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Kindergarten Homework Choice Board
Pick 4 activities per week to complete for homework.
Answer them on a separate sheet of paper showing all work and
attach to this page. All homework is due on Friday.

1. Read a book (or have
someone read to you).
Use ordinal words to tell what
happened first, second, third
etc. Main idea and supporting
details (like a summary)

Challenge: Make up your own
story, using ordinal words and
Write numbers 1 through 50 and
practice counting to an older
sibling or an adult.
Challenge 1: 5 girls and 3 boys ate
16 pieces of candy. Each ate the
same or equal amounts. How
many pieces did each of them
eat? Explain how you got your
Find 10 items in your home that
begin with the letter Ii.
Write the name of the item.

Challenge: Find 5 Ii words with
three syllables, and 5 Ii words
with two syllables, and 5 Ii
words with one syllable.

Write your sight words 10
times each.

Challenge: Use each sight word
in a sentence. Underline your
sight word.

List 5 items with a short Ii sound
and 5 with a long Ii sound. Write
a sentence for each word.
(underline the word)

Challenge: write a poem about
one of your words. Remember
poems rhyme, they are short, and
are about one thing.
Add 13 + 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9,
Subtract 20- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10
Challenge: put these numbers in
the correct place value then
write the number
Ex. 1 hundred, 4 tens, 3
2 hundred, 5 tens, 5 ones
9 tens, 8 ones
2 tens, 0 ones; 4 tens, 0 ones
3 hundreds, 7 tens, 0 ones;
4 ones; 3 tens, 3 ones;
3 hundreds, 0 tens, 0 ones

Write 5 words in the it word
family and draw a picture of
each word. Write 5 words in in
word family. Illustrate each

Challenge: Sort these words
sit, kit, bin, fit, mit, fin, din, pin,
tin, bit, win. now add the
Write your abcs upper and lower

Challenge: Look in a dictionary to
find 6 words that begin with Ii.
Write the definition and a

Write your sight words. Write
the consonants in blue and
write the vowels in red.

Challenge: Put your sight words
in alphabetical order writing the
consonants in blue and vowels
in red.
sneaky e to the end of kit, din,
bit illustrate the new words.

Practice Tying your shoes 5
times a night.

Parents please sign a sheet
saying your child practiced.

Use the computer to make a sight
word word-search and then
complete the puzzle.
or google make your own word
Do an artistic project showing
the moon phases. Answer these
questions: Why do have
different moon phases? What
are the phases? Which one are
we in on the day you do this
project. (write the date)

The Letter of the Week is Ii. Please read the letter of the week poem with your child.
Dont forget to study for the unit 2 test on counting.
Have a Great Week!

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