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Why did I choose dietetics as a major?

I chose dietetics as my major because I am interested in what nutrition

can do to prevent future illnesses and diseases. I truly believe that our diet provides the foundation for our health and I would like to share the importance of
preventative care. We can avoid problems such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and cardiovascular attacks with the proper knowledge about an adequate,
balanced diet. My family has experienced many health complications and watching the effects has enticed me to do something about it, not just for myself and
my family, but for people all around the world. We are in charge of what we put
into our bodies, and it is our responsibility to know what a poor diet can lead to. I
want to educate people so they can take control and make informed dietary decisions.
To which accredited dietetic internship am I thinking about applying?

Upon researching my options, I think I am most interested in combining a

graduate degree with my dietetic internship. I think this would give me the most
opportunities when looking for a job. There are several universities in Illinois that
have a full-time graduate degree program that incorporates a supervised practice, therefore I will have much more research to do when narrowing down my
options. Most of the universities vary as to what their emphasis is. I am interested in focusing on aspects such as community nutrition, nutrition education, and
health promotion. These areas of focus will help me gain the knowledge I need
to build upon my nutritional background after my Bachelors degree.

What are my current leadership experiences?

During high school, I was the secretary for my schools chapter of the National Honor Society, a co-captain of my volleyball team, and involved in many
other extracurricular activities. I am currently involved with the Student Nutrition
Academic Council and the Southern Illinois Dietetic Association. As a freshman,
I am trying to become an active member within the group and take advantage of
all of the opportunities that I can. I am also the team captain for my St. Jude
Childrens Research Hospitals Up Til Dawn team. I was in charge of putting a

team of responsible, devoted individuals together and getting them to focus on

our goal. I am also a member of the P.E.E.R.S. (Peer Educators Empowering
Responsible Salukis) group through the Wellness Center. In that group I participate in triking and tabeling events on campus to promote healthful activities and
share information with students regarding their resources.
What kind of work experiences in dietetics do I have? What kind can I get before I

Prior to attending Southern Illinois University, I worked as a waitress from

February 2013 until August 2014 as I attended high school. I was able to develop quite a bit of experience in the food industry and as I acquired skills in working
with customers which I can apply when working with clients in the future. At the
restaurant I waitressed at, I was also involved in the preparation of food. At the
age of seventeen I completed a Health Occupations course and received my license as a Certified Nursing Assistant. As a CNA, I was in charge of feeding
geriatric patients and knowing the limitations of their diets. I would like to develop
more experience through the P.E.E.R.S. program, as I have recently accepted a
position as part of their team.
What kind of student am I?

In high school I received very good grades in my science and

health/nutrition related classes. I earned all As in my courses through the high
school and also in my dual-credit courses through Lakeland College. As a
freshman at Southern Illinois University, I have done well in my courses so far
this semester. I have received As in all of my major-related coursework, as well
as my core classes. I hope to continue to do well in these areas and all of my
other required areas as well.
What do I want my future practice area to be?

I would like my future practice to be in the area of pediatric nutrition. I

hope to specialize in both pediatrics and oncology and apply these specializations to a practice with children battling long-term illnesses. I would also like to
promote the importance of a good diet and work with young families on the early
development of good eating habits.

What are my professional goals?

Short Term: (1-3 years)

In 1-3 years I hope to build my resume as an undergraduate student at

Southern Illinois University. I will do this through being involved in nutrition related Registered Student Organizations and actively volunteering in the Carbondale
community. During my senior year I will begin to apply to graduate schools with
incorporated internships.
Long Term: (3-5 years)

I hope to be completing graduate school and my internship. I will be looking at jobs at outpatient clinics and childrens hospitals. My hospital of choice
would be St. Jude, and I hope that they will be seeking qualified Dietitians at that

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