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Interpreting Repetitive Tendencies in Children

A number of anxiety disorders which torment adults can afflict children too. The generalized
type of panic disorder is usually noticed in children in the form of a perfectionist or extremely
competitive attitude. Wanting to be the "best," the youngster may worry too much or over-do
certain activities with the aim to please. Many of these kids crave for attention and praise -
whether at home or in school. They feel reassured once they win the approval of other people.

The same repetitive behavior is exhibited by children who are diagnosed with OCD or obsessive-
compulsive disorder. According to studies, repetition helps to ease the child's anxieties.
Obsessions which are difficult to do away with are behind the child's perceived need to follow a
routine. The earliest recorded age when children are diagnosed as having obsessive-compulsive
tendencies is two. The disorder affects more ten-year-olds than toddlers though. OCD symptoms
involve unusually high frequencies of counting, hand washing and other chores considered by
the child as part of the normal schedule.

Linking Panic Attacks to Identified and Unidentified Fears

In rare cases, children in their pre-teen years may be diagnosed with panic disorder. The
condition is spurred by a minimum of two panic attacks that are tailed by a prolonged anxiety
(one month or longer) on the next possible attacks. Diagnoses for the disorder are more typical
among adolescent youngsters.

Unfounded fears may be linked to a panic disorder, yet phobias tend to be more specific.
Childhood fears normally vanish as the child grows older. For instance, a child who is afraid of
the dark will get used to it and learn not to fear it. When a fear persists beyond six months or
more, it becomes a phobia - a fear that is detrimental to a person's day-to-day living. The child's
reactions to a phobia can be diverse: immobility, clinginess, tantrums, stomachaches or

Coping with Loss

The symptoms are usually more severe for children diagnosed with post-traumatic stress
disorder. Inability to sleep, loss of appetite, recurrent nightmares and cold, unfeeling attitudes are
just a few of the many indicators suggesting that the child underwent a traumatic experience.
Youngsters who were physically assaulted or witnessed a grisly crime are likely to become
traumatized. Surviving natural disasters or the death of a loved one will also evoke similar
behavioral responses from the child.

Seeking a Professional Opinion

The emotional and physical manifestations of anxiety disorders differ between a child and an
adult. Children may be unaware that their fears are illogical and may be incapable of describing
their feelings. A pediatrician's professional opinion and intervention should prove helpful to
parents who wish to know whether their child is afflicted with a type of anxiety disorder.

To get more information on panic and anxiety disorders, visit where you'll find more information on panic attack causes
and effective treatments

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