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In vitro antifungal potency of some plant extracts against Fusarium oxysporum

Bindu Sharma, Padma Kumar

Laboratory of Plant Tissue Culture and Secondary Metabolites (Laboratory o!"#,
$epartment of Botany, %ni&ersity of 'a(asthan, )aipur * "+, ++-, 'a(asthan, .ndia
Clic/ here for correspondence address and email
$ate of Submission 0+*)ul*,++1
$ate of 2cceptance 03*Sep*,++1


.n an approach to4ards the de&elopment of ecofriendly antifungal compounds for
controlling plant diseases caused by Fusarium oxysporum , different extracts of three
4eed plants, namely,Capparis decidua, Lantana camara and Tridax procumbens, 4ere
tested for their antifungal potential! The spore germination5spore counting techni6ue 4as
follo4ed for the e&aluation of the antibiotic properties of the extracts at three different
concentrations! 'esults re&ealed that the free fla&onoids and sterols of T.
procumbens (flo4er# and bound fla&onoids of C. decidua (fruit and stem# totally inhibited
spore germination of the fungi (0++7#! The antifungal components from these plants
could be used in de&eloping no&el fungicides (biopesticides# for the diseases caused by F.
oxysporum (plant pathogen#!
Keywords: Capparis decidua, Fusarium oxysporum , Lantana camara , percentage spore
inhibition, Tridax procumbens
How to cite this article:
Sharma B, Kumar P! In vitro antifungal potency of some plant extracts against Fusarium
oxysporum ! .nt ) 8reen Pharm ,++39":;"*<
How to cite this URL:
Sharma B, Kumar P! In vitro antifungal potency of some plant extracts against Fusarium
oxysporum ! .nt ) 8reen Pharm =serial online> ,++3 =cited ,++3 $ec ,+>9":;"*<!
2&ailable from: http:55444!greenpharmacy!info5text!asp?,++35"505;"5-3"@@

Fusarium oxysporum also referred to as panama disease or agent green, is a plant
pathogenic fungus that causes A Fusarium 4iltA in more than a hundred species of plants

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