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Grade 10 Academic Biology

Using the Light Microscope to Investigate Mitosis

To begin, we are going to estimate and calculate the field of vision for a compound
light microscope. It is important that you follow the directions carefully for part 1, so
that you can estimate the size of the cells you'll be looking at later.
If you complete this part quickly, find the diameter of the cotton threads in the
microscope slides. Finally, try measuring the diameter of one of the cells on the
prepared slides at the front of the class.
As you work the following expectation will be evaluated using the rubric below.
Expectation CB2.04 perform common laboratory procedures needed for the study of cell processes,
using appropriate techniques;


Inquiry works
consistently and
completes all
assigned tasks

Level R2

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4






Student is has to be
continually that
they need to
continue working
and they complete
only one task.
(Failure to complete
any task will result
in a grade of M)

Student is reminded
that they need to
continue working
three times and
they complete two

Student is reminded
that they need to
continue working
twice and they
complete three

Student needs to be
reminded once to
continue working and
completes all four

Student works
throughout the class
without reminders
and completes all
four tasks. In
addition, they find
the diameter of
more than one type
of cell.

Part 1: Introduction to Compound Light Microscopes. (Next Page, follow directions)
1. Find the diameter of the field of view for the low, medium and high power lenses.
2. Estimate the diameter of a cotton thread.
3. Estimate the diameter of a cell (or cells) on some prepared slides.
Part 2: Lab: 1-B Mitosis in Plant and Animal Cells p. 48 and 49
1. Complete the lab by following all steps under Procedure on p. 48 and 49. Complete all drawings on the
handout provided. Listen carefully to instructions from Ms. Del Duca
2. Answer questions 1, 2, and 3 on p. 49.
3. To be handed in: Calculations of field of view for all three lenses, calculation of thread diameter,
calculation of cell diameter, cell drawings, answers to questions listed above. Please include an informal
title page.

Part 1 - Introduction to Compound Light Microscopes:

Estimating the Size of Cells Viewed under a Microscope
Carry out the following procedure before proceeding to Parts 2, 3, or 4 (Do either 3 or 4).
Perform steps 1 to 4 using a millimetre ruler.
1. With the low-power objective lens in place, lay a microscope slide on the stage and place
a transparent millimetre ruler on the slide.
2. Viewing the microscope stage from the side, position the millimetre marks on the ruler
immediately below the objective lens.
3. Looking through the eyepiece, focus the marks on the ruler using the coarse- and fine
adjustment knobs.
4. Move the ruler so that one of the millimetre marks is at the edge of the field of view.
(a) Measure and record the diameter of the low power field of view in millimetres.
(b) Use the following equations to calculate the diameter of the medium- and highpower fields of view. Record these values for future use. (Note:Magnification is
shortened to mag. in the equations.)

For medium power:

For high power:

Cell Diameter Equation:

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