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Dig It! Exhibition

Follow the directions to navigate your way through the online exhibition of
Dig It! ut together by the !mithsonian" The bold text mean you need
to answer a question or write something down.
#o to this web site$ htt$%%forces"si"edu%soils%&'_&&_
(ead the introduction titled !i)ing * !oils
+lic, on -he .ig /icture and ta,e the 0ui)1 if you miss a 2uestion clic, on
the 3earn 4ore and learn about the toic"
What is one interesting fact about soil that you learned from the
I learned that human activities can produce methane.
+lic, on !tate !oil 4onoliths clic, on -exas then choose ' other states and
read about their soil" What is a Fun Fact about Texas soil?
They are rich in clay mineral that expands when wet and shrins
when dry.
What is in the soil of one other state? Tell me the name of the state.
There!s hard" cemented silica in the soil of #alifornia.
What is so special about the soil of one other state? Tell me the
name of the state" it needs to be di$erent from Texas" and the state
in the question above.
In %elaware" the soil has a loamy texture.
+lic, on 5hat is !oil read through all 6 ages and answer these 2uestions"
& teaspoon of good farm soil contains up to ' billion bacteria in
more than ())) species.
*oil is the life of the earth. *oils are alive" they are born" they age"
they breathe.
What are the ingredients of soil? +ugs" bacteria" fungi" feces"
nematodes" worms" roots..
7n age 8 watch the +hef9s +hallenge
What is the today!s secret ingredient?
Who are the ,udges?
-uincy #arapace" .assy .allagher" and *ylvania
7n age : clic, on the (ecie .oo, read some of the di;erent soil recies"
-hen clic, on the !oil ingredients ta,e the 2ui) to see if you can determine
the ma,eu of di;erent tyes of soils"
What / of ingredients mae up %esert *oil?
01/ 2inerals" 3/ Water" '/ 4rganic 2atter" and ((/ air.
5oamy *oil?
30/ Water" (0/ 2ineral" 0/ 4rganic 2atter" and 30/ air
6eaty +og?
0)/ Water" ()/ 4rganic 2atter" ')/ 2ineral
(ead age 6" What does #5476T stand for?
#5imate" 4rganic &ctivity" 7elief" 6arent 2aterial" Time
+lic, on +hi o; the 7ld .loc, read through all < ages"
80/ of the earth!s crust is made of ,ust eight elements. What are
4xygen" *ilicon" &luminum" Iron" #alcium" *odium" 6otassium" and
Texture in9uences a soil!s capacity to
7n age < lay the +olor 4atching game"
.ray.+lue..reen <
7ed.=ellow.4range < >pland *oils
+lic, on !oil Forming Factors read through all < ages" 7n age ' lay the
=idden =ori)ons game"
%escribe the & horizon.
The mineral layer near the surface
What is a monolith?
?ertical slice from topsoil down to subsoil
7n age : clic, on the Earth !,in -yes" %escribe >ltisols.
Tropical or subtropical soil that is weathered
What type of soil is in our area?
7n age < clic, lay the 5here in the !oil 5orld are >ou"
The 9ip 9op is in the ::::::::::::volcanic::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
soil type.
The spur is in the ::::::::::::::::::grassland::::::::::::::::::::::::::
soil type.
The mammoth tus is in the
::::::::::::::::::permafrost::::::::::::::::: soil type.
+lic, on 4atters of 3ife and Death1 read through all < ages"
@ot all forms of life need oxygen to breathe. What other things can
microorganisms use?
Anergy from sunlight
%escribe some of the characteristics of 5ichens.
They can be categorized into one of four groups and some grow on
di$erent things and in di$erent areas.
+lic, on *nderneath it ?ll1 read through all 6 ages" 7n age @ clic, on the
*nderneath it ?ll lin, to dig dee and examine the e;ects our choices have
on soil"
What are some of the things that you may Bnd in the Washington"
%.#. soil sample? Trash
What are some of the things that you may Bnd in the Terra 6reta
*oil of the &mazon? 6ottery and unaltered" infertile tropical soil
7n age 8" What is an increasing problem caused by global
7n age :" What was wrong with the soil in Fredericsburg" ?irginia?
It was mostly frozen water and houses were beginning to sin into
the ground
+lic, on 5ise +hoices read through all A ages"
*oils are renewable butC every time we harvest something it taes
away nutrients from the soil and we have to add the nutrients bac
into the soil.
%escribe some of the new technology that helps manage soil
2ineral Fertilizers wash into groundwater
;ow is the 2illennium ?illages 6ro,ect restoring soil fertility?
Its enriching soil with nitrogen
+lic, on ? 5orld of !oils1 read through all < ages" 7n age @ watch the
!oil$ -he secret Ingredient video"
7n age 8" %eBne loessD loosely compacted sediments
-he secrets of soils are the secrets of our lives"

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