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Afshar war was one of the terrible conflicts in Afghanistan.

This war occurred in the north of Kabul and

Afshar area covers a large portion of North. Conflict that occurred between ethnic groups and most of
the people who died in this war was Hazaras people. It was morning 21 Dalwa 1371 twenty one years
ago) while the resident of Afshar were in slept, the social organization has been attacked by Islamic
union Sayaf Forces, government forces (with the help of traitor that has already been involved in this
war). After 24 hour of conflict, they started genocide, group assault on girls, fired the people houses as
well as they took girl as boys as captive and prisoners. During this war, 7000 innocent people were killed
and disappeared.
A year from that event, the war union party and started investigation. In their investigation they
discover a group tomb of 57 people buried in the same place. This Carnage was fayed by the neighbor
countries and United Nations but unfortunately, people involved in this war was not trailed and jailed.
According to Murtaza kazimi (Senior Student at Kabul University) On that day, afshar changed to a place
where everybody had horror from that place. A place where human bloods flowing like sea and people
sacred and left their home, shelter and land. They escaped to other countries. Although the conflict
came to the end but still its virulent memory is left in peoples memory.
Another interview by Laila Panahi, (Employee at Human rights organization), She Pointed out that
according to most of the people. Most of todays politicians have had hand on that war. To name some
of them like Abdul Rab Rasol sayaf, Besmellah Mahmoodi, Sayed Hussain Anwari, Younus Qanoni.

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