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* Now Trusts are in place

* ADMT is installed on the Target DC

* Enable SID Histort and Password server
* MRS Proxy is enabled on the Source Forest Client Access Server
* Admin User of the Target forest is a member of administrators group in the Sou
rce forest
Add vice Versa
* If you are using Self Signed Cert
They have been exported from the target and
imported in source (vice versa)
* If you are planning to migrate passwords as well - Password Export Service is
Configured and PES service is started in the Source Domain
Before starting, there are many methods to Move mailboxes across forest .I will
go for the Recommended one.
Let us call this method as Running .\PrepareMoveRequest.ps1 first and then using
ADMT to migrate the Sid History
We will move one mailbox to get a Clear idea, and then we can go for Bulk Migrat
ion of mailboxes.
I always recommend moving few mailboxes. Test it as much as you can. Then go for
bulk migration

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