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n shen
quiets the spirit quiet the spirit, n shen}
ao no j
vexation anguish, ao}
b gng /g
eight parameters eight principles, b gng}
b hui xue /
eight meeting points eight meeting points, b hui xue}
ba |
draws out, uproot pull up, ba}
Bai dai )"
white vaginal discharge white vaginal discharge, bai dai}
Bai ho )
diptherial disorder white throat, bai hou}
Bai pei
miliaria alba miliaria alba
Bai |
deIeats, overcomes,
vanquish (v.), bai} ()L,( bai xue chng xn},
vanquished blood surging into the heart)
Bai xue |L
corrupted blood vanquished blood, bai xue}
bn I
spots, maculas/maculae
macule (n.), bn} (I) bn zhn},
maculopapular eruption)
bn :hn I)
Rashes maculopapular eruption, bn zhn}
bo ]
guards (e.g., Stomach),
takes care oI
saIeguard, bo}
Womb, Bladder, or (when
ambiguous) gestation
eyelid, bo} (upper and lower); upper eyelid;
bladder; uterus; womb
bo :hun |
twisted Bladder or
gestation membranes
shiIted bladder, bo zhun}
thin, Ilimsy
thin (adj.), bo} (,j da bian tang bo}, thin
stool, ti bo}, thin Iur); also a plant name
when read as bo}
sudden, violent
sudden (adj.), bao} (| bao mang}, sudden
bao mang |
sudden visual Iailure sudden blindness, bao mang}
sorrow, sadness, being
sorrow (n.), bi} (one oI the seven aIIects. |_
, bi ze qi xio}, sorrow causes qi to disperse)
Bei sh xue j
back associated points back transport point, bei shu xue}
ben )
run wild
run (v.), bn} ()] bn tun}, piglet)
ben tn )]
running piglet |disorder| running piglet, bn tun}
proIuse uterine bleeding,
Ilooding (n.), bng} ( bng lou}, Ilooding
and spotting)
beng lou
irregular uterine bleeding Ilooding and spotting, bng lou}
bi vun ,
deep-source nasal
deep-source nasal congestion, bi yun}
bi |
block (v.), (n.), bi} (;| heat block}, heat block)
repels, clears away avoid, bi}
bi hui ,{
clears away Iilth repel Ioulness, bi hui}
bi fing |
amenorrhea menstrual block, bi jng}
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bian tang j
loose stool sloppy stool, bian tang}
bian :heng {
pattern diIIerentiation identiIy patterns (or signs), bian zheng}
bio bn ]7
maniIestation and root
(branch and root OK)
root and tip, bio bn}
bng fu
|natural| endowment constitution, bng Iu}
bing fi j
pathodynamic pathomechanism, bing j}
thin, Ilimsy
thin (adj.), bo} (,j da bian tang bo}, thin
stool, ti bo}, thin Iur)
bo |
contend (v.), contention (n.), bo} ()|| Ing
shu xing bo}, wind and water contending with
each other)
bu mei j
insomnia sleeplessness, bu mei}
supplement (v.), supplementation (n.), b} (_
b qi}, supplement qi. b I},
spread out/ spread
cloth, bu}
bu chang ]
impeded inhibited, bu chang}
bu ning
malaise, uneasy, disquiet disquieted, bu ning}
bu ren
insensitivity insensitivity, bu ren}
bu sh
uncomIortable constrained, bu sh}
bu tng j
no passage |through|, |x|
does not aIIord passage, no
Iree Ilowing
stoppage, bu tng}
bu :hen |
listless, sluggish, not
devitalized (n.)
bu :u
insuIIiciency insuIIiciency, bu zu}
Cao :a [
indeIinable epigastric
clamoring stomach, cao za}
chan hou feng )
entangling throat wind
throat-entwining wind, chan hou Ing}
chang feng ])
Intestinal wind intestinal wind, chang Ing}
chang mai ]
long pulse long pulse, chang mai}
chang vng ]
Intestinal abscess intestinal welling-abscess, chang yng}
chang ]
Iacilitated, patent, open,
uninhibited, chang} (,] han ch bu
chang}, inhibited sweating)
chao re ;
tidal Iever or aIternoon
tidal Iever
tidal heat |eIIusion| (Iever)

bloating bloating, zhn}
deputy |ingredient|
minister (n.), chen} ((,| jn chen zu sh},
sovereign, minister, assistant, and courier)
chen mai ]
submerged pulse sunken pulse, chen mai}
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cheng ]
overwhelms, encroaches
on, rides, travels
overwhelm (v.), cheng} (Z] mu cheng t},
wood overwhelming earth)
Chi mai )]
proximal pulse cubit pulse, ch mai}
Chi mai ]
slow pulse slow pulse, chi mai}
Chi bai dai )"
red and white vaginal
red and white vaginal discharge, chi bai dai}
Iull, ample, brimming
|adj.|; Iills up |v.|
Iullness (n.), chng} (,)| shen, qi hua
zai g}, the kidney, its Iullness} is in the bone)
chong y
gushes, Ilushes
surge, chng} ([ tou chng}, Head Surge)
chong mai y]
Penetrating vessel thoroughIare vessel, chng mai}
chu chu |
muscle twitches, tics convulsion, chu chu}
Chu |
eliminates, gets rid oI
eliminate (v.), elimination (n.), chu} (| chu
sh}, eliminate dampness)
chu fn |)
eliminates irritability eliminate vexation, chu Ian}
chu shi |
eliminates dampness eliminate dampness, chu sh}
alarm apprehensive, chu}
pant (v.), panting (n.), chun} (chun ji},
rapid panting})
chung vang
sores sore, chung yang}
chn wen
spring-warmth spring warmth, chn wn}
sharpens, improves acute oI hearing, cng}
cng r |
improves hearing sharpen the hearing, cng r}
cou l ||
interstices and pores interstices, cou l}
Cu mai j]
rapid-irregular pulse
|Kuriyama irregular|
skipping pulse, cu mai}
scurry, Ilee |v.|;
expeditious |adj.|
scurry (v.)
cui j
expedites, promotes hasten, cu}
cui r j
promotes lactation promote lactation, cu r}
cun mai ]
distal pulse inch pulse, cun mai}
cu kng ]
characterized by| grasping
at air
groping in the air, cu kng}
Da j
spreads out, thrusts out
outthrust (v.), (n.), da} (Z)j mu yu da zh},
depressed wood is treated by outthrust)
Da bian bu shung ,j,
incomplete/ unIinished and
irregular bowel movements
ungratiIying deIecation, da bian bu shung}
Da bian tang bo ,j
semiliquid stools thin sloppy stool, da bian tang bo}
Da chang ve kui ,]
exhausted Large Intestine
large intestinal humor depletion, da chang ye ku}
Da chang ,]
Large Intestine large intestine, da chang}
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Da mai ,]
large pulse large pulse, da mai}
Da qi ,_
great qi great qi, da qi}
Iatigue and lethargy
Iatigue (n.), Iatigued (adj.), dai} (j juan
dai Ia li}, Iatigue and lack oI strength)
dai mai |]
consistently irregular pulse
|Kuriyama Ialtering|
intermittent pulse, dai mai}
dai mai "]
Girdle vessel | girdling vessel, dai mai}
dai vang ,|
upcast yang, |Iace| made
up with yang
upcast yang, dai yang}
dn du )
erysipelas cinnabar toxin |sore|, dn du}
dn nue )
pure heat malaria pure-heat malaria, dan ne}
dn shen li shi ,,]
blandly leaches out and
resolves dampness
disinhibit dampness by bland percolation, dan shen
li sh}
dn tian )!
cinnabar Iield cinnabar Iield, dn tian}
dn ]
gallbladder (n.), dn} (]]; gn dn sh re},
liver-gallbladder damp-heat heat)
dang ,
Ilush away usually in dang
Ilush away, dang}
do [
guides out
abduct (v.), abduction (n.), do} (,|[, xio
shi do zhi}, disperse Iood and abduct stagnation)
do fing ]
inverted menses inverted menstruation, dao jng}
do :hi [,
guides out stagnation abduct stagnation, do zhi}
dao han ,
night sweats night sweating, dao han}
di re ];
low-grade Iever low-grade Iever, d re}
scours |out|, Ilushes
Ilush (v.), di} (di tan}, Ilush} phlegm)
di tan
scours out phlegm Ilush phlegm, di tan}
withdrawal; yin madness
withdrawal (n.), din} () din kuang}, mania
and withdrawal)
din kuang )
withdrawal-mania mania and withdrawal, din kuang}
din xian
seizures epilepsy, din xian}
settles |down| stabilize, ding}
ding chun
settles |down| wheezing stabilize panting, ding chun}
ding du )
deep-set toxic sores clove-sore toxin, dng du}
ding feng )
settles wind stabilize wind, ding Ing}
ding :hi
settles the emotions,
Iocuses the mind, settles
the resolve
stabilize the mind, ding zhi}
dng wen
winter-warmth winter warmth, dng wn}
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dong ]
disturb, move, disrupt, stir,
agitate |v.|; disruption,
perturbation, stirring,
agitation |n.|
stir (n.), dong} (])]] gn Ing nei dong},
liver wind stirring internally)
dong mai ]]
moving/disturbed pulse stirred pulse, dong mai}; pulsating vessel; artery
dong xie ];
cavernous diarrhea throughIlux diarrhea, dong xie}
dou )
pox (n.), dou} ()dou chung}, pox sores)
d mai ]
Governing vessel governing vessel, d mai}
toxin (n.), toxic (adj.), toxicity (n.), du} (; re
du}, eat toxin
du qi _
toxic qi toxic qi, du qi}
dun mai )]
short pulse short pulse, dun mai}
despoliate (v.), despoliation (n.), duo} (| duo
jng}, despoliation oI essence)
noxious nausea, }
holds |something| in,
hinders, retains, traps
trap, e}
e L
noxious blood malign blood, e xue}
e ni
hiccough hiccup, e ni}
r ming |[
tinnitus tinnitus, r ming}
stimulates, promotes,
induces, discharges |in tx
strategy|; develops,
maniIests |in pathology|
eIIuse (v.), eIIusion (n.), I} (( I bio},
eIIuse the exterior
f bio (
discharges exterior
eIIuse the exterior, I bio}
f han ,
induces sweating promote sweating, I han}
f san
discharges and disperses eIIuse and dissipate, I san}
fa |
hew, curtail, cut down quell, Ia}
fa gn |]
hew/curtail the Liver quell the liver, Ia gn}
blaze (v.), ablaze (adj.), Ian} (_| qi ying
ling Ian}, qi and construction both ablaze)
fan )
vex (v.), vexation (n.), Ian} ((); w xn Ian
re}, vexing heat in the Iive hearts)
fan vun )
distress vexation and low spirits, Ian yun}
fan :ao )
irritability and restlessness vexation and agitation, Ian zao}
fn wei |
upset stomach stomach reIlux, In wei}
fn wei |
stomach reIlux, upset
stomach reIlux, In wei}
fan _
accosts, trespasses
invade (v.), invasion (n.), Ian} (]__| gn qi
Ian wei}, liver qi invading the stomach)
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impedes hinder, Iang}
fei ]
lung (n.), Iei} ((]_ xn Iei qi x}, heart-
lung qi vacuity)
fei qi bu xun ]_
Iailure oI the Lung to
disseminate qi
lung qi Iailing to diIIuse, Iei qi bu xun}
fei vng ]
Lung abscess welling-abscess oI the lung, Iei yng}
fen level or sector |in||;
aspect |elsewhere|
divide, In}
fen li shi re ];
separates and drains out
separate and disinhibit damp-heat, In li sh re}
fen rou ]
Ilesh interstices seam oI the Ilesh, In rou}
fn ci |]
white thorns, pimples acne, In ci}
feng )
wind (n.), Ing} (() wai Ing}, external wind)
feng han )
wind-cold wind-cold, Ing han}
feng han shu bio )(
wind-cold Ietters the
wind-cold Iettering the exterior, Ing han shu bio}
feng re );
wind-heat wind-heat, Ing re}
feng shi )
wind-dampness wind-damp, Ing sh} (rheumatism)
feng shu )
wind edema wind water, Ing shu} (a kind oI swelling)
feng wen )
wind-warmth wind warmth, Ing wn}
feng vn :hn )|)
wind concealed rash;
wind dormant papules, Ing yn zhn}
feng :ao ))
wind-dryness wind-dryness, Ing zao}
feng :hn ))
wind rash wind papules, Ing zhn}
fu |
support (v.), Iu} (|(| q xie Iu zheng},
dispel evil and support right)
fu |
deep-lying (adj.), Iu} (|{ Iu yn}, deep-lying
fu liang |
hidden beam deep-lying beam, Iu liang}
fu mai ,]
Iloating pulse Iloating pulse, Iu mai}
fu mai |]
hidden pulse hidden pulse, Iu mai}
fu qi |_
lurking qi latent qi, Iu qi}
fu :heng |
supports the normal |qi| support right, Iu zheng}
fu :hng ,
Iloating edema puIIy swelling, Iu zhng}
f ]
yang organs, bowels
bowel (n.), I} (] liu I}, the six bowels)
f ]
moldy; putreIies,
decompose, decomposition
putrid (adj.), putridity (n.), putreIy (v.), putreIaction
(n.), I}
f ] dwelling |as in],]
lower back is the dwelling
oI the Kidneys|
exchange, I} (place where business is transacted)
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fu ]
abdomen (n.), abdominal (adj.), Iu} (] shao
Iu}, the lesser abdomen
fu mai ]
restores the pulse restore the pulse, Iu mai}
fu xie ];
diarrhea diarrhea, Iu xie}
gn ]
liver (n.), gn} (],| gn shen ku sn},
liver-kidney depletion)
gn feng nei dong ])]]
internal stirring oI Liver
liver wind stirring internally, gn Ing nei dong}
gn hu shang van ],j
upward blazing oI Liver
liver Iire Ilaming upward, gn hu shang yan}
gn fi )|
childhood nutritional
impairment |also, esp. in
, reIers to progressive
sores or ulcers, as in;)
gn accumulation, gn j}
gn qi vu fie ]_@
constrained and clumped
Liver qi
binding depression oI liver qi, gn qi yu jie}
gn vang shang
ascendant Liver yang ascendant hyperactivity oI liver yang, gn yang
shang kang}
gn :h sh xie ][;
Liver governs dredging
and draining
liver governs Iree coursing, gn zh sh xie}
gng |
rigorous hard, gng}
ga lin ,]
turbid painIul urinary
dribbling |cloudy OK|
unctuous strangury, go lin}
ge ]
diaphragm diaphragm (n.), diaphragmatic (adj.), ge}
ge mai ]
leather pulse drumskin pulse, ge mai}
gng xia )
purges oIIensive precipitation, gng xia}
Foul, Iilth
grime (n.), grimy (adj.), gou} (| ti gou}, Ietal
g |
bone (n.), g} (| jn g}, sinew and bone)
g bi |)
painIul obstruction oI the
bone impediment, g bi}
g du g toxin g toxin, g du}
g qi ,_
Iood qi grain qi, g qi}
g w #
stimulate, drum-up, inspire, g w}
g :hang ]
drum-like abdominal
drum distention, g zhang}
g :heng |
steaming bone disorder steaming bone, g zhng}
secures, stabilizes
secure (v.), security (n.), gu} (_( yi qi gu
bio}, boost qi and secure the exterior
gu bio (
stabilizes the exterior secure the exterior, gu bio}
gu fing |
secures the essence secure essence, gu jng}
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gu se @
secures and binds securing and astriction, gu se}
gu tu ]
secures abandoned
stem desertion, gu tu}
gu ,
peeled |tongue| scrape, gu}; peeled |tongue|
gun ge [|
plugged and
rejecting/repelling disorder
block and repulsion, gun ge}
gun mai []
middle pulse |position| bar pulse, gun mai}
return (v.), gu} (,) yn hu gu yuan},
return Iire to its source)
gn tan
roiling, breaks up phlegm roll phlegm, gn tan}
cold, chills
cold (adj.), (n.), han} (( bio han}, exterior
han re ;
Iever and chills
cold and heat, han re}
han re wang lai ;"
alternating Iever and chills alternating heat |eIIusion| (Iever) and |aversion to|
cold, han re wng lai}
han shi
damp-cold cold-damp, han sh}
han shi kun pi []
damp-cold encumbers the
cold-damp encumbering the spleen, han sh kun pi}
han tan
cold-phlegm cold phlegm, han tan}
han :hi gn mai ,]]
stagnant cold in Liver
cold stagnating in the liver vessel, han zhi gn mai}
han ,
sweat (n.), (v.), sweating (n.), han} (,, huang
han}, yellow sweat
he wei ||
harmonizes the Stomach harmonize the stomach, he wei}
he xue {
uniting point |sea OK| uniting point, he xue} (one oI the Iive transport
he :hng |
harmonizes the middle
harmonize the center, he zhng}
he xi feng y[)
crane`s knee wind crane`s-knee wind, he x Ing}
hong mai ;]
Ilooding pulse surging pulse, hong mai}
hou bi )
painIul obstruction oI the
throat impediment, hou bi}
hou tin :hi fing |
postnatal essence later heaven essence, hou tin zh jng}
shields |Irom/by| saIeguard, hu}
slippery, leakage
glossy (adj.), hua} (, she ti hua}, glossy
tongue Iur)
hua chang ]
lubricates the Intestines lubricate the intestines, hua chang}
hua mai ]
slippery pulse slippery pulse, hua mai}
hua tu ]
leakage and loss eIIlux desertion, hua tu}
transIorm (v.), transIormation, hua} (,
she ti bu hua}, non-transIorming tongue Iur
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hua qi _
promotes the activities oI
qi transIormation
perIorm qi transIormation, hua qi} (physiological)
hua shi
transIorms dampness transIorm dampness, hua sh} (eliminate)
hua tan :h ke )|
transIorms phlegm and
stops coughing
transIorm phlegm and suppress cough, hua tan zh
moderates, relaxes
slack (adj.), slacken (v.), hun} ( jn hun},
slack sinews
hun fi
moderates |spasmodic
abdominal| pain or relaxes
relax tension, hun ji}
hun fi
relaxes and relieves relieve, hun ji}
hun mai ]
moderate or lax pulse moderate pulse, hun mai}
suIIer |v|; calamity |n| suIIer, huan}
dissipates dissipate, huan}
huan sn
Ilimsy dissipate, huan san}
ash (n.), ashen (adj.), hu} (|hu zh ji},
ashen nail)
Hui }
return (v.), hui} (}|}hui yang jiu ni}, return
yang and stem counterIlow)
hui fue N]
collapse Irom roundworm roundworm reversal, hui jue}
hui vang }|
revives the yang return yang, hui yang}
hui vang fiu ni }|}
revives the yang and
rescues Irom rebellion
return yang and stem counterIlow, hui yang jiu ni}
hui xue
meeting points |8| meeting point, hui xue}
hui :huo {]
Iilth and turbidity Ioul turbidity, hui zhuo}
Hn )
lightheadedness, muddled
or impaired consciousness
(e.g. ) )
cloud (v.), hn} () shen hn}, clouded spirit)
hn mi )
stuporous, comatose stupor, hn mi}
ethereal soul
ethereal soul (n.), hun} (]j gn cang hun},
the liver stores the ethereal soul)
sweep (v.), huo} ( huo tan}, sweep phlegm)
Huo ,
quicken (v.), huo} (,Lj huo xue hua y},
quicken the blood and transIorm stasis)
huo luo ,
invigorates the collaterals quicken the network vessels, huo luo}
huo xue ,L
invigorates the blood quicken the blood, huo xue}
Hu ,
Iire (n.), hu} (, phlegm-Iire}, phlegm-Iire)
hu du ,
Iire toxin Iire toxin, hu du}
dislodges, IorceIully
sweep (v.), huo} ( huo tan}, sweep phlegm)
huo luan
sudden turmoil disorder cholera, huo luan}
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huo tan
dislodges phlegm sweep phlegm, huo tan}
Ji [
muscles, muscle layer
Ilesh (n.), j} ([( j bio}, Ileshy exterior)
Ji |
accumulate (v.), accumulation (n.), j} (|; j
re}, accumulated heat
fi fu |
accumulations and clusters accumulations and gatherings, j ju c}
fi mai ]
urgent pulse urgent pulse, ji mai}
fi mai )]
racing pulse racing pulse, ji mai}
Ji j
mobile abdominal mass
conglomeration (n.), ji} ((j| zhng ji j
ju}, concretions, conglomerations, accumulations,
and gatherings)
IortiIies |tx|, Iirms |dx|,
hard |pulse, adj.|
hard (adj.)
fin vin |
IortiIies the yin consolidate yn, jin yn}
diminishes, deleted reduce, jin}
constructs, builds up;
establish, jian}
fian pi j]
strengthens the Spleen IortiIy the spleen, jian pi}
fian wang j
IorgetIul, absent-minded IorgetIulness, jian wang}
fian :hng
builds up/constructs the
IortiIy the center, jian zhng} (j
fiang [
directs downward,
downbear (v.), downbearing (adj.), (n.), jiang} (|
|[ he wei jiang ni}, harmonized the stomach
and downbear counterIlow)
scarlet crimson, jiang}
fiang huo [,
directs Iire downward downbear Iire, jiang hu}
fiang ni [
directs rebellious |qi|
downbear counterIlow, jiang ni}
fiang :huo []
directs turbidity downward downbear turbidity, jiang zhuo}
fio hui xue
conIluent points |oI 8 extra
intersection point, jio hui xue} (see also/]
b mai jio hui xue})
fio gng fn :hng )
arched back rigidity |aka
arched-back rigidity, jio gng In zhng}
fio qi ]_
leg qi leg qi, jio qi}
fie )
boil (n.), jie} () sh jie}, summerheat boil)
fie g ||
joins bones Bone Joiner, ji g}
clumping, knotting
bind (v.), (n.), bound \PP, (adj.), jie} (; re jie},
heat bind
spent, expended exhaust (v.)
fie mai ]
slow-irregular pulse
|Kuriyama halting|
bound pulse, jie mai}
fie nue
checks malarial disorders interrupt malaria, jie ne}
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fie tn
traumatic paraplegia paraplegia, jie tan}
releases, relieves, resolves
resolve (v.), resolution (n.), ji} (( ji bio},
resolve the exterior, exterior resolution)
fi bio (
releases the exterior resolve the exterior, ji bio}
fi du
resolves toxicity resolve toxin, ji du}
fi fi [
releases the muscle layer resolve the Ilesh, ji j}
fi fing
releases spasms resolve tetany, ji jing}
fi re ;
resolves heat resolve heat, ji re}
fi sh
resolves summerheat resolve summerheat, ji sh}
fi vu @
relieves constraint resolve depression, ji yu}
sinew (n.), jn} (] gn zh jn}, the liver
governs the sinews)
fin ,
yang Iluids, thin Iluids
liquid (n.), jn} (_,|] qi jn ling shng},
damage to both qi and liquid)
fin bi )
painIul obstruction oI the
impediment oI the sinew, jn bi}
fin ve ,
Iluids liquid and humor, jn ye}
|totally| gone, expended,
Iinished, exhausted
terminate, jin} ( jng jin}, terminate in
fn mai (]
tight pulse tight pulse, jn mai}
fing )
jitteriness, anxiety,
convulsions, Iright, shock
Iright (n.), jng} (]) gn zh jng}, liver
governs Iright)
channels, stages, warps
channel (n.), jng} (| tai yang jng}, greater
yang channel)
fing |
essence (n.), jng} (,j| shen cang jng}, the
kidney stores essence)
fing feng ))
childhood convulsions,
|Iright seizures also OK|
Iright wind, jng Ing}
fing fin
channel sinews channel sinew, jng jn}
fing shen |
consciousness, essence-
essence-spirit, jng shen}
fing shen bu :hen ||
apathy devitalized essence-spirit, jng shen bu zhen}
fing shen we m |
listlessness listlessness oI essence-spirit, jng shen wi mi}
fing xue
traversing point |river
point OK|
river point, jng xue} (one oI the Iive transport
fng xue ]
well point well point, jng xue} (one oI the Iive transport
| muscular| tetany, spasms
tetany (n.), jing} ( jing bing}, tetanicdisease)
fi tong ru luo
long-term pain enters the
enduring pain entering the network vessels, ji tong
ru luo}
Ilat-abscess (n.), j} ( yng j}, welling-
abscesses and Ilat-abscesses)
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
f )
dwells live, j}
f =
liIts liIt, j}
gathers up, pools (Iluids),
cluster, collects
gather (v.), gathering (n.), ju} (]] zng mai
su ju}, gathering place oI the ancestral sinews
severe severe, ju}
fun (
rolled curled, jun}
fue ] collapse |in|]
|; inversion |in either
reversal (n.), jue} (;] re jue}, heat reversal)
cut oII, severed
expire (v.), expiry (n.), jue} (, jue han},
expiry sweating
Jue vin ]|
terminal yin | reverting yn, jue yn}
fn (
chieI, sovereign
sovereign (n.), jn} ((, jn hu}, sovereign
fn hu (,
sovereign Iire sovereign Iire, jn hu}
fun |
drastic, intense
drastic (adj.), jun} (| jun b}, drastic
fun b |
intense tonic drastic supplementation, jun b}
fun xia |
drastically purges drastic precipitation, jun xia}
k xue |L
coughing up oI blood coughing oI blood, ke xue}
ki |
opens, unbinds
open (v.), (adj.), opening (n.), ki} (| ki
qiao}, open the oriIices
ki da mo vuan |j])
opens |up| and spreads the
qi and penetrates to the
membrane source
open the membrane source, ki da mo yuan}
ki qiao |
opens the oriIices open the oriIices, ki qiao}
ki vin |,
restores the voice restore the voice, ki yn}
ki vu |@
opens up areas oI
open depression, ki yu}
hyperactive (adj.), hyperactivity (n.), kang} (]|
gn yang shang kang}, ascendant
hyperactivity oI liver yang)
ke |
lodge resides
visit (v.), visiting (adj.), ke} (|] xio er ke
w}, child visiting hostility
restrain (v.), ke} (Z mu ke t}, wood
restrains earth)
ke qi |_
visitant qi guest qi, ke qi}
Iear Iear (n.), kng} (mind associated with kidney
ku mai ]
hollow pulse scallion-stalk pulse, ku mai}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
ku dan ,
bland sensation in the
mouth and an inability to
taste Iood
bland taste in the mouth, ku dan}
ku vn wi xie ,
deviation oI the mouth and
deviated eyes and mouth, ku yn wi xie}
k |
dessicated, parched desiccate (v.), desiccated \PP, (adj.), desiccation (n.),
k} (;);|| ya ch gn zao ru k g},
teeth dry as desiccated} bones
bitter (adj.), bitterness (n.), k} ( k han
yao}, cold bitter medicinals
expands, eases
loosen (v.), kun} (lit. widen. | kun xing},
loosen the chest
kun xing |
expands the chest loosen the chest, kun xing}
kun :hng
eases the middle loosen the center, kun zhng}
kuang )
mania, yang madness
mania (n.), manic (adj.), kuang} () din
kuang}, mania and withdrawal)
kuang luan )
manic and disorderly manic derangement, kuang luan}
exhausted deplete (v.), depleted \PP, (adj.), depletion (n.),
ku} (],| gn shen ku sn}, liver-kidney
kun [
encumbers cumbersome (adj.), encumber (v.), encumbrance
(n.), kun} (|[[ zh t kun zhong}, heavy
cumbersome) limbs
ln van |,
laconic speech laziness to speak, ln yan}
lan )
putreIy (v.), putreIaction (n.), lan} (); lan
hou sh}, putreIying throat sand)
lan hou sh ))
putreIying throat granular
putreIying throat sand, lan hou sh}
overwork, consumptive
disorder, consumption
consumption (n.), lao} (] Iei lao}, pulmonary
lao lin ]
consumptive painIul
urinary dribbling
strangury (n.), lin} (L] xue lin}, blood
lao mai "]
conIined pulse Iirm pulse, lao mai}
tears (n.), lei} (] lei wei gn ye}, tears
are the humor oI the liver)
ribs, costal region rib, lei}
interior interior, l}
l |
rectiIy (v.), rectiIication (n.), l} (|_ l qi},
rectiIy qi)
l fi
abdominal urgency abdominal urgency, l ji}
l fi hou :hong
tenesmus tenesmus, l ji hou zhong}
l qi |_
regulates qi rectiIy qi, l qi}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
l xue |L
regulates the blood rectiIy the blood, l xue}
li ]
improves, promotes,
beneIits, Iacilitates
disinhibit (v.), uninhibited (adj.), li} (] li
shu}, disinhibit water
bu li ]
can be diIIiculty or
inhibited, bu li}
li fi )
dysenteric disorder dysentery, li ji}
li niao ]j
promotes urination disinhibit urine, li niao}
li qi )_
pestilential qi pestilential qi, li qi}
li shi ]
resolution oI dampness;
resolves dampness
disinhibit dampness, li sh}
li shu shen shi ],
promotes water
metabolism and leaches
out dampness
disinhibit water and percolate dampness, li shu
shen sh}
li shu ]
promotes urination, moves
disinhibit water, li shu}
lin ,
preserves, inhibits,
constrain (v.), lin} (,| lin yn}, constrain yn)
lin fei ,]
preserves the Lungs constrain the lung, lin Iei}
lin han ,,
inhibits sweating constrain sweat, lin han}
clings, attaches to
lodged, lian} (lit. attached, not wishing to part. (
(j xie lian xn bo}, evil lodged in the
lin vin ,|
preserves the yin constrain yn, lin yn}
lian ;
blanches process (v.), lian}
cool (v.), liang} (L liang xue}, cool the blood)
liang xue L
cools the blood cool the blood, liang xue}
remedies treat, liao}
violent, intense harsh, lie}
lin li ]
dribbling |urination| dribbling, lin li}
ling j
intimidate (v.), ling} (_j( shu qi ling xn},
water-qi intimidating the heart)
liu j
linger, lodges; remains
lodge (v.), liu} ((j) xie liu sn jio}, evil
lodged in the triple burner)
liu hu ,
Ilowing Iire Iire Ilow, liu hu}
liu vn j{
lingering thin mucus lodged rheum, liu yn}
liu :h ]
spreading, Ilow into;
spreading sores
streaming sore, liu zhu} (gravitation abscess)
liu fing
six stages, six warps, six
channels, six axes
six channels, liu jng}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
liu vin ;
six pernicious inIluences six excesses, liu yin} (wind, cold, Iire,
summerheat, dampness, and dryness as
environmental phenomena)
long bi |
urinary blockage dribbling urinary block, long bi}
light uterine bleeding,
leaking, spotting
spotting (n.), lou} ( bng lou}, Ilooding and
chronic sores Iistula (n.), lou}
preoccupation, l} (jj s l guo du},
excessive thought and preoccupation)
lu li
scroIula scroIula, lu li}
|n.| collaterals; |v.|
connects, reticulates
network (vessel) (n.), luo} ( jng luo},
channels and network vessels
luo xue
connecting points,
collateral points
network point, luo xue}
numbness, tingling tingling (adj.), (n.), ma}
ma bi )
paralysis paralysis, ma bi}
ma mu Z
numbness and paresthesia numbness (and tingling), ma mu}
mai ]
|blood| vessels
vessel (n.), mai} (|] ren mai}, controlling
Iullness (n.), mn} (] Iu mn}, abdominal
mang ci ]
prickles prickles, mang ci}
|body| hair |body| hair, mao}
men |
stiIling sensation
oppression (n.), men} (|| xing men},
oppression in the chest)
meng bi
veils clouding, meng bi} (as oI mind or spirit)
mian chi
Ilushed complexion red Iace, mian chi}
mian huang ,
sallow complexion yellow Iace, mian huang}
mian se j
complexion Iacial complexion, mian se}
cng bai )
dusky pale somber white, cng bai} (complexion)
chao hong
Ilushed tidal reddening, chao hong} (oI the Iace)
wi huang ,
wan withered-yellow, wi huang} (complexion)
ming |
brightens, clears, or
bright (n.)
ming mu |
clears the eyes, improves
brighten the eyes, ming mu}
mo |
grinds away rub, mo}
mo vuan ])
membrane source membrane source, mo yuan}
mu Z
wood, wooden, numbness
|absence oI Ieeling|
wood (n.), mu} (]Z gn mu}, liver-wood)
mu xue j
alarm points alarm point, mu xue}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
accepts |Kidneys|; takes in
|Stomach, Liver|
intake (n.), na} (| wei zh shou na}, the
stomach governs intake
no lou ]
seepage Irom the brain brain leak, no lou}
no ming ][
ringing in the brain ringing in the brain, no ming}
nei ]
internal, inside insert, na} (see also nei})
nei shng f re ]];
Ieverishness Irom internal
internal damage heat |eIIusion| (Iever), nei shng
I re}
rebellious, counterIlow
counterIlow (n.), (adj.), ni} (_ qi ni}, qi
ni ]
greasy |coating|, cloying
slimy (adj.), sliminess (n.), ni} (] ti ni},
slimy |tongue| Iur)
ni chuan ]
abnormal transmission abnormal passage, ni chuan}
ni liu wn :hu |)
hauling the boat upstream hauling the boat upstream, ni liu wn zhu}
ning ,
congeal (v.), ning} (,]] han ning gn mai},
cold congealing in the liver vessel)
makes tranquil, |calms
quiet (v.), ning} (( ning xn}, quiet the heart)
anger anger (n.), nu} (mind associated with liver
nun |
warm (v.), nun} (||nun wei}, warm} the
nue fi )
malarial disorder malaria, ne ji}
pai |
pushes out or expels
expel (v.), pai} (|] pai nong}, expel pus)
pai nong |]
expels pus expel pus, pai nong}
pai shi |
pushes out stones expel stones, pai shi}
pang gung ]]
Bladder bladder, pang gung}
pei )
bank up (v.), pei} () pei t shng jn},
bank up earth to engender metal)
cuts through split, p}
skin (n.), pi} (] Iei zh pi mao}, the lung
governs the skin and |body| hair)
pi ]
spleen (n.), pi} (] pi t}, spleen-earth)
pi bu tng xue ]L
Spleen cannot govern
spleen Iailing to control the blood, pi bu tng xue}
pi f j
skin, skin and
subcutaneous tissues
skin, pi I}
pi qi xi xia xian ][
sunken Spleen qi spleen qi Iall, pi qi xia xian}
pi qi x ]
Spleen qi deIiciency spleen qi vacuity, pi qi x}
pi shu
skin edema skin water, pi shu} (a kind oI swelling)
p )
Iocal distention
glomus (n.), p} (|) xing wn p mn},
glomus and Iullness in the chest and stomach duct)
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
p (
ensconced lumps
aggregation (n.), p} ()( xian pi}, strings and
pin k ]|
hemilateral withering or
hemilateral withering, pin k}
calms |paciIies OK| |v|;
balanced |adj.|
calm (v.), ping} (medicinal action. ]) ping
gn x Ing}, calm the liver and extinguish wind)
ping chun
calms wheezing calm panting, ping chun}
ping gn xi feng ])
calms the Liver and
extinguishes wind
calm the liver and extinguish wind, ping gn x
po |
corporeal soul corporeal soul, po} (stored by the lung)
stresses, compels, Iorces,
hurry (v.), po}
po y
breaks up
break (v.), po} (yL po xue}, break blood)
po xue yL
breaks up blood (stasis) break blood, po xue}
qi heng :hi f ,]
miscellaneous Organs extraordinary organ, qi heng zh I}
qi fing ,
extraordinary channels extraordinary vessel, qi jng}
qi fen _ qi level or sector ||; qi
qi aspect, qi Ien}
qi fi _j
qi dynamic qi dynamic, qi j}
qi ku _
qi openings qi opening, qi ku}; wrist pulse
qi ni _
rebellious qi qi counterIlow, qi ni}
qi xian _[
sinking qi qi Iall, qi xian}
qi x _
qi deIiciency qi vacuity, qi x}
qi ving ling fn _|
blazing |Iire| in both the qi
and nutritive |levels|
qi and construction both ablaze, qi ying ling Ian}
qi :hi _,
stagnant qi qi stagnation, qi zhi}
anchors, subdues
subdue (v.), qian} (| qian yang}, subdue
qian vang |
anchors the |errant| yang subdue yang, qian yang}
strong (adj.); strengthen (v.) (|] wei qiang
pi ruo}, strong stomach and weak spleen. See also
jiang}) stiII (adj.), stiIIness (n.), jiang} ()
xiang jiang}, rigidity oI the neck. See also
qiang fin g |
strengthens the sinews and
strengthen sinew and bone, qiang jn g}
qiang mai ]
|overly| strong pulse strong pulse, qiang mai}
qin j
invade, inIiltrates
invade (n.), invasion (n.), qn} ()]j[ bai mo
qn jng}, white membrane invading the eye)
clear (adj.), (v.), clearing (n.), qng} (|)
qng yang bu shng}, non-upbearing oI clear}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
qing gung vn
glaucomatous disorder glaucoma, qng gung yn}
qing mang |
insidious loss oI vision
without visible physical
changes to the eye
clear-eye blindness, qng mang}
qing qiao
clears consciousness,
clears the sensory oriIices
clear oriIice, qng qiao}
qing re ;
clears heat clear heat, qng re}
qing su
clearing and clariIying depuration, qng su}
qing :ao )
clears dryness clear dryness, qng zao}
q |
dispel (v.), q} (| q han}, dispel cold
expels, drives, reins in
expel (v.), q} ( q chong}, expel worms)
q chong
expels parasites expel worms, q chong}
q feng shi |)
dispels wind-damp dispel wind-damp, q Ing sh}
q han |
dispels cold dispel cold, q han}
q v |j
dispels blood stasis dispel stasis, q y}
q :hu
banish expel, q zhu}
que ;
depart, retreat eliminate, que}
ro j
harass, derange, make a
disturbance, make trouble
harass (v.), ro} (]j tan zhuo shang ro},
phlegm turbidity harassing the upper body)
re ;
hot, heat, Ieverish, Iever heat (n.)
re bi ;)
hot painIul obstruction heat impediment, re bi}
re du ;
heat toxin heat toxin, re du}
re fie ;
clumped heat heat bind, re jie}
re ru xue shi ;L
heat enters the blood
heat entering the blood chamber, re ru xue shi}
re sheng ;,
|over|abundant heat exuberant heat, re sheng}
re tan ;
hot phlegm heat phlegm, re tan}
re xie vng fei ;(]
heat pathogen clogs the
heat evil congesting the lung, re xie yng Iei}
ren mai |]
Conception vessel | controlling vessel, ren mai}
ri b chao re ;
aIternoon Ievers late aIternoon tidal heat |eIIusion| (Iever), ri b
chao re}
luxuriant (adj.), luxuriance (n.), rong} ( sh
rong}, loss-oI-luxuriance)
rou gn ]
soItens the Liver emolliate the liver, rou gn}
rou ]
Ilesh (n.), rou} (] jn rou}, sinew and Ilesh)
moisten |v.|, soggy|adj.|
moisten (v.), ru} (){ zao zh ru zh},
dryness is treated by moistening)
ru mai ]
soggy pulse soggy pulse, ru mai}
r p (
breast lumps mammary aggregation, r p} (breast lump)
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
r vng
breast abscess mammary welling-abscess, r yng} (equivlaent to
WM acute mastitis)
run |
soIt (adj.), run} (]| mai run}, the pulse is
run fin |
soItens areas oI hardness soIten hardness, run jin}
run ]
moistens, lubricates
moist (adj.), moisten (v.), run} (] run ti},
moist |tongue| Iur
run chang ]]
moistens the Intestines moisten the intestines, run chang}
run xia ]
moistening laxative moist precipitation, run xia}
ruo mai ]
Irail pulse weak pulse, ruo mai}
plugs stop (v.)
sn fio )
Triple Burner triple burner, sn jio}
scatters, disperses
dissipate (v.), dissipation (n.); scatter (] san mai,
scattered pulse) or, iI read in the 3rd tone: powder
(n.), sn} (| ping wei sn}, Stomach-
Calming Powder)
san feng )
scatters or disperses wind dissipate wind, san Ing}
san han
scatters or disperses cold dissipate cold, san han}
san fie
dissipates, disperses
clumps, knots or nodules
dissipate binds, san jie}
san mai ]
scattered pulse dissipated pulse, san mai}
san v j
disperses stasis dissipate stasis, san y}
se @
binds |action|; rough
rough (adj.), se} (@] se mai}, rough pulse;
rough (adj.) (,] se mai, rough pulse; j),
xio bian dun se, short rough voidings oI urine);
inhibited (adj.) (j), xio bian dun se, short
inhibited voidings oI urine); dry (adj.) (, mu
gn se, dry eyes); astringe (v.), astringent (adj.) (,
] se chang, astringe the intestine; ,se fi,
astringent Iormula)
se chang @]
binds up the Intestines astringe the intestines, se chang}
se fing @|
binds essence astringe essence, se jng}
sh lin {]
gravelly painIul urinary
sand strangury, sh lin}
shan )
bulging disorder
mounting (n.), shan} () han shan}, cold
shan qi )_
bulging qi |disorder| mounting qi, shan qi}
shng ]
damage (v.), (n.), shng} (;(]| re xie shng
yn}, heat evil damages yn
shng han ]
cold-damage cold damage, shng han}
shng shi ]|
Iood-damage Iood damage, shng shi}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
ascends, upwardly up (adv.), upward (adv.), upper (body) (n.), shang}
shang fio )
upper burner upper burner, shang jio}
shang van j
Ilares upward Ilame upward, shang yan}
shao vang |
lesser yang | lesser yang, shao yang}
shao vin |
lesser yin | lesser yn, shao yn}
she dn |)
snake-creeping red papules snake cinnabar, she dn}
she j
contain (v.), containment (n.), she} (_jL qi
bu she xue}, qi Iailing to contain the blood)
shoot (v.), she} (] shu han she Iei},
water-cold shooting into the lung)
settles |into| abandon, sh}
shen re ;
|generalized| Iever generalized heat |eIIusion| (Iever), shn re}
shen re bu vang ;j
Iluctuating Iever unsurIaced generalized heat |eIIusion| (Iever), shn
re bu yang}
spirit, psychic aspect
spirit (n.), shen} ((j xn cang shen}, heart
stores the spirit)
shen hn )
impaired consciousnes,
muddled consciousness
clouded spirit, shen hn}
shen fuan j
weariness lassitude oI the spirit, shen juan}
shen qing dan mo ],
apathetic expression haziness oI spirit-aIIect, shen qing dan mo}
shen shui [
lethargic level oI
debilitated spirit, shen shui}
shen ,
Kidneys kidney (n.), shen}
shen ,
leaches out, Iilters out,
percolates. Permeates
percolate (v.), shen} (,,] dan shen li shu
yao} bland percolating water-disinhibiting
shen bu na qi ,_
Kidneys cannot accept qi kidney Iailing to absorb qi, shen bu na qi}
shen shi ,
leaches out dampness percolate dampness, shen sh}
shen shi feng cang ,|j
loss oI Kidney closure and
storage |Iunctions|
kidney Iailing to store, shen sh Ing cang}
shen :huo ,
Iixed kidneys |or Iixed
kidney disorder|
kidney Iixity, shen zhuo}
engender (v.), engenderment (n.), shng} (,
hu shng t}, Iire engenders earth)
sheng )
raises, ascends
bear upward (v.), shng} (|) qng yang bu
shng}, clear yang Iailing to bear upward)
sheng )=
raises and liIts upliIt, shng j}
sheng fi [
generates Ilesh engender Ilesh, shng j}
sheng qing )
raises the clear upbear the clear, shng qng}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
sheng ,
|~pathogens| .
|~vessels| . congestion,
|over|Iilled, brimming
exuberant (adj.), exuberance (n.), sheng} ((_,
xie qi sheng}, exuberant evil qi
prevails |over| |v.|,
preponderance |n.|
prevail (v.), prevalent (adj.), prevalence (n.),
sheng shi
prevails over dampness overcome dampness, sheng sh}
damp (adj. or compound
n.), dampness (n.)
damp (adj.), (n.), dampness (n.), sh} (_ sh
qi}, damp qi
shi lan )
damp erosions damp ulceration, sh lan}
shi re ;
damp-heat damp-heat, sh re}
shi re xia :hu ;]
damp-heat lodged in the
lower burner
damp-heat pouring downward, sh re xia zhu}
shi si )
breakdown, loss oI
management, loss oI
breakdown, sh s}
shi tan
damp-phlegm damp phlegm, sh tan}
shi xun j
damp tinea-like rash damp lichen, sh xin}
shi vin ,
loss oI voice loss oI voice, sh yn}
shi :hi ]
loss oI ability to do X, loss
oI management oI X,
Iailure to perIorm its oIIice, sh zhi}
excess |pathology|;
Iullness; bolsters, makes
replete, make more Iull
replete (adj.), repletion (n.), replenish (v.), shi} (
] shi mai}, replete pulse
shi bing ]
seasonal diseases seasonal disease, shi bing}
shi lin ]
stony painIul urinary
stone strangury, shi lin}
shi mai ]
excessive pulse replete pulse, shi mai}
envoy history, sh}
dynamic, shi} ( wei shu xing shi},
position, pace, Iorm, and dynamic)
shi wo j}
just wants to sleep somnolence, shi wo}
shu lin |,
restrain and inhibit
|astringent| restrain and
hold in/back
astringe, shu lin}
deIends, conserves guard, shu}
receives, picks up
contract (v.), contraction (n.), shou} ( shou
han}, contract cold)
sh [
disperses, dredges
course (v.), sh} (][; gn zh sh xie}, the
liver governs Iree coursing}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
soothe (v.), sh} (]sh gn), soothe the liver)
sh feng [)
disperses wind course wind, sh Ing}
sh gn []
dredges Liver qi course the liver, sh gn}
sh gn ]
soothes the Liver soothe the liver, sh gn}
sh fin
soothes the sinews soothe the sinews, sh jn}
sh xue |
transporting points
|group|, transport point
|individual stream OK|
acupuncture point, sh xue}
sh vu [@
disperses constraint course depression, sh yu}
summerheat (n.), sh} ( sh sh},
sh shi
damp-summerheat summerheat-damp, sh sh}
sh wen
summerheat-warmth summerheat warmth, sh wn}
Ietters, ties up
Ietter (n.), shu} ()] Ing han shu Iei},
wind-cold Iettering the lung)
shu xue ]
|acupuncture| point, |back|
associated point
acupuncture point, shu xue}
shui [
debilitated, sapped
debilitate (v.), debilitation (n.), shui} (|,|[
yn sheng yang shui}, prevalence oI yn with
debilitation} oI yang
water, edema
water (n.), shu} ({ shu g}, grain and water
shu bu han mu Z
water cannot restrain wood water Iailing to moisten wood, shu bu han mu}
shu dao
water pathway ST-28, shu dao} (Waterway)
shu g ,
liquids and grains grain and water, shu g}
shu re hu fie ;]
clumping oI water and
heat, OR water/heat
binding oI water and heat, shu re hu jie}
shu xie (
pathogenic water water evil, shu xie}
shun (
smooth, smooths, normal
Iavorable (adj.), shun} (( shun zheng},
Iavorable pattern)
shun chuan (]
normal transmission normal passage, shun chuan}
shun qi (_
smooths the Ilow oI qi normalize qi, shun qi}
shuo mai ]
rapid pulse rapid pulse, shuo mai}
si )
manage be in charge oI, s}
pondering, pensiveness,
excessive thinking
thought (n.), s} (mind associated with spleen
si :hi ||
extremities, limbs Iour limbs, si zh}
si :hi fuan dai ||j
weak and easily Iatigued
Iatigued limbs, si zh juan dai}
si :hi kun fuan ||[j
tired limbs Iatigued cumbersome limbs, si zh kun juan}
si :ng xue |j
Iour command points Iour command points, si zng xue}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
so feng )
tracks (down) wind track (down) wind, su Ing}
su fiang [
clariIying and
descending/cause to
depurative downbearing, su jiang}
su tan
dormant or deep, harbored
abiding phlegm, su tan}
su [
medulla, marrow
marrow (n.), su} ([[ su hi}, sea oI marrow)
sn luo j
minute collaterals grandchild network vessel, sn luo}
sn xie ,;
urgent |morning| diarrhea swill diarrhea, sn xie}
sn |
detriment (n.), sn} (| x sn}, vacuity
su niao j
reserves urine, contain
reduce urine, su niao}
ti dong bu n |]
restless Ietus stirring Ietus, ti dong bu n}
tai vang |
greater yang | greater yang, tai yang}
tai vin |
greater yin | greater yn, tai yn}
|Chinese medicine|
phlegm; |biomedicine|
sputum (Irom lungs),
mucus (other organs)
phlegm (n.), tan} (] pi x shng tan},
spleen vacuity engendering phlegm}
tan bi |
phlegm obstruction phlegm block, tan bi}
tan du
proIuse sputum copious phlegm, tan du}
tan hu ,
phlegm-Iire phlegm-Iire, tan hu}
tan hu ro xin
deranges/harries the Heart
phlegm (n.), tan} (] pi x shng tan},
spleen vacuity engendering phlegm}
tan meng xin qiao (
phlegm veils the (Heart)
phlegm clouding the oriIices oI the heart, tan meng
xn qiao}
tan ming [
gurgling sound in the
phlegm rale, tan ming}
tan p )
phlegm lumps phlegm glomus, tan p}
tan re ;
phlegm-heat heat phlegm, re tan}
tan shi,
damp-phlegm phlegm-damp, tan sh}
tan vn {
either phlegm and thin
mucus or thin mucus
phlegm-rheum, tan yn}
teng )
achy, aches
pain (n.), painIul (adj.), teng} (|) wei wn
teng tong}, stomach duct pain}
ti |
dread, jerks Iear, ti}; jerk
ti ,
nasal mucus
snivel (n.), ti} (,, ti huang}, yellow snivel)
tin gu
heavenly dew tian-gui, tin gu} (the principle oI reproductive
viability, menstruation)
tiao ,
regulate (v.), regulation (n.), tiao} (, tiao
jng}, regulate menstruation)
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
tiao da ]j
thrusts out orderly reaching, tiao da}
tiao qi ,_
adjusts the qi regulate qi, tiao qi}
ting ]
tarry, stop
collect (v.), ting} (]] shu yi nei ting},
water-humor collecting internally
tng j
unblocks, promotes,
Iree (v.), tng} (j,, tng k qu zhi},
Ireeing can eliminate stagnation
tng bi qiao j,
unblocks the nasal
Iree the nasal oriIices, tng bi qiao}
tng bian jj
unblocks the
Iree the stool, tng bian}
tng f j]
unblocks the yang
Iree the bowels, tng I}
tng lin j]
unblocks painIul urinary
Iree strangury, tng lin}
tng luo j
unblocks the collaterals Iree the network vessels, tng luo}
tng mai j]
unblocks the |blood|
Iree the vessels, tng mai}
tng r :hi j;
promotes or unblocks
promote lactation, tng r zh}
tng xia j
purge, unblock downwards precipitation, tng xia}
tng vang j|
unblocks the yang Iree yang, tng yang}
control (v.), tng} (]L pi bu tng xue},
spleen Iailing to control the blood)
tong bi )
severe painIul obstruction painIul impediment, tong bi}
tong ch
pangs oI pain pain, tong ch}
tong feng )
painIul wind
|**biomedical gout |
pain wind, tong Ing}
tong fing
painIul menstruation,
menstrual pain, tong jng}
tou :hong [
sensation oI heaviness oI
the head
heavy-headedness, tou zhong}
vents |out|; penetrates |in| thrust out(ward) (v.), tou}
tou re ;
vents heat outthrust heat, tou re}
tou :hn )
vents rashes outthrust papules, tou zhn}
earth (n.), t} ( t shng jn}, earth
engenders metal
tu |
vomit, spit up spit, t}
tu xue |L
spitting up blood blood ejection, tu xue}
tui j
reduces abate (v.)
tui huang j,
reduces jaundice abate jaundice, tui huang}
tui re j;
reduces Iever or heat abate heat, tui re}
tui :hng j
reduces edema or swelling reduce swelling, tui zhng}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
tn sun {
acid regurgitation acid swallowing, tn sun}
tu ]
loss, abandonment; draw
desert (v.), desertion (n.), tu} (_L] qi sui
xue tu}, qi deserting with the blood
tu f ]
sloughing ulcer sloughing Ilat-abscess, tu j} (equivalent to
gangrene oI the extremities)
tu l |
supports the interior internal expression, tu l}
tuo "
saliva |n|, spit |v| spittle (n.), tuo}
wai (
external, outside out (adv.), outward (adv.), outer (adj.), outer body
(n.), wai} (__(; zng qi wai xie}, outward}
discharge oI ancestral qi
wai gn (
externally-contracted external contraction, wai gn}
wan tan (
stubborn phlegm stubborn phlegm, wan tan}
wn |gastric| cavity (| stomach duct (n.), gun} (see wn} )
wei wn |
stomach duct, wei wn}
wn f |
delayed discharge late emergence, wn I}
wang 1
|great| loss, devastation,
collapse (v.), (n.), wang} (1|] wang yang
x tu}, yang-collapse vacuity desertion)
wang vang 1|
devastated yang yang collapse, wang yang}
wang |
eIIulgent (adj.), eIIulgence (n.), wang} (|,|
yn x hu wang}, eIIulgent yn vacuity Iire)
wang xing |
chaotic movement Irenetic movement, wang xing}
wei ]
Ieeble, Iaint, slight; |v.|
mild (adj.), wi} (]) wei Ing}, mild wind);
slight (adj.) (]], wei wei ch han, slight
sweating); Iaint (n.) (]] wei mai, Iaint pulse);
debilitation (n.) ([] shui wei, debilitation)
wei mai ]]
Iaint pulse Iaint pulse, wi mai}
wei |
antagonizes Iear, wei}
wei |
stomach (n.), wei} (|_ wei qi x han},
stomach qi vacuity cold)
wei fen y
protective level/sector deIense aspect, wei Ien}
wei han |
Iear oI cold Iear oI cold, wei han}
wei hu shang
ascending oI Stomach Iire stomach Iire bearing upward, wei hu shang
wei qi y_
protective qi, deIensive qi,
deIense qi, guardian qi
deIense qi, wei qi}
wei x han |
Stomach cold Irom
stomach vacuity cold, wei x han}
warm (adj.), (v.), warmth (n.), wn} ( wn
bing}, warm disease
wen bing
warm pathogen diseases warm disease, wn bing}
wen du
warm-toxin warm toxin, wn du}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
wen hua han tan
warms and transIorms
warm and transIorm cold phlegm, wn hua han
wen fing
warms menses warm the channels, wn jng}; warms the menses
wen l
warms the interior warm the interior, wn l}
wen re bing ;
warm-heat pathogen
warm heat disease, wn re bing}
wen xia
warm |the yang| and purge warm precipitation, wn xia}
wen vi )
epidemic disorders scourge epidemic, wn yi}
wen vi
warm epidemics warm epidemic, wn yi}
w feng )
aversion to wind aversion to wind, wu Ing}
w han
chills |aversion to cold
aversion to cold, wu han}
w shi |
aversion to Iood aversion to Iood, wu shi}
w chi
Iive retardations Iive slownesses, w chi}
w run |
Iive weaknesses Iive limpnesses, w run}
w shu xue ]
Iive transport points Iive transport points, w shu xue}
w xing |
Iive phases, Iive-phase Iive phases, w xing}
w ve
Iive excretions Iive humors, w ye}
xi |
inhales, draws in inhale, x}
xi g {
muscular striations ravines and valleys, x g}
assail (v.), assailment (n.), xi} ()(( Ing xie
xie bio}, wind evil assailing the exterior)
extinguish (n.), x} () x Ing}, extinguish
polyp (n.), x} (,[] bi x rou}, nasal polyp)
xi feng )
extinguishes wind extinguish wind, x Ing}
x ,
elation, joy joy (n.), x} (mind associated with heart
xi mai ,]
thin or Iine pulse Iine pulse, xi mai}
xia gn )
syphilitic sores lower body gn, xia gn}
xia he xue {
lower uniting point |lower
sea OK|
lower uniting point, xia he xue}
xia fio )
lower burner lower burner, xia jio}
xia qi _
drives qi downward precipitate qi, xia qi}
xia vuan
lower base lower origin, xia yuan} (kidney, esp. kidney yang
and kidney qi)
xin tin :hi fing |
congenital essence earlier heaven essence, xin tin zh jng}
oral mucus
drool (n.), xian} (] xian wei pi ye}, drool
is the humor oI the spleen)
xian M
salty (adj.), saltiness (n.), salted (adj.), xian} (M
, xian ru shen}, saltiness enters the kidney
xian mai ]
wiry pulse stringlike pulse, xian mai}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
xian [
Iall (v.), (n.), xian} (_[ zhng qi xia xian},
center qi Iall
xing bo ||
|mutually| contend,
struggle, interact
contend, xing bo}
xing ke |
mutual control restraining, xing ke} (Iive phases)
xing sheng |
mutual generation engendering, xing shng} (Iive phases)
xing x |
mutual accentuation mutual need, xing x} (7 relations
xiang hu |,
ministerial Iire ministerial Iire, xiang hu}
xio ,
reduces, eliminates,
digests, diminishes
disperse (v.), dispersion (n.), xio} (|[, xio
shi do zhi}, disperse and abduct stagnation
xio do ,[
reduces and guides out abductive dispersion, xio do}
xio fi ,|
reduces accumulation disperse accumulations, xio j}
xio k ,,
wasting and thirsting
disorder; unquenchable
thirst |Zhang Zhong-Jing`s
dispersion-thirst, xio k}
xio shi ,
reduces/dissolves stones niter, xio shi} (Nitrum)
xio vng ,
reduces abscesses disperse welling-abscesses, xio yng}
xio :hng ,
reduces swelling or edema disperse swelling, xio zhng}
xio bian bu li j]
urinary diIIiculty inhibited urination, xio bian bu li}
xio chang ]
Small Intestine small intestine, xio chang}
xio chang qi :hi ]_,
stagnant Small Intestine qi small intestinal qi stagnation, xio chang qi zhi}
Xiao |
wheezing (n.), xiao} (;| re xio}, heat
Xie |
rib-side (n.), xie} (||] xing xie zhang
mn}, distention and Iullness in the chest and rib-
xie qi (_
pathogenic qi evil qi, xie qi}
xie xia |
Ilanks under the rib-side, xie xia}
xie ,
drains, drains out, draws
oII |physio.|
drain (v.), drainage (n.), xie} (;,, qng re
xie hu}, clear heat and drain Iire)
xie ;
drains out, discharges
discharge (v.), (n.), xie} (;; xie re}, discharge
xie hu ,,
drains Iire drain Iire, xie hu}
xie xia ,
drains downward draining precipitation, xie xia}
xin (
heart (n.), xn} ((j xn cang shen}, the heart
stores the spirit)
acrid (adj.), acridity (n.), xn} (] xn ru Iei},
acridity enters the lung)
xin bo (j
Pericardium pericardium, xn bo}
xin fi (
palpitations palpitations, xn ji}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
xin xia (
epigastrium |premodern:
area below the Heart OK|
below the heart, xn xia}
xin vi re vu xio
Heart Iire transIerred to the
Small Intestine
heart heat spreading to the small intestine, xn yi re
yu xio chang}
Iishy-smelling (adj.), xng} (| xng wei}, Iishy
xing |
promotes (movement),
proceeds, travels
move (v.), xing} (|_ xing qi}, move qi)
xing bi |)
|v.| promotes movement
(in areas oI painIul
obstruction); |n.| moving
painIul obstruction
moving impediment, xing bi}
xing qi |_
promotes movement oI the
move qi, xing qi}
xing shu |
promotes the dissipation oI
pathogenic water
move water, xing shu}
wakes, awakens
rouse (v.), xng} (] xng pi}, rouse the spleen)
xng pi ]
awakens the Spleen arouse the spleen, xng pi}
xng shen
awakens the spirit/restores
arouse the spirit, xng shen}
xing bi |)
chest painIul obstruction chest impediment, xing bi}
xing men ||
stiIling sensation in the
chest/ sense oI oppression
in the chest
oppression in the chest, xing men}
xing xie k mn ||
an unpleasant Iullness in
the chest and
Iullness in the chest and rib-side, xing xie k
xing xie tong ||
chest and hypochondriac
chest and rib-side pain, xing xie tong}
xiong !
robust, virile male (oI birds), xiong}
deIiciency, hollow
vacuous (adj.), vacuity (n.), x} (]x mai},
vacuous pulse
x hu shang van ,j
Iire Irom deIiciency
blazing upward
upIlaming vacuity Iire, x hu shang yan}
x lao
deIiciency and overwork;
deIiciency overwork; or
deIiciency consumption
vacuity taxation, x lao}
x mai ]
deIicient pulse vacuous pulse, x mai}
disseminates, dissipates,
diIIuses, disbands
diIIuse (v.), diIIusion (n.), xun} (] xun Iei},
diIIuse the lung)
xun tng bi qiao j,
disperses and unblocks the
qi oI the nasal oriIice
Iree the nasal oriIices, xun tng bi qiao}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
xuan p (
|Chinese| periumbilical
and hypochondriac
Iirmness & pain;
|Japanese| chronic muscle
cramps |primarily oI chest
& shoulders|
aggregation (n.), p} ()( xian pi}, strings and
xuan vn {
suspended thin mucus suspended rheum, xuan yn}
xun j
lichen (n.), xin} (|j sng pi xin}, pine
bark lichen)
xuan |
vertigo dizziness, xuan}
xuan vun |f
dizziness dizziness, xuan yn}
xue L
blood (n.), bloody (adj.), xue} (_L qi xue}, qi
and blood
xue bi L)
painIul obstruction oI the
blood impediment, xue bi}
xue fen L blood level or sector |
|; blood aspect
blood aspect, xue Ien}
xue lin L]
painIul bloody urinary
blood strangury, xue lin}
xue re wang xing L;|
chaotic movement oI hot
Irenetic movement oI hot blood, xue re wang xing}
xue x L
blood deIiciency blood vacuity, xue x}
xue v Lj
blood stasis, or stasis oI
blood stasis, xue y}
xn :heng ,
Iumes upwards |path|;
evaporates |treatment|
Iuming and steaming, xn zhng} (methods oI
xun j
traverses Iollow, xun}
v gn ;)
progressive ulceration oI
the gums
gn oI the teeth and gums, ya gn}
vn hou :hng tong l
painIul and swollen throat sore swollen throat, yn hou zhng tong}
vn :ao l)
parched throat dry pharynx, yn zao}
vang ming ||
yang brightness | yang brightness, yang ming}
vang qio mai |j]
Yang Heel vessel | yang springing vessel, yang qio mai}
vang wei mai |]
Yang Linking vessel | yang linking vessel, yang wei mai}
nourish (v.), nourishment (n.), yng} (| yng
yn}, nourish yn)
vo tong ]
lower back pain lumbar pain, yo tong}
dysphagia dysphagia, y}
yin Iluids, thick Iluids
humor (n.), ye} (, jn ye}, liquid and humor
vi niao j
enuresis enuresis, yi niao}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
augments, beneIits
boost (v.), yi} (_, yi qi shng jn}, boost
qi and engender liquid)
intention, signiIication reIlection, yi} (stored by the spleen)
superIicial visual
screen (n.), yi} ( mu yi}, eye screen)
vi |
repress (v.), yi} (|] yi gn}, repress the liver)
vi du
epidemic toxin epidemic toxin, yi du}
vi gn |]
curbs the Liver repress the liver, yi gn}
vi li )
epidemic pestilence epidemic pestilence, yi li}
vi qi _
augments the qi boost qi, yi qi}
vi vn ({
overIlowing or Ilooding
thin mucus
spillage rheum, yi yn}
vin qio mai |j]
Yin Heel vessel | yn springing vessel, yn qio mai}
vin wei mai |]
Yin Linking vessel | yn linking vessel, yn wei mai}
vin vng |
genital itching pudendal itch, yn yng}
vn {
thin mucus
rheum (n.), yn} ({ tan yn}, phlegm-rheum)
ving fen
construction aspect, ying Ien}
ving qi _
nutritive/constructive qi construction qi, ying qi}
ving xue Q
gushing point |spring OK| brook point, ying xue} (one oI the Iive transport
goiter (n.), yng} (_ qi yng}, qi goiter
vng liu (
goiter; neck tumors goiters and tumors oI the neck, yng liu}
abscess, sore, ulcer
welling-abscess (n.), yng} (] chang yng},
intestinal welling-abscess)
congest (v.), congestion (n.), yng} ({(]
yn xie yng Iei}, rheum evil congesting the lung
worry, upset, melancholy anxiety (n.), yu} (mind or emotion oI the lung
vou feng )
roving wind wandering wind, you Ing}
vu vu |[
over abundance, surplus superabundance, yu yu}
v re j;
static heat stasis heat, y re}
vu @
constrains, constraint
depression (n.), (lie) depressed (adj.), yu} (])
gn yu}, liver depression)
vu hu @,
Iire Irom constraint depressed Iire, yu hu}
vu vin |
Iosters yin Ioster yn, yu yn}
prime, primal, base
origin (n.), original (adj.), yuan} ( xia yuan},
lower origin
vuan qi _
primal qi original qi, yuan qi}
vuan qi )_
source qi source qi, yuan qi}
vuan xue )
source points source point, yuan xue}
eructate vomit (v.), yu}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
vue ,
binds |up| or constrains (a
strong Stomach 'binds a
weak Spleen)
retain (v.), yu}; constrain (v.); straiten (v.)
vue j
surmount, disseminate
(physiology); overstep
(pathology); thrust out,
evict (treatment)
stray (v.), astray (adj.), yue} ()|,j g yang
Iu yue}, solitary yang Iloating astray)
vue fing shi tiao ),
irregular menstruation menstrual irregularities, yue jng sh tiao}
brew (v.), yun} (; sh re yun jie}, damp-
heat brewing (and binding))
vun f
dizzy (adj.), dizziness (n.), yn} ([f| tou
yn mu xuan}, dizzy head and vision)
vun pi ]
improves the Spleen`s
transporting Iunction
move the spleen, yun pi}
:a bing
miscellaneous or
heterogeneous diseases
miscellaneous disease, za bing}
yin organs, viscera viscus (n.), viscera (pl.), visceral (adj.), zang}
(plural viscera. w zang}, the Iive viscera}
:ang f ]
organs or yin and yang
bowels and viscera, zang I}
:ang :ao
restless organ disorder visceral agitation, zang zao}
:ao )
dries (v.), dry, parched
(adj.), dryness (n.)
dry (adj.), dryness, zao} (l) ku gn yn
zao}, dry throat and mouth
agitation (n.), agitated (adj.), zao} () Ian zao},
vexation and agitation
:ao shi )
dries dampness dry dampness, zao sh}
:ei feng |)
bandit wind bandit wind, zei Ing}
:eng ve ]
increases Iluids increase humor, zng ye}
:hn v [
delirious speech, raving delirious speech, zhn y}
Ioster, increase
long (adj.), chang} (j xio bian qng
chang}, long voidings oI clear urine
:hang nue )
miasmic malarial disorders miasmic malaria, zhang ne}
:hen han fi re |j;
true cold with Ialse heat true cold and Ialse heat, zhn han ji re}
:hen qi |_
true qi true qi, zhn qi}
:hen re fi han |;j
true heat with Ialse cold true heat and Ialse cold, zhn re ji han}
:hn )
papule, rash
papule (n.), zhn} (I) bn zhn}, macules and
:hen )
sedates, paciIy, suppresses,
hold down
settle (v.), zhen} ()]) zhen gn x Ing},
settle the liver and extinguish wind)
:hen chan [
tremble |v.|, tremors |n.| tremor, zhen chan}
:hen fen vang qi ||_
stimulates the yang vitalize yang qi, zhen Ien yang qi}
:hen gn )]
sedates the Liver settle the liver, zhen gn}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
:hen fing ))
jitteriness/palpitations with
settle Iright, zhen jng}
:hen fing )
sedates tremors settle tetany, zhen jing}
steam (v.), zhng} (|; g zhng chao re},
steaming bone tidal Iever
:heng (
Iixed |immobile OK|
abdominal mass
concretion (n.), zhng} ((j zhng ji},
concretions and conglomerations
:heng chng j]
continuous palpitations,
panicky throbbing
IearIul throbbing, zhng chng}
:heng fi (j
abdominal mass concretions and conglomerations, zhng ji}
condition, disorder
concretion (n.), zhng} ((j zhng ji},
concretions and conglomerations
:heng |j| pattern sign (n.), zheng} (; re zheng}, a heat sign)
:heng qi _
normal qi or
antipathogenic Iactor/qi
right qi, zheng qi}
:hi vn {
prodding |or propping|
thin mucus
propping rheum, zh yn}
:h )
stops, arrests, halts
suppress (v.), zh} ()| zh ke}, suppress cough)
:h ke )|
stops coughing suppress cough, zh ke}
:h li )
stops dysenteric disorders check dysentery, zh li}
:h tong )
alleviates pain, stops pain relieve pain, zh tong}
:h xue )L
stops bleeding stanch bleeding, zh xue}
resolve, mind, emotions mind (n.), zhi} (will, power oI concentration,
w :hi
Iive emotions Iive minds, w zhi} (joy, anger, anxiety, thought,
jammed; stopped up asphyxiation, zhi} WM; sometimes congestion;
:hi j
control, restrain
restrain (v.) (]j[ zhung4 shu zhi yang,
invigorate water to restrain yang); dam (v.) ()j
pei t zhi shu, bank up earth to dam water);
control (v.) (j| zhi wei sun, control stomach
acid);process, zhi} (j zhi ji}, preparation oI
:hi ,
stagnates stagnate (v.), stagnation (n.), stagnant (adj.), zhi}
(_, qi zhi}, qi stagnation)
:hi f ;
treatment strategy method oI treatment, zhi I}
:hng fia )
middle burner center burner, zhng jio}
:hng qi _
middle qi center qi, zhng qi}
:hng qi bu :u _
insuIIicient middle qi insuIIiciency oI center qi, zhng qi bu zu}
:hng du
toxic swellings toxin swelling, zhng du}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
:hng :hang ]
distended swelling, zhng zhang}
:hong feng )
wind-attack |in context oI
diseases|; wind-stroke
wind strike (stroke), zhong Ing}
:hong fing
channel-stroke channel strike, zhong jng}
:hong vang |
heIty yang double yang, chong yang}
:hong :ang
organ-stroke visceral strike, zhong zang}
drives out
expel (v.), zhu} ( zhu shu}, expel water)
:hu shu
drives out water expel water, zhu shu}
:hu tan
drives out phlegm expel phlegm, zhu tan}
governs; Iocuses |'x
organ 'y x organ
governs/Iocuses on y
(tissue)|, masters |'x
x Iormula masters
govern (v.), governing (n.), governor (n.), zh} ((
L] xn zh xie mai}, the heart governs} the
blood and vessels
:hu ]
assists, reinIorces
assist (v.), zhu} (]| zhu yang}, assist yang)
:hu vang ]|
assists the yang reinIorce yang, zhu yang}
IortiIies |v.|; vigorous
vigorous (adj.), invigorate (v.), zhuang} (,
zhuang hu}
:hung hu ,
vigorous Iire vigorous Iire, zhuang hu}
:hung hu sh qi ,|_
vigorous Iire consumes the
vigorous Iire consuming qi, zhuang hu shi qi}
:hung fin g |
IortiIies the sinews and
strengthen sinew and bone, zhuang jn g}
:hung re ;
vigorous Iever, sustained
high Iever
vigorous heat |eIIusion| (Iever), zhuang re}
:huang j
dash hit, zhuang}
pursues expel (v.), zhu}
:huo bi )
Iixed painIul obstruction Iixed impediment, zhuo bi}
:huo lin ]]
turbid painIul urinary
turbid strangury, zhuo lin}
enrich (v.), z} (| z yn}, enrich yn)
:i )
provides Ior support, z}
:i shen ,
enriches the Kidneys kidney enrichment, z shen}
:i vin |
enriches the yin enrich yn, z yn}
: bn )I
purple spots or maculas purple macules, z bn}
: gng ;
Womb womb, z gng}
:ng qi __
gathering qi ancestral qi, zng qi}
!"#$"# &'"#()( (*)+,*#- !.*&+"&*, -"&+"/#*.$
:o _
mobilize, travels
|through/with|, extends to,
acts on
penetrate (v.), penetration (n.), zu}
:o cuan _
mobile and piercing mobile and penetrating, zu cuan}
:u er bu shu _]
mobile and does not
mobile, zu er bu shu}
:u m v gn _};)
rapidly progressing
ulceration oI the gums
galloping gn oI the teeth and gum, zu m ya gn}
(equivalent to WM cancrum oris)
:u :h _]
running and pouring
traveling inIlux, zu zhu} (moving impediment)
Z | obstructs, impedes |as in|
] impedes the
obstruct (v.), obstruction (n.), z} (|( tan
z xn qiao}, phlegm obstructing} the oriIices oI
the heart
Zu ,
assist (v.), assistant (n.), zu} ((,| jn chen
zu sh}, sovereign, minister, assistant, and courier)

Known problems in this Iile include the Iollowing:

Mistakes initially spotted in original document (this is only a draIt edition Irom Eastland):
The original Eastland PDF had the wrong chao () Ior chao re. Should be .
In traditional script, chng means gushing (as in water) when written as ;.
When used in the context oI the chng |thoroughIare| vessel, it is written as y. Both
characters are simpliIied to , in simpliIied Chinese. Note also that this word is read in
the Iirst tone, not Iourth tone (unless it is used to mean 'mechanical punch).
] is pronounced bo, not bo.
Da tou wen should use this wen , so the computer couldn`t make the match.
Also no computer match with deaIness because the original character has a typo.
There are a Iew tone mistakes, such as :o, which should have the accent on the o
instead oI the u.

Mistakes in extraction and comparison:
Matches may be missing alternate terms or the same character with diIIerent
pronounciation. For example, may be read as qiang or fiang, with two diIIerent
meanings. There are not likely to be many computer-based mistakes in this document,
but I have spotted a Iew so Iar that all relate to the computer's matching limitations in this
regard. Thus, single characters with multiple deIinitions are sometimes only displaying
the Iirst match and may be leaving out other alternate entries Ior the same character Irom
the PD list.
A number oI terms were not matched perIectly by the computer. These would
need to be dealt with individually beIore a Iull comparative chart could be made.

Assembled by Eric Brand, terminology compiled Irom Eastland Press and Paradigm

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