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8 Week Strength Program for Crossfitters
This program is designed for the Crossfitter that feels as though they are not getting the most out of
their gyms current strength program. This program will allow for more intense and overall strength
progress to be made, progress that will have carryover into Crossfit, while still allowing for metcons
to be completed. Some Crossfit gyms do not like the idea of members following their own
programming, which is why there are two days that are your choice for metcons. These metcons
should be gymnastic or bodyweight in nature, sometimes using kettlebells or wallballs. Do not do
metcons that utilize barbells, as these will negatively affect this program, and your own progress. Do
not follow this program in combination with other programs, it is designed to be complete strength
programming for a Crossfitter, and combining programs produces diminishing returns for all programs
Program Structure:
Sunday: Rest
(Day 1) Monday: Press/Overhead
(Day 2) Tuesday: Squat/Pull
(Day 3) Wednesday: Barbell-Free Metcon
Thursday: Rest
(Day 4) Friday: Olympic Lifting/ Upper Back/ Arms
(Day 5) Saturday: Short Metcon + Medley
Week 1:
Day 1:
-Push press: 7x5 w/ heavy weight (Reps 4 & 5 should be difficult, warmup not included in set scheme)
-Incline bench w/ 1sec pause on chest: 4x8 w/ moderate weight (Stack plates under one side of bench
for homemade incline)
-Wide-grip pull ups: 4x12 (Unassisted if possible. If not, use small band or assistance machine)

Day 2:
-Front squat: 7x5 w/ heavy weight
-Snatch-grip deadlift off blocks: 4x8 w/ moderately heavy weight (Set blocks below knee, use straps)
-GHD situps: 4x12 (hold 25lb plate if desired)
Day 3:
-Barbell-free metcon (20 minutes or less in length, use ketlebells, rowers, running, wall balls OK)
Day 4:
-Muscle snatch: 7x3 w/ heavy weight (Use straps)
-Hang clean: 5x3 w/ moderately heavy weight
-Spend 10mins curling an axle bar, complete AMRAP with minimal rest. (Cheat curls are OK)
Day 5:
-Short CF gym metcon (10mins or less)
-3 sets of: 100m car push + 100m sprint (Rest 5 mins between each round)

Week 2:
Day 1:
-Strict Press: 6x3 w/ heavy weight (reset bar just below chin, do not go all the way down to chest)
-Behind the neck push press: 4x8 w/ moderate weight
-Dumbbell chest flyes: 4x15 w/ moderate weight
-75 pushups
Day 2:
-Pause deadlift: 6x3 w/ heavy weight (pull weight from floor, pause second right below knee)
-Back rack walking lunges: 4x8 (4 reps per leg, knee must touch ground each rep)
-Toes to bar: 3x10 (strict, no kip)
Day 3:
-Barbell-free metcon
Day 4:
-6 sets of 1 power clean + 3 split jerks: Heavy
-Snatch high pulls: 4x10 w/ moderately heavy weight (Use straps, bar should reach nipple height)
-Rack pulls below knee: 4x12 w/ 80% of deadlift max (Double overhand w/ straps)
Day 5:
-Short barbell-free metcon

-4 sets of heavy axle zercher carry (100ft) + heavy sled pull(100ft)( Face sled, walk backwards) (Rest 5
mins in between sets)
Week 3:
Day 1:
-Push jerk w/ 1sec pause in bottom of dip: 7x2 w/ heavy weight
-Close-grip bench: 4x8 w/ heavy weight
-100 tricep pushdowns (use resistance bands)
-50 pushups w/ 25-45lb plate on back
Day 2:
-Back squat: 7x2 w/ heavy weight
-Clean-grip deadlift: 4x4 w/ heavy weight (wear Olympic shoes, double overhand, use straps)
-Snatch-grip RDLs: 4x8 w/ moderately heavy weight
-Abmat situps: 2x50
Day 3:
-Barbell-free metcon
Day 4:
-7 sets of heavy power snatch + snatch push press + snatch balance
-7 sets of power clean + front squat + push press + 2 jerks
-Barbell curls: 4x12 w/ moderate weight
Day 5:
-Short barbell-free metcon
-3 sets of max clean & jerks in 60sec (no touch and go, bar must reset on ground each rep)
-4x100m sprints
Week 4: Recovery Week
Day 1:

-Strict press: 3x5 w/ moderate weight

-Bench press: 3x5 w/ moderate weight
-50 pushups
-100 situps
Day 2:
-Back squats: 3x7 w/ moderate weight

-Axle deadlift-3x5 w/ moderate weight

-100 sidebends w/ KB (50 per side)
Day 3:
Barbell-free metcon (low intensity)
Day 4:
-Snatch: 4x2 w/ moderate weight
-Power clean + 2 push press: 4 sets w/ moderate weight
-3x10 rack pulls below knee w/ 75% of max
Day 5:
-Short barbell-free metcon
Week 5:
Day 1:
-1 clean + 5 strict press: 7 sets w/ heavy weight
-Wide grip incline bench: 4x12 w/ moderate weight
-4x12 seated DB press w/ moderate weight
-100 pushups
Day 2:
-1-1/4 front squats: 7x5 w/ heavy weight
-Trap bar or farmer handle deadlift: 4x8 w/ moderate weight
-Pendlay rows: 4x8 w/ moderate weight
3x15 GHD situps
Day 3:
Barbell-free metcon
Day 4:
-Hang power clean : 7x5 w/ heavy weight
-5x10 rack pulls at knee height w/ 110% of deadlift (straps)
-Sumo RDLs: 3x15 w/ moderate weight
-50 wide grip pullups
Day 5:
-Short barbell-free metcon
-Sprint 100m, squat 100-200lblb sandbag 10 times, sprint 100m(Rest 3-5 mins, repeat 5 times)

Week 6:
Day 1:
-Pause thrusters: 6x3 w/ heavy weight (pause for 1sec in bottom of thruster)
-Behind the neck push press: 4x8 w/ moderate weight
-Dumbbell chest flyes: 4x15 w/ moderate weight
-100 pushups
Day 2:
-Deadlift: 6x3 w/ heavy weight
-Front rack lunges: 4x8 (in place, no walking lunges)
-Snatch grip RDLs: 5x7 w/ moderate weight
Day 3:
Barbell-free metcon
Day 4:
-2 snatch high pulls + 1 snatch + 1 OH squat: 6 sets w/ heavy weight
-Hang clean + 2 split jerks: 5 sets w/ moderate weight
-Jumping back squat: 4x6 w/ heavy weight
-4x15 dumbbell curls w/ moderate weight
-4x10 hammer curls w/ moderate weight
Day 5:
-Short barbell-free metcon
-Push car 100m + pull heavy sled 100ft: 5 sets (Rest 5 mins between each set)
Week 7:
Day 1:
-Behind the neck snatch push press: 7x2 w/ heavy weight (Reset to blocks if you own blocks)
-5 strict press + 5 push press: 5 sets w/ heavy weight
-Close grip bench: 4x12 w/ moderate weight
-75 tricep pushdowns
-30 pushups on parallettes
Day 2:
-Pause back squats: 7x2 w/ heavy weight
-Deadlifts off blocks: 5x6 w/ heavy weight (set bar right below knee, use straps)
-Barbell rows: 4x8 w/ moderate weight

Day 3:
Barbell-free metcon
Day 4:
-Work up to 3 rep Muscle snatch max for day, with 5-8% weight jumps
-Zercher squat w/ axle: 4x5 w/ heavy weight
-Power clean: 5x3 w/ heavy weight
-50 wide grip pullups (few sets as possible)
Day 5:
-Short barbell-free metcon
-100ft walking lunges w/ heavy dumbbells + 100m sprint: 4 sets (Rest 5 mins between sets)
Week 8: Recovery Week
Day 1:
-Push jerk: 3x5 w/ moderate weight
-Bench press: 3x5 w/ moderate weight
-100 pushups
Day 2:
-Front squat: 3x7 w/ moderate weight
-Snatch-grip deadlift: 4x5 w/ moderate weight (Use straps)
40 toes to bar (no kipping)
Day 3:
Barbell free metcon
Day 4:
-Snatch: 4x3 w/ moderate weight
-Clean & Jerk: 4x3 w/ moderate weight
-Split jerk: 5x2 w/ moderate weight
Day 5:
-Short barbell-free metcon

*Feel free to test PRs after week 8, but refrain from testing max singles during the length of the program. Many questions you
may have will be cleared up with the following sentence:
Follow the program as it is written, and dont add your own stuff to it because you think it isnt enough work.

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