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Please include YOUR NAME: Faith Burkett

Module 5 Worksheet: Immunity, Integumentary, Infection, & Endocrine
Lazenby book Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 16
(Total Points= 50; Due 11.17)

1. According to the Tazbir (2012) sepsis article, what is the ultimate cause of death in septic shock? (6 points)

According the sepsis article, death does not occur from the bacteria but from organ
hypoperfusion as a result of vasodilation, capillary leakage, and thrombus formation.
This module allows for a lot of compare and contrast situations. Compare and contrast these health alterations in one two
sentences each.

Diabetes Type I: Hyperglycemia caused by

absolute lack of insulin. Usually normal weight
patients under the age of 30, slightly higher
incidence in males. Must have insulin
Cushings: Cushings syndrome with high
glucocorticoid levels even if caused by
therapeutic administration of corticosteroids.
Cushings disease in high glucocorticoid levels
specifically caused by malfunction in the
pituitary. Characterized by fat pads on the back,
moon face, protruding abdomen with thin
extremities, and stretch marks on breast, thighs,
and abdomen. Excellent. Nice discussion here.
Hypoglycemia: Blood sugar level below 50
caused by an imbalance in production and
utilization. Symptoms can be shaky, agitated,
and headache. Nice inclusion of symptoms with
Hypothyroidism: Refers to decreased levels of
thyroid hormone resulting from malfunction of
thyroid, pituitary, or hypothalamus. Patients will
have sluggish movement and thinking,
bradycardia, cold intolerance, weight gain,
depression, and dry skin. Yes, everything slows.
Constipation, delayed reflexes, slow, sluggish.
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA): Almost always
type 1 diabetics, blood glucoses rise rapidly,
ketone levels rise and spill into the urine which
causes fruity breath. Administration of insulin is
required for the reversal of the hyperglycemia.

Diabetes Type II: Hyperglycemia caused by

cellular insensitivity to insulin. Definite genetic
and environmental factors, more common in
women. Can be insulin dependent, or controlled
with diet and/or oral medications. Yes, excellent.
Addisons: Primary adrenal insufficiency is
usually autoimmune in nature and is a chronic
metabolic condition. Characterized by low
glucocorticoid levels, hyponatremia,
hyperkalemia, dehydration, and hypotension.
Could lead to adrenal crisis after physical and
mental stress.yes, this is important to note. Well
Bronze pigmented skin, salt craving
Hyperglycemia: Blood sugar level higher than
126 fasting caused by insulin deficiency or a
decrease in cellular responsiveness. Symptoms
can be nausea, vomiting, polyuria, polydipsia,
and fatigue. Exce;;emt/
Hyperthyroidism: Refers to excess thyroid
hormone circulating that is resulting from
dysfunction in thyroid, pituitary, or
hypothalamus. Patient will have tachycardia,
palpitations, increased tone, weight loss,
exophthalmos, and goiter. Everything speeds up:
tachycardia, diarrhea/ gi Motility increase,
hyperactive reflexes.
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma
(HHNC): Type 2 diabetic patients with severe
hyperglycemia which causes increased plasma
osmolality. This increase in plasma osmolality
causes liters of urine to be lost, causing severe

Comment [HH1]: This is the exact answer I

have as well. Well done.

Excellent description.

Somagyi effect: Most common in children,

characterized by drop in glucose levels during
the night with rebound increase in the morning.
Yes! rebound hyperglycemia excellent.Usually
caused by evening insulin dose and adjusting the
dose and dietary interventions will reduce the
Somagyi effect.
SIADH: Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
hormone (ADH) is characterized by increased
release of ADH in response to increased plasma
osmolality. This causes ADH to be released
without feedback control which will results in
significant water retention and dilutional
hyponatremia nice inclusion. This is a life
threatening condition if left untreated. Urine is
concentrated with high specific gravity.

Blendspace: Answer these questions.

After viewing the Sepsis six video
(3min).....What is the sepsis six? How
quickly does the sepsis six need
implementation? (4 points)
Kary Mullis video (5:08).... Why didnt
the mice die? (4 points)

Larry Brilliants video (26:35) What

was the key to eradicating smallpox?
What happens by day 9? Which
smallpox did he say he saw with
pregnancy? (4 points)

Please choose any video from the

blendspace this week and discuss
what surprised you or what you

thirst, decreased potassium, which in 15-20

percent of patients causes coma and death. Yes,
need fluids and electrolytes in addition to
addressing the hyperglycemia.
Dawn Phenomenon: Type 1 and Type 2
diabetics characterized by early morning
hyperglycemia that results from circadian
increase in glucose. Both cortisol and growth
hormone can show circadian variation because
they both stimulate gluconeogenesis (new
formation of glucose). Yes, well stated.
DI: Diabetes Insipidus is a decrease in ADH
production, secretion, or function. Will cause
copious amounts of dull, tasteless urine. Without
ADH the renal collecting tubules cannot absorb
urine and concentrate the urine. DI originates in
the kidney and is caused by kidney disease,
hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, or could be

Sepsis six are measures to be taken within one hour of sepsis

diagnosis that can double the chance of survival. The measures
include high flow oxygen, blood cultures, IV antibiotics, IVF
resuscitation, measure lactate, and strict hourly I&O. excellent.
The mice did not die because he created a DNA aptamer
specifically designed to attach to a target and in this case it was
anthrax. The mices immune system that was already present in
their bodies recognized this and attacked the bacteria. He is using
the bodys natural response for a cure for certain bacteria. You got
According to the video, by day 9 the pustules have reached the
maximum size. The smallpox that he saw with pregnancy was
hemorrhagic small pox and the only people he saw it was fatal to
were pregnant women. Larry Brilliant spoke to how mass
vaccination would not work to eradicate small pox because in one
year alone 21 million infants would be born in India. In order to
eradicate small pox, Brilliant stated that we must find every single
case of small pox and the same time and draw a circle of immunity
around it. His motto about eradicating any disease was early
detection, early response. Yes, this is thoughtful and thoroughly
The blendspace video that surprised me the most would have to be
Kary Mullis video. What an awesome concept, using an existing
immune system to attack a bacteria. We have always heard about

learned.(4 points)

resistant bacteria and that one day antibiotic therapy will no longer
be effective. However, if we could utilize his theory and utilize
what already exists, then could this be the answer to the problem
we will face one day? Great point. very interesting.

Please complete this worksheet & save it to your computer/drive using your last name and the name of the assignment in the
file name. For example, my file name would be Hardin Module5 Worksheet
(Also, be sure to include your name at the top of this document as well.)

Comment [HH2]: This is very thorough,

thoughtful, and well-completed. I must tell
you that many of the answers that I have- you
matched almost word-for-word! Your
discussion answers were thorough and
straightforward. The tables can be difficult
because of the requirement for short,
thorough answers. You really captured the
essence of each alteration. By expanding on
your answers a bit, you were able to really
have great discussions here. Very well done.

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