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Prejudice: Exploring Humanity through Suffering

Name: Bailey Allman


Lesson Overview

Students will examine specific letters written by the
protagonist Celie from the first nights reading, read
silently for 20 minutes and then collaborate with a
partner on a specific writing prompt assigned by the
Content Standard(s)
(Common Core)

Initiate and participate effectively in a range of
collaborative discussions (one on one, in groups and
teacher led) with diverse partners on grades 11-12
topics, texts and issues building on others ideas and
expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
Measureable Objective Based
on Content Standard(s)

Students will be able to identify and explain forms of
prejudice in the novel The Color Purple and in modern
Essential Question(s)

How can prejudice bring us together instead of tearing
us apart?
Prior Knowledge

Have students brainstorm first individually and then in
pairs (Think-pair-share) about what forms of prejudice
they or others they know have encountered.
Link to 21
Century Skills

Work Creatively with Others, Collaborate with


Formative Assessment
(attach specific instructions
and/or examples)

Exit Slip- Brainstormed ideas for teacher writing prompt
which will ultimately be one letter in a total compilation
of ten to form a letter book.
Summative Assessment
(attach specific instructions or

Due at the end of the unit- This project builds on the
procedure of the formative assessment, which helps give
meaning to the letters the students wrote previously. For
this assignment students will choose their favorite letter
from their letter book and exchange with a classmate.
Each student will respond to the letter they received in a
thoughtful and respectful way. This assignment makes
the text more interactive and encourages classroom
participation and pride in students work.

Lesson Plan


The Color Purple novel,
Bell Ringer/Review Activity

Have students write down three important things they
discovered in the reading last night and one question that
they had. After five minutes have them share with the
person next to them- see if they can answer their
questions and if they have any of the same questions.
Detailed Activities and
Procedures (with transitions
and time allocations)

5 min- Bellringer- individual silent work
5 min- Share bellringer with partner discuss
observations and questions.
15 min- brief class discussion where each pair shares
observations and any questions they might have. Pass
bellringers up to the front to teacher.
20 min of individual silent reading
10 min of symphony reading
10 min-Writing Activity: Have students brainstorm first
individually and then in pairs (Think-pair-share) about
what forms of prejudice they or others they know have
5 min Transition into introduction of summative
assessment letter writing book. Assign prompt Choose
a character in the book and write a letter to someone
explaining the form of prejudice your character has
encountered this far in the novel.
5-7 min Allow for individual brainstorming/ choosing of
character. This will be used as an exit slip
10 min- discussing with a partner, swapping ideas,
specific textual examples
3 min- Wrap-up, reminder to hand in first letter ideas as
an exit slip.


Remind students to write their first letter for homework,
emphasize close and mature reading, and turn in exit slip
as they walk out the door.
Alternate Strategies for Re-
teaching Material

Bellringer for the next day Write a paragraph
describing a form of prejudice encountered in the
reading from the night before
References (within this

The Color Purple by Alice Walker

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