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Dari kepustakaan Essentials of Pediatric Radiology:

A Multimodality Approach
Hal 40

Dikutip dari kepustakaan (7/9)

dikutip dari cardiac imaging

igure 2. A, Sinus venosus ASD (superior); vertical section from a transesophageal echocardiogram. Note
the SVC overriding the ASD (left-to-right atrial shunt, blue on color Doppler). RA indicates right atrium;
LA, left atrium. B, Trileaflet left AV valve in a patient with a primum ASD or partial AV septal defect
(short axis); note that the cleft points to the 11th hour and not to the 13th hour that true cleft mitral
valves usually point to. Figures courtesy of Dr Wei Li, MD, PhD, Royal Brompton Hospital and the
National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College, London, UK.

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