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Pasado simple del verbo to be

Cmo ya sabes el verbo "to be" es un verbo semi-auxiliar, por lo que no necesita un verbo auxiliar que le
I was
yo era/estaba
you were
vosotros erais/estabais
he was
l era/estaba
she was
ella era/estaba
it was
ello era/estaba
we were
nosotros ramos/estbamos
you were
vosotros erais/estabais
they were
ellos eran/estaban
They were at home last weekend
Ellos estaban en casa el fin de semana pasado
Mary was at the same class as me
Mary estaba en la misma clase que yo
It was cold yesterday night
Haca fro anoche
They were in a hurry because it was late
Ellos tenan prisa porque era tarde
La negacin del verbo 'to be' en pasado
Para hacer la negacin en pasado del verbo to be lo hacemos igual que en presente. Colocamos la partcula
negativa not detrs del auxiliar:
Sujeto was/were not complementos
I was not at home
You were not a pilot
He was not at the farm
I was not at home
Yo no estaba en casa
You were not a pilot
T no eras piloto
He was not at the farm
l no estaba en la granja
She was not sick
Ella no estaba enferma
They were not angry
Ellos no estaban enfadados
It was not six o'clock
No eran las seis en punto
Forma negativa
Podemos contraer el verbo auxiliar y la partcula not
- were not = weren't
- was not = wasn't
I wasn't sad, I was tired
Yo no estaba triste, yo estaba cansada
They weren't on holiday, they were in the city
They weren't on vacation, they were in the city
Ellos no estaban de vacaciones, ellos estaban en la ciudad
Sue wasn't at the party, she wasn't in town
Sue no estaba en la fiesta, ella no estaba en la ciudad
Ejemplos de uso
Steve wasn't in the office, I think he is sick
Steve wasn't in the office, I think he is sick
Steve no estaba en la oficina, creo que est enfermo
Brian and I weren't at home in Liverpool last weekend. We were at Jonathan's house in Tring
Brian y yo no estbamos en casa en Liverpool el fin de semana pasado. Nosotros estbamos en la casa de Jonathan en Tring
She wasn't with me last night, she was with her friends
Ella no estaba conmigo anoche, ella estaba con sus amigas
It was half past seven when I was at the cinema
It was half past seven when I was at the movie theater
Eran las siete y media cuando yo estaba en el cine
I was very responsible when I was a child
Yo era muy responsable cuando era nio
The shops were expensive, but the clubs were cool
Las tiendas eran caras, pero los clubs eran guays
I was hungry this morning
I was hungry this morning
Estaba hambrienta esta maana
You weren't at home, I was there
T no estabas en casa, yo estuve all
I wasn't at school because I was sick
Yo no estaba en el colegio porque estaba enfermo
He wasn't at the park because it was raining
l no estaba en el parque porque estaba lloviendo
We were angry because you were rude
Nosotros estbamos enfadados porque t fuiste grosero
Jane wasn't happy because she failed her test
Jane no estaba feliz porque suspendi el examen

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