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Life After the Revolution- Arya, Wira, Agung, Deo


Life after the IR created more social statuses and the poor suffered more than before.
The workers are now more used to working in factories and not working together with
their neighbors. The Laissez Faire system begun in countries like US and Great Britain,
making it easier for countries to trade with each other. The social classes was already
changed into a more technical instead of field work, but, it did not make the poor at the
Industrial Revolution era richer than when it was during IR. Scientists that came up with
ideas to help create new items also were after the IR.

Positive effects after IR

-With the IR happening, the World has better transportations (faster, cheaper)

-Long distance communications happened with a device called telegram.

-There was a lot of consumerism which benefited the industrialists to invest the money into
making their production better.

-New inventions was made: locomotives (railroads), iron, factories, steam engines, and

-From peasant workers, they changed to factory workers

-Increased production rates (goods now all machine made)

-Migration and population bloomed into a population of machine workers so that they can earn

Negative Effects:

-There are bad working conditions: disease and chronic health effects affected the workers in
mines and such others

-Workers worked longer, hard hours, anywhere ranging from 9-14 hours a day.

-Child abuse in the mines; supervisors sent children to do their work

-Family life disruptive: families were separated, and women and children also labored.

-Social classes formed: the industrial middle class and the industrial working class emerged in
the Industrial Revolution.

-Since the speed of the production increases, the amount of pollution created by the machines
also increases.

Industrialist: Agung
Poor Factory worker: Arya
Merchant: Deo
Narrator: Wira

Wira: This is the age of where everyone was already used to how the world was aided by
machines. Most factories slowly shifted their operation from manual to machine. Despite the
new technology, the number of workers started to decrease. People that worked in the factories
were usually coming from low economic background. Most of the time factory workers were
not treated well. This is a story of one mining factory

Wira: Agung, the manager of the factory, was having many obstacles in managing his workers in
coal mining factories. This is what happen in Agungs factory everyday

Agung: Hey, Arya, be more productive and speed up your work. We need to deliver the cargo by
tomorrow dawn.

Arya: Yes sir! I will do my best! *with a down face*

Agung: Since you are in charge for your group, tell your other people to do their place

Arya: YES SIR! I will do it as fast as I can and i can tell the others

Wira: At one certain evening, Arya was punished by Agung because he had not filled the cart
full of coal when he was mining

Agung: Arya! Really? Only this much? For the past 3 hours you only came back with less than
half a cart?

Arya: I am sorry sir, I just worked here for 2 weeks and I dont know where in the ground I
should mine. Please forgive me.

Wira: After having 2 months of strenuous factory lives with the workers, Agung realized that all
the workers need a lot training and not a lot of yelling.

Agung: Arya, I noticed that you have become more understanding to operate the coal factory, if
you are interested. I would like to bring you to Africa to expand our operations. because you are
the only one who seems to understand my machine and how it works.

Arya: Sir, before i think twice about your offer, may I ask you something?

Agung: Sure, go ahead

Arya: Why did you choose the countries in Africa that shall we go to? Isnt Africa an unknown

Agung: Oh no Arya! Africa is a rich place with resources. As you know Africa was discovered
by the Portuguese to have a lot of natural resources with them.

Arya: Oh, now I understand. Thankyou so much for your kind offer sir, i feel honored being
offered going with you. I would love to accompany you to Africa to gain new resources.

Wira: Since people were already used to having the speed of production very fast, the
industrialist had high expectations on their workers, especially this factory. Agung was a great
manager and his factory was prolific. The consumers in Europe were many and so instead of
mining the resources near the factory, they traveled to Africa to find new resources.

Wira: As Arya and Agung entered the land of South Africa, they met a merchant called Deo. The
reason Arya and Agung entered south Africa is because it was already discovered and is called
the Cape of Good Hope. They hope to seize any resources the could sell back in Great Britain.

Deo: Welcome to South Africa.

Agung: Yes, yes. I came to see what resources you have that might be useful for me back in
Europe. Would you be interested in some coal? Im sure it will help you in life.

Arya: We would like to find good resources that would be useful for the consumers in our

Deo: Ah, ah that would do some good for me , because now we do not need to waste firewood
and have an alternative that lasts longer.

Agung: I could give some coal, But what about us? What is it youre gonna trade for our coal?

Deo: Ahh, Do not worry sir, I would give you some gold since we havent exploited most of the
ground we have and we sure can trade that for your coals.

Arya: Well, that sounds like an amazing deal.

Agung: Alright! Before we get serious with the deal, lets eat together and experience a few hours
in here. We were sailing for quite a long time without rest.


Deo: How was it? It is great experience a few moments of your life here! Now, as promised, we
shall negotiate how much of our goods we shall give each other.

Wira: They were negotiating with each other what items they would trade and try to make it fair
for both sides of the negotiators. After conversing with each other, they finally come to an
agreement to trade some of their goods with each other and the deal was made.

Agung: Great! Now I can return to my place safely and bring back some goods that the people in
my country are waiting for. Thank you for your patronage.

Deo: Yes, it is my pleasure. Have a safe trip back to your place.

Wira: And that is how things went around the world such as the condition of working and how
the factories are managed.

Wira: Therefore, After the visit to south Africa, Agungs factory have more ground and brought
gold into the market to boost his income. Also, we now know the flow of how trade works
between some big countries that are developed and countries not so developed.

Wira: These are the conditions after the industrial revolution.

Work Cited

"Untitled Document." Untitled Document. Modern World History Textbook, n.d. Web. 8 Sept.

Gold Facts.The Worlds Biggest Gold-mining Countries. World Gold Council, n.d. Web. 02
Sept. 2014. <>

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