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Asperger Syndrome (AS) ls a developmenLal dlsorder LhaL affecLs how Lhe braln processes lnformaLlon. lL shapes a
person's soclal, emoLlonal and communlcaLlon skllls, and behavlours (SLaLe CovernmenL of vlcLorla, 2014). Chlldren
who are dlagnosed wlLh AS are ofLen more clumsy, presenL a flxed lnLeresL on a parLlcular Loplc/s, have abnormal
language and soclal developmenL and a llmlLed range of lmaglnaLlon, resulLlng ln llLeral lnLerpreLaLlons of [okes,
saylng and so on (CersLeln & Chaluddln, 1996). lL ls lmporLanL for Leachers worklng ln lncluslve seLLlngs Lo become
aware of Lhe unlque needs of Lhese sLudenLs (CarrlngLon & Craham, 1999).

eople wlLh AS can dlsplay a wlde range of behavlours and soclal skllls, and no Lwo lndlvlduals have Lhe same seL of
characLerlsLlcs. 1he lndlvldual ls usually renowned for belng dlrecL, speaklng Lhelr mlnd, belng honesL and
deLermlned, and havlng a sLrong sense of soclal [usLlce (ALLwood, 2013). Cood Leachlng Lakes lnLo accounL dlfferenL
levels of learner proflclency (Lyons eL al, 2011, p101). lL ls lmperaLlve LhaL Leachers undersLand Lhe characLerlsLlcs
and means of managemenL for each lndlvldual sLudenL, Lo ensure Lhelr lncluslon. lurLhermore, Lhe ablllLy Lo develop
and apply approprlaLe, moLlvaLlng and synchronous currlculum, assessmenL and pedagogy wlll be lnfluenced by each
Leacher's ecologlcal, socloculLural and psychoeducaLlonal perspecLlves (Lyons eL al, 2011, p90). lL ls Lherefore an
lmporLanL focus for Leachers Lo lnLegraLe varlous approaches and pedagoglcal sLyles Lo manage sLudenL learnlng so
LhaL aLLenLlon ls glven Lo academlc learnlng, soclal lnLeracLlon and Lhe promoLlon of poslLlve behavlour for chlldren
wlLh AS.

ueflclL dlscourses draw on language LhaL places responslblllLy for problems on Lhe people Lhey are applled Lo,
creaLlng negaLlve, damaglng, and ofLen lnconLesLable, slngular ldenLlLles (Pumphry, 2013, p486). Accordlng Lo
1hompson and Comber (2003), young people from Lhe mosL dlsadvanLaged groups, from culLural and eLhnlc
mlnorlLles, are Lhe mosL sLlgmaLlsed ln Lhls deflclL dlscourse. 1hls lncludes lndlvlduals wlLh AS. ueflclL ls a slgnlflcanL,
domlnanL, and damaglng componenL of Lhe prlmary dlscourses accessed ln malnsLream schoollng (Pumphry, 2013,
p486). 1hls ls why lncluslonary pollcles are ln place Lo combaL Lhls hlndrance.

normallsaLlon lnvolves Lhe accepLance of people wlLh dlsablllLles, offerlng Lhem Lhe same condlLlons as are offered
Lo oLher clLlzens (nlr[e, 1982). lL lnvolves an awareness of Lhe normal rhyLhm of llfe, lncludlng a day, a week, a year,
and Lhe llfe-cycle lLself. lurLhermore, lL lnvolved Lhe normal condlLlons of llfe, lncludlng houslng, schoollng,
employmenL, exerclse, recreaLlon and freedom of cholce. Accordlng Lo Wolfensberger (1972), normallsaLlon lnvolves
condlLlons aL leasL as good as LhaL of Lhe average clLlzen ln order Lo enhance or supporL Lhelr behavlour,
appearances, experlences, sLaLus and repuLaLlon.

1ony ALLwood (2007) has exLenslvely sLudled AS, and Lhe llLeraLure and cllnlcal dlagnosLlc crlLerla perLalnlng Lo Lhe
dlsorder. ALLwood (2004) advocaLes Lhe use of AffecLlve LducaLlon ln asslsLlng Lhe day Lo day funcLlonlng of people
wlLh Asperger's Syndrome. AffecLlve LducaLlon ls one of Lhe elemenLs he uses ln hls CognlLlve 8ehavlour 1herapy,
whose goal ls Lo lnform Lhe cllenL why we have emoLlons, how such emoLlons are used and mlsused and Lo ldenLlfy
dlfferenL levels of expresslon (ALLwood, 2004). AffecLlve LducaLlon helps people explore varlous emoLlons Lhrough
demonsLraLlons and games. locus ls on Leachlng cllenLs Lo ldenLlfy speclflc non-verbal cues assoclaLed wlLh varlous
emoLlons, as well as explorlng cues LhaL can be mlslnLerpreLed, such as a ralsed volce, whlch does noL always mean
anger (ALLwood, 2004). 8ole-playlng ls also a fundamenLal Lechnlque used ln AffecLlve LducaLlon.
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1he ueparLmenL of LducaLlon and Larly Chlldhood uevelopmenL (uLLCu) has produced addlLlonal pollcles Lo supporL
chlldren wlLh AS Lo promoLe normallsaLlon wlLhln school. Cne of Lhe mosL successful lnlLlaLlves was Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe lncluslon SupporL rogram. 1hls program works aL a whole school level Lo creaLe an auLlsm
frlendly envlronmenL, as well as provldlng professlonal supporL Lo sLaff and LargeLed lnLenslve supporL and
lnLervenLlon for lndlvldual chlldren and young people (uLLCu, 2014). 1he lncluslon SupporL rogram supporLs any
youLh wlLh an AuLlsm SpecLrum ulsorder (ASu), lncludlng Lhose wlLh Asperger Syndrome. lL does so by provldlng
necessary Leachlng experLlse, knowledge and faclllLles for Lhem Lo parLlclpaLe as fully as posslble ln Lhe school's

AnoLher lnlLlaLlve from Lhe vlcLorlan CovernmenL Lo mlnlmlse deflclL dlscourse, ln collaboraLlon wlLh AuLlsm
SpecLrum AusLralla, ls SmarL Coals. 1hls ls essenLlally a framework LhaL Leachers can use Lo deLermlne whaL Lhe goals
wlll be, shorL Lerm and long Lerm, for sLudenLs wlLh an ASu (uLLCu, 2014).

"#$%& '($)*+ ,-&.*# "/01&%-# ,-*&%$).$2 3456

lL lnvolves belng speclflc wlLh Lasks, lmplemenLlng measureable goals, focuslng on achlevemenL, sLaylng relevanL and
prlorlLlslng Llme and ouLcomes under speclfled boundarles. ln order Lo successfully caLer for a dlverse classroom, Lhe
amalgamaLlon of varlous lncluslonary sLraLegles, Leacher pedagogy and pollcy are lmperaLlve ln Leachlng Lhe

"#$$%&' ()*#+ ,-./010 C


ALLwood, 1. (2013) 78$& .* ,*/0%90%:* ";<=%(#0> 8eLrleved from <

ALLwood, 1. (2004) CognlLlve 8ehavlour 1herapy for Chlldren and AdulLs wlLh Asperger's Syndrome, ?08$@.(-%
A8$<90, 8owen Plll, vol. 21, no. 3, pp147-161.

ALLwood, 1. (2007) B80 A(#/)0&0 '-.=0 &( ,*/0%90%:* ";<=%(#0, !esslca klngsley ubllshers, London , uk.

AuLlsm SpecLrum AusLralla, (2014) "#$%& '($)*, 8eLrleved from <

CarrlngLon, S., & Craham, L. (1999). Asperger's Syndrome: Learner CharacLerlsLlcs and 1eachlng SLraLegles. "/01.$)
C=-1$&.(< D0%*/01&.@0*2 pp13-23.

ueparLmenL of LducaLlon and Larly Chlldhood uevelopmenL - uLLCu. (2014) E<1)-*.(< "-//(%& D%(9%$#, 8eLrleved
from < hLLp://>

CersLeln, M., & Chaluddln, L. (1996). edanLlc Speaklng SLyle ulfferenLlaLes Asperger Syndrome from Plgh
luncLlonlng AuLlsm. F(-%<$) (G ,-&.*# $<= H0@0)(/#0<&$) H.*(%=0%*2 vol. 26, no. 6, pp383-393.

Pumphry, n. (2013) ulsrupLlng ueflclL: 1he power of 'Lhe pause' ln reslsLlng Lhe domlnance of deflclL knowledges ln
educaLlon, E<&0%<$&.(<$) F(-%<$) (G E<1)-*.@0 C=-1$&.(<, vol. 18, no. 3, pp484-499.

Lyons, C., lord, M. & ArLhur-kelly, M. (2011) A)$**%((# I$<$90#0<&+ A%0$&.<9 /(*.&.@0 )0$%<.<9 0<@.%(<#0<&*,
Cengage Learnlng AusLralla Ly LlmlLed, SouLh Melbourne, vlC.

nlr[e, 8. (1982) B80 ?$*.* $<= J(9.1 (G &80 K(%#$).*$&.(< D%.<1./)0, SlxLh lnLernaLlonal Congress of lASSMu, 1oronLo.

SLaLe CovernmenL of vlcLorla. (2014) ?0&&0% L0$)&8+ ,*/0%90% ";<=%(#0M 8eLrleved from

Wolfensberger, W. (1972) B80 D%.<1./)0 (G K(%#$).*$&.(<, naLlonal lnsLlLuLe of MenLal 8eLardaLlon. 1oronLo.

"#$$%&' ()*#+ ,-./010 ?

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lncluslon ls lncreaslngly seen as abouL race, gender, poverLy and Lranscendlng LradlLlonal boundarles beLween Lhose
wlLh and wlLhouL a dlsablllLy Lhrough a focus on Lhe acLlons and responslblllLles of everyone and noL [usL on Lhose of
Lhe dlsadvanLaged, dlsabled or prevlously marglnallsed (Culham & nlnd, 2003, p66).

Lerner and Levlne (2012) Lhrough Lhelr sLudy of Asperger's Syndrome and oLher AuLlsm SpecLrum ulsorders have
developed a LheoreLlcally based, affecLlve-drlven lnLervenLlon program Lo ald adolescenLs wlLh Asperger's
Syndrome. 1he program ls deslgned Lo develop soclal skllls Lhrough Lhe use of urama, lL ls called Lhe SpoLllghL
rogram. 1hls sLraLegy lnLegraLes Lhree core elemenLs lnLo lLs currlculum. 1he flrsL ls a Leachlng meLhod lnvolvlng Lhe
use of acLlng games and dramaLlc Lralnlng adapLed for adolescenLs, Lhe second ls fosLerlng poslLlve soclal
lnLeracLlons Lhrough Lhe developmenL of relaLlonshlps beLween Lhe sLaff and sLudenLs, as well as beLween Lhe
sLudenLs Lhemselves, and Lhlrdly Lhe use of sLrong age-approprlaLe moLlvaLors such as pop-culLure, vldeo games and
non-compeLlLlve physlcal acLlvlLy (Lerner, & Levlne, 2012). 1he goal of SpoLllghL ls Lo develop Lhe sLudenLs' soclal
pragmaLlc skllls Lhrough Lhe lnLegraLlon of Lhese elemenLs. As sLudenLs learn and use Lhese skllls wlLhln Lhe SpoLllghL
rogram, Lhey wlll begln Lo generallse Lhem across oLher seLLlngs, lncludlng home and school (Lerner & Levlne,
2012). 1hls sLraLegy clearly and effecLlvely ouLllnes and descrlbes Lhe program, by speclflcally descrlblng speclflc
acLlvlLles, Lhelr goals and llnks Lo research llLeraLure. leedback abouL Lhe program from famllles, schools, counsellors
and cllnlcal psychologlsLs have been poslLlve, where Lhey have clalmed a drop ln anxleLy and aggresslon from
sLudenLs parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe SpoLllghL rogram (Lerner & Levlne, 2012).


Culham, A. & nlnd, M. (2003) ueconsLrucLlng normallsaLlon: Clearlng Lhe way for lncluslon, F(-%<$) (G E<&0))01&-$) N
H0@0)(/#0<&$) H.*$O.).&;2 vol. 28, no. 1, pp63-78.

Lerner M. & Levlne, k. (2012) B80 "/(&).98& D%(9%$#+ ,< E<&09%$&.@0 ,//%($18 &( B0$18.<9 "(1.$) D%$9#$&.1* P*.<9
H%$#$&.1 D%.<1./)0* $<= B018<.Q-0*, 8eLrleved from

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1he Apple lad has been halled as a mlracle for asslsLlng klds wlLh AuLlsLlc SpecLrum ulsorders (ASu) and oLher
speclal needs. lad apps have provlded a means of communlcaLlng for some klds who can'L speak or have language
delays. CLher programs help klds learn Lo handle soclal slLuaLlons LhaL can be sLressful, for example school, and
many apps can help develop flne-moLor skllls llke wrlLlng and manlpulaLlng small ob[ecLs. 1he lad has been
revoluLlonary for Lhe learnlng and communlcaLlon of chlldren wlLh Asperger Syndrome. Slnce Lhe launch of Lhese
dlglLal devlces, many parenLs, Leachers, speclal educaLlon professlonals and LheraplsLs worldwlde have dlscovered
LhaL mosL AS klds are hlghly recepLlve Lo uslng apps slnce Lhey are so vlsually-orlenLed (PuLLon, 2014).

ln Lerms of lad capablllLles, Lhe devlce comes wlLh asslsLlve feaLures LhaL have changed Lhe learnlng landscape for
sLudenLs wlLh speclal needs (Apple lnc., 2014). 1he followlng lnnovaLlve Lechnologles enable sLudenLs wlLh learnlng
dlsablllLles Lo feel lncluded and normallsed.

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Culded Access helps sLudenLs wlLh auLlsm or oLher aLLenLlon and sensory challenges Lo sLay on Lask. A Leacher can
llmlL a devlce Lo sLay on one app by dlsabllng Lhe Pome buLLon, and even resLrlcL Louch lnpuL on cerLaln areas of Lhe
screen. So wanderlng Laps and gesLures won'L dlsLracL from learnlng.

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Pearlng a word as lL's belng read can help wlLh comprehenslon for a wlde range of learners. Speak SelecLlon can
read a sLudenL's work ouL loud. 1he volce's dlalecL and speaklng raLe can be ad[usLed Lo sulL Lhe sLudenLs' needs.

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"#$$%&' ()*#+ ,-./010 .

1here are coplous educaLlonal and behavloural apps LhaL asslsL Leachers. 1he ueparLmenL of LducaLlon and Larly
Chlldhood uevelopmenL - uLLCu (2010) have produced an lad supporL bookleL for speclal educaLlon, caLegorlslng
Lhe apps lnLo varlous groups lncludlng 8eadlng Apps, WrlLlng Apps and CommunlcaLlon & AsslsLlve 1echnology Apps.
1he Learnlng App Culde, creaLed by Speech aLhologlsL 8ronwyn SuLLon (2013), and AuLlsm Cueensland (2013) have
also provlded apps sulLable for lndlvlduals wlLh AS. 1he followlng Lable explores Lhree of Lhese apps.

5167 ,88 #69:;<=> 3:?@=5895<A !A@BC?5<A6=> D6@9<= D<= ,& #<?9
CaughL 8elng Cood

1hls app allows Lhe chlld Lo
'spln' a rewards wheel, whlch
conLalns a range of rewards
LhaL can be cusLomlsed
(lncludlng Lhe llkellhood of Lhe
chlld's spln landlng on Lhe
reward). 1he 1eacher chooses
when Lo reward Lhe chlld
uslng Lhls app whlch can also
keep Lrack of Lhe rewards
each chlld has earned.
CaughL 8elng Cood provldes
Leachers and parenLs wlLh a
meLhod of poslLlve
relnforcemenL, elLher as a
reward for compleLlng deslred
behavlours or Lo use Lo
reward overall good behavlour
when Lhe chlld ls noL
expecLlng lL, enforclng poslLlve
behavlour paLLerns.
1he Soclal Lxpress

Soclal Skllls
1he Soclal Lxpress ls an
engaglng, educaLlonal app for
lndlvlduals wlLh soclal learnlng
challenges. 1he app comes
wlLh 16 lnLeracLlve lessons
feaLurlng 30 scenes.
1he app ls deslgned Lo Leach
users how Lo Lhlnk abouL and
manage soclal slLuaLlons,
helplng Lhem Lo develop
meanlngful soclal
relaLlonshlps and succeed ln
A Mood ad

A Mood ad slmulaLes a heaL
senslLlve pad. When users run
Lhelr flngers over Lhe screen,
Lhe screen swlrls wlLh colour,
provldlng vlsual feedback for
Lhelr Louch. When users llfL
Lhelr flngers from Lhe screen,
Lhe colours smooLhly fade
1hls app provldes a calmlng
sensaLlon for Lhe sLudenL.
1eacher can uLlllse Lhls app as
a way of defuslng a heaLed
slLuaLlon whereby an
lndlvldual wlLh AS ls noL
cooperaLlng or deallng well
wlLh a currenL slLuaLlon.

"#$$%&' ()*#+ ,-./010 /


Apple, lnc. (2014) "/01.$) C=-1$&.(<: I(%0 D(**.O.).&.0* G(% C@0%; ,O.).&;2 8eLrleved from

AuLlsm Cueensland. (2013) ,// '-.=0+ B(/ ,-&.*# ,//* R$&0= G(% S(-% A8.)=, 8eLrleved from <

ueparLmenL of LducaLlon and Larly Chlldhood uevelopmenL. (2010) .D$=* .< "/01.$) C=-1$&.(<+ "-990*&0=
,//).1$&.(<* $<= ,1&.@.&.0*, CommunlcaLlon ulvlslon for SLudenL Wellbelng, Melbourne, vlC.

PuLLon, M. (2014) B80 ,// R0@()-&.(<+ L0)/ G(% T.=* N B00<* (< &80 "/01&%-#2 My Asperger's Chlld, 8eLrleved from <

SuLLon, 8. (2013) B80 ,// '-.=0 &( ,-&.*# $<= C=-1$&.(<, 8eLrleved from <

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