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Heart of the Rose - Keep staring at the rose. Notice its color, texture and design.

Savor its fragrance and

think only about this wonderful object in front of you.
Opposition Thinking - So think of the opposite of gloom. Concentrate on being cheerful and energetic.
Feel that you are happy. Perhaps you might even start to smile.
The Secret of the Lake- The ageless technique of using positive images to influence the mind.

The power of self-examination: Discover yourself and help others.
The 5 step method for attaining goals:
1. Have a clear vision of your outcome.
2. Create positive pressure to keep you inspired.
3. Attach a precise deadline to your goal.
4. Have a goal book Dream book, write your dreams. ( divide into separate sections) fill it with
5. Take Action same time every day for 21 days.

10 Ancient Rituals for Radiant Living
1. Ritual of solitude- period of peace
2. Ritual of Physicality do physical exercises
3. Ritual of Live Nourishment vegetarian diet
4. Ritual of Abundant Knowledge lifelong learning, read for 30
minutes everyday
5. Ritual of Personal Reflection get to know yourself, reflect on
your entire day
6. Ritual of Early Awakening - Sleep only 6 to 6 hours ( deep
sleep )
7. Ritual of Music listen to soothing music every day.
8. Ritual of the Spoken Word mantras , affirmations to be chanted
9. Ritual of a Congruent Character - this ritual requires you to take
daily, incremental action to build your character.
Industry, compassion, humility, patience, honesty and
10. Ritual of Simplicity Keep life simple. Focus on activities
that are most important, that add value.

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