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Pre-AP English 9 Lesson Plan November 24 November 28

Course Title: Pre-AP English 9

Teacher: Kever, Londa
Instructional Focus: World Lit; Reading Comprehension; Vocabulary Development
Performance Indicators
In-class Procedures
Students will do the following tasks:
X Chromebook
*Demonstrate knowledge of
X TLI website
technology to submit/share
*Submit Reading Log via
X whiteboard
documents with one another and
technology (link on PRHS X projector
with the instructor.
Website/Mrs. Kevers
X library books
*Participate appropriately in wholeWeebly)
class reading remediation.
*Update Reading Record
Assessment Strategies
*Exhibit 21st century skill of focus
(as needed) via technology X reading log
on bellwork.
*Remediation of TLI
X reading record
*Exhibit 21st century skill of selfreading assessment
awareness in monitoring reading
*Manage their independent reading
*Writing Workshop--X audio and visual
by monitoring their progress
remediation of TLI
throughout the week, documenting
Language Assessment
X positive
their results, and reflecting on their
level of achievement of the goals.
No School.
*Participating in writing workshop.
Additional Support:
*Be respectful to peers.
No School.
*Be responsible, and
Teacher scaffolding.
reach rigorous standards.
Repeated instructions.
No School.
Instructional Strategies
X Bell work
X Remediation Workshops
X Class discussions

Students Weekly

Common Core Standards Applied

L.9.1 Students will demonstrate
command of the conventions of the
English grammar and usage when
writing [by answering questions
about] parallel structure.
L.9.2a Students will demonstrate
command of the conventions of
standard English punctuation . . . by
understanding when to use a
semicolon (and perhaps a
conjunctive adverb) to link two or
more closely related independent

*Reading is optional this

week. Students can earn
bonus points by reading and
keeping track of daily pages.
Note: Each student should
have already read at least
12 books 200 or more
pagessince the beginning
of school.


Possible reading
*Playaways and cds
which read a book
to student.

L.9.2b Students will demonstrate

command of the conventions of
standard English punctuation . . . by
understanding when to use a colon to
introduce a list or a quotation.
L.9.4.1g Students will correctly use
frequently confused words.
L.9.5.1d Students will recognize and
correct inappropriate shifts in verb
VA 9.6 Students will acquire and use
accurately general academic and
domain-specific words and phrases,
sufficient for reading, writing,
listening, and speaking at the college
and career readiness level . . .
VA 9.4c Students will learn how to
consult general and specialized
reference materials (dictionaries,
glossaries, thesauruses) both print
and digital, to find the pronunciation
of a word or determine or clarify its
precise meaning, its part of speech,
or its etymology.
RL 9.4 Students will determine the
meanings of words and phrases as
they are used in a text, including
figurative and connotative meanings;
analyze the cumulative impact of
specific word choices on meaning
and tone.
RL 9.10 By the end of Grade 9,
students will read and comprehend
literature, including stories, dramas,
and poems, in the grades 9-10 text
complexity band proficiently, with
scaffolding as needed at the high end
of the range.
L9.5 Students will demonstrate
understanding of figurative language,
word relationships, and nuances in
word meanings.

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