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Film review and discussion paper

Yuki Nagahama 2804245

The movie which I watched is Argo. First of all, I would like to
summarize this movie. The story is about Iran hostage crisis on November
4th, 1979. This movie is nonfiction. The king, Mohammad Rez Shh Pahlavi
seeks refuge in the United States, but because of that refuge, radical
Islamism rebelled and seized the American Embassy to ask for receiving the
king. To make matters worse, 53 American diplomatic agents were taken as
hostages, but just 6 agents could escape from the Embassy and went to the
Canadian ambassador's residence to ask for helping. Tony Mendez, a U.S.
Central Intelligence Agency exfiltration specialist tried to save the agents
who are at the Canadian ambassador residence, it means that he must let
them go in the flight for the United States. He contrives one idea that the 6
agents pretend to be Canadian film staffs and then go to airport. This SF
movie is named Argo and the title comes from this idea. As a result, this
strategy was going well. After going back to the United States, he received

the special award from CIA, but people of CIA made this strategy be strict
secrecy because they had a fear of the revenge from radical Islamism.
My sentiment after watching this movie is just great. I felt that it is
really miracle and was so moved. In addition, I could find the stereotype of
Iranian. In this movie, I felt that Iranians are kind of dangerous. On the
condition that they are in the Iranian revolution, it is usual that general
citizens appear to be dangerous regardless of any nationalities, but I mention
that Iranians were portrayed as dangerous people in the movie. I think that
its the viewpoint from the side of the United States. If they had made this
movie from the standpoint of Iran, the movie would have differed, to put it
another way, the Iranians seem to be like bravely, and also the warfare
played the role in this film. Of course, this film describes the fight between
Iranian and CIA, but its described from the side of the United States. Its the
American movie.
The Iranians who were portrayed fit with my stereotype of Iranians.
Middle West Asia has a lot of conflicts even now and past. In addition, Iran is

still a developing country in the world. Therefore these facts give me the
stereotype that people who live in Middle West Asia are kind of scary
existences. I have never been to the Mideast countries, so Im not sure
whether its true or not.
I think this movie reinforces my stereotype about Iran definitely,
however, I mention that this portrayal of the region is not true. As I
mentioned before, if they had describe this revolution from the standpoint of
Iran, I would have felt different sentiments. I think there were people who
didnt wish for the revolution because of hating violence, that is to say, radical
Islamism are not everything about Iran. All things considered, I can state
that its not true.
In conclusion, there are many negative stereotypes related to each
religion for sure. For example, Japanese people are shy and American people
are fat, something like that. Yet, I dont think that everything is correct and
its out-of-date in global society. I think we should regard people as
personality, not nationality.

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