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Reflection Assignment (respond to all questions/prompts)

What was the ethical issue you wrote about for your signature assignment? Why did you choose
this ethical issue? What did you know about the issue before doing any research? How did your
research (including the evaluation of the viewpoints, evidence, and logical fallacies) impact your
I chose to write about repatriation of the deceased to their native homeland and descendents. I
specifically focused on NAGPRA and the plight of the Native American people. I didn't know
much, if anything at all, about the topic prior to the assignment, but of all the topics on the
spectrum of anthropological ethics, it struck me for some reason. It is a very unique topic and
rather emotional for some, and I wanted to know more about it. After my research I could really
sympathize with the individuals long gone and unable to make a stand for themselves and those
around that are doing their best to do it for them. Of course, I can see the point of view of those
putting the bodies on display and researching them; it can really spark the interest of the public
and not to mention the advances in archaeology and science that have been and can be made.
But, and this is a very large but, these were people. They were people that lived and loved and
deserve a proper resting place just like the rest of us.

How might you apply the critical thinking and communicating about ethical issues skills in other
learning contexts (e.g. other courses, home, work, elections, Thanksgiving dinner, etc.)? Offer
and explain at least three specific examples of where and how you used or might use the critical
thinking and communicating skills (one example should be from this course).
Critical thinking is essential to our lives; everything about our modern society thrives on it.
From interpersonal relationships, to work and school, and even politics and science. You have to
look at every facet of your problem from every possible point of view to get a holistic view so you
can form your solution on a firm, logical basis.

Balancing school, work, family, and friends is tough and you need to evaluate which
needs how much of your attention at what time. All of these things are very important and
each take a definite amount of energy to maintain. Using these skills you can keep your
schedules, due dates, anniversaries, birthdays, trips, homework, et cetera all working
together in the rhythm of life.
Helping solve disputes between family, friends, or coworkers requires you to closely
analyze opposing sides of the argument. Chances are, both parties have valid concerns
and reasons for their disapproval of the situation. Using critical analysis and trying to
keep a neutral bias until you have gathered all the facts can help you and whomever
come to a reasonable compromise.
Picking a movie to watch with a diverse group of friends can be tricky because every
person has their own individual tastes. Ask them all what they like or draw on your past

knowledge of the person to try and pick a movie that would entertain the whole group.
This ideology works with various activities and group structures.

Hmm Moment: What content are you still perplexed about and why? Explain how you will
apply the skills used in the essay (e.g. research skills, writing skills, etc.) to grapple with this
Something I'm still trying to wrap my mind around is how closely related both in behavior and
physiology we as humans are to the rest of our primate order. It's not that I can't understand the
fundamentals of the concept, I do very well. I had just never thought about it so intensively or on
an evolutionary level before. Many of the social, sexual, and physical behaviors that confused
me started to make sense. Now I would definitely like to research the topics in much more depth
to form a more cohesive understanding.

AHA Moment: What specific AHA moment have you had in this course about human evolution
(broadly defined)? (This does not have to be the same as your Hmmmm moment).

Interestingly enough, my AHA moment is coincidental with my Hmmm moment. It's a big "oh my
god what?" and "Oh my god yes, I get it." situation.

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