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Digital Citizenship Lesson Plan

Name: Brooke Hoffmann Grade: 3rd Grade

Date: 9-28-2014 Subject/Topic: Digital Citizenship

Brief description of technology and include at least two essential student and/or
educator learning outcomes. Plan and address diversity within the lesson. How are
you connecting the lesson to students with different experiences, cultures and or

In the Digital Citizenship lesson, I will open up with a YouTube video on Internet
Safety. I will use the projector in the classroom and it will project onto the screen. By
this video, students will be introduced to Internet safety. Students will learn to not
share passwords or usernames and students will learn to not type in personal
information of ourselves or others online.
Next, there will be a class discussion on Internet Safety. Students can give their
personal ideas and philosophies on Internet Safety based on the video.
Then, the class will divide up into groups of four. Each group will be given a bag of
items. This bag of items will be called a Survival Kit. These items include: a padlock,
a toothbrush, toothpaste, and permanent marker. Students will work together as
group to come up with what each item represents to internet safety and why. The
students will have 20 minutes to come up with their ideas. After 20 minutes, the
class will share each groups theories. An interactive white board will be used to
display each groups ideas. The class will then take a vote on which idea they would
like each item to represent. I will guide the class towards the padlock representing a
strong password, the toothbrush represents that we shouldnt share passwords, the
permanent marker represents that everything one puts online is permanent, and the
toothpaste represents that once something is out on the Internet, is almost
impossible to truly delete. The idea that when toothpaste is out, it is nearly
impossible to get it back into the tube. I will guide these ideas and if students come
up with some that are great then I will accept those as well. These ideas are just
guidelines for the activity.
Last, I will give out a laminated THINK card to each student.

At the end of the lesson, the students will write an exit card. This card will include a
reflection, what they understand, and what they dont understand.

Common Core Standards Standard 1.0 and Standard 2


Identify at least two ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for
Students or Teachers and two 21
century skills you will cover during your lesson.
Here are the ISTE standards and 21
skill websites
ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students and Teachers
1. Creativity and Motivation
2. Critical Thinking Problem Solving and Decision Making
Century Skills
1. Learning and Innovating Skills
2. Life and Career Skills

I will give a formative assessment by walking around the room and asking
questions to see if students understand. Students will be given an exit card. On
this card, students will write a reflection, what they understand, and what they
dont understand.

Students will learn to not share passwords.
Students will learn to create strong passwords.
Students will understand the effects of sharing personal information of others or
themselves on the internet.
Students will be able to identify the key components to Internet Safety.

Students will need to know how to use an interactive white board. Students
will need to have prior knowledge of the Internet, passwords for the Internet,
and how to search for items on the Internet.

Tools and Resources

This is a YouTube video of Internet Safety. It describes the basics using the Internet in
public or at home. Bobo the bunny learns a lot about Internet Safety and the students will
love her cute and silliness.
This blog is where I got the idea for the Survival Kit. It goes into more detail about how a
permanent maker, padlock, toothbrush, and toothpaste are our survival kit to Internet
This is the THINK card that I will print out and give to the students.

Printed Materials
The only printed material used is the THINK card from Pinterest.

Other Equipment or Supplies
An interactive white board and markers will be needed.
I will use a computer and a projector for the YouTube video.

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