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Focus area 3.

4 Select and use resources

Descriptor Select, use and Demonstrate a range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning.
Rationale Effective use of resources will help students to consolidate what they have learned, extend and construct knowledge for themselves and develop learning
strategies and skills for learning.
Examples of
An assessment task in Humanities required me to describe and evaluate various texts, professional organisations and providers of educational services, digital
resources sources of appropriate films/documentaries and simulation games that could be used to teach students from years 7 to 12 Humanities subjects. This
assessment task demonstrates that I am able to;
-linked resources to curriculum supported materials effectively,
- developed reusable resources,
-incorporated resources into the classroom environment,
-changed resources according to the activity,
- trial and evaluate resources.
The resources listed in the assignment will support students critical thinking in use of resources and ensure that students and teachers use these resources
For LOTE method The Languages and Multicultural Education Resource Centre (LMERC) at 150 Palmerston Street, Carlton. It is a specialist resource centre for
schools across all sectors. As teachers, educators and pre-service teachers, we can borrow books, posters, CDs, DVDs, policy documents and cultural artefacts at
no cost. I have since used LMERC to borrow resources that are otherwise unavailable to the ordinary teacher. Items I borrowed include wooden Japanese
language building blocks, CDs of popular Japanese songs and relevant texts for my students. A PD session was delivered by Gabriella Bertolissi from the VCAA
about delivering modern languages at VCE including appropriate resources to use when teaching and learning language.
The Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development give the following guideline for teacher when selecting teaching and Learning
Resources :
considers the expected student learning outcomes and standards described in the VCAA curriculum frameworks
considers the particular needs of its students
does not expose students to highly offensive or obscene materials or themes
ensures that curriculum resources are suitable for the age group using them
considers the words, behaviour, images or themes of the resources in terms of the:
impact on the audience age group
literary, artistic or educational merit of the material
intention of the author and general character of the material
how parents might react to their children being exposed to this content
standards of morality, decency, and propriety generally accepted by adults
impact on persons from different ethnic, religious, social and cultural backgrounds.

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