement dynamic in a serious way because while the
threat of confiscation of equipment might carry a bit of weight if the equipment is rare
and expensive, it becomes pretty silly when the equipment can be replaced cheaply in
a matter of a couple of hours work.
Second, I spread the psionic gospel. I wrote a book and found a publisher with a name
and distribution. The cat was really out of the bag after that.
Third, and foremost in many ways, I weaponized radionics. I was the first to publicly
say that not only could radionics be used as a weapon (a fact which was actually pretty
well known among most of its practitioners who would never have actually had the guts
to admit it) but also give instructions on how to use it precisely as a weapon. With me

the worst nightmares of the US Psychotronics Association had been realized. The
information had fallen into the truly wrong hands and the wrong hands broke down the
So radionics and psionics people are not afraid any more. They don't have to be.
Smile! Moloch loves you! He really does! And he loves children even more
because they taste so nice.

In case you have not guessed it by now, this book is going to be organized a lot
differently from my other ones. I'm not going to be worried about order and progression
in this one. It is not exactly going to be ramblings, I never ramble (ok, my nose just
grew a foot) but it is going to be more of a collection of stuff than my usual, boring,
start-here-go-to-there type of writing. This book really is going to be a celebration of
the chaotic, the villainish and the just plain nasty. In other words, a typical Cosimano
And now that I have you almost as confused as I am let us get started.
I am
Uncle Chuckie

Ah for the good, old days!
Don't forget to bring the marshmallows.

Every once in a while people will ask me where I get my ideas for my gadgets.
One of these years I'm going to get around to building a radionic set that looks like this
thing. Just seeing it makes my heart palpitate. (Which at my age can be a bad thing!)
Radionic units can be made to look any way that you want them too. The system is
infinitely malleable, there are no set rules. David Tansley decided to create
instruments that pleased his eye and his vision of how radionics actually worked and
thus his devices were laid down differently than the other instruments of his time and
this was considered very radical. When I design an instrument, other than my purely
basic sets that are useful in writing about this stuff, the aesthetics of it becomes as
important as the working of the unit itself, and in fact is inextricably bound up with the
function of the unit. In radionics, when you become advanced in it, form really does
follow function.

Here we see David Tansley with an instrument of his own design. It's a pity he died a
year after my first book came out because I would have loved to have been able to pick
his brain. Of course given the stuff that I write he may have wanted to pickle mine!
There is a reason the old-style radionics people view my work with utter horror.

Learn the Learn the Learn the Learn the
rules rules rules rules. .. .
Break the Break the Break the Break the
rules rules rules rules. .. .
And break the heads of those who make them.
Remember, there is no obligation to follow any rule made by another person. If they do
not have the power to enforce such things, they can be ignored with impunity. And if
they do have the power to enforce their dictates, you can respond with power of your
own. Psionics is power.
We are not weaklings who must bend with any wind that blows. If there is something
that you do not like, do not just sit around a whine. Get off your fat ass and fix it!

You have to learn not to be controlled by fashions in thought. If you listen to any news,
you will hear a litany of things people say are bad things, but you must be willing to
question whether they are really bad or merely something people do not approve of,
and ultimately you will realize that all that is considered evil is merely that which is not
socially acceptable at the moment.
You must learn to be able to think in ways that are not socially acceptable. You must
liberate yourself from that bondage.
Let us take a common example, racism. Now, there are many rational objections to
racism. If I am in the hospital hovering between life and death I am not going to waste
a lot of time worrying about the color of the doctor's skin or the spelling of his last
name. On the other hand, allowing yourself to have a racist thought is not going to kill
you. And it will probably make you feel all warm and glowy inside knowing that you
have thought something forbidden and, if you are home, do not be afraid to say the evil
Now, didn't that feel good?
Ok, this is something you do in private because you still have to deal with other people
and it does not have to reflect your real feelings. What it does do is give you control
over your own mind, freeing you from a constraint.
The important thing to get into your head is that you and you alone determine what
ideas you will hold and it does not matter what anyone else thinks. Just because
someone thinks that something is wrong does not make it so. Just because a chorus
says that something is wrong does not make it so. It is might that defines right and
never forget that Psionics is might.
Whatever you do is right by definition because you, and you alone, make that definition
and you make that definition by the fact that you have the power to make it and no one
has the power to stop you. The fact that holding or expressing an idea, or performing
an action may be socially inconvenient does not alter that essential rightness. Learn to
make that distinction. And remember, the mere fact that someone objects to something
is a pretty good reason to do it. If someone does not like what you are doing and is in
no position to stop you, ram it down that person's throat!

Never forget that the law of nature is very simple. The ability to perform an action
confers the right to perform the action. Every thing else is social tinkering.
Now, with online, the social dynamic has changed considerably. People who have no
interest in a person and will not be affected in any way by their actions have come to
feel that they have the right to pass judgment on others and their actions and get into
prolonged debates over such things. Never let yourself be drawn into that! The
moment you make the mistake of trying to justify what you do, you will find yourself in
the trap of arguing on the terms of the other person, trying to prove to them that the
action meets their criterion of right. Learn to function under the truth that their criterion
is not worth its weight in cold shit.
Discussion is a waste of time. So let others waste their time doing it. Words on a
screen have no power in the face of concrete action. They are as the squeaking of
mice in the claws of the family cat. Let others discuss the merits of what we do. We
will be too busy doing things.
Never forget: No matter what you do, there will always be those who disapprove and
their disapproval is a never-ending source of entertainment.
It's fun to scare the villagers!

It's even more fun to burn the village down around them.
You gotta love the smell of burning sacrifices in
the morning!
After all, the gods do.

Smile, Voxtor loves you.

Now what the hell has any of this got to do with psionics?
When you do psionics you are doing something that is sort of forbidden but can no
longer actually be forbidden. Psionics is something that should not work. It is
something that sane people should stay away from. It is something that scares the
living bejesus out of folks when they see it work because it is something so far removed
from their ordinary experience of living that they cannot believe their eyes.
And that is just the psionics itself. Now when you add what we do with it, breaking
every law of god and man, doing nasty things just because they are nasty, well, that
requires a certain mindset, the mindset of the hunter pursuing his prey, without
conscience, without remorse, pursuing for the pleasure of the pursuit. You will learn
that when you blow the living hell out a city just because it was there that instead of the
pangs of conscience and terror for the fate of your immortal soul that the monkish
chroniclers and idiot Wiccans would have you expect, you will feel a pleased
satisfaction from a job well done. When you get that, you have to know, beyond any
shadow of doubt, that the feeling is what is right and the preaching is what is
This is important. This is the most important thing you have to deal with if you are to be
the predator rather than the prey.
Conscience kills Conscience kills Conscience kills Conscience kills! ! ! !
I mean that most literally! You have to understand that the Wiccan "law of Three,"
Karma, and Hell (in its various manifestations depending on which religion is talking)
are all total bullshit. There are no such things, except in the human imagination but the
human imagination can create all manner of trouble.
The trouble comes from what we can term an "attractive thoughtform," meaning a
thoughtform unconsciously created that attracts things to the person. If a person buys
into Karma, for example, he will build in his etheric body a thoughtform that
corresponds to the whatever concept of Karma he ascribes to, usually a sort of
retributive justice thing. And that thoughtform will work against him every time he
breathes because no matter what he does in life he is going to do something that will
set that damned thing off. And even if you are smart enough not to consciously buy
into it, you have probably heard it enough that it is laying dormant in your subconscious
just waiting to cause trouble.
And what does it do?

It causes disasters.
Now, we work at eliminating conscience and the psychopath, who is free of such
burdens, will be the next stage of human evolution, but try as we might there are always
going to be some things that just nag, and annoy, and stick in our craw. No matter how
we try we always have something floating around in our minds that says we did not do
the right thing. So what is important is for you to determine what the right thing is, then
it will not matter what society thinks, at least as far as the philosophy goes. Remember,
there is the matter of social inconvenience.
Let me give an example. I acquire a noisy neighbor and determine that the best way to
deal with the problem is to kill him. In the purely philosophical sense I have every right
to do that. He is annoying, noisy and I have no practical or emotional reason for
wanting him to be alive. After all, the only value a human life has is in its capacity to
benefit us. Or as the bumper stick says, "Kill them all! Harvest their parts!"
However, if I do that which is right and proper, namely take out my gun and shoot him,
society, in its perverse and stupid belief that human life has some peculiar and distinct
value in and of itself in spite of all evidence and reason to the contrary, will become
very annoyed with me causing lots of inconvenience and paperwork. In other words
that which is right is frustrated by social inconvenience.
However, if I use psionics and he should just sort of drop dead, well society has no
cause for complaint. People drop dead all the time and it is no big deal. In fact in most
cases we are better off without them. I mean, let us be honest, does anyone really
miss all those surplus Rwandans?
Now, if I buy into the notion that society is right and I should not kill this person for
some undefined metaphysical reason, I create guilt in myself even for thinking about it
and next thing you know, one of those attractive thoughtforms is going to kick in and
kaboom! I'm in trouble!
Therefore, repeat after me:
You are a predator, a hunter. You are not limited by the weakling ways of the broader
culture. But you are also smart enough not to let it trap you into doing things that it can
respond to. You wield a power that it cannot stop. You have no hesitation in using that
power and in doing so you deal with society on your terms, not on its. You are the virus
that has no vaccine and that the immune system cannot stop.
When you use psionics, rather than the brutal, stupid force that society expects, you
are fighting on your ground and on your terms. You are the predator, they are the prey.
Never doubt yourself. Never criticize yourself. Self-criticism only leads to self-doubt.

Why would you care?
Why should you care?
The more that you know the
less that you care.
The less that you care the
less that you fear.

Mandatory, Obligatory, Psionic Stuff
Whomsoever dieth with the most toys doth winneth the game.
Ok, this is still a book about psionics so you have to read this, even if you already know
it. Besides, as my words are as golden drippings from the nose of God, you will want to
read them anyway. Other than that, even if you have read my other works and you
probably have a considerable arsenal by now, there is going to be some new stuff as
well as a short rehash of the older.
Psionics is doing psychic stuff, usually with the aid machines of some kind. Now, there
is a debate as to what constitutes a psionic device. Some of the really old-fashioned
folks hold out for the good, old, radionic boxes and I can't blame them. I like the good,
old radionic boxes. I'm from an era when you turned dials to get the little people to
appear in the window in the box in the living room. And there is something to be said
for the tactile relationship between the operator and his unit as he turns the knobs.
There is an intimacy there which cannot be denied, and no computer program can
come close. It's like comparing online BDSM to having a real body under those ropes.
It just ain't the same thing!
So you are going to need to have some basic gadgets to work with if you don't already
have them. After all, the hunter needs to find his prey and then needs the gun to shoot
it with. So let's get the gadgets out of the way.
The trusty pendulum
Information is very important. You must be able to determine which targets are right for
you and then be able to analyze those targets in order to find out what is the best
method of attack and by far, the simplest and easiest method to learn is pendulum
dowsing. It is a skill that just about anyone can learn in a very brief period of time,
often just in a matter of minutes.
So, first you will need a pendulum.
A pendulum is nothing more than a weight suspended from a string. It is very simple to
make, all you need is an old key and a string. I like to use a string that is about a foot
long, but you can tinker with the length. It does not seem to matter very much as long
as the pendulum can swing freely. And using a key has a number of advantages. It
means that as long as you have a key and piece of string, you can have a pendulum
handy. The key is flat so you can carry it in your pocket with the string wound around it
and not attract attention. And, this one is actually important, the key comes to a point
which will make determining the swing easier, particularly with the alphanumeric chart I
am going to describe in a minute.

This is an ideometer, not to be confused with an idiot meter, which is used to measure
in-laws. It is used to get basic information from the pendulum and using it is very
simple. All you need to do is let the pendulum hang from your fingers with the point
over the center of the cross-hairs. Now, ask the pendulum a question that you know
the answer to be yes, such as "Is Uncle Chuckie the greatest mind of the new
millennium?" The pendulum should swing along the verticle line. Sometimes it takes a
while for the pendulum to get started but it will follow the line.
Now repeat this with a question that you know the answer to be negative, such as, "Can
Uncle Chuckie ever be wrong" The pendulum will swing along the horizontal line.
The circle is for the pendulum to say, "I don't have the slightest idea what the hell you
are asking about."
As you can see, with a little practice, you can get an answer to any yes/no question
pretty quickly and the more you can phrase your questions in that way, the faster the
pendulum will work for you.
But there are those times when you need something a little more detailed. For that you
need something that will spell words out for you. You need this:

This is the chart that does that. To use it, you hold the pendulum over the center point
and let it swing along to spell out the message. Now, if you look at the chart, you will
notice that I have a couple of things that get forgotten when folks design these things. I
have punctuation, a space for a new word and a space for repeat letters. Those are to
make the thing easier to use and the messages come out more clearly.
The use of this is pretty self-explanatory so I do not have to go into any great detail on
it. The most important thing to remember is that your arm is going to get tired from
holding the pendulum over it so try to keep your questions to things where the answers
can be stated in a few words. Another important thing to remember is that if you ask it
a question where you really want a specific answer, that is the answer that you are
going to get. Your desire will override any other force in your mind and thus your
information will not be accurate.
Inaccuracy is a bad thing, especially if money is involved. Do not forget this. You do
not want to bet the entire family fortune on a horse that your pendulum says is a good
horse to bet on because if you are wrong you are on the fast track to the cardboard box
under the bridge. You really do not want to have to grow a long beard and rent yourself
out as a garden gnome or have to spray paint your step-daughter-in-law silver and rent

her out as a blimp or worse, have her standing on a street corner with a sign that reads
"$4.95, Crabs free!"
Ok, now you have a pendulum and the two charts. So far so good. The next thing that
you need is going to be the basis for the machines in this book--an amplifying pattern.
There are two basic types of amplifying pattern, the circle pattern, otherwise known as
the Magnetron, and the pyramid square. These take a bit of explaining, so here we go.
The Magnetron started off as a normal, electronic device, the cavity magnetron, which
was nothing more than solid copper cylinder with holes and vanes drilled into it. When
hooked to some sort of amplifier system this device created microwaves at a certain
band which was really useful for aircraft radar and it is still used in various forms.
Secretly developed by the British in WW2 for their fighters, it did not stay secret long
because the copper cylinder was virtually indestructible and all it took was for the
clever Germans to find one in a crash site and figure out what to do with it.
Unfortunately the French got their hands on it as well and you know the French! It was
not long before a couple of French radisthesiests got really drunk on cheap wine and
decided that it would be fun to see what the pattern of the holes and vanes would do to
a pendulum. But even they were surprised when the pendulum jumped out of their
hands! After that, they started experimenting and discovered that there was some
mysterious (and it still is!) force in the center of the pattern that amplified the psychic
energy of anything that was placed in it.
In the 1970s, Christopher Hills got his hands on it and went to work to try to figure out
how to make it more powerful. As he was operating under the assumption that all this
psychic stuff related to the earth's magnetic field, he added magnets in alternating
polarities under the outer circles and came up with this. It was a simple, elegant design
and it worked very well as a psionic transmitter.

And then he published his ideas. I got my grubby little hands on them and this is what
became the innards of the Psionic Amplifying Helmet and remained the basis of it until
recently when I had to start questioning the role of the magnets. It may be the
geometry of their placement rather than the magnets themselves that makes the helmet
work because it was not long before it became obvious that the circle pattern does not
need magnets to be effective.
The next addition to the magnetron came from the folks at Borderland Research back
about the time my first book was coming out, about 20 years ago at this writing. They
added the Patrick Flanagan Sensor Two discs as the outer circles and the result was
something like this.

They called it the Psychotronic Impressor. Well, this was very nice but I was not
comfortable with the seven vane system. It offended my sense of symmetry so I went to
work with my scissors and glue (no graphics creation programs back then to speak of)
and came up with this.

This version had the eight circles of the original magnetron pattern and the larger,
center circle which made placing a witness a lot easier. All that was now needed was
to add the pyramid grid.
The pyramid grid was another idea that came out of Christopher Hills. In essence, it is
a two-dimensional representation of the Great Pyramid and it has the peculiar ability to
recreate the energies that come out the top of the pyramid.

This pattern figured prominently in his Square Balance Equalizer.

This gadget was a simple energizer and really did not do much in the way of
transmission. It had a radioactive block under the grid to energize it, but of course that
was not necessary.
Anyway, I took his pyramid grid and stuck in the center of a magnetron and came up
with this.

Simple, isn't it.

As Marvin the Martian would say, "Just lovely."
So, now we have a very simple device, nothing more than a pattern that can be printed
up and used as a transmitter, a very powerful transmitter. And this pattern, like all the
others, has the advantage of being nothing more than a drawing on paper. You can
carry this on an airplane and not even the idiot foot-sniffers will give it a thought. Just
focus on the avionics and think Allah Akbar real loud--I'M KIDDING!!!! (It's a good
thing that I never fly. With my sense of humor...)
So how do you use it? Well, I've covered that a lot in my other works and on the
website. You simply put the witness of the person or place you are trying to influence
in the center and think at it. That's all you need to do. The energy from the pattern will
do the rest.
The pattern can also act as a psionic amplifier for any thought you need to transmit
without a witness. To use it in that way, merely place a couple of fingers on the center
of the grid and let fly with your thoughts. With this system you do not need to carry
around any complicated equipment. All you need to do is print up the pattern in a size
small enough to glue to a small piece of posterboard and carry it in your shirt pocket.
Then when you need it, you have it and it is unobtrusive enough that you can usually
find a way to work it without attracting undue attention. This can be very useful in traffic
where you really cannot have a lot of gadgetry around you and you certainly do not

have time to take a rate on a box. Just have this laying on the car seat next to you and
when you are waiting at a light, put a finger on the center of it and send an evil thought
to the breeder in the SUV in front of you with the twelve children by eight different
fathers. With luck you can get her to make a wrong turn in front of the speeding truck
and wouldn't that just be lovely? I mean, can't you just hear the crashing noise and see
the broken glass littering the pavement, to say nothing of the wonderful screams. It's
the sort of thing that makes all this worthwhile! (And the memory of it will make you feel
all warm and glowy inside on a cold, winter's night. When I was laying in the hospital
dying it was memories like that that kept me going.)
That is the simplest way of using an amplifying pattern but I am going to come up with
much more complicated and powerful ways to work them because it is possible to build
radionic devices around amplifying patterns and come up with some very effective
So onto the next.
Holding your finger on the center of the pattern can get a bit awkward so I came up with
something a bit more complicated for home use--the Psionic Amplifying Plate. This is
what happens when I get bored.
On Xmas day, 1993, I was between girlfriends and I was sitting at home looking at the
bare space under the tree where the piles of gifts should have been and feeling very
annoyed and sorry for myself. Then I had an inspiration. I ran down to my
office/laboratory/dungeon and pulled out a box that I had been saving for just such an
event, a photocopy of my amplifying pattern (I made up a bunch of them because you
never know when such things may come in handy) and a few odds and ends and went
to work. The result was this.

It is showing a bit of age in this picture, as you can tell, but it still works. The version
I'm going to describe now is a simplified version of the original which was explained in
detail in The Psionic Path.
To make this device, get a narrow box about 2 feet long and a foot wide, print up the
amplifying pattern and cut a few pieces of foil. You will need to cut a foil circle for the
center of the pattern, two rectangles that go on each side for the top. For the underside
you will need to cut three narrow strips of foil.
First glue the pattern in the center of the top of the box. Cut a small slot in the center
and take one of the narrow strips and thread it through so that when folded over it
leaves a tab in the center of the pattern. Now glue the foil circle over the center of the
Measure where the two side plates will be and cut a small, verticle, slot in the center of
each position. Thread the two narrow strips so that they will make a small tab under
each hand plate and on the underside reach the center foil strip.
Glue the hand plates over the tabs so you get something that looks like the picture.
Turn the box over and attach the foil strips together something like this.
Now this is the underside, so you are not going to have a pattern or the plates. I just
included them in the illustration so you can see where the foil strips go.
The plate is a telepathic transceiver. To use it, place the witness of the target or the
sender in on the foil circle in the middle of the pattern and place the palms of your
hands on the plates. Once you have done that, all you have to do is transmit whatever
message or image you wish to the target. The pattern will grab the energy and boost it
sending it flying on its way.

So let us say you want an accident to happen to your deranged ex-girlfriend, or, better
yet, her daughter. All you do is take a witness of her, like one of those pictures you
have been saving to put on the dart board, place it on the center of the plate and then
put the plate on you lap while you sit comfortably on your couch, put your hands on the
hand plates and close your eyes.
Now get a good picture of her in your mind. See her getting into a car and driving off.
Now, find a convenient truck and aim it at the car. See her car getting hit broadside by
the speeding truck, crushing it and her. Make this as gory as you want. I rather like the
image of the smashed car with the blood dripping out the bottom of the door.
As you send that image, transmit to her mind, "This is going to happen to you." What
will occur when you do that is you will cause her own subconscious mind to set up an
attractive thoughtform which will cause her to have her final meeting with the truck.
If you are able to
perform an action
and can get away
with performing the
action you have an
absolute right to
perform the action.
This public service message was brought to you by your Uncle Chuckie. Now back to

In the receiver mode, the plate is used in much the same way. The witness of the
target is placed on the center of the amplifying pattern and the palms of the hands rest
on the hand plates. Once you have done that, all you have to do is sit back, close your
eyes and relax, and try not to fall asleep, which is a problem that I have. I'm always
falling asleep. It may take a few tries to get it right and not fall asleep in the process
but once you get it, you will be able to pick up stuff from the mind of anyone at any time
and you can guess at how useful that will be.
For example, you are running for sewer commissioner, a job which may make no sense
to outsiders but to anyone who has ever tasted the fruits of graft it is the most desirable
of public offices. It is sufficiently under the radar that the bribes and kickbacks flow like
champagne on New Year's Eve and no one ever notices. There is only one problem.
You have an opponent in the election.
Now, the immediate thought that one gets in such situations is to simply kill the person
and there is much to recommend in that approach. I like permanence in my solutions.
But it is much more fun to destroy the person and ruin his family. There is something
about watching your opposition's first born being hauled off to federal prison that is just
too satisfying for words. But to accomplish that end you need information!
Start with the trusty pendulum. Write down the names of the target and the members of
his family and ask which one is the best, most vulnerable target. Let us say that it
points to his wife. Ok, this is going to be fun.
Procure a witness of her. That is usually pretty easy because, as you know having
done it yourself, all politicians love to have pictures taken of themselves with their
families. They think it will bring them votes when it reality it shows that their wives are
too incredibly stupid to get their pill bottles straight which is why they end up being
cursed by Shub Niggurath (the black goat with a thousand young) with a pack of
drooling, mongoloid offspring running in the Special Olympics. But I digress.
Cut out the picture of the opponent's wife and put it in the center of the pattern on the
plate. Now put your hands on the plates and relax and let whatever impressions come
to you that will.
You did not know that she ran the town's premiere escort and domination service on the
side! (And what is more amazing is that you have an ex-girlfriend who worked for her
as a professional submissive!)
The key is to get the local newspaper interested in that. Actually all you need to do is
get a local reporter interested.
And to do that you need to make a thoughtform.

Thoughtforms are something that get used all the time. In fact they are the principal
tool of anyone in this field which is why all of my books talk about them. So, for you
poor devils who have not read any of my other books, and YOU KNOW WHO YOU
ARE (shame shame shame on you), a thoughtform is nothing more than a clump of
psychic energy that is programmed to perform a specific task. Actually, people make
them unconsciously all the time and David Tansley (super important radionic
researcher who unfortunately wasted all is great knowledge and talents on--yuck--
healing. What an assassin he would have made!) was of the opinion that radionics
worked because the operator was tapping into a thoughtform created by all the radionic
operators in the world. Which was not a bad idea until you realize that when Doc
Abrams created it, there were no radionic operators and it still worked for him!
In spite of that, people who put a lot of energy into anything create a thoughtform
around that and those thoughtforms can be used for anything you want. Like starting
wars, but we'll get to that in a bit.
So, if you don't know already, how do you create one of these most useful of psychic
instruments? It's easy as pie, in fact it's easier than pie because you don't have to
mess with any ingredients or bake anything. And it's a lot easier than pi because pi is
math and as Barbie has told us, "Math is hard."
Ok, back to work.
To make a thoughtform all you have to do is think. Well, it is not quite that simple.
What you have to do is first decide what it is that you want the thoughtform to do. In
this case, as we have already decided, it is to get a local reporter really curious about
the business affairs, so to speak, of your opponent's wife. So first you need to decide
which reporter is best for this. You get a copy of the newspaper and make a list of the
bylines on the stories, particularly the political ones. If you have done your job right up
to now you have not been mentioned in many of these because in an obscure, but
lucrative, position like sewer commissioner, the less people know of you the better.
Once you have a list, go down it with the pendulum asking the pendulum to swing at the
name of the reporter who would be best to work on. It picks a name and now you have
your mark.
Now you need a witness of the reporter. With any luck, his picture will appear in the
paper. You may have to go the paper's website and dig a bit but there should be one.
If not, you will just have to use his name but a picture is best.
Assuming you get the picture, place it on the amplifying plate and go to work. Visualize
yourself next to the reporter. This is actually a lot easier than it sounds because the
amplifier plate is going to be doing the heavy lifting. Create the thoughtform as a ball
over his head by visualizing a glowing sphere which is being charged by your will to get
him really curious about your opponent's wife. As the thoughtform becomes more and

more powerful, he will start to wake up in the morning with a strange feeling that there
is something he should be looking into. As he sits as his desk consuming his usual
quota of Jack Daniels (as a member of the working press he has to prove how much
liquor he can consume before being hired, seriously. Every reporter covering the
aftermath of 9/11 was smashed.), he will suddenly have an inspiration and he will start
looking at your opponent's pictures and those of his family. When he sees the wife--
Kaboom! The thoughtform will kick in and he will be off like the proverbial rocket
calling up all his sources to see if they know anything about her. As his sources may
very well be some of her customers, he will get the information that you want him to
have and her business will be front page material for a week.
Good-bye opposition.
It is good to be the Devil's
Advocate but it is more fun
to be the Devil!
So get out there and sharpen your horns.
Anyway, back to the amplifying pattern and fun stuff we can make with it. This device is
a radionic box based on the pattern. The witness goes in the center of the pattern and
the energy is refined by tuning the three dials. And, as you can see, it has jacks for
input and output to link it to other instruments.

There is a story behind this box. It was created a couple of years before the Starblaster
to be loaned to a friend and so I put it in a box that printer-paper came in back in the
old days when they had the tracks on each side to drive the paper. As you can see, it
has handle on the top to make it easier to carry. In use, a witness plate was plugged
into the left-hand jack and a rate taken, then the box was stood on it's side, as in the
picture and the person just sat and looked at the foil plate in the center and sucked the
energy in. In effect, it was early version of a vampire machine, where a helmet was
simply not the best way to absorb the energy and we wanted a direct method rather
than just using a witness of the person who was receiving the stuff. It was a case
where directly willing the absorbtion was important.
However, we discovered two things. First, the energy really flew out of the pattern and
this became the basis for the Starblaster that I just described. Second, the foil in the
center of the pattern worked really well for visualization.
The box is wired as in the diagram.

As you can see, everything is hooked to the center of the pattern.

To make this you will need:
1 box.
1 amplifying pattern
3 potententiometers, value unimportant.
1 foil circle
3 knobs.
2 jacks (1/8" is best though the ones in the unit pictured are bigger)
1 screw and nut

Glue the amplifying pattern to the outside of the box and glue the foil circle over the
center of the pattern. Measure the places for the stems of the potentiometers to go
through (allowing for the size of the pots on the underside and the dials) and mark
Do the same for the jacks.
Punch the holes as needed and a small hole in the center of the foil circle for the screw.
Insert the screw so the head is in the center of the foil circle.
Now turn the lid over.
Wire the pots together and put the stems of them through the holes provided. Attach
the holding nuts that come with them and tighten them. Attach the knobs to the stems.
Wire the pots to the screw as in the diagram.
Repeat this procedure with the jacks, again wiring them to the screw. Place the nut on
the screw and tighten it to hold it and the wires in place.
Put the lid on the box and the unit is complete.
See how easy that was! Remember, Psionics is easy, math is hard. (And so was GI
Joe which is why Barbie left Ken for him.)
You are going to need a couple of other things to work this machine. First, you will
need an input plate if you want to work it standing up, and that is very easy to make. All
you need is:
1 piece of posterboard about 4" X 4"
1 length of speaker wire
1 plug (same size as the jacks on the machine)
some aluminum foil
2 alligator clips
some glue.
Attach the plug to one end of the speaker wire and the alligator clips to the other end.
Wrap the foil over the posterboard and glue it in place so you have a foil plate.

Clip the speaker wire to the foil.

The other thing you will need to make is a stick pad to plug into the box. To make that,
you need:
1 plastic lid from a coffee can or pet food can
1 length of speaker wire
1 plug
a length of copper wire.
Make a coil of copper wire and stick it under the lid, you can tape it in place.
Wire the plug to the speaker wire.
Attach the speaker wire to the coil.
When you put it all together it looks something like the photograph. I had to take the
picture with the unit on the couch because it was the only place that I could get decent
lighting on it. The way our windows are arranged everything was in shadow and the
flash was just too powerful, it washed out the image!
(Of course if I had really wanted to put something over on people I would have said that
it was the energy coming out of the machine...)

Anyway, how you set this thing up depends on what you are going to use it for. If you
are going to use it as a standard radionic box, just lay it on its back and place the
witness on the foil circle. You do not need the extra foil input plate unless you are
going to transmit a pattern or the energy from another witness to the target witness in
the center. You use the stick pad on the right to tune the instrument.
Tuning is pretty easy. With a witness on either foil plate, depending on the use
intended, you slowly turn each dial while gently stroking the detector plate with your
thumb. When you get a stick, and it is impossible to describe this but you will know
when it happens, that is the rate for the dial and it is time to go and do the same thing
with the next one.
And as this is primarily a transmittal instrument, you will need to make the next device,
the psionic amplifying helmet.
Ok, if you have been following my stuff for any length of time, you probably already
have at least one of these things floating around. But this one is different.

This is what happens when you are too lazy to set up the tripod.

It's pretty different, isn't it?

Well, the horns are not the only different thing about it. It has completely different
You see we are making a bit of a change in the theory about the helmet. In the past I
have operated under the working assumption that the magnets positioned around the
helmets I have worked with heretofore did something with the brain, the etheric body
and the electromagnetic field of the earth. Now, there is some reasoning behind this.
After all, radionics began with Doc Abrams moving his patient around, under the
assumption that the position of the patient affected the relationship between his body
and the electromagnetic field of the earth and George Delawarre was so convinced that
that field played a role that he included a turnable magnet in his devices which he felt
absolutely essential for accurate results. So the idea has a history.
But that does not make it true and this helmet is a serious departure. It could be that it
is the position of the magnets in the helmet, the geometry that they create, which is
what really makes the thing work. If that is the case, then what is actually present is a
type of amplifying pattern and the magnets can be replaced with an amplifying pattern.
In any event, that is the idea that we are going to be working with now and so the
helmet I am giving you here is something of an experiment. Now, there is some basis
for believing this thing will work, not only because it seems to be working for me.
About ten years ago I made a couple of devices which were nothing more than
amplifying patterns wired to crystals and then encased in a small box with the crystal on
the outside and an activating button. They seemed to work quite well and someday I
have to find out where I hid them and play with them again!
That being the case, I think we can assume that this helmet design will function as well,
if not better than the helmets that we have worked with heretofore.

So here we have the design for the interior wiring. What is not shown (because I could
not figure out quite how to draw it) is the wiring from the center of the pattern to the
three antenna, the crystals under the crest and the horns. Those wires come out the
top of the central circle and run out the top to the crest, and under the helmet bowl to
the position of the horns and out to those as well. In practice, those wires are covered
by the central circle and really do not show.
To make the helmet you will need:
1 hard hat

3 crystals
3 potentiometers
1 amplifying pattern
2 foil circles about 2" in diameter
1 small jack
duct tape

The first thing you need to do is make the horns. You do this by cutting two 3" diameter
circles out of the posterboard. You then draw a line from the center of each circle to its
edge and then cut along that line so you have a straight cut from the edge of each
circle to its center.
Now start twisting the circle, using the cut, to make a cone. When you have a pleasing
cone, tape the posterboard in place and repeat that with the second circle so that you
will have two cones about the same size, the closer the better. When that is done wrap
each cone in duct tape and set them aside.
The helmet in the drawing and the photo each have a crest for the central crystal but
you can dispense with that and just have that crystal exposed on top. The horns act as
transmittal amplifiers so they are necessary.
Ok, set the horns aside for a bit and look at the hard hat. Take out the liner. Now,
mark the holes that you will have to drill. You will need a hole at the very top, a whole
on each side a bit down towards the front and three holes in the front spaced so that
the potentiometers and knobs will have enough room between them. Make sure that
the three front holes are large enough for the screw part of the pots to fit through them
but not so large that the nut holding them will go through.
Mark where the hole for the jack will be.
Drill the holes.
Set the helmet aside and wire the pots together in series with a wire at each end of the
chain long enough to reach the top of the helmet when they are inserted.
Wire the three crystals by coating each in glue and wrapping the wire around them.
When the glue dries, position each one over one of the holes provided and run the wire
into the helmet. Glue the crystals in place and mount the horns over the side crystals.
Glue the horns in place.
When the glue sets, cover the crystal on the top of the helmet in masking tape and then
paint the helmet.
While the paint is drying, wire the jack so that the wire will be long enough to reach the
top of the helmet and cut out the foil circles. Put a SMALL hole in center of one of the
When the paint dries, attach the wires from the side crystals to the wire coming down
inside from the central crystal. Twisting the wires will work fine, just be sure that the
wire from the central crystal can reach the top of the liner of the hard hat.
Insert the pots and the jack.

Wire them to the central wire.

I know this makes no sense electronically, but psionics is not electronic so don't worry
about it.
Now run the central wire through the foil circle and glue that circle in place under the
top of the inside of the helmet.
Take the amplifying pattern and put a pinhole in the center.
Run the central wire through the amplifying pattern and glue the pattern and glue the
amplifying pattern to the top of the inside of the helmet as in the diagram.
Now attach the second foil circle to the top of the liner so that when worn it will rest on
the top of your head at the crown chakra.
Attach the wire to that circle.
Insert the liner.
Attach the knobs to the potentiometers and the helmet is complete.
This helmet was designed for transmittal work, which is why the horns. A cone has
interesting properties with regard to the energies that we use in that unlike a pyramid
the energy only goes one way, out the top. So in use, the crystal on the top of the
helmet acts as the receiver and the crystals under the horns boost the transmission
So how do you use this thing?

Ok, I'm kidding. This is what happens when you use it, if you're lucky.
The first thing you do is tune it. Lay the helmet in front of you and think of a person
whom you would like to give a splitting headache to, say your mother. Now, slowly turn

the first dial on the left until it feels right. Repeat that with the other dials. Now, you
have to understand that when you tune a radionic device what is happening is that a
relationship is between locked in between your consciousness and the subject of the
operation. There is nothing physical, certainly nothing electronic at work here.
Put the helmet on your head and if you know the direction that your target is from you,
face that if possible. It is not necessary, but it sometimes makes things easier.
Get a good picture of her in your mind. Concentrate on the center of her forehead,
where the brow chakra is. That is a good receiving point for this. If you can, visualize
the center of her forehead in the cross hairs of a gunsight, but that, again, is not
necessary, only fun.
Now pour energy into that chakra, visualizing it as a beam of red light, filling her chakra
with an overdose of energy and see that energy going out to the muscles under her
forehead, causing them to tighten. That is actually what causes most headaches.
Keep doing this for about five to ten minutes. (It is a good idea to invest in a timer.) At
the end of that time, take off the helmet and have a good laugh at the thought of her
running for the aspirin.
Now, we can have even more nasty fun with this technique. Let us suppose that you
have had it up to your nose with your Aunt Letitia. First, she has a ridiculous name
which is embarrassing everyone who has to say it. Second, she keeps wanting to drag
your ass to church even though she and everyone else in the family knows that you are
a High Priest in the Orthodox Church of Satan! (and please don't tell me that there
really is an Orthodox Church of Satan, I just made it up)
Well, enough is enough! You can't stand it anymore and she has go to go, in some
prolonged and entertaining manner. How about a brain hemmorage? Those are
always fun.
Repeat the above procedure, but now, instead of visualizing her forehead, look through
her thick skull into her brain. Yes, in spite of all outward appearances, she actually has
one, everyone does, even my in-laws, even-gasp-Packers fans.
Once you have that image, go looking around the brain for weak blood vessels. She
has some, everyone does. When you get the image in your mind of a blood vessel that
is showing signs of strain, start visualizing that blood vessel breaking, spewing blood
all over her brain and both starving the circuitry of nourishment and drowning it at the
same time. Get as gory and graphic as you want with this. You can never be too
Keep pouring it on. And repeat the procedure at the same time every day until you
hear that she has been rushed to the hospital and with any luck has died on the spot.
At the very least, she will suffer a massive stroke and spend the rest of her days as a
drooling idiot.

And of course you are not limited to the brain.

Let us say that you have someone who really needs to be taught a lesson in what
psionics can do and you know that that person suffers from serious kidney trouble,
maybe even has had a transplant. Well, you have your target!
Set the helmet to the target and visualize his kidney. See it as being covered with a
black cloud, strangling it, making it malfunction. Now this is not for kidney stones, they
are curable albeit really uncomfortable (believe me, I know!). This is to kill the kidney
that was weak to begin with. In the case of a transplant, you need to nullify the anti-
rejection medication and have the target's own body dispose of the organ.
Pump negative energy into that cloud. Keep at it until the target is destroyed.
From these examples you can readily see, with little difficulty, that the helmet can work
as a stand-alone instrument and does not need to be attached to anything else. But
most of the time you will use it in conjunction with the radionic box.
When I built my first unit, on April 7, 1977 (a day that shall live forever in the
nightmares of men) I thought it would be interesting if I could make a direct connection
between myself and the box. Now, one would have thought that a simple headband
would do, but I really like helmets, and so I took a helmet that I had made about a year
before but really did not like design so I did not wear it very often and hooked up the
head electrodes inside of it and wired them to a jack on the side. That was my first
helmet. It was purely a connecting tool. It was only later that I had a dream in which
the workings of the psionic amplifying helmet were revealed to me and I immediately
modified that first helmet to conform with what I had been given. But it was still
essentially something to be plugged into the box and so, without further adont, (I'm
sorry, I just couldn't resist it.) here is the next step in your system.
Evil is whom evil does.

See how simple it is? All you need to add is a patch cable to attach the instruments
You now have a very effective weapons system that can be used to cause all manner of
chaos in the world.
So how do you use this arrangement?
The system is designed for transmission, which means you are the sender and your
target is the receiver. Lay the box down and place the witness of the target onto the
central plate of the box. Turn the dials on the helmet and the box until they fell right.
You will know it when it happens. You now have a contact rate between yourself and
the target which psychically links you to the target.
Now you are really locked in! It is almost like having an open telephone line between
you and the target and unless she has really good firewalls you can place all manner of
virii into her system. And you can know just about anything about her because there
are no secrets from this stuff, so people can take their ideas of privacy and kiss them

True joy is
only found in
sufferings of

Imposing energy
One of the most interesting and fun things that you can do with radionics is to take the
energy from one place and dump it onto another. You can start wars doing that,
But let us say that you have had the misfortune to have gotten a speeding ticket in
some small town that should have been paved over for a shopping center ages ago.
You are madder than hell, and rightfully so. So, what are you going to do about it?
You're going to kill someone, with luck lots of someones.
The first thing that you need is an aerial or outer space view of the town. That is easily
obtained. Go to any of the servers that supply such things and use your screen capture
program to get the image. Save that image as a graphic and use whatever picture
editing program you have (there are a number of good ones available online) to cut out
the picture of the town. Save that and dump the screen capture because you don't
need it any more and it will just take up space on your hard drive.
Print up the image of the town small enough to fit comfortably on the central plate of the
Now you need a transmittal witness, a photograph of a location where a mass murder
has occurred. Again, that is easily found online. Print up that picture again in a small
enough size to fit nicely and place that one on the central plate of the box.
Take a rate for the energy of the mass murder. Believe me, the residual energy of such
things lasts a very long time. The garage where the St. Valentine's Day Massacre of
blessed memory is long gone but the park that is in the location now is a very strange
place and people are hesitant to walk their dogs there. The dogs dislike it.
Once you have done that, merely place the picture of the town on top of that image and
let the machine run. The energy of the mass murder will be imposed on the witness of
the town and that place will suddenly find that it has its first murder in years and they
will keep happening!
That'll teach them to bother honest travelers!
Of course you may want to add a little extra energy to that to make things work faster.
The easiest way to do that is to set the box under a desk lamp and turn the lamp on.
The light from the lamp will energize the unit and you may see results on the news even
As you can imagine, this technique has any number of uses that are as nasty as they
are fun. When you use people as your target, as opposed to an area or a building,

what you are doing is taking a pattern of energy out of the etheric body of the donor,
such as a tendency to become accident prone, and placing it into the etheric body of
the target. So, if you want to bet against a race-car driver, you would broadcast energy
from a photo of a driver who was killed in a wreck at the target and watch the carnage
while counting your money.
Just imagine the fun that you can have broadcasting the energy of this image to an
intersection that is normally dangerous anyway. It is just the thing to liven up a New
Year's Eve.

Landmines are wonderful things. What can be more fun that sticking something in the
ground and forgetting it, knowing that at some time in the undetermined future some
useless child will step on it and be blown to perdition and may Moloch accept his
And they might be the one thing that could make soccer interesting. After all, the
difference between football, real football and soccer is that football is played by large
Americans in armor and soccer is played by little gay foreigners in their underwear.
Ok, to be realistic, we can't just go around planting explosives, fun though that may be.
They tend to be a bit expensive and if you get caught people get really weird for
reasons that I have never quite understood. After all, everyone needs a hobby and if a
few people get blown up in the process it is not like anyone who matters, namely me, is
going to miss them. That being said, with psionics we can do the next best thing. We
can create psychic landmines that will cause, if they work right, almost as much and
maybe even more damage to the unsuspecting but oh-so-worthy-of-destruction victims.
For never forget:
Victims are scum! That is why they are victims.
In my first book, Elementary Psionics, I describe how to make a psychic landmine to
make people like you. Now I will describe how to make one that will make life difficult
for our favorite targets, traffic cops and politicians.
First let's go after the pigs. That is always fun and my readers love these ideas.
Traffic cops tend to pick places along the road where they can hide and jump out to
snatch honest citizens. They are EVIL and must be dealt with accordingly, without
mercy or compassion. If they were decent people they would have decent jobs so do
not feel any guilt about making their lives nasty, brutish and short. Their lives are
already nasty and brutish.
Your first task is to determine the place where these scumbags tend to hide or gather.
The police station is, of course, an obvious target, but you do not need need a
landmine to deal with that. For that you would use location fire. The place you are
looking for is the hiding place, or just the place where they tend to lie in wait and that is
pretty easy to figure out because you probably drive past one of them every day and
see them sitting there looking at their radar meter hoping that the microwaves from the

radar will give them testicular cancer. Actually that is kind of foolish because if you
take away their tin stars and guns you find they have no balls anyway, but I digress.
Once you have the spot, get a photograph of it without the cop car sitting there. That is
easy as well, simply have a passenger take a quick shot of it as you drive by. I use a
small digital movie camera and then grab a still off the video. Print this picture up and
you have your witness sample.
Now you need to make the landmine. The best way to do that is to create a
thoughtform in the shape of a landmine.
As you can see it is a very easy shape to visualize, just a flat disk. Create a
thoughtform that looks like this by the following procedure.
Setup your helmet and box to lock your mind onto the location. You do that by putting
the witness of the location onto the box, hooking up the helmet and taking a rate on
both. Once you have done that, put on the helmet and visualize the landmine in the
location. As you visualize it, program it to receive and broadcast the piece of
information that you are going to transmit to that location.
Once you have done that, remove the helmet from the box and plug in the foil
transmittal plate.
Now, print up this picture.

This is your transmittal witness.

Take the print of this picture and place it on the transmittal plate and reset the rate for
the energy from it to be transmitted to the landmine and, in doing so, impregnate the
Now what will happen when Officer Fuzzbottom parks his car in that spot? Well, you
can probably guess. The energy from the wreck will engulf his car and it will just sort of
attract large, rolling objects to itself, to the inconvenience of the occupant.
Now, you have to understand that the local constabulary will not realize what
happened. They will just see that they have a wrecked patrol car and, with any luck, an
officer in the hospital. So they will continue the use the spot because it is a good
hunting ground. That is why it was picked in the first place. And every time they do,
another cop car gets the same treatment.
There is another use for this and that is to target the garage or parking lot where they
keep their cars. Again, get a witness of the location and plant a landmine in it and
charge it the same way. It is possible to disable an entire department by this method.
Never forget:
There are no innocents, there are only targets.
Ok, we've had our fun with the pigs, now let's go after their masters, the politicians.
If cops are cowardly scumbags, politicians are unmitigated filth. Anything bad that
happens to a politician, any politician, is a good thing. And politicians make wonderful
targets because it is so easy to determine if the operation worked. You simply watch
the evening news and see them make fools of themselves or get into terrible trouble.
Actually it is not necessary for them to make fools of themselves, they were born that
way, but it is great fun to see the reality come out in front of a camera.

One thing about politicians is that the never stay put! They move around like a plague
of locusts, devouring the land in the process. They are always off somewhere
speechifying or raising money or figuring out how to rob everyone else while
speechifying and raising money. And this gives you a chance to play with a landmine.
While politicians are always going somewhere, there are certain places that they keep
coming back to. That is because the location is just perfect for their particular audience
or they just happen to like the rubber chicken they devour in large quantities. (A
requirement for any politician, aside from plenteous hot air, is a cast iron stomach an
no taste buds.) After any given length of time, it is very easy to know what those places
are and prepare a landmine in them accordingly.
You follow the same procedure that you did with the speedtrap landmine. Only in this
case you program the landmine to make the politician look really really stupid. You do
this by giving the landmine a name and using that name to lock onto the thoughtform
for repeated chargings so that once a day for about a week before the target is to give
his talk and raise money, you charge the landmine to make him stumble over his own
At the appointed time and place, the politician will step up to the podium, make some
biblical reference to his introduction, such as saying that he now knows what all the
Philistines felt like because he too has been slain by the jawbone of an ass (somebody
actually did respond to a butchered introduction that way many years ago) and begin to
speak. And as he does so, the thoughtform will hit him and he will unceremoniously
jam both of his feet in his mouth sideways in front of a shocked or laughing audience
while the television cameras record his every blunder.
Of course with politicians the fun does not stop there. They do not have the
intelligence to figure out that if they make a joke of their blunders the whole incident will
be forgotten in a couple of days. They have to explain things and explain things and
explain things and in doing so dig themselves into a hole and look totally ridiculous at
the same time. So one good psychic landmine under a podium truly is the gift that
keeps on giving.

Isn't this the coolest looking device? I have no idea why anyone would want to build
such a thing but I love this picture.
"First we kill all the
Ok, I have to admit it, some of my best friends are actually lawyers so they aren't all
bad, but most of them are one step above traffic cops and several steps below pizza
delivery boys. In other words, they a surplus population and should be deleted from the
planet. Or, as the old joke goes, "What are a million dead lawyers? A good start."
And before you bury a dead lawyer it is a good idea to pound a stake through his heart,
cut off his head and stuff the mouth with garlic. No point in taking foolish chances.

Now, in a civilized society, people could go down to the local camping and outdoor
supply shop and purchase a hunting license would entitle them to kill as many lawyers
as their ammunition supply would allow but, as I have often pointed out, we are not
living in a civilized society. And while shooting lawyers down in the street should be
considered a laudable and highly justified action, for some reason which eludes me and
everyone possessed of an ounce of intelligence, people get weird about that.
I know, it makes no sense at all.
Fortunately, with the aid of psionics, we do not have to care what society thinks about
anything. We can do whatever we want, the difference being in that we don't use
firearms or other things that can be traced, or even detected.
So let us give a hypothetical situation. You come home from work to discover that your
wife has had a minor accident while driving to the hairdresser that day. Ok, that should
be no big deal. The insurance can handle it. But, for some bizarre reason, you find
that you are being sued.
Ok, the insurance will handle it but you really want to teach that damnable ambulance-
chaser a lesson. Well, you can!
Lawyers love paper. Well, actually it is not that they love paper, they hate trees, but
then lawyers hate everything. (No, not like Uncle Chuckie! I love my wife and my cat
and I'm very fond of my readers.) And because they have this peculiar sexual hang-up
about paper, they tend to distribute it far and wide, with lots of gobbledygook printed on
it and their signatures.
Do you see something useful here?
The nasty letter from the lawyer is a perfect witness sample not only for the individual
lawyer but for his firm as well.
Oh my, I think he's gonna die!
How do you go about this?
Well, you have a witness sample, a radionic box and a helmet. You also have the
starblaster. What you are going to do is draw nasty energy into yourself using the
starblaster and then send that energy to the lawyer.
First, you have to draw the energy. To do that you set up the starblaster by putting the
Symbol of Ultimate Evil in the center of the amplifier pattern and then resting the device
on your lap with your hands on the hand plates.
What is the Symbol of Ultimate Evil you ask. Well, it was given us in the last century by
the process of taking a sacred symbol and perverting it in ways that even I could not
imagine (and I'm really good at perversion). Here it is.

Yes, I know that Buddhists and Hindus still consider this thing sacred but we aren't
working with the energy of Buddhists and Hindus here. In our world this is as bad as it
can get and you really need to be careful when you work with it because things can be
catching. It is ok to have a racist thought every now and then and it is probably actually
a good thing because it is better to be honest than to be always afraid that you might
think something that people do not like. It is not ok to make a fool of yourself and run
around in a brown shirt preaching unity and book burning, which is what the idea of
unity inevitably leads to.
So watch yourself with this. If you find that you are behaving strangely, stop using it.
But as long as you can use it, pull the negative energy into yourself and don't worry,
there is a lot of it floating around out there. Make yourself a living battery of pure
malice and hate and then fire that energy through you hands into the starblaster and
thence to the lawyer. Keep pumping until you are exhausted.
Repeat the procedure and if all goes well in about a week, two at the most, the lawyer
will be unable to sue anyone any more. He'll be too busy being dead.
Now this method will work on anyone who uses paper for communication, such as
bureaucrats. The technique is always the same, you charge yourself and then use the
papers as the witness samples. They have no defense and they have no way of hiding

from it. With this equipment and the ability to use it you can outmatch any such
problem agency. The key is in how you use it.
When attacking a bureaucracy, you are not only attacking the individual bureaucrat, but
the entire agency as well. This way if the principal individual drops dead, as he will
most assuredly, replacing him on the case will do no good. The entire agency will be in
To do this, you focus the hate not on an individual, but on the organization around him
using him as a radiating point to infect the organization with the mental virus you are
sending. As the energy permeates the organization, bad things will happen to bad
people. Documents will disappear. Computers will break down and the staff will start
to become very accident and sickness prone.
So how does that happen? It is really very simple and I'm amazed that more people
have not thought of it.
Everyone radiates energy. We know this. Think of people as large, walking light bulbs
illuminating everything in their path. The trick is program the energy field of the target
to radiate the energy you put into it outward rather than into the target himself. So if
you put disruptive energy into the person, everyone he comes into contact with,
everything that gets into the range of his field, will be engulfed by that disruptive power.
You can easily imagine the results. Things just go wrong. And they go wrong
whenever the person comes into the building! Well, after a while people will put two
and two together, get six and figure that what they are thinking has to be utter
nonsense. The notion that someone may bring bad luck with them to everyone he
comes into contact with is just too absurd for anyone with more than a fifth grade
education to take seriously.
So the target will continue to go to work and things will continually break down,
documents will keep disappearing, records will mysteriously catch fire and be erased
from computers, all manner of dreadfulness will happen.
People will come down with more illnesses than usual and sick time will multiply.
Accidents, serious accidents will start to happen and key employees will end up in the
hospital or dead.

The agency will no longer be able to function efficiently and soon its blunders will reach
the press and all hell will break loose and people in places that normally do not care
about such things start asking embarrassing questions.
Department heads lose their jobs and in disgust go to the media and blow whistles on
their former co-workers. Moral ceases to exist. The remaining employees no longer
care if the work gets done right or even done at all. Things are left to fall apart.
Do you remember the old rhyme?
"For want of the nail, the shoe was lost.
For want of the shoe, the horse was lost.
For want of the horse the rider was lost.
For want of the rider the battle was lost.
For want of the battle the kingdom was lost.
All for the loss of the horseshoe nail."
All you have to do is cause a nail to disappear at the right moment and the house will
come tumbling down.
So, to get back to lawyers, in this case prosecutors, the worst of the breed, that
dreadful combination of cop and lawyer! It is amazing that they do not leave a trail of
slime behind them in the courtroom. We have all seen them on television, standing
before the cameras, their smug faces barely able to conceal the joy they get out of the
free publicity. Well, we can take those faces and wipe the smile off them forever!
Let us say that there is a high-profile rape case. The accused is, of course, innocent.
They always are. So, how do you fix this clown and wreck his trial? Very simple. You
create a thoughtform around him to radiate to the jury the following statement, "The
bitch is lying!"
And, as he gets up in front of the court that will spread all over the courtroom, hitting
the judge, the jury and even the witnesses.
You can imagine the effect that that will have. No one will believe his case. It will not
matter what lies the accuser tells, what evidence they have manufactured or planted.
The minds of the jury will be made up and there will be nothing that he or his paid
cronies can do about it. It will not matter that the judge is his brother-in-law!
The jury will acquit. And his job will no longer be worth the proverbial plugged nickel.

The goal of psionics

is to make law
impossible by the
simple process of
making its

We do not want
their hearts and
We want their
hearts and kidneys!
and their livers and corneas and whatever else we need to transplant.

Creative road rage
Driving is one of the most stressful things that we do. The never ending annoyances
caused by other drivers are not healthy to have to deal with. They cause the blood
pressure to rise and damage the digestion. Fortunately, with the aid of psionics, we are
not helpless against this problems, on the contrary, we have the opportunity to have a
tremendous amount of fun at the expense of everyone else on the road, whom, as well
all know, have no business being there in the first place.
This is fun. But first you have to learn how to make a fast-acting thoughtform, now
commonly called a psi-ball.
A psi-ball is a clump of psychic energy molded and charged to bring about a specific
result very quickly. It is useful in causing the parents of noisy children at the next table
to suddenly become child abusers in front of dozens of witnesses. And if you are really
good at it you can make the senior citizen across the room just drop dead, which is
always good for alleviating boredom because people tend to get really animated when
someone sitting next to them just up and dies. My Aunt Jenny did that years ago.
She was visiting her daughter's family and sitting on a stool peeling potatoes for dinner.
Why good Italians would be eating potatoes instead of healthy pasta is a mystery to me
but that is what she was doing. Well, as luck would have it she had a massive stroke
and just keeled over dead.
It totally ruined their dinner! (Of course if they were having potatoes the dinner was
already ruined. If it were not for french fries there would be no reason to even cultivate
You would think that rational people would just kick the body into a corner and have
dinner and then take care of the paperwork, but people are not rational and for some
reason think that somebody having the lack of consideration to die on them deserves
lots of attention even though the person is no longer in a position to notice it.
Anyway, I digress. Back to the psi-ball. This will take a little practice but once you get
the hang of it the procedure is very quick and very effective.
The first thing that you have to master is the art of bringing up the ambient energy of
the cosmos into you. You do that by a very simple process of visualization.
Sit in a comfortable chair with a reasonably straight back and close your eyes. Now
imagine the energy of universe just sort of beaming into you at the base of your spine.
Bring the energy up through your spine to the top of your head and then send it
shooting out only to return to the base of your spine and start the cycle all over again.

Practice this for about a week. It is pretty easy.

After you have been doing that for a while, repeat the exercise but hold your hands out
in front of you with the palms facing each other. You don't have to stretch your arms, in
fact you really do not want to stretch your arms because you do not want to be too
obvious when you do this in public.
Bring the energy down your arms into the palms of your hands and feel it forming a ball
in between them. Mold the ball as if you were making a snow ball, packing the energy
into the ball and commanding it to do your bidding with a simple phrase such as, "Go
kill that old fart." After you do that sort of just toss the ball in the direction of the target
and watch the fun.
Now start practicing doing this real fast, so that you can charge up, create the ball and
fire it off in a few seconds, less than a minute at most. When you can do that it is time
to take your skill out for a ride, quite literally.
I think that by now you realize that just about every time you get behind the wheel of
your car you have something happen that is just plain annoying, if not totally infuriating.
It can be anything from the damnable old lady driving ten miles under the speed limit in
the fast lane to the school bus stopping to pick up some little monsters every other
house when you are running late for work. Well, now you can do something about
The next time you find yourself dealing with one of these ever-present and never-to-be-
sufficiently-damned nuisances, wait until you are at a stop light and quickly charge up
and create a psi-ball. Program it to do something unpleasant to the target, like have
the school bus broadsided by a speeding gravel truck, and let fly. You may not actually
get to see the result, in fact most of the time you will not, but it will happen and when it
does if you are lucky it may be entertaining enough to make the evening news. There
are few things more satisfying to the soul than to turn on the television and see the
minivan of the soccer slut who delayed you turned into tangled wreckage with the
remains of her little bastards crushed inside.
It is things like that that make getting up in the morning worthwhile.
Now, you are not limited to psi-balls. You can use the amplifying pattern that I talked
about earlier for this as well.
Print it up a bit small, approximately 4" in diameter, and glue that to a piece of
cardboard. The cardboard is to keep it from getting wrinkled and torn and makes the
pattern much easier to work with.
Keep this on the seat beside you while you are driving. It is, after all, nothing more
than a pattern printed on paper and anyone seeing it may find it a bit puzzling but
nothing more.

Now let us say that you are merrily driving along and all of a sudden you come up
behind a truck that is taking forever to get moving. Ok, you have more surplus
population fit only to be harvested for its body parts driving the thing. Of course given
the substances truck drivers abuse there may not be much left worth the trouble of
harvesting. Anyway, it is time to have some fun.
When the truck finally picks up speed, put a finger on the center of the pattern and
think at the driver of the truck, "TURN RIGHT!" With practice and some luck you will
get to the point where the driver will, without thinking, slam his steering wheel to the
right and slam his truck right into the road construction crew next to the lane he is in.
And if you are really lucky he will go careening off the road, over the grass and into a
grade school!
Isn't it fun to be evil?
One more thing to cover on this. If you should be the passenger, you have the
advantage of being able to work without having to concentrate on your driving at the
same time. This means that you have more time to charge up and build the psi-ball or
use the amplifying pattern. It also means that you can use something that my wife and I
joking refer to as the smiter.
The smiter is nothing more than a cheap walkie-talkie, easily found in any toy
department or on ebay. It is also an excellent psionic amplifier.
To use the walkie-talkie, hold it in such a way as to have the palm of your hand over the
microphone, or at least on the same side. This will let the energy from the minor chakra
in the palm of your hand fill the electronics of the device, charging it up as it were.
Then, when you turn it on and push the talk button, that energy will go blasting out
through the antenna in any direction you point it.
This method has all sorts of wonderful applications. It has the benefit not only of
amplifying your output (power at source) but also, because you are actually pointing the
the antenna, giving you the psychological benefit of actually directing the energy in a
tangible way. In essence it is an electronic magick wand.
How do you use it? Just aim and fire. And whatever you fire out of it will go blasting
into the field of the target.
Now, if you really want to create something with lots of power at source, this little
gadget that I first wrote about in my Psionic Power is just the thing. It can really boost
anything that you send and it is not really all that difficult to build.

To make this you will need:

1 amplifying pattern, about 4" in diameter.
1 small foil circle for the center of the pattern.
The innards of a cheap walkie talkie
1 switch
some wire.
A project box.
Take the walkie talkie apart and mount the innards inside the project box with a hole cut
for an off-off switch. Wire the push-to-talk button thing in the talk position so that it
remains open and turn on the power switch of the walkie talkie. Drill a hole for the
antenna wire to come out. Drill two holes in the top of the box.
Cut one of the battery wires and connect that wire to the switch so that when the switch
is closed the current will run through it. You may need to extend that wire, in which
case you will splice the extra wire to it as needed. Mount the switch on the box.

Cut the speaker/microphone wires and run those wire out the holes in the top of the
Take the amplifying pattern and punch two small holes in the center.
Run the microphone wires through those holes and glue the amplifying pattern to the
top of the box. If the wires are too short extend them with the spare wire.
Now attach the bare ends of the microphone wire to the foil circle and glue that circle
over the central circle of the amplifying pattern, as in the box design I gave you earlier.
Hook up a battery in the clips that came with the chassis and close the box lid, screwing
it into place.
At this point you should have a box with an amplifying pattern on top, a switch on one
side and an antenna coming out the other as in the illustration.
It is, in effect, a sort of modified wishing machine.
To use it, simply turn it on when you get into the car and whenever you need to transmit
something put a finger on the foil circle and think. The box will do the rest.
To give it a test, when you come to a red light, put your finger on the box and visualize
the light turning green. See how fast the light changes. It should change significantly
faster than it normally would, to the great consternation of the drivers who are going in
the other direction.
Once you have mastered these simple techniques you will discover that your driving
experience is much more pleasant. Instead of being the helpless victim of the stupidity
of everyone else, they are now the victims of your capacity to project power.
You are the predator. They are now the prey.

The fact that others

consider any action
to be immoral is not
sufficient reason to
refrain from
performing the

Toxic logos
When you see the logo of a corporation you see a witness of the corporation. The logo
is chosen, created with the idea of establishing recognition. The consumer, the
hapless consumer, seeing the logo will be programmed by advertising to automatically
think of the company that it represents. In other words, he's brainwashed!
But something else is happening when the person sees the logo. He is connecting with
a thoughtform that is linked to the company because it is impossible for a large number
of people to associate an image with something and not create that thoughtform.
And that thoughtform is the link between the individual and the corporation.
Now, let us suppose that it is possible to make that connection poisonous, that every
time someone sees that logo they get something toxic placed into their psyche that can
affect them in negative and unpredictable ways. And, at the same time, the toxicity of
the logo attacks the corporation as well because the link works two ways.
Sounds like fun, doesn't it. Just imagine taking a thriving concern and driving it into
bankruptcy, casting its overpaid and underworked employees into the employment line
at the local fast-fast food emporium. Or, as the saying goes, "Let them flip burgers!"
Ok, first you need a target. There are so many of them to choose from that this can be
a real problem. But there is always one company that does something that just drives
you nuts. It may that its commercials are written by do-gooding tree-huggers who live
under the illusion that you actually don't want global warming even though you live in
Wisconsin and warm is good. Or it could be that they crow about spending their profits,
money you spend, on helping people who exist only to be spare parts for the rest of us.
In any event, it makes you want to puke!
Well, now you can do something about that.
Every corporation has a logo. It has to. There is something in the corporate rule book
that requires it and if the corporation does not have one its stockholders will become
very upset and put their money into something that is more worthwhile, like the defense
group. (If it doesn't blow things up governments have no business spending money on
it.) Get a copy of the logo.
That is very easy because the other corporate rule is that the logo must be placed in
every conceivable location, even tattooed on people's foreheads if they can find a way
to do it. I know, don't encourage them!

Once you have your target and a copy of the logo, you need a witness for toxicity.
Here it is.
Important stuff to remember!! Do not use the actual poison as a witness. It is
very dangerous to handle and if you kill yourself you will not be able to buy by
next book and you will spend eternity in absolute misery over the opportunity you
The other important thing to remember is that you are not going to actually poison
anyone with this witness. Radionics does not work that way, at least with people and
their works. That is what the experiments have shown and I ought to know because I
did them. (Some people just refuse to die!!! It is most annoying.)
Anyway, back to the fun stuff.
You will need the radionic box, the witness of cyanide and the picture of the logo. It is
also useful to have a desk lamp.
Put the witness of cyanide and the corporate logo on the central plate of the box. Once
you have done that set the three dials for a rate for the combination of the two. That
will start the process of mixing the energies of the logo and the cyanide making the logo
itself toxic to everyone who uses it. Which means if it is a clothing logo anyone
wearing the brand of clothing with the logo on it is going to get zapped. If you want to
boost the power of this, turn the desk lamp on over the box and let it sit for a few hours.
That will get things really going.
Now all you have to do is sit back and wait for the news that the company is having
some sort of trouble. Don't worry, it will.

House haunting
I'm sure by now you've run into the gazillion things out there on astral projection, but by
now you've also probably noticed something. No one seems to do anything worthwhile
with it. They just go floating around willy-nilly, visiting other planes of space,
conversing with who-knows-what and never finding any real use for the stuff.
Well, there are some really fun things that you can do with astral projection and your
Uncle Chuckie, the fountain of all blessings, is going to tell you how.
Back in the 19th century, long before I was born, (and no, the rumors are not true, I did
not poison Socrates. Plato did that!) a book was published, a very long and dreadfully
boring book entitled Phantasms of the Living. And in spite of the fact that it is as boring
as virtue itself to read, became a massive seller if only because of its delightful title.
The book was a collection of stories of people who had been visited by the astral
bodies of people they knew. And that is pretty much all it is and the stories tend to all
sound the same after a while. "I was standing the kitchen washing dishes and Uncle
Harry appeared out of thin air. I was so shocked I dropped the plate."
Ok, that sounds pretty damned boring to read over and over again, but look at it this
way. Think of all the fun Uncle Harry had when his niece dropped her prize china and it
shattered all over the freshly scrubbed floor! Sure, it scared her nigh unto half to death,
but he laughed all the way back to his physical body, or he would have had he not been
a good Victorian and believed that laughing was sinful.
The trick to all this is to be able to get your astral body to be visible to other people
and/or be able to cause physical effects with it. In other words, do the same sort of
stuff ghosts do.

Are we scared yet?
Here we go. The first thing you have to master is getting the astral body to get out of
your body and go where it is supposed to.
I know, there are tons of different methods for doing this and all of them work so do not
think of this as the only one. If you have your own way of getting out and about please
do not fee any obligation to change it.
The first thing you have to do is relax. I am not a great fan of the progressive relaxation
technique that is commonly taught for the simple reason that I have a condition called
lazy leg, which is anything but lazy and if it try to use the progressive method rather
than my legs relaxing it feels like I have weird electrical things going on inside of them,
which is exactly what is happening.
The method I use is much simpler. You sit in a straight-backed chair, with your hands
on the chair arms or in your lap, feet flat on the floor. This makes falling asleep less
likely, a problem I always encounter if I try to project laying down.
Once you do that, the rest is the work of the imagination.
Sit comfortably and imagine that you are standing up. Feel yourself standing up in front
of your body looking in the same direction your physical body is facing. That is all you
have to do for the moment.
Once you have done that, get used to your new body. This is not the usual mental
projection that is normally done with the aid of a radionic box and helmet, where you
put your mind into another part of the world. This is a full body project and you have to
operate as a full body, not just parts of it.
After you have gotten used to that, take a walk around the room. It gets really tempting
to go through the walls and head out into the rest of the house but resist that. You are
still practicing. Feel the movement of your legs and arms as you walk, the floor under
you. You are still half in the physical space even though you do not feel like it. You
want to keep that connection. No flying off to Jupiter this way.

Practice this for about a week every day. You want to get used to having a body again,
arms and hands and legs and feet and torso and head. Practice stretching out your
hands and grabbing at things. And get used to looking around and seeing through your
astral eyes.
That is the easy part of the exercise.
Once you are used to working in your astral body, it is time to make that body do things
in the physical realm. To learn to do this, we take our lessons from ghosts.
Ghosts are able to cause things to happen. They make things move, adjust
temperature, cause noises and smells. There is nothing that will persuade a person of
the existence of the supernatural faster than to have a roll of paper towels jump off a
shelf and fly across a room. Doors open and close and water glasses explode next to
sleeping hotel guests.
And things can appear and disappear. Think of the person in the library who puts a
book down and when she looks for it again it is gone and there was no one around to
take it.
How do they do it? Well, we are not quite sure but we think it comes from taking the
ambient energy in a room such as heat and electricity, and using it as a power source
for themselves. That would explain cold spots and batteries dying for no reason.
What we are going to do takes a lot of energy so things are going to become very chilly
where we work. And this gives us the means of testing our skills.
If it is winter, and where I live it is winter most of the year it seems, the thermostat in the
living room is going be turning the heat on and off with some regularity. What you do is
project into the living room right after the heat has turned off and the room is warm.
Now, begin to visualize all the heat in the room entering your astral body and charging
it up. Keep pumping it in, feeling yourself become more and more solid, more and more
powered up. And after some practice with this the heat will turn on as your astral body
draws enough heat out of the room to set off the thermostat.
When that happens, try to move something. Go over to a light object and see if you
can grab it with your hand and move it. A voudoun in Haiti was described by Sir Julian
Huxley as practicing moving match boxes (small boxes that matches came in in the
olden days). You can practice with pieces of paper, small boxes, anything that does
not weigh too much.
Once you are able to do that it is time to do something spectacular. Set a voice
recorder running in the room and project into it. Draw energy into yourself and then
speak into the recorder. When you are back into your body, play the machine back and
listen for your voice. It may not come the first time, but with practice it will and you will

jump out of your skin, I promise you. It is one of the most spectacular things you will
ever hear, your own disembodied voice.
It gets better.
Almost everyone has a camcorder these days. And I'll bet you can guess what is
coming next.
You're right!
Set the running camcorder into the room and project into the space. Pull energy into
yourself and walk back and forth in front of the camcorder. End the projection and
check the recorder. If you have not drained the battery on the recorder, a very real
possibility, you may, if you are lucky, get an image of a shadowy, transparent thing
floating in front of the lens. That thing is--YOU!
Ok, this last takes some doing and the reality is that you may very well drain the
camcorder battery before you get an image, but that is ok because the drained battery
means that you are there and working.
Now it is time to go out and have some real fun at the expense of the neighbors.
The first thing you need to do is pick your target. The house down the block with the
damnable breeders and their twelve children is perfect. Get up out of your chair and
walk through the walls of your house out onto the street and down the block. Go
through the walls of the target house until you find yourself in the kitchen.
Got that. Why the kitchen? It's because the breeder mom is busy making dinner for
her litter.
Look around, get a feel for the place. Start pulling in energy. She will notice the room
is getting colder and probably think there is a draft somewhere and wonder which of her
damnable brats has left a door open again.
See that glass sitting near the edge of the counter? Knock it onto the floor so that it
Such a simple thing. Yet added to the stress of everything else and mommy is going to
lose it! See how much fun that was?
But that is only the beginning.
Go back later and go into the living room. See the parental units watching television. It
is time for a little experiment. See if you can change the channel on the television.
Reach into the electronics of the set and just will the channel to change. If you have
charged enough it will do something. And if it does they will be very puzzled and
probably go out and buy a new television the next day!

Break something valuable.

You see how this works? You are the ghost haunting the house and as you continue to
play small pranks on the family they will get a bit desperate and maybe call in a
clergyman to do an exorcism. After all, if they are dumb enough to have twelve children
they are stupid enough to believe in anything.
Of course the exorcism will not work. It never works on living people using their astral
bodies. (and usually does not work on ghosts either unless the ghosts are the same
religion as the exorcist. Baptist ghosts are rarely impressed by Catholic priests.)
This is a good way to acquire property cheaply. If there is a house you want to buy but
the owner has not put it up for sale, this is one method of making the owner not only
want to sell the place but take any offer he can get.
Now imagine the other uses for this method. A few year ago I had some surgery and it
was rather disappointing. I had hoped to have an out of body experience while under
anesthesia, go around the hospital gooseing the nurses, setting all the televisions to C-
Span and replacing the children's lunch food with liver and brussel sprouts. But no, I
just went to sleep and woke up operated on.
Oh well. Such is life.
But imagine the chaos you can create inside a business. Things break, people hear
strange noises, the office gets cold and for some reason the owner has this weird
feeling that someone is staring at him all the time.
You can also pretend to be an angel and really cause trouble.
In the early 1930s there was a very strange movie made entitled, Gabriel Over the
White House. In that movie, the corrupt President of the United States has a divine
vision and makes himself a dictator, trying and executing gangsters by military tribunal
and threatening foreign creditors with destruction from the air. Ok, it sounds familiar, I
wonder if a certain President saw it. But the point is that you can be that angel.
Project into the bedroom of a politician, particularly one noted for peculiar religious
sentiments. Start drawing energy until you can become sort of visible and then give
him a good kick in the ass to wake him up.
When he wakes up and sees your glowing form floating in front of him, assuming that
he does not immediately have a heart attack and join you on the astral plane, start
talking to him. Tell him that you have come from God and he is supposed to aleviate
the sufferings of his constituents by lowering taxes. The disappear.
Wait a week or two and then visit him again. Keep this up over a period of time and
watch the news as your victim becomes more and more irrational. Ok, it may not be

quite as hilarious as the result of sending the soon-to-be former (at this writing) Senator
Santorum the video of the woman and the dog in his sleep a few years back, but it will
still be pretty funny.
Once you have had your fun with the politician, go after a televangelist. They make
really good marks because even if they do not believe in the nonsense they preach,
they have it in the back of their minds that it might actually be true and if they get a
divine visitation kicking them out of bed they will respond in ways that are hilarious
beyond mentioning. You can get them to say anything, no matter how ridiculous.
Ok, you've given divine inspiration to a politician and caused him to make a complete
fool of himself. Then you went to an evangelist and made him appear even more stupid
than god made him. Now it is time for the big show.
First you will need a church parking lot in an ethnic neighborhood, either Hispanic or
eastern European. Project there but do not draw energy yet. You want to just look
around and see what targets present themselves. You are looking for three incredibly
stupid children. Ok, all children are incredibly stupid but you are looking for three
especially incredibly stupid ones. (I can loan you the grandchildren of my in-laws...)
After you have found the targets, begin drawing energy in until you attain reasonable
visibility. You just sort of want to be a glowing blur so they cannot determine your
gender by looking at you. You can guess what is going to happen next.
The children will run home saying that they saw Jesus or the Virgin Mary or some saint
or other and pretty soon all the superstitious morons in the area will flock to the site.
Then all you have to do is repeat the projection on a reasonably regular basis for a
while an let the mass hysteria do the rest. They will hallucinate all manner of things
and you won't have to do anything yourself.
Once you have done that it is time to give the Pope a little visit. But I dont' have to go
into detail on that. You can pretty much figure out on your own what to do.
The human imagination is a powerful weapon in
the wrong hands and we are the wrong hands.
The possibilities are endless and you don't have to wait to be dead to do it.

Think of yourself as a tank

rolling through life. You
are invulnerable, able to
crush your opposition and
strike at a distance with
your cannon!

The Psionic Warlord
One of the really great things about psionics is that you can take a hand in world affairs
without any of the trouble of having to run for public office and deal with all the hassles
(to say nothing of the type of people) that that entails and nothing is more interesting in
the affairs of the world than fighting wars, or at least starting them. Yes, you too can
act as head of state sending armies to kill each other in the night!
Let me start this with a little story.
Back in 1979, when Jimmy the Chicken was President of the US, the filthy Iranian
Musselman Scum took their hostages. And what did little Jimmy Spineless do?
Well, as that shitbag was not going to accomplish anything, I set to work to figure out
what was the best way to kill Iranians, because while it would be nice to see footage of
their children drenched in burning napalm and their mullahs blown to pieces, their
mosques packed with worshippers, locked and then burned down around them by our
forces, their women raped and mutilated and their infants tossed into the air to be
caught on raised bayonets, it was not so important that Iranians were killed by
Americans. What was important was that Iranians were killed! And the larger the
numbers of them killed the better.

So I sat down and thought and read the newspapers and magazines and came up with
an idea. What if Saddam Hussein in Iraq could be induced to start a war? I got a
photo of him and some super-eight footage of combat (vcrs were in their infancy then
and cost a fortune!) and transmitted that footage at him every night, or rather what was
night for him. Then I got a map of the Middle East and laid on a table. I took a bunch of
toy soldiers and, while hooked into the machine broadcasting to Hussein, moved them
across the border of Iran.
It took about two months of this but it worked. Hussein launched the Iran-Iraq war and
created an Islamic killing field.
I miss Saddam. He was an excellent test subject.
Ok, enough of such merry nostalgia.
The first thing you need to do is determine who is likely to go to war. Let us be honest,
China and Japan are really not likely to start shooting at each other again. You need a
couple of countries that border each other, or in reasonable proximity unless one of
them has a really good navy and air force, unstable heads of state (dictatorships are
best because they don't have to deal with the messy problems of keeping legislators
happy), and armies that are getting bored, restless and need something to keep them
occupied. Of course this means that you will concentrate on either the Middle East,
where killing each other is the national pastime and pleasing to Allah, God of Pigs, or
sub-Saharan Africa, where they have to kill each other in order to prevent the spread of
Once you have your target area and the bloodthirsty dictators or petty tribal chieftains
picked out and the witness samples acquired, you need video of warfare, easily
obtained from the Military Channel and any dvd store, a map of the border where the
fighting is to start and toy soldiers.
Once you have that, you just do like I did in my story.
Now, if you want to do something a little more general, acquire an outer-space photo of
a given region, (go to google maps, set to satellite and use a screen capture) then and
a first-person shooter video game. I've written about this before and the method is the
same. You use the photo as the target witness, hook yourself into the radionic box and
play the video game.
You can also substitute strategy games where you create armies and fight wars for the
first person shooter but they do not have the emotional intensity.
What you are trying to create in the minds of the targets is not the idea of anger and
bloodlust so much as, "This is going to be fun!" You want to convey to the target the
joy of destruction for its own sake, the pleasure that can only come from the death of
enemies, or anyone else that gets in the way. And, since the targeted heads of state
are not going to be anywhere near the battlefield unless they really screw up, they will

be able to sit back and enjoy all the chaos and destruction on television just like you will
and thus have no reason to see it end. You can start a war that will go on for a very
long time and have years of entertainment to look forward to.
Ok, it won't be very entertaining to the poor devils caught up in the fighting, but you
can't make an omelet without breaking eggs and as people in those parts of the world
really aren't even good for spare parts no one is going to miss them so they might as
well give us pleasure by their dying. That is all they are good for.
You see how much fun it is to be evil?
Never forget. The bad guy gets all the good
lines, gets to tie up the pretty girls
and gets the comfy chair. And at my age the comfy
chair is the most important of the three.

I've had a lot of fun being nasty in this book but let me be serious for just a minute.
There are a lot of people out there who have nothing better to do with their lives than
make rules for other people to live by. The tragedy of our time is that there are people
who are gutless enough to actually follow them. I'm here to tell you that you do not
have to.
The mere fact that someone states an ethical proposition in no way obligates
anyone to follow that proposition. You can ignore those things and you are better
off if you do ignore them. Recognize morality for what it is, a weakness and if others
possess that weakness, well, that just makes them so much sheep for the
W. Clement Stone, the great financier, used to use a phrase, "Other people's money." I
use a similar phrase, "Other people's ethics." No one is bound to follow other people's
ethics. If they do not like what you do, let them try to stop you. And let them pay the
price for trying to stop you. With psionics you can make the price far higher than they
can afford to pay.
I have been doing this for many years. At this writing (November, 2006) it is nearly 45
years to the day of my first confirmed psychic kill when I was twelve years old. I will
celebrate that day, as I have done for a few years now, as the Day of Liberation. On
that day I learned what it was like to be beyond the reach of human law and human
judgement. For that one, intense and at the time terrifying moment, I was as god,
beyond the need for good and evil.
The author William S. Burroughs once wrote that "Anyone who can wield a frying pan
wields death." And that is true. But the wielder of the frying pan cannot get away with
it. The wielder of psionics can. That is the difference and when psionics reaches its
full potential we will have made the notion of the "rule of law" as quaint an anachronism
as "divine right of kings."
That is the implication of psionics that has frightened so many. When faced with the
societal implications of the work many have fallen back, retreated into healing or
agriculture, terrified of what future they may unleash. I have had no such terror. I
expect that you, my blessed reader, will have no such terror.
Let us face the reality that we have let loose upon the world and let us rejoice in the
dragons that follow in its wake.
I am
Uncle Chuckie



Charles W. Cosimano

copyright 2003 Charles W. Cosimano

"Elvis! This place is cold!" The Margrave of Golonida hissed at his Chief of Staff, a elderly
man with a white mane of hair reaching down to his shoulders.

"It is much colder than I remember, Margrave. Perhaps something's wrong with the
heating unit."

The Margrave, a man of forty, not tall, in a plain, white uniform tunic and black trousers
with gold epaulettes and an ornate blaster holstered at his right side, looked up that the
vaulted ceiling and marveled. "This damn hall is made of wood! Look at that carving."

The Chief of Staff grinned. Twelve years as Margrave and this was his first visit to
Morgoth. His ruler never ceased to amaze him with his capacity for amazement. "I told
you it'd be different."

"You didn't tell me I'd be freezing my ass off."

"I didn't expect it to be frozen."

"That's no excuse. If I were Prince Brian, that white scalp of yours would be decorating
my belt."

The Chief of Staff chuckled. "Which is why your people are glad you aren't Prince Brian."

The Margrave chuckled in response. "Which is why I'm glad I'm not Prince Brian. Who
would also like to be High King Brian."

The Chief of Staff felt his hand move instinctively towards his pistol. Like everyone else in
the hall, both he and his Margrave wore side-arms and he expected most were wearing
body shields, though there were a few wearing reflective plastic armor as well.

"Seems beards are in fashion again, Goth. Do you think I should wear one?" asked the
Margrave, in the mood for small talk.

"Up to you, Margrave, but your grandfather had a beard and it kept getting caught in his
helmet strap."

"Gramps was quite a character. I wonder what he'd say if he were here?"

"He'd be complaining about the cold."

"Don't blame him. So would I."

The two men, older and younger, laughed aloud and the others around them stared with
scandal in their eyes. What could be funny about civil war?

For it was the coming civil war that brought the electors of the Confederacy of Systems to
Morgoth. Prince Brian of Tremulon had challenged for the throne and both sides had
summoned the Conclave to Morgoth to announce the place and time of the battle. It was
a very serious affair, made more serious by the fact that the Conclave was meeting under
the guns of the Morgoth Wheel.

"How long are we supposed to stand shivering here?" the Margrave groaned. "Do they
think that just because they rule sheep we have to bleat as well?"

"That's exactly what they think, Margrave. And John," the Chief of Staff used the
Margrave's name because he knew that was the one way to get his attention, "it is not a
good idea to let them think otherwise at this time. Just because we have the ships."

Margrave John 8, ruler of Golonida, pursed his thin lips and sucked in breath through his
nose, a dangerous gesture which the Chief of Staff had last seen when the Margrave had
ordered a judge beheaded for some major malfeasance. John 8 was getting angry and
anger and cold were not a good combination. "Someday I may teach them a lesson in
diplomacy, battleship diplomacy!" whispered the Margrave.

"That chance may come soon enough."

"Right about that. What's keeping those bastards?"

"Margrave John!" came a friendly, if deep voice. "It's good to see you again."

The Margrave spun and looked at the chest of the man behind him. Not really short, he
nevertheless felt dwarfed by the speaker, who quite literally towered over both him and his
Chief of Staff.

"Count Aethelwold! I expected you to be nearer the back of this hangar."

"I was, but if you think it's cold here, you should be near the doors. I thought my boots
were going to freeze to the floor."

The Margrave laughed softly. "I think mine already have. If my feet get any colder, I may
have to piss."

The Count looked around, furtively and bent over to whisper to the Margrave "That'd be a
good use for Brian. He can decorate a urinal."

The Chief of Staff looked around with speed and let his breath out. These two could start
a war in the meeting hall and he knew all too well that his Margrave was in the mood to do
precisely that.

"Goth, what are those men near the window wearing?" the Margrave suddenly asked with
his eyes widening.

"Fur jackets."

He raised his eyebrows in mock scandal, "Fur? The skins of dead animals?"

"Yes, Margrave."

"Aethelwold, did you hear that?"

"I did, John. Things are coming to a bad state."

"Worse. Goth, is that smell what I think it is?"

"Wood in combustion."

"Fire. They use fire to heat this place. No wonder we're freezing."

The Count bent over again. "Makes you wonder what they fight with."

"As long as they have the Wheel, they don't have to."

"But who protects them from the Wheel?"

"No one. They have to trust the loyalty of the crews."

Goth shook his head. "They keep a close watch on the families of the crewmen. No one
is allowed on the Wheel who is unmarried and without children."

"Sensible," grunted the Margrave, fingering his shield controls placed in the center of his
belt buckle. He turned the area dial ever so slightly, expanding the field outward towards
the front until it pushed on the shield of the uniformed man in front of him, who turned to
reveal himself as another elector.

"Excuse me," the Margrave apologized, hiding the snicker at the offended dignity of his
victim. Touching shields in a place where it was not admitted that shields were worn was
considered improper to say the least.

"John, behave yourself," hissed the Chief of Staff.

"I am, Chief."

"Badly, as usual."

"Do you have any ideas on how to end this frigid boredom?"

Goth grinned. "How about a blast to the main pillar."

"And bring down the ceiling?"


"I'll consider it."

"Chief, you know what would be fun? We get the prettiest girls from every world and bring
them here naked and give a prize to one who turns the brightest shade of blue."

Goth rolled his up eyes and shook his head. The Margrave was considered a good ruler,
but when his sense of humor got away from him.. And it was starting to get loose.

There was only one way to stop the Margrave from causing a dreadful incident and that
was to keep him thinking. "Why not put itching powder down the back of the High King?"

The Margrave smiled. "Like we did with the Hierophant at the spring rituals two years

"Yes, Margrave."

"John?" it was the Count again.


"Do you remember the grapes we harvested about twelve years ago?"

"About the time dad died?"

"Yes, we talked about them at his funeral, remember."

"To tell you the truth, I don't remember much of dad's funeral. I was not in very good
shape myself."

"Understandable. But the wine from those grapes is just about ready to drink and my
vintners tell me it should be a spectacular one."

"That's the best news I've had in this cooler. I'll have my bursar give yours an order after
this nonsense today is over."

"Thanks. I have a couple of cases aboard my ship and I'd be honored if you'd accept

"That's very kind of you. Goth?"

"Yes, Margrave."

"Did we bring any of those new globes?"

"I think we have a couple."

"Excellent. Count, our jewelers have a new Earth-globe out, solid turquoise with gold and
silver settings. I'd like you to have one to take back with you. And I think we have a new
set of engraved blasters. I'll have them sent to your ship."

"You are too generous."

"I know. My treasurer keeps telling me that."

All three laughed. The Chief of Staff sighed and remembered the last time he had
attended one of these affairs. He had been a young officer with the Old Margrave, the
grandfather of the man standing next to him. The Old Margrave had been short too, only
coming up to his shoulder and everyone at the court had wondered why he had decided to
bring Goth along with the delegation. There had even been some unpleasant rumors, all
untrue, but not unexpected. Still, it was good that his new lord was capable of humor, if
bizarre at times. Humor was necessary in tense times and this was a very tense time.

"Civil war is bad enough, but to delay dinner for it is intolerable," a new voice stirred the
Chief of Staff out of his revery. He, the Margrave and the Count all turned to face a tall,
heavy-set man in a white uniform with silver epaulettes and facings.

"Baron Surbo," the Count spoke first, "I expected you to be over by the wall with the rest of
your party."

"I was, but the talk there is getting boring, so I decided to visit the center for a while."

The Margrave laughed. "And are you finding us Neutrals better company?"

"Better humored, at least. The Prince is a loyal friend, and a good master, but his
followers make terrible conversation."

"Not to offend," whispered the Count, "but I hear that some of them fight even worse than
they entertain."

A broad smile filled the lower face of the Baron, pushing his full beard apart in a way that
would seem threatening to those who did not know him. "Can I tell you a secret?"

"Of course."

"Some of them smell even worse than they fight."

"You should take the livery of a neutral, like us. Not only do we fight like devils, but we tell
great jokes and bathe once a month."

"You shouldn't tempt me like that."

The Margrave chuckled softly at the exchange as he remembered his Chief of Staff telling
him on the ship as it brought them to this frigid place "Trust no one."

"I know that, Goth. I'm not a complete fool."

"And I know you value friendship too highly to be safe in times like these."

"A weakness, yes. And you're right to remind me. How are we divided?"

"Roughly into thirds."

"One third king, one third prince, one third sane."

"Something like that, but try not to be so blunt."

"Goth, credit me with some brains."

"Sorry Margrave, but I'm nervous about this."

Looking at the hale fellow the Prince was sending around to try to woo neutrals to his
cause, the Margrave was nervous too. Maybe a blast bolt at the ceiling was what they all
needed. Maybe a blast bolt at the heads of Prince Brian and the High King would be even
better. Kill them both off, and then have dinner. That made sense. It made more sense
than standing around feeling like idiots and looking at the clumps of potentates gathered
into their parties around the room, High King at one side, Prince Brian at the other and the
Neutrals in between, like the virtuous devil between two lawyers.

"Baron?" the Margrave spoke, his voice just a bit lower than before, to signify serious
intent, "Is it my imagination or are those the barons of the slaver worlds standing with your

The Baron raised his eyebrows sharply for the barest instant and then recovered, a true
diplomat. "Unfortunately, yes. Between you and me, I urged the Prince not to accept their
help, but the Prince is a worried man."

Another chuckle from the Margrave. "Seems like a lot of trouble for a plastic crown and a
title that, well, does not carry a lot of weight except for these little affairs."

The Chief of Staff tightened his jaw to keep from blurting "What are you getting at?" He
knew what his Margrave was getting at.

The Baron stroked his beard for a second. "The Prince has thought about that himself for
some time. He hasn't spoken about it, but my guess is that he would like to make the
position something greater than it is."

"I see. Of course the presence of slavers in your party would seem to make your job just
a bit more difficult?"

The Baron laughed. "Just like his father. Never could fool him either. Right you are,
John. The Prince put me to work to get him more people and I told him just that."

"For example, myself. If I were to put Golonida behind the Prince, just saying if, mind you,
I would have the devil to pay with my council and army. They've no love for Slavers. And
such an arrangement would virtually ruin my relationship with Kanden."

The Baron nodded in agreement. "I see your position. Just out of curiosity, how long ago
did your family end slavery on Golonida?"

"Four generations ago and we've never missed it. Damned lot of trouble. Look over at
the Margrave of Transor. His family has fought four civil wars in two hundred years. His
planet is nearly bankrupt from them. Slaves are a very expensive commodity. They have
to be fed, housed, and controlled, or else."

"I see. We've not had much trouble with ourselves..."

"But you keep them from the population. Only your nobles have them. On Golonida, the
only noble is me."

The Baron had no wish to get sucked into this hole. "I see where your policy with Kanden
might present a problem."

"They are not only allies, as much allies as you can expect a planet of pacifists to be, but
they are friends of me and my house. I could not desert them to fight alongside the very
people I defend them against. That would make worthless the trust of my people and the
word of my house."

"And your word as well."

"Exactly, Baron. If the Prince wants my battleships, the slavers have got to go."

It was plain talk, the sort of talk that the house of Golonida had used for centuries. It
drove the diplomats to distractions of all kinds, and not rarely to drugs as well, but the
Baron had expected it and was actually happy to have the matter of the slavers, and the
Golonidan battleships out in the open. It would make the next three months easier. He
looked around the room and then coughed a little. "Well, you see what I'm about, so I
have to continue my work. I'll give the Prince your message."

"Thank you. And my compliments to his highness as well."

As the Baron began to thread his way to the next group on his list, Goth looked down at
his Margrave and sighed more heavily this time. "Will he?"

Both the Margrave and the Count smiled and nodded. "He will. Count, I hope you didn't
mind being left out."

"Not at all. Its your ships they want."


"Then you believe the rumors too."

"About fighting in space this time? Uh huh."

"Doesn't make much sense."

"None of this does. Right, Goth?"

Goth looked around as if he wanted to make certain that no one heard him. Even if he
were the Margrave's Chief of Staff there were those in the hall who still held to the
principle that that which was permissible to Jove was not permissible to the oxen. In a low
voice he said "It is unusual, that's true."

"Of course, the rumors could be wrong. They have been before."

Across from the three, under a large chandelier, there was a heated, whispered argument
going on. It seemed that Baron Surbo's much-vaunted diplomatic skills were not serving
him very well today. Either that or the cold of the room was annoying more than the


"Yes, Margrave."

"The last time you were involved in this sort of thing, about how long did they keep the
electors waiting?"

"Several hours, at least."

"Damned stupidity. Count?"


"What do you think'd happen if all the neutrals left before the High King and the Prince
came out?"

"The High King and the Prince would both be very insulted. It would, unfortunately, also
be considered very bad manners and probably cause all manner of diplomatic crisis."

Goth rolled his eyes. This thing had better end quick or the Margrave might do just that.
"It would not be a good idea, Margrave," he said, quickly. "Having everyone mad at you is
not good for trade."

The Margrave nodded, pursing his lips again. "Your probably both right, but I'm getting
more disgusted by the minute and I don't think I'm alone. When we get home, I want the
council to consider a proposal for the next meeting of the Electorate to put a stop to this

"That might prove difficult. After all, this only happens once or twice in a lifetime."

"That's no excuse for treating us like a bunch of Travonian peasants."


"Yes Aethelwold?"

"Have you noticed that strange smell?"

"Wood in combustion."

"You can't be serious!"


"It could be worse, Count," the Chief of Staff said clutching his pelisse to his shoulder and
trying not to shiver.


A short laugh. "On one of the slaver worlds, they use cow dung for fuel, lots of it."

"Prince Brian has excellent taste in allies."

"Which is excelled only by his intelligence."

The Margrave shook his head. "Don't underestimate Brian. He doesn't want the crown for
the honor of it."

Count Aethelwold turned his head back and forth a couple of times to make certain that
none were listening in and asked "Why, then?"

"I don't know, but you heard what the Baron said."

"You must admit that it makes very little sense, as things sit now."

"Things change, so do political systems. Right Goth?"

"As you said, Margrave. I always told you that nothing lasts forever and our way of doing
things has lasted longer than most."

"Great Elvis!"


"I just noticed. Look over at Duchess Serena."

The Duchess was wearing a gown which could best be described as abbreviated.

"She must be half frozen to death."

Goth laughed. "Margrave, Count, put your goggles on for a second and look at her."

The Margrave reached into a pocket inside his tunic and pulled out a small pair of goggles
which he put on with haste. The goggles were designed to see the pattern of a shield
around a person and it was clear that the Duchess had modified hers to provide a thermal

The Margrave sneered with contempt. "Suicidal vanity. If someone unloaded a thermal
blaster in here--what was that ancient phrase I came across in the new material from
Kanden--celebrity roast. It would get a new meaning."

It was the Count's turn to laugh. "Who'd fire a thermal in here?"

"Look around. I can think of at least ten of this princely heap who would love to do it at the
slightest opportunity. The Count Rath, over there, for example. He isn't wearing reflective
armor because it looks nice."

"Does anyone?"

"Depends on what's in style."

" 'Fashion is the collective opinion of fools' ."

The Margrave laughed. "Just like politics."

A tall, very thin man with a pronounced Hermetian accent walked over and bowed to the
three saying to the Count "Your Nobility, I was supposed to remind you.."

"Yes, thank you. Margrave, you know my secretary of state?"

"Of course. It's good to see you again."

"Thank you. If you will permit the interruption, my Count instructed me to remind him
when Lady Tertia of Goldonis was, er, available."

"Aethelwold! You should be ashamed of yourself."

"I am, John, I am."

"Have fun."

"I'll try." And, with that, the Count and his secretary of state walked towards the back of
the hall.

Goth chuckled and shook his head as he watched them. "Fine time for romance!"

"Hermetia has nothing to fight with. He might as well have some pleasure out all this.
Damned more than we're having."

"Margrave. I don't want to seem like I'm lecturing you."

"But you're about to."

"Well. Your complaining about the cold may make you feel better, but its making me even

"Sorry. I suppose we could get Duchess Serena to warm us up."

"Margrave. We have a fleet to think about."

And the Margrave nodded thinking "And you can imagine what some of these uniformed
baboons would be thinking if they knew the real size of it."

"I think its finally going to start."

"Praise the Gods! Maybe then we can eat!"

Four uniformed men, two in the livery of the High King and two in the costume of Prince
Brian came onto the low stage at the front of the hall. They walked ceremoniously to the
middle of the stage, did a little marching around which had great significance when it was

first choreographed centuries before but now merely seemed time consuming and silly,
then they divided and marched to stand at either end of the stage. This dance was
followed by ten trumpets, five trumpeters in the uniform of each contender, playing as
loudly as they could and not very well at that. This continued for some minutes, until it
was determined that everyone in the hall was deafened and at that point mercifully
ceased. Six heralds came out, three from each camp and stood next to the men at the
end of the stage. Finally, the High King, in all his doddering antiquity and Prince Brian,
oozing duplicity from each end of his moustache came onto the stage, coming from the
ends to the middle, each with a herald.

The Margrave of Golonida was trying very hard not to laugh.

"All of the Human Realm attend," the heralds in the center stage spoke in unison. "It has
been agreed that three months hence, from this day, in the system of Cadwallader, the
fleets of the High King and Prince Brian of Tremulon will meet in combat to determine the
justice of the Claim of Prince Brian to the estate of High King."

The air in the hall behaved as if someone had turned on a static generator and left off the
shielding. The Margrave turned to his Chief of Staff and whispered, more loudly than he
planned, "The rumors were true, for once."

"You've just become very important."

"Don't remind me."


The ships around Morgoth were crowded into a tight orbital pattern for three reasons. The
asteroid pattern in the Morgoth system was so complicated that it was dangerous to have
ships floating just anywhere and the Morgothis wanted to be able to keep all the visitors
under the guns of the Wheel. And the landing field was too small for all of them and the
protocol problem would have been unthinkable. For a few hours, shuttles had been flying
in relays, taking all of the assembled dignitaries back to their space-craft. It was an
elaborate procedure, made more complex by the protocol surrounding the gathering. A
margrave is pretty far down on the list, so the Margrave of Golonida had to sit fidgeting
and fuming while waiting his turn. It was not a pleasant time for his Chief of Staff, either.
His ruler had never been known for his patience and there had been more than enough
delay this day for anyone. And the banquet had proven to be a boring affair, not at all to
the Golonidan taste in entertainment.



"When was the last time the Wheel fired those cannon?"

"A couple of hundred years ago, I think. During the last dynastic war here. Why?"

"Curious. You'd think in a couple of centuries, they'd have been able to rebuild better than
they have. I'm still having trouble with the idea of that hall being heated, and I use the
word loosely, with fire."

"The old palace was slagged."

"In two centuries they had time to build a new one."


"So why haven't they?"

"Interesting question."

"Very. When we get back I'm going to need some records from the Kanden Library."

"Margrave, we have a civil war in three months. I think this can wait."

"It's the war I'm thinking about."



"I think we're next."

The Margrave growled, "About time."

The shuttle craft were older model transports, not native to Morgoth, but then nothing was
anymore. As the doors sealed behind them, the Margrave and Goth settled into the chairs
in a lounge with wide view-screens showing the landing field. There was a slight
acceleration as the shuttle cleared the ground and lifted towards space where there were
still a goodly number of orbiting ships, most of them heavily armed. The idea of keeping
them under the guns of the Wheel was not only for the protection of Morgoth. The
shuttles were easy, undefended targets. A waiter came up to the Margrave and Goth,
bowed from the waist and said "We'll be about an hour, Lords, can I get you anything?"

"Brandy," the Margrave ordered with a sigh.

"Silurian Vodka, if you have it," said Goth.

The waiter bowed again and left. The Margrave looked out towards the screen and
noticed that several other transports were lifting at the same time.

"I wonder who's on those ships."

"We can find out when we dock. Waiter!"

He came almost running, "Yes, Lord."

"Do you have a hyperphone?"

"At once."

"Thank you."

The handset came with two carved crystal glasses, one containg clear liquid, the other
dark. Goth handed the phone to the Margrave along with a small coder to be placed over
the handset. The Margrave picked up the phone and coded his cruiser and set the
security pattern in place. The touch of the send button brought an immediate response in
the form of a clipped, military voice.


"Good, you're still awake. Goth was afraid you'd fall asleep waiting for us. We damn near
did. I want the other shuttles with us monitored, visual and transmission."



"As you command."

"Thank you. And Captain?"

"Yes, Margrave?"

"Is the heater working?"

"We're nice and toasty warm."

"Thank Elvis."

The handset was replaced and Goth put down his glass for a minute. "Curious again?"


"You know that every ship out there heard a coded transmission."

"I know. I wonder what they'll do."

"Depends on if they have a decoder."

"Brian certainly does. I imagine Rath does. The Wheel might."

"It'd be a good bet."

"But not a sure one."



There was a slight movement discernable through the shuttle. The view-screen showed a
large asteroid-like object flash by.

"I'm surprised they keep getting caught like that. The junk around this planet was charted
ages ago. It can't be that random."

Goth nodded. "It's strange, no question about that. I wonder how bad things really are on
that planet."

"My sentiments exactly."

It was a welcome relief to see the bulk of the Sword in the viewer. An Imperial Class
Cruiser, it had a spherical main body with two large delta wings at its lateral equator that
acted as energy collectors. A long boom from the rear of the sphere held the drive
system. The five-hundred foot sphere held the quarters for the crew and the ground
fighters, weapons systems and shield units. Ringing the ship were reflective circles, the
equivalent of gun ports and at the top and bottom were two turret batteries. LIke all his
ships, the Sword was home-built, from the Golonidan ship-yards and the Margrave was
justly proud of her.

"Docking in ten minutes," the voice came from a speaker set in the lounge ceiling.

The Margrave adjusted his tunic as he stood and went over to the screen. His narrow lips
pursed, he ran his right hand over his short, dark widow's peak and nodded. The Chief of
Staff sat watching him, remembering the days when the Margrave was his pupil. Goth
had the distinct and somewhat unpleasant feeling that the roles had been subtly, but
clearly reversed. This war business was bad, both in prospect and in reality. And the
Margrave had no heir. That would have been settled this year, but now...

"Goth, come here and take a look at this."

The Chief of Staff rose and walked over to the Margrave. "What is it?"

"The top turret. Where would you say those guns are pointed?"

"From this angle it's a bit hard to tell, but my guess would be the Wheel."

"Then why hasn't the Wheel said anything?"

"No idea."

"Maybe they think the guns have to point somewhere and perceive no threat?"


"Or maybe they're getting soft, or stupid."


A waiter came up to the pair and bowed "Lords, if you will please be seated. We'll be
docking now."

The Sword grew in the viewer until nothing showed but the hull of the cruiser. There was
a gentle shudder through the shuttle as it connected locks with the larger ship. The
Margrave left the traditional gratuity for the shuttle captain and he and Goth walked from
the lounge directly onto the receiving bay of the Sword.

"Margrave on the deck!" a voice cryed and the waiting shipmen stood to attention,
weapons ready.

"At ease."

The officer, a lieutenant, walked up to the Margrave and Goth, saluted with the edge of his
hand at the middle of his breastplate and said "Welcome back, Margrave, Sir."

The Margrave and Goth returned the salute. "Thank you, Lieutenant."

Ceremonies over, the Margrave and Goth entered an elevator, punched the number for
the Bridge and turned on the intercom.


"Yes, Margrave."

"Where did those other shuttles dock?"

"Two slaver ships."

"I see. Any com from the Wheel?"


The elevator stopped opened and a cry of "Margrave on the Bridge!" echoed through the
room. There was more saluting and the Margrave went over to the hypercom. "Get

The officer at the com unit pushed three buttons and the face of the watch officer back on
Golonida filled the screen. The Margrave did not wait for him to respond but said in a
clipped voice "Margrave command. System to red, fleet to yellow. Fire on alert, maintain
until we return."

He turned to the Captain. "General Quarters."

The siren screamed warning through the ship.

"Arm all batteries. Extend shields."

"Ship ready, sir."

"Lock onto the slavers."

"Yes sir!"

Turning to Goth, "That should give them something to think about."

The slaver ships detected the shields of the Sword and discovered immediately that the
blasters were aimed at them. Both raised their shields and began taking evasive
maneuvers, to put the space garbage between them and the Sword.

"They got the message, Margrave."

"They're very good at running away. We have to grant them that."

"I wonder what they're thinking on the Wheel."

"I doubt they like the slavers any more than we do."

"Who does?" asked the Captain.

"Prince Brian of Tremulon, Captain. And he wants to be High King."

"Is it war?"

"Between Brian and the King? Yes. Between us and Elvis knows who? Probably."

"Shall we get under way?"

"Yes. Let's go home. And open me a channel to Kanden. Send this. 'From the Margrave
of Golonida to the Senator of Kanden. Request all Library data on Morgoth Wheel.
Request that it be delivered to Golonidan squadron commander as soon as possible."

"Now, open me a channel to our commander off Kanden. The face that appeared in the
screen was that of a man in middle age, with slightly graying hair and the air of man who
had seen his fill of duty. "Kanden Squadron, Commodore Trevor."


"Yes Margrave."

"I've made a request for some urgent data from the Kanden Library. Send a ship with it to
Golonida as soon as its ready. Oh, and Commodore, watch out for slaver ships. I think
one side of this conflict is going to use them for his hatchets."

"As you order."


"Yes, Margrave?"

"I'm going to get some rest. Let me know when we're an hour out."

The Margrave's stateroom was just that, a room of state. He had two flag-ships, this
cruiser and the battleship Star of Vengeance. The room itself was more of a suite, with a
bedroom, bath and sitting room which doubled as a receiving chamber for any other
dignitary who happened to be on board. It had a round, antique lucite table with seven
chairs made of gold tubing and velvet seats. They were more comfortable than they
looked, but the Margrave preferred the rocking chair in his bedroom. He had never been
able to sit still and rocking back and forth settled his nerves. He was settling them now, a
bit more violently than usual, but he had more to be nervous about. It was times like these
when he envied the common ruck, those whose lives consisted of work, drink and
procreation; whose only political concerns were in the form of taxes and the Margrave
worked harder than most of his fellows to keep them down. Facing the chair was view-
screen, but in hyperspace, the stars moved by so rapidly that it was painful to watch them.
A com board was slightly raised on the table next to the bed, but the Margrave hoped that
no one would want to talk to him for a while. He was forty years old and had ruled for
twelve years. He was already growing weary of it.

"Now I know how constitutional monarchies get started," he grumbled to himself. "The
rulers get tired and let the nobles take over. Next thing you know, the people want a say.
Either that or the ruler is an idiot and the people take over and make him a dead idiot.

That's what happened on Kanden in Grandpa's day. Now the Senator rules in name only
and a council makes all the decisions, usually the wrong ones. So I have to put ships in
orbit over that damned planet to protect its library. Good old Gramps. He couldn't just go
in and take the place, oh no! That would have been too expensive. Hell's Hubs! It cost
more men to guard the damn place."

The Margrave took off his tunic and hung it and his belt in the closet among a group of
other uniforms, one for every conceivable occasion and combat armor as well, stacked not
very neatly in the corner of the closet. A valet robot would have kept the place in better
order, but the Margrave did not want an extra robot floating around the ship in a fight. The
Confederacy had been established to keep the peace, centuries before, but the only thing
it kept were planets run by slavers and a convention that prevented him from blowing
them out of space, planets and all. "Some day, Golonida will be strong enough to violate
any convention," he thought, thinking of the ship-yards and weapons' plants. "Someday,
soon. That, at least was something Grandpa did right."

He rose from the chair and walked over the ceremonial helmet laying on bed, picked it up
and began playing with the plume at the crest. He put it down and moved the com unit
over to his chair, sat down and punched a series of codes. The face of a female servant
appeared in the screen. "Yes?"

"Would you please tell my mother that the Margrave is on the phone?"

"Of course, Lord."

Thinking that he was going to have to do something about this "Lord" business, the
Margrave waited for a few seconds until the face of his mother appeared in the screen.
"Son, are you back so soon?"

"No, mom. I'll be in space for about another day. I"m calling from the ship."

"Thank Elvis! I thought something terrible had happened."

"Not yet. I wanted you to know I"m all right and I"m going to increase the guard around
your estate."

"Is there some trouble. Did you embarrass poor old Goth again?"

"There might be trouble. It's definitely war, only this time they're going to fight a space

"Is that bad?"

"For anyone dumb enough to get suckered into it, yes, very bad. And with Prince Brian as
the challenger, not good for us neutrals. He's got slavers on his side."

His mother's eyebrows rose a full inch at that. "Slavers! since when are they allowed at

"Surprised me too. Brian probably got them in."

"He always was a bad one."

"I know, mother. But he's a big boy now."

"And so are you. And I know that you'll be more than a match for that disgusting little
delinquent. Your father always had great confidence in you, you know."

And the Margrave knew that his mother had never recovered from his death. "Yes,
mother, I know that. but I thought I'd tell you so you wouldn't get upset when the new
troops come. And I'm going to put a heavy cruiser in stationary orbit over your general
area. So you don't have to worry."

"That's my good boy. Now I have to go, my petunias are waiting for their water. It's
watering day, you know."

"Yes, mother. good bye."

As the screen went blank, the Margrave bounced back into his chair and buried his face in
his hands. "Great Elvis! She's getting worse. I hope it's not hereditary or Golonida is in
very serious trouble."

The Margrave's father had died young, in his eighties, as the result of an accident in a
plant he was visiting. Goth had been prepared to execute the workers who had made the
mistake, but the new Margrave had persuaded him that most of those had died with their
ruler and the rest were so maimed that killing them would be an undeserved mercy. His
mother had stood up reasonably well for the coronation and the funeral, but that front
collapsed soon after and she had retired to an estate on the side of the planet opposite
the capital. Her worsening condition was another burden on the mind of the Margrave.

He punched a code and the screen stopped its outside view to replace it with the image of
a waterfall from the Faller river on Golonida. The soporific effect of the water dashing
against the rocks was just what the Margrave needed. He remembered some reference in
one of the old disks from the Kanden Library about ancient Earth. It mentioned people
sitting in front of a viewer watching a recording of fire. The disk author was having some
fun at their expense and the Margrave was convinced that he had never tried to run a
planet. It was a lot of work.

Arrival on Golonida was never a peaceful experience. Just because their Margrave hated
ceremony and considered it a waste of time and money did not mean that his beliefs were
in any way shared by his people. On the contrary, they enjoyed parades and festivals,
coronations and state funerals more than any of the participants. Whenever something of

great import was in the air, mobs of them would congregate near the residence, not as an
angry mass, demanding blood, but rather in the hope that their presence might in some
way encourage the Margrave. And such a mob was waiting now, not only by the
residence and the road leading from the spaceport to it, but also at the spaceport itself. It
seemed that the entire population of his capital city, Herefall, was waiting for him.

The Margrave was on the bridge, in an appropriate uniform of black with gold facings and
belt with Goth sitting next to him, both looking out at the view of the growing planet. It was
a beautiful sight. The explorers who had found Golonida had said that it looked like Earth
in the early days of space. They had already passed the orbiting screen of detection
sattelites and gun stations and were on the final descent. The shields of the Sword were
shifted to thermal repulsion and the ship prepared for landing.

A slight distortion around the edges of the viewer indicated that the Sword had broken
atmosphere and in a matter of a few minutes would be home. "Glad to be back?" the
Margrave asked, turning to Goth.

"Very, for once. It's going to be a little wild out there, even for an old space-dog like me."

"I don't blame you. Not looking forward to the next couple of months either."

To the Captain, "Anything from ground?"

"Just landing instructions."

"That's good. I was half expecting to land in the middle of a battle."

The Captain and Goth both grinned,"Well," Goth said, "There was a little action, but we
didn't want to bother you with it until you were back at the residence."

The Margrave took a deep breath and made an unhappy face. "I would appreciate it if you
would bother me if something important happens. I am the Margrave, you know."

"Well, if you insist. We got a hyper about an hour out from Morgoth. It seems that a
slaver gunship tried to penetrate system and was destroyed."

The Margrave rolled his eyes and nodded. "That could have been important."

"Anyway, it was blasted after ID, about forty seconds."

"Could have been a little faster. Any transmission from it?"


"I think I made a mistake with my fire on alert order."

Goth started. "How?"

"We told Brian that our defenses are good enough that his attempt at reconnaissance
never got to send off a message."

"That's bad?"

"Yes, it is. May cost us an opportunity someday."

The ship captain looked at Goth and got a shake of the head in return. "He thinks too far
ahead for me. I'm worried about this mess and he's planning the next war."

The Margrave laughed. "Always think a war ahead. Dad always said that."

"Well, try to think about this one for a while. And look at that crowd!"

The ship was close enough that the viewer showed the mob waiting by the landing field. "I
hope nobody mentioned raising taxes."

"Very funny. Captain."

"Yes, Chief."

"Try not to land on any of them."

"Don't worry about that, Chief. Blood's bad for the paint."

"To say nothing of my public image, Captain."

"Yes, Margrave."

The bulk of the Sword caused a minor eclipse as is passed between the sun and the
landing field. By that time, the crowd was cheering and waving small flags as a television
reporter tried to describe the scene to those three people left in the capital and the rest of
the planet. It was apparent that those who did not believe in psychic energy were wrong
that day, as the populace obviously knew that danger was brewing in the stars, even
though they had not been told yet just what.

The Margrave pulled his crested helmet over his ears as he walked down the short
stairway leading from the ship elevator to the landing field. The ceremonial helmet did not
have the ear baffles that his combat helmet did and the shouts of the crowd were loud to
the point of deafening. The Mayor of the capital was waiting on the field as were a
number of court dignitaries and the usual hangers-on all seeking to bask in the reflected
glory of the return of the Margrave.

"Lord Margrave.." the Mayor began with a pomposity that would have done credit to the
Heirophant. "It is with great and lasting joy that I, that we the people of Herefall and all of
Golonida welcome you home again."

The Margrave acknowledged the ceremonial bows with a nod of his head and responded
"Thank you for your kind greeting, Mayor. It is always a pleasure to be among our people
and an even greater pleasure to return to them after even so short an absence."

This, broadcast over the speaker system, which was actually working properly this time,
caused an even louder cheer from the mass of humanity jammed onto the sides of the
field. One of the officers of the Margrave's staff left the body of retainers and walked up to
the Margrave, saluting. "Margrave, the Guards are ready for review."

More ceremony, and more time wasted, but the Margrave set his face and allowed himself
to be led between lines of uniformed troops, all at attention, weapons ready. "To see
these troops, anyone off-world would think me the greatest tyrant in the galaxy," thought
the Margrave. "But the last thing I need now is a sloppy army."

The Margrave made it a point to look at the faces of his troops as much as possible. This
time it was not as easy. He looked at one young trooper and thought "In four months this
boy may be dead, died for his Margrave and a planet that may survive only because he is
willing to die for it. I wonder if he realizes just how cheap his life is."

The cheers of his subjects brought the Margrave out of his depression. "Hell, if I blow this,
all our lives are going to be damn cheap."

"They want to fight," the voice of the staff officer sounded in the Margrave's ear.

"Then they're bigger fools than the High King," the Margrave rasped in response.

Goth now. "We'll probably have to."

"I know, but I'm not asking for it, not yet."

The procession finally made its way to the ground cars at the far end of the field. Security
was virtually nonexistent. If anyone were crazy enough to try to assassinate the
Margrave, the mob would rip him to pieces and if anyone were that determined, no
security in the world would stop him. Better to let the crowd see their ruler than hide him
behind a wall of guards and armor. More than one government had died because of that.
And the Margrave must never, ever, seem to be afraid of his own troops.

The cars began the ride to the residence, in the center of the capital. It would have been
easier and much faster to take a flier, but the Margrave, like his father and grandfather
before, did not have the heart to deprive his people of the opportunity of seeing him. And
the thought of the mountain of petitions that waited for him back at the residence made the
Margrave roll his eyes with horror.

The ambassador from Count Rath had been shocked when he had been ushered into the
Margrave's office a year before to see the ruler almost buried behind his desk in paper.
And the apology that came with the sight unnerved him even more.

"Sorry, Baron. But I"m a little behind on this week's petitions."

The Baron shook his bearded head with wonder and asked "Can't your secretaries do

"Nope. Every citizen has right to petition the Margrave and know that his Margrave reads
every one of them. Besides, some of them are quite funny."

And some of them were not. Like the one from a family whose son had been sentenced
to death for a crime with virtually no evidence against him. Or the child whose pet had
been siezed by a town council. Once, when his father had intervened on behalf of such a
case, the judge, called to account, said "The law applies to all, equally."

His father had said "There is a power above the law--me." And the judge was shot.

Finally, mercifully, the motorcade pulled into the gates of the residence and the Margrave
could stop smiling as he pulled off his helmet. "Goth, I'll never get used to this job."

"Your father said the same thing."

"He was right, as usual."

"But now, Margrave, to work."

"Agreed. I want everything we have on Prince Brian on my desk in an hour. Lieutenant!"

"Yes, Margrave."

"I want the recording of the slaver ship that got blasted."

"At once."

"And let me know when that material from Kanden is coming."

"It's already here, with a surprise."

The Margrave jumped a little. "I hate surprises. They usually mean trouble."

"This one's no exception. It's the Senator's daughter."


"Would you repeat that?" the Margrave asked feeling that the floor of the Residence was
giving way beneath his boots.

"The Daughter of the Senator of Kanden, Lady Margot came with the disks you asked for."

"It started to be a good day."

"It could be worse, Margrave."

"Not very. I remember her."

The Margrave had last seen the Lady Margot of Kanden just after the death of his father.
She was a tall, unkempt adolescent with a face full of pimples, clothes that refused to fit
and hair that flew out all over the place. For the daughter of a ruling house (and the term,
applied to Kanden, was used loosely indeed) she was the most ignoble creature the
Margrave had ever seen. For her part, the Lady Margot had viewed the Margrave as a
carnivorous savage who probably ate small children for lunch. Considering that the only
contact she had ever had with Golonidans was with the commanders of the Golonidan
divisions guarding the Library of Kanden, her impression was not completely inaccurate.
If the Margraves of Golonida revered the Library of Kanden as the last true repository of
human history, the people of Kanden hated it is a symbol of outworld oppression and had
tried to attack it during the last rebellion. That was when the grandfather of the present
Margrave sent troops to Kanden and they had remained there ever since. The ships of
Golonida also served to protect the Kanden from slaver raids, something their openly
pacifist government was unable to do, but the Kanden felt no gratitude.

Nor was any expected. The Margraves had kept a cordial, and at times friendly
relationship with the house of Kanden, but made no secret of the fact that they despised
that house's ideals and the people of that world. The present Margrave's father, when told
by a delegation from Kanden of the opinions of the people responded "I don't give a damn
what they feel. To save that Library, I'd gladly exterminate them." John 8, Margrave of
Golonida, shared his father's view in its entirety.

It was the sort of situation that made mutual dislike inevitable.

"I suppose I have to greet her," the Margrave growled between clenched teeth. "I wonder
what the hell she's doing here."

"The dispatch with her requested that you provide a ship for her to Morgoth."

"Certainly, but Morgoth?"

"Maybe they're marrying her off."

"Then Morgoth is in worse shape than I thought. An alliance by marriage with the house
of Kanden is worse than no alliance at all. Look at what protecting that damned Library is
costing us!"

"It might be good to get her out of the way as quickly as possible."

"Agreed. I'll receive her as soon as I change out of this uniform. The damned collar is too

The throne room of the Golonidan Residence was a great improvement over the hall on
Morgoth. For one thing, it was more comfortable. Morgoth was a cold world, Golonida a
warm one. The humming of the air-conditioning was a constant noise in the background
everywhere on the planet. Where the Morgoth hall had been a carved nightmare of
gargoyles and demonic gods, the throne room was of almost Zen-like simplicity, with the
throne being a simple chair on a low dias. The lighting, all indirect, came from panels
discreetly laid into the ceiling. The residence had a large hall for great receptions, with
more decoration, but the throne room was for small gatherings, formal presentations of
diplomats and local councils. Its very simplicity sometimes created the misunderstanding
that the house of Golonida felt itself to be humble. When taxed with that, the grandfather
of the Margrave had responded "If they want to see the trappings of power, I can show
them our ship-yards."

It was here, then, that the Margrave entered by a side door just behind the dias to sit on
the throne, in a new and more comfortable uniform, his blaster left behind but replaced by
an ornately hilted dagger in his belt. The dagger was an unusual addition to a court
reception, but if he were going to be considered a savage, the Margrave felt that he
should look the part.

Flanking him were Goth and the Minister of State, a round little man with a shiny, bald
head and a suit that barely fitted his girth. Several soldiers of the Guards stood at rest in
the corners of the room, a purely ceremonial gesture as the Margrave was protected by a
brace of blasters firing from behind the throne, fitted into the wall disguised as part of the
family coat of arms.

The large door at the back of the room opened and a herald (actually an officer of the
Guards in an unusual role) announced the Lady Margot of Kanden, with the usual titles
and pronouncements that came with such things. A second later, the Lady herself
entered, walked to the center of the room and bowed slightly to the Margrave.

The Margrave returned the bow with a nod of the head and looked at the Lady Margot.
He was surprised by what he saw.

The pimples were gone. Well, he had expected that. But the face had a simple beauty
about it that he had not expected. The high cheekbones were topped by a pair of blue
eyes and the nose, which the Margrave had remembered as being a bit pointed, was

perfect for the face. In a peasant, or even a common worker, her features would be
considered highly attractive. But, as the Margrave expected, she would need some work
to be mistaken for a noble. Her clothes, while they fit, were not exactly elegant and her
hair was still flying all over the place. The Margrave wondered if she had a static
generator hidden somewhere.

"This is a rare privilege, Lady Margot. It is not often your house graces us with one of its
members." The diplomatic lie almost did not come out. The Margrave really wanted to
ask "Have you thought of shaving it off and wearing a wig?"

"Thank you, Margrave. My father and the Council deemed it best that I travel on one of
your ships here and thence to Morgoth."

The Margrave nodded and smiled. "I will have one of my heavy cruisers take you there. It
is not wise to travel in anything less."

"I know. That was the reason my father gave for sending me by way of your world."

"I have always valued your father's wisdom, even when I disagree with it."

"As my father values your friendship."

"I assume that you're going to Morgoth to remain under the protection of the Wheel until
this crisis is over." There was no need to name the crisis.

"Exactly, Margrave."

"I also trust that you will be able to enjoy our hospitality for at least a few days before you
complete your trip."

"I would enjoy that, yes."

"Then we would be honored if you would join us at dinner."

"I would be honored as well."

"Excellent! Now, I fear you must excuse me. I've just arrived myself and there are
pressing matters."

The interview ended and the Margrave felt no small relief as he was able to descend from
the throne and walk into his office. It was a large room, with a desk, several screens,
chairs and a couch with two large pillows on one end. the Margrave wished that he had
time to take a short nap, but first there were a couple of details to attend to.

He sat down in the high-backed chair, swiveled it to face his desk and punched a number
into the com set which rose as a small, round bump out the desk. Instantly the face of an
attractive, young woman appeared in a hologram projection in the center of the room.


"John, I mean Margrave. You survived."

"Do you mean the conclave or the welcome?"


"I'm giving a dinner tonight for the Lady Margot of Kanden."

"What's that bitch doing here?"


"Hardly. But I hear that she's lost her pimples. I bet she's a beauty now."

"Well, not exactly, though I do wonder what she looks like without those rags they sent her
in. But try to behave yourself and don't get mad if I seem to neglect you in the next three
months. It seems we have a war on our hands."


"Civil war. A space battle off Cadwallader. It's going to be all the news in a day or so."

That bit of business out of the way, the Margrave called another number and again a
female face popped into the room, this time wearing a uniform.

"Lady Theresa please."

"At once, Margrave."


"John. Welcome home. We were all worried about you, what with that slaver ship trying
to penetrate the system and all."

"It seems that the only person who doesn't hear state secrets is me. I was only told this
morning. Anyway, I need your help."

"My help?"

"Yes. Lady Margot of Kanden is here."

"Is her hair still as bad?"

"Worse. But seriously, she's going to Morgoth for the duration."

"A good place for her."

"She must have made quite an impression at dad's funeral."

"You don't want to know."

"I really don't remember."

"I know."

"Well, she's grown up, I think, and she'll need some decent clothes. I'm amazed that
skinflint council doesn't let her wear rags. And I can't let her run around Morgoth looking
like a street peddler. People would wonder about my taste in friends."

"And you want me to take her shopping?"

"Something like that. Now it's winter on Morgoth and they don't heat their buildings so

"So well, John."

"So what? I'm the Margrave and I'll mangle the language if I want to. Anyway. She'll
need something warm, a coat and what ever else you think is right."

"She could set her shield to keep warm."

"Bad idea. First, she really does not have the confidence to wear something showy.
Second, If she uses her shield for that, all it takes is a thermal blast and she's cooked
meat, something which I doubt would set well with the vegetarian sentiments of her

"I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks. And Auntie, remember, dad's funeral was twelve years ago. She's not the
obnoxious kid she used to be."

With that out of the way, the Margrave called in Goth.

"I thought you'd take a rest," the Chief of Staff said as he walked in the door.

"Sit. I'd like to. But I need to see the recording of that slaver they blew."

"Hit three."

A hologram of a ship appeared in the center of the room, flew around for a few seconds
and then blew up.

"One of their smaller gunships."

"We assume that it was a simple recon."

"I agree. But for what. They know that only the confederation prevents us from blowing
them out of space but if they land on this planet or attack it in any way, we have a free

"It is a puzzle."

"A big one. What was the time on it, relative to us in space?"

"We would have been four hours out of Morgoth."

"Some weird retaliation for our little sport at Morgoth?"

"Not likely. If they were trying to make a point, they got stuck on it themselves."

"True. Did the slaver send anything, anything at all?"


"Display ship position."

A hologram of the Golonidan system appeared, showing the place of the small craft inside
the asteroid ring.

The Margrave pursed his lips and nodded. "Trying to hide?"

Goth nodded. "A good guess. It's what I'd try to do."

"So would I, but then you taught me. So let's go with that idea. If this little gunship is
trying to hide from our detectors, which are pretty good by any standard, then why?"

"Waiting for some of the outer planets to move into a position relative to the asteroids."

"The other way around, more likely, but why"

The Chief of Staff got out of his chair and walked to the display. "I'd guess that he was
looking for our hidden bases. It's common knowledge that we have them and if I wanted
to plan an attack on this system I'd have to know where they are before moving."

"Assuming that an attack is being planned, that's a good guess. Who'd plan it?"

"The slavers themselves, Prince Brian for after the battle."


"They have to know how many ships we have before they can plan anything."

"I wish them luck. I don't know how many ships we have."

"I think it comes to.." and the Margrave stopped him with a wave.

"I can punch up the number if I need it. But let's consider another possibility."

"Such as?"


"What gives you that idea."

"We have a reasonably large space force."

"That is, your Margraveship, an understatement. It's one of the biggest in the human
worlds, if not the largest."

"If something happens to me with the succession unsettled, then the slavers, or Brian,
could count on some confusion which would render that force less effective than usual."

"Such is the danger of autocracy."

"You sound like Grandpa."

"It was his saying."

"Anyway, where was I? Oh yes. So a small ship with a big gun..."

"To knock down the Sword it would have to be a very big gun."

"Don't interrupt your Margrave. As I was saying, a big gun could catch the Sword coming
out of hyperspace, decelerating for a landing with its shields down and guns unmanned
and hit it with one lucky shot. Good bye Margrave."

"And his Chief of Staff."

"And chaos results."

"Make sense?"


"Only the slavers, or Brian, did not know about our positions in the asteroid ring."

"They do now."

"Well, let's say they might guess. They really only know that a ship failed to return."

"If they have any ears at all, they know it was destroyed. We haven't exactly kept it a

"Except from your Margrave."

"I wish you'd stop saying that. We didn't want to disturb your rest."



"Please, disturb me."

"So what do we do about it?"

"Good question. First, we don't try to hide what happened. It's all over the planet anyway.
Second, order all merchant ships to be convoyed by warships and delegate the fifth fleet
for that purpose. We'll stop all shipping two weeks before the battle, maybe sooner if we
have to. That'll give us enough time to put the fleet back together for our next move.
Order all ships to remain on battle stations when not in hyperspace. Full alert, no
exceptions. And send it in clear. I want Brian to hear it."


"Now send in the Perfesser."

The Professor was a thin man, slightly balding with a tendency to the dandy. He walked
into the office and bowed deeply to the Margrave.

"Sit down Professor. What have you got for me."

"I assume I was right about Brian and the slavers."

"You were. I had the devil's own time trying to look surprised at seeing them at the

"There is some evidence of the popular movement on Kanden preparing for a rising

"That explains Lady Margot."

"Not really. The council on Kanden knows nothing about it. It seems that an informal
agreement was made between a number of the weaker systems to send the heirs to
Morgoth for the duration."


"Not really. It means they'll all be in the same place."

"There is the little matter of the Wheel."

"Our information is that Brian has thought of that as well."

"It'll bear further watching. Right now I want to know if Brian is going to attack this

"He may have to, but I have nothing on that at this time."

"Well, look for it. And try to find out what that slaver ship we blew was doing in our

"Of course. I have my people working on it now."

"Do you have anything on the slavers' newest ships?"

"A little."

The Margrave punched a button and the display of the destroyed ship reappeared. "What
do you make of this one?"

"One of their new Model 15s, I think. About the same speed as the 14, but little heavier

"Can it knock out a heavy cruiser?"

"It'd take some luck, like the cruiser being unready, but yes, it could."

"Who has them?"

"Only one slaver so far, Baron Tomas of Edessa."

The Margrave punched the intercom. "Goth!"

"Yes, Margrave," came the surprised voice.

"I was right about an assassin. I want the Fourth Fleet to make a demonstration off
Edessa. Order them to destroy everything not on the surface of the planet."

Then to the Professor. "That should keep them worried."

Worried would hardly describe the feeling his action would cause. Terror would be more
like it, and not only on Edessa. If it were not for the Confederation, he would have ordered
Edessa and its sister worlds destroyed long ago, assuming his father and grandfather had
not done it first. The Margrave leaned back in his desk chair, put his hands behind his
head and his feet upon the desk and smiled. He had a clear vision in his mind, a vision of
the people on Edessa going about their everyday business of selling people grabbed from
other worlds and then looking up as warning sirens screamed fear all over the planet. On
the night side, the sky would fill with bursts of light as every satellite, every ship in space in
the Edessa system would be blown to hell. It was a beautiful vision of lights popping all
over the evening sky. And the slavers would think very seriously about how much their
deal with Prince Brian, his noble and dear cousin of Tremulon, was truly worth to them.

Still smiling, he punched his intercom again and looked into the face of his chief cook.

"Have you got the menu set for tonight?"

"The banquet will be up to your usual standards, Margrave. have no fear of that."

"Just remember that the Lady Margot is a hay-burner, I mean a vegetarian, so try to give
her something besides three plates of beans."

The chef laughed. He remembered when the Margrave's father had ordered just that for
the Kanden ambassador as a joke. The ambassador had not been amused. "Of course,
Margrave. She will sup like a Princess."

Not a bad idea considering that she was one, thought the Margrave. "Now, if only Auntie
can get some decent clothes on her."


A royal banquet on Golonida was part ceremonial dinner, part cabaret and part barbarian
orgy. As the three parts tended to mix together, it was sometimes difficult to tell what was
supposed to be going on. These events were also once described by the Old Margrave as

institutionalized food fights. It was, for example, considered traditional and quite
humorous to heckle the toasts offered by Goth to the Margrave and his guests. It was
also great fun to throw the food around. It was not wise to ask someone to pass the rolls
unless one was a good catcher or a fast ducker. The Lady Margot of Kanden had been
warned by her father, her very anxious father, about this strange custom but she was not
really prepared to see it, much less survive it. The Margrave sat next to her and tried his
best to shield her from the more extreme behavior of his court, but nevetheless the Lady
was almost debrained by a flying potato on at least two occasions.

"Enjoying yourself?" the Margrave asked her leaning so far that he almost spilled his wine
on her white gown.

"I think so," she answered as honestly as she could get away with. "We have nothing like
this on Kanden."

"That's very kind of you. Of course, everyone is on their best behavior tonight, so far at

"You mean it gets worse?"

"No one's tried to rip your gown off yet."

"You're joking!"

"Nope. Elise here left the last banquet stark naked and covered with whipped cream."

Lady Margot had visions of public exposure. "I hope that doesn't happen to me. This is
my best gown."

"It won't. We try to behave ourselves for foreigners. We rarely succeed, but we try."

Lady Margot said "That's reassuring," but she did not feel reassured at all.

"I hope you like the wine. It was a gift from Aethelwold of Hermetia."

"It's very good, a little strong.."

"We like it that way."


"Yes, Lady?"

"I have to appologize for the way I acted when I was last here. I was a rotten kid."

The Margrave laughed. "Forgiven, and in my case totally forgotten. The only thing I
remember about my father's funeral was the fact that I was terrified of being Margrave,
especially since I did not expect to be it until at least 100. And the robes I had to wear.
They weigh more than I do. Besides, you should have seen me at sixteen."

Goth laughed as a handfull of grapes went flying along the table to land on the head of the
Minister of State. "The Margrave's youthful excesses were legendary."

"Damn near started a war, a big one."

Lady Margot, her naivete showing more than she wanted, opened her eyes wider than
usual. "How?"

"Some of the High King's court wanted to charge me with Superior Treason."

"What did you do?"

"Have you ever heard of device, pre-space called a whoopee cushion?"


"It's a bladder, usually of rubber or other such material, filled with air and placed under a
seat cushion. When sat on a valve releases the air and makes a rude noise, thus causing
great embarrassment to the sitter."

"The Minister of State doesn't need one for that," Elise laughed. That Minister, sitting
three seats down with his head now covered with grape juice, was not amused.

"In the case of the High King, the embarrassment was most severe."

The Margrave tossed a fruit. "It's my story, Goth. Anyway, some of his court failed to
appreciate...Duck!" A tomato flew by the head table. "They didn't think it was funny. My
father did and put the entire space force on alert. On hearing that, they realized at once
the humor of the situation and joined in the general merriment."

The Margrave was further distracted from his story by a commotion, louder than usual, at
a far table. Elise and Goth were laughing so hard that they almost knocked each other
into their wine and Lady Margot strained to watch. "What are those two women fighting
with?" she asked trying to be heard above the general tumult.

"Turkey legs, I think," the Margrave shouted back. "Five hundred on the one in red!" he
shouted to Goth."


By now both of the female would-be gladiators were holding their drumsticks with both
hands and swinging wildly. It was obvious that the first one who connected a blow would
be the winner and after several seconds of frenzied activity, one of them did. The one
who should have been in white, except that she was so covered in barbecue sauce that it
seemed that she was in red as well.

"You owe me five hundred, Margrave."

"So I do, Goth. I'll add it to your pay." And the entire group at the head table laughed.
The Chief of Staff served at pleasure and received no formal salary. By now the laughter
and the shouting from the table nearest was so loud that it was impossible to be heard.
Three men and one woman were dancing on top of the table and waving knives and forks
in a drunken tarantella.

"Hey!" the Margrave shouted. "Keep it down over there. You want the Kanden to think
we're barbarians?"

One of the dancers shouted back "Hell, Margrave! They already do."

"Can't argue with the truth." and with that the Margrave picked up a vegetable and hurled
it at the head of the man who shouted. He ducked, laughing.

"Having fun?" he asked, turning to Lady Margot.

The Lady from Kanden was actually beginning to enjoy herself, but with some feelings of
guilt mingled with real fear of being a victim of some dreadful prank. "It's unique. I've got
to admit it. We never do this on Kanden."

"I know. That's why I've never gone there. Too civilized."


"Yes, Lady Margot?"

"Didn't the Margrave here get angry when you lost your gown?"

The entire table laughed at such innocence. Goth explained, between gasps "The
Margrave was the one who ripped it off!"

"I was going to later anyway and there didn't seem much point in waiting."

By now the entertainers, the ones who were really supposed to sing, had come out and
one of them was being passed over the heads of the company at a far table.

"This, Lady Margot," said the Margrave, with mock seriousness, "is what makes Golonida
unique in all the human worlds. It is the only place where our entertainers get combat

"Look over there," Elise pointed, excitedly at a group of people hanging someone upside
down from the chandelier.

"Oh, it's just the woman who lost the fight."

By now the Lady Margot was wishing that she was in a space battle. "Her penalty for

"For losing five hundred Grickles for her Margrave."


"Kind of dull tonight, Goth," complained the Margrave.

"Too short notice to get any gladiators."

"I see. Have you ever seen gladiators, Lady Margot?"

"No." And she really did not want to.

"It's quite a show. Next time you're here we'll have to arrange a fight for you, see what the
average Golonidan spends his leisure watching."

Several of the singers were trying to perform, accompanied by chorus of soldiers who
could not carry a tune in the hold of a freighter.

"What does the ruling class do for fun on Kanden?"

"Nothing like this."

"I know that. Really, what do they do. My generals have never attended one of your

"They'd be very bored. We all sit around and talk quietly about philosophy or chant
ancient plainsong."

"That sounds boring all right. Incoming!" and a vegetable flew over the Margrave's head
to splatter on the wall behind.

"Of course on Kanden we eat our food, rather than throw it."

"But what do you do with the leftovers?"

"We eat them too."

"No wonder the child has nothing to wear," Aunt Theresa shouted. "Never fear my child.
Tomorrow I'll get you outfitted properly."

"Can't have you going to Morgoth looking like a misplaced peasant."

That hurt and it showed. The look on Lady Margot's face sobered the Margrave, who, for
some inexplicable reason was beginning to feel protective of this recently unwelcome
guest. "If you would like some fresh air, I would be happy to see you safely out of here."

Gratitude. "Thank you."

There were some quick excuses and the Margrave took the Lady Margot out of a door
hidden just behind him, covered with tomato.

"I'm afraid it takes some getting used to," he said to her as they walked on the vine
covered terrace under the two moons of Golonida.

"They really don't like me, do they?"

"Unlike me, Aunt Theresa remembers dad's funeral and holds grudges when drunk. But
the idea of getting you some decent clothes was my idea."

She turned a face that was beginning to tear to the Margrave. "Why?"

"No insult intended. It's just that on Morgoth you're going to be among some strutting
birds and I want your plumage to match theirs."

"But what that soldier said about Kanden?"

"Your people have no love for ours and my people are not overly fond of yours. Me, I'm
content to accept our differences and get along as best we can. And it is true your people
think of us as barbarians. But hell, Margot, we are barbarians and I'm just a warrior
chieftain. But if it were not for us barbarians, your library would be so many ashes and all
of human history with it."

"It's always the library. My people hate it. It dominates our entire lives."

"You're the holders of the most important trust in the human worlds. Do you think I enjoy
tying down my fleets and divisions for another world?"

"But we can't do anything because of that library. The council has always decided how I
should dress, or eat, or act because the Library requires a certain decorum."

"I'm beginning to develop a great and lasting dislike for your council."

"Well, that, at least, is something we can agree on."

The Margrave looked out at the garden and shook his head. "But I've never understood
why, if your people hate their council so much, they keep electing them to the same
offices. You'd think they'd be thrown out with the next election."

Lady Margot looked a little embarrassed. "The elections aren't exactly, well, honest. The
Council members are very good at buying votes."

"You know, if your father should ever decide to rule instead of just reign, my troops would
be more than happy to help."

"I'm afraid getting my father to do that would take more than your troops. We have a long

"We're not big on tradition here. Look at me. I'm an hereditary military dictator with a
fancy title. And that's all I am, or any other monarch in the human worlds. You know, I
remember one time when my father first took over and your father was talking to him over
the hyperphone. Your father started talking about some council elections or something
like that and my father told him that we had elections on Golonida. Well, I was as
surprised as your father to hear that and then my father said that he was elected every
day his soldiers decided not overthrow him."

"It makes a certain sense."

"It's true. The monarch is nothing more than a glorified dictator in a funny suit. And the
love of the people aside, its the guns of the army that keep him on the throne. The
problem is to keep those guns loyal."

"A serious one indeed."

"Really. You're going to Morgoth. Do you know what Morgoth was like a few hundred
years ago?"

"Not really. I was always terrible in history."

"Oh? It was my best subject. Anyway, Morgoth was at one time like Golonida is now,
only more so. Huge population, lots of industry, tremendous military. Had a space force
twice the size of any now, including mine. Several Dukes of Morgoth had been High King.
But the Dukes of Morgoth made a mistake. They ascribed to an ancient, and I mean
ancient belief that the key to power and domestic bliss was to keep the army rich and not
worry about anything else. It is a very stupid idea. Oh, you might get away with it for a
generation, if you're lucky and the economy is booming, but let things get a little slow and
the army decides it wants more. Well, when workers go on strike, you can always replace

them or shoot them, but when the army demands more, it might shoot you. So, the Dukes
gave in and kept giving in until one day there was nothing left to give. The treasury was
bankrupt and there was hardly any industry or trade left because anyone with any sense
and money had pulled out long ago. The army rebelled, and so did the fleet. By the time
the civil war was over, Morgoth lost two thirds of its population, all its industry, its entire
fleet, except for the Wheel and the reigning Duke was dead, his palace a slag pile and him
melted with it. The army picked the last surviving general to be the new Duke and try to
put things back together, but there was nothing to put them together with."

"So how do you avoid that?"

"I keep the army busy, not rich, but busy. They're so busy keeping their Margrave happy
that they don't have time to rebel. And certain personal touches, like a bottle of wine if
one of them gets married, presents for the children, that sort of thing. It works."

"I guess it must, you're still here."

"And working myself into an early grave. Do you know what I'm going to be doing while
my crazy aunt is buying you new clothes?"


"Reading petitions from my loving subjects. Thousands of petitions. They cover
everything from fights over a backyard fence to complicated criminal stuff."

"Then it's true? You read all of them?"

"You heard about that even on Kanden?"

"My father told me, but I really didn't believe him."

"I read them all. Of course I have staff people to take care of most of the stuff. Basically I
divide them into groups, trivial, unimportant, significant, important, very important, state

"I see."

"The actual reading is very fast. I can go through several thousand in an afternoon. It all
depends on how many require my personal attention. And then there are the ones from

"Children petition their Margrave?"

"Every subject has the right to petition his Margrave. Those can be kind of cute at times,
and funny at times and some times they tear your gut out. I try to send each child a

personal answer, even if its only a couple of lines attached to a form letter and, depending
on the age and situation, sometimes a little gift. And why are you laughing?"

"On Kanden they say you eat children and here you are telling me that you send them

"They can be very tasty with barbecue sauce. But I only eat foreign children. It is not
good policy to devour one's subjects."

"That's very reassuring."

"I'm glad to hear it. But the worst time is around Elvisday. Very small children get their
Margrave confused with Sinder Klaus and think that I'm the one who turns into
microwaves and comes out of the videoscreen with a bag of goodies."

Lady Margot began to laugh again, this time so hard that she had to sit on the balustrade.
"I-I-I can't imagine you in a beard and purple tights."

"But the problem is that I can't possibly send presents to all of them. My finances don't
grow on the Elvis Bush. So I have my secretaries work overtime to send out little notes
and then I deal personally with the most pressing ones, like if the family really is strapped
for money, I send them something in the form of a gift certificate for the requested toy.
That way they don't spend any money on wine or worse, clothes."


"Only a real Grumpus would give a kid clothes for Elvisday."

"We never got anything for Elvisday on Kanden. The council didn't think that superstition
should be encouraged."

"That council of yours would be very accident prone if I were Senator."

"I think they know that."

"Good. I may have my troops distribute presents next Elvisday just for the fun of it."

"Like when your commander stepped on a bug in front of the Minister of State?"

"Is he the one with the funny broom who sweeps the sidewalk to make sure he doesn't
step on anything?"

"That's him."

"I remember hearing something about that when he was last here. He was a bit

"What did you do?"

"Ate a rare hamburger in front of him."

"He must have loved that."

"Then I threw a banquet in his honor."

"That's why he didn't want to come with me."

"Really? He seemed to enjoy himself."

"He was thoroughly scandalized when he got back. The council talked about your bad
behavior for three meetings."

"I'll give them more to talk about if I have the chance. No Elvisday presents indeed."

"The chairman doesn't believe in Elvis."

"Neither do I, and it's all Moloch Paphnutius fault for ressurecting the ancient cult, but the
Elvis Bush is always buried in gifts. And the different cities are always sending
delegations to sing Elvis carols around the holidays. And every year I swear that if I hear
one more version of 'Screw My Tender' I'll go berserk."

"I don't blame you. I always hated that song."

"I thought the council wouldn't let you celebrate."

"We don't, but the people love it and the council doesn't dare try to stop them."

"Not without good reason. My troops would side with the people. Sometimes I think
they'd like to anyway. Don't tell anyone this, but one of my officers has been giving out
secret liqour for ten years."

Lady Margot tried to look scandalized, but failed and merely giggled. "The secret is safe
with me."

The noise from the party was lessening and the two realized that they had walked almost
to the center of the large garden below the terrace. The Margrave looked up at the twin
moons of Golonida and shook his head.

"Don't you like them? I think they're almost romantic hanging up there together," the Lady
Margot said looking up at the same time.

"Romance has nothing to do with it. I like it better when their orbits keep them on opposite
sides of the planet. That way we get better protection from their guns. When they're like
this, I have to position a battleship on the other side to cover it."

"It's that bad?"

"Don't you know? A slaver tried to assasinate me on my way back here. A system is a
big place and we might not be so lucky again. Even now, I have a fleet on its way to

"Well," Lady Margot said, quietly, "I kind of like them, so lets just sit down on this bench
and look at them for a while. I need a rest after that dinner."

"We both do. I think we should arrange something quieter."

The Margrave and Lady Margot stayed a long time, looking at the two moons before the
Margrave took her back to her suite. When he left the next the morning, a new chapter in
Golonidan-Kanden relations had opened.


Ten days in hyperspace is a long trip, when you consider that Morgoth is twenty light-
years from Golonida and that trip took less than twenty hours. But that was how long it
took Admiral Ricter and his Fourth Fleet to reach the slaver system of Edessa.

Slavers were outlaws, professional bandits who traded in whatever they could steal from
those worlds which were ill protected, which meant the bulk of the human worlds. People,
because it was harder to store them for any length of time, were a prized and expensive
commodity. On half the worlds of the Confederation, slavery was legal and winked at on
half where it was not. The Margraves of Golonida were almost unique in their opposition
to the custom, claiming that it was ultimately bad for business and often added an
unpredictable civil element.

In carrying on his feud with the slaver systems, however, John was not being sentimental.
Hunting slaver ships gave his troops something to do besides clean their ships and guns.
And the troops, in turn, could demonstrate their loyalty to their Margrave by attacking
those who tried to kill him.

Admiral Ricter was a tall man. He towered over the Margrave and was about thrity years
older. He was towering now, over the pilot of his battleship, the Exterminator. It was the
Golonidan custom to find dreadful neames for their battleships. The pilot was sweating
more than usual and was not sure if the air-conditioning was set too high or the admiral
was breathing on him. Neither was comfortable, especially going into battle.

"I want the fleet to come out of hyperspace between their major worlds," Ricter had
ordered. "At that point, it will split into ten battle groups, five to attack the outworld
installations and five to go near the main planet itself and do what our Margrave has
ordered, destroy everything not on the surface of the planet."

It was a very delicate maneuver. Ideally, ships came out of hyperspace nowhere near
anything to leave room for errors. A serious mistake either by the computers or the pilot
would put them literally inside a planet. Of course the planet would not be in very good
shape after that either, because the result would be one hell of an explosion as all of the
material in the planet and the ship tried to be in the same place at the same time. During
the centuries of Madness, there had been serious attempts to design a weapon to do just
that, but for some reason, the guidance system had never worked. Of course, a large
piloted ship could make a suicide run and that was the sole reason for the rule of the
Confederacy about attacking the surface of a home planet. Ricter had little use for rules,
but he had no desire to go up with his ship and the pilot shared the admiral's opinion.

"Ten minutes to normal space," the pilot spoke firmly, trying not to let his voice shake.

Ricter smiled and nodded. "Shields out, blasters armed. Sound battle stations."

The main screen, normally blank during hyperspace, shifted to reveal a spectacular
panorama of worlds dancing in space, their gentle pavane belying the frenzied activity of
their human inhabitants. Almost immediately, the ten battle groups, each led by a heavy
cruiser and containing varying mixes of gunships and destroyers swept in front of the
Exterminator towards their targets. The Exterminator itself, a ship almost a mile in
diameter with four large turret positions as well as the interior batteries, bore down on the
main world, Edessa following the five groups assigned to that target.

"Detection from fifth planet, Admiral."

"Group six. Hit fifth planet."

"Hyperwave traffic."

"Can we translate?"

"Coded. We'll try to break it."

"See what you can do."

"Twenty ships coming around fifth planet."

"Group two, you've got company."

"We see them."

The twenty slaver gunships, small, torpedo shaped craft, broke into five four-ship teams
and moved to close with the approaching Golonidans. The heavy cruiser Axe turned and
fired its top turret into one group removing all four of its ships with one shot. The
remaining slavers turned to attack the cruiser, hoping for a lucky blast through a gap in the

Admiral Ricter watched and grinned. "They never learn, do they?"

"No sir."

As the slaver ships swarmed around the heavy cruiser, its shields not showing any gaps
even as it fired, the destroyers and gunships of the second group raked the fifth planet of
the Edessa system. A tremendous flash from that world, at twenty-five degrees north of
horizon, indicated that if any slaver ships survived the encounter, they would have to land
somewhere else.

But none of the twenty slaver ships survived. Within ten seconds of their turning
maneuver, ten of the remaining slavers were destroyed by the forward battery of the Axe
and the last six were picked off by the turrets as they flew into the line of fire. The Axe
turned to the fifth planet and ranged its forward battery on the main population center of
the planet. That was gone in a matter of seconds.

"They won't try to kill our margrave again!" came a shout over the hperwave.

"Celebrate later, gentlemen," Ricter spoke into the open transmitter.

The first group was embroiled in a running fight with fifty gunships around the second
planet. These slavers were led by a better officer, because they were doing their best to
avoid contact with the Heavy Cruiser Trident. In doing so, they left the surface of the
planet open to the fire from the Trident's guns. A number of bright flares on the surface of
the planet and on the skin of the Trident were indications of a running fight between the
cruiser and some large surface batteries.

"Pilot, move us around the Trident."

The Exterminator turned forty-two degrees lateral and five degrees vertical to point its own
main, forward battery at the the second planet.

"Blasters level two."

"Level two."

"Wait until Trident is clear."

The Trident was in a tight orbit and soon was on the other side of the second planet.


A burst of light from the front of the Exterminator was answered in thirty seconds by a
huge explosion on the surface of the second planet, which sent debris flying almost to
orbital velocity. There remained a crater, at least ten miles in diameter and a mile deep.
The blast itself was nowhere near the point of origin of the return fire, but the shock wave
would create earthquakes rendering any defensive position inoperable.

"I said level two, gunner."

"It was, Admiral."

"Those new blasters are better than I thought they'd be. I wonder what a level ten would

"Edessa'll be in range in a minute. Want to try?"

He chuckled. "No, the Margrave wants to follow the rules, for now."

The Axe came around the planet and fired a few more blasts at the ground before joining
the fray with the slaver ships. The slavers, seeing that the Axe was coming as well as the
battleship, broke off and ran for Edessa.

The three large moons of Edessa were sprouting new craters as the five attacking groups
moved in circle the planet. Small points of light indicated exploding sattelites and a larger
blast took out what appeared to be a liner of some sort. The battle computers of the
Exterminator showed the three remaining outer groups engaging small forces, but nothing
of significance. The captain of the Cruiser Mace appeared on the hyperwave.

"Admiral, there's nothing worth killing out here. Can we join the fun?"

"Not this time. I don't want any surprises coming out of hyperspace."

A flash came from one of the attacking groups off Edessa.

"Ground battery got a destroyer, Admiral."

"Edessa groups. Watch your horizon. Don't let those ground stations pick you off."

"Thirty ships off horizon."

"You've got company coming."

"We see 'em!"

Battle group one did a turning maneuver and charged towards the defenders. They
arranged themselves into a spinning cone formation with the Heavy Cruiser Bowie Knife
opposite. It was a standard formation, designed to trap the enemy between the small
ships and the cruiser while not exposing the smaller ships to the fire from the cruiser. The
greatest danger in a space battle lay in the range of the weapons, a heavy cannon having
a range of ten light-minutes. Avoiding being shot down by friendly fire was constantly a

Bursts of light appeared all over the intervening space between the defending ships and
the battle group. As that space grew smaller, the light became coallesced into a
continuous glow of blast and counter blas t, through which only the fleetingest forms of
space-craft could be seen, swirling in a melee. The ground batteries, firing at anything in
range, were taking a heavier toll of their own craft than the attackers.

One officer on the bridge of the Exterminator laughed slightly. "Admiral, their ship
identification is even worse than ours."

The Admiral laughed as well. Any relief from tension was welcome. "The Margrave will
be happy to hear that. He's been concerned."

"Enemy coming for us."

A wide grin spread across Ricter's face. This was what he had been waiting for. "Good.
How many?"

"Close to fifty."

"Excellent! Blasters, level one."

"One, sir?"

"I don't want any stray bolts taking out our own ships."

"Level one it is, sir."

"Up thirty-one, starboard seventeen."

"Forward battery ready, sir."

"Fire as they come in range."

Starbursts filled the sky as the defenders split into ten groups of five, their tight formations
designed to allow them to mass fire on small point of the battleship, thus to may, with luck,
pierce the defensive field. Luck was not with them and, as the guns of the battleship
found them, paradise was not denied them. In thirty seconds, very long seconds, the
engagement was over and three surviving slavers ran into hyperspace.

Ricter stood on his bridge and them went to sit in his chair of authority on a small platform
overlooking the floor of the bridge. "Groups one to three, start hitting the planet."

The three battle groups began to descend from orbit to fly low over the surface. The
Margrave's orders had been specific. "Destroy everything not on the surface of the
planet." He had not said how far off the surface. Aircraft, civilian (according to Golonidan
tactical doctrine, especially civilian) and military, even a transport being floated into a
hanger, were fair game and exploded with the satisfying bangs that only come when
something is blown up inside an atmosphere.

"I hope they're getting some good video of this," Ricter told his first officer. "The
Margrave'll wish he'd been along for the fun."

"Admiral!" screamed the hyperwave.

A second of consternation, then recognition. "What is it Trident?"

"You'll never guess what just popped out of hyperspace."

"This is no time for games."

"A slaving expedition. Thirty gunships and a freighter."

"Groups seven and eight. Did you hear that?"

"We did."

"Get them. Standard procedure."

At that point, a large bang shook the Exterminator. "Ground battery, sir."

Ricter shook his head. Well, no risk, no joy. "Thought we were below their horizon. Any

"Small surface burn at aft quarter. Nothing serious."

"Evasion pattern."

A blast of light ripped past the port bow.

"They seem angry with us."

"Hardly blame them. Group one, there's at least one ground battery near our horizon.
Take it out for us."

"It'll be on the surface, Admiral."

"I don't think the Margrave'll be too upset if we bring the ships back."

"It's dead."

"Thank you."

"Good thing this is a slaver world, Admiral. Those grumps at the next Conclave'll be

"If there is another Conclave."

"Admiral, this is Bowie Knife."


"We took out twenty gunships before the rest ran into hyperspace. We've got the freighter
disabled and on traction. We'll be boarding it in five minutes."

"Good. Any losses?"

"Minor damage to a couple of destroyers and a gunship, nothing serious."

"Good, very good. The Margrave will be pleased."

One at a time, the groups over the surface completed their runs and returned to high orbit.
Parts of the surface, visible through the clouds at the beginning of the attack were now
covered with thick smoke. A few stray shots had obviously touched the ground.

"Bowie Knife. What about that freighter? It's almost time to leave."

A smiling captain appeared in the hyperwave viewer screen. "Good news. We got three
hundred slaves, all intact. And a pile of rugs."

"Rugs, Captain?"

"Rugs, Admiral."

"Excellent. Are the slaves happy?"

"They don't know whether to be ecstatic or terrified. None of them have ever been in
space before, much less in a space battle."

"Well, take them home with you. The Margrave'll send them back where they belong."

"All groups reporting in, Admiral."

"Good. We jump home in two minutes, mark."

The sky over Edessa cleared.


Ten days of waiting were nothing new to the Margrave. The first couple had passed
quickly and happily, the Lady Margot proving to be a more charming guest than anyone
had expected. Even Aunt Theresa had been won over and when she departed on the
cruiser for Morgoth, the Margrave had stood at the space-port until the ship was out of
atmosphere, to the worry of Goth, who remembered the last time the Margrave had acted
that way, and the jealousy of Elise. But then there was work to be done.

Count Rath had arrived with gifts and messages from the High King and his more powerful
supporters. The Margrave had graciously accepted both and assured the Count that even
though Prince Brian was his cousin, (the Margrave's mother was the Old Prince's sister)
he had no intention of joining Brian in a battle that the Margrave viewed as being suicidal
as well as stupid.

Count Rath had been surprised at this answer, and the Margrave had explained "You've
fought in space like I have. Think of fifteen thousand ships, all swarming around shooting
at each other. I'll be amazed if a thousand ships survive and those'll be the ones whose
pilots have enough brains to run into hyperspace when the battle starts. This idea is
madness and the High King, with all due respect, must be getting senile to have agreed to

Hearing this, the Count played with the buttons on his jacket and mumbled something
about not wanting to risk troops in a land battle.

The Margrave laughed. "I'm not exactly careless of the lives of my men either, but I can
replace ground fighters a hell of a lot faster than I can ships and they're a lot less
expensive. My battleships don't grow on trees."

It was a hard argument to counter, but the Count tried. "And the slavers, don't you want to
get at them?"

The Margrave tried equally hard not to laugh in the Count's face. Rath was notorious for
his temper, though this time he at least had left the armor back in his ship. "I'll tell you a
secret, Count. As we speak, I have fleet on its way to tangle with slavers."

"But the truce!"

"In this case, the rules of truce do not apply. Its a retaliatory strike. Of course, I have to
ask you not to say anything to anyone until you hear that it's occurred."

"Your secrets are safe with me, they always are. But there may be hell to pay in the next
Conclave. Especially if your crazy cousin wins."

"Another secret, Count. I don't think that there will be another Conclave after this battle
you have planned. I think my cousin and the High King have figured out a way to kill the

"I don't understand?"

"I think the Centuries of Madness are coming back."

"You're not serious!"

"Very, and for me that's something rare. I think that the human worlds are trying to commit
suicide and this is just another knot in the noose."

Rath shook his head and sat in the offered chair, facing the holograph. "I really don't
understand this, John."

The Margrave punched a code and a display map of the human worlds appeared in the
center of his office. "This is the extent of the original Terran Empire, before Earth
withdrew its control."

"Got run out, you mean."

"No, that's what the textbooks say, but the old records make it clear that the Earthmen
simply got tired of the trouble of running an empire and just announced that it was going to
be every colony for itself."

"Nice of them."

"We don't know a whole lot about Earth, except that our ancestors came from there and
it's still floating around its sun, very old and incredibly powerful."

"Go on."

"This is the extent of the human worlds after the Centuries of Madness ended and the
Confederation was founded."

"So it's smaller. The way they were blowing each other up, "I'm not surprised."

"You're not supposed to be. But look at this. This is the space covered by known human
worlds now."

Count Rath stared a the hologram for a second and then said quietly, "Ye Gods!"

"Human space now is less than fifty per cent of what it was at the end of the Terran
Empire and it's shrinking. The Conferation has slowed the shrinking, but it's still going on."

"And where is this leading?"

"Back to Earth. Literally. In a couple millenium, Earth may very well be the only human
world left. Just like at the beginnings of space flight."

Count Rath slumped in his chair. "Why all this about Earth. I thought it had blown itself up
ages ago, or died of old age or something."

"That's what we're supposed to think. Have you ever heard of Moloch Paphnutius?"

"The Wilusian war chief? Of course."

"I was reading his biography. It seems that he went to earth."


"He was a great fighter, right? They called him the slayer of worlds and the killer of
dreams. During the Centuries of Madness, Wilusia was the most powerful system and
that was due to the work of Moloch Paphnutius. He killed because he enjoyed killing. To
him, humans were prey."

"So the legends have it."

"The legends don't tell the whold story. He was also a something of an idealist. A great
believer in human freedom and most those he killed were people who tried to take that
away. And he did like to fight. No question about that. But anyway, after he had been
virtual dictator of Wilusia, and I know there's a contradiction in there somewhere, he more
or less retired and went into space. Four years later he returned, started up the practice
of Elvis-worship which had died out ages before and moved into a hut in the mountains to
spend the last years of his life meditating."

"What happened?"

"He found Earth, or rather he went to Earth. It's location has never been a secret, just far."

"And what he saw affected him that much?"

"That, and what they apparently taught him."


"A hundred years after Moloch Paphnutius died, the good folk of Wilusia decided that
Earth had somehow corrupted the mind of their great leader, so they tried to take revenge.
A fleet, and they had big fleets in those days, was sent to Earth for the express purpose of
wiping the place out. Four thousand ships, heavy ships, battleships and cruisers, went off
on the crusade and none of them came back. Wilusia never recovered."

"And? I know you're trying to get somewhere with this tale."

"Do you know what Wilusia is called now?"

"Of course not!"


"Kanden?" The shock was genuine. "You mean to tell me that those hay-burning
scumballs are the descendants of the toughest fighters in human history?"

"Well, let's not give the old Wilusians that much credit. But yes. And there's more. Earth
has not abandoned its old colonies like we thought."


"The library on Kanden is something of a transit point for them. Just how they get there is
a mystery. They don't use ships."

Count Rath looked the Margrave directly in the eyes, "And how do you know this?"

"My commander on Kanden has met them."

"And how did your commander know they were from Earth?"

"They showed him some things that we don't know how to do. And they have very
strange eyes. That's why they always wear sun glasses."

"Strange? In what way?"

"The color. It's a weird shade of green, unlike anything any of us have ever seen. And
they, well, glow."

"Special evolution?"

"Undoubtedly. They've played around with genetics on earth from before space flight."

"And what does this have to do with the present crisis?"

"I"m not sure. But my intelligence people say there's a lot of unusual people appearing on
Kanden. I think Old Earth wants something. What, I have no idea."

"Pleasant thought. But we still have a war on our hands. And we would like you to join

"Sorry, Count. Much as I like a good time, I think Golonidan policy is going be our
traditional armed neutrality. In fact, I've ordered warships to accompany our merchant

"Now John, you know the High King won't..."

"I don't think he will, but emotions tend to run high and I have to tell you the same thing I'll
tell Baron Surbo when he comes, which will probably be right after you leave."


"For a diplomat you seem to dislike the word."

"I'm a fighter. I got stuck with this job because no one else would take it."

"In other words, you missed the staff meeting and got volunteered."


"Well, enough business. I've ordered a dinner in your honor for tonight."

The Count began to shift in his chair. "Now that isn't necessary. I have to get going to my
next system tomorrow. Early tomorrow. I have to get my sleep."
"Nonsense. You're an honored guest. You can sleep on your ship."

"And I just had my uniforms cleaned," thought the Count.

Recovering from the party took another couple of days and then there was just waiting
and looking at intelligence reports and answering the piles of petitions, the usual business
of Margravey. It came as a relief, that moment in the war room of the residence, when the
Margrave and his staff listened to the hyperwave traffic from the Edessa system.

Cheers and laughter were still echoing through the residence as the Margrave made his
way back to the relative quiet of his office. And it was only a matter of minutes after the
Fourth Fleet was back in hyperspace that a tone indicated that Admiral Ricter was
contacting his Margrave.

"Yes, Ricter. How was it?"

"A sporting shoot, Margrave. We blew the hell out of them. Right down to a few inches off
the surface, just as you ordered."

"Good. Now the bad part. Losses."

"Two gunships and a destroyer."

"Not bad. Could have been a lot worse."

"And I have real good news."

"We caught it. How many slaves were on that freighter?"
"Three hundred. They're coming back on the Bowie Knife."

"That is good news. Glad you didn't have any marines."

"Be a little crowded, but we'd manage."

"Thank you, Admiral. Safe trip home."

With a sigh of relief, the Margrave settled back into his chair. Three small ships. Well, it
could have been a lot worse. All in all, it was a good day's work. And that feeling of
satisfaction was hardly disturbed at all by Goth, showing uncharacteristic shock on the
intercom telling him the Prince of Tremulon was on the hyperwave and not at all pleased.

"And what does my dear and noble cousin want?"

"He didn't say, but that's Brian. Always was a little snot."

A chuckle escaped the Margrave. "Have you been talking to my mother again?"

"Hell, Margrave, no one can stand the bastard."

"That's true. Well, put him on."

The form of Prince Brian of Tremulon floated angrily in the center of the office. He was a
squat man, even shorter than the Margrave, with a hairline that was receding fifty years
too early. And, like Goth had said, he was not pleased.

The Margrave sat up in his chair and, trying very hard not to laugh, looked into the camera
set so that by looking at the holographic projection, he would be staring straight into it,
thus creating a nice illusion that he and the Prince were talking to each other in the same
room. "Dear and Noble cousin, what causes this honor?"

Brian almost sputtered "Don't dear and noble cousin me, you bloodthirsty baboon."

"Cousin, if I'm a baboon, what does that make you? I suggest that you modify your

"You've done some rotten, vicious and underhanded things, John, but this one is the
worst. I thought you were neutral."

The Margrave shook his head. That was not the comment he was expecting. "Of course I
am. What would make you think otherwise?"

Brian took several deep breaths, obviously to keep from shouting, and said "Then why did
your ships try to kill Baron Surbo?"


"Don't 'moi?' me you madman! Baron Surbo wasn't on Edessa for ten minutes when your
ships blew the hell out of the place and came down specifically to blast his transport while
it was being floated into a hanger."

And with that outburst, the Margrave could no longer control himself. It was all too funny,
him, of all people, being accused of double dealing. Even if it often was true, reasons of
state being what they were.

"And stop laughing!"

"I'm trying! Is the Baron all right?"

"Why should you care? But yes, except for a new nervous tick in his left nostril and a
distinct lack of desire to show his face in daylight, yes he is all right, no thanks to you!"

"Brian. Let me assure you, most wholeheartedly, that the Baron was in the wrong place in
the wrong time. If I had know he was there, I would have delayed my attack until he left."

Now it was Brian's turn to look puzzled, something which may have annoyed him even
more than the potential loss of his chief diplomat. "I take it you expect me to believe that."

"I usually expect people, even you cousin, to believe the truth. Baron Surbo, who is a
valued friend and has, let me assure you, kept my battleships out of your system a few

times, was not the target. He happened to have the misfortune to land just before my
fourth fleet carried out a retaliatory strike against Baron Tomas, who tried to kill me."

"He tried to what?"

"Do you mean you haven't heard?"

"Of course not. If I knew that, I wouldn't let Surbo within a parsec of that system."

"I find it difficult to believe that you are suddenly solicitous of my welfare, cousin. After all,
if I die, you're next in line until I produce an heir."

"And the same is true of me. And I know well enough that your forces would violate every
rule of the Confederacy rather than see me as their Margrave."

The Margrave thought "He's actually using his brain for once. This is dangerous." And
then spoke "True, very, very true. But apparently your new friends may have thought

"John, just because I need them does not mean that I like them. And what are you getting
at. What attempt to kill you?"

"Tomas of Edessa had one of his new gunships try to wait for me in my own system to
blast me on my way planetside."

"You have the proof?"

"I can hyperfax the holograph records to you right now. The gunship was definitely
Edessan and it probably assumed, not unreasonably, that my cruiser would only come in
with meteor shields. The crew, in their home system and tired of space, would be a bit
lax, just lax enough for the gunship to put a blast into the fusion system and then
hyperspace out before anyone had time to recover from the sight me becoming a pile of
loose quarks. Not a bad plan, actually. I considered doing it to you, once."

"Now, cousin.."

"Now who's 'now cousining'? I'm sorry about Surbo. I'd be very unhappy if anything
happened to him. But Brian, reign in your friends, or you won't have any friends left to
reign in."

"I'm willing to make a deal, cousin."

"That, for some reason, does not surprise me."

"You don't like slavers."

"As is well known. And I find it difficult to be tolerant of people (and I use the term loosely
indeed, cousin) who try to kill me. I consider it to be very bad manners."

"Having sat through one of your state dinners, I will reserve judgement on the comment
about manners. But listen. If you join me, family ties and all, I'll dump the slavers and let
you have them, on a platter."

"Sorry cousin. You know my opinion of this madness. I told Surbo, I told Rath and I'm
telling you. You're throwing away human civilization for a plastic crown and a
meaningless title."

"The title, cousin, does not have to be meaningless."

"I have a serious suspicion that I know what you mean by that, and it won't work. Have
you ever fought a space battle?"

"I'm not like you. I don't enjoy fighting."

The Margrave assumed a lecturing posture before the camera. "That's beside the point.
Then you don't know what happens. Let's say that you have about 7500 ships going in,
which is about what you expect to have. And you can reasonably expect the High King to
have about the same number. There is no way you or the High King can efficiently
command that many ships. Oh, you may have some good plans going in, but once
everyone starts shooting at everyone else, it becomes very difficult to keep some kind of
tactical judgement. Within the first three minutes, there will be a complete breakdown of
communications on both sides and it'll be every ship for itself. In addition to that, that
much shooting makes it inevitable that friendly fire will take a large toll on each side. The
smart captains will run into hyperspace before they get blasted. But not many'll be that
smart. The winner, or rather the survivor, will be lucky to have a thousand ships left after
the battle and that is not enough to enforce anything."

"I wasn't necessarily talking about force, cousin."

"Force, cousin, is all that matters. If you have it, you can do anything, with the will.
Without it, nothing else counts."

"There's always reason, persuasion.."

"Which only works when the sheep are willing to be sheared. No, cousin, I prefer to knock
people down, kick them a couple of times and then negotiate. It works better."

The conversation ended and Goth came into the office to find his Margrave doubled with
laughter over the desk.

"Margrave? Are you all right?"

"Would you believe it if I told you that my cousin was trying talk to me about the virtues of


"It's true. His police reason with electric nerve prods and he talks to me about a gentle
government ruled by reason and persuasion."

"He has either nerve or a serious mental problem, do you know which?"

"I hope, if it's a mental problem, that it's not hereditary. I don't want to end up like mother."

"Sorry, Margrave. Forgot about that."

"I'd like to."


The discussion was then interrupted by a loud signal from the intercom and an excited
junior officer shouting "System penetration off Kanden!"

The Margrave jumped out of his seat, leaped over the desk, something he had not done
in a couple of years and ran down the hall to the War Room, followed by a much slower
Goth, who was finally beginning to feel the effects of his hundred-plus years. As the
Margrave turned into the room, grabbing the side of the door-frame to spin himself in
without falling from inertia, he looked up at the holographic map and asked, much louder
than his dignity would permit under normal circumstances "When?"

"Picked up twenty seconds ago. Depending on where they came out of hyper, could have
been in system anywhere from ten minutes to three hours."

"Put the fifth fleet on alert."

"Never get there in time."

"Retaliation, if necessary."

"I think that's what this may be about."

"Not unless someone was expecting us to attack Edessa. They had to leave a few days
ago at best."

"Well, lets worry about that later. How many enemy?"

"Thirty slavers, ten destroyers, twenty gunships."



Goth stood looking at the map as the points of light converged to battle. "The freighter is
probably hidden. The gunships would engage and draw off, possibly destroy our ships
and then the freighter is brought in to pick up the loot."

"Makes sense. Open com unit?"

"Opened. No traffic."

"Margrave," Goth spoke quietly,"General Micheal probably has a preset plan of defense.
The slavers will probably be as upset about not hearing from him as you are."

General Micheal had been placed in command of the reinforcements sent to Kanden.

"Possibly. Are they identified as slavers?"

"Visual from Kanden."

The viewers and combat computers on the flagship were connected by coded hyperwave
to the war room, so that what they knew, the Margrave and his staff knew. It was a useful
system, as long as no one broke the code. The cruiser screens showed a slaver
destroyer, surrounded by group of smaller ships moving in on its upper port side in a tight
circle. The cruiser was backing away from them to give the gunnery computers just a little
more time and, as always, there was the surprise flash and the attacking group



"Would you say a few hundred Kanden slaves are worth the loss of one ship?"

"Ours or theirs?"


"Of course not!"

"We guard Kanden because of the Library, and other things, right?"


"So if the slavers are attacking our ships there, and risking a retaliatory strike if they win,
they must be after the Library."

"Or us."

The talk stopped as the battle board showed a group of slaver ships about to engage a
combat team of Golonidan gunships. A simulation provided an approximate holographic
view of the battle as it would be seen from just outside the perimeter of the action. It was,
of course, the usual swarming melee firing and maneuver as the slavers attempted to hold
the Golonidans in their sights while avoiding becoming targets, intentional or otherwise,
themselves. The craft themselves were about equal in performance, with the Golonidans
having a slight advantage in the power of their guns, and better computers. But the
slavers were good pilots as well and this time had the advantage of being the attackers.
The Golonidans, however, had better training.

But were it not for the presence of the cruiser, the issue would have been in serious doubt.

General Micheal had made his plans with the cruiser as the centerpiece. The defending
Golonidan gunships slipped and ran, turned and engaged again, deftly and gradually
bringing the attackers under the guns of the cruiser. The slavers, occupied by the stress
of combat and lacking a unified command outside the battle to give them instructions, fell,
unit by unit, into the trap. Five attacking units flew, one after another, into the blast-beams
of the cruiser.

"Now we see why they don't use the hyperwave," Goth said turning to the Margrave.

"Brilliant," was the response. "The slavers, even if they can decode the traffic, have no
idea what to expect if there's no traffic to decode."

"I think they've had enough."

And the slaver lights on the battle board began to wink out as the attackers ran into

"What were our losses?"

"Five gunships."

"Too many for an operation like that. I want a tactical reassessment."

Goth felt his eyes widen. "I thought you just said the tactic was brilliant."

"It is. It's also just a bit costly. We shouldn't have lost any ships."

"Reality does intrude, sometimes."

"Maybe. But I still want those losses cut. Maybe the training needs to be intensified."

"Possibly. We'll look at it."

"Look closely, gentlemen. In a couple of months we'll need every ship and man we have."

And with that, the Margrave left the war room and stalked back to his office. He entered to
see a pile of petitions had been deposited in his absence. Shaking his head, he took them
off the desk and piled them, less than neatly, in the corner of the office, behind an extra
chair. The people were going to have to be a little patient. With a growl, he picked up a
light wastebasket and threw it across the room. That was what the wastebasket was for,
relieving the Margravial temper. One time, he had kicked it, causing it to bounce off one
wall and out the door, nearly braining Goth who had been walking by at the time.

"Five ships! Fifteen men!" he kept thinking. "We can get nibbled to death before the war
even starts."

He turned to the intercom, "Goth!"

"You thundered?" came the reply.

"Get in here!"

Goth was used to these tantrums. He moved a little more quickly than usual, but no one
who knew either him, or the Margrave, would say it was out of fear. He came in to find the
office furniture still in one piece, which was a good sign. "I take it you're not happy with
the battle."

"I'm worried."


"Do you think Brian is smart enough to sacrifice his slavers to cut down our force?"

"You've lost me."

"My cousin has delusions of grandeur. It's a common failing among planetary rulers,
especially with our bloodline. He wants more than that plastic crown. He wants to be




"By having the only large fighting force left after the battle off Cadwallader."

Goth nodded and plumped himself into the chair across the room, as the Margrave sat
behind his desk. "That would mean eliminating the neutrals."


"Can he?"

"Yes. It would be costly, but yes."

"Then the question becomes 'can he afford to?'"

"I don't know. I want a strategic assessment of the losses Brian can sustain and still
expect to beat the King."

"The Professor will bless you to his dying day."

"Which may be closer for all of us if he's wrong. So have him try to think like Brian for

"Of course."

"I know it's not easy, but this time he has to."

"I'm sure he'll try his best."

"I'm sure as well. But seriously, Brian is power mad. That will blind him to certain risks. I
want that taken into account. He'll be willing to accept a higher level of loss than we

"He has more to lose. This battle is a one shot deal for him. He loses this, he loses

"Even if he wins."

"Depends on his losses."

Goth left the office and the Margrave put a tiny disk into a slot on his desk. The original
plan of the Morgoth Wheel appeared on floating before him, rotating. The Margrave rose
and walked over to the projection and stood staring at it for a long time.

His mind ran on overdrive, wondering. "Why do I keep thinking that this Wheel is going to
be the key to the matter. There's nothing on Morgoth worth fighting for. Even if the Wheel
weren't there, I don't think that even the slavers would bother with the place."

He went back to the desk and punched a code. A display of the armament of the wheel

"Strange they never made this stuff secret. Probably wanted everyone to know how well
armed the wheel was and that would keep them from attacking. An ancient trick."

A touch of a button and the display winked out of existence. Another code and the
production figures for warcraft appeared in the screen on the desk. The Margrave pursed
his lips and nodded. He would have no trouble replacing the lost ships, thus far. "I
suppose I should be happy that the slavers don't have anything big. I'd hate to lose a
battleship now."

A new thought came and a new display appeared. Ship blaster and shield production was
still ahead of what would be needed for the new ships. Maybe there was time to create a
new type of ship, between a cruiser and a destroyer. Time seemed to be the major
problem. The battle was almost two months away.

A chime signalled that someone wanted to come in. The Margrave opened the door to
see the smiling face of the Professor.

"What have you got for me?"

"Pretty good news. The question of how many ships Brian can afford to lose before he
closes with the High King isn't that high."

"Is that what he really can't afford or how many he thinks he can afford?"

"Both. He'll have the same numbers we have."

"I hope he knows that."

"Brian is a little crazy, but not stupid. Nor is he suicidal, at least as far as we can tell."

"I'll grant that, with some reservations, for the moment."

"According to our figures, he cannot lose more than one hundred ten more ships before he
compromises is chances off Cadwallader."

"Then why did the slavers attack our ships off Kanden?"

"Retaliation for the raid on Edessa was unlikely. They would have to have been in space
almost after the Conclave. My guess is that there's something on Kanden they want bad
enough to risk some ships for."

"Like what?"


"The library is open to all. They just have to send in the request like we do."

"But that makes it a matter of record."

"So they land a small force, create general chaos for a small time, pick out the data and
leave without anyone knowing what happened."

"If everyone is thinking they were hunting slaves, they would not be likely to check the
data records to see if anyone was in them during the fighting."

"Could a planted agent do the same thing?"

"Of course."

"Send to Kanden. 'Check library records for any retrieval during the ship action.'"

"Do we proceed on that?"

"For the moment. I still think that the slavers would act without Brian knowing it. I doubt
he expected them to try to assassinate me."

"Chaos here would help Brian."

"It might also kill him. Remember, Brian values his skin as highly as I do mine. Maybe
even more."

"And the slavers could be playing a game of their own that we know nothing about."


"Unfortunately, it's a bit difficult to get accurate information from inside the slaver courts."

"Work on it." and a second later the display of the wheel reappeared floating between the
two men. "What do you make of this?"

"The Morgoth Wheel."

"Of course."

"Original design, or updated?"

"Updated, at least from the time they mounted the guns."

"The origin of the wheel isn't really part of my job."

"No criticism intended. The wheel,however, was not originally a fighting base. That came

"Does that matter?"

"Your job is to get information and make a strategic assessment. Assess that design."

"Simple. The wheel configuration is fine for an orbital base but doesn't make a lot of
sense from a defense standpoint."

"I agree. It takes more guns to cover the same area than a sphere."

The gunnery display appeared.

"Now this."

"I see three possible gaps. But, more importantly, why was this in the Kanden library?"

"I've just been thinking the same thing. The position and number of the guns is not
something you just tell anyone."

"Two possibilities come to mind. There are two styles of misdirection. The first is that you
mislead an opponent into thinking that you are stronger than you really are, thus to deter
attack. The weakness of that lies in the possibility that he will attack anyway, and in doing
so prepare his attack to defeat what he feels will be much stronger force. If that occurs,
disaster is inevitable, provided the skills on each side are equal.

The second is the method we have always favored, namely to appear much weaker than
we really are. For example, no one really knows just how many ships, including
battleships, we have."

"I'm not sure of that myself."

"But you, at least, can find out. We've worked very hard over the years to make sure that
such information is always inaccurate. And we cross-check to make sure that our
possible enemies, including Brian, have the wrong numbers."

"But they still think of us as being too strong to attack."

"True, but if they should take the risk, we could surprise them."

"So where does that lead?"-

"The placing of the data on the wheel defenses is clearly for one of those purposes. The
only problem is that we don't know which one."

"Sounds like something I read about Old Earth."

"I'm not sure I follow you, Margrave."

"It seems that about the time men first blasted into space, and that was how they did it,
there were two powers contesting for control of the planet. One use the first method of
misdirection, and for forty years made everyone think that it was too strong to be attacked.
The other used the second, and fooled no one except themselves. but then the time
came and the second power decided to match the pretended strength of the first. It began
building so fast that the other power couldn't afford to keep up with it and had to give up
the fight. Then they kisssed and made up, joined forces and cleaned up on everyone else
on the planet."

"Interesting, I think."

"The point is that there is a risk in either course. The question is which risk does the
power taking it think is less severe."

The Professor nodded with understanding. "And once we know that, we know what the
answer is."


"It makes good sense."

"And there may be an easier way."


"Look at the specs on those guns. Old protonic cannon. Good in their day, but tricky to

"I see that."

"They need to be fixed every now and then. Nothing spectacular and obvious, like new
guns, but small stuff, diodes, microcircuits, that sort of thing. Start checking the shipping
manifests to Morgoth for say, the last fifty years for those things. And look into the
prospecti of our competitors for the same thing."

"That may take a few days."

"We have almost two months before we have to worry. But find out, as closely as
possible, how well that wheel has been maintained."



"This is very interesting, about the Wheel and all, but isn't it a bit away from the point?"

"It is, and that's why it keeps bothering me."

"I'll get on it."

"And Professor, keep track of any neutrals that might be joining either side in this

"We already are. The only important ones that seem wavering are Circe and Tyrins."

"That figures. They've been shooting at each other for a thousand years. The moment
one takes one side, the other will join the opposite."


Two weeks later Baron Surbo arrived, with drums and trumpets. The Margrave made a
point of being at the landing field to meet him and congratulate him on his close escape
from the Margrave's own warships, even though it meant having to go out into the hot,
Golonidan summer sun wearing a starched uniform tunic.

The Baron, who was now more or less recovered from the experience, and equally warm,
laughed. "I'm glad it was an accident. I'd hate to have that mad Admiral of yours gunning
for me."

"We're all very proud of Ricter. He's my most efficient commander."

"With all due respect, I think I'll admire his efficiency from a somewhat greater distance in
the future."

"Spoken like a true diplomat!"

Actually, the Margrave enjoyed both the company of Baron Surbo and the opportunity to
visit his landing field without having to put up with crowds of cheering subjects. It was a
long-standing policy on Golonida that visiting dignitaries were not given parades or giant
welcomes. Even the High King had to put up with a small delegation when he came,
which was increasingly rare as his age could no longer support the strain of either travel or
Golonidan dining customs. Or, to put it plainly, the High King did not duck as fast as he
used to.

It was a clear day, a quiet day. The sky of the field was bright blue-green and the smaller
of the two moons was just visible overhead. The Baron had a new ship, an armed

transport, which was a surprise to the Margrave. He would have expected at least a
cruiser. And the crew of the transport were all wearing armor and shield units, even
though the Baron kept his shield off. The household guards wear looking warily at the
doors of the ship and across the field a heavily shielded vehicle with a four-blaster turret
was trying very hard not to be noticed.

"I take it that things are getting more exciting, Baron."

"Oh, the armor. You would notice that."

"It's a little hard not to."

"Your cousin's idea. And not a bad one. There have been three deliberate attempts to kill
me in the last month."

"I'm glad you said deliberate."

"I'm glad it wasn't. But anyway, the opposition has been spending a fortune on assassins
and thus far they've had precious little return on their investment."

"If it's that risky, why just a transport. Why not a heavy cruiser?"

"Your cousin needs all his warships for defense against a surprise attack. And this
transport is almost as well armed as a light cruiser."


"Oh yes. It was quite a job getting it ready on short notice, but after my last ship met with
its accident..."

"Er, yes. Well, I'm glad you survived. My cousin was most upset."

"He upsets easily these days."

"I wonder why."

"You know why, Margrave."

"That's true, I do know why. But about this transport of yours. You say it was fitted
quickly, just how quickly?"

"A week. I've never seen a ship-yard work so fast."

"Well, it is a piece of work. But could you persuade your crew to get rid of the armor while
they're here? It's making my guards nervous."

"And your guards are notoriously trigger-happy."

"These days, yes."

"I'll see to it."

"Thank you. And here comes our flier. I hope you have lots of clean clothes, Baron. My
chef is working on a bunch of new sauces."

The arrival of Baron Surbo also meant a relief from the strain at the Residence. Where
Count Rath was all diplomacy and business, Baron Surbo was joy buzzers and exploding
wine glasses. His laugh, deep and hearty, boomed down the hall from the throne room
after the formal presentation and at the dinner that evening he threw tomatoes with the
best of the Margrave's court.

You would almost think that peace had broken out.

After the banquet, the two retired to a small sitting room off the Margraves apartments,
where they could talk like civilized men without worrying about flying vegetables or prying
ears. "So tell me, Baron, does my cousin really think that he can control the human
worlds if he should win this battle?" the Margrave asked over a snifter of Hermetian

The Baron swirled his brandy in the ancient manner and took a small sip. "I think he
means what he says. And by the way, that little display you showed Rath when he was
here is all over the human worlds by now. It shook him deeply."

"It was meant to."

"Circe has joined us."

The Margrave took a sip from his glass and nodded, "And Tiryns has joined the High

"How did you know that?"

"I didn't. But it's inconceivable that those two would fight on the same side in any conflict.
Do you know how long they've been at war?"

"As long as your people and the slavers."

"Longer than that. Their feud goes back to the Centuries of Madness."

"You don't say."

"I do say. I found an old record of them fighting each other during the war between
Wilusia and Athens."

The Baron set his glass on the table and sighed. "That is long. I'm amazed they haven't
destroyed each other by now, Confederation or no Confederation."

"So am I. I have the sneaking suspicion that they haven't because if one of them was
gone, the other wouldn't have anyone to hate."

"That's been known to happen. The legendary Master of the Evil Mind on Old Earth was
said to be terribly distressed at the death of a neighbor because he lost the person he
hated most in the world."

"But he was a legend."

"We think. What you told Rath about Earth is also all over the human worlds."

"Remind me to never tell anything to the Count again. A good diplomat is supposed to
keep his mouth shut."

"As I said, he was shaken by it."

The Margrave took another sip of brandy, put the glass back down and looked up the
stars decorating the ceiling. "You know, Baron, after this mess is over, I might take a long
vacation and try to visit Old Earth."

"That's a long vacation, all right. What is it, five years one way by hyperdrive?"

"At least. That's why no one goes there. Too much trouble. And after the fall of Wilusia,
no one wants to risk getting them mad."


"Of course, Kanden isn't the only planet they visit."


"They've got a large delegation on Macrinus, openly."

"Not many people go there either. That's almost two years by hyperspace."

"It's the edge of the human worlds. Beyond them, the non-humans. I'm told by my
intelligence that Macrinus is the most heavily armed world in the human sphere."

"Not surprising, if they hold off the alien."

"But about my cousin. How is he holding up?"

"Well. He could use five more battleships, though. And he is your cousin."

The Margrave clasped his hands behind his head, looked back up at the ceiling, and
sighed. "Family devotion is not a trait either of us is noted for. And there is still the little
matter of the slavers."

"Without your ships, Brian needs everyone he can get."

"And with my ships he has the human worlds."

"To put it bluntly, yes. Your Admiral Ricter, and you have no idea how it pains me to say
this after what he did to me on Edessa, would be just the man to command the Prince's
force. The High King has no one to match him."

A small chuckle escaped the Margrave. "Count Rath is not exactly an idiot. I wouldn't
want to fight him."

"Fear, Margrave?"

"Rational prudence, Baron. And I don't want to risk my ships or the lives of my men for
something that has no value to me, my house, or my people."

"The Plastic Crown business again."


"And nothing will persuade you."

"Much as I hate to grieve you, old friend, nothing. But enough of this business. Enjoy
your stay. At least no one is going to try to assasinate you here."

The next morning a small freighter came in from Hermetia with a load of wine and several
members of Aethelwold's family. The Margrave did not know what was annoying him
more, the constant pressure of the coming struggle or the need to continually wear his
dress uniforms, sit in the throne room and not get any work done.

As the two elderly women, Aethelwolds mother and Aunt, and three small children, the
heirs to the Hermetian throne were presented, the Margrave looked down from his throne
and had the terrible feeling that the entire human universe was going to be passing
through Golonida and he was going to have to receive all of them.

"You are all most welcome. May I ask why you have come to us at this time?" The
question was formal and he knew the answer, or thought he did.

Aethelwold's mother answered for them. "We have come seeking your protection,
Margrave. Three days ago a slaver force raided our capital. They took a number of our
people, destroyed much property and damaged the Residence itself before leaving. We
have no warships, Margrave and our defenses are weak from not being used for so long."

The Margrave looked very dangerous. "Goth? Why wasn't I told of this?"

"There was no hyperwave from Hermetia, Margrave. And we have no ships on the planet
at the moment."

"I understand." And to the Hermetians. "You are welcome to stay here as long as you
wish. As far as Hermetia having no warships, lady, it has them now." Turning to his
Minister of State, "I want a treaty of alliance drawn up between ourselves and Hermetia."

"Thank you, Margrave. Aethelwold will be grateful."

"My staff will escort you to the lounge until your quarters can be prepared. Now if you will
excuse me, I have matters to attend to. Goth, I want you in my office. And have Baron
Surbo join me there within the hour."

In the office, the hologram display showed the Hermetian system and the possible
approaches used by the slavers. The Margrave stalked around it like a vulture eyeing its
dinner, hands clasped behind him, chin jutting, every inch radiating purest fury. Goth
stood near the door, embarrassed by a failure that his head knew was not his, but his
heart saying otherwise.

"I know," the Margrave was saying. "I know that you didn't know it happened. The
hyperwave station must have been one of the first targets. And I should have expected it
as well. So we got caught with our buns showing. So what do we do now?"

"I know you're upset. So am I. But Margrave, we cannot afford to station fleets around all
of our trading partners. That is exactly what the slavers would love, and your cousin, I

The Margrave pursed his lips and nodded. "You're right, of course. But I can improve his
ground defenses and put some cameras on the the moons. That way we can find out who
staged the raid, if another one occurs."

"You expect a second one?"

"No, not really. But it will make us look involved and give our troops a chance to travel. I
want Admiral Ricter to detach two battle groups from his fleet and use them to escort the
transports with our men. And send a couple of hospital ships. Tell them that as soon as
they land to set up the hyperwave station and tell Aethelwold that we'll give him anything
he needs to rebuild."

"Of course."

"And Goth, tell the Professor that I don't like surprises. We should have seen this one

"I will."

"Now send in Surbo. He has some explaining to do."

Baron Surbo, already informed of the news, was expecting the Margrave to be a little
upset. A full-blown tantrum was not what he expected.

"Baron!" the Margrave bellowed. "If you weren't an old friend your head would be on its
way to my cousin."

"Now Margrave," Barons Surbo put on his best shocked diplomat face, "you know that I
had no idea that this would happen."

"No, Baron, I don't know that. You were on Edessa. You've been visiting my cousin's new
friends and I know you wash your ears."

"I assure you. This was as great a surprise to me as it was to you."

"I doubt that. So carry this message to my cousin and his allies. Any attack on Hermetia
from now on will be considered the same as an attack on the surface of Golonida. Is that
clear enough?"

"May I point out that thatstatement may be pushing the terms of the Confederation just a

"Right now, I don't give a damn about the Confederation. I've just been saddled with the
mother, aunt and children of Aethelwold of Hermetia and I'm amazed that his wife isn't
here has well."

"She probably wanted to stay with him."

"I hope so. But tell my cousin this. If my ships encounter any slaver ship from now on,
anywhere, they fire first and ask questions afterwards."


"I don't care if it's under the guns of the Morgoth Wheel itself. I warned him to keep those
scumballs under control. If he won't, then he may be missing some allies when he fights
the High King."

The Baron took a deep breath and tried one more time. "John, do you honestly think that
your cousin would try to drive you into the arms of the High King?"

And it worked. The Margrave opened his eyes to their fullest width and sat down. He was
silent for many seconds and then said quietly "Baron, I believe you. My cousin may be as
crazy as my mother, but he isn't stupid. It may be that his friends are following their own
plans, at his and everyone else's expense. But my policy stands. From now on, it's open
season on slavers."

"I understand."

"Then please forgive the ravings of an angry Margrave."

"Forgiven, and, as you always say, forgotten. But I think I'd better call home and tell
Brian. I don't think he's heard."

"Please do."

And Baron Surbo left the office. As soon as he was well into the hall, the Margrave got
Goth on the intercom.

"Cancel the orders to Ricter. I've got a new idea."

"I expected that."

"I'm going to Hermetia."

"But Baron Surbo.."

"I think he has to make a quick trip somewhere."

In a matter of minutes, the Baron was back and the Margrave's suspicions were

"I have to leave, today."

"I'll miss having someone to yell at, but I'm not surprised."

"Well, there's always Goth."

"Yes, that's true. By the way, I'm making Goth my heir until I have one. That way if
anything happens to me, the succession is assured."

"Very wise."

"I'll see you to your ship. When are you taking off?"

"In two hours."

Three hours later, Baron Surbo was in hyperspace and the Margrave was on his throne, in
front of several cameras and surrounded by his entire court.

"Know that this day, I, John 8, Margrave of the House of Golonida, do name my chief of
staff Goth to be my lawful heir and regent, to reign in my name when I am not in contact
with Golonida and to take the position of Margrave if I should die without direct issue. I
instruct all of my subjects to obey him under those circumstances as you would me.
Furthermore, this declaration shall take precedence over all conflicting claims."

"And that, ladies and gentlemen, takes care of Prince Brian."


"I don't think this is wise, Margrave," Goth was saying as the Margrave looked at the
hologram of the Hermetia system.

The Margrave sighed, nodded and walked from his desk to the hologram. "The things we
have to do never are. But we do them anyway."

"There could be slaver ships still in the system."

"I'm going in the Star of Vengeance. I doubt they can damage it."

"You have to transfer to a cruiser to land."

"We've done combat transfers before."

"But never with the Margrave."

"I'm going."

"So go. But I don't want the Margrave job, so come back in one piece."

The Star of Vengeance was the flag of not only the Margrave, but the First Fleet as well.
The Fourth, under Ricter, was placed in orbit around Golonida in place of the First and the
Star, as well as five battle groups, was detached for the three day trip to Hermetia, along
with two troop-ships, four transports, two hospital ships and a freighter full of building

It was not a pleasant journey.

The crew of the Star had the feeling that they were travelling with a hungry lion. The
Margrave was in a foul temper from the time they lifted orbit and it did not get any better.
He paced the decks, bellowed at the officers and grumbled about the time it was taking.
He also spent some time arranging the affairs of the ground troops he was going to leave

"I want each man limited to three glasses of wine per day, with food. Any man exceeding
that amount will be broken in rank and returned to Golonida for court martial."

General Trag, who would command that force, objected. "Isn't that just a bit severe?"

"What does Hermetia make?"

"Wine, liquor of all types."

"Do you want to command an army of drunks?"

That ended the argument.

The relief that went through the Star was obvious as it came time to leave hyperspace.
Fighting slavers would be a joyous romp compared to living with the Margrave.

"We exit in one hour, Margrave," the captain reported.

"Finally! I want full battle stations through the fleet. And every man in combat armor."

Combat armor was almost never worn on a battleship.

"Armor sir?"

"For when I transfer to the Spear."

That, at least, made some sense.

The fleet left hyperspace an hour out of Hermetian orbit, the ships in combat formation,
the five cruisers in a star pattern around the Star of Vengeance and the gunships and
destroyers in conical formations around them. It was a defensive, rather than an offensive
tactic designed to give greatest coverage to the Star and the Margrave during the transfer.

The shuttle for the transfer was a converted destroyer, with its hyperdrives replaced with
shield generators and extra guns. The Star and the Spear came within 1/2000 of a light
second and a box of eight destroyers moved to virtually touch the Star with the shields of
four. The shuttle slid into the center of the box, which closed up so that the shields locked
around the shuttle. The box then moved to the Spear and reversed the procedure, the
shuttle docking at the landing bay of the cruiser.

The Margrave emerged into the Spear in full combat armor, made of reflective plastic with
a hard breast and back plate, flexible arm and leg coverings and the combat helmet, with
its radar comb. He had the reflective visor raised into the helmet, so his face could be
seen, but otherwise, the Margrave looked as if he were a pirate, siezing an unfriendly
vessel, rather than a man taking personal command of a cruiser in his own fleet.

But the armor was a necessity. A shield could not stop a direct hit from a blaster. It could
deflect an angled or reflected shot, and stop debris with no trouble, but the armor could
deflect most of the force that got through, as well as reflect visible light weapons. It could
not stop a short range direct hit, but it increased survivability more than enough to justify
the trouble of wearing it.

"Margrave on the Bridge!"

The doors irised open and the Margrave strode onto the command deck of the bridge, his
helmet couched under his left arm. The entire crew stood at rigid attention and then went
back to work with a wave of his right hand. "Captain."

"Yes, Margrave."

"Do you have any contact with the planet?"

"None, sir. They mustn't have their com units back in service yet."

"Possible. Keep your eyes open. Open com to Star."

"Open, sir."


"Trag here."

"This is your Margrave, but you probably guessed that. Are you picking anything up from
the planet?"

"The usual internal com, nothing else. I don't think they've got hyperwave anymore."

"Try standard radio."

"Golonidan battleship Star of Vengeance to Hermetia control. Do you receive us?"

A crackly voice, barely understandable, came over the speakers. "This is Hermetia
control, or what's left of it. Are you really Golonidan?"

The Margrave spoke to the com unit. "Transfer them to me, Trag." Then to Hermetia,
"We are definitely Golonidan, Hermetia Control. This is the Margrave of Golonida aboard
the heavy cruiser Spear. We.."

And from the sound of cheering or crying in the background, it was hard to be understood,
so the Margrave stopped for a second.

"We would like some landing instructions."

"I hope you can land Margrave, our field is in terrible shape."

To the flight engineer, "Do we have a visual of the surface?"

"I think we might be close enough now."

"Let's see it."

And the viewer opened to a study in devastation. "Holy Elvis!" escaped from a junior
officer in the back of the bridge.

"I see your problem, Hermetia. We'll have to make our own field. Can you direct us to an
area outside the capital we can work from?"

"We're feeding the co-ordinates now."

"Make sure everyone is cleared from that sight. We'll be glazing a field."


"Is Duke Aethelwold all right?"

"He was wounded in the action, but he'll live."

"Inform him we're on our way."

To Trag, "We're transferring our landing co-ordinates to you. I want the troopships to
come down with us, then the hospital ships and transports as soon as the area is secure."

"Understood. And Margrave."


"Please be careful."

The Spear flew low over the capital city, Vinland and the extent of the damage was clear.
The slanted rooves of the city were mostly blown off and the warehouses simply did not

exist any longer. Over the empty field a few miles outside the city, the Spear hovered and
turned on its blasters at their lowest power and widest aperture. This ground up several
feet deep of ground into a fine powder. Then the blasters were re-set to thermal and the
powder turned to a field of glass, which cooled to a depth of several feet with the aid of a
thermal absorber field generator dropped from the cruiser, capable of supporting the
weight of the landing ships.

The first transport disgourged a number of small, one-man fighters designed for landing
coverage while the cruiser and the other ships landed. The fighters swooped over the
field and the surrounding area, providing top cover for the armored troops and vehicles
pouring out of the cruiser and the transports. Moving in open order, the ground-fighters
set up a perimeter around the landing field and only then did the Margrave emerge from
the Spear. He was not happy about the wait, but there were times when the better part of
valor was indeed discretion and this seemed to be one of them. He pulled on his helmet,
lowered the reflective visor, opened the flap of his holster and put it backwards into the
pistol belt so he could draw his blaster quickly. Only then did he walk down the landing
ramp to the glazed field.

They were far enough out that the tops of the city buildings were just visible over the
horizon, which would make the center of Vinland and the Residence approximately fifteen
miles away. As the Margrave watched the city through his binoculars, the area around
him was filled with activity as his men set up temporary communications units and began
unloading the air and space defense equipment. A temporary building was erected and
the Margrave sat at table inside i t while his fighters and troops made certain that the city
itself was secure and free of slaver traps. Only then, after about four hours, did he
summon the flier to take him into Vinland itself and to the Residence of Count Aethelwold.

He was about to board it when a alarm was raised from the fighters. A large group that
had been seen walking out of the city before was getting perilously close to the landing
area. It seemed that several thousand, if not more, Hermetians were about to descend
upon the Margrave.

The ground fighters swarmed into position, trotting in neat, open groups to pre-assigned
positions while tanks swung their multiple blaster turrets into position to cover the
approaching mob. The Margrave himself, less disturbed than his officers, walked to the
edge of the field, and pointed his glasses at the coming throng.

"You can calm down, gentlemen. I think the natives are friendly, unless, of course, you
think they are going to beat us to death with flower stalks."

Four thousand armored troops laughed at the same time.

As they came closer, it became apparant that their numbers had been terribly
underestimated. Well, that was understandable. They probably picked up people all
along their line of march. At the head of the assemblage were a number of ornately

costumed men and women, holding what looked like framed pictures and a large, crystal
sphere on top of a long pole.

"Margrave," a junior officer of the guards spoke nervously, "What are they carrying?"

The Margrave laughed. "Superstitious nonsense. Typical of agriculturalists everywhere.
Those people in the silly clothes are the Archimandrite and his officiants. And the things
they're carrying are ancient icons painted on black velvet and the round thing on the pole
is the most famous and sacred relic on Hermetia. It's a Sequin of the True Jacket of Holy
Elvis. How do you like being summoned by divine intervention?"

"It's a new experience. I was on Kanden a year ago and the natives didn't greet us at all,
much less with this!"

To his men over the com unit. "It's a welcoming party, but don't let it go to your heads. It
never lasts."

"Well, Margrave, they seem to like us at the moment."

"At the moment. And try not to laugh!"

The Margrave took off his helmet and recovered his blaster before the procession reached
the field. The Archimandrite left the crowd and walked to the Margrave who bowed his
head to the Archimandrite as reverently as he could without laughing himself. It was not
good to offend one's friends.

The Archimandrite placed his hands on the Margrave's head and spoke loudly and
pompously. "Holy Elvis, who grants all things to those who deserve his blessing, has
answered our prayers. For six days we called upon him and on the sixth day you came.
May the power of Great Elvis be upon you and yours."

"Praise Holy Elvis!" shouted the crowd.

At that, the throng of Hermetians swarmed onto the field, decking all of the Golonidan
troops with strings of flowers and even putting flowers on the blast-cannon arrayed around
the perimeter. The Golonidans, not used to being so welcomed, were a bit overwhelmed
by the emotion and some of the officers even had to choke a tear back. But the sight of
tanks covered with flowers like holiday floats was almost too much for the Margrave. He
laughed with his soldiers and the welcoming mob and no one was the wiser about what he
was laughing at.

Turning to the Archimandrite, the Margrave asked about Count Aethelwold. "I couldn't get
much out of his family, which isn't surprising considering the state they were in."

"The Count is alive, but was seriously wounded in the fighting. A blaster took his left leg

"We can grow him a new one. And Lady Alice?"

"She is well, but has aged much this week."

"I'm going to the residence now. Would you do me a favor and help get this mob back to
where they came from? I appreciate the welcome, but this field has to be kept secure."

"Of course."

"Thank you. We'll have plenty of time to celebrate once we start getting you rebuilt."

"Thank you."

The trip to the residence took only a matter of minutes, but it was enough time for the
Margrave to get an even closer look at the utter mess that was the capital city of Hermetia.
Whole blocks of buildings had been levelled by blaster fire and the residence itself had
seen a lot of fighting. By the time the flier set down on the landing court of the Residence,
the Margrave was in a deadly mood.

The flier landed in a space cleared of rubble, which seemed to be piled randomly all over
the place. The robots and human servants were still busy cleaning up after six days.
Parts of the walls were missing and much of what was left was heat-scoured, so the
fighting at this point must have been pretty fierce.

Speechless with outrage, the Margrave climbed out of the flier and no sooner stood on the
court when a cry came from the nearest door.


Lady Alicia, the wife of Count Aethelwold, who was used to his womanizing and accepted
it as part of the role of being the Countess, was not prepared for a war in her living room.
But she had stayed behind to manage the rebuilding and prepare for a second attack, as
best she could. She looked the part she had chosen, her elegant clothing, which John
knew must have been peace offerings from the Count, wasreplaced by somewhat dirty
coveralls and the Archimandrite was right in saying that she seemed to have aged, but
she was still Alicia, the one who never failed to charm the Margrave, even when he was at
his most uncharmable.

Like now.

"Countess!" It was the only word the Margrave could get out before she ran to him and
grabbed him so hard that he almost lost his breathe, even with the breastplate.

"We heard you'd landed. Nimrod's been standing in the tower window with binoculars all
day watchin you."


"Our nephew. You haven't seen him in two years. He's only still fourteen, but he's the
one who saved Aethelwold."

The Margrave looked down at the Countess and said nothing. So she continued.

"The slavers were running all through the Residence and Aethelwold set up a position in
the throne room. The slavers shot their way in and Aethelwold was wounded in the
fighting. They were almost able to kill him when Nimrod came out from behind a side door
with a blaster in each hand like Moloch Paphnutius on Luxor and killed all of the slavers
before they had a chance to fire a shot at him."

"Great Zeus! And you said he's only fourteen?"

"And never fired a blaster before in his life!"

"How many did he get?"


"I was fifteen before I killed a man and that was an unarmed criminal my father had me
execute so I could see a man die at close range. How is he?"

"Nimrod or the Count?"


"It was pure instinct, or so I'm told."

"I can use some instinct like that in my army. I just hope he doesn't get to enjoying that
sort of thing. He might start using your subjects for target practice."

"I don't think.."

"I'll have my psych team check him over anyway. There's probably some latent trauma at

"About the Count."

"I was going to ask. The Archimandrite told me his leg was shot off."

"Exactly. His spirits are, well, not good."

"Understandable. I'd feel pretty bad myself in the same circumstances."

"I keep telling him he did his best, but we aren't a fighting world. It's just that we never had

"I know. Can I see him?"

"He's waiting for you. We fixed up a small medical unit with what we had left, but it's not
as good as any of us are used to."

"I've brought two hospital ships."

"And a battleship. I heard..."

"My flagship's in close orbit right now. You won't be attacked while I'm here. And I'm
going to leave you some of the best ground defenses in the human worlds. Now where's
the Count?"

They walked through a series of corridors that seemed almost endless. The internal
transport system was gone the way of the hyperwave and most of the plumbing, a fact
apparant from the smell coming from the back of the residence that had been turned into a
temporary latrine area. The Margrave had such a terrible scowl that those who wanted to
come up to him and thank him for coming were frightened of him. He did not notice them
but kept thinking that this damage was nothing compared to what he was going to do to
the slavers in retaliation. "I will exterminate them for this. But first I'll give them the
inestimable pleasure of watching their children beg for death!"

By now Nimrod had come down from the tower and was at his uncle's bedside. As the
Margrave walked down the final corridor he heard the young voice, cracking with coming
manhood shout "He's here!"

Nimrod stood by the door as the Margrave entered. A tallish boy, still thin with red hair, he
wore a dirty uniform and the Margrave noticed that there was a blaster shoved into the
belt. It was only then that he saw that the Countess had one as well and there was a
blast-rifle by the bed of the Count along with the box of an area shield.

"I come in peace, Count," the Margrave said, trying to lighten the gloom in the chamber.

The Count tried to pull himself up in the bed, but his wound made sitting virtually
impossible. The Margrave went over to him and gently pushed him back down. "No need
to rise for me friend."

The voice was choked. "We knew you'd come, John.

"I'm sorry it took me so long."

"Hyperdrive only goes at one speed. You're the one who's always saying that."

"And this is the hero?'

"The man who saved my life."

"Well done. My medical units are being unloaded now and I'll have them set up a decent
hospital here. Nimrod, I want you to talk to some of my people. We need to know exactly
what happened here and they can tell me what has to be done."

At that, the Countess escorted the boy out into the hall so the two rulers could be alone.

"I lied to the boy. I'm going to have him checked out by a psych team."


"There's a thin line between a hero and a psychopath. I want him on the hero side."

"Either way, if it weren't for him, the new Count would be on Golonida right now."

"I know. With the right training, you've got one hell of a fighting man there."

"We weren't fighters before."

"And I'm not going to say that I told you so."

"Thank you, again. I've been lying here wishing I could kick myself for turning down your
offer of protection. I really didn't think we needed it. The slavers never came here

"Our worlds have been friends for centuries. That used to be protection enough. It will be

"Nothing will be the same again."

"I know. I saw that blaster the boy has."

"The blasters you gave me at the conclave. Alice has the other one. Nimrod was hiding
in the small ante-room while we were fighting in the throne room. He broke the trophy
case to get them. So I guess you did help me, after all."

This was getting too maudlin for the Margrave. "Wait until you see what I've brought. My
engineers'll have the city rebuilt in a month. And this place, well the plumbing has to come

"The wind shifted again, didn't it?"

"Indeed it did."

"And we have to grow you a new leg. I can't let you have an unfair advantage at the next

"What unfair advantage?"

"You might use the hollow of an artificial limb to store extra vegetables."

A few minutes later, the Margrave was in the hall with the Countess. "He is in a bad way."

"He can't sleep, John. And when he does, he shouts orders and thrashes around in the


"Possibly. Can your people help him?"

"I don't know. We never lose battles, and that's what's getting to him."

"But the slavers were driven off."

The Margrave shook his head. "No," he said gently, "They didn't want to stay. Look at it
from their point of view. They're on this planet, doing what they do best, and one of my
freighters comes in to buy wine. The captain of the freighter takes a hologram of the
action and transmits over the hyperwave to me. I send a fleet immediately, not to
Hermetia, but to the planet where the attackers came from. They timed the attack to when
my ships weren't here and destroyed the hyperwave system with their opening shots. And
I doubt that they left any of their bodies behind."

"That's true. We wondered why they went to so much trouble to gather their dead."

"What about the throne room?"

"Nimrod and a few surviving guards pulled the Count out of there and set up a new
position down the hall, but the slavers never attacked it."

The Margrave pressed his lips together and looked around at the burns on the walls and
the other battle damage. "Still, they probably left something behind, a blaster, a helmet,
something that might tell us where they came from. Maybe one of your people took a
picture while hiding."

"We can ask."

"Do so. And offer a reward for any captured items, like I mentioned."


The Margrave sat before the square comunication console in the temporary command hut
setting the code system. It had not been a good day. He was still furious at the
destruction of Vinland and he was shaken by the conditon of his friend. A few seconds
later, he punched the code and the face of the duty officer appeared in the small screen.

"Yes, Lieutenant, it's me. Could you connect me with the Professor." It occured to the
Margrave that he had not used the Professor's name for so long that he had forgotten it.

"Yes, Margrave," the Professor looked out through the screen.

"I've got a problem. The slavers made damned sure that nothing to tell us where they're
from was left behind."

"That does create a difficulty."

"I want some information ready before the battle off Cadwallader."

"Such as?"

"The location of every outplanet installation in all the slaver systems."

The Professor's eyebrows raised slightly, "All, Margrave?"


"As you wish. And while you're on the com, I assume this is coded?"

"It is, Professor."

"Good. There was an extract of data from the Kanden Library at exactly the time the
slavers were attacking our ships."

"I expected there would be."

"It was damned hard to find, and the Kanden are not the most helpful librarians, but we
finally discovered it."

"What was it?"

"The same data you asked for. The specifications of the Morgoth Wheel."

"Thank you."

The Margrave cut the com unit and rocked back in his chair. "Now why would slavers
want data on the wheel? And why did I want it? They can't have the same hunches that I
have, or can they?"

Nothing was making sense, and the Margrave knew it. He walked back out on the field
and looked around. The Spear was back in orbit and the hospital ships had been moved
into Vinland itself. By morning the Count would be growing a new left leg. The freighters
were almost completely unloaded and would be on their way back to Golonida.

It could have been a lot worse.

The Margrave spent about an hour walking back and forth around the compound,
checking matters here and there, looking in on tank crews and inspecting shield units. His
men, at least, were in good spirits in spite of his limit on liquor. Well, they deserved to be.
It was not often Golonidans were welcomed with flowers.

"They've attacked my friends!" thundered through his mind, over and over again.

The next morning came all too soon. It had been a hard night for sleeping. The bed in the
command hut seemed to refuse to adjust itself properly and the Margrave did not feel
rested from the little sleep he got. It had been years since he had bivouaced in the field
and he seemed to remember that that time it was not as uncomfortable. This was
different. He did not know why.

He rose from his cot, cleaned himself in the bathroom, one of the few working near the
city, and put on a fatigue uniform, shield unit and pistol belt. He doubted that he would
need either, but it would make General Trag happy to know that his Margrave was being

He went to breakfast and was greeted by a Colonel of his Guard. "Did you sleep well, sir?"

The Margrave shook his head. "Not really. How are the men?"

"Pretty good, but I don't think any of us had a good rest last night."

"Any news for me?"

"No, Margrave."

"That, at least, is something to be happy about."

"And the robots are working."

For the first time since arriving, the Margrave smiled with pleasure. "That is good news.
Are they fixing the Residence plumbing?"

"As you ordered. But it does seem a reversal of the ususal procedure."

Now the Margrave chuckled. "It is, but my poor nose can only stand so much. That's why
I spent the night in the command hut, in spite of the fervent entreaties of my host."

"I hope they weren't too offended."

"They've got other worries. And so do I."

Breakfast over, it was back at the com unit, this time with Goth. "Well, oh great Regent, is
everyone behaving himself?"

In the small screen, Goth could be clearly made out looking up at the ceiling. "Yes,
Margrave, and why you gave the job to me is beyond anyone's imagination."

"Because you're the one person on Golonida who doesn't want to be Margrave."

"I find your trust gratifying. By the way, the coup went over very nicely and your personal
effects are on their way to Hermetia. I hope you enjoy your exile."

"Very funny. And I can use a good joke right now."

"Will a bad one do?"


"Okay. How many veterans of the New Akiowa War does it take to change a light bulb?"

"I don't know."

"Five. One to hold the bulb, two to turn the chair, one to sweep up the pieces of the bulb
after the first one drops it and the last to change the diapers of the other four."

The war with New Akiowa was fought during the beginning of the Margrave's grandfather's
reign. The present Margrave laughed. "That's good. Now to business. Do we have any
more neutrals taking up sides."

"You know about Circe and Tiryns. Hattilusa is joining the High King. We heard that
yesterday and Count Rath is hoping that your sojourn on Hermetia will induce you to the

"He's doing his job, but Rath should know better. By the way, don't let me forget that I'm
just a bit mad at him for screaming our conversation all over the human worlds."

"He's still shaken. He's taken to looking for Earthmen everywhere. He even suspected
Colonel Smith just because he always wears sunglasses."

"Why is it when generals become diplomats they get paranoid?"

"I don't know. But how are things on Hermetia. The holograms looked terrible."

"Worse. The plumbing was destroyed in the Residence. The smell is unelvisly."

"I hear you got blessed by the Archimandrite himself."

"Complete with a Sequin from the True Jacket."

"You are in the odor of sanctity."

Laughter. "I wish it were the only odor around here. I'm beginning to have great respect
for the ancient warriors of Earth who fought in mud holes with no plumbing for weeks on

"At least you can laugh about it."

"I have to. If I don't, I'll start blubbering like the Count."

"I heard he was wounded."

"In heart as well as body. He had to be rescued by his fourteen-year-old nephew."

"Poor man."

"And this place is a mess. The slavers weren't just looking for booty on this raid. They
didn't even touch the wine cellars."

"That makes no sense at all."

"And they didn't take a lot of slaves either."

"A terror raid, pure and simple."

"I think so. I'm going to teach them what that word really means, but not just yet."

"I see."

"You probably do, but not on the hyperwave, even if it is coded."

"Well, nothing's happened here. The Count's family is settled in and his mother is drinking
everything in sight. I think the Count planned this so we'd have to by more booze from

"I wonder if my mother would like to do some entertaining."

"Margrave!" Goth's voice rose a full two octaves.

"Sorry, just a thought. And please don't shout at your Margrave. Not only is it bad
manners, but he had a terrible night."

"Sorry. I forgot you slept in the hut."

"We've got the only working bathrooms around here. Anyway, have we heard anything
from my cousin or the Baron?"

"The Baron was on the hyperwave, telling me that the Prince is quite displeased with his
allies for this."

"They wouldn't be displeased enough to tell us who launched this raid, would they?"

"Unfortunately, no."

"A pity. It would save me a some trouble and ship time."

"And one of our convoys sighted a slaver freighter in the Gronik system. The slavers have
one less freighter."

"Good for us. Now, I have work to do, so keep things running at home and don't let the
Residence catch fire."

The Margrave touched some codes on the com system and the screen showed an aerial
view from a hovering drone over Vinland. All over the city, robots were moving debris,
shoving it into converters and putting up prefabricated buildings. The work on the
residence was being done even faster, with walls being poured and form-locked by a large
construction unit that had arrived during breakfast. The Margrave watched with some
interest. He had never really had time to see construction before and he wondered how
the Hermetians were going to like their new city.

The old one had been a model of pastoral elegance, with hand-built homes and
commercial structures spread out around the Residence. The new one would not be quite
so elegant, the robots could copy the style, but not the individual touches that made each
building a unique work of art. Well, the natives could add that themselves once the work
was done. It was the Residence that would see the real change.

The old palace was just that, a palace. It had no perimeter walls, little shielding and no
gun emplacements. The new one was going to be a fortress, a true reflection of the lost
innocence of this world.

The old building would be restored as best as possible, but around it would be a perimeter
of wall, heavy shielding units and large gun positions, both anti-ship and ground cover.
There would also be a new landing field in the city, designed with defense in mind as well
as a new landing area in the Residence compound. Also, there would be a network of
interior defenses inside the restored palace itself.

The Margrave hoped his old friend would not be too offended.

The flier was waiting for him at the edge of the landing area. The Margrave had a little
trouble finding it because it had been sandwiched in between a couple of gunships. The
controllers' hutmet was turning into a house of confusion and the Margrave had only
stayed in a few minutes that morning to watch everything. His people were jamming what
would normally fill the Herefall spaceport onto a glass field a tenth of its size. There was a
continuous rotation going on between orbit and field as ships launched the day after the
fleet left were coming in to unload their cargo and get out again to make room for more
ships and more cargo. The Margrave felt a strange, unaccustomed warmth at all this

"I didn't think we could do this sort of thing," he thought. Not since the Centuries of
Madness had one planet put so much material into space to aid another. It was
traditionally assumed that every world was on its own and if it got raided, then it had to
rebuild as best it could. Besides, the planets that were most often on the receiving end of
a bad strike were the ones that had made the most enemies and everyone was too busy
enjoying the misfortune of a foe to lend much help. And shipping costs were never cheap.

The Margrave shuddered at the thought of his Chancellor of the Exchequer's face when
he returned. This would probably rate an hour lecture on the need for more economy.

"Well," he said softly to himself as he picked his way around the field, "that's what he's
paid for."

The flier took to the skies and the Margrave could see first hand the work that was already
being done. It was one thing to look at a tiny viewer screen, it was quite another to see
the scale of the some the rebuilding that was already in progress. Rebuilding the
Hermetians, however, was going to take a little more doing and he new that there would
be little thanks for it in the future. That was the reason why no one bothered any more.

The Residence was being worked on as well and the new plumbing was almost finished.
It was a simple matter of pulling out what had to be removed and sticking new stuff in,
occasionally clearing rubble with cutter beams. Some of it must have already been
working because a couple of oddly configured robots were covering the latrines in the
garden, or what had been the garden, with an aromatic foam that would harden into a nice

sculpture that would cover not only the latrine, but the smell as well. And in a few
decades no one would remember why it was put there.

"The Count, at least, had better be grateful for that."

The landing field had been worked on as well and the flier set down amidst Golonidan
engineers setting up blast cannon turrets. The Margrave stopped a few minutes to talk to
them, asking them how the guns would be positioned for the best coverage and the other
matters attendant upon such labor. He already knew the answers and his engineers knew
that he did, but it was the gesture that counted.

Lady Alice was much improved over the day before. She had managed to clean herself
up and was wearing something a little better than the clothes she had on the day before,
but she was still not the elegant woman the Margrave remembered. That would take
some time as well. She greeted him with a ritual hug and then led him through the new
door into the palace.

The work was going on rapidly inside as well. Robots were spraying new walls into
position and replacing sections that had been blasted into complete ruin. "It's amazing,
John," the Countess gushed. "I've never seen building machines like these."

The Margrave laughed. "We rebuilt them from old Terran plans in the Kanden Library.
The technology was thought lost after the Centuries of Madness."

"Even Aethelwold is excited. He spent an hour in that mobile hospital of yours and his leg
is already growing back."

"That's good news. They do some great work in that thing, but don't let him get too carried
away. They tell me that his new leg will take about a month before it's ready for real use."

"They told him that too. I hope he listened. He can get real stubborn."

"I know. I remember one time..."

"No stories now. The servants are around."

"So they deserve a good laugh too."

"This isn't Golonida. We don't make fun of the Count like you let your people make of you
and we don't throw food around."

"We only throw the vegetables. Would you expect us to eat them?"

"It is done, John."

"Only on Kanden."

The Countess made a wry face. "Speaking of Kanden, what's this rumor I hear about you
and Lady Margot?"

"Just that. She was my guest for a few days on Golonida before she trans-shipped to

"That's not what the gossip wave is saying."

"The gossip wave almost had us married once."

"It was almost right, but you wanted to be with your ships."

"We were fighting Hattilusa at the time."

"Over some silly trade rights on-what was that planet?"


"But it seemed like you'd never be anywhere but fighting."

"True. And it seemed like a good idea at the time."

"No regrets?"

"Not really. And you?"

The Countess looked out a window at a pile of rubble that was waiting to be removed.
"No, not really either. Aethelwold isn't the easiest man to put up with, but he's good in his

"He may have to learn to be a little less good."

"That may take some doing. And I thought that Margot was a snot-faced little bitch."

"She probably was, last time you saw her. She's grown up considerably and on a better
planet would be even more attractive. But the Kanden are stuck with that despicable
council of theirs and it's made up of the biggest cheapskates in the galaxy. They make my
Chancellor of the Exchequer look generous."

"But you never listen to him."

"Oh yes I do! I just try to let people think I ignore him. It doesn't grow on the Elvis Bush."

"Now just because you got blessed by the Sacred Sequin.."

"How do you stand it?"

"I lie a lot."

"Don't let the Archimandrite hear that. He takes his role very seriously and so do your

"Don't remind me. Just once I wish I had the nerve to put itching powder down his back
like you did to your Hierophant."

"Don't forget that Golonidans take their religious beliefs a lot less seriously than

"I'd still like to do it. He's not a bad fellow, but he's awfully boring."

"Hazard of the profession, so I'm told."

"And he's not very brave. He spent the entire raid hiding under an altar."

The Margrave chuckled and the chuckle turned into a laugh. "That's the smartest thing he
could have done. At least he didn't get shot."

"But the cowardice of it!"

"Bravery only makes sense if you have something to shoot back with. It shouldn't be
confused with suicide or stupidity."

"But he could have waved the Holy Sequin and they all would have disappeared in a cloud
of smoke."

Wince! "I should have guessed that was coming."

"I fooled you again."

"I think that's why I stayed at the wars."

They walked down the corridor for a little way and came to the throne room. The battle
damage was being repaired, but the elaborate tapestries that had decorated the walls
were a total loss and would have to be replaced by something other than construction
robots. It was amazing to the Margrave just how bare the place looked without them. The
room was not laid out for austerity, like his own throne room which would have looked
ridiculous with wall hangings depicting happy wine pressers stomping grapes (even
though wine had not been made that way for millenia) and drunken farmers next to
primitive distillery system in the middle of a grove. One of the walls had to be replaced
completely and a cylindrical robot was pouring the new wall in place while another one
was shoveling what looked like pieces of the old wall into its conical bottom.

"We'll have to send to Terpsichore for replacements for the tapestry," the Countess was
saying as the Margrave went over and looked at the new wall as it hardened.

"I imagine they'll be able to make new ones for you. I'm told they keep every design on
record for just such emergencies. Apparently slaver raids are good for their business."

They left the throne room by the side door and went through the ante room where the
shattered trophy case that had held the blasters still stood and then came into a new
corridor. they walked down this in silence until they reached the chamber of the Count,
which seemed much more cheerful than the day before.

"John!" came the greeting. Have you seen what your machines are doing to my city?"

"How could I miss it. The smell is a lot better."

The Count could still not quite sit up, but he was smiling broadly and the blast rifle was
nowhere to be seen. And then the Margrave realized that the Countess was unarmed as

"Wonderful!" he thought. "Now they'll expect me to defend Hermetia as well as Golonida
and Kanden."

The Count pointed to the window. By rolling on his side, he could look out over the city.
The Margrave realized that he was going to have to make a change in the plans for a
defensive wall if the Count wanted to keep that view. "It's really something, these
machines of yours. Why haven't you put them on the market?"

"No call for them. On settled worlds, they'd put a lot of people out of work and no one
bothers to colonize any more. Why be trade goods for the slavers?"

The Count nodded in agreement. "Then why did you build them. Construction isn't one of
your hobbies."

"They can build a defensive installation faster than anything I know and this way I can put
bases up fast before anyone knows they're there."

The Count turned to his wife. "You see, Alice. I told you if you married him you would
have spent your entire life planning battles."

The Margrave did not think it polite to mention that it was unlikely that she would have
been in one. Instead, he bent over the bed and looked out the window. "This is some
view you have here."

"It keeps me occupied. On slow days I can sit here with my binoculars and watch the
entire city."

"I didn't know the residence was set so high."

"It fools you from out on the plain. What are those things your men are putting in the

"Shield generator units. And I have some other things on order for this place after the
rebuilding is done."

"As long as I can watch my people."

"I'll see to it. But you have to realize that this palace is going to look a little different if you
want it to be defensible."

"I know, but try not to be too harsh, John. You Golonidans don't like a lot of decoration,
but we Hermetians thrive on it. I'd go mad in that Residence of yours with that empty
throne room. The only color in the place is your dining hall and that's from not cleaning
the vegetables off the walls."

"Alice. You didn't tell me he got wounded in the head."

The Count laughed. "Okay, so I'm exaggerating a little. But you know what I mean. If it
were up to you, the Archimandrite would be wearing a gray uniform."

Now it was the Margrave's turn to laugh. "It might be an improvement over that ridiculous

"This from a man who was blessed by the Holy Sequin!"

"You are in no condition to make jokes. It was the divine intervention of Holy Elvis that
brought me here and I have that on the authority of the Archimandrite himself."

The Count laughed so hard he almost rolled out of bed. The Countess was sitting
convulsed in an ornate side chair that was not in the room the day before. The Margrave
guessed that it had been dragged out of storage.

"I give up," the Count gasped out between laughs.

The Margrave drew himself up in mock dignity. "Now there is another matter we must
discuss. The Countess informs me that you do not throw food here, as is the custom of all
truly civilized people."

This made the Count laugh even harder and the Margrave wondered if all that laughing
would hurt his leg. "We only throw food after we drink too much and then we throw it up."

The Margrave continued his role. "I am gratified to hear that. I should be very distressed
to hear that I was wasting all this money on savages."

The Countess spoke. "This is Hermetia sir, not Kanden."

"The Kanden are a very dignified people, Countess, and not given to vain amusements
and the throwing of dinner. I am told they even eat the leftovers."

"That's disgusting!"

"So are the Kanden."

It was a vast improvement over the day before.

In three more days, the spaceport had been rebuilt sufficiently to allow the rest of the
shipments from Golonida to land and the Margrave bade farewell to his friends and
shipped for home. If he stayed, he would only have been in the way of the reconstruction
teams and there was more important work waiting for him. The battle of Cadwallader was
getting closer.


The strains of "Golonida the Powerful" sounded through the Residence as the Margrave's
car pulled through the entrance. Rockets were going off in the sky, making a terrible noise
which practically drowned out the anthem. The Margrave himself, in a dress uniform for
the first time in a week, thought the welcome a bit excessive. After all, it was not like he
was coming home from the wars. He had taken a good sized fleet with him and had not
fired a single shot, a fact which disappointed him only slightly. Hermetia had been shot up
badly enough as it was, without his gunners making an even worse mess.

He looked up at the explosions filling the sky and wondered why they could not find a way
to make the ancient skyrockets go off without so much noise. Maybe they could float
special drones and destroy them with blaster fire. But then the thought of stray blast bolts
going off into space for several light minutes killed that idea. The banging of chemical
bombs was preferrable to accidentally losing ships.

The gate of the Residence closed behind the car and the Margrave noticed that there
seemed to be more men in combat armor than usual. And for just the barest second, he
wondered if Goth had been kidding about the coup. There were also a couple more anti-
ship guns in position on the upper walls. Well, a few precautions never hurt and it kept the
men busy.

The court, as may be expected was out to greet him and the Margrave stepped out of the
car to the massed applause of his staff and guards. Goth, in a new uniform with a black

tunic and white trousers, with only a couple of medals, one of which he actually earned,
came up to the Margrave. "Welcome back, Margrave. As you can see, the planet is still

"I was worried about that," the Margrave responded, clapping Goth on the shoulder. "I
had visions of you accidentally blowing up the place with those damned fireworks."

"They are just a bit loud."

"A bit. Perhaps we should save a few for the next banquet."

"Actually, we have something really big for the next celebration. An ancient nuclear

"Where did you find one of those?"

"We built one from some plans in the Kanden Library that you brought home and forgot

"Does it work?"

"I dunno. We haven't tried it yet."

"Well, try it out in space first. Those things were supposed to have some side effects."

"A little radiation. Nothing to worry about."

"They were supposed to make a very big bang, so I think we should be a little careful. It'd
be kind of embarrassing to accidentally destroy Herefall and have to ask Hermetia for help
in rebuilding."

Goth coughed and felt it wise to change the subject. "Everyone is surprised you came
back so soon."

"Nothing more for me to do there, except hold Aethelwold's hand and tell him everything
was going to be all right."

"Is he still that bad?"

"It's a mood thing. He swings between tremendous joy at the rebuilding and depression
from having been hit in the first place."

"And the nephew?"

"Bad. He went into a catatonic state two days ago and the psych team can't get him out of

"Pity. But not surprising. He must have been acting like a robot during the battle."

"He seemed fine when I left, then I got the news on the way back. I tried to warn the
Count that something like that might happen, but he's still taking that bad too. He blames
himself for everything."

"The Hermetians aren't exactly what you would call a warlike race. If any of them stay
sane after this it'll be almost a miracle."

The Margrave followed his guards into the inner court of the Residence and he and Goth
were soon alone in the familiar office. "Now, Goth, what's going on?"

Goth chuckled a little. "We couldn't tell you for security reasons, but two things. First, the
slavers have disappeared."


"There have been no slaver raids, or other activity for five days now. That freighter we
blasted off Gronik was the last anyone's seen of them."

"Where'd they go?"

"Either to hidden bases in their home systems to wait for the Battle, or someplace we
know nothing about. But there are no slaver ships to be found in space at the moment."

"And the second?"

"Brian is turning commercial transports into troopships and his land forces are drilling like

The Margrave looked at his boots for a second. "What have we done?"

"I took the liberty of sending the rest of the Fifth fleet to Kanden and ordered a recall of all
our other warships."

"Very good. I see why you couldn't tell me over the hyperwave. Do you really think the
Kanden Library is the target?"

"No, but all the slavers combined don't have enough firepower to take us here and
Kanden would be the logical choice to attack us."

"What about Hermetia?"

"Nothing there worth taking and holding. And I doubt that Brian wants us attacking
Tremulon right now. Those are his troops being readied."

The Margrave shook his head. "The same principal applies to the Kanden Library. I won't
let Brian have that to give his friends."

"True, but the two might not be connected."

"Another possibility. We can guess that the slavers are following their own ideas in this."

"My real thoughts are that only one of two things is possible. First, the slavers are in
hyperspace on their way to a hidden destination. I added some ground defenses on the
thought that it might be us, but that is not really likely. The second is that they're hiding
until the Battle and Brian has plans that don't include them."

The Margrave loosened his collar and nodded in agreement. "I wish we could do
something about these collars. My tailor thinks my neck is the same size it was when I
took office. But I think you're right. There is another possibility, though. Brian may have a
plan that has nothing to do with Cadwallader."

Goth shook his head. "Doesn't sound like your cousin. He may have some thoughts
about after Cadwallader, but the battle is the main thing on his mind at the moment."

"I agree. And ground troops are useless in a space battle. So what is he planning to


"Don't be ridiculous. They'd never get past the outer worlds and he knows it."

"It makes little sense to us, Margrave, but you can be certain that whatever your cousin is
up to makes very good sense to him."

"And that's the problem. Meanwhile, we have a missing slaver fleet to worry about."

"If the professor's calculations are right, they won't be missing long. If they want to attack
either us or Kanden, they'll be coming out of hyperspace within the next four days. In any
event, they'll most likely appear for the party off Cadwallader."

"Unless they plan to double cross Brian."

"That gains them little. The High King would win with ships to spare and the slavers'
status would be even lower than it is now. If Brian wins, however, they have a certain
leverage in that they will be probably the bulk of his surviving supporters."

"Well, we'll know in four days, I hope. Any other news of interest?"

"Duchess Serena has joined the High King."

"With her Amazons?"

"Of course."

"Let me think. If I remember correctly, the last time they saw action was against a slaver
unit off Morphagia. And if memory serves me, the slavers won."

Goth nodded. "It was a rare, stunning victory for them. The entire Amazon force was
destroyed in ten seconds."

The Margrave played with the buttons on his desk and laughed. "I'm sure the High King
and Count Rath are beside themselves with joy over this."

"Well, the Count has always had a liking for the Duchess."

"I know. It's caused him some embarassment seeing as how the Duchess is peculiar in
her tastes."

Another strange, coughing sound emerged from Goth at that point and the Margrave
looked at a face that was turning slightly flushed. "Out with it!"

"Speaking of peculiar, your little friend on Morgoth was on the hyperwave yesterday.
She's been asking a lot about you."

"Margot? She could've called me on the ship."

"She had visions of you fighting your way to Hermetia and back and battling on the ground
as well."

"I take it she knows better now?"

"I tried to calm her and so did your aunt. Even Elise took a hand. The child was almost

"She's not exactly a child. I was about her age when I got this job." With a sigh, "I
suppose I'll have to call her."

"I think it'd be a good idea. Elvis knows what she's doing out there."


Goth left the office, on the pretext that there was some important work to do, which was a
lie because if it were really important the Margrave would have heard about it, at least that
was what he hoped. He rebuttoned his collar, cursed his tailor, and punched a code. A
directory appeared on the desk screen and the Margrave carefully punched another code.

There was a pause of a few seconds and then the image of slightly harried burocrat
floated in the air before the desk. "Yes, Lord?"

The title was an obvious one to use over the hyperwave channel reserved for monarch to
monarch communication. "Margrave of Golonida for Lady Margot of Kanden."

And the thought came "I'm going to regret this."

The Margrave sat and waited. He was not sure what the relative time was on Morgoth
and he had visions of Lady Margot being dragged out of bed and hurridly dressing. Of
course the type of clothes she usually wore could be put on in a hurry. And, as he
expected, there was the annoying light show playing in front of his desk to keep him
occupied while he was waiting. But that could have been worse. At least there were no
Elvisday Carols playing in the background.

A chirping noise from the holograph unit told him that Lady Margot was about to come on.
That, at least, was something that made sense. Sometimes it took so long to find
somebody that the person making the call would fall asleep, something like that had
happened during some delicate negotiations between Circe and Sparta and the war that
resulted lasted ten years.

A second later, a nearly hysterical Lady Margot floated in the office before the Margrave.

"John!" She shouted forgetting all protocal, "Are you all right. I called about ten times
while you were away and they told me that you were.."

The Margrave sighed deeply. "I'm okay! Slow down. How are things on Morgoth?"

"Cold! And lonely. That's why I wanted to talk to you. But when I called, you'd just
shipped out. I was so scared."

The Margrave tried not to roll his eyes. "No reason. The slavers pulled out days before
we left."

"But they could have set some terrible trap for you. You're their worst enemy, you know."

A slight chuckle. "Well, I'll agree with the last. But we were quite prepared for any tricks
of that sort. Of course, you don't know anything about that stuff, do you?"

The image shook its head. "Of course not. No one on Kanden even has a blaster."

"I'm surprised. They had them in Granpa's day. We lost a number of men in that battle
outside the library."

"Well. They're not supposed to!"

He tried not to laught. During her stay, the Margrave had been alternately amused and
made furious by her naivete. "Margot," he said, gently, "if I based my actions on what
people were supposed to do, I'd be a dead Margrave."

"That, I suppose, is true, but I still worried terribly."

"You and my generals. Trag virtually made me wear combat armor on the way down."

"That was very nice of him. If you got killed I'd have to go to another funeral and I don't
want to make a fool of myself again."

At that, the Margrave did laugh, loudly. "You know something, Margot, I'm very glad I
don't remember Dad's funeral. I might still be mad at you."

"Well, you wouldn't be the only one mad at me. I think everyone on this iceball hates me."

A low groan escaped from the Margrave as he said "What did you do this time?"

"Nothing. But since I landed, everyone seems to go out of their way to be mean to me. I
didn't know Kanden were so disliked."

"You think Kanden are disliked, try being a Golonidan on Kanden for a while."

"That was nasty."

"I'm sorry, dear, but when you have to give your troops orders to open fire at any
provocation for fear of their being mobbed, well, now you know what it's like."

"But why do they hate me?"

"I don't think it's you they hate. Kanden has a reputation of, well, you should pardon what
I'm going to say, being populated by self-righteous bastards."

"Anyway, I've called my father and asked him to ask the council to bring me home."

"I'd rather you were here, on Golonida. It's warmer."

"In more ways than one."

"And don't think they hate you. They're probably jealous of you."

"Of me?"

"Haven't you heard the rumors about us?"


"On Hermetia, they're already planning the wedding."

"Zeus no!"

"It was the first thing Lady Alice asked about when I landed."

"That's terrible. The council would have a fit."

"The council would be too frightened to have anything but terror. I doubt they want me
angry with ten divisions on your planet."

"That may be true. Courage is not a Kanden strong point."

"I love your for your honesty. But seriously, I think some of our matchmakers have a bad
case of mixing me up with Moloch Paphnutius."

Lady Margot giggled and tried to stop the giggle by covering her mouth with her sleeve.
"The ancient warlord?"

"And possibly a relative of yours."


"Surprised. You told me history wasn't your strongest interest, but I thought you might
know something about your own planet."

"Not a lot."

"Then allow me to enlighten you. The original name of Kanden was Wilusia."


"You should have seen the look on Count Rath's face when I told him that. The Wilusians
were the most powerful people in the human worlds for a time until they made a slight
blunder, which I need not go into here. Anyway, Morgoth was called Luxor in those days
and it was uninhabitable until John Morgoth, who designed the wheel, terraformed it.
Luxor emitted a ground level radiation that sterilized in one year and killed in five.

Well, Luxor was being used as a penal colony when Moloch Paphnutius was just a
Wilusian general, albeit already a hero. He found out about the colony and, for some
complicated political reasons, attacked it.

You know the story of Moloch Paphnutius and Julia Marcia?"

"Of course. He stood over her with a blaster in each hand."

"The story is true. Julia Marcia was a Govindan. Govinda was destroyed a couple of
centuries later. She and her family had been imprisoned on Luxor and her family was
already dead. She was being literally starved to death in an outdoor cell when the sky
opened and the Wilusian battle fleet appeared. And their battle fleets were a lot bigger
than ours.

Moloch Paphnutius was never one to lead from the rear and he was in the first landing
wave. He saw the small, foam cells and ran along them, blasting the locks as he moved,
all the time the air being filled with blast-bolts and debris. He shot open Julia Marcia's cell
and she literally tumbled out at his feet, unable to walk or take cover. So Moloch
Paphnutius stood straddling her so that she was covered by the cone of his shield while
shooting guards with a blaster in each hand. And that's the story."

"And he became dictator of Wilusia."

"Exactly. The entire story is somewhat longer, but you get the idea."

"But I don't even know how to fire a blaster."

"So you told me. It's real easy. You point it and pull the trigger. The gun does the rest."

"Is that all?"

"That's it. Oh, there's some complicated crap about charging it and whatnot, but you don't
need to know that."

"I don't even want to learn it."

"You may have to, someday. I'd feel better if you were here."

"So would I. I miss you."

"And I miss you. And if someone else is picking this up neither of us will ever hear the end
of it."

The conversation ended with a good laugh and the Margrave sat for a time wondering why
he told her that story.

Actually, the Margrave was wondering about a lot of things. He was behaving like a
lovesick adolescent, worrying about a planetary defensive installation that had no bearing
on anything and worrying about why he was worrying. It was not a situation that he
enjoyed being in. He kept trying to remember that old saying of his grandfather, that when
nothing makes sense, it means that it really does make sense. The Margrave could not
figure that out. It sounded like something his mother would say, but his grandfather had
enjoyed a long and powerful reign, even if he did miss the opportunity to sieze Kanden.

Most of the Margrave's policies were based on the work of his grandfather and much of
Golonida's power as a system was built on the foundation the Old Margrave had laid.


Four days passed. Four days of worry, wondering when the slaver ships would appear in
the Kanden system, and, when that time passed, wondering if they would have the
stupidity to attack the Golonidan system. Nothing happened. The Fifth Fleet remained on
station for another week and then came home, after sending scouting patrols outside the
Kanden system just in case the slavers were stopped, waiting for an opportunity. The risk
would remain, but the Fifth Fleet was needed for the defense of the Golonidan system as
the time of Battle approached. Already, the farther worlds were sending their ships to
Cadwallader and the Golonidan observers were preparing to leave.

Baron Surbo came, to ask the Margrave for one last time to join his cousin. The
Margrave, as was expected, declined. At the final banquet, between flying courses, The
Margrave turned to the Baron and asked him about the troop movements.

"After all, Baron, it's not a land battle you're going to. Ground fighters are precious little
value in deep space."

The Baron laughed and ducked a cucumber. "I know. I think it's to reinforce the defenses
on the outer planets of our system."


"The rules of engagement are clear on both sides, but as you often say, emotions tend to
override rules and somebody on the other side might take this affair too personally."

It had been known to occur. When the sixth High King had won his challenge, one of the
rulers on the losing side had launched an invasion of the High King's system. The
Margrave had no doubt but that the High King now was preparing his own planetary
defenses, or leaving that to Count Rath.

Count Rath came one more time as well, landing just hours after the departure of Baron
Surbo. Unlike Surbo, his role of a diplomat was temporary at best and he was making one
last effort to recruit the Margrave before taking command of the High King's flotilla. They
met in the familiar office, with its studied informality where both could sit and not waste
time with court ceremony.

"I imagine it's too late now to call this off," the Margrave opened, playing with a pencil on
the desk top.

The Count had taken up the annoying habit of bouncing a small, rubber ball, probably to
calm his nerves. He was bouncing it now as he answered "It's too late. For better or
worse, the fleets are gathering now and I'm taking over in a few days. In a week, the
issue will be decided, one way or another."

"You seem to lack confidence."

"It's finally dawning on me that you were right about the problems in trying to control eight
thousand ships from a bunch of different systems. The only chance we have is that your
cousin has the same problem."

"I wish you'd stop calling Brian my cousin. It's not exactly something I'm proud of at the

"Can hardly blame you. I understand that Surbo is mad enough that he's considering
leaving Tremulon."

"With his entire family, all ten children, fourteen aunts, various uncles and his wife?"

"To say nothing of siblings and cousins whom he recons up by dozens."

"I hope he doesn't bring them here. The Residence in crowded enough with the
Hermetian clan."

"You seem to be quite the attraction for refugees."

"I liked it better when everyone hated me. It made things nice and quiet. Now I'm stuck
with the Hermetian royal children playing in the throne room and leaving chewing gum in
the meditation room."

"In other words, they're picking up your bad habits."

"A few of them. But at least they're not bouncing that damn ball! Will you please stop."

"Sorry." And the Count put the ball back into his tunic pocket where it made an
embarrassing bulge.

"Now about Surbo. Mad at what and when did you hear that? He was just here and said
nothing at all to me."

"He's being the diplomat to the end. It seems that Brian had a hand in the raid on
Hermetia and didn't tell the Baron who is not sure just what makes him angrier, not being
told, or being put in the position of a liar to you."

"Now Count. The Baron is a professionial diplomat. He wouldn't know the truth if he
crashed his ship into it. And, my friend, with all due respect, you're telling me this at this
point is just a mite suspicious."

"I swear it on my mother's pet moose."

"At least you didn't swear on a sequin from the true jacket."

At that, Rath was able to laugh. "How did you stand it there? I know Aethelwold's an old
friend of yours, even though Alice married him instead of you, but the planet's populated
by superstitious baboons!"

"They're farmers, Count. You have to expect that. Grandpa always said that people who
live close to the land become dirt themselves."

The Count failed in his mission, as even he expected to do. After his ship lifted towards
orbit, the Margrave took another call from Lady Margot and called in the Professor.

"I need to know a couple of things." he said as the Professor entered the office. "Did you
get the data I wanted on Morgoth shipping?"

The Professor smiled and pulled out a small disk. "Right here. We just finished it this
morning. You can look at it any time, but the gist of it is that Morgoth hasn't bought any of
the stuff you mentioned from us for some time and we can't find any evidence of it from
our competition. The conclusion is that the Wheel isn't very well maintained and we
estimate it might be functioning about half as well as it should."

"Very good. I don't know what I want to know that for, but I'm glad I know it. Now the
other matter. Did my cousin know about the raid on Hermetia, before it happened. And
did he have anything to do with it?"

"That does not make a lot of sense, Margrave. He can hardly afford to have you
destroying a number of slaver ships when he'll need all of them in a little over a week."

"I guessed that, but Count Rath said something that made me wonder. Of course, he
wanted me to join his side. Do you know if Baron Surbo has been up to anything strange

The Professor made an ill-disguised grin. "Baron Surbo is always a little strange,

"That's not what I meant. Is there any indication that he's been moving his family to one
place, so they could pull out of Tremulon fast?"

"No, but if he were planning such a thing, he wouldn't do anything to alert Brian. He'd wait
until Brian took off for Cadwallader."

"Of course. That's quite correct."

"I can set out some feelers."

"It might be a good idea, just in case we have to expand the Residence."

There was no humor in the next act of the Margrave. He sat behind his desk, in one of his
more severe uniforms and faced the commanders of his Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and
Tenth Fleets. To each one handed two sealed evelopes. "Gentlemen, this first envelope
you are to open as soon as you reach your ships. It contains the code settings for your
fleets and the coded command you will receive from me if the Battle off Cadwallader goes
as I expect it will. Once you receive that command, you will open the second envelope
and your fleets will each carry out the assignment included. I cannot tell you at this time
what that assignment will be, but I can assure you that it will be a popular one with your
men, though the other worlds of the Confederation will not be pleased. I can also tell you
that it touches on the personal feelings of your Margrave and I wish that I could be out
there with each of you if you have the opportunity to carry these orders out. You will
receive your further orders one hour after you join your ships. That will give you sufficient
time to give the codes to your other commanders and pilots. That's all gentlemen."

The fleet commanders turned and walked out of the office, leaving the Margrave more
alone than he had been in many days. He turned on the viewer and watched the landing
field as the shuttles lifted off, taking each admiral to his battleship. "Goth?"

The voice came from the com unit. "Yes, Margrave?"

"Have the codes been placed in the hyperwave units?"

"All coded up. All you have to do is punch send. I assume you still want to go through
with this?"

"It's something we should have done centuries ago."

"If the Confederacy survives, it may mean the end of Golonida."

"I know. But the Confederation won't survive."

"John, even if we get away with this, history is not going to be very pleased with you."

"History doesn't have to make decisions and it doesn't carry guns. If I have to be one of
it's great villains, so be it."

The hours passed. It would take almost an hour for the admirals to reach their ships and
a second hour to be certain all the codes were distributed. The Margrave could think of at
least one battle that had been lost because one of the sides could not get its coded

messages straight and could think of more that had been lost because the codes were not
changed enough. Goth was right in his concern. If this project were badly timed, or it
leaked out what was being planned, the entire combined force of the two fleets heading
for Cadwallader might be on its way to Golonida instead.

The timer chirped. The Margrave turned a combination switch on his desk and a small,
insignificant looking button popped out. He gave a small laugh and pushed it.

Instantly, in the new code, a hyperwave message was sent to the five fleets and five
hundred ships shot into hyperspace, each fleet headed towards a destination in deep
space, far from Cadwallader, but close to other worlds, there to remain on station,
undetectable except by a lucky scouting mission (highly unlikely).

The Margrave walked out of his office and passed an officer who was wearing a blaster.
He patted his own. Everyone, it seemed, was carrying sidearms in the Residence these
days. Blast rifles and shields were being distributed to the people as well, along with
instructions on how to use them, for those who had forgotten.

Yet there was something about the impending conflict with its dangers, no matter how
seemingly remote, that made the very air of Golonida more interesting, more exciting.
The very uncertainty, which would have been devastating to lesser men (the Margrave
had visions of what things must be like on Kanden) seemed to energize his people. Of
course there were the ludicrous aspects of the situation, such as old veterans trying to fit
into uniforms ten sizes too small, and the strange offers of help, secret weapons designed
in a basement or garage, messages from Elvis, the ususal sort of thing he remembered
his grandfather telling him about. The Margrave knew that those would be part of it, but it
was the activity in the landing field, the armored troops marching in their neat blocks from
place to place, the trappings of war without the danger that made the situation wonderful
and stirring to the heart.

He remembered Hermetia.

If he failed. If his plan were detected, or the Battle off Cadwallader did not end as he
expected it would, it would not be slaver gunships and destroyers attacking Golonida.
They were only a threat to the weak and unready. It would be battleships, twenty to his
ten. Hermetia would be a garden by comparison with the destruction Golonida would

"My people think I'm preparing to protect them from a side battle during the the big one. If
only they knew the danger I'm putting them into."

The Margrave remembered his first battle, a small reprisal raid. He had been very young
and the battleship, the Exterminator, had been very large. The crew were all deferentially
respectful towards the heir, but he was in the background, full of excitement and not really
understanding what was happening. He understood now and he noticed that he still felt
the same excitement. Fear was for the foot soldiers.

He reached the terrace overlooking the central court of the residence. In the middle of the
garden, a six barrel heavy blast cannon was being positioned. For a moment, the
Margrave thought that that might be going just a bit far. The defenses of the Residence
were pretty good as it was. Still, he did not complain. Whoever ordered it (Goth, most
likely) felt he was doing what was right and as long as the soldiers did not damage the
flowers there was no cause for objection. And if the cannon should prove to be needed,
well the flowers were easily replaced, more easily than the Margrave.

A further walk around the parapeted outer walls showed the Margrave that the wall
emplacements, usually covered for the sake of making the Residence look pretty, were
uncovered now and the Residence, viewed from the outside, would seem to be literally
bristling with guns. This image would only be made stronger by the fact that the
Residence had been designed to look like an ancient (pre-space ancient) fortress,
complete with towers and bastions. The Margrave could hardly supress the laugh that
came to him at the thought of how everything looked. "If someone landed on Golonida
now, he'd think me the greatest tyrant in the human worlds."

Then he did laugh "Hell, that's what some of them think of me now."

He walked back into the Residence to hear that Prince Brian had departed Tremulon for


The rules of engagement for a space battle to determine who would be HIgh King, a form
of challenge not used for centuries, required that the opposing forces come out of
hyperspace at opposite points of a circle inscribed on the vertical plane of the system
chosen for the conflict. It was all very complicated to put together and thus the ususal
time of one month from the announcement of the Battle, to the actual time of conflict was
extended to three months. Of course, this meant that each side had more time to recruit
ships and the participants had more time to remember old feuds.

On Cadwallader itself, an uninhabitable planet noted at one time for some mineral
deposits, now no longer needed, a habitat had been set up and was occupied by
observers from several systems that had, through luck or resolve, managed to stay
neutral. Traditionally, their role was make certain that the forms were observed and the
loser died fair and square. The obvious problem of enforcing their rulings never occured
to the diplomats who set the procedure up. That was not what they were paid for. In the
final analysis, the only force the observers had was that of moral disapprobation and that
depended on the willingness of the sheep to be sheared.

But at the moment the sheep on both sides were shearing each other with tremendous
energy. On Golonida, the war room was a mass of activity as a large holographic map of

the Cadwallader system filled with moving lights, each light representing a different fleet
within the two larger bodies. In this affair, you quite literally could not tell the players
without a scorecard.

As they moved towards each other, computers displayed possible maneuvers for each
side, based on the formations being used and the relative positions of the two forces.
Another machine was rapidly decoding the battle codes of the two forces in an attempt to
read the hyperwave traffic of each side. As the fleets came closer, an alarm sounded.

"They can just see each other now, Margrave," Colonel Smith spoke quietly. He was the
staff officer Count Rath was convinced was an Earthman in disguise because of his
sunglasses. Goth had had the devil's own time convincing Rath that this was only
because the Margraves had always felt that their officers should add something to their
appearance. They even had a saying that went "The one thing a uniform should not be is

The lights on the board began to split apart as Prince Brian, who was obviously in
personal command of his force, and Count Rath, who was commanding for the High King,
his role as diplomat now ended, began dividing their forces into battle formations. For the
Margrave, this was the most interesting, and most important part of the conflict. In a
space battle, especially one with a number of big ships, battleships and cruisers, the
opening formations could very often be the key to victory or destruction. In this case, the
opposing forces were running close to eight thousand ships each, higher than the
Margrave had expected but apparently there were going to be lot of old feuds settled

Each side was keeping its individual fleets together. That was a mistake. The wise thing,
as the Margrave would have done, would have been to parcel ships out as needed to
make each smaller formation as powerful as possible and, at the same time, decrease the
possibility of an entire sub-fleet going off to fight its own war with an enemy on the other
side. Neither Brian nor Rath had done this, and the Margrave assumed that either they
had not thought of it or were politically unable to pull it off. As he watched the hologram, it
was apparent that he was right.

As both fleets came into gun range, they began to make severe spiral maneuvers. That
meant the shooting had started and the ships were moving to not be where the blast bolts
were going to be in a few minutes. At this point, parts of each force began to split off and
a quick reading of the scorecard made the Margrave laugh. The fleets of Circe and Tiryns
could not wait to ram into each other and very shortly a separate battle had developed
between them, in spite of the screaming orders from both Brian and Rath to their
respective allies to get back into formation.

With that, all internal discipline broke down and both forces fell into an insane frenzy, each
small system trying to destroy the fleet of some other small system that had offended it a
century before. As ships began to be hit, lights on a second board, keeping track of the

individual ships, began to go out. First small ships, gunships mostly and a few destroyers,
and then cruisers. "That was a battleship," came a voice from the assembled staff.

The Margrave was pleased. His own gamble, in a game not yet played, was based on
precisely what was happening. And there was the satisfaction of someday telling Count
Rath that he had told him so. The Margrave hoped that Rath would survive, if only for

"I think that was Duchess Serena's ship, Margrave," Goth said as a light went out on the
tote board.

The Margrave shook his head. Serena was an odd one, in a universe of oddities, but he
would miss her.

"Another battleship. Circe."

The lights in the hologram were so mixed up now it was almost impossible to tell who was
where. The Margrave knew that somewhere in that mass the High King and his cousin
were trying to find each other, to fight a single ship action that would bring this madness to
a close. He hoped that they would not do it quickly.

Whole banks of lights on the tote board were out. At least two thousand ships had been

Goth noted that it seemed that no one had run into hyperspace yet. "Honor," he said just
above a whisper.

There was no loud talk in the war room now and the Margrave's answer was equally quiet,
"Honor gets you killed."

"That was Tiryns last battleship, Margrave."

More lights were going out.

A young officer approached his Margrave, gathered his nerve and asked "What would you
have done?"

"If I were in this? Kept my ships out of the battle as long as possible and then used them
as a reserve as the enemy lost ships. Either that or fired a good salvo and run for home."

The fighting was nearing Cadwallader itself. The observers had reported several large
blasts had already hit the planet.

"It would have been interesting to see this off a slaver world," Goth said with a chuckle.

The Margrave appreciated the joke. "In more ways than one, Goth."

A group of fifty lights blanked out at one time.

"That was a Tremulon battleship," Colonel Smith said as another light went out, followed
closely by a bank of them.

The Margrave walked over to a chair on a raised dias and sat down, cupping his chin in
his left hand. "Goth, How long do you think this madness can go on?"

"From what we're seeing, as long as either side has a ship."

"The lights are going out all over the human systems."

"You said it'd be mass suicide."

"And I was right. How many left?"

A lieutenant took a quick look at a screen and spoke softly, "Both sides are almost down
fifty percent."

The observer station on Cadwallader reported a near hit. The observer team from
Morgoth was killed.

"I assume we gave our people there some decent shielding?"

"As best we could, Margrave, but if a battleship cannon hits them, they're atoms."

"At least they won't feel anything."

"A comfort to the next of kin."

"Sarcasm is not an appropriate response to your Margrave, Goth. But you're right. I wish
we could have done this some other way."

"The tradition is hard to break."

"So is the news that daddy died because he was watching some idiots kill each other over
nothing. Tell them to take cover. We can follow what's going on by hyperwave."

"We're sending now, Margrave."


More lights went out and the mass on the hologram was beginning to thin out, now
showing small groupings scattered about the Cadwallader system. It was obvious that a
some of the smaller craft were running into hyperspace.

"What's the loss figure now?"

"Each side is down by seventy-five percent."

"Goth, what figure do we send at?"

"It has to be at least eighty."

The observer team reported that they had entered the underground, heavily shielded
bunker. As they did that, the external observer station was destroyed. The only surviving
observers were Golonidan and a few from the smaller systems.

The slaughter continued.

"That was the last Tremulon battleship, Margrave. Do you think Brian was on it?"

The Margrave turned to the Professor, who had been silent throughout the battle. "What
do you think?"

"Our information is that Brian expected his battleships to be prime targets and moved his
flag at the last minute to a heavy cruiser. As you can see, his fleet is showing no signs of
retreat, so we must assume he's still alive."

"Agreed. If Brian is killed, we'll see it on the map. About the High King?"

"He'still in his battleship, but Count Rath is in a separate ship. We don't know which one."

"Knowing Rath, it might even be a gunship. It's the sort of thing he'd enjoy."

"Quite possible. But both of them must still be alive."

"For the same reason that we assume Brian is."


"Eighty two percent loss on the High King, eighty on Brian. There are now only five
battleships left."

"Send to the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Tenth fleets: Conditions right, go."

And on the flagships of the five fleets, anchored in space far from the battle, the fleet
admirals read their orders, sealed until this moment.

"By order of the Margrave. You will take your fleet to the following slaver systems and
destroy all worlds containing human life. You will leave no, repeat no survivors."

The five fleets entered hyperspace and in the war room, silence. Goth, and every other
officer who knew what was in the orders, looked up at the Margrave who sat in his chair,
staring at the lights going out on the map of the Cadwaller system.

Goth broke the tension first. "I never believed you'd give the order."

The Margrave took several deep breaths. "I wasn't sure I would either. But it has to be
done and now it can be."

"You've broken the first, the primary rule of the Confederation. No system shall destroy
the primary world of any other system. You know what it means."

"It means that I've broken a stupid, old rule and if you look at the board, you'll see that the
Confederation, such as it is, is no longer in a position to enforce any rules. All I've done,
Goth, is take advantage of an opportunity."

"And destroyed the basis of our civilization in the process."

The rest of the room was silent. The Margraves of Golonida had always encouraged
disagreement, but to have it this open, in front of the junior officers, was almost unheard
of. But the Margrave was aware of his audience. He had even counted on Goth to say
what he was saying, knowing that every word would be recorded someday and answered,
"Our civilization was dying. It's been dying for centuries and the slavers were bleeding it
even faster. How many worlds would be able to withstand them after today? Or do you
think they joined my idiot cousin because they like Tremulon cooking?"

Goth was silent for a time and then looked up at the board, with its dark lights that were
once warships, only minutes ago. "Cruel necessity. They'll seek revenge, of course."

"A risk we have to take."

"And if one of them comes out of hyperspace in the center of Golonida?"

"Their ships don't mass enough to do that kind of damage. A few minor earthquakes,
nothing we can't handle. In any event, the decision is made. The slavers are doomed."

The dialogue ended before Goth could say another word because at that most
inopportune of moments, an alarm sounded from a communication desk at the far side of
the room."

"The High King is dead. Brian won."

"Is Brian alive?"

"Yes and on his way back to Tremulon."

"With less than a fifteen hundred warcraft in the human worlds, except for ours and

"Exactly. Oh, and one other thing Margrave. We're getting garbled traffic from Morgoth.
There's fighting going on on the surface."

Goth and the Margrave looked at each other for a barest second, shock emitting from both
their faces. The Margrave almost shouted "What fighting? Who?"

"A fleet has entered Morgoth space, the Wheel is offering no resitance."

The Professor spoke "Duke of Morgoth, be not bold. the Morgoth Wheel is bought, and

"Can you open a channel to Morgoth?"

"We're trying Margrave, but Morgoth center is off the air."

Goth looked at a screen in front of him. "The fighting would be centered in that area,
Margrave. The hyperwave system is probably out."

"System penetration!"


"Eighty five vertical, ninety two horizontal."


"A Tremulon transport. One of the armed hybrids."

"Battle stations. Residence and city shields up. Have the Star bring it in."

"Communication from transport, Margrave."

"Play it."

"Golonida Control, this is the Transport T 855. Please do not fire. We are carrying Baron
Surbo. Repeat, please do not fire."

And the voice of the Baron came immediately following, cracking with near panic, "John!
This is Baron Surbo. Tell your men to hold their fire. I've come to join you. My family is
with me!"

"Have the Star hold its fire."

"It could be a recording."

"We'll find out. Keep the shields up and guns on it, but don't destroy it yet."

"Traffic from Morgoth. It's a Tremulon battle code."


"That's where the troopships were going."

"But why Morgoth?"


"Morgoth," the Professor was saying as the Margrave looked at a projection of the human
worlds, "is placed almost at the exact center of the human worlds. While that has little
serious strategic value in an era of hyperspace travel, it has tremendous psychological
importance, especially now that most of the combat ships in the Confederation are floating
particles around Cadwallader. And there is the little matter of the Wheel."

The Margrave played idly with the blaster laying on his desk and nodded, "And that
explains why I was so concerned about the Wheel all this time?"

"In a way, yes. You didn't know it consciously, but subconsciously you were aware of the
situation. What we think has happened is that Brian bribed the troops on the Wheel some
time ago and merely waited. It was certainly not a spur-of-the-moment act."

"And the families of the Wheel guards? The Dukes of Morgoth were quite certain they'd
keep the guards on the Wheel under control."

"And it worked, as far as preventing an open rebellion from the Wheel was concerned.
But a foreign invader could guarantee the safety of those families which a rebel could not.
My guess is that once the Wheel is in Tremulon hands, the Morgoth will be removed
anyway, so their little deal was an act of supreme stupidity, something the Morgoth have
shown in abundance through their history."

The com unit on the desk chirped.


"Baron Surbo is landing."

"Bring him to me as soon as possible."

"Any more form Morgoth?"

"Nothing but battle traffic. The natives must be putting up quite a fight."

The Professor frowned and shook his head. "Not likely. They don't have a lot to fight
with. Probably local resistance and the Tremulons weren't ready for it."

"But that leaves Prince Brian, excuse me, my cousin is now High King Brian, with the
Wheel, and all of the heirs of the smaller systems placed on Morgoth for their protection.
Some protection. If I know Brian.." and the Margrave punched the buttons on the com
unit. "Code and send to General Michael. Establish protectorate on Kanden. Respect
the person of the Senator, but eliminate any of the council who object. Suppress any
popular uprising immediately with whatever force you deem either necessary or
entertaining. And take and hold the Library."

The Professor stood in amazed silence for a few seconds before stammering "Why?"

"Like I said, I know my cousin. I just removed one of his bargaining points."

"He still has Lady Margot."

"I know, but now he has no reason to keep her."

"Unless he guesses something we've been suspicious of."

The Margrave nodded. "Cancel the suspicions. I won't sacrifice our interests for a
woman, any woman."

"That's gratifying to hear."

"I don't want any surviving slavers to get their hands on any part of that library."

"All they'd do is sell it."

"Maybe. But the survivors, few as they are, will have a serious grudge against me in a
couple of days."


"Okay Prof. What I need from you, quick, is an accurate count of how many warships
Brian has and where they are."

"Instantly, Margrave."

As the Professor left the room, the Margrave turned back to his com unit. "I want a
hyperwave channel to High King Brian. Send it in clear."

There was a wait of a couple of minutes while the diplomatic niceties were taken care of
and then the image of High King Brian appeared, backed by the sight of the cruiser bridge.

"We give our greetings to our cousin of Golonida."

"And Golonida gives its congratulations to your Majesty."

"Thank you. We look forward to your cooperation in our plans for the human worlds."

The Margrave took a deep breath. No emotion could be shown now. "I promise you that.
Even now, your minister of state, Baron Surbo, is arriving at our residence to discuss how
we may be of assistance to you. Do you return to Tremulon?"

"No, cousin. You should know that we have decided, due to its central position, to make
our capital on our new possession of Morgoth."

"We understand," damn right about that, "that the Lady Margot, of our new Protectorate of
Kanden, is on Morgoth. We would consider it a favor if she were placed under your royal
protection until she can be returned home."

If Brian had any emotion about that, he did an excellent job of hiding it. Most likely he had
expected the move for some time. "It shall be as you request, cousin."

"Thank you. And may I say that I am pleased to see my kinsman so elevated."

"Thank you. Now we must attend to our new estate, so I must end this interview."

The image disappeared as the hyperwave signal was cut and the Margrave laughed to
himself, "He always was a pompous son of a bitch."

The screen on the desk showed a transport being unloaded of tons of human cargo.
Baron Surbo had indeed brought his entire family to Golonida and the Margrave shook his
head and groaned at the thought of his Residence being overrun with offspring. The
Margrave, it must be admitted, never liked children around him. He did not mind writing
little notes on petitions, but having the little monsters under boot was another and much
less pleasant matter. The Baron was going to have to be housed someplace else,
perhaps a large hotel, if he could find one large enough to hold the clan.


"Yes, Margrave."

"I need help. Has hyperwave been restored with Morgoth?"

"Not yet. We guess it may take a day or two."

"Brian is moving his court there. I want the Fifth Fleet back around Kanden as soon as

"That leaves us with only four fleets here, plus our own hybrids."

"I know. But if Brian has no battleships and only three heavy cruisers, we don't need more
than four. At least not for a few days."

"It'll take at least ten days for the first of the other five fleets to return after they carry out
their mission."

"It'll take three days for Brian to get to Morgoth. We can delay anything for seven days."

"It's going to be close. A better move would be to order the Sixth Fleet to a position to
blockade Tremulon and the Seventh Fleet to the edge of the Morgoth system. That will
take a couple of days off their travel time if we have to move in those directions."

"Agreed. Send the order. And get the ground fighters ready. I want to be able to send
troops to the Morgoth system at any time."

"You expect war with Brian."

"I'm certain of it."

"What about the Wheel?"

"We're going to be working on that."

Baron Surbo found the Margrave pacing the floor of his office and he noticed that the
wastebasket was lying at an odd angle in the opposite corner from where it usually stood.
A map of the Morgoth System was floating in the air before him and the Margrave was
studying it with as much care as he could muster while pacing around it. The Baron had
the image in his mind of a tiger circling its prey. The latest Margrave of Golonida was
clearly preparing to live up to his family's reputation. That, and the fact that it seemed that
everyone on the entire planet was armed made the Baron very nervous. He had come to
Golonida to get away from a war, not enlist in a new one.

The Margrave spun on his left heel and extended his right hand in a gesture so fast that
the Baron actually jumped a little. "Hello, Surbo. I'm glad you could join our little party."

"Party, Margrave?"

"A surprise party I'm planning for your previous employer, who, incidentally, thinks that I
think you were on your way here for a diplomatic visit."

The Baron looked like a dog who had been found digging up the prize petunias. "I was
rather hoping it would be a few days before the Prince, pardon me, the High King,
discovered that I was gone. He has a temper almost the equal of yours."

The Margrave stopped pacing, raised his face to the ceiling and laughed, a loud, roaring,
harsh laugh that few even in the Residence had ever heard. "Surbo, my cousin doesn't
even come near me in temper. Let me show you something." And with that, the map
changed to a depiction of the human worlds, with the slaver systems illuminated.

"Have you ever heard an ancient word 'genocide'?"

"I think it was supposed to mean the extermination of large numbers of people, wasn't it?"

"Very good, my friend. In two days, every man, woman, child and other living thing on the
slaver worlds will be either dead or dying."

The Baron forgot protocol, turned very pale and sat unceremoniously in the chair in the far
corner of the room, behind which he noticed was a large pile of petitions. He looked up at
the Margrave, unable to speak.

"Sitting down is a good idea, I think I will as well." and the Margrave sat behind his desk,
with equal unceremoniousness.

The Baron was still silent, shaking his head, disbelief replacing shock across his ample

"I see you're surprised. You should have seen Goth's face when I told him about my plan.
Let me explain. I told you, and I told Count Rath, on whom be peace, that this battle of
yours would destroy the Confederation. It's done just that. I told you, I told Rath and I told
my nutty cousin exactly what the losses on each side would be. I was right. Do you
honestly think that any rule, of any society, can stand if the society has not the force to
uphold it?"

The Baron croaked a whisper "The Convention, the Compact, the Conclave."

"Meaningless without the ships and the guns and the men. The precious Confederation
was meant to give a framework by which the human worlds could expand in peace and, if
war broke out, it would be confined. It failed, Baron. It created a disease, a cancer, do
you know the ancient word? It created a system within a system that allowed the slavers
to ravage any new colony unless it could be protected by a fleet, and most worlds did not
have the resources to protect themselves and colony worlds. So exploration stopped.
After all, why should anyone go to all that trouble merely to become merchandise in
another corner of the galaxy. I'm told that the price of a human on a non-human world is
quite high. But every world was afraid of the precedent. If one planet blew another one to
hell, who would be next, who would be safe? So we let the slavers run through our
worlds, stealing everything and every one they could get their hands on, protecting only

ourselves and those we felt important enough to spend the resources to protect. But now
who can protect themselves, besides Golonida and Macrinus and Earth? I've got the
Hermetian heirs here, now I've got you and your clan. Do you think this planet can hold
the entire population of the human worlds, all hiding from slaver raids?"

"That's why I'm here. Your cousin made an arrangement, a deal with the slavers. They'd
support him and he'd give them Morgoth as a base."

"Where, protected by the Wheel, they'd be able to raid in security from reprisal. After all,
in its day, the Wheel was equal to five battleships in firepower and still equal to at least


"Then why in the name of Zeus is Brian on Morgoth? If he had any brains, he'd be back
on Tremulon preparing his own defenses."

"If Brian had any brains, Margrave, he'd never have gotten himself into this in the first

"Well, I won't argue with that. But his motives seem obscure at best."

"He may regret his bargain and want to keep Morgoth for himself."

"That's a possibility. It's position is of some psychological value, otherwise it would never
have been colonized in the first place. You know the story of the Wheel?"

"Not really."

"The Wheel was not originally designed as a defensive installation, that came later. It was
built as a habitat for the terraformers who were trying to clean the radiation off the planet.
The Wheel was designed by John Morgoth and the planet was renamed Morgoth.
Originally, it was Luxor, where Moloch Paphnutius opened the sky and carried off Julia


"Yes. The only reason anyone bothered with it is because of it's location, and it is
relatively easy to defend, with the only truly safe way to the planet blocked by the Wheel,
which also serves to blast an occasional bit of space gunk that gets too close. It has not
been particularly well maintained in the last two hundred years, not since the last

"But still dangerous."

"Yes, still. I could blast it but the losses would be unacceptable."

"A serious consideration."

"Considering that I may have to defend Golonida against surviving slavers, and a few
outraged worlds that still think the Convention means something. But that doesn't solve
the problem of my nutty cousin, who's now High King, as if that meant anything."

"It does to a lot of people, and there's divinity hedging that title."

"Baron, do you have any idea how old that saying you just used is?"

"Pre-space, so I'm told."

"Very. But a king without guns is a figurehead and Brian is not exactly well armed at the
moment. And he isn't going to be rearmed if he stays on Morgoth."

"The Margrave is hiding something."

"The Margrave hasn't gotten to the point yet. I'm prepared to blockade the Tremulon
system to make sure that nothing gets to Morgoth."

"That would mean you'd have to blast any ship as it was taking off."

"If necessary. The Wheel is not going to be rearmed for the surviving slavers."

"There is the little matter of the neutral heirs."

"Unimportant, except for one and Brian is not stupid enough to harm her."

"But his slavers might be crazed enough."

"I know. That would be unfortunate."

The meaning was clear. "Golonida comes first, then."

"How could it not?"

"Men have been mislead by emotion before."

"And everyone around them paid. I won't make that mistake."

It was at this moment that Baron Surbo had a revelation about the Margraves of Golonida,
that their wild behavior was only a mask, that behind them lay a terrible sense of duty
which drove them and controlled them at the same time. The Margrave would sacrifice
Lady Margot if it meant protecting his realm. "John, when Brian finds out why I'm here, it

may prove to be a little embarrassing," he said quietly, having visions of his entire family
being sacrificed to the glory of Golonida.

"I thought of that. Don't worry. For the moment, I want my cousin to think of me as a new
supporter who is only interested in aiding his rule and you as a loyal servant who has
come to advise me. When he discovers otherwise, you'll be safe."

"I'm gratified to hear it."

"As well you should be."

"One question. You said you weren't going to be led by emotion, but you've ordered your
fleets to destroy the slaver systems. Aren't you being just a little bit emotional about that?"

"Surbo. I decided to do that two months ago. The attack on Hermetia was all I needed to
ensure my men would go along with it. Very considerate of the slavers, actually."

A sigh. "I was afraid you'd say something like that. But think of this. If a demonstration
could be made, perhaps the other slavers might decide to change their business
practices. You can always use new customers."

The com unit on the desk chirpped madly, to tell the Margrave that someone had
something to important to tell him. He bent over and punched the button. "Yes?"

"Admiral Michael on the hyperwave, Margrave. You'll never believe what he's saying."

"Put him up."

Genral Michael floated in the center of the office. "Margrave. We hold Kanden."

"Any trouble?"

"The council members objected, as you guessed. They object no longer. It's the people."

"Well, suppress them!"

"No, Margrave," the General spoke more rapidly and with more excitement that he had
shown in ten years, "you don't understand. Once they heard we were taking over and the
council was dead, they started treating us like heros of legend. My men are patrolling the
streets decorated with flowers and being cheered. The Kanden all think they're going to
become rich Golonidans."

"I don't believe it!"

"Neither did I until i saw a tank with garlands wrapped around its turret. Margrave, it's
crazy. They hate us for a century and now they love us. The men are very puzzeled."

"Let them enjoy it while it lasts."

The signal was cut and the Margrave leaned back in his chair and, to the surprise of
Baron Surbo, laughed harder than he had in a month.


The meditation chamber was even more sparsely furnished than the throne room. It was
a bare room, with light-colored wooden walls and a low dias at one end. There were a few
vases filled with flowers and the scent of incense wafted slightly in the air. On the dias
was a cushion and on the cushion the Margrave sat cross-legged, a somewhat difficult
position in his uniform because the boots did not set right against his legs. The problem
troubling him had been gnawing at his mind for days and had to be resolved. He was still
for a long time and he had been sitting there for more than an hour when he opened his
eyes and rose from the cushion. He walked to the sliding panel door, opened it and
walked into the ante-room of his office. He looked around and shook his head, emitting a
small chuckle at what he deemed to be his own stupidity and went into the office.

The door that led from the office to the main corridor was closed and the Margrave saw
that the pile of petitions was still behind the chair where he had placed them so long
before. He was going to have some explaining to do to his citizens, who would probably
understand, but he still felt guilty about allowing himself to become so behind in his work.
He sat down at the large desk and punched the com unit.

"Goth," he said, more calmly than he had spoken in days, "could you come in here for a

The very quietude of the request made Goth very nervous. The Margrave was more
inclined to be frantic than calm, loud than quiet. He walked rapidly down the hall to the
office, trying not to let his concern show. He entered to find his Margrave sitting up at his
desk with is his fingers entwined on top of it. Something was clearly wrong.

"Goth," the Margrave began, "I've made a decision. I'm going to recall the fleets against
the slaver worlds."

Goth stood silent. He was without words. The Margrave never changed his mind once a
decision had been made. he did not believe in it. The Margraves of Golonida had always
had a maxim that stated that it did not matter if a decision was good or bad, once it was
made, it had to be followed through. It was almost a full minute of embarrassed silence
before the Chief of Staff could choke "why?"

"I've been thinking. The only reason why the slavers were able to act as they did was
because no one was willing to control them. Now we are willing to do just that. And if we
can keep them under control, then there is no reason to exterminate all of them. One

system will do, merely to show that we mean what we say. It was Surbo's idea and I
agree with it."

"And if that fails?"

"Then we can go ahead with the first plan and tell our consciences that at least we tried."

Goth fell silent again for a time, pondering the change in his ruler. Finally, he spoke again.
"How do you propose to control them? No one has been able to do it up to now."

The Margrave nodded. "No one was willing to exterminate them up to now either. I'm
going to make them an offer. They can change their ways and behave like civilized
worlds, or they can go the way of the one system we will obliterate. The choice is theirs.
Peace, and trade, or total annhiliation."

"Margrave, this isn't like you. Can I ask how you came to this decision?"

"You can."

"Very funny."

"All right. It's like this. If we wipe out all the home worlds of the slavers, that still leaves
some of them alive and we and our successors spend centuries hunting them down."

"That thought had occured to us before."

"But now we have an alternative to offer them. I'm ordering the sixth fleet to destroy the
Edessa system. After all, they did try to kill me, so I've got a legitimate complaint. To the
rest I'm sending an ultimatum. One more raid and we blow all of them to hell."

"If it works."

"I hope it does. And besides, I really don't want history to record me as its greatest
butcher, not if I can find another way to solve the problem."

Goth pursed his lips for a second and then said "That still leaves the problem of Brian on
Morgoth. As long as the slavers think they can hide behind the Wheel they might be less
than willing to listen."

"I want our minister of state to begin negotiating with Brian about that."

"I doubt that your cousin, assuming he's in a frame of mind to listen, will be able to enforce
anything on the slavers. He only has three cruisers, his hybrids and a small force of
gunships and destroyers. The slavers on Morgoth will have him and his troops

"Then the slavers have taken Morgoth?"

"They began landing there this morning. It seems that large force was kept back from the
battle for the purpose. We guess that there are about five hundred slaver craft around
Morgoth and Brian doesn't know it. He's flying into a trap of his own making."

"But the Wheel?"

"High King Brian, be not bold. Your men in the wheel are bought and sold."

The Margrave laughed. "Well, it serves him right. I wonder how the slavers managed it.
Whatever we may think of the Tremulon, they tend to be loyal."

Goth looked at the chair in the corner. "May I?"

"Please do."

Sitting down, the Chief of Staff leaned back and sighed. "We really don't know yet. My
guess is that in the confusion of preparing for this little soiree the slavers managed to plant
their own people in with the troops picked to sieze the wheel. With their experience in
space combat, they may have even been asked. Assuming the deal Surbo talked about is
true, Brian may have suspected nothing, or planned a few tricks of his own, not expecting
the welcoming committee."

"You know what this means, don't you?"

"I have a terrible suspicion."

"It means we have to take Morgoth."

"We can expect to lose at least two battleships, maybe more. The Wheel may not be what
it once was, but it's still dangerous."

Leaning back in his chair, the Margrave put his boots up on the desk. "Maybe not so
dangerous after all."

"I don't understand."

"Code some new orders for the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth fleets. I want them to change
course and proceed to a position outside the Morgoth system and hide. Have them hide
real good, Goth. And let me know when my cousin lands on what he thinks is his new

"I understand that. But I don't see how we can avoid losing ships."

"Trust your Margrave. Now, how long before the Sixth fleet blasts Edessa?"

"Twelve hours."


Twelve hours later, the Margrave was in the war room watching for more lights to go out.
The Sixth Fleet emerged at the outer ring of the Edessa system and moved in in an open
order to confuse the defense systems which were usually programmed to find tighter
formations but ignore isolated ships. The principal concern was not counter-fire. The
slavers never had anything big enough to do serious damage that far out, but rather to
prevent word of the attack from getting out too early.

The battleship Massacre, appropriately named for its mission, moved towards firing
position against Edessa itself, while each of the ten heavy cruisers moved to attack
positions and settlements on the outer worlds. Small drones with blast wave detectors
and hyperwave transmitters were launched at twenty light-minutes out from the main
world. These would give the flagship several minutes warning if return fire was coming
from the planet, enough time for the Massacre to maneuver out of the way.

On his bridge, Admiral Klingsor looked out the viewer at the display of worlds with Edessa
highlighted at the center. "Blasters level ten."

"Level ten."

The ruse was working. Most of the slaver ships were still returning from the battle off
Cadwallader and those which were not were preparing to shock Brian. From the traffic
being monitored on Edessa and its other worlds, there was no indication that the fleet was
even being noticed. Space is, after all, a pretty big thing.

"Fire at ten minutes."

To fire at extreme range was not usual, but then firing at level ten was neither. The crew
on the bridge was more silent than usual. The normal chatter just before battle was
absent. Everything was ready. That was all anyone on the bridge needed to know, or
apparently wished to know. A small man, with thinning hair, Admiral Klingsor was
notorious for his joking with the crew, even more than Richter was. He was not joking, but
as silent as the rest, giving minor orders and asking distance in light minutes.

The hyperwave chirped with coded messages indicating that the cruisers were in firing
position around their targets and awaiting the signal from the flag to open fire. Their guns
were slaved to the hyperwave and the moment the code was received, they would all fire
in unison. The computers on the flag performed the relatively simple task of determining
the position of each cruiser relative its target and would send the code so timed that all the
targets would be hit simultaneously, at least for the first shot.

"Traffic increasing," the communications officer on the bridge of the Massacre said softly.

Klingsor nodded. "They probably know we're here and are trying to figure out what to do."

"Do you want to bring in the gunships?"

"No. They'll only get in the way. Watch the drones."

"We'll be in range in fifteen minutes."

"Very good."

On Golonida, the Margrave and his staff were still sitting in the war room waiting. For men
about to break the most important rule of their civilization, they were surprisingly calm.
But in his mind, the Margrave had decided that that civilization was already nearing its end
and a new one was coming to take its place.

On the battle board, the projection of the Edessa system showed the positons of the
Golonidan ships as they moved at half-light speed, the safest normal space speed they
could use, towards their targets before weird, Einsteinian things began to happen. There
was no need and no desire to communicate with Admiral Klingsor. From the positions of
the ships it was obvious what his tactics would be and now all that remained was to hear
the news that he had succeeded.

Around Edessa, the fleet tightened its noose. The battleship decreased its forward
acceleration and made a slight lateral move to bring its main batteries to bear on the
planet. That meant that the nose cannon, the top, bottom and side turrets were all ranged
on Edessa.

"In range, Admiral," said the gunnery officer.


Instantly, the front of the Massacre was bathed in light as all the guns fired in unison,
projecting their ravaging beams toward the surface of the target. Immediately thereafter,
the Massacre turned and moved to a second firing position as the combat computers sent
the timed signals to the cruisers and they too fired.

The heavy guns of the warships were designed to cut through the shielding of opposing
battleships. Fired at the surface of a planet, they would first burn a hole in the atmosphere
itself, leaving a total vacuum the width of the beam. The hydrogen atoms in the path of
the beam would fuse from the heat, creating a tremendous burst of further energy release.
Upon reaching the surface, the beam would burn through the crust of the planet with such
heat that it would literally disintegrate a hole where it touched and the discharge from that
would cause a vast explosion of the material of the ground itself. But it would not stop
there. The power of the beam was such that it would cut right through the planet itself and
come out the other side. Exploding matter would preceed the blast and the vacuum

created would be filled by rushing air and planetary refuse. The immediate result would
be large scale volcanic activity, not only at the ends of the hole, but for hundreds, if not
thousands of miles around it. But that would not be the whole of the matter.

The force of the blast beam would weaken the crust of the planet and the seizmic
disturbances created by its passing would further aggrevate the damage. Naturally, any
structure or person caught in the path of the beam would be vaporized instantly, in
addition to the total destruction wrought by the side effects of the blast. A large city, in the
path of a level five burst would be instantly obliterated. A level ten removed not only the
city, but any possible trace of it.

Two such blasts would inflict great damage on the structural integrity of the planet itself.
Few worlds, with exceptions of gas giants and dead stars, could hold together well with
two large holes bored right through them along with the explosion of matter. Three shots
would render any world totally uninhabitable as its atmosphere would be literally blown

The power drain of a level ten blast was such that the battery had to be closed down for
five minutes after each shot to let its energy banks recharge. The ship had to be in motion
in the direction of the blast so that the reactive force of the blast would not act as a photon
drive and push the ship backwards.

The Massacre fired five blasts at level ten at Edessa. In the space of twenty five minutes,
a human world ceased to exist except as floating debris, forming a new asteroid belt
around its sun.

But the people of Edessa fared perhaps better than the ones on the outer worlds.
Cruisers did not have the firepower to destroy a planet. But they could destroy cities and
with the cities the atmospheric pressure plants and the climate control systems that made
them inhabitable. Those away from the blast could survive, but only in suits and the life
support of a suit was only good for three hours.

On Golonida, in the war room, the Margrave and his staff watched the cleansing of
Edessa. Not since the Centuries of Madness had a planet been completely destroyed.
Human populations had been wiped out, or driven out, but the planet itself remained as
mute witness to their presence. Now even the planet was gone. Only the Margrave

"I wonder if Baron Tomas was home?"


The attack on the Edessa system went unnoticed for some time. The spaceways were
still in confusion over the results of the battle off Cadwallader and the attack itself had
gone so well that no message had gotten out of the system. If anyone had been listening

to the coded traffic between Golonida and the Sixth Fleet, they would have assumed that
it involved the occupation of Kanden, which was all the news, eclipsing the ascension of
Brian. And if the final takeover was no surprise, the reaction on Kanden surely was.

Golonidan forces had been on Kanden for a century, ever since the Old Margrave, who
was not so old at the time, ordered them there to protect the Library from a popular rising
which threatened to destroy the last repository of human history outside of old Earth itself.
The people of Kanden had become united in one feeling, and only one, that the Golonidan
were hated occupiers who could not be thrown out because they had the unsporting habit
of killing their opponents. But it seemed that the people of Kanden hated one thing more
than the Golonidans and that was their own Council.

That made sense to the Golonidans, when they bothered to think about it, which
admittedly was not often. The Council was obssessed with maintaining what they thought
was a moral superiority over their occupiers, something which did not impress the
Golonidans, who did not believe in morality, at all. That would not have been so bad for
the populace, were it not for the fact that the Council had some very strange ideas about
what constituted that superiority. They virtually dictated everything the people could or
could not do, from the time they got up to when they went to bed, literally. And whom they
went to bed with. The only exception was the Senator's daughter when she was on
Golonida, if for the obvious reason that it is difficult to dictate with a gun at your head and
the Margrave was not a man to tolerate such nonsense.

When it was all added together, the Council made life on Kanden a pretty dull affair, a
situation not made any better by the gray-green sky of the planet which tended to depress
the Golonidan troopers, raised under the stirring blue of their own beautiful world.

The first evidence the Kanden had been given of the change in management was the
lowering of the Council flag and the raising of the Golonidan with its crossed lightning bolts
inside the black circle. Then the rumors began. The Margrave was going to live on
Golonida and spend the rest of his life in the Library. The Margrave was going to bring
Golonidan industry to Kanden. But the rumors caused no joy greater than the truth that
the Council, when told by Admiral Michael of the new situation, sat on the floor as a body
and began to chant something which was supposed to make the Golonidans feel guilty
and leave their planet. The Golonidans, while normally easily amused, were not and the
Admiral ordered the Council shot.

He could not have done a more popular thing if he been named Elvis Reborn. Even the
Senator, a man hemmed in all his life by the pompous Councillors, allowed himself a smile
at the news. The Kanden went wild. Pictures of the Margrave, from who knew where,
appeared all over the planet, on every place a picture could be hung. Powerful liquor,
homemade and highly illegal under the Council, was quaffed on every street, and the local
officials, who had been stuck with the hapless task of trying to enforce the ban, drank with
the people, not only because they wanted to, but because Golonidan soldiers were literally
pouring it down their throats to the accompanying laughter of the crowds. Then one
Golonidan officer made the shrewdest diplomatic move in a century. When asked what

had taken the Golonidans so long to act, he answered "Well, it wasn't because we didn't
want to."

The occupation force had become a liberating army and both army and people were
thoroughly enjoying their new role.

On Golonida, the Margrave and his staff were concerned with more important matters.
Now that they had Kanden, they were going to have to figure out what to with it. A largely
pastoral people, the Kanden were not truly equipped to deal with Golonidan machinery.
Schools would have to be set up and the Kanden economy totally revamped. And
Kanden had to wait.

The new High King, cousin Brian, had arrived on Morgoth. The Margrave was taking a
nap fully clothed when the communicator in his room chirped the news. With a groan, he
had not had much rest in a the preceeding days, the Margrave rolled out of bed pulling his
legs under him to stop him from falling on the floor. It was a manner of rising that had
proven humorous to more than one young woman. He went to the office and found Goth,
his Minister of State, the Professor and Baron Surbo waiting for him.

"Your cousin has landed," the Professor said as the Margrave took his position behind the

"I know that. Tell me something I don't know."

"He still thinks his troops are in control."


"The slavers made some arrangement with them. They fool Brian and they stay alive."

"Not a bad deal."

"Except for Brian. He thinks he has some power there."

"For how long?"

"We think the slavers will try to continue the illusion until they can rebuild their fleets. At
that time, Brian will be surperfluous."

"How long would it take them to rearm the Wheel?"

"From what we think the best condition the Wheel is, it would take at least a month of hard

"Then that's our time limit."

"You intend to take Morgoth, then?"

"Do you want a slaver base behind that Wheel?"

"The blood runs cold at the thought."

The Margrave, now fully awake, but with eyes just a little bloodshot, hit some keys on his
desk and looked the screen set into the top. "Well, gentlemen, from what we have here,
and for once I hope the Professor is right, the slavers only have about two hundred ships
left between them. That makes sense if only because off Cadwallader every small fleet
attacked them first. Brian has three hundred small ships, fifty of his hybrid transport
cruisers and three heavy cruisers. He also has about five hundred other allied ships of
various types, all small stuff, from different worlds. By now, these will be on their way
back home, leaving him with his slavers and his own units, five hundred fifty three in all.
In other words, once we take out the Wheel, we have him if we want him."

Goth looked around and then, being the only one willing to ask the question, asked "Do
we want him?"

"Not really. But he's technically still High King and if we want to get away with blowing up
a slaver system we have to get rid of any vestige of the old legalities. We don't want
anything coming back to haunt us."

"Finish the job, and Brian as well."

"Something like that. I'd like to avoid killing him if I can, but if we have to we will."

Surbo, the convert, said what was on everyone's mind. "If you do kill him, you become
Prince of Tremulon as well as Margrave of Golonida and Protector of Kanden."

"And a dynastic marriage can make me Senator of Kanden as well. The two major
industrial arms producing planets and the Library, with its contacts with Old Earth. Not a
bad start."

It was the first the Margrave had mentioned any serious thought of such an arrangement.
Goth felt his eyebrows rising at the words.

"When did you come up with this idea?" he asked in amazement. The Margrave had
avoided any such thoughts since his failed romance with Alice of Hermetia and Goth
remembered his Margrave nearly going berserk when that had happened. All Golonida
had been amazed that the Margrave had maintained his friendship with Aethelwold in
spite of it.

So had Aethelwold, who had expected to be assassinated.

But now the Margrave was laughing and everyone in the room was laughing with him.
"Actually, about an hour ago in my sleep. But it would solve two serious problems. First,
there is the little matter of my needing an heir. I know Goth here doesn't want the job,
that's why I named him regent. And, given his advanced years and wretched appearance,
I doubt anyone who knows him would stay on the planet very long if he got it."

Even Goth laughed at that.

"The second is the problem of what's going to happen on Kanden after a few months and
the euphoria of the Council's execution wears off. If we want to keep that planet, and it
looks like we're stuck with it, we're going to need a stronger hold. We may even have to
have a plebiscite to ratify our takeover."

"Are you feeling well?"

"A bit sleepy, Goth, but otherwise fit. Why?"

"If I remember, your family has never been exactly enthusiastic about, if I may use the
obscenity, democracy."

"Is that all? For a second I thought you might be thinking that you want to be Margrave
after all. But you're right. It's useful for local matters, but at the planetary level it's more
trouble than it's worth. Still, the Kanden seem to like it and if they think they voted me in,
they might be a little more tractible."

"They may also try to vote you out."

"We can blow up that bridge after we cross it."

Goth made a little cough. "There is then another small matter which may stand in the way
of this little scheme."

"And that is?"

"The Lady Margot should be willing. If not, you could be in for another, well.."

"I think we don't have to worry about that, for the moment."

"If you say so."

"So now we have to do something about that damned Wheel."

The Professor inserted a small cube into a slot in the wall and pushed a button. "Here is a
cross section of the Morgoth system. The red dots are asteroids whose orbit is of such a
nature as to make predicting their movements very difficult, if not impossible. The green

line is the route used by Moloch Paphnutius in his attack on the Luxor Camp. As you can
see, the Wheel stands directly in its path."

The Margrave was too tired to be patient. "We know this, Professor."

"Of course. But it's a good starting point. As you can see, the rogue asteroids, as we call
them, never quite get into the orbit of the Wheel. But they do come in range of a heavy

Goth walked around the display, his right hand worrying his chin and realizing that he
needed a shave. "In other words, if we could mount something big on one of those
asteroids, we could get in firing range of the Wheel before the Wheel could respond."

"Not exactly. To do that, we would have had to have acted two years ago."

The Margrave chuckled. "From now on, then, Professor, may I suggest that you make our
plans three years in advance."

The Professor, used to this sort of thing, ignored the sarcasm and continued.

"As I said, these asteroids are supposed to be unpredictable due to collisions with various
flying junk and the sheer number of things floating around that planet. But if we isolate
just one, we may be able to get a close approximation of its movements. Close enough
that it can mask a ship."

"How big a ship?"

The Professor grinned with triumph. "A battleship."

"I take it we are not talking about a small meteor."

"If you will look at the blue dot. That asteroid, R 892, is larger than the Star of

"And if we calculate wrong, good bye ship."

"We don't have to get that close."

"But it would have to make an approach hidden from the planet and the Wheel."

"Our evidence is that the Wheel has no hyperwave drones and has to depend on light-
speed detection."

"Probably always did. Drones wouldn't last long in that mess."

"Still, there isn't a lot of room to move around out there. Let's try something else."

A cough came from Baron Surbo. "There's always diplomacy."

"I agree," said the Margrave. Let my cousin think we want to talk."

The Minister of State, who had been silent heretofore spoke. "I have been in continuous
communication with Brian's people. They look forward to our mutual cooperation."

"Good for them."

"Of course, they have no idea what they're flying into and know nothing about Edessa."

"Not yet."

"And when they do find out about Edessa, I'm going to have to do some persuading to
calm them down."

The Margrave looked at the growing pile of petitions in the corner and then back at the
Minister of State, who was sweating a little more than usual. "That's what I pay you for.
You're a diplomat. Lie."

"About what, Margrave?"

"About our intentions towards my cousin. And as far as Edessa goes, we'll blow up that

"After we cross it. It would have been easier if we'd waited to do that, you know."

"'That which you must do, do right away.' Book of the Songs of Elvis, chapter twenty
three, verse one hundred thirty six."

"It would still have made things less complicated."

"When the news gets out, we'll make a statement threatening the rest of the slaver worlds
with the same thing if they continue raiding."

"Sitting on Morgoth, they may not take it with the appropriate seriousness."

"Morgoth, technically, belongs to my cousin. At the moment and the slavers will do
nothing to change that as long as they need weapons from Tremulon."

Goth sighed and looked around the room. The staff meeting was getting buried in details.
"When do we attack?" he asked with an abruptness that even startled the Margrave.

"As soon as we can put our fleets in position. The fleets I rerouted will be in position in
how many days, Professor?"

"Six days."

"And the Sixth fleet is on its way back from Edessa and should be here in a week. I want
to be able to take out that wheel and land troops within a day after that. Now are we sure
that nothing got out from the Edessa system?"

"The hyperwave was clear. But if any ships come to trade, they'll discover real quick what

"That can't be helped. So we assume that in a couple of days, everyone knows about
Edessa. Let's announce it now."


"Now. We state exactly what we planned to. The Confederation is dead and we have
decided to act."

"Your cousin is going to have a fit."

"Let him, Goth. Let him. I think it'll make him want to negotiate with me all the more."

"You're the Margrave. Do we use a simple statement or pictures?"

"Both. I think seeing a system blown to hell'll have an instructive effect on my cousin."

"I think it'll have an effect on a lot more people than that."

"I'd expect so. For once our bad reputation may prove useful."

"Barbarians acting like barbarians."

"Something like that."

Four hours after the meeting, the first video of the destruction of Edessa went out over the
hyperwave and the complaints began arriving within minutes. Even worlds that had beens
the subject of repeated slaver raids were outraged. There was enough impotent fury
being unleashed to make a convention of clergymen jealous. The Margrave thoroughly
enjoyed it.

It became obvious that his cousin, the High King, did not share in the jest. A bell
announced his transmission to the Margrave, who took it in the throne room, rather than
the office. And for the first time since his father's funeral, the Margrave wore the full robes
of state. He had forgotten how heavy and hot they were and now realized why he had put
them away.

Brian was also richly arrayed, which made more sense in the climate of Morgoth. His
close-set eyes were even closer it seemed and his entire image seemed to growl.
"Cousin of Golonida. We are highly displeased, no, make that angered, at the senseless
slaughter of the people of the Edessa system. This action of yours violates all the laws of
the Confederation."

The Margrave responded, trying desperately not to sneer, but finding it difficult to keep the
disdain out of his voice, "We are sorry that you feel that way, but there are times in history
when reason must override law and when the forces of law are impotent to stop you, so
much the better."

Brian nearly jumped off his throne. "This time, cousin, you go too far. I demand a full
apology and explanation."

"Which I shall be happy to give you, your Majesty. But not over the hyperwave, for these
are matters which must be spoken of with discretion and in private, rather than on open

High King Brian settled back into his throne and smiled under his large crown, which was
actually a little small for his head. The Margrave noticed that and bit his cheek to keep
from laughing. Brian nodded and spoke.

"We understand, cousin and will await your coming with anticipation."

"Of course, your Majesty. May I send my Minister of state in a few days to make the
preparations, as this is to be a serious state visit."

"Naturally. In how long will he be coming?"

"There are some matters involving our new Protectorate of Kanden which require urgent
attention. He should be arriving in about seven days."

"We will look forward to receiving him."

"Now, your majesty, I must request that the Lady Margot of Kanden be returned to our

"She is safe and We are certain that she will go willingly."

More than willingly with slavers running around Morgoth.

"Thank you. I will inform my Minister of State of our plans."

"Very well, cousin. We are certain that this matter of Edessa can be worked out."

The interview ended and the Margrave pulled off the heavy robes as fast as he could grab
them. His uniform was covered with sweat.

Goth was almost doubled with laughter. "You handled that fool brilliantly. When did you
figure out that that was what would get to him?"

"About two minutes ago. I think his brain's losing its charge. He was never that stupid

"He's getting worse, no question about that. Now what?"

"Now we break the news to our Minister of State about his new role in the glorious new
age of Golonida."

Breaking the news was easy. Waiting for the Minister of State to recover his senses after
hearing the Margrave's plan was something else again. When he was finally coherint, the
Minister of State, his voice two octaves higher than usual, said "Margrave, I beg of you.
I'm a diplomat, not a soldier."


The Margrave smiled with true malevolence and said, "You've got nothing to worry about.
The captain of the Sword will do all the work. You just have to talk on the hyperwave a

The Minister of State was not impressed. "That will be a great comfort to my widow and
my two children."

"But look at it this way. If anything goes wrong, which is highly unlikely, you'll be the first
diplomat in our history to die with honor and leave a nice pension at the same time."

"I'm sorry, Margrave, but I find that less than reassuring."

"And, if we all survive, you don't have to attend any state dinners for a year."

That cinched it. The Margrave had to hold his Minister of State back to keep him from
running to the ship. The opportunity of avoiding the institutionalized food fights was
enough of a bribe for anyone of the Minister of State's placid nature. He had never really
learned the art of aiming a potato.

Back the office, which the Margrave was now considering redecorating, the Professor sat
nervously as his ruler looked over the latest intelligence material from Morgoth.

"And the Lady Margot is still safe?"

"As of our latest news, yes."

"And you're certain of this report?" holding up a separate sheet.

"That Tomas of Edessa is on Morgoth? Definitely. We have three eye-witnesses and a
short video."

"Show it."

The slightly blurred image of the Arch Enemy floated in the center of the office. The
Margrave leaned over his desk to take a closer look at it and then leaned back. "I want
Lady Margot out of there before we attack."

"Not easy."

"I didn't say anything about easy. I said I want her out and safe before we move and
Tomas decides that he can take revenge on me by killing her. My dynastic plans are at

"It can be done, of course, but it'll mean losing one of our best contacts on Morgoth. He'll
have to be the one to fly her out."

"Is he relaible?"

"I'd stake my life on it."

"If I were my cousin, I'd say you just have. But there can't be any mistakes in this. Do we
have any of our own people there we can use?"

"No one who can steal a slaver gunship and fly it out past the wheel before anyone knows
who's on board."

"I see the point. Okay, do it."

"How soon?"

"Our newly courageous Minister of State is taking off in four days for Morgoth. She has to
be on her way here by the time we leave."

"We, Margrave?"

"When he leaves on the Sword, I leave on the Star."

"I see."

"I'm told we can project a hologram on the Star shields to make it look like an asteroid,
almost. If the detectors on the Wheel are as bad as we think, we should be in firing range
before anyone notices."

"Assuming they haven't put anything on the ground looking up."

"My guess, and I hope to Zeus it's right, is that they won't bother. Everyone's afraid of the
Wheel, remember?"

"Including us, I hope."

"There's a difference between fear and rational prudence. I don't like suicide missions,
especially if I'm on one."

The Professor allowed himself one of his rare laughs. "Your subjects will find that thought

"Good. Now there's a little detail that I want you to take care of. A bunch of troopships,
with about twenty divisions, are leaving tomorrow. I want the news put out that we've had
a a little more trouble on Kanden than we expected and they're going there to restore

"A simple matter. I take it that the troops are not going to Kanden."

"Correct. Two divisions are going to Morgoth. The others are going to positions near
Tremulon. Surbo is on his way back to Tremulon now. With any luck, we won't need
them, but policy is useless without the force to back it."

"Then your cousin is a dead man?"

"Not if I can avoid it. But the eventuality must be considered. I would hope to be able to
exile him somewhere where he can't cause me any trouble, but somehow I doubt I'm
going to be that lucky."

"And Surbo?"

"If we beat Brian, he'll persuade the local forces to lay down their arms. I've already got a
fleet nearby to move in right now."

"Margrave, you are aware of my projections concerning the losses of such an invasion, if
the Tremulon decide to fight."

"Of course. That's why I'm hoping Surbo is more persuasive than usual."

Two days later, on Morgoth, the Lady Margot opened her door to an officer in a slaver
uniform. She was about to scream for help when he put his hand over her mouth and

whispered a code word into her ear, something the Margrave had given her during their
last conversation before the Cadwallader batttle, hoping that the hidden microphones that
were assumed to be in every room in the Morgoth palace were not sensitive enough to

He removed his hand and she was about to pack some things when he shook his head
and motioned to the hall. She followed him as he led her out of the palace to a waiting
ground car. The car sped to the spaceport where his uniform got him past the guards at
the landing field, who did not know Lady Margot from Elvis and were used to slaver
officers taking local women to their ships. They boarded a ship and took off without
clearance, the officer shouting next to an open com unit "Not that switch you stupid bitch!"

As the controllers at the port laughed the ship headed straight out of the atmosphere and
a message went to the Wheel with the order to hold fire. The crew of the Wheel was still
laughing as the ship jumped into hyperspace and only stopped when the spaceport was
overrun with security people looking for Lady Margot.

It seemed that High King Brian, thinking that Lady Margot was kidnapped by a slaver, was
panic stricken.

The Margrave was in the bathroom when the High King's form appeared on the
Hyperwave. The Margrave took his time getting back to his office and then sat down to
receive the message.

"Cousin of Golonida," the High King began, "It grieves me to tell you that a trecherous
guard has done the unthinkable. The Lady Margot has been stolen away in spite of the
best efforts of my troops and even now is somewhere in space."

That the High King himself would make the announcement was an indication of the
nervous state he was in. The Margrave was tempted to take some advantage of it for a
second but relented. "Your Majesty need have no fear for the Lady. If I may reveal a
state secret to you, the man who took her was in my pay and even now she's on her way
to Golonida. I appologize for what may seem to be a breach of trust, but I've had some
very disturbing news about conditions on Kanden and it seemed necessary to have the
Lady in my care as soon as possible. You may have heard that I've had to dispatch some
troops to reinforce my garrison."

The High King was visibly relieved. "You are forgiven, cousin and I understand the
situation. But please, in the future, consult with me first. Wars have been know to start
from such things."

The connection broke and the Margrave called in Goth. As the Chief of Staff walked
through the door, the Margrave started laughing. "I can't believe that my cousin once ran
an entire planet. He's the biggest idiot since Duke Leto."

Goth, who had missed the conversation, had the strange feeling that he was walking into
something. "Uh, Margrave, who was Duke Leto?"

"Oh, some pre-Earth human dictator with the brains of a mouse. I ran across some book
about him the Kanden Library a few years back. Complete fool!"

"I see. I take it your cousin is being stupid again."

"And a weakling to boot. I don't understand it. He used to be a formidible opponent."

Goth thought for a minute. "Do you think he may be beginning to understand his position?
I doubt his allies'll let him go back to Tremulon."

"No, I doubt that too. A pity. If he did, I might be tempted to let him stay High King and
clean out the slavers for him. He's clearly in no mood to oppose me on anything."

"He's in no position to oppose anyone."

The arrival of Lady Margot was accomplished with much ceremony. The small craft
landed to the accompaniment of a regimental band and the Margrave in dress uniform,
tight collar, engraved blaster and all, meeting her at the landing field. She was quite
surprised by the greeting and even more disturbed by the fact that she was wearing the
same clothes she had left Morgoth in.

"The Margrave must forgive my appearance," she said with the most formality she could

"Of course. There's a whole new wardrobe waiting in your quarters. You have to look
proper for the dinner I'm giving in honor of your escape tonight."

Remembering the last one, Lady Margot was less than enthusiastic in her thanks.

That evening, amid flying vegetables and the usual brawling, she turned to the Margrave
and, ducking a low-flying carrot, asked why the sudden change in everyone. "The last
time I was here, Kanden was a swear word. Now everyone likes me. What did you do?"

The Margrave hurled a cucumber across the room and answered, "You mean you haven't
heard? Of course not. Kanden is now a protectorate of Golonida. And your people seem
happy with the situation. They're getting my troops there drunk."

"But the Council made alcohol illegal."

"Admiral Michael had to have the Council shot. Your father was happy with the decision.
I think he would have liked to pull the trigger himself."

"I certainly would've."

"I somehow got that impression the last time you were here. Anyway, with everything
being the way it is, I thought formalizing the situation that's existed for the last century
would be a good idea. It's turned out to be a better one than I hoped. Golonidans are
very popular on Kanden right now and so my people like Kanden better in return."

A potato bounced on the plate in front of Goth sending food splattering up onto his tunic.
"Blast it! I just had this thing cleaned!" he roared and threw a glob of something at the
offender, who returned fire and soon there was a lively exchange of produce and even
meat between the head table and the other side of the hall.

"I think it's time we excused ourselves," the Margrave whispered to Lady Margot and they
escaped out the side door just as a large joint of urz-beast flew past where her head
would have been.

"I still don't know how you stand those things." she said breathlessly as she sat on the
balustrade overlooking the garden.

"It's a tradition. And it's fun. Besides, in a couple of days I'm going to have more serious
stuff flying around me."

The meaning was obvious to Lady Margot, who looked a combination of pained and
terrified. "Fighting? I thought the battle was over."

"Not really. I have to take Morgoth. That's why I had to get you out of there, in spite of the
vociferous objections of my Professor."


"The officious, balding man at the end of the table with the tall blond on each arm. He
heads up my intelligence service and provides lots of good advice, which I even listen to
on rare occasions."

"I see."

"Maybe you do. The man who flew you here was our best agent on Morgoth. Of course,
if things go well, he'll no longer be needed there and if they don't Goth'll just have find a
replacement, or rather have the Professor find one for him."

"When do you leave?"

"Day after tomorrow."

"But I thought Morgoth couldn't be attacked. The Wheel.."

"No defense is impenetrable. We've got that solved."

"Then why are you worried about it?"

"The Wheel can be made stronger than it is, that means if I wait, the slavers have a well
defended base that may prove too costly to attack. Right now, there aren't a lot of worlds
that can defend themselves. The losses in the Battle off Cadwallader were as bad as I
expected. And Baron Tomas of the former system of Edessa is on Morgoth, instead of
dying honorably with the rest of his disgusting breed."


"I've been naughty. My Sixth Fleet obliterated the Edessa system. The idea is to make
our decision to end the slaver raids credible, but we didn't expect them to take the
Morgoth Wheel."

"But your cousin's people have the Wheel."

"No, the slavers really hold Morgoth and my cousin is too foolish to realize he's been had."

"And you have to go?"

"This time I have to. My commanders can do the work, but I have to be there. Honor."

"I thought you didn't believe in honor."

"Not usually, but this is something a Margrave has to do, to be with his men."

"I won't claim to understand."

At this point the Margrave put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close to him.


"Before I go, there is a little matter I want to talk about."


"Kanden is now a Golonidan protectorate and I need to secure the succession. And I'm
really not very good at this..."

"Are you asking me to be the Marquesa?"

"Well, something like that."

"Well, my warrior prince, I accept."

"Wonderful. Goth can plan the ceremony for right after I finish with Morgoth and Brian."

"I still don't understand all that, but if you have to go.."

"Good, just accept the fact and know I'll be back for you."


The Sword emerged from hyperspace at the edge of the Slot, that corridor of relative
safety that led to Morgoth. That safety was conditional on two factors, the first being the
peculiar activity of the accumulated junk in the Morgoth System. The second factor was
the trigger-happiness of the guards on the Wheel. Under the reign of the Dukes of
Morgoth, the Wheel guards had been relatively well disciplined, but with the new
management, that could not be counted on. And, if slavers were in charge on the Wheel,
then it was extremely unwise to expect it. A Golonidan target might be too much for them
to resist.

That fact lay heavily upon the mind of the Minister of State, who had expected to collect
his own pension, rather than have his family gain it posthumously. As he sat in his
stateroom looking at the holographic display of the system with a dot representing the ship
as it moved towards Morgoth, he prepared to make the first contact with the High King's
men, to prepare for the coming visit of the Margrave.

Several hours after the Sword, which was moving at slow cruise speed, emerged from
hyperspace, a rogue asteroid appeared at the edge of the system, moving slightly more
rapidly than usual, but erratic in its maneuvers. the asteroid was the Star of Vengeance,
with the image of an asteroid projected on its screens to camoflage its presence.

The meteor screen was reinforced and the gun shields dropped. The Margrave was on
the bridge, strapped in as were the rest of the crew. It was unusual to do this, when not
actually in combat, but the violent movements of the Star, necessitated by its disguise,
made it dangerous to stand on the deck. Anything not glued down was also at risk.

"A bit of a rough ride, Margrave," the captain said as the ship jerked again. "We may be
going back with the shields holding her together."

The Margrave released a grim chuckle. "I agree. All the welds'll have to be checked. I
hope we don't take any battle damage."

"Let's not even think about that."

"Okay, we won't. How long 'til we fire?"

"A couple of hours. We're moving slow."

"I wonder how my Minister of State is holding up?"

"I really couldn't say, Margrave."

"I'd imagine he's on the verge of a breakdown by now. He's never seen a ship fire its

"And I bet he's never been shot at either."

"You'd win that bet."

On the Sword, the Minister of State was worrying his collar and sweating profusely. In
front of him floated the image of the High King's Major Domo who was being hopelessly

"I cannot allow my Margrave to come under those conditions," the Minister of State was
saying. "Just because of some ancient compact."

"According to that ancient compact," the Major Domo went on "the Margrave of Golonida
is a criminal and has to appear as a seeker of pardon. It is all very clear."

"May I remind you that if this were Tremulon and not Morgoth, my Margrave would start a
war rather than agree to such terms."

"But he has chosen to submit to the High King instead and thus the forms must be

The Minister looked frustrated. "I'll have to consult with him directly. He may not even
wish me to land."

"Do so and get back to me. The High King is most anxious that this meeting take place."

The Minister of State broke the connection and transmitted a signal back to Golonida
which Goth answered, instructing the Minister of State to continue negotiations. Actually,
this was what the Margrave had counted on. The more diplomatic gobbledigook going
back and forth, the less likely an attack would be expected.

The Sword continued its approach on a straight line, its turrets all aimed straight forward.
The Minister of State took a trip to the bridge and asked the captain how it was going to
destroy the Wheel without being blasted first, especially since the shields were down.

"It's really quite simple, Minister," the captain responded with a certain condescencion.
"We actually only give support fire, to add a few levels to the real blast that the Star'll give.
But to be effective, we have to be within two thousandth of a light second range."

The Minister of State felt his legs decide that they wanted to leave his body. The
Margrave had mentioned something about short range, but this was carry matters to an
unwarranted extreme.

The captain, seeing his passenger's obvious distress, shook his head and said "We
calculated the length of time it'd take to raise our shields, cut it in half and that gave us the
closest we could get. The computers on the Star have our speed calculated and will fire
its main battery at level 12 at such a time that our blast will hit the Wheel at the same
moment. We assume, or rather the Margrave assumes, that the combined fire our ship,
which can hit level nine with the power from the shields being fed to the guns, should be
enough to overcome the shielding on the Wheel, which was designed to withstand a lot
more but is a little out of service at the moment."

The Minister of State was not greatly comforted. He had visions of the Wheel firing
without warning and the Sword, to say nothing of himself, being blown to atoms. And
there was the little matter of the troops on the planet. The Margrave's assumption's aside,
they might very well have anti-ship batteries aimed straight up.

On Golonida, the Margrave had laughed the suggestion off. "No, the Dukes of Morgoth
kept those batteries concentrated at the other weak points on the equator of the planet,
just in case someone decided to clear a path through the junk with blasters. Which is why
we aren't doing that, at least not now."

There was no possibility of lowering the shields on the Star of Vengeance. In addition to
the necessity of using them for camoflage, junk was bouncing off them at a regular rate as
the ship made its final rapid shift in course to bring all its main batteries to bear on the
Wheel. This was further complicated by the fact that the blast from the battleship had to
hit the Wheel at an angle which would send the blast beams continuing off into space,
vaporizing junk, rather than on towards the planet. The Wheel, being a single unit, could
be shielded, like a battleship, much more heavily than a ground installation which had to
have its shields stop at the ground. To do otherwise would be to have the ground position
float off into space at the speed of the rotation of the planet. It was not something anyone
wanted to try.

The Margrave had donned his armor, with some difficulty as his stateroom was moving
with the rest of the ship, and had returned to the bridge. A clock on one wall counted
down to the moment of firing. "I hope that Captain Monash has the sense to stay out of
our line of fire," he commented while watching the clock tick away, one second at a time.

"I'm sure he will," General Trag, who had returned from Hermetia for this mission,
answered chuckling. "I think he knows how expensive heavy cruisers are."

"It wasn't the money I was thinking about."

Trag looked at his Margrave with mock astonishment. "Are you well, Margrave?" he
asked with a broad grin.

"No! If this ship jerks around one more time I may lose my lunch and my dinner."

"We're not doing that anymore. We've got our firing position marked and it's pretty straight
running now, assuming nothing large runs into us."

"Nothing will. I just issued an edict to that effect."

"I hope the junk understands."

"I doubt it, but it made me feel better."

"We should have gotten the Holy Sequin from Hermetia. No asteroid would dare hit that."

"This is no time for blasphemy. One more collision and I may get religion myself."

"That's only small stuff, Margrave. If we hit something big, we'd know it."

"I'm gratified to hear that. Can't we move in any faster?"

"No, Margrave. Our firing is timed and if we shoot too soon the Sword won't be in
position. If the guards on the Wheel take their eyes off it and look at us now, we could
have some problems."

"I see. Very well, continue on course."

"It's only five more minutes until we fire."

"Thank Zeus!"

Aboard the Sword, the Minister of State was engaged in another conversation with the
Major Domo.

"And the Margrave will not come as a supplicant. Law or no Law, he comes as a peer of
the Human Confederacy."

"There is no question of his peerage. The question is one of protocol. It's not like the old
days when he and his cousin had contests on Golonida to see who could throw food the

"My Margrave fails to see the distinction."

"That, my dear Minister, is the problem."

"The opinion of the Margrave in this matter is quite strong. I agree that certain forms must
be followed, but this is not one of them. By the way, I've been instructed by my ship's
captain to tell you that we should be passing very close to the Wheel in a few minutes. I
assume they know we're coming."

"The Wheel has been watching your approach since you left hyperspace. There's a rogue
asteroid some distance out, but it's movements indicate that you should be in no danger.
Also, the fact that your ship has lowered its shields indicates the peaceful intent of your
mission. We're getting the banquet ready for this evening."

The Minister of State felt, for the first time in his life, a pang of guilt. "Thank you," he said,
hoping to keep his face as expressionless as possible.

The batteries of the Star of Vengeance fired.

The Sword moved closer to the Wheel, turning slightly to present its batteries while
looking harmless. "I hope the gunners on the Star know how to aim," the Captain said,
not entirely joking.

"If they don't," answered the first officer, "we'll never know what hit us."

The ship was automatic now, the clock ticking away the final seconds until the viewers
went dark for an instant and a brilliant light covered the Wheel side of the ship. One two
thousandth of a second later, as the blast bolt from the Star reached it at the same time,
the Morgoth Wheel ceased to exist. By that time, the shielding on the Sword was at full
and the camoflage of the Star had been turned off. As pandemonium developed on
Morgoth, the Sword Captain ordered his blasters set at level one and fired at the space
port. Three seconds later, the Morgoth spaceport, all its ships and occupants, became a
sea of molten glass.

Aboard the Star of Vengeance, the Margrave spoke into the hyperwave. "Fleets move in.
Take Morgoth."

It was not the most eloquent order he had ever given, but it was one of the most effective.
Three battle fleets and the troops ships of two divisions of ground fighters emerged from
hyperspace at the end of the Slot and began accelerating towards Morgoth. As they
approached, the Star began using its blasters to clear a wider path towards the planet and
the Sword moved into position to cover the final approach in case any ground batteries
could be moved into position. The Eight Fleet stayed at the far end of the Slot to take out
any approaching relief ships which may have been their way from Tremulon or the High
King's other allies.

With these preparations, it was a surprise for the Margrave when a transmission from the
Palace on Morgoth reached the Star.

"Do we want to talk?" General Trag asked the Margrave.

The Margrave thought for a second and nodded. "Sure. Maybe my cousin has some offer
I might like."

But it was not the High King who stared out of the viewer. It was Baron Tomas of Edessa,
unshaved, his uniform ill-fitting and dirty. "Greetings, Butcher of Golonida. So now you
add treachery to genocide."

"Pesticide, Baron. I'm surprised to see you. I thought by now you'd have been gathered
to Elvis' bosom. Of course, it doesn't matter, you're dead just the same."

"Perhaps, Margrave. I have the small satisfaction of having done this first. Your cousin, I

And with that, the Baron reached down and lifted up a severed head which had formerly
been attached to the body of the High King.

But if Baron Tomas had expected dismay, he was surprised in his turn by laughter.
"Thank you, Tomas. You've done me a service. I was wondering what I was going to do
about him. Now I'm not only Margrave of Golonida, but Prince of Tremulon as well."

The Star cut its reception and Baron Tomas sputtering never was heard. The Margrave
sat down and quickly composed a short speech. "Open a clear channel for me."

"Done, Margrave."

In a matter of seconds, all over Morgoth, Golonida, Tremulon and anywhere else
someone was listening, the Margrave's picture appeared. "People of Tremulon," he
began, "your Prince and High King Brian has been killed by the slaver units at this
moment holding Morgoth. Even as I approached to rescue him, his head was cut from his
body by the savage Tomas of Edessa. I call upon the people of Tremulon to recognize
me as their rightful Prince and for the soldiers of Tremulon on Morgoth to turn their guns
upon the slavers who have so treacherously murdered their Prince."

The transmission ended just in time, for General Trag could only keep from laughing for so
long and that time had passed very quickly indeed. The Margrave turned to find him
literally doubled at the waist and roaring.

"What means this shameful levity?" he asked with mock seriousness.

The General had a hard time speaking and when he finally could get the words out "Here
you were going to blow your cousin to hell and we all expected a blood-bath on Tremulon.
Now I bet they greet you as some kind of hero. Coming to rescue Brian indeed!"

"It was good of Tomas to do that for us. I may let him die honorably for that. You know,
General. I have the sneaking suspicion that Brian was dead for a couple days. Tomas

probably used a computer simulation to send that hyperwave message to me after we

grabbed Margot. Brian would have had a little more dignity."

"If I were Tomas, I would've done anything to get you in blaster range."

"So would I. I'll grant him that."

The gunships of the attacking fleets swept past the Star and headed down towards the
surface of the planet, looking for ground batteries and troop concentrations. They
reported seeing heavy fighting on the surface as Tremulon soldiers engaged the slavers at
all points, including the Palace, which was apparently burning in several places.

There was no significant opposition left outside the capital by the time the Golonidan
forces set down on Morgoth. Landing in the open, they moved towards the Capital
jumping in open order, spread out one man per mile, to protect them from any incoming
fire which made concentration suicidal. Propelled by small lifters, they swept across the
several miles in a matter of minutes and were soon on the outskirts of the Capital city
which was ringed by what had been hastily constructed defense positions but were now
blasted hulks, many containing the bodies of both defending slavers and attacking
Tremulon. A few positions were still operative, but they were quickly overcome with
minimal losses.

In space, the Margrave transferred to the Sword and the Minister of State to the Star. The
Sword began to descend to the newly burned landing field which was now surrounded by
heavy Golonidan batteries.

Golonidan troops were in the Capital city fighting house to house with slavers. Apparently,
the Tremulon forces in the city proper had been killed off quickly, probably as part of a
planned move if the Wheel should fall or be destroyed.

It was in this kind of fighting that the role of both shields and body armor became obvious.
The shields could not stop a direct hit from a blaster, but they could deflect its force and
the reflective armor would keep a fatal shot merely a wounding one. The shields,
however, cut out the thermal effects of blaster bolts and protected the soldiers from flying
debris, of which there was a lot in the capital, as every shot sent pieces of something in all
directions. It is impossible to fire a horizon-range weapon inside a city and not hit

Back at the landing field, the Margrave studied the continuous pictures of the battle being
sent back by forward cameras mounted in the helmets of selected troops. A computer
plotted the positions of the units and, by assessing the time between movements,
calculated the level of enemy resitance. Meanwhile, word came from the Eighth Fleet that
a small slaver force had come out of hyperspace and attempted system penetration. It
was destroyed with no losses.

In the Capital, the Golonidan troops were finally closing in on the Palace, or what was left
of it. Even from a distance it was obvious that large parts of it had been literally blown
away from the inside and the fires around it were still burning. A small group of skeletons
facing one helmet camera told the Margrave that some soldiers, of which side could not
be told, had been foolish enough to try to use the thermal absorption capability of their
shields to stay warm and had been caught by surprise before they could switch it off. The
unfortunates had been quite literally cooked alive.

In the center of the Capital, a reinforced company of Golonidan troops, backed by four
tanks was able to concentrate at the palace and smash in through the shielded wall. One
tank was immediately destroyed by blaster fire from a position off to the side and several
soldiers more killed before the enemy was neutralized. The Margrave, watching the
action screamed into his com unit "Stay spread out, idiots! And cut down those walls
before you move."

A colonel on the Margrave's staff looked at the screen array and said calmly "It won't be
long now. Another part of the city's clear."

"Can't be over soon enough for me, Colonel." And then to the communications officer,
"anything from the rest of this planet?"

"Observers report no fire or troop movement. Apparently everything's concentrated here."

"Stupid of them. You'd think they'd have guessed we'd slag the spaceport first."

"They didn't think you'd get past the Wheel."

"Probably that's the case. Well, we've got 'em. They can't get out of the city and they
can't get off planet. What about our new subjects?"

"The Tremulon are in rear areas licking their wounds and being very loyal to their new

"Thank Zeus for small favors. At least we don't have to fight them too."

The fighting was inside the palace now, with more hunks of the building being blasted
apart as the Golonidans and the slavers fought for each hallway.

"Perhaps we should withdraw our men and slag the building with tank fire," the Colonel

The Margrave grunted. "Uh uh. I want Tomas alive, if possible."

"We can save some men."

"I know that, Colonel. I know, but this is of some personal importance to me."

It seemed to go on forever. The movement on the screens stalled around the Palace and
then creeped ever inward. The cameras transmitted images of walls being blown apart as
detectors found hidden positions and parts of the roof falling in as supports were blown
away in the fighting. No one without a shield was going to get out of the Palace alive.
Fortunately, most of the neutral heirs had taken cover in a protected area of the city when
the Wheel blew. It was one small feat of Golonidan intelligence that they had known
where to go without the slavers finding out. That had been the Professor's idea, which the
Margrave had first opposed thinking it might add an unacceptable risk to the plan. They
had finally agreed that Golonidan agents in the Palace would be the only ones to know
where to take the neutrals and they would only be informed as the Wheel blew.

But it ended. The image of a defeated Tomas of Edessa appeared on one of the screens
and the fighting in the ruins slowly halted as the last slaver positions were destroyed. The
Margrave mounted a tank and rode into the city to be confronted with a scene which had
not changed from the ancient days of pre-space. A ruined city always looks like any other
ruined city.

As he dismounted in the courtyard of what had once been the Palace the Margrave found
it difficult to believe that only three months before he and Goth had been here to party,
attend the Conclave and complain about the heating. The Palace had a lot more drafts
now than it did then.

The Margrave backed up to a floating robot chair and sat down as a squad of Golonidan
infantry dragged a heavily restrained Baron Tomas before him. At a sign they stood him
facing the Margrave and moved away. The Margrave drew his blaster.

"Did I ever tell you the story of the first man I ever killed, Colonel?"

"No, Margrave."

"It was when I was fifteen. My father had me shoot a criminal, I don't remember what he
did, probably overtime parking or something like that that dad got upset about, so that I'd
get used to seeing men die. I will confess that I was less than enthusiastic about it at the

He pulled the trigger.

"As you can see, I no longer feel the same revulsion. Now have the men find some
natives to get this mess cleaned up and lets go home. I've got petitions to catch up on."


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