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There is a legend for almost everything in this world.

Someone has mastered the art of a

sport, hobby, or interest. Someone is always crowned, the best of the best. We are all striving to
have this Grade A format in whatever it is we practice or study. Likewise, there is such a person for
religion. I guess you could call Jesus the Michael Jordan of Christianity. Christ, also referred to as the
messiah, was the model for Christians. Messiah is known as being divine or holy. Jesus met this
definition to a T.
Christianity is often presented in a simple manner, Be more Christ-like. A biblical
worldview is thinking like Jesus. It is a way of making our faith practical to every situation we face
each day. A biblical worldview is a way of dealing with the world such that we act like Jesus twentyfour hours a day because we think like Jesus. (Barna,4). But how simple was Christs being? What
were His ways really like? Christ came to this earth and walked as a human just like we do today, its
hard to imagine what He represented and what kind of lifestyle He led. The encouraging part about
this however is knowing we have a great deal of information on Christ and His life.
Christ, who was He?
Because Jesus was perfect, He is often portrayed as godly and unhuman. Although He was of
The Lord, which is how He remained sinless, we tend to forget He was actual flesh and bone just like
us. So if we are supposed to create an image resembling His, what should that even look like? It says
Christ took 30 years to prepare for His Public Ministry. Its hard to imagine taking 30 years to prepare
for anything at this day and age. But He knew it must go unflawed, and worked patiently. One
characteristic used to describe Jesus was purposefulness. He came to the world and knew exactly
what He came to do and why He came to do it. Christ came boldly and unfearfully. Along with this
purposefulness came faith. The kind of faith He had was described as confidence in the
accomplishment of His purpose. So not only did He come knowing what and why, He came without
doubt or worry of failure. He believed so strongly in His purpose that He sought it with everything He
had. However, one of the most prominent characteristics of Jesus life was His originality. He lived
unlike any other, saw real godliness, standing firm in His belief, being unchanged by any other, and
was equally loyal to the truth He spoke of. But it didnt stop there, Jesus was known for the love He
showed to others. This was His passion and inspiration. Because He lacked discrimination towards
anyone, Christ sympathized with others more than we ever could. Hes a savior. His love and
selflessness is something we could only strive for. Most importantly though, was Jesus love for God.
He recognized God always, He never spent an hour, He never did an action, without direct
reference to Him. (Stalker, 84). God was His constant delight, which is why Christians are taught
to seek The Lord in all circumstances. Christ laid His life down at the feet of The Lord, with a willing
and serving heart. He was eagerly submissive to The Lord. But the most wide known characteristic of
Christ was his sinlessness. He was unflawed, and untainted. By living this way, Christ revealed the
perfect example of what to strive for in Christianity.
Who is Christ to me?
(John 14:6) Christ is the gateway to God. Although we live in a fallen world, separated from
God by sin, Jesus creates the bridge between us and God. The way, and only way, to life is through
Him. (Matthew 16:24-25) I have a personal identity that resonates in Christ. I must rid myself and
my flesh. When I lose myself I am found in Him. (Proverbs 8:35) When I am found in Christ I find life
and purpose. (Colossians 2:9) Jesus creates the fullness and completion of life. He is the physical
form of God. One can find fullness in Him. This is why I fall back on my faith in Jesus because I know I
find myself in Him and I identify who I am through His likeness. This is where I find most peace and
comfort, in knowing Christ is the solution to the fallen ways of this world. I am absolutely honored

and grateful for the sacrifice He made, that we may now have an example to live by, and a way to
seek The Lord.

(Philippians 2:3) Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value
others above yourselves,
(Philippians 2:5-8) In your relationship with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his
own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being
made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by
becoming obedient to death even death on a cross!

ReferencesThe Life of Jesus Christ by James Stalker


Stalker, James. The Life of Jesus Christ. Chicago: Henry A. Sumner, 1880. Print.

The Bible

Think Like Jesus: Make the Right Decision Every Time

Barna, George. Think like Jesus: Make the Right Decision Every Time. Nashville: Integrity,
2003. Print.

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