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Darby E Bryant

Comp 1
Due Oct 28 2014

Immigration Reform
There is one debatable question in the air lately that cant be ignored any longer; should
we have a reform to the immigration laws? To briefly answer this question yes, of course! It is
the most reasonable answer to the problem, the most ethical, and more importantly the
perfect time to enforce new regulations.
When the issue of immigration reform is brought up many are the first to jump and say
American workers could lose jobs to immigrants, it would increase crime, it would drain
federal funds, [or that] it would make us more vulnerable to terrorists. as presented by Tom
Head a civil liberties expert. However; these accusation are not entirely true. As for the
statement Americans losing jobs to immigrants there is a partial truth to it. It is true that
there would be more of a competition for jobs, but with the same people there was before. The
only difference is those who were paid under the table are now eligible to apply for a legal
job. Although they are immigrants they are still Americans; even the ones undocumented
who are made citizens under the comprehensive immigration reform. So really its an equal
playing field. Looking at it in black in white it all depends who works harder and is more
qualified for the job that gets it. You might say that theres still the issue of crime. Though the
rate of crime would not increase, but rather decrease since now those who were
undocumented are now able to live a legitimate life as a citizen. Such as being paid a
reasonable wage so they can support their families instead of being paid under the table. Also
they will be able to go to law enforcements about domestic problems without the fear of
getting deported. This decreases the crimes that happen due to financial and social statues.
Well what about our federal funds? Since there are so many undocumented immigrants that
means there is a lot of federal money going into immigration enforcement and the money that
goes into the process of deporting them. Instead of the money going towards securing the
border, what many Americans cry out for, but dont see that the comprehensive immigration
reform would help do exactly that. Lastly undocumented immigrants that are already in the US

Darby E Bryant
Comp 1
Due Oct 28 2014

becoming citizens does not loosen our border. On the contrary making a reform to immigration
laws calls for a tighter security of the border, making it less likely for terrorist to enter the US.
Isnt having a heavier security what everyone is asking for? From taking in account all of this it is
easy to say that a reform is the most reasonable solution to the immigration issue presented in
front of us.
Wesee up close the suffering caused by the broken immigration system. states
Cardinal Timothy Dolan. This suffering that Dolan talks about is the deportation of millions of
people. As well as how it drastically changes peoples lives. If we step aside and look at the
people that are affected instead of as a political argument what would we see? We would see
mothers separated from their children, people pushed down the social pyramid to forever stay
lowerclassmen, and worst of all we would see how we treat other human beings. Has history
not taught us anything as we read about Queen Isabel and King Fernando purifying their
country, Spain, of non-Catholics or Hitler who convinced the Germans that the Jews were taking
their jobs as he created the largest account of genocide? One day future generations will look
at how we treat immigrants today due to the broken immigrant system. with disgust. Can we
not see what we are doing wrong? Where are our ethics and morals in this subject or do we just
cast them to the side and turn a blind eye? Pretending that we dont see what is going on in our
own country. What we are doing to our brothers and sisters.
Now is the perfect time to start an immigration reform. The border is as secure as it has
ever been in the last ten years. Journalist Feinstien reports that Ten years ago, there were
10,000 Border Patrol agents. Today that number has surged to 18,164.. [and] In 2008, there
were only 267 miles of border fencing. Today that number stands at 652 miles. Thats 8,164
more agents hired! As for the bored its self there is an amazing 385 mile increase that is now
covered. Although many might say that this fact about the agents and the length of the border
increasing doesnt necessarily mean the border is secure. However; the effect of it was clear in
2007 when the number of undocumented immigrants was leveled. As if this wasnt enough
Feinstien goes on to state the surveillance system has increased dramatically from 6,712 in
2008 to 12,722 today which is more than doubled. This vast amount of technology, along with

Darby E Bryant
Comp 1
Due Oct 28 2014

increase of human resource, is being spread along the miles of land that is the border to create
the strong, powerful borderline we see today. What do we consider secure enough? So that we
can start enforcing a reform that will help finance the security of the border even further.
A change wont happen until the American people stand and demand for a change. This
decision is left up us and we must decide in what kind of country we want to live in. Based on
the facts, what is logical, and what we feel is right as a human being.

Works Cited
Dolan, Timothy. "Pratical and Human Immigrants Reform." (2014): n. pag. Web. 17 Oct. 2014.
Feinstein, Diana. "Feinstein: Border Secure, Time to Pass Immigration Reform." U-T San Diego.
N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2014.
Head, Tom. "8 Arguments Against Immigration Reform." About. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2014.

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