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Raft Task Card

ROLE (student)

Your fellow

Row 1

Online storyboard.

Imagine what it

Create a storyboard on students.

would be like to

the book Regards to

travel through

The Man in The Moon


read in class.
Radio news


Reporting on the


podcast on the


reporting on the

current presidents

activities and what

president via the radio

visit to your town

he will be doing in

You are a journalist,

Row 2


Row 3

your town.

Become the teacher

Someone who is

Microsoft Power

The rock cycle

and create A

learning the Rock


and different types

presentation on the

cycle for the first

rock cycle.


RAFT Row 1

of rocks.

Objective: You will be able to remember important topics from the story read and re-create you
own adventure into space.
Student Role: Become an astronaut and imagine your trip to the moon, create a storyboard to
highlight events.
Audience: Your classmates as you will be presenting your story board
Format: Detailed story on an online storyboard and writing three sentences in a word document.
Topic: Traveling to space

1. You will work in pairs and plan a trip to space and land on the moon.
2. Open up a word document and type up your trip to the moon, should be at least ONE
sentence per slide.
3. Once your paragraph is written open up the online story board and create a three slide
board on your adventure.
4. You can refer back to the book read in class for ideas. This is a language arts assignment
so please feel creative in your story.
5. Have fun and be creative on your space adventure.
Resources: (The storyboard website) (Where you will find the E-book read in class)

Assessment: Prepare a 3 slide story board to your adventure into space with illustration. Work in
pairs you will be graded together. Then write a sentence explaining each storyboard slide. Each
slide and sentence will be worth 5 points making the assignment worth 15 points.

RAFT Row 2
Objective: Become a journalist and report over a podcast on what the president did on his visit
to your town.
Student Role: You are a journalist that has reported on his activities the day he visited your
Audience: Presidential news listeners.
Format: Informative podcast news report.
Topic: The President of the United States

1. Create a pod cast and answer the following questions on the Presidents visit to your
2. Start with writing your answers down in a script so you know what to say when you
begin recording.
3. Introduce yourself and your city and state and the name of your news company.
4. Explain the presidents day. What did he do? Who did he see? Where did he go? Why
was he there? When will he return? Think of what is special in your town the President
would want to see. Who is important in your town the President would visit. Why did the
President come? Was there a carnival or parade? Did a new museum open? And what
plans does the president have to return.
Websites to visit

Assessment: Prepare a one minute script and podcast on the day of the President.

The podcast of your newscast will be worth 20 points. Graded on you answering all of the
questions given with complete creative responses. There is no wrong answer to the questions,
just think about what the President would do on a town visit.

RAFT Row 3
Objective: You will be able to create a power point presentation on the Rock cycle and explain
its features and the three different types of rocks.
Student Role: You take the role as the teacher and make a informative power point on the rock
Audience: The students in your classroom who are learning about the rock cycle for the first
Format: Power point presentation.

Topic: The Rock cycle and the three main types of rocks metamorphic, igneous and

1. Create an informative PowerPoint presentation of at least 5 slides.
2. Explain the rock cycle please add diagram (can be found in the resources listed below)
3. Create ONE slide per rock type: Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic
4. Add a definition, rock example and image for each slide.
5. Create your slides as though you are the teacher, your students have never learned about
the rock cycle.
6. Add color and fun designs to your slides practicing the PowerPoint tools we have learned
as a class.
7. Resources:

Assessment: A creation of an informative Rock Cycle Power Point.

Your slideshow on the Rock cycle will be worth 25 points.

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