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Monte Vista Elementary

October 14, 2014

Ms. Martinez 1

Unit 2 Week 1 / Unidad 2 Semana 1

Literature / Literatura
Students will review the characteristics of a fiction/nonfiction text
and decide what feature makes the text fiction or nonfiction. They
will also answer comprehension questions and use the text to
reference their answers. Los estudiantes repasaran las
caricaristicas de textos de ficcin/no ficcin decidiendo cual
caricaristica hace el texto ficcin o no ficcin. Tambin usaran el
texto para dar respuestas a preguntas sobre el libro.
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Students will create a story narrative using prompts or pictures.
Los estudiantes harn una historia usando dibujos y empezando
la historia con una oracin.
Phoni cs / Font i ca

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October 24th -- Report Cards / Boletos de
October 25th Fall Festival / Festival de Otoo


o Students will be receiving a new spelling word list to use for homework assignments. During the first
nine weeks I noticed students were not getting enough practice with the phonics words. The new lists
will have phonics word and high frequency words. Homework is to be turned in every Friday. I check
for homework and reading logs. Homework is graded! Los estudiantes recibirn una nueva lista de
deletreo para tarea. Durante estos primer 9 semanas he notado que los nios estn batallando con la
fontica. La nueva lista tendr palabras de fontica y palabras de alta frecuencia. La tarea se
entrega cada viernes. Yo reviso las carpetas para tarea y diarios de leer. Calificaciones estn
dadas para tarea y diarios de leer.
o Reading Logs should be filled out nightly! Reading Logs are a grade! Los diarios de leer deben de
estar llenados cada noche. Los diarios reciben calificacin!

Math / Matemticas
Students will be introduced to simple word problems, both
addition and subtraction equations. Students will use
counting strategies and use an equation template.
Students will also work with using addition to solve
subtraction problems.

Students will be using addition to solve subtraction
problems. They will start to know and understand the fact
family relationship.

Example / Ejemplo

OCTOBER 14, 2014


Fish bote
Then baln
Shut lobo
With boca
Rush bonito
Shell risa
chalk rosal
walk ratn
Thin rico
Ship rama

Good bien
Want luego
Catch puede
No quiere
Put tarde
Said ver

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