Sie sind auf Seite 1von 15

Cell2 form

Cell2 form

Cell2 form

Cell3g form

Ceqface3g form

Field 1217: start with half the distance between source and target sector
And can be optimized based on drive data.

Ceqface form

Ceqface form

Net form

Ivc form

MOT target sector

Field 4: calculated using attached file
Field 8: Random cell number given to MOT sector
and this cell will be used in cdhnl, fci forms

ALU source sector

Ivc form


ALU source sector

Cdhfl form

ALU source sector carrier number that handoff to MOT cell. Please refer to
cell2 and cgsa forms to verify the carrier number assigned to ALU source
channel. This handoff is from ALU channel 375 to MOT channel 350. Channel
375 is CDMA carrier 1(see slide 11)

MOT target sector channel

Cell2 and cgsa forms

Cell2 form showing cgsa 11 assigned to ALU cell.

Go to cgsa form and it will show the carrier
numbers assigned to different ALU channels.

Cdhnl form

MOT target sector channel

Fci form

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