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Fast Facts

The top 5 things you really must know about your food

There are 328 E number additives approved for use in Australia's food supply 2


Most food additives are tested in isolation rather than in combination with other


The long term effects of consuming a combination of different additives are

currently unknown2


50 of the currently approved additives in Australia have been associated with

adverse reactions2


83% of Australian adults have concerns with food additives/E numbers and more
than two thirds are trying to avoid buying foods that contain them 3

The Nutritional Importance of Bread

Breads are an Australian staple contributing significantly to the nutritional intake of
Australian adults and children. The release of a bread range without food additives
provides the public with a valuable alternative when making their purchase decision.

Nutritionally, breads play a major role in the Australian diet providing carbohydrates, fibre,
energy as well as protein, B group vitamins and minerals like iron and zinc.

Did you know?

An apple and a slice of bread contain around the same amount of carbohydrate.

Carbohydrates in Bread
Carbohydrates are an important source of energy for the body and the Australian
Government recommends that a diet that provides between 45% and 65% of our total
energy in the form of carbohydrates can help reduce the risk of chronic disease. 11
Grain-based carbohydrates like bread, breakfast cereals, rice, pasta and noodles, plus
legumes, contain many essential vitamins and minerals. It is these forms of carbohydrates
that we need to include in the diet. 13

How Much Bread Do We Need?

Australia's peak health authority, the National Health and Medical Research Council 9
recommends that we eat plenty of cereals, including breads and that we aim for at least...
...4 serves of grain based foods each day
What is a serve16?
According to the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, a serve is:

2 slices of bread

1 medium roll

1 cup of rice or noodles or pasta

1 cup of cereal

2 wheat biscuits

The actual number of serves of grain based foods varies depending on your age
and gender as well other factors like pregnancy (see table below).
Recommended Serves of Grain Based Foods each day9,16:

Children and Adolesents

Server per day

4-7 years


8-11 years


12-18 years


19-60 years






60+ years


19-60 years


60+ years


Just one serve of regular multi-grain bread provides an 8 year old with almost
20% of their fibre requirement for the day.

Please note that all substantiation of references made in the above can be found on
the last page of the Better Bread Report housed on this site.

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