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9. Learning Environment (LO 2.8 & 2.9) (APS 8 & 9)

TWS Standard
The teacher plans for a structured, positive learning environment where students feel safe and valued as
contributing members of a learning community.
Create a plan and explanation for how you will create a positive, safe learning environment including the
behavioral expectations, consequences and rewards as well as non-instructional routines and procedures.
A. Classroom Management:
Describe and explain activities that would develop a positive climate where students will feel
like valued members of a learning community.
I will develop a positive learning environment by establishing an understanding of respect. In the
classroom, respect is a very important factor not only from students to teacher but from student to
student. I will create this culture by allowing students to share during the week.
There will be laminated chart paper hanging on the board with Monday-Friday headings. Every
Monday students will sign up for what day they would like to share. Each day will allow different
students to share. The student sharing is the only person allowed to talk and when they are done
they call on three people who have questions about what they have shared. This activity will help
establish respect in the class by allowing students the opportunity to speak while their classmates
listen. Another great activity is allowing students to bring a Me Bag. In their Me Bag they
can bring three things from home that they would like to share with their classmates and that will
show their interest. This will allow students to see similarities in interest.

List the 3-5 behavioral expectations or rules for all students in your classroom.
1. Be prompt
2. Be productive
3. Be polite
4. Be prepared
5. Be positive

List the hierarchy of consequences that you will follow when infractions of the rules occur
in the classroom.
I will have a picture of a home plate on a baseball/softball field. Each student will start the day on
home plate.
First offence:
Student will be verbally warned and behavior will be redirected. Their clip will move to the first
X, which stands for strike one.
Second offense:
Students will be spoke to and will move clip to the second X, which stands for strike one. The
student will have to walk for 5 minutes at recess and a note will be wrote to go home and required
a signature from an adult.
Third offense:
Principle will be called and students clip will move to the third X, which means they are out.
Student will have to fill out a self-evaluation form to tell the principle and teacher what they had
trouble with today. Also, the students parent will be called immediately.

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In the case that a student endangers the safety of their classmates and/or others I will call the
principle or a member of the administration team to come and remove the child from my
classroom. If they are not able to come to the classroom at that moment I will have the
misbehaving student sit by their self in the back or outside the classroom.
List the types of intrinsic and extrinsic reinforcements that you will utilize in the classroom.
Positive reinforcements:
o Verbal praise will be practiced constantly
o Most schools have some type of reward for students, example: Ninety-Six gives students
Lion Loots; Lakeview gives students Star Bucks
o If students remain on home plate every day of that week their names will go into a
drawing. I will draw three students names and they will receive a special prize from me
at the end of that week.
Negative reinforcements:
o Whatever school wide ticket for good behavior will not be given, instead they will be
given a white slip with what they need to work on.
o Students will sit in time out or time will be taken off of recess
o Student will not be allowed to talk at lunch
At the end of each month students will count how many good slips they have and how many
white slips they have. The students who have over 25 will receive a pencil and certificate from
B. Non-Instructional Routines and Procedures
Describe non-instructional routines and procedures that will ensure your classroom runs
safely (i.e. you are providing appropriate supervision) and smoothly. Questions for you to
consider are:
o How will you begin and end class (include taking attendance and, if applicable,
lunch plans)
At the beginning of every class I will stand at the door and greet each student
with a hug and say Good morning! Lunch choices and attendance will all be
taken at the beginning of the class after announcements. Once students have
written their assignments they will come to the floor with a book to read. Once
everyone is on the floor seated in a circle, student will greet one another going in
order. They will shake their neighbors hand and say, Good morning ____. How
are you today? their neighbor will respond, Good and turn to their other
neighbor and say, Good morning _____. How are you today? This is a great
morning meeting that establishes a community and respect within the classroom.
I will end each day with ensuring that each students has everything they need for
their at home assignments and be prepared for the next day (ex: sharpened
o How will you distribute and collect materials and student work?
In my classroom I will distribute student work myself to each student at the time
it is to be distributed. I will have a classroom helper that is assigned to collect
o How will you assign and utilize student helper(s) or assistant(s)?
I will have a chart in the front of my classroom. It will have slots with each
childs number and name in it. It will also have their classroom job for that week.
Some of the jobs may be, paper passer, girls bathroom monitor, boys bathroom
monitor, line leader, germinator (pass out hand sanitizer), paper collector, and/or
desk inspector (making sure desk are clean every afternoon).
o How will you manage routine tasks such as pencil sharpening, bathroom breaks,
and transitioning between classes or hallway transitions?
We will have set times where we will go to the bathroom as a class. If a student

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has an emergency I will ask them to raise three fingers, this way I will know it is
an emergency. A student will be allowed to raise their hand for an emergency
three times per week, which I will record each use. If they have more than three
emergencies they will have to give me time at recess. Students will be required to
bring three sharpened pencils to class each day. In the case that they do not bring
three sharpened pencil they will be allowed to sharpen their pencil at the
beginning of class but that is the only time. Student will walk with the
understanding that toes and nose should be faced forward and hand should be
locked behind their backs in the hallways at all times.
How will you ensure your students are appropriately supervised and safe during
emergency situations? (e.g. fire and tornado drills)
I will have a chart at the front of the classroom with each type of drill and
procedures. Before each drill I will go over with students what the expectations
and procedures are. In the case of an emergency I will make sure students are
calm by ensuring that everything is okay and I will take care of them. Our door
will also remained locked from the outside; this is to keep everyone safe in the
event of an intruder.

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