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UNIT AUTHOR: Brooke Wiestling

UNIT TOPIC: Deriving Formulas

Subject/Content Area: Math
Course: Integrated Math 1
Grade Level: 9th
Length of Unit: This unit will take three, two hour long periods. This unit prepares students to
work with more complex algebraic and geometric equations later in the semester. It also prepares
them to graph equations that they derive in the next unit.

Content & Common Core Standards
Determine an explicit expression, a recursive process, or steps for calculation from a context.

ELD Standards
ELD Standard 9 Expanding- Plan and deliver a variety of oral presentations and reports on grade
appropriate topics that present evidence and facts to support ideas using growing understanding
of register.

ELD standard 10b Expanding- Write increasingly concise summaries of text and
experiences using complete sentences and key words.

ELD standard 11a Expanding- Justify opinions and positions or persuade others by
making connections between ideas and articulating relevant textual evidence or
background knowledge.

Cognitive: After students explore their assigned scenario with their groups they
will be able to present their explicit expression that represents their scenario and
justify their reasoning. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.BF.A.1.A
Language: After planning with their groups, students will be able to deliver an
oral presentation that presents evidence and facts to support their ideas of why
their equation is valid. ELD Standard 9 Expanding
Cognitive: After exploring how to use measurement to derive the formulas for
area and perimeter of a parallelogram, triangle, and rectangle, students will be
able to determine an explicit expression or steps for calculation for any given
Language: After finding the perimeter and area formula of a few shapes by
measuring given samples of these shapes, students will be able to write a concise
summary of the steps of how to derive the formula for the area and perimeter of
any given shape. ELD standard 10b Expanding
Cognitive: After students review their work and their classmates work they will
be able to determine explicit expressions that represent a given scenario and that
calculate the area and perimeter of geometric shapes.
Language: After discussing their homework with their group members students
will be able to justify the accuracy of the equations they derived by comparing
their work to the formulas we have derived in class. ELD standard 11a Expanding


Day 1:

o Objectives: After students explore their assigned scenario with their
groups they will be able to present their explicit expression that
represents their scenario and justify their reasoning./After planning with
their groups, students will be able to deliver an oral presentation that
presents evidence and facts to support their ideas of why their equation is
o Standards: Content Standard: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.BF.A.1.A
Determine an explicit expression, a recursive process, or steps for
calculation from a context./ ELD Standard: ELD Standard 9 Expanding-
Plan and deliver a variety of oral presentations and reports on grade
appropriate topics that present evidence and facts to support ideas using
growing understanding of register.
o Type: informal/ diagnostic/ short answer
o Purpose: Assess knowledge/ concepts
o Implementation: written
o Evaluation Criteria: Student self-evaluate bases on accuracy or
o Feedback strategies: self-assess after class discussion
o Identify how assessment informs instruction: determines what needs
to be reviewed
o Objectives: After students explore their assigned scenario with their
groups they will be able to present their explicit expression that
represents their scenario and justify their reasoning./ After planning with
their groups, students will be able to deliver an oral presentation that
presents evidence and facts to support their ideas of why their equation is
o Standards: Content Standard: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.BF.A.1.A
Determine an explicit expression, a recursive process, or steps for
calculation from a context./ ELD Standard: ELD Standard 9 Expanding-
Plan and deliver a variety of oral presentations and reports on grade
appropriate topics that present evidence and facts to support ideas using
growing understanding of register.
o Type: informal/ formative/ presentation
o Purpose: Assess skills
o Implementation: verbal
o Evaluation Criteria: accuracy of equation and clarity of justification
o Feedback strategies: verbal from teacher
o Identify how assessment informs instruction: determines what needs
to be reviewed
Day 2:
Circle Formulas
o Objectives: After exploring how to use measurement to derive the
formulas for area and perimeter of a parallelogram, triangle, and
rectangle, students will be able to determine an explicit expression or
steps for calculation for any given shape.
o Standards: Content Standard: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.BF.A.1.A
Determine an explicit expression, a recursive process, or steps for
calculation from a context
o Type: informal/ formative/ solution write-up
o Purpose: Assess skills
o Implementation: written
o Evaluation Criteria: Accuracy of formulas and detail of justification
o Feedback strategies: written from teacher
o Identify how assessment informs instruction: Determines what needs
to be reviewed
o Objectives: After finding the perimeter and area formula of a few shapes
by measuring given samples of these shapes, students will be able to
write a concise summary of the steps of how to derive the formula for the
area and perimeter of any given shape.
o Standards: ELD Standard: ELD standard 10b Expanding- Write
increasingly concise summaries of text and experiences using complete
sentences and key words.
o Type: formal/ summative/ written paragraph
o Purpose: Assess knowledge/ concepts
o Implementation: written
o Evaluation Criteria: accuracy of their steps and the level of detail
o Feedback strategies: written from teacher
o Identify how assessment informs instruction: Determines who has
learned that material
Day 3
Write or Present:
o Objectives: Language: After discussing their homework with their group
members students will be able to justify the accuracy of the equations
they derived by comparing their work to the formulas we have derived in
o Standards: ELD standard 11a Expanding- Justify opinions and positions
or persuade others by making connections between ideas and articulating
relevant textual evidence or background knowledge.
o Type: informal/ formative/ written paragraph or presentation
o Purpose: Assess skills
o Implementation: written or verbal
o Evaluation Criteria: Accuracy of equation and justification
o Feedback strategies: verbal from peer
o Identify how assessment informs instruction: Determines who has
learned that material

Summarize the Mathematics:
o Objectives: After students review their work and their classmates work
they will be able to determine explicit expressions that represent a given
scenario and that calculate the area and perimeter of geometric shapes.
o Standards: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.BF.A.1.A- Determine an
explicit expression, a recursive process, or steps for calculation from a
o Type: informal/ summative/ short answer
o Purpose: Assess knowledge/ concepts
o Implementation: written
o Feedback strategies: written from peer
o Evaluation Criteria: accuracy of responses
o Identify how assessment informs instruction: Determines who has
learned that material

Check Your Understanding:
o Objectives: After students review their work and their classmates work
they will be able to determine explicit expressions that represent a given
scenario and that calculate the area and perimeter of geometric shapes.
o Standards: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.BF.A.1.A- Determine an
explicit expression, a recursive process, or steps for calculation from a
o Type: formal/ summative/ answer- write up
o Purpose: Assess skills
o Implementation: written
o Evaluation Criteria: See attached rubric
o Feedback strategies: written form teacher based on rubric
o Identify how assessment informs instruction: Determines who has
learned that material



Unit 3: Deriving Formulas
DAY 1 (2 hours):
Launch Unit/ Deriving Algebraic Formulas
Content Standard: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.BF.A.1.A
Determine an explicit expression, a recursive process, or steps for calculation
from a context.
ELD Standard: ELD Standard 9 Expanding- Plan and deliver a variety of oral
presentations and reports on grade appropriate topics that present evidence and
facts to support ideas using growing understanding of register.
Cognitive: After students explore their assigned scenario with their groups they
will be able to present their explicit expression that represents their scenario and
justify their reasoning.
Language Development: After planning with their groups, students will be able
to deliver an oral presentation that presents evidence and facts to support their
ideas of why their equation is valid.

Student Activity:
Anticipatory Set: Watch video and have a class discussion about it.
Diagnostic Questions: Student will answer diagnostic questions with their group
members to see what students know about using algebraic rules and to represent a
situation described in a word problem. Then we will have a class discussion about
the questions.
Vocabulary: Students fill in the vocabulary worksheet (attached). They first write
what they think each term means in the Your Definition column. Then we have a
class discussion where students share their definitions. Then I present the class
definition to them and they fill in that column next. Each table is given a piece of
colored paper and assigned a vocabulary word. They write the word and a
definition on the paper. Then then add their paper to the word wall.
Group Presentations: Groups will be assigned a question that describes a
scenario that they must represent with an equation. Each group will present their
question and solution to the class. In their presentations they will explain the
question in their own words and explain how they arrived at their solution using
algebraic rules and concepts. Groups will receive verbal feedback from the
Diagnostic: Students will record their answers to the diagnostic questions and
self-assess them after the class discussion. Their scores will not count against
them (informal).
Presentation: The teacher and other students will ask the presenters questions
that test their understanding of the equation they wrote and how it represents the
given scenario. Students will not be graded on their presentation but they will
receive feedback from peers.
DAY 2 (2 hours)
Deriving Geometric Formulas
Content Standard: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.BF.A.1.A
Determine an explicit expression, a recursive process, or steps for calculation
from a context.
ELD Standard: ELD standard 10b Expanding- Write increasingly concise
summaries of text and experiences using complete sentences and key words.
Cognitive: After exploring how to use measurement to derive the formulas for
area and perimeter of a parallelogram, triangle, and rectangle, students will be
able to determine an explicit expression or steps for calculation for any given
Language: After finding the perimeter and area formula of a few shapes by
measuring given samples of these shapes, students will be able to write a concise
summary of the steps of how to derive the formula for the area and perimeter of
any given shape.
Student Activity:
Investigation: In groups, students will investigate the minimum number of ruler
measurements required to find the area and perimeter of a parallelogram, triangle,
and rectangle. They will use that information to derive the formulas for area and
perimeter of these shapes.
Circle Formulas: Student will use what they have learned about methods to
derive formulas for a parallelogram, triangle, and rectangle to find the
circumference and area formulas for a circle.
Summary: Students will write a summary that explains how to find the area and
perimeter formulas for any shape.
Formula Graphic Organizer: Students will complete a graphic organizer
(attached) where they will write the name of the shape, its area formula, its
perimeter formula, and a picture of the shape. They will label the picture with the
variables from the formulas. For example, to find both the area and perimeter of a
rectangle students must know its length and the width; so they will label the
length and width on their picture of the rectangle.
Circle Formulas: Students will turn in their formulas for area and circumference
of a circle and an explanation of how they arrived at those formulas. These
formulas will not be graded but teacher will provide written feedback (informal).
Summary: Students will turn in a summary of the steps to finding the area and
perimeter formulas of any given shape. These summaries will be graded based on
the accuracy of their steps and the level of detail (formal).

DAY 3 (2 hours)
Review and Quiz
Determine an explicit expression, a recursive process, or steps for calculation
from a context.
ELD: ELD standard 11a Expanding- Justify opinions and positions or persuade
others by making connections between ideas and articulating relevant textual
evidence or background knowledge.
Cognitive: After students review their work and their classmates work they will
be able to determine explicit expressions that represent a given scenario and that
calculate the area and perimeter of geometric shapes.
Language: After discussing their homework with their group members students
will be able to justify the accuracy of the equations they derived by comparing
their work to the formulas we have derived in class.

Student Activity:
Review: Students will review what they have learned the past two class periods
by discussing the homework in their groups. Their homework is similar to the
problems they have been doing in class. While reviewing their homework
students must justify their formulas by comparing their work to the equations we
have formulated in class. Students will have the choice of presenting their work or
writing a paragraph that justifies the accuracy of their formulas.
Summarize the Mathematics: Students will individually answer questions that
highlight the main strategies and concepts related to deriving algebraic and
geometric formulas. Then we will have a class discussion.
Check Your Understanding: Students will take the end of unit CYU quiz.
Closure: After I have collected all of the quizzes I will show them how to graph
the algebraic equation they had to write for the quiz. I will use software on the
iPad to do this because that is what they will be doing in the next unit.
Write or Present: Students will choose between presenting their work and
writing a paragraph that justifies the accuracy of their formulas. This will not be
graded but peers will give feedback (informal).
Summarize the Mathematics: During the class discussion, students will self-
assess their answer and knowledge (informal).
Check Your Understanding: Student will individually take the CYU quiz where they
must derive an explicit expression that represents a given scenario and derive an explicit
expression for area and perimeter of a geometric shape. Students are required to explain
and justify the equations they derive. This will be formally graded using a rubric
(attached) that student have ahead of time.

To launch the lesson I will tell students that we will be deriving our own equations. I will
tell them that equations are uses everyday to solve different problems or represent events. I will
tell them that we will watch a video (see link below) that depicts real life saturations being
translated into diagrams and equations. After we watch the video we will have a class discussion
about what students observed and wonder about what they just watched.

To close the lesson students will complete the Summarize the Mathematics questions in
the text. These lead students to analyze the main ideas of this unit. They will turn in their Check
Your Understanding quiz, which demonstrates their learning. Students will transfer their
knowledge from this unit to the next one because the next unit involves using technology to graph
equations similar to the ones that they have derived in this unit. I will prepare students for the next
unit by showing them how to graph the algebraic equation that they had write on their CYU quiz.
This will show them how to connect what we did in this unit to what is coming up next.



1. TITLE OF LESSON: Deriving Geometric Formulas

2. CURRICULUM AREA & GRADE LEVEL: Integrated Math 1/ 9
grade/ second lesson of a three lesson

3. DATE OF LESSON/TIME NEEDED: End of November/ Period 5/6 @ 12:30/ 2 hours

4. RESOURCES: math song video
KXg&list=PL9A5B5E8F7B633651&index=3 , rulers, textbooks, geometry formulas graphic

5. CA CONTENT STANDARD(S): Address the content area and/or common core standards
Determine an explicit expression, a recursive process, or steps for calculation
from a context.

6. CA ELD STANDARD(S): Address how this lesson helps develop language
ELD standard 10b Expanding- Write increasingly concise summaries of text and
experiences using complete sentences and key words.

Student will understand that they can solve many real world problems by deriving
and using formulas that represent them. They will be able write equations to solve
given problems.
Deriving formulas to solve problems helps to develop students critical thinking
skills, which they will need for the rest of their lives. This unit will also prepares them
for the next unit which involves graphing equations that they derive.

How can deriving formulas help us solve problems in our everyday life?
Why is it important to derive formulas instead of being given them?
What types of problems can formulas help us solve? Can they help us solve every type of

Cognitive: After exploring how to use measurement to derive the formulas for
area and perimeter of a parallelogram, triangle, and rectangle, students will be
able to determine an explicit expression or steps for calculation for any given
Language: After finding the perimeter and area formula of a few shapes by
measuring given samples of these shapes, students will be able to write a concise
summary of the steps of how to derive the formula for the area and perimeter of
any given shape.

Circle Formulas
o Objectives: After exploring how to use measurement to derive the
formulas for area and perimeter of a parallelogram, triangle, and rectangle,
students will be able to determine an explicit expression or steps for
calculation for any given shape.
o Standards: Content Standard: CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.BF.A.1.A
Determine an explicit expression, a recursive process, or steps for
calculation from a context
o Type: informal/ formative/ solution write-up
o Purpose: Assess skills
o I mplementation: written
o Feedback strategies: written from teacher
o I dentify how assessment informs instruction: Determines what needs to
be reviewed
o Objectives: After finding the perimeter and area formula of a few shapes
by measuring given samples of these shapes, students will be able to write
a concise summary of the steps of how to derive the formula for the area
and perimeter of any given shape.
o Standards: ELD Standard: ELD standard 10b Expanding- Write
increasingly concise summaries of text and experiences using complete
sentences and key words.
o Type: formal/ summative/ written paragraph
o Purpose: Assess knowledge/ concepts
o I mplementation: written
o Feedback strategies: written from teacher
o I dentify how assessment informs instruction: Determines who has
learned that material

teacher does
12. STUDENT ACTIVITIES: What the students do
1. Anticipatory Set
Teacher shows students the math video.
Teacher tells students that they will be
learning about geometric formulas

2. State Objective
Teacher tells students that after finding the
perimeter and area formula of a few shapes
by measuring given samples of these
shapes, they will be able to write a concise
summary of the steps of how to derive the
formula for the area and perimeter of any
given shape.
1. Anticipatory Set
Students watch video and listen to
teachers description of what they will be

2. State Objective
Students listen to the objective

3. Input - Modeling
Teacher completes textbook problem 5 with
students. They measure the rectangle in the
text under the document camera. Then they
ask students how many measurements they
need to find the area and perimeter of the
rectangle. Students should answer 2
measurements. The teacher then asks the
students which of the two measurements on
the shape should they use? The students
should answer length and width.

4. Check for Understanding
Next the teacher asks students what they
think the area and perimeter formulas are
for a rectangle? The students should answer
P=2l+2w and A=lw.

5. Guided Practice
The teacher tell the students to explore
problems 6 and 7 with their group
members (already seated at tables of 4).
In problem 6 they find the area and
perimeter formulas for a parallelogram.
While students are working, the teacher
walks around the room to monitor
students progress and answer any
questions. Once most groups have
finished problem 6, the teacher initiates
a class discussion about their solutions.
The teacher asks for a group to
volunteer to share their answers. The
teacher asks the volunteers to share and
explain their work using the document
camera. The teacher elaborates on their
explanation and clarifies any
misconceptions if necessary.

The teacher tells the students to
continue working on problem 7. In
problem 7 they use the Pythagorean
Theorem to find the area and perimeter

3. Input - Modeling
Students watch the teacher model how to
measure the rectangle. They answer the
teachers questions when prompted.

4. Check for Understanding
Students tell the teacher what the area and
perimeter formulas are for a rectangle.

5. Guided Practice
The students work on problems 6 and 7.
They watch as students present their work.
They continue to work on problem 7. They
watch students present their work.

formulas for a right triangle. While
students are working the teacher walks
around the room to monitor students
progress and answer any questions.
After most students have finished this
problem. The teacher asks for a
different group to volunteer to present
and explain their work. The teacher
elaborates on their explanation and
clarifies any misconception if

6. Independent Practice
Teacher tells students to complete
problem 8 in their groups. For this
problem they will derive the area and
circumference formulas for a circle.
Students will turn in their formulas for area
and circumference of a circle and an
explanation of how they arrived at those
formulas. These formulas will not be
graded but teacher will provide written
feedback (informal). The teacher tells
students that they can work on this problem
with their group members but they all must
turn in their own write-up.

Next the teachers tell the students to
individually write a summary of the steps
necessary to find the area and perimeter of
any shape. The teacher tells them to look
back at problems 5-8 to give them ideas.
They tell students that this assignment will
be graded on the accuracy of their steps and
the level of detail.
Teacher collects the circle formulas and
summary when students are finished.

7. Closure
The teacher gives each student a geometry
formula graphic organizer. The teacher tells
the students to complete the graphic
organizer by writing the area formula,
perimeter formula, and a picture of each

6. Independent Practice
Students complete problem 8 with their
group members. They each write the area
and circumference formulas for a circle.
Along with an explanation of how they
arrived at those formulas.
They then individually list the steps
necessary to find the area and perimeter of
any shape.
Students turn in their work when they are

7. Closure
Students fill in the graphic organizer. They
make sure to label their pictures with the
variables from the formulas.
shape that they have explored today. They
tell students that they will label the picture
with the variables from the formulas. For
example, to find both the area and perimeter
of a rectangle students must know its length
and the width; so they will label the length
and width on their picture of the rectangle.

Students will need a pencil, paper, textbooks, rulers, colored paper, and colored pencils for the
word wall. As well as the following items:
This video will be used in the Anticipatory set. It converts diagrams and equations into real life

This a math song video that will be used to launch day 2

Check Your Understanding Rubric:

Check Your Understanding Rubric
1 2 3 4
Part a
(algebra rule)
something, but
Correct formula,
but no
formula, brief
Correct formula, in
depth explanation
Part Bii
something, but
Correct number
incorrect list of
number of
and correct list
Correct number of
measurements and
correct list of
measurements. Plus
an explanation of
why these
measurements meet
these conditions.
Part Biii
something, but
both formulas
One formula is
Both formulas
are correct
Both formulas are
correct. Plus an
explanation of how
you derived those

Vocabulary Terms

Term Your Definition Class Definition
symbolic involving the use of symbols, using, or exhibiting
a symbol

algebraic relating to or involving algebra.
in which a finite number of symbols is
combined using only the operations of
addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division, and exponentiation with constant
rational exponents.

expressions Numbers, symbols and operators (such as + and
) grouped together that show the value of
rules one of a set of explicit or understood regulations
or principles governing conduct within a particular

an existing connection; a significant association
between or among things

effective successful in producing a desired or intended

Geometry Graphic Organizer:
Geometry Formulas
Figure Name Perimeter

By creating this unit plan I have learned about different needs that my students have.I
have differentiated my instruction by giving students options on which assessment they do, giving
some students extra assistance on assessments, strategically grouping students, giving students
rubrics, giving advanced students more challenging problems, giving students graphic organizers
and worksheets, and having different types of assessments. One strength I see in my unit plan is
that I give students multiple assessments each class so I will know what they are understanding
and what I need to review. Another strength is that I teach students vocabulary on the first day so
they will be prepared to used that vocabulary throughout the unit. A limitation is that students who
do not like group work may not like this unit because most of my activities involve group work.
After every unit all of the Integrated 1 Math teachers bring their data on how many of their
students scored a four, three, two, or one on the Check Your Understanding quiz. Teachers
whose classes did very well share some of the strategies they used that they thought helped their
students learn the material. From this assignment I have learned that it is important to plan with
the varying abilities of my students in mind. That way during the lesson I am not struggling to help
the students who need more assistance and challenge the advanced students. I also learned that
I feel more comfortable teaching a lesson when I have thoroughly planned for it. Next time I will
make sure that I review the material from the previous unit before beginning the next unit. The
next unit directly builds upon this one so students must understand the material in their unit in
order to be successful in the next.

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