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Acid Rain

By:Kaya Richardson
Table Of Contents
1. What is Acid Rain?
2. How Acid Rain is formed?
3. How Acid Rain affects us?
4. Effects of Acid Rain.
What is Acid Rain?
Acid Rain is the result of certain air pollution. It
is just turned into precipitation.
How Acid Rain is formed
Acid Rain is formed when sulphur dioxide and
nitrous oxides are released into the air. Sulphur
Dioxide reacts with water vapor and sunlight to
make sulphuric acid. The sulphur oxides can come
from volcanoes and rotten vegetation . They can
also come from man made things like cars and
How acid rain affects us?
Acid rain isnt something that can harm us.
Everything is on the Ph scale and has a
certain acidity. Acid rain isnt more acidic
than lemonade. What makes acid rain a
concern is that it affects nature and
How Acid rain affects Forests & animals
Acid Rain affects forests by:
destroy nutrients in the
soil needed for a trees.
destroy protective
coating trees need for

Acid Rain affects lakes &
rivers by killing smaller
animals that live there like
shrimps snails and mussels
first. Then the food chain
effect comes in and other
animals die from famine of
another animal.
Effects of Acid Rain forests
Effects of acid rain on aquatics
How acid rain affects structures
Everything eventually will start to erode.Acid
Rain can speed up the process of erosion.
Effects of Acid Rain
Works cited
Article title: Nc State
Article: Do you need to start wearing a rain hat
Author: Howard Periman
Title: Hanging at Reservoirs, Waterfalls and Restaurants
Author: Nik Daum
Work Cited
Article: Earth Science
Author: Erik Tonnesen
Article: conservation Groups Take Action against EPA's Inability
Article:Acid Rain Facts, Acid Rain Information, Acid Rain Pictures,


I did my project on Acid Rain. Acid rain is technically pollution in a liquid form. It
is formed when anything is burned and let out into the air. Sulphur and nitrous oxides are
burned more than other things. Natural things and man made things produce these
oxides. Some natural objects that give off these oxides are volcanoes and wildfires can
give off these pollutions. Man made things that produce these are factories and the
exhaust from cars. Acid Rain can affect forests by But the chemicals in it can harm the
soil and kill plants. It can destroy good nutrients needed for a trees survival or stop
photosynthesis from a tree. This can make forests more vulnerable for diseases and
sicknesses. You can tell when acid rain has occurred by the amount of nutrients in the
soil and how the trees look. If the trees look wilted with no trees then it could have
happened. Acid Rain kills small organisms in lakes and rivers. When the smaller
organisms die the food chain effect comes in and other animals die from hunger. Acid
Rain effects structures by dissolving away stone and making it corrode away.

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