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522-129 Field Experience I

.Performance Assessment Task: Cooperating Teacher Evaluation

Student Steal \.1 > . t.l. c fi:fL Cooperating Teacher ~f? W J oy
School AE. h1ACd'\cg_1 . .Grade Level_~f0"",-H..J .__ _
Date: I I I / J hI li
Check a r i 2
Mid-term evaluation Final Evaluation
Di r ecti ons: This evaluation formcontains two parts. This formshould be completed by the
cooperating teacher and shared with theinstructional assistant student before it isreturned to the
technical college instructor. The teclmical college instructor will obtain completed formfrom
cooperating teacher through e-mail or fax.
Usingthescoring standards as y our guide, select theappropriate score for each criteria listed in the
table below.
Scoring Standards (Note: You ma y ma r k mor e tha n one i tem if a ppli ca ble. For exa mple, you ma y be
competent a nd show pa r ti cula r str ength r ela ted to a speci fi c cr i ter i on.)
P=Particular Strength N =Developing below expected level
C =Competent 0 =Not observed
D== Developing asexpected X = No opportunity todemonstrate
S G id C' dR ti cormg UI e riteria an a mgs
Criteria P C D N 0 X
1. IA student demonstrates responsibility .
2. lA student demonstrates regular attendance.
3. IA student demonstrates apositive attitude. 'X
4. IA student demonstrates awillingness to dotask as assigned.
=> <:
5. IA student demonstrates ethical behavior. X
6. IA student demonstrates confidentiality .
7. IA student demonstrates professionalism.
8. 'lA student wears attire appropriate tosetting.
. . , r> <
9. IA student interacts positively with children.
10. IA student interacts positively with adults.
I > <
11. IA student demonstrates initiative inresponding to routine needs as
tx they arise within theclassroom.
12. IA student demonstrates empathy .
13. IA student demonstrates respect. X
14. IA student demonstrates honesty .
15. IA student isnon-judgmental.
16. IA student values self and others. e > <: : .
17. IA student follows teacher directions. IX
18. IA student assists teacher inhis/her instructional role.
1 9. IA student asks for clarification when instructions are not fully
V < understood.
20. ~IA student does not participate inactivities he/she is not trained to do.
IA student goes to thesupervising teacher faculty with concerns.
lA student applies judgment and appropriate timing inaddressing
questions, issues, or concerns with thecooperating teacher.
522-129 Field Experience/Practicurn I
Cooperating Teacher Evaluation
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522-129 Field Experience/Practicum I
Cooperating Teacher Evaluation
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23. IA student makes instructional adaptations with permission from the
teacher to meet individual needs of students.
24. lA student uses strategies to meet different learning sty les.
25. IA student uses strategies according to students different multiple
intelligence preferences.
26. fA student relates instruction to interests of students.
27. lA student relates instruction to the individual background of students.
28. IA student carries out discipline/intervention firmly , without anger and
consistent with school/classroom standards.
29. fA student applies the five C's of discipline.
30. IA student consistently applies natural and logical consequences for
I X behavior intervention following the plan outlined by the teacher.
31. IA student assists in maintaining the classroom.
32. IA student assists in clerical tasks.
33. lA student assists in daily rituals and routines.
34. fA student assists in organizing classroom materials.
35. fA student isable to provide more than one way to deal with a single
I X issue.
36. fA student takes into account the best interest of the student.
37. fA student uses ethical and moral judgment when deciding on a plan of
lX action.
Based onoverall observation, student performance at this time is(place anX onthescale below):
competent X developi ng competence unsa ti sfa ctor y
Signat\ir ~ooperatingTeacll~ Date

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