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Our classroom will serve as an instrument for the learning and making of
music in which students, parents, and teachers will play an active role. The
classroom will provide a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment that will
encourage students to engage in positive learning while making music both
alone and with others. Students are expected to play an active role in their
learning and achievement and will make active, conscious musical
decisions in all classroom activities.

Within the classroom, I believe that there are five distinct keys to success
that will enhance and build your education and allow for a positive
experience for all. Following these procedures will make the classroom run
more smoothly and create fun for you and your peers. It is expected that all
students follow the keys to success listed below at all times.
The Keys to Success are:

Respect everyones talent, ideas, and differences

Treat music, instruments, and equipment with care
Participate in all classroom activities
Be on time and come prepared
Listen carefully and follow all instructions

As a student, you are responsible for your choices and actions within the
classroom. Your choices and actions will result in consequences, both
positive and negative.
POSITIVE: Following the keys to success will result in
Verbal praise from the teacher and peers
A better musical education
A more entertaining and engaging classroom environment
Better performances and musical experiences
Written and verbal praise sent home
Bonus points where applicable

NEGATIVE: Ignoring the keys to success will result in

A negative learning environment/experience for you and your peers
Reduction of participation and conduct grade
Behavior referrals to disciplinary leaders
Verbal reprimand
Costs to repair or replace damaged or lost equipment or materials
A 1,000 word research paper on a selected composer


The school has set forth certain rules to protect student safety and school
property. These rules require certain actions and will be adhered to without
exception. There will be NO TOLERANCE for disrespect towards peers or
teachers as well as damaging or vandalizing school property.

Entering the classroom:
As students enter the classroom, students will be expected to go directly to
their assigned seat. Students must be prepared with all materials required
for class and place music in the order listed on the board. Required
materials include: Pencils, scratch paper, music, folder, assigned materials.
When the bell rings:
Students will participate in warm-up activities and listen carefully to
instructions. Students will be expected to listen to the teacher and others
when they are talking. Cell phones are not allowed unless approved by the
Students are expected to raise their hand to ask a question and wait for the
teacher to call on them to verbalize their question.
Using the restroom:
Students must raise their hands and ask to use the restroom for
emergencies only. It is expected that students use the restroom during

passing periods. Students must sign out of the classroom to use the
restroom for emergencies and take the hall pass with them.
Exiting the classroom:
Students will pick up all trash around them and take all materials with them
to their lockers or to their next class. Students will exit quietly and treat
others with respect as they exit the classroom.
Students will listen carefully for instructions during emergency drills. In the
event of an emergency, students should follow the procedures carefully
and quietly and listen for additional information from the teacher or
school/emergency management authorities.

In all situations, students are expected to use common sense and
remember that the classroom environment is a place of learning for all
students. If there are any questions about a classroom policy or procedure,
please ask the teacher rather than act on your own and incur a negative
consequence. The teacher will always be available to answer your
questions and aid you in your quest towards musical excellence.

Parent Signature

Student Signature

Revised 12/02/2014

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