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Moonstone Sanctuary

Reiki Crystal Grids

What is a crystal grid?

A crystal grid is a way to arrange and link crystals and/or gemstones in a
geometric pattern to create an energy field.
Why creating a crystal grid?
Crystal grids are created to support any intention, healing work or desired goal
(work, personal project, relationships, etc), in the past, present or future, on a
continuous basis. They can be used to complement a healing session
by maintaining its workings ontinuously over a certain period of time.
How do they work?
Crystals and gemstones function across time and space. They have been used for
thousands of years by different civilizations and ethnic groups due to their unique
ability to record, store, amplify, transmit and transmute high frequency energy for
extended periods of time.
Tumbled, rough or even faceted gemstones and/or crystals are centered around a
power stone or Center Stone/Crystal" which acts as the primary force for the grid.
The Center Stone/Crystal symbolizes one's specific intent and the crystal grid
stones draw in healing energies from other planes and earth elements. It is
important to note that what activates the gird and keeps it flowing are one's
thoughts, feelings and strength of will, associated with a clear intent. Reiki energy
and symbols can be used to direct and sustain the energy of the grid over a period
of time, which is also why grids work well for distance and continuous/long
term healing.
The arrangement of the stones along specific geometric patterns may carry
different energies depending on the overall shape and numerology. Some grids are

Moonstone Sanctuary
simple circles; others are based on traditions of sacred forms like the Tree of Life,
Mercaba, Aunk, Infinity sign, Peace or the Antakharana symbol. Some grids may
simply be composed by a number of stones placed according to our own inspiration
and creativity.
Grids could sometimes be considered a kind of mandala although mandalas can be
more complex than most grids. Mandalas are often used for personal meditation.
The placement of the stones is usually done in focused meditation for both grids
and mandalas. Mandalas are usually gazed at and meditated with. Both grids and
mandala are often created with intention and then left to continue the work of
transmitting energy for a particular intention.
What are they used for?
A grid can be used for simple goals such as enhancing self-esteem, building trust,
bringing peace and harmony whether in a place or an event, maintaining joy
through a special time, bringing success in a new venture, unblocking a situation,
bringing love into a relationship, protecting against an unhealthy relationship or
situation, soothing during a period of loss or grief, bringing focus and/or creativity
during a period of study or exams, sustaining healing after/through therapy, etc, or
for something more elaborate such as world healing. There are many combinations
which crucially depend on one's intention for the grid. Some intentions may relate
- Prosperity & abundance

- Mental Clarity

- Health & vitality

- Protection and Shileding

- Love and relationships

- World Peace

- New project, work, career

- Chakra Balancing

- Serenity & harmony

- Spiritual growth

- Grief, loss, disconnect

- Distance Healing

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