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Read the texts and look at the models.

Write the numbers with the correct description:

1 3 5
2 6
9 11
8 10 12
This model is wearing
a brown hooded
Hes also wearing
Bermudas and on his
feet he has some nie
flip-flops for the
This model is wearing a
bla" and white track
suit. He has a cap on
his head. Hes also
wearing sneakers. He
reall# loo"s ool$
This model is wearing
a brown blouse and a
brown %air of tro!sers.
This goes well with her
brown a%.
This model is
wearing a red
apron and a
#ellow mitten.
&nder the a%ron
he has an orange
T'shirt and bl!e
jeans. He is read#
to oo"$
This models got a fantasti suit.
Hes got a bla" blazer and a bla"
%air of trousers. Hes also wearing
a white shirt and a red tie. The# go
well with his red boots.
This model is
wearing a red
skirt and a red
blo!se. Her
brown scarf goes
well with her
brown hat$
This model is
wearing bl!e
shorts and a
white to%.
(he also has
bea!tif!l red
earrings and
a brilliant
This model is
wearing a %!r%le
tunic with a bla"
)a"et. *lso loo" at
her lo+el# leggings.
(hes holding a
This model is wearing a
gre# T-shirt and jacket.
,oo" at his bla" tro!sers
with mathing belt$
He is gorgeo!s$
This model is wearing
a %!r%le dress and
she is holding a %!r%le
!mbrella. (he has a
%air of glasses.
This model is wearing a bla" raincoat- bla" tro!sers
and bla" shoes. Hes got a bea!tif!l bl!e sarf. His
bla" hat and s!nglasses ma"e him loo" st#lish$
This model is
wearing %!r%le
pjamas and a
%in" robe. (hes
wearing her
slippers at

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