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Instructor: Dr. Richard D.

125 Talbot Laboratory Phone 3-375
!15 ". #hurch $t #ha%&ai'n Phone 351-()(1
*%ail: rd+eane, -a. 2))-577
Re/erence boo+s: -unda%ental 0echanics o/ -luids
I.1. #urrie
)th ed. #R# Press
Physical -luid Dyna%ics
D.2. Tritton
2nd ed. 3./ord $ciencePublications
Lecture 4 0aterial Readin'
5625 #onser7ation La8s o/ 0ass9 0o%entu% and *ner'y
!63 Kine%atics o/ de/or%ations9
$tress tensor
!65 Pathline9 $trea%line9 $trea+line9 :orticity
!61 #onstituti7e e;uations
!615 Kel7in<s #irculation Theore%
!617 Ideal =uid =o8
!622 Potential =o8s #o%&le. &otential and co%&le. 7elocity
!62) $ources and sin+s
!62! Doublet =o8.
161 >lasius Theor%
16( -lo8 o7er &lates
165 $ch8art? #hristo@el Trands/or%ations
16133D Potential -lo8
1615$ur/ace 8a7es
162 "ater 8a7es
1622*.act solutions o/ the Aa7ier $to+es e;uations
1627*.act solutions o/ the Aa7ier $to+es e;uations
162!Bnsteady Bnidirectional =o8s
1163 Bnsteady Bnidirectional =o8s
1165 :iscous =o8s
1161Lo8 Reynold<s nu%ber =o8
11612 >oundary Layer Theory
11617>oundary Layer Theory
1161!>uoyancy dri7en =o8s
1261 Ther%al #on7ection
1263 Raylei'h >enard #on7ection
1265 #haos
1261Re7ie8 o/ course
12611 Readin' Day
1261(-IACL *DC0 Tuesday 1.3&% - ).3&%

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