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Bellwork 11/12/14

A verb must agree with its subject in number. Number refers

to whether a word is singular or plural. Rewrite the incorrect
sentences so that the verbs agree with their subjects.
1. The plays setting are a farmhouse in the early 1900s.
2. The local sheriff suspect the victims wife, Minnie.
3. Her motive remain a mystery, however.
4. Two women collects a few belongings to take to Minnie.

Today, we start research in Gatsby:

You will need a piece (or two) of notebook paper. Your task today is to comb
through The Great Gatsby for every single quote you could possibly use in your
research paper.
Prohibition: search for any mention of alcohol, bootlegging, drug-stores, and
even the effects of alcohol (wild parties, car crashes, etc)
Fitzgeralds: search for any mention of Tom and Daisys/Gatsbys lifestyle that
relates to the Fitzgeralds, including Daisys daughter and Gatsbys parties
excesses (the amount of work that goes into preparing and cleaning up)
Women in the 20s: search for any mention of women, esp. Daisy and Jordan,
and any mention of what they do all day, what theyre concerned with, how they
act at parties and esp. around men, and any quotes that reveal Daisy and/or
Jordans point of view (on anything)

For each quote:

Write down the quote in quotation marks. If you are quoting someone
elses dialogue, you need to put ONE apostrophe instead of two ( instead of )
inside the quotation marks. Yes, that means if youre just quoting someones
dialogue, it looks like this: Sophisticated God, Im sophisticated! (Look at the
first chapter in the part where Daisy is talking to Nick about the birth of her
daughter. When Daisy quotes herself, the words are inside one apostrophe
instead of two.)

Write down the page number.

Write some brief context for the quote. This is for you, so it does not
have to be in complete sentences. Context would look like on the Buchanans
porch, Nick and Daisy, talking about daughters birth and how Daisy isnt happy

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