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Article 1
with Victor Stenger, PhD
Much of alternative medicine is grounded on vitalism, the notion that living organisms possess some unique quality,
an lan vital, that gives them that special quality we call life. Belief in the existence of a living force is ancient and
remains widespread to this day. Called prana by the Hindus, qi or chi by the Chinese, ki by the Japanese, and 95
other names in 95 other cultures, this substance is said to constitute the source of life that is so often associated with
soul, spirit, and mind.
In ancient times, the vital force was widely identified with breath, which the Hebrews called ruach, the Greeks psyche
or pneuma (the breath of the gods), and the Romans spiritus. As breath was gradually acknowledged to be a material
substance, words like "psychic" and "spirit" came about. These words refer to the assumed nonmaterial and perhaps
even supernatural medium by which organisms gain the qualities of life and consciousness. The idea that matter
alone can do the job has never proved popular.
Mystical energy forms are everywhere in alternative medicine. "Chi" or "qi" remains a concept in traditional Chinese
medicine, still widely practiced in China and experiencing an upsurge of interest in the West as part of the curiosity
surrounding acupuncture. Chi is a living force that is said to flow rhythmically through so-called "meridians" in the
body. The methods of acupuncture and acupressure are said to stimulate the flow of qi at special acupoints along
these meridians (of course, this overlooks the fact that their location has never been consistently specified).
Furthermore, the qi force is not limited to the body, but is believed to flow throughout the environment. For example,
when building a house, many believers rely on a feng shui master to decide on an orientation that is well-aligned with
this flow.
As modern science developed in the West and the nature of matter was gradually uncovered, a few scientists looked
hard for scientific evidence for the nature of the living force. After Sir Isaac Newton had published his laws of
mechanics, optics, and gravity, in the 1700s, he spent many years looking for the source of life in alchemical
experiments. His search made perfect sense, given what was known at the time. Newtonian physics couldn't explain
the complexity that is necessary for any purely material theory of life or mind. (This requires quantum physics.)
Furthermore, Newtonian gravity had an occult quality about it. Gravity is a mysterious, invisible action that happens at
a distance. It seems to be transmitted across space. Newton (and many others) thought that the forces of life and
thought had similar immaterial properties. Still, Newton and others who followed the same trail have never managed
to uncover a signal for a special substance of spirit or life.
In the eighteenth century, Anton Mesmer imagined that magnetism was the universal living force. He treated patients
for a wide variety of ills with magnets, a therapy still being promoted today. He believed that a force called "animal
magnetism" resided in the human body and could be directed into other bodies. Indeed, patients would exhibit violent
reactions when Mesmer directed his energy toward them by pointing his finger, until the flow of "nervous current"
would re-balance the patient's energies. Today, "mesmerism" has become associated with hypnosis and has been
disconnected from animal magnetism or other notions of a living force. Mesmer's ideas have survived in various
modern "holistic" theories that contradict conventional science.
In the late nineteenth century, prominent scientists including William Crookes and Oliver Lodge sought scientific
evidence for what they called the "psychic force" that they believed was responsible for the mysterious powers of the
mind being exhibited by the mediums and spiritualist hucksters of the day. They thought it might be connected with
the electromagnetic "aether waves" that had just been discovered and were being put to amazing use. If wireless
telegraphy was possible, why not wireless telepathy? While this was a reasonable question at the time, wireless
telegraphy thrived but wireless telepathy made no progress in the full century of poorly conducted experiments in
"parapsychology" that followed.
Conventional medicine follows conventional biology, conventional chemistry, and conventional physics in treating the
material body. The body is a complex system assembled from the same atoms and molecules that constitute
(presumably) non living objects such as computers and automobiles. In some sense, equine veterinarians are
glorified mechanics, who repair broken parts in the equine machine. Indeed, even a brief look at all of the diagnostic
gadgets available to a veterinarian - ultrasound, X-rays, bone scans and the like - reinforces this image. Drugs are
designed to alter the chemistry of the horse's body. Even when the horse gets better it's easy to get a negative view
of the whole experience.
It's no surprise, then, that alternative practitioners find many eager listeners when they announce that they go beyond
materialism and mechanism and treat the really important part of the horse - the vital substance of life itself. Perhaps
it's a lot more comforting to believe that a horse is far more than an assemblage of atoms, that the horse possesses a
living field that is linked to both God and cosmos. Furthermore, if a horse has a condition that can't be identified - or
worse, one that can be identified but can't be fixed - it's quite natural to seek out hope wherever it can be found. So a
ready market exists for therapists who claim they can succeed where medical science fails. A brief glance at just
about any horse magazine will direct you to any number of them.


The hypothetical vital force is often referred to these days as the bioenergetic field. Touch therapists, acupuncturists,
chiropractors, and many other alternative practitioners tell us that they can affect cures for many ills by "manipulating"
this field, thereby bringing the body's "live energies" into balance. The use of "bioenergetic" in this context is sort of
hard to figure out. When the term is applied in conventional biochemistry it refers to the readily measurable
exchanges of energy. These exchanges, which occur within organisms and between them and their environment,
occur by normal and measurable physical and chemical processes. This is not, however, what the new vitalists have
in mind. They imagine the bioenergetic field as a holistic living force that goes beyond physics and chemistry.
Used in this sense, "holistic" doesn't mean the need to treat the patient as a whole. Many factors, such as the
psychological, emotional, and social, contribute to a sense of well-being, in addition to the state of the physical body.
While this is often the example used by those who claim to practice holistic medicine, they imply something much
more is at work in their treatments. Treating the whole horse is not something that is only done by practitioners or
alternative therapies. The fact is that the parts of a physical system interact with one another and it's impossible to
treat one part without affecting others. But the holism that relates to energy goes beyond reducing the body to it's
physical and biochemical parts. It implies that there is a universe of objects that interact simultaneously and so
strongly that none can ever be treated separately. This concept enters into the discussion of bioenergetic fields,
where that field is imagined as some cosmic force that pervades the universe and acts instantaneously, faster than
the speed of light, over all of space.
All sorts of "holistic healing" are now being practiced on horses. Many of these, such as acupuncture, homeopathy or
even massage purport to do something to manipulate some form of energy. According to one source, "energy fields
are postulated to constitute the fundamental unit of the living and nonliving." The field is "a unifying concept and
energy signifies the dynamic nature of the field. Energy fields are infinite and paradimensional; they are in continuous
Actually, it's pretty hard to figure out what this means. For example, in a chapter on "Energy Medicine" in a recently
published book on Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine, the author writes: "The principles of energy
medicine originate in quantum physics. Bioenergetic medicine is the study of human and animal bodies as dynamic
electromagnetic fields existing in an electromagnetic environment." The problems with such a statement are
enormous. The exact nature of the bioenergetic field is not specified, even as a guess. On the one hand, the "biofield"
seems to be identified with the classical electromagnetic field; forget the fact that dynamic electromagnetic fields
could be easily measured. On the other hand, the "biofield" is confused with quantum fields or wave functions. You
do realize, hopefully, how silly this is (it can't be both magnetic and quantum)..
In regards to bioenergy fields, it's impossible not to at least mention the highly celebrated recent publication in a
major medical journal of the tests of a human healing practice callled "Therapeutic Touch," performed by a 9 year old
schoolgirl, Emily Rosa. In this simple experiment, TT practitioners were unable to detect Emily's "energy field." It
seems that not only is this field so transparent that no one can see it, the theory behind it is so transparent that even
a child can see through it.


Perhaps the most specific model for the bioenergetic field is some special form of electromagnetism, with the
evidence for such a thing being claimed in the measurable electromagnetic waves emitted by humans. "Spiritual
healing" is related to the belief that we are all part of the natural harmonious energy of the universe (whatever that
means). It is claimed that within this universal energy field is an energy field that is intimately involved with life. Some
people call this an "'aura.'" Some people who call themselves psychics even claim that they can "see" an aura,
although this claim has never been proven (can you imagine how much money someone who was genuinely psychic
could make?).
Believe it or not, humans have auras that can be photographed with infrared-sensitive film. However, this sort of
thing is hardly mysterious. It can be easily identified by what's called "black body" electromagnetic radiation.
Everyday objects that reflect very little light will appear black on infrared-sensitive film. These bodies emit invisible
infrared light. This light is the result of the random movements of all the charged particles in the body that are caused
by heat. The horse's body is full of charged particles and the heat of the horse's body makes those particles move
around like popcorn on the top of a stove. The type of light that it emitted from a living body has a characteristic
shape that is completely specified by the body's absolute temperature. As that temperature rises, you can begin to
see the "aura." For example, the reason that the sun is yellow is because it radiates largely as a "black body" of
intense heat with a broad peak at the center of the visible spectrum in the yellow. At their much lower body
temperatures, human bodies radiate mostly in the infrared region of the spectrum. Infrared light is invisible to the
naked eye but easily seen with infrared detection equipment.
The aura from black body radiation lacks any of the complexity we associate with life. It is as featureless as it can be
and still be consistent with the laws of physics. Any fanciful shapes seen in photographed auras can be completely
attributed to optical and photographic effects. The auras are unrelated to any property of the body that one might
identify as "live" rather than "dead," and the tendency for people to see patterns where none exist.
Other creative explanations of auras and discharges suppose that bacteria, viruses and other invaders have
electromagnetic fields that affect the cells of an animal's body and weaken it. In this case, the vital force is identified
quite explicitly with electromagnetic fields. Changes in the fields are said to be the cause of disease. Somehow, the
life energies of the body are balanced by bioenergetic therapies. "No antibiotic or drug, no matter how powerful, will
save an animal if the vital force of healing is suppressed or lacking." So health or sickness is determined by who wins
the battle between good and bad electromagnetic waves in the body.
Now it would seem that all these effects of electromagnetic fields in living things would be easily detectable, given the
great precision with which electromagnetic phenomena can be measured in the laboratory. Physics, a science that
can measure the magnetic dipole moment of the electron (a measure of the strength of the electron's magnetic field)
to one part in ten billion, (and calculate it with the same accuracy), surely should be able to detect any
electromagnetic effects in the body powerful enough to move atoms around or do whatever happens in causing or
curing disease. Such a thing has never been hinted at in scientific medicine. Neither physics nor any other science
has seen any sort of evidence for a new form of energy that demands that we go beyond well established physical
theories and come up with a new explanation. No elementary particle or field has been found that is uniquely
biological. No such thing is even hinted at in our most powerful detectors.
Electromagnetic waves at other frequencies are detected from the brain and other organs. As mentioned, these are
often claimed as "evidence" for the bioenergetic field. In conventional medicine, they provide powerful diagnostic
information. But these electromagnetic waves show no special characteristics that differentiate them from the
electromagnetic waves produced by moving charges in any electronic system. Indeed, they can be simulated with a
computer. No marker has been found that uniquely labels the waves from organisms "live" rather than "dead."
A special kind of photography is often cited as evidence for the existence of fields unique to living things. Claims have
been made that auras made up of seven or more layers have been have been recorded using the method of Semyon
Davidovich Kirlian. Kirlian was an Armenian electrician who discovered in 1937 that photographs of live objects
placed in a pulsed high electromagnetic will show remarkable surrounding "aura." In the typical Kirlian experiment, a
object, such as a freshly-cut leaf, is placed on a piece of photographic film that is electrically isolated from a flat
aluminum electrode. A pulsed high electrical voltage is then applied between another electrode placed in contact with
the object and the aluminum electrode. The film is then developed.
The resulting photographs indicate dynamic, changing patterns, with multicolored sparks, twinkles, and flares. Dead
objects do not have such lively patterns! In the case of a leaf, the pattern is seen to gradually go away as the leaf dies
(emitting cries of agony during its death throes). Ostrander and Schroeder described what Kirlian and his wife
observed: "As they watched, the leaf seemed to be dying before their very eyes, and the death was reflected in the
picture of the energy impulses." The Kirlians reported that "We appeared to be seeing the very life activity of the leaf
In spite of it's emotional appeal, it's been amply demonstrated the Kirlian aura is nothing but what's known as a
corona discharge. This sort of thing was reported as far back as 1777 and it's completely understood in terms of well-
known physics. Controlled experiments have demonstrated that the claimed effects, such as the cries of agony of a
dying leaf, are dependent on the amount of moisture present. As the leaf dies, it dries out, which lowers it's ability to
conduct electricity. The same effect can been seen with a long dead but initially wet piece of wood.
With Kirlian photography, as with the infrared aura, a well-known electromagnetic phenomenon is being paraded in
front of innocent lay people, unfamiliar with basic physics, as "evidence" for a living force. It is nothing of the sort.
Proponents of alternative medicine would make far fewer critics among conventional scientists if they did not resort to
this kind of dishonesty and foolishness.

"Quantum" is the magic incantation that appears in virtually everything written on alternative medicine. It seems to be
uttered in order to make all the inconsistencies, incoherencies, and incompatibilities of a proposed scheme disappear
in a puff of smoke. Since quantum mechanics is weird, anything weird must be quantum mechanics.
"Einstein" is a name found frequently in the literature on bioenergetic fields. Albert Einstein was a brilliant physicist,
perhaps the most influential physicist in history. Einstein's immortality rests on his two theories of relativity (E = mc2
and that sort of thing). Einstein was not the inventor of quantum mechanics and objected strongly to its anti-
Newtonian and unpredictable character, saying famously, "God does not play dice." Still, Einstein contributed mightily
to the development of quantum mechanics, especially with his photon theory. (Modern quantum mechanics is the
progeny of a large group of early 20th century physicists such as Planck, Bohr, de Broglie, Heisenberg, Schrdinger,
Pauli, Born, Jordan, and Dirac. Each of these men made contributions to quantum mechanics at least as important as
Quantum mechanics is often claimed as support for mind-over-matter solutions to health problems. The way the
observer is entangled with the object being observed in quantum mechanics is taken to mean that human
consciousness actually controls reality. As a consequence, we can all think ourselves into health and, indeed,
immortality. "Quantum healing" is based on a particularly misleading interpretation of quantum mechanics. Thus
holistic healing can be associated with the rejection of classical, Newtonian physics.
Yet, holistic healing retains many ideas from eighteenth and nineteenth century physics. For example,
electromagnetic fields were around well before quantum physics. It was Einstein himself who proposed that they are
composed of measurable particles. And never mind that Einstein did away with the aether, the medium that
nineteenth century physicists thought was doing the waving in an electromagnetic wave (and a few others thought
might also be doing the waving for "psychic waves"). As the nineteenth century drew to a close, experiments by
Michelson and Morley had failed to find evidence for the aether. This laid the foundation for Einstein's theory of
relativity and his photon theory of light, both published in 1905. Electromagnetic radiation is now understood to be a
fully material phenomenon. Photons of light have both inertial and gravitational mass (even though they have zero
rest mass) and exhibit all the characteristics of material bodies. Electromagnetism is as material as breath, and an
equally incredible candidate for the vital field.
Much as we might wish otherwise, the fact remains that no unique living force has ever been conclusively
demonstrated to exist in scientific experiments. Of course, evidence for a life force might someday be found, but this
is not what is claimed in the literature that promotes much of alternative medicine. There you will find the strong
assertion that current scientific evidence exists for some entity beyond conventional matter, and that this claim is
supported by modern physical theory - especially
quantum mechanics. Furthermore, the evidence is not to be found in the data from our most powerful telescopes or
particle accelerators, probing beyond existing frontiers. Rather, it resides in vague, imprecise, anecdotal claims of the
alleged curative powers of traditional folk remedies and other nostrums. These claims simply do not meet any
reasonable application of scientific criteria. The bioenergetic field plays no role in the theory or practice of biology or
scientific medicine. Vitalism and bioenergetic fields remain mere speculation - speculation that is not even needed to
explain what is happening. If bioenergetic fields exist, then some two hundred years of physics, chemistry, and
biology has to be re-evaluated.
Much of alternative medicine is based on claims that violate well established scientific principles. Those that require
the existence of a bioenergetic field, whether therapeutic touch or acupuncture, should be asked to meet the same
criteria as anyone else who claims a phenomenon whose existence goes beyond established science. They have an
enormous burden of proof, and it is time that society laid it on their thin shoulders.

This article is about sciences attempt to explain qi energy. The Article from sates that in many cultures in the eastern hemisphere believed in some type of
life force. In China, they had a specific belief that this life force that they called qi or chi energy
flowed through the body of everything living in pathways called meridians. They believed that
disturbances in these qi energy could is what caused human illnesses and defects. The Chinese
also believed that qi energy flowed through the environment. There have been many attempts
throughout history to explain what this mysterious force actually is. Isaac Newton tried to solve it
through alchemical experiments and Newtonian physics described a force of gravity that is
present on earth that has strange unexplainable properties that proves that qi energy is not
impossible. A man named Anton Mesmer believed that the life force was magnetic fields in the
body. Two theorists named William Crookes and Oliver Lodge thought that if telegraphy was
possible, why not telepathy? They thought that the life force was somehow connected with
electromagnetic aether waves.
There has been one major idea that has tried to explain qi energy, it is the bioenergetic
field. This term is known to alternative practitioners who say that they alter a patient's
bioenergetic field to cure them. Unlike the ancient idea of qi energy, it is explainable by science.
Scientists know that energy flows between organisms and their environment through natural
physical and chemical processes. Further it was shown that the bioenergetic fields are formed
by electromagnetic waves emitted by humans. This energy field is called an aura. Auras can be
photographed with infrared light and are created by the random movement of charged particles
in the body caused by heat. So far though, the has been no field or particle that is identified as
uniquely biological. An aura experiment done by Semyon Davidovich Kirlian falsely showed that
qi is real. In the experiment he used electrical currents to show the aura of a leaf and noticed
that the aura became weaker as the leaf died. Physics says that he say this because of the loss
in water in the leaf was causing it to conduct less electricity.
So far science has been unable to explain qi energy. If bioenergetic fields are real then
many laws of science would have to be reavaluated.

I learned a lot of information from this article. I learned about the philosophy of qi energy
and sciences many theories like the bioenergetic field theory to try to explain energy.This article
changes my thinking on whether we can prove qi energy and if we even want to prove it
because of all the laws that it might change. I was surprised that this many theories were
created to explain chi energy. If I were to search again, I probably wouldnt change any
keywords that I used.
Article 2
Ch'i (also spelled Chi or Qi) is a fundamental concept in Chinese philosophy and culture. Found
in Chinese traditional religion but especially Taoism, Ch'i literally means "air" or "breath," but as
a concept it refers to the energy flow or life force that is said to pervade all things.
The nature of ch'i has always been a matter of debate in Chinese thinking. Some believe ch'i is
a separate force from the physical world, while others think ch'i comes from physical matter. Still
others, especially Chinese Buddhists and Taoists, hold that matter arises from ch'i.
The quality, quantity and balance of Ch'i is believed to be essential to maintaining health and
achieving a long life. One author explains it this way:
"Qi is the basic material of all that exists. It animates life and furnishes functional power of
events. Qi is the root of the human body; its quality and movement determine human health.
There is a normal or healthy amount of qi in every person, and health manifests in its balance
and harmony, its moderation and smoothness of flow." -- Livia Kohn, Health and Long Life: The
Chinese Way
In addition to living a healthy life (both physically and psychologically), Ch'i can be regulated
through practices like breath control, Ta'i Chi, massage and acupuncture. Nearly all techniques
in traditional Chinese medicine are based on the concept of Ch'i.
Breath control is considered especially fundamental to balancing the levels of Ch'i in one's body.
Controlled and meditative breathing, called hsing-ch'i, allows ch'i to permeate the entire body by
imagining the breath as a visible current moving through the body. Another type of breathing
exercise, t'ai-hsi, attempts to revert one's breathing to that of a fetus in the womb. This is
considered especially powerful for longevity and immortality (especially in Taoism).
The traditional Chinese art of placement and arrangement of space called Feng Shui is also
based on the flow of ch'i, as well as the five elements, yin and yang and other factors. The
retention or dissipation of ch'i is believed to affect the health, wealth, energy level, luck and
many other aspects of the occupants of the space. Color, shape and the physical location of
each item in a space affects the flow of ch'i by slowing it down, redirecting it or accelerating it,
which directly affects the ch'i of the occupants.

This article is about chi (qi) energy as it is believed in Chinese cultures. Its literal
translation is air or breath. It is the energy flow or the life force that constitutes all things. There
are three overall perspectives on chi. Some that chi is separate from the material world, some
think it comes from physical matter, and others say that matter arises from qi. It is believed that
the balance of qi is important to remain healthy. The Chinese believe that a balance in qi can be
achieved through breath control, Tai Chi, massage, and acupuncture. Meditative breathing is
used to balance out qi. Feng Shui is used to control qi and the 5 elements are based on chi

This article gave me more information on the beliefs of qi energy to understand why
science is against qi energy. I now know what perspective on qi energy I am on. I did no know
before that Chinese position object in their room to control qi energy. Next time I would have
probably changed my keywords to focus on qi energy in general by looking up words like
cultural belief differences.

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