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IDEA Major Components

The components of IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Act) are regulations and rules for special
education. There are 6 major components in IDEA.
1. Zero reject- IDEA states that schools must educate all children with disabilities; a child
with disabilities cannot be denied an education by schools because of zero reject. Each
individual state has the responsibility of locating, identifying, and evaluating children
from the ages 0-21. IDEA named this the Child Find System.
2. Nondiscriminatory evaluation- this is where a school must evaluate a child using
Multifactored methods in order to determine if a child is eligible for special education
services. The evaluation cannot discriminate the race, culture, or the native language of
the child. Every assessment that a child is given during an evaluation into special
education must be presented to the child in their native language. Placement of the child
into special education cannot be on the basis of one single test. These rules and
procedures are named protection in evaluation procedures by IDEA.
3. Free appropriate public education- Every child with disabilities receives a free
appropriate public education (FAPE), no matter the severity of the disability. The
education the child receives is not at the parents expense but the states. To meet the
childs unique needs, the child is given an individualized education plan, also called an
IEP. An IEP indicates the childs present level of performance as well as measurable
goals, and provides services/ accommodations that can help the child attain these goals.
4. Least restrictive environment- schools are required by IDEA to educate students with
disabilities with students without disabilities as much as possible. IDEA states that
students should only be removed to a separate classroom if the severity of their disability
made it so that it would not be appropriate for them to receive services in the general
education classroom. To ensure that a student is receiving service in a least restrictive
environment, the school district has to provide a continuum of alternative placements and
service alternatives.
5. Procedural safeguards- These are in place to protect the rights of the child and the
parents of children with disabilities. IDEA requires that parental consent must be
obtained before a child can be evaluated for special education. Schools have to keep their
records confidential and have the childs records available to the parent. If the parents
disagree with the evaluations, they can have an evaluation done independently at the
states expense. A parent has the right of due process, if they dont agree with the
placement, identification, FAPE, or the evaluation. Parents also must be offered the
opportunity to resolve matters through mediation by a third party before a due process
hearing takes place. If parents succeed during a due process they are to be reimbursed.
6. Parent participation and shared decision making- schools are required to collaborate
with parents under IDEA. Schools are required to collaborate with parents in planning
and implementing services to children with disabilities. The parents input must be

considered during an IEP, decisions about the placement of the child and services that are
delivered to the child.

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